#western mode
almeriamovies · 2 months
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⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Personal Jesus - Depeche Mode poster (With the church of Fort Bravo and the traditional plaster cactus! #Almeria)
You can find this poster here
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sophfandoms53 · 9 months
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thinking about the red pupils bc what do they mean
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omegaremix · 2 months
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Omega Radio for April 3, 2013; #14.
David Bowie “You Feel So Lonely You Could Die”
How To Destroy Angels “We Fade Away”
Atoms For Peace “Before Your Very Eyes”
Depeche Mode “Soothe My Soul”
Cold Cave “Oceans With No End”
Blind Alley “Sister Smile”
Jesu “Duchess”
Sea Oleena “Orion’s Eyes”
Ormonde “I Can’t Imagine”
Geneva Jacuzzi “Clothes On My Bed”
Computer Magic “Running”
My Bloody Valentine “Is This And Yes”
Brothertiger “Turquoise (Skyline)”
Chromatics “Tick Of The Clock”
Glass Candy “Digital Versicolor”
Kraftwerk “Trans-Europe Express”
Golden Filter, The “Hide Me”
Nite Jewel “We Want Our Things”
Phil Western “Citrus Dream”
Desire “Mirror Mirror”
Small Black “Despicable Dogs” (Washed Out RMX)
Telepathe “I Can’t Stand It”
Washed Out “Within And Without”
Deluxe pop, standards, synthpop, and chillwave.
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glittergroovy · 3 days
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Western Nights - Ethel Cain
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numerologica · 2 months
© Numerologica 2024 all rights reserved, this article is protected by copyright norms, do not copy, repost, rewrite in any way or you'll be sued for copyright infringement.
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● Along with the 4 elements [see my article about them here], quadruplicities (also called modes or qualities) are the second fundamental pillar that makes each zodiac sign the way it is.
⎯ they're 3: Cardinal, Fixed, Mutable and they represent how the individual deals with life itself (¹) + how he/she/they views and react to conflict.
CARDINAL (Aries, Libra, Cancer, Capricorn) - represents new beginnings, drive, starting something, change, the "initiatior", action, be in charge, ambition, pro-activity, opportunism, inspiration, dynamism, dislike of restriction, dislike for authority or being commanded, leadership, competitive spirits, against following a prescribed path, aggression, pushing forward at any cost, inability to handle limitations, possible lack of organisation and structure, never finishing things but always starting something new.
FIXED (Taurus, Scorpio, Leo, Aquarius) - represents continuation of something already started, perseverance, attachment, persistence, reliability, endurance, stability, "fixedness" about ideas, stubborn, structured, organized, following rules, resistant to change, always doing things the same way, reluctant to do things in a different way, routine-oriented, security and comfort oriented, determination, rigid, inflexible, loyal, obstinate, strong willpower, discipline.
MUTABLE (Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo, Pisces) - represents the ending of something, the state of completion, something about the change, flexibility, adaptability, live freely without rules, the world of ideas or beliefs, restlessness, always changing and desiring to know new things, neither goal or power oriented, tendency to avoid confrontation or immediately changing direction, neither persevering or stubborn, lack of resistance, going with the flow, easily falls out of track when something isn't as interesting ad before, quick, curiousity, always searching, scattered, anxious
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● Every birth chart has a dominant element and quadruplicity as well as dominant planet (I'll talk about this later on the astrology basics serie), here's how to find it:
Step 1) Follow the same procedure as the one in this article
Step 2) Scroll down and you'll eventually find this section:
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↑ this sample chart has fixed dominance so it embodies fixed traits ↑
Step 3) Read the description above for your dominant quadruplicity
In case of doubts or weird results I highly recommend to contact a professional to evaluate the calculations properly and clarify things out.
© Numerologica 2024 all rights reserved, this article is protected by copyright norms, do not copy, repost, rewrite in any way or you'll be sued for copyright infringement.
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biggestqiblifan · 6 months
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We all remember this scene right? Its from the Oakleaf Bearers, (or Battle for Skandia).
Its the scene where Erak and his men wanted to stay and hold the Temujai off for a few days, but Halt decided to show them the reality.
I just had to make a comment on this.
Lets imagine for a moment that Halt really is the Temujai General.
What would happen?
Ans: Goodbye Western World.
Their damned lucky that Halt isn't the general.
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[ gloryhole ] + [ edging ] - YEE HAW
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Kinky Scenarios | Selectively Accepting
[ gloryhole ] my muse gives your muse a blowjob through a gloryhole [ edging ] your muse edges my muse close to an orgasm
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Truth be told Tarhos never really expected himself to be in a place like this. Even more so he wouldn't be here if it weren't for that pretty boy he met at the bar all those years ago. The same raven haired fatale that tried to steal his coin purse from his belt and seemed more than pleased when he got caught. Haruko was a wild card. He really should've expected that much when he followed him up the stairs of saloon and into the dim red lights he knew quite well. The women that fanned themselves in the hall with their knowing smiles until Haru pushed open a door and practically pulled him in shutting it behind them. It was surprisingly empty.
A tiny room split in two with a simple curtain over each side and one simple request from his lover, "Act like you don't know my name for the night." Before he even had time to ask what this was about he was gone disappearing behind one of the curtains with the subtle clicks and shuffle of jeans making it very clear what was expected of him. The outlaw sighed pulling his hair back behind his shoulders and entered the other stall. It was barren. Same as the room it was in. There was a small bench that could be moved, but his eyes caught something else. The hole in the wood. His brow raised... despite him having paid for man's and women's "services" in the past, he never actively sought out things like this.
He shifted moving to sit on the floor before he'd quietly knock on the wood. He heard shuffling again and then... well he wasn't quite sure what he was expecting. Tarhos blinked staring at the cock he had been so kindly instructed to forget who it belonged to in front of him for what only felt like a few seconds, but must've been longer with the impatient huff that pulled his attention back to the situation at hand. His lips quickly met the head of his girth kissing it like he had so many times before while his calloused hand held it in place before he'd take him into his mouth. He didn't have long to adjust before Haru's hips pulled back slowly fucking his hand until it was replaced with his mouth.
His eyes slowly fluttering closed moving to take him deeper with each eager thrust he was given until his throat slightly bulged and he could get lost and the heavy panting from the other side of the wall. Tarhos had never had this, being fucked like he didn't mean a thing. Like his mouth was only useful if he swallowed like a good boy and was happy with what he got. He didn't expect to enjoy it so much, but maybe that was because he was still in the company of someone he trusted wouldn't hurt him. It was a safe sense of giving up control letting himself get into a headspace where he deserved to be the one being greedy instead of giving his all.
He pulled back to catch his breath and moved to unbuckle his belt his belt enough to get his hand in his pants before he eagerly took the other's cock in hand and licked the pre-cum away. Kissing down his cock and sucking at the sensitive skin before he'd lick a stripe back to the head and take him back in. The outlaw was letting his mind wander free imagining the expressions that would cross his lovers face and stroking himself in time with each quickened thrust. He groaned around him pressing his nose further against the wood of the wall not caring about the drool that dripped down his chin nor the way his body ached for more than just head.
Tarhos's fingers quickened their pace desperate to reach the peak that was quickly forming until Haru slipped from his mouth and all he could do was huff indignantly. Sitting there wet and unsatisfied until words so muffled and breathless reverberated through the thin boards giving him instructions on what he wanted even if he couldn't fully understand them. Slowly he pushed himself onto his feet ridding himself of his pants and pulling the raised bench in a way that he could lean over it and not kill his back while he pressed his hips as close to the wall as he could.
It didn't take long to pick up where they left off. The fact that he could not see Haru acting as a sort of blind fold to focus on how good his body felt in the moment. Every quick thrust forcing his face into his folded hands like he were at prayer forcing his mind to get lost again. Imagining hot nights in their tent with only his name on his lips, he was everything and nothing to him at the same time. The name he could never forget, but demanded that he did. The man that owned his heart, but wanted to fuck him like he was a whore he paid for and he was enjoying every second of it.
From every dirty word that passed through the space between the boards to how his thighs quivered as soon as his calloused fingers reached between his legs again to stroke his own cock. He quickly reached the peak again. Feeling weightless until he fell over the edge cumming around him as his muscles fluttered desperate to pull his lover deeper in. Being fucked through his orgasm until his eyes misted and he felt the familiar sense of warmth flood through him again. Dripping down his folds until Haru's cock stilled and pulled out of his being.
He let himself fall onto the floor leaning against the wall as he tied to catch his breath, he was a mess he knew that well enough from the way his hair clung like strands to his face. Tarhos perked up at the sound of the curtain moving from the other stall and soon that pretty boy he loved peaked his head in with a tired smile. He was ready to be treated like he was the world again.
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solradguy · 3 months
Sol I gotta ask, when you read japanese, are you at the level where you can read it casually, or does understanding it still take effort? Because even though I've got the basic gist of my second language down, I still would struggle with picking up a novel and consuming it, actively translating the text in my brain takes so much extra effort than skimming words in english 🥲
If it's baby level I can read it just fine haha but longer stuff is impossible without Yomitan because there are just so... many..... kanji......... Picking up a physical novel or newspaper and being able to understand 100% of it is still beyond my skill level, but I am probably at least to a point where I could give like a vague summary of what's happening.
I'm not sure how many kanji I have memorized exactly... When I started the Begin translation a few years back I probably knew maybe 200 (what was I doing translating books at just 200 kanji?!?) and I'd be surprised if I knew less than 800 now, which is nearly a third of the recommended number needed to fully understand a newspaper (~2200). That's just kanji though, my actual vocabulary is a lot higher than that lol
I'd love to take an actual Japanese class some day... Self study has gotten me REALLY far but, like you, there are a lot of times where I have to translate it into English before it clicks with my brain, and I think I would be a lot more efficient at translating in general too if I had more professional studying. Maybe some day!!
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kil9 · 9 months
taemin fans dont want him to meet and fall in love with them like in the wattpad fics. they want gory criminal-based manga, homoerotic hannibal style, multiple volumes
#99.txt#who is with me grrrrgrgrgrrrggrr#who will be insane abt susino with me plzplz plz i think about them too much#i will also accept him making a movie abt them....#use your film degree boy.#anyway this is the one aspect where tumblr annoys me bc not enough ppl are willing to be insane and nerdy abt his stuff#its all ''ououh hmm 🧐🧠 perhaps the 'criminal' is fame itself''#and not enough drawing him anime style with one angel wing and one devil wing covered in blood !!!!!!!!!!!#not enough drawing him kissing his evil alter ego on the mouth !!!!!!! even hes doing it in the posters come on !!!!!#stop being pretentious our boy is a GEEK. plz be a little more fun abt his stuff plzplz plz#ugh fine I WILL DRAW him with one angel wing and one devil wing covered in blood 🙄🙄 i gotta carry out ALL his wishes#cos everyone else is all about the realism WATEVER#the twitter ppl get me. right now everyone is in cardcaptor sakura!taem obsession mode#idk abt western shawol twt i only follow like 3 of u the rest are boring.....#its just reposting clips or pics or whatever and being like ''WOW he SLAYED'' what EVER !!!!!! and it gets 700000 likes#the rest of the world IS drawing him edgelord style with one angel wing and one devil wing like god intended !!!!!!!!!! or in maid outfits#get a grip !!!!!!! get him in the magical girl outfit boy !#sorry gksdjhsdgsd im going insane i just want the fanbase on here to be a little more fun. that sometimes i lose my mind#cos as cool as my twitter circle is. im the only one who speaks english 💀
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bisexualamy · 4 months
#it actually makes me sick like physically ill how much praise is heaped onto goyishe american leftists#people who could not point to gaza on a map six months ago. whose knowledge of middle east history comes from outdated textbooks and twitte#for being anti imperial activists and well educated anti imperialists with all the right buzzwords and all the right opinions#meanwhile nothing i say will ever be good enough bc i'm jewish and palestinians are tokenized by people who care more about appearing#like someone who Listens to Palestinians as opposed to 1) doing anything material to help them (like donating money)#and 2) not spreading obvious misinformation. something that does material damage to the cause of liberation#AND further fuels the most insidious of zionist propaganda which relies on the antisemitism of ignorant western goys#this propaganda banks on their antisemitism bc it's that fucking reliable#every white western goy that harasses jews or spreads misinfo about jews or is straight up just racist towards random israeli immigrants#ppl living in the west like running coffee shops that are now having their windows smashed bc that what? supports palestinian liberation?#makes it that much easier for actual zionist propagandists to say 'see. this was never about imperialism. they want an excuse to harm you.'#'you are only safe with us'#i grew up in a cauldron of this kind of propaganda and i was playing on hard mode i got it from the orthodox#it took years of dutiful unlearning. of wrestling with some really difficult realities. of realizing that i'd been not only lied to#but information had been deliberately kept from me to keep me from knowing the true depths of the horror happening in gaza#i did not get the luxury of starting to care about this six months ago during a concerted effort to correct the record#i had to put in the effort to unlearn two decades of propaganda given to me so young i don't remember a time when i didn't know it#and i am by far not the only jew with this experience#i have put in way more effort to care about this than every white western goy with a megaphone posting palestinian flags on IG#but none of that matters bc i am a jew and for the last 5000+ years we don't get to decide how we're discussed or how we're remembered#never mind how many jewish voices (and yes! even israeli voices!) have been supporting liberation efforts in palestine for years.#who've done an amazing job reaching more people who need help seeing through the propaganda they were raised on#i can only be a token who speaks only in protest chants or i can be an evil zionist. the anti imperial work doesn't matter.#bc anti imperial work is hard and none of them actually want to do it they just want the protest photos#anyway this is why i don't discuss this on the piss on the poor website. tbh i don't trust y'all
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khazadspoon · 7 months
How is Tuco supposed to know if Blondie is smiling at him or if he’s just squinting because it’s so damn bright?
It’s an important question and we need answers, Mr. Leone
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phoenixiancrystallist · 3 months
Forspoken Photo Dump 261 BONUS: Visoria Castle Skyline, Part 1
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thinking about how many artists deemed "outsider" emerged from marginalized positions within society where being on the "inside" wasnt even possible for them. "wow this artist has such a unique and exciting viewpoint on making art as an outsider to the art world!" said artist was a black woman living under jim crow segregation she wasnt even given the chance to finish high school let alone study fine art.
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shirogane-oushirou · 8 days
once i have my carrd all done (and my mains' profiles written out), i should sit down and see if i can manage to put together an AK sona to ship with whale wife and musk deer husband :3c
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athetos · 3 months
Paper Mario soundtrack is all-around great but angry bowser is one of my fav themes from anything ever. The electric sitar, the trills, the metal bass line, the heavy Indian melodic inspiration… that should have been bowser’s theme song in every game
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mofffun · 11 months
It's completely out of tone right now but ugh what'd i do to have an all-girls bridal shower episode :( With Mayuta and Kogane we have representatives from all five countries! wouldn't it be a good side story to expand the worldbuidling?
(the boys can recreate Hangover whatever :) yes grudging husty brothers :) + pranksters jeramie yanma + kaguragi designated driver
There's no way Rita's going no matter how Himeno puppy-eyes them. Not even under the lure of moffun-themed cupcakes. So they sent Morfonia ("for diplomacy training") instead who's happy about going on a business trip for once.
Yet Rita still took the time to email Gokkan Choir amongst Himeno's spam of Moffun cupcakes and her air kiss pics -- Kaguragi's "Suzume..." when he thought they couldn't hear, in the years they've known each other. Judge Rita is there at the end of the boys' Hangover b-plot
I want to see the Suzume-Himeno queen bee match so bad. But they'd probably bond over beauty and fashion soon. I bet Ishabana has elaborate bridal customs and that's where Elegance and Ms. Chief Maid came in :)
Mayuta showing Suzume all the cool AR displays for the ceremony (but she's more interested in its use in theatre, and artifical weather for agriculture) and the Guard Lady can astound her wither the biker gang's cheer for the bride. Kogane is just happy to tag along and be pampered by all the adults. (flower girl and flower boy kogane and boone uwu but they hate racules guts lol)
After touring around Suzume gets to see her homeland once again, and watches the sunset at she and her brother's favourite hill. (the boys are crashing down the other side of the hill)
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