#wemma rp
askthefuturegleeks · 2 years
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As VP Sue announced, McKinley is hosting a festival for the arts programs and all of Ohio and beyond is invited. The Vice President asked everyone to come, especially the people that graduated with the help of arts programs and the students she knew when she worked at McKinley. She has offered to help pay for anyone’s accommodations, the same hotel that everyone bought rooms at during Wemma’s wedding was bought out to host people without them needing to pay for their own rooms. Airfare will be taken care of for anyone that needs it as well. Everything down to a personal letter to anyone’s jobs to tell them that the VP wants them to take their complaints about your character missing work and shove them where the sun don’t shine are accompanied with this invitation (and how can a boss say no to the Vice President?), so nobody has any reason that they can’t go. Everyone can go. 
Everyone is connected to the glee clubs somehow, even if just by knowing people in the glee clubs, so all of our characters have been invited to talk about how the arts helped them, host panels about the arts, host booths with games that help promote the arts and personal jobs, and perform at the festival. The purpose is to share information and make the arts look cool, so anything your character can contribute to that is welcome. Remember to keep things in line with canon, your bios, and the status quo while talking about hardships and achievements. Everyone has a moderate amount of success, for example. everyone has their own career highlights but there’s no reason to go overboard because this isn’t meant to be a celebrity-inspired rp. These are the everyday canon Gleeks. And as per canon, we’re all expected to keep the good canon facts and not replace them with angst because this isn’t meant to be an angst-inspired rp either. These are important to bring up because your characters are all invited to talk about themselves and share bio details in social media posts and para moments (self para included) that will help inspire people to join the arts programs and vote yes on VP Sue’s bill in favor of adding more arts programs. 
Examples of things you can do include: 
Hosting karaoke, improv, scene reading sessions with minimal props for impromptu theatre productions, dance classes, fashion shows, anything that invites people of all life paths to participate in the arts.
Hosting informational panels, which are meetings where your character (and others if you want, plot it out) talk about and answer questions about whatever their main thing is, whether that be a skill, a specific outlet of the arts, their career, or who they are as a person in general. Examples of this include Sebastian talking about turning his passion into a business (main thing), being a dancer (skill), running a dance studio (career), or just talking about himself in general almost as if he were an influencer so he’d be talking about being a Warbler and Dalton alumni, being international, and everything mentioned about before that. Though Kurt, Blaine, or Mercedes might be better picks for people that could talk about themselves just in general, as a Vogue employee and fashion designer, officially paid actor and songwriter, and a singing artist. 
Running a game booth or otherwise interactive booth like a sing off/diva off, DDR/Just Dance competitions, or games that involve playing an instrument or singing to match a pitch or repeat jingles or something. This would be a good category to mention competitive fashion shows and design challenges too.
Sell things, like paintings and whatever your character has to sell. Mercedes could have a booth with CDs, Kurt could have some of his designs that he’s willing to part with or accessories or something. Things like that, as long as it’s arts related. 
carnival games
carnival rides
informational booths about arts programs and VP Sue and her bill
cardboard cutouts of Sue everywhere with her inspirational quotes
food and drinks
panels where people can go to learn more about specific aspects of the arts
performances every day by all of our characters, no need to sign up or anything there are just stages set up everywhere and you’re all welcome to just walk up and use them
booths where you can buy things related to the arts with giveaways and contests
a speech by VP Sue and the opportunity for everyone to talk to her, with the Secret Service at her side, of course
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ask-emma-schuester · 6 years
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I just want to take a moment to gush over my boy. Last night, I got very worked up about things, and while Will was at the store, Charlie came downstairs and saw me visibly upset and worked up. He crawled into my lap and gave me a hug then said “I’m not Daddee but I can try to make you feel better too, Momma.” I have always wanted a brother for my Charlie Boy, but I don’t think I can imagine him growing up in a house full of anything but girls. Will is doing an amazing job with him, and I know parenting is a joint effort, but Will has made it his point to show Charlie how to be the protector and how to look after is Momma and sisters. I just can’t imagine a more perfect father for my son or a more perfect son for me. Charlie is his father all the way, from looks down to his heart. I couldn’t be more grateful for either of them.
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askmrwmschuester · 6 years
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Good Evening Lima... I am out on a date with these two little munchkins! Looks how grown up they look! Livi is almost 5...FIVE! Where did the time go? I have a little lady instead of a little girl now! And she is a riot! She planned this whole evening with the exception of the chaperone we have. And yes, because of my health, we do have a chaperone. It was Charlie that had Olivia call Poppy and my dad is out with us too! So, it’s Pizza and Star Wars, again! This is the first time I’ve been out since I came home from the hospital, aside from the doctors office. Emma didn’t want me to take them out by myself and I don’t blame her one bit. Just going to the doctors office drained me of all energy. Emma took me that day and I fell asleep in the car on the way home. So having my dad with us tonight is a good thing. Plus, he wanted to go. He was going to go watch Star Wars again anyway so this was a treat for him. Emma is at home with the babies. Evie has another ear infection and is just miserable. It hurts so bad and Emma said that when she took her to the doctor, we took her to their regular pediatrician, the dreaded word, tubes, was mentioned. No parent wants to put their toddler through a medical procedure but if it means providing her with relief from chronic ear infections, then thats what we need to do. We’re going to try to take the kids to the library in the morning but we’ll see how Evie is. She loves story time but when she doesn’t feel good, pretty much all she wants to do is curl up in a ball. As for me, I’m still not cleared to return to school. My counts are climbing but not as quickly as the doctor had hoped so, I’ve got one more week of rest before I can go back. Emma is handling school like a champ and I am working from home and still Skyping with the kids so they know I’m there and getting things done. One super cool thing I’ve managed to accomplish this week is set up a dance clinic with one of Dallas, Tx’s top choreographers. It’s set for April, just in time for pro dance audition season. I know we’ve got some ladies at school who want to dance and cheer professionally for sports teams and this will definitely help them out! Im excited for this. Brittany is going to play a big part in this workshop so she’s going to come over one day next week for a conference call. So stuff is getting done. Working at home is easier than I thought! Anywho, our pizza is here! Then it’s off to another galaxy! Send questions!
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stillivefallen · 5 years
There’s a Glee RPG that’s calling for you. Though the show is over, the RP’s are not! Join WHAT-IF-RPG! An active Glee RP with plenty of open character from you to choose from. Want to play a canon character? There’s plenty to choose from! Santana Lopez, Sugar Motta, Sam Evans, Mercedes Jones, Will Schuester, Sue Sylvester, Holly Holiday, Wade Unique Adams, and many more!
I play Emma Pillsbury-Schuester, and Stacey Evans — so I would love to have a Sam and Will [especially as a rare breed Wemma shippe] to play off of. However if that’s not for you? There are PLENTY of characters to choose from from canon to non canon, etc. So check it out, but FIRST make sure to check out these important deets!
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newnewyorkhq · 5 years
Good evening, all! With Maya stepping down as Morgan, we now have three open characters -- Lopez-Pierce [24], Abrams [22], and Schuester [26]. We would absolutely love to see any and all of these characters filled -- we’ve got siblings and lifelong friends waiting for them here in New York!
If you’re interested, you can check out our masterlist, our family information, and our wanted page, and send any questions you may have over to our askbox, where an admin will get to them ASAP!
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I really want to do a glee wemma rp where they have a baby..
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nnyadblog · 5 years
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NEW NEW YORK is a brand new next generation Glee roleplay, featuring the children of the New Directions who have either grown up in or moved to New York City. We have six open slots and an event coming up this weekend, so check us out -- the Big Apples awaits.
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chqads-blog1 · 4 years
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                                                                              empire state of mind
                              NEW NEW YORK;; the next generation
welcome to new new york ---
Lifelong friends from their Glee club days, it was only natural that the concurrent members of the New Directions would raise their children in close proximity. There were expectations, of course – members betting on who would become each other’s in-laws in a few decades’ times. Those living in New York grew particularly close, surpassing friendship and essentially becoming family: spending holidays and vacations together, trusted to look out for each other and be each other’s first port of call. Having all known each other since birth, the next generation are a tight-knit group, but dynamics can be just as rocky as the New Directions’ high school days.
With other friends joining them from elsewhere in the country, the New Directions’ kids have grown up and are beginning to reach adulthood – it’s time for their own stories to unfold.
                               A next generation Glee Roleplay.
                                                 HOME – PLOT – NAVI – APPLY
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ribbonsfallaway · 5 years
Do y’all like to RPing? Do you miss Glee? Wanna RP with a bunch of cool people? Well go check out WHAT-IF-RPG, and check it out! There are so many characters for you to choose from whether it’s an regular character like Santana, Will, Sam, Mercedes, or even a character you would like to make up yourself! Check it out!
I know as Emma and Stacey (Sam’s little sister all grown up), I would love to have a Will or Sam to play with! But there are many other open characters to choose from!
Check it out! Always great to have new people join this fabulous group!
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fionaroleplays · 6 years
bloody-gorgeous-rps replied to your post:
While I agree that family glee rps are hard for...
We never did do our Wemma. ONE DAY!
Wait, when did we agree to do Wemma, lol?
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pointless-lullabies · 7 years
Would you ever do a Glee Wemma rp?
Probably not, like no disrespect to Will & Emma but they were not my favourite characters 
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ask-emma-schuester · 6 years
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Good morning, Lima!
It is a wild morning in the Schuester home this bright Saturday. They all slept in this moring (until 7!), and that was just enough time for their little bodies to get full of energy because ever since, they have been on the go! Charlie has been climbing furniture. Olivia has been making breakfast and bringing it to the kitchen. Evelyn has been sneaking away to my closet to play with my shoes. If she could, Cecilia would get into something also, but like Evelyn, she holds onto me for dear life when she’s waking up in the morning. 
Will has the flu. I’m doing my best going between the living room and our room to check on the kids then him. Poor thing hasn’t been able to leave the bathroom for a while now, and no matter how much gatorade and pedialyte I give him, I think it’s going to be a little bit before he feels 100% again. Fingers crossed that I’m wrong, though, we really want him to get better quickly!
I’m not sure what is in store for the Schuester clan today. It’s cold, really cold, and there’s a chance for snow tomorrow. Olivia is trying to make it a movie day, which is fine by me, but her brother and sister want to run around, so I may take them to run some errands this afternoon so they can get out of the house a bit. It all depends on how Will feels. I don’t want to leave him alone for too long. Send us questions! Will and I really do enjoy answering them!
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askmrwmschuester · 6 years
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Good Afternoon Lima... Our elves finally showed up this morning. They’re a couple days late but they brought a note from Santa that said they were working on a special project and apologized for their tardiness. Only Olivia and Charlie are really into them at the moment. With Evie being not quite two, she hasn’t grasped the concept of the elves yet so it’s mostly just fun for Liv and Charlie. This morning they arrived with an explosion of marshmallows and a brand new box of hot chocolate for us. If you’ll recall, these two monkeys are chocoholics like their Daddee. So we got everyone squared away and sat down with our hot chocolate and watched cartoons this morning. It’s fun because we got this new comforter for the couch that we all fit under and as the weather gets colder, that’s where we like to hang out. We managed to make it to brunch but that is as far as we got as a family. Today, we were planning for it to be a family day. We were going to do our usual Sunday routine of brunch and the grocery store. I knew the moment we got up that it wasn’t going to be the day we had hoped for. I could tell from the moment Emma saw the marshmallows on the counter that she was going to have a bad day. And she is. She’s in a bad mood and has been a bit snippy with me all day. I sent her to the store by herself because she needs time to collect herself. We’re trying really hard to keep the negativity away from the kids and with her strained relationship with Olivia, we thought it would be better to have her go and do what she needs to do. I’m kind of bummed because Friday night was great and yesterday was wonderful, we got the house all decorated for Christmas, inside and out. So for the weekend to end like this, makes me a little sad. I’m hoping it’s just her reacting to her medication as they are still working on adjusting it for her. But it scares me. It’s hard to put on a brave face but I’m doing my best. I hope you’ll flood my inbox with questions. I could use some!
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stillivefallen · 5 years
There’s a wonderful little Glee RPG called What If RPG that takes place a few years after the show ended. It’s wonderful. and has a TON of characters open. I as Emma and Stacey (Sam’s little sister) would love to have a Will and Sam to RP with, but there are so many options like Santana, Ryder, Jake, Sugar, Mercedes, and so much more! So check it out! So get an application! Check out the rules, and APPLY!
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newnewyorkhq · 5 years
is the schuester thats open oc or daniel?
Great question – they’re an OC! Daniel would be about 30 by this point and since our next eldest kid is 25, we chose to include the youngest of the four Schuesters in order to keep them as close in age to everyone else as possible.
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ribbonsfallaway · 5 years
There’s a Glee RPG that’s calling for you. Though the show is over, the RP’s are not! Join WHAT-IF-RPG! An active Glee RP with plenty of open character from you to choose from. Want to play a canon character? There’s plenty to choose from! Sugar Motta, Sam Evans, Mercedes Jones, Will Schuester, Sue Sylvester, Holly Holiday, Wade Unique Adams, and many more!
I play Emma Pillsbury-Schuester, and Stacey Evans — so I would love to have a Sam and Will [especially as a rare breed Wemma shippe] to play off of. However if that’s not for you?
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