biglisbonnews · 1 year
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Should ChatGPT write your resume? Applying to jobs can often feel like a full-time job. Reading up on a company, tailoring a resume for a specific position within that organization, and writing a cover letter for just one role can take hours. By contrast, the average recruiter spends just seven seconds scanning a resume, according to one estimate.Read more... https://qz.com/should-chatgpt-write-your-resume-1850170319
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hipcv · 1 year
Tips for creating a video resume
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ainamuro · 22 days
Viatjo a Burgos
El passat 9, 10, 11 i 12 de maig vam viatjar fins a Burgos per portar a cap la cinquena fase de LaLiga Genuine. La setmana abans, ens vam encarregar de realitzar el vídeo (editar-lo, ja que l’havíem gravat a la fase anterior) per anunciar que ens anàvem a Burgos. Un vídeo graciós, ja que sempre hem de tenir clar el to dels missatges que llancem a LaLiga Genuine: 
A més, la setmana anterior a la fase és molt estressant, hi ha molta feina. Tenim reunions constants amb els fundadors i directors de LaLiga per a acabar de gestionar-ho tot i, com a departament de comunicació, ens hem d’encarregar sobretot que hi hagi prou contingut per a tota la fase, i que sigui bo. Així doncs, la meva feina es va basar a mirar si podíem realitzar alguna campanya, i malauradament en aquesta fase no va ser possible, ja que no hi havia cap data significativa.  Això, volia dir que hi havia d’haver més contingut i, per aquest motiu, vaig dedicar moltes hores a pensar i buscar idees per a poder gravar durant la seu a Burgos. Vaig fer un llistat de 30 vídeos per a realitzar, a més d’organitzar entrevistes a jugadors, invitats i treballadors per a dur a terme durant el cap de setmana, ja que sempre funcionen per a tenir contingut per publicar. 
Quan vàrem arribar a Burgos vam desplaçar-nos fins a la ciutat esportiva per mirar que tot estava controlat, tal com havíem organitzat durant la setmana, i que tots els treballadors estaven al seu lloc preparats per a rebre els jugadors. El dissabte i diumenge vam tenir molta feina, em vaig cansar molt, però va sortir bon contingut per a les xarxes socials. Com sempre, vam adaptar algunes de les preguntes previstes per les entrevistes, i algun vídeo que vam veure innecessari en aquell moment no el vam gravar. Seguidament, adjunto l’enllaç del videoresum que vàrem realitzar d’aquesta cinquena fase a Burgos: 
Finalment, cal dir que jo era l’encarregada de fer fotos o vídeos a tot el que passava durant la setmana, per tal de poder tenir un perfil d’Instagram actiu que anava actualitzant tot el que estàvem vivint. Una vegada més, m’emporto una experiència enorme i estic molt orgullosa d’haver tingut l’oportunitat de fer les pràctiques en aquesta empresa. 
Escrit el 14 de maig, publicat el 17 de maig
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rdimps · 1 month
Video Resume
This is my final requirement for our major course, Post-Production Techniques. This video resume is presented in a modern and technical way that allows me to showcase my creativity and personality and how they align with the company’s culture. 
Video | Lindsey Villas
Edit | Ronalou Ramos
DISCLAIMER: No copyright infringement intended. I don't own the copyright of the background music. Video is purely for entertainment and educational purposes only.
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neelamsrawat5 · 3 years
Wakefit Sleep Internship Season 2 Video Resume #SleepIntern @Neelam Rawat
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fanto74 · 5 years
My Video Resume
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tatawa tawa pero anxious na yan. lol
salamat nalang talaga sa snow app para sa libreng makeup
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cazvid · 2 years
Looking for a job? Check out this job opportunity video on CazVid for college students to promote free products and services at universities and schools. Interested? Contact this employer now on CazVid with a free 30 second video resume where you get to show off your personality and enthusiasm.
CazVid is the best, video-only, employment app that is always free to use. CazVid is available for download now on iPhone & Android. 
Visit www.CazVid.com
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statisticsexplained · 3 years
What is the best resume format for digital marketing in 2021?
With digital marketing becoming a modern day rage in the fields of business and marketing, many students have started to look at it as a genuine career option and they are right to think so. And if you are one of those students who are looking to apply for digital marketing jobs then you must go ahead with the best digital market resume to convince your recruiter. This is because a digital marketing resume is key to cracking that job placement opportunity.
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So, how can you make the best resume format for digital marketing in 2021? Well, it should be a perfect showcase of your skill sets in digital marketing campaigns and analysis. And by following the step below you can create the best format for it.
Step 1: Designing your resume
It’s obvious that you have a resume made even before you had applied for the digital marketing job. It most likely will contain details about all your achievements and skillsets.
We call this the master resume. Now, to create the best resume format for digital marketing, start by looking at the requirements listed by the company you are applying for. Now, depending on that collect the details from the master resume on the digital marketing resume and leave the rest. For example, the requirements are SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and online Ads campaign. So, use those two on the resume only and provide details for it.
Step 2: Customizing your resume
It must be known that a digital marketing resume is scanned by ATS (Applicant Tracking System) after it has been posted in a job portal. While doing so a lot of students forget about using the right keywords. Insignificant resumes are known to be the rejection for 75% of applicants. Therefore, make sure that you use the right keywords and place them in a strategic manner to give yourself the best chance.
These two steps are the most crucial to have the best resume format for digital marketing in 2021. Besides this, make sure that you have the other details such as the Profile and name at the top with the font size 14-16.
Also, professional experience and education are the soul and heart of the digital market resume. It is something that can grab the recruiter's attention or be the reason for rejecting you without showing any interest in checking your digital marketing resume.
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runningwolf · 3 years
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Batman Underwear Guy (Video) https://bit.ly/2MoBGKc
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https://pin.it/2ON9Unj #business #fiverr #logo #digitalmarketing #videoresume #resume #writing #legalwriting #creativewriting #screenwriting #socialmediamarketing #socialmediaoptimization #socialmedia #website #twitch #websitebuilder https://fiverrdigitalmarketing.fiverrpal.app/
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ainamuro · 24 days
Així doncs, algunes de les campanyes que vam poder gravar a Tenerife i s'han penjat a les xarxes socials són les següents:
Videoresum de la seu a Tenerife:
Contingut divers (entrevistes a jugadors):
Entrevistes a peu de camp:
Aquests són només alguns dels vídeos que vàrem realitzar, però tots són idees meves. A vegades, a l'hora de pensar contingut a dur a terme, se'm fa una mica difícil perquè ja hem portat a terme totes les idees possibles. Per això, sempre intento innovador de la manera que pugui, passant-me hores a tiktok agafant imaginació i mirant si hi ha algun dia en especial a celebrar, i del qual puguem treure'n un vídeo. La gravació moltes vegades també la realitzo jo sola, d'altres en les que necessitem una càmera més gran i bona m'acompanya una noia de la feina. Finalment, pel que fa a l'edició, passa el mateix. Alguns els edito jo, i d'altres, més importants i complicats, jo m'assento al costat de l'encarregada d'aquesta tasca, i observo com ho fa, a més de donar idees i opinar quins clips posaria jo. Sempre acaba sortint molt bona feina.
Escrit el 26 d'abril, públicas el 15 de maig
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Audio-video resumes are the current hot favourite amongst employers and job seekers. With the help of these professional tips, you can design a perfect video resume.
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jobaxyph · 5 years
Audio-video resumes are the current hot favourite amongst employers and job seekers. With the help of these professional tips, you can design a perfect video resume.
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o-hire · 7 years
Everything You Need To Know About A Video Resume
What Is A Video Resume and How Can It Help You?
A Video Resume is a short, expressive video, created by a candidate for better employment opportunities. It is uploaded on the internet along with the print resume or resume document for prospective employers to review.
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As in the case of a print resume, a video resume can be targeted towards a particular position or company.
It is used to replace a paper resume. There are a few important points which cannot make an impact on a resume document, you need to express them verbally.
You can get a video resume created by a professional or you might try making it on your own. Nowadays, there are plenty of job portals and video resume apps which provide an option to users for incorporating video resume into their profiles.
Easy Tips For Creating A Video Resume
You should know that a video resume is not going to get you a job, but if done the proper way, it can help you in marketing yourself to potential employers. If done badly then it can end up hindering your chances of getting an interview. The worst that might happen is that it can reduce your chances of getting hired or embarrass you.
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Recently a news went viral about a student who sent a video showing himself lifting weights, serving tennis balls, and ballroom dancing. It made the rounds on the Internet and didn't impress any prospective employer.
Remember that you should always focus on a particular profile or position and emphasize only on the skillsets which are related to the position you are applying for.
Things You Should Include In A Video Resume
Video Resume is going to take over the employment industry in the near future. If you are planning on creating a video resume as part of your job search, then keep the following points in mind:
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Be Professional: Dressup as you would for an interview, prefer formals and maintain a professional demeanor. Make sure that the background is proper and clean. Avoid slang language. Do not curse.
Prepare a Script: Take enough preparations before you start speaking in the video. You should seem all natural and impromptu, but in the process don’t forget what you want to convey. Write down the points on a paper but don’t read them directly from the script. You should focus on things which haven’t been expressed in your resume document. Talk about your major goals, skills, and accomplishments. The video resume should be a pitch for why the company should hire you and not anybody else.
Know Your Target Audience: As you work on your script and shooting location, be cautious about who will watch the video and mark accordingly. A video prepared for a position at a bank would usually be different from a video prepared for the position of a chef or a video prepared for a start-up.
Make It Expressive: Use attractive visuals to illustrate what you are saying in the video script. For instance, if you are applying for a job where you can highlight your skills better with help of a presentation. You can take help of powerpoint and create an attractive presentation. If you have pre-recorded presentations then you might use those footages in your video resume.
Keep Things Brief : The video timing should span between 30 to 90 seconds. A video longer than that will not be watched by the recruiters. Longer videos appear boring, so there are maximum chances of the recruiter losing interest.
Share With Near And Dear One’s : Getting feedback from friends and family is a very important step. Take opinions from everyone and make changes or edits based on their perceptions, if you feel that their comments are worthy of being looked into.
Well so, now you know that creating a video resume is not a hectic process. You can unleash your hidden strengths and present your positive points in front of the world with help of an appealing video resume. Please remember that you should not let your personal life collide with your professional life. You might have personal information on your social media sites which you don’t want employers to see, so never link your video resume to any of your social media sites and vice versa.
All you jobseekers out there can receive the best professional opportunities, but for that, you'll need to post your video resume on the O’hire video resume app in just 4 simple steps.
Reference : http://o-hire.com/blog/everything-you-need-to-know-about-a-video-resume/
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