#who's the real pussy here vox
So funny to me that Vox talks shit about Alastor while sitting behind screens in his own house, but anytime he has a chance to confront Al face to face? He chickens out
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rubra-wav · 3 months
Snap (part 1) - Deception
(Part 2)
Vox brainrot entry #1.5
Follow up on entry #1
A/N he falls to bits, but they take care of him in the end, I promise. He def deserves it though. If this is bad, I apologise, I've never shown the smut I've written to anyone for feedback lmao.
Probably should have done a word counter for this - it's pretty long.
Cw: 18+ NSFW fic below cut, degradation, edging, punishment, biting, overstimulation, voyeurism, switch (but ultimately bottom) Vox, domtop! reader, AFAB reader - gn pronouns, also feat my nerd ass's knowledge of flower language lmao
Idk if there's other things I should CW in here sorry (advice/correction in comments appreciated 🙏)
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- It didn't take you very long to start noticing how he seemed to know what to do perfectly; gifts, gestures, dates. Even if he always played it off as a master at lying through his toothy smile, you weren't an idiot.
- You do curse yourself that you let it slide and treated it as an afterthought for several months however. It begins to become more of a conscious thing on your mind though.
- So you bait him with something so very specific that it wouldn't ever be a consideration normally for someone trying to woo you - as he had been doing for several months at this point. After you know that he's off work, you sit on your phone scrolling and click onto a post about flowers, sprawled across your lounge lazily.
- You smile at your phone and say out to the empty room as if just casually talking to yourself. "Ooo, snapdragons." He fell for it hook line and fucking sinker.
- The next morning, there is a delivery of beautifully wrapped red snapdragons at your door with a note taped to the side of it.
- You felt a mixture of disgust, anger and betrayal rise in your chest at the confirmation that he'd been violating your privacy by looking at you secretly like some fucking stalker. You push it down though, smiling for the camera (literally) and decide that you'll confront him about it later. For now you'd just act like you didn't know he was looking at you, and later on you'd be punishing him for it.
- Your sex life with him hadn't exactly moved that far due to both of your hesitation to move to become more seriously involved, not wanting to fully ruin your friendship with one-another in case it was unrequited. Only being FWB sometimes having sex essentially. But, you decided you would be getting back at him real good for this. You would be much like the flower you had caught him out with.
You groaned into the mutually hungry lust-drunk kiss as your lips melded against his, tongues roughly fighting for control against the other as your back was pushed against the wall by Vox who grunted deeply against your lips.
The demon's monitor provided the only light in the house as you arrived home, it serving as the most common secret rendezvous for you two to be together like this. His claws gripping at your sides slid down your thighs to grope at them before picking you up and bringing your crotch up against his steadfast arousal.
You pulled back from the kiss with a gasp at the stimulation and wrapped your legs around his hips to grind closer into one another. "You're very quickly excited just by making out as per usual." You teased him, kissing his face where his cheek should have been.
He let out an embarrassed growl as he glared down at you, the blush on his cheeks making it not hit all that hard. "Shut the fuck up."
You laughed at him as you watched him give a sharp inhale, tensing up at the way you ground your clothed pussy into his dick. You could tell by the way that his claws dug into your hips that he intended to be in control of the situation, and you inwardly grinned in satisfaction as the plan you had been sitting on for a while was finally going to be executed.
Vox slammed his lips back onto yours as he walked to your bedroom, pushing the door open with his foot impatiently and falling forward on the mattress with you gripped against him.
He sat back to begin removing all the layers he was wearing, it taking a long time as usual as he didn't like creasing his jacket or shirt - him wanting to preserve his appearance to the world outside your doors even when his hands were shaking with anticipation of what he thinks is going to be the usual fuck session for him.
And this is where you choose to shift the power dynamic, while he's expecting you to take off your shirt and lay back, you're pouncing on him and slamming his back against the bed the second his shirt, jacket as he finishes shedding his layers.
He looks up at you with surprise as the bed squeaks under the shifted weight, and then annoyance which flickers onto his features but is quickly replaced by a strained smirk. "Haha, yeah, no. That's not how this is gonna g-" you cut him off by moving to straddle him, pressing your lips against his and rolling yourself into his hard-on again. He let out a loud groan into the kiss which teetered into a slight whine.
You could feel the way he tensed up at the embarrassingly submissive sound you'd pulled from him and he moved to try to reposition himself as being in charge again, you didn't let him however as you held him in place under you.
You rhythmically began setting the pace for the two of you, and you felt him begin to relent begrudgingly and give in to his pleasure, one claw gripping your hip as he tried to alter your pace to match his, while the other came up to grab at your chest as your tongues moved against each other in a dizzyingly hot way which added to the growing arousal you felt.
You could feel your wetness seeping uncomfortably into your underwear as Vox's erection rubbing against your cunt at just the right angle sent stabs of pleasure through your body despite your pants.
You parted momentarily to let out a soft panting moan before diving back in. Vox seemed to take this as his chance to try put you under him again, gripping both hands against your sides as he turned the two of you over again, him moving to push you firmer into the mattress but you not letting him as you flipped back the other way and pulled back to look down at him. Observing his frustrated expression and slightly parted lips which were moving as he panted excitedly.
Shaking your head, lips pouted, you shook your finger at him as if scolding a child - patronising him. "Now, now, Vox. You and I both know that this is not about to become where you inevitably fall apart on top of me. Not tonight." He tried to rise from to mattress, opening his mouth to protest at the extra mean way you were addressing him. You put a hand on his chest and pushed him back down.
"You are going to just listen to me and take it how I know you damn well enjoy it despite all the usual whining and bitching." You commanded, eyes narrowing.
Vox went light blue at the cheeks, moving once again to try and change your postions. "What the fuck has got you so damn worked up today?" He growled. You looked down at him while finally allowing the rage you've been feeling for days to seep into your voice.
"Snapdragons." You look down upon him with utter contempt, and watch as his smirk fades and confusion and a bit of fear flickers across his features at the sudden shift in your attitude. He clearly doesn't understand what you mean.
"Wha-" he asked, eyes squinting up at you.
"'Snapdragons'," you repeated, "Are what I said to myself while I was home alone, and then found on my doorstep the next morning. Or at least, when I should have been home alone." You give him an absolutely evil grin laced with anger as his face begins to recognise what you're saying and shifts to utter horror.
"N-no I just guessed truly, you know I'm too busy for that kind of thing anyways! I own Voxtek, it's a non-stop business and you know tha-!" He goes to try and immediately make the usual bullshit excuses. You don't let him as you cut him off, hands moving to grip him by the writs and pin him down to the bed.
"And," your eyes bore into his red ones. "How you'd be sweating nervously as fuck the day after I'd be giving myself some.. self love the night before, after a certain time, which I believe matches up with when you start to knock off of work." You hissed through clenched teeth.
You were ready to give more examples but didn’t have to as Vox's face turned fully purple with embarrassment. You watched in satisfaction as his excuses turned into horrified, growingly rapid spluttering nonsense as he glitched and jolted under your gaze with utter humiliation.
"I-I'm. I-! I- hf, I just- stop looking at me like that!" He let out a horrified mumble which petered off into a whine, eyes looking away but ultimately coming back to yours as you glared at him unwaveringly.
He'd never seen you this pissed off at him and it honestly scared him. The heavy feeling of self disgust set in on him as his activities which he'd been brushing off for a while now came crashing down in on him. As he looked into your eyes, feeling his wrists being gripped hard in your hands, he did something which he normally never does; apologise genuinely.
"I-I'm," he blue sceened in the middle of his sentence as humiliation made his voice crack "--orry. 'M sorry I won't ev--r do -t aga-in!" Pixelated tears had begun to form at the edges of his eyes as he allowed his embarrassment at his actions and being caught by you finally take over.
Vox hated himself for putting on such a pathetic display, but he hadn't exactly liked himself over how much he craved spying on you in general, especially in the more intimate moments he knew he particularly shouldn't have been seeing.
The burning hot anger inside of you began to dissipate slightly as you watched the way he was so openly expressing remorse for his actions, however your punishment for this shit was far from over.
You stopped glaring at him as hard, and rather fixed your face with a blank expression instead as you leaned forward towards him and gently gripped the side of his screen. "I--m -orry I'm sor-ry.." He repeatedly whined again and again. Vox sniffled loudly as he looked up at you with a somewhat hopeful expression, hoping it was enough to stave away the rage he had seen in your eyes.
"You're going to be." You said coldly as you reached downwards to begin undoing his belt. You didn't miss the way he jolted in surprise. He was going to be getting sexual punishment from you? This was certainly not something he was expecting, and he felt an extra layer of embarrassment at the excitement he felt at that prospect.
You took his dick in your hand and looked at the way it twitched with quite a bit more vigor then usual. "You're joking. Does the prospect of me punishing you over this really excite you this much? You're a filthy fucking pervert." You insulted him with a look of distaste, smirking inwardly.
"N-no no!" His eyes widened as he glitched out, voice coming out mortified.
You shook your head as you moved your face to the space in between his shoulder and neck. "Your body is much more honest than you are." You murmured, relishing the way he shivered under you as your breath fanned across his neck.
You moved your hand down to grip firmly around his dick, stroking it as your teeth sunk deep into his throat. Vox jolted under you, letting out a strained moan due to how he was tearing up before, just starting to compose himself with his guilt, embarrassment and the weight of your gaze just a minute ago.
You began tormenting the twitching and tense demon under you. You pumped his dick in your hand while kissing his neck and shoulders, leaving marks as you went, putting him in a pleasure filled haze that was dizzying to Vox.
"Shaking under me like some common fucking slut." You laughed against his skin where you pressed your lips against his chest, prompting a huff with teetered off into a moan as you sped up your hand on him.
Whatever calming down he'd been doing was undone quickly as his first climax began to approach after all the attention, coupled with the various degradation you were giving him.
He let out a loud groan coupled with words that were barely orders at this point and were much more begs. "Ugh, l-like thaat." Vox moaned, arching further into your touch as sticky precum began flowing in large amounts from the flushed head of his dick.
Just as it was obvious he was going to come the next second, you took your hand off of him and brought away any stimulation you'd been giving him all at once.
He let out a disappointed grunt at the loss of contact, looking up at you and trying to tug at your heart strings to allow him release. He could tell you weren't going to however by the way you looked at him though. He already regretted it, but it was clear you were far from satisfied.
Once again, you began kissing him.
Your lips made their way downwards, agonisingly slow to get him further uncomfortable and bothered.
Vox watched you with rapt attention as your lips left dark grey/blue hickies on his skin. For the first time in his life, it seemed the demon was truly speechless.
He knew he'd truly fucked up as bad as he probably could if he was getting this kind of treatment from you of all people. You certainly weren't some yes-man pushover, but the usual layer of sweetness covering your words and actions as you interacted with him even while pissed was gone.
Vox arched with a whine as your lips finally wrapped around his already overstimulated cock, and then began a barrage of agonisingly pleasurable, contradictory torment upon it that had him giving out broken sobs by the end of it.
You edged him again several more times, skilfully sucking on him before taking your mouth off again and again as he almost orgasmed, all the while giving him criticism each time he failed to orgasm.
By this point, Vox was well and truly crying with the overstimulation and now painful arousal he was experiencing. His ego was in tatters, and he didn't have the fucks to give about hiding his desperation at this point.
"You truly are a shameless fucking pervert." You growled against the inside of his hip as you sunk your teeth into his skin there as he came down from halted release. You relished the sound he made, a loud and glitchy whine which didn't even try to negate your insult this time.
You leaned over to once again begin sucking him off, pausing before taking him in your mouth. His claws gripped into the sheets for some kind of consolation, as he had already tried to seek comfort in gripping at your hair to pull you further onto him, and you'd swatted his hand away with a hard glare up at him.
The demon's tear filled red eyes and purple face watched you desperately above as you wrapped your lips and tongue around him once again, you looking up at him with blank contempt that shattered him inside further.
You looked down away from his crying face as you swallowed an uncomfortable amount of precum. Pulling away from Vox in the middle of abusing his dick yet again. He let out a broken sob at the loss of contact again, eyes squeezing shut hard.
At this point, he was unable to even deny how much he just wanted release and a break from the relentless harsh words you had been giving him the whole time. The rare event where Vox wasn't being as bratty as possible was truly a shocking one.
His screen at this point was mostly just flashing blue with an error message alongside his whines, which had begun to sound less humanised and more mechanical. You didn't read it fully, but it was something along the lines of: 'Remove subject Them.exe (I'm s_rry I'm sorr_ pl--e pleas_) to prevent further error.'
You hummed somewhat sympathetically as you observed the way he trembled with overwhelm; skin covered in goosebumps, sweat, and a patchwork of your bite marks and hickies. You could tell at this point you had given him enough, and anything further would just be cruel.
The rest of the road to full forgiveness for his bullshit would be outside the bedroom. He was truly wrecked at this point.
You got up and stood up on the bed over him and quickly moved to undo your pants.
The man on the bed looked at you with desperate eyes as you finally revealed your contrastingly touch starved sex.
"Please- I'm sorry, so so sorry, please, plea--, pl-eeash." Vox whined quietly, pleading with you.
You got down on your knees over him again, gripping his hand and guiding it between your thighs as you shushed him softly. "I know, I know, hon." You leaned forward and gently kissed him on his lips, trying to calm him down. "It'll be over soon."
He mumbled out relieved nonsense at the fact you weren't being so mean, and the confirmation he'd be finishing finally. Vox took up the non-verbal cue and began gently touching in between your thighs.
You moaned softly as the kiss you were sharing began to become more passionate, his claw carefully pushing inside of your neglected pussy to avoid hurting you at all.
Your hands moved to gently cup his neck as you pushed your tongue into his mouth, forcing the taste you'd been dealing with the past while. You heard him gag on the taste of his own precum, but he still didn't try to push away as his disgust melted into a throaty groan.
You pulled back from the kiss as you jolted at the feeling of him brushing his thumb over your clit. "Good boy." You praised him breathily. God that did something to him. Vox's brain had been messed up from all the torment, but the sudden praise made it feel like it was turning to mush as warmth flooded his chest intoxicatingly.
You softly laughed at the way he seemed to be so happy after hearing that, arching a brow at him. You leaned back to look down at him. "Don't think you're off the hook here. You're still a disgusting voyeur," his face fell again as more tears flowed from his eyes. "Though," you leaned forward so your lips were barely off of his screen. "I suppose you are my disgusting voyeur because I'm feeling so nice about all this." Vox let out a little relieved huff at the reassurance, relaxing again and focusing more on trying to pleasure and prepare you.
Vox leaned forward awkwardly in an effort to properly kiss your neck in a way that made you comfortable even with the way his head was shaped as he began trying to match his fingers' pace inside of you with what you usually wanted. It was very rare that he was this obviously eager to please you. Showed just how absolutely fucked up he was.
As his tongue ran over your neck, it brought up goosebumps at the strangely wet yet static electric-like sensation his tongue had. You sighed, gripping at his shoulders as you rocked your hips down on his fingers.
Vox's eyes softened with love-sickness where you couldn't see as he heard the sounds of your sighs and murmured praises, tasting the salt of the sweat on your skin and feeling your walls gripping onto his fingers with desire with a satisfied groan.
He was utterly relieved that you had started treating him better again; even though he was absolutely aware in every fibre of himself that he did deserve it and more. The fact that you hadn't broken off your strange situationship with him the second you figured it out was truly a blessing.
You prompted him to lay back into the bed again as you were prepared enough to take him. He didn't fight you as he flopped back onto the mattress, his eyes admiring the way his fingers dripped with your sticky wetness as they pulled out of you with a lewd squelching.
"You're not going to come instantly inside me." You said pointedly to him; not a request but an order. He nodded quickly as he gave you a look like he would never ever do that. You wouldn't be surprised if he did with all the attention he'd been getting despite the pause, but you hoped not.
You slithered one hand downwards to position him to slide inside of you, the other cupping the side of his face.
You let out a relieved sigh as he slid into you with little to no effort - the precum he'd been leaking for so long at this point was significant lubrication along with your own.
The pace you set was quite quick from the get go as you pressed yourself down onto him at the right angle to hit where needed to be hit inside of you.
Vox's claws moved to grip at your back with clear desperation. You let him cling onto you this time. You smirked down at him, observing the fucked out expression he was showing alongside an error message that was just showing keysmash alongside a heat warning that was displaying on the right side of his monitor, flashing climbing temperature.
You leaned forward to give him an absolutely filthy kiss, open mouthed and drooling as you two shoved your tongues into each other; both of you moaning loudly into it.
The room filled with the sounds of the two of you fucking messily, your sweaty bodies rubbing harshly against one-another creating extremely loud slapping noises alongside your moans and the whining cries of Vox who had seemingly found his voice again.
"-on't stop! Don't st -- op! Fu-cking he-ll!" Vox yelled as he dug his claws painfully into the skin of your back, likely leaving scratches. The pain of it didn't yet kick in as your own sky-high arousal and growing pleasure hit into you in hot waves that had your knees shaking as you rode him.
"Not happening- fuuck." You groaned out, voice teetering higher at the end.
Ecstacy began to climb quickly, and the rhythm eventually began to fall apart as you began slamming yourself onto his dick in a frenzy to stimulate yourself.
"This what you wanted spying upon me, huh?" You teased on top of him, observing the way he so clearly was so close to finishing from the way you were clenching around his already over stimulated cock. "Such a gooood little bitch." That sent Vox screaming over the edge with an extremely loud yell accompanied by mechanical whirring as he hit his peak.
The feeling of him filling you up was fucking heavenly as you slammed down on him one last time and arched into the claws that had dug long scratches down your back that were now weeping beads of blood in places as your orgasm overtook you.
As you panted, feeling your pleasure hit into you in waves, you watched as Vox glitched badly below you, face looking up at you with a fucked out expression that read as if he was looking at some sort of deity - before switching off under you, leaving nothing but a black screen which began flashing a 'we'll be right back' message as well as a 'critical temperature error 121 degrees' in bold red.
You cursed, getting off of him shakily and quickly walking to go get an ice pack. As mad as you were with him right now, you didn't want to actually damage him.
As you came back with the ice pack, you noticed that he'd switched back on on a very low brightness, face looking as he was sweaty as all hell and it was obvious he was still coming down from his prior release. The red number was flashing 102 now as it began climbing downwards.
You breathed a sigh of relief while shaking your head in slight annoyance. You walked over to the edge of the bed and sat on it, pressing the icepack on the side of his neck where you'd first bit him. "You're so damn dramatic." You scolded him, only half seriously insulting him.
Vox had somewhat gotten his bearings back, and he looked away in embarrassment with a sour look on his face. "Shut the fuck up." You rolled your eyes, and went to fake getting up.
"Okay, I guess I'll just leave then if you don't want me here, asshole." You snorted as you watched his bullshit crumple so fast, him looking back at you and gripping onto your wrist pleadingly.
He grumbled again when he realised you weren't serious and relaxed against you as you moved to lay on top of him. Your chin rested on his chest as you looked up at him with growing fatigue expectantly as the temperature bar quickly dropped from red to orange, and his flushed purple face began to turn the usual shade of blues he usually had.
He sighed as he somewhat seemingly struggled to say what he knew he had to. "Listen, I... I am sorry. Really. I know it was wrong, and I... won't do it again." He looked away from you with clear remorse in his exhausted voice.
You stared at him for a few seconds before nodding. "You're not off the hook yet. Tomorrow, you will tell me where the things you've been watching me through are, and I will be you-proofing them." You said very seriously.
Vox went to bite back the usual level of snark but figured he'd be bratting far too close to the sun after what you had already done. "Fine." He said enunciating the 'f' as if it took everything to say it.
You hummed in satisfaction with his answer and buried your face into his chest. Vox sighed heavily, looking at the vase full of now wilting snapdragons that had started all of this with annoyance as he loosely wrapped his hands around you.
"You're lucky I love you so much." You murmured tiredly into his skin. What.
You startled as you realised that you'd just said that out loud. Opening your eyes with a shocked expression and slowly finding Vox, whose red eyes were looking at you with equal shock.
The silence in the room was all-encompassing.
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A/N If you got the metaphor, I love you so much 🙏 (hint: snapdragons mean deception)
Oh my fucking God it was like the world didn't want me to write this one. First copy get screwed into nothingness because my reception got cut due to mfs doing work on the phone towers in my area, then after I got back home and had WiFi I got absolutely killed by a migraine that would not leave me tf alone.
I got so into writing this that I physically went outside and touched grass afterwards 💀
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haremantagonist · 2 months
Vox had a lot of nerve to call Alastor a pussy when he was hiding behind his little bitch screens to watch the fight from the safety of the Vee's tower while Alastor went one-on-one with the first man, caused him to fumble and stop fucking around, and survived a harsh blow from an angelic weapon.
On top of that, he sent Velvette to the overlord meeting in his place cause he couldn't even handle coming face to face with him over a live video call let alone having to be in the same vicinity as him like, Vox...bro...you're amazing, but I think the real pussy here might be you.
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This is the face of a man who would pass tf out if he had to be in the same room as the guy who refused his business proposal (rizz attempt) 7 years ago.
His ass could not and would not fight Adam.
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mrcarmenile · 4 months
okay HI
holy fucking god do i have words to say
here’s some INCREDIBLY unorganized thoughts:
alastor losing his filter temporarily made my heart DROP dude. also is it just me or did he lose his accent too? like it just kind of sounded like amir to me lmao
angel with his “charlie said to live tonight however we wanted” JUMPSCARED ME and then when he said “so pour me a fresh one” i was like Oh
adam said some real knee slappers this episode i was laughing so hard. “SUCK MY HOLY LIGHT FUCKERS” “chill lute. fuck” “wow i didn’t see this giant fucking shield in front of me YOU DUMB BITCH NO SHIT” are my favorites
the whole “now i’m going to fuck you” gag had me ROLLING (angel’s little 🤨 and valentino’s “well this just got interesting” got me dude)
vox screaming at the tv also had me choking from laughter, especially the “NOOO FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU!! PUSSY!!!” (that is absolutely me yelling at the tv ur not alone vox 🙏)
the “these fucking angels won’t stop coming” “HA!” scene was weirdly cute and i love it
also lucifer’s hot
alastor and niffty was the cutest thing i love them so much why are they wholesome ☹️☹️ “i dub thee - king roach!!” and the little crown 🥺
the last song nearly had me crying like i SCREECHED when lucifer started singing to the tune of happy day in hell and the fucking vox and val duet???? and velvette filming them dancing??? the vees are terrible fucking people why was that scene wholesome LET ME HATE THEM STOP GIVING VILLAINS DEPTH AND EMOTIONS AND REAL BONDS PLEASEEEE (/nsrs obviously well written villains are peak but I WANNA HATE THEM SO BAD) also alastor’s part gave me fr chills like. “great alastor, altruist, died for his friends” THE WAY AMIR TALAI SANG THAT LIKE HE WAS ON THE VERGE OF SNAPPING. ROUND OF FUCKING APPLAUSE. and the new hotel looks fucking fire i can’t wait to see the interior!!!
the end of the last song nearly brought me to tears it was such a perfect ending note
SPEAAAAKING OF SONGS. HOOLY SHIT. THE MORE THAN ANYTHING REPRISE??? shit made me shed a tear like. AND THE KISS???? finally we get the goddamn lesbians god bless 🙏🙏🙏
also can i just say vox and val making out with tongue at the end for 0.5 seconds SENT ME. i was caught so off guard that i laughed until i choked dude like that shit fr got me
“how’s mercy taste ya little bitch” is officially one of my favorite hazbin quotes cuz the way jeremy jordan said it was fucking hilarious
oh and the battle scenes were fucking crazy i can see where half the budget went lmfao the fight scenes ATE
also wtf lilith was in heaven this whole time? just chilling? idk what to think or say about thing honestly
and if lucifer fucked eve is she in hell too???? is SHE the one who has alastor on a leash?? what is her relation to lilith??? are they working together or are they enemies or is eve pretending to be lilith or do they have nothing to do with each other??? why did lilith leave hell??? why did they let her leave hell??? what did lute mean by “your deal is done”???? i need answers bro
ALSO I WONDER WHERE EVERYTHING’S GONNA GO NOW THAT PENTIOUS PROVED SOULS CAN BE REDEEMED. now that they’ve proved it is the main plot going to be actually redeeming people? or is heaven gonna hide it from them??? can angel dust be redeemed when valentino owns his soul??? does angel dust truly WANT to be redeemed? once they know that you have to die to be redeemed are they gonna be able to take that risk?? now that i think of it wtf will be the main focus of season 2?? we know the vees play a big role so maybe they’ll try to prevent souls from leaving (maybe valentino will make it really hard for angel to leave and that’ll be a big part?) idk i got a lot of questions man
and it seems like they’re setting alastor up to be the main villain at the end. it seems although his mysterious deal isn’t allowing him to unleash his full power, so when he’s free of the deal i can only imagine how feral he could go. (my guess is that he uses the favor charlie promised to help release him from the deal and then charlie regrets it later when he goes crazy)
anyways all in all the finale is crazy good and i will NOT be getting over it any time soon and i am not ready to wait another few years 🥲
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nautiscarader · 5 years
FinnxHarem 30!
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Also these two prompts from FF:
bubblegum’s experiment to repopulate the human race with finn and the many volunteers.flame princess and huntress wizard get competetive over finn… and find they LIKE getting competetive
Welp, vox populi, vox dei. Here goes smutember… nearly three weeks too late. Hope you enjoyed it, and see you three weeks ago in Kinktober! If your prompts weren’t filled here, they may turn up there, so worry not!
Also, this is an extended version of an old prompt, one of the sauciest one I ever received. I’d love to hear from the anon that sent it, I always wanted to come back to it.
Also, I will need lots of holy water now. And you will too.
Also, trigger warning for anyone who knows how biology works.
The door to the elongated hall of Princess Bubblegum’s castle opened wide, giving the banana guards little time to react to Finn the Human sprinting through it, if the guards could do anything to begin.
- PB, you called?
Finn jumped and eagerly bowed before his ladyfriend, receiving a soft giggle in return. Even though Finn could no longer be called a boy, he never lost his juvenile charm, making his gentlemanly behaviour even cuter to the ruler of the Candy kingdom.
- Why, yes, Finn. I take you are well rested, for I have a very difficult taskfor you, should you accept it.- Of course!
He stood up straight and followed her, as they walked down the long corridor of her strangely empty castle.
- Finn, I have been studying the Annals of Ooo, specifically records of old heroes and heroines.- Like Billy? Or the Bacon Lady, riding the winged roasted hogs?- Genau. - she nodded. - Of course, some of the harrowing adventures they have been through pale in comparison to what you’ve been through.
She turned towards Finn, gracing him with a gentle smile, and noticed a blush on his cheek. The faintest of squeals escaped his mouth when she praised him and his bravery.
- …and I have stumbled across one record that… Well, you might also want to challenge, at least…
For a second, Finn was sure that this time he saw her cheeks turning crimson, but couldn’t guess why. However, when Princess Bubblegum opened the tall doors to her chambers, his mind became preoccupied with something much, much different.
The floor was covered in multicoloured pillows, on which sat a few of his ladyfriends, which wouldn’t be an uncommon sight, if not for the fact that they were all naked.
Finn marvelled at the stunning sight of the exposed bodies of Marceline, Flame Princess, Huntress Wizard, two Water Nymphs, which looked radiant, almost as if they were glowing with some eerie light. When Finn let out a audible gasp, their eyes turned towards him, though from the carnal look they shared, they were already expecting him.
- PB! What is go-
Finn let out another girlish scream when he turned towards Princess Bubblegum, and saw that she has joined the others by dropping her dress to the ground, which evidently was the only thing she was wearing. This time, a chorus of giggling reached Finn’s ears, which didn’t calm him down one bit. He jumped when he felt Princess Bubblegum’s hand on his shoulder, curling around his neck.
- Legends of old say that one hero impregnated fifty women in a single night - so even just a tenth of that shouldn’t be a problem for you, right, Finn?
Princess Bubblegum smirked, showing him an old tome with a highly detailed drawing of a bulky, brawny man, at least ten feet tall, surrounded by a crowd of naked women of all shapes and sizes, all clinging to his body, tired, and visibly messy. He looked back and forth at the drawing and PB’s smirk, trying to figure out if her proposition was a joke, or a very odd psychological experiment.
- Yowza, PB, a-are you for real?- As if you haven't thought of that before.
A sudden voice reached him from behind, and when Finn turned his head, his lips met with Marceline’s, floating upside down, who pulled him into a deep, hungry kiss. Her long, twisted tongue entered his mouth, sending goosebumps all over his body, and if he wasn’t aroused already, he would be dying to get rid of his pants.
- We are more than certain, Finn. - PB replied, cupping his face and pulling him towards her - There is no greater hero of Ooo out there than you, and each one of us would be proud to… carry your legacy, Finn. But there is more than that. - her face frowned - Humans are endangered species, critically. I estimate, that even with the current scientific progress and help of the Minerva bots, you could be gone in the next two hundred years, especially if you all migrate back to Ooo. However…
PB smiled.
- Your genes could be stronger, if mixed with other species. Candy people, wizards, elementals… You can create a new generation of humans, immune to so many of Ooo’s natural problems! - she grabbed Finn’s arms, smile widening on her lips. - W-Wait - Finn interrupted - How… how can you be sure it will work?- Oh, we brainboxed it. - Huntress Wizard explained - Well, I always knew we can have a baby, and PB did some science of her own to help the others…- But your collection of herbs to stimulate our vastly different bodies was instrumental, Huntress Wizard - Princess Bubblegum addressed her - The point is, Finn, that now we can be sure that your seed will hit a very fertile ground in all of us. - she smiled - The question is, are *you* up to the task?
With another turn of his head, Finn realised he was now surrounded. Sly, but warm smiles on the rest of his girlfriends’ faces only confirmed Princess Bubblegum’s motives, and gave Finn very little to ponder.
- Ladies… It… It… It would be my honour!
Finn shouted, breaking his voice, and in a moment’s notice, six pairs of hands reached for his clothes, each trying to disrobe him. Marceline grabbed his hat and yanked it off his head, revealing the long, golden locks of his that brought several gasps from those ladies, or at least those, whose lips were currently not occupied with kissing Finn’s now-naked body.
To say that he was feeling light-headed would be an understatement; fortunately for Finn, his girlfriends were there for him, leading him onto the mountain of pillows they were sitting on before, and when he was no longer forced to stay upright, he gladly fell onto the cushioned floor, marvelling at the sight of naked women surrounding him.
- Well, Finn, which one of us would be the first?
Flame Princess’ question flabbergasted Finn again, as he frantically looked around him, savouring the sight and beauty that filled his vision.
- L-Ladies, I… I don’t want to choose…- Don’t worry, Finn. - Huntress Wizard approached him from the side. - We will all get our turns, don’t worry about the order…
She cupped his face and pulled him into third kiss of the day. Huntress pressed her hand onto his chest, hoping to straddle him, but at the same moment, she felt the world around her spin when Finn grabbed her and pressed her to the pillowed floor.
- Alright, I guess you’ll be the first, then!  
The shock on HW’s face turned into a giddy smile when she realised her position, eagerly spreading her legs for him. But Finn was one step ahead in this area as well; he gripped her thighs with his hands and pressed her legs against her naked torso, exposing her pussy, already glistening from her sweet-smelling juices.
- Best position for mating, isn’t it? - Oh, yes! - Huntress wizard eagerly replied, her voice dripping with lust. - Come on, Finn, breed me!
With her permission, Finn gladly jumped over her, hearing gasps and comments from other ladies watching their carnal play. Huntress expected to feel Finn’s cock inside her, but surprisingly, she felt something much, much softer.
- F-Finn! - she gasped when his tongue parted her lips, coated with sap-like juices - You-You were-- I know, HW. - Finn leaned from between her legs - But I can’t have all the fun myself.- Finn…
Huntress cooed and threw her head back, letting early sparks of pleasure engulf her body, as Finn’s tongue lapped at her folds.
- I didn’t expect anything less from you, Finn.
Flame Princess leaned over his shoulder, sneaked a kiss onto his cheek, and just for a bit of fun, dragged a finger across Huntress’ sex, making her jolt from the sudden change of temperature. As Finn licked Huntress to the brink of her orgasm, he couldn’t help but notice the commotion around him. The remaining ladies were not idle, and quickly began keeping their bodies ready and horny, in a series of kisses and progressively braver caresses, though from the amount of steam coming from between Water Nymphs and Flaming Princess, they were a bit more active than Marceline and PB.
But Finn had other things to concentrate on, and when he heard a loud cry of Huntress wizard and felt his hair being tucked on, he stopped his gentle oral treatment.
- F-Finn - Huntress babbled - I want… I want…- …together, I know.
Finn kissed her, and covered her body with his, placing her legs on his shoulders, as he assumed the erotic position Huntress loved. Huntress screamed when Finn’s hips dived his cock between her folds, and deep into her pussy, filling her in a single thrust. She grabbed his shoulders in an irrational fear he might go away, bringing him even closer to her. She felt his hot breath on her face and neck, as he huffed each time he filled her with his cock, spreading her fraction of an inch more with each push.
Denise the Water Nymph took a break from kissing Flame Princess’ breasts to take a look at Finn’s hipswork and marvel at the speed at which he pounded Huntress Wizard. Her legs flailed above her head, as Finn dived deeper and deeper into her needy hole, and the remaining girls awed at the ferocity of his love-making that produced puddle of fluids seeping from Huntress’s pussy already, knowing they would share the same fate.
- Fi-Finn! - Huntress cried suddenly, announcing to Finn what he already knew.
He leaned, kissed her and lifted himself just enough to become sure-footed in the unstable mountain of pillows underneath him. His voice grew and grew, until it crescendoed at the same time as Huntress’ body rocked with her climax, coating his cock with her juices, and her walls began milking Finn of the first, fresh batch of his cum. His last few pushes were nothing short of impressive; he made sure to withdraw his cock nearly completely and then dive back again, balls-deep inside her. And with each push, the other girls saw his cock being covered in more and more cum, though the leftovers was nothing compared to what he was leaving Huntress with.
With each shot of his virile, creamy seed, she was quivering anew, gasping for breath she was losing with each cry, and the longer Finn bred her, the more she succumbed to the pleasure that overwhelmed her. Her usually stoic and calm demeanour was gone, and she was a babbling mess, begging Finn for more of his cum, a request he was gladly fulfilling, sending his spunk down her pussy and with a bit of luck, straight into her womb.  
With the last drop of his seed intended for her, came also a kiss, the longest and sweetest so far, and when it was time for him to retreat, Huntress felt the pang of loneliness, though it was soothed by a familiar warmth of a fresh creampie trying to escape from her used hole. And while she let a drop of gooey, thick cum flash between her lips for Finn’s pleasure, she made sure to quickly put her leafy panties on, to prevent too much spillage, though she was sure this amount was more than necessary to impregnate her.
She was about to jump back into action and taste some of the leftovers on Finn’s cock, but Flame Princess was faster, her lips were already around his head, licking off globs of cum sticking to it.
- Phoebe! - Finn howled - Give…give me a mo-Auch!- Sorry, Finn, that looked so tasty, I won’t wait …- And you don’t have to either - Huntress addressed Finn, handing him a familiar looking bottle - Want a sip?
Finn knew what was inside it; Huntress was well-versed in alchemy, and her aphrodisiac has helped him get through nights with her on more than one occasion. With six women around, however, and the clear intent they had for him, he was strangely invigorated already, signified by Flame Princess sudden moan, as she felt his cock grow in her mouth.
- I-I think I’m fine, HW. But I might need it later.
Finn moaned again, as Flame princess’ tongue lapped around his head and caress the delicate slit that just a moment ago was the fire-hose flooding Huntress Wizard. The magical warmth of her body was enough to make his fluids boil, and Finn had to truly restrain himself from wasting precious portion of his cum to gush it down Flame Princess’ throat like he has done many times before.
Fortunately, she knew it as well, and a few moments later, she let go of his cock, jumped into his laps, and closed her arms and legs around him, coating him with the heat he loved. Long gone were the times when Finn needed to wrap himself in tinfoil to even kiss the fire elemental, though he didn’t mind if his girlfriend became a bit more fiery in bed, bringing just a little pain to make colder nights interesting.
This time, however, the flames were nothing but soothing, giving him more and more energy to move their joined bodies up and down, while her lips caressed his. Finn’s hands landed on her thick thighs, that now engulfed his cock, allowing the gravity to make sure that he will fill her completely with each push.
Finn nearly giggled when he broke the kiss to dive between Flame Princess ample breasts, listening to her rising moans, a result of both his caresses and his cock being rammed up her pussy. But Finn’s tongue circling around her orange nipples definitely made a difference; the princess of the FIre Kingdom threw her head back, nearly bringing their joined bodies into vertical position. And a moment later, Finn’s stronger push put an end to Flame Princess dream of dominating him, and she found herself underneath the hero of Ooo, on the mercy of him and his hips.
Finn flexed his legs and arms again, securing himself against the woman he was making love to, and a moment before her climax hit her, he roared her name, spilling his cum inside her pussy, feeling the scorching hot walls around her closing to make sure not a drop would be lost, ensuring he has just placed a hefty bun in her warm oven. It was a testament to Finn’s prowess as a lover that even fire elemental burned when his molten spunk filled her, setting each and every nerve bud, making Flame Princess orgasm again and again.
Flame Princess’ fingertips burned a bit of skin on Finn’s back as she clang onto him, but the hero of Ooo didn’t stop in his quest; his pushed himself back and forth, and only when Flame Princess’ fiery heels kicked him in the butt, he yanked himself out of her, straight into the arms of soothing water nymphs that engulfed him in healing water at once.
Finn’s quick escape was a marvel on its own, as it left a hefty trail of his cum, leading from Flame Princess’ overflowing pussy, right into the water nymphs that quickly wiped it from the floor, absorbing it into their bodies.
- Woah, you can do that?- We’re water elementals, Finn. - Eloise reminded him - We’re practically half-fluid already.- And we wouldn’t mind getting a bit of yours, now, Finn…
Two gorgeous women kissed Finn, their watery bodies seemingly mixing and flowing through each other, as they tried assuming forms that would help Finn procreate with them. Ultimately, they became humanoid again, but enveloped his cock with much more pressure than either Flame Princess of Huntress could, seemingly caressing each square inch of his manhood. But it was the way their bodies worked that marvelled Finn the most; instead of moving up and down, the water Nymph riding him just spun the water around him, creating the most pleasant of water vortxes he ever felt, dragging him rapidly into an orgasm of intensity he hasn’t felt before.
- You should have visited us more often, neighbour…
The other Nymph giggled and let out a shriek when Finn’s hand travelled between her legs, and he pushed her up, so that she could straddle his face. Licking a water elemental turned out to be, predictably, as wet as possible, but even Finn didn’t expect that she would literally dissolve in his hands upon her explosive climax, reconstituting around him just so he could take her next, seeing how both Finn and Denise’s voices grew in volume and their orgasm approached. Finn came first, and Denise literally sucked his seed into her body, in a near-continued motion, and only PB’s reprimand told her to stop and leave some for others.
And just when Finn thought he has witnessed the most erotic sight of his life, Denise has surprised him once more. She cupped his face and directed his sight to their naked, blue bellies, and as they slowly became translucent, Finn suddenly saw the copious loads he has just filled them with, spreading inside her, slowly seeping into her womb, as he poured more and more of his spunk inside her. He knew conception didn’t happen immediately, but in this case, he was able to see how his milky sperm flew up and filled her fertile hydroponic body, and if he had better eyesight he might have even observed the moment of conception itself.
There were only two women left, and Finn wouldn’t dare to separate the pair already embraced in a heated kiss. Marceline let out a shriek when she felt Finn’s tongue between her legs, and when she broke the kiss with PB, she cried as well, when Finn’s fingers began dancing around her puffy, gummy lips. With Marceline levitating above the two, a perfect triangle was formed, especially when Princess Bubblegum quickly grew tired of Finn’s caresses, and demanded something more substantial by locking her legs behind his back, unceremoniously shoving him inside her in one, quick move.
At the same time, Marceline, opted to switch her lovers and utilise Bonnibel’s opened mouth, through which moans and wails were seeping through to stimulate her, while she could motivate their boyfriend, looking straight into his eyes as he rawed her girlfriend.
- Come on, Finn… - she moaned, watching the his blonde pubic hair hitting the pink flesh of Princess Bubblegum - You’ve… you’ve been wanting to do this for a long time, haven’t you?
Her smoky hot, languorous voice hit a very primal part of Finn’s brain, especially when she moaned, pressing her hips into PB’s face, responding to her rather aggressive licks. But it was true, PB was Finn’s first crush, and though it has taken him years to figure out where exactly his affection lies, there was an undeniable satisfaction knowing that she wanted it as well.
- Finn! - Marceline cried, levitating in the air just enough so he could watch PB’s tongue in her pussy - Do-Do it! Knock her up!
In a strange turn of events, Finn’s climax coincided not with PB’s, but Marceline, whose demonic nature seeped out of her in a body-writhing shriek just as Finn sent a stream of his cum inside the princess of the Candy Kingdom, dotting her pubes with a few random streaks when he pulled out.
- Fi…Finn…
PB gasped a breathless “thank you”, with a noticeable impatient note in her voice, which quickly turned into an astonishment when still failing body of Marceline pushed Finn back, and the vampire Queen spread her pussy and butt for him, while her long tongue already mingled with PB’s clit, forcing her legs to shake in anticipation.
- Don’t worry, Finn, I’m not gonna drink too much of you.
She turned back, looking PB’s straight in the eyes and closed her vampiric fangs around her pussy, draining her of her colour, and tasting the salty glaze that perfectly balanced the flavour. Her tongue and mouth were pushed further into Bubblegum’s creampied pussy when Finn sheathed himself inside Marceline, experiencing the alien, yet odd welcoming vampiric pussy. With the sight of her ass bouncing up and down, and Princess Bubblegum’s legs and arms flailing under Marceline’s caresses, Finn had to restrain himself from coming too soon.
His hands sneaked underneath his lover, and he toyed with her breasts, leaning onto her half-levitating body that despite lack of security, reacted to every one of Finn’s aggressive moves. For a while he wasn’t sure if the dominant girl enjoyed his delicate caresses, but as Marceline let go of PB’s pussy, a deep, melodious wail escaped her lips, and Finn noticed a familiar tune.
- You a-a-a-a-are my best friends… in the world…- Fi-Finn! - Princess Bubblegum cried - Ficken… Fuck her!
She threw her head back into the pillow, as Marceline let out last note of her song and dived her teeth and tongue into her, and as Princess Bubblegum was torn with her climax, so was Finn, cumming a second time in just under fifteen minutes, flooding the surprisingly warm canals of Marceline with his hot, virile spunk, and was most pleased when he heard her voice quiver and crack when she felt a third or fourth rope filling her to the brim.
The same tongue that tasted Bubblegum’s pussy was now exploring Finn’s mouth in a ravenous, but content kiss, and a moment later Princess Bubblegum herself joined them, pressing her still creampied pussy against Finn’s twitching cock.
Finn collapsed onto the ground after he broke the prolonged three-way kiss, and when he got up, after an impossible to describe time, he was met with a sight that filled his chest with pride. Six naked, tired women lay on the floor, moaning and exchanging kisses with each other that filled the vast chambers with erotic, slurping and smacking noises. But it was his cum, leaking from their used pussies, adding dots of white to the multicoloured floor that made his head light and knees wobbly again.  
- Well, Finn… - Princess Bubblegum wheezed, breaking kiss from Marceline - I think you have done it. You have challenged the age old record…
Finn was about to say something, when noticed the peculiar tone in which PB spoke these words, and when he saw the familiar smirk on her face, he knew she had something else on her mind.
- Would you like to… break it?
And before Finn could respond, she snapped her fingers, and the doors to her chambers opened under the vast pressure of the crowd on the other side. Finn’s legs gave up, and he fell to the floor, right into Huntress Wizard’s arms.
At least three dozen other women, most of which Finn knew, looked at him expectedly, with the same carnal smiles and hungry stares. Princesses, monsters, wizards, humanoid or not, surrounded Finn, and the lack of any clothes on their varied bodies meant only one thing.
- Uh, HW? - Finn turned around - Do you still have that, uh, that potion of yours?
Huntress Wizard smiled.
- Drink up, big boy, you’re gonna need it. - she handed him and open bottle and kissed his cheek.
Finn grabbed the bottle and gulped a third of its content. He didn’t have to look down, the collective gasp of women around him told him it worked. The crowd of new girls stared at his hard cock, awaiting Finn’s move.
- So, which one of you would like to be the first, ladies?
There seemed to be no end in the depravity that followed. The swarm of eager, horny and dangerously fertile women approached Finn, and only thanks to his restraint, and the futon Marceline help float to the centre of the room, he has managed to control them. One by one, each women was loved, caressed, fucked, and ultimately bred on it by Finn the human, fulfilling the prophecy and making sure his legacy would live on.
Finn took it as a sworn duty to give each stunning lady the time and effort they deserved, and was rewarded by the multitude of creative ways the women wanted to be knocked up in. Some gladly took Finn’s dominant initiative and preferred being mate pressed, but some wanted to be on top and squeeze his juices into their wombs riding him. Several proposed teaming up, like the water nymphs before, and if Finn had his arms free, he gladly caressed two extra girls while he pounded his baby batter into the third one.
Quite a few of the women, as Finn has noticed, were human; he has recognised some familiar faces from the village that arose around the wreck of the ship on which his mother has travelled, and he was more than pleased when a brunette and blonde took him at the same time. They whispered into his ear that Minervabot told them they were at the peak of their ovulation period, which meant they would be gladly fulfilling PB’s wish without any magical help necessary, guaranteeing him to father their children and preserve his species. And of course, there was Susan, who at first overwhelmed Finn, but when his lips closed around her nipples and dived between her massive rack, she was easily defeated and bred, though Finn had some troubles toppling her muscular body.
Several girls took more than once turn, but Finn didn’t mind giving some of his new girlfriends more of his cum, as long as others would get it again as well. Breakfast Princess not only dipped her fingers inside her creampied pussy and brought his creamy cum to her lips, but demanded a refill straight away, which Finn gladly did, pouring more warm, energy-filled shots inside her.
While Finn flooded the many women of Ooo with gallons of his seed, he replenished his strength as well as his fluids with Huntress’ potion. Five bottles were drained in the first two hours, and HW had to sadly leave the castle to bring more, making her miss out her second round she so desperately wanted, as well as the general free love-making she was a part of. Finn repaid her by grabbing her by her antlers and taking her doggystyle next, much to her delight.
While Huntreess Wizard gladly allowed to be bred in such submissive position, Jungle Princess was the first to turn the tables, taking Finn Amazonian style, which a few more adventurous girls also adopted as their style of getting knocked up. Princess Business rode Finn, while writing a legal contract between the two, noting how many times Finn has kissed her, or bucked his hips, while Doctor Princess would accurately predict time of conception, before she jumped onto him, begging him for his samples.
The soft moans that once filled the castle now turned into an orgiastic wails; not only from the women that orgasmed under Finn’s delicate caresses, rough rutting or the prospect of being impregnated, but also those that made out or had sex with others, forming new, unlikely partnerships. And yet, he kept going, fuelled not just by the magical potion, but also clear intent he shared with all the gals around him. And it was perhaps that goal that manifested each time a voice cried “Breed me!” or “Do me again!”, coming from dozen of women holding their legs up in the air, that made him keep going.  
But at some point, the many voices died down, leaving only a few moans and groans amongst them, as well as soft, smacking and slurping sounds of kisses being exchanged between many pairs. When the first rays of the nesxt morning’s sun shone into Finn’s eyes, he was tired beyond imagination, but also filled with nothing but content and fulfilment.
The floor, once a mosaic of pillows, was now covered in twitching, sweaty and sticky bodies of the women he has bred, each leaking at least three creampies of his seed, from his very rough calculations. Some of them already looked pregnant, from the amount of spunk he has poured into them. And even though Finn could marvel at that sight for hours, he was looking for the one familiar shade of pink, and he found it in Marceline’s arms, and with her head between Princess Bubblegum’s legs, tasting both hers and his cum again.
- PB… - he wheezed - Do… do you think it worked?
Princess Bubblegum turned around and smiled.
- See for yourself.
And she handed him the Annals of Ooo, opened on the same page as before. At first he wasn’t sure why, but then, to his amazement, he spotted Huntress Wizard’s antlers in the drawn crowd of bred women. Then massive Canyon and Susan leaning in the background, then Marceline floating and leaking cum, and as his eyes followed, he saw himself in the centre of the sea of women surrounding him. He wasn’t as muscular as the man previously in the picture - in fact, he looked exactly like himself, which told him that his predecessor’s image wasn’t an artistic exaggeration - but he was sure that the women around him looked much happier and more satisfied than the ones depicted before, and that alone was no small feat.
- It… It changed some hour ago. - PB continued - I guess that’s when you hit number 51… or well, at least when your sperm hit an egg number 51.- That stuff of yours made it happen faster, didn’t it?- Oh, yes. It could have taken days, and I wanted for the book to be updated as soon as possible with Finn’s achievement! You have Huntress to thank for her potions…- And what is Finn’s record now? - Marceline asked, flying around Finn, bringing his tired lips to hers again.- Fifty-six! - she announced, as she checked the book - No, wait, fifty-seven. I guess some are still being counted… Finn?
But Finn the Human didn’t hear that. His loud snoring filled the room, as he fell into the deepest of well-deserved slumbers. A huge, wide grin was plastered on his face, as he knew he has just entered the history of Ooo with a punch… or rather a knock.
- Jake, I’m leaving! - Okie-dokie, bro! - Jake replied from the kitchen, flipping a stack of pancakes into his bag - Whose turn is today? Ocean Princess?- Nope, Huntress, I think.
Finn replied, stroking his beard, and checked the calendar on the wall, just to be sure. Half an hour of jog later, he was at Huntress’ house, where she met him with a heated kiss, but it was two other ones he was looking forward to the most.
- Hey, guys!
Two small, blonde-haired boys waddled towards him and eagerly jumped into his arms, giving him a smooch each.
- Did you get any new swords, daddy?- Look! Mommy made us bows!- Cool!
Finn opened his mouth wide and carried his sons to the spacious room of Huntress’ hut.
- And I have something for you, guys!
He took an enormous bag and produced two shiny helmets, and put them on their small heads, making sure not to bump into the stubs of their antlers, though the holes he made fit them perfectly.
- Looks like they will grow into quite the warriors - Huntress Wizard gave Finn another kiss.- Yeah… Oh, and I have lots of presents for you, what do you want?- I don’t know… - Huntress leaned and lay her head on his shoulder - Maybe a girl this time?
Finn flinched and looked at Huntress sly smirk, that turned into a smile as she watched his reply get stuck in his throat. She kissed him whispered a few more encouraging words into his ear, bringing him back to his senses. Finn tied his bag of holding, containing all the presents for his kids, and followed Huntress Wizard to watch their boys playing with sticks.
Contrary to what he might have thought three years ago, becoming a father to more than 50 children wasn’t that difficult.
Being a dad, however, was the greatest adventure of his life.
21 notes · View notes
At a prep school in the Midwest about 15 years ago, a freshman on the school’s football team was introduced to a disturbing locker room hazing ritual. After a practice one day, the player was sitting on a bench in the locker room and felt a light tap on his shoulder. He turned his head to discover a senior was standing behind him nude and holding his penis against the freshman’s shoulder. The freshman jerked his shoulder down and quickly stood up, finding not only the senior but the entire rest of the team watching him.
“Did you see what that faggot tried to do?” the senior asked the crowd behind him, then told the freshman: “Don’t be such a pussy.” Embarrassed and confused, the freshman did not respond. He quickly gathered his stuff and rushed away.
The freshman feared being further humiliated and teased at school the next day. Much to his surprise, no one — not on the team or outside the team — brought up the incident. This silence left him confused and feeling alone. After a few days, staying quiet about what happened became too intense, and he finally told his mother his story.
When the incident came out in the open, the community erupted. Though a few teachers demanded that the senior be punished, the vast majority of students, teachers, and families characterized the incident as “a joke” or “just boys being boys.” The blame eventually was placed on the freshman for making a big deal out of what was widely considered nothing and for going against the social norm of keeping incidents like this under wraps.
The senior ultimately faced no consequences for his actions. His victim, however, ended up moving to another school to escape the ridicule he endured for speaking up.
This was just one incident I uncovered in my 20 years researching elite high schools and universities. Throughout my interviews, I’ve heard stories like this too often. I started my research journey to answer questions I had about the culture of elite schools as a private school teacher.
Growing up in poverty in rural Kentucky, I found myself in an unfamiliar world. I used ethnography — extensive interviews and observations in several schools in the Midwest and Northeast — to make sense of this world. Since then, I continue to explore what lifelong lessons students learn through the culture of these schools.
This month, the larger public has gained insight into this private, elite world through the confirmation hearing of Supreme Court nominee Brett M. Kavanaugh. Kavanaugh’s integrity has been thrown into question by an allegation of sexual assault that occurred when Kavanaugh was a student at Georgetown Prep, an elite private high school in Maryland. Christine Blasey Ford, a former student at another Maryland private school and now a psychology professor, accused him of pinning her to a bed and covering her mouth to prevent her from screaming during a party when she was 15 years old.
A second allegation against Kavanaugh has surfaced from a Yale classmate who claims that Kavanaugh exposed himself and thrust his penis in her face during their first year at the university. A third person has come forward alleging that Kavanaugh was one of a group of boys who were present at parties where multiple women were “gang raped,” including herself, while in high school. Kavanaugh has denied all the allegations.
The details of incidents like this, where abusive behavior is systemically kept quiet, vary, but they similarly bring to the surface the lessons that privileged students are indoctrinated with at a young age. These lessons are conduits of power, facilitating ways of knowing and doing that preserve and protect a culture of hyper-masculinity, elitism, and entitlement.
The culture of elite schools encourages sexual assaults and humiliation as well as covering them up. As Kavanaugh put it himself during a speech three years ago at Catholic University’s Columbus School of Law, “what happens at Georgetown Prep stays at Georgetown Prep.”
Once the allegations were made public, his classmates and others who defended him characterized what happened in similar ways that I’ve heard as a researcher. In protecting this culture and all that is deeply entrenched in it, they dismissed his actions with the same tiring adage “boys will be boys.” The subtext of such messages is clear: We shouldn’t be talking about their actions or the toxic culture that facilitates such actions. Silence is demanded yet again.
Silence is what keeps the culture of elite schools so hidden from public view. These schools are often viewed as “the best of the best” — superior, distinctive, distinguished, and exceptional — and play a pivotal role in producing the next generation of leaders of one kind or another.
Elite schools spend a considerable amount of time and resources projecting a positive public image. Their image is necessary for legitimizing the elite status that they enjoy and all the advantages that come along with that status. Silence is necessary to maintain this image. All the not-so-good parts must remain hidden to continue being viewed as the best of the best.
This positive image obfuscates the real purpose of elite schools: From their inception, the core function of elite schools is to make, remake, or advance the socioeconomic status of each student. They provide students access to a social circuit that allows them to go from one elite institution to another and eventually on to high-paying and high-power positions.
Within this circuit, elite schools cultivate privilege — a lens through which students come to understand themselves, others, and the world around them. Students’ values, perspectives, assumptions, and actions are shaped and sustained through this lens. It helps them survive and thrive within the elite circuit.
Above all, these lessons teach students that hierarchies are not only natural but necessary. They learn that there is a winner and therefore a loser in every situation and interaction. Hierarchies enable and propel them to success. Their success, it is worth noting, always comes at the expense of others.
As a teacher once told me during my research: “The most important thing we do here is prepare our students to become tough competitors. Competition is not a dirty word at our school. There are winners and there are losers. We teach them to be the former.”
Privilege is reinforced in every aspect of students’ educational experiences: the school’s ideals, missions, and standards; admissions practices; interactions within classrooms; involvement in extracurricular activities; the rigors of a demanding curriculum; and participation in sporting competitions, social events, and rituals. Rituals, in particular, are effective in transmitting and reinforcing unspoken cultural expectations, behavioral norms, and values that cultivate privilege as a collective identity and further impose hierarchies.
When these rituals become public, such as an alleged rape that occurred at the annual “Screw” dance at New Hampshire prep school St. Paul’s in 2014, we learn what some of these rituals are truly about: celebrating male sexual conquest.
Students carry the lessons about exerting power and privilege that they are taught in multiple contexts and situations through their education with them in these rituals, both the ones that are school-sponsored and the ones they perform when adults aren’t around. These rituals are often sexually charged, sometimes violent, and usually about proving manhood. And they always reflect the hyper-masculine and hyper-competitive culture of their schools.
The privileged lessons central to preserving and protecting the culture of elite schools go against what they commonly claim to teach students: positive and constructive social interactions, compassion, care toward others, high moral character, integrity, and responsible participation in the world. Many students that attend these schools go on to do great things and live out these values. But that doesn’t excuse the bad behavior of some of their classmates.
For us to better understand the culture surrounding the allegations against Kavanaugh, we must have a better understanding of what lessons elite schools are actually teaching their students and how these lessons perpetuate that culture. It’s time to break the silence and pay closer attention to the places that are preparing our next generation of leaders.
Adam Howard is chair and professor of education at Colby College, Maine. He is the author of Learning Privilege: Lessons of Power and Identity in Affluent Schooling and Negotiating Privilege and Identity in Educational Contexts.
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Original Source -> I’ve spent decades studying elite schools. Here’s how their culture enables toxic masculinity.
via The Conservative Brief
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annwritesstuff · 6 years
Sticks and stones ... and Wolf
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Ah ... journalism, comedy and perceived woman-on-woman cat fights ... these are three topics I have an interest in, and they recently intersected in the strangest way at the White House Correspondent's Dinner. As such, I felt the need to offer up my own two cents on the subject.
The White House Correspondent's dinner happened over the weekend, and you've probably heard about the comedy set that's been making waves. With her speech, hostess Michelle Wolf, heretofore best known for being a correspondent on The Daily Show with Trevor Noah, eviscerated President Trump, his cabinet and other big names in politics comedy-roast-style.
View her full remarks here: (Tumblr is being weird and not letting me post videos, so follow this link)
And in case you don't know, the comedy set has basically been the cornerstone of the dinner since 1983. Per ABC news (bold emphasis mine): "Perhaps the most well-known of the dinner’s traditions is the comedy routine. The president delivers the initial, joke-filled speech, followed by the keynote roast by a famous comedian. Recent headliners have included Cecily Strong, Jimmy Kimmel and Jay Leno."
A comedian has roasted the president at this dinner for 35 years. We've elected a President who's used his First Amendment right in a way many would consider non-Presidential, yet many of the same people who prop him up are saying that Wolf went too far with her remarks.
Seriously. A man in an actual position of power can tweet about Mika Brzezinski's "bleeding face lift" (for real, read the Tweet here) and it's fine and dandy, but a comedian makes reference to Sarah Huckabee Sanders using ashes from burning the truth to create a "perfect smoky eye" and people lose their minds.
Is this really that much worse than the jokes Stephen Colbert cracked at the expense of President Bush at the 2006 White House Correspondent's Dinner? "The greatest thing about this man is he's steady. You know where he stands. He believes the same thing Wednesday that he believed on Monday, no matter what happened Tuesday. Events can change; this man's beliefs never will."
Although not every critic of Wolf is a conservative, it seems to me that most people who are upset with Wolf's remarks are on the right. Which I find ... odd. In recent years, many conservatives have built an entire brand on ridiculing "special snowflakes" who are "too offended" and "need a safe space." Those offended by Trump's "pussy grabbing" comments have been told to lighten up - it was just a joke! Locker room talk, duh!
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(From Samantha Bee's Twitter page) But suddenly, this "sticks and stones" principal doesn't apply to Wolf's speech. Perfect example, Mike Huckabee. He mocks people who may get "triggered" by the jokes on his show ... But then, wait! He decides there's nothing funny about the jokes made about his daughter! This outrage over a joke is justified!
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Translation: Getting offended is stupid and makes you a "special snowflake" - Unless it's me who gets offended!
Locally, Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp, who is also running for governor, expressed his disapproval of Wolf's jokes via Twitter:
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And, within the last week, Kemp released a campaign ad that depicts him pointing a rifle straight at a guy who wants to date Kemp's daughter. When people expressed disapproval of this ad - even gun owners piped up to say "always assume the gun is loaded and NEVER point it at something or someone you don't intend to shoot!" - the Kemp campaign responded with a statement that said, in part, "get over it."
Here's the ad: (side note: does anyone else find the old "I-will-literally-kill-anyone-who-wants-to-date-my-daughter" trope to be antiquated and creepy?)
Link to ad here.
DID Michelle Wolf's comments go too far? I would argue that no, they didn't. However I respect the opinions of people who say they did. Mr. Huckabee and Mr. Kemp have the right to be offended by Wolf's jokes. I'm not saying you can't be offended. I'm saying that you need to be consistent.
If you tell me to lighten up for disapproving of the President of the United States saying all Haitian immigrants have AIDS, then don't turn around and condemn a comedian for telling jokes at the President's expense.
I'm truly baffled by how strong the negative response has been. So negative, in fact, that many are arguing for an end of the White House Correspondent's Dinner altogether! It would be frustrating if this 19-minute speech with a few jokes some people didn't like would be enough to completely do away with a 97-year-old tradition that's almost never this controversial. That would be the definition of making a mountain out of a molehill.
Michelle Wolf makes jokes about the President that people don't like, so the White House Correspondent's Dinner is axed moving forward. Donald Trump mocks a New York Times reporter with a disability and is elected President.
I think television writer Nell Scovell, who has written for Late Night with David Letterman, put it beautifully in this opinion piece for Vulture:
"'The White House Correspondents’ Dinner is DEAD as we know it,' President Trump tweeted this morning. Margaret Sullivan at the Washington Post agreed and published an op-ed that opens with 'The 2018 White House Correspondents’ Association Dinner should be the last.'
"This strikes me as the wrong response. Yes, the dinner has ballooned to an oddball mix of celebrities and politicians, but there have been moments where comedy allowed speakers to cut to the truth. I’ll never forget the wave of laughter in 2013 after President Obama declared: 'Some folks still don’t think I spend enough time with Congress. ‘Why don’t you get a drink with Mitch McConnell?’ they ask. Really? Why don’t you get a drink with Mitch McConnell?'
"The President calling out the Speaker for not being civil remains my favorite WHCD moment — and I didn’t even write that line.
"Mel Brooks once explained why many of his movies made fun of Adolf Hitler. 'You have to bring him down with ridicule, because if you stand on a soapbox and you match him with rhetoric, you’re just as bad as he is, but if you can make people laugh at him, then you’re one up on him,' he said.
"It’s important to laugh at Mitch McConnell and President Trump and Press Secretary Sanders and all the others that are corrupting democracy. Saying Wolf was vulgar and attacked another woman for her looks is a smoke screen — smokier than Sanders’s smoky eye shadow. These lies ignore Wolf’s very real observation, which is that the president’s press secretary is a fucking liar. Yes, that’s vulgar for me to say. But it’s even more vulgar for her to do."
A point that I realize I haven't really touched on is the pitting of one woman (Wolf) against another (Sanders). Never mind that Wolf went after many people, men and women, with her jokes - including Kellyanne Conway, Mitch McConnell, Anderson Cooper and others. Most of the attention in this controversy has gone to the jokes about Sanders - and I don't think they were any worse than the jokes targeting others. This is because, as Scovell noted in the same piece, our culture loves female cat fights for some reason.
As if this situation isn't disappointing enough, adding the layer of woman-on-woman hate is the cherry on this shit sundae.
For me, this is the lesson here: There is a group that prides itself in being tough and having a "sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me" attitude and love hectoring "bleeding hearts" who commit the great sin of taking umbrage at offensive things the president says. But the reality is that the big, bad and tough group really isn't so big, bad and tough after all. They can dish out the off-color, "fuck-your-feelings" attitude, but can't take it when it's served back to them. (And what Wolf did is nowhere near on the level of what our President does, but I digress ...)
I hope we all learn something from this. And I hope we have a White House Correspondent's Dinner in 2019. Let's see what that brings.
Trevor Noah's bit about the fiasco (brilliant)
No, Michelle Wolf didn't joke about Sarah Huckabee Sanders's looks, Vulture
The real reason Michelle Wolf is under attack is because her Sarah Sanders jokes are true, Vox
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matteorossini · 7 years
The March for Science was a delightfully nerdy celebration of discontent
Thousands of scientists and science enthusiasts braved, cold rainy weather to march in Washington, DC in the name of disciplines they love, the research and discoveries they value, and the policies they oppose. And they came bearing signs -- some of the cleverest, most creative, and hilarious ones we’ve seen in an already protest-heavy year
Many in the crowd said they never imagined they’d be out at a rally for science support.
“It never occurred to me that a politician wouldn’t support science,” Amy Blackmer, a marcher from Richmond, Virginia, said. “Caring about science isn’t new, but thinking that I have to fight for it is.”
For Blackmer — who held a sign that said, “My sister was a patient at the NIH,” —scientific research is personal. Her sister, who suffered from mesothelioma, had to have a lung removed and her diaphragm replaced by kevlar. “We asked the doctors what we could do to help. They said ‘vote for people who will fund us.’ We need that now more than ever.”
Walking through the wet turf of the National Mall on Saturday, I kept hearing this refrain: “I’ve never thought I had to march, but things are so severe I had to be here,” May Ann Ti, an former engineer from Sterling, Virginia, said. “So severe, even the nerds are here,” her sign read.
The march represented a sort of coming out party for many scientists flexing a fledgling political muscle. In the past, there have been values voters and working class voters, but “science voters” has yet to be a constituency. Perhaps with the Trump presidency — and the EPA cuts, and science funding cuts that may come with it — that’s changing.
Charlotte Froese Fischer, an 87-year-old atomic physicist, has had quite a career: She authored more than 300 scientific papers on atomic structure, and is still working hard to make fusion energy a reality. But until today, she has never attended a political rally of any kind. Let alone one for science. “I always thought science was important, and this is an opportunity to express it,” she told me.
Physicist Charlotte Froese Fischer at the march with her daughter.
“I think this [march] jump starts everybody and lets everyone know you’re not alone.” says Kelly Charles, from Voorhes, New Jersey.
Among the non-scientists in the crowd who got into the into the spirit was Dara Moss, a DC resident who works in digital advertising. She had a profane message for Trump in binary (think zeros and ones. It’s the building block of computer coding. It might have been the nerdiest sign I saw.) “A lot of us were comfortable over the last eight years,” she says. But the president “fired up a group of people who wouldn’t normally come out and do this sort of thing.”
And come out they did. Common chats included, “Nerds united will never be defeated," and “science not science.” The crowd unleashed a deafening roar when Bill Nye — one of the country’s most famous science celebrities — took to the main stage. He got a louder reception than Questlove, the Roots musician who co-hosted the festivities.
Some of the signs needed some decoding. Like this one from high school physics teacher Caitlin Sullivan of Silver Spring, Maryland.
“I teach the things students remember when they are older and voters,” she says. “They need to know that evolution is real, DNA is real, climate change is real.”
Pictured in the middle here is Corbin Shefelbine, aged 9, from Boston. He had to explain to me several times that the figures represent “Laplace's equation,” which is a type of differential equation. I asked him why he likes science. “It makes up everything,” he said.
Chuck Flannigan, from Cumberland Mayland, was out to show support for mortuary science. (It’s “rarely represented,” he says). And, of course for Carl Sagan.
Spock could have been made an honorary co-chair. His visage was on signs everywhere.
Data, also a Star Trek character, was well represented.
Another delightful nerdy touch to this march: brain hats, or “thinking caps,” a riff on the pussy hats that so many women sported during the Women’s March in January. Genetic counselor Ellie Sine shows off one she’s been knitting for weeks.
This man, asked not to be named, explained this sign to me several times. I still don’t get it.
“I’ve never thought I had to march, but things are so severe I had to be here,” May Ann Ti, said.
Rebecca Bradman, on the right, shows off her biology education in her sign about climate change.
“Got Polio? Me Neither. Thanks Science!”
This was a very common sign, a riff on Hillary Clinton’s campaign slogan.
Brenda Clough, a science fiction author, says she marches for science because without real science, there would be nothing for the imagination to use to write fiction.
Beaker — from the Muppets — was almost as popular as Spock.
“We were mad scientists. Now we’re furious.”
Alas: There was a lot of pi, but no pie.
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