#vice principal wolfgang
moonpleaser · 1 month
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the canonization of sending stones as cell phones means students at the god obelisk absolutely made memes about the senior section stuff
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bscbooks · 1 year
Top 55+ Chemistry Topics Majorly Asked in Competitive Examination.
Bohr Atomic Model:
The Bohr atomic model, also known as the Bohr model or the planetary model, is a simple model of the hydrogen atom and its energy levels. This model was developed by Danish physicist Niels Bohr in 1913. In this model, electrons orbit the nucleus of the atom in defined shells or orbits and only certain orbits are allowed for electrons. The energy levels of these orbits are quantized, meaning that electrons can only occupy specific energy levels, not any value in between. Read More About Bohr Atomic Model
De Broglie Hypothesis:
The De Broglie hypothesis is a theory in quantum mechanics that states that all matter exhibits wave-like behavior. This hypothesis was proposed by French physicist Louis de Broglie in 1924 and was later confirmed by experiments. According to this hypothesis, particles of matter have a wavelength associated with them, which is inversely proportional to their momentum. Read More About De Broglie Hypothesis
De Broglie Equation:
The De Broglie equation is a mathematical expression that relates the wavelength of a matter wave to its momentum. The equation is given as λ = h/p, where λ is the wavelength, h is Planck's constant, and p is the momentum of the particle. This equation is a fundamental result of the De Broglie hypothesis. Read More About De Broglie Equation
Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle:
The Heisenberg uncertainty principle is a fundamental principle of quantum mechanics that states that the more precisely the position of a particle is known, the less precisely its momentum can be known, and vice versa. This principle was proposed by German physicist Werner Heisenberg in 1927. Read More About Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle
Schrodinger Wave Equation:
The Schrödinger wave equation is a partial differential equation that describes the behavior of a wave function in quantum mechanics. This equation was proposed by Austrian physicist Erwin Schrödinger in 1926 and is a fundamental equation in quantum mechanics. The wave function, described by the Schrödinger equation, represents the probability distribution of the position and momentum of a particle. Read More About Schrodinger Wave Equation
Shape of Orbital:
Orbitals are the three-dimensional regions around the nucleus of an atom where electrons are most likely to be found. The shape of an orbital is determined by the distribution of electron density around the nucleus and is described by mathematical functions called wave functions. Orbitals can be classified into different shapes, including s, p, d, and f orbitals. Read More About Shape of Orbital
Quantum Numbers:
Quantum numbers are a set of numbers used to describe the properties of electrons in an atom. There are four quantum numbers, including the principal quantum number (n), the angular momentum quantum number (l), the magnetic quantum number (m), and the spin quantum number (s). These quantum numbers determine the energy level, shape, orientation, and spin of an electron in an atom. Read More About Quantum Numbers
Hund's Rule:
Hund's rule is a rule in quantum mechanics that states that when electrons are added to a subshell, they occupy the available orbitals in the subshell with parallel spins. This rule is named after German physicist Friedrich Hund. Read More About Hund's Rule
Pauli Exclusion Principle:
The Pauli exclusion principle is a fundamental principle of quantum mechanics that states that no two electrons in an atom can have the same set of four quantum numbers. This principle was proposed by Austrian physicist Wolfgang Pauli in 1925 and is a cornerstone of the theory of atoms and molecules. Read More About Pauli Exclusion Principle
Aufbau Principle:
The Aufbau principle is a rule in quantum mechanics that states that electrons are added to an atom in the order of increasing energy levels, starting with the lowest energy level first. This principle is used to predict the electron configuration of atoms. Read More About Aufbau Principle
Energy Level Diagram:
A diagram that represents the energies of electrons in an atom or ion. It shows the number of electrons in each energy level, or shell, and helps to understand the arrangement of electrons in an atom. Read More About Energy Level Diagram
Screening Effect or Shielding Effect Slater’s Rule:
This refers to the reduction in the effective nuclear charge experienced by an electron due to the presence of other electrons in the atom. Slater’s rule is a formula used to calculate the shielding effect. Read More About Screening Effect
s-block Elements:
The elements in the first two columns of the periodic table are called s-block elements. These elements have a single electron in their outermost energy level, and their properties are mainly those of metals. Read More About s-block Elements
p-block Elements:
The elements in columns three through eight of the periodic table are known as p-block elements. These elements have two or more electrons in their outermost energy level and are mainly composed of non-metals. Read More About p-block Elements
d-block Elements:
The elements in the transition metal section of the periodic table are known as d-block elements. These elements have partially filled d-orbitals in their outermost energy level, and are known for their ability to form complex compounds. Read More About d-block Elements
Atomic Radii:
The size of an atom is measured by its atomic radius. It is defined as the distance between the center of the nucleus and the outermost energy level. Read More About Atomic Radii
Ionic Radii:
The size of an ion is measured by its ionic radius. It is defined as the distance between the center of the nucleus and the outermost energy level. Read More About Ionic Radii
Ionization Energy:
The energy required to remove an electron from an atom or ion is known as its ionization energy. This value is different for different elements and is an important factor in determining the chemical properties of an element. Read More About Ionization Energy
Electron Affinity:
The electron affinity of an element is defined as the energy change that occurs when an electron is added to a neutral atom to form a negative ion. Read More About Electron Affinity
The electronegativity of an element is a measure of its ability to attract electrons to itself in a chemical bond. Read More About Electronegativity
Chemical Bonding:
Chemical bonding refers to the force that holds two or more atoms together to form a molecule. There are several types of chemical bonds including covalent bonds, ionic bonds, and metallic bonds. Read More About Chemical Bonding
Inert Pair Effect:
The inert pair effect is a phenomenon that occurs when the outermost electrons of certain elements are not participating in chemical reactions. This is because the electrons are so strongly attracted to the nucleus that they are not able to participate in chemical reactions. Read More About Inert Pair Effect
Lattice Energy:
It refers to the energy required to separate a solid crystal into its individual ions in gaseous form. The lattice energy is directly proportional to the charge on the ions and inversely proportional to the distance between them. Read More About Lattice Energy
Fajans Rule:
It is a rule that states that a large ionic charge combined with a small ionic radius will result in a highly polar covalent bond. This rule helps to predict the properties of complex ionic compounds. Read More About Fajans Rule
Covalent Bond:
 It is a type of chemical bond formed between two non-metallic atoms by sharing electrons. Covalent bonds are characterized by their high stability, low reactivity, and low conductivity of electricity and heat. Read More About Covalent Bond
Coordinate Bond:
It is a covalent bond that is formed when one of the atoms donates both electrons to form the bond. The resulting bond is a shared pair of electrons between two atoms with a charge separation. Read More About Coordinate Bond
Metallic Bond:
 It is a type of chemical bond formed between metallic ions. This bond is characterized by the sharing of electrons between metal ions, resulting in a lattice-like structure with high strength and conductivity of electricity and heat. Read More About Metallic Bond
Molecular Orbital Theory:
It is a theory that explains the behavior of molecules in terms of their constituent atoms and the interactions between electrons in these atoms. The theory is based on the idea that electrons in a molecule are not localized to specific atoms, but instead occupy molecular orbitals that span the entire molecule. Read More About Molecular Orbital Theory
Hydrogen Bond:
It is a type of chemical bond that is formed between a hydrogen atom and another atom with a high electronegativity, such as oxygen, nitrogen, or fluorine. Hydrogen bonds are weaker than covalent bonds but are important in determining the properties and behavior of molecules, such as water and DNA. Read More About Hydrogen Bond
 It is a substance used in chemical reactions to produce a desired product. Reagents can be either reactants or catalysts and are an essential part of chemical synthesis and analysis. Read More About Reagent
VSEPR theory:
 It stands for Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion theory, which explains the geometry of molecules based on the repulsion between the electron pairs surrounding the central atom. The theory predicts the shape of molecules based on the number and arrangement of electron pairs in the valence shell. Read More About VSEPR theory
Alkali Metals:
 They are a group of elements in the periodic table, including lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium, cesium, and francium. Alkali metals are characterized by their high reactivity, low ionization energy, and high electron affinity. They are highly reactive with water and form hydroxides and alkalis, which are strong bases. Read More About Alkali Metals
Alkaline Earth Metals:
Alkaline Earth Metals are a group of elements in the periodic table that include beryllium, magnesium, calcium, strontium, barium, and radium. They have a similar chemical behavior, and they are reactive, but less so than the alkali metals. Read More About Alkaline Earth Metals
Silicates are minerals that contain silica, which is the most abundant mineral in the Earth's crust. They make up a large portion of rocks and soils and are used in various industries, including construction, ceramics, and glass production. Read More About Silicates
Carbides are chemical compounds that contain carbon and one other element, typically a metal. They are known for their high hardness and high melting points, and they are used in cutting tools, abrasives, and other industrial applications. Read More About Carbides
Noble gases:
Noble gases are a group of elements in the periodic table that are extremely unreactive and do not readily form compounds. This makes them useful in various industrial and scientific applications, such as lighting, welding, and cryogenics. Read More About Noble gases
Beryllium is a lightweight, strong metal that is used in various applications, including aerospace, nuclear reactors, and electronic components. It has a high melting point and high thermal conductivity. Read More About Beryllium
Fluorine is a highly reactive chemical element that is used in the production of fluorine compounds, including refrigerants, cleaning agents, and pharmaceuticals. It is also added to drinking water to help prevent tooth decay. Read More About Fluorine
 Lithium is a soft, silvery metal that is highly reactive. It is used in various applications, including batteries, ceramics, and pharmaceuticals. Lithium is also used in the treatment of bipolar disorder and depression. Read More About Lithium
Molecular structure:
Molecular structure refers to the arrangement of atoms in a molecule and the bonds between them. Understanding molecular structure is important in determining a molecule's physical and chemical properties. Read More About Molecular structure
Hybridization refers to the mixing of atomic orbitals to form new hybrid orbitals that are better suited for bonding. It helps to explain the shape and bond angles in a molecule. Read More About Hybridization
Van der Waals Forces:
Van der Waals Forces are weak, attractive forces between non-bonded atoms and molecules. These forces are important in various applications, including the design of adhesives, the behavior of liquids, and the stability of biological molecules. Read More About Van der Waals Forces
Inductive Effect:
Inductive Effect refers to the transfer of charge or electron density through a molecule due to the presence of electronegative atoms. It helps in predicting the polarity of a molecule. Read More About Inductive Effect
Resonance is a concept in chemistry that describes the distribution of electron density in a molecule or ion that cannot be adequately represented by a single Lewis structure. It occurs when multiple Lewis structures are used to represent the same species. Read More About Resonance
Hyperconjugation is a type of chemical bonding that involves the transfer of electron density from a carbon-hydrogen (C-H) bond to an adjacent carbon-carbon (C-C) bond. This results in an increased stability of the molecule. Read More About Hyperconjugation
Tautomerism is the phenomenon where a single molecule exists in two different forms in a rapid equilibrium. It involves a structural isomerization in which a chemical bond is broken and rearranged. Read More About Tautomerism
Alkanes are organic compounds made of only carbon and hydrogen atoms. They are also known as “saturated hydrocarbons” as all the bonds between the carbon atoms are single bonds and they are not capable of forming multiple bonds. Read More About Alkane
Cycloalkane or Alicyclic Compounds:
Cycloalkanes are organic compounds composed of a ring of carbon atoms with only single bonds between them. They are also known as Alicyclic Compounds and are considered as saturated hydrocarbons like alkanes. Read More About Cycloalkane
Alkenes are organic compounds composed of carbon and hydrogen atoms with at least one double bond between two carbon atoms. They are unsaturated hydrocarbons. Read More About ALKENE
Alkynes are organic compounds composed of carbon and hydrogen atoms with at least one triple bond between two carbon atoms. They are considered as the most unsaturated hydrocarbons. Read More About ALKYNE
Stereochemistry is a branch of chemistry that deals with the study of the three-dimensional arrangement of atoms and molecules in space. It is concerned with the spatial arrangement of atoms in a molecule and how this affects the physical and chemical properties of the molecule. Read More About STEREOCHEMISTRY
Racemic mixture:
A racemic mixture is a mixture of two enantiomers that are mirror images of each other but are not superimposable. The two enantiomers have the same physical and chemical properties, but they rotate plane-polarized light in opposite directions. Read More About Racemic mixture
Geometrical Isomerism:
Geometrical isomerism refers to the presence of different spatial arrangements of atoms in a molecule, resulting in two or more compounds with the same molecular formula but different arrangements of their atoms. Read More About Geometrical Isomerism
Alkyl Halides:
Alkyl halides are organic compounds that contain an alkyl group (a hydrocarbon chain) and a halogen atom. These compounds play an important role in many chemical reactions and industrial applications. Read More About Alkyl Halides
Sn1 and Sn2 Reactions:
Sn1 and Sn2 are two types of nucleophilic substitution reactions that occur in organic chemistry. The difference between these two reactions lies in the mechanism, rate of reaction, and stereochemistry of the product. Read More About Sn1 and Sn2 Reactions
Grignard Reagents:
Grignard reagents are organometallic compounds that are widely used in organic synthesis as highly reactive nucleophilic reagents. These reagents are formed by the reaction of alkyl or aryl halides with magnesium metal, and they have been instrumental in the development of many new organic compounds Read More About Grignard reagents
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transportbranche · 2 years
7. eCommerce Logistik-Day
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LOGfair freut sich, Ihnen, in Kooperation mit Logistik-Express, am 13.09 den 7. ECommerce Logistik-Day zu präsentieren! Das Event findet beim Handelsverband Österreichs in Wien statt. Zu Gast sind unter anderem Sprecher und Mitglieder des Zentralverbandes Spedition & Logistik und des Österreichischen Handelsverbands. Es erwarten Sie spannende Vorträge und Lösungen rund um das Thema ECommerce in der Logistik. Derzeit leben wir in geopolitisch höchst unsicheren Zeiten. Lieferketten straucheln, das Güterangebot sicherzustellen wird zunehmend zur Herausforderung, bisherige Preiskalkulationen sind kaum haltbar und Energie, Transport, Miet- und Lebenskosten gehen durch die Decke. Hinzu kommt die steigende Inflation und Zinsanhebung. Trotz alldem bleibt der ECommerce mit Blick auf die herbstlichen COVID-Regulierungen der Wachstumstreiber der Branche – vorausgesetzt die systemrelevante Logistik läuft rund! Das ist das Thema beim 7. eCommerce Logistik-Day in Wien. Erfahren sie Hintergründe zu Thematiken, die künftig in jedem Industrie-, Handels- und Logistikunternehmen von großer Relevanz sein werden. Lassen Sie sich von den ECommerce Profis inspirieren, wie sie auch in Zukunft Ihren Online Umsatz ankurbeln können. Verpassen Sie daher nicht den kostenlosen Exklusiveinblick der interessanten Ansätze der hochkarätigen Speaker und genießen Sie die Übertragung bequem von Zuhause oder im Büro. Die Veranstaltung findet erneut durchgängig auf unserer Bühne statt – Einmal eingeloggt können Sie sich daher entspannt zurücklehnen und alle Vorträge hintereinander genießen. Freuen Sie sich also auf den ECOMMERCE LOGISTIK-DAY 2022 bei LOGfair. Es handelt sich um Aufzeichnungen der Veranstaltung, weshalb wir vorab keinen genauen zeitlichen Ablauf wiedergeben können. Die Vortragszeiten liegen bei ca. 20 Minuten. Vortragsagenda: 13. 09, 9 Uhr: Begrüßung und Vorstellung 1. VORTRAG Herausforderungen in Handel und Logistik – Ist Automatisierung die Antwort? Joachim Kieninger, Director Strategic Business Development ELEMENT LOGIC 2. VORTRAG Wie einfache digitale und automatisierte Lösungen Großes in ihrem E-Commerce Fulfillment bewirken und die Versorgung sichern. Andreas Miller, Principal Strategic Project Manager KNAPP AG 3. VORTRAG Automatisierung als Lösung der Herausforderungen des E-Commerce? Wolfgang Einer, Executive Vice President Logistics Solutions Österreichische Post AG 4. VORTRAG Survive and Thrive: So überwinden D2C Marken den E-Commerce Abschwung Petra Dobrocka, Founder & Chief Commercial Officer byrd technologies GmbH 1. PODIUMSDISKUSSION Welche Erfahrungen haben Produzenten / Lieferanten von Logistiksystemen und Transportdienstleistern gemacht. Wie haben sie die Herausforderungen gemeistert? Mit Joachim Kieniger, Andreas Miller, Wolfgang Einer und Petra Dobrocka 5. VORTRAG Zahlen, bitte! So kauft Österreich Rainer Will, Geschäftsführer Handelsverband Österreich 6. VORTRAG Konsequenz der Krise(n): B2B2C – 75% aller Einzelhandelswaren aus weltweit vernetzten Warenwirtschaftssystemen. Walter Trezek, Chair Consultative Committee UPU & Vice-Chair e-Logistics Working Committee Ecommerce Europe und Florian Seikel, Geschäftsführer logistic natives e.V. 7. VORTRAG Spedition & Logistik, aktuelle Herausforderungen Oliver Wagner, Geschäftsführer Zentralverband Spedition & Logistik 8. VORTRAG Logistik und Parameter der Systemrelevanz – Wandel durch Handel? Wolfgang Kubesch, Geschäftsführer BVL – Bundesvereinigung Logistik Österreich Schauen sie zur Anmeldung in unsere Vortragsagenda https://logfair.online/ecommerce-2022/ Sicherlich ist auch für sie etwas Interessantes dabei. Interessierte können sich auf https://logfair.expo-ip.com/registrieren anmelden und alle Angebote der Messe kostenfrei nutzen. Schauen Sie vorbei, wir würden uns freuen, auch Sie begrüßen zu dürfen! LOGfair starten In Zusammenarbeit mit Logistik Heute, dem Händlerbund, dem Österreichischen Handelsverband und mehreren anderen Handelsorganisationen den „eCommerce Logistik-Day“ mit zahlreichen nahmhaften Referenten und Ausstellern Firmenkontakt LOGfair c/o Logvocatus Gesellschaft für eCommerce und Logistik mbH Heinrich Würfel Großenbaumer Weg 10 40472 Düsseldorf 0211 976 334-75 [email protected] http://logfair.online Pressekontakt LOGfair c/o Logvocatus Gesellschaft für eCommerce und Logistik mbH Jan Schenkenbach Großenbaumer Weg 10 40472 Düsseldorf 0211 976 334-75 [email protected] http://logfair.online Die Bildrechte liegen bei dem Verfasser der Mitteilung.   Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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jannyjbs · 2 years
7. eCommerce Logistik-Day am 13. Sept. 2022
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LOGfair freut sich, Ihnen, in Kooperation mit Logistik-Express, am 13.09 den 7. ECommerce Logistik-Day zu präsentieren! Das Event findet beim Handelsverband Österreichs in Wien statt. Zu Gast sind unter anderem Sprecher und Mitglieder des Zentralverbandes Spedition & Logistik und des Österreichischen Handelsverbands. Es erwarten Sie spannende Vorträge und Lösungen rund um das Thema ECommerce in der Logistik. Derzeit leben wir in geopolitisch höchst unsicheren Zeiten. Lieferketten straucheln, das Güterangebot sicherzustellen wird zunehmend zur Herausforderung, bisherige Preiskalkulationen sind kaum haltbar und Energie, Transport, Miet- und Lebenskosten gehen durch die Decke. Hinzu kommt die steigende Inflation und Zinsanhebung. Trotz alldem bleibt der ECommerce mit Blick auf die herbstlichen COVID-Regulierungen der Wachstumstreiber der Branche - vorausgesetzt die systemrelevante Logistik läuft rund! Das ist das Thema beim 7. eCommerce Logistik-Day in Wien. Erfahren sie Hintergründe zu Thematiken, die künftig in jedem Industrie-, Handels- und Logistikunternehmen von großer Relevanz sein werden. Lassen Sie sich von den ECommerce Profis inspirieren, wie sie auch in Zukunft Ihren Online Umsatz ankurbeln können. Verpassen Sie daher nicht den kostenlosen Exklusiveinblick der interessanten Ansätze der hochkarätigen Speaker und genießen Sie die Übertragung bequem von Zuhause oder im Büro. Die Veranstaltung findet erneut durchgängig auf unserer Bühne statt - Einmal eingeloggt können Sie sich daher entspannt zurücklehnen und alle Vorträge hintereinander genießen. Freuen Sie sich also auf den ECOMMERCE LOGISTIK-DAY 2022 bei LOGfair. Es handelt sich um Aufzeichnungen der Veranstaltung, weshalb wir vorab keinen genauen zeitlichen Ablauf wiedergeben können. Die Vortragszeiten liegen bei ca. 20 Minuten. Vortragsagenda: 9 Uhr: Begrüßung und Vorstellung 1. VORTRAG Herausforderungen in Handel und Logistik - Ist Automatisierung die Antwort? Joachim Kieninger, Director Strategic Business Development ELEMENT LOGIC 2. VORTRAG Wie einfache digitale und automatisierte Lösungen Großes in ihrem E-Commerce Fulfillment bewirken und die Versorgung sichern. Andreas Miller, Principal Strategic Project Manager KNAPP AG 3. VORTRAG Automatisierung als Lösung der Herausforderungen des E-Commerce? Wolfgang Einer, Executive Vice President Logistics Solutions Österreichische Post AG 4. VORTRAG Survive and Thrive: So überwinden D2C Marken den E-Commerce Abschwung Petra Dobrocka, Founder & Chief Commercial Officer byrd technologies GmbH 1. PODIUMSDISKUSSION Welche Erfahrungen haben Produzenten / Lieferanten von Logistiksystemen und Transportdienstleistern gemacht. Wie haben sie die Herausforderungen gemeistert? Mit Joachim Kieniger, Andreas Miller, Wolfgang Einer und Petra Dobrocka 5. VORTRAG Zahlen, bitte! So kauft Österreich Rainer Will, Geschäftsführer Handelsverband Österreich 6. VORTRAG Konsequenz der Krise(n): B2B2C - 75% aller Einzelhandelswaren aus weltweit vernetzten Warenwirtschaftssystemen. Walter Trezek, Chair Consultative Committee UPU & Vice-Chair e-Logistics Working Committee Ecommerce Europe und Florian Seikel, Geschäftsführer logistic natives e.V. 7. VORTRAG Spedition & Logistik, aktuelle Herausforderungen Oliver Wagner, Geschäftsführer Zentralverband Spedition & Logistik 8. VORTRAG Logistik und Parameter der Systemrelevanz - Wandel durch Handel? Wolfgang Kubesch, Geschäftsführer BVL - Bundesvereinigung Logistik Österreich Schauen sie zur Anmeldung in unsere Vortragsagenda. Sicherlich ist auch für sie etwas Interessantes dabei. Interessierte können sich auf Logfair anmelden und alle Angebote der Messe kostenfrei nutzen. Schauen Sie vorbei, wir würden uns freuen, auch Sie begrüßen zu dürfen! LogCoop und Logvocatus GmbH starten In Zusammenarbeit mit dem Händlerbund, dem Österreichischen Handelsverband und mehreren anderen Handelsorganisationen den "eCommerce Logistik-Day" mit zahlreichen nahmhaften Referenten und Ausstellern. Kostenlos registrieren Firmenkontakt LOGfair c/o Logvocatus Gesellschaft für eCommerce und Logistik mbH Heinrich Würfel Großenbaumer Weg 10 40472 Düsseldorf 0211 976 334-75 [email protected] http://logfair.online Pressekontakt LOGfair c/o Logvocatus Gesellschaft für eCommerce und Logistik mbH Jan Schenkenbach Großenbaumer Weg 10 40472 Düsseldorf 0211 976 334-75 [email protected] http://logfair.online Read the full article
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Gunther Heinz Wolfgang (Vice Principal of the American school): Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, now your in my world, in Studiensaal (Study Hall)! Welcome! Buggs, Carla, Felix Jerome and Monty. 5 in a row in the first day! This marks an achievement for me, Sie wilde Köter! Jetzt gibst du mir die Hälfte deines Geldes für heute (Now you mutts are gonna give me half of your cash for today!) Hahahahaha! Or I'll take it myself! *Summons Shadow Demons from the Shadow Realm* So?
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I hope I drew the shadow demons to your liking!
but.. yeah you can’t do that.
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revolucaoquantica · 4 years
O que é Física Quântica
Surgida no século XX, a também chamada Mecânica Quântica, é o ramo da ciência que estuda os principais fenômenos decorrentes das partículas iguais ou menores que os átomos, como os elétrons, prótons, nêutrons e os fótons.
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O que é Física Quântica? A Física Quântica é uma linha de estudo da física que busca estudar e analisar os menores componentes que compõe uma matéria, sobretudo as partículas microscópicas, do mesmo tamanho ou menores que o átomo, tais como os prótons, elétrons, nêutrons e os fótons.
Essas partículas atômicas e subatômicas não são passíveis de estudo sob a perspectiva da física clássica (Newtoniana) e suas teorias, como a lei da inércia, ação e reação e a lei da gravidade.
Surgimento da Física Quântica
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- Físico alemão, Max Planck
O registro dos primeiros estudos sobre a mecânica quântica mostram que ela surgiu nos primeiros anos do século XX. Seu criador e principal mentor, Max Planck, buscava explicar questões não resolvidas pela física clássica, principalmente no que se referia à análise das micropartículas.
Planck também é o responsável por criar a fórmula que leva o seu nome,  a chamada “constante de Planck”, representada na escrita (E = h.v).
Na mesma época, Albert Einstein ganhou notoriedade pela criação da Teoria da Relatividade, que explicava o funcionamento físico de partículas maciças e de alta velocidade, estabelecido pela relação entre espaço e tempo.
Inclusive, foi o próprio Einstein que nomeou a teoria de Planck, chamando-a inicialmente de quantum, que em latim significa quantidade.
O sentido lexical da palavra “quântico” advém da ideia referente ao evento físico de quantização, que consiste basicamente na alteração de mínima para a máxima dos níveis de energia dos elétrons caso sejam superaquecidos.
Principais nomes da Física Quântica
Além de Plunck, a corrente da teoria quântica foi estudada por outros físicos, sendo os mais notáveis:
Werner Heisenberg (1901–1976)
Louis de Broglie (1892–1987)
Niels Bohr (1885–1962)
Erwin Schrödinger(1887–1961)
Max Born (1882–1970)
John von Neumann (1903–1957)
Richard Feynman (1918–1988)
Wolfgang Pauli (1900–1958)
De fundamental importância para o entendimento das matérias do universo, a teoria quântica deu origem à inúmeros conceitos que se tornaram base para outras linhas de estudo, influenciado até mesmo alguns ramos da química. Podemos citar a física nuclear, física atômica e a química quântica como alguns desses exemplos.
Física quântica: pensamento filosófico e espiritualidade
Outra perspectiva estudada no campo da física quântica tem como base as áreas do saber humano, principalmente ao utilizar pensamento de correntes filosóficas para fundamentar algumas de suas teorias.
Essa relação pode ser explicada por meio da incertezas acerca dos princípios quânticos, como o fato de um corpo subatômico coexistir simultaneamente ao mesmo tempo, em situações opostas.
O parecer da dualidade surgiu quando percebeu-se que uma micropartícula também pode adotar a forma de onda, e vice versa.  Por exemplo, os elétrons, comumente vistos como partículas, também podem agir como onda.
Sendo assim, a Teoria dos Mundos Paralelos, associada a descoberta da matéria escura, ganha força, ao dizer que é possível existir uma outra realidade alternativa para cada indivíduo do universo.
Louis de Broglie fomentou esse conceito, chamando-o de Princípio da Dualidade Partícula-Onda.
Outro ponto importante a ser mencionado é a ligação entre a física quântica e a espiritualidade. Para alguns estudiosos, o poder do pensamento humano seria capaz de exercer influência sobre a realidade do indivíduo, sendo possível até mesmo capaz de modificar o mundo que o circunda. A consciência humana teria o papel de construtor da realidade.
Física Quântica na atualidade
Sabe-se que que o campo da física quântica atinge níveis microscópicos quando o assunto é a escala dos átomos e matérias. As partículas e ondas estão ao nosso redor, presentes no dia a dia, mesmo que não possamos vê-las a olho nu.
Os computadores modernos são um claro exemplo da utilização da física quântica. Materiais como o silício fazem parte de boa parte dos chips que armazenam e transmitem dados e informações.
Outro exemplo significativo está na conexão e compartilhamento do sinal da internet por meio de cabos feitos de fibra ótica. É por meio deles que os pulsos de luz, que são produzidos por lasers de diodo, percorrem milhares e milhares de quilômetros e levam o sinal por todos os lugares.
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publicschoolstories · 7 years
a super duper long list of fun times my friends and i had last year: - found out our vice principal was on an episode of Miami Ink - lying down in spaces in the wall that used to be trophy cases - one friend lying down in the middle of the hall when the spaces in the wall were filled with our books - walking into science class to find our super chill science teacher blasting heavy metal music - science teacher overhearing some of us debating which one we'd rather have trepanning or lobotomy - spending an entire math class listening and talking about video game soundtracks - creating code names for all the sportos in our core classes (math, science, english, geography). some examples are: li'l grape, bread, toaster, donny, pigeon - overheard someone in the halls say, "when the bee says no, you do not." - pressured our vice principal into going on a huge water ride at a local amusement park with us (it was an annual field trip for chorus and band kids) - another overheard quote: "it is sunday, my disciples! AAAAHHHH!" we don't go to a catholic school, we go to a public school - blew up balloons and drew faces on them in science class. named them Archduke Franz Ferdinand, The Black Hand, Gavrilo Princip, Wolfgang Amadeus, and Margaret Thatcher - had a girls vs boys math trivia in our honors class. i answered every question. the teacher let the boys answer the last one first because i was "too fast" but they didn't get it. when class was over, one of the sportos came up to me, with tears in his eyes, and said, "we were using calculators but you weren't…we just couldn't beat you…" - overheard in chorus: "i'm being deported back to ireland." - school had a crazy sock day that included not having to wear shoes all day (except lunch) to raise money. no one really participated, but on friend lent me these amazing thigh high sparkly christmas socks that had white faux fur on the top. i wore them all day with bright pink booty shorts but couldn't get dress coded cuz of the socks - overheard quote: "to all my fellow birdwatchers… ca caw! CA CAW!" - ran around school wearing pride flags as capes - stopped chorus from continuing to practice cuz we all started chanting We Will Rock You by Queen - caused my science teacher to fall on the ground laughing on field day when one friend threw a frisbee full force at me and hitting me in the thigh while i was distracted, busy complaining about the heat, causing me to immediately flop on the ground in pain - caused science teacher to have to pause a debate on whether or not our state should have an earthquake evacuation plan cuz he was laughing too hard. turns out it was because i had yelled out, "more people are killed each year from being crushed by falling vending machines than by shark attacks, and earthquakes aren't helping!" - my chorus friends and i waged war on our band friends. band kids won, though the chorus kids had some great victories, including getting some friends to laugh while performing in concerts - somehow ended up becoming friends with a sporto??? li'l grape even gave some of us nicknames too. two of my friends were li'l blueberry and li'l strawberry, while i was big watermelon - sporto: i think i know why you call him li'l grape. 'cause he has a little… li'l grape: NO! big watermelon hasn't even seen it… sporto: it's pretty obvious why you call her big watermelon *looks at his own chest* - standing up in front of our geography class and reenacting captain america: civil war, complete with a shield, flower crowns, and tony's goatee this isn't even all of it, there's too many to remember just from last year
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chimiegenerale-blog · 6 years
Pauli Exclusion Principle
In 1926, Wolfgang Pauli discovered that a set of quantum numbers is specific to a certain electron. That is, no two electrons can have the same values for n, l, ml, and ms. Although the first three quantum numbers identify a specific orbital and may have the same values, the fourth is significant and must have opposite spins.
Hund’s Rule
Orbitals may have identical energy levels when they are of the same principal shell. These orbitals are called degenerate, or “equal energy.” According to Hund’s Rule, electrons fill orbitals one at a time. This means that when drawing electron configurations using the model with the arrows, you must fill each shell with one electron each before starting to pair them up.
Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle
According to the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, we cannot precisely measure the momentum and position of an electron at the same time. As the momentum of the electron is more and more certain, the position of the electron becomes less certain, and vice versa.
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tressalahr0721-blog · 7 years
Through Embracing Russia, Trump Bumps Against Best Advisers.
If you are actually considering a vacation to Paris, why certainly not look into from listing from dining establishments, museums, and also even more on the web. Given that the visitors were actually usually red wine enthusiasts it also offered a terrific chat starter due to the fact that nobody understood each other just before the engagement dinner. A mini dark chocolate water fountain is an excellent means to display a lovely dessert at your next supper party and also to get your guests included. This is actually not the be all and end all from Thailand, as a matter of fact that centers a little bit way too much on holy places and indefinite noodle shops, but that is wonderful for receiving a suggestion before you go of where you would like to check out and also during your excursion that is actually wonderful for the charts of communities and recommendations on where to remain. Our company have actually had the ability to sustain the working capital demand of recurring jobs in the 1st fifty percent of 2016 and also our company count on to find our operating center lessen in the 2nd one-half this year as well as the 1st half from next year as our team accumulate our final milestones as gears are actually supplied. Our experts have actually fastened our lunch and also supper menus with compelling cost points, $6.99 at lunch and also $9.99 at supper, which offers everyday price. Having the TELEVISION on during supper is actually a diversion which maxpower-onlineportal.info may cause 'mindless consuming' including eating way too much without understanding this," FitzPatrick, who was certainly not associated with the research study, pointed out by e-mail. At a formal dinner one performed certainly not chat all over the dinner table however confined conversation to those on one's left and right. Irrespective of the products it is actually crafted from the supper plate set are going to convey the design of the proprietor, by color desire, dining table arrangement and general concept components. Occasion details: The restaurant promises this supper will definitely be just one of the very best ever before developed and also cooked through Wolfgang Puck as well as resident gourmet chef Lee Hefter. I will certainly not be actually participating in the White Property Correspondents' Association Dinner this year. A lots pictures published on the Facebook site looked to reveal both posturing with supper guests featuring Vice President Joe Biden, Washington Mayor Adrian Fenty, CBS Updates anchor Katie Couric and also White Residence Principal from Team Rahm Emanuel. They're ideal for a supper party, excellent as Xmas event board games as well as best for a team from fun-loving grownups. After dinner pep talks having said that, have actually ended up being a lot more well-liked as of late for an amount of main reasons, some of all of them being actually that the visitors also often be more unwinded and also in a smooth mood. Offered the significant attention from exchanging organizations as well as field customers in Switzerland (accounting. for over 75% of global trade), numerous participants checked out the dinner as a suitable online forum to join their peers complying with various client check outs previously in the week. A study of a nationally agents testing from adults or guardians of youngsters under 18 located that 71 percent of respondents mentioned their families eat dinner with each other as frequently or even more today than their households did when they were actually youngsters. Of the burlesque tavern and also humor themed shared workplace Xmas celebration package deals Peacock Club's Put Your Boss on Show business" appears outstanding value A 3 program typical Christmas time chicken dinner or lunch for ₤ 25 with 6 burlesque after-hours joint shows, a range and also a professional photographer all included. An old-fashioned nightclub after till the small hours from the morning finishes this excellent offering.
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utopiedujour · 7 years
Réglementation : LES ACCOMMODEMENTS AVEC LE BON DIEU, par François Leclerc
Billet invité.
Les plus hautes autorités européennes savent y faire quand cela les arrange. L’Eurogroupe a absout hier les dirigeants italiens pour leur contournement du principe de base de l’Union bancaire, et la Commission cherche à ce que ses futurs accords commerciaux soient adoptés sans coup férir.
Une parade a été trouvée afin d’éviter la répétition de triste mémoire du rejet de l’accord avec le Canada (CETA) par la région Wallonne, qui a finalement été adopté. Il suffirait que les futurs accords passés par la Commission au nom des États membres ne comportent pas de volet portant sur les investissements, et donc sur leur protection. Dans ces conditions, ils ne seraient pas qualifiés de mixtes et n’auraient plus besoin d’être ratifiés par les parlements nationaux, devenant de la compétence exclusive de la Commission. Ainsi fait, la mise en œuvre de tribunaux d’arbitrages très contestés ne devrait plus faire obstacle. Si ce projet voit le jour, ceux qui constatent un déficit démocratique dans le fonctionnement de l’Europe et proposent d’y remédier en seraient alors pour leurs frais.
Hier, les autorités italiennes n’ont pas encouru les foudres de l’Eurogroupe pour les mesures de recapitalisation par précaution et de liquidation de leurs banques en détresse, qui impliquent 24 milliards d’euros de fonds publics. Interrogé par la presse pour savoir si cela respectait l’esprit des nouvelles règles européennes de l’Union bancaire, son président Jeroen Dijsselbloem, a préféré botter en touche en parlant d’ajustement à venir des règles nationales en matière d’aide de l’État et de droit des faillites, qui ne sont pas homogènes d’un pays à l’autre. Mais, nécessité faisant loi dans la forme et dans l’esprit, Wolfgang Schäuble, dont c’était la 95ème réunion de l’Eurogroupe, a été droit au but en déclarant que « l’Italie s’est finalement bien sortie d’une situation difficile ». Si c’est lui qui le dit !
Ce n’est que le début d’un processus qui va devoir s’attaquer à la masse des prêts non performants (les NPL) que l’on trouve « dans de nombreux États membres, qui font obstacle à la croissance économique et peuvent être à l’origine de conséquences risquées dans le système financier de l’Union européenne », comme l’a souligné Valdis Dombrovskis, le vice-président de la Commission.
Les ministres des finances des 28 vont adopter aujourd’hui un plan d’action afin de s’attaquer à ce problème laissé en suspens. La création de bad banks serait à terme la solution en vue, à condition qu’elles soient strictement nationales afin de ne pas impliquer de mutualisation des pertes. Pour ne pas déstabiliser les banques, celles-ci céderaient leurs actifs douteux à leur « valeur économique », à charge pour les bad banks d’endosser les pertes en les vendant à des fonds vautour à leur « valeur de marché ». Pour parfaire le dispositif, ces mêmes bad banks seraient adossées à des fonds publics… On comprend mieux, si le projet dont la description a fuité voit le jour, la compréhension manifestée à l’égard du gouvernement italien par les plus éminents membres de l’Eurogroupe qui ne veulent pas remuer la vase.
Ce plan ne verrait le jour qu’une fois conclue une consultation publique sur les NPL destinée à faire murir le dispositif, fin octobre prochain, sur laquelle l’accent va être mis dans l’immédiat.
from Blog de Paul Jorion http://ift.tt/2v78HfM via IFTTT
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Character no. 5 Gunther Heinz Wolfgang (Cruel German Vice Principal): Grüße, mein reicher Junge!!! Rich boy is a coward with money, you may be rich and blonde, but no Gör shall break my rules!!! Prepare to die Kapitalistisches Schwein!!! Zis Eggolator 3000 Mk. 75 shall bombard you with eggs!!! TOD VON OBEN!!!
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benito2world-blog · 7 years
Stanley ho daughter
The Psychology of Art
On the necessity to differentiate between the structural and useful aspects of the psychology of art...
The psychology of art is usually a complex subject and this description serves only as an introduction to your 'developing' discipline of study. Psychology kinds the idea of numerous elements of lifetime and artwork or expression of art in any sort and particularly by sculpture and portray is additionally depending on psychological theories and being familiar with. The relation involving psychology and artwork is nearly inescapable; there is often no artwork without the need of psychology and vice versa. The artist starts which has a blank canvas on which he/ she tasks her or his individual psychological staying and artwork remains as the medium of this kind of projection. Thus artwork can very best be outlined as a medium through which an artist or creative unique jobs his / her emotions and frustrations and further psychological necessities. By doing this artwork is intricately connected to psychology. However the psychology of artwork as being a official willpower hasn't discovered intensive recognition and it has only quite a short while ago acquired attractiveness in western universities. More Information Here Sabrina ho
The psychology of art is on the other hand an interesting industry of review because it analyzes the main of creative imagination and presents clarification with the psychological processes in the artist especially along with the creative particular person normally. Nevertheless interestingly, psychology of artwork is just not just restricted to comprehending the psychological procedures in the artist but additionally the mental procedures linked to perceiving the art. Consequently a psychology of artwork presents rationalization and knowing from the phenomena of creativity, the psychological procedures from the artist, in addition to the thought processes of the perceiver. It's comprehensive in its approach don't just due to the fact of its variety of explanation but will also due to the fact art psychology entails explanations from diverse branches of psychology such as Gestalt psychology of notion, psychology of form and function/order and complexity, Jungian psychoanalysis, the psychology of interest and Experimental psychology together with Freudian symbolism.
The psychology of art is interdisciplinary, correctly integrating artwork, architecture, philosophy (metaphysics and phenomenology), aesthetics, research of consciousness, visible notion, and psychoanalysis. From thinker John Dewey to psychoanalyst Carl Gustav Jung, intellectuals on the 20th century influenced the emergence of a psychology of art that appeared to possess moved beyond the thoughts procedures in the artist to include the process of creation and in addition its perception examining artwork from biological, social, psychological and philosophical views. Dewey and Jung equally affected the research of art inside of social and cultural contexts and so are mostly liable for your knowing of artwork in its current type.
Art is obviously a imaginative process and it is so a deep psychological course of action in addition. Art could nicely be described with all the concept of notion and to be a cognitive course of action. The Gestalt idea of visible perception would offer you certainly one of the foremost explanations on art creation and notion. The Gestalt theorists had been the twentieth century psychologists who systematically analyzed perceptual procedures in humans and a few of your famed Gestaltists were being Wolfgang Köhler, Kurt Koffka, Max Wertheimer, and Kurt Lewin. The concepts of perception as specified in Gestalt psychology centered on proximity or contiguity, similarity, continuity, closure, area/symmetry and figure and ground.
Thus Gestalists described perception being a approach that concerned not only the item but will also the context as notion of objects is influenced by what surrounds these objects so to Gestaltists, points are normally 'more in comparison to the sum in their parts'. As art is additionally principally about perception, our notion of any artwork object would rely on these Gestalt principles likewise and we are inclined to determine continuity or closure as well as understand motion in static objects. Gestalt psychology has actually been used thoroughly to explain and realize 'visual illusions'. For instance, objects which can be positioned nearer to one another will probably be perceived as forming a bunch. If you've got found some images that designate the principles of Gestalt, you can expect to promptly realize that there's extra to art than basic brush strokes; artwork is just as much a process of notion (together with illusion) as it is usually a process of development. If an artist correctly results in a visible illusion, he is nearly just like a magician. Still artwork has quite a few dimensions in its research and explanation and from Gestalt comprehension of kind and structure that provides a 'structural' explanation of the organizational rules of artwork, we've to comprehend the 'functional' attributes of artwork in addition. This subsequently is presented by psychoanalysis and symbolism.
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