#various kh quotes mentioned
aitsuheart · 7 months
Chapter 6 - Don't Think Twice One Shots
A scattered dream that's like a far off memory
Summary: Riku misses Sora and can't help but see Sora wherever he goes. The island replays memories in his head. Once he finally finds Sora in the Quadratum, something unexpected happens.
Rating: General Audiences
Tags: Quadratum au, Sora/Riku, memory loss
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50036125
Alone with Sora, Riku had said, "We'll be the darkness." Since the realm of light was safe, Sora carried him down to the beach. It was just them together in the dark margin. "I was jealous of you," but it was way more than that. Something almost unspoken— a feeling hiding in plain sight.
That was the only time it was them alone, but they managed to find a way out— a door of light appeared.
Like shooting star, they returned— falling through the ocean. Kairi, Mickey, Donald and Goofy, waved them over.
But it was the night of a real shooting star that he made a promise— a promise Sora must have forgotten, but it was still real to him. "What if a shooting star hits the islands?" said Sora at only four years of age. "If a shooting star comes this way, I'll protect you." Riku told him confidently, swinging his toy sword before giving him that necklace, he never took off.
Sora is his light, his strength comes from him. He was going to protect his most precious person. Like another promise he made, "I wanna be strong one day. Like that kid who left—he went to the outside world. I bet he's really strong now..." he told the stranger at five years at age, "I bet it's out there somewhere. The strength that I need... Strength to protect what matters."
But he has the strength now, Riku knows that. All those memories proves that.
He will find him.
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lilyginnyblackv2 · 14 days
I don't think I've ever seen anyone talk about this Utada Hikaru quote in regards to both Hikari and Passion before:
In an interview, Utada said, "It's like... as if 'Hikari' was the dawn, and 'Passion' has a concluding or 'dusk' feeling to it. The lyrics of 'Passion' show how phases of the past, present and future of the character in my song relate to each other."
This came from the KH Fandom Wiki, which I'll link below in the comments. I've seen the Nomura quote mentioned all the time about how Passion is about Sora and Riku's reunion, but I think a part of Nomura's quote that often gets overlooked is when he states:
I wrote stuff like "An image of a reunion, a happy moment in a way" and "Like a Hikari 2" in there.
Italicized part by me for emphasis and the main thing I want to talk about here. The quote from Nomura can be found over at Kingdom Hearts Insider (which I will also link below in the comments).
We have Utada mentioning how Hikari is like the dawn and Passion is like the concluding dusk, thus connecting the two songs to each other in a sequel like way, just like Nomura mentions in his interview when he states that Passion is "Like a Hikari 2." So, in my mind, since Nomura states that "Passion is about Sora and Riku's reunion" and Utada uses the phrasing of dawn, as well as how the song highlights how past, present, and future relate to each other for the character in the song...I think it's pretty safe to say that Hikari is about Sora and Riku as well.
That seems to be what both Nomura and Utada are implying with their answers here. Now, I know that some people really like to say that Simple & Clean and Sanctuary are their own songs, which they are. The lyrics are different. But the thematic elements are still the same and there are still similar through lines (like the backward lyrics being the same in both Passion and Sanctuary for instance).
The lyrics of Hikari really fit Riku's views on Sora and the bond they have/had - the desire for it to remain unchanged. The person they are singing about being their light (Sora being Riku's light, something we know Riku views Sora as via things like the DDD Novel Side Riku). Simple & Clean's lyrics definitely fit Sora as a character and his voice more.
With Passion and Sanctuary it almost seems like this is reversed though. The English version, Sanctuary, has more lyrics that fit Riku and his perspective on Sora and their reunion. Meanwhile, Passion's lyrics fit Sora a lot more. The line: "I heard my old crush is having a baby in the wintertime" is quite interesting in various ways. The whole last set of lyrics in Passion aren't really directly related to KH, but more to general ideas of things that denote changes and passages of time (people having children, getting New Years cards, etc.).
It's also so interesting that Hikari is mentioned as being the Dawn (the time of day associated with Riku) and Passion the Dusk (the time of day that is often associated with Kairi). In KH2 is when we start to see a shift in Sora's feelings and interactions with Kairi (distance, drifting apart, change) and a reconnection happen with Sora and Riku (reunion, airing out feelings, better communication, reinforcing their friendship and bonds to each other, etc.).
We get games that focus more on Sora and Riku's bonds (Re-coded, BBB when they are little kids, and DDD) and Kairi is sadly neglected by the narrative and both Sora and Riku in a way. Something that we see her taking note of in KH3, more obviously through the novelization.
I don't know. To me these quotes just make me think it is very obvious that both Hikari/Simple & Clean and Passion/Sanctuary are all songs about Sora and Riku and their bond with each other. Of course, since KH3 is meant to be a conclusion to the Dark Seeker Saga, of which KH1 and KH2 are both a part of, it would make sense that Oath and Don't Think Twice are about them too.
Sadly, we don't really have anything remotely official to really solidify that interpretation though, not that official recognition of things like this are necessary - they aren't - but they do add more validity to interpretations and theories. Maybe some day we'll get a comment about Oath / Don't Think Twice from either Nomura or Utada. But until then...I'm still going to think that those songs are about Sora and Riku.
Anyway, these are just rambling thoughts on a topic I've talked about before (the KH themes like Oath / Don't Think Twice and their connection to Sora and Riku). But I was thinking about this all again with the new Hikari re-recording by Utada that came out recently. It's a beautiful re-recording that I definitely suggest every KH fan check out. I'll link that in the comments as well, lol. Also, feel free to add this via reblogs or in the comments! I might not respond right away, but I'll read everything that gets commented, added, etc.
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justanaspiringsomeone · 10 months
Moon Fabulist (A Kingdom Hearts/Touchstarved AU)
"A scattered dream that's like a far-off memory. A far-off memory that's like a scattered dream. I want to line the pieces up—a story for you and me, tonight."
It’s post KH 3 but Sora ends up in the touchstarved universe and ends up as a Hunter for soulless
Yes the quote is from KH2 but i like it so it’s staying
my idea for Sora in this is
he's not exactly a ghost per say, like he's able to touch people, talk to them, eat etc
but like something is off about him
and it reaches a peak specifically on the full moon
he gets more wispy and floaty, like a kindred spirit almost
obv more serious than ever but still mischievous and goodhearted despite it
he dances in the moonlight, telling stories mostly to himself about a hero on various adventures, with magic flourishing around him for visual effect
Sora just in a dramatic cloak with a silver lion mask saying that is such a vibe tho
With the moonlight shining down on him too
A person bordering between humanity and the ethereal mystery of the supernatural
Sora has two sides people see
this more fantastical, storyteller version of himself that people see at night on full moons
or this quiet, mysterious, and efficient hunter named Arslan
And covers his face up so he can work in peace and people don’t question his age (cuz at the least I assume Leander would not hire an actual teenager to be a hunter)
Arslan is the Hunter persona Sora takes
Acts ‘grown up’ but prob does a lot of things like playing with kids, talking to people on the streets, etc.
Pre quiet while working but otherwise listens to others worries and whatnot
The Moon Fabulist
That name is prob something the people give Sora
Since he started telling tales randomly on the full moon and it’s just been routine since
Dynamics are also different
He knows all the LIs, is close with them and has his own personal insight on them
Clearly letting on he knows more than he's sharing
Close to all of them, save for Vere on basis of disliking him
With Leander, Sora says he admires his willingness to serve the people, but feels as if he’s lost his way in pursuit
With Ais, Sora beams and explains Ais is a trustworthy and loyal person, a great sparring partner as well
With Mhin, Sora once again beams at the mention of them, holding them in high regard. Admits they’re rough but he can tell they’re not mean just for the sake of it. He wishes they didn’t always start conflict with Ais though…
Kuras, Sora respects and owes much, pointing him to Leander to get him a job. He also reminds Sora of his old mentor, though not nearly so pretty.
Vere is the only one Sora makes a face at, explaining that Vere’s only redeeming quality is that he’s shameless in everything he does. Including mocking Sora every chance he gets.
With that, Sora then explains that he feels the MC might be able to turn the tides of what may happen within Eridia, then smiles at them
He hopes he can be of assistance on their journey or if not, give them a tale to soothe them
Sora is not a LI, but you can deepen your relationship with him if you choose to go for him
He's a friend interest
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violethowler · 4 years
The Elephant in the Room
In my previous essays, I have covered how the Kingdom Hearts narrative follows Maureen Murdock’s template of the Heroine’s Journey, as well as how various characters and story elements tie in with the overarching themes of the framework. Before I can continue to dig further into other themes and archetypes, there is something I need to address first. While I have avoided directly touching on the topic in my previous essays, I have now reached the point where it is no longer possible to talk about the Heroine’s Journey in full without acknowledging the elephant in the room: 
In ongoing serialized stories such as TV shows and video games, conversations about potential relationships in canon are often treated as inconsequential to the overall story. Something that is separate from the main plot. At worst, I have seen fans who openly center a ship in their analysis and theories be dismissed and criticized as biased - or worse, delusional. They are treated as being so obsessed with their pairing that they try to make everything about their ship and jump on any excuse to declare that it’s viable in canon. 
Among the Kingdom Hearts fandom in particular, this has often taken the form of someone trying to dismiss other fans’ hope for a ship to be canon by saying that the series is about friendship, not romance.
While friendship is absolutely an important theme in the Kingdom Hearts series, to insist that this is mutually exclusive from depicting the development of romantic relationships ignores the continued presence of canon Disney romances in almost every game in the series. In each “main” game where Sora is playable, he has directly or indirectly been involved in getting those Disney couples together in the KH universe. So it’s not out of the realm of possibility for the series to turn the tables and give some attention to his romantic interests for a change. 
A story having other major themes is not mutually exclusive from showcasing the development of a romantic relationship. There are many popular movies, shows, books, comics, and video games in which a romantic relationship plays a central role in the narrative but there are still other plotlines going on that are equally as important as the romance. This is especially true for Disney and Square Enix.
The reason why it’s impossible to fully talk about the Heroine’s Journey without acknowledging romance elements is best encapsulated by this quote from She-Ra showrunner Noelle Stevenson about her show’s endgame pairing in an i09 interview after the release of the final season:
“The show’s not a romance show. It is about a lot of things. It’s about choice, destiny, fighting, tyrants, you know, all of these other things. I grew up with so many stories—like sci-fi and fantasy—that I was so passionate about. And it would be considered no big deal to have the hero get the girl and to have a kiss at the end, without it suddenly becoming a romance or ‘Oh, the shippers got what they wanted.’ It was just a part of the story. And to actually see it be a central part of the plot and to fulfill the arcs of the characters in a way that felt satisfying. I really want to take it beyond ‘Oh, the shippers got what they want.’ Like, it’s not just a ship for me. It is a plot point. It is the necessary conclusion of each character’s arc, separate and together.[1]”
While not every story known to follow the Heroine's Journey features a romance for the main protagonist, those that do make the romance an integral part of the narrative. It’s not something thrown in at the end to please shippers, but a central component of the story. Therefore, when analyzing a Heroine’s Journey story, it is vital to acknowledge and discuss textual support for potential romantic relationships in order to have a full understanding of the narrative.
Even if one is not aware of the Heroine’s Journey, Sora’s repeated interactions with Disney romances indicate that there is a high probability that he will be in a romantic relationship himself by the end of the series. Every story I know of that follows the Heroine’s Journey broadly adheres to a pattern in regards to how the romantic relationships of a main character are set up.
By examining the series through these patterns, we can narrow down who Sora’s endgame romantic partner will be. 
Because the themes and character dynamics emphasize resolving internal conflict through balance, the Heroine’s Journey lends itself extremely well to Beauty-and-the-Beast, rivals-to-lovers, and enemies-to-lovers relationship dynamics. A major component of the Heroine’s Journey is the main character learning to accept themselves, and since the Animus as a Shadow figure can represent the parts of themselves that they haven’t accepted yet, it is simpler to symbolize that self-acceptance via a romance with the Animus rather than attempting to build a separate relationship on top of the existing story framework.
For these reasons, the Animus is more often than not the main character’s endgame love interest, their feelings for each other made into critical aspects of their respective character arcs. The only Heroine’s Journey stories with romance that I know of where this wasn’t the case are ones where executive meddling resulted in the finale being rewritten to kill off the Animus despite established narrative set up for them to have a happy ending together[2], while the protagonist was either forced into a relationship with a different character or left single.
And like I said in previous essays, the one character in the series who fulfills all criteria for the Animus role within this storytelling framework…. 
Is Riku.
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[Image Description: Sora supporting Riku as they walk toward the ocean on the Dark Margin at the end of Kingdom Hearts II. End Description.]
As mentioned in my earlier analysis, this narrative framework emphasizes the importance of balancing contrasting attributes, which fits in extremely well with Kingdom Hearts’ focus on balance between light and darkness. For stories that follow the Heroine’s Journey in a visual medium, that dichotomy is often incorporated into the characters’ look. Height differences are common, while their color schemes and outfits are designed to make them complement each other. Further adding to the focus on balance between light and darkness, the visuals of the story frame the romantic leads with imagery associating each one with light or darkness to create Yin-Yang symbolism when they are finally in balance. 
In Re: Chain of Memories, Vexen openly calls Riku the “Hero of Darkness[3]” as a counterpart to Sora’s role as the “Hero of Light”, and their combination attack in Kingdom Hearts II utilizes moves that reflect both elements. In the Ultimania for the original game, Tetsuya Nomura said that Riku’s look was intentionally designed to balance Sora’s[4], and the contrast between their respective color schemes is maintained in each of their new outfits. In Kingdom Hearts II and Dream Drop Distance, Riku wears white and blue, while Sora in those same games wears black and red. Two different pairs of contrasting colors. Kingdom Hearts III has them both in outfits that are primarily black and grey, but still emphasize the blue and red that have been part of their respective outfits since the first game. 
In a Heroine’s Journey, the love interest is typically an active character in the story and usually serves as the deuteragonist. This fits with Riku having been a mandatory playable character in multiple games since 2004. In addition, series producer Shinji Hashimoto said before the release of the HD 1.5 Remix collection[5] that the main focus of the series is how Sora and Riku develop both as individuals and as a pair, which fits with how the central conflict of the Heroine’s Journey revolves around the dynamic between the Protagonist and their Animus. 
A common viewpoint held by many fans of the series is that Kairi is Sora’s love interest, and it’s not hard to see why people get that impression. He has sacrificed himself to save her in two separate games now. He’s charged enemies head on in order to rescue her whenever she’s been captured. He even got down on his knees and begged for her freedom when Saix demanded he show how important she was to him. Multiple characters have talked about how special she is to him, and Roxas refers to her as “that girl he(Sora) likes.” 
However, there are multiple elements in the narrative that point to them not being the endgame romance. Kingdom Hearts III foreshadows the final shot of them sitting on the paopu together at the end of the game with Sora disappearing from the cover of the 100 Acre Wood storybook, textually framing Winnie the Pooh as a parallel to Kairi. While many fans regarded their sharing paopu fruits in the base game as the beginning of a relationship between them, he still only refers to her as a friend in Re:Mind, and even compares his bond with her to the bond between Ventus and Chirithy. 
Sora also does not treat his promises to her with the seriousness he would if they were going to end up together. The promises to return her lucky charm and to come back to her that he makes in the first game are never treated as anything urgent when he awakens in Kingdom Hearts II. Instead, he declines the opportunity to return to the islands and check in with her in favor of searching for Riku. When Kairi says in The World That Never Was that they’ll be together every day, Sora agrees, yet he was content to spend the rest of his life on the dark beach at the end of the game as long as he was with Riku. 
Meanwhile, the most consistent theme regarding Kairi in relation to the Destiny Islands trio is the idea of childhood friends drifting apart as they get older[6][7]. This is particularly highlighted in Kingdom Hearts III, with Kairi writing letters to Sora that she never sends, thereby keeping her thoughts to herself. Merlin also emphasizes this when he talks about forging new connections after Sora’s visit to 100 Acre Wood. This parallel frames the ending of Re:Mind as the two of them recognizing they’ve drifted apart and choosing to put in the effort to renew their friendship by spending time together.
On a structural level, her portrayal does not fit with how love interests are typically depicted in the Heroine’s Journey, both as an individual and in relation to the main protagonist. There is no contrast between her and Sora’s designs or roles the way there is between his and Riku’s. Her color scheme is predominantly pink, which does not have the same contrast with Sora’s red as Riku’s blue. Because she’s a Princess of Heart, there is no dark and light contrast, and the combination attack she shares with Sora in Re:Mind only utilizes light-based moves. It took 17 years after her first appearance in the series for her to be made a playable character, and even then, playing as her is not mandatory. They are never portrayed as equals, and she is not an active force in his emotional growth. 
The Heroine’s Journey was crafted for narratives revolving around identities that have been Othered by society for one reason or another. Murdock designed her template as a tool to help women deal with being shamed by society for expressing and pursuing their desires. In a similar way, LGBTQ+ people also face stigma from society for expressing and pursuing their desires. So it makes perfect sense that a framework for narratives of people overcoming internalized stigma against important parts of themselves would be ripe for stories featuring LGBTQ+ protagonists of any gender.
As mentioned in previous essays, stories that follow the Heroine’s Journey challenge the biases and blind spots of the audience. A relationship between Kairi and Sora does not challenge anything because she has largely been regarded as the endgame love interest by default since the beginning. Meanwhile, a romantic relationship between Sora and Riku challenges players to recognize heteronormativity within themselves and in the media around them. It challenges people to examine the lens through which they perceive the story and rethink how they look at what’s happening in the narrative.
In summary, the portrayal of Kairi and her bond with Sora is not consistent with how love interests are commonly depicted in the Heroine’s Journey, while the portrayal of Riku and his bond with Sora is. If Sora’s story is going to continue on this storytelling formula to the end, the structure of the Heroine’s Journey narrative leaves Riku as the only thematically viable candidate for the role of endgame love interest. 
Now, as some people bring up in conversations about Soriku, there is a potential obstacle in the form of corporate executives. It is entirely possible that Disney will drag their heels and try to force the development team to downplay or remove any open same-sex relationship the series may try to depict. They do not have a strong track record of LGBTQ+ representation that isn’t a minor character who only appears for one scene. Given that their last IP to follow the Heroine’s Journey - the Star Wars sequel trilogy - crashed and burned at the end, executive meddling is my greatest fear for this franchise.
But the thing to keep in mind is that Tetsuya Nomura is stubborn as hell. One of the reasons the long gap between Kingdom Hearts II and Kingdom Hearts III was because he was holding out for permission to include Pixar movies in the game, outright refusing to start work on KH3 until they were given that go ahead[8]. If you want further proof of how stubborn he can be, this is how he described the meeting where he first pitched the series to Disney in a 2012 interview with the late president of Nintendo[9]:
Iwata: Their ideas were different from yours, naturally…
Nomura: Yes. They appeared to believe that we would make whatever they wanted us to make and came up with rather specific requests such as, "We'd like the game to feature this character." They were really excited, explaining their ideas... To be honest, though, I wasn't really interested in any of them. (laughs) 
Both: (laughter)
Iwata: You wanted to borrow Disney's characters in order to make a new game that could compete with Mario 64, and you already had a vision of what this game would look like. I suppose their ideas didn't fit in with this vision.
Nomura: They didn't, no. In the end, I actually stopped a presentation halfway through. We didn't have that much time, and it looked like it was all going to get taken up by various Disney presentations. So, I interrupted them and told them the conclusion by saying, "I won't make such games."
Talk about nerves of steel. This man basically said “we do this my way, or we don’t do it at all” TO MOTHERFORKING DISNEY, AND. HE. WON. If there is any human being with enough force of will to make the Mouse House cave in and allow the depiction of an openly LGBTQ+ relationship in the Kingdom Hearts series, it is Tetsuya Nomura.
I cannot say with 100% certainty how things will go. But everything I know about storytelling patterns and narrative structure is telling me that Kingdom Hearts is a textbook Heroine’s Journey with a romance between Sora and Riku at its core. A relationship between the protagonist and the Animus does not truly begin until the “Integration” stage at the end of the Journey, and we are rapidly approaching the point in the narrative where the two leads traditionally become aware of and acknowledge their feelings in order to be on the same page for the finale.
[1] “She-Ra's Noelle Stevenson Tells Us How Difficult It Was to Bring Adora and Catra Home” May 18, 2020
[2] “Death of a Dark Youth, Desecration of the Animus”; December 20, 2018. https://www.teampurplelion.com/death-of-a-dark-youth/
[3] Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories. Square Enix, 2007. 
[4] “A Look Back: Kingdom Hearts Ultimania Gallery Comments Part 1″; August 30, 2019;
[5] “How Kingdom Hearts III Will Grow Up With Its Players;” September 24, 2013.
[6] “E3 2018: Tetsuya Nomura on If Kingdom Hearts 3 Is the End of Sora's Story”; June 14, 2018.
[7] “Character’s Report Vol. 1 Translations”; Jul 16, 2014
[8] “Edge Magazine Features Kingdom Hearts III Cover Story”; January 9, 2019. https://www.khinsider.com/news/Edge-Magazine-Features-Kingdom-Hearts-III-Cover-Story-14331
[9] “Iwata Asks: Nintendo 3DS: Third Party Game Developers, Volume 12: Kingdom Hearts 3D [Dream Drop Distance], Part 2: It’ll definitely be fun”; April 2012. 
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akumathreblogs · 6 years
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Angry guy yells at game: internet erupts.
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So who is Angry Joe? He is a reviewer online who focuses on games and is prone to anger. That’s pretty much all I know about him since I only see him via crossovers or cameos of reviewers I do follow (Linkara being an example).
What is Kingdom Hearts you ask? First, how is living under a rock? If you really don’t know (and I seriously doubt you don’t), Kingdom Hearts is a series of games by Square Enix that allows you to travel to various Disney Worlds and help their problems. Now if you ARE a Kingdom Hearts fan, you know there is more to this story but to quote SuperButterBuns “there’s only so much a story summary can help you with”.
And that’s where this problem arrives. Apparently Angry Joe is planning to review Kingdom Hearts 3. And his first tweet on this subject that was brought to my attention said this: “I literally have ppl telling me not to review the game or they’ll brigade me & harass me if I don’t play ALL of the previous games first.” A lot of people decided to retweet him, saying that he isn’t professional despite a following tweet saying “No. I’m a bit smarter then u give me credit for. But if the game isn’t friendly to new players then I have every right to say so.”
And again, he is getting criticized for not doing work. Looking through his twitter to find the direct links to said tweets, I found he replied to someone I do follow with the statement: “What I said Is I'm going to take it from a new players perspective and NOT play all the other games to personal completion. I planned to watch story summaries to get up to speed. Is that okay with you? You just made assumptions and reacted to those. Is that your error or mine?”
So on my reblog tumblr, I reblogged that if a story is good, it doesn’t need supplementary material. And I got reblogs saying why would people play the third game of an ongoing story first or my examples are not valid to compare with. So instead of continually reblogging it, I will pretty much make my argument here.
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It Will Be People’s First Game
An argument is that with the collections so readily available, why would you start with 3 when you could get the collections before that? Well, let’s start with the best argument for new commers I didn’t realize till recently: they have an XBox One. Kingdom Hearts 3 will be the first game of the series to get on that system. Keyword: FIRST.
As far as I am aware, the Collections are not available to the XBox One. You would think they would mention the collections before KH3, but it looks like they aren’t. This interview about KH3 states the following: “Similarly, Nomura didn’t completely dismiss the possibility of HD collections on Xbox One, but noted that he isn’t sure demand exists outside of the West.”
And that’s why Kingdom Hearts 3 must be able to stand on its own. This game has to so the possibility of those collections to be on the XBox One or the entire series on the Switch. Because if Kingdom Hearts 3 fails to live up to its expectations, then it could be likely that this maybe the last Kingdom Hearts game.
For those with PS4s already, why would they start with KH3 over the Collections. You get more games for much cheaper and it’ll prepare you for KH3. Why wouldn’t they get them first. Well, to quote SuperButterBuns again, “recommend just getting the first collection to see if you like the series first” Then if people bought the collection and find out they don’t like the series, then KH3 will lose its steam. Square is counting on KH3 to be a best seller and eventually make people want to get the collections, not the other way around.
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People will jump in a sequel before the prequel
People said my examples of the Marvel Cinematic Universe doesn’t count because its a universe while KH is an ongoing story. They also countered by saying nope to my MGS analogy and said that like Mass Effect or the Witcher Series you can’t jump into a sequel and expect to get the story. Well, I decided to look up how they did on VGChartz and see how much it holds true.
Metal Gear
The highest selling game of the series is MGS2 for the PS2. It sold 6.05m units to MGS1′s 6.03m. MGS4 (the one I see people argue the most that you can’t just jump in) sold 6.00m units for the PS3. MGS3, on the other hand, sold 4.23m. When you add Subsistence and the PS4 HD Collection (the first one since they weirdly added multiple) you get 5.96m in total, but that is under the assumption that each individual unit sold has only bought those specific versions.
Mass Effect
According to the chartz, ME2 sold 3.10m units on the 360. Followed by ME3 with 3.04m. And the original game only sold 2.91m. So based off the 360 alone, there have been more players for the sequels of Mass Effect over the original. And while that game gives you the option to continue playing the character you built from the previous, it is optional so newcomers can jump in without having to go through all that.
The Witcher
The Witcher 3 sold 7.54m units alone. Looking at the chart alone you can tell the total of the originals doesn’t come close. On the Wiki, by September 2014, the series reached 8 million copies. The Witcher 3, conversely, in March 2016, CD Projekt Red reported that the game had shipped nearly 10 million copies. So there is a high chance that the Witcher 3 is their first game.
Kingdom Hearts
To finish this off, the original Kingdom Hearts sold 6.40m units. The sequel, on the same system, sold 4.33m. Now if you have to play all the spinoffs to get the story, then that means 2.48 people did not play the GBA game: Chains of Memroies (1.85m). And all the games before the collections get lower and lower. Again, to quote SuperButterBuns, “has covered many platforms to an almost absurd degree” and as they pointed out, NOW is a better time to get into the series thanks to the collections.
So how did the collections do? 1.5 for the PS3 did 1.85m, 2.5 did 1.25m. The PS4 versions did 1.36m and 2.8 for the PS4 sold 1.09m. In total that is 5.55m units sold in total. This is assuming people only bought one of them (which is immediately thrown out since the PS3 needs you to buy both individually while the PS4 requires you to only buy one). So taking out 2.5 on the PS3, that means 4.30m units were sold for those wanting to prepare for KH3. Which is about as much as the original 2 sold and still far from the original 1. 
In short, by looking at the numbers alone, there is a high possibility that people who buy KH3 will be making their first purchase to the franchise through this game. There is a precedent for people to jump into a franchise in a later installment in games and I bet there are numerous examples of other media as well. But since this is a game, I focused on examples through that.
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An installment of an on going story can stand on its own
Despite what people think, an on going story line and a universe are the same thing: it is a major story split apart by smaller events. So if the story is good, it can stand on its own without needing the supplementary material. And I will be giving examples.
Metal Gear Solid 2
The game begins with you controlling Snake. Through this prologue, you not only get used to how the game works but you also get introduced to Snake if you’re a newcomer. It gives you enough information to know what role he will play in the rest of the story, as your focus is now on Raiden. You learn of Raiden’s backstory, his quirks and motivations and when the reveal of it being a simulation is revealed you’re just as shocked as he is.
And if this game did its job well, it will not only make you look forward to the next game but also wish to play the original. Playing the original is not needed to enjoy MGS2. In fact, not playing would most likely help as a common complaint I hear about this game is you don’t play as Snake. So while the Prologue will introduce Snake to newcomers, it pretty much sets up disappointment for those who have been expecting to play as him in the sequel.
Metal Gear Solid 4
This story once again begins with you playing as Snake. While you learn about how to play this game, you will also learn about Snake's motivations in this game. You'll find out that he is dying as is pretty much on his last mission. You understand Liquid Snake's plans and why Snake has to stop him. And there is plenty of information as well as cutscenes where past incidents are explained, but can be skipped and still know you have to stop a terrorist. And not playing MGS2 won’t stop you from thinking Cyborg Raiden is awesome.
Kingdom Hearts 2
Yes, Kingdom Hearts 2 can be played without the need to play KH1 or Chain of Memories. In the opposite of MGS2, you play as Roxas in the Prologue so while you’re learning how to play the game you’re learning more about him as a character, So when you find out about his true origin, newcomers should be hooked to the story and wish to find out what happens to Roxas. And if this game doesn’t give you the answers, the following games should.
As for Sora, you get reintroduced to him, noticing the similarities he shares with Roxas, while understanding his motives for finding Riku and uncovering Organization XIII’s true plans. If this story did its job well, it would make you want to get into the rest of the franchise. But of course, even if they do get the story they could still complain about it without it being related to understanding the story. MC Chris’ rant of KH2 has him not playing the original yet his criticism is more about the story KH2 presented. Which is saying that its slow compared to Resident Evil 4.
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Yes, there are plenty of people out there who will review Kingdom Hearts 3 with the knowledge of the past games. Examples, if you didn’t figure out one of them yet, is SuperButterBuns who also gives you a video about which order should you play them in. Another example is SomecallmeJohnny who has reviewed every game in the series so far. So you do have plenty of options for those who are fan of the series.
But for newcomers, they may see this game and want to jump in because of the Disney worlds they presented, not really caring about the story itself. And there has to be someone who represent those people who are curious. As far as I can see, Joe is a professional when it comes to reviews. When trying to look up moments where he doesn’t do research, the only one I found was about Halo 5 and removing the split screen options. Apparently he was ranty in that video about it and while I can imagine it was over the top, the reason it was taken out is definitely a negative.
So let Joe review the game. You’re still going to buy it regardless of what he thinks or says. And since his review is going to be based around the newcomer, he’ll either give them the warning to play the originals before this one or say “jump right in, this game is awesome”. Unless the game play sucks like if it is like 358/2 Days.
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gracesade-blog · 5 years
Global Bio-based 1,3-Butanediol Market 2019 – Huge Market Growth Till 2024: KH Neochem, DAICEL, Kokyu Alcohol, OXEA, etc.
Industry Overview of the Report 2025: Acquire Market Research released a new market study on Bio-based 1,3-Butanediol Market with market data Tables, Pie Chat, Graphs & Figures spread through Pages and easy to understand Detailed analysis. At present, the market is developing its presence. The Research report presents a complete assessment of the Market and contains a future trend, current growth factors, attentive opinions, facts, and industry validated market data. The research study provides estimates for Bio-based 1,3-Butanediol Forecast till 2024. The Bio-based 1,3-Butanediol Market report delivers unique insights for investors, participants, and novices of the industry. The report uses diagrams, charts, figures, and tables that will provide precise guidance to readers of this report. The report analyzes the global market scenario, including the product pricing, production and consumption volume, cost, price, value, volume, capacity, supply, demand, market growth rate, and forecasts till 2025. Request Sample Copy of Global Bio-based 1,3-Butanediol Market Report:  https://www.acquiremarketresearch.com/sample-request/100649/ Application Segment Analysis: Cosmetic Ingredients, Pharmaceuticals, Agrochemicals Regional Segment Analysis: USA, Europe, SEA, China, India The Players mentioned in our report: KH Neochem, DAICEL, Kokyu Alcohol, OXEA
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kher4life-blog · 7 years
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My Stalker - My best friend - 0137 Part One: Introduction: 37, 73, 137 and Qabalah
ciphers names of godCiphers and Cryptography: A Very Brief Foundation
The use of ciphers and subtle allusions in mysticism, philosophy, literature and religion, though generally ignored or unknown in modernity (by and large), are indeed well-established practices (such as the three literary practices in Qabalah, all of which involve some form of cryptography: transpositioning; substitution; skip-codes; re-arrangements of text into columns, as with the 72 Names of God; interpretation as number; etc).
“Ciphers are hidden in the most subtle manner: they may be concealed in the watermark of the paper upon which a book is printed…bound into the covers of ancient books…hidden under imperfect pagination; they may be extracted from the first letters of words or the first words of sentences; they may be artfully concealed in mathematical equations or in apparently unintelligible characters…they may be word ciphers, letter ciphers…they may be discovered in the elaborately illuminated initial letters of early books or they may be revealed by a process of counting words or letters.” – Manly Palmer Hall, The Secret Teachings of All Ages, p. 491.
Some of the more observant readers may have noticed in various books, films, TV shows and the like, a profound repetition of three distinct numbers: 37, 73 and 137. I offer the following examples:
Literature and Poetry: 1308-1870
Dante Alighieri’s Inferno (c. 1308-1321 AD): The 7th realm contains 3 spheres (this could be an allusion to the harmonic ratio 7:3) Jules Verne’s Twenty-Thousand Leagues Under The Sea (1870): 37 and 73 are referenced no less than 7 times throughout (as is the Golden Section, no less than four times). For example: “Now, had it not been for the exceptional strength of the Moravian’s hull, she would have been shattered by the shock of collision and have gone down with all hands, plus the two hundred and thirty-seven passengers she was bringing home to Canada.” p. 16(It may be worth noting that the name Moravian could be read as the French “Mort a vient,” a grammatically flawed phrase yielding roughly “Death has come.” Jules Verne was French.) “In a smooth sea, with a favorable breeze, on the 13th of April, 1867, the Scotia, of the Cunard Company‘s line, was in 15º 12’ longitude and 45º 37′ latitude.” pp. 16-17 “It came, therefore, to $337,500…” p. 83 “About eleven o’clock in the morning the Tropic of Capricorn was crossed on the 37th meridian, and we sighted Cape Frio standing out to sea.”These are only in one book! Surely these numbers could not have been chosen at random, Jules Verne was a very intelligent, meticulous author that dedicated great effort to his work. Verne was almost undoubtedly initiated – as revealed by his novels, the two most obvious being The Green Ray and Robur the Conqueror (R.C., Rosae-Crucis). The company he kept also establish this connection quite conclusively (refer for example to Hetzel). Aside from these, examine his tombstone closely and you will see a definitively occult sculpture, showing him emerging from the grave with arm extended (not unlike Michelangelo’s Creation of Adam) shrugging off the veil of the material in aspiration. All quotes here given were taken from the Readers Digest edition (in English). Film and Media: 1984-2012
Eddie Murphy’s Beverly Hills Cop III (1994): In the beginning it reads “Tuesday, 1:37 AM.” The Big Bang Theory: Sheldon asks, “What is the best number? -By the way, there’s only one correct answer…The best number is 73…it is the 21st prime number. It’s mirror 37 is the 12th…” Significantly, this appears in episode 73: The Alien Parasite Hypothesis (S.4 e.10). Tim Allen’s Last Man Standing: Tim’s boss says: “…on page 37 of Tzun Tzu’s The Art of War…” 21 Jump Street (2012): The police officer mistakenly says near the beginning: “37 Jump Street. 22 Jump Street (2014):During the football game a player on the sidelines is wearing jersey #37 (approx. 1hr in, center-background).There are countless other examples, but these few should serve to illustrate the on-going obsession. Though some of these are more subtle than others, all are intentional. What makes these numbers so special? What are all of these directors, producers, actors, writers and poets -spanning over 600 years- pointing to? Creation
Gematria: Wisdom in Number
Gematria is a Qabalistic practice that involves assigning particular numerical values to certain letters. It is one of the three literary Qabalistic practices, the other two being Notarikon and Temurah. It is most commonly seen in Hebrew or Greek, though there is substantial evidence both Arabic and Sanskrit have been similarly employed. In fact, the Vedic Katapayadi System proves without doubt that our current chronology for the discovery of pi is wrong (more later). Many attempt to apply similar cryptographic techniques – i.e. Qabalistic permutations – to languages of the Latin alphabet such as English, albeit with little success. There are two systems most commonly employed: The Ordinal, which is simply the placement value of each letter (1-22); and The Standard, in which the 11th letter becomes 20 and the 21st becomes 300 (1-400). Typically, in Hebrew, Greek and Arabic gematria the latter system is used, while in Mayalana and Sanskrit katapayadi the former is most commonly seen.
(An easy way to remember the Standard Gematria values is to simply add the two numbers and put a zero on the end. For instance, Mem is the 13th Hebrew letter and it has a standard value of 40 [1+3=4, add a zero=40]. If it is 10s, add one zero; if it is 20s, add two [Tau=22, 2+2=4, add 2 zeros=400]. For
those who may have difficulty, this ‘rule’ works invariably for Hebrew.)
Before we continue, I feel that a comprehensive chart of the Hebrew alephbeit will help (we will only be focusing on Hebrew for now). The esoteric meaning is bracketed, while the literal is written plainly: (Ordinal) (Standard) PALEO-HEBREW CELESTIAL YETZIRATIC
A 1. Aleph = 1 = א = An Ox 1. Air 1 (Mother) (Father)
B / V 2. Beit = 2 = ב = House 2. Mercury 1 (Double)
G 3. Gimel = 3 = ג = Camel 3. Luna 2 (Double)
D 4. Dalet = 4 = ד = Door 4. Venus 3 (Double)
H 5. Hé = 5 = ה = Window 5. Aries 1 (Simple)
V 6. Vau = 6 = ו = Nail 6. Taurus 2 (Simple)
Z 7. Zain = 7 = ז = Weapon 7. Gemini 3 (Simple)
Kh / Ch 8. Cheit = 8 = ח = Fence 8. Cancer 4 (Simple)
T 9. Teit = 9 = ט = Serpent 9. Leo 5 (Simple)
I 10. Yod = 10 = י = Hand 10. Virgo 6 (Simple)
K 11. Kaph = 20 = כ = Palm 11. Jupiter 4 (Double)
L 12. Lamed = 30 = ל = Ox-Goad 12. Libra 7 (Simple)
M 13. Mem = 40 = מ = Water 13. Water 2 (Mother)
N 14. Nun = 50 = נ = Fish 14. Scorpio 8 (Simple)
S 15. Samekh = 60 = ס = Support 15. Sagittarius 9 (Simple)
O 16. Ayin = 70 = ע = Eye 16. Capricorn 10 (Simple)
P / F 17. Pé (fé) = 80 = פ = Mouth 17. Mars 5 (Double)
Tz 18. Tzaddi = 90 = צ = Fish-hook 18. Aquarius 11 (Simple)
Q 19. Qoph = 100 = ק = Back Head 19. Pisces 12 (Simple)
R 20. Resh = 200 = ר = Head 20. Sol 6 (Double)
Sh 21. Shin = 300 = ש = Tooth 21. Fire 3 (Mother)
(Sacred Fire)
T 22. Tau = 400 = ת = Cross 22. Saturn; 7 (Double)
(Synthesis) Earth Element
*Note: The English letters are meant to convey the pronunciation. The seemingly random arrangement of attributions (i.e. Simple, Double, Mother) is only apparent: when sorted according to the Sepher Yetzirah, or Book of Formation, the Elements emerge in the Three Mothers; the Planets in the Seven Doubles; and the Zodiac in the Twelve Simple or perhaps inappropriately named ‘Elemental’ letters. This arrangement was allegedly designed with the intent of mirroring the occurrence of God in Genesis: “God Made” 3 times, “God Saw” 7 times, and “God -” 12 times; “God said” 10 times, reflected in the 10 Sephiroth or Emanations of the Tree of Life.
(See: Adele Nozedar’s The Illustrated Signs and Symbols Sourcebook, Frater Achad’s Q.B.L., and the Sepher Yetzirah for sources of these symbolic attributions.)
The word Chokmah, meaning Wisdom, has two values – one according to each of the systems mentioned above. It has an ordinal value of 37(ח כ מ ה = Cheit8 + Kaph11 + Mem13 +Hé5 = 37) and a standard value of 73 (8+20+40+5=73). The latter is “the best number” according to Chuck Lorre, while the former is a religious and literary favourite.
Threes and Sevens Everywhere According to the gospel accounts, Jesus Christ performed exactly 37 miracles in his lifetime. The average pregnancy lasts between 37 and 42 weeks (42 being “The answer to life, the universe, and everything in it” to Hitchiker’s fans), and 37º Celsius is the normal human body temperature. The name Elohim (Heb. Lord, Ruler, God, Power[s]) appears for the 37th time in Genesis 3:3:
“But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.”
To re-appropriate Revelation 13:18, “Here is wisdom.” How elegant that the verse containing the 37th occurrence of Elohim should be one with that which forbids man from eating the Fruit of Death! – This is indeed wise advice, as will be seen in a much later part (Part V).
Mathematically, 3 and 7 are the only two dimensions in which binary problems (i.e. defining vector products) may be solved. This in itself makes them incredibly useful numbers. 37 is the 12th prime number, while 73 is the 21st; 37 is the 3rd star number, while 73 is the 4th.
For those unaware, numbers are inherently capable of representing geometric forms: for example, 3, composed of 3 individual units [called counters] creates a triangle. 3 is technically the second [1+2=3], while 6 is the third [1+2+3=6] and 10 is the fourth [1+2+3+4=10]. The latter forms the Pythagorean Tetractys. There are squares, cubes, stars, indeed all manner of shapes, typically referred to as figurate numbers.)
If we add the star placement values of 37 and 73 (3+4=7), as well as their two prime-number placement values (12+21=33), we obtain the Days of Creation and the traditional lifespan of it’s Redeemer (many Christian traditions claim that this was the age of Christ at death, though Luke 3:23 states that he was “about 30”).
7 and 33
The Days of Creation and the age of Christ -derived from Chokmah- offer much wisdom. For one, 33-7=26, the gematria of Yahweh ( י ה ו ה = Yod10 + Hé5 + Vau6 + Hé5 = 26). Our modern week is exactly 7 days, and it takes exactly 33 years for the sun to rise a second time in the same spot over the Earth (this is the lifecycle of the Solar Man, partial key to 33 and its relevance to the so-called World Mystery – as Manly Hall puts it). There were 7 Classical Planets. The visible-light spectrum consists of precisely 7 colours (of which 3 are primary), the modern musical scale consists of 7 notes (do re mi fa so la ti; the second ‘do’ is the first octave [from Lat. Octavus, eighth], or double the first note), while there are 7 modes used in Western music (Ionian, Dorian, Phrygian, Lydian, Mixolydian, Aeolian, and Locrian. Interestingly, in Carnatic or South Indian Classical Music, there are 72!). The frequency of 1:1, aka Unison or the C-note = 33 on a Harmonograph, and perhaps most importantly: the human head has 7 orifices and the human spinal cord has 33 discs (24 upper, 5 to the sacrum and 4 to the coccyx). These latter two are reflected in the Macrocosm of the ancients, the 7 Planets and the 33-Year Solar Journey. This surely would have been seen as profoundly significant. Shockingly, the ratio of Moon:Earth = 3:11. The median of these two numbers is 7, and their multiplied sum is 33 (it is quite likely that the ancients were aware of this ratio, as will be demonstrated in a much later segment).
There are 7 Chakras (from Sanskrit, meaning “wheel”), now believed to be the 7 major endocrine glands (there are also the parathyroid, hypothalamus and gastrointestinal tract -yielding a true total of 10-11, that are not considered part of the “major” endocrine glands). Surely a great many Vedic and Tantric sages would scoff at the notion that the whirling vortices of latent energy are material in nature; in many cases the body is used as an analogy to something non-material, as a Sacred Map of the ethereal realm. In any case their knowledge of human anatomy is certainly rather impressive.
(The Egyptians were similarly well-educated, performing incredibly daunting surgeries with tools still in use today. Herodotus and many other Greek historians have claimed that their knowledge was derived from that of Egypt, and there has been much speculation that the knowledge of Pythagoras was in fact Indian in origin. Take for example this quote from a 1775 letter written by Voltaire: “I am convinced that everything has come down to us from the banks of the Ganga – Astronomy, Astrology, Spiritualism, etc.. It is very important to note that some 2,500 years ago at the least Pythagoras went from Samos to the Ganga to learn Geometry.” The former half of this statement is at least partially verified by Hadith Al-Halila – also referred to as the Islamic Tradition of the Myrobalan Fruit, or more recently, The Confutation of Atheism. In this text a Muslim preacher discourses with an Indian atheist physician, who describes that his people discovered and continue to practice Astrology – a science that is apparently unknown to the Imam. It is also known that Pythagoras had gone to Alexandria, but it is worth pointing out that the so-called ‘Pythagorean Theorem’ is seen in Baudhayana’s Shulba Sutra, a Vedic mathematical text that predates him by some two centuries.)
Note that the Kundalini Serpent resting in 3&1/2 coils in Muladhara (base), when awakened, traverses the 7 chakras along the 3 nadis: to the right, ida; the left, pingala; in the center lies Sushumna – Path of the Serpent of Awakening. Following a materialist line of thought, both ida and pingala may correspond to the spinal nerves that appear on each side (this would make Sushumna – the Serpent’s Path – the 33-disc spine in between). Here we see a Serpent traveling 33 discs along 3 nadis through 7 chakras.
In verse 2 of the Vedic Asya Vamasya (Riddle of the Sacrifice, Rig Veda 1.164), we read:
“Seven yoke the one-wheeled chariot drawn by one horse with seven names. All these creatures rest on the ageless and unstoppable wheel with three naves.”
The sum of all numbers in this verse equal 19, the number upon which both the Egyptian and the Mayan peoples based their mathematics (both used grids of 18:19; 18+19=37).
Given the omnipresence of 37 in so many religions (Jewish, Christian, Vedic), it should come as no surprise that, in the Buddhist Sambara-Mandala, we see exactly 37 goddesses – each being a personification of a particular characteristic or accessory to Enlightenment.
Illustration above: The 7 Major Endocrine Glands: 1 Pineal 2 Pituitary 3 Thyroid 4 Thymus 5 Adrenal 6 Pancreas 7 Ovary 8 Testis (from Wikipedia)
Illustration of chakras: The 7 Main Chakras (from top down): 1 Crown: Violet, Sahasrara; Pineal; 2 Third-Eye/Brow: Indigo, Anja; Pituitary; 3 Throat: Blue, Visuddha; Thyroid; 4 Heart: Green, Anahata; Thymus; 5 Solar-Plexus: Yellow, Manipura; Adrenal; 6 Spleen: Orange, Svadisthana; Pancreas; 7 Root/Base: Red [often with yellow root-square], Muladhara; Ovaries or Testes.
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intotheventures · 5 years
Deflating themattress... again.
Before reading, see my recent important note about the troll impersonators I wrote a few hours ago.
“Shallow Badassery”
“He never adequately explains what he means by this. He seems to mean the Reaction Commands…”
There’s also the various forms, and his base outfit which is “cool” for the fanboys. Just saying, there’s a reason KH became associated with Hot Topic after the release of KH2. There’s shallow badassery in other games like you mentioned but KH2 is the worst about it in my eyes. Also he does millions of unrealistic flips in each aerial combo (admittedly some of the added abilities in KH1FM involved flips too).
“Again, never defines [pandering] other than anything fans would like, particularly yaoi baiting. To which I’d say to post anything from 3D between Sora and Riku.”
There is nothing in 3D that comes across as “this ones for you, yaoi fans!” like the SoRiku bait in KH2, not even the tea party scene. They were fairly quiet before KH3 was released. You’ve used pandering as a buzzword yourself. I do like this next sentence as it proves the yaoi fandom became what it is today following KH2:
“they THRIVED in the years since 2006!)”
“Bad Characterization (OOC/Idiot/Mary Sue Sora, Emo Riku & Roxas, etc.)”
Which are all true.
“His charges against Sora are either that he’s OOC by being cockier and more aggressive and taunting toward opponents (show Sora’s cocky-ass victory quotes from the Coliseum in KH,”
“That’s the power of the Keyblade!” and “Nothing to it!” aren’t really what I’d call cocky, he’s allowed to be a little showoffy in a tournament, in story based cutscenes, lines like “Aw, we only get to stomp on a few of you?” come across as cringy and OOC.
“or his threats to opponents like “After I finish you, he’s next!” to Axel and Marluxia)”
Justified after what he found out. That’s different from outright taunting them. See my Dialogue Comparison upload for more details.
“that he’s dumbed down because he does stuff like bang on a computer (show any dumb moment in 3D or KH3, or moments where his friends basically make fun of him for being dumb)”
What 3D moments compare to him thinking Mushu’s shadow is a Heartless or thinking Ping is a girl? He was not this dumb in previous games, or later ones.
“or a Mary Sue because he solve too many problems in Disney worlds (show him doing so in literally any other game. Yeah, this charge against Sora may be the most ridiculous one.)”
He did, but it felt really overdone in KH2 for some reason, probably because he wasn’t learning anything alongside them. In KH1 and COM he learned morals and he grew as a character, but is static and one dimensionally in KH2. See my recent copy and paste of “HHH is the game”’s post on KH2 vs KH1 Sora.
“As for saying Riku and Roxas are “emo”, just go in length to explain how regret, depression, fear and anxiety works, especially in the case of Roxas who finds out that his life is a lie.”
The writing surrounding them wasn’t good, you’ve admitted Riku was emo when in the form of Ansem, yet now you’re denying it.
“Misogyny toward Kairi”
You’re an SJW. If I was a MUH SOGGY KNEES I would hate KH3 Kairi, I don’t.
“she did have more personality and development not having to do with Sora than in KH3”
She was static in KH2, she had potential but it wasn’t realized.
“escaped on her own”
Apparently you watched a different version of the Saix scene than I did. They didn’t even have the decency to show us how she escaped from Axel, who was so pathetic at that point.
“(she has no such excuse in KH3, where she is kidnapped while holding a Keyblade, and also KILLED twice which is notably worse than kidnapping)”
I never denied she was done dirty in KH3, difference being she went down fighting, and Kairi’s bad treatment doesn’t take away from her good moments.
“and that seeing her panties was not something you were supposed to do and no impact on the plot, plus her skirt is just as short in KH3 so she is still being “used for fanservice”.”
Her KH3 skirt has no zippers though…
“Also, she did not “get shit done and save everyone”, she just believed in her heart that Sora would survive to get shit done and save everyone.”
Basically the same thing.
“In KH2, she actually did get shit done and save people.”
Would have been nice if she didn’t have other glaring flaws to hamper that. She could have done that without being flattened or kidnapped twice.
“Too many KH-original characters”
“He says too many characters were in KH2 who “had no personality / low screentime” or “were useless”. Which apparently wasn’t the case in KH3, despite having more than double the amount of KH-original characters, many of whom are widely considered to be shafted.”
KH3 had this problem too, never said otherwise, too many OCs is one of my gripes with modern KH, but it’s a carryover from KH2.
““Cringe” Dialogue”
Quotations weren’t necessary, those KH2 lines ARE cringe.
“Just reply with any of the “cringe” dialogue from literally any other KH game.”
No examples? I’ve shown over a dozen from KH2 but you haven’t shown one. Hmmm….
“Convoluted Plot”
See “Too many KH original characters” above.
“Cloud’s Side Story”
KH2 was where it truly got bad. Also vanilla KH1 > KH1FM, and this is a reason why.
“Filler Disney Worlds”
The post he links to was made out of spite, the views don’t seem that genuine…
“ You can also mention how most of the world visits had relevant story reasons for being there, a motivation for Sora to visit them, as opposed to just dicking around in them for no given reason.”
The revisits had no reason.
“Only Agrabah, Halloween Town and Pride Land are fairly pointless”
And Atlantica, and Land of Dragons…
“but if people consider them fun to play through then that’s all that truly matters.”
You could say that for any game, even KH3.
“KH2 Atlantica”
“It’s an optional world. You can skip it if you want.”
Skipping it doesn’t make it not suck.
“And let’s be real: the musical rhythm mini-game is no less cringey than the later Mario Party-esque board game of BBS, virtual pet raising element of 3D, or Corona dancing minigame and “Let It Go” in its entirety in KH3.”
At least those examples didn’t have their own crappy songs (Finny fun? Really?). So KH2 Atlantica is still worse than those.
Then khtrinityft”w” closes off with an unfunny image of Sora with the caption “You gonna cry?”. I have nothing to say to express my contempt of that awful writing that I haven’t already said before.
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