aviyinglet · 8 months
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Wacha, Patriarch of Tailoring: The cold of the Venmare region makes clothing for yinglets far less optional than you'd find it elsewhere, so it falls on Wacha and his team of skilled professionals to provide an entire enclave's worth of outfits not just for utility, but for style as well. My Patreon - Ko-Fi (Yinglet species created by Valsalia)
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mentoladax · 1 year
Ojalá fuera tan buena amándote como imaginándote a diario
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quilomb0-mental · 1 year
alguna piba q quiera escuchar musiquita en discord y charlar un rato de la vida?
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littlegalerion · 2 years
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Because moving stress is killing me and I've been formulating this theory for a long time.
So I totally retconed Wacha's previous canon because I'm starting to like this theory better.
Wacha is the true Last Dragonborn.
However, Sunnabela is right there with her- because he's her brother.
Basically, Trechire's entire storyline is real, until up around the Oblivion Crisis. There things get "tricky". Mannimarco was killed, or at least his avatar was, by Trechire, which infuriated Manni to no end. As a god, he began to look for ways to finally wipe out Trechire and her line for good. His answer was a form of "zero summoning" in a sense. In the same way Nocturnal wanted to use the towers to rewrite reality, Mannimarco did something very similar.
He attempted to just erase Trechire from the picture. No rewriting history, just making her go "poof" and suddenly nobody remembered her. When his plot was discovered, of course Trechire's sons leaped in to stop him, having not told their mother what was going on, instead wanting to deal with it themselves for a change. The result was not only was Trechire erased, but so were they.
What was left was perfect for Manni. Trechire had settled, but with Divayth Fyr, and during this time had recently had a newborn daughter. When Trechire went "poof", none in the Fyr family could remember where the hell this baby had come from, not even Divayth.
Though, something lured Divayth away, as if a glimpse of the answer. He and three of his daughters went to investigate, leaving Alfe Fyr to care for Wacha.
You know what happened after that. Wacha was raised in solitude, strictly under Alfe who had no idea what she was doing, and the result was a mini Fyr who was stuck in a cage and ready to go wild the moment she was shown freedom. Mannimarco promised her that freedom, and taught her in secret through dreams and visions. He got to know, only him, who she really was, and how the last bit of Vanus and Trechire's blood that still existed was now being twisted by his own hand.
So yeah, you know a good chunk of the rest- Wacha was a very evil dragonborn when she ran away finally, and for a while it seemed she was going to gain control of every guild in Skyrim and rule with an iron fist under Mannimarco's orders. But that backfired, as Wacha was somewhat broken through to by Erandur, realizing Mannimarco was just using her. So now she didn't plan to rule or do anything really. She was just going to let Alduin destroy everything. By this point, she felt like something was very, very wrong, and nothing could ever fix whatever it was.
This was Wacha sensing the Direnni Tower's displeasure. Wacha did go to the final confrontation of Alduin, to make sure no one could stop him. But instead of making it into the Nordic afterlife, the Tower ripped Wacha through reality and back a thousand some years, to the events of ESO.
She seemingly was chosen as the Vestige, and ran through all the motions per all Vestige's, just following the notion that the Tower had in fact chosen her, giving her a life worth living. But as she continued on, she started to swear she kept remembering various events differently.
She swore it felt like people kept calling her a different name, or that she wasn't using necromancy, but some other kind of magic. It was unbearable speaking to Vanus Galerion, King Dynar, or Abnur Tharn. A horrible pain shot through her chest everytime they spoke. Then with individuals like Tanval, Aithilo, Sil, Verandis, Fennorian... It felt like she already knew all these people, and just something felt way off, more so than ever before.
Distressed, she went to the Psijics for aide, and began their questline- which in itself felt out of order.
If you've played the Psijic questline, you know the final battle is a fight between realities that occurs inside the White-Gold Tower.
It was through this thin veil that Wacha looked into other realities, and her reflection wasn't staring back at her. It was Trechire, and in each other door to each reality, one of her brothers.
Dozens of memories flooded through her mind, and she rapidly tried to connect the dots. The loremaster brought her back to Artaeum to rest, and the Psijics feared seeing other realities had driven her insane. She kept writing out various scenarios, timelines, and even got into future events around the end of the 3rd Era. But she never could finish that part. She tried to imagine what Trechire did during those times, and thus characters like Eliindil popped up, in Wacha's attempts to give an ending to this plotline. Then Sunnabela and Kirr were the ones facing Alduin.
Wacha was reluctantly dragged into the events of Blackwood, and that's where it all clicked. Because now the 3rd Era came in crystal clear. She saw Mehrunes, she saw Trechire, Malika, and Rinyu facing off against him to protect Martin Septim.
All it took was one person to remember who Trechire and her line was, and Mannimarco's work was undone.
Wacha passed out at the end of the battle, and when she awoke, she was back in Skyrim, on the cart with Ulfric Stormcloak, hands tied and going to the execution block. Only this time, Wacha knew who she was, who her mother was, who her brothers were, and how much she wanted to tear out Mannimarco's unbeating heart one day, just like her mother...
After the events at Helgen, Wacha immediately ran home to Alfe, and the entire family was there, trying to piece things together. The Fyr sisters had returned with Divayth, having found Trechire and the boys stuck in a dark void of a realm, calling out to the Fyrs but the Fyrs unable to reach these strangers. Then suddenly memories slapped them all in the face and the dark void just launched the prisoners out and they all went for a fun little spin through portals and realms. Time hadn't existed there, so it only felt like a few hours for the Fyrs, when to Alfe and Wacha it had been 24 years.
So what really happened during the Oblivion Crisis?
Sunnabela had been rescued by his mother and brothers, and such a warp in time had caught the attention of Divayth, who already felt Red Mountain growing unstable, along with a fragility between Tamriel and Oblivion. While Trechire, Malika, and Rinyu had dealt with events in Cyrodill, Trechire had entrusted Divayth, Aithilo, and the Fyr daughters to look after a baby Sunny. Probably the first time in her life she felt like one of her kids was perfectly safe. Once the Crisis was over, well, Trechire and Divayth hit it off.
They were both mortal turned immortal adventurers who wanted to settle down and just be old mages people gawk at for being so old and influential. There was a lot to talk about, catch up on, and Divayth was an excellent father to Sunnabela.
Wacha had been born 24 years prior to the events of Skyrim, the family now living in Skyrim part time to help keep an eye on Dunmer refugees. That and Mavos had foreseen something big was going to happen in Skyrim relatively soon, so while Trechire was no longer an active player, she still wanted to be close by in case she was needed in desperate times.
So Wacha got a fresh start as her time as the Dragonborn, worked on her anger issues, started over with Erandur, got mentored by Sunnabela for Shouting lessons, got to work with Rinyu in the Dark Brotherhood, and got to finally know her parents.
Listen, I know its batshit, but high stress often reveals how insane someone actually is.
I am very stressed.
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hookyrecords · 3 months
【 プレイリスト公開 】
牙突 や FATIMA のギタリストとして活躍する Wacha の魅力を伝える為のプレイリスト「Wacha Works」を公開しました。本人から各曲へのコメントも届いていますので見ながら聴いて下さい!
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candydanced · 9 months
harta de asco
ayer sali, fui a ver a mis amis en el parque. andando en bici arranque de casa. con esa furia interna que te pide correr correr y volar, esquivar las flechas y señales en contra de unx.
el cente, siempre estamos ahi. antes habia mas gente en el skatepark. pase por ugis, sali bien cargada de ropa por si llovia y refrescaba de golpe. me pedi media pizza, tenia la bici afuera asi que estaba alerta, me senti observada por onvres, como ¿una chica aca?
desps con mi pizza fui al K24 a ver si me cambiaban una lata caliente con la q habia salido de casa, me la cambio por la fresca, me dijo buen provecho viendo la caja de pizza q tenia en la mano. me la cambio por pibaxd. ultimamente en ese kiosco hay unos gedes re bldos que hacen que se pegan. kien sabra sos loros, me caen mal.
me encontre con mis amiwis, tomamos birrita hablamos de la vida, nos reimos hasta que nos meabamos. fuimos a la ypf. lau se habia levantado temprano y estaba cansada, le dije de acompañarla a la casa con santi total es cerca y mejor para nosotras saber que llega bien si total vamos a seguir rancheando.
la acompañamos, subimos cuasi por riva, por diaz velez. recorde q tenia ferne, compramos una coca y pensamos en el hielo... no teniamos botella. ibamos a preguntar en otro kisco si tenian bote.
dejamos a lora en su casa y fuimos en busca de un vasito y hielo. sobre rivadavia nos cruzamos un bar, mi amicha iba con la coca en la mano, un vago antes de bar nos pidio si le convidabamos. se dirigió a el, a mi amicha. seguimos de largo. yendo a pedir el vaso, yo esperé afuera. a lo que se me acerca el vago y me empieza a chamuyar, "vos sos la mas linda del barrio, nena para vos tengo lo q quieras" "se descuido tu pibe", entremedio me ofrecio sustancia. tenia bronca ahi ya yo. se refirió a mi amigo burlonamente como si estuvieramos saliendo y fuera la tipica machito contra machito. se me acercó cuando santi no estaba. santi no ve venir estas cosas, no esta acostumbrado por género (equivalente a suerte). lo ignoré al vago como me salió, mitad no conectando y mitad conteniendo la ñapi. habia una mesita de chabones afuera del bar. y yo pensaba q eran lo mismo, pq no deja de ser el mismo machito solo q en sit de calle y potenciado lo asqueroso. percibí que se fue a un costado y no se pq mi intuición dice que hizo alguna chanchada en torno a mi.
mi amigo volvio y le conte la situacion, pobre, tuvo que pagar un agua para tener vasito y hielo jaja. seguimos a pata, por varios lugares, no paso nada significativo estando juntxs, la acompañe a su casa, y yo muy manija segui. pq necesito retardar lo mas que pueda la vuelta a casa. quiero alejarme y no volver, sin haberlo dado todo, y darlo todo es estar en la calle para mi. pq es asi no? siento que si.
desps no se que paso, pero volvi a subir por riva, iba veloz fume mucho, me compre una lata a 800pe casi lloro, pero la bebi, y camine deps hasta otro kiosco, hay un misterio en la ciudad que siento que tengo q resolver. ojala q otrxs no tengan que resolverme a mi.
aca paso todo muy rapido, compre otra birra en otro kiosco... el chabon me regalo un bonobon, chabon corte 40.45años, y me deseo buenas noches etc, una cara de pervertido tenia. me alejo caminando con la birra y me quedo en una parada de bondi a lo que se me acerca un tipo y me dice "te robo un segundito sin q te moleste..." le conteste que ya me molestaba, responde "ya te robe la mirada que queria" sonrie impunemente y se aleja. atras mio, del cosito de la parada, habia otro chabon, linyera, turbio, me di cuenta al toke que me estaba re fichando, ubicado justo atras mio, le doy unos cuantos tragos a la birra, y me muevo, a lo que moviendome veo q me empieza a decir algo, me atinaba, me movi rapido para la esquina pq si le dirijo algo es una trompada, y no se que puede salir de ahi. esquina iluminada, cruce de dos avenidas corte 4 am. en la esquina habia un kiosco mas, paso por al lado caminando de un grupo de 3 pibes, uno se me queda mirando y piropea, mientras yo doblada la esquina. se queda agarrado y le dice al amigo corte que tenia que venir para aca que habia un escalon no se que.
riendose insiste basicamente en seguirme. a lo que el amigo suyo le corta el mambo corte no amigo no. yo sigo caminando.
te entiendo el linyera nro1, el viejo kioskero pt, el lokito q roba miradas y seguridades, el linyera nro 2, ya ni se si sería el mismo... ke miedo...
pero pibes de mi misma edad, obvio ni tynchos, -repugnantes-, queriendo acosar a una piba que circula por la calle en la real suya...no te la entiendo y pienso: "gracias a ese amigo". pq podria haberla tenido q luchar, no te digo q no la contaba pq los dejo hechos mierda... pero que impunidad que manejan.
harta de asco
por ahi lxs estudio, por ahi, desps de tanta violencia vivida vaya para ese lado mi estudio mi intervención. lo antropologico del sexismo y machismo, lxs violentxs en el ámbito urbano en climas nocturnos.
no se me va a ir la bronca cagandolos a trompadas, no los quiero impunes ni en victimas.
mi mirada es mi mayor defensa
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goldie-blues · 1 year
I found out how to activate dark mode on this hellsite. It’s over for you bitches.
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ketchup-the-kid · 2 years
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tatsugiras · 5 months
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Monkey Fox - Kecha Wacha
I just want him back man
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druidfox · 2 months
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kobbers · 10 months
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Rathalaugust 2023 (catchup) day 7: Kecha Wacha
I'm a World baby, but I met this guy in MHGU and I'd love to see him again, eventually. Just a funky little friend, with a cool ear hood.
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aviyinglet · 9 months
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New stream schedule! Mark your calendars in perpetuity https://picarto.tv/AviYinglet
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mentoladax · 1 year
Love you more than those bitches before
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gummywyvern · 8 months
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Kecha Wacha! || Request a monster here!
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juriyuna · 3 months
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Revamped my fan-design for the Bat of Monzenbashi's witch, Narahdarn! 🦇
The honey witch, with an unscrupulous nature. Disguising herself amidst the decaying trees in her barrier, she secretes a thick, brilliant golden honey from her barklike skin to entice victims closer. The scent alone is mouthwatering, but anyone foolish enough to dip their hand in for a taste will find themselves imprisoned by its stickiness as the witch rapidly unfurls to devour them. Magical girls entering her domain should take extra care not to get any of this sludge on them-- contact can seal their ability to use their personal magic.
the honey tastes as good as it smells. unfortunately, you can only eat it once.
it also hardens on impact, so she covers herself with it as armor. she's not as fast in this state, but it's difficult to land a hit on any of her vulnerable parts.
when angered, she scatters all of the honey on her body, becoming more vicious and agile in exchange for lowered defense.
she doesn't trust any of her familiars, so she spends most of her time in isolation, waiting for prey to wander by.
her upper-left fang is missing, just like when she was human. no gold tooth for her as a witch, though.
generally gets around by flying, but she can walk on all fours in a weird little scuttling hop.
not the most colossal witch, but still fairly large (pretend ranka is average height, so 158-160cm-ish)
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she's named after narahdarn the bat from australian legend, who murdered his two wives in selfish pursuit of honey and was subsequently killed by the rest of the bilber tribe in vengeance.
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winter-doggo · 9 months
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Rathalaugust Day 7 (catchup): Kecha Wacha
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