poupeesdecirque · 5 months
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Weekly Photo 49/2023
The grasp of winter .... nature will fall asleep soon, a few creatures are still out there.
You better run now because this creature here has spotted you and .... he's hungry.
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hotelbooking · 28 days
The Wellem Dusseldorf, Part Of Hyatt Welcome to The Wellem Dusseldorf, Part Of Hyatt, a 5-star hotel that offers a luxurious oasis in the heart of Dusseldorf, Germany. With its prime location in the city center, this hotel is the perfect choice for both business and leisure travelers seeking comfort, convenience, and sophistication. Step into a world of elegance and modernity as you enter The Wellem Dusseldorf. Built in 2017 and last renovated in 2020, this hotel boasts contemporary design and state-of-the-art facilities that cater to the discerning needs of its guests. The attention to detail is evident in every corner, from the stylish lobby to the meticulously designed rooms. Check-in at The Wellem Dusseldorf begins at 3:00 PM, allowing you ample time to settle in and unwind after your journey. The friendly and professional staff will ensure a seamless check-in process, making you feel right at home from the moment you arrive. When it's time to bid farewell to this exceptional hotel,...
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surfgerards · 3 months
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Morgens keine Wellen auf Boilers , nachmittags dann kleine wellem mit den LB auf Bananapoint
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naufal-portofolio · 4 months
Ingin Pecahkan Rekor, Mal Ciputra Cari 12 Paduan Suara
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SUKSES mengadakan lomba paduan suara sejak tahun 2004, tahun ini Mal Ciputa Jakarta membuat sesuatu yang berbeda.
Sekaligus untuk memperingati Hari Natal 2011, Mal Ciputra ingin memecahkan rekor MURI dengan mengadakan “12 Hours Marathon Choir MURI” yang akan diselenggarakan pada Sabtu, 10 Desember 2011.
Dalam puncak acara tersebut, 12 paduan suara yang terpilih dari audisi, akan menyanyikan lagu-lagu Natal secara bergantian selama 12 jam nonstop.
“Kompetisi ini bukan cuma untuk paduan suara dari gereja atau sekolah berbasis kristiani, tapi paduan suara mana pun boleh ikut. Bahkan, tadi ada dari yang nonkristiani juga ikut serta,” ungkap Ketua ‘12 Hours Marathon MURI’ Silvia Wellem, saat ditemui pada acara audisi, di Mal Ciputra Jakarta, Sabtu (28/10).
Pada audisi tahap 2 tersebut, 25 kelompok paduan suara yang terdiri dari segala usia dan dari berbagai wilayah Indonesia, ikut serta meramaikan acara. Secara bergantian, mereka tak hanya menyanyikan lagu-lagu Natal dengan berbagai versi, tapi juga menampilkan koreo yang membuat suasana semakin semarak.
“Audisi ini memang terbuka untuk semua kelompok paduan suara seluruh Indonesia. Ada yang dari Bandung, bahkan yang paling jauh datang dari Papua,” tambah Silvia yang juga menjabat sebagai Manajer Marketing Mal Ciputra Jakarta.
Selain untuk pemecahan rekor, ajang ini juga bertujuan penggalangan dana untuk 12 Panti Asuhan sebagai wujud kepedulian sosial terhadap sesama dalam menyambut Natal 2011.
(Naufal Rizqi Muttaqien / gur)
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seliii- · 6 months
Zweiti Wahl
Ja genau als das wür ich mich betrachtet. Jedes Mal bini eifach nur die zweiti Wahl.
Die zweiti Wahl zum öppis unterneh. Klar hani keis Problem hesch mit diesere Fründin abgmacht, wenn mer gseid hend mer möched de öppis.
Die zweiti Wahl, will sie ja früehner kenneglernt hesch und es zwar nid lauft, aber ufgeh wotsch ja glich nid.
Die zweiti Wahl, will sie wohnt nöcher.
Die zweiti Wahl, weg wellem Grund au immer. Aber weisch was, ich setzte dich immer a die ersti Stell, willi weiss wies isch nur die zweiti Wahl z sii.
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kelmcdonald · 1 year
You are the Chosen One - Wellem Outfits
New Post has been published on https://kelmcdonald.com/news/you-are-the-chosen-one-wellem-outfits/
You are the Chosen One - Wellem Outfits
More outfits for characters in You are the Chosen One. Wellem is part of the upper crust so I tried to make all his outfits a little fancy even if it’s his more casual outfits.
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lokaleblickecom · 1 year
FDP wählte erstmals Doppelspitze
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Rees. Für einige Parteien gehört es zur Tagesordnung, bei der FDP ist es noch ein Novum. Nach dem Rücktritt des Vorsitzenden Clemens Willing wählten als eine der ersten FDP Ortsverbände die Mitglieder in Rees fast einstimmig mit Tanja Hinz und David Kimmig eine Doppelspitze. Am letzten Sonntag fand der ordentliche Ortsparteitag der FDP Rees mit immerhin der Hälfte der eingetragenen 25 Mitglieder statt. Die bisherige Stellv. Vorsitzende Tanja Hinz bedankte sich in ihrem Geschäftsbericht für das Herzblut und Engagement von Clemens Willing in den letzten beiden durch Corona und den russischen Angriffskrieg geprägten Jahren. Den Beitritt von vier neuen Mitgliedern betrachtet Hinz als Vertrauensvorschuss für den neuen Vorstand. Unter der Versammlungsleitung des Kreisvorsitzenden Kay Ehrhardt wurde neben der neuen Doppelspitze Tanja Hinz und David Kimmig als Vorsitzende, das Kreistagsmitglied Jan-Wellem Neuhaus zum Stellv. Vorsitzenden gewählt. Die Funktion des Schatzmeisters hat nun Kevin Jankowski inne. Unterstützt wird das Team durch die Beisitzerin Anja Gallus und Beisitzer Armond Mustafa.
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Der einheitliche Tenor des für zwei Jahre gewählten vielfältigen Vorstandes ist: „Wir schauen nach vorne und haben viel vor. Es wurde Zeit für eine Doppelspitze als Vorstandsvorsitzende.“ Das neue Vorstands-Duo möchte eine „Re-Start“ nach den zuletzt in der Öffentlichkeit wahrgenommenen Spannungen mit neuen offenen und liberalen Themen setzen. „Ziel ist eine liberal-lokale Politik für alle Reeserinnen und Reeser zu gestalten“, machten Tanja Hinz und David Kimmig deutlich. Für den neuen Vorstand gibt Kimmig die sprichwörtliche „Marschrichtung“ vor: „Bei der nächsten Kommunalwahl wollen wir uns mindestens das 2020er Stimmenergebnis erarbeiten, ja, es sogar lieber toppen.“ Read the full article
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lendli · 2 years
Dr Gianni het ja si bsundrig CheatSunday, woner aues ah süessem u ungsundem isst, woner unger dr wuche nid isst. Us viune gründ versuechi ihn i dem z'unterstütze u mit ihm mit z'zieh..drum isch üses erste sunntigs zmorge de oh bsunder fein gsy😍😅
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Si si super super fein gsy, aber eifach oh gfüehlt nur Zucker..😂
I chas nid lügne, i chönnt jede tag so zmörgele, aber gsund wär ja de das glich ni..🙃
Sobaud mer üsi Bartender School hei gstartet, heimer de ner oh regelmässig neui Diners usprobiert am Sunntig..
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Das wär üses erste dinner gsy, dr Name seit scho dses guet isch gsy u meh muessi oh ni derzue säge gloubs..(Kellogs Diner)😉
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Das isch eis vo üsne letschte z'morge diners gsy..u mit abstand üses liebste in NewYork. Es isch würk so wie me sech das vorstellt mit dene diners in newyork.
Die schoggidrops wome uf dr rächte site im linke Bild gseht, hani übercho(i weiss es isch wahnsinnig dasi rächts u links ha chönne unterscheide😂)..u zwar vore angere Familie wo am gah isch gsy.. I ha eigentlech nur wöue wüsse zu wellem Menu das si die hei übercho, wüui das ni uf dr spischarte ha gseh..auso hani denkt isch ja nüt derbi die z'frage..churzerhand hei si gfunde wenns mi nid gruusi dörfi ihri gärn no ufässe, si möge eh nid aui 😊 Das isch de när oh grad öppe mi gsichtsudruck gsy. (im nachhinein hani glert, das me z'amerika vo auem no meh cha ha..oder öppis extra wemes gärn het..)
...i ha imne angere diner einisch so vil süessi pancakes gässe, dasi irgendeinisch z'verlange nach salzigem respektiv nach späck ha gha u ha denkt i frage mau obi no 2-3 chönn ha.. i ha es Teller voll becho..u i ha aui bis uf 2 oder 3 gässe😂
I ha dr gianni gloubs no nie so gseh stuune über mis ässverhaute wie denn😅
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glennethph · 4 years
I was hoping Rob would make it an OT4. Because...did you see him shirtless?!!!!
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ethanstyle · 6 years
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Cody’s got a shadow 
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poupeesdecirque · 5 months
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Remember that photoset with Wellem not too long ago? Those are some outtakes, I tried different locations. Not all photos make it into my weekly photo feature (if its still a feature, but I at least kinda aim for it), I liked them to a certain point but not enough to put them into the final photoset.
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Also since i imagine it would go very differently, MC inviting Runa to meet her parents (and whatever anxious angst that idea conjures in Runa) including the meeting?
Written by @shootingstarwithagrudge
Runa’s hair shone brilliantly in the sunlight as I watched her through the window at the front of the Cafe. This was always my favorite way to see her, when she thought no one was looking and could really let all her walls down. Her face was calm and serene even as she picked at her nails, obviously nervous. When I had first brought up the prospect of meeting my parents, Runa had paled at the thought. But after explaining to her that once we were married, they would be her family too, she began to warm up to the idea. I think deep down inside, the thought of having a normal family that didn’t try to manipulate her at any cost, was extremely important to her. I make my way through the cafe door, and Runa quickly turns her attention to me.
“What were you even doing in there? Physically sewing a new outfit to wear?” Even with her eyes narrowed I can tell she’s only slightly annoyed. More from nerves than anything. I’ve come to know Runa’s defense mechanisms pretty well by now. Even though she had come so far from the angry waitress I first met, she still depended on her walls when she was feeling nervous.
“Sorry - I saw this beautiful creature through the Cafe window, and I just had to stop for a moment and admire her” I give her my most disarming smile, which only gets me an eye roll.
“Yeah, OK. Dork.” Her words are a little sharp, but she has the slightest shade of pink to her cheeks as she says them.
“You think I’m a dork? Just wait until you meet my parents” I laugh. My parents were the epitome of average. Their most prized possession being a complete set of encyclopedias from the eighties. And the idea of them finally meeting this wild and fiery woman I was in love with, brought me so much joy.
“Yeah…” Runa replies with a far away tone. She’s been stressing pretty hard over this night, so I remain quiet until she’s finished. “I just hope I don’t say anything dumb. I’m assuming since you’re such a nerd, they’re probably pretty smart for a couple of humans.”
“Runa, they’re going to love you. Just be the amazingly charming woman I fell in love with.” I give her a cheeky grin and she scoffs.
“I’ve been called a lot of things in my life, babe… charming not being one of them.” She quickly falls in step with me as we make our way through the bushes separating our two worlds.
After a few minutes of walking in silence we reach the only bus stop walking distance from the Cafe. Luckily I don’t have to explain too much of how public transit works since Runa was more familiar with the human world than most magicians. And other than the two exceptionally ripe travellers that decided to sit a seat over from us, our ride is supremely uneventful. As we finally approach the stop in front of my parents house, I’m overcome with giddiness. It’s like two complete polar sides of my life were finally merging. Not being able to contain my joy, I audibly squeal as we exit the bus.
“Oh my god. How did I fall in love with such a nerd?” I turn to face Runa prepared to give her back a little lip, but the look on her face was one of pure affection. I feel myself immediately blush as I take her hand in mine. She smiles at me before taking a deep grounding breath.
“Well, it’s now or never.” She let’s out with an exhale as we make our way towards the front door. A part of me was a bit surprised at just how much their house hadn’t changed. I guess since so much in my life had changed, I inexplicably expected theirs to have as well. I can hear the tv as we reach the front step and I laugh. Nat Geo was on. Too perfect. I give Runa one last reassuring smile and swing the door open.
“Mom! Dad!”
Just as expected, Mom was in the kitchen preparing a veritable feast. I could tell she’d been cooking all day by her slightly frazzled appearance, but she still looked amazing. She makes a beeline for us before I can say another word.
“Willem! You’re offspring is here!” She yells towards the direction of the study before bringing me in for a bone breaking hug. “Oh, honey.. We have missed you.”
“Missed you too, Mom.” I left out with a laugh.
“Hey there, Cupcake!”
Dad walks in with a newspaper in one hand and an old mystery novel in the other. One I’ve personally seen him read at least 20 times. When I turn to give him a hug, I catch Runa’s eyes and she looks like she’s about to burst with laughter as she mouths the word “Cupcake?” to me. I narrow my eyes and she chuckles. I look up from Dad’s hug and motion to Runa awkwardly.
“Mom, Dad this… is Runa.” With the smile that reaches my face, it’s pretty transparent how much I love her. Dad and Mom both excitedly make their way over. Shaking her hands, and topped with the ever so awkward hug. My heart swells with the image of them three together. My two worlds colliding.
“Runa, dear. It’s so nice to meet you!” Mom gushes. Runa gives a nervous laugh before Dad claps her on the back in total Dad manner.
“So, Runa! That’s such an interesting name! Runa. Where does it come from?” Runa’s eyes go wide as my Dad waits for an answer. She looks to me before trying her best to answer coherently.
“Uh.. W-well M-mr.. ah-. M-Mr. Wellem.. Uh, sir.”
She pauses and tries to center herself. Taking a long, deep breath, she opens her eyes looking slightly more centred. I look down to find her doing her finger exercises.
“Uh.. So.. Runa was my Great Grandmother’s name, actually. She was the only other one in the family born with pink hair.” My parents eyes go wide at that and Runa immediately realizes her slip up. She pales slightly, swallowing hard as I subconsciously try to figure out how I’m going to explain this. But before I can even respond, both of my parents start laughing.
“Oh, she’s a funny one, Cupcake. You better hold onto her.” Dad waggles his finger at me as he shakes his head.
Runa finally releases the breath she’s been holding, and I let out a nervous laugh.
“Haha - Yeah, Runa here is a regular card.” I playfully clap Runa on the shoulder, pulling her closer.
“Y-yep. Th-that’s me. Ol’ hilarious Runa.”
My parents are still laughing as they lead us towards the dining room. I give Runa a smirk and she rolls her eyes, taking my hand. She stops abruptly though when we reach the armour with all my childhood photographs. My breath catches while I wait to see which photo has caught her eye.
“Oh my gods, babe.. Is this you!?” She holds up a particularly embarrassing picture of me from my 4th grade Science Fair. I groan loudly. “I mean. Of course it’s you! Look at my cute little dork being all nerdy and cute.”
I laugh at her unique choice of affections, and take the picture in my hands. I can’t believe my parents still had this thing framed. My completely out of control hair, white lab coat and over sized goggles made for one of the nerdiest sights to ever exist.
“Uh. Yep. Let’s just put that back where it came from.��
Runa laughs as I quickly put the photo back. I look up to meet her eyes, and her smile has turned so fond that I immediately blush. She leans in for a kiss, which I gladly return. My heart so overwhelmed with joy, I was almost certain it would burst all over my Mom’s hard cooked meal.
“Come on, let’s go before your human food gets too cold to tolerate.”
Runa takes me by the hand and leads me the rest of the way down the hallway and into the dining room. Mom had done such a beautiful job at setting the table that it almost felt as magical as something we would set up at the Cafe. I quickly take a seat across from my parents with Runa seated next to me. I point out all the tasty foods she should try and realize this probably looked a little weird to my parents, but they make no indication as such, so I continue.
“So Runa.. what part of Europe are you from? I’ve been trying to pinpoint your accent, but it’s so unique.” Dad’s question catches us both off guard. Runa’s eyes growing wide as she looks to me. Shit. I had totally forgotten I’d told my parents in my first letter that I was in Europe. This was something neither of us had a prepared answer for.
“Uh, Runa is actually from a town not too far from here, Dad. She just happened to be spending a bit of time in uh.. Belgium.. while I was there.” I spit out the response so quickly, without giving it much thought, hoping it would suffice my Father’s curiosities. He hums in thought before speaking again.
“And how did you like your time in Belgium Runa? How was it there?” I can tell Dad is just trying to be friendly by getting to know her, but I can see the fork shaking in Runa’s hand while she tries to think of an answer.
“Um.. it was nice? Very uh .. Belgium-y? And they had really good… waffles?”
Her answers come out more like a questions as she tries to remember any facts about Belgium. Lucky for us though, Dad doesn’t pry any further and goes back to his roast duck. I can hear Runa release a sharp exhale with a chuckle. Obviously glad to have dogged that bullet. I meet her eyes and mouth the words ’I’m sorry’ which she immediately waves off.
As the dinner goes on, I can’t help but just sit back and watch. When I had first realized my feelings for Runa, I never in my wildest dreams thought she’d be sitting here, in my childhood home, at the dining room table where I used to color, eating a human dinner, with my extraordinarily human parents. The ring Runa gave me sparkling in the dim light. The pink glow bringing me out of my thoughts as it catches my eye. It looked brighter somehow. Warmer. And as I catch Runa’s face, it comes to my attention that the ring was feeding directly off of Runa’s emotions. She was happy. Exceedingly so. She had a family now. And that was all I could ever ask for. I run my finger across the small jewel before trying my best to jump back into the conversation, which had taken an odd turn into laundromats. I laugh, knowing deep down inside that this was everything I could have ever wanted. I was more content than I had ever been, and I had no one but Runa to thank for that.
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gabriellah · 3 years
Helo my name is wellem,Im from brazil🙃
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logi1974 · 4 years
- English -
The imposing Benrath Palace is located in the south of Düsseldorf, twelve kilometers from the city's former gates and not far from the Rhine.
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It´s one of the most beautiful garden castles of the 18th century and one of the most popular sights in Düsseldorf. The pink palace complex with its parks, gardens and facilities is one of the now rare magnificent buildings of the late Rococo.
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Visitors can walk in the footsteps of the nobility on a guided tour of the palace, stroll in the artistically and picturesque gardens or visit the museums of garden art and natural history located there.
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In 1755, at the behest of Elector Karl Theodor of Palatinate, a baroque palace in the Rococo and Classicist styles was built. Construction took 17 years, from 1756 to 1773.
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The architect of the Maison de Plaisance with its spacious gardens was Nicolas de Pigage, the “Director of the Gardens and Water Arts” at the Mannheimer Hof. De Pigage created Benrath Palace from Jan Wellem's former moated castle as a "Maison de plaisance" based on the French model.
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The effort to create an overall composition of architecture, garden art and sculpture is characteristic of the era of the late baroque at the transition to classicism. From the outside it appears to be one storey, but the castle has 80 rooms on four floors. The park grounds, which reflect the architecture of the castle, were later completed.
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Big robes, nobles, mistresses, pleasure and festivities, that's what Schloss Benrath was created for. However, the elector visited his estate only once - in an afternoon.
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After the Wars of Liberation, the hunting and pleasure palace passed into Prussian hands in 1815. Among others, used by Friedrich Wilhelm Ludwig of Prussia, Princess Luise, Karl Anton Fürst von Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen and by Kaiser Wilhelm I.
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In 1911 the castle was bought by the municipality of Benrath and in 1929 it became the property of the city of Düsseldorf. Until 1958 the girls' school "Benrather Schloss-Lyzeum" was housed there.
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In the late 50s, a tourist attraction emerged from the castle, also due to various state visits there. Since 2000, the Benrath Palace and Park Foundation has taken over the management and use of the facility. 
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Films also used the  “Maison de plaisance” as an impressive backdrop for their stories. During the past decades, the castle has also served as a venue for the novels “Effie Briest” by Theodor Fontane and “The Black Swan” by Thomas Mann.
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The most popular park in North Rhine-Westphalia was the Benrather Schlosspark in 2013 by the WDR (West German Broadcasting). And admittedly, North Rhine-Westphalia has some beautiful parks to offer. But the green, floral estate with a total area of ​​around 61 hectares impresses its visitors again and again.
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Nowadays a large part of the castle park is under monument and nature protection. The magnificent gardens, ponds and meadows now house almost 80 species of birds and 300 different kind of beetles.
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On a approximately two-hour exploration tour through the park grounds, you will discover orchard meadows, walk through the hunting garden, explore the fruits of the vegetable gardens and be fascinated by the mirror pond, which is an impressive 470 meters long.
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Rare North American copse characterize the so-called Elector's garden, which was created by outstanding garden artists such as Maximilian Friedrich Weyhe and Peter Joseph Lenné in the 19th century.
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The park is freely accessible and admission is free.
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There are also evening concerts in the idyllic castle park in summer - a particularly popular event is the classic open-air "Festival of Lights". A summer concert in the park at which all visitors have a picnic.
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In any case, this is a special experience. People drag tables, chairs, candlesticks, lanterns, blankets, pillows etc. into the park and listen to classical music followed by fireworks and water-light plays.
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The castle itself can be visited on guided tours with different thematic priorities. Numerous historical furniture, porcelain and paintings are waiting to be admired!
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The Museum of European Garden Art is thematically unique and offers a good overview of 2500 years of garden art in Europe on around 2,000 square meters.
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The Museum für Naturkunde shows the natural history of the Lower Rhine Bay and the Lower Bergisches Land. Here visitors can find out about changes in the course of the Rhine, fishing, fauna and flora.
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huariqueje · 4 years
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St. Martin’s Day in Burgplatz with Jan Wellem Monument  -  Richard Bloos
German 1878-1956
Watercolour, 20 x 29 cm.
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iqbalball123 · 4 years
Acara Kedua: EFTALK “Leadership & Entrepreneurship”
Minggu, 5 Juli 2020 telah dilaksanakan kembali kegiatan LKMM-TD yaitu EFTALK (Engineering Talkshow) yang sebelumnya sempat tertunda karena wabah COVID-19. Acara kali ini diadakan secara daring melalui Google Meet dan yang menjadi pemateri dari acara ini adalah  Bapak Prof. Dr. H. Sutarto Hadi, M. Si., M. Sc. (Rektor Universitas Lambung Mangkurat) dan Bapak M. Wellem Harto, S. Pd., CPC. (Ketua APINDO Kab. Batola).
Topik yang dibahas oleh narasumber dalam acara EFTALK adalah  Leadership dan Entrepreneurship. Walaupun ada kendala (suara sedikit putus-putus karena gangguan jaringan) tidak mengurangi semagat untuk mendengarkan narasumber memberikan materi dan mencatatnya.
setelah acara selesai, catatan dari acara tadi di scan kemudian dikirim ke ketua  kelompok masing-masing  sebagai tugas peserta LKMM-TD dan dari catatan tadi saya menjadi tau bagaimana caranya menjadi pemimpin yang baik dan cara-cara menjadi wirausahawan.
Kesimpulan yang bisa saya ambil adalah pentingnya untuk memanajemen diri baik dalam mengatur waktu, etika dan kejujuran, saya juga mendapat pengetahuan baru tentang “ Kepemimpinan dan Kewirausahaan “. Beliau mengingatkan agar kita bisa bersaing dan mempersiapkan diri dengan dunia kerja yang merupakan kehidupan yang sebenarnya. serta mengingatkan kepada mahasiswa untuk mengasah soft skill dan kemampuan berwirausaha.
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