#wasn't the muppets bought by disney??
sopapilla8 · 11 months
instead of a disney adult i've somehow turned into a muppets adult???
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genericpuff · 8 months
Hold up, Jim Hensen Company? So the potential LO TV show could have Muppets? And it’d be owned by Disney?
JFKDLASFJKLSAF i really wish because that would be hilarious but i think the intent was for it to be fully animated ??? which is just like... why JHC? they're not an animation studio, they're an animatronics and puppetry studio, they don't tend to actually produce original shows (aside from the obvious in-house stuff like the Muppets and Dark Crystal) and a lot of the work they do is supplying animatronics and puppetry to other production studios. Ex. they're actually the ones who designed the animatronics in the upcoming FNAF movie, but the FNAF movie is not a JHC production, they just hired JHC to do the animatronics. even the stuff that's animated in their portfolio wasn't made by JHC, they just provided concept art and designs to the studios that actually animated them. they're not an in-house animation studio so idk why they were the ones who bought the rights for a show that was planned to be entirely animated.
or was WT shopping around for production studios and JHC was the only company willing to pick it up? or maybe they just took the first offer they got?? idfk but it's weird and hilarious lmao
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harleiquina · 11 months
All TV series I've ever seen II
Let's see how many I remember from this time period.
1940 - 1970
1980 - 2000 (this post)
2010 - Now
1983 - V
Aliens have come to Earth but they are nice and willing to help us... or so they say.
Everybody remembers Diana eating rats, the dramatic face reveal of any reptilian, Freddy Krueger beeing a good guy (this time) and I'm sure Stephenie Meyers wish that Reneesme/Jacob had the same level of acceptance than "the child from the stars" (name given in Latinoamerica, don't know if it was also used in the original show) and whats-his-name.
Saw it on TV but we also bought the bootleg DVD because my mom and aunt never saw the ending of the show as kids.
1985 - Amazing Stories
I hardly remember anything (I was too young when it was played on TV) but I do remember beeing traumatized by Christopher Lloyd's severed (and reattached) head.
It was created by Spielberg, some stories land better than other ones. Maybe I should try and rewatch some?
1986 - Sledge Hammer
Is he sexist, violent, gun-lover and conservative AF? Yes... but he's also hilarious! This is satire people! Don't be like the NRA that gave somekind of award to this fictional character because they have the same level of comprehension than a brick.
Saw it on TV but it is also available on Youtube.
1986 - ALF
Alien finds himself on a typical american family house and chaos begins.
Do you live under a rock? Don't you know who ALF is? Just go watch it.
It was on TV when I was growing up, I'm pretty sure you can find it anywhere.
1989 - The Simpsons
I will keep on saying it, we argentineans speak in 3 languages: Spanish, Lunfardo (a Buenos Aires dialect but each province has their own as well) and Simpsons' quotes (latin spanish obviously, everyone agrees that it's the definitive Simpsons). Earlier seasons are better, we all know that... they kind of lose us when the original latin dubbers were replaced (it would seem that Disney brought them back but I hardly watch TV now, so I don't know)
1989 - Eureeka's castle.
I don't remember a THING about it but my family says that I was obsessed. It's a Muppet-style show of a young witch apprentice and her friends.
Upon further looking, it was co-written by R. L. Stine? So I didn't got into Goosebumps as a child but got this... who knows?
1989 - Agatha Christie's Poirot
I haven't watched everything just yet (it's been on for 20 years, people!) but I do like David Suchet's Hercules Poirot (my family disagrees because for them Poirot will always be Peter Ustinov). Hey, at least it's not Albert Finney!
1990 - Caloi en su tinta (Caloi in his own ink - Argentina)
It wasn't a series properly said... it didn't have a story to follow. Caloi was a very important artist in my country (his character Clemente became a staple in our comics just like Mafalda) and he had this TV show where he curated animations of all kinds, from all over the world. I remember seeing a stop-motion version of Barber of Sevilla and I think that I also saw Queen's Innuendo videoclip for the first time in here.
Some stories were funny, others melancholic, elegant or grotesque... but all of them were Art, with a capital A.
1990 - Twin Peaks
I don't understand the hype around this show. The only thing that I though was cool was to have a season and a half to find the killer.
Before someone tells me "you have to think how ground breaking it was in the time it came up" or "it's high end art, open your mind to it" trust me I can do that... it doesn't change the fact that I don't see why so many people like it so much.
I'll grant it a few points for showing us David Duchovny as a trans woman FBI agent that saves the day on the episode she shows up. I did like the character.
1993 - The Nanny
What would happen if instead of María taking care of Von Trapp's children in the Alps, we had a jewish it-girl from Flushing, Queens? That was Fran Drescher's pitch, the rest is history.
I got to confess I usually get bored with sit-coms but this is the only one that I can watch over and over again (and the final episode still brings single tear in my eye). Yeah, the whole plot of Fran trying to get pregnant was dragged for too long, but still it's like 3 or 4 episodes, no biggy (unless my memory fails, it's been a while).
1993 - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
For whatever reason a alien (?) race decided that teenagers are the appropiate warriors so they choose 5 Angel Grove locals to kick Galactic-Witch Rita's ass. Monsters that grow size but still look like rubber suits, the Rangers use spandex but for whatever reason they release sparks when a blade touches them. Still sweet little 4 year old me loved this show.
I checked a few episodes on Youtube not too long ago and I was pleasently surprised by the fact that each monster represented a struggle the Rangers where having on their civilian life... so facing and defeating them actually helped these kids in their ordinary life. A nice message that I completely forgot while self-convincing myself that this show was a lot dumber than I remembered.
Oh! By the way when it was on TV I watched -maybe- up to season 2. When the movie came out I was shocked that Jason, Trini and Zack were not in it.
1993 - The X Files
The most recognizable tune ever, the OG monster-of-the-week format, a skeptic + a believer, some comedy, another bit of drama and , in ocassions, straight-up horror = one of the greatest TV shows ever made.
Regardless what people think I preffer Agent Dogget (there, I said it!!) to Mulder, but of course that sunflower-seed eater, porn aficionado, spooky guy will always be loved either way.
Of course I didn't watched on TV (my mom and aunt had that privilege, I was literally a baby) but I got the whole series on bootleg DVD.
1993 - Frasier
I only watched a few mixed up episodes and I have the first 4 seasons on bootleg DVD but it was my aunt who liked it the most.
A psicologyst with a radio TV show has to live with his dad and his brother visits very often.
You might recognize them as Sideshow Bob and his brother as well.
1994 - Friends
Watched it on cable when I had it, mixed up as usual but still... for whatever reason sitcoms bore me... and this is not the exception. Again, I don't understand the hype.
1995 - Xena: Warrior princess
Ancient Greece, a female warrior... my (probably by the time we got it in Argentina) 6 year-old self loved this show. Until certain fling with Hercules... I didn't liked romance then (or now, but I'm a little more tolerant as an adult) and it ruined the show for me.
Yes, now I see certain undertones that my youngself didn't. I get it. Leave me alone!
1995 - Hercules: The Legendary Journeys
Yeah... I didn't liked Hercules but I watched a few episodes either way. I always liked a good fight on TV.
1996 - Sabrina, the teenage witch
Who didn't wanted to have magical powers growing up becuse of her?
I can't really tell how many season I've watched because, as I said, in Argentina you were lucky if the TV channels bought more than 2 season to repeat on end. Still... I didn't quite liked it as much once she left for collage. Kinda lost its magic *wink, wink*
1996 - Millenium
The year 2000 was upon us and the promise of the end of the world, so Chris Carter decided to play a little bit with it.
Frank Black is a retired agent that has a peculiar way of getting into the mind of the criminals (the audience is the only one that knows that he can see what the criminals see... live) so he is called over an over again to help on different cases.
It ended too soon (got cancelled I believe) but it has its final episode in season 9 of The X Files (if I'm not mistaken). It deals a lot with religion (mostly Christianity) and its a lot darker than Mulder & Scully's adventures (with the exception of that one episode where 4 demons get together in a coffe shop -desguised as old men- and tell their latest works done).
1997 - Meego
I got to be honest with you... I hardly remember anything from this TV show. It was basically ALF but with a human playing an alien instead of a puppet. Still we remember it fondly at home so I guess it was good enough?
1998 - Charmed
Argentina beeing Argentina, I saw a few seasons... maybe... I do remember that I liked more the original 3 sisters.
It's fun... sometimes cheesy... as any tv or film of that time.
1998 - Will & Grace
As I said, sitcoms end up becoming boring and repetitive. But that doesn't take away that sometimes jokes are good... some are very 90, but ah, well...
2000 - Dark Angel
Maybe I saw 2 season on TV but I was obsessed.
Typical supersoldiers experiments developed this superhuman creatures that got tired of beeing an experiment and broke out the facility when they were children, so now as grown ups live in our society. The lead Max (Jessica Alba) has a job as a courrier but every now and then steals, that's how she meets Logan a journalist with vigilante tendencies that needs someone to do the dirty work.
2000 - CSI (later known as Las Vegas)
Have I ever watched a show just to laugh at it? Yes, and it was called CSI, the original (I saw a lot of Miami as well).
I had a few glimpses here and there from this procedural that were the definition of Deus-ex-machina and later I decided to give it a shot just to see if, within this universe, it made sense. And nope.
If one of mom's doctors dissed House for his nearly-impossible diagnosis... I'm pretty sure some forensics did the same with Grissom's team.
Side note I really love Ted Danson, that guy is awesome.
2001 - Law & Order: Criminal Intent.
At first I thought it was a yet another The Brain + Person that explains him like many others... but Goren and Eames are the best detective duo. PERIOD.
You get to see them investigating (so Goren, mostly, doesn't know everything off the bat... he does go to the library, kids) and Eames is not just a blank space for the audience to jump in and have Goren explain everything to her. My favourite moments are when she can add up to his theory by just having the female side of things.
Goren isn't the typical I-only-think kind of detective (like, let's say Poirot) he can -and will- get into dangerous situations when needed.
You have to watch for D'onofrio's performance.
I like Jeff Goldblum as well... but his season was kinda... meh
2002 - Los Simuladores (The Pretenders - Argentina)
What if there was a group of people to solve any kind of situations? And what if this situations are quite basic, borderline stupid, like meeting the in-laws, giving a hard exam at the end of the year and such?
This is it, that's the plot.
This was a huge hit back in the day but it took me a decade (almost) to watch because if you knew argentinean tv and film as I do... you wouldn't believe that there are actually some good ideas burried very very deep in the mud.
2002 - Monk
A detective with OCD is soooo good at his job but cannot be a detective again because of it (it got worse once his wife died in a attack). Fun and wholesome... maybe it did dragged for too long.
And no matter what... we are Sharona stans in this house!
2002 - CSI Miami.
Just like CSI I watched it just to make fun of it (and because in cable they will put all CSIs together in one afternoon so it was easier to compare them).
At least this one didn't take itself too seriously!
2003 - Tru Calling
Med student has a weird ability where dead people can reach her and make her repeat the day to try and save their lives.
It ended too soon on a great cliffhanger that we will never see resolved. Damn it!
2004 - Lost
We all know Lost... it started great... and it ended.
Luckily for me the TV channel where I was watching it stopped after season 4 and I never bothered to try and catch up again.
2004 - House MD
Sherlock Holmes goes to med school and instead of solving crimes, he solves impossible diagnostics.
Gotta give it to Hugh Laurie for beeing a lovable a-hole the whole time.
It did lasted too long for me, I didn't watch the final seasons but I did watched a few mixed up episodes in cable so I kinda know what happens after, lets say... season 4? (the final one I've watched, maybe).
2004 - CSI New York
Same as the others. Just watched for Gary Sinise and Edward Furlong's guest appearence.
2004 - Miss Marple
I was never a fan of Miss Marple in writting... but on TV she is less annoying.
How come she is never suspicious? She's always around when a crime happens!
2005 - Invasion
Does anybody else remembers this TV show set after the Katrina hurricane that, apparently, also uncovered a race of aliens living underwater that have a body-snatching way of taking over the world? It's only 1 season, got cancelled I believe and I watched it on TV at 6 or 7 AM while getting ready to go to school. Ah, old times!
2005 - Mosca & Smith (Argentina)
(Mosca can be translated as "Fly" -the bug- but in this case is the character's Last Name so I'll leave it as it is)
Buddy cop with two overly eccentric characters. A silly comedy with some really in-depth meta humor of argentinean justice system. Some jokes are in poor taste... and I think it got raunchier in it's second season (I didn't watched it because one of the leads was replaced and the 2nd actor didn't had the same punch)
2005 - Bones
A forensic anthropologyst helps the FBI to solve crimes.
This is the BrainTM taken to an extreme. Dr. Temperance Brennan just can't be good at eeeeeverything. This kinda changed as seasons passed but still... who says smart people is always entirely clueless about how to be a normal human? And why so egocentric? (Most truly smart people are usually super-humble because they know that there is a lot more to learn).
In any case, it is fun. Watched on TV (earlier seasons) and continued on bootleg DVD.
2006 - Ugly Betty
The main reason why I didn't listed Betty, la fea in here it's because it is a telenovela (soap opera) everybody in Latinoamérica watched it. Some things are not so good (maybe I'll write about it one day) but overall it had a good story.
Those dubious things got changed in the U.S version... and it changed the whole story. It was easier to create something new than trying to bring people on board using a name that is well beloved to a certain ethnicity... just saying.
2007 - El Hombre que volvió de la muerte (The man that came back from Death -Argentina)
Think of a mash up of The Count of Montecristo and V for Vendetta.
It was a remake of a TV show done in the 60s... 70s? By Narciso Ibañez Menta, a Spanish actor that was naturalized as argentinean and was our very own mix of Boris Karloff (with his love for make up) and Vincent Price (he did a lot of Edgan Allan Poe stories as well). The original story was about Elmer Van Hess, who was subject to different experiments. The lab caughts on fire, he's inside and survives. For whatever reason his organs end up being given to other people so he embarks on a quest to retrieve them.
The remake also had Elmer Van Hess who was a happy fool about to get married, his boss and associates set him up and ends up in prision for fraud. Not happy with that, his boss strikes a deal with a Doctor so Elmer can be his human guinea pig (in order to do so, he asks other inmates to torture him while in prision so his only escape would be to go with the Doctor). He's experimented on as results he gets superhuman strenght and, of course, the chemicals affect his brain turning him into a very dark and blood-lust creature. The lab is set on fire, everybody thinks he died but he comes back 10 years later ready to take revenge on all of them. He was very cruel and his idea of revenge was very Saw-like... but deep down he's still in love with his almost-wife and she's the only one that can sort of ease him in the worst moments.
For an argentinean fiction it was very good.
2008 - Fringe
The X Files but even crazier? You got it.
Mom and I did got lost after season 4... but we still have the bootleg DVDs, it's just that we should start all over again and we don't have a lot of time 😝
2008 - The Mentalist
A guy is so good at reading people that decides to ripp them off saying that he's a medium. He got the wrong guy, this guy kills his family so now it's personal!
Patrick Jane's quirks might be amusing in the early episodes but after a while you, just like everyone else on the show, will want to punch him in the face.
From my little corner of the Earth I scream: Justice for Cho!! He also deserved a happy ending!
2009 - Doll House
A bunch of people got their memories wiped and now they receive other memories (fabricated sometimes) to take on dangerous tasks.
Dubious consent galore... but overall the premise was engaging. It lasted 3 seasons, the third one included a time-jump... the end didn't quite landed for me but... meh! It's entertaining at least.
2009 - Flashfoward
The entire world fainted at the same time. Everybody had visions of the future... so now some things need to be prevented for whatever reason.
Only one season, got cancelled. I don't remember a thing except the tribute to one of Jorge Luis Borges stories (El Jardín de los senderos que se bifurcan/ The garden of paths that bifurcate) and another to David Bowie's song Scary Monsters and Super Creeps. That's all I remember, I swear.
2009 - Modern Family
Sitcom that broke some barriers on what a typical family looks like. It's fun...but yeah, it also bored me.
Note to everybody: not all latinos sound like Sofía Vergara... not even Sofía Vergara sounds like Sofía Vergara the whole time.
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quietwingsinthesky · 1 year
👀 muppets theories?
So, I put this together after watching the second Muppets reboot movie, Muppets Most Wanted, a few years back. Something was bugging me about it, so naturally I rewatched it a few dozen or so times trying to figure out what that was, as well as revisiting the first Muppets reboot movie. None of the others, which you'll understand the importance of in a few moments. This is "The Walter Theory", and my problem? Is this Muppet.
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Take a good long look at his face. Memorize it like you'll have to place it at a line-up later. Not that he'll ever face justice for his crimes.
This is Walter Blagojevich, also known as simply "Walter".
"Walter", if that is his real name, is the main character of the first Muppets movie after their post-Disney acquirement reboot. He's the emotional core of the first movie, you could say, with it all revolving around him and his need to find where he fits in life and sorting out his conflict with his brother "Gary" who is not a Muppet. Gary is a human. Gary is played by Jason Segal.
Here is a picture of Walter and his "brother".
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Now why is this important? Well, you see, after the end of the first Muppets movie, when they've defeated the billionaire oil baron who just bought the Muppets in the movie's universe, it's revealed that everything we just saw? Was fake. A fabrication. A movie.
There was no billionaire oil baron plotting to destroy Muppets studios. The Muppets never broke up but were possibly on some sort of hiatus. And most importantly. Gary? Gary's not real. Gary is Jason Segal. Jason Segal is not Walter's brother. He's never been Walter's brother.
Walter does have a brother, but we'll get to that detail in a moment.
The entire first Muppets movie was a lie, and so we are meant to assume, of course, that the second Muppets movie takes place in reality. Let's take this for granted. If this is true, then why is Walter still there? The reason Walter is there in the first movie is to get the Muppets back together due to his obsession with them. They were the only thing that made him feel normal as a child. (This goes into a separate discussion about how Muppets don't have the same rights as humans in this universe, but we don't have time for that right now.)
That's his backstory in the first movie. The movie where he has a brother. A brother who does not exist. A brother who is Jason Segal.
Why is Walter still here if his past is a lie? And it gets stranger.
Despite being the main character of the first Muppets movie, he has barely any lines in Muppets Most Wanted. He basically contributes nothing to the overall plot. He doesn't have any callbacks to his original struggle or to his lie of a backstory. The most he does is recognize when Kermit is replaced by an evil Russian frog named Constantine who looks exactly like him, unlike all the other Muppets, who have known Kermit for years and are fooled by this clever disguise, Walter knows immediately that something's wrong. But how????
He doesn't know Kermit. At most, they met each other when the first movie was made and have known each other for a year or two on set. He and Kermit are not friends, they're coworkers, so that was my problem basically. What the fuck is this little Muppet man doing in this movie where he so obviously doesn't belong?????
My initial theory was that Walter wasn't real.
Or, more accurately, that Walter was created on the set of the first movie, was played by a fellow Muppet that Kermit knew, and when Walter's Muppet actor left like Jason Segal and Amy Adams did after the first movie was released, Kermit created an imaginary version of Walter in his head. This would explain why Walter doesn't seem to interact with anyone throughout the first half of Muppets Most Wanted except for Kermit the Frog. He's Kermit's imaginary friend there to help him through the stress he's under as he tries to get the Muppets back into the eye of popular culture. This would also explain him knowing immediately that Constantine isn't Kermit, because Constantine wouldn't interact with him like Kermit does.
Unfortunately, upon my sixth viewing of the movie, i knew that this theory had too many holes in it to be useful. It is Walter who incites Fozzie Bear to action to save Kermit from the gulag, and an imaginary friend could do no such thing. (Unless we extended the theory to the idea that every scene with the Muppets where Kermit isn't there is an extended imaginary sequence of what he thinks his friends are up to once he's been replaced. This might explain some of the more fantastical elements the movie gains after Kermit is trapped in the gulag, but I don't think there's enough evidence of Kermit's deteriorating mental state to make this assumption.)
So, my second theory, and one I think might be even more insidious than the first. I think that Walter, under the Disney Corporation, owns the Muppets. This sounds crazy, I know, but hear me out. It'll all make sense once you have the evidence.
1. After the financial failure of Muppets Most Wanted, no third movie was planned. As a result, Walter vanished from the cast of the Muppets for a while in their new rebooted TV show. He makes a brief appearance in the pilot, but never appears again. His next Muppets related appearance isn't interacting with any of the other Muppets. It's in the 4th episode of Muppet Thought of the Week. Link here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ecjtYBjkro8.
2. In this appearance, contrary to his appearance in either movie, Walter is wearing a suit. He will be wearing a suit in most other appearances from now on. He will also be keeping his interactions with other Muppets to a minimum. What he does in this video is very telling for what he will continue to do in the future: he advertises his newly acquired Muppet empire, trying to play himself off as 'just another fan'.
3. From this and another fact from an PBS interview with Walter released in 2012, we can make the hesitant assumption that Walter's backstory is not completely lies. He does have a brother (possibly more than one) but this brother is not "Gary" or Jason Segal. Jason Segal is just his cousin. (That's right, not only does this story contain corporate meddling for a fan's power trip, but NEPOTISM!)
4. Now, if you'll head over to Walter's official Facebook page with me for a minute, you'll notice that there's very few posts interacting with his fellow Muppets, especially in recent times. At most, he mentions having to "pay a fee" to be friends with Miss Piggy. What is on his facebook page, you ask? Ads. Ads for every Muppets show available on Disney+. Ads that Walter continues to market as 'just news from a fellow Muppets fan!' We're onto you, Walter. You can't fool us.
Conclusion: What can we put together from these facts?
Walter is the new owner of the Muppets. He controls what they do and where they go. This is why, in Muppets Most Wanted, despite Kermit's protests, they go on tour in Europe when Walter says that they should. This is why he is constantly pushing for the Muppets brand to grow. This is why he now makes every appearance in a suit and tie, revealing his true TV executive colors. This is why he has to pay Miss Piggy to 'be friends' with her, because she's a professional actress who would want nothing to do with him otherwise. This is why the entire first movie revolves around Walter and his obsession with the Muppets and him joining them. It's a producer's self-insert of the lowest kind. And of course, the nepotism of getting Jason Segal, his cousin, involved in the filming.
And this is why he appears, but has little to no impact, in the second movie. Because he is the owner of the Muppets. And if he wants to be a part of the Muppets, then no one can stop him. He can make however many cameos he wants, and no matter how much Kermit may fight him to keep the integrity of the group alive, Walter will never bow to him.
Walter made the first movie to throw people off his trail, to present a man so obviously evil buying the Muppets that no one would ever pick up on him doing it.
Walter Blagojevich has destroyed the sanctity of the Muppets, and there is nothing anyone can do to stop him.
Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
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pbandjesse · 4 years
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I have been putting off writing for an hour. For no good reason. Just feel a bit overwhelmed and having trouble focusing. But I'm doing it now and that's what matters.
Today was an excellent day. I slept pretty well but getting up was still hard. I woke up at 9 and Jess said I could come whenever so we decided on 10 and I worked on getting dressed. I had to run into the other room to turn on the oven to bake my little clay figures because there wasn't going to be another time. And mom said she would get them out for me while I ran to take a shower.
And so I did that. Got dressed. Felt really good about myself. Wore my new earrings and felt great. And was in the car and on my way by 945.
It was so nice to see Jess. She got me an excellent book. And we had a small laugh because I accidently got her two of the same thing. I had wrapped the one already and forgot about it and bought a second on thinking I lost the first one. Oops. They are plant holders and she wants a 100 plants so not the worst thing to get doubles for.
We did not end up going ice skating. But that was alright. We went out to new town to that restaurant dad took me too. And the wait was very long so we went over to the book store to look around and waste time. But it still took a while.
But it was still excellent food once we got it. And a truely excellent half and half. And it was just really nice being with Jess. We talked about the trips we have coming up and plans and family. Christmas and feeling sad. Financial stuff. How I was the one that taught her I budget but now I'm the one struggling with it. It's something I want to fix this year though. Stop trying to make myself feel better with shopping. It isn't working so I shouldn't do it anymore.
We finished up there and decided to go to the antique store in Bristol. And it was a lot of fun. We learned about insulator collecting. And saw some funny things. We both got interesting cheese graters. A right handed and a left handed. And we got a set of 7 milk glass bowls to split. Very cute. And she got an ashtray in a pretty blue color. Even though she doesn't smoke. And I got a simba stuffed animal I had when I was a kid. Gave me very good feelings to hug.
We left there and went to goodwill. She got an amazing punch bowl. And I got a dress I feel so good in. And we decided to go to the mall after that for a snack.
I also just enjoyed walking around there. We went on a cologne adventure and may have solved a scent mystery I was having. The guy at the Macy's counter even have me a container of coffee beans to smell between scents. Very fancy.
We had a snack. I had pizza and Jess has noodles. She shared the green beans she got with me. And we reminisced about our mall rat days. How we would spend entire days at a mall with our friends. The weird ecosystem of it. How that doesn't exist in the same way anymore. We joked about war flashbacks and how all hot topics smell the same.
And then we went to the Disney store and realized we didnt know the songs or some of the characters that the dolls were and we were bothered! But that's okay.
We went back to her house. Talked with her parents. It was decided I would take her gift and purchase with me because we are staying in her apartment on Christmas eve. Take some stress off of her. And then I headed back to my parents.
I waant there to long. I packed up. Gave hugs. And was on the road by 530.
And it was a really nice drive. I drove all the way to Maryland before I stopped at a taco bell for something to eat. But I should have only gotten 2 tacos. Because I couldn't finish them and felt not. Great. But I was okay. I was back on the road and enjoying my podcast.
Once I got back James met me outside. With a very good hug. And he helped bring all the stuff in that needed to come inside.
I was slightly stressed because he started taking stuff out of the car that didn't need to come out. But it was okay. And the apartment building is all decorated now too and that made me happy.
We worked on unpacking and putting away what we could. Put on some Muppets Christmas Carol.. Unpacked. Repacked. And got in bed to rest.
And now I'm just ready to take a shower. I hope you all have a great night. Sleep well! Tomorrow we go back to my parents to celebrate together! Goodnight!
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xsunnyeclipse · 7 years
Hmm thanks for answering. Honestly I did remember seeing a video talk about that Most Wanted wasn't the most successful. Including I've heard the ABC show is really good. But quite different from other Muppets stuff correct me if I got anything wrong. But also really...just how to word it and be honest. You seem about right on that the last two big things haven't been successful and someone leaving Muppets. Also did Disney always had the rights or I thought they bought them or something
Disney didn’t have the true rights to them til 2004. 
Jim Henson wanted to sell them to Disney around 1990, but when he passed away, the Henson Family and Disney couldn’t come to an agreement at the time. 
But in 2004, they finally sold them off to Disney and they’ve had the rights to them ever since.
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