#which makes me very emo
myersesque · 7 months
today is gonna be fun bc i have to do coursework but also i've been fixating so hard on the sims that i literally played it for 24 consecutive hours
anyway i have been abusing the shit out of the selfie feature so i may throw some sim selfies up here at some point
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a-drama-addict · 6 months
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finally sharing my durge <3 meet freyja (she/her) everyone
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sugarcarnation · 28 days
skk plus kouyou trio has taken over my brain
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skrunksthatwunk · 2 months
kiryu you were not about to write that on your bucket list you lying faker you gay ass homosexual man
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thezoneoftruth · 1 year
my favorite mbmbam bit is when travis says something mildly out of the box & justin and/or griffin react like he did something legitimately insane
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brown-little-robin · 11 months
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thinking about that time when i accidentally read a 200k word fic where one of the main characters dies in the end because i almost just did it again with kimchay.
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evvlogetarian · 5 months
Work today was kinda awful ? Not bc of the family or anything but it's so stressful trying to one man a 100+ person service...I also have to wake up early tomorrow for con & getting ready but I think I've accepted I won't get a lot of sleep because I still need to eat and get prepped for tomorrow so eh... qwq
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floralovebot · 1 year
where does helia say he's a pacifist? i don't remember that
He says it on his profile from the old winx website!
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Anyway, while I love the rest of the information and do consider this canon, I still don't think he's a pacifist. Like,, by definition he is not a pacifist. I'll even get the definition!
Wikipedia: Pacifism is the opposition or resistance to war, militarism (including conscription and mandatory military service), or violence.
Like again, by definition, he just isn't a pacifist. Pacifists aren't people who just happen to prefer peace, they're very firm in their belief that the military straight up shouldn't be a thing, that any kind of violence is unnecessary, that all disputes can be solved without violence, etc. Even if we go with the theory that Helia hates Red Fountain and was forced to be there (not true, sorry), he still participates in and enacts violence in situations of his own volition. He's very Aware of when he's being violent.
I do have some thoughts on him directly saying he's a pacifist though! It's possible that he briefly considered himself a pacifist while he was at art school but changed his mind and came back. Or he's a pacifist in the same way that Flora is. Aka, they consider themselves pacifists but are too loyal to their friends and role to actually stick true to that. Flora is too loyal to the winx and helping people and she finds it more important than wanting to not be violent. Helia is likely similar in that he prefers No Violence but is too loyal to Red Fountain and later on the specialists to actually Be a pacifist.
There's also the theory that he just lied to people about being a pacifist so he wouldn't have to explain that he wanted to be an artist akdjhgad OR that him being a pacifist was just a rumor that he stuck to. Honestly, we really just don't know why he considered himself a pacifist when he Literally isn't. Like again,,, By Definition, he isn't a pacifist. Like this isn't me just disagreeing with canon or having a headcanon, he literally isn't a pacifist. It's like if Bloom said she was blonde - like no baby you're not.
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skitskatdacat63 · 7 months
I cant watch animal documentaries too much, they make me cry too often 😭
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kindaorangey · 10 months
genuine question how the fuck do you dress emo formally without it becoming too goth
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ilostyou · 1 year
welp. the phantom cramps are no longer phantom 😃
#i Am going to scream my lungs out this could not be a less convenient time for this#tomorrow is my shopping trip which. will be Exhausting bc i’m so. so not into shopping. and now i have to do it crampy and emo and. yknow#and!!! i’m sure i will be bloated so trying on clothes will be even more fun xo#and i have to work on finishing my paper tomorrow too so. side note#then! i just made plans to go out out like. drinking dancing etc with my friends saturday night so. that’s that#sunday i have a thing which means. very much dressed up. and i have plans sunday night too with my best friend lol#then! monday i have work but then made up to go for dinner w the friend things are weird w rn but that’s up in the air i think#bc i may be going out w her first and idk if she’ll keep the standing date lol#then! tuesday! i have orientation for my doctoral program so there’s that happening#wed is normal lmfao just. work. but then thursday is graduation <3 weeee#and then NEXT friday. i am finally not busy#and you’re telling me with THIS week that NOW was the perfect time to have me bleed for a week. for This week. fuck off#time to start saying prayers for it to be short and quick and relatively painless or else 😃 this week will be the seventh circle of hell#how am i supposed to do all that and function as i would while also wanting to rip out my internal organs. good question#in summary my social calendar is too booked for my liking lmfao i need time in between to recover#oh my god AND!!!! AND!!!!!! i’m abt to go up a dosage in these meds i’m on even tho i wanted to stay on what i was on til now but#the pharmacy didn’t have it in the same dosage bc shortages but they did have enough for the higher one so. i went up#and the catch is that these are the meds making me nauseous which means. i’ll be More nauseous which is NOT helpful#or ideal ever but especially considering im sure i’ll be nauseous bc it is what it is#im sksososodkfofofogldnskdlf so not. looking forward to this <3#this has been a rant
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burstingsunrise · 2 years
happy anniversary to the morning i woke up to the chaos of luke’s solo album announcement and had no idea what the fuck was happening. 
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you know, am I completely sold on all the adaptational changes that seem to have been made for the show? No (though we still don't know much yet, so idk how that will change). Am I really pleased that their leading talking points about VA are the class issues between royal Moroi and dhampir and how that affects Rose and Lissa's friendship? Yeah. Yeah I really am. I think that's an important core part of the series that we didn't get to see covered in the movie and is really worth a long, hard look at (even the books themselves, especially bloodlines imo, needed to take a longer, harder look at those social issues of the world)
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arthur-r · 1 year
hello world i am in my real bed for the first time in a week this is so strange
#i have been sleeping on a shiatsu table and it’s been like. fine. cause my regular mattress isn’t very comfortable anyway but there’s like#i mean. i have a closed door. this is cool and nice#say what you will about living with my dad but. i have a room. that’s nice#and my guitar is here and my record player and my inserts on the walls and my brown leather jacket and my st bernard pillow pet#i’m really liking what the apartment is becoming but. it’s good to be home. kind of#anyway i’m listening to this weird cool computer riot grrrl album that i can’t quite decide if i like#it definitely isn’t me. but it’s cool and i enjoy it. like that vocaloid creator loolin sent me pinnochio p!!#i definitely appreciate it at music. and i’m gonna listen through it. it just would create a different bluer version of myself#and i’m not interested in entertaining that possibility. so i’m gonna stay here shdhdf#there’s like a grey side of myself that i go into for like. normal riot grrrl. which i like#like i’m grey when i listen to dazey and the scouts and that’s fine by me. but when you add computers it’s blue#and i’m not interested in being blue. i like staying in a safe brown yellow midwest emo#or venturing in a different direction it can get more electronic while being orange. like hobo johnson or green day#and yes i understand the irony of green day being orange. shdhdf. let me live that’s just how it is#and so anyway. this is very much blue music and that makes me uncomfortable. but it’s pretty good and cool#(hunger for a way out by sweeping promises)#not sure how good of a descriptor computer riot grrrl is but that’s the emotions i’m getting of it so that’s why i’m calling it that shdhdf#anyway i’m pretty tired but i’ll be up for a while longer probably#idk. there’s no school tomorrow but there is the next day. but i’ll also be at home and there’s some sort of advantage there#more sleeping through the night so later bedtime? theoretically? less waking up from people upstairs#but anyway. i’m here and i’m listening to music and i’m in my bed. and that’s pretty cool#i’m around if anybody needs anything. but pretty tired so sleeping soon enough#me. my post. mine.#delete later#friends only
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fatherofmachine-a · 2 years
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