#why it’s a bad idea to try and badmouth any of this trio
britishassistant · 3 years
Those Three Monsters
There’s a Demon in the Academy.
It’s a miracle it’s even allowed to attend, is what Urami’s kaa-chan says to Akui’s in a low voice, shaking her head in that knowledgable way she does. Even if it’s in the year below Mi-chan and A-kun, everyone knows it’ll only be a matter of time before it snaps and someone gets hurt. Foxes will kill all the chickens in a henhouse for fun rather than for food after all.
What are the Academy teachers thinking? Akui’s kaa-chan always asks in response. It’s not like training that thing will make it any more loyal to the village. It’s a waste of their taxes to even let it take up a desk it’s too stupid and reckless to appreciate.
Urami sneaks a glance at it in the Academy playground in the morning, before classes.
It’s already got it’s first victim singled out, hanging off the arm of that dead-fish-eyed girl with the awful fashion sense. It’s probably mistaken the foreigner for an actual fish, she tells Akui-kun on their way to class.
He laughs in response. “Do you think Iron scrap tastes like fish?”
She shrugs. “I wouldn’t be surprised if that blond eyesore thinks so. The Demon’s so dumb, the only reason they let it in here is because the stupid teachers are too scared to tell it to go away. My mama says that if they have any sense, they won’t teach it anything.”
Akui-kun ponders this. “Well it’s so dumb, it probably doesn’t understand anything we’re learning anyway. It’s just a crappy fox after all! It could never be a good ninja!”
She beams at her friend’s cleverness and is about to reply, when they’re rudely shouldered apart.
“Hey!” She yells after the jerk who did it.
That idiot Rock Lee turns and smiles at them. His eyes are weird though, sending a shiver she’ll never admit to feeling down her spine. “Ah, excuse me fellow classmates! I was so busy thinking about how youthful my friends are, I did not notice you! Please accept my humble apologies for inconveniencing you!”
Akui-kun snorts. “Whatever, weirdo.”
They try to walk past him, but the stupid eyebrows blocks them from entering the classroom. “You know, Naruto-kun is sure to be an excellent ninja once we all graduate the Academy! His youthfulness and Will of Fire shine so brightly it is impossible not to notice! I hope to be on a team with him and the most beautiful Haruno Sakura under Gai-sensei once we graduate!!”
She can’t stop her lip from curling. “Seriously? That Demon is just a team casualty waiting to happen! Why would anyone with a brain want to be with a stupid monster like him?!”
Rock Lee stops smiling and looks her dead in the eye. “Naruto at least does not gossip about his comrades behind their backs like a coward. He’s already proven he’s a better ninja than you could ever hope to be.”
She feels her face going hot and Akui-kun splutters beside her as the know-nothing talentless eyebrows turns on his heel, ignoring them as he goes to sit next to TenTen-san!
They try to make him pay in taijutsu spars later that day, they do! It’s not their fault that the stupid talentless eyebrows cheats and is blatantly favored by Iruka-sensei because he’s so useless at everything else!!
Urami fusses over the red bruise on her cheek that afternoon after the Academy lets out. What if it swells and goes all purple and ugly and Neji-kun will think she’s hideous and never look at her ever again?!
Akui-kun grumbles and glares at where the useless talentless worthless eyebrows is messing around with the demon by the swings. “What would he even know about being a ninja?! He can’t even use chakra! He’s the biggest failure of a ninja there is!”
She shuts her compact with a click. “I think it’s amazing he hasn’t dropped out already. I mean, him having a desk at the Academy is somehow an even bigger waste of time than that demon right? Letting him believe he can be a ninja when he’s so worthless—the teachers really are cruel.”
Akui-kun’s mouth curls up into that smile he gets whenever he’s thought of something really clever. “It’s probably because he’s an orphan, you know? It’s seriously charity, because everyone feels sorry for such a pathetic pair of eyebrows. That’s probably why he’s hanging out with the demon too. Who else would want him?”
She giggles high and fast, feeling daring. “I bet his parents are alive but were so disgusted with what an ugly baby he was, they dumped him at the Orphanage rather than be burdened with him. I mean, if I had a baby that looked like him, I’d get rid of it as fast as I could!”
Akui-kun grins back, his eyebrows creased.
”Oi, you two.”
They turn to see the Iron girl standing behind them, hips cocked at a weird angle. Her dead-fish-eyes are super creepy, staring down at them without blinking.
She flushes. “D-don’t you know better than to eavesdrop on your senpai?!”
She tilts her head, lips curling up into a mocking smirk. “Yeah, I really couldn’t give less of shit. Just thought I’d give you some...friendly advice.”
Akui-kun straightens, looking down his nose at the dumb foreigner. “Wh-what could someone like you even tell us that we don’t already know?”
The Iron scrap shrugs almost carelessly. “Lee’s going to be the best ninja this village has ever seen. He’s kind and honest and strong, even without using ch-chakra to cheat. It’s why Gai-sensei brought him to our training, why everyone who’s anyone is friends with him, why my parents keep trying to adopt him even though the Orphanage is too dumb to let us. Telling lies about an amazing person like him...you’re just asking to get cursed.”
She wants to laugh, ask the stupid immigrant what the hell rotted her brain, but she—she can’t. Akui-kun’s gone pale and his mouth is quivering. The air feels—feels heavy, all of a sudden. Almost like it won’t let her breathe.
The slant-eyed scrap pats them each on the shoulder, smirk wide and evil. “I’d pray for forgiveness if I were you, and watch your mouths in the future. You never know who’s listening after all.”
Then that—that stupid, eavesdropping, treacherous intruder walks past them to where the demon and eyebrows are waiting and waving to her.
She can’t move a muscle until the three monsters leave the Academy grounds. Then Akui-kun bursts into tears.
Urami’s had a string of bad luck since last night. It almost feels like everything that could go wrong did, starting from when she complained about the eavesdropping foreigner to kaa-chan, only for her mother to go pale and scold her furiously for insulting Lee when he’s a student of the jounin Maito Gai.
When she sees Akui-kun after her kaa-chan drags her round to discuss what happened with Akui’s kaa-chan, he’s looking just as pale and tired as she feels.
”That stupid foreigner probably cursed us with creepy Iron magic.” He complains as they sit on his back porch.
She shudders. “You think so? How awful! She’s not human!”
“Well, Iron samurai are so backwards they basically live in caves in the mountains.” Akui-kun says. “Tou-san says they’re more like monkeys that learned how to swing around swords than actual people.”
”I hate her.” She complains, spinning a kunai around her finger. “What’s that dead-fish-eyes even doing in this village anyway?! She and her scrap metal family should just go back to the mountains where they belong!”
Akui-kun straightens, looking at the bush at the bottom of the garden. “Pass that here.” He says.
She hands it over with a frown, and watches as he throws it at something. There’s a sound like a cry and she claps. “Well done Akui-kun! What’d you hit?”
He grins his special smile at her and pulls her down to the bottom of the garden. A fat grey pigeon lays dead in the dirt under the bush. She pulls out her kunai and wipes it on the vermin’s feathers.
“Tou-san used to go put these on the scrap’s doorstep with Gizen-jii when the slant’s father was trying to betray the village.” He tells her excitedly. “If we go put this there, it’ll make her stupid curse rebound back onto her for sure!”
She knew there was a reason why she was friends with him all these years! “For real?! You’re so smart Akui-kun!”
They both get up early and sneak out the next morning, the dead bird in a plastic shopping bag with “GO DIE STUPID IRON SCRAP” written on the outside with marker. She was quite proud of thinking to write that one there.
They get to the house where the foreigners live. They’re giggling to each other as they go up to the front door.
“Hey! What’re you guys doing?!”
Urami freezes. Akui looks terrified.
They turn to see the Demon behind them.
It glances between them, then down at the bag. It’s face curls into a snarl at the sight of the marker, teeth white and pointed, blue eyes cruel, whiskers curving over its cheeks.
”LEAVE MAYU-CHAN ALONE!!” It screams, lunging for them.
They drop the bag and run for it, but it’s no use, the Demon’s too fast, it’s gaining on them.
It is a Fox that will kill them for fun at any moment, Urami’s sure of it.
Suddenly her shirt is seized and she can’t run anymore. She thrashes around, trying to escape, hears Akui-kun screaming that it was all her idea, like a liar—
Urami looks up and sees a pair of eyebrows even bushier than dumb Lee’s on the man holding onto her and Akui-kun.
”WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?” The giant green eyebrows booms.
She tries to stutter out an answer, or beg the man to not let the Fox eat them, when the Demon yells, “Gai-sensei, those jerks were tryna put this outside Mayu-chan’s door, believe it! There’s—oh gross, there’s a dead bird in here!!”
The giant eyebrows pull down to look thunderous, and Urami whimpers.
Urami doesn’t talk to Akui-kun anymore.
She isn’t allowed to listen when her parents talk about grown-up village things anymore either. Not since the jounin in green escorted her and Akui home in disgrace and scolded them in front of their parents. She’s apparently “too immature” to be trusted with listening anymore.
She’s heard rumors Akui-kun might drop out of the Academy soon and go work at his Gizen-jii’s convenience store. She kind of hopes he won’t, even if he is a spineless traitor who tried to sell her out.
She doesn’t know if she can survive being a ninja on her own.
One thing’s for sure though.
She is staying as far away as she can get from those— those three monsters as she can get.
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juminsmysticmc · 4 years
Hi! May I, please, ask headcanons for RFA + minor trio having a MC a bit taller than them, who is also quite muscled, and she's feeling self-conscious because someone said she's not feminine enough? Thanks in advance!
RFA + Minor Trio with a tall and Muscled MC who’s feeling self conscious because someone said that she isn’t feminine enough
Hey! Thank you for this request! I hope you are happy with the outcoming! Please tell me your honest opinion! Thank you!
Btw, I often also don’t think that I’m feminine enough but, what is being feminine? Everyone is perfectly fine the way they are.
I hope that this writing won’t get criticized but whatever your gender or sexuality is, you are perfect the way you are and you are good enough. Everyone is perfect and imperfect at the same time, so don’t let others tell you how you should behave or look like.
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You were happy. You had a wonderful life, a nice husband who loved you for who you were and what you did.
He was also so supportive that it always made your heart melt.
You were a gym trainer and also quite muscled.
A lot of men hated to see women like that, but Jumin loved you for your charactics and not for the way you looked which made you feel even better.
But one day, all the happiness crumbled.
,,I won’t wear high heels,’’ you told yourself as you put on some other shoes.
You were already quite tall and you wanted to try your best to not make it seem as if you were taller.
,,You look wonderful, just like always!’’ Jumin praised you when he saw you in your dress.
To be honest, you felt quite uncomfortable.
You knew that you didn’t look like the usual woman would, but still, this was who you were.
As soon as you arrived at the location Jumin had to go to, all business women began to laugh you off.
,,Oh dear, Jumin Han may be really gay if he chose such a non-feminine woman,’’ one said.
This comment was the one that triggered and made you cry on the toilet in the wonderful restaurant.
But the feeling of uneasiness only lasted until Jumin Han got to know what happened and did something about the women who hurt you.
When he finally found you, he hugged you tightly and whispered sweet things to you
,,You are who you are, Mc Han. You are the most beautiful woman on earth and the most amazing one I’ve ever met. Don’t let them win. Stay strong, my love. I will be by your side,’’ he kissed you and the two of you left the location.
Your hobby was to work out with your boyfriend.
Both of you loved to work out.
Jogging in any weather, training in the gym whenever the work allowed it, and eating only healthy food.
You lived perfectly well like that.
Zen supported you and made you understand anytime that you were the most beautiful woman for him.
,,Look, it’s ,,her’’!’’ you heard someone whisper behind your back.
You immediately turned around and noticed that a lot of women had glanced at you.
What was wrong with them? You asked yourself and were just about to go on until you heard someone say that you weren’t feminine enough.
That’s when everything began.
You stopped working out and ate more sweets, feeling pretty bad afterwards.
But you still tried your best to make sure that you would be perfectly fine as a woman.
Well you tried, because not even a week afterwards, Zen noticed that something was wrong and asked you about it.
Gosh, he was furious and wanted to go to the woman who made you feel that way.
,,I hate people like them! Look, they made you feel miserable! You look like more than a woman to me! You look like my woman!’’ he hissed and then pressed your body against his own.
,,Do what you like and want, not what other people expect you to do,’’ he lastly said before he begged you to tell him who said these things to you and went to them personally, scolding them for good.
You were just like a perfect woman was supposed to be.
You were strong, could protect yourself and the one you, and lived a healthy life.
However, not everyone liked that you lived like that.
On the streets, everyone looked at you as if you weren’t normal.
Usually you were a cheerful girl, who made everyone laugh with her happy and shiny presence, but since a few days ago, you weren’t that cheerful anymore.
Instead, you often looked unhappy and kept watching your reflection in the mirror.
Yoosung noticed.
One day, he entered your shared bedroom where you asked him while watching yourself ,,Yoosung, am I beautiful to you? Am I feminine enough for you?’’
Your voice was shaking and Yoosung’s heart was breaking.
Yoosung himself was shy because of his actions, but in order to make you feel better he took all his bravery and hugged you from behind.
You looked into the mirror and noticed that he looked as red as a tomato.
,,I don’t get it. You’re more than feminine, you’re my perfect woman…’’ he whispered and cupped your breasts.
,,L-l-look… you’re blushing…’’ he mumbled and stroked your body.
,,You are my g-girl…’’ he whimpered and quickly kissed you, making you blush too.
,,You are indeed my woman. You may be tall, but Mc, I’m still taller. What’s wrong with being tall? What’s wrong with being muscular? You’re good the way you are. Don’t let others look down on you!’’ he encouraged you.
And in your opinion, this boy needed a big prize...
You happily smiled as Jaehee looked up at you.
Both of you were currently standing in your own coffee shop which you built over the years.
So much time had passed since then. You and Jaehee got married and you even became famous for your shop.
You kept serving cakes as Jaehee brewed some coffee for another guest.
,,May I bring you something else?’’ you kindly asked the beautiful girls at the table in the middle of the room.
Their perfume smelled so good, however, it was a bit too much in your opinion…
The girls scanned you up and down and then declined the offer, which you kindly accepted.
But while you went off approaching Jaehee, you could hear them bad mouthing you.
,,Bäh! So disgusting!’’ one of them giggled.
,,True! I got goosebumps! She flirted with us, huh? Not feminine at all!’’ she hissed, which made you feel sick.
It was true that you weren’t like the other women. 
You were muscular and loved to work out, your healthy meals were the world to you just to make sure that your muscles would stay the way you wished for them to be. 
You were pretty tall, and to add to everything, you didn’t have a lot of chest.
But still, you were a woman and felt hurt by these mean comments.
You slowly began to feel self conscious and didn’t even dare to wear a dress anymore.
What if they would badmouth you again because of your leg muscles?
You slowly built up more fears which made you scared.
But suddenly you saw Jaehee, who placed a hand on your cheek and asked you what was wrong.
,,Feminine. I’m not feminine enough!’’ you cried.
Jaehee pressed your head against her chest and patted your head.
,,You are what you are, don’t worry. You’re perfect. Why did you have those thoughts?’’ she questioned you and finally you could tell her everything.
And so Jaehee helped to make you feel like a woman again...
,,Let’s go on a date!’’ you giggled happily, making your face glow happily.
Saeyoung observed your happy face and quickly jumped up.
,,Let’s go to the electronic shop and look at the latest laptops!’’ he happily added.
Well, at first you weren’t happy at all with his idea, but suddenly you saw yourself on the seat next to him, playing a game with him.
,,Okay, look how I’m going to beat you up!’’ you fiercely said and showed him your worked out arm muscles.
,,Ohoho! Someone is way too full of themself!’’ he laughed and gladly accepted the declaration of war.
The both of you began to laugh and play, forgetting that you both were in a shop.
At some point, both of you were kicked out, but you still smiled.
Your smile just faded when you heard someone say that they just mistook you for a boy.
,,So tall and muscular… she isn’t feminine at all!’’ the person added.
You felt a stabbing pain in your heart and suddenly felt uncomfortable in your own skin.
You became stiff and puzzled. How were you supposed to behave? 
What should you do?
Saeyoung immediately noticed that something was wrong and tried to figure out what happened until he noticed some girls looking at you.
He pulled you along with him and noticed a long beautiful dress which actually caught your attention.
,,Wanna try it on?’’ he cheerfully asked you.
Your face froze.
,,So, even you don’t like me? I lack at femininity, right?’’ you whispered.
Suddenly he made you look up at him and kissed you deeply.
,,No, that’s not true! I just know that you are more feminine than you think that you are. I thought this would lift up your mood, but whatever you choose, I will always like you the way you are…’’ he explained, making you wonder if that cute fiancé of yours really was Saeyoung!
You knew that Saeran wasn’t really strong. His health had a few issues which made you really worry.
Since you loved to work out, you tried your best even more now that you had to protect Saeran at all costs.
Well, you didn’t think that while doing so you would actually find your new love - muscles, working out, and a healthy way of living.
And you thought that if Saeran would live the same, he would be a bit stronger and he wouldn’t get sick all the time.
Your change of lifestyle, however, didn’t change your character. You were still the same beauty who loved to laugh with others, and who enjoyed having painted nails, as well as long braided hair with some flowers in them.
But of course after working out, you were just as sweaty as everyone else.
Saeran was picking you up just like always when he suddenly heard some people talking about you.
The more they said, the deeper your head sank, looking at the ground and blushing out of embarrassment.
Quickly he approached you and kissed you, making you moan out of pleasure and then glared at everyone else who was just talking back to you.
,,Got a problem with my love?’’ he asked them.
You chuckled as you saw how red he got after everyone went back again.
,,Thank you…’’ you laughed, and so both of you finally walked back.  
,,Good morning, my baby!’’ you kissed Lucy on her front after showering in the morning.
,,Hello, Mommy!’’ Lucy responded, still sleepy as she rubbed her eyes and yawned.
You chuckled as you observed your adopted daughter.
,,You need to get up, Princess!’’ you told her as cheerful as ever.
,,Mommy,’’ Lucy whined.
,,Why are you always in such a good mood early in the morning?’’ she kept whining, but followed you.
While you helped her to get changed and prepared breakfast, you explained that since you went jogging earlier you were fully awake now.
Another day in the daycare passed and you successfully could help out the teachers.
You often helped out there since they didn’t have enough workers, but way too many children.
However, suddenly you heard someone say your name.
When you turned around, however, you quickly noticed that the women who called you just talked behind your back.
,,Oh my, how can she raise a child? I wonder what her husband thinks of that… she is way too muscular!’’
,,I heard that her husband left her because she wasn’t feminine enough!’’ another woman said, making you tear up.
,,Mommy?’’ Lucy suddenly called your name.
Since then, you changed.
You didn’t go jogging early in the morning anymore, which made you feel horrible.
Jihyun quickly noticed that you changed and was puzzled by the sudden change in habits.
But the fact that you were unhappy was even worse for him.
,,What’s wrong with Mommy?’’ Jihyun asked Lucy, talking more to himself than to the little girl.
,,Maybe she’s sad,’’ Lucy said.
,,I saw her crying the last time she picked me up,’’ Lucy told him, but then looked at her toy again.
Jihyun was quick to understand the situation and knew exactly what to do.
One day after you were finished with work and supposed to walk Lucy home, Jihyun came to pick you up.
He was wearing a sporty uniform and asked you in front of all moms if the both of you could go jogging.
,,You are so pretty and happy that I wanted to experience it together with you!’’ he laughed and looked at you with eyes filled with love.
Since then, the mothers stopped talking about you and you were happily working out again with the only man you loved.
,,Let’s go to the gym babe ~ Pleaseeeeeee!’’ you begged Vanderwood, shaking his arm as you tried to convince him to work out with you at the gym.
,,Mc, we can do so many workouts at home. I don’t really want to go out…’’ he sighed.
However, it didn’t take five minutes more after he got up and prepared a bag to go to the gym with you.
Your boyfriend, after all, couldn’t say no to you.
,,One more!’’ he hissed as he held the boxing bag and let you hit the red bag again.
,,Stronger, Mc! Quicker!’’ he hissed louder.
,,You’re standing wrong!’’ he tried to correct you.
You really got better working out with Vanderwood since he was indeed the best.
You always liked sports. You played basketball in the past and was very good at playing football, but ever since you met Vanderwood, you also began to do harder sports like boxing and karate.
The reason was that your boyfriend was kind of scared that someone could harm you in some way, so he taught you the basics.
Since you were pretty passionate about these kinds of things, you fell in love with the sport and quickly changed.
You were pretty muscled by now and lived really well.
You were even as tall as Vanderwood, which sometimes made your day easier.
,,This woman has so no sex appeal,’’ you heard someone.
You quickly glanced over to the men who just talked and noticed that they just talked about you.
Right in that moment when you were distracted the sack came flying back without you noticing and it hit you hard in your face, making you stumble back and collapse on the floor.
A few hours later you were awake again. Your headache was killing you as you tried to think about what happened.
,,You’re awake again, huh?’’ Vanderwood asked you as he ruffled your hair softly, careful to not hurt you again.
,,What happened?’’ you asked him, curious why you were in your bedroom again.
Vanderwood shook his head and slowly began to explain to you what happened.
,,So you’re saying that after the bag hit me, I became unconscious, and you attacked the other members because they distracted me?’’ you asked him again.
,,No, I hit them because they distracted you and hurt your feelings,’’ he mumbled and blushed.
,,Besides,’’ he stopped and looked at you again.
,,I love you so much. How could I stay at peace when other men keep looking at you and then start badmouthing you?’’
You didn’t have a reply, but instead kissed Vanderwood as a thank you.
,,By the way’’ he mumbled after both of you had to gasps for air,
,,We got kicked out of the gym. Should we train at home in the future?’’ he asked you, making you frown. Just how hard did he hit them?
??.03.2020// ??:?? MEST
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shapeshiftinterest · 4 years
The ‘Fake’ First Date: rufus x reg (CH 3)
mao mao heroes of pure heart valentines day event
prompt mix:
day 3: first date
day 9: chocolate boxes
some extra stuff from their ‘date’ that I skipped over in chapter 1
bonus: wasn’t mentioned in ch 1 but reg gets hit on lol ;P
2 extra characters inspired by @little-bird-swaggy-boy‘s OCs
story under the read more
The ‘Fake’ First Date (also on ao3)
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3
                                                         -The Con Details-
“Ooooh. Wow Rufus! That’s really smart,” Reg clapped.
“Thank you, I know,“ he smirked. “Now there’s no time to waste, I’ve had this idea for a while now but the roles depend on the person.” 
Rufus put a finger to his chin and furrowed his brows, slowly pacing around and mumbling to himself. This went on for a few minutes until-
“Oh! Oh! Pick me!” Reg raised his paw, waving it so hard he almost fell off his tree stump. Rufus snapped out of his daze to glance at his companion.
“Yes, Reggie?“
“What if we just started dating?“
“I beg your pardon?“ Rufus asked incredulously. Was Reg really that bad of an actor that he actually had to date Rufus to get into character?! Or maybe he didn’t think he could fake date someone like him. How absurd.
For some reason that didn’t sit well with Rufus. The thought made him uncomfortable. 
“No no! Not like that,“ the raccoon waved his paws in an ‘X‘ symbol. “I mean what if we just tell people we just started dating? Like, friends for a while and boyfriends since a week ago or something.“
A lightbulb went off in Rufus’ head. “Reg that’s a great idea!” No one could fault new lovebirds for being a little awkward around each other, even if they had been friends previously. Well, according to this story at least.
                                             -Shops: Couples ‘Discounts’-
“Oh what a cute pair you are!“
“What a nice young man! Your boyfriend is very lucky to have you.“
“You two are just adorable!“
“Shopping with your boyfriend? How sweet! Why, I remember this one time when my husband-“
“Have a Happy Hearts Day!“
The store owners were always overly friendly on holidays like these, but it wasn’t like Rufus was complaining. 
Whenever the pair was approached, he would distract the vendors, leading them away or blocking their view so Reg could lift a few extra confectionaries. 
Heart’s Day coupons and such were nice and all, but the Five Finger Discount was a must for conmen like themselves.
A few times he’d even leaned over with some bogus story of wanting to surprise his ‘boyfriend’ with something special, or asked for help with finding something nice but still cheap. Thus sending the unsuspecting staff on a quest, determined to help a pair of ‘lovers‘ get closer together. Pfff! Suckers.
Rufus touched his scarf, the fabric soft under his fingertips as he chatted with the store owner. 
                                                    (Scarf Flashback)
“Psst! Rufus!“ Reg whispered, lightly squeezing the fox’s paw. “Check it out.”
Rufus popped another chocolate into his mouth and looked around, spotting a cloth vendor across the street. They’d decided on holding hands to look more convincing.
“Mmmm, they don’t seem to have any sales,“ he muttered, eyeing a bolt of blue-green fabric.
Seeing what his partner was looking at, Reg let go of his paw and started walking towards the stand, only turning around to give a thumbs up and a wink.
‘Swipe it when I give the signal!’ he mouthed.
Confused, he could only watch as Reg started haggling with the stand owner-
Only to keel over from a fake heart attack.
Rufus quickly snuck over and snatched the fabric as the raccoon distracted the crowd.
                                                   (End Flashback)
“I love your matching scarves,“ said the store owner. 
“Why thank you, my dear Reg went through a lot to get it for me.“
                                           -Shops: Extra before the Cafe-
Rufus... wasn’t sure what he was looking at. 
He’d gone to the bathroom and left  Reg to rest with the loot (dropping off most if it at their hideout beforehand), and had come back to whatever this was.
Reg was sitting on the ledge of a fountain with a couple of bags at his feet. And a couple of admirers as well. 
A pink and gray axolotl was sitting awfully close, her tail splashing in the fountain water. In front of them stood another girl, a gazelle this time, and a male tiger.
At first he thought the other was getting mugged, he did have a lot of stuff after all. But after a few seconds he realized. They were flirting with him. Or trying to at least.
The axolotl kept touching Reg’s arm while the tiger’s body language just screamed interest. The gazelle looked more like she was going along with her friends so she didn’t count, but Reg just sat there with a dopey look on his face and smiled.
“Anyways cutie, do you wanna come with us? The guy you’re waiting for probably left or something.“ said the axolotl.
“Yeah! We don’t mind you tagging along, what kind of date makes their date carry everything anyways?” That one was the tiger.
“Leave him alone you guys, he probably went to the bathroom or something.“ Well at least the gazelle had a good head on her shoulders. And enough manners not to badmouth someone she’d never met (not that it wasn’t justified, just for different reasons).
“I’m good, my boyfriend’s back anyways.“ Reg smiled as the trio whipped around to see Rufus scowling at them.
Reg hopped off the fountain and picked up their bags, waddling over to the other without a care in the world. They watched as the fox unfolded his arms to take some of the bags, free paw resting on Reg’s shoulder to pull him closer all while not breaking eye contact.
The two started walking away, but Rufus paused to tilt his head back at them. Narrowing his eyes, he clicked his tongue before turning to catch up with his partner, tail swishing in irritation.
Con or no con, he wasn’t just going to give up his new asset to such crass individuals. 
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