#viva maud
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happy 40th birthday to thee tessa thompson!
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luckydiorxoxo · 3 months
This is AMAZING!🙌🏾✨🖤
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¿Qué es un "nepo baby"?
Uno de los caminos más seguros hacia el éxito en el mundo del espectáculo es ser hijo de una persona famosa y exitosa.
A estos hijos se les llama “nepo babies” (nepo = nepotismo), y se han infiltrado no tan secretamente en innumerables bienes queridos de la cultura pop.
¿Quién era tu personaje favorito de "Stranger Things"? Robin, ¿verdad? "Nepo baby".
¿Tu antihéroe felino favorita de "The Batman"? Sí, es una "nepo baby".
Si preferías al Acertijo en esa película, una noticia: su pareja en la vida real también es una “nepo baby”.
Que estas personas famosas y exitosas sean hijos o parientes de otras personas famosas y exitosas no es una sorpresa: es difícil olvidar con quién están emparentadas Maya Hawke y Zoë Kravitz cuando parecen la viva imagen de sus famosos padres.
Pero el término "nepo baby" es relativamente nuevo, una frase que ha inspirado culpa y ansiedad entre aquellos a los que describe. 
Los “nepo babies” protagonizan series de streaming muy queridas y reciben premios. Han actuado en Broadway y han protagonizado importantes campañas de moda. Algunos son muy queridos. Otros son Chet Hanks. En pocas palabras: "Un ‘nepo baby’ es la prueba tangible de que la meritocracia es una mentira".
"Nepo baby" se refiere al hijo de adultos exitosos que se ha beneficiado del nepotismo en industrias como el entretenimiento o campos adyacentes (la moda y los medios de comunicación son otros dos importantes). A diferencia de los "bootstrappers", que salen adelante por su cuenta, y los "don nadies" con talento natural, los “nepo babies” parten con una ventaja --las conexiones de sus padres--, aunque muchos de ellos afirman más tarde que su parentesco es una carga a la hora de labrarse un nombre propio.
Este año, la moda de los “nepo babies” se disparó tras la emisión de la segunda temporada de la controvertida serie de HBO "Euphoria". Algunos jóvenes espectadores se sorprendieron al enterarse de que Maude Apatow, miembro del reparto, es hija del director Judd Apatow ("Knocked Up", "This is 40") y de la actriz Leslie Mann (también en "Knocked Up", "This is 40"). El director de "Euphoria", Sam Levinson, también es un "nepo baby": es hijo del exitoso director Barry Levinson, con quien coescribió la película de HBO "The Wizard of Lies" antes de dirigir "Euphoria".
Estas conexiones sorprendieron a algunos usuarios jóvenes de TikTok, que iniciaron investigaciones sobre otros “nepo babies” relativamente poco conocidos. (Muchos de los más conocidos alcanzaron su punto máximo de fama antes de que la Generación Z tuviera edad suficiente para recordarlos). Estos videos popularizaron el término "nepo baby".
El universo de los “nepo babies” es vasto y potencialmente interminable. Están las jóvenes estrellas: Maya Hawke es hija de Uma Thurman y Ethan Hawke, y la estrella indie Riley Keough es nieta de Elvis. También hay un montón de ‘bebés’ bien conocidos, como Zoë Kravitz (hija de Lenny Kravitz y Lisa Bonet), Kate Hudson (hija de Goldie Hawn y su padrastro Kurt Russell) y Gwyneth Paltrow (hija de Blythe Danner y el director Bruce Paltrow).
Algunas entradas de la lista resultaron una sorpresa: dos de los tres miembros de "Please Don't Destroy", exalumnos de la NYU que crean cortos digitales para "Saturday Night Live", son hijos de productores de "SNL". Las hermanas Rooney y Kate Mara son miembros de dos familias fundadoras de la NFL. Y la actriz de "Fantastic Beasts" Katherine Waterston es la hija con acento británico de Sam Waterston, a quien vimos recientemente en "Grace and Frankie".
Y luego están los que tienen tanto talento y/o están tan establecidos que su reputación de “nepo baby” ya no importa realmente. Jamie Lee Curtis es hija de Janet Leigh y Tony Curtis. La reputación de Dakota Johnson se remonta a varias generaciones: es nieta de Tippi Hedren, icono de "The Birds", e hija de Melanie Griffith, de "Working Girl", y de Don Johnson, de "Miami Vice". Y la ganadora del Oscar/icono gay Laura Dern es hija de dos nominados al Oscar, Diane Ladd y Bruce Dern.
Pero esto es lo que siempre se ha venido llamando "ENCHUFE LABORAL? ¿NO?
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luvetlux · 2 years
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Jean-Louis Trintignant (* 11. Dezember 1930 Piolenc, Département Vaucluse; † 17. Juni 2022 Département Gard)
1956: TKX antwortet nicht (Si tous les gars du monde)
1956: Das Gesetz der Straße (La loi des rues)
1956: Und immer lockt das Weib (Et Dieu… créa la femme)
1956: Für Männer verboten (Club de femmes)
1959: Gefährliche Liebschaften (Les Liaisons dangereuses)
1959: Wilder Sommer (Estate violenta)
1960: Austerlitz – Glanz einer Kaiserkrone (Austerlitz)
1960: Das Haus der 1000 Fenster (La millième fenêtre)
1961: Mitternachtsmörder (Pleins feux sur l’assassin)
1961: Die Herrin von Atlantis (Antinea, l'amante della città sepolta)
1961: Herzklopfen (Le coeur battant)
1962: Horace 62
1962: Die sieben Todsünden (Les sept péchés capitaux, Episode: La luxure)
1962: Der Kampf auf der Insel (Le combât dans l’île)
1962: Verliebt in scharfe Kurven (Il sorpasso)
1963: Ein Schloß in Schweden (Château en Suède)
1964: Mata Hari, Agent H. 21 (Mata Hari, agent H21)
1965: Gelegenheitskauf (La bonne occase)
1965: Angélique, 2. Teil (Merveilleuse Angélique)
1965: Mord im Fahrpreis inbegriffen (Compartiment tueurs)
1966: Ein Mann und eine Frau (Un homme et une femme)
1966: Für eine Handvoll Diamanten (Safari diamants)
1966: Brennt Paris? (Paris brûle-t-il?)
1967: Hetzjagd (Un homme à abattre)
1967: Ich bin wie ich bin (Col cuore in gola)
1967: Trans-Europ-Express
1968: Die Falle (La morte ha fatto l’uovo)
1968: Zwei Freundinnen (Les biches)
1968: Der Lügner (L’homme qui ment)
1968: Leichen pflastern seinen Weg (Il grande silenzio)
1968: Huckepack (La matriarca)
1969: Z
1969: Meine Nacht bei Maud (Ma nuit chez Maud)
1970: Der Clou von Paris (Le voyou)
1970: Der große Irrtum (Il conformista)
1971: Neun im Fadenkreuz (Sans mobile apparent)
1972: Treibjagd (La Course du Lièvre à Travers les Champs)
1972: Brutale Schatten (Un homme est mort)
1972: Das Attentat (L’attentat)
1973: Das wilde Schaf (Le mouton enragé)
1973: Le Train – Nur ein Hauch von Glück (Le train)
1973: Die Angst vor der Wahrheit (Défense de savoir)
1974: Die Geigen des Balls (Les violons du bal)
1974: Das beständige Gleiten der Begierde (Glissements progressifs du plaisir)
1974: Der Seitensprung (L’escapade)
1974: Das Netz der tausend Augen (Le Secret)
1975: Das Spiel mit dem Feuer (Le jeu avec le feu)
1975: Die Entfesselten (L’agression)
1975: Flic Story – Duell in sechs Runden (Flic Story)
1975: Die Sonntagsfrau (La donna della domenica)
1976: Die Tatarenwüste (Il deserto dei tartari)
1976: Es regnet über Santiago (Il pleut sur Santiago)
1976: Computer morden leise (L’ordinateur des pompes funèbres)
1977: Rollenspiele (Repérages)
1978: Das Geld der anderen (L’argent des autres)
1979: Der Schwimmeister (Le maître-nageur)
1980: Die Terrasse (La terrazza)
1980: Die Bankiersfrau (La banquière)
1980: Die Männer, die ich liebte (Je vous aime)
1981: Ein Mörder geht vorbei (Un assassin qui passe)
1981: Passion der Liebe (Passione d’amore)
1981: Eine Angelegenheit unter Männern (Une affaire d’hommes)
1981: Malevil
1981: Stille Wasser (Eaux profondes)
1982: Der Superboß (Le grand pardon)
1982: Boulevard der Mörder (Boulevard des assassins)
1982: Flucht nach Varennes (La nuit de Varennes)
1983: Ich glaube... (Credo)
1983: Ins Herz getroffen (Colpire al cuore)
1983: Auf Liebe und Tod (Vivement dimanche!)
1983: Wespennest (La crime)
1983: Under Fire, auch: Unter Feuer
1984: Le bon plaisir – Eine politische Liebesaffäre (Le bon plaisir)
1984: Nobody’s Woman (Femmes de personne)
1984: Viva la vie – Es lebe das Leben (Viva la vie!)
1984: Weggehen und wiederkommen (Partir revenir)
1985: Rendez-Vous
1985: Salut für einen schwarzen Büffel (Sortüz egy fekete bivalyért)
1985: Der Mann mit dem stahlharten Blick (L’homme aux yeux d’argent)
1985: Die Familienpyramide (L’été prochain)
1986: Ein Mann und eine Frau – 20 Jahre später (Un homme et une femme, 20 ans déjà)
1986: Die Frau meines Lebens (La femme de ma vie)
1987: Das Geistertal (La vallée fantôme)
1990: Julie de Carneilhan
1992: Die Kontroverse von Valladolid
1994: Drei Farben: Rot (Trois couleurs: Rouge)
1994: Wenn Männer fallen (Regarde les hommes tomber)
1995: Die Stadt der verlorenen Kinder (La cité des enfants perdus)
1995: Fiesta
1996: Das Leben: Eine Lüge (Un héros très discret)
1996: Tykho Moon
1998: Wer mich liebt, nimmt den Zug (Ceux qui m’aiment prendront le train)
2003: Janis et John
2004: Immortal – New York 2095: Die Rückkehr der Götter (Immortel (ad vitam))
2012: Liebe (Amour)
2017: Happy End
2019: Die schönsten Jahre eines Lebens (Les plus belles années d’une vie)
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poesiablog60 · 2 years
Non è meraviglioso pensare a tutte le cose che ci sono da scoprire? Mi fa sentire felice di essere viva, il mondo è così interessante. Non lo sarebbe altrettanto se conoscessimo tutto, non ci sarebbe più spazio per la fantasia.
Lucy Maud Montgomery
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thoughtfulbearpanda · 2 years
now with everything that has been happening with HBO and the threat of scripted content being cancelled by Zaslvav and his kklan idk if Luster will end up on HBO.
but if it does here is my fancast:
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Javicia Leslie as titular character Edie. this is hands-down a no-brainer. Javicia would portray the hell out of Edie. when i was reading i immediately envisioned her as Edie. Leslie would be the definition of A+ casting, i believe she would capture the blunt yet raw essence of who Edie is.
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Chris Evans as Eric. can't really explain this one but he just gives off dad vibes. i kept picturing him as Eric as i was reading the book.
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Rose Leslie as Rebecca
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Faithe Herman (or an young unknown actress) as Akila
yes this is my fancast for Luster. i hope the show still ends up being made because i really love the book and with the right writers/producers/directors we could have our next 'Insecure' here. i just dont trust that zaslav guy, he's already making stupid decisions that is running both WB and HBO down the drain. guess we'll just have to see
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deadlinecom · 3 months
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bzedan · 4 months
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I started playing Fallout: New Vegas in December so! Please enjoy my favourites from Mojave Radio, along with a couple songs from my personal FNV playlist, which is mostly Spanish-language from a similar era. I feel like this month's playlist is a wider range than usual, but I think it hung together well in the end. It is wild to me that 'Bonkers' by Dizzee Rascal is from 2009 and that I first listened to it with LJ friends on a PC that later died because of (or partly thanks to) a moth that had found its way inside. Related media to some of the songs:
If you're of a specific age cohort then MGMT's 'Bubblegum Dog' video is like a buffet of music video style references.
Proceeds from Bjork's 'Oral' will be used to support a legal case against commercial salmon fisheries in Iceland, which are poorly regulated.
Because I do listen to mid-century music, 'Remember (Walkin' in the Sand)' by The Shangri-Las came up naturally in my suggested and when it began I was delighted to realise it's the "oh no" song from various short video formats.
Future Islands are a joy to watch preform live, but their concerts are also enjoyable in video form.
Anyway here's a link to December's playlist on Spotify, with the track list below the cut.
And embedded if you like that
'So Long to the Holidays' - Ugly Casanova
'Someday' - The Strokes
'Untitled' - Interpol
'D.A.N.C.E' - Justice
'Time After Time' - Cyndi Lauper
'Mi Querer' - Amandititita
'The Tower' - Future Islands
'Couldn't Get It Right' - Climax Blues Band
'Burning Down The House' - Tom Jones
'Let's Live For Today - Uncensored Version' - The Grass Roots
'Wasn't Born to Follow' - The Byrds
'Bubblegum Dog' - MGMT
'Something To Feel' - Dixon Dallas
'Oral' - Björk
'Is That All There Is?' - Peggy Lee
'In the Shadow of the Valley' - Bing Nathan
'Believe' - Izzy Perri
'Gone for Good' - Matt Berry
'Bonkers' - Dizzee Rascal
'Jargalant Altai' - Batzorig Vaanchig
'Big Iron' - Marty Robbins
'Viva la Quinta Brigada' - Rolando Alarcon
'Life Goes On' - The Damned
'Remember (Walkin' in the Sand)' - The Shangri-Las
'Girls Like You' - Vitamin String Quartet
'Ride My Bike' - Maude Latour
'It's a Sin' - Eddy Arnold
'Stars Of The Midnight Range' - Johnny Bond
'Lazy Day Blues' - Derek Scott
'good morning afternoon and chill' - demon gummies
'Let's Ride Into The Sunset Together' - Tony Vice
'Heartaches By The Number' - Guy Mitchell
'Tu Castigo' - Luis Pérez Meza
'Allá en el Rancho Grande' - Tito Guízar
'Goodbye Old Paint' - Arthur Russell
'Flashback Blues' - John Prine
'A orillas del Cauto' - Ñico Saquito
'This Must Be the Place (Naive Melody) - 2005 Remaster' - Talking Heads
'This Is the Day' - The The
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lamilanomagazine · 1 year
Milano: Locherber Milano presenta "Scent design week" alla Design Week
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Milano: Locherber Milano presenta "Scent design week" alla Design Week. «Vorrei che potessimo vedere i profumi oltre che annusarli. Sono sicura che sarebbero molto belli» (Lucy Maud Montgomery) Concepite come vere e proprie architetture olfattive, le profumazioni d’ambiente personalizzano luoghi e momenti e, al pari di un complemento d’arredo, sono ormai diventate parte integrante di un interior concept. Per questo Locherber Milano, il marchio di home fragrances di lusso che ha fatto della profumazione un’arte, presenta al Fuorisalone 2023 la prima SCENT DESIGN WEEK, evento diffuso che dal 18 al 23 aprile coinvolgerà alcune importanti location nei distretti più rappresentativi della settimana milanese dedicata alla creatività. Un vero e proprio percorso olfattivo che si snoderà per Milano coniugando design, profumi e artigianalità italiana. Locherber Milano, infatti, si impegna a preservare e diffondere l’autenticità del made in Italy: non solo nelle fragranze esclusive, create con l’aiuto di esperti Maître Parfumeur che selezionano le migliori essenze nelle zone di origine, ma anche nel design dei diffusori in vetro verniciato a mano e nei vari modelli di tappi in materiali inediti, che richiamano l’arte decorativa classica o forme naturali. Dalle note fresche e agrumate di Capri Azul, la fragranza che celebra la perla del Mediterraneo, protagonista nella boutique Locherber (Corso Magenta), alle più fiorite e muschiate di Grigiomilano, la profumazione che celebra la capitale del design e della moda, scelta per la showroom Modulnova (Corso Garibaldi); le note aromatiche e balsamiche di Out of Mind, che invitano a perdersi in un viaggio interiore, accoglieranno i visitatori dell’Atelier del Design di Andrea Castrignano (Piazza del Tricolore), mentre quelle ambrate e legnose di Kashan Oudh saranno il pendant perfetto per le collezioni di tappeti orientali di Illulian (Via Manzoni). La nuovissima showroom di Viva Porte (Via Visconti di Modrone) sarà tenuta a battesimo dalle sfumature dolcemente speziate e legnose di Habana Tobacco; suadente e speziata Agathis Amber, con le sue note inebrianti e preziose, avvolgerà gli spazi del flagship di London Art (Via San Marco). Gli aromi fruttati e fioriti di Klìnto 1817 diffonderanno un’allegra ventata di primavera nella showroom di Marazzi (Via Borgogna), per Ceramiche Ragno (Via Marco Polo), invece, le note enigmatiche e misteriose di Aramaik con i suoi sentori dolci e legnosi. E per sognare di passeggiare nei vicoli di Roma tra palazzi, fontane e le tentazioni della dolce vita, non resta che recarsi da Understate (Via Francesco Crispi) e lasciarsi avvolgere dalle note fresche, agrumate e muschiate di Dolce Roma XXI.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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flyinghellfish · 3 years
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gbee-writes · 2 years
If any links aren’t working, please send me an ask and I’ll try to fix the problem!
One shots- #single scene
Forbidden Love
Atticus reminisces his unexpected journey of passion with his dearest lover Maude, a woman so high above his own status that their secret relationship can truly only lead to his own demise.
Child Sacrifice?
Ero had gotten plenty of odd sacrifices as a god, but he was never going to be prepared to be handed a swaddled babe.
Don’t Meet Your Heroes
Kirin is legend amongst people; a man who can escape any prison and save those trapped inside. Only that’s not quite the truth of his escapades.
The Knight Holds Surprises
Sometimes heroes throw a curveball at villains. Mika knows this and yet she still doesn’t expect the news that Tibbey decides to share with her.
Henchman I do adore
Henchman works hard for her boss, and he decides to insist on giving her a much needed vacation. She’s never been on one and going on one with Villain makes her feel a way she isn’t sure she should towards him.
Brain Heart
Scientist, working in their lab at the hero agency, gets a visit from the notorious Villain, who gives them a very tempting offer.
A Dozen For A Dime
Filled with grief and rage at the agency covering up the murder of their son by the city’s best hero, Scientist and Supervillain desperately try to clone their son back to life.
Just a Tool
Hero learns that when you sign on to be the agency’s star, you no longer matter.
Multipart- #Chapter list
These are links to the different stories chapter lists. In progress/finished status on individual posts.
A Star Shines
Kantus, a nobleman son, is kidnapped away in the night by a band of pirates  aiming to gain a hefty ransom. While in their surprisingly non-hostile hold he learns about his captors and begins to yearn for more than the life he has trapped with his abusive, grieving father. Can Kantus grow past the trained instinct to act as the perfect son to pursue his own happiness?
The Mourning Sun
Sequel to A Star Shines. Tragedy strikes The Star as two members of their pirate crew are kidnapped to be used as slaves. Captain Des wrestles with grief and rage, unable to track her sons down. Bratha struggles with his own pride and stubborn nature while trying to find a way for him and his brother to escape and make their way back home.
Time Twisted
Time Agent Keppo is one of a handful of the highest ranking agents the agency has. Unfortunately that means he has been given one of the hardest assignments, one that the other high rankers call cursed. The stress and time the mission demands is straining his mental and physical health, as well as his relationship with his wife and young daughter. Keppo desperately hopes he can end this mission before the "curse" ends him.
Prophecy's Journey
The country of Trendonnas is taken over by a power-hungry tyrant. Upon his takeover a prophecy entailing his downfall is revealed and the newly crowned Highness places an order to capture and kill every other magic user. In a sleepy town at the edge of his new kingdom two young men are told of their destined future. Are they ready to face it yet?
Road To Healing
A slice of life following two college roommates, Toni and Chris, learning to grow and heal with each-other. Together they help each other through abusive family trauma, every day mishaps, and a society that can be unforgiving about being anything outside the norm.
Viva La Revolution
Hero starts a revolution in her city when she calls for the hero agency she works under to better their working conditions.
Amours Deception
Henchman is already struggling with her undefined relationship with the proud and manipulative Villain when Hero, undercover as a new recruit, comes in and throws her emotions further into turmoil. Will Henchman choose the sweet “Marcy” who makes her feel seen and have her heart broken by the lies of Hero or will she stay with Villain and feel herself drown every day in doubt?
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luckydiorxoxo · 1 month
Did you see that Tessa Thompson got a first look deal? Her Hedda movie must be very impressive so far: https://variety.com/2024/film/news/tessa-thompsons-deal-amazon-mgm-1235883955/
Oh yes I did! I posted about it back in January.
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wazafam · 3 years
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George R.R. Martin might be busy finishing up The Winds of Winter, but the Game of Thrones creator has various other projects in the works. The prolific author is the brilliant mind behind the A Song of Ice and Fire series, which became the basis of one of the most acclaimed TV series in history. The title was such a success for HBO during its eight-season run that the network has strengthened the partnership with Martin in the hopes of developing equally as popular content.
While Martin's name will always be linked to Game of Thrones, he's also written or edited dozens of stories since his professional career started in the early '70s. In 1984, the author tried his hand in the entertainment industry, serving as a writer on the horror anthology series The Hitchhiker. After working on an episode of The Twilight Zone, Martin expanded his career even further, becoming a producer on the CBS series Beauty and the Beast. He also executive produced the TV adaptation of his sci-fi novella Nightflyers in 2018 after it was made into a move in 1987.
Related: Game Of Thrones: Why George R.R. Martin Stopped Writing Episodes After Season 4
Since Game of Thrones came to an end in 2019, longtime fans of the series remained hopeful at the fact that Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire series was still ongoing. Coincidentally, the HBO series bypassed the source material despite the author's promises that The Winds of Winter would be out by now. The sixth installment of the book series has been in development for over a decade, and once that comes out, work will need to get started on the presumed final novel, A Dream of Spring. The waits for those publishing dates could be delayed even longer considering the number of other projects Martin is working on, specifically for TV.
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Out of all the Game of Thrones spinoffs in the works, House of the Dragon is the furthest along in development. The series, set to debut on HBO Max in 2022, serves as a prequel, documenting the beginning of the end for House Targaryen's reign. Starring Paddy Considine, Olivia Cooke, Matt Smith, and Emma D'Arcy, House of the Dragon is based on content from Martin's Fire and Blood novel. The author currently serves as an executive producer on the series as part of his five-year partnership deal with HBO and HBO Max, worth somewhere in the mid-eight figures range.
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Another series in development set within Martin's fictional Game of Thrones' world is Tales of Dunk and Egg. The prequel novella from Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire series follows the future Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, Ser Duncan the Tall, aka "Dunk," and the future king, Aegon V Targaryen, better known as "Egg" for his egg-shaped head. Set nearly a century before the events of the first Game of Thrones novel, HBO announced plans to adapt the Tales of Dunk and Egg short stories with the help of Martin.
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In addition to House of the Dragon and the Tales of Dunk and Egg series, Martin is involved in creating four other Game of Thrones-related projects for HBO and HBO Max. As for the latter, the WarnerMedia streaming service is considering an animated Game of Thrones series. So far, there are no details announced regarding the plot's focus or news on the potential creative team. As for the other ideas being mulled at HBO, the first is Bruno Heller's 9 Voyages, a tale centered on seamen Corlys Velaryon's journeys on the Sea Snake. Then there's 10,000 ships, a show about the voyages taken by Princess Nymeria before she found Dorne. Last but not least, a show set in Flea Botton is reportedly in the works. The slum of King's Landing was memorably featured in multiple seasons of Game of Thrones. Martin is expected to be involved in all the above-mentioned projects as part of his HBO content creation deal.
Related: Why So Many Franchises Are Getting Animated Spinoff Shows
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If six Game of Thrones spinoff projects wasn't enough, Martin is currently developing a Broadway play based on the live-action adaptation of his A Song of Ice and Fire series. Unlike the aforementioned projects, the dramatic stage production will feature notable characters from the original TV series. More specifically, it will center on The Great Tourney at Harrenhal, a key moment in Westeros' history that took place 16 years before the show's events. Noted as the biggest tournament in Westeros' history, the Great Tourney of Harrenhal featured appearances by Ned Stark, Rhaegar Targaryen, Howland Reed, Lyanna Stark, Jaime Lannister, and Robert Baratheon. Shortly after the events, Rhaegar was presumed to have abducted Lyanna, but it was later confirmed the pair eloped. Martin is writing the play's story alongside playwright Duncan MacMillan. In addition to Broadway, the play stage production is expected to debut in London's West End and Australia, with a launch planned for 2023.
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Aside from various Game of Thrones-related projects, Martin is involved in other titles outside of the Westeros realm. One of which is an HBO adaptation of Who Fears Death, a 2010 sci-fi fantasy novel by author Nnedi Okorafor. The story is set in the post-apocalyptic Sudan, where a young woman named Onyesowu goes on a journey of self-discovery. A TV series based on the novel has been in development since 2017, with Martin on board to executive produce. In early 2021, it was announced Tessa Thompson's new production company, Viva Maude, is backing Who Fears Death as part of the actress's deal with HBO and HBO Max. There's no word yet on who will star in the series.
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In 2021, it was also announced Martin is heavily involved in bringing Roger Zelazny's sci-fi novel Roadmarks to the small screen. In fact, Martin is working with TV writer/director Kalinda Vazquez to develop the project for HBO. Published in 1979, Roadmarks centers on a highway that can travel through time. The certain exits on the highway lead to different moments in history, allowing people to rewrite the timeline. Game of Thrones fans will also be happy to hear the possibility of dragons returning to the network with Roadmarks. Martin previously helped adapt Zelazny's Last Defender of Camelot for The Twilight Zone in the mid-'80s.
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Not all of Martin's upcoming TV projects will be set for HBO or HBO Max, considering the recent updates surrounding the Wild Cards adaptation. Consisting of books and short series, Wild Cards is set in a shared superhero universe during an alternate timeline following WWII. Specifically, the stories center on humans infected with an alien virus that can rewrite DNA, with some gaining superhuman abilities and others acquiring crippling conditions. Martin served as an editor on the series that included more than 40 authors. Originally set for Hulu with Martin producing, the TV adaptation has recently found a new home on Peacock.
Related: The Three Most Shocking Game of Thrones Spoilers GRRM Told Showrunners
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In the Lost Lands marks the only source material intended for a feature film with Martin involved. Confirmed in early 2021, Martin's fantasy short story from 1982 will be brought to life on the big screen with Paul W.S. Anderson set to direct. The story follows a sorceress, Gray Alys, who is guided by a drifter named Boyce after being hired for a special journey. Milla Jovovich has signed on to play Alys, while Dave Bautista is set to portray Boyce in the film, which will feature the duo facing off with demons. There has been no announcement regarding a release date for this particular Martin project.
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To cover all bases, Martin will also see his name attached to a video game in the near future with the release of Elden Ring. The action role-playing game is coming from the same studio that produced Dark Souls, Bloodborne, and Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. Director Hidetaka Miyazaki is creating the dark fantasy game in collaboration with George R.R. Martin. Despite being in development since 2017, there's still no release date for the title set to release on Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.
More: George R.R. Martin’s Original Game Of Thrones Plan (& Why It Changed)
Every Upcoming George R.R. Martin Project (Besides Winds Of Winter) from https://ift.tt/2Pv7z5u
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insavciables · 4 years
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   Estimado BLYTHE CRAIN, está solo a un paso de comenzar el año lectivo que da inicio una vez más en los pasillos de 𝐒𝐀𝐈𝐍𝐓 𝐏𝐄𝐋𝐓𝐀𝐈𝐍. Maude da Silva se ha ido, pero eso no significa que usted haya decidido abandonarnos. Somos conscientes de que son tiempos difíciles, sin embargo queremos garantizarle su seguridad dentro de estas paredes. Le pedimos prudencia, las investigaciones iniciarán pronto para destapar lo sucedido aquella noche. ¿Es tan inocente como dicta su expediente o habrá más detrás de la historia? No hace falta que responda a la pregunta, solo le concedemos el beneficio de la duda para que pueda averiguarlo por su cuenta mientras aprovecha lo que este año escolar le brinda.
¡BIENVENIDA, REED! Te agradecemos mucho el interés mostrado, cuentas con veinticuatro horas para hacernos llegar la cuenta de tu personaje, y si precisas de una extensión de tiempo no dudes en acercarte a nuestra casilla.
Seudónimo: reed. Pronombres: ella/suya. Edad: +21. Zona horaria o país: gmt-5. Nivel de disponibilidad (de 1 a 10): 6/7. Triggers: homofobia, abuso sexual, maltrato animal. En caso de unfollow, ¿nos permitirías el uso de tu personaje como no jugable (PNJ)? síp. Clave: Removido.
Nombre: blythe crain. Pronombres: él/suyo. Edad: 20 años. Rostro: lorenzo zurzolo. Skeleton: rubí. Carrera: astronomía. Clubes: tenis y ciencias. Personalidad: (+) leal, amigable, educado. (-) reservado, impaciente, solitario. Datos relevantes: tw: maltrato infantil.
chapter one. el matrimonio crain se veía venir desde que ambos posaron ojos sobre el otro, una pareja feliz, una pareja que se veía destinada por ese hilo rojo del que tanto hablaban las historias y de esa unión nació blythe, el primer y único hijo, la luz de los ojos de sus padres, o al menos, así fue durante un tiempo.
chapter dos. se esperaba que blythe floreciera durante su adolescencia como alguien imponente, rígido, seguro, estable… que fuese la viva imagen de su padre, pero nunca fue así, en donde esperaban firmeza obtenían vulnerabilidad, sentimentalismo, un muchacho que parecía estar más fascinado con lo que ocurría fuera de aquel planeta que llamaban hogar, sepultado en libros y rogando por decoraciones que pudiesen convertir su habitación en el universo que tanto amaba.
chapter three. no es secreto para nadie en pittsburgh, en aquellos vecinos que conocen a la familia desde hace tiempo atrás, en aquellos que les han observado crecer durante toda su vida en la ciudad, no es secreto para nadie que blythe crain se gana las miradas de decepción de su padre, aquel que se ha dejado llevar por un alcoholismo que no ayuda a que en ocasiones, aquellas miradas se conviertan en palabras cargadas de veneno que terminan plasmándose como marcas violáceas pareciendo galaxias en su piel. ha sucedido durante años, bajo los ojos de su madre, cegada por un romanticismo que cada vez logra apagarse más.
chapter four. se esperaría que alguien como blythe, después de tantos encuentros que terminaron marcándose en su piel, después de tantas palabras… simplemente se endureciera, pero nunca fue así. el muchacho soñador y misterioso desde la preparatoria, aquel reservado que lograba paniquearse ante la idea de tener que llevar compañeros de clase a su casa, aquel que se zafaba de todo lo que tuviese que ver con que alguien más notara lo que sucedía dentro de aquellas paredes, poco a poco fue despertando de esa pesadilla en donde normalizaba lo que le sucedía y así como alcanzó la mayoría de edad terminó por no soportarlo más y refugiarse en casa de uno de sus amigos, huyendo sin huir, enfrentando a sus padres solo cuando el sol pueda cuidarle y esté en el ojo publico.
chapter five. la academia parece una oportunidad de oro que se presenta gracias a los abuelos paternos de blythe, aunque al principio se rehúsa a aceptar ayuda de aquellos que han hecho la vista gorda ante todo lo que ha tenido que aguantar durante años, termina por ceder, porque aunque sus notas nunca han sido decepcionantes, el apellido crain sostiene un prestigio que no parece extinguirse, ni siquiera bajo rumores de alcoholismo, ni con el hecho de ver a blythe vagando de un lugar a otro sin hogar fijo, por lo que termina aceptando la ayuda para ingresar, con la idea de que al menos podrá vivir lejos de los crain y quizás construirse un camino que lo lleve a una nueva vida.
¿Cómo era su relación con Maude?
al principio todo parecía ir excelente, maude había eclipsado la atención de blythe desde el primer momento, como animalito de la oscuridad curioso de esa gran luz que alumbra hasta los rincones más oscuros, cegado por el magnetismo que lograba atraer al resto de sus compañeros y finalmente a él. la curiosidad fue creciendo, y aunque su naturaleza tímida le impedía acercarse, parecía que maude sentía la misma curiosidad por él. parecía que el universo los unía porque diariamente eran miradas a hurtadillas cuando se encontraban en el mismo lugar y la constancia fue el empujón necesario para que blythe le pidiese una cita, una cita que fue apertura de muchas más hasta que se volvió costumbre verles juntos en todos lados, hasta que se volvió costumbre verles discutir todo el tiempo y hasta que aquella relación terminó por acabarse y el resto tuvo que acostumbrarse a ver como ambos se evitaban en cada oportunidad.
¿Dónde estaba el día de su muerte?
seguía en el edificio van der hohe, en su habitación.
Un headcanon respecto a Maude: Removido. 
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encontradanoslivros · 4 years
Não é esplêndido pensar em todas as coisas que há por descobrir? Isso simplesmente me deixa feliz por estar viva... o mundo é interessante demais. E ele não seria interessante assim se já soubéssemos de tudo, não é mesmo?
Anne de Green Gables; Lucy Maud Montgomery.
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gabelita · 4 years
Anne estava sentada com as pernas encolhidas no tapete em frente à lareira, contemplando a alegre incandescência dos tocos de lenha de bordo, de onde a luz do sol de centenas de verões estava sendo destilada. Ela estava lendo, mas o livro havia escorregado para o chão e ela agora sonhava, com um sorriso nos lábios entreabertos. Resplandescentes castelos na Espanha tomavam forma nas brumas e arco-íris de sua viva fantasia; aventuras maravilhosas e e cantadas ocorriam em sua terra de sonhos - aventuras essas que sempre acabavam triunfantemente e nunca a envolviam em confusões como aquelas que vivia na vida real.
MONTGOMERY, LUCY MAUD. Anne de Green Gables. p. 180
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