#which is weird to me because 2012! Leo has been shown to be the one to give medical attention to his bros multiple times
forgetful-nerd · 30 days
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I like the “Rise! Leo is the team medic” head cannon. But I find it super weird when it’s used as a point of contrast between Rise! Leo and 2012! Leo.
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nostalgicninjas · 6 months
2012 Leorai Rant
there’s so much discourse about whether 2012 leorai is considered incest or not and i kinda wanted to throw my two cents in ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
i grew up with the 2012 series, and as a kid, i was a hardcore leorai fan. now as an adult, i’ve become neutral to the ship (though it will always hold a special place in my heart for nostalgic purposes). overall my thoughts/perspective on leorai have changed a lot over the years. i’ve grown to ship them more with other people (‼️ aprinardo and shinirai supremacy ‼️) while still loving and appreciating their canon dynamic. personally, i don’t view their relationship as entirely platonic or romantic. on one hand, i believe leo and karai do love each other like family (the same way all the turtles love april and casey like family) but they also connect on a deeper level that’s too intimate to call them “siblings”. it’s not as black and white as them being either brother/sister or boyfriend/girlfriend. to me, their relationship has so many layers it’s too complex for labels. which is fine because labels are overrated anyway. but that’s just my opinion.
i completely get why some people (especially those with adopted family members) think the relationship is weird, and i also get why some people see no problem with it. at the end of the day, it all depends on an individual’s life experiences or personal preferences.
note: if two people are biologically blood relatives, then an intimate/sexual relationship between them is 100% incest and i do not support or condone such behavior.
in this particular case however, i believe there is a difference between real incest and what society views to be incest. imagine two people have been dating for a while and then their parents fall in love and decide to get married. are they supposed to just turn their feelings off for each other and break up because they are now “technically siblings”? i’m sorry to break it to you but that’s not how emotions work. emotions are complicated. and frankly it seems wrong to try to force two people to think/feel a certain way about each other just because it’s what society excepts. i have always been a firm believer that people should be free to follow their hearts and love who they love. if there is no blood or biological connection involved (or any other illegal factors), then i see no reason why people can’t be free to choose how they get to view a person or how they wish for those relationships to develop. because in this case, love is not a crime.
in a way, the same can be said for leo and karai. first impressions count for something, and leo had already developed feelings for karai long before he found out she was splinter’s daughter. i know most people would disagree, but just because they view the same man as a father figure does not make them obligated to view each other as siblings. just because mikey CHOOSES to view karai as a sister does not mean leo is obligated to view her the same way. same goes for raph and donnie. from what was shown in the series, those two (especially raph) hardly considered karai to be a part of their immediate family, much less considered her a sister. and that’s their right. as much as i’m sure we all wanted to see the turtles and karai come together (and trust me i did too), donnie and raph had valid reasons to dislike/distrust karai and they shouldn’t be forced to brush their justified feelings aside and immediately accept her as a “sister” if they don’t want to. they may view her as an ally/asset to the team, but if they don’t want to view her as family, then they shouldn’t have to (though i’m sure they would eventually accept her in the future; whether or not as a sister or just a distant family member, we’ll never know).
i even once saw someone say that if shipping leorai isn’t incest because they aren’t blood related, then it shouldn’t be considered incest when shipping the turtles with splinter since they also aren’t blood related. that’s a really gross comparison for multiple reasons but mainly;
1.) the turtles are all MINORS and splinter is a grown ass man which is reason enough because W T F
2.) splinter has always viewed the turtles as his children and the turtles have always viewed him as their father. for him to suddenly take any kind of sexual interest in them is downright predatory, blood or no blood.
as for the whole “whether or not they share dna” debate, that’s honestly up to interpretation. splinter was never actually seen touching the turtles, so it’s not a canon fact that they actually absorbed any of his human dna when they mutated. and even if they had, the notion that this automatically makes them biological relatives to splinter is actually quite comical. that’s like saying the radioactive spider that gave peter parker superpowers is suddenly his new father. sounds silly, doesn’t it?
overall, i hate it when careless leorai fans make insensitive statements about adopted families, and i also hate it when anti shippers treat leorai fans like freaks just for having a different perspective on their relationship. if you prefer to think of them as brother and sister, then that’s cool. we’re all entitled to our opinions. what’s not cool is constantly harassing fans of the ship and shoving your “sibling” agenda down their throats (and vice versa).
to borrow a paragraph from @orokukarai’s rant:
If the ship makes you uncomfortable, whether it's for personal reasons or you're just not vibing, that's OK. If you personally see it as incestual, that's valid. But going around saying Leorai shippers all like or support incest is not true and there are many valid readings where they're not incestual even if you disagree with them. Some shippers probably do like incest, but then so do many non-Leorai shippers.
in conclusion, respect other people’s opinions. if you stumble across content you don’t like, block or ignore it. no need to comment hate or fill up the ship hashtags with negativity (and that goes for ALL fandoms).
just stay in your lane and keep scrolling ✌️
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whyamiheretumbled · 6 months
TMNT Smarts(Spoilers for IDW!)
@smudged-kaleidoscopeThis part will be about TMNT and how the fandom and creators view their smarts! And how it can be extremely weird..
Everyone assumes that Raph is genuinely too rash and reckless to make good decisions.now,Raph is reckless and easily stressed(even in 1987 or Rise), but that doesent mean he's stupid compared to Leo, which a lot of ppl *seem* to think
Raph is protective of his brothers, and is constantly shown that they shouldn't follow his behaviour(Seen when Leo allows Karai to enter the Turtle's car in 2012,the Pizza Puffs ep of 2018,or even in 2003,City at War!)
While he IS reckless, it seems he really wants his brothers to just stay on the damn task and get the job done. Not to mention, he tries to keep them safe. While he can be irrational, that doesent mean he wants to watch them follow his behaviour(2003 Raph says, "I hate when Leo starts reminding me of myself",not a direct quote)
Raph's smarts are less analytical focused and way more SURVIVAL focused, which actually brings us to Mikey <3
First of all, Mikey has never been a baby. In mirage, his anger and violence actually rivaled Raph's,Dr.Feelings and Delicate Touch both exist, in 2012 Mikey straight up punched someone hard enough to break their nose, hell, he threw a couch out of a window.
Mikey is constantly underestimated due to his baby face, gullible tendecies, empathy, etc, bcuz adding on to being genuinely the youngest, he is ALSO the most optimistic out of his brothers, and the one who understands emotions the best
Mikey is typically street smarts, or emotional smarts, seen in Mutant Mayhem with his Improv Club, or seen in 2003 where he instantly gets along with kids, or 2012 and the whole Acne episode
Mikey isn't stupid by any means. Sure, he may not pay attention or have a difficult time understanding stuff, but even in Bayverse he's shown to have smart moments. Unfortunately,due to his silly persona,he is constantly downplayed(Though The Last Ronin shows what happens when Mikey needs to focus because he's lost everything)
If Mikey had more motivation, say for example, being tricked into sex and having babies(mirage),he would probably try to be way smarter. But either way, it's constantly shown he picks things up easily and can think quickly! 2012 and Rise are both great examples <3,as well as moments in 2003
Now, we all know Donnie is smart. That's his big thing, his smarts. But he's his own special kind. He uses his own pros to his advantage, and while this can also slow him down due to not wanting to change his ways, this can also help him!
Seen in IDW, Donnie uses his flaw of ignoring Leo's orders and his pros of his tech to trick the Shredder, I won't go in full detail, but it comes at a price.
Anyways, Donnie is shown to havequick thinking at least, when he can anyalze a situation. He is actually VERY reckless, seen in 2003 building missiles into his car, or 2012 going on a killing rampage.
When he can't anyalze something, he jumps into it.Unlike Mikey, he lacks the ability to quickly access a situation, but he gains the abilities unlike his brothers to quickly map out a plan using logic,common sense, and his brain
Now Donnie had his dumb moments, because he DOESENT WANT TO ACCEPT THAT OTHER PEOPLE CAN BE RIGHT. you may think no, he wants to listen to others, but being so smart he sometimes thinks he's better than other people and superior,shown in multiple iterations, highlighting Rise, 2012,1987,and IDW.
Donnie's smarts run way deeper than knowing mathematics and engineering and etc, they stem into being able to study a problem and find out an efficent way to solve if, unfortunately,he doesent always want to realise he's allowed to need or want second opinions...
Leo's will be very short. He is a analytical and strategic thinker. He maps out plans, focuses on the battlefield, uses people like chess peices, highlighting in 2012 and Rise. I'll go deeper another day(that's what she said)
AHEM. Now, people constantly assume because Leo's brothers aren't the same type of thinker he is,that they're not smart. They're easily stubborn, can be tricked, not fully access a situation, doubt themselves, etc...
But Leo struggles with many of these things, the narrative is just pushed to make it seem like he's always in the right, however, he does almost always go through character development(at the cost of his childhood)
Leo is can be emotionally stunted, act manipulative(seen in 2003),jist be plain rude(2012),because he's leader/strategic,and wonders why no one would listen to him.
If he allowed his brothers to have input,it would be beneficial for the four of them, as they all contain qualities needed to make good plans.,and are all smart,and while I hate this saying, they're smart in their own way.
Mikey can answer philosophical questions, he doesent have the general care for others or his own regard like Raph generally does, Raph has survival skills but doesent know when to be calm, etc etc
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Some 2012 critique about Karai specifically look away.
Honestly weird incest even put aside as dragging things down: 2003 Karai is just supremely more interesting as a concept than her 2012 counterpart. So is the Rottmnt version.
Like 2012, as well as the fact it should have taken in 2003s back story to remove the lingering weirdness that the Leo shipping caused: really should have considered intaking 2003 Karai’s personality and struggles as at least a base to expand on.
Frankly: 2012 Karai turning her back on things because of who she’s actually related to is simply far, far less interesting than someone struggling with the concept of ‘honour’ while having a father figure who is a deeply evil man.
Maybe Karai had a sensei who taught her such things when Saki was busy.
Karai’s morality is really a question which doesn’t get answered in 2003: we have no solid basis for where her sense of honour came from though I suppose we can infer like leo she goes hard for bushido (before she went off the deep end anyway). But: That’s something 2012 could have done. 2012 could have expanded on something like that. Have a version who made a cleaner break. Or a messier one. Who knows. 2003 Karai is great as an idea but could do with more exploration as to the ‘why’. Or in 2012: the dangers, horror and anxiety inherent in a teenager doing/questioning the same thing as opposed to her adult version. Like kids in real life even deal with this thing themselves: the realisation your parents are in fact terrible people but perhaps you still love them. Or perhaps you’re just so very very afraid of what it means for you. Like a part of why 2012 works is I think ‘oh god these are children’ when horrifying things happen. But 2012 Karai… she’s kind of just a generic bad girl who bad things happen to. It feels like? To me anyway.
Sometimes the most horrifying concept of being the golden child is the fact the position is often so precarious. It is never solid. It can shift on the wind. And with someone like the 2012 shredder? Yeesh.
Rottmnt and 2003 Karai feel a lot more alike than 2012 Karai honestly? Like Rottmnt is what 2003 Karai might have been in a different time/circumstances. 2012 Karai feels nothing like them. All she has is the same name. Which isn’t even really hers.
Like making April and Casey kids however it doesn’t really seem to want to do anything interesting with the idea beyond shipping. But there’s so many interesting ideas you could work with on the fact these are all kids: which the show doesn’t always really explore very well in my opinion. We never even see Aprils aunt? Or much of Casey’s family like his sister? It’s all told not shown.
2012 is such a mixed bag. There’s things I really really like and very good ideas but it is so damn rough and buried under a pile of…. Something.
It’s basically the good idea/bad idea animaniacs bit manifest.
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ducknotinarow · 1 year
03/07 Michelangelo - All Symbol Headcanons please uwu
| Send me a symbol and I will write a headcanon about…  For multimuse blogs, please specify!
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MIKEY!!!! I love Mikey ;3; he's such a good character. I lowkey nah no what I Highkey absolutely hate how much fandom can or rather will initialized Mikey. Or reduce him to the comic relief of the group. Mikey is such a good character. Yeah Mikey is funny, witty and even annoying but he is very empathic. He very often is the only one who can understand where one of his brothers is coming from such as being the most aware of the burdens Leo carries that well they sort of put on him. Unlike in 2012, Leo is an unofficial leader. Mikey knows because Leo dose take to that role placed on him though it give the rest of them freedom Leo can't really have. His skill often get over looked despite the fact Mikey is actually the most athletic of his brothers he just lacks focus it's often shown and stated if he did? He would be quite the force to deal with in a fight.
𝓕 : My muse’s handwriting. (Is it good, bad, difficult to decipher, do they prefer writing by hand or with the help of some form of machine, e.t.c.) 
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Mikey is for sure the more creative one of his brothers and he dose show he thinks differently than any of them do often his plans come as a surprise to the rest because of this. Of course this creative trait is due to Mikey being a free spirit and artistic to a point. Mostly his hand writing is hard to read often you can at best only make out the first letting of ever word he wrote because his brain actually thinks faster than he can react at times. When he sits and focus on writing of course he wants to make it out to look fun and pretty uwu
✈ : My muse and  traveling. (If they do it frequently and why, if they never left their home town, e.t.c.)
"Man I've been to all sorts of places, buuuuuuut clearly it's how i traveled to the top and became the battle Nexus champion!"
Mikey travels a lot but it is not by choice believe you and me. But because of a lot of things him and his brothers happened to find themselves suddenly apart of a lot of weird things. I mean hes gone to the future and other worlds but I mean furthest? has to space right?
✿ : My muse and nature. (If they are an ‘outdoorsy type’, like the sound of bird’s singing, if they have never set foot in a forest, e.t.c.) 
"Ehhh I mean its nice I guess buuuut I rather be home with the ultimate tv view experience."
Yeah Mikey is for sure a home body this is a turtle that took to the modern convince of technology and has the hardest time dealing without it. It's not he dislikes the outdoors he can take to it pretty well when he has too of course and that's the wording that should be focus on here. Mikey really likes watching tv after all and tends to find anyway todo so even skipping on training to peep in on someones else tv. But He doesn't dislike nature he loves animals and plants in fact. Luckily he was born with a green thumb even.
Mikey kind of likes that something is reliant on him and that he can make something from his own hands. Helping a plant thrive because of his care is sort of rewarding. Considering Mikey is often always being made to feel like he always the one depending on others which he dose but hardly dose his brothers seem to see him as able to do the same back. So he sort of gets that from his interest in plants.
☼ : My muse’s first memory. (Where it was, who was with them, how this memory makes them feel, e.t.c.) 
"hmm first memory? uhh I guess when I got the first comic book that got me hooked? It was an issue of Spider-Man and boy was it a fun read!" Mikey was up on the surface on Halloween, it's been said that Splinter always took the boys up on the day since they could walk around without fear or worry at the time. They stuck to a more small rural area just to be cautious still. In this neighborhood there was a lot of smaller shops so as a community they ran a sort of trick-o-treat event where kids got their candy and such from the store owners. A cookbook show was on this block and often they gave out free comic books and this is how Mikey got a lot of his comic collection started. The first he got was of course a Spider-Man Comic. A wise cracking hero? Who often distracts his villains with his smart ass mouth? Yeah someone just may have been a tad influenced.
Mikey fell in love with comic books after this he loved the stories and the plots. He wanted to be a super hero so bad. Because in the comics the humans loved heros no matter what. From humans dressed in spandex, to Aliens that took home on earth hell even mutants or meta-humans were loved by humans. So why can't that be the same for him and his family?
Of course Mikey knows being a hero comes with being selfish too and in part keeping to the shadows is something him and his family may have to do forever with no single thanks given hell even acknowledgement. Sure maybe being a hero should drive from helping but sometimes Mikey can be self severing doesn't mean he also doesn't see he has the ability to help. He often swallow his fears to step up or gets involved when he really doesn't have to. Common traits from his favorite heros.
☙ : My muse’s favourite food. (Bonus: A memory, be it good or bad, associated with said food.)
"Uh hello? Pizza?" Of course it is Pizza Mikeys favorite food to him Pizza is the best human food to ever come to be because of what all you can do with Pizaa. You don't even need to stick to marinara sauce for the base like in the case of BBQ or Chicken Alfredo Pizzas. Mikey of course like the different styles thick crust, thin crust, even stuffed. Mikey being a true Pizza lover has also tried out from Chicago style to Colorado style but of course New York style is his go to favorite. He is a new yorker through and through and they are known for having good pizza.
Mikey even likes to push the limit on what toppings he eat on a pizza and often? nothings to far out there for Mikey this boy should be on fear factor honestly.
♬ : My muse and music. (What type of music they like listening to and in what context, what music they would never listen to, e.t.c.)
"hmm I like all kinds of music really? Rap, Techno, Surf, Jimmy Buffett."
As is Mikey he is flexible on many things even when it comes to his taste in music this applies to. Mikey just likes music with energy is what it comes down to in the end. Sure Rock music is one that could fit but it's not quite the sound he is looking for he wants a more bouncy sound when he listens to music.
Mikey may be a new yorker but likes be honest this boy would thrive of Cali's vibes and just oozes the setro type of a California person. From how he talks and carries himself not to mention his Cali accent is hard to miss. Surf just ties into all of this Mikey if he could would love to surf! is why he loves to skateboard so much and loves the half pipe Donnie made just for him. He wants so badly to catch the waves! Sometimes when he's skating in the Sewer tunnels and theirs some water on the ground he likes to imagine hes out on the ocean.
↺ : My muse and the past. (Do they live in the past and struggle to let go of past grievances, or move on more easily, is there anything in their past they want to forget, e.t.c.) 
"live in the past? Why do that and why worry about whats to look forward too? Nah all about the now and current vibes" This might sound like good advice but in truth Mikey actively tries to avoid the past and all the mistakes that follow. So you can say there is a lot he wants to forget he likes to cherry pick in a sense one could say. Winning the Battle Nexus? Of course he remembers that and hangs on to even seeing it as the real only achievement he has ever been able to make happen which has been an issue seeing as he rode the high of the win for a long time even to a point Splinter saw an issue with Mikey's egos due to the win.
Mikey also isn't the best about thinking about looking ahead it fills him with anxiety in truth because he just doesn't know. It's like he is being surround by mountains of work and all he can do is focus at those peaks and how high they reach. He has no clue where to start because its just all to much.
Going where he is now? it's easier he can sort of tell whats going to happen. Him and brothers will wake for breakfast. Hell annoy Raph as they make their way to the kitchen where Leo is likely already at. Don will follow soon lured by the smell of coffee that Raph got ready for them. Mikey will start on breakfast and then They will head to the dojo and train once clean up is over. Don will go back to his lab to work, Leo may do some one on one work with Splinter, Raph might stay home or sneak away up top. Maybe its junkyard day and they head out to look for stuff. It may be friday so Mikey will call up April and such to see who wants to join movie night. some things change here and there but over all it's the same and he take comfort in all of this.
Even when things changes routines are still there, Don and Raph move out and have kids but they come by and Mikey gets to play the babies. The whole family still gets together here and there it just easier to live in his current point. It often why his mistakes can catch up to him like his mistake of joining the foot clan. Donnie asked him about his future and it set him off. He struggles with who he is and what use he even has with his family looking to the past is littered with mistakes but to the future is uncertain and open ended answers.
☾ : My muse and sleep. (How much they sleep, how much they wish to sleep, if there is something that never fails to put them to sleep, e.t.c.) 
"Gotta get those z's every now and then, early to sleep early to rise or stay up late to get more time." Mikey is someone who goes to bed at a somewhat decent time it just kind of depends. he always likes to settle down with a movie or comic and tends to pass out when his eyes have tried out this isn't always the same time every night. Sometimes hes out early sometimes hes out late. He doesn't have much trouble sleeping unless there's a lot of noise like the times he had to share a room with Raph who snores loud. But to everyone one annoyance I feel no matter how tried Mikey is? He don't have an off switch he can always seem to just get a second wind and be well Mikey.
✧ : My muse and art. (If they have an artistic side or not and why, favourite artist if they have one, e.t.c.) 
"I love it! well I mean I like street art at least and painting my skateboards, so i got a few for that reason."
Mikey loves art but he's not versed in it's history type of art lovers. So he doesn't know the classics he knows him and his brothers were named after artist but he doesn't known much about them just that they were old artist guys in the past but will make reference to his name sake at times. Art isn't a big thing for him he's always colored with crayons as a kid and ate them of course. Like to give some character to things such as the decks of his boards and he has tried his hand at nail art. Something that improves over time if he has the right supplies that is of course.
❃ : My muse and social media. (If the muse is/would be on social media and why/why not, their general opinion on it, e.t.c.) 
"Course I use it, how I find out about comic releases and catch up on story lines."
Mikey was able to see the start of alot of more know Socials today. He had an account on friendster mostly for the games later on till it shut down. He had a myspace and loved to customize his profile with all sorts of widgets.Hasn't touched it in years! He went on to forums mostly and 4chan of course for comics so he could track down issues he was search for and there was always someone online who could offer help on how to get it. He's part of a few online friend circles from comics books to people who have seen glimpses of the turtles and talk about it online, he thinks it's funny and sometimes messes with them. He'll see them pick up common locations they spot them and will go there to just give them more to share. It's a harmless prank on his end and something he keeps to himself he don't need his brothers ruin his fun after all.
Mikey also has a twitter account mostly for comic related stuff but he likes to post pictures of the weird stuff in New York most people know weird creatures come around in the city since the Tricerton Invasion so it's harmless.
✉  : My muse and others. (If they social and outgoing or more introverted, and why. If they prefer communicating with others face to face or in written form, e.t.c.). 
"I love meeting new people! Those other turtle can be tots annoying sometimes ya know? Gotta shake it up."
Mikey is very social if he dosen't vibe with someone right off the bat there usually a good reason even monstrous creatures like Leatherhead or Quarry where Mikey understandable was scared of them when first meeting them. Was able to see the good in Leatherhead and try to befriend him and soon saw Quarry wasn't like the other mutants if annoyed by how much of a scardy cat they could be ironic considering himself. Or like with April where he was first to openly speak to her with out any hesitation. Mikeys pretty good about befriending anyone really shown when it comes to the superhero charaters in the show. Mikey was able to Befriend Sliver Sentry with ease even with them feeling he was getting in the way and even the more aloof Nobody. His friendly welcoming nature just seems to be a natural draw for a lot of people no mater the species.
Dosen't mean he gets along with everyone he meets but he can at least up to points stand some people a be a bit more tolerable. Takes a special someone to be annoying to mikey *cough* Casey *cough*
Mikey is just very very social and he craves interaction because of it. Which can get annoying for his older brothers who are all more independent and such. Mikey will often just go into a room with one of them and linger about of course not quietly he just needs to be around someone is all. Like when hell go into Don's lab and rant on about something stupid in his comics he knows they aren't listening or care much he just likes that Don will let him do it. He loves spending time with his brothers the most, so those Friday night movies are always his favorite.
When it comes to talking Mikeys prefers it be face to face. Likely due to him having a lot of empathy for others it just easier for him to gauge the other person's feelings. Written or text is hard for him to convey a tone from. Hearing their voice, seeing their face? He just feels the best way to communicate is face to face. This is also why he is willing to step back from Ariel when she got upset with him and wait for her to come to him. He wouldn't have that talk any other way with her. It's why he and Summer never had this blow up her Dad's made sure to make her feel she can express her thoughts after all and in a way she has taken one some traits from Mikey because of this. So they had their own talk she knows Mikey regrets what he did and knows how torn up over it he is as well. It why he dose the same with each of his brothers when serious things come up those one on one talks are just too important.
▶ : My muse and level of education. (If the muse has some form of education, what education they perhaps wish they had, e.t.c.). 
"uhhh I mean whatever Splinter teaches me I guess?"
And yet Mikey isn't even the worse of Splinters students. Mikey is for sure that kid who learns in a different way than most. He has the most raw talent out of his brothers and he knows the same things they do like Chi Gong breathing techniques when they went to space. But as show during the Ninja tribunal season Mikey is a active learner being told how to do something or reading it doesn't work he man retain the information like when he and Splinter were dealing with mr.touch and mr. Go he showed he could in fact use his mind when it came to a fight and come up with some good plans. He just has to apply it in ways he can understand.
◐ : My muse and animals. (If they like animals and treat them well, do not care for them at all, e.t.c.). 
"I love animals I don't know what I do with out Klunk and Klunk jr."
Mikey is a lover of cute animals one could say like cats and Chickens of course like Sonny and Cher ;3; Mikey is also a sucker for his pet cat Klunk who is for sure Mikey's furbaby. Klunk knows hes got a nice gig in the lair so never strays far from them and for sure has kept other rats away from getting into the lair since they got a cat around. He often lets his brothers pet him or sets him on thier laps because he knows animals are good for mental health. Which is why he is so attached Klunk became her emotional support animal after some time. And im sure as you can tell by a mention in his comment there is a second Klunk in his life.
Sadly even with the life of luxray Klunk lived with the turtle Klunk wasn't going to live forever. Based on color alone I would say Klunk is and orange Tabby and they can live for 20 years at the latest. Most only 10 to 16 years. Roughly well say it was 2004 when Mikey found Klunk whoe was just a kitten at the time so Klunk could live and be around a god long while. And as BTTS showed Klunk was still around then. But not in the 07 movie and based on how I sor tof timeline things here 03 -> 07 -> FF/BBTS (?) this would in a way make a gap with out a cat and just hit harder on Mikey being lonely. But Klunk was a alley cat in a sense and was free to roam as they got bigger. Met female cat and Im sure you can see where I leading to. Mikey soon finds a cat that looks just like Klunk and take them in as Klunk jr.
❒ : My muse and gifts. (If they are good/bad at finding gifts, good/bad at receiving gifts, good/bad at wrapping gifts, e.t.c.) 
"I mean I love getting them that for sure."
I feel Mikey is pretty decent at giving gifts hell recall something someone said they liked before and come across something similar like say April mentioned as a kid she loved a certain character and Mikey happens across something of that old character so he brings it to her. It was a passing comment but he tends to hang on to that information.
☘ : My muse’s relation with their family. (If they speak with each other and how much, if they are close or estranged, e.t.c.). 
"I love them really all there is to say on that, I know my brothers and I fight. I know they fight. I know we make mistakes but...I also know we always have each other and always will have each other." Mikey is the baby of his family through and through and sometimes it can be annoying since his brothers often look at him as younger. Sure over time they learn to see him on their own level. and even seems to earn their respect. Mikey dose look up to all of his brothers in different ways and for different reasons and in a way he sort of idolizes them.
Don kind of Spoils Mikey because he dose give into thier whims a lot and its kind of made Mikey feel Don can fix anything from whatever tech issue is going on to other problems as well like when Mikey is feeling Don it's Donnie he goes to. Mikey needs interaction so bad or he gets kind of down and Donnie is the less likely to be annoyed with him so he fixes Mikey in a sense.
Raph and Mikey can have a sort of love hate relationship. Mikey being the annoying little brother and Raph the disgruntle older one. Mikey dose know Raph cares about him and knows he will protect him and look out for him. Raph can mess with Mikey but anyone else tries? They are dead.
Leo Ive said it alot here but Leo is who Mikey is closest to. Leo is often the only one who dose have faith in Mikey's abilities and acknowledges his talents but often has to be stern and tell mikey to focus. Mikey loves heros and to him Leo is his own personal hero for those reasons alone and it's why he listens to Leo not to mention why he is so close to them.
Splinter He is dad and Mikey is good about listening to his Dad sometimes. Mikey dose sometimes feel he isn't always measuring up well compared to his brothers and must be failing his dad. But he feels close enough to express these worries to Splinter they have a very good relationship and Mikey spends hours talking to Splinter. They often crack jokes together honestly they might be an awful combo because of Splinters savage ways.
Casey is the one person in the world that can actually annoy Mikey and that is a thing to say XD However Mikey dose see Casey as another big brother of his sometimes his favorite outside Leo. Cause Casey will often listen to Mikey's complaints seriously unlike his brothers will. If he whines about not being able to find a comic Casey suggests a place that may just have it and offer to take him. Casey also tends to play along with Mikey's antics at times very much how an adult will be wowed by a younger kids statements to match their energy. But Casey pretty much a big kid himself it's why he can match Mikeys energy it seems. its why he trs to be there for Casey during the break up.
Yvonne is someone you might think wouldn't get along to well with mikey due to her serious nature but she is Mikeys gal pal. They like to trash talk over whine and watch chick flicks. They have girls night along with April and later the girls when they are teens. Von is also kind of the branch that helped Mikey more embrace his feminine side shes kind of like a safety net in a sense. Because she has a habit of needing to use example and such it helps mikey see that him feeling like he genderfuild is not werid and dosen't make him different its just another thing that make him Mikey. He was one of two who really wanted him to get together with Don but because it meant she would be his sister.
Summer/Ariel- Ill drive more into stuff on Summers answers but over all Mikey loves his nieces and used to take part in kidnapping them both when they were babies. Often the last option as babysitter but it was more like playdates. he might be thier uncle/aunt/auncle but it follows more th logic of im the older kid between them. Mikey always had very good friendships with the both of them. He's sort of like this break from adults because like what Casey did for him i feel he dose for his nieces offers them someone they can talk to in a way they can't other adults. It why he was shocked by Ariels turn on him he just felt everything was fine because as stated Mikey is someone who needs to talk to know whats going on but Ariel is too much like her own parents and it didn't help that everyone seemed to just mov eon from everything. So when she snapped at him sudeenly of course it hurt him a lot. He didn't know how much what he did would effect her nor was he ware how it affected Don. He loves her and of course wanted to fix it but because he loves her he gave her the space she seemed to need at the time. Dose make him wonder if they were as close as he thought they always were.
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nightmarenoise · 4 years
Some thoughts on TMNT 2012
I finished watching the entirety of the TMNT 2012 series a while ago and boy, do I have some thoughts™. First of all though, the following is going to be my opinions and you’re free to disagree with them. If you feel like attacking me for expressing these opinions though, I’m just going to have to ask you to take a minute and consider that you are about to be a bitch online over an eight year old children’s animated show, and that maybe you should find something else to base your entire identity around. Secondly, I don’t hate the show, not by any means. It was fine. It was fine. It was fine, you guys. I wouldn’t have watched it otherwise. I watched usually about half a season per day because I have too much time on my hands but if I do more than 13 episodes, my puny brain will implode. That being said, I understand that the binge watching might have affected my judgement, because having to wait for a new episode to air each week hits different, I know. Still, I came home after work each day, cozied up in bed and watched 13 episodes of turtle shenanigans before going to sleep and my sleep schedule has never been better. But I digress. Also, I will compare 2012 to Rise, because that’s the only other TMNT show I’ve seen and because this is my post and I want to and it’s only initially.
I feel like the main difference between Rise and 2012 is that Rise is a character-driven show, while 2012 is ultimately plot-driven.
Why do things in Rise happen? Because a character wants something (the boys want to buy their dad a nw robe, April wants to spend a normal day with her new friend, etc, those are just from the top of my head). The motivations are ultimately mundane, and then the story goes from there.
Why do things in 2012 happen? Because the plot said so. Sure, the characters grow and change, but they’re ultimately vehicles for the plot. We don’t really take a minute to let the characters breathe. Usually, things happen because the Turtles saw something on patrol and they’re on patrol because they know the plot is waiting out there to get them.
The show starts with April’s dad being kidnapped by the Krang (/Kraang? It’s unclear) and April herself being spared this presumably gruesome fate because Donnie saved her at the last second. She then goes on to live with an aunt we never see.
We also don’t see much of how this affects April at first. Sure, she is shown to be sad and wanting to get her father back, but the episode ends on the Turtles leaving her at her aunt’s place and then we’re done for the day. Hell, the next time we see April, she just casually drops by their place to show Mikey how to make online friends.
Maybe that’s just me being overly criticial, but I could have done with more time between those moments, showing her coming to terms with things, her normal day-to-day live, or heck, even just going to the lair for the first time.
But we don’t get that because plot has to happen.
April isn’t the only character who suffers from that, but I feel like it affects her the most.
The writers seem to have learned their lesson, because when April loses her dad for the second time, to mutation this time around, she blames the Turtles (which isn’t wrong) and then doesn’t talk to them for a month while presumably going back to her aunt, who I suppose never asks any questions. She only goes back to talking to them when Casey tells her a similar story and she realizes something something, hurting someone without meaning to. Which is fine, but it’s also not really, because it implies April being rightfully upset isn’t valid, because the Turtles didn’t mean to mutate her dad and it was an accident, but it feels like it tone polices someone for experiencing a loss and not letting her take some time for herself to come to terms with that.
But y'know we need her, in part because she’s The Special, but most importantly, so one of the most tedious love subplots can happen.
I know they explained April’s specialness as her being a human/Krang mutant and the Krang needing her unique brain to mutate the entire planet because …reasons. Except for when they later attack New Yok and then don’t need her for that anymore. On that note, I do not understand Krang’s plan at all. Time passes faster in their dimension and they’re kind of at war with the Triceratons and have trouble with the Utrom, so they want to leave (even though the Triceratons are clearly also in our universe, so why not pick a different dimension to take over entirely? There’s established to be ten) and mutate a planet to take over. This is all well and good, except they’ve been at it for about seven million years? Krang takes credit for creating the first humans with mutagen and it’s been mentioned that they steered human evolution to the point where they could create a human/Krang hybrid, such as April. But why did they only have one? They lost track of her when her dad and her fled to New York City, wouldn’t it have been more convenient to have more mutants to do their vague mutant stuff they require by the plot to take over the planet?
Even if we assume that this first mutation means that the first humans didn’t surface between seven and five million years ago, humans haven’t evolved that much in the last couple thousand years. Why wait so long? It must have been billions of years for the Krang.
I know it’s a cartoon and stuff, but they could have easily removed that problem by cutting the line about Krang taking credit for human evolution and for the Krang having been with us for thousands of years. It just creates problems.
Speaking of problematic, the romantic subplots. So, Leo wants to bang his sister, Donnie is creepily obsessed with the first human girl he’s ever met and Mikey is such a good boy, he gets two love interests, because one isn’t enough for all the love and goodness contained in orange boy. I still think it’s weird because all of these love interests are humans, but I gradually got over that. I managed to think about this without physically convulsing for ten whole minutes, for starts.
Okay, so Donnie/April is just bad. The writing and the execution are bad. The characters are fine, I love Donnie, even though he focuses way too much of his time and attention on obsessing over April, but I can let that go on account of him being a teen dealing with his very first ever crush. April though  is frequently made to be a callous bitch who knows of his feelings and leads him on when she wants something, but pushes him away at all other times. I vividly remember the time New York was overrun by Krang and April helped Donnie bandage his injured arm and he was about to confess his feelings to her and she pulled too tight to get him to stop. Instead of being up front about it or just telling him that she either liked him or not or that now just wasn’t the time to focus on romance - all of which super valid in their own right. Rip the bandaid off, girl. None of them look especially good coming out of this.
It gets worse considering that after seasons of back and forth and even introducing Casey to give us a love triangle, everyone’s favorite thing in media and April redeeming herself by also being That Way to Casey and by redeeming I mean informing us that she just isn’t really fit for a relationship because she is very toxic in handling them, the whole thing is just kind of dropped forever. There’s no payoff. We spent so much time watching Donnie agonize over this, get worse, then get over his stalker-ish tendencies and get rewarded with a kiss and then nothing ever happens. They don’t even have a conversation about their feelings. The show tries to make it seem like there’s a special connection between April and Donnie because she kills him and then feels bad and brings him back, but, no. That’s not how any of that works. Ultimately this whole thing feels like a huge and infuriating waste of time. Fourth place. And that’s a kindness.
Leo and Karai get third place, mainly because of the incest. Neither of them is as toxic over this subplot and it also has the common decency of not taking up that much time, but it’s still weird. I don’t have much to say here. I guess it was dropped in the end, but maybe also not, but at least there weren’t 30 episodes about Leo agonizing over Karai while she was being weird and also she had her own thing going on and felt like a more fleshed out character than April despite getting less screen time. Third place.
Mikey gets silver because while he’s flirting with two human girls, they both seem to be exclusively into it and also he’s much more mature about dealing with it than his supposedly intelligent brother. Get this. Mikey, being mature at something. None of these ships are confirmed, but it’s a nice change of pace.
Raph takes gold because he fell in love with a girl after she beat the crap out of him and nothing is more valid than that.
Okay, the plot feels kind of rushed, in that they’re confessing undying love after kissing twice, but one, they’re teens and two, this is just the best we’re going to get out of this show.
Casey, well.
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Casey exists. He doesn’t add all that much to the story. He has a delightful dynamic with Raph, coming in just after Slash confronted him with his worst traits and then reinforcing the “be a vigilante and do good”-angle and that’s nice. Outside of that though, he tries to hit on April, he hits things with his hockey sticks and I guess he has a family he cares about that we never see. Oops.
I’m very ambivalent about Splinter. I do get him and he’s a good sensei, but kind of a lousy father? Sure, his entire life went up in flames quite spectacularly, but as soon as he realizes his daughter is alive, he often seems to prioritize getting her back over the lives of the four sons he actually raised and spent the last fifteen years with? Also, he’s a dick to Mikey? He gets better later and then he dies. Hm.
Mikey wasn’t as annoying as I feared, going in. He was still stupid, but he had his moments. I also didn’t find him as funny as some of the writers probably hoped, but he was fine. He’s a good boy who deserved better every step of the way, but his brothers and Splinter are kind of not nice to him despite him being just as capable as his brothers. Neither is the show, often making him the butt of a joke or downplaying his achievements (producing super-retro mutagen, saving all his brothers from parasite wasps and the one time he saved the city from cannibal pizza it was treated like a “it was all a dream or was it” and nobody believed him). He doesn’t get a lot of development, but he’s the goodest boy.
Raph again surprised me. He arguably underwent the most development, dealing with his many demons and getting a grip on his temper. This was especially apparent in the Northampton arc when he did chores without complaint and helped Leo train.
Leo on the other hand, started as the leader of the team and ended the story as the de-facto leader of the family and also he was stronger now. I don’t know. Being a leader was his defining trait from start to finish and while he agonized over that, he wasn’t allowed much development outside of that. His first meeting with Karai introduced this subplot about him wanting to be irresponsible and do his own thing, but that was quickly dropped and never brought up again. I liked him best when he was being a dork over his favorite TV show or that time he went to space and on his first outing tried to hit on an alien lady. I would have liked to see more of that Leo, because that Leo was actually interesting.
Donnie, I don’t know. Most of his time was poured into the world’s worst romantic subplot and outside of that he had some traits, but he was mostly there so he could analyze things, develop antivenoms at the drop of a hat, finally create a retromutagen and build 152 vehicles. I like Donnie, but there isn’t much to talk about that isn’t directly tied to April. Except maybe how he promised to turn Timothy back into a human and then never did, even though we keep seeing his frozen remains in the back of the lab. For shame, Donnie. For shame.
To the show’s credit, a lot of the mutants looked horrifying and creepy. They had a tight grip on that horror vibe and it was great. They maintained a balance of comedy and horror and while it wasn’t great, it was a nice reprieve.
I hated Shredder and I know I was supposed to, but I will never get over what a petty bitch he was.
The thing that hit me the hardest was probably the destruction of Earth at the end of season 3. I was legitimately upset about that, so that’s probably a good thing. But when five minutes into the next episode Scrooge McDoctor Who did some timey whimey bullshit to reverse it, I was not any less upset. Make of that what you will. (No, I’ll explain, I felt cheated and it was cheap and annoying. Just when you think the show has some balls, it pulls a “sike” and then flips back to the status quo, usually). The space arc was simultaneously interesting and also not, with a lot of predictable plot threads, but at least we got more locations  than the same two nocturnal New York streets all the time.
The ending though was super weird. The other turtles then went into space and probably died or some shit, because they never show up again and also the Fugitoid’s head is alive in orbit, but whatever, no time for that because we have to go back, for the 50th time, to the Foot!
The plot has no time to unfold because the plot needs to happen.
Do you ever think the writers squabbled a lot? It kind of feels like a lot of them wanted to do their own thing and then someone else meddled with that and then we got a patchwork of unconnected threads, left loose and dangling.
I was surprised when we got some buildup to April’s growing dependence on her alien crystal and even one episode dealing with its powers before we got to the episode dealing with the crystal’s effects on her. That sort of nuanced pacing was new. I was also initially very sure that this subplot would only find its payoff in the season finale or half season finale, like most other plot threads usually did, but no, it got its own separate episode.
Yes, they went all Dark Phoenix, but the ending was super anticlimactic, because April killed Donnie and then someone reminded her of it and she felt bad, so she stopped being possessed by evil. They fucked up on the home stretch, but they tried.
I never liked the time travel episodes with Renet much, they felt weirdly intrusive and adding nothing new to the plot. It felt like the first one only happened so we could meet Tang Shen before she died and that didn’t add a whole lot of anything. It confirmed things we already knew and introduced Mikey’s love interest and that was that.
The show tried to do a thing about anti-mutant racism once, but it sure is a good thing that the only people racist against mutants were the mafia, so we don’t have to worry about making a nuanced take here. They could have done something really interesting, but then went for simple black-and-white-morality instead.
My favorite episode was when the boys played Dungeons and Dragons with a sparrow mutant.
The worst part of the show though was its fifth season. First it seemed like it would just continue from where the fourth season had left off with Shredder being revived - because like a good villain, or herpes, Shredder always comes back - by the worst looking dragon I have ever seen in my entire life, but then that arc surprisingly ended after four episodes, shocking me to my core. Almost as shocking as Donnie almost killing a guy, but then deciding not do at the very last second. Again, feels like they could have done more here, but then they didn’t.
The fifth season started with two arcs that seemed to tie up loose plot threads, like Shredder’s revival and the bug alien guy I could have sworn died when he was yeeted out of an airlock coming back to enact his grim revenge, all so Raph’s girlfriend could live on the same planet as him and then never appear on the show ever again. Also Mikey died and his brothers were sad for five seconds before going about their business and then he came back with superpowers and then he conveniently lost them at the end of the episode, because the plot doesn’t have time for things that are emotional or interesting. Then there was that time the writers were like “What if we made Yojimbo, but with anthropromorphic animals and also the turtles are there” and it existed and the Turtles added very few things to the story and then went back to their dimension and never talked about it ever again. Or the time they said “what if we made Mad Max and also everything was terrible” and so they did and Leo became a hulked up war criminal but everyone forgave him because he wasn’t himself but immediately snapped out of it after seeing his brothers and Raphael was on steroids and Donnie became a robot in what I assume was a reference to the comics where he died and became a robot and also Donnie ended up being the only one whose body died, but considering what became of his brothers, he was probably the best off? And Raph had amnesia just so he could say he had amnesia and it didn’t actually factor into the plot once because he immediately recognized Mikey. I don’t know, I hated that special.
But at least it gave me emotions. The best part of the “that time travel demon is back and trying to monster mash” arc was when I remembered that I could browse tumblr on my phone while it was on and then I didn’t bore myself to death and also didn’t miss anything of value.
The series finale was fine. Nothing to write home about, but perfectly fine, even though the show threw an awful lot of shade at the 1987 version.
I feel like the most jarring thing about the fifth season was that the show spent four seasons going out of its way to present itself as something with a cohesive narrative and a plot that goes on and on and then we get these disjointed stories, some of which have absolutely nothing to do with the story at all. Just the writers throwing some idea at a wall to see what sticks because they either didn’t have any ideas anymore, or too many, but the end result wasn’t great and I’ll recommend newcomers to stop after the fourth season, because for real.
Tiger Claw existed and he was infuriatingly capable and powerful and then his sister chopped off his arm and then he got a robot arm and that was it forever. I don’t know, some episodes felt more pointless than others, but some managed to be fun or interesting and some just added something they thought was fun and it ended up never mattering again. 
Some characters disappeared randomly, like the dove guy and I don’t care enough to ask what happened there.
Karai’s mutation being reversed off-screen was super bizarre. Sure, her being able to change at will as metal as heck, but it felt weird and incomplete and like I missed an episode. Maybe I did. It was also infuriating how her venom was a plot point in one episode and never brought up again after that.
Outside of that, I don’t have much insight to offer. Other people already exlained how the fight scenes, while nice, are not very accurate, especially the bo staff moves, or how the show is very dark, not in tone, but in actual absence of light and lots of greyscales or how most characters have singular traits rather than fleshed out personalities, especially the supporting cast. How there isn’t a lot of diversity in the human characters and how figure-hugging a lot of April’s and Karai’s clothing is (shoutout to April’s yellow shirt, it’s uncomfortable to look at, cheers) or how the female characters are frequently damselled.
I liked when the animation added personality to the characters because the writing sure didn’t think it had time for that.
All in all, it’s a mixed bag for me. It’s a fine show to watch if you have the time and it’s not all bad and I can see why people enjoy it, but it’s not for me. I liked some episodes enough to watch again, but I feel like in nine out of ten cases, I’ll opt to rewatch Rise instead because it has more of what I personally like, but I won’t think less of you if you enjoyed this version of the show. I’m not telling people that one version of the Turtles is superior to the other, just that I think it’s important to take off those rose-colored glasses and be critical of the things you consume every now and again.
But if you prefer plot-driven shows that can be surprisingly dark, you might enjoy this. Or you could watch Avatar, because it has that as well as three-dimensional characters and better worldbuilding.
Thank you for reading my way-too-long thoughts about an animated kid’s show.
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jam-n-ham · 6 years
Ok, having seen Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, I can finally give my full opinion of the episodes I’ve seen thus far. Please don’t be offended by my review. I have good things to say and not so good things to say. My opinions have nothing to do with how I view the people who watch it and love it. So please be nice to me and my thoughts...
So, it’s obviously more childish (or I guess meant for children) than it’s previous incarnations, save for maybe the 80s version. This makes watching the show a different experience for me than the previous shows. I wouldn’t say it’s a bad change, but it’s certainly difficult for me to get used. It affects the humor and the story progression, which is more lacking than it’s counterparts. Although, I WILL say that the show can be VERY funny at times. I found myself laughing out loud at certain jokes, whether they were legitimately funny or just shockingly weird. It can also be a bit fast paced, I was having a hard time following what was going on in certain episodes. It’s not helped by the fact that the episodes are only 12 minutes long.  
The premise of the show circles around the idea that these strange, mutant mosquitoes have gotten loose on NYC and are randomly mutating individuals, thus provoking mass mayhem for the turts. The boys have also randomly acquired new magical weapons from a weird city underground. I won’t give anymore away, but that’s the most story that’s been provided for the majority of the show. I felt like the idea was kind of out there and hard to follow, but I wish they would’ve shown us more of that underground city. It just seems like a lot happened in the first episode and there wasn’t enough time to show it all. Also, I thought it was kind of random that they just so happened to find new magical weapons conveniently out of nowhere. I wish there was some REASON why that happened. But the idea of the mosquitoes was a nice idea to make more mutants in the city. I’m hoping this will give the turts a chance to make new friends? Maybe?
The boys already know April at the beginning of the show, so I have no idea how they met. I suppose they think we’ve seen enough stories of how they meet so it’s not necessary to show us again. This doesn’t bother me very much, but I do wish I knew how they met and how the turts mutated and whether this Splinter was originally a rat like the 2003 Splinter, or whether he was a human that mutated like the 2012 one. Maybe they’ll show us eventually, but it’s not too irritating as it is.
The new voices are fine, I think they’re doing a great job. But I’m having a REALLY hard time getting used to Raph as the leader. I was very upset when they switched Leo and Raph’s roles and I’m still upset honestly. I feel like they took away Leo’s ONE THING and now he has nothing. It would be like giving Don’s intelligence to Mikey and giving Don nothing back. It’s just awkward. And now I have no idea who Leo even is anymore. I can feel the strangeness while watching the episodes that it feels like Leo’s not even Leo anymore (which he isn’t). I don’t know that I’ll ever get used to it. But I do love the new designs, I also thought it was fun that they changed their species and ages. I’m also very pleased they made Raph huge because I always thought he should be and in the 2012 show they made him SHORTER and I was ANGRY. I love new April too. And honestly, this new Donnie is my new fav Donnie, no lies.
Of all things, the best feature of the new show BY FAR is the animation. It’s as good or possibly even better than the 2003 show which also had fantastic animation. The designs are so angular and pleasing to look at and the FLUIDITY IS AMAZING. Those FIGHTS SCENES. I’M DYING. If you don’t care about anything else about this show, AT LEAST watch it for the animation which is top notch, I’m tellin’ ya. 
Overall, I’m not as displeased with this show as I initially thought when I first heard about it. Yes, it’s not perfect. It’s much more... I guess, immature?... than the other shows. There were times that I thought to myself, “why am I even watching this?” Especially watching the episode with the worm. Why did they make an episode about a worm? And I think my desire for a more nitty-gritty-realistic TMNT does affect my judgement somewhat. But, there are good things about the show too, like the animation and DONNIE. It also doesn’t have many episodes so far, so it might get even better over time. I’m hoping Casey will make an appearance someday and that they’ll do better with him in this show than the last one. I think it’s worth giving it a shot. If you’ve never seen TMNT than you won’t have an opinion and it’ll probably just look like a fun little kid’s show. But if you’re an old TMNT fan like me, it might take some more getting used to. 
It’s not as bad as I was scared it would be. I actually enjoyed myself watching the episodes, and I guess that’s all that matters in entertainment right? That you’re entertained? And I was entertained.
If you’ve read this far, kudos to you. Thank you for listening. 
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all-things-tmnt · 7 years
Thoughts on “Tokka Vs. The World”:
Remember that one time when Raph adopted a turtle from space after its mother (Tokka) was seemingly killed and we all were like “well, at least Raph gets a happy ending?” ...Remember that one time months later when it turns out that Tokka survived and came to earth to get her baby back? We’re rolling back into things with a huge opening in our final stretch to the end of season three. When a monster from their past threatens to destroy their whole world, the turtles must team up with Chompy to save the earth from Tokka’s wrath. Will they succeed? Probably, but let’s see!  This post is so ALIVE with spoilers, so if you want to avoid them from burning you up, don’t keep reading.  If you haven’t seen this comeback episode, now would be a great time to click here and watch it!
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There’s some kind of pun to be found here along the lines of, “you can take the baby turtle out of space but you can’t take the space out of the baby turtle without its mother coming to absolutely murder you...” I’m sure it’ll come to me at some point in writing this, and I’ll let you guys know when I got it.  Interesting things:       - “Hey guys, remember how we gave Raph a space pet and never did anything with him ever again? Well we should make him a major plot device for reasons.” - The TMNT Writers, probably.       - As a person who was never a fan of Chompy and/or didn’t care about his existence since he was introduced.....he is really cute.       - Also, I appreciate the Godzilla reference.      - There are many reasons Chompy shouldn’t play with Ice Cream Kitty, one being that he could literally murder the cat because HE BREATHES FIRE.       - He apparently farts fire as well.       - “Dude, you ever think about how big Chompy will get one day?” I have literally thought about that since they decided to take him Michelangelo.      - “I feel bad about Chompy’s mom.” LOL REALLY DO YOU NOW?????      - “Donnie said there’s probably nothing that could survive a super nova.” LOL REALLY NOW?????????????????      - Someone please try to explain to me how Tokka knew where Chompy was. Don’t tell me she followed his scent or whatever because there is no oxygen in space and no smell. This is going to be a filler to the highest degree, isn’t it?      - Am I the only person who still waits for the Triceraton foot to stomp down on the manhole cover in the theme song...? I swear that gave me PTSD.       - Donnie and Casey getting along is my aesthetic.       - So I guess we’re not done with this crystal business?       - THIS JUST IN: NASA AND THE EPF WORK TOGETHER.       - STAY CLASSY NEW YORK. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA. NICE.       - How on earth did Splinter instantly know that it was coming straight for Chompy? I mean come on.      - OH COME ON LEO, YOU HAVE SEEN TOKKA, YOU ALREADY KNOW YOU CAN’T JUST SPEAK TO THAT MASSIVE THING AND OFFER HER BABY BACK. CAN YOU EVEN IMAGINE HOW THAT CONVERSATION WOULD GO WERE IT POSSIBLE? “HEY LOL SORRY WE STOLE YOUR CHILD THANKS BYE.”      - I typed that in all CAPS because it mattered that much to me.       - You know Casey’s been poorly written for too long if even he’s surprised when he’s right.      - ALL. HAIL. BISHOP.       - Dear God I don’t even understand what this pep talk is.      - Casey being so useful in this episode and the writers are literally MOCKING HIM because he’d finally being written the way he should be. STOP. BEING. AWFUL. TO. CASEY.      - “And not semi-idiotic.” My new favorite line of the series.      - I appreciated the fun running towards TCRI montage.       - That guy was watching cat videos.       - I’m sorry but there is no way they got into that elevator like that. I don’t even understand what just happened.       - LOLOLOLOLOL @ THAT TMNT MOVIE REFERENCE!!!!!!!!!      - Casey had a weapon that could have sent those grenades back. He did not use it. Ugh.      - “We gotta get to that other ship!” There are literally 20 other ships. Which one is “that other” one?      - “Destroy what you don’t understand.” DONATELLO, YOU ARE MY HERO. I feel like that was an underlying political message.       - ALL. HAIL. BISHOP. !!!!!!!!!!!.       - “I have become ambassador to earth.” That I’m not entirely thrilled about but I mean whatever. this whole season has just screwed with logic so much.       - That awkward moment when Raph goes against Bishop and I am literally forced to side wth Bishop.       - “He’s my sidekick in my mission to cleanse the city of evil.” WHAT? WHAT????? NO. I’M NOT OKAY WITH THAT.       - Raph and Bishop’s “fight” was just added to the list of things this series didn’t need.      - Not to be a downer but those pilots just exploded.       - So after ALL THAT TALK AND ALMOST FIGHTING, Bishop just lets them go. REALLY.       - THOSE TWO SOLDIERS JUST STOOD THERE WHILE BISHOP TOOK OUT THE FIRST ONE AND THEN DID NOTHING TO DEFEND THEMSELVES AGAINST HIM.       - Casey is the best thing about this episode.       - Pretty sure Tokka just set New York City on fire.       - “YAAAAAAAS Mom YAAAAAASSSSSSS.” - Chompy, probably.       - People are definitely dying in New York City right now. Tokka and the EPF are literally killing thousands of people.       - Leo, please don’t fall back into your self-missions-of-definite-suicides again. That’s been our trope in season four and it hasn’t worked out.       - I love watching Leo fight. Even though I told him not to do this last bullet point...he’s always choreographed so well and I love itttt.      - Raph’s sense of balance is impossibly amazing.       - Donnie is the only one who’s logically looking at any of this begging for Tokka not to eat them.      - Can Tokka even understand Raph? Or hear him for the matter???      - As a person who is almost constantly way too emotionally invested in this series, I gotta say, I am not moved by this episode at all...especially this scene with Raph talking to Tokka and saying goodbye to Chompy. Sorry not sorry I guess.       - YOU’VE. GOT. TO. BE. KIDDING. ME.       - I AM SO ANGRY RIGHT NOW WITH THIS “RESOLUTION” THAT IT’S NOT EVEN FUNNY.       - Casey can add “tasering a general” to his rap sheet.       - That was the best high three of the series.       - Tokka launching and flying away is still as stupid as it was the first time we saw it.       - Leo cheering for his brother from the sidelines gave me feels.       - Chompy will leave earth some day confirmed. Not through the duration of this series, though.  Well...I guess I have to do breakdowns? There’s really not much serious depth to this episode. Not any that affects the overall plot, anyway. But the best thing about this episode is Casey. ...I know, I thought I’d never get to say that in a review, either. But seriously! This is the first episode where I was consistently rooting for Casey the entire time. Seeing him do so many things right for once was so great. What wasn’t great was that even the writers point out the dialogue that Casey has never been this useful before. And it’s frustrating because we know Casey is capable of great things if he’s given the chance to be! From the first moment we see him when he points out he’s concerned, to the awesome ideas he has, to the fighting he does, he’s solid from start to finish in this episode and I genuinely hope this is a turning point for his character. Here’s to hoping we get more of this Casey and less of “beginning of season four Casey.” Another thing I wanted to point out that happened in this episode was Casey pointing out Mikey is his sidekick. Mikey. Not Raph. I’ve definitely complained about it before, but Casey and Raph have always had a bromance in TMNT. I haven’t seen it nearly enough in this series yet, and it’s been bothering me. When Casey first met Raph, we were instantly given the promise that they were going to be bros, and there haven’t been enough episodes showing us their friendship in depth like other incarnations have shown us. This episode feels like it teased us with the things Casey should and can be, and I hope like hell we’ll get a Raph-Casey episode soon.  Bishop just randomly popping up was great, because I’ve missed seeing him. Bishop randomly popping up as ambassador to earth was kind of weird. I mean, how could we have not gotten any forewarning about that? I would assume he’d contact the turtles about it, especially seeing as they fought together and he (along with the other Utroms) had entrusted them with the Black Hole Generator pieces. Him popping up and being so relevant kind of fit the theme of this whole episode, which was... SHOVING IRRELEVANT THINGS DOWN OUR THROATS! These are my final thoughts: this episode is basically pointless. Or at least, I feel like everything in this episode is pointless. I mean, considering I’ve been waiting so long for new episodes to come back, on top of the fact that we are literally closing in on what has promised to be an INCREDIBLE finale episode, seeing this episode that in no way enhances the plot was a bit frustrating. 2012 has done fillers before, but there’s always one or two moments in those fillers that play a huge role in the main story. This episode has nothing; it reminds us that Raph had a turtle, tries to put us through some moments that end up not mattering at all. Seriously, you expect me to believe that giant space turtle flew all the way to earth and just decided NOT to take her baby back because it seemed attached to Raph? I can’t deal. And like I said; we’re so close to the finale. I want to see us building towards that. Not wasting time on a pointless filler. I mean I didn’t hate the episode, but I hated that it gave me nothing to prepare me for the next step in our story. So honestly, I gotta give this one a 6/10, and that’s me being nice.  So now that we’ve gotten this little one-shot out of the way...The Tale of Tiger Claw is coming up next. We’re finally going to get to look at the back story of one of our biggest enemies. So that’s exciting.  But, before we’re meeting Alopex and talking TC, let’s talk about Tokka. Let me know what you guys liked and didn’t like  here. Previous review for The Power Inside Her here. All season four reviews here. All episode reviews index here. Podcast review here.
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