melancholialapelada7 · 11 months
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Kintsukuroi, the technique of repairing the damage of any object with gold lacquer, always seemed like a beautiful concept that I wanted to experiment with Ayaka despite everything that has happened, she is still a beautiful character for me.
(lovely hero protagonists by visuki otomes)
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spextr1m · 1 month
Magical Paws/Huellitas Magicas navigation
A/n: Let me remind y'all, I forgot to mention I like playing otome games 😭 and this game is first otome I ever play (I haven't catch up with recent chapters in sequel game help-)
Theories (brainstorming)
Toshio and Nozomi
Card Creator
Headcanons/incorrect quotes/imagines (Like I said before, I already catch up with Koshiro but not others)
Updated (4/8/24): I did catched up with Piero oops.
Ren (I love him)
1 (Featuring reader)
Headcanon 1
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magicallg0d · 3 months
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visuki otome girls ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝
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mintflavored-void · 1 month
Take it.
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echotherainwing · 3 months
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Hey everyone! Here is a short, sketched out comic I made bit ago. Featuring my friend’s and I’s OC’s!
The bird/hawk is Visuki, Echo’s pet. The Blue text and pink dragon is Echo, the orange text yellow-orange dragon is Bloodfall, and the two hive wings are Bucket and Bee-Sting!
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luwqa · 3 years
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SHHHHH i just think the characters look cute ok please
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dreamsonpaper · 2 years
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isimpforanyone · 3 years
Why do I always fall inlove with the toxic men? who knows, it's probably destiny but anyways
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Happy birthday to the biggest asshole in the game, you're toxic but I still love you because I have something for fictional characters like you. Y'all better wish him happy birthday or i'm coming to your house tonight
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libelularosa · 4 years
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Todas las imágenes parte 1 💚
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crowmero · 5 years
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Pick your poison
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cotss12 · 4 years
Huellitas Mágicas Ruta Hiroshi
Estas son las imágenes de la ruta de Hiroshi  (Final feliz)
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【No voy a contar nada sobre las imagenes ya que algun@s seguro querrán jugarlo sin spoilers 】
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-1º Imagen:
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-2º Imagen:
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-3º Imagen:
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-4º Imagen:
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Nombre oficial de la protagonista: Hikari
Derechos de autor: Visuki Otomes
Facebook de Visuki: https://www.facebook.com/visukiotomes/
Espero les haya gustado (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
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calydiara · 4 years
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Día 13: Personaje de un juego. 🐾💖. . Cuando descubrí este juego, hace unos añitos, me encantó, porque además empaticé mucho con la protagonista. Y es por esto que hoy decidí hacer un fan art con la temática de Pascua 💙. . . #pascua #huellitasmagicas #hiroshi #ren #toshio #visuki #otome #fanart #felizpascua #digital #paint #30diasdibujando #30dias30dibujos #30daysdrawingchallenge #saly https://www.instagram.com/p/B-60PqFKoi_/?igshid=45lo5zzx1zon
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spextr1m · 26 days
Hikari headcanons
TW: Ice skating related injuries, choking food, mentioning of death
- I think she has decent childhood but didn't make friends but if one supports what is her upbringing so here's my take:
Hikari is only daughter of Hikaripapa and Hikarimama, she is very shy and timid girl and was left behind by other kids only one girl befriended her until she was transferred in other school leaving Hikari the only person who didn't have many friends, She styled her hair into pigtail because the girl she interacted had one that's why she kept that.
- Because Visuki devs chose Hikari's color, her hair is natural so does her eyes while some assumes its dyed.
- When Hikari was in progress to improve herself (Depends what routes we chose three different guys), she still have doubts in herself but wants to keeping moving forward in future.
- If she becomes a Card Spirit, since the first Magical Paws have domestic animals (Ren's cat, Toshio's a dog, Hiroshi's a rabbit) and it perfectly fits since animals are known for supporting what owners need the most = emotional *ahem* back to topic, she'll be a Swan Spirit (Ugly Duckling to THIS).
- Dislikes it when someone makes fun of her friends.
- She occasionally styles her hair into different kinds besides her signature pigtails. - Ponytail, hair down, braids and you name the list.
- She knows how to knit.
- I think she handles the kid better out of most cast.
- She learns how to ice skate when she was 12 only she hit her chin on her right wrist leaving a mark and have fear of ice skating.
- Her pigtails is commonly mistaken for a mopey dog was because of her pre-improvement self. - One time where she was working a project only their classmate mistaken her for a "mopey dog" which is why she was embarrassed until she gotten an improvement.
- I hc Hikarimama and Hikaripapa reassures her a lot.
- She accidentally choke popcorn when she was a kid especially when she watches movie later when she grows up, she still have that habit when watching series or movie. - If she dates Ren, he'll proceed to prevent her from choking to death with all of his strength when he hugs her only he squeezes her so she wouldn't get strangled by a food.    - If Toshio, he'll pat her back while making sure that she will not gonna do the same mistakes again.      - Hiroshi = He'll give her a water.
- Canonically when you successfully make a wish and your memories with card spirit have vanished, she gets a major deja vu but didn't know who the spirit was when she interacted.
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mintflavored-void · 1 month
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echotherainwing · 4 months
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Hello everyone! Just some sketches I’ve been working on. This is my WoF dragon, Echo! She is a Rainwing with a hawk named Visuki who loves to screech!
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sailorgeeky · 5 years
Conheça os jogos otome da VISUKI
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Conheça os jogos da Visuki, nova empresa otome (criadora dos mais fofos jogos otome!). Infelizmente, não há uma tradução ptbr ainda porém os jogos estão disponíveis nos idiomas inglês e espanhol. E atenção gamers! Os jogos da Visuki são liberados para gameplay no YouTube - dando os créditos, é claro ;) 
Confesión de Chocolate | Chocolate Confession
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“Dia dos Namorados está se aproximando e seu coração começa a bater de forma diferente por um de seus amigos... Você quer aproveitar esse dia para confessar e quer que tudo perfeito. Mas... as coisas realmente vão acabar do jeito que você planejou? Ou serão ainda melhores?” “Se acerca el día de San Valentín y tu corazón comienza a latir diferente por uno de tus amigos... Quieres aprovechar ese día para confesarte y que todo sea perfecto. Pero... ¿las cosas realmente van a salir como lo planeaste? ¿o serán incluso mejor?”
Huellitas Mágicas | Magical Paws
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“Hikari é muito tímida e insegura. Um dia atribuem a pior tarefa para ela: ser a organizadora do acampamento. Ela encontra 3 cartas mágicas que satisfariam desejos. Ela pode superar seus medos e se abrir para os outros? Quem são os seres nessas cartas? Talvez ela encontre algo mais do que apenas amizade...”  Cada menino tem 3 finais: um bom, um neutro e um ruim. O bom final esconde uma cena especial.
“Hikari es muy tímida e insegura. Un día le asignan la peor tarea para ella: ser la organizadora del campamento. Pero encuentra 3 cartas mágicas que cumplen deseos. ¿Podrá superar sus miedos y abrirse a los demás? ¿Quiénes son los seres de estas cartas? Puede que con ellos descubra algo más que sólo amistad...” Cada chico tiene 3 finales: Uno bueno, uno neutral y uno malo. El final bueno esconde una escena especial.
Lovely Hero
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“Super heróis não são os únicos a usar uma máscara. Ayaka tem 21 anos e vive complexada pelas cicatrizes que ela tem em seu corpo, sentindo que não cabe em nenhum lugar. Isso faz com que ela se reinvente como ‘Nina’, uma garota elegante, refinada e bem-sucedida nas redes sociais. Depois de passar anos trancada, ela tem a coragem de começar a universidade com sua nova aparência, pensando que será capaz de ter uma vida normal. Mas seus pensamentos negativos parecem não ser os únicos vilões que ele terá que enfrentar, porque conhece um grupo de caras que também usam uma máscara para esconder sua identidade, mas com um propósito um pouco diferente...”
“Los súper héroes no son los únicos en usar una máscara. Ayaka tiene 21 años y vive acomplejada por las cicatrices que tiene en su cuerpo sintiendo que no encaja en ningún lugar. Esto la hace reinventarse como ‘Nina’: una chica elegante, refinada y exitosa en las redes sociales. Luego de pasar años encerrada, toma el valor de empezar la Universidad con su nueva apariencia pensando que así podrá tener una vida normal. Pero sus pensamientos negativos parece que no serán los únicos villanos a los que deberá enfrentarse porque conoce a uno grupo de chicos que también usan una máscara para ocultar su identidad, pero con un propósito un poco diferente…”
Gameplay (esp):
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