#video production company Portland
happywebdesign · 1 year
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Google reneged on the monopolistic bargain
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I'm on tour with my new novel The Bezzle! Catch me TONIGHT in SALT LAKE CITY (Feb 21, Weller Book Works) and TOMORROW in SAN DIEGO (Feb 22, Mysterious Galaxy). After that, it's LA, Seattle, Portland, Phoenix and more!
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A funny thing happened on the way to the enshittocene: Google – which astonished the world when it reinvented search, blowing Altavista and Yahoo out of the water with a search tool that seemed magic – suddenly turned into a pile of shit.
Google's search results are terrible. The top of the page is dominated by spam, scams, and ads. A surprising number of those ads are scams. Sometimes, these are high-stakes scams played out by well-resourced adversaries who stand to make a fortune by tricking Google:
But often these scams are perpetrated by petty grifters who are making a couple bucks at this. These aren't hyper-resourced, sophisticated attackers. They're the SEO equivalent of script kiddies, and they're running circles around Google:
Google search is empirically worsening. The SEO industry spends every hour that god sends trying to figure out how to sleaze their way to the top of the search results, and even if Google defeats 99% of these attempts, the 1% that squeak through end up dominating the results page for any consequential query:
Google insists that this isn't true, and if it is true, it's not their fault because the bad guys out there are so numerous, dedicated and inventive that Google can't help but be overwhelmed by them:
It wasn't supposed to be this way. Google has long maintained that its scale is the only thing that keeps us safe from the scammers and spammers who would otherwise overwhelm any lesser-resourced defender. That's why it was so imperative that they pursue such aggressive growth, buying up hundreds of companies and integrating their products with search so that every mobile device, every ad, every video, every website, had one of Google's tendrils in it.
This is the argument that Google's defenders have put forward in their messaging on the long-overdue antitrust case against Google, where we learned that Google is spending $26b/year to make sure you never try another search engine:
Google, we were told, had achieved such intense scale that the normal laws of commercial and technological physics no longer applied. Take security: it's an iron law that "there is no security in obscurity." A system that is only secure when its adversaries don't understand how it works is not a secure system. As Bruce Schneier says, "anyone can design a security system that they themselves can't break. That doesn't mean it works – just that it works for people stupider than them."
And yet, Google operates one of the world's most consequential security system – The Algorithm (TM) – in total secrecy. We're not allowed to know how Google's ranking system works, what its criteria are, or even when it changes: "If we told you that, the spammers would win."
Well, they kept it a secret, and the spammers won anyway.
A viral post by Housefresh – who review air purifiers – describes how Google's algorithmic failures, which send the worst sites to the top of the heap, have made it impossible for high-quality review sites to compete:
You've doubtless encountered these bad review sites. Search for "Best ______ 2024" and the results are a series of near-identical lists, strewn with Amazon affiliate links. Google has endlessly tinkered with its guidelines and algorithmic weights for review sites, and none of it has made a difference. For example, when Google instituted a policy that reviewers should "discuss the benefits and drawbacks of something, based on your own original research," sites that had previously regurgitated the same lists of the same top ten Amazon bestsellers "peppered their pages with references to a ‘rigorous testing process,’ their ‘lab team,’ subject matter experts ‘they collaborated with,’ and complicated methodologies that seem impressive at a cursory look."
But these grandiose claims – like the 67 air purifiers supposedly tested in Better Homes and Gardens's Des Moines lab – result in zero in-depth reviews and no published data. Moreover, these claims to rigorous testing materialized within a few days of Google changing its search ranking and said that high rankings would be reserved for sites that did testing.
Most damning of all is how the Better Homes and Gardens top air purifiers perform in comparison to the – extensively documented – tests performed by Housefresh: "plagued by high-priced and underperforming units, Amazon bestsellers with dubious origins (that also underperform), and even subpar devices from companies that market their products with phrases like ‘the Tesla of air purifiers.’"
One of the top ranked items on BH&G comes from Molekule, a company that filed for bankruptcy after being sued for false advertising. The model BH&G chose was ranked "the worst air purifier tested" by Wirecutter and "not living up to the hype" by Consumer Reports. Either BH&G's rigorous testing process is a fiction that they infused their site with in response to a Google policy change, or BH&G absolutely sucks at rigorous testing.
BH&G's competitors commit the same sins – literally, the exact same sins. Real Simple's reviews list the same photographer and the photos seem to have been taken in the same place. They also list the same person as their "expert." Real Simple has the same corporate parent as BH&G: Dotdash Meredith. As Housefresh shows, there's a lot of Dotdash Meredith review photos that seem to have been taken in the same place, by the same person.
But the competitors of these magazines are no better. Buzzfeed lists 22 air purifiers, including that crapgadget from Molekule. Their "methodology" is to include screenshots of Amazon reviews.
A lot of the top ranked sites for air purifiers are once-great magazines that have been bought and enshittified by private equity giants, like Popular Science, which began as a magazine in 1872 and became a shambling zombie in 2023, after its PE owners North Equity LLC decided its googlejuice was worth more than its integrity and turned it into a metastatic chumbox of shitty affiliate-link SEO-bait. As Housefresh points out, the marketing team that runs PopSci makes a lot of hay out of the 150 years of trust that went into the magazine, but the actual reviews are thin anaecdotes, unbacked by even the pretense of empiricism (oh, and they loooove Molekule).
Some of the biggest, most powerful, most trusted publications in the world have a side-hustle in quietly producing SEO-friendly "10 Best ___________ of 2024" lists: Rolling Stone, Forbes, US News and Report, CNN, New York Magazine, CNN, CNET, Tom's Guide, and more.
Google literally has one job: to detect this kind of thing and crush it. The deal we made with Google was, "You monopolize search and use your monopoly rents to ensure that we never, ever try another search engine. In return, you will somehow distinguish between low-effort, useless nonsense and good information. You promised us that if you got to be the unelected, permanent overlord of all information access, you would 'organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful.'"
They broke the deal.
Companies like CNET used to do real, rigorous product reviews. As Housefresh points out, CNET once bought an entire smart home and used it to test products. Then Red Ventures bought CNET and bet that they could sell the house, switch to vibes-based reviewing, and that Google wouldn't even notice. They were right.
Google downranks sites that spend money and time on reviews like Housefresh and GearLab, and crams botshittened content mills like BH&G into our eyeballs instead.
In 1558, Thomas Gresham coined (ahem) Gresham's Law: "Bad money drives out good." When counterfeit money circulates in the economy, anyone who gets a dodgy coin spends it as quickly as they can, because the longer you hold it, the greater the likelihood that someone will detect the fraud and the coin will become worthless. Run this system long enough and all the money in circulation is funny money.
An internet run by Google has its own Gresham's Law: bad sites drive out good. It's not just that BH&G can "test" products at a fraction of the cost of Housefresh – through the simple expedient of doing inadequate tests or no tests at all – so they can put a lot more content up that Housefresh. But that alone wouldn't let them drive Housefresh off the front page of Google's search results. For that, BH&G has to mobilize some of their savings from the no test/bad test lab to do real rigorous science: science in defeating Google's security-through-obscurity system, which lets them command the front page despite publishing worse-than-useless nonsense.
Google has lost the spam wars. In response to the plague of botshit clogging Google search results, the company has invested in…making more botshit:
Last year, Google did a $70b stock buyback. They also laid off 12,000 staffers (whose salaries could have been funded for 27 years by that stock buyback). They just laid off thousands more employees.
That wasn't the deal. The deal was that Google would get a monopoly, and they would spend their monopoly rents to be so good that you could just click "I'm feeling lucky" and be teleported to the very best response to your query. A company that can't figure out the difference between a scam like Better Homes and Gardens and a rigorous review site like Housefresh should be pouring every spare dime it brings in into fixing this problem. Not buying default search status on every platform so that we never try another search engine: they should be fixing their shit.
When Google admits that it's losing the war to these kack-handed spam-farmers, that's frustrating. When they light $26b/year on fire making sure you don't ever get to try anything else, that's very frustrating. When they vaporize seventy billion dollars on financial engineering and shoot one in ten engineers, that's outrageous.
Google's scale has transcended the laws of business physics: they can sell an ever-degrading product and command an ever-greater share of our economy, even as their incompetence dooms any decent, honest venture to obscurity while providing fertile ground – and endless temptation – for scammers.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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robsheridan · 23 days
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Very excited to finally tell you what's kept us so busy recently: I’ve had the unique honor of directing/creating the first-ever tour visuals for one of the greatest live rock bands of our generation and a hugely formative part of my Seattle youth: Pearl Jam.
I haven’t worked in tour production/design since NIN 2014, but I always said I would go back to it one day if the right artist and the right creative connection came around. There’s a short list of musicians I’d drop everything and rewire a year of my family’s entire life to make art with, and Eddie Vedder is absolutely one of them.
Ed and I hit it off immediately and discussed an inspiring, experimental approach to creating textural video art inspired by the Dark Matter theme using decidedly tactile and analog methods, with the the album’s light-painted artwork as a jumping off point (I wasn’t involved in the album art / promotions, that was all underway when I came on board). My wife and collaborator Steph, who produced the project, set up a raw studio space here in Tacoma and assembled a lean local camera crew, and we spent two months filming in the experimental, open-ended, DIY style that I like to work. With macro lenses and the 1000fps Ember slow-motion camera (made by fantastic local Washington company Freefly), we followed paths of inspiration through elements and states of matter: Light refractions, chemical reactions, fluid dynamics, incandescent projections (including an old overhead projector that ended up in the show) and other experimental setups tracing the connective tissue of the universe. It was prolific and intense, and wouldn’t have been possible without Steph’s rapid problem-solving and a talented camera, animation, and post-prod team.
A grueling month of editing/programming/rehearsals later, the Dark Matter world tour is out on the road now, with two shows under our belt in Vancouver last weekend.
I’ll have a lot more to say about this production, the unique analog practical VFX we employed, and of course videos to share as more people start to see the shows and I maybe get ten seconds to breathe. For now, I’m off to Portland - show number three is tonight!
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hobbyspacer · 2 months
Space habitat reports – Mar.28.2024
Here is this week's selection of videos and news items about space habitats, living in space, and space settlement. https://youtu.be/uWnmc1C_UOc ** Expedition 70 NASA's SpaceX 30th Commercial Resupply Services Docking Part 2 - March 23, 2024 - NASA Video Loaded with scientific experiments and supplies, an unpiloted SpaceX Dragon cargo ship automatically docked to the International Space Station’s space-facing port of the Harmony module March 23. The SpaceX resupply craft launched from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida March 21 as part of the company’s 30th commercial resupply mission for the agency and will remain at the station for one month. https://youtu.be/xRh8yByGnU8 ** Expedition 70/71Soyuz MS-25 Launch, Docking Highlights - March 25, 2024 - NASA Video NASA astronaut Tracy Dyson, Roscosmos cosmonaut Oleg Novitskiy, and Belarus spaceflight participant Marina Vasileyskaya launched on the Soyuz MS-25 spacecraft atop a Soyuz 2.1a rocket from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan on March 23. Following a thirty-four orbit rendezvous, the trio docked to the Prichal module of the International Space Station, opened up the hatch of the Soyuz MS-25 spacecraft and floated aboard the International Space Station March 25. https://youtu.be/TJyCDVj0trU ** First Belarusian in space and crewmates enter space station after Soyuz docking - VideoFromSpace Belarusian astronaut Marina Vasilevskaya, NASA's Tracy C. Dyson and Roscomos' Oleg Novitskiy completed ingress on the International Space Station shortly after docking on March 25, 2024. https://youtu.be/Vbmh85ZT4lY ** Expedition 70 Astronaut Mike Barratt Talks with KGW TV Portland Oregon - NASA Video Aboard the International Space Station, Expedition 70 Flight Engineer Mike Barratt of NASA discussed life and work aboard the orbital outpost during an in-flight interview March 26 with KGW-TV, Portland. Barratt is in the midst of a long-duration mission living and working aboard the microgravity laboratory to advance scientific knowledge and demonstrate new technologies for future human and robotic exploration flights as part of NASA’s Moon and Mars exploration approach, including lunar missions through NASA’s Artemis program. https://youtu.be/-bLmuFdWxOA ** Expedition 70 Station Crew Talks with Women in Aerospace Engineering Conference - March 28, 2024 - NASA Video Aboard the International Space Station, Expedition 70 Flight Engineers Jeanette Epps and Tracy Dyson of NASA discussed life and work aboard the orbital outpost during an in-flight interview March 28 with attendees of the Women in Aerospace Engineering Conference at Georgia Tech University. Epps and Dyson are in the midst of a long-duration mission living and working aboard the microgravity laboratory to advance scientific knowledge and demonstrate new technologies for future human and robotic exploration flights as part of NASA’s Moon and Mars exploration approach, including lunar missions through NASA’s Artemis program. https://youtu.be/a0ceZIJg3wU ** NLRA 2024-6: In-space Production Applications: Advanced Materials and Manufacturing  - ISS National Lab On March 21, 2024, the ISS National Lab held a webinar to discuss ISS National Lab Research Announcement (NLRA) 2024-6 soliciting proposals focused on flight investigations that seek to demonstrate space-based manufacturing and advanced materials activities on the ISS. https://youtu.be/bJ9y9K0fWrU ** Gateway - Lunar Space Station Trailer - NASA Johnson The Gateway space station will be humanity's first space station to orbit the Moon in support of the Artemis missions to return humans to the lunar surface for scientific discovery and chart a path for the first human missions to Mars and beyond. https://youtu.be/iLqu4sS4iR4 ** Blue Origin - Orbital Reef project: NASA Sees Progress on Blue Origin’s Orbital Reef Life Support System | NASA - Mar.20.2024 A @NASA-funded commercial space station, @blueorigin's Orbital Reef, recently completed testing milestones for its critical life support system as part of the agency’s efforts for new destinations in low Earth orbit. The four milestones are part of a NASA Space Act Agreement… pic.twitter.com/bCypsQE78P — NASA Space Operations (@NASASpaceOps) March 20, 2024 ** Introducing our Haven-1 aluminum primary structure, made in . - VAST -  VAST Our Haven-1 aluminum primary structure manufacturing is underway. Designed, manufactured, and tested in house in the . https://youtu.be/wgW1hjdrfFU ** The Space Café Podcast #103: Building for New Frontiers: How Space Architecture Shapes Our Future in the Cosmos with space architect Georgi Petrov - SpaceWatch.Global Space Architecture is not just about creating structures; it’s about envisioning a sustainable future for humanity in space. In the latest #SpaceCafePodcast, Markus dives into a thought-provoking conversation with Georgi Petrov, a visionary at the forefront of designing habitats beyond Earth. https://www.buzzsprout.com/1915816/14777125-georgi-petrov-architecting-new-worlds-conversations-on-designing-for-space-habitation.mp3 ** Every Space Station Size Comparison | The Evolution of Space Station 3D - REAL SPACE(Hat tip Bob Zimmerman) https://youtu.be/qJNQ4aIwIKM ** TIMELAPSE: Retrieval of ETCS PM : External Thermal Control System Pump Module from SpX-30 trunk - ISS Above 20x TIMELAPSE: Retrieval of ETCS PM : External Thermal Control System Pump Module from SpX-30 trunk https://youtu.be/Sxvtk41rArc ** Other news and articles: - NASA Astronaut Loral O’Hara, Expedition 70 Science Highlights | NASA - Mar.28.2024 - Station Crew Expands to Ten, Begins Working Together | Space Station/NASA - Mar.26.2024 - Drilling for water ice on Mars: How close are we to making it happen? | Space.com - Mar.24.2024 - What We Can Create on Mars | Robert Zubrin/Quillette - Mar.19.2024 ** Highlight: Quebec - Newfoundland Sea Ice - Mar 25, 2024 17:05 EDT - ISS Above https://youtu.be/SNslBmyBWuo ** Highlight: LA - AL - TN - Mar 24, 2024 - 18:58 CDT - ISS Above https://youtu.be/5TZbeYMNfLw ** Live Video from the International Space Station (Official NASA Stream) - NASA Watch live video from the International Space Station, including inside views when the crew aboard the space station is on duty. Views of Earth are also streamed from an external camera located outside of the space station. During periods of signal loss due to handover between communications satellites, a blue screen is displayed. The space station orbits Earth about 250 miles (425 kilometers) above the surface. An international partnership of five space agencies from 15 countries operates the station, and it has been continuously occupied since November 2000. It's a microgravity laboratory where science, research, and human innovation make way for new technologies and research breakthroughs not possible on Earth. More: https://go.nasa.gov/3CkVtC8 Did you know you can spot the station without a telescope? It looks like a fast-moving star, but you have to know when to look up. Sign up for text messages or email alerts to let you know when (and where) to spot the station and wave to the crew: https://spotthestation.nasa.gov https://www.youtube.com/live/xAieE-QtOeM?feature=share ====
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ISS after undocking of STS-132 === Amazon Ads === Lego Ideas International Space Station 21321 Toy Blocks, Present, Space, Boys, Girls, Ages 16 and Up  ==== Outpost in Orbit: A Pictorial & Verbal History of the Space Station  Read the full article
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Elevate Your Listings with Real Estate Videography Near Portland
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In the ever-evolving world of real estate, staying ahead of the curve is crucial. With the rise of online platforms and the increasing demand for virtual property viewings, real estate professionals in Portland, Oregon, are turning to innovative solutions to showcase their listings. One of the most effective tools in their arsenal is real estate videography, a trend that is sweeping through the industry.
The Power of Real Estate Videography
Real estate videography is not just a passing trend; it’s a game-changer. It allows you to provide potential buyers with an immersive and dynamic experience, helping them visualize themselves in their future home. With the backdrop of Portland’s unique charm and vibrant neighborhoods, real estate videography can take your property listings to the next level.
1. Visual Storytelling:
In the competitive real estate market in Portland, visual storytelling is essential. Real estate videography allows you to create a compelling narrative for your listings. You can highlight the unique features of a property, showcase its surroundings, and give viewers a sense of the lifestyle they could enjoy
2. Engaging Virtual Tours:
Virtual property tours are a powerful tool, especially in today’s digital age. With a real estate videography near Portland, you can offer potential buyers engaging virtual tours of your listings. This not only saves time for both you and your clients but also ensures that only genuinely interested parties schedule in-person viewings.
3. Aerial Perspectives:
Portland’s diverse neighborhoods and scenic landscapes are a selling point in themselves. Real estate videography can incorporate aerial shots, providing breathtaking views of properties, neighborhoods, and the city’s iconic landmarks. It’s a surefire way to stand out in the market.
4. Showcasing Local Amenities:
Real estate is not just about the property; it’s also about the lifestyle it offers. With real estate videography, you can highlight the local amenities, parks, restaurants, and cultural attractions in Portland that make a property even more appealing.
5. Building Trust:
In an industry where trust is paramount, real estate videography offers transparency and authenticity. It shows potential buyers that you have nothing to hide and that you’re providing them with a complete view of the property.
Real Estate Marketing Companies in Portland
To make the most of real estate videography, you need the right expertise. This is where real estate marketing companies in Portland come into play. These companies specialize in creating captivating video content that not only showcases properties but also tells a story.
1. Professional Expertise:
Real estate marketing companies have professionals who are well-versed in the nuances of videography. They know how to capture a property’s essence and present it in the most appealing way.
2. Tailored Strategies:
No two properties are the same, and real estate marketing companies understand that. They work closely with you to develop a tailored video strategy that aligns with the unique selling points of each property.
3. State-of-the-Art Equipment:
From high-resolution cameras to advanced drone technology, real estate marketing companies in Portland have access to the latest equipment. This ensures that your videos are of the highest quality.
4. Post-Production Excellence:
Creating a video is just the beginning. Real estate marketing companies have the skills to edit and enhance the footage, adding music, voiceovers, and other elements to create a polished and professional final product.
5. Broad Reach:
Once your real estate videography is complete, marketing companies can help you distribute it to the widest possible audience. They can optimize your videos for online platforms, social media, and even create virtual reality experiences for prospective buyers.
The Future of Real Estate Marketing
As the real estate market in Portland continues to evolve, staying competitive requires embracing innovative techniques. Real estate videography and the expertise of real estate marketing companies are a winning combination that can set you apart in this dynamic market. It’s not just a trend; it’s the future of real estate marketing.
So, if you’re a real estate professional in Portland looking to enhance your listings, consider the power of real estate videography and the expertise of marketing companies. It’s a decision that will not only benefit your business but also provide an engaging and immersive experience for your clients.
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Trending Ways of Digital Marketing Strategies for Successful Results in Portland
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Digital marketing is now essential for companies of all sizes in today's increasingly linked society. Keeping up with the most recent digital marketing techniques is essential for attaining great results in the ever-evolving world of technology and changing consumer behavior. Working with a Digital Marketing Agency in Portland can assist you in putting the best plans in place for your company if you run a business there.
With the help of our cutting-edge methods based on data and creativity and customized to match your specific requirements, our Portland digital marketing agency will accelerate the growth of your company, increase your online visibility, and engage your target audience. Our company uses cutting-edge tools like automation, artificial intelligence (AI), and advanced analytics to create creative solutions that keep your company competitive and on the cutting edge of market trends.
This article will also examine several popular digital marketing tactics that can support firms in thriving in the digital environment.
Trends in Digital Marketing Agency for Successful Results
• Content Marketing That Is Personalized
Personalization takes content marketing to a whole new level while still being a powerful tool for organizations. Instead of creating generic content, astute marketers focus on giving their target audience individualized experiences. By utilizing data analytics and segmentation strategies, businesses may tailor content to meet individual tastes, requirements, and interests. Increased engagement, trust, and conversions are all benefits of this strategy.
Marketing via influencers
Influencer marketing has grown significantly in popularity in recent years. Often, consumers place more trust in influencer recommendations than they do in traditional advertising. Your brand's exposure and impact can be greatly increased by collaborating with relevant influencers in your sector or niche. You may reach out to their loyal following and capitalize on their genuineness to effectively advertise your goods or services by working with influencers and a Digital Marketing Agency Portland that are in line with your brand's ideals.
Video Advertising
On digital platforms, video material has become more and more popular since it effectively communicates messages while grabbing consumers' attention. Since platforms like YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram Reels have emerged, companies can use video marketing to actively engage their target audience. Your marketing strategy may benefit from including videos because they help raise brand awareness, increase engagement, and improve conversion rates. Video marketing has a significant impact on consumer behavior, whether it uses storytelling, product testimonials, or both.
 Voice Search Enhancement
The way individuals seek information has changed as voice-activated devices like smart speakers and virtual assistants become more common.Voice search optimization of your digital content is crucial if you want to maintain a competitive edge in digital marketing. You may increase your exposure and draw in voice search users by incorporating long-tail keywords, providing succinct answers to frequently asked inquiries, making sure your website is mobile-friendly, and loading rapidly.
Automated systems and artificial intelligence
Automation and artificial intelligence (AI) improve digital marketing by reducing processes and enhancing customization. AI-powered chatbots, for instance, provide immediate customer service and personalized recommendations. Businesses may manage leads, optimize ad campaigns, and carry out customized email marketing campaigns with the help of automation tools. By integrating AI and automation, businesses may improve productivity, improve customer experiences, and provide superior results.
Businesses must modify their digital marketing strategy to be competitive as the digital world changes. To succeed in digital marketing, adopting personalized content marketing, influencer alliances, video marketing, social media advertising, voice search optimization, and utilizing AI and automation are some popular strategies. By remaining up to date on the most recent trends and effectively putting these techniques into practice, businesses can connect with and engage their target audience, promote conversions, and ultimately achieve their marketing goals.
With a client-centered strategy, we prioritize your business goals at our Portland digital marketing agency. To meet your needs, we offer customized solutions, open communication, and individual attention. Our dedication goes beyond execution; we continuously track campaign results, examine data, and modify our plans for continuous improvement. Through open communication and honest reporting, you will always be aware of how your digital marketing campaigns are doing. To learn more about our services. Visit: www.portlanddigital.marketing
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yashallied · 10 months
Helmet Cameras MarketGlobal Opportunity Analysis and Industry Forecast, 2023-2032. Claims Allied Market Research.
Helmet camera is a camera attached to a helmet to help record a video without the use of hands. Helmet cameras can be of two types—CCD helmet Cameras that have Charge-coupled device image sensor and operate on 12VDC power and output an analog type signal, and CMOS helmet cameras that have complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor image sensor and operates on 5VDC and draw little power and are a smaller size than CCD. Helmet camera comes in different resolutions like Fully HD, HD, and SD and its end users are the military personnel, sports adventurers, and individuals. 
Request To Sample :- https://www.alliedmarketresearch.com/request-toc-and-sample/6868
COVID-19 Scenario Analysis: 
COVID 19 has created a grave situation and has affected many companies in both negative and positive way. However, the helmet camera market is most affected by the pandemics. Due to lockdown, helmet camera's sales have gone down as no one is going outdoors. The COVID-19 has put many camera maker industries in a grave situation and the workers are also losing jobs. This increases unemployment rate and affects the economy of both developed and developing countries.
Top Impacting Factors: Market Scenario Analysis, Trends, Drivers and Impact Analysis
Surge in advanced technology, increase in smart gadgets, rise in disposable income, and an increase in the usage of social media drive the growth of the market. Despite some restraints, the global helmet camera market is experiencing growth due to factors such as increase in usage of smartphone, rise in camera technology, and popularities of alternative products. However, improvement in the camera resolution and its designs can create a growth opportunity for the helmet camera market. 
Request To Customization:- https://www.alliedmarketresearch.com/request-for-customization/6868
The global helmet camera market trends are as follows:
Camera manufacturers are focusing on improving their products so that they can compete with new smart gadgets. Companies are increasing features to attract more customers.
Helmet cameras are usually used by professionals like military personnel, wildlife photographers, firefighters, and sports adventures. 
Helmet cameras are for outdoor films but they can face competition with an increase in usage of smartphones and the development of Mini wireless Wi-Fi camera.
LIMITED-TIME OFFER – Buy Now & Get Exclusive 15 % Discount on this Report @ https://www.alliedmarketresearch.com/checkout-final/0c49aabf67db754b069dd74ab948ed9e
Key Benefits of the Report:
This study presents the analytical depiction of the global helmet camera industry along with the current trends and future estimations to determine the imminent investment pockets.
The report presents information related to key drivers, restraints, and opportunities along with detailed analysis of the global helmet camera market share.
The current market is quantitatively analyzed to highlight the global helmet camera market growth scenario.
Porter’s five forces analysis illustrates the potency of buyers & suppliers in the market. 
The report provides a detailed global helmet camera market analysis based on competitive intensity and how the competition will take shape in coming years. 
About US:
Allied Market Research (AMR) is a full-service market research and business-consulting wing of Allied Analytics LLP based in Portland, Oregon. Allied Market Research provides global enterprises as well as medium and small businesses with unmatched quality of "Market Research Reports" and "Business Intelligence Solutions." AMR has a targeted view to provide business insights and consulting to assist its clients to make strategic business decisions and achieve sustainable growth in their respective market domain.
Pawan Kumar, the CEO of Allied Market Research, is leading the organization toward providing high-quality data and insights. We are in professional corporate relations with various companies and this helps us in digging out market data that helps us generate accurate research data tables and confirms utmost accuracy in our market forecasting. Each and every data presented in the reports published by us is extracted through primary interviews with top officials from leading companies of domain concerned. Our secondary data procurement methodology includes deep online and offline research and discussion with knowledgeable professionals and analysts in the industry.
David Correa 5933 NE Win Sivers Drive #205, Portland, OR 97220 United States USA/Canada (Toll Free): +1-800-792-5285, +1-503-894-6022 UK: +44-845-528-1300 Hong Kong: +852-301-84916 India (Pune): +91-20-66346060 Fax: +1(855)550-5975 [email protected]
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electronics-system · 10 months
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The report provides a detailed analysis of the Video wall Market coupled with a study of dynamic growth factors such as drivers, challenges, constraints, and opportunities. Furthermore, the report involves a comprehensive study about the top 10 market players that are active in the market and their business strategies that can help new market entrants, shareholders, and stakeholders to make informed strategic decisions.
The Video wall Market report provides an in-depth study of past and current market trends and evaluates future opportunities. The study of the market trends and upcoming opportunities aids formulate the factors that can help market growth. In addition, the study offers robust, granular, and qualitative data about how the market is advancing.
DOWNLOAD SAMPLE COPY: https://bit.ly/3rFT55M
On the basis of verified research procedures and opinions of market pundits, the forecasts are derived in the market share study. The Video wall Market is meticulously observed along with analysis of various macroeconomic and microeconomic factors that can impact the market growth.
The report involves a detailed overview of the market along with a SWOT and Porter’s five analysis of the major market players. In addition, the report contains a business overview, financial analysis, and portfolio analysis of services offered by these companies. The study offers the latest industry developments such as expansion, joint ventures, and product launches which helps stakeholders understand the long-term profitability of the market.
The Video wall Market report offers a comprehensive analysis of the competitive situation of the top 10 market players including KPLAYERS Like : Panasonic Corporation, Barco, Primeview, Leyard Optoelectronic Co., Ltd., Samsung, ViewSonic Corporation, NEC Display Solutions, Lighthouse Technologies Limited, Cetech, Toshiba Corporation, LG Electronics. The study of the market players such as price analysis, company overview, value chain, and portfolio analysis of services and products. These organizations have adopted various business strategies such as partnerships, new product launches, collaboration, joint ventures, mergers & acquisitions to maintain their market position.
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The Video wall Market includes an in-depth analysis of the COVID-19 pandemic and how it affected the market. The prolonged lockdown across several countries and restriction of import-export of non-essential products have hampered the market. Moreover, during the pandemic, the prices of raw materials increased significantly.
The report covers a thorough study of drivers, restraints, challenges, and opportunities. This study aids shareholders, new market entrants, and stakeholders to recognize the dynamic factors that supplement the market growth and helps them make informed decisions.
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Allied Market Research (AMR) is a full-service market research and business-consulting wing of Allied Analytics LLP based in Portland, Oregon. Allied Market Research provides global enterprises as well as medium and small businesses with unmatched quality of "Market Research Reports" and "Business Intelligence Solutions." AMR has a targeted view to provide business insights and consulting to assist its clients to make strategic business decisions and achieve sustainable growth in their respective market domain.
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nwbeerguide · 1 year
Astoria's Buoy Beer Company eager to move on from a year ago announces changes at their brewery and taproom.
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image courtesy Buoy Beer Company
Press Release
Astoria, Oregon is a small coastal town at the confluence of the Columbia River and the Pacific Ocean. It’s a town fueled by community. A town where small businesses flourish. A town where locals see someone they know almost everywhere they go. At the river’s edge of this town is Buoy Beer Company, a brewery and restaurant on the Columbia River with a sweeping view of passing ships, shimmering waters, and in the distance, the Pacific Ocean.  
On June 14, 2022, part of a building on the brewery’s campus collapsed into the river after the pilings underneath gave way. Word moved quickly through town of the brewery’s damage. “Almost immediately I got a text from my friend Lisa,” says Dolores Matthys, Buoy’s HR Manager. “It said: ‘Thinking of you and all your staff. Hoping all are okay.’” 
Management’s first priority was to make sure everyone was accounted for and safe, which was quickly verified. The second priority was to shut down the natural gas and CO2 so emergency services could secure the building. The next few days were a blur, with every department working on how they could keep Buoy running while coping with the functional and symbolic loss of the building. “When the collapse happened, the reaction was so visceral, it made me realize just how important Buoy is to many in our community,” says Matt Jones, Head Brewer. 
In September 2021, Buoy finished a much-anticipated brewery expansion into the Astor Street building (formerly home to Video Horizons) across the Riverwalk and immediately south of the original building. Since then, all brewing and fermentation processes have taken place in that building.  
The partially collapsed building contained the second part of the beer-making process – bright tanks, lager tanks, kegging, packaging materials, and a new high-speed canning line – as well as the restaurant. Those tanks were full of beer and a plan was needed to not only salvage what we could, but to also replace that capacity (which had been cut in half) in time for the big beer months of the summer. “Pretty much the first few days were salvage-and-plan mode,” says Matt Jones. 
The team banded together and moved quickly. Usable fermenters were set up as bright tanks, a canning line was rented, brewing schedules were altered, and Buoy was back to producing beer in less than one week – in half the space and with half the equipment.  
“It’s amazing, what we were able to accomplish,” says Dave Kroening, Co-founder. “The quick shift was a testament to our incredible staff and their flexibility and dedication.” 
The outreach from the brewing community poured in from all over the Pacific Northwest. “We knew we couldn’t keep the shelves stocked with our now-limited capacity,” says Dave Kroening. “The great people of Ninkasi and Sin Marca quickly worked with us to set up contract brewing, which helped us figure out how we were going to keep our production numbers up.”  Brewers had long conversations about malt bills and yeast strains, and made trips to Eugene and Portland to sample batches and hone recipes with the same flavor profiles.  
But while the brewery staff was busy pivoting, the restaurant staff was unfortunately displaced. They dedicated their time to cleaning up what they could from the riverbank while the management staff jumped into finding a new space to maintain their livelihoods and continue to serve the community. 
By the end of week two, the team had found a temporary home in the Astoria Food Hub at 1152 Marine Dr, just a few blocks away.  
Though things were moving forward, it was hard not to experience the lingering feeling of loss and the worry of uncertainty. “We went from serving fish and chips and beer on the water one day to the restaurant being closed and our team’s employment future being in jeopardy the next,” says Bob Voss, Restaurant Manager.  Getting used to logistics, forecasting, scheduling, packaging, and balancing the needs and capabilities of altered operations was also a struggle. 
“It felt like the COVID-19 shut-down all over again,” says Dolores Matthys. 
In addition, the environmental impact and powerlessness associated with not being able to clear out the building, clean up remaining debris, or start the recovery process was tough. We did what we could to clear the river of scattered packaging materials. The community pitched in to help, and we began offering a free pint of Buoy beer to those who brought in lost beer labels. Yet Buoy’s brewing equipment sat amidst the wreckage for nine long months until initial insurance, engineering, permitting and planning processes were able to be completed.  
In an effort to keep things positive, Hospitality Director Katie Shaw and Kevin Shaw, Director of Production, hosted a team-wide BBQ at their home. 
“This company is so much more than a place, it’s family,” Katie wrote in her invitation. “While we do not know for certain what the future holds, we do know we will always have each other. So let’s drink some beer, eat some food, and have a few laughs together.” 
Pressing On 
For the last year, we have all pressed on at Buoy, brewing as much beer as possible, organizing cleanups for lingering debris, hosting local events, and settling into our new restaurant location.  
But with such a large portion of the building still out of commission, pivoting has become a daily task. The brewery was forced to quickly master a new set of skills. To keep beer at full capacity in Astoria, they needed to execute same-day tank turnarounds for cleaning. This meant regularly sending beer back into a tank the same day it was emptied in order to keep the few available tanks full.  
Packaging also became less efficient on the smaller, rented canning line that was shoehorned into an open area on the brewing floor. The packaging crew went from a smooth, efficient operation to long, challenging days. Stressors of constant maintenance, minimal space, and the inability to package enough beer to meet demand compounded often. The bright side, however, is that with fewer tanks there was less simultaneous brewing. This allowed our dedicated brewing and packaging staff to help wherever needed to keep products moving. 
“I think for many of us the biggest day-to-day struggle since the collapse (aside from capacity) has just been space,” says Michael Duron, Lead Brewer. “…space to walk through the brewery, move pallets through the brewery, store things safely and properly, etc. The struggle of fitting two buildings’ worth of work into one is constant and real.” 
“We just got done with the expansion and we had so much more space [with the new building],” says Kevin Shaw. “Finally, we were able to spread out a bit. But after the collapse everyone had to cram back into the same space. Folks are ready for more space again.” 
However, things are starting to look up as the team finishes the logistics of expanding brewing operations into a third building that will be shared by Buoy’s sister company, Pilot House Distilling. This building has been part of the distillery expansion plan for the past couple of years but has been delayed by the pandemic and permitting. But Pilot House continues to grow, and has recently expanded their offerings into Idaho. They have also turned their Portland tasting room into a full-service bar and secured a presence at Portland International Airport for 2025. The company plans to move their distilling operations into the building this fall as production of their canned cocktail line and Painted Lady gin ramps up.  
Buoy’s high-speed canning line just began operation again and favorites like the Czech-style Pilsner, IPA, Helles, and Dunkel Lager (previously contract-brewed by Ninkasi and Sin Marca) will be brewed in house again. Czech-style Pilsner will be packaged at Buoy this week for the first time (and almost exactly one year to date) since the collapse. 
Looking to the Future 
The future of the collapsed building is still unknown, but our first step is to work with the Army Core of Engineers, who permit all Columbia River work, to clean up the damage. Not only is the building missed dearly by our staff members, but it’s also missed by the community and Astoria’s many visitors. 
“The customers that come in and expect an amazing view, beer, and the glass floor we were known for become disappointed, and we have to share in their disappointment and be reminded of it constantly,” says Bob Voss. “Seeing the building in disrepair is also a hard one, as it is for everyone, I’m sure.”   
“I’ve spent a lot of time in that building and saw it transform from a complete dump to something that was treasured by many and made people happy,” says Kevin Shaw. “Hopefully it can return in some capacity.  It is one of the coolest and most unique brewery locations there is.” 
It has been an incredibly hard year for our entire Buoy team – the extent of which goes unrecognized by many. “This event was something that usually destroys a business, but most consumers didn’t notice anything because our staff worked so hard to keep beer on the shelves,” says Jessyka Dart-Mclean, Marketing Manager. Yet hardships often bring people together and create new appreciations for the future. After the incident, staff from all departments worked with each other to pivot, revise, adapt, and persevere in order to keep Buoy afloat. The result has been a strengthened company culture, a shared appreciation of our ability to adapt to change, and an affirmation of Buoy’s connection with our local and regional brewing community.   
“Our team is stronger than ever,” says Katie Shaw. “The collapse affected us all and that has brought us all closer together. After dealing with that, there isn’t anything we can’t do.”  
For now, the Astoria Food Hub (1152 Marine Dr.) will continue to be the home of Buoy Beer’s restaurant and the team is currently hiring for the summer season. The location now features an expansive menu, complete with our famous fish & chips and other favorites, fresh Buoy beers, a full bar, and donuts made by Jambot Donuts. The brewery will continue to brew flagship recipes and popular varieties as well as expand rotating lines to increase Buoy beer offerings in 2024. Our planned events will also continue, with Buoy’s second annual Oktoberfest this September 22 & 23 and the annual Lager Fest in Spring 2024, when the company will celebrate its 10th birthday! 
We are grateful the community and the many visitors who have joined us at the Hub over the past year and to the team members who made it possible to continue to do what we love. We look forward to making even more memories with great people, great food, and great beer – no matter where we are. 
Astoria, OR overlooks the meeting of one of the West's most relentless rivers and the wilderness of an entire ocean - and it's here that Buoy Beer Company brews its beer. With balance always a priority, we focus on traditional lagers and NW ales to savor and share with friends after a hard day's work.
from Northwest Beer Guide - News - The Northwest Beer Guide https://bit.ly/465jaLh
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Portland Digital Agency Trends
B Corp Certified digital advertising company, Intuitive Digital provides results that develop companies. Through their professional companies, from SEO to integrated marketing, they guarantee the very best ROI for every shopper — whereas keeping the costs as little as potential. Adpearance is a digital advertising agency that is helping over 1,000 clients generate leads and enhance gross sales portland digital agency.
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Their full-services digital advertising campaigns lead to conversions and craft successful brands. To be effective, social media and paid search campaigns require seamless collaboration between model, inventive, and digital groups. Some businesses could charge an hourly fee, whereas others could offer package pricing for sure companies. From paid search, display advertisements, and social media advertising, we’re here that will help you get the most out of digital advertising strategy.
In the ever altering world of digital advertising, you need the highest gamers in your group.
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Working with Vacano Solutions has been fantastic for my small unbiased business.
We stick by our purchasers for the lengthy haul to assist them get probably the most out of their digital projects.
The staff built the client’s website and offered web optimization and PPC campaigns. RevvSpark has developed a advertising plan for a gloves manufacturing company to attract end clients. A brewery employed Two Wolves Creative to offer internet design and improvement. They constructed the client's website from scratch and assisted in creating content for the page in the likes of images, video, and others. Jute Creative spearheaded a branding project, creating a value proposition video, custom typeface, colour scheme, and emblem. The staff took the time to know the corporate before getting started.
They primarily serve small enterprise and midmarket shoppers within the enterprise companies, authorized and financial companies industries. Intuitive Digital is a advertising agency primarily based in Portland, Ore. Since 2012, they've grown to a streamlined team of about 10 workers. Intuitive Digital makes a speciality of internet design, web digital agency portland optimization, PPC, and social media advertising. The company works with clients within the enterprise service, client product, and training industries.
Cascade Internet Improvement
Our content writing team can deliver content material that you can use for customer engagement and to tell your viewers. Thrive web sites are optimized for search engines and conversions so you can develop your small business faster. We specialize in high-quality net design, e-commerce web site design and a variety of advertising providers to get your website found. Websites and net functions evolve with business wants, gone their original launch.
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Digital Marketing Companies In Portland
Michelle is a digital marketer with over 5 years of company expertise emphasizing in seo. Before joining Foghorn, she was an account supervisor helping in the growth and execution of tailored organic and paid online strategies for a variety of B2B and B2C manufacturers. In her free time, Michelle enjoys exploring Oregon’s superb outdoors and discovering new Portland eating places. In 2013, Rick joined nationwide design and building agency DC Builders to revolutionize its digital advertising technique.
Rylee's PA Services works as an assistant for a e-book firm's digital marketing needs. They also analysis numerous things to resolve the consumer's problems. Watson Creative supplied branding providers for a footwear company. The team created a website, model video, and other advertising materials for the consumer.
Advantage Media Partners is a full-service digital advertising company that helps small companies keep organic and paid search development. Their providers range from internet design & SEO to social media & advertising. However, if you need branding or an web site, it would be a wiser strategy to work with a creative company in Portland that makes a speciality of creative branding, and net design and growth companies. Mad Fish Digital is a values-first digital advertising company that provides elevated experiences for our workers and clients.
The firm has 12 satellite tv for pc places of work scattered along the West Coast, as well as one in Washington, D.C. Strategies 360 was based in 2004 and has round 100 workers. In addition to PR, Strategies 360 provides many other services, including internet design, UX/UI design, search engine marketing, and extra. The majority of its purchasers are in authorities and enterprise services. Obility is a B2B digital advertising company for tech and SaaS that provides scalable options for hypergrowth.
Noah is a digital marketer with over 5 years of agency expertise and a ardour for storytelling. While he's a native Pacific Northwesterner, Noah has also frolicked working for advertising and manufacturing companies in New York City. Prior to joining Foghorn, Noah was an Account Manager facilitating the development and execution of tailor-made paid social media methods for a range of B2B and B2C brands.
Cassidy is a lifelong learner and greets every challenge as a possibility to develop her skillset. Outside of labor you’ll discover her browsing in the chilly pacific ocean waters, snowboarding at her local mountain, path operating, or playing within the yard together with her four-legged friends. DIGITAL CONSULTING AGENCY IN PORTLAND, OREGON - GRAYBOX is a digital consulting agency that helps you solve challenges, attain your audience and optimize your operations with elegance, utility & experience.
The versatility of services they provide provides me with strategy, creativity, and a lot more! I would advocate them to anybody thinking about measurable marketing... Thrive offers web optimization content material creation and portland digital agency copywriting providers for all types of content material, including weblog posts, website copy, or product descriptions.
With the altering times and decisions, shoppers are continuously exploring new issues, so it’s essential for companies to listen to that. Our sights are set on strategy, design, storytelling, and creating an impression. Lifestyle manufacturers to tech, startups to venture capitalists, professional providers to skilled sports—we dig down to build up. Our Portland digital consultants have years of experience and skills in helping companies with their marketing efforts.
As a full-service agency, we look past sales and branding that will help you envision what’s subsequent. Our method succeeds as a result of we get to know you and your ambitions. Then we decide to the lengthy game of seeing you obtain your total business targets. To put it one other means, in relation to the large picture, we’re like a blimp-sized bulb that’s always there for you, lighting the best way.
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blog-aboutdigital · 1 year
Advertising Portland Digital Agency
And leverage every other’s expertise and expertise to meet our partners’ needs. Tell us about your project, and we'll match you with vetted firms that meet your requirements. I was nervous but Mark Rivera, Janet Jasmine, and the relaxation of the staff helped calm all of my fears. They had been in constant contact with me and explaining every step. What can we take a look at, and the way can we higher serve your customers? These are the questions that information our every day and monthly work go here .
I employed Twibi to assist revamp the advert program for a multi-million greenback suite of WordPress plugin business, and let me inform you, they did not disappoint.
You also can evaluate if the agency has been featured in related advertising publications or spoken at media and promoting events, which might point out their thought leadership.
Collaborate with us and see how videos can elevate your small business.
Oregon Web Solutions helped us with keyword analysis to optimize our blog.
With workplaces in Portland and Yakima, Center Street Digital is are consultants in internet design and seo. Through a quantity of on-site and off-site search engine optimization activities, they help clients enhance visibility in addition to traffic. Specializing in B2B, this advertising agency combines web optimization and LinkedIn in their growth strategies, which are “voraciously effective”.
You can also have an total details about the team by reviewing the agency’s Linkedin web page. If your organization supplies local providers or merchandise in Portland solely, you should be positive that the overwhelming majority of the agency’s staff is predicated in Portland. Our Portland digital experts have years of expertise and skills in serving to businesses with their advertising efforts.
So far, they have carried out 242 profitable shopper campaigns. Whether you're a business or individual – in case you are selling a product, a service, your content material or doing philanthropy, you would want advertising. Even governments require advertising when they're campaigning. Marketing agencies develop artistic strategies primarily based on your promotional needs. They make use of completely different channels of promotion and make positive that your brand will get the proper of consideration. Rylee's PA Services works as an assistant for a guide firm's digital advertising wants.
Convertiv is a contemporary digital advertising agency that not solely designs & engineers progressive solutions, but in addition helps clients develop their market share. Their broad range of expertise includes customer engagement, social media, internet growth, advertising automation, search, and SEO. Established in 2017, the group provides search engine marketing, digital technique, social media advertising, content material advertising, and extra. Sarah's function consists of aiding in all stages of clients’ paid media campaigns. Her passion for the outdoors and marketing help her drive authentic connections between users and types to portland digital agency create lifetime clients.
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Marketing agencies should report again on the influence of their initiatives and campaigns. It is crucial for clients and advertising company teams to understand how their methods worked. If an company does not work on reporting influence and evaluation of the techniques, they'd waste time and money on future methods. Marketing businesses are third-party specialised corporations that assist companies enhance their marketing efforts. They help shoppers create and implement successful advertising strategies to scale and grow their businesses.
Our digital advertising strategies have helped companies obtain and surpass their objectives. In the ever altering world of digital marketing, you need the highest gamers in your group. Return on funding is a serious concern for most businesses, maybe together with yours. When investing money in advertising methods, you definitely count on quick and tangible outcomes which generally may be exhausting to return by. Working with proven and respected digital marketing companies provides you a chance to have peace of thoughts that your advertising investments can be sure to offer good returns. Obility is a B2B digital advertising agency for tech and SaaS that gives scalable solutions for hypergrowth.
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Our expertise in digital products allows us to help the unique wants of each shopper, together with product technique, UX design, UI design, and full-stack improvement. Over time, we may help enhance your search engine visibility so your near the top of search outcomes for vital keywords highly relevant to audiences who're actively looking for your options. That means a constant stream of high-quality traffic, priceless leads, and high income. Best of all, these search outcomes require shopping for zero promoting and might final for years. Your web site is the primary impression of all potential clients, purchasers, and patients. To be efficient in an internet world, your corporation or medical clinic website needs to position your brand and create a credible, constructive experience on the primary impression.
Strategic eMarketing is a advertising agency based in 2010 with fewer than 10 members. They provide digital technique, social media advertising, and content material marketing solutions to clients from their office in Portland, Ore. Portland-based Digital C4, a digital advertising company, is ready to assist you with search marketing, SEO providers, PPC, social media, and custom content material creation. The agency’s staff plays a vital role in your digital advertising campaigns’ success.
Solid Digital is a web digital agency portland design, improvement, and advertising firm with workplaces in Portland, Ore. and Chicago. With about 30 staff members, the agency has expertise in internet design, branding, and custom improvement. Custom digital marketing solutions designed to satisfy and exceed your small business goals and objectives. I run a small enterprise & am a very long time client of Upsource. They have an excellent product (we use them for developing/maintaining our website and marketing) and are very good speaking with their shoppers. Our enterprise has grown steadily all through the years and I believe Upsource has been a significant contributor to the growth.
Strategic and inventive, we go beyond the 'campaign' to ship purpose-built solutions that change perceptions and have interaction your ever-changing future client. During the pandemic, e-commerce was booming, but not as a lot after the pandemic. Cocalero’s goal was to restore revenue back to pandemic levels at a 300%+ ROAS generated from top-of-funnel site visitors. Our objective has at all times been to deliver high-quality work as shortly as potential.
Working carefully with the inner advertising staff, they conduct varied interviews. A brewery hired Two Wolves Creative to offer web design and development. They built the client's web site from scratch and assisted in creating content material for the page in the likes of pictures, video, and others. Working with Vacano Solutions has been fantastic for my small unbiased business. They are very experienced and skilled and have made creating a professional on-line presence and marketing supplies a breeze.
After presenting a quantity of mood boards, Gravitate designed and developed a web site according to the consumer's chosen design. At Thrive, we pride ourselves on having group members who're sincere and trustworthy. We prepare our employees to abide by our code of conduct and work ethics always. Our team members are professional, respectful, and sincere of their desire to help others. At Thrive, we practice open and sincere communication with our purchasers.
Digital strategy company Rise Marketing is headquartered in Portland, Oregon. The small staff focuses on digital technique, advertising technique, ppc, seo, and extra and was launched in 2009. Curious Website is a search engine optimization providers agency and net design company. Their services embrace seo and internet design. Cascade Web Development is a full-service digital company in Portland, Ore., that was based in 2001. Its 8 workers provide web development, e-commerce development, digital strategy, UI/UX design, web optimization, and CRM consulting providers to small and midmarket companies.
The staff of about 10 employees focuses on web design and improvement, but in addition provides seo and content material marketing. Online advertising is a dynamic area with new advertising ideas and skills being launched every so often. Hiring a competent local web optimization or digital advertising company provides your small business a competitive edge as you get access to essentially the most up to date digital marketing abilities in the market today. As against working with an in-house advertising group, a employed digital advertising company reaches out far and wide in search for competent abilities that when put to use can give your corporation a serious increase. DIGITAL & INTEGRATED MARKETING AGENCY - Anvil Media, Inc. is an built-in advertising company specializing in search engine advertising , e mail advertising, social media marketing and analytics. Anvil’s experienced staff is certified, published and speaks regularly at industry events.
A advertising agency strategizes and develops tactics of promotion, helping companies convey awareness about their products and services to their target audience. Content advertising company Bonfire Marketing was launched in 2008. The company focuses on content material advertising, digital strategy, market research, email advertising, and more and has a small staff. Eclipse + DDG is an internet design and development agency founded in 2000 and located in Portland, Ore. The staff of about 10 makes a speciality of net design and improvement, but additionally provides other providers, like cellular app improvement and UX/UI design. A landscaping company engaged with Dynamic Designs NW for their branding and net design services.
With Thrive, you're in good palms working with one of the best people who are certified for the job. At Twibi, we make it a point to support businesses like yours in Portland, Oregon by making them aggressive utilizing digital marketing ways. We purpose to be extra than just the solution to your advertising goals. You know the digital area is a good way to grow your corporation in Portland, Oregon. At Twibi, we focus on native search to tap your local customer base. As a enterprise owner, advertising is perhaps the biggest obstacle you could face as you wrestle to offer your corporation boosted sales, earnings, and basic market performance.
We’ll ask some questions about your business, ache factors, and advertising wants. ABOUT US - We leverage sound strategy, participating creative, operational excellence, platform prowess, and flawless execution to ship long-term email advertising worth for enterprise organizations. This course of is our hidden secret to success, and it’s centered round effectiveness. We lately applied a quiz funnel that they suggested, and we already see a 40% lower in CPA. I love the reality that my account manager at Voy Media treats my account like it’s their very own. Voy Media has a high consideration for me and really cares about my enterprise.
With this, she brings a contemporary perspective to shoppers from both a brand and agency standpoint. Cassidy is a lifelong learner and greets each problem as an opportunity to develop her skillset. Outside of labor you’ll find her surfing in the chilly pacific ocean waters, snowboarding at her native mountain, trail working, or taking part in within the yard together with her four-legged pals. Prior to becoming a member of Foghorn Labs, Michael worked at several agencies specializing in creating complete paid search methods for each B2B and B2C prospects.
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Services embody brand technique and DNA, website design, UX/UI, graphic design, content advertising, photography, video, and e-commerce. Founded in 2013, ninety seven Switch is a Chicago-based digital advertising agency that helps purchasers adapt to the continuously changing digital market. Despite having a small team of fewer than 10 employees, ninety seven Switch provides a big selection of providers similar to web design, web optimization, PPC, social media, and content advertising. Also, if your trade has some specifics for target audiences solely in Portland, Oregon, make sure the digital marketing agency is knowledgeable about them. To be efficient, digital advertising companies present world-class search engine optimization providers once employed to deal with your business’ digital advertising efforts.
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Vice surrenders
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I'm on tour with my new novel The Bezzle! Catch me TONIGHT in LA with Adam Conover at Vroman's, then on MONDAY in Seattle with Neal Stephenson, then Portland, Phoenix and more!
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Vice died the way it lived: being suckered in by smarter predators, even as it trained its own predatory instincts on those more credulous than its own supremely gullible leadership. RIP, we hardly knew ye.
For those of you who don't know, Vice was a Canadian media success story. It was founded by a motley clique of hipsters, one of whom – founder of the Proud Boys – has since grown to be one of the world's great fascism influencers. Another perfected the art of getting young people to work "for exposure" even as he built a massive, highly lucrative media empire on their free labor:
Eventually, Vice transitioned to a string of progressively worsening corporate owners, each more dishonest, predatory – and gullible – than the last. The company was one of the most enthusiastic marks for Facebook's infamous "pivot to video" – in which Mark Zuckerberg destroyed half the media industry by tricking them into thinking that the public was clamoring for video content, based on fraudulent viewing numbers:
Vice went all-in on video, spending hundreds of millions to finance Zuckerberg's doomed attempt to conquer Youtube. But unlike other the rubes who got zucked, Vice found greater fools to scam, convincing giant, slow-moving meidia companies that the best way to get in on the Next Big Thing was to shower them with vast sums of string-free money:
And yet, at every turn, through a succession of increasingly incompetent owners who bought the stumbling, declining Vice at fire-sale prices and then proceeded to hack away at the wages and tools its journalists depended on while paying executives salaries so high that they beggared the imagination, Vice's reporters continued to turn out stellar material.
This went on literally until the last moment. The memorial posted by 404 Media rounds up a selection of major stories Vice's beleaguered, precarious writers produced even as Vice's vulture capitalist leadership were pulling the rug out from under them:
True to form, those private equity scumbags locked all those workers out of the company's CMS without notice – and then forgot to lock down the podcasting back-end. That allowed a group of Vice veterans – Matthew Gault, Emily Lipstein, Anna Merlan, Tim Marchman and Mack Lamoureux – to gather for a totally unauthorized, tell-all session that they pushed out on an official Vice channel:
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It's a hell of a listen. Not only do these Vice veterans have lots of fascinating history to recount, but they also describe the conditions under which those blockbuster stories of Vice's final days were produced. As the "visionary leaders" of the company paid themselves millions, they halted payments to key suppliers, from Lexisnexis to the interview transcription service the writers depended on. Writers paid out of pocket to search PACER court records.
Not only did Vice's reporters do incredible work under terrible and worsening circumstances, but the Vice writers who got out ahead of the total collapse are also doing incredible work. 404 Media is a writer-owned investigative news publisher founded by four Vice escapees – Samantha Cole, Jason Koebler, Emanuel Maiberg and Joseph Cox, which is both producing incredible work and sustaining the writers who founded it:
All of which leads to an inescapable conclusion: whatever problems Vice had, they didn't include "writers don't do productive work" and also didn't include "that work isn't economically viable*. Whatever problems Vice had, they weren't problems with Vice's workers – it was a problem with Vice's bosses.
Which makes Vice's final, ignominious punishment at the hands of those bosses even more brutal, stupid and inexcusable. According to the leaked memos emanating from the company's investors and their millionaire C-suite toadies, the business's new strategy is abandoning their website in order to publish on social media.
This is…I mean, this,..
This is…
I mean, wow.
The thing is, the social media business model is a giant rug-pull. They're not even bothering to hide their playbook anymore. For social media, the game is to encourage media companies to become reliant on third parties to reach their audiences. Once that reliance is established, the companies turn down – or even halt – the ability of those media companies to reach their audience altogether. Then, they charge the media companies to reach their audiences:
Now, this wasn't always quite so obvious. Back when Vice was falling for Facebook's "pivot to video," it wasn't completely obvious that the long con was to take your audience hostage and ransom them back to you. But deliberately organizing your business to be reliant on social media barons today? It's like trusting your money to Sam Bankman-Fried…in 2024.
If there was ever a moment when the obvious, catastrophic, imminent risk of trusting Big Tech intermediaries to sit between you and your customers or audience, it was now. This is not the moment to be "social first." This is the moment for POSSE (Post Own Site, Share Everywhere), a strategy that sees social media as a strategy for bringing readers to channels that you control:
Predicting that a social media platform will rug the media companies that depend on it today doesn't take a Sun Tzu – as cunning strategies go, the hamfisted tactics of FB, Twitter and Tiktok make gambits like "Lucy and the football" look like von Clausewitz.
The most bonkers part of this strategy is that it's coming from private equity bosses, who laud themselves as the great strategists of the 21st century, whose claim on so much of our global capital and resources is derived from their brilliant insight, which allows them to buy "distressed assets" like Vice, "restructure" them to find "efficiencies" and sell them on.
The reality is that PE goons – like other financiers – are basically herding animals. Everyone's hit on the tactic of buying up beloved media companies – from the 150-year-old Popular Science to modern publications like CNet – and then filling them with spammy garbage in the hopes that Google will fail to notice and continue to award them pride-of-place on search results pages:
The fact that these billionaire brain-geniuses can't figure out how to "turn around" a site whose workers a) produce brilliant, popular, successful work; and b) depart to found successful firms that commercialize that work tells you everything about their ability to spot "a good business opportunity."
PE – like other mafiosi – only have one business-plan, the "bust out," where you invade a business that produces useful things, force them to pay your chosen suppliers sky-high fees for things they don't need, extract massive fees for your "management" and then walk away from the collapse:
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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myangelgarden · 1 year
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Fox Business
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MCDONALD'S Published April 23, 2023 2:25pm EDT
These are 4 changes McDonald's is making to its burger to stay number one
The Big Mac and the McDouble are getting the biggest changes
By Anders Hagstrom FOXBusiness
Impossible Foods CEO Peter McGuinness shares plant-based products to replace animal meat on 'The Big Money Show.’video
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Impossible Foods CEO Peter McGuinness shares plant-based products to replace animal meat on 'The Big Money Show.’
McDonald's announced changes to some of its most popular menu items last week, affecting the Big Mac and McDouble, among other things.
The fast food giant claims the changes will improve the flavor of its top-performing burgers. The improvements come down to four main changes, according to McDonald's: better, softer buns, consistently melted cheese, a better sear on the patties and, simplest of all, more Big Mac sauce.
The chain says it has also started adding white onions to the patties as they are searing to improve the flavor.
"I’ll always remember my first burger from McDonald’s. And now my culinary team and I have the best job in the world: thinking about ways to bring even more of that iconic McDonald’s taste to fans," McDonald's USA senior director of culinary innovation Chad Schafer said in a statement.
McDonald's PLT
Sign promoting McDonald's "PLT" burger with a Beyond Meat plant-based patty at one of 28 test restaurant locations in Ontario, Canada Oct. 2, 2019. (Reuters/Moe Doiron / Reuters Photos)
Little Mac Double Mac MCDONALDS
The Big Mac is among the most popular menu items at McDonalds, and the company is making some changes. (McDonald's / Fox News)
"We found that small changes, like tweaking our process to get hotter, meltier cheese and adjusting our grill settings for a better sear, added up to a big difference in making our burgers more flavorful than ever," he added.
McDonald's is starting to introduce the burger changes in Los Angeles, Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, Sacramento, Phoenix, Las Vegas, Salt Lake City, Denver, Boise and Tucson. It says many stores in the surrounding area will also participate.
U.S. markets are not the first to taste the improved versions of McDonald's classics. The chain tested the changes in Australia, Canada and Belgium last year.
McDonald's is rolling out changes to its popular burgers in the coming months. The primary changes affect the Big Mac and the McDouble. (Getty Images)
McDonald's hopes to roll out the burger improvements to all stores by 2024.
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ilovecarti666 · 1 year
When I first watched the advertisement, I got captivated immediately because of how creative it was made. Nike, Inc. is a significant publicly traded sportswear and equipment manufacturer based in the US. The corporation is based in Beaverton, Oregon, a city that is a part of the greater Portland area. With sales of more than $18.6 billion USD in its fiscal year 2008 (which ended May 31, 2008), it is both the largest producer of sports equipment and the world's top seller of athletic shoes and clothing. It had around 30,000 employees around the world as of 2008. According to The Oregonian, there are just two Fortune 500 firms with headquarters in Oregon: Nike and Precision Castparts (Apparel Search, n.d.).
As someone who was an active athlete before, the message of the commercial is utterly fascinating. The message is all about no matter what, we are never alone and that itself is our strength. Because even though our skills are doubted, we will play as one. We will go farther and harder despite being held back by challenges in life. Also, regardless of being not taken seriously, proving critics wrong is a significant motivation.  A sport might not fit our skill set, hence we will change the sport itself. Things might not go according to our way, but whatever it is, we’ll find a way and make the world a better place.    
What a beautiful message to the people, especially to the athletes, who were affected by the pandemic. Being stuck at home because of the quarantine was very depressing. The purpose of the message was to motivate individuals and raise their spirits up despite all the sudden circumstances. Considering the products utilized in the advertisement, they were very effective since most of the audience are athletes. Props include sportswear, and were advertised using various athletes and celebrities. With that being said, Nike used their numerous brand ambassadors like Lebron James, Kyrie Irving, and more, to promote the brand effectively. This kind of strategy convinces the audience to be fond of the brand just like how they admire their idols who were highlighted in the advertisement. By employing this strategy, it could cause manipulation. 
Frankly speaking, the commercial was unexpectedly creepy because of how different it was among other local advertisements. The first canned soft drinks and the first caffeine-free cola were both sold by Royal Crown Company in the 1950s. Despite the company's invention and extensive marketing effort, overall income was low because of a lack of initiative in distribution. For overseas markets, RC Global Beverages Inc. owns and distributes RC Cola, whereas Keurig Dr Pepper does so for domestic markets (New Georgia Encyclopedia, 2012).
As a Filipino and knowing the brand “RC,” it was utterly surprising how the advertisement executed the video very well despite not having famous celebrities that could attract many audiences. The dark humour itself carried the advertisement. As can be observed in the video, the commercial highlighted a family having a sip of the RC drink; however, a twist was presented. Their bodies have weird configurations in which they have glasses on their back and a bottle of RC in the mother’s head. To put the message simply, RC drink lives in us and it is one of the factors why our bond we have with our family is strong considering Filipinos being family oriented. Obviously, the target audience of this commercial was the Filipinos who drink RC. Moreover, it also targeted people who have a dark humour, especially Filipinos being meme inclined.
In terms of the product, I wouldn’t say it is good for the audiences because soft drinks are one of the causes of developing bad health. When it comes to the strategy of advertising the brand, I believe it has successfully blended to the meme culture of the Philippines. However, it did not show any manipulations since the commercial did not use popular celebrities just to convince the public and change their viewpoint regarding the brand.
Nike, Inc. Definition : Learn About Nike. (n.d.). Apparel Search.   https://www.apparelsearch.com/definitions/clothing_companies/usa/n/nike_inc_united_states_clothing_company_definitions.htm
Royal Crown Cola Company. (2006). New Georgia Encyclopedia. https://web.archive.org/web/20121012073022/http://www.georgiaencyclopedia.org/nge/Article.jsp?id=h-3535
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codevelopwebdesign · 1 year
Your website needs to appear professional if you want potential clients to think highly of your company. A great website increases conversion rates, which boosts your revenue in the end. While a business website can have many pages, all websites need a few key pages in order to attract visitors and encourage conversions.
In this post, we'll go over what those pages are and what information you should add to have the highest chance of achieving conversion. Understanding which pages to place front and center on your website is essential to giving a top-notch user experience.
It's critical to establish pages that promote your company and the goods or services you offer as your website serves primarily as a sales tool for your enterprise. Although there are numerous pages a company website might have, there are a few essential pages all websites need to have:
Home Page:
The home page is the first impression visitors have of your small business. It should be eye-catching, well-organized, and clearly communicate your brand's message and value proposition. Your homepage should also make it easy for visitors to navigate to other parts of your website.
About Us Page:
The About Us page is where you can tell your company's story and share your mission, vision, and values. It's an opportunity to connect with visitors on a personal level and build trust with potential customers.
Products or Services Page:
The Products or Services page is where you showcase what you have to offer. Make sure you provide a clear description of each product or service, along with pricing information and any relevant details. You can also include images or videos to help visitors understand your offerings.
Contact Us Page:
The Contact Us page is essential for visitors who want to get in touch with your small business. Include your business's phone number, email address, and physical address. You can also include a contact form that visitors can fill out to send you a message.
Testimonials or Reviews Page:
Testimonials or Reviews page is an excellent way to build trust with potential customers by showcasing positive feedback from past clients or customers. You can also include ratings and reviews from third-party review sites like Yelp or Google. Positive reviews can go a long way in encouraging visitors to become customers.
Before going on to your secondary pages, start with these pages and make sure your design, content, and calls-to-action are cohesive. These pages should each have a distinct purpose. What do you want visitors to your website to do when they arrive? Which next step do you want them to take? How will you let people move throughout your website? As you create your website design strategy, all of these issues must be taken into consideration.
By following the guidelines discussed in this blog, you can plan to create a website with the help of Portland web design that drives results and helps your business to succeed. 
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sagarg889 · 1 year
Beer Fermenter Market Outlook, Trends & Demand Analysis during Forecast 2023 to 2033
The global beer fermenter market is poised to register a valuation of US$1,152.2 million in 2023. In 2033, the market is expected to reach a US$ 1,609.7 million valuation. FMI predicts market expansion from 2023 to 2033 at a slow CAGR of 3.4%.
Beer fermenters are used for producing beer and their use is set to substantially increase in the coming years in both commercial and domestic settings. Commercially, fermenters have found favor with both large and small scale brewers worldwide. Establishment of several microbreweries around the world is also predicted to propel the market.
Between 2023 and 2033, FMI expects significant domestic adoption of beer fermenters as well. This is due to the growing popularity of home-brewed beers. Home brewers are leveraging social media and video streaming platforms to share their experiences with people and encouraging individuals to experiment with home brewing equipment.
Get a Sample Copy of this Report @ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/sample/rep-gb-16584
Glass and stainless steel are considered to be among the most popular beer fermenter materials. However, according to FMI, stainless steel fermenters are likely to generate more demand from 2023 to 2033 compared to glass fermenters. From a practical perspective, investing in stainless steel fermenters makes for the better choice as they offer durability and easy maintenance. On the other hand, glass fermenters are anticipated to fall out of favor gradually due to their breakage risks.
Key Takeaways from the Beer Fermenter Market Study:
A 38% CAGR is anticipated for the North America market for beer fermenters from 2023 to 2033.
The United Kingdom market for beer fermenters is expected to grow at a 5% CAGR between 2023 and 2033.
In 2023, the United States is predicted to experience a 7% rise in demand for beer fermenters.
Germany, China, and the United Kingdom are estimated to be among the most lucrative beer fermenter markets from 2023 to 2033.
Competition Landscape: Beer Fermenter Market
ABE Equipment, GEA Group, Criveller Group, MiniBrew, Portland Kettle Works, iGulu, Specific Mechanical Systems, FLECKS Brauhaus Technik GmbH, BrewBilt Manufacturing, Psycho Brew, Shandong Grain Machinery Co. Ltd., Shanghai Heng Cheng Beverage Equipment Co., and Yantai Di Bo Shi Brewing Machine Co., Ltd. are leading players in the global beer fermenter market.
Between 2023 and 2033, these companies are projected to invest heavily in research and development for improving their products. Collaborations are also likely as leading players attempt to increase market share and establish strong footholds.
Get Valuable Insights into Beer Fermenter Market
FMI, in its new offering, provides an unbiased analysis of the beer fermenter market presenting historical demand data (2017 to 2022) and forecast statistics for the period from (2023 to 2033). The study divulges compelling insights on the demand for beer fermenter equipment based on product material (stainless steel fermenters, glass fermenters), application (commercial kitchen, household kitchen) & region forecast to 2023 to 2033.
Browse Detailed Summary of Research Report with TOC @ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/beer-fermenter-market
Beer Fermenter Market by Category
By Product Material:
Stainless Steel Fermenters
Glass Fermenters
By Application:
Commercial Kitchen
Household Kitchen
By Region:
North America
Latin America
East Asia
South Asia
Middle East and Africa
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