#what more do you want from me
teethflavoured · 1 year
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boy they weren't lying he sure can Talk About Video Games
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arkos404 · 5 months
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shoutout to this sketch in specific from a mini lawful joke comic im doing bc i really like it but i have to delete it bc it doesnt fit anymore and idk if ill ever be able to replicate its smug aura again
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rintosei · 9 months
freminet is cancelled until further notice.
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headdaze · 2 months
***SPOILERS for A Conjuring of Light***
I have been an avid reader for approximately two decades now. I have seen my fair share of characters dying, my fair share of pain within books. Almost two decades, and yet never once have I ever cried when a character died in a book. Until I read ACOL. When Hastra died, I may as well have been stabbed square in the heart alongside him--I screamed, put the book down right then and there, and started sobbing. Just when I thought we were safe--just when I thought I could breathe--one of my absolute favorite characters, gone, just like that. The worst part about it was that he went in a way that was so him--protecting someone. The only good part was that at least it was quick. He deserves that much. By the time we got to Emira's death, my tears had already run out... Congratulations @veschwab -- I truly applaud you as a writer, truly and sincerely, because the last stretch of ACOL is putting me through the wringer like no other book I've ever read before. I am utterly amazed.
tdlr I always say I'm not ok when reading books but this. this is the real deal. now excuse me while I go cope
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caffeinatedopossum · 10 months
I'm trying really hard to give myself the room to accept my aromanticism despite being in a seemingly romantic relationship with my girlfriend but it's so hard because I know very few people will understand it
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kornwulf · 8 months
So the model train club I'm part of is putting on a display today and it's... going. Issues are being had. However, I also managed to find what I think is maybe the most entertaining Lionel operating car ever made for a really good price
Allow me to present: The Lionel 3665 Minuteman Missile Launcher
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mighty-ant · 2 years
What's your favorite turtle of every show?
oooh what an excellent question haha
2003 was my first turtles show, I watched it way back as it premiered back in 2003, and it's still probably my favorite tmnt series - i think it's definitely the most grounded of all of them
in a similar vein, leo is actually my favorite turtle of this show!
this wouldn't have been the case if you asked me two months ago, but i've recently been binging tmnt 2003 and leo has an astonishingly good arc in S4 that tackles his PTSD in a way I've never seen done in an animated series like this
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for tmnt 2012, my favorite is donnie!
rob paulsen's performance as the high-strung, gentle and smartest turtle hooked me from episode one, and while i'm not wild about how they mishandled his crush on april, he's easily the funniest turtle and has a gap in his teeth! what isn't there to like?
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and lastly, rise of the tmnt!
this version of the turtles not only feel the most like teenagers, but the soft family vibes are just off the charts
i remember first hearing about this show, seeing the turtles new designs, and learning that raph would be the leader! i was interested right away in this shift in the decades-old team dynamics and i seriously love raph as the long-suffering, gentle, old brother!
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seeing the turtle who's most often, and most recently, been characterized as the meanest and most emotionally closed off, now turned into a responsible, if sometimes bumbling, leader who is unfailingly kind and open with his love for his brothers is still a little crazy to me and definitely one of the highlights of this show
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emotionalcadaver · 4 months
I continue to be amazed at how I have literally indicated in every way I know how that Love Me Where I'm Most Ruined contains polyamory, and yet I STILL have people coming at me, getting mad at me over the story featuring polyamory.
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What's an EMPEROR doing living in a HUT lmao
bro anarchist is literally in my name. how much clearer could i make my ideals.
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acidbathcat · 6 months
as a seasoned mental illness haver the most frustrating thing in the world is waiting out an episode (banging my head on my desk)
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What the fuck
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ambrossart · 2 years
how about this? stop posting updates and stop making promises you won’t keep! it’s been WEEKS of you ducking everyone around and i’m getting a bit pissed off
Ummm that’s a bit unnecessary, don’t you think?
This isn’t my job, okay? I write these stories during my free time (for fun) and I put a lot of effort into them, so I will take as long as I want to post this chapter.
Now, I apologize for the chapter taking so long, and I apologize for pushing the release date back several times, but shit happens, writing can be a finicky bitch, and I’m not gonna post something I’m not happy with. 
The only reason I’m giving updates at all is because my inbox is constantly full of people asking me for updates. If you don’t like them, unfollow me. You won’t hurt my feelings. 🤷‍♀️ 
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gh0str3c0rd3r · 2 months
these stupid discord verification quizzes are gonna make me start killing I Swear To God
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handsomehelmet · 2 months
Gender identity is like an onion 🧅
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changbinholic · 2 years
Having a hard time concentrating on my studies when
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snobgoblin · 2 years
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i am once again simping
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