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by Jack Wellman | Why should the sovereignty of God comfort us in times of trouble? What is Sovereignty? Why should the sovereignty of God comfort us in times of trouble? To begin with, God is in complete control of all things…good and bad. We too have free will just as God does but God has planned...
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madewithonerib · 4 years
A Seared Conscience
The idea of a reprobate mind may start with the mind that becomes seared, or having a seared conscience.
Continually living in sin has a way of making us grow comfortable with it, but there’s danger in that.
We become desensitized to sin & see it as less & less of an issue, however the Apostle Paul warned that
           1 Timothy 4:1-2 | Now the SPIRIT expressly states            that in later times some will abandon the faith to follow            deceitful spirits & the teachings of demons, influenced            by the hypocrisy of liars, whose consciences are            seared with a hot iron.
If you put a branding iron to your hand (don’t do this!), it’ll burn the pain receptors away, & that part of the hand will not feel pain again (after it heals),
     so sin sears our conscience &      takes away the conviction of sin.
This is bad. This happened in ancient Israel where Jeremiah the Prophet asked the rhetorical question,
     “Were they ashamed when they      committed abomination? No,      they were not at all ashamed;      they did not know how to blush.
Therefore they shall fall among the fallen; when I punish them, they shall be overthrown, says the LORD” (Jeremiah 8:12).
They were so callous to sin that they had even lost the ability to blush (Jer 6:15).
That means, nothing embarrassed them; nothing was too much for them; & everything was permissible because they had seared their conscience & no longer felt guilt or conviction of sin.
Their conscience’s voice, after having been ignored & suppressed for years, was finally silenced once & for all. 
What is the GOSPEL? It’s good news, very good news. But it’s only very good news to terrified wo/men.
It’s only good news to a needy wo/man.
You see what you need to understand, let me put it this way (just to cut straight to the chase):
Let me tell you the most terrifying thing, that I can possibly tell you. The most terrifying truth that I can speak to you. Are you ready? Here it is,
      the most terrifying thing I can tell a       wo/man, a child is this: GOD is good
I said that a few years ago, over in Europe where I was preaching at a secular university.
I said if you want to get down to it. The most terrifying news for mankind is this: GOD is Good.
And someone kind of laughed, & said basically, “And what’s the problem with that?”
The problem with that is: You’re not good.
Now what does a good GOD do with someone like you?
That’s the greatest theological & philosophical problem in SCRIPTURE. GOD is good & that is terrifying.
      A hardened criminal working from some       criminal organization, if before he goes       to court he's told the judge is corrupt,       he is full of joy.
      The most terrifying thing you can tell that       criminal is the judge is not corrupt, s/he's good.       It will fill him with terror.
See this is the greatest problem of mankind, the greatest problem of mankind is that GOD is Good.
      Don't you see that?       Because you're not!
There in lies the problem, with modern day evangelical preaching.
No one tells you who GOD really is!
They just speak in cliches.
      You see the other preachers can       tell you: GOD is Good.
And you'll walk out feeling like you're totally released from any responsibility. I want to tell you that GOD is good & you ought to be terrified because you are not good.
And there's a second half of the problem, no one's telling you what that means either.
1.] What does it mean that you're not good?      How non-good, or ungood, are you?
     Let me put it this way, if you reject CHRIST,      then the moment you take your first step through      the gates of hell—the only thing you will hear is
     All of creation standing on its feet &      applauding & praising GOD because      GOD has rid the earth of you.
     That’s how not good you are.
     You say, but my sin, I'm not that big of a sinner!
     Adam sinned once & through him      the entire universe entered total chaos      & condemnation.
     You do not understand who this GOD is.
           HE really is good, you're not!            HE really is love! You are the            very opposite of that.
     So how can HE let evil loveless people into      fellowship with HIM? [6:21]
2.] Well why can’t HE simply forgive?
     Because HE's just.
     You see you have grown up in a culture      that has no justice.
     There's no pastor writing books like,      "Lex Rex: The Law of the King."
     There's no one speaking about justice biblically,      you see GOD is just. The greatest theological problem,      in the BIBLE is this:
           If GOD is just, HE cannot forgive you.
     You hear me?! If HE's just, HE cannot forgive you.
     Unless first HIS justice is satisfied; & that is what      happened on the cross.
           That is why the cross is EVERYTHING!
     It is absolutely everything!
     On that tree, the only servant that YHWH has ever had,      hung there. A perfect man, & the sins of GOD's people      were cast on HIM. And all the wrath, GOD's holy hatred      for evil, for sin, for the wicked; everything that should fall      down upon your head throughout all of eternity, fell      down upon the head of GOD's only beloved SON.
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The ideas in Lex Rex predate modern concepts of nationalism & politics. They are older than the United States Constitution, as well as the American Revolution - where many modern ideas of liberty originated.
Lex Rex is even older than the Enlightenment that receives so much credit for concepts such as popular sovereignty, limited government, separation of powers, & individual liberty.
Nevertheless, Samuel Rutherford's Lex Rex—written at a time that viewed kings as vessels of divine power —raised a Scriptural standard arguing for the dignity of the people & the accountability of earthly governments.
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Article by Jack Wellman | via officialyourdailyinspiration whatchristianswanttoknow.com/what-is-a-reprobate-mind-can-we-become-a-reprobate/
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O que é ser uma mulher piedosa
O que é ser uma mulher piedosa? Você tem uma mulher de Deus em sua vida? Uma mulher de Deus não é perfeita, ela está aprendendo a se abrir e  a ter confiança em seu Salvador. O nível de sua piedade não se baseia em comparações com outras mulheres (nem mesmo com a mulher de Provérbios 31), mas sim no seu compromisso pessoal com Jesus Cristo. Como você pode continuar a crescer espiritualmente (e todo mundo tem seu próprio calendário em Cristo):
# 1) Demonstrar uma íntima familiaridade com a Palavra de Deus
"O homem não vive somente de pão, mas de toda palavra que procede da boca de Deus." (Mateus 4.4)
Você deve revelar a mulher piedosa que há em você nos pensamentos, palavras e conselhos que dá baseados na Bíblia e não em sua opinião. Você não precisa desperdiçar tempo falando das escrituras apenas para mostrar quão experiente e espiritual que você é, mas sim equilibrar fé e ações, sobre a palavra de Deus.
# 2) Demonstre calma e tranquilidade de espírito
" Pelo contrário, esteja no ser interior, a beleza imperecível de um espírito manso e tranquilo, que é de grande valor aos olhos de Deus . "
 (1 Pedro 3.4)
Não retorça as mãos freneticamente nos momentos inesperados. Como uma mulher temente a Deus você tem a paz interior do Espírito Santo para te confortar, orientar e ensinar quando tudo parece estar fora de controle. Você aprende a colocar suas preocupações ao pé da cruz e deixá-las lá.
# 3) ser coberta de coragem e força
"Seja forte e corajoso. Não tenha medo;
não desanime, pois o Senhor seu Deus, estará com você onde quer que você vá. " (Josué 1.9)
Como a nossa cultura despenca pela ladeira escorregadia do mundanismo e da imoralidade, você está confiante em seu Soberano Deus, e sabe que todas as coisas cooperam para o bem. (Romanos 8.28) Você se recusa a deixar o medo invadir seus pensamentos ou sentimentos, constantemente lembrando-se da promessa de Deus, de nunca te deixará.
# 4) Seja implacável em oração e intercessão
"Orai sem cessar." (1 Tessalonicenses 5.17)
Precisamos de mulheres piedosas para agarrar fervorosamente a lição de Jesus como a mulher Cananéia em Mateus 15.21-28. Se recusam a deixar que as circunstâncias ditem o resultado final  da fé. Como uma mulher de Deus, você nunca vai desistir de orar para os que tem corações duros ou necessidades mais profundas.
# 5) Seja generosa em recursos
"Vocês serão enriquecidos de todas as formas, para que possam ser generosos em qualquer ocasião e, por nosso intermédio, a sua generosidade resulte em ação de graças a Deus..." (2 Coríntios 9.11)
Como uma mulher de Deus, você vai estar com seu tempo, energia, afazeres e as finanças em dia, seja em época de fartura ou de fome. Você aprende a resistir ao medo de perder, devido a sua forte confiança em Deus para atender às suas necessidades, segundo as suas riquezas na glória e conceder todos os seus desejos de acordo com Sua vontade.
# 6) Transmitir sábios conselhos
"Ela fala com sabedoria, e a instrução fiel está na sua língua." (Provérbios 31.26)
O conselho da mulher piedosa é dado com aplicações práticas nas verdades tiradas da Bíblia. Suas palavras gentis de sabedoria vão levar muitas mulheres, que procuram respostas para as perplexidades da vida,  ao Senhor.
# 7) Confesse suas falhas
" Confesso a minha iniquidade; Fico preocupado com o meu pecado. "(Salmo 38.18)
Uma mulher de Deus reconhece que está perdoada e terá o cuidado de não pecar novamente. Ao confessar seus pecados a Deus, regularmente, seu coração permanecerá humilde e servirá de incentivo para que os outras não caiam em tentação.
# 8) Descontração e bom humor
 "O coração alegre é bom remédio." (Provérbios 17.22)
Em vez de exibir um palavreado sarcástico ou de zombaria às custas dos outros, uma mulher de Deus traz uma alegria contagiante por onde passa. Você aprende a não se levar muito a sério porém você vai falar da vida sem sacrificar a verdade ou a justiça em suas conversas.
# 9) Ser conduzida para concluir tarefas até o fim
"Tudo o que te vier à mão para fazer, faze-o conforme as tuas forças." (Eclesiastes 9.10)
Como uma mulher de Deus, você está totalmente empenhada em terminar tudo com o melhor de sua capacidade. Quer se trate de casa, trabalho, ou igreja - sua confiabilidade reflete a convicção interior de trabalhar para Cristo e não para aqueles que a rodeiam. Sua reputação se torna sólida entre os crentes, bem como entre os incrédulos.
# 10) Perdoe tão facilmente como você está perdoada
"Perdoem como o Senhor vos perdoou." (Colossenses 3.13)
Você sabe que pode ser zombada, incompreendida, ou maltratada por causa do evangelho. Como uma mulher de Deus, seu perdão é incondicional dado aos outros tal como você está incondicionalmente perdoada por Deus. Você escolhe perdoar, apesar de seus sentimentos, confia em Deus para curar todas as suas feridas em Seu tempo perfeito.
Você não poderá tirar sempre nota 10 em todos os requisitos divinos.  No entanto, confiando na mão de Deus, um dia de cada vez, passo a passo, você vai crescer em maturidade cada vez mais profunda em Cristo. Com a ajuda do Espírito Santo, mantenha em sintonia a mulher de Deus que há em você. Pode colocar a sua confiança em Deus, não só para a vida eterna , mas também para o propósito e direção da vida na terra.
Autora: cristal McDowell whatchristianswanttoknow.com
Tradução: Daniele Bosqueti. 
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Let me say this:
The bible only states tells the death of two disciples. James son of Zebedee and Judas. The rest are what bible scholars, and historians believe. Now, of course we do not have a spot on answer, but people have researched and studied years to come up with these answers. Please, do not believe they just pulled random theories out of a hat. 
Sites that helped me:
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godsmotivations · 6 years
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Jesus Is Coming Soon: Believers Say These 6 Signs Prove It's True. Here are six signs that the faithful in modern times point to as reason to believe Jesus is coming soon. An increase in natural disasters. Whether or not human contribution is to blame for global warming, some believers point to the increase in earthquakes and other natural disasters as proof that Jesus is coming soon. Mathew 24:7 and Luke 21:11 mention plagues, famines, and earthquakes as signs. WhatChristiansWantToKnow.com points out the earthquake in Japan and ensuing tsunami as an example of these kinds of natural disasters. The Internet. Some Christians who believe Jesus is coming soon point to the Internet and other technology as the sign prophesied in Daniel 12:4, which says “knowledge will increase.” Lamb & Lion Ministriespoints to satellite television, robotics, and lasers as all signs that will help fulfill scriptural prophecies. Increasing Lawlessness and Immorality. Billy Graham likens the current state of American morality to Sodom and Gomorrah. In a 2012 letter My Heart Aches for America, Graham pointed to “the downward spiral of our nation’s moral standards and the idolatry of worshiping false gods such as technology and sex,” as a sign of the deception Americans are accepting. Growth of Islam. In Revelation 13:8, the Bible points to a single world religion. According to GraceThruFaith.com, the growth of Islam is evidence that Jesus is coming soon. It cites the faith as second only to Christianity in the number of adherents, and points out that the Islam’s prophecies point to a leader whose description is similar to the biblical Antichrist. READ MORE: facebook.com/GodsMotivations
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superautoreviews · 7 years
What Does Pagan Mean in the Bible: Romans and Corinth
New Post has been published on http://paganismreligion.com/what-does-pagan-mean-in-the-bible-romans-and-corinth/
What Does Pagan Mean in the Bible: Romans and Corinth
PaganismReligion.Com – What does Pagan mean in the Bible and what is the different between Pagan and Paganism? Are they the same term? Those questions usually come from Christians who get convinced that the Christianity is an amalgamation faith, especially with Pagan religion or Paganism. Check out the definition of Pagans based on the bible.
What Does Pagan Mean in the Bible: Old and New Pagans
Pagan was originally and literally an area limited by markers, rules or restrictions such a country that was limited by strict rules. It was an old definition of Pagan. Now, Pagan is a person who has belief or religion that isn’t included in any other religion. For example, Jews will say Muslims or Islam, Pagan, since Muslims don’t believe what they believe. On another hand, Muslim will call Jews, Pagan, since their belief doesn’t belong to the Jews. Muslims and Christians also refer Pagans to the heathen. For your information, there is a significant difference between Pagan and heathen. Heathen aren’t as religious as Pagans who usually celebrate festivals, rituals, ceremonies that relate to their worshipping or Gods. However, the term of Pagan was commonly used to insult someone who didn’t believe in the Christianity.
What Does Pagan Mean in the Bible: The Best Thing to Do
What does Pagan mean in the Bible was ever said around two thousand years ago. Yes, I am referring to what the Apostle Paul saying in Romans 1:25,
“They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator.”
The word “they” in the verse refers to the Paganism since they make a big comeback now in modern days. The ancient Greek or Roman might be defeated with the rise of Christianity a long time ago. But, Paganism is just hitting back right now and targeting the freshest generations like our child or grandchildren. The truth about it can be proven by our society right now. People are no longer worshiping the God or trinity. Instead, they worship the creation as same as what the verse says. For your information, Pagan worships the thing that makes their lives and even themselves.
However, we shouldn’t be too hard or extremely fighting against Paganism these days. What does Pagan mean in the Bible can be understood to the verse of 1st Corinth 5:1 that
“It is actually reported that there is sexual immorality among you, and of a kind that is not tolerated even among pagans, for a man has his father’s wife.”
Then, the next verse is at Corinth 12:2 that
“You know that when you were pagans you were led astray to mute idols, however, you were led”
. It indicates that we do know what Pagans do now, but we don’t know that where they are now is also where we were back there. So, just love everyone whatever their religion.
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