fantasymuses · 1 year
@eris-the-phantom-thief continued from here
Yosuke blinked as he was pulled into suddenly and easily righted himself in the split second before Hana was kissing him. He was glad to have vampiric speed in these moments so his old clumsiness was practically non-existent. 
After returning the passionate kiss, He let out a content sigh before clearing his throat and remembering why he was there in the first place. He gently pushed his girlfriend back so he could hold up the bouquet of flowers to show her. He then grinned as he spoke. “I wanted to take you out!”
A beat later 
He falters slightly as he realized how that could sound and quickly stuttered out. “O-On a date! I meant take you out. On a date... not like... ack.... N-Nevermind!” He covered his beat red face with his free hand as he inwardly kicked himself. Sadly vampiric speed didn’t help with his open mouth insert foot problem. in fact it has only made it worse in his personal opinion. 
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love you!
it's the "i love you" we use every time we finish up a call with our mom, every time we want to offer our friends a bit of encouragement, the welcome home kiss on the cheek we give our lover every day. it's sending them pictures you know they'll laugh at, buying them strange little nothings that you know they'll like. it's having their bagel order memorized and setting their birthday as your password. somehow, their name weaves its way into almost every funny story you share with others. it's brief, casual, it's a habit. we aren't even aware we do it. it says that love is cradled lightly in your heart, generously given, spilling out into the world unbeknownst to you, making up the web of delicate threads that hold us all together.
i love you, i've always loved you, i will always love you
it's commitment, it's devotion, it goes often without saying, but is felt nonetheless. it's accepting that you would travel to hell and back for them if they asked and knowing that they would do the same for you. it's an old ache, long after they've burrowed deep into your chest and settled there like a weight- grounding, an anchor point. even when you're apart, you can still feel the shape of them, it's like phantom pain. neither of you can help but succumb to the other's gravity, yet neither of you fear the collision. it means that you trust them, that they make you feel safe, that they feel like home.
Tagged by: no one. I stole it ​
Tagging: anyone that wants too!
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fantasymagicians · 6 years
@eris-the-phantom-thief continuation from here
Yosuke walked over to her when he heard her starting to wake. He blinked as she fell onto him. He caught her then shook his head. “D-Don’t worry? I got you.”
He chuckled slightly and rubbed the back of his neck. “I uh... I suppose to didn’t actually hear what I said did you?” He would be surprised if she did.
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anubhasierra · 5 years
All things aside, but when a human is dying and vampires give them their blood to heal them, don't they have to check first what blood group the human is?
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deadlymagician · 5 years
"Hmmm, wonder what kind of boring losers I'm gonna have to deal with today?" Yosuke sighed as he tapped his chin slightly in thought.
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catboy-pannacotta · 3 years
Hiii! This is Buffy and Polnareff and we're gonna make a list of some of the alter's on this blog :D
Note this most definitely isn't everyone because there is more than 100 of us, and this is an all contribute blog (this blog isn't run by just one alter, anyone can post on this blog)
But here are our (currently) most active alters, along with their pronouns, age, and sign off!
💔Polnareff (He/Him) 21-ish
☠️Buffy (She/Her) 11 I'm not a little pls don't call me a little I beg of you
🕯Zipper/Tømmy/Achilles this mf got too many names (It/Zips but u might see us use dif pronouns cz it's like a whole thing but yeah) 14
📜📖🏰Wyatt (He/Him/His/Himself) he's snooty we know 16
🎞Josuke/Vampsuke (He/Him) ageless/bodily 16
💎Josuke (He/Him) 16
🐬Jotaro (He/Him) he's usually 17
🩸DIO (He/Him) idk like old 150 or something like that
🌻Caesar (He/Him) 20
🌸Marsh/Danika/Cupid (He/She) 17
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heavenly96 · 7 years
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Vampire Josuke. Vampsuke.
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ozcollo · 7 years
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Vampsuke Boochiha 
I love vampire sasuke with all my soul!!! it’s my favorite headcannon
follow me on social media:
IG: Kumabuns.art or kumabuns
DA: Kumabuns
//i do not own naruto//
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wri0thesley · 7 years
**hollering from the rooftops** VAMPSUKE VAMPSUKE VAMPSUKE VAMPSUKE VA-
VAMPIRES ARE MY FAVOURITE, ANON! there will ALMOST DEFINITELY be a vampire fic in the future
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fantasymuses · 1 year
“I mean it has been a while..” Hana winked as she set their kids down to bed. “Since we’ve been together like that~”
Yosuke chuckles with a light blush as he rubbed the back of his neck. “Yea sorry about that. Shadow Ops knows how to keep a person pretty busy.” He shook his head out. “But enough about that. How have you been other then missing me like that~”
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Hana kissed Yosuke’s cheek, “wanna spend some time with Nico and peter to destress?”
Yosuke chuckles and nods with a smile. "Sure. That sounds lovely. I don't think the glitter is contagious anyways."
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fantasymagicians · 6 years
“Dude... What’s with the cat getup? Not that I am one to judge but...” Sora rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.
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fantasymuses · 1 year
what soft romance cliché are you? 
the almost kiss you're unsure about things, always hesitating. why is that? maybe there's something to lose for you, but maybe (just maybe) the risk is worth it. you're the moment when the main characters lean in, lips parted and almost touching. but it's not the actual kiss everyone loves, it's the anticipation. when they look into each other's eyes before their lids flutter close. and there's a lot of frustration when things are interrupted. trust me though, you're a lot more memorable than the actual kiss. you're nervous, but at the end of the day all you want is to be loved.
because i love you!
passionate; you are the heated moment of an argument. when the person you care for has done something outrageously stupid or dangerous. all of your pent up emotions that you've kept inside of you come bursting out: "beCAUSE I LOVE YOU!" how could they be so dense. how could YOU be so dense. you've loved each other this whole time. your love tends to be strong, and loud. sometimes it might be hard for you to express your feelings but you let people know that they are cared for. you're also hot. good for you.
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fantasymuses · 1 year
“you’re so stupid it kinda turns me on. “ (yosuke)
Yosuke blinked at his girlfriend before letting out a slightly embarrassed cough. "T-Thanks. I think?" He didn't really think he was that dumb but he was going to take this as a compliment. Though he was still under if it was but knowing Hanna... It was.
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fantasymuses · 1 year
What crystal are you?
above all you seek truth. you want to understand how the world works. you want to take things apart and put them back together again. your methods of dealing with stress and fear is to understand where it comes from. you face your demons with a focused mind and readied fists. you see everything so clearly, except yourself. it's so much harder to look inward than it is to analyze everyone else. what are you so afraid of looking at? what is it within yourself you don't want to touch? maybe one day you'll be strong enough to expose the parts of yourself you're afraid to understand.
snowflake obsidian
you are all grit and closed fists. you refuse to let anything in through the cracks of your armor. you would burn the world to protect those you love. the heart of a warrior burns in your chest. and it also weighs your shoulders down. what is the price for being so strong? what have you sacrificed to make yourself feel safe? when was the last time you let someone see your soul? when was the last time you let someone see you and not just the masks you hide behind? not everything must be a fight.
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