#welp this was shitty
luminarai · 8 months
for your drawing requests - shitty knight from check please? <3
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this came to me like a vision that I had to bring to life immediately, mr shits my beloved <3 and bonus ransom and lardo ofc
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writeitinsharpie · 6 months
gdi why did the queer video essayist i liked turn out to be a plagerizer
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hungrydolphin91 · 10 months
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trying to convince Yosuke's parents to let Teddie live with them
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tee hee
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chrisbangs · 28 days
i finished thesis, won an award, and have graduated.. hello 👋🥸
#i'm not coming back but :') hello#i forgot i even had tumblr still on my phone djdkdkdkdk#i just opened it for the first time in ??? 5 months or smth i think idk for sure#life is weird :')#remember when i said i wanna drop out every day of my life :') bc i suck at design#welp i won an award for my design thesis :')#jsjdjdkdkdkdj#turns out having friends kinda changes your life 🫂#having friends at school has actually :') made me a happier more normal person lol#i haven't been miserable?? i haven't wanted to kms ... i have been so happy and yes school was shitty but i wanted to go and try hard bc#my friends motivated me to stay and try and that's crazy :') idk#felt really loved and like i belonged somewhere for the first time in my life 🫨 like woah ppl like me and wanna be my friend? me??#:') i'm really happy... isn't that weird#i used to want to kms every other day hsjdndkdkdks lol 😭#now i'm like 😭 every day i look forward to waking up bc i'm happy and i have ppl who love me and i wanna see them again and i wanna spend#time with them again and play games with them again :')#literally stayed up till ??? 4 am yesterday talking to one of them like#😭#god jm djjdkdkdkd idk :')#my life is good...#???? IM NOT MISERABLE IDK GUYS#wild af#even winning the award was such a shock like 🥲 damn . who ? me?#ppl from like :') this big design thing in toronto we're praising it too like djdjdodjdkdj#:') it's kinda crazy.. i was super !#man.. i cant believe how 5 months ago i was gonna kms 🥸👆 and now i'm like erm actually maybe we do need to live#:') anyway#i hope ppl on here are doing good 🫨🔨#it is sad to not be here as much but also 👋😌 i'm happy to be free at the same time so ✨
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i-eat-deodorant · 1 year
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accidentally left my laptop charger on campus so guess who's not studying tonight
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xatsperesso · 1 year
You know, eventually there will be a moment where iruma can't wiggle out of flying and has to admit he can't.
Ahhh true
And in this moment iruma will be forced to either continue lying or tell the truth, the problem is iruma is bad at lying, so it’ll really depend on whether his class/whoever cornered him like that will respect that he doesn't want to share the reason or not and whether iruma is ready to stand up to himself
And you see some of the abnormal class are going to push, because as much as they are good kids they are still kids. Some will respect because they dont want iruma to feel uncomfortable around them (that is the kid that always looked two seconds away from jumping off a cliff to avoid a demon. How they made him open up like that to them they have absolutely no idea but like hell are they gonna make him go back to being jumpy/untrutsful around them)
But some kids are not going to think of Iruma’s boundaries first. The first thing they'll think about is maybe iruma has funny lookomg wings! And they'll tease him about it and they'll all have a great time and they will continue pestering iruma until either he or someone else firmly tells them to back off. And they are the abnormal class, a very close group of friends that have each others back no matter what, so the second those who pestered iruma know that they went overboard they will apologise, but this apology will change nothing. They've pushed too hard, and no matter how much iruma really really tries to forgive them, he will still be wary. He will still be wary whenever the topic of wings comes up until they’ve proven that it's safe for him to be around when they start talking about demon anatomy.
Another person who could try to push is kalego. Maybe they'll have another flying race to see if they've improved since last year, and he notices iruma using a spell to fly instead of his wings, or maybe iruma seeks him out to tell him that he cant fly using his wings, and so kalego will ask why(and of course he's heard the silly rumours in the teacher's office, they really need to stop gossiping about their students, but they've told him that Shichirou was there, and Shichirou keeps avoiding this subject whenever he brings it up, so maybe...)
And iruma hesitates, which kalego misreads entirely. Iruma seeked him out to teel him this, so he must be ready to tell him the reason if kalego asks, therefore kalego reads it as iruma trying to summon up his courage to tell him the reason. Meanwhile iruma is contemplating lying to kalego, because sure telling Balam-sensei did work out well, but then Balam-sensei lectured him for hours on why he shouldn't tell other demons, a nd, Atori-sensei was a teacher, but he tried to hurt iruma, so what if? And so he lies to him, but iruma is a shit lier, and kalego believes that he Needs To Know
And the truth is, kalego does need to know. This is a disability which he needs to know the extents of to better accommodate to iruma. Does this affect his spine, his circulation, his balance, should they expect him to have a weaker immunity system or should they make sure their are meds he's taking, and is he safe? Because devil knows how many demons kalego have met across the years, and with meeting this many people, you tend to the occasional brush with the less fortunate of them. The ones that have gone through the unimaginable, so having iruma come up to him, tell him he can't fly and refuses to tell him why? Raises a bit more than a few red flags
And sure, he can trust that sullivan could already accommodated to iruma without the teacher's knowledge, but is he really going to trust the fool, when came to them a shaking mess, and lacked a lot of common knowledge? Doesn't sound right
And so kalego is going to prod and push in the name of keeping this child safe, but kalego is an authority figure, a scary demon, and one who held a grudge against iruma for a while. For him to try and force this idea out of iruma will just Not End Well
And then there's the less merciful demons, the ones who will really push for iruma to just show them and will keep pushing absolutely disregarding iruma's boundaries, strangers. Iruma is an idol, whether that's in school or his evidol persona, so some demons are really gonna feel entitled to know certain things that are always known and bragged about by demons, their wings, and i can already feel the fear of being pushed by a stranger to show them his/her wings! It's not that big if a deal, it's not like (s)he's a wingless freak! So what's wrong for him/her to show off a bit
And these demons will not care about iruma at all, all they'll care about is satisfying their curiosity and so they'll keep pushing and pushing and pushing until a fight breaks or an adult intervenes, and by then damage will be done. Wings will be a really sore topic after that, and it could remind iruma of exactly how out of place he is. That he is not a demon, and never will be. He will never really connect with all his friends and family because he was born a human, and maybe, maybe he is not meant to live amongst them. Maybe he's supposed to be in his world where he belongs
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the-spooky-alien · 2 years
For all my anger in regards to Melissa's death, Scully at least got to express her guilt and anger in Piper Maru/Apocrypha. It was rushed, and didn't leave much room for her grief, and of course in other episodes, you wouldn't know her sister died. But, at least it was something. An acknowledgment.
Mulder on the other hand got nothing. His father was shot in his presence. He laid his dead body on the couch. His hands were stained with his father's blood. He desperately called Scully and collapsed upon hearing her voice. This whole scene shows us how deeply traumatizing it is for Mulder. No matter how fucking harsh Bill Mulder was with his son, Mulder still cared deeply for his father. And yet, he doesn't get to express his grief. He doesn't get to feel sad. He doesn't get to break down more than two minutes. The only thing he's allowed to say is ''We've both lost so much''.
This ultimately leads to something that bothers me a lot with the show. The characters (and by that I mean Mulder and Scully) are dealing with so many traumatizing experiences, and you would never know it if you didn't watch all the episodes !! I know I'm only at the beginning of season 7, and I can't actually speak about the whole show, but this makes me so mad. If you're going to put your characters through shit, then at least have the decency to make them deal with it instead of shoving everything under the rug. Because expecting the characters, and the audience by extension, to move on from these experiences without even talking about it is just stupid.
And yes, I know the X-Files is supposed to be about the investigations first but still. Let your characters breathe.
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fried-manto · 2 years
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Didnt do this in chronological order, just doodles of my fav versions of Mari oop-
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Hikki: Also its 'Hikki' with 2 K(s), get that in your head or I'll shred your ass off with my scissors
Hiki: Jokes on you, I got this violin bow I haven't actually managed to use yet but I'm sure its OP as hell
Hikki: oh yeah?
Hiki: Oh really, theres this game where this guy beats his doppelganger with a violin, well I only have a bow- but I'm sure that'll work just fine on someone like you.
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Mari from DBSG by @tsukithewolf
Canon Mari from OMORI by @omocat
Hikki from OMARI AU by @mikkokomori
Hiki from Omari au/Guilty au? by @xaandiir
Mari from Mari Suzuki's Overly Busy Afterlife (Phew that's a mouthful) by @shardofhope-fanfic
Guess who's who's? ^^
And who's my favourite to draw? *ahem- Hikki -ahem* Just kidding I love them all! <33
More Mari's coming soon btw!
Bruh at this point I'm gonna be making my own MCU - Mari Cinematic Universe.
It's supposed to have a story but then I realised that I'm too lazy to make stuffs like this, there might be glimpses of plot leading up to something but this is mostly just self indulgent favourite character(s) interaction.
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atempause-art · 8 months
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Vasil maybe stroke a deal with the god of death, maybe he's just cursed idk, either way he's here taking care of the graves and burying the dead correctly so they dont come back as monsters.
The existence of Samuel, Mája and Benzin as the undead implies he fucked up his job at least three times which is three times more than you should in this profession. skill issue
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floydsteeth · 6 months
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lee-and-honey-bee · 6 months
I fucked up....
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roseofcards90 · 9 months
I swear it’s like the most annoying thing when psychiatrists try to shove therapy down your throat like I know you have a business and all that and you just want more of my money but bruh 😭 I don’t even have the money let alone the time to go to sessions
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speakeasier · 4 months
everyone can eat shit, that was BAD. LOLOL.
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custer-mp3 · 9 months
and actually as someone that divorced out of the military due to spousal abuse i'm allowed more than anyone to waffle on whether or not i hate/have any sympathy for mfs who even signed on in the first place cuz while i understand recruiters will lie to your face & promise you the moon & the us military seems like the only ticket to a good life for a lot of ppl you do not even consider OR MUCH LESS TAKE take that fucking option period unless you are already ok in your heart on a primal level with the concept of having to intentionally end another human's life
and then you go through the psychological horror factory designed to condition any innate morality or questioning or reason or REGARD FOR OTHER HUMANS out of you and mfs wonder why there's such incidence of addiction/suicide/MH issues/abuse/assault amongst current and former service members. nah fam
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artemx746 · 14 days
Do people not realise that a person doesn't suddenly gain full maturity and knowledge of everything when they turn 18?
#Another day another 'minors shouldn't be allowed in fandoms' post#and whilst yes I do think it is important to make sure content that a minor should not be viewing isn't viewed by one#fandoms are communities at their core#oftentimes a child doesn't have a good community around them to express their interests#(y'know since a lot of people in fandoms are queer and or neurodivergent)#and then you vote to exclude them from spaces where they can interact with people of similar interests for what?#And what will you do when they turn 18?#Suddenly welcome them with open arms?#Why would you expect them to feel welcome when less than a year prior they were shunned for their age#or will you find some other arbitrary reason to exclude them?#And people wonder why someone would have a negative opinion of fandoms#'but they aren't mature enough' For what?#What aren't they mature enough for?#To be on the internet? trust me they go through the same spiel every year about internet safety#To use Ao3 without causing drama? Nope. When I was new I looked up tutorials for how to use Ao3 and learned about the culture from them#All it takes is educating someone for them to learn#even if you yourself don't want to educate people yourself uplift people who are willing to#all it took for me was one video on fandom etiquette#And don't act like there aren't grown adults who will cause drama for funsies#People can be shitty no matter what age#do we exclude everyone from fandom for the mere chance they could be shitty? No.#And don't get me started on people who complain about minors writing fanfic#what is wrong with it? They're having fun. What else is there to it#Let kids have a positive environment chances are they're not getting one at home#welp this derailed#the only cringe thing here is making fun of children#I see any of you fucks doing that its the guillotine for you
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kaptainandy · 6 months
why must god forsaken me with sickness when i'm working on one of the biggest personal projects i've ever undertaken - and is also my debut back into posting my art - that needs to be completed in 4 days?????
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