#why yes those ARE candy cane Jammie pants!
ithinkdogshouldvote · 8 months
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Christmas Headcanons
This year has been a ride for everyone, so as a gift: some cute holiday HCs! We'll try to get to rolling out match ups after the festivities die down.
Christmas Tree Decorating Style: Every ornament every Belmont child has made since his great great great great granddaddy. No tinsel though, the hunting dogs always try to eat it.
Favorite Holiday Treat: Gingerbread cookies! But he has Opinions™ about gingerbread houses. Why the hell put so much good candy on a decor piece people don’t let you eat?!
Holiday Lingerie Styles: Santa hat, clean pair of briefs, if not commando. Simple, but just as effective when he announces he’s planning on cumming down your chimney tonight.
Christmas Morning Jammies: A red onesie with white and red striped socks (If he really had his way it’d be what he slept in, but once the family started gathering for Christmas morning...well, best not to be dick out in front of the kids)
Christmas Tree Decorating Style: Very simple, white lights and gold ornaments. It gives a nice warm glow, easy to assemble, and not super obvious when a bauble goes missing because they all look alike.
Favorite Holiday Treat: Eggnog. Yes, he’s aware it’s devisive as fuck, but anyone who takes issues with drinking what’s basically melted ice cream clearly missed the memo about the holidays being the time to indulge.
Holiday Lingerie Styles: He’s not really a lingerie guy to start, but if it’s a romantic Christmas lovemaking you want, he’ll nail the decorating just like he nails you. The lack of lingerie is made up for by the home makeover your room goes through to become a winter wonderland He splurges on  white satin sheets that feel hideously luxerious to fucking ruin before Christmas morning.
Christmas Morning Jammies: Cream nightshirt, with red ribbon accents and matching pajama slacks
Christmas Tree Decorating Style: She’s precise, taking her time to put up every ornament with care and making sure the tree has a healthy balance of decoration on every side. It’s cute when she gets frustrated upon finding a bare spot.
Favorite Holiday Treat: Rumballs. Just enough to make her nose a little warm, and they’re too heavy to have any other time of year.
Holiday Lingerie Styles: Lingerie implies a lack of coverage, and this lady runs cold. She might pick some lacey and soft white strap getup, but that is going to be hidden under a very thick house robe until you can get her warmed up enough to remove it.
Christmas Morning Jammies: Same thick houserobe, whether or not there’s anything underneath it entirely depends on whether or not her family had left the house already.
Christmas Tree Decorating Style: Honestly, if left to his own devices he won’t have one. But if he has a partner or Adrian is staying over he’ll get a live tree and do some white lights with red garlands.
Favorite Holiday Treat: He’d say the wine, but honestly he drinks that year round. Upon observation you do notice a distinct increase in candy cane consumption.
Holiday Lingerie Styles: The one thing this man will get into the festive mood for. Low key likes couple sets, they’re ridiculous of course but if you both have some flimsy and strappy excuses for coverage it makes running around the house trying to tear them off each other so much more fun. Also he’d sell his soul for getting to rip up some thigh highs.
Christmas Morning Jammies: What jammies?  Simple red satin button downs, they’re very soft but not the best for keeping him warm. That’s your job after all.
Christmas Tree Decorating Style: Lights, lights, and more lights. She hates the short days so you have many different sizes of trees throughout the house with mixes of colored and white lights. The main tree in the living room gets all of the ornaments though, the others are there to give off the enchanted forest vibe.
Favorite Holiday Treat: Danish cookies. She hides her medical glove supply in the tin when she’s done. It’s just as upsetting to whoever finds them as finding sewing supplies.
Holiday Lingerie Styles: Angelic lace robe that hits about mid thigh and white fingerless gautlet gloves.. She already has cute lacey undies and bralets for other times of year so for her the up-styling for Christmastime is in the accessories.
Christmas Morning Jammies: All of the soft things. Fuzzy socks, sweatpants, fleece pullover, it takes her a bit to warm up in the morning, so cozy her up with a blanket and some hot tea.
Christmas Tree Decorating Style: Chaotic. Like some shit out of a Saturday morning cartoon, this man grabs the string of lights and spins the tree and lets them wrap around it wherever the hell they want. Cards taped to the walls, figurines placed in raunchy positions on the mantle, this ain’t your grandma’s Xmas.
Favorite Holiday Treat: Everything baked, but any kind of bread-based thing is the best. Though he also goes a bit feral for all of the roasted meats.
Holiday Lingerie Styles: Ugly sweater sans pants. Okay, maybe some glitter in his happy highway which he deems “Santa’s Landing Strip”.
Christmas Morning Jammies: It’s the most tame part of his holler-day cheer, it’s whatever clean boxers and plain Tshirt he could find through his eggnogg induced coma from the night before. At least he does remember to get dressed, gotta make sure all the kids get their presents on time!
Christmas Tree Decorating Style: Reeeeeeally simple, white and blue lights with maybe a few sparkly ornaments but those are just things begging to be broken by the house pets. If he can get a real tree that’s prefered but he’s also very aware that Caesar won’t know the difference between a Christmas tree and his favorite outside tree.
Favorite Holiday Treat: Mulled Cider. He likes to be warm after all, and it has fewer embarrassing effects than mulled wine.
Holiday Lingerie Styles: He’s not a big fan of Christmas so don’t go expecting a “Santa” cock sock. He’s not keen on wearing christmas lingerie himself, but if you happened to wear the very short red slip that just so happened to appear on your nightstand you can expect to get your stocking thoroughly stuffed.
Christmas Morning Jammies: Just some soft pj pants, maybe with a festive print if he happens upon them in his drawers.
Christmas Tree Decorating Style: Bold of you to assume this man has a Christmas tree. That said, if you put one up he’ll participate in decorating at your request; an ornament here, a bauble there. The tree doesn’t bring him happiness as much as seeing you enjoying it does.
Favorite Holiday Treat: His preference is less about the sugary things (though he’ll gladly take anything you make) but he has a softer spot for the warm meals. A freshly baked bread pudding with cinnamon and clove would be perfect for him.
Holiday Lingerie Styles: He’s not going to participate, period. But he does love to see his partner in red regardless of the time of year...
Christmas Morning Jammies: If you plop a Santa hat on his head, he’ll tolerate it for you. Otherwise, it’s the same pajamas he always wears, a black cotton set with grey dotted vertical stripes. It’s a button up and you are tempted to unwrap that present after you’re done with the ones under the tree...
~Mod Soviet & Mod Rose
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japanheart88-blog · 5 years
Elf'd Up
We welcomed our mischievous little elf into our home about 6 years ago.  Over the last six years, I've realized this little trickster sure is the cause for quite a bit of controversy. 
You either:
A)  Hate the elf and keep him far away from you and your family.
B)  Think he's too creepy for Christmas
C) Feel like it's cruel to tell your kids the elf is watching them I mean, after all, they should want to behave on their own merit, right?!  If you're using him as leverage, you're doing something wrong as a parent, right?!
D)  Want to punch all the "bored moms with nothing better to do" in the throat for going to such elaborate lengths to position the elf in such ways that make you feel like a slacker
E) Have feelings about the elf that can only be explained through expletives
F) Love the idea, but not the trickery...ain't nobdy got time to stage the elf and pick up his mess 
G)  You're all about getting elf'd up...bring on the creepy faced little nugget and all his elf'in shenanigans :)
Let me just tell you that I've pretty much experienced all of the above.  
For the last few years, I fall into category G.  I am that "bored" mom with "nothing better to do" than place my little elf into mischievous situations every (ahem...ALMOST every) night before I go to bed.  
And I do it for two simple reasons...
These two :)
They get SUCH a kick out of the elf.  They anxiously wake up every morning and scour the house for his hiding places.  They can't wait to see what crazy thing he does next.  Sometimes our elf doesn't move and the boys typically assume he's too tired to fly.  We try not to make a huge deal about it.  Our elf is for FUN.  He's become one of our favorite Christmas "traditions" can I count him as a tradition?!?!?  
He doesn't go back to Santa and report...he just flies back to the North Pole to rest and give Santa hugs, drink syrup, and play reindeer games.  And when the holiday crazies set in, I'm not ashamed to admit that I use him as leverage..."do y'all think y'all should do that?!  Y'all don't want Elfabet to tell Santa tonight, do you?!" ...but those times are few and far between.  Not because they're angels...lawd, no.  But we've always wanted him to be just something fun...and magical... for the boys.  He really does make our holidays extra magical.  Just one of the fun little things for my boys to add to their Christmas memories :)
Our elf's name is ELFABET.  My oldest named him when he first arrived at our house.  That's a teacher's kid for ya ;)  Here are a few things he's done over the years.  Maybe he'll give you some new ideas?!?!  Or prove how bored I really am?!?!  Or maybe you just want to punch him in the throat.  
Elfabet arrives every December 1st and brings the boys breakfast, random trinkets, and pajamas straight from the North Pole (aka:  North Pole Breakfast). 
You can check out this years breakfast HERE.
Below are the elf ideas I shared with you last year, but before you get to those I wanted to share what he's been up to in the few days he's been here this year :)
Snap, crackle.....ELF?!  (I found this one to be particulary creepy, but funny nonetheless)
A little game of Pie Face for the win.  I used Cortizone cream for the whipped cream so that I wouldn't wake up to a milky mess come morning.  The boys always wake up before we do and there's no way I was going to wake up early to stage this one. 
It took the boys forever to find the elf in the fridge.  In fact, they woke up at 6:30, scoured the house, and said they figured he was too tired to fly back to our house so they gave up.  It wasn't until we woke up and went to the fridge for breakfast stuff that we alerted them to his hiding spot.  Haha.
And yes...Elfabet needs a bath.  In a bad, bad way.  How disgustingly dirty is his hat?!  Gross.
This right here is the boy's all time favorite .  They still talk about it to this day!
Elfabet got a hold of my phone and went around the house snapping elfie selfies with all of us sleeping.  He left the boys a note  (and some cookies) telling them to look through the camera roll.  If you could've heard their laughs this morning, ohmiword.  Best alarm ever.    They were in hysterics!  He even changed the wallpaper on my phone!  Sneaky son of a gun.  
This is what he got into last year that had the boys in stitches...
Left to right:
He packed the boys a nutritious lunch full of syrup, chocolate syrup, icing, sprinkles, and junk food.  All the essentials for a delicious meal.  And one night he couldn't quite make it to the bathroom in time so he left a little mess on our coffee table.  SO disgusting and so hilarious all in the same breath.  I live in a house full of boys and the potty humor even makes me laugh :) 
And finally there was one night he decided to help himself to some cookies, but he realized how awful those tasted and left a note for the boys letting them know he didn't like them at all.  Silly Elfabet!  Dog biscuits are for DOGS!!  Hahahaha
1.  Elfabet always arrives with a North Pole breakfast.  He brings Christmas socks, Christmas jammies, a Christmas book, and a Christmas movie.  And candy canes, too :)  The menu always consists of hot chocolate and snow covered donuts.
2.  He got into mommy's jingle juice.
3.  Drinking syrup in the pantry...after all, it's one of the 4 main food groups :)
4.  He turned the milk green...and my husband refused to drink it (and we wonder why my oldest is so picky?!?! ;))
5.  He rode a reindeer into town and didn't want to get off.
6.  He loves sugar and processed food as much as we do!
7.  Bless.  He's stuck outside!!!
8.  Reading to his Smurfs.  Smart little fella.
9.  He strung a clothesline from the Christmas tree to the drapes.   Then he hung up the boys underwear and himself...upside down!  This was one of their favorites!
10.  Drawing a picture of he and the boys.  Ha.
11.  Drawing faces on the boys in their Santa picture.  This is the one that scarred my youngest...FREAKED him right the heck out.  He pretty much screamed...then cried...and the picture came down.  This is when I was feeling like option E above.
12.  Wrapped the tree with toilet paper.  I felt like option F and decided this wouldn't be something we do again...once was enough :)
13.  Elfabet is a big fan of The Office, so he made himself a bowl of marshmallows and some hot cocoa while he watched.
14.  "The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear."...singing while wrapped up in Christmas sheet music.  See what I did there?!
15.  Taking a bath in a sink full of marshmallows.  When I woke up, my boys were helping themselves to a few for breakfast.
16.  Stuck under a glass in our cabinets.  He stayed there for a couple of days.
17.  The boys were worried he wouldn't follow us to Indiana for Christmas, so he wrote them a letter telling them he'd be there.  Reassurance :)
18.  Another ride on the reindeer...he likes riding in style.
19.  Watching "Elf" under the covers :)
20.  He got into the leftover Halloween candy...and then we had to throw it all away thanks, Elfabet!
21.  He made a shoe mountain and climbed to the top.
22.  Fishing for goldfish in the potty.  With a candy cane.  Landon's personal favorite.
23.  Made himself a little TP hammock in between the boys' stockings.
24.  Coloring a little something special for the boys.
25.  It was a particularly rough day at school for me, so Elfabet hopped in a cop car and pulled over a school bus :)
26.  Even Elfabet knows the real reason for the season.  He stayed here for a few days, too.
27.  A marshmallow message to remind the boys why we celebrate Christmas.
28. Ziplining on tulle right for the tree.
29.  He hung the boys undies on the tree.  They laughed like crazy, and then they were all, "are you gonna take those down before people come over?!?!?!"  Ha.
30.  He was tired of coming up with ideas, so he hung upside down from the chandelier.
31.  Telling Santa what the boys want for Christmas.
32.  He hung the boys Christmas pajama pants from the stocking holders.  This was the year the boys would walk by the display and run their hands along the pants.  Then the stocking holders fell over and all broke.  That was a last for that idea. feeling like option E again...dang elf!!!!
33.  Okay.  This one was a family favorite.  We all laughed pretty hard.  Elfabet stuffed himself inside of a roll of toilet paper and rolled down the stairs.  Hahahaha.
34.  He set out the M&M's for our Christmas cookies and decided to eat a few, too.
35.  See boys, it IS cool to do chores!!!!!  However, please don't use Soft Scrub on my mirrors.
35.  A little Christmas camouflage.
36.  Reading under the Christmas tree.  We recycled quite  few ideas :)
37.  Sack races with the other stuffed animals!
38.  I don't even know where to go with this one.  Mr. SPouse was all, "why would a Purdue guy do that to Elfabet???"  Ha.
39.  Instead of hanging from the chandelier, he hung from a wreath and dropped down a line of candy canes.  
40.  A little underwear swingin' next to the Christmas cards.
41.  Elfabet likes chalk art, too!
If these ideas are lame, head on over to my Elf'd Up Pinterest board and see what I've been pinning over there!  A few new...and pretty darn funny...ideas!!  
Source: http://pearls-handcuffs-happyhour.blogspot.com/2016/12/elfd-up.html
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