#victor cross x plus size reader
plus-size-reader · 5 years
The Quarry
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Bowers Gang x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 1877 words
Warnings: none 
Summary: Reader is terrified to swim with the boys in the quarry. She is worried about what they’ll think about her body, which she’s hidden from them up until now. 
Objectively, you should have assumed that going to the quarry with the gang would involve you all getting undressed but for some reason, that simple fact that slipped your mind.
You didn't think about it until the Trans Am pulled into the dirt parking area atop the mountain that you would actually have to jump off in order to get into the water below. 
Water that you couldn't get into in your jeans and hoodie.
No one in their right mind would jump into the water fully clothed, but that didn't change the fact that you didn't want to do it. None of the guys had ever seen you that bare before and it made you nervous.
It was easy to hang out with them when you could cover up with your over-sized clothes and be comfortable...but there would be no hiding as soon as you shed that safety net. All of your friends were going to see you, and that air of comfort would melt away forever. There would be no going back once they saw you.
"What are you doing?" Henry asked, pulling his own shirt over his head as the other guys all did the same. The five of you had been planning to go swimming for quite some time but now that you were all here, you were hesitating.
It didn't make sense to Henry, who had been waiting for this day to come all week long. It was the only escape he got from his shitty life, and you didn't seem even a little excited.
"I just don't know if I feel like swimming today" you lied, shrugging your shoulders as if nothing could be done to change your mind. Anything was better than telling him, or the other boys, the truth.
Patrick, for one, would never let you live it down if he knew that you were scared to let them see you.
And of course he wouldn't understand, he'd never had to feel that way about his own body. It wasn't something he'd ever even thought about, and you weren't about to explain it to him, or Henry, or Vic, or Belch.
It wasn't going to happen.
All you had to do was just stay strong and not let them see everything you'd worked so hard to keep hidden. How hard could it be?
"What do you mean? I couldn't get you to shut up about this place earlier" Belch piped up, his frame emerging from the other side of the car, now only covered by his Back to the Future boxers.
He had a point.
You had been looking forward to this, but that was before you realized what it would mean.
By now, all four boys were stripped down and ready to go, but before anything, they had to figure out what was going on with you. With nothing else to focus on but why they weren't currently in the water, all their attention fell solely on you.
"Come on Princess, you can swim...we aren't gonna let anything get ya" Patrick teased, assuming that your hesitance came from a fear of the height or the jump into the deep water.
If only it could be so simple.
You smiled slightly, turning your attention away from Henry, to the much taller Patrick. He had his eyes locked on you already but didn't shift away from you. 
That was one of the most impressive things about Pat, he couldn't be intimidated.
Perhaps it had something to do with his slight insanity, but whatever it was...you needed some of it about now.
"I believe you Patrick, but it's not about that" you huffed, getting more and more frustrated as you kept going. There just weren't the right words to explain what you were dealing with.
Especially not in a way that any of the boys would understand.
He hummed, trying to get you to continue but you couldn't do it. It wasn't until Victor joined in the powwow that you were actually able to catch your breath. He had always been the most in touch with himself, and his emotions...it made you feel better.
It made it easier to get your words out, without feeling so afraid of their judgement. The worst that would happen was Patrick laughing, and Henry joking about it for years afterword.
You could always just put your clothes back on and go home, if it went that badly.
"I'm scared" you started, taking a deep breath again before continuing. All four boys were standing around you now, so close that you could hit each of them with your knees if you moved the right way.
They were worried about you, but each showed it in their own way.
Patrick was more distant, but still kept that calculated gaze on your face. He would have killed to keep you happy, but wasn't too outward with his expression of that.
Henry kept it calm, though you could tell from the rigid way that he was standing that he was just as prepared to obliterate what had upset you.
That left Vic, who was more focused on your words than any of the others. He was committing ever single syllable to memory, so he could talk you down. He had always been the best with his words.
Not to mention Belch, who by this point was holding your hand tightly in his own, letting you know in his own way that he was there.
"Scared of what?" Henry asked, his arms folded across his chest. 
His voice wasn’t angry or aggressive toward you, he just wanted to know. If there was something that was bothering you, he and the guys would do whatever it took to make it better. 
But before that could happen, you had to tell them what was up. There was no way they could take care of it if you didn’t open up. 
“I don’t wanna get undressed in front of you guys, I don’t want you to see me” you huffed, giving up. You were tired of having to justify yourself to the guys, knowing that they’d never understand. 
As soon as the words left your lips, you closed your eyes, expecting the boys to ridicule you. However, the jokes never came. 
Instead, when you opened your eyes, they were all looking at you. They had curious looks in their eyes. 
More than anything, they were just confused at what you meant. 
As far as they could tell, there was nothing wrong with you. Sure, they’d never really paid too much attention toward what your body looked like under your clothes...with the exception of Patrick. 
However, the idea that you were actually scared to show them was something else entirely. They could all be dicks in their own right, and they knew that but not to you. 
The worst you had to deal with from them was a little bit of teasing and moodiness. Never would they actually make you feel bad about yourself. “Come on Y/N, We aren’t gonna say anything” Henry groaned, gesturing toward the lake below, that was just waiting for you to jump in. 
You wanted nothing more than to just dive off the side of the cliff into the crystal waters below but you could hardly breathe. What they were asking you to do was nearly enough to make your heart stop. 
“What if we don’t look?” Belch suggested, holding his hands up to cover his eyes. It was a childish suggestion, but might just be what you needed...strangely enough. 
You nodded, waiting for the four of them to cover their wandering eyes before slowly stripping down right there in the open. If they had been anyone else, you would have just went home and given up but you had no reason to be scared of the guys. 
They cared about you, no matter how cagey some of the members of the Bowers gang may have been about showing it. Hell, even Patrick was being a gentleman about this, holding his hands in front of his face as much as he didn’t want to.
You were giving him a chance to finally check out that rocking bod you had and you weren’t even going to let him...it was cruel. However, he understood that if you needed the privacy, he needed to give you that. 
Maybe you’d show him later if he asked nicely, to reward him for his respect and patience in this instance. 
A guy could only hope.  
“Okay, I’m ready” you allowed, taking a deep breath. You kept your eyes closed, not wanting to see any of their reactions when they dropped their hands, though no one said anything. 
Silence was a good sign, wasn’t it?
No one was laughing, so that was a plus. 
When you opened your eyes, you half expected them to be gone, but that wasn’t the case. Instead, you found four teenage boys, all standing in their underwear, staring at you with wide eyes. 
“What?” you wondered, not liking the silence the longer it persisted. The Bowers gang were known for being a group of loud mouth thugs and it wasn’t like them to be at a loss for words. 
But there weren’t words for how each boy was feeling in turn. 
They had been your closest friends since middle school but the idea of seeing you as anything more than one of the guys was never an option for them...until now. 
You were very clearly, not one of the guys. 
“How have you been keeping this from us for so long, sweetness?” Patrick asked, that sly grin finding its way onto his face the longer he admired every inch of your exposed flesh. 
You shouldn’t have been shocked by that, with Patrick being the pervy, creep that you knew and loved but you were. Never in your life had you thought that they would actually be anything other than disgusted by you. 
After having a look around however, you realized that they were very much not disgusted. 
Henry looked as if his eyes may actually pop out of his skull, Vic was red in the face, and Belch couldn’t even look at you without feeling all flustered. It was almost funny. 
“Don’t tease Pat, it isn’t funny” you pouted, folding your arms across your chest, which earned a slight groan from Henry, who was more or less drooling at this point. 
The idea that he’d been driving around with you this whole time, with you looking like that, was killing him. 
“Trust me, we know” he winked, adjusting himself in his shorts in a comical, and frankly cringey manner. 
The only thing that saved it was the fact that he knew he was playing up the creep factor for your benefit, so you laughed.  
“Alright, enough...Can we please go swimming now?” you begged, heading over to the edge of the cliff, getting ready for the best dive of your life. 
When you hit the water, you knew that you’d never have to worry about your body around those boys ever again. 
If you got that reaction every time you stripped down, perhaps you’d have to do it more often.
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Home | Victor Von Doom
Pairing: Victor Von Doom x Plus Size Reader
Word Count: 2.1k
Request: Can you write something with victor doom? It can be holiday themed or not I don’t care
Summary: your flatmate hates the holidays so he doesn’t celebrate them. You have to go home for said holidays, but maybe home isn’t where you thought it was. Modern AU.
Warnings: slight mentions of fat-shaming, mutual pining, shitty family members, kissing, slight fluff.
A/N: this was fun to write, I don’t think anyone will like it but I enjoyed it.
❆・・・・・❆ ・・・・・❆ ・・・・・❆
Victor had rolled his eyes for the hundredth time a certain afternoon. He didn’t see the point of decorating the apartment for Christmas when he wasn’t even Christian and when you wouldn’t spend the holidays there.
He remembered crossing the living room to enter the kitchen, the sound of your humming making him wonder why had he agreed to live with you in the first place. Contrary to everyone’s belief, you two were just friends. He tolerated you the best, though, his spectrum normally went from you being the easiest person to deal with to Reed being an utter pain in the ass, Tony fell in the perfect middle.
He had heard that stupid carol you were humming so often lately that he had it stuck in his head when you weren’t around. In retrospective, it was the least annoying of the carols and he should be thankful that you weren’t obsessed with the same Christmas songs Stark was. Tony’s taste in music sucked in general, but not even Steve could put up with his weird Christmas themed tastes.
Snatching an apple from the basket, he had leaned onto the counter to watch you from afar. Your chubby form stretched to hang ornaments on the tree was amusing, he had offered to pay someone to do it but you told him that wasn’t the point. He didn’t care for the point, or for holidays in general, the only reason he hadn’t fought you on the topic of ornaments around the house was that he was trying to be nicer and he knew he had to start at home.
Home, he had never had one. Not until you two started working at the same company and bonded over your hatred of overly sweet desserts at a work party. None of you were happy with the place you were living in but it was what you could afford at the time, upon touching the subject you had the idea of being flatmates. Victor had been skeptical at first, but the idea became less annoying when you offered to make a list of pros and cons.
Now the apartment didn’t feel like home, the Christmas tree was adorned perfectly— he even admitted it looked pretty. The gifts you bought him were around it, yet he found himself preferring for you to have been there. He would trade all the gifts of the world for you. You, the person who not once had ever judged him or considered him weird.
Flipping on the tv channels, he groaned every time something Christmas themed appeared which was too often. He was starting to regret telling Tony he would be busy or telling you he was sure he didn’t want to go with you to visit your family. Victor switched the cable programming for Netflix and distracted himself by searching for something to watch, not by watching it because he was indecisive.
Taking his phone, he started typing. His thumb hovered over the send button before deciding that there was deciding wrong with what he was saying.
❆・・・・・❆ ・・・・・❆ ・・・・・❆
You were listening to your mom complain about everything you hadn’t accomplished in life when your cellphone buzzed in your coat pocket. Withdrawing it, you felt your stomach churn for some reason.
Do you have a recommendation for a NON-CHRISTMAS movie on Netflix?
Just re-watch The Office like any normal human being.
Locking the device, you turned your physical attention back to your mom and dad although your mental one was far away. It was back at home, where Victor was probably sprawled on the couch wearing that soft-looking sweatshirt that made him look so damn approachable with a scowl on his face because he didn’t find anything worth his time on Netflix.
The first time you watched a movie with him had been somehow the best and worst experience of your life, he complained about everything and had stupidly high standards. He did that in general too, but you weren’t too different— however, you loved crappy movies.
Another notification broke through your phone. You found yourself eagerly unlocking it to reply.
Are you calling me average?
You chuckled. The truth was you could call Victor many things, average would never be one.
That’s exactly what I’m calling you.
The three dots signaling he was already typing an answer appeared immediately on your screen, making you miss him even more.
You really missed him, how interesting he was, how respectful of your boundaries. Victor had given you in six months the respect your family hadn’t in your entire life, he was supportive in his own way, he hadn’t once made a crude comment about your weight or judged your body type, he listened to you when you needed him, and if he couldn’t help you he would tell you so openly and honestly
“(y/n), are you listening to me?”
You shook your head at your mom’s question without even thinking.
“You never listen to me, that’s why—“ your mom sighed when your phone dinged again. “Tell whoever is interrupting your quality family time to quit it or I will throw that phone through the window.”
Would Lightning McQueen buy car insurance or life insurance?
You pursed your lips to keep yourself from cackling.
Who are you and what have you done with Victor Von Doom? Also, are you watching Cars?
You tried to imagine him watching Cars, the annoyed sighs that would leave his lips every few seconds, the smartass comments he would make regarding how the world in the movie functioned... it would be funny, and way better than seeing your family glare at you like you had done something wrong.
You had arrived three days ago and the entire time they had thrown every critique that came to their minds at you. They found the fact that you didn’t have a partner insulting, constantly comparing the lives of other family members to yours; they hated your line of work, they explicitly told you you should lose weight and insinuated you would finally be happy that way.
But you were happy. When you were not around them.
❆・・・・・❆ ・・・・・❆ ・・・・・❆
Unceasing knocking woke Victor up, his neck was rigid and his lower back hurt like a bitch. The TV had turned itself off, he didn’t know what time was it and he didn’t care because the knocking was getting louder.
Fixing his hair as he walked toward the door he fiddled with the lock so whoever was knocking would stop. As he swung the entrance open, he couldn’t hide his shock.
“What are you doing here?”
You tilted your head sideways, “I live here?”
He rolled his eyes, moving to the side so you would get inside. You didn’t bother to carry your belongings to your room, not yet. Victor repeated his question.
“I didn’t feel comfortable.”
He hummed, entering the kitchen to put the kettle on. From there, he spoke some more. “So what will you do on Christmas Eve?”
You followed him, leaning on the wall to watch him. His movements usually calmed you in a very weird way. “Annoy you, I think.”
With his hands flat on the counter, he craned his neck to look at you. “How are you going to annoy me? That’s pretty vague.” There was a hint of teasing in his voice, something he reserved for you, he trusted you that much.
You annoyed him with icing cookies and Christmas carols, you made him watch The Grinch and laughed when he agreed with him, you kept the tree lit up the entire day, and you actually made his favorite dish for dinner to not be an asshole. You wanted him to enjoy himself that day too, to find the holidays at least tolerable no matter the type of holiday it was. You knew he never had something similar and it broke your heart.
Putting two glasses of eggnog down onto the coffee table, you sat down on your favorite side of the couch. Victor glared at you, dying to get rid of the ugly sweater you had bought just for him. He had said it was a waste of money, but you saw him hide his laugh.
You were watching Nightmare Before Christmas, Victor insisted it was a Christmas movie and who were you to argue with that? His eyes would shift from the screen to your side profile, catching the twitches on your face when a scene you enjoyed was playing.
There were things he liked too much about you, details he observed in you that he didn’t care for in anyone else. He was unsure about you thinking the same of him, Tony being his helpful self told him a few weeks ago to simply tell you— yet it was far from simple.
He wasn’t being self-deprecating, and he knew he was attractive so he wasn’t scared of rejection because of any type of insecurity and more because you two were flatmates, close friends— was ruining that worth it? Hearing you sing Kidnap The Sandy Claws under your breath, he told himself it was more prone to be worth it.
Victor paused the movie, to hell with subtlety. “Hey!” you complained, glaring at him, “you chose the movie, remember?”
He nodded, “you don’t annoy me, you know?”
“Thanks?” you laughed at the, oh so funnily ironic, annoyance clear in his face. “You don’t annoy me either, Victor.”
He considered the possibility of you playing with him to not acknowledge the meaning of what he had said then immediately discarded it when you continued to gaze at him. “I like you, (y/n).”
“Did Tony pay you to be this emotional or is— oh!” You felt like an idiot for undermining the meaning of his comment at first, it wasn’t until you opened your mouth that you saw the shift in his eyes while waiting to see your reaction.
Oh, wow, now you needed to say something before he thought you were rejecting him. Had you even understood him clearly? Did he mean it as a friend? He had never told you he liked you before! Victor didn’t like people, he either tolerated or despised them— it was one of the things you found so interesting about him.
“When you say like, do you mean it as in ‘I don’t want to kill you in your sleep’ or ‘I would literally kill for you’?“ you half-joked to not embarrass yourself in case he didn’t mean it past something platonic. “Those two are kind of two opposites of the liking spectrum so you should probably consider it, maybe?”
Victor exhaled heavily. “Both, honestly.”
Mouth bobbing open and closed, you fully faced him. “You don’t sound convinced...”
“You’re a little annoying, actually, and doing that thing that everyone finds funny but for some reason I find attractive.”
“Ask a question?”
“Talk too much.” You pursed your lips, nodding. He got closer to you on the couch, his eyes never leaving yours. “This is when you tell me you like me back.”
Nodding again, you got closer to him to narrow the space still existing between his and your thighs. “I like you too, and you’re a little annoying too.”
He hummed, the tip of his tongue coming out to lubricate his lips. “I should’ve let you buy that mistletoe, shouldn’t I?”
You giggled, taking him by the neck to place your lips on top of his. Victor reacted quickly, twisting his body to hug you by the middle as the kiss continued. He was so warm, his familiar smell hitting your nostrils as it mixed with the cinnamon-apple air freshener you sprayed earlier actually warming you in the inside. Soft sighs escaped you both, oxygen getting more needed as the seconds passed. You need to breathe properly as much as you wanted to continue kissing him— realizing that, he pulled away enough for you both to catch your breaths.
His hand skimmed the right side of your torso, the other still placed on your back. The way he was looking at you felt more intimate than anything else you had shared with someone before him, maybe because he wasn’t too touchy-feely or maybe because you liked him too much to not appreciate it. He granted you a smile, so charming and so rare, making you smile back. Victor sighed, the warmth of his breath hitting your face, he truly felt home now, peacefully so.
You kissed his nose, one of your hands moving up to play with his soft hair. “Do you still hate the holidays?”
He snorted. Home or not, the holidays weren’t his cup of tea. “Yes.”
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writseo · 4 years
How To Request
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*Default will be in a girl POV. If you would like to change it, go ahead and say something! :)*
------------- Formatting ------------
Character/fandom/scenario/any other details
Which characters/scenario/any important details (there aren't any limits to how many characters you can request for) *you can also cross fandoms in the same preference if you'd like
Song Drabbles:
Character/Relationship/Song/Artist/(Additionally, you can include a plot if you have one in mind but that is completely optional!) 
--------- Will Not Be Writing ----------
Gif Imagines
Actual Actors
Not be hetero-washing or cis-washing any characters
- Writing for specific types of Readers/sensitive topics -
Sensitive Topics
  If you have any requests that include sensitive topics (suicide, sexual assault, mental illness etc.), I am completely okay with writing them so no need to worry about requesting these. Stories with these will have clear trigger warnings. I know many people can feel on edge requesting these and if it helps, I actually love these requests. I have dealt with these types of issues myself and writing about how some fictional characters would help you in such a vulnerable moment like that, it can be incredibly helpful with terms of coping and just helps lighten up a situation, even if it is a for small bit. So if you are debating whether to send in a request like that and are nervous, I would say go for it. 
Specific Illness/Disorder/Disability!Readers
 If the reader you are requesting for has a specific mental illness, disorder, or disability, there are some things that I do ask that you include. You can include this in a separate ask. If you don’t include it, that is completely okay! I am always up for some researching and love learning about these kinds of things so I can look into it before I write. If you have any specific details though (tics, stims, etc.), it would be absolutely lovely if you could include these! :) If you have any issue with my formatting (you can look at my past works in my masterlist, which is pinned at my profile), you can tell me and I will be sure to change it so that it’d be easier for you to enjoy~
If you are only requesting for a Plus-Size Reader, I can’t guarantee that it’ll always up come up in the writing. The reason is that there are situations/scenarios where I genuinely believe that the topic of your body size wouldn’t affect anything or the way that character would treat you. 
For the preferences, if you don't say the specific characters, I will be turning to the default choice. Here is what they are for each show. If you had them in mind, you don't need to say which then :) (Not Fully Updated) 
Spiderman (MCU): Peter, Ned, MJ
Gotham (CW): Bruce, Selena, Jerome, Jeremiah, Oswald, Ed
I Am Not Okay With This: Sydney, Stanley, Dina, Bradley
Life Is Strange: Max, Chloe, Rachel, Warren, Victoria, Nathan
Insatiable: Patty, Nonnie, Brick, Magnolia, Christian
Love, Victor: Victor, Pilar, Felix, Mia, Andrew, Lake
The Good Place: Eleanor, Chidi, Jason, Tahani
Harry Potter: Harry, Hermione, Ron, Draco, Blaise
*Another important thing to say is that if you are requesting for one of those scenarios where you are younger than the reader, it would be really great if you gave an age or a range for me to work with! (Ex. if you send a “Little Sister of X”, it would be great if you specified the age or how much younger at least!) 
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plus-size-reader · 4 years
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Beverly Marsh x Plus size!reader
Word Count:1745  words
Warnings: confession 
Summary: Reader is Henry Bowers sister and he finds out she has a crush on Beverly
Henry made it his personal business to make sure that you were completely and totally taken care of at any given time. However, there were just some things that he had never prepared for. 
Your first real crush was at the top of that list. 
Never in a million years had you two had the conversation about boys, or in your case, girls.
...And you weren’t really itching to, if you were being honest. 
There worst thing in the world, as far as you were concerned, would be if Butch and Henry found out the truth about her. Though, it was really only a matter of time before it came out. 
After all, you could hardly function right around her, and it was sort of shocking that no one had put the pieces together up until this point. 
It wasn’t exactly something you were good at hiding. 
However, there was one day in particular that brought the whole thing into the light, and there was no going back after that. 
Belch and the guys were taking you home from school when they decided to pull over at the kissing bridge, on a hunch that their favorite gang of misfits was somewhere in the brush. 
And, as always, they were right. 
That only meant that when you chose to tag along, you found yourself face-to-face with her, and the rest of the Losers club. Great. 
This wasn’t going to end well. 
You kept to yourself most of the time, keeping your eyes locked on the dirt beneath your shoes with your hands behind your back. You knew better than to let your eyes wander up to her face. 
It would only make it worse. 
Instead, you chose to ignore the insults Henry and the others spewed in their direction and stayed quiet. It was the only way you could get through this without slipping up. 
If Patrick or someone else saw you ogling her in front of everyone, that would be game over. Though, perhaps you didn’t give yourself enough credit for how much you didn't care. 
After all, when Henry turned his attention to the redhead in question, you found yourself speaking up on her behalf without even meaning to.
“Shut up!” 
It was rather innocent, all things considered, but in the context, you were going to die. The implication that Henry had just made, about her being the easiest girl to get with in Derry, just didn’t sit well with you. 
 However, as soon as it happened, you wanted to die. 
...Like, literally. 
In an instant, all eyes were on you and you couldn’t breathe. 
“Everything okay?” Henry asked, his voice softened slightly when he addressed you, but not by enough to actually make you feel better. You couldn’t make him look like a pussy in front of the gang, so you nodded. 
“I just want to go home, I have homework to get done” you lied, shrugging as if that was enough to warrant the sort of reaction you had just had to their little exchange. 
Now, Henry knew that you were lying to him. 
Of course he did. 
All your lives, it had just been the two of you and Butch, so he had picked up on quite a bit of your tells, and it was impossible for him to miss what you were doing. 
Though, he didn’t out you right there with everyone around. He knew that if he waited until you were both home, you would be more likely to tell him what actually caused such an issue. 
So, he nodded this time, thinking over your words for a second before snapping for the boys to follow him back to the car. 
The losers club wasn’t going anywhere, so there would be plenty of opportunities to torment them without you there to witness it. They all knew that, not to mention the fact that no one was in the mood to deal with big brother Bowers. 
Not that that led to another other than a silent car ride. 
You didn’t have anything to say for yourself, sitting against the back drivers side window of the Trans Am, Victor on your right side. Usually, he sat in that spot, but Henry didn’t want Hockstetter anywhere near you. 
He had no illusions about what kind of creep his best friend was, after all. 
“‘You coming back out?” Belch asked, directing his question at Henry while pulling up to your house. Normally, they would have just dropped you off and left again. 
...But not today. 
Today, Henry had already made up his mind that he had to be a big brother first, and everything else could wait so he shook his head. 
“Nah, you guys go on without me. I’ve got shit to do” he shrugged, getting out unceremoniously, slamming the door behind him with little care for his friends’ personal property. 
That was it, but that didn’t, in any way, lessen the panic you were experiencing. If anything, knowing Henry was going to stay in tonight made you feel worse because you knew he’d have questions. 
Questions that you just weren’t ready to answer. 
Without looking back, you headed to your bedroom as quickly as you could, entering the house casually knowing that Butch wouldn’t be home until late. If you were lucky, you could make it there without Henry stopping you-
No such luck. 
“Yeah?” you hummed, turning back toward him without stopping your quick steps, hoping that he just wanted to call you a dipshit or something so you could get on with your life. 
However, Henry had woken up on the right side of the bed today, and he wasn’t feeling dismissive or angry. If anything, he was worried about you today more than usual. 
Which meant you were about to have a conversation...
A very awkward conversation
“What was that today? And don’t lie” he tutted, catching you before the thought could even cross your mind. That was the worst part of being Henry’s sister, as far as you were concerned, sometimes he cared and sometimes he didn’t. 
But when he did, that was the only thing he could focus on until he figured out the cause. 
“Nothing. I just don’t like you guys roughing up kids in front of me” you decided, Henry knew they were all in your grade, and it only made you look back when he acted that way. 
It wasn’t a lie. 
Not that Henry was satisfied by that. 
“Okay, what else?” he hummed, following you into your room now to sit down beside you on your bed. There was something else, he just knew there was. 
He just had to dig down deep enough to figure out what it was. 
You sighed. 
Henry was safe. If there was anyone you could trust with this, it was Henry, the guy who had quite literally taken a punch or ten for you, but you were scared. 
You had heard him tormenting other kids about their preferences in this regard and you were terrified that would all change once you were honest with him. 
...That could happen, right? 
Nothing said Henry always had to protect you, not when it came to something like this. 
“Come on kid, I don’t got all day” he teased, watching you think it all over in the silence. Whatever it was that was bothering you, it had to be pretty serious. 
After all, you never got this way with him unless it had something to do with Butch and Henry knew it wasn’t that. Butch hadn’t laid his hands on you in months since Henry got in a fight with him over it. 
He had nearly been hospitalized after that. 
Fine, here goes nothing. 
You took a deep breath, doing your best not to throw up all over the carpet. You had been hiding this deep inside for so long, that it didn’t seem right to just say it out loud. 
Though, you knew you would have to eventually. 
“I like her” 
It was hardly the way you had thought it over in your head, but in that moment, it was all you could think of. It was the only words you could force your mouth to make. 
...And Henry could work with that. 
He was confused, sure, but any jokes or cruel jabs he could have thought up didn’t even come to mind as he looked at you. You were his baby sister, and looking after you was his job. 
You were his responsibility, and he wasn’t a monster. This was clearly hard on you, and he wasn’t about to make you feel bad about it. Knowing you, you would probably cry, and he wasn’t prepared to deal with that today. 
So, he nodded instead. 
“Who? That Ska-” he started, stopping himself before he could rip on her again, just in case that was who you were talking about. You hadn’t taken that well the first time. 
“Beverly” you supplemented, rolling your eyes at him. It was the first time you had really called her by her name out loud, but it felt good. Especially in this context. 
Maybe this would convince Henry to stop acting so harshly to her. 
“Right. The redhead” he nodded a few times, thinking it over in his head. It was something he hadn’t been anticipating, but it wasn’t that big of a deal, not really. 
Shit, he liked girls too so he couldn’t blame you. 
“Okay, kid” 
There was silence for a second. You didn’t have the words to fill the space after airing the biggest secret you’d ever had and Henry was just trying his best to find it within himself to be the big brother you deserved. 
He might not have been the best out there, but he had always done his best where you were concerned, and that wasn’t going to change now. 
“Anyone fucks with you at school, and I’ll kill ‘em. Deal?” he decided finally, offering you a hand to shake which you did after a second. It was the best he could come up with and you didn’t mind. 
Henry was your brother, and you knew he would always have your back, even when he may not have understood. 
“Deal” you smiled, taking his hand in your own and giving it a shake before leaning in to give him a tight side hug. 
Now you just had to figure out how to actually talk to Beverly. 
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plus-size-reader · 4 years
His Business
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Patrick Hockstetter x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 1570 words
Warnings: reader gets hit, but not descriptive 
Summary: Reader (Henry’s kid sister) and Patrick are dating. However, they keep it a secret until they can’t anymore. 
Patrick cared about you a lot...or, at least as much as he could.
He wasn't the kind of guy to take you on romantic dates or bring you flowers and candy on valentines day. He didn't go out of his way to make sure you knew how much he loved you, not in the traditional sense anyway.
Patrick showed love in his own unique way.
He slid his hand in the back pocket of your jeans when you walked together or let you doodle up the entirety of his arm in black pen. Sometimes, he even called you cute little pet names like "punk" or "kid."
It wasn't exactly a fairytale but when it came to being with Patrick, you didn't want one. All you wanted was him, with all his issues and faults.
The only trouble was that you weren't able to actually be with him in public.
If you so much as looked at him for too long when you were all together, Henry would have a cow. There was no way you could actually date out in the open-it just wasn't an option.
At least, not right now.
"Hey dickhead, I sit in the front!" Henry barked, shoulder-checking Vic out of the way. The school day had just wrapped up for the weekend, and like every day, you had to catch a ride home with Henry and his friends.
Belch was the only one of Henry's friends who drove, and as much as he fought it at first, your dad didn't want you walking to school all alone. It was dangerous with all the kidnappings, so you had to tag along with them.
Where the Bowers gang went, you went, which wasn't always a bad thing.
"Looks like you're stuck in the back with us" Patrick sneered, gesturing between your two bodies and Victor.
Now, you were by no means the smallest of the three of you but due to your inferior age, you got stuck in the middle. Something that Patrick happily suggested, though he dropped his smile after a few seconds.
He didn't want to be too suspicious, after all.
Patrick personally didn't mind the idea of beating Bowers up if he needed to, but for your sake, the two of you had agreed to keep your relationship a secret. However, it any of the boys had looked closer, they would have put the pieces together.
As the two of you sat in the backseat, you between both Vic and Patrick, the latter kept bumping your thigh with his own, keeping your two bodies touching. On top of that, every time Belch would go around a corner, you slipped closer and closer to the greasy teen.
...Something neither of you was complaining about.
Though, you had no choice but to cover your blush, shying away from his sly whispers in your ear and sideways glances. He was only going to get the two of you in trouble.
Luckily for you, all three boys remained oblivious to your constant flirting.
For the most part, you were pretty good at keeping it hidden. The two of you didn't even talk about one other, until of course, you needed him.
Butch could get a little rough with both you and Henry, though Henry had always taken the brunt of his anger. You tried to keep to yourself for the most part, whereas your older brother had taken a more aggravated approach.
He constantly was getting into scream fights, which turned into all out fist fights with your dad-fights that Henry would always lose.
However, Henry couldn't always be there to take the punches for you. Like today for example, Henry and the boys had dropped you off at the house before heading off toward the quarry.
Which meant that you had to go through the backdoor all alone, if you were lucky your dad had skipped going to the bar after work. He was always more mean when he was fully loaded.
...But you were never that lucky.
As soon as you came through the door, you heard him, yelling at whatever was currently pissing him off. The noise startled you, preoccupying you from quietly closing the door like you normally would.
Instead the door slammed behind you, making you flinch.
If you had done it right, you would have been able to sneak upstairs without alerting him of your presence but that wasn't going to happen now. You could already hear him, getting up from the recliner.
His footsteps were heavy as he made his way over to you, already yelling. You were vibrating with nerves as he turned the corner, your blood running cold.
The actual events resulting from his rage were all a blur in your mind. It was more or less just a lot of pain, too quickly occurring to recall, not that you would if you could. Instead, you ran from the house.
You didn't have any particular destination in mind. You just knew that you had to get as far away from there as humanly possible. The last thing you wanted was to accidentally run into Butch again.
After you cleared the house, you slowed your pace, your heart hammering in your chest. You weren't all that sure what had actually happened, meaning that you weren't sure about the damage.
As far as you could tell, it wasn't as bad as it had been before.
However, as soon as you reached the shore of the quarry, all hell broke loose. As soon as Patrick saw you, he ran out of the water, not stopping until he reached your side.
"What the fuck happened?" he yelled, his hands gingerly holding your face, trying to get a better look at you. You clearly didn't realize it but there was blood dripping from a scratch on your face, already bruising all around it.
He was gonna kill whoever the fuck thought it was a good idea to lay a hand on you.
...If only he knew.
"Pat, stop" you pleaded in a soft whisper. He was drawing too much attention, standing too close to you. One of the guys were bound to notice something if he didn't knock it off.
But trying to reason with Patrick right now wasn't really an option. He was far too angry to give a shit about the opinion of your brother or any of his friends. None of that mattered at a time like this.
He was hardly breathing, red in the face as he tried to calm himself. You two had talked about this, he knew that right now you needed him more than his anger but he couldn't help it.
If he had been with you, this wouldn't have happened.
Though, before he could really focus on calming down, there was a touch on his shoulder...it was Henry.
"Don't touch my sister man" he ordered, looking between the two of you with a dark curiosity in his eyes. He had no idea what was going on, but whatever it was, he hated it.
Patrick couldn't help but roll his eyes.
Of all the things he needed right now, this didn't even make the top ten. Henry's biggest problem should have been the state of your face but he really didn't seem all that shocked.
He just wanted to knock some sense into the shorter man.
"Are you serious? Look at her Bowers" he ordered, gesturing wildly to the state of your face. You knew that he wasn't going to hurt you but flinched out of habit. His hands were just a little to close.
As soon as he saw your reaction, Patrick melted. He never wanted you to feel like you were in any kind of real danger with him. He liked to tease you and make you uncomfortable sometimes, but not like this.
It made him sick to see you act like that.
"It's none of your business, step back" he suggested, lightly shoving the taller man to try to put distance between you.
However, Patrick wasn't going to back down like that.
"She's my fucking girlfriend, I'm pretty sure it's my business" he barked back, shoving Henry in turn. He hadn't meant to do it, but Henry had crossed a line. If anything, you were his business.
You were more of his business than you were Henry's. He sure as hell cared more about your well-being than he did.
You assumed that the two teens were gonna go at it but they didn't. As soon as the words left Patrick's lips, Henry stopped. He wasn't sure if he should be angry or what but in all honesty, he wasn't surprised.
Sure, he didn't like the idea but of all the things he frequently thought about, you weren't really one of them. Henry just wasn't the touchy feely kind.
"I don't wanna see that shit, not ever-you understand me?" he grumbled, waving his finger between the two of you. He didn't give a damn what you two did, but if he every had to witness it, he would lose his mind.
All you could do was nod, unsure now why you'd waited so long to tell him. It shouldn't have surprised you that Henry wouldn't care. Henry didn't really care about anything at all.
...But now you had a bigger problem-You had to keep Patrick from killing your dad for what he did to you.
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