#whichever ships seem like they make my faves happy
bleachbleachbleach · 3 years
Do either of you like any bleach ships? Which ones if so?
@whipplefilter's answer: I’m not a shipper, and a lot of that probably has to do with the fact that I’m unclear on the concept of romance just like, generally, lol, and shipping tends to imply some kind of romance. But I am very invested in relationships! It just doesn’t really matter to me whether the relationship is romantic or non-romantic, and I really love it when non-romantic relationships get focus and airtime. But I’m certainly not anti-ship! I probably consume more fannish shippy content than non-shippy content, by pure virtue of the fact that there is more shippy content, and I’m perfectly happy about that because if it’s about characters I like—and to have my cake and eat it to, about relationships between characters I like—then I’m probably excited about it.
Personally, I don’t feel strong distinctions, or a strong need to identify distinctions, between what’s a ship and what’s a friendship. I think that’s part of the reason why shipwars always take me by surprise. I don’t feel like a character not being in a romantic relationship with someone automatically devalues the relationship they have. I mean, I think if the character thinks about their relationships in that way, then that’s what happens. Or if the character tends to be a single-minded kind of person, such that they really can’t imagine themselves having multiple intense relationships of varying stripes. These aren’t Bleach examples, but in Nana, Hachi treated her friends like complete shit in pursuit of/focus on her romantic partner. In that case, yeah, she was totally the one devaluing her friendships! Or in Chihayafuru, Taichi ends up heartbroken because Chihaya doesn’t reciprocate his confession of love, and he knows that Chihaya is a one-track-mind kind of person.
By contrast, I see Ichigo as someone with huge capacity to have, well, a mountainload of intense and meaningful relationships, in ways that distinguish him from a lot of "one goal to rule them all" 15-year old manga protagonists. (No shade to single-minded love! I mean… We run a very monogamous and single-minded Bleach blog.) I’d say the same is true of many of his friends.
Beyond that, I do think my level of excitement re: shipping varies in terms of how central romance feels to [my interpretation of] a character. Like, in terms of how important *I feel* their love life *feels to them*. XD (And also how proximal the "things that make this pairing tick" are to the "things that excite me personally about this character.") So like, I am very excited by the idea of Hisagi/most fucking anyone, because, paraphrasing @ippoddity, his desire to make connections and be perceived is both important to him and to my investment in him. I think Hisagi is thirsty for any kind of connection, but I think he’d really like it if some of them involved romance. Also sex.
As a writer, I’m pretty committed to gen, because it’s my fave and there doesn’t tend to be as much of it in fandom spaces and I want it to exist. In one of my other fandoms, I have run a gen fic exchange for over a decade and people are still unclear on what "gen" even is! People constantly confuse gen for "anything that’s not porn" and submit shippy stuff lolol. Though, on the flipside… long long ago in a kingdom far far away, I did once run, like, THE Naruto porn meme of its time. XDDD Which is weird to look back on, but I think that was really because I happen to be pretty good at organizing things and it was a way of hanging out with my horny friends, LOL. Porn itself does nothing for me outside of its potential aesthetic value, and/or its potential to show me things about the characters/their relationship. And while a lot of porn is interested in both those things, if it weren't also very interested in the actual fucking then what would be the point?
@ippoddity's answer: I'm on a similar page as @whipplefilter when it comes to shipping. It's not like I don't ship, because I certainly do have preferences, but I am more invested in (and interested in) relationships (whether they be romantic or not).
I really love that in canon, Ichigo's relationship with Rukia is deep and meaningful, but not necessarily romantic. I really like the idea of soulmates (or twin stars or twin flames or whatever you want to call them), but like, not romantic soul mates. I think what makes IchiRuki so appealing to many people is that they have a close connection. And I'd love to see more of that explored (not just in regards to IchiRuki, but all relationships in general), sans romance.
This isn't to say that I don't also consume shippy fanworks! I do it all the time! I am sort of an equal opportunity shipper, and will try out anything at least once. I feel like I can appreciate a good piece of content, whether it's for something I ship or not. Like GrimmIchi works?? SO MUCH GOOD STUFF OUT THERE (y'all are amazing). It's not necessarily a ship I'm actively sailing on or contributing to, but I'm there for the fun ride. Like my co-blogger said, I also think that Hisagi can be shipped with almost anyone. The poor man is just so desperate for connection and acknowledgement. So if someone is gonna give him a relationship that gives him what he wants, I'm down for it. And something else I've gotten into since starting this blog? Akon/almost anyone. He has so much potential and I've really gotten onto this Akon stan train.
When it comes to shipping or not, for me the most important thing is "does this relationship make them happy?" And that's really all I care about. For example, I think Renji's happiness very much weighs on his connection with Rukia, so I'm happy that he's happy with her (if that makes any sense at all). For the same reason I'm down with IkkaYumi, because I love Yumichika and think he deserves to be happy and I think his relationship with Ikkaku makes him happy. LOOK I JUST WANT HAPPY ENDINGS FOR EVERYONE.
(ngl I was scared of writing this post because I didn't want to get stuck in between some kind of shipwars. The fervor of shipwars honestly baffle me because I do not think I could ever feel so strongly about a ship that I get dragged into hateful discourse, especially for series that ended a long time ago?? But I am also very against confrontation to begin with, so I would probably just apologize and bow out anyway.)
ALSO we are sorry we are so bad at answering asks in a timely manner! But I assure you, we are DELIGHTED every time we receive one and love interacting with everyone! Our asks are always open!
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janiedean · 3 years
Amazing how you can erase and twist everything someone says and not even bother to check things before launching in your 1000 words answer where you repeat the same things over and over again. When I say “Theon’s story is about destroying death”, I AM talking about his trauma and abuse. I’m not saying that Theon is a superhero, I’m saying that Theon’s story is literally about surviving and saying no to the dying of light, he’s always been trapped between life and death. How is that less meaningful than Jon being AA just because he’s special. Jon is stereotypical, not matter how much you deny it. He is the bastard son of the “good” Ned Stark that everyone seems to venerate, he becomes important, he’s actually a prince, and heir to the kingdom, he’s going to come back from the dead and apparently it’s not enough because he’s also AA. Also “I search for AA and see only Snow”, how is that not a red flag? Didn’t you think that it could be about Ramsay hiding Theon? I didn’t say that everything is about mythology and ancient literature, I said Theon has a lot of connections to it, connections that are hard not to notice, that actually make sense and are not taken out of nowhere like everyone in this fandom does. Theon’s story is about himself, not about Bran or any Stark, you’re just obsessed with throbb. Theon is connected to magic and to the gods, Theon is the rightful king of the Iron Islands, so why it’s so amusing to people when someone suggests that Theon has something to do. I’m not saying that Theon has to be important for his story to count, but why it’s so amusing to people the idea that Theon is an abuse and rape victim and at the same time he has something to do. When it comes to female victims, they want them to do great things, when it comes to Theon they constantly reduce him to poor say boy, but Theon is not like that, Theon is in pain and he wants everything to end, but he’s also angry and he wants to be free. I didn’t say that he has to explore the sea because he’s an Ironborn, you said that, not me. I think that that’s something Book!Theon would want to do if he survives everything. Because he would be free and he would go into the unknown. That’s not true Theon has no connection to the sea, the Drowned God himself wants him as king and he likes ships, there’s also the fact that he never learned how to use a ship because he was kidnapped at 10. Also what’s so wrong about him connecting with his culture? He could change things, he wouldn’t be a viking, he would be an explorer. The way you talk about it, it’s like dealing with trauma means closing himself in an house. And about the prophecy, what’s so amusing about saying that Theon has a lot that fits? I know that the prophecy is vague, but Davos and Stannis don’t come close to it as Theon does. Theon died in almost every possible way and managed to come back on his own. He keeps saying that he died in Winterfell. Read the last chapters in ACOK, it’s all there and it all happens at the same time, and still there’s so much more, so many things. And it’s like this HAS to be true, but you say no to everything, you don’t even think that he has something to do with the Iron Islands, you just think he has to “atone” to Bran, so how are you different from D&D? Theon doesn’t have to atone to Bran, Robb or anyone else called Stark, his story is about identity. And Bran is talking to Theon and yes, Theon took Winterfell, but it’s not the only reason their stories are connected, Theon taking Winterfell from Bran was a foreshadowing to them interacting in the future for different more important reasons, that was always clear to me
... anon never mind that I hadn't talked about this in ages so like you came into my inbox with some 500 words of replying at 8 am on a sunday morning and idk how *I* am supposedly twisting things when
you brought this out of nowhere
I hadn't talked about the AA thing nor anything wrt theon's ending in like... a year
you are basically making up half of what I said or didn't because like 'oh I didn't say he had a tying to the sea because he's an ironborn' but two lines later you say 'what's the issue if he reconnects with his ancestry' which.... means that he'd have a tie to the sea because he's an ironborn so what's the truth here
'you're obsessed with throbb' I didn't mention robb once in my entire answer nor throbb nor I have written throbb meta recently like... I ship throbb but I don't see how that has any relevance to an answer where I literally didn't mention it and I said theon's sl can't be just about the starks
idk why you seem to think I have great stakes re jon snow and 'he's stereotypical no matter how much you say he's not', I'm saying that for a chosen one archetype he's a deconstruction so he's not stereotypical in the way h*rry p*tter is or aragorn is or whatever and it's like objective text and honestly I have fic to write and stuff to do and I could have like completely ignored your ask and said 'I think you're wrong' instead yesterday I spent half an hour answering you like... you don't need to sound that aggressive or come at me with this entire block of text when I wasn't even the one starting this conversation
what’s so amusing about saying that Theon has a lot that fits?
anon I explained in those 1k reply or whatever all the reasons why everything theon has that fits is something every single other character has at that point dany has the exact same reasons for fitting it and I told you all the reasons why jon has extra things that fit that no one else has, like.... it's my opinion, I haven't changed my mind since 2012 on it, you aren't going to change it and no one is until grrm writes different, you don't need to convince me or look for me to validate your reading because you can have whichever reading you want and no one stops you, I just don't think it's correct, the end
The way you talk about it, it’s like dealing with trauma means closing himself in an house.
anon you keep on saying I say that but you are aware that if I say I want char X to get their little house in the village/woods/city of their choice and grow strawberries with their loved ones and be happy I'm not saying what you said and I'm talking abt endgame? jaime and brienne both also deal with trauma and when I say that I hope they get married on tarth have fifteen kids and never set foot in a court again I'm not saying having children is the only way to deal with trauma like.... one thing is the endgame one thing is how you get there, where did I say theon is gonna lock himself in a cottage in wow and stay there until ados? nowhere, like.... please a bit of chill here? you read a thing and arbitrarily decided it meant stuff it doesn't mean but I am the one twisting and erasing? like sorry but it sounds like you want a fight about it or smth and believe me fighting about who is AA is not on my list of to-do things for today, also 'I died in winterfell' is like... yeah, theon greyjoy died in wf then he became reek then he became theon again, it's metaphorical, jon literally died, also like if AA wasn't a main fiver then it'd probably be someone completely out of left field that no one gaf about and for that matter there's a character who has been dying and coming back to life who has a flaming sword since like acok, but do I see you telling me it's textual proof beric is AA? no, but that would make more textual sense than theon imvho so *shrug*
in short: anon sorry but it sounds like being that theon is your fave - which... I mean he's in my top three so I agree that he's a great fave choice - you want him desperately to have the main role in the main storyline which is imvho not the case and again... even if jon was stereotypical (which we can argue on but like... from your wording I think you hate jon ngl which fair enough everyone has their dislikes) it wouldn't make the textual evidence less evidence and like... idk how to say it nicely but not liking the protagonist is more common than not and if you don't whatever but that doesn't mean he's not and that the textual stuff indicating he has the mystical hero storyline doesn't exist, I'd suggest you make peace with that concept and with the concept that your fave doesn't need to have any specialness in their sl to be a legitimate fave, also like... in asoiaf everyone who is special™ has a shit life and when grrm says he wants a bittersweet ending like in lotr, do I have to remind anyone what was lotr's ending? samwise gamgee goes back to his little house and children and wife in the shire and says he's home and we're all happy that the dude who deserved it most got it great, if that's what he's aiming for I really don't think presuming everyone gets the magical great™ storyline is in the cards X°D but most of all: again, everyone who's had a sl being full of magic prophecies and shit in these books has had a crap life and hated every second of it that was related to those prophecies and I want theon to be happy at the end so in lack of any imvho text proof that says it's anyone but jon I'll stick with that because it means none of my faves is in line to hate their life, which is exactly what happens to jon if he's AA and exactly what I think is gonna happen and I don't particularly like that for him either bc I do want jon to have nice things but idt he'll get them, doesn't mean I'm trying to find any textual reason to decide on my own that AA is dany (a char I care a lot less about) so that she gets the brunt of it because that's now how it works, I made peace with it too X°D
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orionsangel86 · 4 years
I agree with the overly fetished views that fandom seems to have of gay men. As a gay man who’s really short, it’s soooo fuckin weird to have people assume I’m a bottom??? Like, I don’t even know you enough to disclose my sexual life and you’re making? weird? assumptions?? Also, there’s a certain fan artist who shan’t be named who makes a certain shorter character super feminine and it kills me every time
Urgh I’m sorry fandom makes you feel that way.
I’m gonna put this under a cut as I am about to rant about this topic because it is my biggest gripe within fandom. Don’t read on if you are here for fun happy positive things. Beware fair readers, there be strong potentially offensive opinions and plenty of fandom wank down below...
Fandom is unfortunately filled with CIS het women who like to stereotype and force men into their preconceived internalised misogynistic perceptions that to be short or slender means you are the weak dainty “girl” in the relationship and that’s why whichever character they deem the “girl” is also ALWAYS the “bottom”. It also is the same way fandom tends to muddy the waters between sexual positions top/bottom and BSDM terms dom/sub, where bottoms MUST be submissive as well. Half the time you will see posts talking about character traits which perhaps might indicate a submissive streak, and people will take that to mean that a character is a bottom, when the two do not correlate and it is highly problematic to assume that they do.
It’s so fucking problematic and I don’t think that these (mostly straight cis female) fans realise that by encouraging these harmful stereotypes, they are actually also being totally misogynistic and anti feminist. Women are not all bloody Anastasia Steel’s for christs sake (and don’t get me started on that god awful book/movie series). A women can be tall, broad, muscular, she can be dominant and strong and she can damn well top a man if she wants to.
When it comes to shipping male characters in gay/queer relationships, fandom MUST stop inflicting outdated heterosexual stereotypes on them. It seems like fans find a pairing they like (for instance Dean and Cas) and then immediately have to decide which one of them plays the female role. They then twist and change the characters, their traits, the way they look etc, so that one of them is basically a woman. That character then MUST be the submissive bottom and URGH I HATE IT.
(Making a quick note to say that whilst these particular common stereotypes within fandom are very much a problem, this is not to be confused in any way with fans taking their fave characters and headcanoning them as trans or nb or anything else genderwise which reflects an even more marginalised group and is usually a type of fanwork created by fans who are in fact trans or nb themselves.)
I’m not gonna comment on specific artists, but I tend to block urls of bloggers whose stuff I feel is particularly problematic and I also now have the WONDERFUL post blocker xkit extension OMG it is a GODSEND I highly recommend it. If you keep seeing a post on your dash because everyone is reblogging it even though it is super squicky to you (like for instance an obviously feminised Cas or Dean is squicky for me) you can use the extension to block that particular post so you never have to see it again regardless of how many of your mutuals reblog it. Its amazing!
I know that on this hellsite we like to encourage everyone to be as creative as possible and that everyone is valid and we don’t kinkshame and everything etc etc, and I’m all for that, whatever floats your boat and all that. But there is a line, and the line is when what you are doing becomes offensive to the marginalised groups you are supposedly supporting. Like I really don’t care if you are into tentacle sex or hell, even a furry, but I do care if the only way you can comfortably support a gay ship is to force either of the male characters into a “female” template and give them a “self lubricating asshole”. Like... come on. This is why I hate A/B/O. If you have to force gay men to fit a hetero model, you aren’t supporting gay men, you are fetishising them. You are also probably kinda homophobic.
What I really hate about this stuff is how it always seems to be the problematic stuff like this that blows up and becomes a trend and suddenly everyone is jumping on board and no one is given a second thought to how fucked up it is. WHY IS A/B/O EVEN A THING?!? It started as a J2 beastiality fic like WHY DID IT BECOME SO POPULAR?!
Why is Twist & Shout so bloody popular too? Its not even in character. They aren’t even Dean and Cas! Cas is a pale skinny little TWINK?! WHHHHYYYY? I don’t understand it if you ship Destiel wouldn’t you at least want the characters you are reading about to BE Dean and Cas?!? Don’t get me wrong I love AU fics, but I still want to be able to picture and hear Dean and Cas in the characters being described.
Why was it such a thing in the early seasons to make Cas a girl? (that’s hyperbole obviously but he might as well have been based on some of the early fanfics/fanart I’ve seen and immediately noped out of.) Misha Collins has never looked anything like that! He’s never been feminine looking and just because the dude can pull off a dress doesn’t mean you can force him to suddenly be the cute tiny pale perfect curvy pretty submissive beauty you can’t help but imagine Dean with. If you want that for Dean, ship him with Lisa. Stop forcing Cas into a model that just doesn’t make sense for the character.
This goes for Dean as well of course. The dude may have a thing for pink panties and ballet shoes and taylor swift sure, but can we not feminise him to the point he is unrecognisable as the character please?
I know that a lot of this has routes in YAOI. Something I have generally avoided because quite frankly it disgusts me. I find the whole thing just super uncomfortable and messed up and see it purely as a straight womans fetish. So much of fandom shipping behaviour comes from YAOI and its caused a lot of the toxicity we have seen over the years. I think it has got a lot better in recent years though because the queer community is slowly gaining a monopoly in fandom (imo) and as they (we, I should say, as my bisexual ass has quite clearly had enough of this) become more interested in shipping and fandom culture, we can also start educating those straight fans who might be willing to listen and learn. Maybe one day we can say goodbye to the problematic trends of today, or at least, keep them on the fringes of fandom as more and more people wake up to the fact that they are harmful.
And if that means I never have to look at an image of a short pale “pretty” Cas with womanly hips again, I’ll crack open the prosecco and consider it a win.
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ardentaislinn · 7 years
Yuletide 2017 Letter
Hi! I am also ardentaislinn on AO3. Thank you so much for volunteering to write one of my chosen fandoms! I really can’t wait to see what you come up with. Most importantly, I hope you have fun writing whichever of my fandoms it is. Any suggestions I make here are optional, (though I do very much hope you will take my DNWs into consideration.)
Here you’ll find:
My general likes My DNWs
And prompts for the following fandoms: The Awakening (2011) - Florence Cathcart, Robert Mallory Cormoran Strike series - Robert Galbraith/Strike (TV series) - Cormoran Strike, Robin Ellacott    Agatha Christie’s Marple - Louisa Oxley, Alfred Pollock
My likes:
I love getting together fics most of all. I love almost every kind of trope (fake dating, slow burn, rivals-to-lovers, “unrequited” pining (that is really requited), found families, etc.) Also, casefic, epistolary fic, consent, forbidden pleasures, beta heroes, bed sharing, masquerades, military kink, physical imperfections, ladies being badass and female relationships (whether romantic or friendship), relationships that build tension before exploding, equal relationships, trapped together, competence, communication, U/RST, positive endings.
You may notice from the below that my ships mostly involve sweet and occasionally broken men being head over heels for awesome ladies. So that dynamic is strongly encouraged.
I also like smut, but it certainly isn’t a necessity. For smut, I’m (sadly) fairly vanilla. But I like light bondage, cunningulus, shower sex, and accidental/consensual voyeurism, (Particularly guys taking matters into their own hands when they think they can’t be with their lady, and the woman stumbling across him mid-act. Possibly my favourite kink ever? Writer’s choice whether the woman joins in or gets embarrassed)
Happy endings (or at least hopeful endings) are preferred. Like, super, super preferred. I don’t mind angst at all, but it kinda has to be on the way out of the darkness by the end.
Miserable endings. Major character death. Baby/Pregnancy/kidfic. Drugs use/drug mentions/addiction. Self harm/abuse. Non-con/rape. Heavy kink. A/B/O. M-Preg. Incest. Bestiality, animal harm etc. Nothing underage. Unbalanced power dynamics. 1st person POV (unless for epistolary). Not big on high school AUs or Rock band AUs.
I think that’s it?
And so, to the fandoms/ships, in no particular order:
The Awakening
Florence Cathcart, Robert Mallory
So, I love this film, and I love these two characters. I really dug the way their relationship developed through the film, right up until the slightly ambiguous ending.
This film hit a bunch of my favourite tropes, mostly in the character types it used for these two. Florence is a bit caustic in the beginning of the film, and I love that she slowly reveals her vulnerabilities. Robert, the broken former soldier, is the perfect match for her. And the slow-burn chemistry between them super worked for me.
So, basically, I just want more of them!
Florence is canon into voyeurism (both in that she liked watching Robert, and liked the idea of him watching her) - so what is the sex life with Robert like going forward? Does she like to watch and be watched? (Either way, I see her as liking to be in control of it, not so much the idea of strangers watching her, or it being done without her consent)
Post-movie, Florence and Robert are separated for a time - do they write each other letters?
Florence now believes in ghosts. Where does that leave her career? Does she still hunt down the fakes, as well as the real things? Does Robert come with her? Or do people come to her with their supernatural troubles?
Robert is nervous about proposing, but Florence is getting impatient.
On their honeymoon, they go to some of the oldest places in Europe. Surely there are ghosts lurking in every corner. What kind of trouble do they get into?
Florence Cathcart: Demon Hunter (Have fun with it! If ghosts exist, why not demons?)
A missing scene from the film with additional/bonus pining?
I do really want a happy ending here for Florence and Robert, but if you want to do something interesting with the hints that she might be a ghost herself at the end of the film, I’ll be interested if you can make it work.
Cormoran Strike Series - Robert Galbraith/Strike (TV Series)
Cormoran Strike, Robin Ellacott
So, I am putting these two versions of the media together because they share a lot of prompts. I have read all the books and seen the show, so feel free to take elements from both or either! I’ll put some book-specific prompts for post-Career of Evil down the bottom because they may contain spoilers if you’ve only seen the show.
So, I ship these two a lot. I love the dynamic that they have, where Strike has been pretty into her from day one, and tried to keep his distance, and Robin is in total denial about her feelings. I like that they are both clever and each have their strengths, and very much appreciate that about each other. Lots of mutual admiration going on!
If you want to write me Getting Together fic for these two, it would be amazing! But I’ve tried to keep my prompts open so you can write what works for you.
One thing I just want to request: If you can be as euphemistic as possible about Strike’s mother’s death, that would be great. The descriptions in the book hit some awful triggers for me and I have to skim them, but I’d rather not do that to your fic! So “she died” is fine, but anything about the details of the day itself - no thanks. I really appreciate this!
So, prompts:
Casefic - Strike and Robin are hired to investigate something, but it turns out to be more than it first appears.
Any of my fave fanfic tropes - undercover as married, stakeouts, forced bed sharing, etc. I feel this is a couple ripe for the classic tropes!
Also, Trapped Together - what happens if they are stuck somewhere and can’t escape?
Road trip hunting a serial killer the police don’t believe exists.
Robin’s first solo case as partner turns into a bit of a mess.
A historical AU of some kind would be fun! WW1 era, noir from the 40s, Victorian...any, really!)
A slightly more specific casefic prompt with an added side of kink: A hotel manager hires Strike to investigate which of his employees is placing cameras in the guests’ rooms. Only thing is, he wants them to be discrete so the culprit doesn’t know they are onto him, so Strike ropes Robin in to play his wife and they check into the hotel. Problem is, to be convincing they have to play a couple even in private, because of the cameras watching their every move…
Post-Career of Evil Prompts (Spoilers!)
Robin doesn’t marry Matthew. I don’t mind how you do it - whether you let her find out about him deleting her messages before the ceremony and she calls it off; if she punches Matthew in the face at the altar; if she says “actually, I don’t” and just walks away from the asshole...any of the above! I just don’t want her legally bound to that douche. Strike can definitely help with this if you like.
A lot of people from Strike’s past show up in CoE. Do any others try to exact revenge?
Matthew is killed. The police think Robin did it. And Strike’s not so sure she didn’t...
Agatha Christie’s Marple
Alfred Pollock, Louisa Oxley
The most obscure of my fandoms on this list. There is absolutely no fic in it, and I would LOVE to read some.
Louisa and Alfred only appeared in one episode of the show (Greenshaw’s Folly: available here on youtube) and the episode ended just at the best bit of their developing relationship. You don’t have to have watched any of the previous episodes to understand this one - they all stand alone.
To give a quick rundown to tempt people who probably haven’t seen this:
It’s set in the 1930s. Alfred is the gardener at an estate where Louisa comes to work as a secretary. She has a young son and is fleeing an abusive relationship.
Alfred doesn’t speak much, and the two of them don’t get along particularly well at first (since Louisa is pretty mistrustful of everyone) but they eventually start getting closer.
While all this is happening, a bunch of people get murdered. Miss Marple hangs around solving those.
There is a lot of stuff I like about this ship. I like the class differences (which gets switched in a big way at the end). I like their slowly developing trust. I like that they are both quite reserved (plenty of potential for pining!). I like that they are both quite gentle people.
The canon ended just as they got to the interesting bit of the relationship. What happens next? How do they navigate this new relationship as they were just getting used to the old one?
Their brush with crime has given them a taste of a more interesting life. What happens when someone else gets murdered? Do they investigate themselves?
Alfred doesn’t want to spend his newly acquired money on anyone but Louisa and Alfie. How does she feel about this?
What would their first time be like? Are they traditional (waiting until after marriage) or do they decide to be more unconventional? (I imagine that Louisa would be a bit happier to have sex before marriage - not wanting to shackle herself to another man so soon. But Alfred seems like he’d be a little more traditional. Who would win that battle?)
Miss Marple comes back for a visit and attracts some trouble. How do they deal with it?
Does Miss Marple ask for help with a case?
Lots of people died at Greenshaw’s Folly. What if the place is now haunted?
Thank you so much! I hope you enjoy writing for me.
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janiedean · 7 years
asoiaf for the meme thing :)
ALL OF THE QUESTIONS? ALL OF THE QUESTIONS. *cracks knuckles* beware: cersei fans pls skip this post it was named salty asks and I’m not trying to sound nicer as I’d try to be usually
What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get? see the crackship question for an appropriate answer to this since out of the ships that actually are canon I do *get* why they’re a thing
Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP? jon/sansa, any stark*cest tbh
Have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion? in asoiaf? yesterday I unfollowed someone because I realized they changed their blog title to an anti jon/sansa thing (WHY DON’T SHIT ON OTHERS’S SHIPS) and on top of that they hated jaime and at some point made a post dissing him in the tags and then basically wishing brienne ended up with hyle and NO THANK YOU
Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP? t/ramsay, l/annincest and sansa/marg, t/ramsay is like 50% of what theon fans are into so I guess it’s popular but I don’t mind since the fans are chill and tag everything, l/annincest isn’t as popular as it could be and I honestly hope it keeps on declining because I’m petty and salty and the more time passes the less I can stand it, sansa/marg is sadly very popular and it’s half the reason why I can’t read a lot of t/hrobb stuff around because it’s the sideship and I can’t stomach it for reasons related to how obnoxious the shippers were during s3
Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you? in asoiaf? no but the part of sansa fandom who in s5/6 decided that whichever character shared a screen with her (from jon to theon to brienne) had to be dissed on principle was putting up an admirable effort to ruin the character for me
Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated? *thinks* .... nah, but the t/hramsay fandom is a+ and has done wonders in not making me see it even if I stalk the theon tag which means I tolerate it a lot more than I used to
Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now? the show
Have you received anon hate? What about? *thinks* meh someone once sent me hate because I was arguing theon didn’t owe the starks anything and then there was the slew of j*aime/cersei anons a couple years ago who kept on sending asks like ‘he can’t be with brienne because she’s too ugly’
Most disliked character(s)? Why? cersei. good lord I guess she’s interesting for what she is but the only kind of *horrible people* I enjoy reading are *competent* horrible people and not only she’s incompetent, out of her mind and so self-absorbed she can’t even be an efficient villain, but like the fact that she’s an abusive narcisist asshole who fandom likes to present as a FEMINIST MODEL before declaring that she and jaime MUST BE THE SAME PERSON SO HE HAS TO BE AN ASSHOLE doesn’t help, also I find her povs boring af and I’m not interested in her head at all, and cherry on top anyone who laughs about catelyn going insane when she saw robb die in front of her is dead to me as anything. also she has the most fucking obnoxious subfandom in this fandom and she’s basically everything I detest in a) a person, b) a fictional character, so. yeah. hahaha. years ago it’d have been ramsay but the ramsay fandom is a LOT less horrid than hers, so.
Most disliked arc? Why? dany’s adwd arc, because it was too long and too much filler and I slept through about 70% of it like I honest to god don’t remember half of what happened. 
Is there an unpopular character you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why? THEON GREYJOY because he’s the objectively best written and conceived character in there never mind the most original one grrm’s ever come up with and a delicious deconstruction of everything he sets to deconstruct and he has the best identity arc ever and I’m a sucker for identity arcs and fandom hates him sooooo *sigh*
Is there an unpopular arc that you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why? every time I hear brienne’s chapters are boring I want to weep and bang my head against the wall because they’re in my top three asoiaf povs and like it was the first time I ever related to a fictional character because of things we had in common and tbh I thought it was exquisitely done and the exploration of post-war westeros was a+ and I loved everything about it
Unpopular opinion about XXX character? I don’t have a character so I’m just gonna pick one I have an unpopular opinion about hmmm I don’t think bran’s chapters are boring and I don’t hate jorah
Unpopular opinion about your fandom? oh god idk about the whole fandom but let’s just say that for how much I bitch about it, it’ 100% better than ANY other fandom around rn 
Unpopular opinion about the manga/show? the SHOW? lol, if I say I don’t like 90% of what they choose it’s not UNPOPULAR anymore I guess? idk I think yara’s a terrible character and has nothing to do with asha but everyone seems to love her so
If you could change anything in the show, what would you change? LOL I’d reinstate jeyne westerling instead of that horrid talisa stuff and then I’d put winterfell back where it belonged as in with jeyne poole and theon being the main character talking about MAIN STUFF, I’d get someone to inform theon that ramsay died, I’d have killed ramsay through jon beheading him and I’D HAVE SCRAPPED WITH FIRE THAT RIDICULOUS ENDING OF S5 WHERE THEY KILLED SHIREEN SO THEN THEY COULD MAKE BRIENNE KILL STANNIS IN THE MOST OOC THING I EVER SAW IN THAT SHOW sigh ah and jon*dany wouldn’t be canon by now I guess and lady stoneheart would have been a thing
Instead of XYZ happening, I would have made ABC happen… .... yeah right instead of talisa I’d have had jeyne, instead of sansa and theon I’d have had jeyne and theon and jaime would have dumped cersei properly two seasons ago
Does not shipping something ‘popular’ mean you’re in denial and/or biased? no, but harping at people who ship something popular and not canon telling them they’re in denial/biased is really fucking irksome
What is the one thing you hate most about your fandom? sorry I can’t pick ONE. on the same level: *book readers* who obviously haven’t read the entire thing, people who think jaime is the same person as cersei, whoever in the l/annincest fandom sends the monthly anons telling jb shippers how biased they are and that no one gives a fuck about jon connington. ah, and that people still think theon betrayed *the starks*
What is the purest ship in the fandom? jon/sam
What are your thoughts on crack ships? listen I enjoy crack ships myself but I hate it when some become more popular than actual sensed ships when they’re a thing because of aesthetics and I REALLY hate that in this fandom a lot of crack ships are more popular than ships that make sense or are canon (see: jaime/sansa - WHY IT MAKES NO FUCKING SENSE - vs jon/sam or jonc/rhaegar, or the fact that rhaegar/HARRY POTTER has more effective fics than jonc/rhaegar, or jaime/sansa probably having more effective fics than jon/ygritte since the latter is always a sideship or IN THE PAST and if you take the dany/jon and sansa/jon out of the ao3 search you get... 300 maybe, and actually add sam/anyone in the list of ships that don’t get following HMMM GUESS WHY) that said jonc/the blackfish is the crackship of the century and I’ll go down with it (and I enjoy a lot of others ie jon/asha XDD)
Popular character you hate? if she counts as popular, cersei. otherwise dany’s not my fave but I don’t hate her or anything I just don’t like her that much. ah no wait show!margaery like I honestly don’t get what’s so special about marg period
Unpopular character you love? THEON
Would you recommend XXX to a friend? Why or why not? of course I’d recommend asoiaf to people I do love it XD
How would you end XXX/Would you change the ending of XXX? it’s not ended already but I want jon ALONE on the throne, dany back in essos, the other starks in winterfell, theon getting a break and jaime and brienne being ridiculously happy on tarth (I KNOW IMPROBABLE IDC)
Most shippable character? def. jon like I ship him with a bunch of people too bad none of them are sansa or dany #hahahahahaha 
Least shippable character? idk out of people I actually ship with anyone period def. brienne like if she’s not with jaime or he’s not involved I really don’t see her with others (tho I’ll admit to watching the tormund/brienne crack vids because they’re amusing), also meh arya because I only ship her and gendry? 
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