#w.i.t.c.h. weira
bewdite-spacey-coffee · 11 months
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It's a birthday present for @i-plague-eater
I want to say that I really love her work. This is an ambitious person who in love with her work, strives to create something new and one of her ideas is better than another. What can we say about her W.I.T.C.H. AU (read the comic and follow her blog to learn more about AU, you won't regret it) or her original universes — seriously, these are awesome! Plague Eater might interest you simply by creating original character or elaborate lore.
And that is not all. She is a wonderful person: she is a good friend, mentor, colleague and inspiration. And if it wasn’t for her, then perhaps I would have left W.I.T.C.H. fandom or even given up on my work, releasing pictures once a year.
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rinfarts · 8 months
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I answer on behalf of Prince Phobos in "W.I.T.C.H" ask. I'll try to show you the answer with him. English is not my native language, so there may be mistakes. Please be understanding.
(Part 1 of 2)
Q: Phobos, do you remember when your magic first manifested itself? Tell us Q: So what actually happened to your parents?
Answer: 1) Magic? It was enchanting. It was as if I was born blind, and at that moment I received my sight. And I saw the world in all its splendor. 2) True, it was somewhat... destructive. 3) Mother didn’t appreciate it.
/The answer turned out to be large, I had to divide it into two parts. Therefore, specifically in this post there is little information about parents. Don't be alarmed, it's meant to be ;) 
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eaeulfl · 2 months
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reizerisanoingsstuff · 6 months
Q: Your character as a model at a fashion show. It’s your choice whether the looks are really stylish or something strange and understandable only to a few
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cedricsnotdead · 2 days
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It’s my first time drawing the Queen and I thought about doing it for an important moment in Cedric’s life in the lore of Ink and Blood - the day he is named a Queen’s Champion.
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sleepyphobos · 9 months
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Flashbacks from Phobos childhood.
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poltorytvari · 1 year
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Concept-redesign of Queen Weira herself!!! Watched w.i.t.c.h too many times in my life and I LOVE IT
.......but much more I love my maladaptive daydreaming 🤡🍻
Her colors are ✨gold✨ and also deep vibrant red
One day I'll be able to make a few fan comics of my w.i.t.c.h AU 😩
went hard on this one and I can't see the result.... as usual ya know
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i-plague-eater · 1 year
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It took me long to choose characters but I've ended with Elyon, Orube and Yazoo (from FFVII). First, Elyon.
I like her shaggy hairstyle in cartoon a lot! It is a reason for Kane/Phobos to has his hair so wild! But in a comic book her silhouette is much closer to Weira and they're said to be very look alike, so I've came with a compromise between comic and cartoon versions. Her iconic sweater is a noticeable detail too, plus it's purple and purple always gives a magical and mystique vibe.
I'm not gonna lie: as a kid, I've never been fond of her. As far as I know, most fans say the same as I do: she's too sugary sweet, naive, gullible and never had a chance to kick Phobos's ass. But as she's one of the characters in my fancomic In Breach, I followed my commom approach "You can't have a character in your script and feel a subjective grudge towards them". So I started asking myself why Elyon is acting the way she does. And I've discovered а very interesting fact.
Why she WOULDN'T act the way she does?
She is an ordinary teen girl, not the smartest, not the brightest (when it's not about amazing drawing skills that she share with Hay Lin. I mean, come on!). She isn't the most socially successful, as she mentioned in a cartoon "I'm a teenager without friends" (in rus dub). The ordinary "normal" type. Her only stable relationship is with Cornelia and Alchemy. She's so unnoticed that only Alchemy notified the police that Elyon is missing. And Alchemy is not a teacher, just a classmate. A family has disappeared and literally no one (including neighbors) told to police that lights were off for a long time.
Yes, we see Elyon in a background from time to time and she even says a phrase or two. She's not an outcast type, she hangs with the others BUT every time we see her involved it also involves Cornelia who was most likely the one who invited her. And she's always slightly away from the rest making me think she only does this to mix with her surroundings. We never see her hanging with her own company or even a single friend instead of the main heroes or Alchemy (who's also a Cornelia friend). Or Bryan... but it was a sad and short story. We never see her having a long dialogue unless we know who she really is. It's an arguable point tho as the story is about W.I.T.C.H girls and script writers probably were trying to keep a secret of her true nature.
But when Cedric appears! Unlike her furtive parents that always withhold something and Cornelia who's all about herself (with all the respect to Cornelia), Cedric just... listens to her. He shows compassion, non-judgmental approach and sound sincere. With him Elyon feel being special. Not to mention that Cornelia has betrayed her for Will (we know the reason behind it but Ely doesn't).
And then! Bang! Suddenly Elyon becomes THE special. The only one! She's like Harry Potter who got a letter from Hogwarts, like issekai character, the fucking King Arthur, THE CHOSEN ONE! Common people of Meridian are praying on her, servants are ready to perform any caprice, Miranda is being nice and ready to play with her, her older brother is such a sweet and cheerful person who would do just anything for her. She's like Coraline who found the other mother. And this case is actually so good that it should be in a video "How and why people fall for abusive relationship or being lured into a sect".
The only thing she can be accused is being too gullible but she acts as a person who grasps any straw. Who would you choose? Parents who lied to you for your whole life? Fake friends who replaced you with a new girl.
We can go deeper here. Remember the first scene with Elyon in a comic book? She got a low grade and instead of supporting her, her "friends" invent a humiliating punishment to hit on a stranger. Although they know she's quite shy! What a nice company we have here, don't we?
Don't get me wrong, teenagers may show low empathy due to their age. Cornelia isn't a bad person too. She's the most loyal friend one might only dream of! Both in a comic book and cartoon she stays at Elyon's side and refuse the idea of her friend being evil. Although Elyon did a lot in a comic book to be judged. Cornelia risks her own life to get to her. BUT she's still quite an narcissist type. Such people attract very specific friends: those who always stay in their shadow, never a threat or a competitor. You can see others confronting her in either passive-aggressive form or trying to show her a place like Irma does. But Elyon was with Cornelia since they were small kids. I have a theory that Elyon actually wins from it too: she seem very "normal" by hanging with a popular friend who would invite her to every party. And literally no one can say no to Cornelia, right? And Elyon seem present in the society. And at the same time she actually isn't.
So here's the whole picture: Elyon isn't a scapegoat outcast like Martin, she isn't labeled as "odd" like Hay Lin. BUT she's not a successful either. She's a blank one, that average conformal person that does their best to suit "normal" standarts. She's short on social contacts, she's breadcrumbed by Cornelia and has no friends outside her pack. As we remember, Alchemy is also Cornelia's friend. Both Browns are hideous, insanely quiet people who made a very, very isolated, incapsulated family to the point that no one even notices their absence. They do their best to lay low and they teach Elyon to act the same way (we know why, but it's quite unhealthy thing you know). I bet Eleanor is quite unhappy with Ely's marks, but I'm not sure if she's strict about it. She's been shown as a good parent in both comic and cartoon. Although the way Elyon agreed to throw them in prison in a comic so easily is something that keep my brain buzzing.
Sooo my idea is that her reliance problems has started long before the cartoon events. Her social contacts never worked properly to begin with and that's why Cedric got her so easily. Not to mention his speech skills. Elyon was a quiet, shady kid with a certain tendency for escapism. Drawing on her level is quite a specific trait that requires a lot of time spend alone and some wild imagination. I think while she never shows this in a cartoon and probably suppressed it, she was really envy of Cornelia, Irma, Hay Lin and even Taranee having huge and nice families, lots of friends and being very bright people. While she's... on the sidelines. There's a thick wall of white lies between her and her parents. She's... no one. Only Cedric shown her what being heard and important is.
Although all the above is cool, it makes her a bit bland to my personal taste. So in my AU called In Breach I given her a bit salt and spice by returning her some of her comic characteristics. I see her as a stalker type, very jealous and vengeful, but too afraid of showing aggression and staring a feud. She would write some really nasty fanfiction about her foes and spread rumors, make ugly caricature on Grumper sisters. Might even play a nasty prank on someone if she can get away unnoticed. But nothing violent, just humiliating.
So, imagine this lost envious girl stumbling across another narcissist. Different from Cornelia, quite a violent type. The one who seem to be afraid of no one. Like, literally not a single person can tell him what to do - even the police (on a first glance. In reality, he's afraid of jail as fuck). The one who questions the moral, the normality, the good and evil. AND telling her this is what she can and should be. WELL WELL WELL WHO COULD THAT BE)
Also, a song that must be a soundtrack for her kicking Phobos's butt in a cartoon.
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thelightofmeridian · 1 year
Quelques informations
Bonjour, bonsoir ! J'espère que vous profitez bien de cette belle journée de décembre. Me revoilà donc pour donner des nouvelles du projet.
Côté administratif :
Le forum n'est pas encore créé : n'étant pas certaine de la faisabilité du projet et s'il plaira à d'autres que moi, je préfère avancer doucement de mon côté sans me mettre la pression.
Cependant, j'avoue avoir commencé à créer un petit serveur discord si le projet abouti pour pouvoir discuter idées de personnages, éventuellement faire des recherches de liens etc (je me bats avec les configurations des bots. Pas si simple ce truc haha) Vous en serez les premiers informés ici-même ou bien sur des serveurs discord de pub.
Eventuellement, je pourrais lancer une recherche de staff pour construire le forum. C'est toujours plus sympa d'avoir des points de vue différents, échanger nos idées, rebondir sur celles des autres plutôt que de faire ça seule.
Univers du forum :
Le contexte est inspiré de la bande-dessinée W.I.T.C.H. (apparue dans Minnie Mag puis WITCH Mag par la suite pour ceux qui connaissent), créée par Elisabetta Gnone.
Contrairement à la BD, l'histoire ne se déroule pas à Heatherfield (planète Terre) mais à Meridian, capitale du Royaume de Metamoor (l'un des nombreux mondes placés sous la protection de Kandrakar).
Les Gardiennes de la Muraille n'existent pas encore : nous ne sommes qu'au début de la prise de pouvoir du Prince Phobos, qui d'ailleurs n'est pas le souverain "officiel" de Meridian. La Reine Weira Escanor et son époux sont toujours en vie, il y a donc toujours de l'espoir !
De ce fait, Metamoor n'a pas le charmant surnom de la Zone Obscure du Non-Lieu. Personne ne sait où la Princesse Elyon se trouve, mais elle est en sécurité loin de de son frère, qui en tant qu'homme n'a pas sa place sur le trône.
La magie est présente partout sur Metamoor. Tous ses habitants ne la pratique pas, mais son usage est considéré comme normal. Cette magie commence doucement à s'épuiser, le Royaume plonge peu à peu dans les ténèbres. La Lumière de Meridian a disparu, transmise par la Reine Weira à sa fille Elyon.
Evolutions possibles/idées en vrac :
Pour le moment, seul Metamoor sera jouable inrp et l'action se concentrera sur Meridian. Selon l'évolution du forum et des intrigues, je n'exclue pas la possibilité de rendre Kandrakar jouable, ou encore la Terre. A voir donc.
Concernant les groupes, ils seront au nombre de quatre pour commencer : la cour royale et les meridianites (les habitants de Meridian). Mais où sont donc passés les deux autres groupes ???? Surprise surprise. Il existerait deux groupes cachés : les murmurants/roses noires de Phobos (fidèles au Prince Phobos donc, de gré ou de force, pour x raison) et la rébellion (pro-Escanor aka la Reine Weira). Les membres de ces deux groupes devront à tout prix garder leur appartenance à tel ou tel mouvement secret et pourront donc agir chacun de leur côté pour faire avancer l'intrigue. Il faudra donc contacter le staff au préalable par mp avant la validation pour l'en informer et la mission "rester discret" commencera donc dès la partie présentation (vous n'êtes donc pas obligés de raconter la vérité toute la vérité la rédaction de votre fiche !!!!) Je prévois des parties privées sur le forum justement, avec la possibilité de rajouter quelques éléments d'histoire pour compléter la fiche (optionnel).
A chaque mise à jour (tous les mois/deux mois ou +, rythme à définir) , l'un des deux camps pourra prendre le dessus sur l'autre (ou pas) et ainsi faire avancer leur souverain respectif (Prince Phobos ou Reine Weira). Les personnages ne faisant pas partie de ces deux mouvements seront donc neutres (cour royale ou meridianites) et auront le pouvoir de ralentir les deux groupes opposés pour rester dans un semblant de "paix", empêcher des événements tragiques.
Et c'est tout pour l'instant, j'espère que ces petites idées vous ont plu ! Encore une fois, s'il y a des intéressés, n'hésitez pas à me contacter ici ou bien sur discord. A bientôt !
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yensidhq · 2 years
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☾ ✦ ⋆*✩ ║▌║█║▌│║▌║▌█  AESTHETIC :
when you’re made of starlight, everything you touch shines. playing pretend with paper crowns. petals pressed between the pages of old fairytales. hands covered in pastel paint. a journal of forgotten sketches. overwhelming nostalgia for something you can’t remember. tears that brim, but never fall. the art of healing a broken heart. beautiful burdens.
☾ ✦ ⋆*✩ ║▌║█║▌│║▌║▌█   BIOGRAPHY:
Meridian is a world most know very little of, and even fewer can claim to have visited. But if you do ever get the chance to touch down on the little planet, you’ll find it to be unlike anything else in the galaxy. A relic of a bygone era before the technological revolution. Magic flows through these lands as abundantly as electricity within a city and at the center of it all are the Escanors. Their noble bloodline has sat upon Meridian’s throne for longer than anyone can remember, one of the few documented monarchies to exclusively crown women.
Well, almost exclusively.
Fifteen years ago Queen Weira and her consort were overthrown by their eldest child, Phobos. Princes are considered unlucky in the royal lineage, as the mantle of the Light of Meridian can only be passed down from mother to daughter. To say the kingdom was disappointed by the Queen’s first born would be an understatement. But as more and more years passed without the arrival of a princess, it appeared that Meridian would have no choice but to place its prince upon the throne. The power and devotion Phobos had grown to crave were so close he could nearly taste it.
The birth of a sister stole that future from him.
Elyon was barely six years old when all of her brother’s bitterness and resentment finally came to a head. The queen and high consort were suddenly gone, and their son was laying claim to the crown. If not for the efforts of a palace maid and two members of the royal guard, Elyon would never have been able to escape the night her brother decided to take the throne by force. They slipped away amidst the chaos and hopped from planet to planet until they reached the Yen Sid World Power Organization, the perfect place to stay lost. It is here they’ve remained all these years, hoping that the usurper prince will never be able to find Meridian’s true heir. Her saviors, now parents, have managed to suppress her magic and all but completely wipe any memories of a life before arriving on the asteroid.
Meridian’s crown princess is no more. Now, she is simply Elyon Brown.
☾ ✦ ⋆*✩ ║▌║█║▌│║▌║▌█   CONTACTS:
Phobos Escanor: Older brother, though she is unaware of the connection.
☾ ✦ ⋆*✩ ║▌║█║▌│║▌║▌█  THOUGHTS:
Elyon gazes out of portholes at ships coming from and leaving for distant worlds she’s only dreamed of visiting. Her parents are intensely protective of their only daughter, but she is slowly suffocating in their sanctuary. There is a strange emptiness deep within her that she can’t seem to fill. A growing discontentment with the only life she’s ever known.
ELYON IS ___________________ TAKEN BY RIKA
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madonna-of-meridian · 4 years
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That means your mom Weira was over a thousand years old? That’s old, darlin’
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mikeilo-fanarts · 3 years
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Princess Weira soon to be engaged or just playing with a magical ring idk I needed an excuse to make a spirling lil animation.
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rinfarts · 4 months
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(Part 2 of 2) Part 1: https://www.tumblr.com/rinfarts/729142888478457856/i-answer-on-behalf-of-prince-phobos-in-witch
Q: Phobos, do you remember when your magic first manifested itself? Tell us Q: So what actually happened to your parents?
Answer: 1) After acquiring magical powers, I had to study for a long time. 2) In fact, the first burst of magic is almost impossible to control. It’s even surprising that the sister, with her huge reserve of mana... 3) managed not to create 4) some kind of disaster
P.S. Parents are alive. Elyon's magic only turned them into stone and teleported them to the ice caves of Torus Hilm. Monarchs can be de-enchanted. But to do this, you need to find the statue and understand what exactly caused the transformation.
Attempts to locate Weira and Zeiden as missing persons, living or dead, lead nowhere. Search spells and potions malfunction, producing unintelligible answers. The Stone of Threbe, alas, was found at the moment when the prince had no time for his parents.
In the series and comics there is no direct answer to what happened to them. So this is just my headcanon.
(text may not be entirely accurate due to translation difficulties)
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cobalt-thorns · 2 years
I will die on the hill that Phobos was supposed to be named ‘Phoebus’ but Weira received so many bad omens about him that she changed it
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reizerisanoingsstuff · 6 months
Q: Do you still have pictures of Phobos or Elyon from their childhood?
‼️TW: child loss ; infant death
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cedricsnotdead · 5 months
ok so yesterday i was watching the two towers for the 56th time and i was suddenly hit by the stupidest w.i.t.c.h. AU idea, where:
we have five brave and mighty hobbits: will, the bearer of the heart of kandrakar tasked with destroying it in mount kandrakar together with her companions cornelia, hay lin, irma and taranee
and then we have the fellowship of the heart who accompanies the five hobbits in this quest:
caleb, a human also known as strider, great fighter, possibly heir to the throne of gondor, kicks helmets when frustrated
orube, an elf with amazing fighting skills, great archer, awesome elf eyes that see miles away, her dad is a fashion icon in mirkwood
vathek, definitely not a dwarf but still good with the ax, has a prejudice against elves, but overall a good boi
matt, a human who becomes tempted by the heart of kandrakar, thinks that one does not simply walk into kandrakar and is probably right
yan lin the gray, an old but powerful wizard, has some grudges with the balrog
and then we have some more elves and creatures:
weira, lady of rivendell, a millenary elf, she’s the one who sends the fellowship of the heart to kandrakar
elyon, daughter of weira, also an elf, but she’s in love with caleb so she might want to become human at some point
cassidy, an extremely powerful elf lady who has banished the big baddie into the state he is now
nerissa, who was corrupted by the heart of kandrakar and then became a creature consumed by the desire for her precious, she knows the way to mount kandrakar
and then we have the baddies,
phobos, also known as the lord of the nazgûl or the witch-king of metamoor, he is the head of the thugs dressed in black who look for the heart of kandrakar for the big boss, wears fancy pointy boots and has overall impeccable style
cedric the white, a powerful wizard who turned to the dark side and commands a huge army of orcs for the big boss
and finally... the final boss, the big baddie, the one who created the heart of kandrakar and now is just an eye looking for it - THE ORACLE OF KANDRAKAR
the list is not exhaustive, i accept suggestions for other characters
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