#when i finishe actual work i get to draw some cool fanart i'm planning
sherlock-is-ace · 20 days
#i was so happy today...#i got up so excited because it's sherlock & co day#because i get to listen to it while i work#when i finishe actual work i get to draw some cool fanart i'm planning#it was all so fucking great#and not even 3 hours later i'm sitting here with tears in my eyes and pain in my chest...#remind me to never discuss my mental health with my mother never fucking again#i forgot about her WONDERFUL take of ''everyone is a little bit autistic''#and her AMAZING ''people shouldn't give name to the way people is'' (aka sexuality and how the brain works (aka being gay or being autistic#it's insane to think i come from this woman#now her FANTASTIC take that autism and adhd are diseases or illnesses#i just want to die#how the fuck could i ever possibly talk to this woman about my feelings or thoughts when this is what i'm up against#and yeah sure you could say ''educate her'' i can't! Everything i say#based on fact or sience or research or anything gets met with ''well that's your opinion. my opinion is the opposite''#and i never get to drill it into her brain that her OPINION doesn't fucking matter when there are FACTS!#she's the embodiment of the ''that's my oPiNiOn'' vine#and i fucking hate it here!!!#and maybe its true that people who say ''we're all a little bit autistic'' is because they actually ARE autistic. maybe that's true#but i fear she'll never believe it the same way she doesn't fucking believe ME#i hate this#i want to fucking die and never have to speak to another human ever again#fuck working happily while listening to sherlock & co am i right?#angel talks#personal
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lilybug-02 · 4 days
What inspired you to make the Chara Timeline?
Since High school I've enjoyed the idea of storytelling through comics and art. But my main inspiration has been through the Undertale and Deltarune community. You can imagine I wanted to be as cool as the UT/DR artists were. I've made my fair share of comics in this community. But I never had much attention and I never finished them.
So when Deltarune chapter 2 came out, I figured I should draw some fanart... because I wanted to be included.
It was weird to me that from all the comics I had seen with Deltarune, that there was AT MAX 1-2 mini comics that had humans in them. (other than just the KFC hanging out). I figured it was an untapped market >:) plus, I thought it was a fun idea to have Kris meet another human. AND and I thought the idea of "Humans getting regularly possessed by gamers" was absolutely hilarious!
So I drew up my finest sketch (at the time I was extremely proud of it) and at the last minute I decided to change the Human's name to Chara, because why not.
And for some reason it got more than 30 likes?! Huh?! And people were actually commenting? Saying "I'm interested in seeing more". I was not planning on making more, but my ego was sky high and I truly appreciated the love and support. So I made another...and another...and OH gosh this was gonna be a comic wasn't it.
And uhhhhhh....I hope that answered some of the question!
it's even more insane that lynxgriffin knows of my work. YA KNOW lynxgriffin- one of the best comic artists. LIKE YOU GUYS DO NOT UNDERSTAND. I LOOK UP TO THEM SO MUCH. LIKE OH MY GOD IT STILL GIVES ME GOOSEBUMPS.
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the-dragon-girl-27 · 5 months
Fun fact since i just posted some fanart of this song
at one point i considered making a fanmade music video of Where Shall We Go by Mellowcle
I didn't get very far, like at all, but i may as well show off the assets I did make.
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gunna add a read more cuz this is a looooong post lol
In the official video Rin and Len have their default outfits so i decided to make my own desins for this, I'm actually really happy with these minus the chalky color of the hair.
I tried to give them a cozy feel because thats the emotions the song gives yknow and i think i pulled that off, the color scheme is also reddish brown because the song is about a coffee shop so i think that is a cool detail. I tend to avoid color schemes like these but I think i managed to make it work. Also I was cookin with Rins hair its so nice, I allways like messing around with the Vocaloids designs when I do this sorta thing I think the curls and making it slightly longer really work with this song. I've never made a len desin for anything so his is more meh lol.
anyway heres one unfinished drawing
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this was for the "eiga mite mo ii ne, karaoke demo ii ne, aiteru ka mite miyou ka" part, rin was gunna do a little bounce and len would pop up when his line happens. The mv mostly would be in my normal style rather than this chibi one I think i also planned to use chibis for the part about rain idk
anyway heres some animations these 2 would play back to back
the bell ringing would be.... the bit where the bell rings at the start. IDK why this is so well animated but it is good job me.
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imediatley would be followed with Rin's ribbon bouncing cutley
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and thats all the assets i finished lol yeah i wasn't kidding when i said i didn't get far but still may as well post em lol I have lots of scrapped animations and video ideas lol for every finished one you see theres a dozen scrapped ones
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gildedmuse · 2 years
Hi I’ve been following you for a while, I love your work! Just wanted to say I hope you get well soon or at the very least you’re not in pain. It doesn’t matter to me what you post I’m just here to see the new content it’s all interesting/fun!
Ahh, so sweet. I got really, really sick for a while there guys - I haven't even seen any of the new episodes! - but I'm recovering nicely so hopefully I'll start post again in the next few weeks.
Let's see... Do you like All Hearts? I'm gonna assume most of the people following me are at least cool with the concept of Zoro as Law's first mate. Current obsession while in recovery: Taking fanart of the Heart Pirates doing just like, whatever, and turning it All Hearts-y.
For example:
[There used to be an image here, now there is not, because I suck.]
[This is where I got the image, and I am just going to hope that's the actual artist. Sometimes it's hard to tell on the internet. And if I'm wrong, someone should correct me so I can take it down or add proper credit. Also, they have no idea what's about to be inspired by their work, so, yeah, don't associate the poor artist with this.]
I tend to think Shachi and Law are the more cynical bastards and probably the more argumentive ones (specifically over plan details/minor analytical things), so I imagine they're in some deep, really impassioned Argument that is about something relatively innocent, maybe the best way to sneak past a navy blockade (Easy: submarine) And then sneak into the base unseen (less easy: pirates, all of whom are in jolly Roger marked uniforms, one of whom is a polar bear, another that uses three swords, and, oh, yeah, one with a WANTED POSTER showing off his VERY UNIQUE, EASILY IDENTIFIABLE DEATH TATTOOS) and they're ideas/debate is perfectability reasonable, but they do get very passionate about it. And it maybe doesnt always sound great.
Or at least, if you happen to not be listening to the whole thing because for some reason whenever you hear the words "... Highly effective plan so that our engagement with any actual Marines will be minimal and with no chance of any violent-" your brain just automatically starts tuning out
Or if you're just the kind of helpful pilot/officer who would help carry good from the kitchen as Hi-Ge finishes each dish to get it out at the table and so may have missed the bulk of the discussion
Then maybe parts of having Shachi and the caption passionately arguing about how, "this concern is over nothing, they're hardly his most recognizable tattoos"
"But they are the ones in the photos that were flown out to every Northern Island with your name splashed over them, captain. People are going to notice!"
"If you really think it's so much of a problem then we'll just get them a new photo of me to use. We just have to ensure these ones focus on drawing attention to my other, more eye catching markings."
"I'm sure if the posters promdominatly features those tattoos, not even the Marines would be looking at your hands, fair enough, but one week is hardly enough time to-"
"Are you doubting my ability to make so much trouble that quickly, my ability to force them into raising my bounty so soon, or that I can't guarantee the photos will contain said tattoos."
And Penguin KNOWS it's all innocent and it's just them hammering out details he just, well, Shachi never gets so worked up when THEY talk. Maybe because they never really argue? He's always happy to argue with Law though, even though Law is captain, And Shachi knows it's not arguing-arguing, obviously, since it's all about the plan and Law never gets, like, really bad either way though maybe it would be little nice if Law DID get upset some with Shachi every now and then for the arguments, just so maybe Shachi remembered how much nicer it is talking with someone who gets you and would never fight with him like that....
And Zoro - Zoro's mind has decided to jump back into the conversation because know he's wondering where and what those tattoos are that will take people's minds off Law's hands (he's not sure he believes it's possible, to be honest) and also how come Law seems to have no problem with SHACHI knowing all about them while Zoro is just left guessing and how come Law is trusting Shachi to come up with this plan? If he needs to get his bounty up, surely Zoro would be more help! not that Law really needs help finding or causing trouble, so then is the help he needs, does it involve these mystery secret tattoos and their a apparently very directing location and design? Shouldn't a first mate be told (and shown) these things?)
And so Penguin is standing there with the food bowl watching the two of them be all animated and smirking and plotting and wagging fingers wondering what's so great about it all anyway and Zoro is sitting there, head cocked, watching the same scene wondering why Law doesn't argue with HIM like that, the same way he takes Shachi seriously
And then finally looked Kit kind of coughs, mostly because just watching the two of them like that is getting embarrassing even if no one else has noticed because everyone is digging in while the food is still fresh (also, they definitely are going to START noticing since Penguin hasn't put down the new dish yet, and Kit doesn't wants to see Zoro get even more openly moony eyed over the captain when, like, he's just a kid and Law is a doctor (like Kit) and in his twenties (like Kit..... Will be in two and a half years) and doesn't really need Zoro mooning over him and as for Penguin, well, seeing him get all upset over something Shachi related if like when your sister cries because her "good guy friend" forgot it was their "special" hang out night. Like you know what it means but you don't want to have to think about it. Ever. At all.
It's just like the way Penguin is just standing there I immediately decided, oh, he MUST be thinking, "what if Shachi doesn't just, you know, respect the boss cause he's our captain. What if he like.... Likes him?" He just looks so left out, like he has no idea how to even insert himself into the debate.
The thought, ahh, of this was baby Zoro of COURSE he'd assume similar. Law got his wanted poster and Zoro wanted to kiss him and wasn't allowed, but he's happy boasting about the poster with Shachi, even planning the next one. Zoro is given the role of Vice Captain was like the most important office role right along with Navigator, but apparently it's really just like any other officer position. More importantly, it's doesn't suddenly make Zoro more important than Shachi, which isn't even what he wants because he likes Shachi, Shachi is cool (he just hadn't realized how much LAW liked Shachi, too)
Difference is I think Zoro eventually would, force himself into the conversation, after Kit catches their attention at least enough for Penguin to set the food down before like sliding into the seat next to Zoro, still just sort of staring (it's not his usual seat, he just kind of takes the nearest chair but after he does he figures it's probably a good thing, Law and Shachi are clearly, you know, preoccupied with their own discussion so it's good for Penguin to give them ro-
"I'm good with a den den mushi!" Zoro also knows that isn't Penguin's usual seat, because his usual seat is next to Shachi, and he imagines because Penguin is older and he knows all about like proper dates and stuff, he probably knows something like, uh, if two people who like each other are having a private conversation you give them room And don't interrupt so they can enjoy their time together. Penguin is usually right about that stuff so Zoro should probably do the same but, you know, they're talking about Law getting new wanted poster, right? Which will mean new photo - isn't like the the whole point? And it just so happens Zoro knows how to take den den images, and as vice captain obvious he needs to speak up so that they know this. For their plan.
And by speak up I mean almost shout it out, the way only an 15 year old with a crush who isn't paying attention to him really can; a way that makes everyone free,e, expect Eland who has to slap Bepo across the back to make sure he doesn't choke on the fish he'd been close to swallowing whole. Also, Puffin, who nearly sinks under the tableout of embarrassment by proxy before Marusa catches him to keep him still, and Hi-ge who peaks in from the kitchen.
Oh and Law and Shachi. They turn to look at him like everyone else but Shachi doesn't go completely still, first giving Zoro a confused look then tilts his head, giving Penguin a look that clearly means, "what, when did you start sitting all the way down there? Your seats not even taken, no one ever takes it because it's yours. What's going on, Guin? Are you being weird again? Could you at least tell me about what? It's not emotional, is it? You know I never get that stuff without your help...."
Where as Law just sort of looks at Zoro, then his eyes get all grey like a living storm - not a bad one, but one of the fun ones that sweeps you away in it, and his lips turns up in this half smirk-smile. Which admittedly isn't like a lot but has a lot of effects. Specifically on Zoro's stomach and also his mouth since words just sort of start flying out of it. "Back when I was a bounty hunter sometimes there were only these like two marine based around and if you just left the guy with them until some one further up the chain came along you'd never see a berry of that bounty, they wouldn't even buy you a skate why you waited. anyway, some older guy, he taught me this trick where you'd take a picture, you holding the wanted poster, and you sign it, then you'd get your guy -"
"Or girl," Beluxa tosses in like this is the time Zoro's trying to explain Law needs him to take the photo this is important!
"Or whatever holding that same poster, with your signature, and you'd catch a news coo and send it to the nearest big base they were gonna spend the guy for processing. So you could prove you caught h-them without having to find your way all the way to some hidden marine base.
Zoro's too in the moment too notice the various snorts and chuckles. Oh, no Northernern is naive enough not to believe the Marines have got some bases they're hiding up here, but they're also certain those kinds of bases aren't ones that just pay out bounties for some island outlaws some random unknown kid brings in.
Zoro is much more focused on how he is an idiot. He mentioned being a bounty hunter and he's always suspected that a lot of the crew didn't like that, now he's sure Law is one of them that doesn't because the second he mentioned that old guy who taught him this trick Law's smile slipped right away. But Zoro had already beaten them, and it's not like he really cared about keeping criminals out of the blue or getting a pat on the head from the Marines or whatever, but if he beat a guy shouldn't he get paid for it? "I needed the money and it worked so I bought this cheap image den den and figured out how to use it-"
"What? Like, pressing the button?" Shachi cuts in, chuckling as he mimics pressing down on the top of the shell. "Gee, good thing have an expert on board."
The remark might seem insulting but honestly, it's just sort of a joke, one Shachi is mostly telling Penguin, who doesn't look the leasf bit amused.
"He's just trying to help with the plan," Penguin answers, and he doesn't snap because Penguin doesn't really snap like that but it's close enough that quite a few looks are exchanged around the table. "He's an officer, too, it's normal he wants to be involved." Zoro actually sits himself up little straighter when Penguin mentions it, making sure he looks every one of his one hundred sixty eight cm.
"If you don't want any input or help, even from us other three," Penguin adds, not notifcing Zoro's posture shift of Shachis strange look, more focused on the small port window. "Why not save these discussions for Law's cabin? So we don't make the mistake again, and you two will be free to continue without even some minor, well meaning interruption to come between you two and your plan."
Zoro noticed none of it because Law has apparently decided to figure the whole bounty hunter thing because he's smiling again, elbows prompt on the table as he leans forward, like he's leaning in towards Zoro(!!) And smiling like that at him too (!!) He knew that Den Den trick would come in handy.Even though there is nearly a whole table between them, it really didn't feel like it when Law stared at him THAT way.
"Of course, Zoro-ya just wants to help." Law winks and Zoro's heart no his stomach no his throat - well somewhere in him something happens.
Winking! Winking is flirting! He knows it is! Lumikko told him himself and even Ikakaku agreed after a bit of disbelief (she apparently thought the guy's son at the junk yard they were scanvenging up for parts probably just got dust in his eyes and Lumikko was "messing with Zoro-kun, ad how many times do I have to tell you, just because YOUR easy doesn't mean that easy is considered fun by the rest of us." Then he did it again at the register, and did this weird thing where he asked Zoro his name a what he was doing on the Island - Ikkaku had been yelling his name plenty, was he not paying attention and seeing as he was carrying a box of used parts it's pretty obvious why he was here. Thought apparently according to Lumikko, the wink made them not stupid questions at all, more like riddles that Zoro had been MEANT to answer with, "Whatever you like, stranger," and "Oh, you know, taking in the locals, you wouldn't happen to know any worth taking would you?" Zoro still hadn't decided these.)
What Zoro DID understand was flirting meant winking, and since Law winked that meant!!
"Exactly, yeah, I just wanted to help - however you like stranger."
("Depths!" You could hear not only Ikkaku's hand connect with the back of Lumikko's head but also his ribs slamming up against the table with the force of if, and Ikkaku wasn't even bothering to whisper about see, see this is what happens when you're an idiot around Zoro-kun.)
Law doesn't seem to mind so Zoro doesn't really notice. (Oh, he definitely gives Zoro a look at the line but the chuckles and Law hardly ever like.... Laughs on any way so one of Zoro's various parts of maybe all of them this time do the thing again.) "Stranger? Is that what you're going to call me to the Marines when you're turning me over?"
Wait? Was that part of the plan? Zoro hadn't realized... Law is still smiling, and Zoro knows it's one of his honestly amused sort of grins so if he's still joking and flirting that means everything must be going according to the plan, or at least getting towards the plan at this stage, Zoro guesses. He just didn't remember when Law mentioned, "I wouldn't have expected such sneakiness for you, Bo-ya."
Zoro isn't sure what his captain means.
He doesn't notice, either, that Penguin is suddenly okay with Shachi, eyes wide as he makes a gesture for Shachi to please stop their boss before -
"Captain Roronoa Zoro has a fine ring to it, though. If nothing else I could not longer calm you Bo-ya, you would be more of a Tora-ya if-"
[Law honestly was just teasing Zoro, it's fine. I mean, he was a little suspicious of those older men going around teaching you tricks, but no he was just teasing you for your strange wording, that's all.... Not that it will stop Zoro from jumping to his feet and making this proclamation with all his heart.]
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(1) M! Hello! I'd like a matchup please! The part they're from doesn't matter. I'm a bisexual Libra woman with her head in the clouds with ideas and daydreams of all kinds. Because of that, I am very artistic with a great appreciation for art and film (especially animation). I'm a physically affectionate person and touch is my main love language (that and quality time). I'm also known to be pretty dramatic and passionate about the people and interests in my life
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Hey dear! I cut off your username on the second ask because I figured you accidentally sent it off anon! It’s all about the respecc of privacy guys uwu
For your matchup! This one was quite easy to figure out actually! Its like you were just made perfectly to fit with him! Without further ado, here’s your jobro!
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Me, frantically sobbing in hopes you get the Clockwork Orange reference.
Fanart by: @zzyzzyy
Kakyoin Noriaki! 
He really likes your way to see life, so wondrous and so innocently easygoing. 
You meet in a summer oil painting course, and you just hit it off right off the bat due to the fact you sit next to each other and give each other support and tips.
You go for a cool drink afterwards and he shares his Instagram account with you so you can see his art! You talk about how he’s been to Egypt, and that’s so cool?? You mention loving to travel the world someday, and he tells you that’s one of his dreams too!
You give him your account and number just in case, going home and getting a text from him two days later, showing you a picture of a sketch he’d been drawing. It’s a very pretty still of a cacti, and you tell him it suits him to draw plants. He tells you he’d like to see your works too on the next class.
“Wanna go for a walk? I feel kind of blocked and can’t focus on my drawing today.” He’d send in one nice weekend afternoon. You go for a walk along the shopping district and notice a beautiful summer hat you’d love to purchase. Sadly, you didn’t have the money on you. 
“Don’t worry, I’ll buy it for you, as a small token of appreciation for you being such a wonderful, positive influence in my life.”
You get flustered and try to dissuade him, in the end giving in when he manages to convince you with a “I won’t accept no for an answer, Y/N.”
You get the hat and he places it on your head with a smile. He stares at you, making you lower the wing of the hat over your eyes and shyly looking up at him. “What’s wrong?” You muttered, making him slowly lower his hands and sweetly hold your wrists, then your hands between his and peek at you from under the hat. “I think I’ve found my inspiration.” He started. “Would you mind coming over? I think I’ll be able to finish my piece if you’re present.”
You go to his place, and notice he’d been drawing a feminine figure, when asking him about it, he seems pensive.
“I started it out of a feeling I had, a rampant decision, but... I think I know now what, or more importantly, who I was trying to portray.”
After you sit in his sofa and look around the apartment, trying to ignore his gaze on you with flushed cheeks, you hear him clear his throat, leaving the wooden palette to the side and cleaning his brush with a uninterested look he was probably faking, because his cheeks were red.
“Can I... have you over more often, Y/N?” 
“Sure, Nori, anytime.”
You came by his place regularly after that day. After the summer oil paint course, you’d just directly head over to his house with him and spend the night. You always had a nice dinner together, watched some movie and then, when Morpheus struck, you went to bed. You usually slept in his bed on his command, while he slept on the sofa. 
One of these nights, after three months of friendship, he walked over to where you laid in his bed, quietly pretending to be asleep while staring at the moon from the window, with your back to him. 
“You truly are beautiful no matter what you’re doing, Y/N.” He whispered, sighing afterwards and carefully sitting on the opposite end of the bed while holding one folded leg with his hands. 
“I think it’s getting to the point I should really tell you, I don’t think I can keep it for myself for much longer.”
You turn around and stare at him through shiny eyes while sitting up, leaning into his direction.
“What do you want to tell me?” You teased, knowing full well what he attempted to communicate. 
“That there is nothing I think about with as much love and eager passion in this world, than having you be mine, Y/N.” 
“Well, I’m all yours, Kak.” He leaned into you, quickly sliding his arms around your figure and pulling you into a hug, making you both fall into the mattress between chuckling and giggling. “You’ve no idea how I’ve dreamed to hear that from you, dear.”
When dating, he’d love for you to go on marathons of good movie classics while he holds you close to him on your living-room. You have this weird habit of, instead of laying on the sofa, you muster up all the cushions you find and toss them on the ground, nestling yourselves in them and watching the movie with the snacks in the floor before you.
When he can and finds one, he’ll buy you tickets to art expositions and take you there, completing the date day with a nice movie night out or ordering takeout from your favorite place to take home with you.
Some days, a date will just mean you both staying home and drawing or painting away next to each other. That’s how it is sometimes, and you love this.
Get ready to calmly but not so composedly discussing movie endings and artists’s work or drama. “Remember Egon Schiele?” “Yeah, I love him!” “This is him now, feel old yet?” He’d shown you a poorly drawn picture of a humanoid screaming man with a bad orange spot as background filler color on MS Paint.  A pea went flying his direction, starting a childish food war. This was common occurrence under your roof.
You actually enjoyed watching anime together, so you did! You’ll never forget the day you decided to watch Terror in Resonance together and sobbed into each other’s arms for long hours. Oh, how you’d dully noted to never watch a sad anime ever again, at least not without being mentally prepared first.
Your guilty pleasure series to watch together is actually Sailor Moon. You’ll sit in bed at night, close one to the other and place the laptop in between your laps, playing the episode and almost instantly singing along to the opening. He likes to just sing the chorus with you and hum the instrumental.
When your anniversary came around (because yes, you celebrated yearly the day you’d started going out) you were eager to see what vacation had your boyfriend planned this time. Would it be Europe, or Asia this time? America? Who knows, you were thrilled when you saw him come from the door with two tickets waving in his hands.
I hope it’s okay! This heat makes it hard to focus ;w;
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mangocats · 4 years
I need to take a chill pill. I have been making MASSIVE improvements with my art lately, and yet I feel this anxious need to go FASTER. Like I started a piece 2(?) months ago that I finished up recently and as I was working on the home stretch I realized... that I'd outgrown the piece in the middle of doing it. I've been spending a lot of time reading and watching professional artists talk about their processes and how to learn efficiently (might as well, unemployed and not likely to be hired anytime soon). I was starting to slip but I'm back on drawing every day. I'm actually doing at least 2 pages of exercises a day and I started ANOTHER round of 250 boxes because I feel like my grasp on perspective isn't up to snuff. Like Jesus, the commitment is real. But a few things have happened lately that have kicked my try-hard-failure-is-not-an-option brain into overdrive... 1, my friend acknowledged that my rate of improvement has been "threatening." Which was extremely funny and I absolutely agree. I frequently feel like I don't know my own strength when I draw now, which is an incredible feeling, but that's not the problem. Now that it's been established that I'm progressing at breakneck speed, my instinct is to want to outdo that and progress at ludicrous speed. 2, and this might be the dumbest one, I set up a public art account for fanart, which involves people, which I am not confident drawing. So now I have this public Twitter and Tumblr which I am under NO obligation to create content for and I feel obligated to immediately draw as if I had gone to art school and be validated. 3, my friend and I are going to make a webcomic and we're deep in the planning stages right now. We've already done some character design but the heftiest part of that work is still to come. I'm pressuring myself into wanting to work nonstop so I can get stuff out FASTER, I can fail FASTER, I can improve FASTER, when the whole point of this was to teach myself everything I missed out on by not majoring in art because I love drawing and I want more creativity in my life. This is supposed to be fun, fulfilling, and bring me joy. I need to cool my jets before I start avoiding art because I'm driving myself up a wall.
Deep breath.
Chill. Pill.
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