#while crucial spoilers were about smiths difficulties
toostubborntocroak · 5 years
So I haven't watched season three yet. I was trying to decide to watch it or not for about two weeks. You see I have this thing where I avoid watching something if I find out it will rip my heart out and dance on it (especially if I feel they ramp up angst to unrealistic levels). And I've found out some non-detailed spoilers that promise that S3 will do just that.
I know, I know, I'm not “a real fan” if I'm not watching one of my favourite series and/or characters no matter what writers do to them. Well, I was “a real fan” once, and then I decided that pain is not worth of that honourable title. I've avoided several seasons and couple of films since then and I'm very happy about it. I don't see why I would have obligation to watch something just cos I liked installments that came before.
On other hand TMitHC has that escape clause where parallel universes theory is confirmed so there are billions of universes with all sort of outcomes out there. One we are shown is merely one possibility or even just variant of one possibility. Also while there are flaws, series is still one of the best I've ever watched so there is that.
In the end I decided to write some meta I've been putting off forever, and get it out of me without any new stuff clouding my mind. Shouldn't take longer than month or so. Possibly less. After that, I'll see how I feel about watching S3.  
Until then I'll post and re-blog only vague posts about S3 together with stuff from S1-2.
P.S. If there are ones who think I'm silly for investing so much in characters, how it's just a series and I should lighten up and similar nonsense, it seems they missed name of my blog. And if some from those who are new here (btw hello newcomers hope you have fun here:) are wondering if I'm aware that my favourite characters are in many ways very bad people, and literal Nazis on top of that, yes I am well aware, thank you. Doesn't change a thing for me, I'm afraid.
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