nonomives · 4 months
Indeed lol ^^ Sweet! Thank you! And oh gosh- your Bobby must have really gone through a lot if she is in a wheelchair, not even my Bobby is in a wheelchair after all of her own stuff she has gone through.
No worries! Bobby has more or less experience being eaten bit by bit by the smaller critters before Kickin found and saved her. Also I do have to say Bobby's wheenchair is far from accurate. I was trying to go for a makeshift one using any sort of tools found in Poppy Playtime's factory since i doubt any of the actual wheelchairs are her size with her being a giant mascot and all.
I like to think Kickin taught himself to be more resourceful and learn how to build stuff all to help Bobby get around. He have prosthetics in the works for her too but like its a work in progress
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the-guilty-writer · 1 year
No one asked for this but it's too late now.
disabled/mentally ill/chronically ill child and which BAU parent would be the most accomodating.
(of course all of them would be supportive and do their best but some of them would be naturally more accomodating for certain things. Just trust me.)
Some of these are really specific and others are more general be kind please it was 2 am when I thought of this
Spencer- absolutely the best dad an autistic kid could ask for. He knows the signs before a meltdown and exactly what to do. If you're non verbal he learns sign language to help you, gets you stim toys based on what motor function you find the most soothing, and this man would be the biggest supporter of your special interests (really this needs no explaination. I could go on for hours about this)
JJ- a learning disability. Not only is she mama bear who will fight a teacher that critisized you but her whole job revolved around communicating well. She knows how to adjust and break things down and go slow. She would figure out the best way to accomodate you and follow through every time. You never have to worry about her losing her patience with you, she knows you need breaks, and she doesn't care what grade you get- she's just proud that you tried your hardest and got through it.
Penelope- Depression. Not only is this woman nearly impossible to be sad around, but Garcia understands sadness and grief and darkness. She doesn't like it, but she understands it and how awful it feels. She also understand that sometimes you just have to feel the feelings and not try to fix them right away. She's all sunshine and rainbows, but she knows you have to weather the storm first. She helps you get through it, slow and steady, but once it's time to get up and going she knows how to do that too.
Morgan- Any physical disabilty. This man would find the best house possible and then restore it and fit it with any ramp, handles, resizing, etc. you need. Would totally redo your dining room to be a first floor bedroom if you needed it and outfit it with an accessible shower. He finds a way to modify just about any sport you want to try so you can play. Can and will fight buisnesses over their lack of following of accessible laws.
Emily- Ambulatory wheenchair user/dynamic physical disability. She makes sure you have any mobility aids, modifications to the living space, and will fight people if they don't follow accessible laws. But she also makes you feel badass- she points out that canes and crutches make great weapons (talk shit get hit) and using your wheelchair is a power move she always encourages you to take if you need it. If you need bravery, she'd let you borrow hers. Would cut a death glare to anyone who questioned your validity.
Hotch- emotion and mood disorders. Hotch is so steady when it comes to his mood and emotions and he's great at not taking things personally. So it doesn't matter how high or low you are or if you blow up at him and say things you don't mean because he knows it's not always in your control. You can depend on him to be okay when you aren't and make descision when you don't trust that you're in the right state of mind. He's your rock- always stable and consistent and reliable, even when you can't be.
Rossi- disordered eating. HEAR ME OUT OKAY. A lot of people who restrict have one special dish/snack that has significant and GOOD meaning to it and a lot of times it plays a really big role in recovery and Rossi would make sure you have that whenever you want. If you have more selective tendencies he's sure to get the exact thing you like every time because no child of his is going to eat generic we all know the brand name is better. Rossi believes that a relationship with food should be one of love and he helps foster that in the most sensitive and kind way possible
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wannabedhd · 7 months
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Me: "Hey Lisa! You finally did it?"
Lisa: "Yeah... my legs are gone. I found a surgeon and followed my dreams." 🔪🦶
Me: "But Lisa, you are legless now!"
Lisa: "Yes... finally. Every time I wake up in the morning I thank myself for doing it. I wake up, I look down and no feet is there. I look beside the beed, I see wheelchair. I know I can't move without it and when I sit on a wheelchair with stumps hanging down it is orgasmic for me. As you see I have no leg rest pads. I don't nees them as I have no prosthetics."
Me: "So you always use a wheenchair to move?"
Lisa: "Yes. As I have no prosthetics and I never stand on my stumps. Stumps became thin and weak but I love them to be like that. It is more attractive and also adds to my disability. I can either crawl or use wheelchair. My stumps don't hold my weight even though I lost 15 kilos with legs removed. I also lost a lot of muscle weight. It happens if you don't use your legs for more than 2 years."
Me: "What about sex life? Do you find yourself more attractive?"
Lisa: "Of course. It is hard to do anything because I am turned on always when I sit on a wheelchair. Leg stumps hanging down is orgasmic. As I avoid to use any leg muscles, stumps hang down like dead. We were good sex partners in the past, when we still had to pretend to be amputated lol. You should test the real amp 🤩. Today evening?"
Me: "Oh Lisa... of course. This is my dream come true. Touching your weak legs, rubbing the stumps... 😍 Can you do a stumpjob?"
Lisa: "Try me. I can do it, but I help to move my leg stumps with my arms, because legs get tired after few seconds. But definetely no more footjob for you. 😅"
Me: "No feet..." 😏
Lisa: "No feet..." 🥰
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bioshock4k · 3 years
btw all of the dark cookies r siblings and also all disabled goodnight
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barfscarf · 4 years
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officialmarvul · 4 years
Yes *they smile and float Bells into a wheenchair and start pushing them and leading the kids to the kitchen* come on children
{ Sorry- but Bells can stand already again- they’re going after the cheater who teleports to kitchens instead of walking >:/ }
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patema-introverted · 5 years
ok ideas for a dinotopia reboot/new content: dinotopia but accessible and more diverse
ramps instead of stairs bc come on. Both dinos AND wheelchair-bound people can use stairs
they def. know how to build wheelchairs. i remember baby carriers and strollers and shit in the first book they can build wheenchairs
seeing-eye dino companions (or seeing-eye humans for blind dinos!)
braille but its dino footprints OR just braille as a second written language
they have their own three-fingered sign language that hoh/mute people and dinos can use OR if its a film use ASL or whichever country of origin of the film or character
noise-cancelling ear muffs for people who get overstimulated by loud dinosaur footsteps
fidget toys and weighted blankets 
maybe those sequin pillows but made out of shedded dinosaur scales or something
capitalism is fake and dinosaurs are real, encourage people with special interests 
bitchin dino-themed prosthetics
binders and transition surgeries, dietitians who specify in helping them
be gay. capitalism is fake, dinosaurs are real, be gay. gays are fully accepted. 
more multicultural, more poc in general
show me hijabs! show me
also give some dinosaurs feathers
also? not all humans can exist on a vegetarian diet let some of them live with the tyrannosaurs and raptors or something. treehouses in the rainy basin where they can get that good good protein
also they definitely have and use vaccines siri send post
also if this is a reboot of the 2002 miniseries use the fragment last code from the book cause then its an acrostic poem for “SOW GOOD SEED” and the film could have used “dont put out the light” instead of “find the light” and kept the acrostic poem they’re cowards
also if its a total reboot of the 2002 miniseries with the same characters the love triangle ends like so:
marion: i’m lesbian
david and karl: i thought you were dinotopian???
if any of this is already in content lmk?? cause i’ve only seen the 2002 miniseries, the cartoon movie, and read the first two books and one (1) chapter book bc it had a t rex called chomper in it. ty and gn
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athcolombia · 7 years
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#ALERTA!!! ⚠⚠⚠ No se confie!!! Realice sus mantenimientos preventivos en equipos de movilidad o sillas de ruedas en especial, las motorizadas o electricas con la regularidad que ellas lo requieren!!! No permita que personas sin conocimientos profesionales o inexpertos, intervengan en sus sillas... En la imagen: componentes sulfatados y cables en corto... Encontrados durante un Servicio Tecnico preventivo, debido a fallas en la bateria, segun el usuario, resultando en un corto altamente peligroso con riesgo a incendio. Recuerde, #LoBaratoSaleCaro Asesorese por profesionales @Athcolombia #ATHColombia #serviciotecnicoespecializado #MantenimientoPreventivoSilladeRuedas #sillasderuedaselectricas #SillasdeRuedasMotorizadas #PrevengaAccidentes #CuidaTuSilladeRuedas #quickiewheelchairs #FLWheelchairs #Ottobock #GOGo #pridescooters #ATMWheelchairs #quantumwheelchairs #ComfortWheelchair #Wheenchairs
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meloyelody · 7 years
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human cog bosses!
victor patel - 48 years old, 7’, genderfluid (he/she/they pronouns). he has moderate chronic pain from a series of factory accidents that occurred in his younger days, and is often wheenchair-bound as a result.
clark finnegan - 43 years old, 7’, masculine agender (he/they pronouns). he has a serious fear of trains.
cincinnatus jefferson - 52 years old, 7’1, f/m bigender (she/he pronouns). she loves eye makeup, but it's not like anyone will ever see her wear it.
calhoun eagleman - 46 years old, 6’9, cis man (he/him pronouns). he's very mad about being shorter than the others.
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So I got referred to Mayo Clinic. Who has gone here for idiopathic everythings and did they manage to help? How is the testing there?
My body is so tired of tests and "this isn't good but we dunno why lol just hang in there I guess" after the test some of them gave me literally still nightmares to this day (Tilt Table Test.......I am so afraid I have to do it again I get panic attacks as my symptoms and experience on it was so bad, so so bad and they make you stand there til you have the faint happen)
Are they nice there like gentle? Cause the docs here are abrasive a lot and just......it makes the tests harder? They yelled at me to hurry and sit up after my faints, for example.....i was so weak after I had to be wheenchair out of there.
I'd like to know people's experiences esp with things like dysautonomia, fibromyalgia, gastroparesis (I have these things my biggest 3 things that are "mystery illness" as to why). Thanks.
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