jill-knits · 5 years
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Mitch was surprised I wanted to do the camel ride and Berber camping; I figure if not now, when? So far so awesome, but definitely not my usual city-girl thing! This has been a series of improbable things in Morocco, each enjoyed. Travel is always a chance to expand your story. #knitweardesigner #whytotravel #travelinspires #widn #knitspiration #sunsetinsahara #cameltripmorocco #whatatripsofar #knittersoftheworld #knitterslife #whatinspiresyou #designinspiration #fillingthewell https://www.instagram.com/p/B3Kb-ZLpL2_/?igshid=1sbczvlq0z5hh
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rachanabhapa · 5 years
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Blessed are the curious... Because they will have adventures... . Why Should you TRAVEL ???? ▶️Travel makes you strong and independent. ▶️Travel helps you learn who you are. ▶️Travel educates you the way no school can. ▶️Travel makes you a story teller. ▶️Travel enables you to try the food from around the world. ▶️Travel changes your perspective about life, for the better. . That is why i love to travel. Share your thoughts on why you travel or stories about your travels with me. I would love to hear from you. . . #whytotravel #reasonstotravel #whyilovetravel #transitnomads #indiangirltattoo #travelwithher #indaintraveller #himalayangirl #exploretheworld🌎 (at Train Kandy-Badulla/Ella) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxmNfbLBSP1/?igshid=94kw12k71clv
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