#what are the benefits of drinking boiled avocado leaves?
How to Lose Weight Without Dieting
Has your doctor told you that you have a high BMI that puts you in the "obesity" category and that you need to lose weight? Here’s how you can lose weight without dieting. 
Have you decided that the time has come to make some lifestyle changes?  You don't want to go on a diet because who does?  We need to eat less and move more to lose weight.
It all comes down to simple math: the number of calories in minus the number of calories out. Numerous new fad diets promise quick results, but will they last?
The simple answer is no. Not only will these results not last, but they will leave you exhausted, moody, and unsatisfied. Without a doubt, losing weight is difficult.
However, there are scientifically proven methods to help you lose those stubborn pounds, increase your energy, and improve your mood. You don't have to stick to a strict diet to get the desired results. Here are some of the tips regarding how to lose weight without dieting.
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Simple diet-free weight loss methods
Consume thermic foods
Thermic foods contain nutrients that boost the body's metabolism naturally. The body expends additional energy to digest, absorb, and metabolize these foods, which, when consumed, can produce a thermic effect and lead to weight loss.
Protein-rich foods like fatty fish, eggs, beans, and nuts have the most significant thermic effect. Chilli peppers, leafy greens, coffee, green tea, and berries are also excellent metabolism boosters.
Exercise first thing in the morning
Physical activity is one of the most effective ways to lose weight and keep it off in the long run. Long-term health benefits include lower blood pressure, better weight management, and a lower risk of chronic diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes.
Morning exercise has yielded promising results. By starting your day with a workout, you can put it behind you and not have to worry about what the rest of the day has in store for you or any additional chores that may interfere with an afternoon sweat session.
Strength training should be a part of your exercise routine. Muscles burn more energy than fat at rest, resulting in a faster metabolism. Strength training burns calories for several hours after your workout and promotes lean body mass, which you can lose through weight loss or aging.
Begin with a nutritious breakfast
Starting your day with a healthy breakfast made up of whole foods can significantly impact how the rest of your day goes. A healthy breakfast should include whole grain carbohydrates, lean protein, and healthy fat, which may help reduce cravings and curb appetite later in the day.
A healthy breakfast to start the day could include a bowl of oatmeal for grains, boiled eggs for lean protein, and an avocado slice for healthy fat. According to a  weight loss specialist, breakfast can result in diet-induced thermogenesis (DIT) by charging up your metabolism in the morning. 
Dining out? — no worries
Many new health trackers include nutritional data for numerous restaurants and items that may not have on the menu.
To reduce feelings of hunger, avoid consuming large amounts of high-calorie foods with little to no nutritional value, such as chips, cookies, and sugary beverages.
Fruit juice must be avoided
Water is one of the best beverages to drink when you are thirsty, and it contains no calories, makes you feel full, and has a direct link to weight loss. Fruit juice may be a great option, but, Even if the label says "100% juice," it is likely to be high in sugar.
Have a restful night's sleep
Getting a good night's sleep is just as important as eating right and exercising to lose weight. The majority of adults do not get enough sleep at night.
According to weight loss specialists, children and adults who do not get enough sleep at night have an increased risk of being overweight.
Snack on healthy foods
Skipping meals can lead to a binge later in the day, leading to overeating. Snacking is an excellent way to avoid feeling ravenous. The quality of your snack is essential, and you should choose high-quality snacks.
Here are some great low carb, high protein healthy snack ideas to help you lose weight:
Peanut butter and celery sticks
Greek yogurt with beef jerky
Mixed nuts
Preparing your snacks ahead of time is a great way to ensure you have something on hand when hunger strikes. By carrying healthy snacks, you will reduce your chances of overeating at a fast-food restaurant or convenience store.
Consume fewer calories
We all know that losing weight requires eating fewer calories than our bodies burn. It all comes down to simple math, no matter how hard you work out, and avoid foods high in calories.
Determine the number of calories your body requires to lose weight and download a health tracking app that allows you to set a daily calorie limit. Enter your snacks and meals when you eat them or scan the label if it has one.
The most common myths about weight loss
There is a plethora of weight loss advice available on the internet. Here are some of the most common weight loss lies, myths, and misconceptions. 
Fast food is always filling
As people's health consciousness has grown, many fast food restaurants have begun to offer healthier options. Some specialize solely in serving healthy foods, such as chipotle.
You can get something relatively healthy in most restaurants, and most fast food restaurants offer healthier alternatives to their main menu items.
These foods may not meet the needs of every health-conscious individual, but they are a good option if you don't have the time or energy to prepare a healthy meal.
Fat causes fat
Fat contains approximately nine calories per gram, whereas carbohydrates and protein have only four calories per gram. Fat is high in calories and is commonly present in processed foods. However, fat does not make you fat as long as your calorie intake is within a healthy range.
Furthermore, diets high in fat but low in carbs have been shown in numerous studies to cause weight loss. While eating unhealthy, high-calorie junk foods high in fat will undoubtedly make you fat, this macronutrient is not the only culprit. Your body requires healthy fats to function correctly.
Obesity is a result of willpower rather than biology
It is incorrect to say that your willpower solely determines your weight. Obesity is a multifaceted disease with dozens, if not hundreds, of contributing factors.
Numerous genetic factors link to obesity and medical conditions such as hypothyroidism, PCOS, and depression can all increase your risk of gaining weight. Multiple hormones and biological pathways in your body regulate body weight, and these are often dysfunctional in obese people, making it much more challenging to lose and maintain weight.
Eat less and move more
The most basic myths about weight loss is body fat is simply stored energy. As a result, it seems only natural that eating less and moving more would result in weight loss.
While this advice is sound in theory, especially if you make a permanent lifestyle change, it is inappropriate for people with serious weight problems. Because of physiological and biochemical factors, most people who follow this advice regain any lost weight.
Simply telling someone who is obese to eat less and move more is kin to telling someone who is depressed to cheer up or someone who is alcoholic to drink less.
To conclude:
You want to change your lifestyle to include more healthy foods and exercise to look, feel, and be in a better mood without feeling deprived or constantly thinking about food.
Notably, the majority of these myths are untrue. Instead, the relationship between food, body, and weight is highly complex. If you want to lose weight, learn about evidence-based changes you can make to your diet and lifestyle.
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waltonmccurdy75 · 2 years
Nutrition Tips That Will Help Your Age Well
If you are completely new to the world of proper nutrition, then you are probably thinking that some tips on how to improve the quality of your diet will help you immensely so that you can begin eating healthier. Listed below are some tips to get you started with improving your diet plan. Hard boiled eggs are a healthy and easily portable protein source. Boil a bunch and keep them in your fridge to take with you when on the go, or packing a lunch. They are economical and will help you feel great. Protein keeps us feeling full and energetic. If you are trying to eat as cheaply as possible, but still want to be healthy, purchase a variety of fortified breakfast cereals. Best avocado salad recipe and minerals are added so it's as if you're taking a multivitamin. One box provides you with 4 or 5 meals so the cost per meal is less than one dollar for you. A great way to get a healthy and nutritional start to your day is with a balanced breakfast. Include a protein source, such as a dairy product, a carbohydrate source such as cereal or toast, and a fruit or vegetable such as a banana. This will keep you from getting hungry later as well. When you pay attention to your digestive health, you can lose weight and maintain a lower body weight overall. Also, drink lots of water and eat your fiber. Make sure you read all labels and understand you know what it is you are eating before you eat it. You don't want to go in with any assumptions about foods you are unsure of before you eat them. Do some reading and research to know what is and isn't healthy for your body. You want to gain the greatest nutritional value from your food. Fresh vegetables are high on your list. What a loss if you throw away these nutrients through overcooking! When you immerse vegetables in water, much of the nutrients are leached out as they cook and are thrown away in the water. Avoid this by using a steamer and cooking vegetables lightly. For a healthier diet substitute olive oil for butter. Butter contains high amounts of saturated fats which is associated with high cholesterol and heart disease. Olive oil is much healthier. You can drizzle olive oil, instead of butter, over vegetables. You can also dip your bread, or fry your eggs in olive oil instead of butter. You might be drinking soy milk to make sure you're getting the calcium you need. But you must shake it each time you pour a glass in order to be sure you benefit from the calcium it contains. The calcium in soy milk slowly settles to the bottom of the carton, so if you don't shake it each time, it won't end up in your glass. In addition to eating healthy foods regularly, you should try taking vitamin supplements. Vitamin supplements provide you with all the essential vitamins and minerals that your body needs to function and to maintain itself and its immune system. You can find vitamin supplements at any local drug store. To better maintain your muscle mass, make high-glutamine foods a part of your diet. Glutamine is an amino acid that helps fuel muscles while protecting their health. It also prevents allergenic molecules from being absorbed. Some of the best sources of glutamine are cottage cheese, cabbage and salmon. Most nutrition bars are also high in glutamine. One of the easiest ways to make sure that you that you are getting only the most nutritious foods and beverages is to ensure that these healthy items are always on hand. Protein bars can easily be stashed in a purse, glove box, or desk drawer. If tasty and healthy snacks are within your grasp, chances are you will be more likely to reach for these treats rather than leaving your office for a salty snack from the vending machines or through the drive-thru of a fast food restaurant. As you can see from the above list of tips, proper nutrition can be very useful in making you a happier and healthier person. It can also prevent many illnesses and diseases. After following these tips, you will no longer be new to proper nutrition, but you can become an expert on it.
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natur-body · 3 years
A 30-day gut cleanse diet plan with body detox and weight loss benefits
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A 30-day gut cleanse diet plan with body detox and weight loss benefits 30-day gut cleanses diet plan may be a universal program for gut detox, body detox, and weight loss. This diet is predicated on low-calorie foods that remove mucus from the gut and every one of your body, replenish healthy gut microbiome,
 supply your body with enough vitamins and alkaline minerals for it to detoxify without stressing your elimination organs: liver and kidneys. The diet plan assures rapid weight loss – from 18 to twenty lbs – with no sense of hunger. It also cleans your blood, improves skin quality, cures acne, may relieve symptoms of asthma and other chronic conditions. If you retain the main part of this diet plan for the remainder of your life you'll reduce your aging rate (1) and avoid most illnesses connected to elderly life.
Why GUT DETOX may be a MILESTONE of each detox program?
Full detox is unimaginable without gut cleanse. only a few people know that the part of the food we eat never leaves our body and stays in our gut for the remainder of our lives. the rationale for its mucus that's formed by the walls of our intestines as the gut attempts to guard itself against the unnatural products: dairy, starchy carbs, highly refined and deep-fried foods. This mucus hinders the full elimination of poop and provides a good foundation for pathogenic bacteria to thrive. For more on this subject please visit my blog: “6 amazing health benefits of cleaning your gut”
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There are many 3 days gut cleanse programs available on the internet. you'll indeed eat certain food today to stimulate good movement tomorrow but this may be distant from having a clean, mucus-free, and toxin-free gut, healthy gut flora, slim belly, and therefore the sensation of lightness which will not be compared to anything.
The secret of gut cleanse is in raw fruits and vegetables. Every fruit and vegetable in raw form has gut cleansing properties and each cooked food is mucus forming. If you turn to completely raw food your gut will start detoxing already in few days from your diet change. After one month of gut cleanse each of your movements will offer you a sensation of emptiness and lightness such as you haven't experienced before. which will be the proper sign that your gut has cleaned. That’s what went on to me on a raw vegan diet, however, due to amazing cravings for cooked food, a fully raw diet is extremely difficult to follow. For folks that can't imagine surviving on salads, this 30-day diet plan includes some cooked food that is the smallest amount of mucus-forming by their nature.
A gut cleanses consists of three stages: 1. Hydrating colon 2. Stimulating movement for the elimination of poisons. 3. Providing enough fiber for healthy gut flora to multiply. Luckily most of the foods you'll be eating have most of those three mentioned qualities.
The best thanks to starting a gut cleansing day are by drinking a few cups of a probiotic drink. The drink has a light sower, pleasant taste, and is full of positive bacteria that helps your gut replenish the pathogenic gut flora with a healthy one. you'll be ready to easily prepare this drink in large quantities reception only with cabbage and filtered water with the assistance of the blender. For the precise recipe please visit my blog. If you'd wish to make this drink more flavorsome there's a recipe for this too.
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Drinking fermented drinks in the morning will assist you better suits the new diet and avoid bloating. However, if you're lazy to organize this drink, you'll choose the better option: start the day with a few cups of straightforward lemon water but don't miss drinking a cup of ultimate gut cleanse remedy before getting to bed. The gut cleanses remedy should be taken for 10 days at the initial stage of your gut cleanse diet plan.
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For breakfast, it's excellent to eat fruits that have the properties of the hydrating colon and diluting the mucus. All watery fruits have hydrating qualities, but watermelon may be a queen of colon cleanse. If you are doing the cleanse in summer I like to recommend eating watermelon a day – once you eat watermelon in large quantities it can cause movement almost directly.
You can enjoy the following fruits that are listed consistent with their gut cleansing properties:
For the summer season: 1. Watermelon 2. Melon 3. Papaya 4. Pineapple 5. Strawberries 6. Pears 7. cucumbers 8. Tomatoes.
For winter season: 1. Grapefruits (juice grapefruits) 2. Oranges 3. Tangerines 4. Kiwi. 5. Apples
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Please note that so as for these fruits to wash your gut you've got to consume them in large quantities – some people are scared of eating fruits believing that they're too high in sugars. that's not so. For scientific proof please visit my blog: “Why you ought to not be scared of fruits while losing weight – Glycemic index VS glycemic load”
Eat as many fruits to satisfy you for breakfast and if you are feeling hungry eat some more fruits from the list. Avoid eating oatmeal, whole grain bread, and therefore the foods that are generally considered as a healthy option. These foods could be healthier than pancakes, but they're still mucus-forming, therefore they are doing not fit into the gut cleansing concept.
The best thing you'll eat for lunch is a green smoothie that has tremendous cleansing properties. With green smoothies, you'll even clean the oven in your kitchen. Pour a touch little bit of green smoothie on an unclean tray and leave overnight. the subsequent day you'll be ready to clean it only with a wet towel. an equivalent cleansing effect green smoothie will wear your gut, blood vessels, liver, and kidneys. The fiber in green smoothies feeds healthy bacteria in your gut and facilitates positive macrobiotic that on the opposite hand strengthens your system (2). For smoothie cleanse to be effective you ought to drink 1.5 Lt (50 ounces) of smoothie per day. For more benefits you'll get on smoothies please visit my blog: “Stop aging now! – regain back the natural color of your hair, Improve your eyesight, gain muscles without exercise”.
For smoothie recipes please visit my blog: “One formula for 1000 different green smoothie recipes”.
The best dinner for gut cleans is raw low starch vegetable salads: Finely chop cabbage, carrot, radish, beetroot, cauliflower, cut cucumber, and tomatoes. Convert them into multiple salads using different combinations and various salad dressings with lemon, olive oil, avocados, raw nuts, green pesto, and homemade tomato salsa. just in case you've got problems digesting vegetables in a raw form you'll cook them. the simplest cooked low starch vegetables are steamed broccoli and cauliflower, baked or boiled beetroot, stir-fried cabbage, and carrots. Make some research on the way to convert these vegetables into tasty dishes.
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On a gut cleanse diet anything from raw fruits, dried fruits, vegetables, and nuts are often eaten as snacks and sweets. find out how to make raw nut pestos and luxuriate in them with bell pepper or celery sticks. Or, simply snack on cucumbers or carrots. For sweets, you'll enjoy dates and nuts, raw avocado pudding, or bananas. confine mind that fruits should be eaten before vegetables, not after. Eating fruits after the vegetables causes fermentation in the gut (3) – this doesn't slot into the gut cleanse diet plan.
Which FOODS TO AVOID on Gut cleanse diet
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On a gut cleanse diet you ought to avoid any meat, eggs, and dairy that feed pathogenic gut flora and are very mucus forming by their nature. the sole exception is unpasteurized yogurt and kefir that contains positive gut bacteria, however, they also contribute to mucus formation to a particular extent, therefore should be taken in moderate quantities and not every single day. If you add one teaspoon of grained flax seeds in unpasteurized kefir. this may bring gut cleansing properties to the drink.
You should also avoid all kinds of refined sugars, refined carbs and whole-grain foods, even oatmeal – as they're all highly mucus forming and may hinder the cleaning process.
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The side effects of gut cleanse are connected to eating a high amount of raw fiber that causes fast replenishment of the gut microbiome. The change of gut flora takes a few weeks, meantime you would possibly experience bloating and gas, some people complain that their movement stops for several days at the start of the program. don't be afraid. attempt to drink more probiotic drink which will help relieve symptoms.
I understand that this diet plan isn't getting to be easy for an individual adjusted to eating pizzas and burgers and no fiber in the least. Organizing a gut cleanse diet does require a while and energy to master new recipes. to achieve this diet I like to recommend doing it with a partner or with a lover. you'll be ready to monitor one another, observe your weight loss results, share recipes and cook together.
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5 foods to lose fat that actually taste good.
Your weight is a form of balance, and calories are parts of the equation. Weight loss results from burning more calories than you eat. You can do this by reducing the extra calories from food and drinks, and increase the calories you burn with physical activity.
When we are told about healthy food for weight loss or something similar, we immediately think of green juices or salads. These things are effective, but they don't really taste very well. This belief of healthy ≠ delicious is what limits many people when starting a weight loss diet. This is why I bring you foods that contribute to fat loss, and at the same time taste good.
Foods you shoudn’t eat.
First, let's talk about what you'll not see on this list. Basically those who not only provide us with large amounts of energy, but also do so quickly. This is the case of sugar, refined flours and rice - present in most pasta, breads and rice that we consume regularly, as well as soft drinks and industrial juices. These products generate tremendously rapid increases in blood sugar, which stimulates a hormone called insulin that acts by introducing sugar into our muscles - which a priori could be positive - only when the rise in sugar is sharp and large amounts this insulin can also stimulate the entry of that energy to another type of cells called adipocytes, which are related to the increase in fatty tissue.
Now that you know the key to a good diet and what things aren't helping you with your goal, here are 8 foods to lose fat that really taste good.
1. Chocolate
I know, it seems incredible, but chocolate - although it contains monounsaturated fat - helps burn belly fat. Of course, to benefit from these effects, the chocolate you choose must have a high cocoa content (at least 85%). So you know, we are not talking about Hershey's or M&M'S or chocolate ice cream, we talk about real chocolate and although many people consider such a very high percentage a little bit too bitter, there are also many people who prefer a bitter chocolate than a sweet one.
2. Avocadoes
There is a false belief that avocados get fat, but it is not. On the contrary, avocados are full of healthy fats and are especially rich in oleic acid (a monounsaturated fatty acid) the same type of fat found in olive oil and that eliminates or delays the feeling of hunger. In addition, it has fiber, ideal for a flat stomach. They make salads 1000 times better and are perfect for creams and sauces, impossible to resist their taste. In addition, they also contain a lot of water, so their energy density is not so high, and they are rich in other important nutrients such as fiber and potassium.
3. Berries
Blueberries: These fruits have large amounts of antioxidant vitamins and minerals, help eliminate abdominal fat, reduce cholesterol and control blood sugar levels. Infallible in reducing belly fat.
Cherries: These small fruits have very few calories and a lot of fiber, which helps you feel satiated much longer, according to the American Diabetes Association.
Raspberries: In addition to delicious, they are very nutritious. In fact, a cup of raspberries contains only 64 calories, 14.7 grams of sodium hydrate and 1.5 grams of protein. You can consume them in food and beverages, or as a snack during the day (a fist).
Blackberries: They are as nutritious as the ones we have presented, since they contain antioxidants that, constantly consuming, accelerate fat burning. As if that were not enough, they have a diuretic effect that helps you reduce fluid retention.
Strawberries: These delicious red fruits are of great benefit, since they help to purify the body, eliminate toxins and prevent the accumulation of liquids, due to their diuretic effect.
4. Eggs
For a long time, eggs have been unfairly treated, limiting their consumption due to their supposed harmful effects on cholesterol levels. The myth is gradually disappearing, in part because eggs have shown in several investigations to have very beneficial properties for cardiovascular and metabolic health. Also because they help burn fat. Several studies have shown that breakfast eggs reduce the feeling of hunger and therefore excessive calorie intake during the morning. The cause could be its high protein content, which increases the metabolism by about 20% during the hours after eating them and gives a feeling of being satiated.
According to a controlled study, although limited, done in 21 adult men, those who ate 3 eggs consumed 400 calories less per day and reduced their body fat by 16% more than those who followed the same daily routine but ate anything for breakfast.
5. Apple Water
Apple water is not only effective for weight loss, but also for accelerating metabolism and eliminating accumulated fat in the abdomen. The apple, thanks to its pectin content, helps regulate blood sugar levels and contributes to the elimination of excess fat. Cinnamon, on the other hand, accelerates the metabolism due to its thermogenic power. In addition, it reduces body fat, especially in the neck and abdomen.
Here is the simple recipe on how to make apple water.
Best of all, you only need two easily accessible ingredients: apple (preferably green) and cinnamon.
1- Boil the cinnamon pieces in a liter of water.
2- While you leave the cinnamon boiling, cut the apple into small pieces.
3- Once it boils and the water looks brownish, add the apple pieces.
4- Drink the infusion preferably hot. It is best to drink this drink on an empty stomach and before going to sleep. If you are constant, you will notice great results in a short time.
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avocadoleaves-blog1 · 4 years
Avocado leaves for lower back pain relief for more info visit: https://avocadoleaves.com/avocado-lea... Avocado leaves for back pain admin Avocado leaves for pain avocado leaf backpain, avocado leaves for back pain, lower back pain and avocado leaves 0 Comments Why Avocado leaves are effective in treating lower back pain. The pinene compound in avocado leaves can reduce the symptoms of pain in all parts of the body, especially on back pain problems. Avocado leaves are also know to be effective for menstrual pain and tooth aches. Relief of lower back pain Back pain will make it difficult for you to finish the job. Avocado leaves can be prepared for treatment. back pain avocado leaf benefits of Avocado leaves As long as you experience back pain, avoid lifting heavy objects, as it can make the pain you experience more severe. Before taking pills relieve back pain or other types of medication, many of them may contain toxic substances. Mother Nature’s Natural Pharmacy is growing all around us, it’s achievable and accessibility is growing and the information is out there! People have used plants, herbs and flowers as long as we existed to treat various diseases. Making the most of the best foods we can consume is also a sure-fire way to prevent the diseases that appear in the first place! If you want to improve the health of your joints and overall muscle, maintain healthy body weight, reduce inflammation and avoid back pain in the future, consuming a healthy diet and healing is key.” One of the recommended foods is potassium-rich foods – one of which is avocado. “Potassium reduces swelling and is an important electrolyte for muscle and nerve functions. Including potassium-rich foods which are often high in magnesium to your meals will do wonders. Avocado leaves benefits of Avocado leaves Green leafy vegetables, avocados. Avocado leaves destroy back pain and over time helps prevent it from occurring. Also, to get rid of back pain right away, go to bed with your legs raised. You can use a pillow or bend your knees while sleeping. It lowers pressure from the lower back for immediate relief. Sufferers of lower back pain, known as lumbago, backache can find relief from pain by using avocado leaves. Regularly drinking  avocado leaves tea is known to help. How to make it, first provide 5 pieces of avocado leaves, then rinse well in running water. Boil the avocado leaves together with one glass of water. Let steep for 5 minutes and drink. how to stop lower back pain with avocado leaves benefits of Avocado leaves Have you tried avocado leaves? How do they make you feel and what health benefits have you noticed? Tell us in the comments below and follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. for the best avocado products in the world go to  https://avosource.com
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second meeting
On a Tuesday a week after the unfortunate encounter Giverny had, she returned to the library to push out a paper she’d been avoiding for the past few days.  After getting herself a mocha and cheese danish from the café, she moved to the second floor and found a seat at a long empty table where there was a clear view of the staircase and the tiled path that disappeared into an array of bookcases glowing under warm lights.  She took her time in setting out her things.
Now that she was in her last semester at university, the pile of work had become endless.  If she wasn’t cranking out another paper about another book she was out buying things to prepare for her Spring semester abroad or meeting with her three different study groups every other week.  Or, she was at the library.  
She was fueled by power naps and cups of coffee and the exciting future of becoming a Classic Literature professor, and there wasn’t a better place to pursue all of those things than the library.  Specifically, the one she was sitting in right now.  
The place had been a special project between the university and city to create a meeting grounds for both the students and public - a place where productivity from all corners could thrive - and had replaced one of the Engineering buildings that had stood at the core of the college campus.  Of modern design that emphasized warm tones, on the inside its impressively high glass ceilings brought onto the four floors plenty of bright air to breathe and meant that thousands of books could be put on display - from the very bottom of the floor to the very bottom of the sky.  Ladders climbed as far as the neck could stretch and it was always a sight to be on one of the upper floors and spot someone climbing it.  And though it was empty today, Giverny’s hazelnut eyes still searched, not wanting to yet look at the mess of research notes in her folder.  
After finishing her cheese danish, she decided it was time to get started.  As her notes were taken out and organized across her space of the table, the morning sun above disappeared behind thick grey clouds that wouldn’t leave until tomorrow, and turned the library cozily dim.  She opened up her laptop and began to type.
By the time she was on her fourth page, her coffee had emptied and the table was no longer hers alone.  
Her eyes glided up at the figure blocking her view of the stairs and sky.  Auden glanced back with cunning eyes before taking a seat on the bench opposite her with the book she had lost flashing in his hands.
“Que diable?” she heard herself say in French.
“What’s that?”
Giverny clenched her teeth as she watched that smirk curve on his lips again.  Without looking at her, he cracked open the book’s spine - slowly enough that the sound seemed to cry out to her - and then began to read where he had left off.  She realized her eyes were glued to the smooth white pages.
“Your French sounds authentic,” he suddenly said.  She didn’t bother looking up.  “I was born in France and moved here when I was seven.”  Hearing his movement, she looked up.  His empty blinking gave away his confusion.  “Yes, I’m Korean,” she said before he could ask, “but my parents had me in France.”  
“Where in France?”
Slightly surprised he didn’t ask for more, she felt somewhat silly, as if she’d predicted something wrong.  “A tiny town.  Eguisheim.”
There wasn’t an expression she could read on his face as he took in her answer.  Instead, he simply nodded and then returned his eyes to the book.  It ticked her off.  Taking a deep breath with closed eyes, Giverny tried to focus on the sound of the keyboard under her fingertips.  Then-
“I felt bad that you were here all alone looking like you had no friends so I’m actually sitting here for your benefit.”
When she swung her leg against his, he was smiling deviously at the book.  A small cry shot up his throat as the kick forced his knee to hit the table.  Giverny held her breath to keep herself from bursting into proud laughter.  Instead, she gave her own smirk at him before looking back at her laptop.  Groaning at the shockful pain, Auden gave her his sharpest glare yet.
“I played soccer from the tender age of eight to fifteen,” she disclosed.
“Did they kick you out for abusing the other girls?” he growled.
“I never kicked them.  Just you.”
He scoffed.  While he rubbed his leg and she sorted through her notes, a group of four adults - apparently on a double date - joined the table for brunch, bringing with them the smell of fresh coffee and bread.  As Giverny’s glance slid from them to the blonde boy, she caught his own eyes looking cravingly at the plates of food and cups.  She felt herself smirk again, knowing the pain he was in at this very moment.  
The slow arrival of noon brought with it more people into the library - people who were free from their classes or officework wishing to breathe in the library’s scent of new books and sandwiches.  From the second floor, they could hear the growing noise of voices and the tip-tap-tip-tap of shoes and the bursting of the once-sleeping espresso machine.  It was what Giverny thought heaven to sound like.
As the sounds ballooned and ballooned, she started to find it harder to concentrate on her assignment.  Since the blonde prick sat across from her she had managed to write another three pages, which was not close enough to her fifteen-page requirement.  She sat back and sighed.  How about a coffee break? Nodding to herself, she pushed her chair back whilst picking up her empty coffee to throw away.  “Where are you going?” Auden asked, glancing up.  
“Can you get me something?” Giverny’s mouth opened.  Then closed.
“Like what?”
Auden didn’t look surprised.  In fact, he looked almost like he was pleading.  “A hot caramel latte.  And some avocado toast.”  Giverny revealed to him a twitch of her eyes before pacing away toward the staircase.  He didn’t even catch it.
She returned ten minutes later with his order and her own iced caramel latte.  The green of the avocado and sheen white of the egg on top instantly caught Auden’s attention, his hands reaching out for the plate before she even placed it on the table.  His drink was given and she sat back down with her lips over her straw and eyes scanning her notes.  The two couples beside them could be heard laughing quietly.  
Sitting back and allowing herself to relax for a little bit, Giverny sipped on her drink while staring blankly at the light wood of the table.  But when Auden reached for his coffee, she suddenly glanced up.
He raised it to his lips.  Gulped.
And then his eyes cracked wide open in shock.  
At the first rush of coughs, their neighbors jumped in their seats and whipped their heads at him.  The sounds were sharp against his throat, bellowing amidst the rest of the noise, and even though he tried to keep from spitting up the drink, a thin stream of coffee dribbled down his chin.  His bloodshot eyes snapped up at Giverny.  
“Go (pant) to (pant) hell (pant).”
He watched as a smirk pulled at a corner of her lips.  There was blood boiling inside of him now, the heat under his skin almost vibrating from the amount of aggravation he felt toward this girl who had put SALT into his goddamn coffee.  He didn’t know how his scowl looked, but he hoped it would burn right through her.
“Go to hell,” he repeated, softly enough for only her to hear.  Her eyes were bright with guile.
“Next time, don’t steal my book.”
And then she returned to her paper.
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styleatacertainage · 6 years
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all right, gang here’s a quick fitness update. and i’ll share what i eat on a typical day later in the post. but first things first. this girl has a BIG birthday coming up as in the big 6-0 in three short weeks. and with birthday gifts on my mind, i went ahead and splurged on a Peloton. actually, way back in January when i started my fitness journey i had my eye on this spin bike and the on-demand or live classes that come along with it. if you have never taken a spin class let me assure you it is one of the best forms of high-intensity exercise out there. it works your heart, quadriceps, hamstrings, lower legs, glutes, back and upper body. and it’s easy on your joints. most spin classes add a section of weight training where you work your arms while seated on the bike. it’s a crazy hard section even though you are working with lighter weights. maybe because you’re exhausted from the high-intensity intervals doled out throughout the class and then you work your arms. when i was in my forties i was introduced to spinning and immediately fell in love. well, it’s more like a love/hate relationship because any spin class on any given day will kick your butt to the door and back again. but you will leave class feeling as if you’ve accomplished something. it goes without saying you’ll be dripping in sweat so stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water. and i have to say i am impressed with the Peloton instructors and the variety of classes offered. there are floor exercise sessions, cool down stretches, and of course, spin classes that can be selected by length, music genre, instructor, live, on-demand, lot’s of options and endless choices. truly one of the best birthday gifts ever!
this month was the perfect month to exchange my Orange Theory workouts for Peloton as i’ve been gimping around the past few weeks. an old knee injury from college flared up and i’ve had to curtail my workouts while it’s on the mend. so i can’t say i made great progress this past month but i’m slowly ramping up my exercise routine thanks to spinning. this week will be the first time i’ve hit my goal of five workouts for quite some time and it feels good to be operating at full capacity! and, yes, five workouts are optimal three workouts are minimal to see real results. and another resounding yes it takes longer for a fifty-nine-year-old to get into shape as opposed to a thirty-nine-year-old. but it can and should be done. scientists have proven that those who exercise regularly are younger on a cellular level than those who lead sedentary or moderately active lifestyles. the good news is it’s never too late to incorporate exercise into your lifestyle. you’ll immediately start reaping the benefits. regular physical activity helps you look and feel younger and stay independent longer. it lowers your risk for a variety of conditions, including Alzheimer’s and dementia, heart disease, diabetes, certain cancers, high blood pressure, and obesity. and your mood improves too. it’s those endorphins!
what do i eat on a typical day? since i’ve joined FASTer Way to Fat Loss, i use My Fitness Pal app which tracks macros (proteins, fats, and carbs). i aim to keep all three balanced on any given day. since FASTer Way to Fat loss incorporates intermittent fasting (an eight-hour feeding window) i don’t eat my first meal until noon, right after my morning workout, which consists of a banana, kiwi, and almonds. my second meal of the day is typically my largest, and i love a chef salad that includes a hard-boiled egg, salmon or chicken, and avocados. plus a light dressing of olive oil and lemon juice. then at night, i’ll eat something light – yogurt, apple slices, edamame, sweet potatoes, or lentil salad. on the weekends i splurge a bit by adding a cafe mocha, class of wine, and consume heavier meals. all-in-all i try to keep a balanced perspective when it comes to meals and lifestyle. if i truly wanted to lose more weight all that’s necessary is to adjust my macros and keep my workouts to five or six days a week. but my goal is to be fit not to wear a specific size.
this is a photo taken right after my first workout back in January.
this is me today. Faster Way To Fat Loss Sign up
what is FASTer Way to Fat Loss? it’s an easy program to follow that lays everything out step by step. during the six-week program, you receive a full program guide complete with daily workouts, nutritional guidelines, webinars, meal plan information and access to a Facebook group to get all of your questions answered.
spin shoes are a must. guess who couldn’t resist a pop of pink?
| tank | spin shoes
this is what the Peloton monitor looks like from my perspective. you actually feel as if you’re in class. but i love the fact i can work out according to my schedule, not the gym’s schedule.
Helpful Links:
Faster Way To Fat Loss Sign up // Faster Way To Fat Loss Cookbook // Faster Way To Fat Loss Cookbook Bundle // Vegan Cookbook //
three reasons i love this program:
ONE – every detail is planned out for you. the online workouts have exact directions and links to watch the moves. but if you love working out at The Barre, or have another workout routine, you’re used to like Spin Class no problem. there are options, ladies, options. my workout routine consists of two sessions per week at Orange Theory the other three are spent in my home gym with Amanda (the mastermind behind FWTFL). the great thing about FASTer Way To Fat Loss is you can make it work with your lifestyle!
TWO – this is a lifestyle, not a diet. we use My Fitness Pal app to track calories and macros, but the mentality is progress, not perfection. the goal is to eat dairy free, grain free and gluten free as much as possible but again, there’s flexibility. do i have a cocktail or glass of wine on occasion? absolutely! did i enjoy chocolate chip cookies last weekend when one of my kiddos was home? well, i couldn’t let him eat the whole batch by himself! as i mentioned, FASTerWayToFatLoss is a lifestyle change, not a diet. this program teaches how to cut fat and gain lean muscle while still living life to its fullest.
THREE – it is a proven system that helps women and men (yes, there is a program for men) lose fat. and there’s no age limit! actually, you’ve heard me talk about the importance of exercise as we age. the amount of muscle we lose each year is alarming. you’ve heard it said “use it or lose it.” it’s true! my goal is to live the best life possible at any age. and exercise is key.
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healthcarecolumn · 4 years
Food and nutrition guidelines for healthy kids
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All parents are very much concerned about the growth and development of their child for which they plan meticulously, but they tend to forget that a nutritious diet plays a vital role in the development of the child.
Parents try to choose healthy meals having adequate nutrition, vitamins, and minerals in the diet of their young ones. However, it is not an easy task to plan the menu of the kids due to their faster metabolism than adults and their picky habits. Also, they have special nutritional requirements for their growing bodies.
Healthy eating benefits child energy in many ways; it stabilizes their strength and improves their mind and mood. Plus, it helps to prevent many chronic diseases, including high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, obesity, and heart disease.
What are the guidelines for child nutrition?
Learning healthy eating habits in childhood stays with your child throughout life. But you should follow some guidelines for your child’s diet as this will provide them with healthy eating patterns to stay away from various chronic diseases that are listed above.
Take a balanced breakfast.
Children should start their day by eating a healthy and balanced breakfast with protein. Protein helps children to stay full of energy throughout the day at school. If you are a teenager, you can lose weight indeed.
You hardly have much time in the morning, for which your child can have any of these quick meals:
Whole-grain toast with peanut butter
An apple, hard or semi boiled eggs, toast with a glass of milk.
Bleeding: Bleeding is similar to a regular menstrual period. Spotting is bleeding on wiping.
Whole-wheat bread egg sandwich
Yogurt with almonds
Mealtimes of children should be the priority.
When you sit down with your kids at the table for eating, you help them to learn healthy eating habits.
It helps children to have a set routine for eating with family, so they avoid procrastinating.
You can monitor your kids, whether they are eating properly or aren’t leaving food unfinished.
You can prepare food carefully with adequate nutrition and make habits of children to adopt healthy eating habits.
Try to change unhealthy items in your fridge with healthy alternatives. You don’t have to rebuild your complete meal plan though you can make slight swaps:
Try to reduce the consumption of sugar in your child’s diet as it can have detrimental consequences like type 2 diabetes, hyperactivity, obesity, and mood disorders. Follow the tips below to control their sugar intake:
Instead of saying no to children for sweets and pastries every time, arrange these delicacies on special occasions only.
Secondly, avoid drinks with sugar preservatives as one can of soft drink has 10 tsp of sugar that is around 7 tsp more than the limited amount.
Provide natural sugar to children in the form of fruits and make desserts of fruits as well.
Try to lower the amount of sugar in recipes you make at home.
Fats are an essential part of the diet at young ages, but only healthy fats are useful in the food of kids.
Healthy fats are unsaturated fats, like almonds, pumpkin seeds, omega-3 fatty acids, avocados or olive oil. These are good for the memory of children and liven up their mood as well.
Try to limit trans fats like baked goods, margarine, snacks, or packaged foods or foods with partially hydrogenated vegetable oil.
Try to make food more appealing, so children love to eat it. Also, you should avoid keeping packaged food like potato chips at home that children can prefer over home-cooked food.
Keep a bowl of fruit at a place where it looks appealing, and the child can easily see it and pick it if feeling hungry.
Try to hide veggies in other foods, like you can make a stew of zucchini or carrots that your child will never know what they are eating.
While you take them to the grocery store, let them decide what food item they want to pick.
You can also use your imagination to create a scene of food on the plate, as you can serve them broccoli as a tree.
Bring your children to a grocery store while shopping for foodstuff. Teach them about reading food labels of various food items to pick; by this, they learn about the nutritional value of foods. Indeed they get a chance to comprehend what they are eating at home.
Maintain a kitchen garden at home and encourage your children to participate in the plantation of various vegetables and herbs in the kitchen garden. Not only does it give them a lesson but a chance to plant and harvest their food.
Amandeep Hospital is one of the best and advanced child hospital in North India to get a consultation from expert doctors about food and nutrition guidelines for healthy kids.
You are available with all in house amenities like ultrasound, X-ray, CT scan, and general laboratory for tests to get timely help.
Our child doctors fully comprehend guidelines to do counseling with parents for their children’s health and wellbeing.
Amandeep Hospital is a gateway for people to get the right consultation and treatment for a healthy lifestyle and proper growth and development of their children.
If you are concerned about your child’s health or want to understand guidelines for their healthy lives, contact us to meet the best child specialist in North India.
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How? 'Or' What ? First a not unusual experience tip: make 3 complete food a day. Frequently people definitely nibble because they do not eat sufficient, or they bypass meals. As a result, they're hungry all day long.
Then do not forbid the ingredients that make you glad. They're revived against the strain and issues of regular life, they're excellent for morale. Just Keto Diet  Subsequently, instead of chaining the chocolate squares all afternoon, eat at breakfast. It's miles THE meal where fats are burned maximum fast. So, you may begin the day properly!
Bet on probiotics
Every now and then, take a course of probiotics  : dietary dietary supplements that may increase the hobby of the intestines and accordingly limit the pain of stomach bloated.
Among regimes that starve us, those too complex, too highly-priced, poorly adapted to our each day lives or our tastes, or too frustrating or not possible to hold, failures collect and morale collapses, contrary to the Just Keto Diet Australia weight. We will slim down , but we ought to be encouraged, supported, and helped! Consequently this "Mini-ebook of the maxi weight reduction" (Marabout edition, released September 1, 2017), a bit extremely-smart guide written with the aid of Bernadette Fisers, Australian makeup artist in style and in particular vintage "fats" who has succeeded this project: she lost 30 kilos in 30 weeks!
A actual enhance for those who've weight to lose (five kilos, 15 or 25!), Who need to lose weight however specially live narrow and healthful with out starving, and those who want to hold the line over time . She compiled what absolutely works (medical studies in aid), and all of the ways to keep away from the day by day traps, explaining why and the way. A few use our common sense (which we from time to time lose to lose weight) and others, greater authentic, sincerely paintings! The idea, consistent with the author, is to undertake every week  new reflexes: an "clean" and one which appears more hard: some thing to start easily but effectively, without setting an excessive amount of pressure but with all the tools to be successful over the times ...
I do not eat processed foods
A assignment given that almost 80% of the products of a grocery store are, and, as a end result, include hidden sugars, terrible fats and salt. Just Keto Diet Side Effects Disposing of and cooking (even very genuinely) is noticeably useful: it may thoroughly be a zucchini omelette and chickpeas in salad, it'll no longer take longer than warming an commercial burger ... But the consequences on the silhouette ( and fitness) are very one of a kind!
I now not drink soda and fruit juice
With almost nine tablespoons coffee sugar consistent with can, sodas pressure up the burden and promote diabetes. The "lighting" are themselves full of chemical compounds whose consequences aren't beneficial. As for fruit juices, they offer sugars (fructose) but no fiber: superfluity, with out real advantages.
I drink greater water
Before ingesting to fill the stomach, but also the slightest preference to nibble: frequently, it does not simply make the distinction between hunger and thirst. So, we nibble ... Even as a large glass of water would have made the munchies! The proper dose: 6 to eight glasses a day. Minimum. The trick for those who want "taste": water flavored "home" with a sparkling squeezed lemon or mint leaves, glowing water, infusions cold.
I finish dinner round 19h and do now not devour anything till the subsequent morning 10h.
That is the precept of "  intermittent fasting  ", which regulates blood sugar and burns a maximum of fat. We also can finish at 8pm (exercise when we've dinner with the children or by myself) or 9pm (as a couple) and shift the buy Just Keto Diet pills meal through skipping the breakfast (see subsequent advice). It keeps 15 hours of fasting in a row ... Ultra-green, research prove it!
I drink coffee on awakening
It offers a lift, stimulates the metabolism and burning of calories , and promotes intestinal transit ... And lets in you to anticipate breakfast later! You could also drink tea (usually green because it additionally promotes the burning of energy).
I sleep greater!
"Too worn-out, I nibble," says the writer. So after a very good night, my mind is an awful lot higher ... And going to mattress early avoids the enticements of nibbling in front of the television. In addition, there is evidence that lack of sleep reduces strength expenditure and hormonally, promotes obese. So as quickly as we will, visited the website we dive for a good night of as a minimum 7:30, or even 8 or 9 hours as quickly as we can!
I accompany my inexperienced greens with a great fat
Olive oil or walnut, avocado, oily fish, seeds (sunflower, sesame, pumpkin) ... The fats offers flavor, but it additionally plays on satiety and satisfaction, and with these suitable fat, no worries of weight or health when you consider that they may be useful!
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I constantly have a snack with me
To by no means be trapped and crack for anything, I usually have a healthful snack: nuts (unroasted and salted), chocolate 80 or 90% cocoa, Just Keto Diet Weight Loss Pills selfmade smoothie (with fruits and veggies) tough boiled berries
I put together my day and my week
Races, guidance of menus, enhance control of special activities, cooking and freezing portions for evenings of fatigue, catching small gaps. Organizing is the name of the game of fulfillment!
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onleco-blog · 5 years
What Are The Symptoms Of Gluten Intolerance You Should Know About?
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With every single year, Gluten intolerance is becoming such a common health issue. Do you know what are the symptoms of gluten intolerance? This intolerance can take place by consuming a high amount of gluten in your daily routine. This gluten is mostly found in barley or rye or even in wheat. Celiac disease is known to be one of the most severe forms of gluten intolerance. This is a form of autoimmune disease that has affected a maximum of 1% of the population. It leads to the damage of your digestive system badly. Right here we will be explaining some of the primary and significant signs of gluten intolerance which you need to know right now: Bloating
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Bloating is one such condition when you feel that your belly is completely swollen. You might feel the state of gas in your body after eating a meal. It gets miserable if you start walking. Bloating is quite a common issue, but it can be taken as one of the main signs of the gluten intolerance. 87% population who has gluten intolerance will experience the bloating conditions. Constipation or Diarrhea On the occasional basis getting into constipation or diarrhea is so much common. But it is a significant issue if it is happening to you daily. This intentionally means that you have an active gluten intolerance. Individuals who are having celiac diseases will experience the inflammation in their small intestine areas of the body after consuming gluten. This will damage the gut lining, and initially, weak nutrient absorption will take place. 50% of the population experience diarrhea conditions while the remaining 25% experience the severe conditions of constipation. Regular diarrhea can also bring situations of fatigue or dehydration. Pain in Abdominal Area Having pain in the abdominal area of the body is another significant sign of gluten intolerance. There have been around 83% of the population that is suffering from abdominal pain after consuming gluten in their daily routine. Severe Headaches
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Most of the people get into the experience of headaches or migraines as once in a while. Migraine is rare, where just 10% of the population will experience severe migraine. If you are having regular migraines, then this is probably because of gluten intolerance. Depression It can even lead you to get into the condition of depression and anxiety as well. There is a huge percentage of young and teenage boys and girls who are into the state of depression and anxiety. It has been reported that depression can mostly take place because of the high consumption of gluten intake in your body through your daily food consumption. If you feel down and upset on daily basis, then definitely you are in the state of depression and anxiety. You can learn more about what are the symptoms of gluten intolerance by consulting your health professional! Well, this was an end about some common signs of gluten intolerance! But the story does not stop here! Moving ahead, we are giving you a brief introduction about what gluten is all about and which food items are gluten-free! Introduction About Gluten Gluten is a type of protein which is found in wheat, wheat germ, barley, rye, graham flour and in so many other grains as well. Avoiding foods containing gluten can lead to the deficiencies of many essential nutrients in the body like calcium, iron, fibre, folate, thiamine, riboflavin and niacin. But for some people, gluten can be harmful. The people who have celiac disease can often face many health issues if they take gluten in their diet. All About Celiac Disease
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Celiac is a disease which is immune system disorder in which the human body is allergic to gluten and cannot properly digest the foods containing gluten. A typical example is an ear of wheat. If a person has celiac disease, then he would not be able to absorb the foods containing wheat. Then he may suffer from diarrhea, fatigue, constipation, weight loss, iron deficiency (anemia), itchy rashes and depression, bone or joint pain, mouth ulcers, headache, abdominal pain, etc. So if a person has celiac disease or he is allergic to gluten, then he is advised to take a gluten-free diet. A gluten-free diet means including such foods in the menu that does not contain gluten. Or in other words, we can say that a "Gluten-free diet" is a balanced diet that excludes gluten from it. List of Gluten Free Food Items A gluten-free diet includes the following foods: Fruits Vegetables Raw meat and poultry Corn in all forms (cornmeal, corn-flour & grits) Plain rice including (brown, white, wild, basmati & enriched rice, etc.) Flours made from gluten-free grains ( beans, nuts, butter) Healthy fats (extra-virgin olive oil, coconut oil, sesame oil, almond milk, butter, cheese except for blues cheese. When we are sticking to a gluten-free diet, the next breakfast meals that you can take: Oats: Oatmeal pancakes, oat crepes & other oats which are gluten-free. Jams: All the jams made with fruits that exclude gluten. Peanut-butter Breakfast bowls: includes the combination of egg whites, mushrooms, broccoli, tomatoes, fresh fruits, vegetable, nuts, beans, etc.) Soups: made with gluten-free ingredients like potatoes, spinach, tomatoes. Coffee/Tea: You can take only those coffees and teas that have a “gluten-free” label on them. About Lunch in a Gluten-free diet:
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The lunch in a gluten-free diet should consist of the following ingredients: Rice Corns Soy Potatoes Beans Cheese excluding gluten Meat, poultry Fish, seafood Gluten-free grains (nut flours, sorghum, soy, millet, cassava, corn) Beverages including juices, soda, and sports drinks are gluten-free You can make different delicious meals using these ingredients and can enjoy a happy and healthy gluten-free lunch. The dinner in gluten should also consist of all the ingredients that exclude gluten. These include vegetables, fruits, meats, seafood, as mentioned above. A person can make so many tasty meals using these ingredients like steaks with yams, glazed salmon, chicken with mushrooms, garlic bread, etc. Information Gluten-free diet for kids: Young kids should not go for a gluten-free diet unless a Doctor does not suggest. Once a doctor recommends your child to start a gluten-free diet, make sure to give them all those gluten-free ingredients that are healthy for them. Healthy foods include all the meals as above mentioned. Kids usually like to eat those meals that look appealing and tasty to them. You can make Muffins for them made with gluten-free flours, Avocado toast, Apple oat bars, cinnamon pancakes can be taken as Breakfast. It is important to take care of your kid’s diet plan and keep their diet completely free from gluten food items. Baked corn, Cheesy Broccoli, Raisin bread sandwich, beefsteak, you can eat in a lunch. Butternut squash pizza, chicken nuggets, coconut chicken, can be eaten in a lunch. It is not compulsory to take only these meals mentioned above. These are just an example of what kids are allowed to eat on a gluten-free diet. You can make any healthy dinner for your kids that include gluten-free ingredients. Gluten-free diet for Elders:
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Unlike kids, elders are more likely to eat healthy food. They usually do not go with the attractiveness of a meal. They mainly focus on the health benefits of a meal. Elders can eat a wide variety of foods that excludes gluten. They can go for the following: Oats, Boiled vegetables, soups in Breakfast. Baked Beef, avocado salads, mushrooms, rice meals, corns in Lunch Grilled fish or any seafood, fresh vegetable salad, fruits, desserts made with almond milk, eggs, low-fat dairy products. Health benefits of Gluten-free a Gluten-free diet is followed by those who are allergic to gluten and products containing gluten. When a person develops a proper gluten-free diet plan, he gets so many health benefits. And if he has celiac disease, he can control it very efficiently. Some benefits of following a healthy gluten-free diet are: It improves energy levels It promotes digestive health It supports healthy weight loss It hence reduces risks of heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers. It eliminates unhealthy foods from your life. As a result, your overall health improves and all the health risks get under control. From all the discussion, we came to know that gluten is not bad for health for everyone. It is a form of protein. And our body needs it in a fixed quantity. But it is a bit harmful to those who are allergic to this protein. If it continues eating products that include gluten, they may experience lousy health changes within a brief time. About This Course: If you experience any gluten intolerance symptom that is listed above, you should immediately go for a checkup with your doctor. You can also tune into this Food Intolerance and Allergies online course that will let you know more about balancing your daily lifestyle and diet routine with gluten free food items. By following specific rules and diet plan, your health will get better and healthier day by day. Final Verdict This was an end about what are the symptoms of gluten intolerance for you! Do not ignore any single body change. Immediately discuss it with your doctor, and he will guide you in the right way. In this manner, you can lead a Healthy and Happy Life. If you are satisfy with our given information and wants to know more about gluten or other food intolerance, feel free to leave a comment here! Read the full article
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25 Best Fat Burning Foods For Women: Nutritious & Delicious!
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Whoever said that eating for weight loss needs to be a bland, boring affair? Fat burning foods are natural, delicious and contain a potent blend protein, fiber, healthy fats and complex carbohydrates. Some even have the power to literally melt fat while you chew!
Below we’ve rounded up 25 of the best to include as part of a healthy, balanced diet. But first, here’s a quick breakdown on the all-important macro-nutrients, showing how fat burning foods for women can help each to burn fat.
Consider this your go-to weapon to fight the fat. Protein is tougher to breakdown than carbohydrates or fat which means your body has to work extra hard to process it. All of this hard work burns energy (calories), which boosts your metabolic rate.
This ‘hard work’ also means protein takes longer to leave the stomach, which keeps you feeling fuller for longer. Getting enough protein is also essential to fuel and repair muscle tissue – another potent fat fighter.
Simple & complex carbohydrates
Carbohydrates are you body’s primary fuel source. There are two types: Simple & complex. The trick to losing weight is to keep your blood-sugar levels stable throughout the day (i.e. minimal peaks and troughs).
Simple carbs, like sweets and pastries, are more readily converted into glucose which raises blood sugar quickly. Complex carbs take longer to be broken down, helping keep blood sugar levels stable, leaving you feeling full, happy and satisfied.
Healthy fats
If you don’t want to be fat, don’t eat it, right? Actually, fat intake plays a very important role in losing it. Without it, we can’t absorb nutrients like Vitamins D, E, K and A. It’s also a key player in giving skin that glow of good health. Plus, good heart-healthy fats (like mono and poly unsaturated and Omega 3 & 6 fatty acids) you find in avocado, and nuts/seeds have been linked to improved brain health and reduced cholesterol levels.
Belly-filling fiber
Essential for healthy digestion, fiber-rich foods can also help you slim down as they tend to be filling and low in fat. There are two types. Soluble fiber, which forms a gel-like substance that slows digestion, promotes nutrient uptake and helps lower cholesterol absorption. Insoluble fiber (‘roughage’) is what’s commonly known to promote regularity.
Bone-building calcium
In addition to helping build strong, healthy bones to prevent the onset of osteoporosis, low-fat dairy foods, like milk, cheese & leafy green veggies can help keep you stay trim by signalling your body to absorb less fat. Plus calcium can also help regulate blood pressure and help with PMS.
While not a specific fat-fighting compound, antioxidant’s can help you feel good on the inside. And when you feel good on the inside, it shows on the outside. Antioxidant’s help to neutralize free-radicals created by stress, alcohol and by-products of the body.
These disease fighting factors help make antioxidant’s potent buffer’s against the toxicity of modern day living. Finally, there are the essential vitamins and minerals which we need for everyday health. These include folate, iron, zinc, selenium, niacin, magnesium, riboflavin, potassium, the B-Vitamins group and Vitamins A, C, D and E.
Natural sugars
You might be thinking, how is sugar going to help me burn fat? Well, foods naturally high in sugar are sweet. This means fruit and other natural sweet treats can satisfy your sweet tooth for a fraction of the calories you would normally get from something worse.
Top 25 Fat Burning Foods
To turn your body into a fat burning machine, be sure to regularly include a variety of these foods in your diet. Remember, this isn’t a conclusive list, but it will give you an excellent foundation from which to base your diet and achieve a healthier, happier body.
#1. Fresh/Frozen Berries
Strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, Goji berries – the list goes on. With almost nil carbohydrates and calories, grab a handful as a quick snack, add them to low-fat yogurt, desserts, salads or blend them up in a smoothie. Out of season? Look for the frozen variety.
#2. Cinnamon
The active ingredient in cinnamon makes fat cells significantly more responsive to insulin, upping your metabolism by 20 percent. It can also help stabilize blood-sugar levels. Add to smoothies, yogurt, sprinkle on oatmeal or stir into your coffee for added sweetness without the calories.
#3. Oatmeal
Go for the plain, unsweetened variety. ‘Quick-oats’ and steel-cut are great choices. Make yourself a bowl in the morning, add some chopped nuts, strawberries and a sprinkle of cinnamon or nutmeg and you’ve got a waistline-friendly breakfast in under 5 minutes. You can also add oats to smoothies for extra energy and to keep hunger under control.
#4. Cottage Cheese
Just make sure you go for the low-fat variety. Cottage cheese is an excellent source of naturally occurring high-quality protein and is ideal for spreading on rye crackers with salad and lean meats.
#5. Citrus Fruits
Oranges, limes, lemons, grapefruits, kiwi fruits and tangerines are some of the best picks. The high acidity in these fruits slows down the digestion of whatever you eat them with, keeping you fuller for longer. Add to salad dressings, use in meat or seafood marinades, or squeeze into a glass of water to have with dinner. You can also use oranges, grapefruits and kiwi’s for healthy snack/breakfast options. Grapefruits with a small sprinkle of sugar – delicious!
#6. Sweet Potato
Sweet potatoes are bursting with flavor, so you don’t need as much of the toppings, like butter, sour cream, coleslaw or baked beans, that you might with a regular, white potato. The result? You cutback on calories without sacrificing the flavor. Plus they help you stay full, thinks to their high fiber content.
#7. Avocado
If you want to lose fat, don’t eat it, right? Wrong. With it’s high levels of healthy monounsaturated fats, the avocado is more ‘fat’ than fruit which makes it a perfect dietary staple for weight loss. Eating quarter or half an avocado can quell hunger pangs, help you feel more satisfied and even help spot-reduce belly fat, too.
Almost always in season, avocados make great substitutes for cheese and butter. Add to breads and wholegrain rye crackers before adding lean meats, tinned fish and cucumber slices for a quick and easy snack. They’re also perfect additions to salads or equally delicious eaten raw.
#8. Mustard
A mere half teaspoon boosts your calorie burn by 20-25% almost instantly, according to scientists at Oxford Brooke’s University. So order that fillet steak guilt-free – just swap the Bearnaise sauce and chips for mustard.
#9. Eggs
According to research, there’s no better way to start the day than with eggs. Thanks to their high-quality protein, eggs help you stay full for longer compared to other refined breakfast options like bagels. They’re also a fast and inexpensive dinner option. Omelet, frittata’s or a vegetable sandwich topped with hard-boiled egg slices are all great options.
#10. Cayenne Pepper
Scientists have found that cayenne pepper increases the rate at which you metabolize dietary fats by 15-20 percent for three hours after eating. Plus, it lowers your appetite between meals. Hot stuff!
#11. Whole-Grains
Quinoa, barley, buckwheat, brown rice and wholegrain pasta, bread and cereals are nutritional all-stars.
Like protein, whole grains force your body to work hard during the breakdown process, which can burn up to twice as many calories compared to their processed refined counterparts. For a quick and healthy meal, add in some lean protein sources, nuts and vegetables.
#12. Water
OK, it’s technically a food but getting enough H20 every day aids in digestion and can boost your metabolism by up to 30%. Keeping it cold – below 5 degrees – optimizes this effect, as your body burns extra energy warming it up before it can be absorbed. Keep a water bottle with you at all times and drink preemptively to stay topped up.
#13. Watermelon
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Nothing beats a sweet and succulent piece of watermelon on a hot day. The best part is that they’re virtually calorie-free, with each slice containing 70% water. Plus, they’re loaded with essential vitamins and nutrients.
#14. Beans, Legumes & Lentils
Peas, beans and legumes are full of protein and fiber, which will either fill you up or give you wind – or both – depending on your constitution. Combine them with brown rice, barley, wheat and corn and add them to lasagna, casseroles, soups, salads or mash the up as a dip for extra protein and added nutrients, minus the fat.
#15. Protein Powder
This supplement, which you can pick up online or at your local health food store, is a cheap, easy and effective way to boost your protein intake. There are two types: ‘isolate’ and ‘concentrate’. See which is right for you below.
‘Concentrate’ provides a more complete protein with a slightly higher carbohydrate content (around 5%) which is great for every day use, while isolate is more rapidly absorbed which makes it great to take straight after exercise. Add the powder to smoothies with fruit and ice – yum!
#16. Chicken & Turkey
Both chock-full of fat-fighting protein, these staples make great additions to any rice, pasta or salad dish. To slim down fast, switch wings and drumsticks and opt for leaner breast meat. To save extra calories, be sure to remove the skin – it contains high levels of saturated fat. Keep the meat moist and spicy by marinating it in olive oil, chili, lemon grass and ginger before grilling.
 #17. Ginger
Research has found this flavorsome root contains acids that stimulate gastric enzymes that can boost your metabolism by 20%. Ginger has also been found to lower cholesterol and thin your blood.
#18. Raw Veggies
As far as healthy snacking for weight loss goes, you simply can’t beat the benefits of raw vegetables. With virtually zero calories – thanks largely to their high water content – a few carrot sticks can satisfy your desire to crunch without ruining your waistline.
Celery, broccoli, lettuce, cabbage, cucumber, spinach, kale, carrots and bell peppers are all great choices. If you find them a little bland on their own, whip up your own low-calorie dip! Salsa, hummus or guacamole anyone?
#19. Lean Red Meat
Beef, lamb and pork and kangaroo are the best. Buy the leanest cuts and trim visible fat. Red meat is also an excellent source of iron, essential fatty acids, folate and B12. Don’t overcook red meat to keep amino acids (protein) intact. Keep leftovers in the fridge and use for sandwiches or add with salad for a quick and easy meal.
 #20. Seafood
Salmon, tuna, sardines, herring and mackerel are your best choices when you’re yearning for a fatty meal like fish and chips – just leave out the chips. Because these are all types ‘fatty’ fish, it will scratch that itch while topping up your body with omega-3’s. Enjoy them once or twice a week with vegetables or salad for lunch or dinner. Use the tinned varieties for healthy sandwiches and wholemeal wraps.
#21. Popcorn
A great weight loss snack, but most supermarket bags are loaded with calories, preservatives, sodium and even trans fats. So make your own instead. Add 1/4 of popcorn kernels to a microwavable bag, along with a few teaspoons of olive oil and your favorite herbs & spices (chili/curry powder, thyme, rosemary & oregano all work well). Microwave on high for 2-3 minutes.
#22. Tomatoes
Sweet and delicious! Tomatoes are great way to give quantity to a meal so you feel full and satisfied afterwards. They’re fat free and full of vitamins and antioxidant’s, so pile them on for a hearty pasta, curry or salad. Having a bowl of cherry tomatoes on hand around the house is a great idea when you’re feeling peckish.
#23. Milk, Yogurt & Cheese
When picking these up at the supermarket, go for the fat-free or low-fat options. You’ll get all of the protein and calcium + Vitamin D, with less kilo-joules. Not only have these foods been shown to assist in losing abdominal fat, they help to preserve and build lean muscle mass—essential for keeping your fat-burning metabolism firing on all cylinders.
#24. Nuts
Nuts are fantastic for weight loss. Plus, they’re great for lowering cholesterol when eaten in moderation. Keep a small bowl in the kitchen or living room and grab a handful when you’re feeling peckish between meals. Almonds, Brazil nuts, Cashews, Macadamia nuts, Pecans and Walnuts are the best picks.
#25. Apples & Pears
Thanks again to their high fiber and water content, these are two of the best fruits for weight loss. Stick to the whole-fruit options and don’t be tempted by the dried varieties – they are more nutritionally dense and don’t provide the same visual appeal of satiety. To bump up your protein, add a smearing of natural peanut butter to your apple slices.
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katedangworld-blog · 5 years
As a woman, I always want to keep my body in good shape. Unfortunately, these days I was so busy with studying and working so my dining times were unstable and dinners often had lately at night (9:00 -10:00pm). As a result, I gained weight slightly, especially my belly had accumulated rather thick fat. Therefore, I decided to try Atkins Diet aim to control my weight within 7 days. The Atkins Diet is a well-known low-carbohydrate eating plan was designed by the cardiologist Robert C. Atkins in the years 1960s. This diet limits carbohydrate and encourage protein and fat.
A standard Atkins includes four phases of diet:
·        Phase 1 (induction): daily carbohydrate consumption limited under 20g within 2 weeks. High-fat, high protein and low-carb vegetable should be eaten in meals.
·        Phase 2 (balancing): gradually supplement nuts, low-carb vegetable and some fruits in meals.
·        Phase 3 (fine-tuning): once dieters are close to their desired weight, more carb can be add into meals to slow down weight loss.
·        Phase 4 (maintenance): at this period, eaters can enjoy more beneficial carbohydrates with toleration of body without weight regaining.
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Nevertheless, it is impossible for me to follow these complex procedures, therefore I have obeyed basic requirements of this diet: Foods to avoid vs. Foods to eat as well as some of acceptable beverages as below guideline:
 *Food to avoid:
1.      Sugar: Soft drinks, fruit juices, cakes, candy, ice cream, etc.
2.      Grains: Wheat, spelt, rye, barley, rice.
3.      Vegetable oils: Soybean oil, corn oil, cottonseed oil, canola oil and a few others.
4.      Trans fats: Usually found in processed foods with the word "hydrogenated" on the ingredients list.
5.      "Diet" and "low-fat" foods: These are usually very high in sugar.
6.      High-carb vegetables: Carrots, turnips, etc (induction only).
7.      High-carb fruits: Bananas, apples, oranges, pears, grapes (induction only).
8.      Starches: Potatoes, sweet potatoes (induction only).
9.      Legumes: Lentils, beans, chickpeas, etc. (induction only).
*Food to eat:
1.      Meats: Beef, pork, lamb, chicken, bacon and others.
Fatty     fish and seafood: Salmon, trout, sardines, etc.
Eggs: The     healthiest eggs are omega-3 enriched or pastured.
Low-carb     vegetables: Kale,     spinach, broccoli, asparagus and others.
Full-fat     dairy: Butter, cheese, cream, full-fat yogurt.
Nuts     and seeds: Almonds, macadamia nuts, walnuts,     sunflower seeds, etc.
Healthy     fats: Extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, avocados and     avocado oil.
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1.      Water: As always, water should be your go-to beverage.
Coffee: Many     studies show that coffee is high     in antioxidants and quite healthy.
Green     tea: A very healthy beverage.
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(Healthline, Kris Gunnars, 2018)
 As the guideline, primarily grains (like wheat, rice) and high-sugar content vegetables/ fruits are prohibited in Atkins meals. This is definitely a huge challenge to me because rice is consumed every day in Asian cuisine, I must say it is vital ingredient account 60% in our meals portion as it provides half of energy source for one shot of dining. If we do not have rice, bread can be replaced sometimes but here bread is not allowed, too. To tackle this problem, I increase the amount of protein (fish, meat), fiber (vegetable, low-sugar content fruit) and drink more than 2L of water every day to fill up my stomach and reduce the feeling of hunger.
My typical daily menu in general:
-        Breakfast: A glass of milk, nuts.
-        Lunch: I eat much more than breakfast. One main course of meat and some vegetable added
-        Dinner: Same dish as lunch but smaller portion, some fruits are added. I have less demand for dinner because at night from 7:00pm, the body will slow down its metabolic process and surplus energy will be accumulated as fat layers.
 My menu during a week as following:
 *Friday 21 Jun:
Main courses: Lyonnaise Salad + Pan Broiled Garlic - Sweet Fish Sauce Chicken Wing.
Dessert: Peach, almond, walnut
Supplement: 2% skimmed milk
In first day, I still use some slices of bread to substitute rice aim to let my body get along slowly well with this diet and milk is drunk to supplement nutrients and make me full.
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*Saturday 22 Jun:
Main courses: Grilled Toro Beef + House Dressing Salad + Miso soup
Dessert: grapefruit, apricot, sunflower seeds
Supplement: 2% skimmed milk
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*Sunday 23 Jun:
Main courses: Sauce marinated pork jowl + Avocado Salad + Miso soup
Dessert: strawberry, apricot, pitascho
Supplement: 2% skimmed milk
At weekend Sat-Sun, I treated myself by Japanese BBQ styles dishes. Grilled Toro beef and pork jowl are often combined to rice but I remove it out of meal and add a bowl of salad. Along with them are miso soup including tofu (plant-based protein) and seaweed (minerals and vitamins, fiber – supporting loosing weight by postponing hunger)
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*Monday 24 Jun:
Main courses: Chick Breast Rice Soup
Dessert: strawberry, mandarin, sunflower seeds
Supplement: 2% skimmed milk
Dilute rice soup can calm down my body’s desire of rice. The chicken breast is less fat than other parts so used to add rice soup.
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*Tuesday 25 Jun:
Main courses: Chicken Salad
Dessert: strawberry, almond, walnut
Supplement: 2% skimmed milk
I stayed home so energy is not required too much, I enjoyed my favorite chicken salad. You can see some brown saute’ shallot on top of salad, which aim to replace roasted peanut. Oil from shallot can balance the sour of salad as well as make body feel full longer.
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*Wednesday 26 Jun:
Main courses: BBQ Pork Rib
Dessert: strawberry, peach, mandarin
Supplement: 2% skimmed milk
At this time, my body survived better without rice, a piece BBQ sauce pork rib could satisfy my hunger. Then I refreshed with some cool fruits.
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*Thursday 27 Jun:
Main courses: Poached eggs, Grilled garlic butter sauce salmon & blanched bok choy
Dessert: apricot, peach, mandarin, pistachio
Supplement: 2% skimmed milk
The last day of diet, my body has less demand of energy which most generated from carbohydrate and it does not desire for rice like first days. So brunch was simply poached egg & blanched bok choy. Then I grilled salmon with garlic butter sauce cover on top, really tasty and yummy! Salmon is rich of nutrients and omega 3 which are useful for female’s skin.  
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I admits that I was crazily hungry as the amount of bread and rice got in the stomach too little, it seemed to shout every second that “Rice, please!” and I was almost exhausted when I worked at my restaurant, I ought to drink water constantly to overflow my stomach. If I could drink coke, my hunger would be satisfied (when the restaurant so busy and I have no time for break) but in this diet, soft drinks are not permitted. 
One week probably is not enough to conclude this diet is suitable to me or not but generally I think this diet solution is good and healthy. It is not too strict about volume of foods and nutrients input therefore dieters might reduce weight gradually with less health troublesome. Lastly, I just lose weight slightly of 600g and my belly seems to be unchanged (I wish I could know why). Anyway, not bad for one week!
Among my dishes in my weekly menu, I would like to recommend you try to make Chicken Salad. It is easy to prepare and can be stored in fridge 3 days. The recipe as below:
 - Chicken breasts: 2 pcs
- Cabbage: ½ pc
- Pickled carrot and daikon: 1 cup
- Garlic: 3 cloves
- Lime juice: 1 tbs
- Vietnamese coriander: ½ bunch
- Carrot: 1 pc
- Thai chilies: 2 pcs
- Shallot: 1 pc (saute’ until brown)
- Green mango: ½ pc
- Sugar: 2 tbs
- Fish sauce: 2 tbs
- Warm water: ½ cup
Step 1: boiled or steamed chicken breasts until tender.
Step 2: Slice cabbage, carrot and mango in stripes (1cm of width), collect coriander leaves and wash all vegetable. Strain them and put 2 pinches of salt to dehydrate water/moisture from vegetables and make them be crunchy
Step 3: chop and mince chilies and garlic -> put in a small bowl to make sweet fish sauce. Add sugar and pound hardly to mix well with chilies and garlic -> lime juice -> warm water -> fish sauce -> stir well.
Step 4: tear chicken meat in lardon -> mix with strained vegetable + pickle + sweet fish sauce + chopped coriander + saute’ shallot -> mix well and enjoy!
In my hometown, my sister often put roasted peanut into the salad instead of shallot. Peanut’s nutty taste helps to balance the sour of salad and encourage aroma and palate. Regretfully, when I arrived Canada, I had slight allergic symptom when I ate peanut while this had not happened in Vietnam. Therefore, I got rid peanut of my dish and change to shallot without changing the characteristic of the salad.
The Atkins diet is popular thanks to its weight-lost effectiveness and health benefits such as prevent or limit dangerous health conditions like metabolic syndrome, diabetes, high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease, improve heart health. Nevertheless, every coin has two sides, some experts concerns Atkins has some negative impacts to eater’s body like headache, dizziness, weakness, fatigue, constipation. Low card input result in nutritional shortage or inadequate fiber – cause constipation, diarrhea and nausea.
Eating and tasting foods are the happiness of a cook or chef, therefore I would not follow any Diet solution. Just try to balance daily foods intake to body not exceed my body needs also do daily simple exercise like walking and stepping stairs (TTC subway is a good choice as we use it every day).
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In point of view of a service provider – a potential cook, of course, I will study more about various Diet solutions and give advice to my customers. Also, adjust the formula to match well with their digestive demands is necessary.
 References of data & sources:
Mayo Clinic. (nil). Atkins Diet: What’s behind the claims?. Retrieved June 27, 2019, from https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/weight-loss/in-depth/atkins-diet/art-20048485
Healthline. (2018). The Atkins Diet: Everything You Need to Know. Retrieved June 27, 2019, from https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/atkins-diet-101
Healthline. (2018). 7 Surprising Health Benefits of Eating Seaweed. Retrieved June 27, 2019, from https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/benefits-of-seaweed
Right Shape. (nil). Atkins Diet. Retrieved June 27, 2019, from https://www.rightshape.com/atkins-diet/
Smile Delivery Online. (nil). 4 Foods that you should not eat while losing weight. Retrieved June 27, 2019, from http://smiledeliveryonline.com/food/4-foods-that-you-should-not-eat-while-losing-weight/
Health Fitness Revolution. (nil). 10 Good Reasons to Drink Green Tea.  Retrieved June 27, 2019, from https://www.healthfitnessrevolution.com/10-good-reasons-to-drink-green-tea/
Manor Surgery. (nil). Healthy Lifestyle.  Retrieved June 27, 2019, from https://www.manorsurgery.co.uk/healthy-lifestyle
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