dankwebofficial · 2 years
Want to play old flash games and animations? Here are a few ways.
Note: links are underlined, all links are to webpages except for the two purple links where noted. These link to directly to file downloads. This isn't an install guide, just a list of resources and the occasional tip. Please use caution. I cannot stress this enough. Flash was killed as it had a lot of security issues and a lot of work to fix. Some of these solutions are still just as dangerous as ever.
TLDR Quick Links: Red links are not secure. Use caution.
Ruffle // Flashplayer Executable (needed to run most of the red or orange things) // Waterfox Classic // Pale Moon // Basilisk* // Danknet Explorer // Standalone Player // Newgrounds Player // Puffin Browser // Windows 7 ISO (for flash security, see below, but also be careful. ISO's are dangerous) // BlueMaxima's Flashpoint (actually has a player which I missed. See my reblog.)
Ruffle is a flash emulator that seeks to run flash with higher security than old flash player. This is much safer than the other ways listed below but for now it doesn't have an amazing range. Basically nothing developed in 2010s is certain to run and much of it doesn't work. But it's a cool project so if you can consider donating to them as that can seriously help speed the development along. This is the only Linux solution.
Classic Browsers
There are a few browsers that still support the flash plugin. Since these use the original flash program, they are far less secure than before so please know the risks. Flash was a poorly-sandboxed monstrosity and that has not changed in the slightest.
First, you'll need to download and install flash player: (note: these links will start downloading immediately) Win Mac
(courtesy of Gaia Online. I'm sure they're also archived somewhere.)
Waterfox Classic
Waterfox is a really good browser that I use on some of my computers. It has a really clean UI. Classic, however is similar to the two below. It is also the only apple friendly option (y'all have gotta stop buying apple products I swear to god you're killing indie devs). Do not try to update Waterfox classic as that will remove flash support.
Pale Moon / Basilisk
These two are more or less the same and are developed by the same team(Basilisk is now developed by a different team). They are forked from an old Firefox repository and are built up to work with modern systems. There are differences between them but those aren't really relevant. Both have flash support. In cases where Waterfox classic hasn't worked, these browsers have worked (like for me).
Update: Pale Moon, as I have recently discovered, has a flash sandboxing tool that you can install that was apparently integrated into the browser. You can still use the tool, but they state it isn't necessary. This means that flash should be a lot more secure than it used to be! Pale Moon is perhaps the best option, though note that it still depends on the original flash application meaning that while running flash in Pale Moon is secure other applications could still take advantage of the flash software.
*basilisk is no longer being developed so no idea how long it will last.Basilisk is now being maintained by a different team but as I understand no major features have been added.
Danknet Explorer
Those of you who follow me have heard me bring this up a few times now. I'm working on a clone of the Pale Moon browser that revives old IE6/7 aesthetic and features. Of course, as a result of being a Pale Moon clone, using their exact code base, DNE runs flash also! So, really, this is the best browser to play flash on >.> I'm want the browser to bolster the indie web community so if you are a webmaster or a frequenter of the indie web, suggest a feature through this google form or do so as an issue on the github repository and I'll try to make it happen!
Honorable Mention: Puffin Browser
Puffin is a really safe solution to flash. As far as I understand it they basically play the flash animation/game on their servers and return the results to you. This makes it safer for you as none of the flash stuff is ever handled on your computer. So why did I only give this an honorable mention? I haven't used it myself so I can't confirm anything about it really and I've heard that this is only available through a subscription service. There may also be other limitations. I don't know what's true but I wanted to give it a mention. I just don't know enough about it so you will have to look into that yourself. It felt wrong to not include it though.
Standalone Players
Flash Standalone Player
Flash had a standalone player mostly for debugging. If you download the SWF file of a game you can open it with the standalone player. I think you need the flash program installed so see above. Keep in mind this is also original flash player so it is just as unsafe as with the classic Browsers. Use at your own risk.
Newgrounds Player
Another standalone player, this one is a little nicer. Probably recommend it more than the official flash one. No certainty on how sandboxed it is.
Final Note
For future proofing, consider downloading and setting up a Windows 7 virtual box and running through that. Action/timing flash games will suffer a lot but at least many games will be playable via the above methods. If you want to get around action/timing game issues consider dual booting an old system or getting an garbage laptop that runs an old windows version. Here's a Windows 7 iso from internet archive.
Windows 7 also has security issues since it's past end of life so use cautiously. Safest bet is just to have it on a completely different system.
All you have to do now is find things to play
Feel free to reblog with anything I've missed
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arrowgriffon · 7 months
You too can become the ultimate anti corporation furry with these simple steps
Download Firefox
Download Waterfox
Download Librewolf
OWO-ify your desktop today!
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virtueisdead · 11 months
time to complain about browsers once again. i was ALMOST somewhat satisfied, until i noticed that waterfox’s flatpak release has a really bugged out video player.
waterfox flatpak cant play videos properly waterfox tarball cant open links from other applications firefox refuses to support any sort of actual custom themeing pale moon cant load most websites every chromium browser refuses custom themeing and is fucking awful in its own special way and has huge privacy problems
there is no fucking winning. there is just NO goddamn winning. there is truly just no good browsers. they all fucking suck and make me mad. i dont even have that high standards i think! the infrastructure to build these things already exists, it was just removed for the sake of performance! im losing my goddamn mind.
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catslopestudios · 1 year
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An original print of a fox made entirely of water is now avaliable for purchase on my Etsy store, which you can find here!
More info under the cut.
You've heard of a fire fox… but have you heard of a water fox?? This print features a fox made of water on top of a simplistic background of bubbles. This piece of work is an original design, digitally painted using Photoshop.
Printed using an inkjet printer on 250gsm Premium Gloss Photo Paper. Dimensions: 148 mm x 210 mm (A5)
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silavut · 1 year
Firefox Tumblr Freezing Issue SOLVED!!!
Finally, after months of on-and-off research, trying to figure out why my FF JavaScript kept hanging and freezing while scrolling on Tumblr, I was able to suss out that it’s one or more of my many useful extensions causing the issues.
Solution: Another Gecko / Mozilla-based browser. Namely Waterfox. Unfortunately it cannot [currently] use any of the ad-blockers, but that’s not super-high priority for me when scrolling on Tumblr. The only extensions I have are the XKit. I mean, how could I not? Thankfully, XKit and Waterfox play nicely together.
So from now on, it looks like I’ll be using Waterfox strictly and exclusively for my Tumblr needs and nothing else.
I can finally once again quickly scroll with ease without hanging or freezing.
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n1cklybear · 2 years
Ok, so I found out about Waterfox, which is a fork of Firefox and Chrome, Firefox, and Opera extensions. Not all Chrome extensions work though, but a good chunk of them did. It syncs with Firefox for everything, and so I will be giving it a try to see if it works with my workflow and make sure the extensions I installed from Chrome (namely Seizafe which I genuinely need and isn't on Firefox) continue to work. I hope so as I don't want to use a Chromium-based browser, but Firefox doesn't have the extensions I need for my safety. So, we'll see how Waterfox works.
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cryptograndeenews · 2 years
10 PC browsers you probably didn't know existed.
In a huge variety of browsers, there are software solutions that are interesting in their own way, but have not gained wide recognition. Despite being little known, they continue to develop, and most importantly, each of them has its own interesting features and functions.
When it comes to browsers for personal computers, Google Chrome, Apple Safari, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Opera immediately come to mind. There is nothing surprising in this: the listed products are among the five most popular web browsers in the world and have a huge army of admirers who sometimes do not even know about the existence of alternative solutions on the market - interesting in their own way and even somewhat original. It is these browsers that are in the shadows that our today's material is dedicated to. All of them are open source and, despite a modest user audience, are actively supported by developers… Detail: https://bitcoingrandee.com/news NEWS
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softcodeon-com · 4 months
6 Best Firefox Alternatives 2024
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In a world dominated by Mozilla Firefox, it's easy to overlook the multitude of alternatives at our fingertips. From the speed and efficiency of Google Chrome to the privacy-centric features of Brave Browser, the possibilities are endless. So why stick to the status quo when you can explore new horizons? Dive into the world of web browsers and discover a whole new way to browse the internet.
Click below for more detail
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dztechs · 1 year
إصلاحات يجب تجربتها عندما لا يقوم Waterfox بتحميل صفحات الويب على Windows
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Waterfox هو متصفح شائع مفتوح المصدر لنظام Windows. ولكن مثل أي متصفح آخر ، فإن له نصيبه من العيوب. أبلغ العديد من المستخدمين أنَّ Waterfox فشل في تحميل صفحات الويب على Windows. هذه المشكلة مُحبطة للغاية ، لكن لحسن الحظ ، يُمكن علاجها. فيما يلي بعض الإصلاحات التي يُمكنك تجربتها عند فشل Waterfox في تحميل صفحات الويب على Windows. تحقق من أفضل متصفحات الويب التي تقوم على التركيز على الخصوصية. Read the full article
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majsterchristian · 2 years
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lottieratworld · 3 months
that "hello google chrome refugees, here are my favorite firefox plugins" that has like 20 different adblockers pisses me off why is it spreading again
literally dont do that just install ublock origin, and if u wanna go the extra mile check out ur browser settings, or use a fork that sets all those browser settings for you like librewolf. installing a hundred adblockers is just going to prevent each and every adblocker from doing their job right and itll make ur browser run like shit, plus it makes you more identifiable and vulnerable to fingerprinting via your specific addon setup. firefox already has many security options built-in as well
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oneknightstand-if · 4 months
Hello, I sent an ask earlier about not being able to access the new content. While I’m not entirely sure why, using my phone ( ios/Safari) brings me to the non-updated version of the game, but with my computer I was able to reach the updated version and now I am able to enjoy the new content! Hope you get well soon!
Yeah, that's because a new browser will automatically use the current code uploaded to the site while some browsers *stares at Chrome* will insist on using the old cached code if you've already played the game on it.
Usually clearing the cache will force the browser to use the new current code, but I had some people still having random old scene files popping up after supposedly clearing their browser's cache. 🤦
I've got Safari for iOS myself and when I boot it up...
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Oh god, what the hell is that?!
The 'Sepia' background is actually a different color on mobile?! On Desktop it's just the same white as the White background only with the blue light wavelengths supposedly removed. All my images with white backgrounds look like %^# like that!
Why is the rose randomly turning gold like that? There's not a single pixel of yellow in that animated png!
Also the script error that makes saving in the game impossible. Can't forget about that.
Well, it looks like I won't be working on Merlin's Guide today after all.
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jettsecret · 7 months
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Okay this is getting a little out of hand.
I messed up my old ubuntu installation and instead of wasting 400 hrs fixing it, I decided I'd try switching to kubuntu and the power that I have now is unmatched.
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nerosdayinanime · 1 year
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vigilante doodle to Never There (CAKE)- giyuu doesnt have fun at the office's friday night outings</3
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mousegirlheart · 1 year
only took like an hour but FINALLY migrated from waterfox to firefox i am FREE
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wetpapert0wel · 1 year
i honestly kinda feel bad for gaiaonline as a website lmao. back in the late 2000s it was Booming. the server lobbies for some of the online stuff were Constantly packed- i think there were like. 2 million users at one point???- & 100k gold used to be a lot of money. now it's pocket change at best & there's an average of 3k people online
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