#what??? a background??? on poopy’s blog???
poopyboiman · 1 year
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amnesiacsleepy · 2 years
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I posted 964 times in 2022
That's 851 more posts than 2021!
60 posts created (6%)
904 posts reblogged (94%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 345 of my posts in 2022
#writing - 7 posts
#to me - 4 posts
#fanfic - 4 posts
#lmao - 4 posts
#mha - 3 posts
#tf2 - 3 posts
#no - 3 posts
#like seriously - 3 posts
#???? - 3 posts
#tf2 soldier - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#but no. it doesnt change anything about him. im pretty sure that it hasnt been brought up since that episode/chapter and it bugs me so much
My Top Posts in 2022:
this is so much work
4 notes - Posted April 27, 2022
since tumblr took my goth rave color palette i have decided to make a new one and call it emo rave where everything is black. text. backgrounds. images. ads. its all a dark landscape but when you see the color of the sky post its not multiple colors its one single blinding white
7 notes - Posted November 14, 2022
ok but like. cuphead's songs in the Indie Cross FNF mkd were ACTUAL BOPS no i dont take arguments
7 notes - Posted April 26, 2022
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An attack on @popfizzles character, Powdered Doughnut! The roundness was a bit hard to properly achieve, but I got it in the end.
27 notes - Posted July 4, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
#SaveTF2 - Getting Valve to Acknowledge this, Once and for All
Alright. I'm a day late, but what does that matter? I'd rather do this a day late than never do it at all.
Team Fortress 2 (TF2) is a game that I'm still very early in the learning process of. I've only been playing for a few months, and don't have even 100 hours in the game yet. And if things go the way they are, I don't think I will. Official servers are, truthfully, in an awful state. Bots are crawling in every one, and the only way to avoid them is to requeue like there's no tomorrow. There are new players every day, and I don't want to think that their first thought about this incredible game is "Wow, I can't do literally anything." It, to be honest, is heartbreaking to see this incredible game that has lived so long to be done in by this.
TF2 means so much to so many- and I so badly want to see why. I want to be in the era where it was consistently getting more content added to it, when cheaters were kicked instantly after someone caught on.
The bots are far, far worse than a cheater could ever be. They spam things in the voice chat, they can hit through walls, they have perfect aim. And even worse, most of them are snipers, meaning that then can kill you from across the entire map if you aren't careful.
I want to love this game. I want to see what makes it so fun, why people play it even over a decade later. I want to join the incredible people that make the game look so appealing, and I want to see the appeal behind it. But, with all the current flaws... I can't.
Valve has, to their credit, tried to do something. However, none of it worked. In fact, the things they did have only made the problem worse. Things like making Free-to-plays (like myself) unable to use VC/text chat. I can't even call for medic in an official server.
And Uncle Dane shouldn't be shouldering all of the TF2 community on Uncletopia. Uncletopia is where I spend most of my time when I play TF2, which hasn't been for a while. However, I can barely even do anything there because everyone else is just too good for me to get better at movement and tracking.
I can't get better because I'm fighting against people that kill me too fast for me to learn anything. I can't say that I love TF2 yet. But I want to. I want to love TF2 so badly. I want to enjoy what other people enjoy about the game.
I want to frag as Scout. I want to use incredible power as Soldier. I want to reflect as Pyro. I want to mow down the enemy as Heavy. I want to get a nasty sticky trap as Demo. I want to single-handedly defend the final point as an Engineer. I want to make a game-changing Uber push as Medic. I want to get an incredible chainstab as Spy.
I want to see this game restored to when it was at its peak. I want to build gamesense. I want to learn how to count damage numbers. I want to learn the flank routes. I want to learn how to trimp as Demoknight. I want to experience this game's full quality.
And I really, really hope that I can.
This is my #SaveTF2 post. I hope Valve gets enough to finally do something.
36 notes - Posted May 27, 2022
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ochaka-archive · 4 years
this will be long, sorry
I gotta address this in case my mutuals or followers see the "callout" against me, which was literally just a rant saying how "we hate u omg ur so stupid and poopy >:c" made public for some reason? it was personal drama and if they didn't @ me I would have never even seen it. I won't be naming anybody cuz I don't care about them, I just want my mutuals to know what this is about.
1. quick background
this is regarding my ex friends. I had a conversation with one of them about a month ago that escalated into us ending our friendship. it would appear that they have been struggling to get rid of me for months now because they thought I was annoying and obsessive. If you know me, you know I have adhd and other issues. I'm paranoid and very insecure abt things. this is all true and I am fully aware that I had moments where I was either weird or maybe too obsessed with something, but that's rlly just something I can't help. I get fixated on things. If they told me that certain things I said or did were really upsetting I would have done my best to stop talking about it, because I cared about these people a lot. Everything they had issue with could have been resolved if they just told me outright what was bothering them. We could have dealt with this months ago.
I repeat. I am fully aware that I made mistakes. However, I couldn't have done anything about them because I wasn't told outright that I was upsetting anyone for a long time.
2. Response to the "callout"
Why make such a personal issue public. What good did you get from making a post abt me that literally had no reason being public for random people to see that don't get half of the story, and put reasons that were just insults, insults that completely disregard the fact I'm paranoid and have severe RSD. literally why did u do that? Saying you hated me since April is honestly so gross because I knew something was wrong but when I would ask about I'd get responses like "oh it's fine!". I was lied to for months.
3. clearing up some accusations
I didn't send any asks to any of these people since I blocked them a month ago. I haven't looked at any of their blogs since I blocked them a month ago. I literally didn't do anything to them for a month. all I did was make 1 vague post and my friend said "ugh I hope he dies". How did they see this vague post if they weren't stalking my blog. And I honestly don't care what my friend said cuz what u guys r doing is way worse lol.
also I've been accused of being fatphobic by someone for saying their bf can get better taste. I said that cuz they joke kin gerard way who has a puke fetish oh my god. also this was said in private dms that were leaked in the server AFTER I had blocked all of them. if they're allowed to make a "callout", I can vague and talk abt this in dms.
4. wtf is wrong with you ppl
I received this ask about two days after the conversation with my ex friend
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I don't know who sent it. it might not be them but if they're going to accuse me of sending asks I'll do the same. The wording is funny cuz the "no one cares about you at all" is very fitting seeing as they turned a lot of my friends against me lol
about a week ago I received this ask
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again, idk if they sent it or not, but I really don't know who the "them" could be other than these people. It was sent the same day I got banned from the server we were all in (I didn't talk in it for a month)
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(the date isn't accurate cuz it was sent a week ago and the person is hidden) which further proves that the ask and these people are connected.
if I'm so obsessive WHY are you stalking my blog and harassing me.
5. stop harassing my friends and myself
stop @ing me begging me to block you, stop spamming my friends asks when they had nothing to do with this. stop making weird sideblogs and following my friends. stop accusing them of shit they didn't do.
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images of two asks my friend got for no reason, because they assumed they showed me their conversations in the server I mentioned earlier. they didn't. they were just in the server and they never talked.
I did receive screenshots of these conversations by another friend, and it's literally just shit blown out of proportion, calling me names and shittalking. that's it. I don't care if they're doing that, they can say whatever they want in private. but to make a PUBLIC post calling me obsessive is SO IRONIC. WHY are you stalking my blog if I'm so obsessive??
if you need any further clarification you can DM me! School is starting for me so please understand if I take time to respond
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scriptmedic · 7 years
I have an alternate history where, during the AIDS crisis, mandatory quarantines where put in place for all HIV+ people. I know HIV can be passed from mother to child, but can a baby born the virus pass it to their child and so on? It's in a future setting, so medicine has advanced (they might even be more medicaly/sciencey than the non-quarantined because they came up with all of the life saving/extending stuff). How might "genetic HIV" affect their health and everyday lives?
Hey nonny! This is really interesting, and I’d be interested in reading your story when it’s done…. but you have some research to do before you get started.
I hope you’re aware that a lot of the context around HIV is actually homophobia. In fact, HIV wasn’t called HIV at first – it was called Gay Related Immune Deficiency (GRID) in a time when gay was a dirty word. So understand that what you’re calling “quarantining HIV” would amount to a sequestering of, in large part (though far from exclusively), gay men. (And intravenous drug users.)
….You see where this is going, right? A majority “quarantines” a vulnerable population because they’re a “threat to the society at large”, complete with “scientific justification”. This is also in a time when the disease was soundly ignored and research was underfunded because the victims were gay men.
You’re basically looking at some really strong comparisons to Nazism and concentration camps in America in the 1980s. And unless you’re writing something horrifyingly dystopian – in which case go ahead!! – you need to be prepared for that perception from your readers.
What I am saying is this: spend a lot of time researching the disease and its history. And the social history of gay men in the 70s and 80s through today. And the history of antiretroviral medications. In fact, further down, I’m going to give you a read/watch list. It will be far from complete. But it will be a start.
I have a good news / bad news moment for you as well. The good news is that HIV isn’t genetic. It’s not carried down from mother to child via DNA transmission or even viral load entering the bloodstream of the fetus in utero.
So how do babies get HIV? Well, birth is a messy, bloody, poopy business. Neonates become infected when they’re delivered through a bloody  bloody birth canal and the blood enters their mucus membranes (eyes, mouth, etc). Also, babies drink bodily fluids for the first 6 months of life, which is definitely a transmission vector for the disease.
From a WHO page on mother-to-child transmission:
The transmission of HIV from a HIV-positive mother to her child during pregnancy, labour, delivery or breastfeeding is called mother-to-child transmission. In the absence of any intervention, transmission rates range from 15% to 45%. This rate can be reduced to below 5% with effective interventions during the periods of pregnancy, labour, delivery and breastfeeding. These interventions primarily involve antiretroviral treatment for the mother and a short course of antiretroviral drugs for the baby. They also include measures to prevent HIV acquisition in the pregnant woman and appropriate breastfeeding practices. 
So first off, the chance of any child of an HIV-positive mother getting HIV are less than one in two. Second, again, the virus isn’t “genetic” in its transmission. So if a child of an HIV+ mother was infected, the odds of them transmitting the disease to their child is the same as it was for them. It’s not a guarantee.
Also understand that if medicine is “more advanced” than it is today, and we already have cases of HIV being completely eliminated from people’s bloodstreams with modern medications, your society would likely get to a place where HIV can be, if not eliminated, made far less of a global crisis.
In fact, you mentioned medicine being “more advanced” inside of the “quarantine” than outside of it. But this isn’t likely, because you have to understand that the “quarantined” area is wholly dependent on the outside. They only get what they’re given (or can monkey-wrench from what they have). And separate but equal is inherently unequal. They’re social pariahs, they’re the underheels of society – they won’t be given the tools to advance beyond the society around them. If anything they’ll be the subjects of unwilling experimentation and get gaslighted into horrendous conditions with the vague and distant promise of a cure.
Here’s the thing about HIV (that, admittedly, wasn’t well understood at the beginnings of the disease): Without blood to blood or sexual contact it’s almost impossible to contract. You can’t get it from saliva without (drinking a liter of it). You can’t get it from sweat.
So I’m going to give you some homework to help you understand the background of the story you want to write.
First, films, because they’re easy and fast and will get you up to date as quickly as possible. There’s a list from Verywell (which, admittedly, I don’t love completely) with a list of films portraying HIV in culture.
I would start with #9, a movie called And The Band Played On. (It’s even on YouTube if you don’t mind a little piracy). It’s the story of how HIV came to be understood, told from the scientific side, and dealing with all of the prejudices of the Reagan administration. Philadelphia is also amazing and a must-watch. Angels in America was supposed to be phenomenal (I haven’t had the chance to see it yet).
Also do some searches on HIV and then-president Reagan, and how he dealt with –  or, more accurately, did sweet fuck-all about – HIV. It’s the story of one of the biggest failings in American history (and there have been some whoppers of failures!).
I also reached out to lovely blogger poztatt, who has commented on this blog in multiple instances about the relationship between medicine as a whole and HIV, and here’s what Pozzy had to say:
One : Transmission.  Here in BC vertical transmission has been pretty much eliminated due to good regimens.  We can, if we know about it, prevent it by using pre-existing regimens with mothers so they don't transmit it.  Clinical guidelines are that mothers have to be on the medication (there are actual legal cases of women being charged for reckless endangerment and/or negligence for not informing doctors of their status.  Also all women in Canada that are pregnant are automatically tested.  It's less thrilling, human rights wise, than I personally like but that's Canada.
Second : Well, you're sort of right about quarantine.  Fun fact : it actually is legally entirely possible to quarantine someone with a public health threat - aka communicable diseases.  Second fun fact in 1987 there was a bill proposed here in BC called Bill C34 that would have sent all people with HIV / AIDS to a leper colony island in the Georgia Straits. 
It got defeated but it had components cannibalized and put into the health care acts that allows quarantining of people with communicable diseases.
Though it's not been enacted as there are no precidents for it outside Ebola.
So while it's not presently a thing, it was proposed in multiple jurisdictions across N. America.
Also location is important. Sidenote: In N. America it landed in the gay male community and hit white gay men hard.  They had influence and power, as well as money, so they made noise.  It ALSO hit injection drug users and other sections of the gay community but they had less social cache to fight for care.Outside of N. America it's predominantly location dependant. Huge swathes of African countries it's heterosexual.  When writing about it (for the question) it's important to note the different history depending on WHERE it's being written about.
Poz also recommends the films When We Rise and How to Survive a Plague, as well as reaching out to your local LGBT centers and seeing if your city has an LGBT archive.
If anyone has additional resources for the Nonny here, leave a comment. I’ll screenshot them in a day or two, or copypaste, and reblog this with additional resources.
Best of luck,
xoxo, Aunt Scripty
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overboss · 7 years
tag meme
Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better. tagged by the wonderful @vess-hs aka the loveliest hellspawn ever 1. Nickname: Mykie and Felle 2. Star Sign: Saggittarius 3. Height: Between 5,8 and 5'9 4. Time right now: time doesnt exist 5. Favorite music artist: Panic! At the Disco, Marina and the Diamonds and Imagine Dragons 6. Song stuck in your head: LISTEN.. it's We are number One. Im embarrassed okay? 7. Last movie watched: I think it was Suicide Squad as background noise? 8. Last TV show watched: Fresh Prince of Bel Air 9. What are you wearing right now: umm a grey short-sleeve t shirt, my N7 hoodie, blue pyjama shorts and some penguin slippers lol. 10. When did you create your blog: around february 2016 11. What kind of stuff do you post: mostly video game stuff and my poopy art 12. Do you have any other blogs: @felleyan-art for all my poop arts thats it tho 13. Do you get asks regularly: I wish!! 14. Why did you choose your url: I dunno it sounded cool 15. Gender: cis female 16. Hogwarts House: Slytherin 17. Pokemon team: Instinct? I dunno the yellow meme one 18. Favorite color: Burgandy 19. Average hours of sleep: 6-8 20. Lucky number: 7 21. Favorite characters: - deacon (fallout 4) - piper wright (fallout 4) - garrus vakarian (mass effect) - jack (mass effect) - miranda lawson (mass effect) - angela ziegler (overwatch) - zevran araiani (dragon age) - hawke (dragon age) - fenris (dragon age) - varric (dragon age) - 22. How many blankets do you sleep with: 4 plus i sleep in like 6 layers of clothing. I am a cold potato. 23. Dream Job: Hmmm character designer, astronomer, chemical engineer, experimental particle physicist, forensic science? art? i dont know someone send help. 24. Following: 177, most are lovely mutuals <3 __ tagging: @mvrianhawke, @louminx, @galadrielkenobi, @piperswright, @raynnromantica, @scottryder @casino-lights @tabsris @msrosalindlutece
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