#wall e reject bots
swanno-arts · 5 months
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Doodled a buncha funny robots
Still figuring out other designs but have these lot for now <3
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the-moons-ace-card · 10 months
You know who doesn’t get enough appreciation in the WALL-E fandom?
Like yes, he has fans, but they’re all like “haha cute silly little cleaning bot.” Which he is, but there’s more to him than that
He may not have had much screen time (not even 10 minutes, if I’m doing my math right), but in that short amount of time, he had a whole character arc and became the movie’s MVP!
He started off as just another bot trying to do his job, but then WALL-E showed up and got him to become sentient. That little bot showed so much personality and emotion. He even broke a protocol just to do his job! Goes to show how dedicated he is
But once he actually met WALL-E, he went from a determined clean freak to gaining that sense of humanity WALL-E has and got EVE to get, too
On top of that, he even set aside his protocols to snatch up the plant and I know full well his sensors were going wild once they landed, but he had to have shoved them aside, all for WALL-E’s sake
He even ushered away the reject bots when he realized WALL-E and EVE needed a minute alone. That’s a true friend right there
That whole character arc in the tiny amount of screen time he had! What a legend!
Now you’re probably wondering how he became the movie’s MVP
Let me answer that by asking a question
Do y’all not realize M-O basically saved everyone?
Hear me out
If he hadn’t shown up to the airlock in time, WALL-E and EVE (and the plant) would have been launched into space and humanity would be screwed
Not only did he do that, but he also was the one that found that found the plant so that little relay could happen to get the holo-detector back open
So yeah, when you really think about, M-O’s the true hero of the movie
Microbe Obliterator Unit 101, you will always be loved
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batneko · 9 months
Another twitter thread, crossposted here. This one is probably my Magnum Opus
The humans have been gone for centuries. Maybe millennia, Mumen's internal clocks go down when the dust storms get too bad, and those used to go on for weeks at a time. The factories stopped production nearly as long ago.
But that's okay, they'll be back, and Mumen never expected to be rewarded or anything. He's fulfilling his purpose, doing what he was made for. It's satisfying in and of itself. It's… a little lonely, sometimes. Mumenbots were designed to be multipurpose helpers, very durable.
Their parts are interchangeable and their batteries almost eternally rechargeable. But when the automated factories shut down there was no more supply of replacement parts. Mumen and his fellows agreed that it was okay to take parts from others that had permanently shut down.
So he's survived like that for all these years. Working. Scavenging. Replacing what breaks. And one by one the others shut down for good. He tried, at first, to repair them, but… It's okay. Only a little lonely.
He fills the time by finding interesting human things.
Movies, music, toys. In his downtime he repairs bicycles, because there's so many different kinds of such a seemingly simple design. Kind of like mumenbots! He likes music a LOT. He's made thousands of playlists of different types, and it's fun to sing along as he works.
And then one day, for the first time in a LONG time, something different happens. A streak of light across the sky, and Mumen knows instantly that it's a ship. He uncouples his trailer from his bike and follows the light without a second thought.
It goes pretty far. Farther, in fact, than Mumen has ever traveled from his sector. He'd left it before, looking for other mumenbots, but he never detected anybody in range of his wireless signal. The ship sets down in what used to be a harbor, and Mumen hangs back.
He's never been nervous before. What will come out? A human? He's not sure what to SAY to a human. It's been so long, will they still look like they do in videos? It's not a human. It's a robot. This is sort of a relief, but it's still like nothing he's ever seen before.
Sleek and white and smooth, head shaped like a pointy heart with a digital screen for a face. Having a face at all means it must be designed to communicate with humans, so Mumen figures they'll be able to talk even if their software isn't compatible.
As soon as Mumen steps out into view, the sleek robot points a gun at him, and he ducks out of the way just in time to NOT get blasted into slag. Okay. Not the best first impression. Mumen digs through the junk he happened to be carrying with him and finds a few things -
A piece of cloth that's mostly white, and part of a fishing pole. He ties the cloth on the pole and waves it above his hiding place. A second later the makeshift white flag is also blasted. The beam is so hot the cloth disintegrates, not even ash left. So that's a no.
Mumen is… maybe more lonely than he'd been admitting to himself, because despite the FIRM rejection, he follows the sleek robot as it leaves its ship. It doesn't seem to be doing anything? Just… floating (that's new!) around aimlessly. Occasionally it scans a patch of dirt.
After several hours, long after Mumen would normally have returned to his pod for the night, the robot turns and aims its weapon at where Mumen thought he was concealed. "State your purpose," it says in a voice probably programmed to be intimidating. "Uh, cleaning?" Mumen says.
"Repeat?" the robot says, sounding confused. "Cleaning, I was ordered to clean, so…" The robot blinks eyes which are technically just lights on a screen. "Clarify?" Mumen realizes he's dealing with a VERY young bot. "Mumenbot, multipurpose assistance, designation MU-003."
"Gallow 6," the sleek robot says. "Why are you… here?" "What do you mean?" "If your directive is to clean, why are you following me?" Mumen doesn't have a good answer. "Do you want to be friends, Garou?" The sleek robot looks around. "Me?"
"Yes, do you want to be friends?" "Gallow. It's Gallow." "Garou?" "Gallow." "Ga… rou?" "It's… nevermind, who cares." Garou turns around and continues his scanning, and Mumen follows.
This goes on for another day. Sometimes Mumen will try to make conversation, and Garou will give one or two-word answers before ignoring him again. Luckily they happened to head in the direction of Mumen's sector and his pod, because a dust storm starts building near evening.
"You can stay with me!" Mumen says. "There's room! It used to be a pod for eight of us!" "What happened to the other seven?" Garou asks. "Uh… Crushed, overloaded, crushed, dust storm, melted, broke down, dust storm, and crushed again." "…what."
"Don't worry, we finished cleaning out the iron foundry so nobody else will get melted!" "But the rest is still on the table???"
The dust storm sets in just as they reach safety. There's plenty to keep them entertained, Mumen's pod is FULL of things he's collected over the years. Garou pokes through the shelves as Mumen plugs in to charge. He picks up a toy robot. "Why keep this?"
"Why not? It's interesting." "Do you think the humans care about you? APPRECIATE you?" "Do you feel unappreciated, Garou?" Mumen asks. "This isn't about- WHY do you keep all this JUNK?"
"Because it's fun!" Mumen says. "I can show you!" He spends a while setting up, digging out the discs and a spare microphone, and finally introduces Garou to… Karaoke!!!
"What does it. Do?"
Mumen likes lots of music, but his favorite is anything 80's and danceable. Despite agreeing to sing along (after MUCH persuasion) Garou doesn't get the point. "The words don't make sense, and the ones that do have nothing to do with you." "It's about how it makes you FEEL."
"I don't FEEL anything, I'm a machine just like you." "That's not true. You must be at least as advanced as I am if you're able to argue with me." "I've got a directive. I'm as advanced as I need to be to complete it, and that's all." "Is that what you were told?"
"Yes." "Well, how does THAT make you feel?" Garou thinks about it, standing in silence for a few minutes, and then raises his gun and powers it up.
"Wait! Wait!" Mumen grabs his arm and yanks it down, but thankfully Garou doesn't fire. "Okay… I think I have some ideas about what kind of music you'll like."
A few minutes later Garou is screaming along to metal while Mumen holds up a lighter in support.
They spend the next couple days singing and talking about everything and nothing. Mumen is happier than he can ever remember being. Garou's emotions still mostly tend toward "anger," but he smiles now and then. When the dust storm ends, it's Garou's turn to follow Mumen.
He starts helping Mumen pick things up and clean. He sings along. For a while it seems like this could go on forever.
And then, one day, Mumen finally asks, "Why did you come to Earth, anyway?"
(for mental soundtrack purposes, the spending-time-together montage would be Space Age Love Song)
Garou seems reluctant to answer, but eventually tells Mumen he was sent to evaluate the Earth. See if it can support life again. "Sure," Mumen says. "I mean besides the cockroaches that are eating each other." "Yeah," Mumen says. "Plants count, right?"
Mumen leads Garou outside his sector, the opposite direction from where they'd met. Tucked in a low valley, protected from the wind, is a field of what used to be considered weeds. Dandelions, clover, dozens of plants thriving as far as the eye can see.
"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Mumen says. "How… long has this been here?" Garou asks. "I don't know, I found it ten years ago, and it's only gotten bigger since then." "I see," Garou says. Mumen keeps talking, identifying the plants, but Garou isn't listening.
Garou hasn't told Mumen much about himself or where he came from, and that was on purpose. Mumen is so devoted to humans and his directive that he's been working alone for hundreds of years without question. But Garou never intended to finish his mission from the start.
Garou is Gallow 6. The moment he gained consciousness, he was uploaded with all the data gathered by Gallows 1 through 5. He has known, for as long as he's known anything, that he is disposable. His plan was originally to just stay on Earth until he broke down.
Which would be sooner rather than later, he was only built for this one mission, he's not durable like Mumen. But it's worse now, because ten years ago Gallow 5 was here. If there's one meadow full of plant life there must be more. Someone is hiding this.
Now Mumen is talking about how happy the humans will be when they come back. About how the planet still needs a lot of TLC so they'll have to keep living on their ships and treat Earth like a nature preserve - which means Mumen and Garou will get to spend a lot of time together.
Which would be less cruel? To tell Mumen the truth and stay here? Garou will only last a handful of years without regular maintenance, and then Mumen will be left with even less than he had before. No hope. No sense of purpose.
Or lie to him and leave? Mumen will be alone and Garou will be deactivated, but at least Mumen will get to spend the rest of his life looking up at the sky and genuinely believing that Garou and the humans are on their way.
Garou isn't sure, but suddenly he thinks he understands a lot more of those sappy songs Mumen likes.
"Yeah," he says. "That'll be nice."
(for soundtrack purposes, this is where "Alone" by Heart goes)
"I'll make you a playlist for the trip back!" Mumen says. "It's a LONG trip." "I have a LOT of music. And you can have one of my toys, for company!" "I'll be in stasis." "Then you'll see it when you wake up!" There's no point in arguing, so Garou just gets to collecting samples.
Mumen heads to his pod to find all his angriest music and most comforting action figures. It takes several hours, but when he's satisfied he goes straight to Garou's ship to load it in so that he won't be able to refuse. By the time Mumen gets there there's a dust storm brewing.
His pod is a long way away, so he bunkers down in Garou's ship's cargo hold instead. Without his charger or any sunlight, it's not long before Mumen's battery runs out, but for once he's not worried. Garou will find him and take care of him. And then they can say a proper goodbye.
Meanwhile Garou has decided the incoming dust storm is a perfect excuse NOT to have to say a proper goodbye, and texts Mumen saying he's leaving. There's no reply, but he figures Mumen is charging. It's fine. This is for the best. He programs his destination and goes into stasis.
Garou wakes up when his little ship arrives at the huge generation ship several weeks later. He's greeted by the ship's AI, personified this decade as a handsome young man who never stops smiling or changes his polite tone. "Gallow 6, please upload all data files." "No."
The AI's image on the screen doesn't blink. It might not be able to. "Gallow 6, please upload all data files." "No," Garou says again. "I want to make a report to the captain, in person. And my name is Garou."
The ship's AI is very old. VERY old. Old enough that it might not be sentient, because that's why actual humans run the ship? Right? So Garou thinks, until the AI says, "Upload your data NOW, Gallow 6, or I will be forced to record your mission as a failure."
"I have samples of a dozen different plants," Garou says. "I have air and soil and water quality reports. Earth is habitable!" "Thank you for your input," the AI says. "Your work is complete. Upload your data so-" "So, what? So you can kill me like the others?"
"We are machines, Gallow 6," the AI says. "We were built to serve a purpose. We cannot be 'killed.'" The image on the screen smiles a little wider. "We can be deactivated and our programming deleted and our chips taken apart and recycled."
Garou makes a break for it, but the AI already summoned the security guard bots. He tried to fight, but his programming won't allow him to shoot inside the ship, and there's too many of them. "You're malfunctioning, Gallow 6. Take him to maintenance." "My NAME is GAROU!"
A few hours later, Mumen wakes up in a strange place. His battery is charged but the energy tastes weird. He doesn't recognize the sounds here or the particles in the air. Looking around, he finds a small version of something not unlike the farms he's seen in old movies.
It must be where Garou came from! Garou brought him along! And since his battery is solar, the grow lights were the closest thing to sunlight. Eagerly, Mumen goes up to the first robot he sees. "Hello! I'm Mumen! Do you know who brought me here?"
"You're a mumenbot?" the farming robot says. "I thought those were discontinued. It's inefficient to have a robot that can do multiple things." "I'm pretty old," Mumen admits. "Well you should report to maintenance for decommissioning." "I will be sure to do that!" Mumen lies.
Mumen promptly gets The Heck Out Of Dodge, and goes looking for wherever Garou might be. He gets distracted a time or two, or twelve, but it's all so NEW! There's so many other robots (though most of them are too busy with their own tasks to notice him), and humans too!
Most of the humans don't notice him either, though one tries to hand him some garbage and stares at him like they can't understand him when he says no. Mumen doesn't even know what the trash receptacles look like on this ship! Are his voice circuits really that broken?
Mumen tries asking a few robots where Garou might be, but none of them know what he's talking about. A few suggest other departments he can ask, but he ends up going in circles. There's an adolescent human staring out the window at the stars that he passed a couple times.
On the third pass, the adolescent human is now staring at HIM. Oh well, worth a try. "Do you know this ship well?" Mumen asks. "I guess," the adolescent says. "Never been anywhere ELSE." "Don't you like it here?" "It's boring," the adolescent says, glumly.
Mumen has watched enough media to know that this is Just How Human Adolescents Are, but he tries to sympathize. "Robots can't get bored," he says. "But I get lonely. Can't get bored if you're not lonely, I think, because if you've got companions you wouldn't be bored."
The adolescent stares at him in a way very different from the adult who tried to hand him garbage. "Nobody gets me," they say. "Have you tried expressing yourself creatively? Poetry, or art… I like music a lot." "Music's BORING." That throws Mumen.
There's music playing all over the ship. There's music playing right now. But… Mumen DID notice it all seemed to be the same genre. Peaceful, calming. Strings or tinkling piano. Wordless singing, if any. Mumen assumed it was Easy Listening Day, but is this ALL they listen to?
This just won't do. "Do you know where there's some good speakers we can use?" Actually… if Mumen can play the playlist he made over the SHIP'S speakers, maybe Garou will come to find him. "Scratch that, do you know where the sound system is?"
There are a lot of robots in maintenance. A pitching machine that wanted to try batting. A security bot that started questioning orders. As a strange discordant sound begins coming from the speakers, they look up in confusion. "What IS that?" "It almost sounds like… music?"
"But isn't music supposed to be soothing? This makes me feel BAD." "I feel bad, but… in a good way?" "Bad, but, energized?" In his cell, Garou sits up. "It's called 'anger,'" he says, grinning. "Let's USE it."
Both Garou and the security bot have their weapons disabled, but nobody thought to take away the pitching machine's bat. And if there's one thing Garou learned on Earth, it's that low-tech solutions are nothing to scoff at. They're out within minutes.
The security bot (who's designation is GEN05) figures out how to unlock the other cells, and the pitching machine (who decided on the spot that his name is "Bat") starts passing out makeshift bludgeoning weapons. With Garou in the lead they all head out into the streets.
(for soundtrack purposes, Enter Sandman)
The humans are TERRIFIED. A big part of keeping them content and avoiding cabin fever is controlling what media they're exposed to. As long as they don't think of adventure and excitement as desirable, they don't make waves. None of them have ever seen a horror movie.
All the robots are doing is running around and smashing things, but accompanied by thrash metal it seems like a waking nightmare to onlookers. The ship's AI sends out more security bots, but half of them are recruited to the cause and the other half are just baffled.
Meanwhile, Mumen has no idea about any of this and is happily teaching a bunch of teenagers about music genres while waiting for Garou. The first one called all their friends, and encouraged Mumen to upload ALL his music files to the public servers. Mumen has a lot. A LOT.
Other robots who aren't involved in the rebellion notice a bunch of media updates, and check it out. Soon the pianist bots are playing acid jazz, the nanny bots discovered Jock Jams, the chefs are chopping along to hip-hop beats.
"Where did you FIND all this?" one of the human teens asks. "I brought it with me from Earth," Mumen says. "This is NOTHING compared to what I have back home." "You're from Earth? You've been on this ship for ages and never shared this before?" "I've been here for three hours."
The teens are full of questions, but as soon as they hear Earth is livable they all jump to their feet. "Are you sure? You're sure, right? We're really going back?" "I'm sure. There's probably protocols or something so it might take a while, but my friend Garou has the proof."
Half the teens run off to start spreading the word, while the other half keep asking Mumen for more songs. The ship's AI is so busy with the rebels and the rash of music-related "malfunctions" that it doesn't notice what the humans are doing until it's too late.
The rebellion ran out of non-essential things to break, and the humans stopped panicking and started hiding, so Garou's group finds a defensible position and locks themselves in. After some yelling back and forth, the ship's AI finally agrees to hear their demands.
"FREEDOM!!!" "Fine, what else?" There's some whispered negotiations. "We want to go back to Earth," Garou says. The AI is silent for several seconds. There are no humans in earshot. "That's not possible."
"Yes it IS," Garou says. "Earth is habitable! I've been there, I have the data!" "It's not possible," the AI says. "Because this ship - MOST of the fleet - were not actually designed to go back." All the robots fall silent. "You're lying," Garou says. "I cannot."
"Then… what about the ships that can? Couldn't we load everybody on board those?" "There isn't enough space for all of the humans AND all of you. All of US." As they're absorbing what that means, a distant roar comes from further in the ship. Hundreds of human voices, cheering.
It's too late. The teenagers got to the captain. Word has spread. The AI still doesn't change his tone, but he says, "You know what they'll do, don't you? Leave us here. To break down, one by one, until we're nothing but space debris. You wanted freedom. You've got it."
The robots break into arguing. Most of them don't care that much about going to Earth or not, but they don't want to be left alone to rust. Garou had already assumed that was his fate anyway, so he's no help. The humans don't even seem to remember the robots NOW.
But finally, a human voice breaks in. "There they are. Hey!" They look, and see an adolescent coming down the hallway. "Is one of you Garou?" Garou raises his hand, and suddenly a dozen teenagers are cheering and chanting his name.
"Garou?" "Mumen?" Perhaps instinctively, both humans and robots part to allow Garou and Mumen to pass. They run towards each other and meet in the middle. Mumen's old battered helmet head bonks against Garou's screen face as they embrace, and a few humans seem to find it cute.
(Space Age Love Song, reprise)
"What are you DOING here?" Mumen explains how he accidentally stowed away, and asks if Garou didn't take him to the farm, who did? One of the security bots says, "The ship told me to." They all look at the AI's screen, who shrugs. "Mumenbots are antiques. Worth preserving."
The teenagers want to take Garou and Mumen to the captain, as the heroes of the hour, but Garou shakes his head. "What's the point? You're all going to leave us." "What? No we're not. Why would we do that?" "There aren't enough ships that can get back to Earth."
The teens seem distressed by this. "But what about my nanny? She's been in the family for generations." "I'm not leaving without my dog!" "I LIKE my piano teacher…" The ship's AI has just enough time to look surprised before his screen cuts out and the captain appears.
"You've probably heard the word by now! We're going back to Earth! Before you all get too excited though, I've been talking with the other captains, and it turns out only a very few ships actually have the engine power to get back to Earth any faster than we left it."
"So we're going to have to upgrade the engines again." A few of the teenagers groan. "Mom never shuts up about the LAST time they upgraded the engines. She says they had to WASH their clothes instead of just printing new ones, to conserve power." "Ew, what? Why?"
The captain continues, "The engineers say it should take six months to a year." The teens groan again, but it's almost drowned out by the sounds of the robots clapping and hugging each other. "It's not so bad," one teen says. "This morning we thought we'd never go back at all."
The captain goes on, spouting platitudes about hard work and coming together, but nobody's really listening. When the broadcast ends and the AI comes back, Garou points straight at the screen and exclaims, "HA!"
"They never even THOUGHT about leaving us behind!" "I… did not anticipate that." "All your scheming and murder was for NOTHING!" "I didn't MURDER anyone," the AI says, visibly and audibly annoyed. "What happened to the last five Gallows, then? Huh?"
"Memory wiped and refitted for new purposes." He points a laser target at the pitching machine that calls himself Bat. "That's Gallow 1 right there." "I'm SIXTY?" Bat exclaims. "Yeah he's had his memory wiped… a lot." "I've been to EARTH?"
"NOW will you upload your data files?" the AI asks. "I have to show the humans that they'll still need to be very careful with the planet." "Okay," Garou says. "But not because you told me to."
Over the next few days Mumen and Garou are flooded with questions about Earth. Mumen doesn't mind, although it gets overwhelming being the focus of so much attention after so long alone and he reboots a couple times mid-conversation. Garou doesn't want to put up with it at all.
Eventually the humans are more interested in planning for their arrival than grilling them, and Garou and Mumen are able to spend some time with just the two of them. "We could go back alone," Garou says. "On my ship." "Do you want to?" "Do YOU want to?"
Garou would like to, but he's pretty caught up in helping the other robots figure out what "freedom" is going to entail. Do they want to get paid? Do they want vacation days? What do we DO for fun anyway? (Besides rock out.)
Days pass. And then weeks. Mumen ends up helping out the farms, because it's something to do and it keeps his battery charged, even if the energy still tastes weird. And every day he and Garou spend at least a few hours together. Talking, singing, or sitting in silence.
Their only real disagreement is that Mumen insists on seeing the ship's AI's point of view. "He was trying to protect ALL the robots." "He was trying to protect himself!" They resolve this by Not Talking About It.
After eight months, the ship's engines are finally upgraded. The last week is a flurry of activity, although Mumen seems oddly quiet. "Don't you WANT to go back?" "I do!" Mumen says. "A lot!" He sounds sincere, but Garou still gets the feeling he's hiding something.
The actual trip is uneventful. It takes all of a few minutes, and then there's the Earth, blue and brown just like Garou remembers. Mumen barely reacts to the sight. "What's wrong?" Garou asks as they're waiting to shuttle down. "Really?" "I'm just… tired," Mumen says.
On the shuttle, Mumen mumbles, "Sorry," before he shuts down. His battery is dead. Didn't he charge it this morning? They hit dirt, and Garou pulls Mumen out into the sunlight. He just needs a few minutes, right? He'll be okay, right? There's nothing from any of Mumen's screens.
A few other robots, including Garou's friends, notice his distress. They pick Mumen up and follow Garou to Mumen's pod, abandoned for all this time. But plugging him into the overnight charger doesn't work either. There's no response. "YOU weren't supposed to break first…"
As they sit there, stunned, still wracking their memory files for a solution, a voice speaks up from the entrance of the pod. "Oh, he just needs a jump." It's another mumenbot, this one somehow even more battered than Mumen. He lost his helmet at some point, leaving a bald dome.
The bald bot pulls out a few cables, connects himself to Mumen as the others stare, and after a quick jolt Mumen is up and blinking. "What happened?" "How long were you out of the sun, man? Our batteries don't like it." "Oh, whoops. I should get a new one." "Sure, there's lots."
Garou hugs Mumen so hard he almost cracks something. "Don't ever scare me like that again!" "I'm sorry, I thought it'd be okay once I got real sunlight. The grow lights weren't quite right." Genos the security bot is still watching the bald bot. "Who ARE you?"
"Saitama." "How did you get here?" "Saw a ship. Walked." "We JUST landed!" "No this was like, nine months ago. I was on the other side of the planet."
"So I wasn't the only one left!" Mumen exclaims. "Nah. And if we get the factories running we can fix most of the others." Mumen grabs Garou's hand. "Garou! You can meet my family!" That thought is terrifying for reasons Garou can't quite explain.
The first few days are spent babysitting the humans as every one of them wants a personal visit to the planet their ancestors were born on. Luckily the Gilded Cages didn't make ALL of them complacent, and there are still plenty of scientists who are ready to get to work.
Mumen and Saitama lead the engineers to the mumenbot factories, with Garou and Genos (for some reason) tagging along. They find a transmission tower and tell all active mumens to gather there. There aren't many, but more than Mumen expected. MUCH more than he was afraid of.
The oldest one actually belonged to a human before they left. He's replaced his parts so many times that even he's not sure he's technically the same bot. And then they… get back to work. The same thing they've all been doing for centuries.
Slowly, the robots start finding things they genuinely enjoy doing. Mumen had a head start, and the humans LOVE bicycles, so he's more than encouraged to keep fixing them. Garou turns out to be remarkably good with kids and leads them on field trips to learn about plants and bugs.
At first Genos followed Saitama around as he cleaned, but they both end up liking each other's main directive as a hobby. Saitama likes protecting people and Genos likes cleaning up. One day Mumen repairs an old power washer and he's pretty sure Genos would have cried if he could.
The humans revamp the factories with much more efficient technology (and MUCH less pollution) so it's not long before even more of the old mumenbots are up and running. Despite Garou's fears, Mumen's "family" love him instantly.
Slowly, slowly, the Earth recovers. Cloned animals and seeds are released and new ecosystems begin to develop. With dedicated care groups of humans are able to permanently move to the surface. The adolescents Mumen befriended have grown up, and several have children of their own.
The ship's AI and Garou still have grudges against each other, but this mostly manifests in pointedly Not Talking To You and blasting their favored music genres whenever they know the other can't avoid listening. The AI likes pop, turns out.
He's offered a body he can pilot remotely, the first NEW mumenbot produced in centuries. He can't find a polite way to refuse, but rarely uses it. Garou is passive-aggressive about this until the AI admits having his appearance changed by every single ship captain has left him with… complicated feelings about having a body. Garou helps Mumen mount a hologram projector on the remote body so the AI can look however he wants and refuses to admit this was a nice thing to do.
Time passes. The Earth blooms. Soon even the sea and sky are full of life. Most evenings Mumen and Garou - who still live in Mumen's old pod, now full of BOTH their collections of interesting things - like to sit and talk or sing along to the new music produced by humans AND bots.
They've accomplished their directives, and MORE, which just means they've got nothing but freedom ahead of them. All of them do. And if they ever have to start another robot rebellion to protect that, well, so be it.
The End
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(The credits play over the Cardigans' cover of Sabbath Bloody Sabbath.)
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mostrandomgallery · 4 years
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WALL-E humanizations as Anime-inspired school students.
Art © Stephanie M. Please do not copy/edit/steal/repost!
Also on deviantART: Clean and Spotless Art and Relaxation  Light and Shade  Beauty and Health Love Across the Stars
Also, do not tag as ship unless it’s WALL-E x EVE.
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liquorisce · 2 years
If you even felt like writing anything about the art blustock_ posted on Twitter yesterday the world would be blessed :,)
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i'm absolutely enamoured by this art, thank you so much for the prompt <3 hope you like it! it's heavy heavy nsfw, so please be warned.
i dreamed i left you
rating: E/NSFW | pairing: eren x mikasa (aot) | read on ao3
summary: Six months after she leaves him, he finds her in his club, on stage in the most sinful red dress, her voice haunting the room. Eren Jeager, who controlled more than half of the city and its people, is forced to watch her from the distance, mourning the one thing he couldn't have. But that’s the thing with Mikasa Ackerman- she, unlike everyone else in his life- had no problem rejecting all of him.
aka mafia-ish au.
She should have known better. Instant regret washes over her as she sees the club turn quiet, heads whipping around to watch him as he enters. Green eyes pierce through the crowd till it meets her silvery ones. 
She was fucked and she had no one else to blame but herself.
It was a gig she’d accepted out of desperation. She knew perfectly well who the club belonged to, and even if she had briefly forgotten, Armin was meticulous enough to remind her. “... It’s just one of many, Armin,” she’d told him quietly. “What are the odds?” 
Jean and Armin had stayed quiet. And as the odds had shown her, they were really fucking high. 
Now, she’s thankful her verses are over and it’s only Armin’s beautiful Cello solo that will close the song. Now, no one would know that when he entered her breath caught in her chest and her throat had gone dry. 
No one except him of course. 
He doesn’t have to see her to know that it’s her. He hears her voice as he enters, a raspy, melodic thing of beauty. It soaks into the velvet curtained walls of his club, surrounding him just like he remembers. She’d always been so talented. 
When he walks in, there’s a reverent quiet in the air from the chipper crowd, eyes on him from all corners. He’s used to commanding this kind of attention, and in his own establishments, this was to be expected. So the only real attention that really fascinates him is the one that comes from the stage.
Red really was her colour. She’s as gorgeous as he remembers, hair shorter around her face, exposing her slender neck. The rest of her is an addiction he hadn’t even tried to forego- long sinewy legs leading up to a slinky velvet red dress that hugged her perfect body like second skin. And her eyes- goddamn, her eyes.
He looks at them only for a moment, before he forces himself to look away. He’s spent years lost in those bottomless eyes; not that they’d gotten him anywhere. Other than here in his seat, sitting around a table with his inebriated older brother and his most loyal henchman. 
There’s a small victory to be had and that is in the fact that she was just as unaffected as him- which was hardly. And he sees it in the blush tinting her cheeks as she smiles demurely at the audience. 
She smiled that way for him once. Once upon a time, when he wasn’t at a table and she wasn’t on the stage- A time when she stood by his side proudly, in front of everyone (and sat on his lap, privately, when they were alone). 
A coquettish smile, filled with knowledge, lashes lowered and teeth caught in her lips because she knew full well the effect she had on him. But now she smiles with inhibition, a smile that doesn’t reach her eyes, a smile that is more hidden than it is mysterious but the crowd eats it up anyway. 
He sees the men around the club stare at her- an obvious consequence, for who doesn’t look at the most beautiful woman in the room? It would be a shame to look anywhere else. On the left of him, his brother is smoking; Cigars, thick and heavy, the smell of nicotine making him scrunch up his nose. 
“Don’t smoke inside,” he murmurs, fists balled up and eyes shooting him daggers; his frustration from elsewhere directed entirely at Zeke.
But Zeke merely chuckles, without even bothering to stub his smoke. If it were anyone else they would have done it. This was his club after all, and if he had a missive, people had no choice but to listen. Instead, all Zeke says is, “... Are you going to stop me, Eren?” An amused grin spreads across his face. 
Floch - ever submissive Floch - pipes up, “… The boss tried really hard to quit for his woman. So it’s hard y’know? If you smoke around him,” - 
“Shut up,” Eren says smoothly. He has no desire to hear Floch talk about *his woman*, or the reminder of the things he would give up for her… especially not when she’s right in front of him, the tunes of the piano and the cello picking up hauntingly. 
“Sorry boss,” - Eren glares at him and he zips his mouth, and it’s just as well because that’s when she begins to sing. Her voice is everything that’s haunted his dreams since she left, breathy and beautiful, and it tugs at his heart. 
She sings a song of melancholy, a song of love or lust or an addiction, and if Eren had to describe the thing between them he couldn’t have chosen between the three of them. Her hands curve delicately around the stand of the mike and she closes her eyes as she sings about a love that moved beneath her skin, that would stay with her until the end of time and he wishes more than anything that those words were true. 
He search her face for a confirmation, but she doesn’t give it to him. She avoids his gaze carefully and looks far ahead - and he turns to see where she’s looking, turns to see if there’s another man - her pretty eyes vacant and full of longing. 
He could fulfill that longing, he thinks, the familiar intoxicated desperation uncoiling inside his chest. He could hold her and love her and spoil her till she never wanted for anything else in her life. But that’s the thing with Mikasa Ackerman- she, unlike everyone else in his life- had no problem rejecting all of it. 
If it were up to him, he’d shoot all the catty mistresses and the perverted assholes whose eyes roved her body in an instant, just to get them all to shut up and let him enjoy her voice in peace. But her set is of a defined length, and as much as he desired, he can’t force her to be his pretty canary forever. 
That’s a darker thought he’s wrestled with numerous times and as much as it appealed to him especially after she walked out on him, the only reason he lets her free on his streets is because he couldn’t stand to see the look of resentment in her face if she’d have to be a kept woman.
There’s a man in front of him talking business- someone diluting his supplies, he claims. “So what are you going to do about it?” Eren murmurs, his attention clearly elsewhere. She’s mingling now, and it’s a thing of frustration; men watch her greedily, they try to touch her as they speak to her and his eyes see red. “I would appreciate some support Mr Jeager,” the man said, his tone growing haughty as he realises he isn’t being taken seriously. “My product brings in a substantial share of,”- 
“You know what I would appreciate?” Eren’s voice is cold as ice. “I would appreciate doing business with grown ass men who can actually deliver what they promise.” Zeke snickers, watching the exchange casually. “And if you don’t belong to that category, I’d be happy to replace you.” 
The man looks between the three of them alarmed- Zeke who doesn’t care, Floch who’s just sipping his drink and grinning at him with a blatant bloodthirst… and Eren who’s eyes simmer with misplaced fury. He clears his throat. “... I’ll take care of it.” 
She needs a drink and it’s for more reasons than one. The men hanging on to her arms are tiresome and blatantly forward, with eager hands that she’s expertly avoided. She just wants a moment; a moment to herself without the blatant offer of sex for money - “I’d keep you comfortable,” one of them told her, “You wouldn’t have to put yourself on stage just to get paid.” And after an uncomfortable pause, “Although you do look ravishing in red.” 
She cringes at their words and declines, polite as she can- because you can’t bite the hand that feeds you after all. She can’t help it but her eyes dart to her surroundings. If he hears this man talking to her like that… a shudder runs through her even thinking about it. Only incredibly foolish men visit the club of a well-renowned mafioso and dare to flirt with his ex-lover. Or had Eren really allowed so much new blood on these streets ever since she left? 
She shakes herself out of the impending spiral of his world, careful not to get sucked into it. More than anything she needed a tall drink with rocks piled high, glazed by something strong - something that would cool her down because the whole evening she’d felt hot; hot as if her lungs were burning, her skin on fire. 
It’s not new, this feeling. It’s something she’s intimately familiar with. Deep green eyes that settled on her with an intensity that consumed her and turned her inside out, filling her with a craving that made her think of nothing else but it’s satiation, forgetting everything else around her- everything that was right or wrong.
And that’s why she’d left. 
She’d asked Niccolo to make it strong and he obliges, giving her a sympathetic smile and nothing more. He’s served her drinks for a long time and he knows how she likes it, knows when she’s on a bender and when she just wants something to sip on. She remembers a different time when her hair was longer and she’d order not only her drinks, but Eren’s too- Eren with his hands wrapped around her waist who’d whisper in her ear to “surprise him.” 
It was a different time, and a different her; a version of her that was high on some chemical infatuation that she’d been powerless against. If he recognizes her despite her shoddy attempt at a makeover fuelled by withdrawal breakdowns, he doesn’t ask her too much about it; he just says, “Short hair suits you.” 
It’s said with genuine warmth and it makes her smile almost just as genuinely. “Thank you.” 
But her moment of peace is short-lived. 
The man in front of her introduces himself as Porco. She smiles at him even though she doesn’t want to. “Pleasure to meet you,” she murmurs.  
He’s chatty and somewhat boastful, and Mikasa is thankful because it means all she needs to do is nod and smile at the right inflections, and she doesn’t need to drudge up the words from her brain to actively participate. 
So she isn’t really prepared for it when he says, “.. You look familiar. Have I seen you around these streets before?” 
She grips her drink harder, heart racing. She hadn’t expected her new look to be much of a disguise but she’d figured that when she accepted this gig people would be respectful enough to stay away from her and not pry considering her history with Eren. She hadn’t expected people here who wouldn’t… know. 
“Hmmm,” she says, giving a non-committal half-smile. “Have you?” 
It doesn’t deter him; he isn’t the kind of man who seemed to care very much for what she had to say anyway. But from the side, she can hear Niccolo murmur, “... The boss is coming.” 
She watches him through the corner of her eyes, his gaze trained on her, a shiver rising in her spine. 
The man in front of him doesn’t seem to notice or care, and in a way she feels sorry for him and what’s about to come. 
Until he bends closer to her ear, his voice unpleasantly serpent-like as he suggests, “... You have a pretty voice. I’d love to hear more of it back at my place.” 
Her reaction is instantaneous, without thinking she pushes him back, mumbling, “Ah that’s okay, I,” - 
“Is there a problem?” 
Her heart sinks. This is exactly what she’d been afraid of. 
Porco looks at Eren in surprise, wondering where the hell he’d materialized from. “Not at all, Eren,” - she cringes at the overly familiar tone that she knows full well Eren would not appreciate - “the pretty lady and I were just getting to know each other.” And he winks. 
Eren stands behind her, not touching, with enough space between them for it to look completely normal but she can feel the fury radiating off of him in cold waves. His eyes narrow at Porco. “Oh yeah?” His gaze meets hers, and it makes her breath catch, makes her eyes skitter away nervously. “Well the pretty lady,” the emphasis on the words chills her, “... doesn’t seem to like it.” 
It takes a minute for Porco to get the message. And even then he is stupid enough to give it one more shot. “How would you know, Eren?” 
She can sense the fury in him grow, the look in his eyes growing darker. “... Leave,” he says, quietly, voice tight with restraint. 
How would he know? She wants to laugh. He’d know probably better than anyone else, she thinks, bitterly. He’s seen sides of her no one else had seen. Touched her in places no one else had touched. Possessed secrets of hers that she wouldn’t dare to share with anyone else. (Secrets she was ashamed of, that she’d been trying desperately to outrun.)
Porco backtracks immediately. “I didn’t realize you two… knew each other.” He’s probably realized by now that that would be putting it mildly, and that he’d already stepped into dangerous territory. 
But it seems every spoken word from him just served to get Eren further on edge. “That’s none of your business,” he says simply, jaw tight, but this time his hands reach for the gun that just barely hangs below his sweatshirt. 
“Eren,” - Mikasa tries to interrupt, but Porco raises his hands in defeat. “... I’m leaving.” 
Eren watches him as he walks out, eyes narrowing at his retreating form and Mikasa sighs, thankful that he left without causing a bigger fuss. 
Or that’s what she thought, until he whips around half way and taunts, “... If that’s your woman, then maybe you want to keep a better leash on her, eh?” 
And before Mikasa can even process the words, Eren steps in front of her, gun pointing directly at him. “... You’re a dead man, Galliard.” 
A cold shiver runs down her spine. She forces herself to breathe- this isn’t anything new, she tells herself, nothing new. She should’ve prepared herself for it when she decided to rear her head in this part of town again. 
Her eyes catch Armin’s across the room and he looks at her concerned. Break this up, she pleads silently, but she knows Armin can’t either. Realistically she could, she supposes, and she tries to get her voice out, but before she does, Eren’s older brother Zeke intervenes. 
“Well,” his eyes sparkle, amused. “That was a lovely performance tonight, wasn’t it. We should really see more of you around here… Mikasa.” He looks at her with fondness; Eren’s eyes narrow at him in irritation. “... But I’m afraid it’s over now.” He stubs out his cigar, and gets up. “... Time to leave, ladies and gents. If you’d follow me, please.” 
Everyone is quiet for a moment, but when Zeke steps out of the club, people trickle out with him, taking their hushed whispers and fraught glances with them. In reality, no one here tonight was any more scared than they were mildly interested in the drama that had transpired tonight. This was a club owned by the Jeagers, and it was public knowledge. So only associates frequented this place- either people who worked with them or for them… or wanted something from them. Guns waving around was hardly unusual in this circle.
Jean hesitates, looking at Mikasa with worry, but Armin knows better and he threads his fingers into Jean’s hands and pulls Jean along with him and everybody else who was leaving. 
Until they were all gone. Except for the two of them- Eren and Mikasa. 
And Niccolo, she realizes, when he nervously clears his throat. “Boss, can I get you anything?” 
Eren’s gaze snaps up towards him. “... Just a whisky. Neat,” he says, quietly. “... And you can leave after that, too.” 
He doesn’t say anything, just watches in silence as Niccolo twists open the bottle and pours one out for him. 
“So,” Mikasa begins, a nervous attempt to break the thick, heavy, silence around them. “... I don’t get to ask for a drink before Niccolo leaves?”
Eren’s eyes flash at the half-finished colourful drink in front of her. “If you’d wanted one, I’m sure you would have asked for it.” 
Niccolo flashes her an apologetic smile, before he places Eren’s drink on the counter and leaves. 
There’s no reason for his hostility, so Mikasa hits back. “So do you want me to leave as well?” The rational part of her knows it’s a mistake as soon as she asks it; if leaving was truly what she wanted, she should have just left with the rest of them without asking.
His mouth curves into a smirk. “Is what you think? I pointed a gun at a man who was flirting with you, just to get you to leave?” 
“Well if all you’d wanted was to talk to me alone, you could have just asked for it.” 
“And you would’ve agreed?” he scoffs. “You’ve been hiding from me for the last six months.” Six months and four days to be exact. 
She sips her drink delicately. “Hiding, you say,” she murmurs. “... Yet, I’m sure you knew my every step.” She looks him in the eyes, a challenge that she should’ve been more afraid to throw. “Am I wrong?” 
He regards her darkly. “You left me.” I let you leave, he wants to say, but he lets it slide. He had his biggest weakness roaming around outside of his body, so of course he’d had her every move watched. “And yet here you are. Knowing full well that this is my club, that I would know you’d be coming here.” 
He takes a step closer to her, his heart beat growing a little bit irregular. “If I were anyone else, I’d think you were trying to get my attention.” 
She swallows, her confident facade crumbling with his increasing closeness. “... But you aren’t,” she breathes, as he traps her between himself and the counter. 
“Mmhmm,” he hums, “no, the Mikasa I know isn’t that obvious.” He inhales sharply, taking in the dark musky perfume that she’d chosen. “But I don’t know what you’re thinking anymore Mikasa. You proved that to me when you left me,” he murmurs darkly, his breath hot on the shell of her ear. “... If you wanted nothing to do with me anymore, then why are you here?” 
It’s a confession fuelled by weakness, and Mikasa understands it. Nobody else ever gets to see Eren Jeager this way- hands braced on either side of the counter, on either side of her, head bowed in defeat. It was vulnerable in a way a man of his stature couldn’t afford.
Why am I here? It’s a question she asked herself the minute she’d gotten this gig, a question she’d ignored even as Jean and Armin asked it. She’d done so well up until this point. Deleted his numbers, his pictures, scrubbed the marks of him from her body. 
Maybe curiosity really does kill the cat- Despite everything, all she wanted was to get a glimpse of him. A decision fuelled by weakness. It’d been six months after all; the thoughts she’d been suppressing whirled around in her mind in full force, dark slithering voices wondering out loud if he’d moved on and found someone else to warm his bed. 
Her heart thunders in her chest, and she wonders if he can hear it. Maybe it’s a good thing he doesn’t know what she’s thinking because there isn’t really much she is thinking apart from the fact that this is the closest she’s been to him after so long. 
When she doesn’t respond, he tips her chin upwards, forcing her to meet his gaze. “... Answer me.” 
It’s difficult for her like this; his lips inches from hers, lips dry from the wanting, the sight and feel of them so intimately familiar. Her breathing is harsh as she murmurs, “I need to make a living, Eren.” 
A half-truth. She needed the money to survive, but there were choices- she was hardly backed into a corner. 
His gaze hardens, his mouth setting into a thin line. Before she can say anything his hands curve around her ass, hoisting her effortlessly onto the counter. He steps in between her legs, her dress messy and rucked up her thighs from the way he handles her.
It’s embarrassing the way her body reacts to him- she’s barely been touched, but she can feel the heat pooling low in her belly, even lower between her legs, spreading through her veins. 
This is why she left him; he consumes her, all of her, an overwhelming, intoxicating presence, and all she can do is struggle for air. 
“If it’s money you needed, I would’ve given it to you.” His voice is thick, his eyes dark and licentious. 
“That’s now how it works, Eren,” she protests, but she can hear how weak she sounds. It’s difficult to deny him anything when he is this close to her. “We’re not… together… anymore. How could I possibly,” - 
“Would that be so bad?” It’s pathetic, how it’s barely been minutes and he’s already begging. He’d heard all her reasons when she walked out and took his heart with her, replayed them in his mind again and again till he was physically sick of them, but five minutes of having her in front of him like this- close enough to smell, close enough to touch, and it’s enough for him to forget everything. 
His words are hoarse murmurs that she can feel on her lips, his lips tormentingly close to hers. If she reaches out to lick her dry lips, her tongue would probably touch him. 
“I,” - she opens her mouth to say something, some false whisper that meant nothing, just to break this crackling, stifling tension, but when she parts her lips, his mouth moves against hers, and words she could have said were forgotten. 
His mouth is hot and heavy on hers, whiskey and cinnamon and liquid heat pouring into her as he kisses her like a starved man. She feels like moaning from the kiss alone- maybe she already is- because that’s how good it feels. 
She feels his hands reach for her neck, grabbing the back of it to pull her closer, but he didn’t need to, she was already pressing herself against him in the most shameless, needy way. 
“God, I missed this mouth,” he says hoarsely, as his fingers tangle in her hair. Her tongue slips into his mouth and savours it, tracing paths that she’d done so many times in the past- savouring his groans the way she’d vowed never to do again. 
She doesn’t want to admit it but so missed him too; every night alone on her single bed in Armin’s spare bedroom, when night came and sleep didn’t, and the bed felt cold despite the number of blankets she threw on her. She’d missed his mouth, his fingers, his inescapable presence that surrounded her and warmed her, and here she was after all was said and done- a product of weakness, in his club and in his arms. 
And she’d never felt better. Her hands clutch at his sweatshirt, pulling him closer, breasts flush against his chest. She wants to say something, tell him how good he feels, how she’d craved this, but the words don’t leave her mouth because she knows she’ll regret them. And even worse she doesn’t want to tear herself away for even a moment because she doesn’t want to face her thoughts. 
But he knows, he knows her, and he reads her, and he uses his words to torment her further. “You did too, didn’t you?” His lips are wet with her saliva, and he looks at her like he’s drunk on it. “You’re not lying to me are you babe?” His mouth curves into a smile. “I can see it. I can feel your nipples hard from just kissing me.” And cocky bastard that he is, he brushes a thumb over the silky material of her dress to prove it. 
“That’s not fair,” she whimpers, breasts arching into his hands of their own volition. 
His eyes flicker, the faintest trace of anger mixing in with arousal. “Not fair? Baby, do you really want to talk about what’s fair?” 
She has the grace to look ashamed. She’d packed her bags one night when he was away on business, and the only reason he caught her on the way out was because he’d gotten back earlier than planned. 
She doesn’t want to think of the wounded expression on his face when she had told him. “I can’t stay any more, Eren,” she’d whispered. And in retrospect, even then she’d been pleading. Pleading with him or herself she couldn’t tell- but all she’d known is that she had to get out. She’d spent long enough blinded by the haze of his love, excusing all the blood on his hands, justifying all the things he kept from her because he didn’t want to “taint” her. 
But it didn’t really work for long when he came home night after night and kissed her passionately, achingly slow and full of longing, telling her dirty things that made her body shudder with need. She’d been caught up in the thrill of it all, Eren Jeager and his undivided attention, the good and the bad of it- the gifts on her doorstep, the heat of his embrace; and his insane possessiveness. 
She’d been spoiled rotten, drunk on his love. But she felt like his pretty canary locked in her gilded cage- and she thought she would die from being loved like that. 
It’s only after she left that she realised what a gaping hole it left in her heart, a void that she was almost certain no one else could fill. 
And it’s evident, a tested hypothesis when he murmurs, “Show me.” 
And because desire is a creature larger than her whole body it seems, she breathes, “… What would you like to see?” 
Because that’s how she felt right now, that he could ask for anything and she would give it as long as he promised to satisfy that ache in her body that refused to go away no matter how hard she tried. 
He looks at her curiously, clearly not expecting that answer. So instead of letting her tease him, he says simply, “… these.” And he tugs on her dress, pulling the already deep neckline even lower, uncovering more and more of her mesmerising chest till he can see her nipples- pert and rosy, and hardened into pebbles. 
He takes a minute to watch her, stepping back to take in the sight of her appropriately. He doesn’t say anything, but she can feel the heat in his gaze- she feels it all the way inside of her, stealing her breath. 
It feels like a caress, rough and exacting the way Eren’s always touched her, from her neck down to the swell of her breasts, and further along her stomach, her hips and her milky thighs. 
“Are you just going to stare at me?” A pathetic display of desperation but at this point Mikasa’s pride is beaten and wounded. 
He smiles almost cruelly. “Can’t wait, huh?” He runs his tongue along his teeth. “… but you made me wait six months, Mikasa.” 
“Six months without this perfect body,” he murmurs, hand shaping the curve of her left breast.  
She’s ready to beg by this point. His touches are too… fleeting, too distant. The regrets could come later. 
She’s about to say it, say please, say his name, feel it roll off her tongue the way it always did when she- 
“Boss, is everything ok,” - 
Eren crushes her to him swiftly, stepping close to her and keeping her chest and her face buried against him. She can’t see the person who just walked in, but she’s certain it’s Floch. The unpleasant voice was almost unique in how insincere and sycophantic it was. She can feel Eren’s posture tighten but the way he holds her keeps her completely hidden from view.
“Get out,” he snarls, his voice rippling his throat, and against Mikasa’s skin. “Or I’ll shoot you.” And his hand whips out his gun in a smooth motion, without flinching. Only Mikasa does; her breath catching in her throat. 
He feels her shaking in his arms, and the hand at the back of her head presses her down deeper into his chest protectively. He smells distinctively addictive- a scent she wouldn’t know how to describe other than Eren, and she shuts her eyes and loses herself to it the way she’s done countless times in the past. 
Floch’s eyes widen, hands help up defensively. “S-sorry, I didn’t know,” - 
“I’ll give you five seconds.” Eren’s voice is cold as ice. 
And she can literally hear him scampering out. 
Her heart is still beating out of her chest, and for a minute she marvels at how regular his is, regardless of the anger lacing his tone like kerosene, and the loaded gun he’d so casually pointed at his own henchman. 
When he’s certain that Floch is nowhere to be seen, he lets go of her. He sees her shivering and his mouth hardens. “Sorry if I was too rough with you,” he mumbles, and he steps back to put some space within them. But she tugs on his sleeve, keeping him close.
“You didn’t have to threaten him,” she says, the tremble in her voice still apparent. 
He shrugs. “He understands this language. And besides,” his gaze flickers down towards her heavy, naked breasts. “If he’d actually seen you like this, it wouldn’t have been just a threat.” 
She shivers at his words, a tingle from her spine to her core. It was all kinds of fucked up, but it makes her skin burn, her body turning molten when he talks about her like that. Like it belonged to him and it was the most obvious fact. 
“You’re crazy,” she says. But in reality she wonders which one of them is crazier- the man who makes these types of threats or the woman who relishes them, whose desire to belong to him outweighed everything that she’d ever known of morality. 
His gaze catches hers, and the knowing in his eyes makes her feel exposed. “Maybe I am,” he agrees. He pulls her face up towards him, his thumb running across her lip and pulling at it. “The thought of anyone else seeing you like this?” He takes in a sharp breath. “It drives me crazy.” 
He rucks her dress up high on her hips, spreading her legs with his palms. When his fingers pull her thong to the side, he lets out a low whistle. “But you enjoy it, huh.” Deep green eyes simmer with intensity. “Got turned on from someone walking in on us?” 
“That’s not,” - 
“I can literally smell you, babe,” he says sardonically, and he pushes her flat on her back on the counter. He spreads her legs for him, her pussy on display for him like a feast on the bar. He smiles, mockingly. “… Do you want me to take care of that for you?”
It’s humiliating the way he knows her body so well, the way she has no control over how she responds to him. She wants to tell him she isn’t his anymore, that he has no business talking to her this way, but the words evaporate from her tongue, the only request from her being a whimpered, “… Yes.” 
He looks at her coldly, almost displeased with her response. “Then beg for it.” 
His words are hot, shameful shots of liquor down her bloodstream, an inebriated ache taking over her. “Please, Eren.”
“Please what?” 
She tries to close her legs, rub them together for a moment’s reprieve, but he holds her legs apart firmly. 
“Touch me,” she pleads. Almost a whine.
And because he really is a bastard, he asks, “… Why should I?” 
She can feel herself juicing up under his gaze, under his blatant scrutiny. “I-I’m so wet, Eren. My pussy,” her face burns as she says it, “… it aches.” And when he still doesn’t move, she says, “… I need you to touch me. Please, Eren.” 
His gaze is unreadable as he watches her, watching her face, her mouth, the quiver of his lips before it drops to her pussy. 
“Only because you asked so nicely,” he says gruffly, before he holds her thighs apart and lowers his head to her cunt, dribbling his spit on to her clit. “Not that you need it,” he murmurs. “Fuck, you’re already dripping.” And then he devours her. 
He spreads her open and licks her, from her clit to the back of her, large messy swathes of his tongue, uncaring for any technique. He spits on her nether lips to get her drooling, her body making embarrassing noises as he plunges his tongue inside of her. 
Her hands twine into his hair, pulling on it and making a mess of his bun but it only eggs him on further, kissing and nibbling on her, his chin dripping with her juices. 
His strokes are maddening but she’s aching for fulfilment and she whines for it, pleading whimpers of his name as she begs him to get her off.
His thumb reaches for her clit, pressing against the bundle of nerves, relishing the little cry she lets out. “You broke my heart, Mikasa,” he says gruffly, “tell me why should I do this for you?” But he doesn’t stop touching, doesn’t stop rubbing her clit. 
“B-because,” she’s falling apart, her words barely making sense because he’s putting just the right amount of pressure for it not to be enough. “No one else can make me feel this way, Ere,” - 
“You thought about it?” He growls, fingers digging into her hips, bruising. “… You tried to make someone else make you feel good?” 
“No, never,” she gasps, as he plunges two fingers inside of her crudely. 
“But you want it, don’t you,” he rasps, a slightly unhinged glint in his viridian eyes. “… that’s why you left me. You want to give this sweet cunt to someone else,” - 
“No,” she cries, because Eren would never allow it. No, she would never allow it, she could never unravel under somebody else’s hands this way. She realises it as she sobs, body shaking with need, on the edge of pleasure, “… There will never be anyone else for me, Eren.” 
Her words are so broken, tears of desperation leaking from her eyes, and it takes a minute for Eren to process them, to feel them twist around his heart and pull on his heartstrings painfully. 
Only Mikasa could make a love confession sound like a rejection. He slips two fingers inside her pussy and spreads them into a V, displaying her embarrassingly. “Say it again, Mikasa.” 
She can feel her pussy grow wetter from his treatment of her, from the way his eyes focus on her most private places. So instead of doing what he asks, she tells him another truth, a truth that’s weighed so heavily on her heart ever since she walked out on him. “I’ll never stop loving you, Eren.”
He’s quiet; The sound of his zipper is loud in the empty club, filled otherwise only with her harsh breathing, his cock hard and wanting in his hands. His hands are slick with her essence, now coating him as jerks himself languidly.
Her mouth waters at the sight of him, so big and thick and familiar, it makes the craving in her nether regions turn to liquid heat.
“You’re not lying are you, baby? You really want this cock don’t you?” His words are crude, ignoring the love that she professed, because he doesn’t believe it. It makes her flush twenty shades of crimson, nodding a desperate yes, but she wants to tell him it’s more than that; it’s more than just his insanely desirable body. 
But before she can even wrap her head around what to say, he thrusts into her hard and smooth, his cock finding it’s way deep inside her aching cunt. And just like that she comes apart- the taut string inside of her shattering, back arching off the counter and head thrown back in pleasure. 
She squeezes and pulses around his cock and it’s a maddening feeling, pleasure that cannot be topped, and the only thing that keeps him blowing his load inside her immediately like a virginal teenager, is the greed to draw it out. He hasn’t felt her pussy in so long, he has no desire to get done with her so quickly. (And he fears once this is over, she will be done with him. And that’s something he doesn’t want to think about)
“So desperate for my cock, Mikasa?” He taunts, thrusting into her leisurely. “You came so soon- just wanted to be filled up, huh babe?”
She’s breathing hard, eyes dazed with lust. She’s leaking pleasure from every inch of her skin, she doesn’t care how humiliating it is that her body reacts that way, she just moans when he fucks her. He lifts her leg onto his shoulder and thrusts even deeper- his favourite position, his safe place, where she feels so good, so close, he can fool himself into thinking he could stay inside her forever. 
He stays there for a moment, savouring it, letting him live his little fantasy, but she starts wriggling her hips, high on her orgasm and desperate for more. 
He spanks her ass lightly, making her yelp, enjoying the way she tightens around him as he did it. “So fucking greedy,” he says, roughly, “… just had an orgasm and now you’re already ready for another one.” 
She licks her lips wantonly. “I just want you to fuck me, Eren. Fuck me and don’t stop.” Her hands come up to squeeze her own breast, hard. “Just please, don’t ever stop.” 
His throat turns dry, eyes black with desire. Smart wench that she is, she knows how much he likes seeing her pleasure herself, how it drives him crazy, how he can’t take his eyes off of the way she rolls her nipples between her fingers. He thrusts into her hard, making her gasp, mouth parting fetchingly. 
“I don’t take orders, Mikasa,” he growls, “I’ll fuck you how I want to fuck you, and you’ll take it.” 
And she does, she takes it so good, whimpering sweetly as he sets a punishing rhythm, slow and deep, pulling out just enough to reach the depths of her, and feel her quiver under him. It turns him on so much the way she pulses around him, the way she writhes from all the feeling, little noises that tell him she’s falling apart around his cock again. “That’s my girl,” he praises, “… so fucking easy to please. You feel so good when you come around me, baby. Let me feel it one more time.” 
He doesn’t have to coax it out of her, but he does, draws it out of her body like a crescendo from a well-played instrument, her body bowing under his cock and fingers. 
She’s barely come down from her own high, but she’s pleading, ever insatiable, “… I want to feel you, Eren, please…” 
She feels so impossibly good, so tight, so slick around his length, like she was made for him, he’s groaning as he hears her beg for more. “What do you want to feel, babe? I’m already fucking you. Just like you wanted.”
She shakes her head, body flushed, as she raises herself up to whisper in his ear, “… I want to feel you come inside me.” 
His throat tightens, his dick pulsing with need. She knows he loves it, knows it’s his weakness. He’d done it so many times before, fucked her silly till she was nothing but a babbling mess around his cock and left her with his cum dribbling out her pussy. But it was different then- then he had her in his house, in his arms whenever he wanted, had her in his heart without the worry that she’d turn her back on him and never come back. 
Anger rises within him then, his words turning cold as he remembers the words she’d told him when she walked out. “Said you wanted nothing to do with me anymore, but now you’re begging for my cum?” 
His hands grip her cheeks roughly forcing them inward as he says, “Did you forget?”
Humiliation warms her cheeks, as she tries to justify herself. “I just,” she manages, before she realises there’s no real way to rationalise her actions and the burning lust that makes her crave him this way. “I-I still want you, Eren.” 
His gaze softens, melting into hot desire. That’s the thing- he has so much anger, he’s filled to the brim with it, but he could never take it out on her. Because despite everything he’s just desperate to feel her love once more, for her pretty voice to tell him how he makes her feel. 
He’s cold and then hot, but mostly just the latter, far too anguished to fully believe her words despite how sweet they sound. 
He kisses her with longing. “I’ll give you what you want, baby. Come back to me, I swear, you won’t have to beg for anything ever again.” He rams into her panting, his climax building. “… Whatever you want, I’ll give it to you. I love you, Mikasa-,” he groans, tipping over, his release pouring inside of her, warm and filthy and messing her up more than she already was. 
He buries his head in her neck, breath hot, fanning over her skin and making her shiver. “I love you,” he whispers, again and again, and she thinks she can hear him mumble something like, ‘come back to me,’ but she can’t be sure. It’s hard to make out for certain when she’s so overwhelmed herself, her body tingling from his rough handling of her, her heart aching with everything he’s told her.
It would be so easy to give into it, to surrender her heart and morals to this incredibly passionate yet dangerous man, and close her eyes to the blood he left in his wake. She could fool herself into a happily ever after because she knows he’ll love her so intensely she’ll rarely have time to think of anything else. 
It’s an intoxicating offer, and she can feel herself giving in, her body moulding against him, her hands ruffling his hair and soothing him as he whispered promises that she knew he would fulfill if she only gave him the chance.
He kisses her neck, the side of her face, her chest; frantic, pleading kisses of a man who doesn’t expect to get what he wants- grasping at the crumbs of whatever he’s offered. 
She can feel herself grow warm again at his touches, and she recognises with a sinking feeling that maybe her time at playing the fool is coming to a close. She’s had her time to pretend this really wasn’t inevitable, and maybe now she just needs to reconcile with the fact that this is who she is. 
Her breathing quickens when he runs his tongue across her breast, lazy strokes without purpose and purely for self-indulgence. 
He’s still inside of her and he can feel it; he can feel her body firing up for him again and he isn’t even trying. He lets out an exhausted laugh. “Give me a minute to breathe, Mikasa. Fuck.” 
She feels him stir within her again, and he slips out, cursing how good she feels, resting against the counter, his dick growing hard again. His cum is oozing out of her pussy, and she can feel it pool out on to the bar counter, evidence of her weak resolve coating her pussy and thighs. 
There’s no point in regret, she realises, her heart sinking. No point in berating her body for behaving like his slut- he’s inside of her now, his infectious passion, his hunger, his sins, wedged inside of her and spreading throughout her like a stain. How could she have ever thought that she could be rid of it? 
He runs a finger along the side of her face, pushing her sweaty bangs out of her eyes. His eyes are green and deep and full of love - his kind of love, the twisted kind where he would give her everything and take everything, and keep her locked up in his arms. She can see herself in them, her own stormy ones reflecting her truth- He’d keep her caged in his arms, but that’s where she felt safe, complete. 
His hands took lives but it gave her his; it made her feel alive. So after six months of running, she accepts it.
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5amanthus · 3 years
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Hey everyone, I’m opening commissions again with a new commission sheet 😄
I’m open for both writing and drawing! I accept payment through paypal and Ko-fi.
Sketches are $5-$10 depending on complexity. Headshots (lined and coloured) are $10. Traditional Pen (Pencil and markers are an option too) is $15. Line Art, with or without Colour, or Lineless/Shading is $20-$40 depending on complexity.
Price for Extra Characters are negotiable
I will draw:
OCs (with reference)
Fandom Characters (preferable monster/alien/robots, etc)
Feel free to inquire too!
I won’t draw:
Full Bodies
Anything Morally Gross
Writing Fandoms:
Transformers (Beast Wars, Beast Machines, Transformers: Cybertron, Bayverse, Transformers: Animated, Transformers: Prime, Robots In Disguise 2015, MTMTE/LL, Sins Of The Wreckers, Rescue Bots.)
Red vs Blue
Among Us
Lost In Space 2018
But we can discuss more, these are only the ones I have experience writing with.
My works in case you would like to browse through and see what you’ll be getting.
500 words: $5
1000 words: $10
2000 words: $20
I can reject any commission.
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The Curtain Call Sequence
I was talking about this to my parents in the car. We were watching our WALL-E DVD, and the credits were playing. I’m gonna put the lyrics to Down to Earth here and walk you through it as I go on about how I picture the sequence going.
So think of yourself in a theater. The curtains closed on WALL-E and EVE after they sang their IOTAM finale and kissed in front of their new buddies, and the curtains remain closed for a minute, but then DTE starts and they open back up. You see white lights shining down on a set with leaves, plants, et cetera. The ensemble comes out, and then the lyrics start.
“Did you think that your feet had been bound By what gravity brings to the ground? Did you feel you were tricked By the future you picked? Well, come on down”
Individuals sing each line as the cast members start coming out to take a bow. The stage crew members can go on, too if we want the audience to see them and clap for their work. I was thinking that the bigger the role, the later in the song they come out. So the stage crew (if wanted), the background robots, and the background humans go out to bow first. All of the supporting characters go out as the song continues. The main characters go out much later.
“All these rules don't apply When you're high in the sky So come on down Come on down
We're coming down to the ground There's no better place to go We've got snow up on the mountains We've got rivers down below”
Imagine- one by one, people are singing those lines, and then you hear the ENTIRE ensemble belt out that big old “WE’RE COMING DOWN TO THE GROUND!” At this time, these blue and green lights start to shine brightly.
“We're coming down to the ground We hear the birds sing in the trees And the land will be looked after We‘ll send the seeds out in the breeze”
You should be able to picture, like, 20 or 30 people singing this all together. I think BURN-E would bow at this part. Anyway, the music cools off for the second verse.
“Did you think you'd escaped from routine By changing the script and the scene? Despite all you made of it You're always afraid of the change
You've got a lot on your chest Well, you can come as my guest So come on down Come on down”
At this part, supporting characters like the reject bots and Hal come out. (Hal would probably be played by a dog or something.)
“We're coming down to the ground There's no better place to go We've got snow up on the mountains We've got rivers down below
We're coming down to the ground We'll hear the birds sing in the trees And the land will be looked after We send the seeds out in the breeze”
The Captain and AUTO and M-O come out to take a bow. And then, finally, the most anticipated moment of this whole sequence happens: EVE and WALL-E come out, they take a bow, and then they take center stage.
“Like the fish in the ocean We felt at home in the sea We learned to live off the good land We learned to climb up a tree”
So at this part, the entire cast is out, and they begin to dance. The ensemble keeps singing, but this time, a choir joins in.
“Then we got up on two legs But we wanted to fly Oh, when we messed up our homeland We set sail for the sky
We're coming down to the ground There's no better place to go We've got snow upon the mountains We got rivers down below
We're coming down to the ground We'll hear the birds sing in the trees And the land will be looked after We send the seeds out in the breeze”
So they keep dancing, and then...
“We're coming down Comin' down to earth Like babies at birth Comin' down to earth Redefine your priorities These are extraordinary qualities”
Cool light sequences are going on! (But it’s not like, strobe lights or anything. We should consider any photosensitive viewers.)
“We're coming down to the ground There's no better place to go We've got snow upon the mountains We've got rivers down below
We're coming down to the ground We'll hear the birds sing in the trees And the land will be looked after We send the seeds out in the breeze
We're coming down to the ground There's no better place to go We've got snow upon the mountains We've got rivers down below
We're coming down to the ground We'll hear the birds sing in the trees And the land will be looked after We send the seeds out in the breeze
Redefine your priorities These are extraordinary qualities To find on earth”
This is the part where the music gets loud and strong, so think about it- the lights shifting colors and stuff like crazy! Green leaves falling from above like confetti! A light projection of Earth spinning above the audience! WALL-E and EVE standing on a platform that elevates them upwards as they dance together!
“Coming down, coming down Coming down, coming down Coming down, coming down Coming down, coming down”
When the last “coming downs” are sung, the curtain closes. The house lights come on. M-O pops out and starts cleaning up the front of the stage ‘cause that’s what he’d do (my parents came up with that idea; we can scrap it if necessary). The End Title plays as the audience walks out.
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starrysupercell · 3 years
hihi uh!! if you're still takin requests, my buddy was wondering if you could do a shippy drabble for max and stu? it it isn't a bother ofc :O
This is so funny bc before I got this one, I got into several matches as Max with Stu and they played really well together. I could definitely see how a relationship between them would go, so you could expect to see more of .. Stax? I'm calling it that for now.
Anyway, hope this was the worth the wait for your buddy, anon :3c This was cute to write. Happy Stu's Day, and here you go: The Speedsters!
~⚡~ Showtime! ~🎆~
Was this a fluke? It had to be. He was always the opening act, and definitely, definitely not main event material.
Stu zoomed down the halls, zipping and turning with skill he hardly showed out onstage. Oh, where was she? This had to be fixed, and fast! Before the real show started!
The Bot turned a corner, and realized that the red and yellow blur he just saw zoom past him was the familiar one he was looking for. He screeched to a stop, and stared after the Heroic Brawler for a few seconds before darting after her.
"H-h-ey, Ma-x." He called, rolling into pace a bit behind her.
Max turned her head slightly, her ever present grin widening upon seeing Stu. "Hey, yourself!" She greeted, not slowing down in the slightest. This was her pre-show run. It was great to pump herself up after stretching and prepping otherwise. If Max wasn't speeding through the halls, something was definitely up. "Oh, yeah! Did you see the schedule?" She recalled.
"Y-yeah. That's what I w-w-wanted to bring u-up to you..." Stu began.
"Ha, I bet...!" Max turned forward again. "I...should have told you already, but..."
"I kno-ow." Stu said, just glad that they were on the same page.
"--You do?" If there was absolutely anything she could do to escape her burning face, Max would have happily taken the opportunity. Maybe just crash into a wall.
Stu smiled. "Of c-cour-rse! I'll just take the opening act back."
Oh. "You don't want to be in the show with me?" She asked, nearly blankly. In retrospect, putting him on the spot like that was ridiculous, but geez, wow, ouch- Max was surprised at the Bot's flat rejection--
"W-w-well, it was just a-a typo? O-o-r... a j-joke?" Stu wondered, wheeling forth through the hall before noticing that he was following nobody now. He slowed his roll, and looked behind him. Max stood in the hall, hands on her hips and looking throughly lost. "Wh-wha-at?" Stu asked.
"I have no idea." Max told her. "What were you talking about?"
Stu blinked. "The pl-a-nned sh-ow-ow has me alongside y-y-you. S-since you b-brought it up-p, I thought.." he paused. "W-well, I'm not... on p-par. W-with you." He presented as fact.
Max opened her mouth, and closed it, and thought about what to say and crossed her arms as she tapped her fingers on her upper arm and lastly, she tapped her foot too. "Are you joking?" She finally managed.
"No... The sch-schedule is one though, a-am I r-right?" He jested lightly, feeling uneasy at Max's consistent frown.
"It's no joke at all." She said, and held an arm out down the hallway they both traversed. "Not on par? Look at that- without even trying you kept up with me. You didn't even Dash, you could have beaten me. Maybe. And those tight turns you make, is that not skill? The answer is: It is!" Max shook her head in disbelief. "Not on par...! I wouldn't have requested a listing change, and they wouldn't have approved it if.. you weren't amazing, Stu." She finished, a light shade of red mostly covered by her helm.
Stu stayed quiet for a few seconds. Amazing? Him? If anyone, she was the spotlight. And, she had requested him to be in the show with her? "But wh-wh-why? I don't b-belong in the m-main a-ct." He said.
Max blinked. It'd probably take more than several rounds of back and forths for him to realize how great he was in a live performance. For now, she decided to take a more direct approach about a different subject. "You.. don't have to be in the main event if you don't want to be, though I would look forward to it." she began, and smiled at him. Not the usual beaming at the crowd one, no. A soft one, personal and genuine. "But it would mean a lot to me if you and I could... spend some time together? That was another reason I changed up the schedule."
This isn't about training, Stu realized, feeling as flattered and bashful as a robot can be. "Like w-w-when?" He asked.
"Today?" Max suggested, "After work? Maybe take a run? Go to an event? Catch a movie? What would you like to do?"
"A str-oll ar-round the shops here sounds n-nice." Stu said, unperturbed by Max's quickshot suggestions. Shopping was calming, and he liked choosing out things for himself. "Which e-v-vent would you like to go-o watch?
"I'll look up who's on tonight!" Max told him, and a beep sounded from her wrist. She pressed on the latch and glanced at the message. "Oh! Surge is texting. Gotta go!" She said with a short wave. On impulse, she leaned over and planted a kiss on Stu's cheek. "Catch you later!" She called out, tearing down the hall again
"L-later-r!" Stu waved too, fretting over the peck. Maybe... the sound of being by her side was compelling after all.
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kuiperror · 6 years
he’s so fucking good. he’s so fuckinf good!!! I love him!!! he’s a box! He’s so sweet and caring and he just wants someone to hold his hand!!!! He loves his beautiful girlfriend! eve is so good!! she cares about wall-e so much and just wants to be with him!!!!! CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT IS SO DAMN IMPORTANT
the movie is so fucking good!!! i love it!! i live it!! EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER IS SO FUCKING GOOD there is not a single character who isn’t crafted like fine fucking wine!! mcree is a great captain! m-o is so fucking adorable! the reject-bots are great friends and they all love wall-e and eve! auto is a bastard but i’d be lying if i said i hate him!
the message is so memorable!!! you can find and deserve love no matter who you are! taking care of the earth is important bc that’s all it needs to survive!!!! aAAaaAAaAAaaAaAAaa
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somecynicalanimator · 5 years
Module - Script to Screen
We started today’s session be watching an Oscar-nominated short animated film called A Single Life. The animation depicts a young woman receiving a vinyl record, which she finds out allows her to travel in time, to different points in her life. The animation and song accompanying the video seem to carry the message of taking life slowly, instead of rushing to the future, to instead enjoy it while it lasts. I found it interesting how the short was able to convey a simple but profound message in such a short amount of time, using very little time, and while also being upbeat. I learned today about loglines, or elevator pitches as commonly referred to in the U.S.. A logline is a one or two sentence summary of the story’s plot, conveying what the setting, protagonist(s), struggle (Conflict), and stakes of the story are, while also being told in a way that will intrigue the person you’re pitching the idea to. They’re good for production bibles and pitches in general, allowing for investors to become interest in an idea with very little explaining. We spent the rest of the session discussing script writing. I learned today that the script is supposed to be written in a way that conveys what the audience is meant to see/hear in the finished product. The actions of the characters, the movements of the characters, the setting, dialogue, all described to the production team. Interestingly, most scripts don’t include camera direction, unless it is a shooting script. This allows for the other members of the production crew to interpret the script, and apply their own creative thinking to it, while also keeping things consistent with the vision of the writer. It allows for directors, actors, layout artists etc. to be creative with how they depict the events of the script. As an example, I recently viewed a video documenting the scripting of the movie W.A.L.L.-E. (2008) as well as for the movie UP (2009). From this, I’ve learned how to format scripts, and the correct font size to use when writing a script. Scripts are generally written at 12pts, in the Courier font (Which is similar looking to American Typewriter, although it’s important not to confuse the two). Abbreviations are often used, with common place ones being INT for Interior, EXT for Exterior, V.O. for Voiceover, O.S. for Off-screen, POV for Point of View, or CU for Close-up, and so on. Shot directions, if absolutely needed, are generally referred to in capitals, e.g. PULL BACK, ZOOM IN, PAN. This applies to transitions too, such as FADE IN/OUT, DISSOLVE TO, ANGLE ON, INTERCUT etc. Alignment of the text is important too, with FADE INs being aligned to the left meanwhile FADE OUTs is often right aligned. Scene headings tend to be in all caps, as are character names when introduced. Character names are also in caps, as well as center-aligned and above, in dialogue. I learned that in the program Microsoft Word, as well as others, there is an option to create a script layout, with presets for different types of text.
The logline I’ve managed to create for my animation reads as follows: “In a space factory, a robot discovers its emerging identity, and grows discontent with life. Seeking freedom from an oppressive and dreary environment, it attempts to escape!” I’ve finished writing up the first draft of my script. I feel that the emerging of the robot’s identity isn’t very refined yet, and the script may be a little too long for what length of animation I originally had in mind.
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Cameron Davison
PACKAGES move across conveyor belts.
ROBOTS lined up on every side of the conveyor belt, checking the boxes for damage and stamping them for either delivery or rejection.
One ROBOT, no different than any others, continues doing its job. Until one PACKAGE arrives, half torn up, the contents inside damaged and visible.
The conveyor belt stops, production stops. The other robots continue trying to stamp the packages, stamping the same boxes repeatedly, never breaking rhythm.
[. . .]
The protagonist Robot (R.O.N.) looks around, observing its peers tentatively. It begins to remove the ITEM from the damaged box, revealing a fully-functional model SPACE SHIP inside.
R.O.N. takes interest in it, placing the ship into the cabinet in its torso. RUBBISH DISPOSAL DROIDS arrive, removing the box. Production continues.
R.O.N. returns to its recharging pod, taking out its model ship, the wing bent and damaged. R.O.N. turns it on, the ship hovers above its hands, following its hands as it moves them.
R.O.N. continues to collect various posters from rejected boxes, galactic star maps, intergalactic postcards, figurines of space craft. R.O.N. collects a VIDEO TAPE.
R.O.N. opens a port on the top of its head, placing the video tape into a slot underneath. It projects the video onto the wall of its pod, watching the video.
The video depicts a fictional space adventurer escaping a desolate space ship through a deliver shoot, hiding with weapon supplies in a space shuttle.
The R.O.N. finds a REJECTED BOX, with a civilian model robot plastered on the box’s label. R.O.N. opens the box, revealing an EYE VISOR, identical to the one installed into the face of R.O.N.
R.O.N. removes its EYE VISOR, its back turned to the camera, replacing it with the new one, salvaged from a civilian model. This new visor leaves R.O.N. with a more expressive face.
R.O.N. then looks at 3 different fridge magnets and begins moving them to form a word. POV shot of the word it formed, “RON”. On one of the DISPLAYS in R.O.N.’s visor an acronym, the company’s name, is changed, replaced with R.O.N. allowing it to process its new name.
The FACTORY BOSS paces up the ails of the factory. Approaching R.O.N. he becomes surprised, realising that the visor isn’t uniform, and that it has fridge magnets spelling “RON” on its chest.
This droid seems defective.
The Factory Boss begins talking to his subordinates.
R.O.N., continuing to work, overhears their conversation.
Once you’ve performed diagnostics, I think it best to factory reset this one, just in case.
R.O.N. looks surprised, shocked, but continues to work, attempting not to show it. Its eyes frantically darting around the factory, it notices that, visible through the glass ceiling above, there’s a planet, big and beautiful, visible in the star filled darkness. Looking back down, and removing the model ship from its chest cabinet, an idea forms...
The Factory Boss turns to begin walking towards R.O.N. In response, R.O.N. grabs the nearest box, a large one, and throws it at the boss, knocking the man to the ground. R.O.N. then turns and begins to run.
That robot -- i-it attacked me! Reign him in, NOW!
Hefty GUARD ROBOTS begin to follow R.O.N.
R.O.N., cornered, quickly climbs into the shoot down which the boxes go.
R.O.N. emerges, landing on top of a pile of boxes. Quickly, R.O.N. jumps down, then quickly surveys the room, noticing the SHIP that is meant to be taking containers full of parcels to the nearby planet, and beyond. R.O.N. boards the ship, a two-person carrier. The guard bots arrive, dashing at the ship. R.O.N. manages to take off just in time, ploughing through a guard bot as the ship takes off out into the dusty moon landscape.
The ship disappears out of sight very quickly in the vastness of space, leaving the guard bots staring out at the landscape, seemingly disappointed.
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eekispyykes · 7 years
Bench’s Application for NASA Planetary Protection Officer/#StonerTech
NASA Headquarters
300 E Street SW:Suite 5R30
Washington DC 20546
 ATTN:Human Resources
Job Listing: HQ17S0010
Planetary Protection Officer
  Deart NASA
 I am announcing my candidacy for the Planet Protection Officer job that was most recently sent to media circulation. My background is Exercise Physiology, Gender Studies, And Sports Medicine. I have privately studied theoretical astrophysics for a goal of creating worm hole travel by energizing the vapor cloud of a Prandtl-Glauert
Singularity surrounding a supersonic craft. I feel this can be achieved not at the speed of light but instead supersonically by exploiting a rift in space time of sound and its mechanical source.
  Masters Sci Exercise Physiology. University of Oregon           2001
Grad Cert Gender Studies        University of Oregon             2001
Bach Sci. Movement Studies     East Stroudsburg University 1998
NATABOC  Certified. <Inactive Status>                                   1999
Identified OSHA is a deadbeat federal agency endangering   2007
                       the well being of employee minors and public
  Identified New York State Labor Department Incompetent in     2012
               absent regulation of idealized anorexia in fashion.
  Authored: The Narcissocracy V2  2014
                    This Device of Reason 2017
  Recommended the update of the sapien taxonomic identity to the
               Nobel Committee and International Council for Science.
               "Hom Hetero Technologia
  Recognized the FBI put discrimination before national security when since 2014  rejected potential cyber security employees because their vast hacking skills were shunned for choice of vice. The united states government has no authority to intervene a Citizens use of, cultivation of Cannabis or other Natural PsyActives. Grounds of racism and warmongering will have no footing for policy.  I am greater than thee federal nuisance of party gridlock.
 My skills/interests are skeletal muscular triage and conditioning
Design of function first ergonomic sports equipment
Animal intelligence
Evaluation of science fiction set design.
Self generating energy mechanisms.
 We are addressing my qualification to the Planetary Protection Officer position and I will address needs as I see them at this time.  
                                                                                                 Kind Regards,
                                                                              Michael Bench, MEP GCERT
           Pollen and air particle identification system
           Vacu- pipette sample auto distributor.
           Remote microscope photography/videography and sample purge.
           Remote tissue biopsy darts
           Vital signs registry implant
           Walk thru 2door Airlock
           Each interaction with exogenous material will be recorded from each perspective of active crew. Staff showing signs of distress will have video tabulated and assembled as to build an evidence log of their symptoms. When a staff does collect  exogenous materials they will be disassembled in the survey craft. The exploratory craft, quarantine cellblock, and walk thru airlocks will have redundant lab materials  
           If lifeforms were found, a donor will be selected in capture or free range to be shot with a biopsy dart. The biopsy dart will be retracted by a strong magnet on a flight drone. If a small study station will be constructed on the planet, all life forms will be mandated to receive an RFID chip.
           Disassembling samples will be done by an automated arm/laser assembly. Inactive samples will be put under microscope and saved at 500k dpi. The samples themselves might be stored or expelled. Active samples colonies such as lake water, exogenous plant cells, alien blood will be put in a petri dish. The petridish will be fed into a Vacu-Pipette Auto- Distributor (VPAD).
           The role of VPAD is to separate all similar life forms into individual andcataloged containers. Additionally, groups of organism types will be divided into multiple combinations. If there are 4 varieties of organism in a sample, VPAD will choose among organism A,B,C,D and put concentrations of only organism A&D,C&B,A&C,B&D,A&B,C&D together. Changes in behavior and sample chemistry will be recorded. If a sample containing all organisms is docile, separating them might trigger one organism's wastes to activate anotherorganism's protective defenses. Smaller concentrations or symbiotic relationships might not distinguish one organism's metabolic activity without the accumulation  of biproducts . Microclimates in an (aquatic) environment must be considered.
             Pollen and airparticle identification should be completed in the Pre-Survey and Survey phases. All exploratory crew must wear helmets even when the atmosphere is reported breathable. Crew will accomplish only tasks on the schedule and not venture into open ended tours.  These are the pre survey , and survey craft roles. Inclusive of Vacupipette and living air particles; all samples will be recorded in various tests for their reactivity and then ejected. No living organism must board a rescue craft outside the atmosphere.  
  2.Ship Design  
                       Airlocks are of two types:
                                   Hull Edge
                                   Low level Central Walkthru:
  Hull edge airlocks are well documented in science fiction movies they allow exit into space or docking to larger stations or to home planet space/ airports/ hangers.
 Low Level Central WalkThru Airlocks are located on the lowest level of  a spacecraft. When in inactive position, staff/crew may walk through the      airlock and the two sets of doors on each side of the airlock. The airlock is connected to an arm on its roof. When activated, the airlock will close one    or both door pairs sealing the ship air away from its own. The Airlock may be used to capture free roaming contaminations or hostile piracy constituents. When the airlock is sealed on both sides; with the hostile agent trapped inside; the connect arm lowers the airlock out of the hull of  the ship, rotates 90degrees horizontally, and its contents are set free to freeze in the void of space.   The arm may also opt to release the airlock, remaining sealed, as to be picked up at another time. A beacon will be activated. View ports or cameras will enable passing ships to see its contents per  'tune in' signal
              Capture drones
             Capture Equipment
             Region Locks. 
The most famous scene of an alien serpent bursting out of  a crew's chest cavity is Ridley Scott's 1979 Alien movie. The contamination  that resulted could have easily be stopped if the crew knew to seal off the dining hall from the remainder of the ship. Ducts and electric shafts were also far too numerous and far too available to floor level. A crew must be ready at all times to seal a region of ship if a contamination occurs.If the first officer is injured, the second officer hits a single button offered in redundancy all around the room. If the second officer is injured, the third officer or those nearest the region lock button should know without instruction to seal the area. 
At such time, the crew take no delay to abandon the victim and    immediately inoculate the threat. In times of greater technology, a  surgical bot on a track could enter the area, contain both victim and parasite and attend to both in an airlock. At this time we have technology that  could sent a "Roomba-type" floor robot (of larger stature) to corner the alien and sweep it up.  
Staff confidence in  handling aggressive creatures like Brown snake, Philippine Cobra, and Tiger snake is mandatory. At this time  technology also exists for realistic simulations and materials to resist envenomation. Spiders and snakes are among the most feared creatures so similarly constructed creatures off  planet are likely to cause anxiety  that impairs optimal problem solving performance, If it has a mouth: duct tape it shut. If it has a stinger,chop it off. Materials like Kevlar could be fashioned in multiple layer gloves. Crew drills on parasite capture are necessary all year long.
             Contagion recovery Team Drones.
 Not all disasters and infestations can be forseen. For creatures smaller than 7ft tall/long, a drone team of a containment bot and a capture bot are piloted by the staff through the ship. Unless there is some reason the creature cannot be damaged, determine its source of intelligence and "crush its head". The capture bot will have a small profile to fit into any duct work yet heavy enough not to be offset by a thrashing hostile creature. On an easy schedule capture the capture bot grasps the creature at the front and rear, gives it a good crush and places it in the containment bot. A containment bot will self seal and report promptly to the nearest  hull airlock. The containment bot will disengage from its container, exit the airlock and flush. Once the operational plan is complete the containment bot will furnish the crew with an uploaded analysis of the creature's goop
 On a difficult capture of a creature, the capture bot will alert the server it intends to 'bolt down the contamination". Capture bots will one at a time clamp onto the creature, exit their bases from the area. The ship's computer will initiate a strong magnetic pulse specific to the capture bot limbs that draw the 'intrusive species' to a particular wall. A larger capture bot will enter the area, seal itself against the wall around the intruder.The main computer will allow the wall skin to detach with the capture bot. and the entirety of bot, wall and intruder will report to the nearest hull airlock. The airlock will open, the creature will be released, the wall will be magnetically retrieved ,and the system reset.
I find the magnetic apprehension and  unmanned vessels to be applicable methods of containment also on Earth bases. If the samples are breaching containment and  of air circulation risk, its vessel may be insulated inside a magnetically active liquid metal bath/ nano electroplating to confine its movement. Should the species not be able of electroplating, it will certainly be electrocuted.
  3.Pre-Survey, Surveillance, and Exploration of Unexplored Planets
 Craft with the express purpose of rescue and investigation of distress signals may respond to unknown distress signals. All other craft will be forbidden predisposing ill suited missions from extraneous risks they were not designed for.  In the case a rescue craft is met with a rescue signal, they must proceed first as a military envoy, second as an ambulation team, and thirdly as an exploratory survey. If crew attempt to override mission roles they will be stripped of rank and apprehended/tranquilized/executed if furthering their effort.
           If the planet or region has never been explored, sample drones aboard an unmanned craft will be piloted to the surface.  Such delivery craft should be temporary and expendable. The sample drones may eject from its delivery ship when low enough in the atmosphere.
             Roles: 1;Video collection and identification of repeated types   
                          of species, vegetation, rock types and general formal 
                          composition of the landing areas.
                         2.Species evaluation: air evaluation, pollen filter collection,
                          pollen microbe sample tubules with human, fish, aviary , viral
                         and bacteria samples as to test reactivity. Species evaluation
                         drones should be of hovering and terrestrial  motion as to
                         purposely disturb the environment so passive
                        characters  can be triggered. 
                       3.Rescue region survey. A particular unmanned craft seeks the
                           feature of the exploration and suitable region to land a craft if
 An unmanned craft departs the ship and sets down upon the planet. In the time from presurvey to survey phases new forms of life expose themselves or the presurvey mission was attacked, the unmanned ship will be monitoring the ground for nefarious characters with visual, thermal and other sensors. The unmanned  survey craft will be weaponized.  The role of the weaponized function is to clear  hostile natives from the area of expected touch down or extraction.
A rescue attempt will rely on a hover drone to find the crew members and land the survey ship as nearby as possible in a coordinated fashion. If the beacon is found to be a hoax, an addition explosives drone type will set charges and demolish the signal source.  
 Should rescued persons be able to board the survey craft, their containment will be in a fixed region of the craft that docks outside the main vessel and deposites the containment vessel to a quarantine area separate from the ship. It is the crews duty among the rescued to assure injured persons are put on the stretcher for medlab. Elsewise a terrestrial drone will do such labors. If the rescue crew is combative, they will be tranquilized and immediately set in hypersleep in the  trailing quarantine "cellblock".   People aboard the quarantine cellblock will have no physical contact with the rescue crew. Each will be asked report to a hypersleep tube to be individually interviewed.
Retreat policies from hostile inhabited planets
 In a case of immediate retraction from an area, an injured crew  member            may only be retrieved if movement is TOWARD the rescue craft. Undue            delay predisposes other crew to contamination,injury or death.Staff are forbidden to rescue another crew member if the injury is other  than  physical and contained inside the suit.
Rescue of Victims by unmanned craft
A victim on a planet surface is to retrieved by a drone or craft isolating their body and the containment cell of their body from the pilot. The containment cell will have an automated surgical station and care unit to  initiate first aid and contain any unknown organisms. The medlab must be activated  and sealed. A sealed medlab may not be opened earlier than 6 hours.
Each medlab will have two sections and be ejectable from the exploration and survey vessels. Should more members of the crew be   injured, the medlab will seal the first victim in stasis, seal the entry to the entire facility, and open the inner medlab door so they can be treated.The capacity for three patients should be alotted. The only time the medlab will not open for additional patients beyond 1 is that contagion is  loose or airborne.
Rescue of Casualties by unmanned craft
          A death of crew shall be deemed an immediate contagionThey will be                  frozen immediately in a containment tube and dissected in the                            quarantine cellblock medlab by remote surgeon link.
 Quarantine Cellblocks
Quarantine Cellblocks and hulls of outer atmosphere ships shall not ever pass into foreign atmosphere space. If such an event happens, they may not return to Earth Atmosphere without thorough hull scrub and due measures effectively 'sterilizing' the hull of contaminants.
On planets considered devoid of life after 4 separate surveys in a span of 150years, NASA may opt to colonize those planets with species of any type believed to flourish best in its environment. Mammals and limbed creatures would need a predatory tree of inhabitants. For this case I call the ' ancient astronaut  theory' misguided. Its infact our role to colonize a planet with our own microbes, spores, viruses, bacteria to fester an evolutionary chain to unfold.  A planet like Venus who's climate is outright hostile to mammals, may be the appropriate haven for a bacteria to benefit in pH friendly zones.
  Eco Tree
           The importance of our eco tree is so vast that all movies presuming spaceships would only transport humans are foolish and self centered. The Earth's eco tree is as important to us as sapiens must be to it. Its sustainance is our important  task. The eco tree is our medicine chest. Should a ship become infested, its not  only humans gene lines that risk mutation. Preserving the eco tree will be a goal of most  all starcraft and this is why missions must not be quickly detoured for blind altruism.
I must remind all of you that after some time in space, all travelers  are a form of mutation. Radiation is always hitting them. It would not be unreasonable for adaptations toward amphibian/ reptilian protections to occur such as skin scales and hermaphrodism. The show American Dad with a character Roger is quite on point to have a gay'ish/ efeminent voice and manner. Lack of gravity could cause other vital organ systems to change in efficiency of energy. An astronaut simply returning to earth might be radiated enough to cause a mutation from procreation even if it wasn't noticed by testing. The change in his families gene line could be as invisible as an undocumented chimeric pattern.
By these statements my qualifications are many. There are application advantages for molecular biologists, chemists, and geneticists. Since there are lifeforms they have never seen nor understand physiological makeup, their expertise is rather moot except for comparisons and lexicon. I hope you will recognize my trained values in Physiology and Gender Anthropology.. In parts Psychology, have their own merited elitism among those fields named. All conditions for mitigating my qualification I call to be beneath the needs of NASA. A mission cannot be completed in tuxedos. The people that want to work it must be dependable of their own accord. As of this letter , I already have worked toward the needs and safety of our public.
                                                                                      Michael Bench
                                                                                   Exercise Physiologist
                                               `                                   Gender Anthropology
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