iisekai · 4 years
Hello my dears, I hope you’ve all been well 💜✨ just another small update regarding my activity, as my mental health has significantly improved since my last update, and I’m on track with my course work, I should be around on the weekend to finally get some writing done— -because I’ve missed writing with you all dearly! Until then, stay amazing & stay safe! ☺️✨
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iisekai · 4 years
CW: mental health.
Hey m’dears 💕  Apologies for being rather absent the last few days. I’m currently going through the notions of depression while trying to keep up with my course workload, which is starting to get on top of me. So, I’m going to be focusing the little energy I have on that until I pull myself out of this rut. Hope to be back soon & writing with you all. Stay safe & don’t stop being amazing!  
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iisekai · 4 years
Soft & Sassy Starters
“Big toughies need cuddles too.”
“I see you’ve gone to bed… and that I am the bed.”
“Yeah yeah, big strong warrior don’t need snuggles- uh-huh.”
“Well this was my spot and you just happened to be part of it.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll keep your terrifying reputation in tact.”
“… absolute moron, what would you do without me?”
“You know what happens if you tell my secrets to the world.”
“Oh wow, I didn’t know grumpy expressions fed directly into cute.”
“Looks like I’ve got a backlogs of ‘I love you’ reminders to get through.”
“Think you’re gonna get away with this assault of hugs? I think not.”
“Could just admit you’re a sweetheart and get this facade over with.”
“Stoic and stalwart, I don’t need affection. I said ‘need’ not ‘want’. Different words.”
“Let me out of bed. I’ll fight you from the blankets.”
“I’m letting you pat my head for your benefit, not mine.”
“Can’t handle a hug? A tickle? Not at all?”
“Ulterior motives? We can’t do nice things for each other? I don’t blame you I am pretty suspicious.”
“I feel like we should be complaining about something petty while I brush your hair.”
“Diagnosis: you need to be squished.”
“If you’re so tough, get out of my arms lock. No, not a hug, an arms lock.”
“And the face cracked to reveal a hint of a smile. The legends were true!”
“Oh. Didn’t you get the memo? This is my favourite spot.”
“Hair looked a little too neat so
“Being adorable and being fierce and deadly are not mutually exclusive.”
“I’ve heard about sweet to sour, but not sour to sweet.”
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iisekai · 4 years
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iisekai · 4 years
Wanna RP: A PSA
Wanna RP together? Let’s do it.
Wanna jump into my inbox randomly? Do it.
Send me a starter? Do it.
Wanna plot? Do it. IMs are a thing now. Let’s go.
Wanna- Just do it.
My inbox and IMs are always open for whatever reason you can think of.
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iisekai · 4 years
Just a PSA
Reblog if you don’t ignore rps and asks but sometimes it takes you a while to think of a response, or you only have time to answer a question or two before doing other things.
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iisekai · 4 years
CONTINUED || @redratrobed​
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Little had she anticipated-- -or indeed considered another would CONCEAL themselves here; for years Kagome had sought refuge atop the long vacated warehouse on the outskirts of the city, and NEVER had she happened across anyone else. She’d considered it her SANCTUARY, albeit, a rather unsightly and lackluster one.
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Immediately the high-schooler FROZE as honey orbs fell to a stooped figure, even from behind she was able to discern whom it belonged too; she’d seen him around school, that was until he suddenly disappeared. Shingo was his name, right? Rumor had it he was EXPELLED-- - but there was little evidence to affirm it. None of that mattered, not now anyway, as she figured from her own experience, that if he was HERE then was something troubling him. 
His performance was ... unconvincing at BEST. Allergies? It was nearing the beginning of winter. Nevertheless, Kagome played along, clearly he was in no mood to talk about whatever it was that was troubling him-- -and why should he? She was essentially a STRANGER. 
Wriggling her backpack from her shoulders the overstuffed bag landed with a THUD on the ground beside her.
“Do you need a tissue? There’s nothing worse when your nose is running like a tap!”
As she pulled back the zipper several textbooks tumbled from her bag and SCATTERED themselves around her; eliciting a HEAVY sigh from svelte lips. Rummaging around the pack for a moment or two Kagome FINALLY located a small packet of tissues.
Tentatively she approached him and extended the packet toward him, a gentle smile gracing a porcelain countenance. 
“Your name’s Shingo, right? I-- -I thought I’d seen you around school”
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iisekai · 4 years
Another scribbled based on @littlepumkinseed and their post about Inuyasha being a protective dad. Because I refuse to beleive that Moroha wouldn't sneak out any chance she got.
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iisekai · 4 years
@iisekai​ sent: 🎁 + an object for my muse’s reaction to being gifted that object (Accepting!)
 🎁 + hair bow (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
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If there was one thing a young Moroha loved, it was her Papa’s ears. Ever since she first laid eyes on him, she was instantly drawn to them. They were so fluffy, soft, but most importantly, a way to easily identify her father. Most people say you identify people with faces, not this kid. She knew the sight of white dog ears atop silver locks meant she was looking at her father, the man she loved with all her heart.
However, due to this adoration with the half-demon’s dog trait, Moroha felt a bit sad she had not been born with something similar. Sure, her parents knew it was probably because she was only a quarter-demon, but a five-year old could not grasp the concept of genetics. She didn’t understand why she wouldn’t be born with the ears her father had, considering her cousin Hisui looked like the spitting image of his old man.
One day though, a day in the middle of autumn, her sadness regarding the subject would soon go away. After spending the afternoon playing with her elder cousin, she runs back inside her home to be greeted by her mother with what looked to be a gift in her hands. It was a piece of red hair bow, one that seemed to be just as vibrant as the robes her father would wear. 
The child took the object into her hands, smelling it first and foremost. It smelled like her father, and looking at the shape of it, it reminder her almost of his ears. Without even thinking, she moved the object to on top of her head before running towards a small mirror that was inside of her room. Moroha’s eyes widened, sparkling like the stars that always watched over them in the evenings.
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“Ears! They look like Papa’s ears! I can have ears like him now!” Well, not really, but the bow did enough to mimic the trait she adored so much. Smiling ear to ear, she runs towards her mother and gives her a tight hug. “Thank you Mama! Thank you! Please put it in my hair! I wanna go show Papa! I wanna go show him my ears!”
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iisekai · 4 years
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“Oh! I-- -erm... me? Really?”
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iisekai · 4 years
CONTINUED || @shirokodomo​
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The PUNGENT smell of the onslaught splayed before her was enough to see the young Miko retch-- - hunched over quaking hands GRIPPED the caps of her knees so tightly that the peaks of her knuckles turned a pearly white. Two Monks laid before her, so severely maimed, that had it not been for the jade prayer beads held betwixt bloodied fingers that Kagome would have had any CHANCE at identifying the pair; whom she knew to be from the neighboring village.
With several long draws of breath the miko sought to COMPOSE herself, gingerly peeling her hands from her knees she again stood tall, treading through the dampened soil-- -SOAKED in the lifeblood of the slain priests, Kagome came to a halt alongside the man she’d once known as Akihiro. 
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Voluminous lashes fell as eyes sealed themselves in silent prayer-- -yet the silence was soon BROKEN as a SHRILL scream resounded throughout the woodland. A frigid hand had clasped her ankle briefly in one LAST attempt to cling to life, alas, with one final rasping breath Akihiro’s hand tumbled to the bloodstained earth.
Barely had she managed to regain control of her breathing had an eerily familiar voice addressed her. It COULDN’T be...could it? Surely not. Hakudoshi had long since died. Then again, death was not always absolute HERE.
Cautiously the miko cast her gaze over her shoulder, honey hues tracing the DARKNESS briefly until they settled upon a petite figure. Immediately a hand is raised, reaching for the bow secured to her back.  
“You-- -you killed them, didn’t you!?” 
So RATTLED was she that Kagome bypassed the child’s inquiry-- -she’d not indulge him by providing him confirmation of her identity. 
“How are you alive?”
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iisekai · 4 years
‘Ello beautiful people! 💜✨ apologies for being quiet the last couple of days on the reply front, between my job & course work it just threw me into stressville & writing just wasn’t working out. i’m just about to hop into class now but, fingers-crossed, should be around tonight, or at the very worst the weekend. stay amazing & see you soon(ish)!
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iisekai · 4 years
anonymous impressions
☁︎  I was intimidated by your disposition/afraid to follow/send an ask to
♨︎  you seem really chill and I can’t wait to start writing with you!
♕  I’m impressed with your writing! 
✘  I don’t like your writing
✁  we used to write together, but we don’t anymore.
♋︎  I feel like we’re really similar and would get along well.
♡  I have a tumblr crush on you
☯︎  you’ve helped me improve my writing 
₪  I still haven’t had the courage to send you an ask/reach out to you
℥  I envy you for _____ reason
∞  I hope we write for a really long time!
∅  you annoy me
☛  I have something I need to tell you in IMs
❤︎  you are my favorite writer of your muse
❉  I’ve followed you for a long time
▼ I’ve heard bad things about you
▲ I’ve heard good things about you
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iisekai · 4 years
when a hobby starts to feel like a duty or like a job, it’s time to take a break from it. that doesn’t mean you love it any less. it just means that you’ve been pushing yourself too hard for too long and it’s time for a rest. it will still be there, ready and waiting to comfort and entertain you, when you’re able to come back
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iisekai · 4 years
reblog this if i can tumblr im you, just slamming a muse or plot idea down in front of you
this doesn’t mean that you have to accept or agree with the idea - i’m just a scared little turtle that would like to know if that’s something that you wouldn’t mind so much 
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iisekai · 4 years
🔄 REVERSE meme call!! LIKE if you posted some memes & want my muse to send you some! 🔄
Because if we all took a break & did this, everyone could get memes. ❤️
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iisekai · 4 years
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Moroha ✧ Hanyou no Yashahime ep. 02
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