zijtaart-nl · 2 years
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Leefbaarheidsonderzoek in Zijtaart van 6 t/m 20 juni Negentig studenten van de opleiding landschapsarchitectuur en ruimtelijke planning aan de Wageningen Universiteit gaan in Meierijstad onderzoek doen om bij te dragen aan het ontwikkelen van een toekomstvisie voor het landelijk gebied. Dit onderzoek wordt uitgevoerd in opdracht van de Vereniging Kleine Kernen Noord-Brabant en de Dorpsraad Zijtaart. Zijtaart is een klein dorp met een agrarisch karakter, waar het aangenaam en rustig wonen is, en wil dat graag behouden. Daarvoor onderhoudt de dorpsraad goede reguliere contacten met de gemeente. Basis voor het beleid voor een leefbaar Zijtaart is daarbij de “structuurvisie” die in 2004 in samenspraak met de dorpsraad door de gemeente is opgesteld. Deze visie echter, is anno 2022 verouderd. Zijtaart wordt op de dag van vandaag geconfronteerd met meerdere nieuwe ontwikkelingen, kansen en bedreigingen. Daarom heeft de Dorpsraad besloten een nieuwe structuurvisie te ontwikkelen om de plannen van de nabije toekomst met een doordachte eigentijdse visie het hoofd te bieden. De studenten nemen hier de eerste stappen voor door een week lang onderzoek te doen in verschillende plekken in Meierijstad op thema’s als landbouw, natuur en wonen. Centraal staat de vraag: hoe kan de leefbaarheid in de kleine kernen binnen de gemeente Meierijstad verbeterd kan worden gezien de lange termijn ontwikkelingen in het gebied? Het onderzoek betreft een eerstejaars studie van de opleiding om studenten bekend te maken met het uitvoeren van ruimtelijk onderzoek. Zij nemen vragenlijsten af en interviewen bewoners en experts. De opleiding hoopt van harte op de medewerking van de bewoners. Er is een kennisgeving en uitnodiging uitgedaan naar diverse betrokken organisaties voor medewerking. Lees het hele artikel op zijtaart.nl via de link in bio. #zijtaart #leefbaarheidsonderzoek #meierijstad #vkknb #wageningenuniversity https://www.instagram.com/p/CdyZyVyJA-e/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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nocturnegloam · 4 years
Personal Imbolc Ritual
Feel free to incorporate any of these ideas into your own ritual, and make sure to check out the sources I referenced!
Pre-Ritual To-Do List:
The night before, cleanse tools and supplies to be used
The night before or morning of, cleanse the house
Weather divination, the morning of: It is said that if there is good weather on Imbolc, it is bad luck for the season to come. Bad weather is, therefore, a sign of good luck.
Just before the ritual, prepare tea for the libation, and your offering.
Tools/Supplies, in order of use in ritual:
Purple agate windchime: Consecreation of time, mark of the beginning of the ritual
White cedar: House and ritual space cleansing
Besom and black salt: Altar cleansing
Athame: Circle casting and cutting, energy grounding
Boline knife: Candle carving (for carving Brighid’s cross)
Red spell candle: Fire correspondence, symbol of the blood of life, symbol of the returning sun, symbol of revitilization of the self
White spell candle: Fire correspondence, symbol of the melting blanket of snow, symbol of ending stagnation, symbol of purification of the self
Myrrh oil: Candle dressing, purification, preparation for ritual
Dried hyssop: Candle dressing, purification
Faerie figure: To honor divine entities, strength, feminimity
Crystals: Earth correspondence → Garnet / Regeneration, purification, fire, the returning sun, changing modality → Moonstone / New beginnings, rebirth, intuition → Rose quartz / Feminimity, love → Bloodstone / Revitalization, the blood of new life → Amethyst / Spiritual protection, transformation
Incense and wafting feather: Air correspondences
Seashells with water droplets: Water correspondences
Silver coin: Aquarius correspondence (this particular coin is a gift from an Aquarius friend), Imbolc color correspondence (silver)
Goblet: To hold the libation for deity and other welcomed entities, symbol of the womb of life and the void of death, symbol of the goddess
Hibiscus and spiced tea (deep red color): Love, sanguinity, invigoration, passion, offered as libation to deity and other welcomed entities
Red ribbon dipped in full moon water: A symbol of hope and healing
Cinnamon sticks wrapped in red ribbon: Invigoration, passion, hope, healing, offered as a gift to deity and other welcomed entities
Cauldron: Burning herbs, symbol of transformation from dark to light, symbol of the mother
Tarot cards: For divination during ritual
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Imbolc Ritual:
Consecration of Time/Mark of the Beginning of the Ritual
Ring purple agate wind chime three times to mark the beginning of the ritual. Turn on ritual music, if you wish.
Consecration of Ritual Space and Altar
Light the white cedar bundle, and witness it crackle to life by fire.
Cleanse your ritual space with its smoke.
Take a pinch of black salt and your besom, and cleanse your altar in a sweeping motion. Use visualization centered around the dispelling of negativity.
Set up your altar.
Consecration of the Self
Sit or lay in a comfortable place and position, and focus on relaxation and breathing.
Next, meditate on the following themes and images, and the feelings they provoke: Growing light, melting snow, snowdrops covering the ground, the flames of life, health, forge, and hearth, springtime morning mist and fog, a springtime grove in its first awakenings, the stillness of a fresh spring well, a dried-up stream regaining its first trickles, the first budding flora, deity and the divine, the elements, and the like. Let these ideas flow in naturally. This will allow you to center and clear yourself.
Gently come out of meditation, and take a short moment to center yourself amongst your immediate surroundings.
Casting the Circle (South → West → North → East)
Take hold of your athame and compass, and start at the south. Recite your words of peace to the directions and elements in their respective order. As you turn directions, visualize white light (in any form) forming a protective circle around you.
“May there be peace in the south, where inner warmth and passion burn like Fire”.
“May there be peace in the west, where intuition and emotion flow as gracefully and as freely as Water”.
“May there be peace in the north, where protection remains as robust and steadfast as the jagged mountain ranges of Earth”.
“May there be peace in the east, where convection and advection carry swift intellect in its bursts of Air and wind”.
Come back to the center of your circle, hold your athame directly above your head with both hands.
“In honor of Land, Sea, and Sky, may this circle extend into a sphere within these realms--through that which resides above, below, and around. This sphere is sealed in their names”.
Carve and dress candles, light incense, light non-spell candles, pour libation, and set out your offering.
Invoke Entity/Entities of Choice
“In the sunrise that illuminates the high hills’ wintry morning mists,
The same light that guides the turning of Earth by roots and seeds,
A young bard well-spent by winter sits by a sacred well.
She listens to drops and drips produced by melting ice crystals.
This young bard, despite being well-spent
Knows the voice that she hears is the weeping of Brighid.
On this Imbolc, with her eyes full of tears and gleaming,
The young bard has become keen to her gift of keening.
The bard sings and weeps to her:
I offer you hope, revitalization, and fierce strength,
For I have witnessed the swords you have forged,
That allow us to fight ever forward.
I have felt the warmth of your hearth and heart,
And I will do everything I can to offer you the same, O’ Brighid.
I extend my understanding first and foremost,
and then a libation, offering, and warm welcome.
May I help bring you healing, and healing to this world,
And to myself, so that I may keep giving it to others”.
Ritual Observance Statement and Reflection
“On this passing of Imbolc, Brighid’s sacred fire festival,
Under the influences of Cypress and Aquarius,
I honor the powers of the coming springtime,
The faerie who work alongside our Land and Lady,
And the forces of revitalization, love, fertility, and healing”.
Raise and Focus Power
Light a coal and carefully place it into the cauldron (which has a bed of black salt at the bottom) with tongs.
Grab dried hyssop and place it in the cauldron, on top of the coal. While doing so, chant “Purify thy forge with dried flowers of hyssop, and enchant it with the powers of hope and love. And so it shall be” for as long as it feels appropriate.
Ritual Activity and/or Spellwork (If Desired)
Light the red and white candles in the names of Brighid, the faerie, and the coming spring with your chosen crystals surrounding them. Let them burn down until midnight sharp.
Reminder: The red candle is for the blood of life, the return of the sun, and the revitalization of the self. The white candle is for the melting blanket of snow, the end of stagnation, and the purification of the self.
Perform the Imbolc Stirring Within You Spread by lepuslunamgrimoire.
When the clock strikes midnight sharp, blow out the candles to release their power.
Collect your tarot cards and put them back of the order of their suits, and numbers, to cleanse. Place amethyst on top of them.
Gather energy to ground into the Earth below you. Use your athame to direct and ground the energy.
Dismissal of Invocation
“To those who have chosen to preside here in my sacred space, by my sacred well, there comes a time when this young bard must bid you farewell.
As the mists clear, and the solar rays precipitate the last snow drops, I send out my deepest gratitude and wish you safe travels”.
Cut the Circle
Take a hold of your athame, and approach the east end of your circle. From right to left, and then left to right, make cutting motions in an “X” across your visualized barrier of light. Release your circle in a bright flash, and let entropy control once more, sending out your energy into the beyond.
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digital-lokesh · 4 years
via Amazon.in: Cooking essentials: Amazon Fresh
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