#when she served in that capacity for her brother President Grover Cleveland (hostessing and such)
Top 5 first ladies
Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
Abigail Adams
It's just Abigail Adams all the way down, honestly. Anybody who could look at John "Definition Of The Word Curmudgeon" Adams and go all heart eyes is someone I want to study like a specimen under a microscope. I've seen one of her dresses on display; she was quite tall, only an inch shorter than him, and for some reason this delights me
also, you know. she was a stone-cold badass. so there's that
(I don't actually know a lot about the First Ladies of my country, to be honest. For some reason, Presidential history just...doesn't interest me that much? There's so much going on in the US, historically, that is barely affected by the President or the First Lady, and the topics that interest me most tend to fall under that category.)
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