#vixx sanghyuk
muselin · 1 year
I am so emotional, it's so incredible to see them on stage together again! The concert they had was a success and seeing them with Starlights again on a music show in 2023 is so sweet. BUT THIS STAGE OMFGGGG, it's fantastic! Tremendous! The reworked vocals, the stage presence, everything!!! When Voodoo Doll started I screamed right with the crowd!! VIXX never gets old and I hope they are truly back and here to stay
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witchakyeon · 2 years
Vixx Masterpost
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❧ My AO3
❧ My Carrd
❧ Requests are open! You can submit requests here, or on curiouscat, and I'll get to them when I can. Please try to be as clear as possible about what you're looking for and be patient while I work on it xoxo
❧ Adore you | Multi | Ongoing
tags: polyamory, complicated relationships
Jaehwan had always been a bit theatrical. It was the Aries fire in him that craved first place in everything, to consume and be consumed at the same moment, to act first and think later. It was the fire in his eyes that kept him in trouble. The one where Jaehwan kind of fucks everything up and has to learn how to be honest with the people he loves.
❧ Bloom | Multi | Ongoing
tags: safe sane and consensual, mutual pining
The unknown excites him, even now. Hongbin has never been in a relationship. There was never enough time and he hated the idea, but he finally feels ready to grow and explore alongside someone. He convinces himself that he only has to find his partner and everything else will work out. Love is a little more complicated than that.
❧ Celestial | Hyuken | Complete
tags: rough sex, asphyxiation
Celestial (Latin): a divine or mythical being. Jaehwan had encountered thousands of creatures—angels, demons and more—during his existence, and not a single one could compare to Sanghyuk. He was so breathtaking, so entrancing without even trying that it made his heart hurt sometimes, even though they belonged to each other. Sanghyuk was mortal, but he put the moon itself to shame.
❧ Delicate | Chasangbin | Complete
tags: fluff and humor, open relationships
They could get used to this. Sanghyuk invites Hongbin to dinner at Hakyeon's apartment. The night takes an unexpected turn.
❧ Jamais Vu/Luna | Wontaek | Complete
tags: worldbuilding, human/monster romance
Taekwoon has been here before. Once upon a time, Taekwoon believed he and Wonshik were the only creature and human in a relationship. Hakyeon and Hongbin prove him wrong tenfold, and the weight of his past and reality begin to catch up with him.
❧ Makeup Drawer | Chaken | Inactive
tags: tooth-rotting fluff, secret crush
Hakyeon wondered if Jaehwan would hate him for it, for wanting to kiss him until their lips were bruised, for being unable to control himself as if he were a teenager, for having urges towards him in the first place. They were so close and yet... Hakyeon has a crush on Jaehwan. He doesn't know how to tell him because he's a little busy attempting to deny it.
❧ Moonlight Sunrise | Chabin | Complete
tags: succubi & incubi, developing relationship
Hongbin held his breath as the demon approached him, and his heart danced wildly behind his ribcage as the distance between them disappeared. His lover grabbed his waist, pulled him close, and bent down slightly to press their lips together, and Hongbin felt himself explode into a million little pieces of stardust. This was what he wanted. This was what he had been waiting all day for: an opportunity to get close to him, to stare into his moonlit eyes, to feel the rush of desire that frequently accompanied his touch, to kiss him back harder, harder, harder until he understood how much he wanted him, how much he would always want him, no matter what.
❧ Naked | Leohyuk | Complete
tags: emotional porn, established relationship
"You don’t need to apologize for your body. Anyone who cares for you will love and respect however it looks and feels." Taekwoon and Sanghyuk finally get the time alone they deserve.
❧ New Year's Day | Chasangbin | Complete
tags: holidays, fluff and smut
Hongbin feels like they have found a family where they belong, and they couldn’t be happier. The one where the holidays are better than everyone expected.
❧ Nocturne | Chabin | Complete
tags: demon & human interactions, monster fucker lee hongbin
Nocturne (Latin): a person, concept, or artwork that embodies the energy of the night, shadows, and dreams.
Hongbin didn’t know or care how many other creatures Hakyeon had brought home—he just wanted to be the one that he remembered.
❧ Strawberry | Hyuken | Complete
tags: summer romance, semi-public sex
There was one thing Jaehwan loved more than strawberries, and that was Sanghyuk. Jaehwan plans a sweet surprise for his boyfriend.
❧ Stardust | Kenbin| Ongoing
tags: fae & fairies, soulmates
"None of this is a coincidence. Since the creation of the universe, this was our destiny." Hongbin makes a wish that changes his world forever.
❧ the place i've been searching for is you | Hyuk-centric | Ongoing
tags: inspired by shangri-la (vixx), promiscuity
"the empty space inside me fills the color of you is faint and dazzling beautiful, warm, mysterious" Sanghyuk x everyone because it's what the doctor ordered!
❧ Ultraviolet | Chabin | Complete
tags: creature vixx, shameless smut
“Must have just been my imagination...” Hongbin speaks to the second full moon of the month. “My my my, little kitten, what a wild imagination you have,” Hakyeon whispers in the dark. Hakyeon interrupts Hongbin's study session in favor of a more hands-on activity.
Collections + Series
❧ Midnight (2023+2024 Prompt Collection) | Multi | Ongoing
(Yet another) strange and lovely collection of vixx shenanigans to bring in the new year
❧ Prequel | Chabin, Wontaek | Ongoing
A mini creature series leading up to my largest concept ever
❧ after all the tears, you're all i need | Chabin | Ongoing
Hongbin is a mortal, and Hakyeon is a succubus. These are the tales of how their fates intertwine
❧ Vixxtober 2022 | Multi | Complete
A Vixx version of Kinktober
❧ 2022 Prompt Collection | Multi | Complete
(Another) strange and lovely collection of vixx shenanigans to bring in the new year
❧ 2021 Prompt Collection | Multi | Complete
A collection of vixx shenanigans to bring in the new year
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ahyukaday · 2 years
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(c) 181117  
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possession1981 · 6 months
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HYUK Amnesia (2023)
352 notes · View notes
vixx-network · 6 months
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hyuk ✧ amnesia ✧ 231124 music bank
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thebvbbletea · 6 months
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VIXX - 'Amnesia' M/V
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fairytalespond · 8 months
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kpopgifzz · 6 months
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Amnesia — VIXX, 231125
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galaxymagick · 2 months
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우리 아이 형들있으니 아무 걱정말고 건강히만 ❤️
Our child. Since there are hyungs don't worry and stay healthy ❤️
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jaehwaniee · 1 month
240427 Leo via Instagram (from 240418) •
Our child 😭
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lq-hyuk · 2 months
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hyunubear · 7 months
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witchakyeon · 1 year
❧ Celestial | Hyuken Oneshot
Jaehwan wanted to do something special for Sanghyuk.
He still had much to learn about mortal affairs, but he had been with Sanghyuk for many seasons, long enough to know that he was extremely busy and stressed every winter. Jaehwan didn’t particularly understand—school was one the most enjoyable periods of his existence as an angel—but apparently, mortals even did education differently. His lover insisted it was hell on Earth.
Jaehwan thought that was a bit dramatic. If hell had come to Earth, they surely wouldn’t be alive anymore, especially if Taekwoon was in a sour mood. The celestial of death and the underworld was known to be temperamental most of the time, even when the celestial of seasons and vegetation was home. Taekwoon adored Hakyeon more than any other living thing in the universe, and he was still the same condescending, moody person that bickered with the celestial of the heavens until Wonshik was ready to physically wrestle him that Jaehwan always knew.
Regardless, Sanghyuk had exhausted himself so much this season that he had fallen ill, and the moment he recovered, he was back to his studies and his work. Things had settled down since then, but Jaehwan felt awful about his lover pushing himself so hard. Sanghyuk only spent a few days resting—and fussing about being contagious while Jaehwan took care of him even though the angel insisted he was immune to mortal diseases—and it took weeks for his symptoms to go away.
Jaehwan hated how tired he looked, how he had recently lost interest in his hobbies because of the change in the seasons, and how many hours he spent in front of his computer. The angel often had the entire day to himself even when he set aside time to work on his art while his lover only had a few hours to sleep. He didn’t like that at all.
He wanted to help Sanghyuk rest during his break. He wanted to do something special for him that would make the end of such a long year meaningful—memorable—but he was having a hard time figuring out exactly what that something special should be.
So he asked the second most important mortal in his life for help. Hongbin suggested a few things—an expensive gift for the upcoming holiday, a vacation out of their realm, a fancy meal. None of those things rang any bells. Birthdays warranted the biggest celebration in their relationship, and Jaehwan prepared most of the meals in their home on the account that Sanghyuk could not cook a proper meal if the universe itself were in danger. And Sanghyuk had only processed the fact that Jaehwan was an angel—technically fallen but not banished yet willingly Earthbound—very recently. He wasn’t ready to travel between realms yet. He had a sensitive stomach.
The angel was nearly on the verge of despair when Hongbin proposed another idea.
“Why don’t you dress up for him, then? Do you have any lingerie?”
“You mean underwear? I wear that all the time. Sanghyuk spends more time complaining about it getting in the way than he does appreciating it.”
“First of all, I didn’t need to know that. Second, lingerie and underwear are two completely different things. Lingerie is for appeal. It’s fancier, more expensive, and more suggestive than underwear.”
“How is fancy underwear going to make Sanghyuk feel better?”
Jaehwan didn’t understand the so-called appeal until Hongbin showed him some pictures, then some videos, then some of his own sets. Lingerie rang many bells—it rang every bell in Jaehwan’s brain, actually.
After recording his measurements and blowing up Hongbin’s phone with questions about conversions, he secretly placed an order with an overseas company and counted the days until his surprise arrived. Whenever his lover asked why he had blue stars marked on their calendar, Jaehwan could only grin mischievously.
The package coincidently arrived the same day Sanghyuk was out running errands with his older sister Sowon for the afternoon, leaving Jaehwan plenty of time to soak in a warm bath and figure out all the buckles and adjustable straps over the phone with Hongbin’s help before he returned home.
“Jae,” Sanghyuk called softly from the living room as the front door clicked shut behind him. “I’m back from unwillingly driving my obnoxious sister around and trying not to swerve into oncoming traffic every five minutes. Where are you?”
Jaehwan felt his cheeks flush as he stared at himself in their bathroom mirror. He had never felt this pretty in clothes before. Most angels were comfortable nude, and when they did dress, it was always in something loose and breathable, never in restrictive, limiting garments—which mortals had been wearing for centuries. Lingerie was definitely a fine line between nude and dressed, and as Jaehwan teased the thin, lacy fabric on his hips, he wondered if Sanghyuk would think he looked pretty, too. He wondered if he would appreciate his surprise. He wondered if he would finally be able to unwind, if only for a little while.
“Jae?” Sanghyuk called, his footsteps drawing closer as Jaehwan’s heartbeat rang in his ears. The angel turned off the light, stepped out of the bathroom and sat on the end of their bed as he waited for his lover to find him. “Are we playing another hiding and seeking game? I brought-”
Before Jaehwan knew it, Sanghyuk pushed the door to their bedroom open and stood in the doorway with his mouth open and a bundle of red adonis in his hand.
They stared at each other for a long time. Was this supposed to happen? Jaehwan should have asked Hongbin for more advice. His best friend insisted they would both know what to do, but he wasn’t sure if Sanghyuk was even breathing.
“I brought you flowers...” Sanghyuk finally exhaled. He had a mixed expression on his gorgeous face and snowflakes in his hair. It was almost as if he was struggling to understand what was going on and attempting to let go of control at the same time. Jaehwan wanted to kiss him senseless, but he stayed put on their bed.
“Come over here and give them to me, then,” Jaehwan responded, his voice soft and sweet as he blinked slowly at his lover.
Read the rest here 💙 My AO3 💙
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ahyukaday · 9 days
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240524 - IG Update
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byuluno · 6 months
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vixx-network · 6 months
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amnesia suit dance preview
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