velvetherbs · 2 years
some red velvet x herb headcanons, yanked directly from my headcanon book over here! feel free to check it out if you like these :] thank you!
Red Velvet and Herb fit together in ways they truly didn’t expect. Both of them are so wildly life-oriented, reflecting flora and fauna.
They’re also not afraid of each other’s element! Red Velvet likes to feed Cookiesnap and will do so without even flinching at the grisly content, Herb playing with his cake hounds and praising them for their hard work.
They are also both most definitely not people.. people. Herb has taken up the role of speaking for the two of them, as Red Velvet doesn’t know how to talk to people without sounding like he’s about to command them to do push-ups or something. Even then, he stutters over his words at times and gets nervous.
Do not ask them to tell a story without being prepared to zone out. It is a polite gesture, but they are so unorganized in their reenactments that you’ll find it all over the place and a nightmare. They’ll double down on some details and completely forget about others.
They are rather different when it’s just the two of them. They’ll banter about as if they’re children, teasing each other back and forth.
Believe it or not, they’re nearly evenly matched in strength when Red Velvet isn’t using his cake arm. It took a lot of convincing to get the mellow Herb to arm wrestle with him, but they both found it was an even struggle. However, Herb can hold out a bit longer, usually granting him victory.
Red Velvet’s pride shall never recover.
Herb does not have any complaints about Red Velvet or his work beneath Dark Enchantress. His biggest concern is whether or not he’s sleeping well. 
They have a bit of distance. Red Velvet is usually within the tower, Herb on the outskirts of a nearby kingdom. They try to visit each other often, keeping it a secret to protect Red Velvet.
Herb has a habit of saying some form of “hoohoo” at certain times. He tried so desperately to hide it around Red Velvet, but he just couldn't help it.
Red Velvet thinks it’s adorable! He used to comment on it, but he figured Herb liked it better when it just slid on by instead.
Red Velvet does not use contractions in speech. Sometimes, Herb will tease him by mimicking his tone in Shakespearean English. Admittedly.. he’s very good at it.
“At which hour shall Sir Chiffon accompany thee to mine own home? I misseth that gent!” “It takes no effort on your part to be silent, Herb.”
Before he got close to Herb, Red Velvet didn’t like to swim. Nowadays, they have little dates and swim in rivers or the sea!
Herb has gotten a little more.. unhinged? It’s more like he has someone to goof off with that matches his lifestyle a bit more.
As he can’t talk about him directly, Herb will occasionally sneak Red Velvet into the bar. He is not an easy person to disguise. His go-to is a large coat, a beret, braided hair, and glasses. Even a clearly wanted criminal can look different in a bustling bar like that, as long as he keeps his arm obscured.
Of course.. there’s a silent understanding in the air. Sparkling knows. He is the hardest person to fool on the planet. At first, he was worried. However, considering how genuinely happy his friend is, as well as Red Velvet’s calm demeanor.. he has decided not to intrude unless necessary.
Red Velvet isn’t a very well known wanted criminal as he typically resides within the tower, but there is an off chance that he will get a wanted poster in town.
As no one suspects him, Herb will partake in a bit of obstruction of justice. If no one’s looking, he’ll quickly swipe them down and hide them in his apron.
Red Velvet is unaware, as he throws them away before he can even notice.
Considering his position, Red Velvet is willing to fight tooth and nail for Herb if needed. Granted.. there’s not really anything to protect him from, but Herb thinks the sentiment is sweet!
Red Velvet really, really wants to hear Herb play the piano, someday. There aren’t many around in a place where he could, especially with Red Velvet in company. It’s something that keeps him motivated.
Red Velvet cannot properly operate in some ways because of his cake arm. He can’t tie thin laces, can’t put his hair up, can’t use cooking knives, can’t use can openers, so on. Even so, Herb does his best to ensure he feels like he can help him. He taught Red Velvet to tie aprons, always asking him to do it when he’s around.
Herb can tie his aprons perfectly fine on his own. It’s muscle memory to him at this point. 
Red Velvet can’t get it into a perfect bow like Herb tends to, but it’s something. The thick strings work even with his cake arm. It’s one of the few ways he can fine tune it, something he is ever so grateful for.
Herb is easily startled. Red Velvet has amazing reaction time and reflexes. It works very well, considering how Herb has a habit of panicking and throwing whatever he has in his hands at him if he’s spooked.
Red Velvet now calls for him before just walking up to him while he’s gardening, not exactly wanting to risk having sharp tools thrown at him.
They look at each other with so much love on the off chance they’re distant in the same room. An occasion such as that is incredibly rare, but even like that, they’re inseparable.
Red Velvet always returns home with a plethora of beautiful flowers. If anyone asks, he found them himself.
He even keeps them as they wither, preserving them between the pages of heavy books he keeps in his quarters for that reason alone.
Herb will heal injured cake hounds, as well as Red Velvet himself! He always gets him so worried, but he’s aware that Red Velvet can handle himself just fine.
Rumor has it, they’ll sneak kisses when it’s absolutely silent. Herb’s kitchen, a high level on the tower, the middle of the forest, in rivers.. anywhere works. It’s like it immediately clicks between them that, oh, hey, it’s time to kiss! and they just go for it.
Red Velvet was not good at it at first. Herb also got insanely nervous. It was.. a disaster, the first time they kissed. They were so flustered they couldn’t face each other.
They can’t mail them, but both of them are rather avid fans of writing love letters to pass the time alone. They’ll bring them by when they visit, leaving loving updates for the other.
It’s always bittersweet when they have to part again. However, it makes the next time oh so much better.
They’ll exchange sweet goodbyes, a hug, a kiss.. everything, really. Life goes on. Herb will tend to his garden and the flower shop in which he works, Red Velvet strengthening his army and strategies.
Until the next time they can meet, they go about with warm hearts and a well-kept secret.
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velvetherbs · 2 years
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HELLO EXTREMELY NICHE COMMUNITY what is up !!! perhaps there IS something to be annoying about after all :] 
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