#when she says pre-mysteric does she mean pre-historic like 3 million years ago or 6 thousand??? because that makes such a big difference
ellebells · 2 years
something i noticed while rewatching elsewhere and elsewhen
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Okay so here Lilith talks about how she’s trying to calculate the location of the time pools, right? But it’s implied that The Boiling Isles shifted to the empirical system (obvi a pun on imperial) sometime within recent history.
The only event that I can think of that might’ve led to this change is Belos’s rise to power, as he’s the only person in TBI who even knows what a “foot” is. So what I’m kinda getting is that one of the first things Belos did when he became emperor was just. Force everyone to use the imperial system. Which is fucking hilarious to me can u imagine being a witch in 1970 and suddenly this guy with a weird mask makes it illegal to do wild magic and also you have to start using inches. I’d be so confused.
He probably did it just bc he’s lazy too. Bro got sick of trying to figure out what the fuck ppl were talking abt and proceeded to overhaul the entire mathematical system. This is a piece of underrated foreshadowing why haven’t I seen a single person talk abt this???
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