#when they were disguised as a normal pkmn advocacy group ))
pinkhairandpokemon · 2 months
[You see a younger Blake walk into what must’ve been their house at the time. Here, they look to be at least eight, nine or possibly ten. School bag on their back, they walk into the kitchen and call out with a smile on their face.
“Charlie! I’m back!”
But then, you see them freeze. Their smile drops. They stare at an empty dog cage on the far side of the dining area. Blinking a few times, they turn to another, taller figure who enters the room. A woman with dark brown hair, tied back with a green bow.
“Hey honey,” their mother greets them. “How was school?” Something about her tone feels a bit off. Casual, but with a hint of tension. Like she’s working her way up to ripping the bandage off of something.
“Mom?” Blake doesn’t register her question. “Where’s Charlie?”
The mother’s face visibly sinks. With a heavy sigh, she sets the coffee mug she’d been holding on the table and avoids their gaze as she walks to the kitchen, likely getting ready to prepare dinner.
“I’m sorry sweetie,” she sighs. “Someone came to take him away.”
She says it so calmly, so nonchalantly, like it’s a minor inconvenience. But you can see it in the way Blake’s eyes shift; their entire world had been shattered.
“You know it was for the best,” their mother continues before they can even ask questions or react in any sort of way. “He just got too rambunctious for us ever since he became a Herdier. He’ll be much happier where he’s going.”
Blake’s mouth just hangs open for a long while. “…Where is he going?”
“A nice organization dedicated to stuff like re-homing Pokémon in need came to pick him up this morning after you went to school. They’re called… the Plasma Foundation, something like that? I’m not quite sure,” she explains as she begins pulling vegetables out of the fridge. “But they seemed like trustworthy folk. They’ll take good care of him, I’m sure.”
Blake falls quiet again. After a long moment, their mother sighs heavier this time and turns to them with an almost frustrated expression, brows furrowed. “We talked about this,” she states firmly. “If his behavior didn’t start to get any better, we’d have to find him a new home. I’m sorry, ______, but it had to be done.”
There’s an obvious overflow of emotion behind Blake’s eyes, but the young not-yet-trainer stays still. You think they’re on the verge of breaking down completely. Of either bursting into tears or screaming furiously. In their situation, being a child, you don’t think you’d blame them for doing so.
But they don’t. Instead, they just nod. They force a smile.
“O-okay.” they mutter, low enough to hide the waver in their voice. “Y-yeah, I-I know. I understand.
Another beat of silence passes. Their mother goes back to preparing the stove, not long before Blake turns to the stairs a few feet away.
“I’m gonna go back to my room for a little while.”
“Okay,” their mother replies without looking up from her current task. “I’ll call you down when dinner’s ready.”
You watch as Blake travels up the steps, turns down a hallway, and enters through a door decorated on the outside with various Unovan Pokémon stickers. Closing it behind them, they stare blankly at a particular corner of their bedroom. A spot where an empty dog bed and a few stray toys currently lie.
They stand there so long you almost think this “memory footage” has frozen. Then, you watch them move over to their bed, walking with legs beginning that are to tremble. They sit down, and they lie sideways on the mattress, resting their head on their pillow.
A few more seconds, and then you see a tear escape through the corner of their eye. And then another. And another. More and more until the side of their face and the bridge of their nose is soaked. Their quiet, choked sobs echo through the dimly lit room.
The video’s end gives you a strong, nearly overwhelming sense of loneliness from the younger Blake.]
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