camilascheryl · 5 years
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He smiles back brightly, imagining all of the fun he could have in this city, all the fun he could have with her, this taste of sunshine that he stumbled upon.
And suddenly his mind is a million miles from home, so far from anything near reality as he speeds up to follow the girl practically running in front of him. With the chance to travel with someone who has such a deep appreciation for the culture and the landmarks, he knows he’s going to get a lot out of this trip.
CONTINUAR with Chapter 2
EMPEZAR with Chapter 1
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kevinandronniedale · 6 years
silhouette : chapter 13
“Because you’re you,” he says simply, and it feels as if it’s always been that simple. The way he loves her- it’s because she’s her, and there isn’t a single person who matches up to that. “And I love you, more than I ever imagined loving someone in my life.”
the final chapter
start from the beginning
Thank you for the opportunity to write this story and for the continued support. A&V forever.
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askandsmile · 3 years
1) What are the chances of you continuing on with 'crash (into me)'? 2) I've been thinking about how parts of the rvdl fandom gave the r&j/forbidden love trope to bh when really its better suited to va. The only real obstacle bh has (in my opinion) is Alice being a judgemental & overbearing mother whereas va has the literal obstacle of Hiram setting Archie up for murder and putting him jail all to punish Veronica for loving & choosing Archie. To me the stakes have always been higher for va.
1) slim to none, nonnie. i don’t really like writing smut or one shots, so it’s like... a very big moment of inspiration would have to take over me lol. but thank you for caring. i promise if i have any ideas, i will ask @tuesdayschildd to write them try.
2) i don’t think any of them suit romeo and juliet, tbh. but all three core couples have had allusions to that, because for the writers it seems to be a big sign of true love lol definitely parts of bughead and choni (ships that parallel very much!) fit the trope and varchie does the “enemy families” thing very well; season 2 even got jarchie in a romeo&juliet-esque plot (opposite sides of a feud, since archie was welcomed into veronica’s family). i... do not like romeo and juliet and i think anyone can have it, tbh LOL ❤️️
3) that being said, i do believe varchie’s obstacles are often huge things, which is why they are the epic love story (trope) of riverdale.
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ronnieandrews2020 · 4 years
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First of all, I am so embarassed because, even if I just started painting during quarantine, I do better things than that... 
Please..(*laughing so hard*) just...look at Archie’s face... hahaha 
Still, I am gifting this work to @theeternalblue because it was inspired by her fiction Tell them I’m Home and the “official Christmas family picture”, Veronica, Archie, Layla and Sunny took. 
The christmas tree is huge because I was too lazy to make an actual living room behind, I am more used to paint landscapes than anything else (it’s the third time I have actually  represented human beings). The background is blue cause.. the eternal blue... OMG I am making in it even more cringe. 
Layla has a bow in her hair because it was referred in the fiction that Veronica bought Layla a yellow bow and I thought it would be cool to just imagine that Veronica, over the top as she is, bought all sorts of bow to match with Layla’s outfits during the holidays. 
The star on the tree is grey because if I am not making a mistake, Layla wanted to put a silver star she made at school. 
Archie was supposed to put his hand on Layla’s shoulder but I suck at drawing hands so he ended up putting it in V’s pocket (I found a picture in google  where KJ and Cami pose like that). 
Finally, the stockings with each member of the family: Fred, Mary, Archie, Layla and the new addition to Christmas in Riverdale: Veronica & Sunny. 
I hope you like this little gift and it makes you laugh. I love your fiction and can’t wait for the update. Have a nice week end. 
ps: I have an Instagram with the other Varchie  non-related paintings if you want to check it out @aly.s.passions
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camilascheryl · 5 years
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CHAPTER 1: ¡Bienvenidos a España!
As she turns the corner, her body slams into someone else and she looks up to see a young man with flaming red hair looking lost and confused.
“Lo siento,” he says, absolutely butchering the accent and looking straight down at a translator on his phone. “Uh… donde es…”
“I speak English,” Veronica laughs.
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camilascheryl · 5 years
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“Flight 1372 to Madrid, now boarding.”
Veronica fiddles with the thin piece of paper in her hand, the one that holds so much power for her right now- it’s a first class ticket to Spain.
She cannot stand one more moment trapped in the middle of her parents’ Cold War like stand-off, and when she heard about the opportunity to study abroad this summer for six weeks, there was no question in her mind.
Archie keeps his head down and his earbuds in, music blasting from his phone at full volume to drown out his own thoughts. Maybe it was stupid of him to jump at this opportunity solely to have a break from everything going wrong in his life.
But something is telling him that this will be good for him. Over a month in a foreign country all by himself, far away from girl problems and athletic scholarships and the feeling that nothing will ever be as easy as it once was.
The last thing Archie expects from this study abroad trip is to meet someone at the time in his life where he feels so independent, but maybe she came at the right time to help him piece it all together.
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kevinandronniedale · 6 years
Start from the beginning...
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kevinandronniedale · 6 years
start from the beginning
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kevinandronniedale · 6 years
start from the beginning
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kevinandronniedale · 6 years
Chapter 2 has been up, but I forgot the link so here it is!!
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ronnieandrews2020 · 4 years
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“Archie, where are you driving us?” yells Veronica for the second time since they drive off Riverdale High’s parking lot, tires squeaking the pavement and leaving a tray of smoke behind them.
“You’re acting crazy! Bolting out like that before Kevin gets to cut the bow... That’s completely irresponsible! “She scolds while bowing down to take something out of her purse. Not long after, her hands are busy trying to frenetically tie a little piece of black satin around her head, but her beautiful raven locks keep flying out the scarf.
“Andrews Construction sponsored most of the renewal costs, and even if you might not be managing it, you’re the official owner of the company! The public face!” She exclaims exasperatedly like she doesn’t understand how he doesn’t get it.
Archie sighs heavily and attempts to get rid of his suit jacket that only worsens the ambient heat and his complete disdain for formal attires. He had already loosened his tie almost immediately after Veronica helped him fix it, and by his first flute of champagne, he had buried it somewhere inside his back pockets. It had the intimidating raven-haired beauty cast him flaming gazes across the gymnasium, and not the kind he would have hoped to draw out.
He is surely aware of the importance of this ceremony for the company his father sacrificed everything to keep alive, but sometimes he gets overwhelmed by all these responsibilities he never anticipated. Much like his father, he doesn’t know where to put himself in this sort of event where everyone only speaks about financial schemes, investment projects, and ten-year business plans. He prefers to devolve what he calls “logistics” to his manager and the team of people that works for him.
Veronica on the other hand was a natural. She successfully ran two establishments before they even finished high school, and was the ultimate brain of their businesses. He honestly didn’t know how he’d figure out how to do anything without her. It comforts him in the revelation he had years ago when he found her: they perfectly complement each other in every regard, like two half of a complete person.
It makes him smile to himself when he remembers fragments of a snowy afternoon in a sweet hereafter…
“Our company…”  He finally dares to interrupt in a quiet grumble, while still struggling to retrieve his right sleeve with his hands on the wheel.
She probably doesn’t hear him or chooses to ignore him because she’s soon stating matter-of-factly.
“You had to be there.”
The tone of her voice is irrevocable, and he swallows whatever he had to say.  Archie thinks that he might have irritated her more than anticipated, and it gets him suddenly concerned about the execution of his plan.
It’s then Veronica unexpectedly slips her hands under the shoulder pads of his jacket, and in a sharp pull, she finally gets him out of the restraining fabric. Even above his dress shirt, the feel of her touch is inflaming his skin.
“Yeah, you’re right…” She starts softly, discarding the jacket on the backseat without much caution. He thinks that she might be done scolding him, but then she deadpans dryly:
“We both had to be there”
Archie could see from the corner of his eyes that Veronica was waving at him her left hand where the blinding sun rays of the late afternoon were reflecting on her shiny diamond ring.  His heart stutters in his chest because even two years later, he still can’t believe that he married her, his dream girl.  Veronica Lodge, Andrews.
 To Read more: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27388753
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kevinandronniedale · 6 years
Silhouette: Chapter 7
Read Chapter 7 here
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ronnieandrews2020 · 4 years
Chapters: 8/? Fandom: Riverdale (TV 2017) Relationships: Archie Andrews/Veronica Lodge, 
It’s been almost five years. Almost five years during which Archie has been trying to move on, to recover, to forget, to understand how and why the only woman he has ever loved disappeared. All of the sudden, here she was, standing on his porch, beautiful as ever, turning his life upside down with just a sentence: I brought you your daughter Archie Andrews. Why did she go? Why did she come back? – it’s the mystery of Riverdale’s Raven bird.
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camilascheryl · 6 years
hello love, for you i have so many words
“Okay,” is all he says at first, so gentle. “Thank you for telling me, Ronnie.” Chin placed atop her head, he breathes in her scent and continues to embrace her, knowing that there’s nothing she could say that would change how he felt about her. And it doesn’t make him feel different that she’s embracing her sexuality, in fact he’s proud of her and the person she is.
read my first work here!!!
please review & don’t forget to leave requests!!
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kevinandronniedale · 6 years
Read CHAPTER 9 here
Start from the beginning
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kevinandronniedale · 6 years
Chapter 6 is up now!
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