#waz feeling in the poetry style tonite
stevebabey · 1 year
hey angel! ❤️🔥 what do u think of number 70 from the hundred different kisses prompts? maybe a lil friends to lovers or enemies to lovers scenario w sir stevie <3?
i think maybe genius <3 couldn't do enemies to lovers cos idk how enemies ever accidentally kiss lmao but friends to lovers is forever my jam!!! so here is maybe the most lovesick steve i have ever written - enjoy honey <3! 1k+
Steve’s not entirely sure why he does it.
Okay, that might be a bit of a lie. He knows why he does it — the idea of pressing a sweet kiss to your cheek has been the focus of several chin-in-hand fantasies for months. He’s tracked over a dozen scenarios of it in his mind, a hundred times over.
It’s the perfect non-committal move. One that his nerves could potentially handle to actually go through with. Because see, if it goes wrong, it can all be written off as platonic. He's kissed Robin on the cheek before. Friends can kiss each other on the cheek — especially if it’s as a thank-you, which he has definitely decided is the most natural way to do it, if he ever were to.  
And if goes right...
Well, that’s where Steve’s mind wanders toward most of the time, til he’s aching inside from how lovesick he is. How terribly unfair of the world to make his heart latch onto his closest friend. To make his charisma and flirt fail him when he really needs it; to put you in this elevated untouchable space where Steve feels like he’s not allowed to feel this way. Yet he does, yet it yearns between every rib, til he feels it in every breath.
So, sure he knows why he does it; but honest, he’s not expecting it from himself.
It’s certainly spur of the moment. That’s what Steve blames it on when he blinks, heart thundering in his chest, nerves turned to 11, and his face rivaling the sun in heat.
Because, fuck, when he’d leaned down to press a quick kiss to your cheek in a thank-you — you’d brought by him lunch at work just because you're sweet like that — you had turned. And a kiss aimed for your cheek, instead found your lips.
You blink at him, clearly surprised. Steve can’t blame you, considering he just, albeit accidentally, kissed you full on the lips. In the middle of the Family Video at 1pm on a Friday.
Steve had lent a lot of time to the thought of what it might be like to kiss you, to kiss you properly. And, shit, it was so far from what had just transpired, that shoddy quick kiss that was over as quick as it started.
You blink at him again, licking your lips and Steve can’t help but watch your mouth. His brain taunts him with the knowledge he's technically kissed it now. God, was it possible to have a heart attack this young?
His heart was racing, palms getting clammy and Steve briefly prayed for all those head injuries to strike him in the form of amnesia here and now. For being your best friend, he’s suddenly impossibly unsure of the emotions that shutter across your features.
You clench your fists at your sides, swallow thickly, your eyes shifting about his face... nervously?
His hope both manages to rise and plunge simultaneously and shit, this definitely feels like a heart attack. Pure mortification is clawing through his heart and it’s about to come out his throat in the form of some croaky apology when your hands fly up and settle on either side of his face.
Everything in Steve’s head falls quiet because all at once, your lips are on his and you’re kissing him.
Steve all but melts into your kiss, his eyes fluttering shut as your lips meld against his and you pour all fondness into it. All the mortification in his heart blends away to pure glitter and his heart pumps it, fast and strong, til every limb is buzzing with it.
You’re kissing him, he thinks, dopey and happy. You’re kissing him! he thinks again and the loud brazen thought reignites his frozen hands, which grasp the front of your shirt and tug you evermore closer.
Neither of you move back very far when the kiss breaks, intertwining breaths as you both hover close. Steve swallows, prays that when he opens his eyes he won’t just be back in his bedroom, staring at the ceiling, and pries them open. You’re already watching him, that same nervous expression back on your face.
“That...” You start, still a bit breathy. “That wasn’t just an accident, right?”
Steve chuckles but it comes out a bit strangled, his gaze skirting along every plane of your face. He tries not to quiver under the feeling of your hands on his skin, still cradling his jaw sweetly.
“I mean, technically the first one was,” He admits, leaning closer so his forehead can lean against yours. “But no. God, no, I’ve... I want you.”
It’s so forward, so lacking the suaveness he usually possesses in these moments but Steve doesn’t care if it’s completely raw with emotion. You kissed him and it’s like a perfect key to every feeling he’s been holding back from you.
“And I- I want you to want me.” Steve confesses, his grip on your shirt curling tighter. He manages to unfurls his fist and smooths it out to a tender hand, lets it drift to your face and rests his palm against your cheek. Your eyes are wide, eyes darting frantically as if you’re searching for a hint of insincerity. You aren’t going to find any.
“I didn’t think you—” Your voice cracks around the words, giving away the swell of your emotions. It makes you laugh a bit, quiet and nervous, and you avert your eyes for the next part instinctively. “I didn’t think you saw me that way.”
Steve has to take a moment to gather himself because it feels like a goddamn fracture has gone through his chest.
“Sweetheart,” Steve coos, the pet name slipping off his top as sweet as honey. It melts under your skin like butter in the sun, til you’re gooey inside and wobbly at the knees. You meet his eyes right as his thumb shifts and gingerly traces along your bottom lip. The blood beneath it tingles hot at the attention.
“Please, let me prove how wrong you are.” He utters, voice soft. His nose brushes against yours, the faintest of nuzzles. You think your heart might collapse and you’d let it, if it meant this — this Steve, entirely affectionate and fond in a way you couldn’t ever imagine — was something you got to keep.
You nod, the slightest motion against him. Steve delights, his hazel eyes brighter, his grin wild with elation.
True, it’s not quite what Steve had pictured all those times he imagined getting a chance to kiss you, not even close to one of those romantic locations he’d have preferred and god, he’s in the stupid work vest for Christ’s sake.
It's nothing like he pictured, no, but when he gets to kiss you again, passion so tangible it’s sweet on your lips, Steve decides it’s so entirely better.
join the celebration! (or don't. only if u want, idk im not a cop dude)
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