#v sorry I answered this so late man I’ve either had bad service or no service yesterday and today
bred-crumbs · 2 years
THE GARDEN RELEASED A NEW SINGLE. did you hear... it came out like 6 hours ago https://thegardenmusic.bandcamp.com/ its so good
…..it is so good actually, another goddamn song to listen to on repeat for the next couple days
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sputtersparky-tm · 3 years
Here’s the fanfic I wrote yesterday...
  Sorry it took me a bit to post this, my girlfriend came over and then we got distracted with videogames... and... then I ran out of energy to edit this puppy...
So without further ado, a late Valentine’s gift to all you lovely people who follow me out there...
A Blooming Romance [A Liquidator x Bushroot Fanfiction]
(Transferred from my Wattpad Drafts)
 The rain trickled over the glass making up the greenhouse. Spike laid dormant by his owner and best friend he so loyally stayed by through thick and thin. Sighing as he lifted a leaf of his rose bush, Bushroot sat limply over the delicate plant. Spike tilted his head, approaching Bushroot as he sulked over the rosy reds growing so beautifully.
  Nudging his arm, Spike wriggled himself into Bushroot's space. With a lick over his cheek, Bushroot's sullen look of shame evaporated into a soft smile. "Oh Spike, at least I have you through it all."
  Spike nodded as he knocked Bushroot onto his back with a pounce. "AH!" He yelped being flung backwards. Succumbing to his friend's demands, he lifted his leafy hands to pet Spike's head.
  "Feeling lonely? Only have your pet as a companion in life? Wanna have some wet, wild fun with your watery wonder of a partner in crime?" The gurgled voice of the well known water dog startled Bushroot from his moment with Spike.
  Leaning his head back to look where the voice came from. "Oh! It's you! W-W-What are you doing here? Is Negaduck doing a heist today?" Bushroot became excited at the hope of being distracted from the dreary day.
  "As vile and hateful as he is, I'm sorry to say I haven't heard anything from Negaduck all day. It seems this Valentine's Day shall go without the evil escapades of the five of us." Liquidator shook his head and pretended to brush dirt off his arm. As he approached his leafy green friend, Bushroot had gotten onto his feet.
  "Darn it... Well then that brings me back to my original question!" Bushroot furrowed his brows.
  "Hm, well my company's Valentine's special sales are skyrocketing, and I figured I would have something to do today, but it seems all I have is just my money and my shallow company to keep me company." Liquidator started off bragging. His expression saddened a little as he saw Bushroot's bemusement. "And, it seems sometimes even a million dollar company isn't enough to satisfy the humble heart of this hound dog." He splashed his hands to his chest as he gestured.
  Bushroot scoffed. "Oh, so I suppose you want my help kidnapping some sad sap so you can have a little fun today?" He knew it was close to improbable that he would really have any fun of his own today.
  "Hey now! I may be clever and villainous but that doesn't mean I don't believe in consent! After all, I am very prideful of my position on the top of the Capitalist lifestyle. And what more is Capitalism than even the poorest of the poor being able to choose as little as what water they drink?" Liquidator defended himself.
  "T-That's n-not exactly corre-"
  "SO! What do you say, my dear partner in crime? Would you like to join me for a night on the town? The evening may be young but there's nothing wrong with starting our romantic outing early!"
  "Are you asking me out on a date with you?" Bushroot seemed appalled at first, he'd never been asked out by a man before, well there was that one time in college, but he already had his eyes set on a lovely young lady from the technologies field.
  "I think you owe me your answer first before I give you mine." Liquidator smirked deviously.
  "Uhhh..." Bushroot felt his heart skip a beat, his cheeks growing as red as the roses beside him. He hadn't thought in all his time of working alongside Liquidator that he'd ever be interested like this. At one point, he'd thought that there would maybe be something between them, after all they went so well together, it was almost fate that they'd both been mutated into their current forms! But Liquidator came off as such a square of a man, nothing more than the stereotypical heterosexual businessman who may even go so far to take bribes from all the worst people, worse than even the dreadful Dr. Slug!
  "Well?" Liquidator pulled Bushroot from his flustered silence.
  "S-Sure!" He blurted out, shaking from his nerves at the idea of being asked out by someone so confident. He immediately felt himself going down the slippery slope of his usual routine when it came to new people being in his life. He shook off the toxic temptations of growing dependent upon his date for the night. He didn't want to come off too strong. Taking a deep breath, he looked up to Liquidator.
  "So it's a date then! Shall we be on our way?" So smoothly as he normally did, he locked arms with his Bushy compatriot.
  "Oh, y-yes! Spike, please watch the house while we're out?"
  With a nod of confirmation, the two mutants were out in the rainy world.
  Darkwing Duck had gotten a call to a local restaurant about two very uniquely unmistakable villains hijacking a normal Valentine's Day dinner service.
  Having done his normal entrance, he now held his iconic gas gun pointed at Bushroot and Liquidator, who previously sat peacefully at a table. "Stay seated and surrender, or suck gas you sultry sickos!"
  "Oh, can't we just have one nice dinner without you bugging in? You're no better than a parasitic case of morning glories!" Bushroot rolled his eyes and slammed his hand to the table below him.
  "Lonely? Bitter? Why don't you mind your own business or face the wrath of the Liquidator!" The Liquidator announced as he began winding up to attack the cape-cladded duck.
  "Say, since we haven't ordered dinner yet, why don't we just make our own? Pan-Seared Duck, anybody?" Bushroot lifted the candle alongside the wooden roses that had been decoration at their table.
  "Wouldn't that hurt the roses though, Bushy?" Liquidator paused in concern.
  "No worries, these are nothing more than flammable fakes! Created from the mulched remains of long lost brethren. If anything, this is actually pretty poetic!" Bushroot explained as he set the bushel of roses alight.
  "Amazing." Liquidator said softly under his breath as he watched his date's face glowing from the flames.
  "Hey! You love sick losers, either surrender or risk being humiliated by the stunning strength of Darkwing Du-UCK!" Darkwing dropped to the floor, dodging the burning bouquet that had been chucked at his face.
  By this time, it was only the three of them in the restaurant, 1 v 2, Darkwing Duck was surely overpowered. He yelped as he was chased all around the restaurant, now struggling to get control of the situation. Just as he was about to get ahead of the game with a fire extinguisher and a sponge from the kitchen, all power went out inside of the building, leaving them in the darkness.
  Bushroot struggled to find his nearly crystal clear date, but his bewilderment didn't last long as he felt a cooling grasp wrap around his waste as he was carried out of the building, leaving the real loser behind.
  Stopping on top of an abandoned tower's rooftop, Liquidator put Bushroot down.
  They stared silently at the city-scape below for a moment before Bushroot broke the silence.
  "That was the most fun I've had while on a dinner date EVER!" He chuckled as he looked at his date.
  "Anytime you want a good time, all you have to do is call!" Liquidator smiled at Bushroot as he imitated holding a phone to his ear.
  "W-Why do you suppose the power went out back there?" Bushroot glanced over the blackened city scape. "It seems we weren't the only ones who dealt with a blackout..."
  "Hm, seems you're right, I wonder if Megavolt is going to town with one of his devices..."
  "Gross." Bushroot shook his head in disgust.
  "Says the one who went on a date with a man made of water." Liquidator nudged Bushroot lightly.
  "Hey! T-That's different, my date is actually a living being! Way better than any c-cold-hearted robotic piece of machinery that that cooky rat fawns over...!" Bushroot paused for a moment as he thought to himself.
  "Uh-huh." Liquidator began humming in disbelieving agreeance as Bushroot went on.
  "He's super handsome, for one thing, really suave and intelligent, he also has a great personality, he knows when it's time to get serious and when it's time to have fun. He's also very slick and clever..." Bushroot's words faded as he looked to his date who nodded with a cocky smirk gliding over his muzzle. "What?" He asked nervously fidgeting with his hands.
  "Bushroot, I know how you can be with people, you're very clingy and you often care too much." Liquidator started.
  Bushroot slumped and began to feel his heart race as he felt his nerves go up. Had he come on too strong? His mind began to race with all the anxious thoughts that had not plagued him since his fling with Posey.
  "So I want you to know something. Don't worry about being overly clingy, because regardless, I'm committed to you just like I am to my business. I may seem cold and uncaring at times but just know that no matter what, you're the only one I want. I mean, I don't exactly believe in fate but think about it, we're perfect for each other. You're a plant, I'm living water, it's almost too much to accept us as simply a coincidence!" Liquidator went on.
  Bushroot's heart was toyed with as one minute it was racing from him being nervous to him being romantically enthused. Liquidator stopped himself, turning to Bushroot he reached out his paw and to hold Bushroot's leafy green hand.
  "All this to say, I know it's too soon to say it but-"
  "I love you." Bushroot cut him off.
  "Hey! I was gonna say that!" Liquidator snapped back playfully.
  "T-Too bad! I-I-I said it first!" Bushroot smiled meekly, hoping to not mess anything up.
  "Hm, seems I'll have to take another first in retaliation, huh?" Liquidator cocked an eyebrow at Bushroot as he thought to himself.
  "O-Oh? And what first would that be?" Bushroot's demeanor changed to being more submissive as he prepared for the worst.
  "Oh nothing, but after all that action, wouldn't you like to lie down and rest?" Liquidator suggested.
  "O-On this floor!? Oh I-"
  "Bushroot, you sleep on literal dirt, I don't think this is very different, but here..." The Liquidator then shot up and power-blasted a clearing on the dirty roof just to appease his date.
  "Whoa... I-I-I guess a little rest wouldn't hurt... besides, knowing that egomaniac, Darkwing is probably out looking for us..." Bushroot slowly lowered himself on the clean patch. "I guess you could say in this case it's best to lay low for a while, huh?" Laughing nervously, he watched as the Liquidator shook his head at his pun.
  Laying next to Bushroot, the Liquidator took his date's hand. "May I have you answer a survey for me?" He asked, gazing over the stars above.
  "S-Sure! It won't hurt!" Bushroot smiled carelessly.
  "On a scale from 1 to 10, how would you rate this date?" He began.
  "Definitely a 10!" Bushroot nodded.
  "How would you rate your man of the night?" Liquidator went on.
  "Mmmm, that's a tricky one..." The Liquidator looked intrigued as Bushroot hummed in thought. "I'd say your rating scale hardly cuts it for my answer, but I suppose I'll settle on a mere 10!"
  The Liquidator smirked, if he was able to, he'd be blushing. "Oh, why thank you..." He responded, holding back a flattered chuckle. Clearing his throat he went on. "How- I mean-" He quickly pulled himself back together. "Would you go on another date with me?"
  "Oh, that's easy! Of course I would!" Bushroot beams.
  "Excellent, any final comments or questions before I conclude this survey?" Liquidator grinned.
  "Hmmm, well, next time we should totally show Darkwing what for! And also..." Bushroot looked away from the night sky above, clearer than it normally was without the light pollution. "Thank you."
  "What for?" Liquidator asked curiously.
  "Taking a chance on an old plant duck like myself... most wouldn't care to."
  "It was only a matter of time before I got the courage to ask you out." The water dog shrugged nonchalantly.
  Bushroot scoffed. "You? Needing courage?"
  As if on cue, Liquidator chimed. "It's more likely than you think!"
  "I don't believe it!" Bushroot rolled his eyes.
  "Better believe it!" The Liquidator rolled over and hovered his face over Bushroot's. Leaning in closer, the Liquidator stopped as his muzzle was about to meet Bushroot's bill. "Or should I get a scientist to back up my claims?" He said in a low voice.
  Bushroot's face went red as he became flustered. "I-I-I-I-I uh, um, well..." He sputtered, stuttered, and stammered until his bill was closed by a kiss. Bushroot's eyes widened in shock, before he relaxed and enjoyed the moment.
  Moving away from Bushroot's mouth, the Liquidator rolled off of him. "Now we're even."
 Bushroot sat up and stared at Liquidator with a shocked expression, beak agape in a struggle to find the words to say.
  "What do you say we take refuge at my place until the morning comes?" The Liquidator lifted Bushroot up onto his feet.
  "Oh! u-uh sure! Of course! Yeah! Uh, I mean... sure." Bushroot quickly cooled his excitement.
 "No time to waste! The night is still young so we ought to act fast!" Liquidator scooped Bushroot into his arms again and carried him back to his home far above the streets.
  "H-Hey look! The city has power again!" Bushroot pointed out as Liquidator made his way over the rooftops to his company's sky scraper.
  "Oh! It must have been our electrifying kiss that brought the city to life again!" Liquidator said slyly. Bushroot immediately cringed at the awful pun.
  "Don't start with electricity puns! That's Megavolt's thing." Bushroot shook his head.
  "Maybe so, but I do it right!" The Liquidator and Bushroot went back and forth well into the night, staying up far past midnight to just talk and joke and laugh in a new way never before done. A new love washing onto shore with the delicacy of a blooming rose.
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unorthodoxsavvy · 5 years
A Small Passion Fruit Sweet Tea
(And A Little Something More)
Summary: Phil is a barista at Starbucks and Dan becomes a customer
Word Count: 3.5k
Rating: G
Warnings: The tiniest, littlest bit of angst
Written For: @phandomreversebang (Phandom Reverse Bang Summer 2019)
Summer was in full swing in London. For Phil, that meant a lot of customers coming in and out of the small, humble Starbucks he spent his summer afternoons baristaing. 
Not only was the air inside the coffee shop chilled, but so was the coffee itself, along with their teas, smoothies, and more. That didn’t stop Phil from working up a sweat during his shift, however.
On this June afternoon, Phil consistently checked the armpits of his Pride Starbucks shirt for sweat stains while he brushed his bangs from his eyes, sweeping them back underneath his visor.
“Hi, are you ready to order?”
“Hi, how may I help you today?”
“Hello, how’s it going?”
The greetings, the faces, the orders, all blurred until the clock struck 5pm and Phil’s shift was over. Of course, he never got to leave until after 5. Some days it was 5:03, some days it was 5:17… but of course, it could be worse, and Phil reminded himself of that fact every day.
Phil took a glance at the clock now. It read 3:32.
Not too bad, he thought to himself.
Phil moved back to the front counter where a man about his age was waiting. “Hi, how may I help you?”
Phil watched his brown eyes trace the menu above Phil’s head in silence.
He was wearing a grey V-neck, black skinny jeans, and Vans, all of which Phil could see as he had taken a step back to read the menu. When he seemed to decide on an order, he stepped back up towards Phil.
“I’ll have a small passion fruit sweet tea and a birthday cake cake pop.”
Phil smiled.
“Will that be all?”
“I don’t think what else I want is on the menu, so yes,” The man grinned.
Phil decided to ignore that comment.
“Alright, that’ll be six fifty-two.”
The man pulled out his card and swiped it, giving Phil his name. Dan Howell. There was no reason to remember it, but Phil wasn’t sure if he wanted to see this name pop up on his screen again or not.
“I’ll be right back with your order,” Phil continued, and Dan smiled politely at him.
Phil turned around and headed to their machines of iced tea, grabbing a “small” cup and placing it under the spout while he pulled the lever down. It took the cup to be filled up before Phil realized he’s forgotten to put the flavor in first. With a sigh, he dumped it out, grabbed a mixer, poured the flavor syrup in, and then started to fill that up with iced tea. When he was satisfied with how much he’d poured, he started to shake. He could feel Dan’s eyes on him. He turned ever so slightly and noticed Dan watching his arms. Phil wasn’t built, but he wasn’t in the worst shape, either. Once again, he wasn’t sure how to feel.
When Phil was done shaking the mixer, he poured the liquid into the small cup he had used before, grabbed a lid and a straw, and put it together.
“Here’s your iced tea,” Phil informed Dan, quickly moving away to get the cake pop for Dan before he could respond.
“Thanks,” was all Dan finally said before exiting the store.
“That dude was totally checking you out,” his coworker leaned in and smiled.
“Yeah. Happy Pride Month,” Phil responded dryly as another customer came in to order.
The next day at exactly 3:30pm, Dan showed up again.
“Hello again,” he smiled at Phil. “You seem familiar.”
“Welcome back,” Phil put on his best customer service smile.
“I’ll take the same as yesterday,” Dan grinned.
This time, Phil grinned back. He knew it was a test, and he was determined to pass.
Phil once again grabbed a small cup, remembering to mix the flavor in this time, and poured that mixed with the iced tea into the small cup. Slapping a top on it and shoving a straw through the top, it was ready to be delivered.
“I see you didn’t mess up this time.”
Phil went to the display case and removed a cake pop with pink frosting. “It seems I made an impression,” Dan smiled, inserting his card to pay.
Phil continued to say nothing.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, then?” Dan called over his shoulder as he walked out of the coffee shop.
“See you tomorrow,” Phil grinned in that customer service voice.
On the third day Dan came in, a Thursday, he wasn’t alone. In fact, he was very  not alone.
“Love, not now,” Dan giggled, batting the man whose hand he was holding. “Hey, Phil,” Dan smiled when they reached the counter.
Phil put on his customer service face, trying to decide when he had had a harder time remaining neutral: when the cheerleading mom with her three daughters had yelled at him about her order four times, or now.
Now was winning.
“Hello. How may I help you guys today?”
“I’ll have the usual,” Dan smiled, as if he had been coming here for months. It’d been three days. Three really, long, painful days.
“And for you?” Phil asked, basically ignoring Dan to turn to his partner.
“I’ll take a vanilla iced coffee, grande, and a chocolate scone, please,” he smiled.
“A grande? Who said you could have that much sugar?” Dan scoffed.
“They aren’t that big,” his partner countered.
“They aren’t really,” Phil pitched in, earning a glare from Dan, as if they were friends or something, and Phil should be on his side. This was ridiculous.
“One small passion fruit tea, one grande iced vanilla coffee, one birthday cake cake pop, and one chocolate scone coming up,” Phil read their order back to them before moving to prepare the drinks.
While at the drink station, Phil’s coworker came up to him again.
“Seems like loverboy was just being a tease,” she smiled.
“Good, I’m not interested,” Phil muttered back, not taking his eyes off preparing the drinks.
“Well, if he was single then I’d take dibs on him if you don’t want him,” she grinned.
Phil took a glance back where he met Dan’s eyes, staring at him once again, while his partner talked to him.
Dan was cute, Phil thought. He just didn’t like being advanced on while he was working.
Dan brought out the drinks to Dan and his partner and then grabbed their pastries from the display case.
His coworker had taken over the cashregister to have them pay so she could get a chance to talk to Dan and his partner on her own.
When they left, Dan turned and gave a wave to Phil, who forced a wave back.
“You’ll never guess what I learned,” his coworker leaned in once again to tell him.
“Probably not, and I don’t want to or plan on knowing.”
The universe, it seemed, however, had other plans, for that Friday, Dan strutted in at 3:36, by himself once more.
Phil was about to use customer service speak to ask what the hell was going on when Dan placed his head in his hands, resting his elbows on the counter.
“When do you get out?”
“Why do you want to know?” Phil huffed, deciding to finally drop the friendly employee facade.
“I want to take you out.”
“I thought you were seeing someone?”
From behind the display case on Phil’s left, he could see his coworker standing on her tiptoes to watch what was happening.
“Oh, Ryan? That’s nothing really- well it’s- it’s-”
“If I let you take me out will you stop bothering me here at work?” Phil asked blatantly.
“Maybe,” Dan grinned.
“Fine. I get out at 5. Don’t be late.”
Dan grinned and pulled out his card while Phil left to make Dan’s drink.
“He asked you out, didn’t he?” His coworker grinned, swooping in for the fresh tea- and not the tea Phil was pouring.
“Yeah, he did.”
“See, I told you that-”
“Thanks, but I’ve got to deliver this customer his drink,” Phil cut her off, moving back towards the counter to Dan.
Phil yanked a cake pop out of the display holder and bagged it to hand to Dan.
“See you at five then,” Dan smiled.
“See you at five.”
The closer it came to the end of Phil’s shift the more he wondered about and regretted agreeing to this mysterious date.
At 4:45 exactly, Dan showed up again, giving Phil a little wave before sitting down at one of the tables to pull out his laptop and work on something.
At 5, Dan glanced up as Phil started to clean up.
Phil disappeared into the back 4 minutes later, and soon after emerged in a different shirt and a backpack slung over his shoulder.
Making his way out from behind the counter, he weaved between the tables and chairs to Dan.
“Shall we?” Phil asked.
“We shall,” Dan replied, getting up and offering Phil an arm.
Phil ignored it and went to the door, holding it open for Dan.
“I’m parked in back,” Dan mentioned, and Phil let him step in front of him to lead the way.
“Sorry it’s a bit messy.”
Phil couldn’t help chuckling at the amount of empty Starbucks bags and cups.
“Are these all from me?” he joked.
“No,” Dan answered, putting the car into drive.
“So, where are we headed?” Phil asked. “Or is it a surprise?”
“It’s not a surprise.”
Phil waited for Dan to continue, but he didn’t seem to want to elaborate.
After a few minutes of silence, Dan pulled into the parking lot of a restaurant that boasted “Street Food” in colorful letters.
“Have you ever eaten here?” Dan asked.
“Have you ever taken a date here?” Phil countered.
Dan made sure to hold the door open for Phil this time.
There was a receptionist beyond the two sets of doors with a waiting area in between. Phil stayed one step behind Dan, who asked for a table for two. The receptionist grabbed two menus from the pocket in her podium and led them off to a table. Phil glanced at the other patron’s food as he passed, even though he had in fact been here before, and knew the basics of what was on the menu.
They sat down facing each other, and the receptionist placed a menu in front of each of them. 
“Your waiter will be right with you,” she smiled, and departed to seat other guests.
“So,” Dan began, “tell me about yourself, Phil.”
“Shouldn’t it be your job to find out about me yourself, since you’re the one who asked me out in the first place?” Phil inquired.
“True,” Dan agreed. He leaned back in his chair, thinking of a better, more direct introductory question to ask.
“What’s your favorite thing to order at Starbucks?”
Phil rolled his eyes, but before he could answer, their waiter arrived.
“Can I start you off with some drinks?” he asked them.
“Water is fine with me,” Phil smiled, and looked to Dan while the waiter scribbled in his notepad.
“I’ll take a lemonade,” Dan said once the waiter had turned his attention to him.
“‘I’ll be right back with those.”
When he was gone, Phil picked up the menu, suggesting they should actually look at it and see if they could decide on their orders before the server got back.
“The fried doguh sounds pretty good,” Dan mentioned.
Phil gave a little hum in agreement, but didn’t look up. In fact, Phil didn’t look up from his menu until their waiter had arrived once more.
“A water for you, and a lemonade for you,” their waiter smiled politely, placing each drink in front of the pair respectively. “Have you made your decisions on what to order?”
“Yes,” Phil replied, finally looking at Dan once more.
Dan’s face split into a smile, although it looked almost forced. “I’m ready too.”
“Wonderful,” their waiter commented, and turned to Phil.
“I’ll have the turkey wrap.”
The waiter turned to Dan.
“I’ll take the grilled cheese.”
“Sounds good,” the waiter said once he was done writing in his notebook, and then once again took his leave.
“So, where were we?” Dan pushed.
“We were in water?”
“Water. My favorite drink to order at Starbucks.”
Dan started to fiddle with the straw wrapper from his drink.
“I get the feeling you don’t like me that much,” he mentioned casually, but it was clear it was bothering him.
Phil looked up at him.
“I do like you. I’m just not sure how much yet.”
Dan nodded solemnly, and prayed for their food to come sooner rather than later.
“That was a good meal,” Phil thanked Dan.
“Yeah?” Dan smiled.
“Yeah,” Phil agreed.
“So should we do it again sometime?” Dan grinned sheepishly.
Phil’s smile tightened.
“It was nice, but, maybe not,” he said.
Dan’s face fell.
“I decided to give this a shot and see if I felt anything. And, well, I’m sorry, but I don’t.” Phil shuffled awkwardly. “I’d still love to serve you your tea and cake pop, though,” he lied.
“Thanks, haha.”
They stood in silence for a moment.
“Well, um, I guess that’s that, then,” Dan perked up, trying his best to get over the crushing feeling in his chest. “Have a safe drive home, and I’ll, uh, see you sometime.”
“Thank you, you too,” Phil returned, and unlocked the driver’s side door of his car, sliding in.
He waited for Dan to pull out of the empty Starbucks parking lot first, and then followed into the dark.
It’d been two weeks since Dan and Phil’s date, or whatever you’d call it. Phil tried his best to carry on with his job as normal, but the awkward encounter had definitely put a wrench in his work flow. Every encounter he had with anyone his age was suddenly over-analyzed; any man with a similar shade of dark brown hair suddenly induced a panic. Phil’s overly-involved coworker picked up on it and started talking to the others on their shift about it. Suddenly this wasn’t a place he wanted to be any more, and he woke up with dread every day before his shift, until finally one day it happened.
It was a Tuesday, just like the very first time. It was 3:30, and Dan was not alone again.
It was a guy Phil’d never seen before, but they seemed close.
“Hey Phil,” Dan greeted flippantly, which stung Phil just a bit.
“Nice to see you again. Wasn’t sure if you’d be back.”
“Well, you know, I’ve been doing some traveling, and this wasn’t the nearest Starbucks anymore.”
Phil nodded. “What’ll it be?” He asked, returning to his job.
“I’ll take an iced mocha, small,” Dan ordered, and glanced at his partner.
“I’ll have the same,” his partner smiled tightly, glancing between Dan and Phil. Phil wondered how much he knew, and if he even wanted to know.
“Coming right up,” Phil smiled politely, and gestured to the card reader.
Dan’s partner went to pull out some cash from his back pocket, but Dan placed a hand over his and pulled out his own card.
“I’ve got this.”
Phil rolled his eyes and went to make the drinks.
Phil turned around to spot his coworker.
“Listen, I really don’t need to be discussing this right now,” he tried to shut her down.
“So you’re not at all jealous that’s he’s strutting in here to show off his new man to you?” She asked.
“No,” Phil lied. “And besides, I’m the one who turned him down, anyway. I don’t have feelings for him. This isn’t some juicy love triangle.”
“Whatever,” she tossed over her shoulder as she went to take the next customers in line.
Phil grabbed the two iced mochas he’d finished making and handed them over to Dan and his partner at the pick-up area.
“Have a nice day,” he said in his best customer service voice.
“Thanks,” replied the other guy genuinely. 
Phil felt like smacking his head against the ice machines.
Of all the starbucks in London, Phil happened to work on one that was on the street that London Pride took place on, which was great for them, as the summer sun and fun activities made a lot of gays thirsty- for drinks.
They had double the amount of workers going during Phil’s shift on that 26th day of June, 2019, 50 years since the iconic Stonewall incident that had started it all.
All the chaos, however, didn’t stop Phil from noticing when Dan came in.
“I’ll have the same,” he said quickly, looking around at all of the colorful half-dressed customers, whom he was one of which.
“Would that be the same as before or after you came to rub your new relationship in my face?” Phil spat. He hadn’t meant for it to come out, or at least not sounding so mean, but he was tired, goddamnit, he’s had a long shift so far, and it was still dragging on. Behind the counter was crowded and they’d already had three spilled drinks today, and by god if he wasn’t repressing feelings of resentment towards Dan for his dick move last week.
“I’m sorry about that-”
“Just give me your order.” Phil cut off, cutting off all emotion from his expression.
Dan sighed.
“A  small passion fruit sweet tea and a birthday cake cake pop, and whatever you want when you’re done with your shift.”
Phil looked up in surprise from where he’d been typing in Dan’s order.
“I’m sorry, and I hope you don’t hate me. And I’d like to make it up to you, at least with a drink when your done with your shift, which I know must be a pain today, if not a drink and maybe meeting up before this parade is over.”
“I’ll think about it,” Phil mentioned, typing in his own order as well.
“Thank you,” Dan said.
Phil took half a second to look him in the eye. He did look sorry. And he looked sad.
Phil sighed and left to prepare Dan’s drink.
“Have fun at the rest of Pride if I don’t see you,” Phil dismissed Dan, handing him the bag containing his cake pop.
“Thanks,” Dan returned, and went to go sit outside.
Phil watched him through the window of the cafe as long as he could before returning to making and preparing orders.
By the time the end of Phil’s shift came, it had felt like he’d been standing on his feet and working for days. In all honesty, the last thing Phil wanted to do was more walking around, but he’d be damned if he missed pride for work, so when he had cleaned up as best he could and there was someone to relieve him, he took off his apron and, still in his pride Starbucks shirt, headed out to the street, drink in hand.
Phil turned to his left, startled.
“Yeah, that’s my name,” Dan laughed hollowly.
“You’re still here?”
“Well I did say we could meet up after you got out of work before the parade is over.”
Phil smiled. “Is there even a parade? Or do people just come and go?”
“You know, I don’t think there is actually a parade,” Dan smiled back.
Phil offered an arm to Dan, who took it.
“So, what happened to your man?” Phil asked casually as they walked.
“It didn’t turn out.”
“Like us?” Phil joked.
Dan smiled, but it was sad.
“Not really.”
Phil looked around for a place to sit and led Dan over.
“So what’s the story?” he asked after they had sat down.
“I tried to move on to another casual thing and found that it was a bit more difficult than I had expected,” Dan answered, watching the crowd.
“Is that so?”
“And why is that?”
“What are you, my shrink?” Dan joked.
“No, just a concerned and curious friend.”
Dan continued to watch the crowd.
“Probably because the I’m still holding on to the last guy I tried to go out with.”
Phil nodded wisely.
“What if that concerned and curious friend offered to try again with the last guy he tried to go out with?”
Dan didn’t move, but responded “That would probably cheer up the last guy he tried to go out with.”
“So what say we try again?”
Dan finally looked over at Phil.
“If you’re for real, I’m down.”
“I’m for real.”
They smiled at each other.
“So, you were going to show me around?” Phil pushed.
Dan’s smiled turned into a grin.
“Yes, there’s a booth over there that has pride Harry Potter wands, you’ll love it,” he pointed.
Phil stood up. “Lead the way then, Dan.”
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lawrenceseitz22 · 7 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 128
Click on the video above to watch Episode 128 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://ift.tt/1NZu6N2.
Bradley: We’re live. We’re back on Hangouts, guys, because webinar wouldn’t even start for us today, anyway. Hey everybody, Bradley Benner, here. Semantic Mastery, this is the Hump Day Hangouts episode 128, today is March 19th 2017, and we’ve got Chris, Hernan and Marco on with us. Adam is off running in the woods, again.
Hernan: Yeah. No. I think he was moving.
Bradley: He was moving? Is that what we’re calling it today?
Hernan: Yeah. Let’s call it like that.
Bradley: That’s cool. Chris, what’s up man?
Chris: Doing good. Right from a snowstorm here in Vienna.
Bradley: Guys, hold on, I guess Marco and Hernan you guys can chat for a minute.
Chris: Sure.
Marco: Yeah.
Bradley: Marco?
Marco: I’m good, man. We got really bad electrical storms, my electricity keeps coming in and out. If I drop off the Google police didn’t get me, the lightening storm got me. Sorry about that.
Chris: It’s cool.
Hernan: We started to think this is some kind of conspiracy, since we launched Battle Plan.
Marco: [crosstalk 00:01:09]. I’m telling you. We’re teaching people how to rank and they don’t like, so they’re trying to do everything they can to keep us off the air.
Hernan: Yeah.
Chris: We make things too easily available out there, that’s the thing.
Bradley: All right. Hopefully everybody refreshed the page, because on the event page, because you have to refresh the page for the new video to show up.
Marco: Okay. You both said it already.
Bradley: Let me see.
Hernan: Yeah.
Bradley: Yeah. Okay. All right, guys. Let’s get into it. I guess, we got probably a couple of announcements. We can stay to the actual five o'clock mark today, because we got started a few minutes early, or late guys. Anyways, let’s get into announcements. Hernan, what do we got?
Hernan: Yeah. Real quick. One of the things if you haven’t already, we strongly suggest that you get a copy of the Semantic Mastery, the SEO Domination Battle Plan. That will launch on Monday. Right now, the prices are real for the value that you’re getting and basically the coupon ends, I think it’s going to end in two hours, if I’m not mistaken. Then it’s going to double, more than double the price.
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: Go ahead get it. I’m going to put the link on the event page, but it’s basically battleplan.semanticmastery.com. Go ahead download it, we tried to make a really concise, simple guide, step by step document that you can come back over, and over, and over again, depending if you have each sites, new sites, YouTube videos, local websites, it’s everything in there. The way we do it. The way we implement it. That’s the main idea with Battle Plan. If you’re looking for something simple, go ahead and get it. If you’re looking for something more complex, or if you want more support, et cetera, come join the Mastermind, but that’s basically the main idea of the Battle Plan.
Bradley: There’s a couple of things that I want to mention about that. Is number one we had some people say your process cannot be simple. Well, actually it is.
Marco: It is.
Bradley: You know, that’s really what we do, guys, and that’s why I continually say on these Hump Day Hangouts that I like easy. Don’t over complicate shit, guys. If you want to make it complicated, then just stand on your head while you’re doing it. I don’t know. All I’m saying is those are the exact same services that we use, the same procedures, the process in order, in the steps that we do it in. It’s not difficult. I mean, we’ve got the infrastructure behind us, which is provided, it’s available for you guys, as well to use the same services that we use. I mean, again, some people said, well, it cannot be that simple, it’s just because I think by nature we as SEO’s and marketers typically want to over complicate shit, so that’s part of it and the other thing is, and just very quickly, let me grab the screen, I want to show you something here. You guys are seeing my screen, correct?
Chris: Yeah.
Bradley: This is the bonus site, guys. I think there’s more value in the freaking bonus site then there is in the actual PDF, so I just wanted to point this out real quick. This is something that wasn’t even mentioned on the sales page, but you get access to this bonus site that has a ton of different bonus stuff in here, and the bonus webinar section alone there’s multiple webinars, here, including on of our webinars that Marco just did, recently on iframe and java script secrets that’s a pay per view webinar of a $147.00 and that’s been included, as well. We’ve got a ton of different, you know, there’s case studies in here for Live Rank Sniper, for Rocket Video Ranker Pro, the v-mail prospecting course, which is the basic course I’m probably going to be doing a full blown course for that in the next couple months. Again, I just wanted to point out for a $20.00 PDF, there’s absolutely no reason why you guys shouldn’t pick it up for the simplicity of it, number one. Number two, because you get access to a bunch of amazing bonuses. Okay.
Hernan: Yeah.
Marco: The bonuses are, that’s the reason why it’s going to $100.00 when it’s all said and done.
Bradley: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Marco: Because it’s worth way more than a 100 bucks, but I mean-
Bradley: Damn right it is.
Marco: We wanted to keep it accessible to all of our members and followers, so they could actually have a plan that they could follow to achieve their success. If you want to complicate things, I mean that’s fine as Bradley said, but it doesn’t really need to be. All you have to do is just follow the step by step process. If you want to do more, then you’re more than welcome to join Syndication Academy, you’re more than welcome to come into the Mastermind and ask us as many complex questions as you want, and we’ll answer them. You have full access to us, there. If not, just follow the training step by step. That’s all you have to do. Seriously.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: That’s it.
Bradley: I love it when somebody analysis the plan and says, oh, no, it cannot be that simple, this must not work.
Hernan: [crosstalk 00:06:05].
Hernan: Another thing that’s worth mentioning is that the bonus side that you get for free will be updated. We have a bunch of case studies that are going to be uploaded to the bonus site, so go ahead order it now, because again it’s going to 100 bucks, soon. Now, you can get it for $20.00, it’s crazy.
Bradley: Yeah.
Chris: What’s the coupon code, again?
Bradley: Missile launch.
Hernan: Yeah. It’s missile launch. Thank you, Chris. It’s missile launch, one word and it’s on the event page, again, battleplan.semantricmastery.com. That coupon is going to be available for the next two hours and then it’s going to more than double the price.
Bradley: Okay. Cool. All right. Do we have any other announcements, because if not, let’s get into it.
Marco: Let’s do it.
Bradley: All right. Cool. We’re we going to talk, we’re not talking about the next webinar, are we, yet? Marco?
Marco: No. You can just tell them what it’s going to be about.
Bradley: All right. We’re going to do another webinar in the series, Marco’s series that we’ve done three, now, and we’re about to do a fourth, which is going to be a structured data webinar, guys. We scheduled it, but I don’t know the date off hand.
Marco: It will be around April 8th.
Bradley: May. A Monday-
Marco: May.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: Sorry.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: May 8th.
Bradley: Monday. Excuse me Monday, May 8th. You’re right. I’m sorry.
Marco: Usual time. It will be then, if it changes we have plenty of time to let people know.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: I’m working on that.
Bradley: You guys will get notifications via email and stuff for registration, so I just wanted to let you guys know that, that’s coming, as well. Okay. All right. Cool. I’m going to grab the screen and we’re going to get into questions. It feels weird to be back in Hangouts, man. It feels kind of like home.
Hernan: Yeah.
Bradley: You know?
Chris: It’s actually working.
Bradley: It’s working, too.
Chris: Right.
Private Home Address For A Lead Gen Site’s Google My Business Page
Bradley: Unlike WebinarJam, for some reason. All right. Ala, I’m sorry if I’m mispronouncing your name, forgive me, he says, “Hi, everyone. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to be part of the Hangout, I’m quite new to SEO and I have a question, which might sound very basic. My question is, can I use a private home address for local lead gen?” I believe we answered this question last week or the week before, but it seems like I remember this question. Yes. Of course, you can use your private home address for lead gen. Well, I don’t recommend doing it for fake businesses, or [inaudible 00:08:29] business. What I mean by, guys, obviously, I set up generic businesses, right, generic lead gen funnels, landing pages, whatever you want to call them. Assets. But, I don’t register all of them with my home address, and I wouldn’t recommend that you do that either.
Go get a PO Box. If you’re in the United States, go get a PO Box. I know some people say that’s not working, or isn’t going to work anymore. I covered this in a Facebook live post, recently, but I’m still able to get them to work. What happens is where the problem occurs is if you try to register multiple businesses, so Google My Business pages underneath the same account using multiple PO Boxes. I’ve had that happen to me a couple times in the last few months where I’ve, in the last six months, where I’ve had, I’ve tried to register two different PO Boxes within the same Google My Business owner account, profile, essentially, and I’ve gotten it flagged and I had to reverify.
In one case, I just abandoned it all together, and re-registered a new business under another profile, because it there was no way for me to verify it. I basically lost that one, but it’s not a big deal, it happens, guys. The way the work arounds so far to this point has been just to register one Google My Business profile per, or excuse me, My Business Account per profile, so that you essentially have a different account owner for each one. That’s the way I’ve been able to get around it, again, they may crack down on that at some point in the very near future, maybe so, but until then I’m going to continue exploiting it. That’s what I recommend you do.
You can also hire, rent virtual mailboxes from other places other than the PO box, but those are the cheapest and so far they are still working for me. Okay? Again, I do not recommend that you register a bunch of businesses to your home address, I mean, you can, but I wouldn’t do it. All right? The other thing is you don’t want to share the same address for multiple businesses. Guys, that’s part of the reason I like to use PO boxes, because they’re cheap enough, where even if I’ve got 10 businesses in the same, like I got 10 different lead gen funnels, let’s say 10 different industries and it’s in the same damn city, I can have 10 different PO boxes, because the deal is the address is going to be street address of the PO office and then you’re going to get a box number.
It’s going to be 123 Main Street number 101. Maybe next time you will get number 208, or whatever. My point is each one of those are each considered a unique address because of the box number, makes it unique. Does that make sense? I mean you could probably do it with your own home address, like if your home address was 123 Maple Street, and you did 123 Maple Street, or 123-A, and 123-B, 123-C you could probably get away with that, but I certainly wouldn’t recommend it. Again, it’s cheap enough to where you can just buy additional boxes and I like to do that.
People have asked me before, do you continue to rent the PO box after you’ve received the PO box, or excuse me, the verification card? Yes. I do. I pay for everyone of those. I’ve got PO boxes that I’ve been paying for, for years, guys, I renew them every year, it’s only happened to me twice in my entire digital marketing career that I’ve had to reverify via postcard, a business listing, it’s only happened twice in six or seven years, now.
However, when it happens, if it happens I have the ability to retrieve the postcard, because I renew the boxes every year and it’s a nominal fee, guys. In the less populated areas I can get a PO box for a year for about 60 bucks, or $64.00 something like that. So, $64.00 per year, roughly. Okay? For the more populated areas it cost me $128.00 a year. It’s so inexpensive, it’s such a small cost of doing business that I just pay for it. Okay?
One Address For Multiple GMB Pages In Denmark
Okay. Anyways. “Can I use the very same address for multiple, different businesses in the same area, or city. Note, I live in Denmark. Thank you for your help.” I guess I should answer that, I don’t know about Denmark, I cannot speak for anything in any foreign country, guys. All I can talk about specifically for local is within the United State, but I’m quite sure that if I can get away with doing what I’m doing in the US you could probably get away with it in Denmark. You probably would get away with a hell of a lot more in Denmark, I’m sure. In which case you might, you could possibly use one address and then just put that unique identifier like dash A, dash B, dash C, you could probably get away with that in Denmark, again, I don’t know. I don’t have any experience in that market, but in the US it’s a little bit stricter, typically, and that’s why I just use unique address for each location, like in other words a unique, it gets a unique box number, which makes it unique. Okay? All right. Cool.
Hump Day Hangouts For Semantic Mastery Students On Amazon, Rank & Rent, Etc.
Toby [inaudible 00:13:18], he says, “Can you do a Hump Day Hangouts with your students who are killing it Rank to Rant, or Amazon, Shopify, PayPerCall et cetera, or PayPerCall, et cetera?” I asked him this question yesterday, I guess, because I was trying to clarify, he said, yeah, by the way if you’re watching Toby, what’s up, he says, yes. “Should we bring on guest presenters?” We do that in the Mastermind, Toby. We bring guest presenters on in the Mastermind. We had Clint Butler on two weeks ago, which was awesome, because he did training on PageSpeed, which was awesome, because some of our Mastermind members implemented what he trained for that session and were able to reduce the page load times to under a second. I think it was like three quarters of a second, which was awesome.
Anyways, tomorrow we’ve got our very own Wayne Clayton, he’s been one of our most engaged Mastermind members, and he’s had phenomenal success, and he’s coming on tomorrow to be a guest presenter, to talk about prospecting and his unique approach to prospecting and landing clients. He’s had a lot of experience in the media industry, so he’s got a unique approach that a lot of us in the digital marketing industry haven’t seen or heard. I’m actually really looking forward to having him to come on tomorrow to give his presentation and answer questions about his prospecting methods. Again, Toby, we do that kind of stuff in the Mastermind. Hump Day Hangouts is really supposed to be a forum for Q and A. Okay? It doesn’t mean that we cannot setup a separate webinar for that, sometime, but we’d have to figure out a good angle for it.
Marco: Yeah. Then, we’d also have to be careful about giving away the niche, or any of that information, because actually I had someone do that in the RYS Facebook group and when he posted the URL, directly after that, a couple of days later, he got hit with a ton of spam, so we know that it was someone from our own RYS Academy that went and did that. I don’t know why they would do that to someone who is trying to help and show how he’s doing it, but it’s one of the reasons why we try to protect it, and keep it inside the Mastermind where we know most of the people are trustworthy.
Bradley: Yeah. I totally agree. That’s why that’s in part why we do stuff like that on the Mastermind, guys, because it’s a very, very tight group, like an intimate group, so it makes it a lot easier. It doesn’t mean that there’s not people there that can be malicious, as well, because there certainly can be, but it’s less likely.
Anchor Text Variation In Link Building
Okay. Doctor Brain McKay, he says, “When building links is it better to use one, and only one variation? For example, dub, dub, dub, or just HTTP, or just a domain.com. I have heard varying advice where you would use all and someone else saying use one every time you build a link.” You know, honestly, I’ve used variations, if I were to be using spam tools, which I don’t anymore, at all. I don’t ever run them, myself, but I would always use variations.
Here’s a good example, Brian, in the recent weeks I’ve done several case studies for different YouTube tools, they’re all in the bonus site that I just showcased a minute ago. One of them being Live Rank Sniper and the other one being Rocket Video Ranker Pro, and there has been some spinning and all that for the video descriptions and that kind of stuff, which is pretty typical for any sort of spam work, and those are in my opinion they’re both spam tools, they can be used to not spam, but the way that I used them was very intentionally to spam, and because of that I just started doing a lot of spinning and stuff like that again in the last few weeks, which I had gotten away from for a while.
When I create the links that go in the video description to where I want to direct people to, I like to use all the different variations as you just laid out here. HTTP, if there’s HTTPS as well, if the SSL protocol is available then I’ll go ahead and add that one in, as well. I’ll use the trailing slash with and without the trailing slash, I’ll use dub, dub, dub and non dub, dub, so I use all variation of them so that it adds variety and diversity to the video description. In other words, if we’ve got 15 videos in the same channel, I want the URL, the call to action URL to be a variation all the time, if possible. Just because it gives more diversity to the thing. Now, as far as the SEO purposes, since they all resolve to the same location, I don’t think it makes much difference, but I’d like to hear Marco and Hernan’s input on this, please.
Marco: It’s just acrotex variation, that’s why you do that. The destinations is usually all the same, but also you want to keep that, you might, people don’t all link the same way. They-
Bradley: That’s right.
Marco: If you go throughout the web, like you get 100 people they’re all going to link to a website a different way. Some will use a dub, dub, dub. I particularly don’t anymore, because I know it will resolve to the dub, dub, dub anyway.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: I use them all simply because that’s what people do on the web. It makes absolutely no sense, and whoever is advising only one variation is actually misguided.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: Because that’s not the way that people type.
Bradley: Now, the only time that I would recommend always using the exact same URL format is when you’re citing an NAP, name, address, phone number, so any time you’re going to create, or reference, or list an NAP somewhere within content, or link building, or something like that I would always recommend using the same type of URL. Just because it’s an NAP, you want data consistency as much as possible.
Marco: And, the URL should be whatever shows-
Bradley: Shows in Google My Business.
Marco: Yeah. To link to the website, where they say website, and you click on it, that’s the version that you should use in that one particular case.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: Yeah.
Hernan: Yeah. This case, I totally agree with Marco. That’s why we keep saying that you need to validate the entity on one of the main, you know, when your website is popular, or you’re trying it to appear to be popular, you need to emulate as much as possible human behavior that’s why you need to do things differently from time to time. I mean, different URLs people will mention your website differently, maybe they will spell it wrong. As long as the link is the link, you know, we had, I think we had Gary, Doctor Gary, came to a Mastermind and he showed how you can get links from really powerful websites just because they’re misspelled. You know?
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: As long as the URL is pointing correctly to your website, the anchor text could be misspelled, you know, it can be Semantic Mastery or something else, or Semantic Master as long as the hyperlink is pointing to semanticmastery.com. You know? Yeah. Vary it a little bit, that would be my intake on it.
Three Pack Map In Organic Ranking
Bradley: Very good. Okay. Ala, is up again, he says, “Hi. When the first three to four sites on the Google organic search are not the same ones as in Google three pack,” so the maps pack, “does that mean that it’s easy to rank in the three pack map, or the first page of the organic search for that specific niche? Thanks for the help.” It doesn’t meant that it’s going to be easy to rank in the map, it’s just means that the maps listings aren’t, the ones that are ranked in maps they’re on page for their sit isn’t as good, is not good enough to be on the first page.
In other words, and it doesn’t have to be just be the on page, it could be the combination of on page, or on page and off page, but typically the organic results, it’s a different algorithm. There’s a lot of overlap between the local algorithm and the organic algorithm, now, it’s a lot more closely related now than it used to be. That was particularly where a lot of that marriage occurred was the Pigeon update, if you guys remember that. That was, shit, that was probably two years ago, now. Amazing how time flies. There is some overlap there, but for example Ala, I don’t ever, I don’t care at all about organic rankings anymore for lead gen, or for local stuff, when I have a physical location available, even if that means I have to black half the physical location using a PO box. Right?
I don’t care about organic anymore at all for lead gen and local stuff, only because I know from all my lead gen assets is that my call volume drops for stuff that was organic only. My call volume dropped 60%, because of the new SERP layout. Right? When I say new, it’s not new anymore, but the SERP layout as it stands today, which is four ads, typically four ads and a maps pack, so you end up going past seven freaking listings before you ever get to the first organic. I can tell you right now, the reason why I’m telling you this is because I have multiple lead gen sites all over the place that are ranked in maps, but they might be on page two or page three in organic. I don’t care.
It doesn’t bother me, because the phone calls are coming from the maps pack, or from AdsWords, excuse me AdWords. I’m either getting calls from my ads, or I’m getting calls from the maps pack. I don’t get calls from organic, very, very rarely do I get calls from organic when a map is displayed for a search query. Right? Most search queries are going to display. Now, I will still target organic for lead gen and local, like if I’m doing video campaigns, for example, because you cannot get a video, well, I say you cannot, it’s unlikely to get a video above the maps pack, anymore, for a local term. Okay?
I still will do spamming with YouTube and stuff like that for organic rankings, but when it comes to websites, and stuff, I personally don’t care if there’s a maps pack that shows for the search query, then I’m going to try to rank in the maps pack, not the organic. Okay? Typically, when there’s a difference between what’s showing in maps, and what’s showing in organic it’s because the site that’s ranking in maps, but not in organic is speaking, or it’s more congruent with what the map’s algorithm was.
If that makes sense. But maybe not as much for the organic. Like I said, it could be a, I found that’s often times more an on page issue, than an off page issue, but it could be both. I’m just saying personally when I’ve been able to identify issues where I’m not ranking as good organically as I should be based upon my maps ranking, it’s a lot of the times, at least in my experiences it’s been because of on page issues, either over optimization, which triggers Panda, again, it’s just Panda in general. Thin content, over optimization, things like that. You guys got any input on that?
Marco: Yeah. I would just tell him he is trying to do local since he talked about the map pack before.
Bradley: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Marco: Right? I’m thinking he wants, the way that you do that is entity. You do the entity. You validate it, then you push trust, and authority, and relevance up to the entity, it’s called RYS Academy, by the way. That’s how you force all of that up to the entity and over to the destination and you could actually do both. Rank in maps and organic.
IFTTT Syndicated Video As Duplicate Content
Bradley: Yeah. That’s what I would do. All right. Cool. We’re going to keep moving. Let’s see who is next Balint, sorry if I mispronounce that, he says, “Thanks for last weeks input I was rather asking about how to make both RSS and YouTube syndication to work for the same network. My idea, I upload a video, unlisted to YouTube, I have it transcribed to make a post to my main site with the additional content, the video is embedded and the title is different. That post with transcription gets syndicated via RSS trigger. I make the video public a bit later on, because it’s public now the sole video gets syndicated via YouTube upload trigger, too. Maybe not to the main blog, though. Would that work, or still count as duplicate spam?” No. That would work, Balint. That’s absolutely fine.
I’ve said that in previous Hump Day Hangouts, that question has come up several times, Balint, so you’re not the first to ask it. It’s okay to post both the video to your channel and to your blog, and have them both syndicate to the same network, that’s absolutely fine. Where the problem occurs is when people have both their YouTube channel triggering their network and their blog, and they upload the video, which syndicates to their network, and then they just take the video and go embed it in a post on their blog with the same title, and usually not much different in the video description, either, and then they post that, because here’s the problem it won’t hurt your money site, your blog, and it won’t hurt your YouTube channel.
Where it can cause problems is on the network itself, the syndication network, because now you’ve got two posts that look nearly identical to your network properties, because it’s the same title, which ends up being the same title, and then you have the same video, so especially for Blogger, Tumblr, and WordPress where there’s embeds, because that’s basically, it’s going to look like the same post, basically, other than perhaps maybe some slight differences in text in the description area. But, if you’re going to change the title and usually make the title more like blog specific, right, because usually blog post, guys, are going to have more, you know, longer conversational, natural speech pattern type titles than a YouTube video, because YouTube videos are going to usually be synced keyword different type titles. Right, guys?
But, blog titles are generally going to be more like natural speech patterns. Right? So, if you’re going to take your video and also post it to your blog and have both syndicating to the same network, then it’s absolutely fine to do so if you’re going to make a different title, and if you’re going to have that video transcribed, you’re going to have a much longer description, so it’s not going to look like duplicate content on the web two properties. If that makes sense. That’s absolutely perfectly fine, Balint. I’m sorry if I misunderstood your question last week.
SEO Battle Plan For Rebranding
Roy says, “Got the Battle Plan reviewed it, question, just got a dental client and had to rebrand his practice, dissolved partnership,” okay, “So, the main practice name has changed to a new name, he then purchased another practice in a different city, I rebranded his practice website as ABC Dental Group with the two city locations. Do I just create one Google Plus page for the group.com, or different for each location?” No. You create a different Google page for each location, Roy. Well, I mean, let me rephrase that. If you’re creating a Google brand page, then you can have one brand page and reference both locations, but I understand that if you’re talking about, I’m sure you’re talking about Google My Business, a locations page. In which case you want a different page for each location. Okay?
There are brand pages and there are locations pages, and actually locations pages are no longer Google Plus pages at all, they’re maps pages. They’re not even part of Google Plus, anymore. Does that make sense? If you go in your Google My Business dashboard you access your maps data through maps, and your Google Plus page, which is now just a brand page, there is no local version of the brand page anymore that I’m aware of, anyways, because you edit your details on maps. Okay? Anyways, there might still be a locations Google Plus page, but I don’t know what the use of it is for, I don’t how it’s valuable at all anymore, to be honest with you, everything is now being, for the local part of it, it’s all being handled through maps. Okay? So, for that, yeah, go ahead and create a different locations page for each.
“Do I need to modify the Battle Plan for the purchase practice since it already has G-Plus established? I’m a bit confused on how to apply the Battle Plan to the situation.” I’m not sure I understand what you mean, the purchase practice since it already has a G-Plus established, I mean, if it’s already got a locations page, you’re going to have to rebrand all that stuff. Right? I mean, I think that’s what you’re saying, you said, he rebranded his practice with the two locations, Roy, I’m not really following all of the parts of this question, but if you the other business that he purchased had a Google My Business page, already, and now he purchased it, if he’s rebranding everything, what I would recommend, especially if that other business was established and had any sort of decent rankings in Google and/or maps. Right? If it was ranking.
You’re going to have to rebrand it, if it’s rebranded, I’m assuming it’s going to have to be rebranded, in which case what you’d want to do is don’t, I wouldn’t set up a new listing, because it’s going to have the same address unless the phone number changed, the name and the phone number, and the website, like if all of those data points change, then yes I would set up a new business. I would close, say that the other business was permanently closed then create a new listing, but you’d have to make sure that the only thing that was the same out of all the data points between name, address, phone number, and URL is the address. Right?
You’d have to have the different brand name, different phone number, different URL. Then, you could mark that other place as closed and start a new GMB page, which is what I would do if those other conditions were met. However, if the phone number, the physical location, and perhaps the web address, and/or the brand name or whatever are the same, if you don’t have all those unique properties within those four data points, there, then you’re going to have to do a citation cleanup, which would be going out and basically correcting all of the old citations to list the new data for the business. Does that make sense? That’s a pain in the ass, but that’s what you’re going to have to do.
I recommend, highly, that you go, if you guys can get the link ready, it’s http://ift.tt/2bbLT53, that’s L-O-G-A-N-I-X. That is a citation clean up service there that can handle that for you, well, provided that it’s in the US, they may do it in other areas, but I don’t know. Loganix citation cleanup service in the US is really, really good. You get about a 70% success rate, and they’re very, very thorough. That’s what I would recommend doing. Like I said, if you’re going to rebrand it and you get a new URL, and you’re going to change the phone number then I would set up a new listing all together, because that’s going to be a lot less of a headache than trying to fix old citations, that’s just a real pain in the ass, and that’s why I just outsource that all the time. All right. We’re going to keep moving.
Hernan: Sorry, Bradley, but it’s on the events page, http://ift.tt/2bbLT53.
Generating Quality Leads From Google Adwords Campaigns
Bradley: Okay. If you want to followup, Roy, with us in one of our groups Facebook or something with some more detail, like where it can be explained a little bit further we might be able to help you out a little bit better. I feel like I wasn’t able to answer that question, properly, because I don’t have all the details. Mark’s next, he says, “Hi, guys. Hope all is well. My question is about your Local Kingpin product, I’m starting to get somewhere now with SEO, but it does take forever, and that’s okay, I accept that’s how SEO goes and just get on with it, but I like the idea of starting with AdWords and then adding SEO lead gen later. I’m not asking for AdWords advice that’s what the training is for, and I’ve bought your products before, so I know it will be legit. My question is how did, or how is it going? Are you able to generate enough quality leads for your client? I work with contractors, if that helps, not looking for specific advice, just your opinion on how well AdWords works.” I’m crossinated with AdWords, guys, I mean, yeah, my profit is a lot smaller on my AdWords leads because I pay for the clicks and everything, but they’re so much easier to set up, and I can, I mean, that’s what Local Kingpin is about, Mark, is about setting up like literally you can set up a lead gen funnel and have traffic, and be receiving leads within 48 hours.
I mean, you could do it within a day, but I say within 48 hours because it usually takes me two days to set up a lead gen asset. Well, it used to take me two days, when I was new, but now I’ve got a lot of stuff, templatized, like I’ve got Click Funnels, funnels that are already all set up. They’re generic funnels. I can just clone the funnel and then go in and swap out details, and I’ve got working procedure’s setup for a lot of stuff, now, so I have check lists that I can go through. That kind of stuff that makes it just really simple for me to set up a funnel, a lead gen asset, and turn on ads, and it’s like literally within a few hours of you submitting your first ad you can start generating traffic.
The main thing, Mark, if you go through Local Kingpin, which I highly recommend, especially for contractors, because that’s my market, is contractors. I mean, I love being able to generate leads with AdWords, now. I don’t know why I was so scared of AdWords for so long, but now I absolutely love it, because the speed in which I can generate, and here’s the thing, what I love about setting up AdWords funnels, guys, is I can determine right off the bat, right away, where my money keywords are. The 80/20 rule 100% applies to AdWords, and there’s a book by Perry Marshall called, The 80/20 Sales and Marketing. Go get the damn book. By it on Kindle, whatever. Pick it up, read it, because it is absolutely 100% correct when it comes to AdWords, especially for the local lead gen funnels. 80% of your traffic is going to come from 20% of your keywords. That’s it. All this shit that we do in SEO, where we scrap hundreds of keywords, and we build silos, and we have to do all this content, and we have to properly silo the content, we got to do all this internal linking, all that’s great it can pay off there’s no doubt, but so many of those keywords, or long tail and stuff like that where you’re going to get very little to no traffic from them.
Now, cumulatively they all build to make your site stronger and more relevant, which will generate more traffic, so there’s certainly a reason to do all that, but my point is we go through harvesting these great big keyword lists and all that stuff, and with AdWords, especially the way that I show how to do it using alpha beta campaign structure you can literally go in, do your keyword research in about a half an hour.
The main point for that is generating, or building a negative keyword list, because you ought to already know what your main money keywords are for the project that you’re working on. Really the keyword research is about building a negative keyword list, but then you plug in your money keywords, you add your negative keyword lists, use modified broad match, and then you let AdWords tell you where your money keywords are, and within a month you can identify your top keywords where 80% of your traffic is going to come from, and I guarantee you it will be 20% of your keywords.
Then, those are the keywords that you focus your SEO efforts on. As I mentioned, I think in the Local Kingpin training, I’m not starting any SEO projects from scratch anymore. I’m not starting new projects with SEO as my main promotional type, anymore. I’m not doing it, unless it’s YouTube spam, because I’m just not going to do it. From now on, I’m doing AdWords first to prove my keywords and prove that it’s converting and that kind of stuff, and then I’ll invest my time and effort into SEO for the keywords that I’ve identified as my winners.
Hernan: Yeah.
Bradley: Does that make sense?
Hernan: Yeah. I really like that approach, Bradley. The fact that you’re getting speed, that you’re getting, I mean, each rating on a project and you’re failing fast.
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: You’re finding out, you’re weeding out the keywords that are not going to work, that they’re not going to convert, and then you’re focusing on the keywords that are, and I think that’s really the key when it comes to paid advertising, is that you get data so much faster that your business can grow a lot more, because if you have to be waiting six months to get data on your business, it’s money, time is money.
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: If you’re doing SEO and waiting all of that time, then you’re spending all of that money that you could be earning, because you’re failing fast on your project. Once you have that, once you have the process in place you can still do SEO and you know that it’s going to pickup three to six months down the road, maybe a year down the road and you still do SEO, so that when that hits, or when you’re getting a decent amount of organic traffic, you know that the funnel is converting.
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: There’s basically no top to how much you can scale, it all depends on the market that you’re in. The market will tell you how much you can scale, or sell a product, or sell a service, whatever that is, but that’s basically why I like paid advertising combined with SEO, because again you don’t want to put all of your eggs in one basket.
Bradley: That’s correct.
Hernan: Like, one way or the other.
Bradley: Yeah. Here’s the thing, guys, think about this, you could spend months working on a project, and find out for SEO I mean, you could spend months working on trying to build the SEO for a project, set of keywords, whatever, and find out that it’s just not profitable. It’s not working. Now, you’ve spent months of effort and time on it, and probably money, as well. With AdWords you can prove it very, very quickly, whether it’s going to be profitable or not. If you can make it profitable when you’re paying for the clicks, then it will be profitable for SEO, there’s no doubt, because you won’t be paying, I mean, you do pay for those clicks with time and effort, and somewhat money, too. You know what I mean? It’s indirect. You’re paying indirectly, not directly for clicks.
Again, that’s number one. Number two, the other part of that, Mark, is why I love AdWords for local lead gen now is because if you do register a mailbox and it can be a PO box, it doesn’t even have to be verified, guys. You can register local addresses and set up AdWords campaigns and use the location’s extension. Are you hearing this? You don’t even have to have a verified address and it will still show the location’s extension in your ad and it will also, if you’ve got your ads set up properly and you’re at the top of the search, or the top of the ads pack, which as to do with quality score, you’ll end up in the maps, an ad in the first maps position. Not necessarily in the three pack.
On mobile devices, if you have call only ads set up you can show up in the three pack on mobile devices, but on desktop, I haven’t seen, I haven’t been able to get any of my ads to show up in the three pack on desktop, but I have been able to get almost virtually all of my ads to show up in the first position in maps, so when somebody clicks on the more results, it will show my ad at the very top of the results when that page expands. If that makes sense.
That’s the thing, and again with location extensions you don’t even need to verify the address. I know that, because one of the lead gen funnels I set up for Local Kingpin, Google was not sending me the verification postcard, so I went ahead and said, screw it, I’m going to continue with the project and I went ahead and added the location’s extension and you have to link it to your Google My Business profile, and then select whatever page, and I linked that page to it and I thought well, let’s just check it and see if it works, and damn if it didn’t show my maps extension in the ad, even though it was an unverified address, which is awesome. Right? I just wanted to give you guys that little nugget. Local Kingpin, guys, is a great, great course if you’re doing lead gen and you’re not using AdWords, you’re crazy, in my opinion. Okay.
Battle Plan Versus RYS Academy, Syndication Academy & Other Semantic Mastery Products
All right. Herovic, he says, “Hi. I have a question regarding the Battle Plan, how is it different than the IFTTT Academy, RYS, or the Mastermind? Does it add something new, or is it a blueprint that incorporates all of them? Thank you.” Well, a $20.00 PDF certainly cannot incorporate IFTTT, RYS, and the Mastermind. It would be nice if it could, but it would be an awfully big PDF if we did.
Hernan: Yeah. [inaudible 00:41:58] depth of Semantic Mastery and the three years-
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: In Mastermind. I know all of the nuggets that are RYS, it’s going to be longest.
Bradley: Yeah. That would be very, Herovic, the Battle Plan is basically, the process is that we use for working on any digital assets, whether they’re established or they’re just being launched. It’s the same, it’s just the series of steps that we take for setting up the networks, and link building, and citations, and press releases, and like all of the different steps in the order that we do them. It’s the same process that we’ve used for years, now.
All we did was put it in a simple format, including links to the products and services that we use for that kind of stuff, which most of them are our own services, anyways, because we developed all of those services specifically because we use them. We only made our services available to others, because we kept getting asked for it. We had developed our services, for us, originally. Okay. That’s all it is. It’s very, very simple. It doesn’t need to be complicated. Some people wished it was more complicated, and that’s why I said, you know, I don’t know, stand on your head while you perform the tasks. I don’t know.
Marco: Can I add something more to this?
Bradley: Please, do.
Marco: Yeah. Our Battle Plan is a blueprint. A blueprint is used to build a house.
Bradley: Right.
Marco: The blueprint does not build the house for you, you have to follow the blueprint and go and build a house, using whatever tools are necessary for the construction of whatever it is that you want to make of that house according to the blueprint that you’re using. I mean, I cannot put it any clearer, or plainer than that. Get a blueprint on what you’re supposed to do and how you’re supposed to do it, not why you’re supposed to do it, and definitely it’s not going to get done for you. I hope that clarifies-
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: Everything.
Bradley: Again, it’s very simple Herovic, it’s the process that we use, and I like simple, that’s why we made it simple, because it doesn’t need to be overcomplicated. If you want to learn more about Syndication Academy, and syndication networks, you’re certainly welcome to join, RYS, as well, Mastermind is our top level coaching group, and that you’re certainly welcome to join that, as well.
Rocket Video Ranker Vs Live Rank Sniper
Next question, “How does the Rocket Video Ranker differ from Live Rank Sniper? Can we emulate its functionality and do it manually? What’s the principle behind it?” Yeah. They’re two different things. Live Rank Sniper, is really a keyword poking tool, and Peter Drew, the developer even calls it that, so it’s not like that’s a secret. It’s mainly a poking tool. You can use it to identify keywords, to test keywords with YouTube schedule of live events. You don’t even need to have a video. Right?
Live Rank Sniper doesn’t even require you to have a video, it’s just a software that automates the process of setting up YouTube scheduled live events, because of their indexable schedule with live events, they will index without even a video, they’re just place holders in the index, and then once you have identified keywords you can, if you want, stream directly to those scheduled live events through Live Rank Sniper. It’s a manual process, and it takes time. I say, manual, it’s semi automated in that you only have to click the mouse a couple times for it to start doing its thing, but then you have to wait for the software to run to stream the video, and it will end and then you have to stream, you know, click the mouse a few times to go stream to the next scheduled live event that’s ranking. I don’t recommend it for that. I recommend using it specifically for identifying keywords, using it as a poking tool. Okay? If you want a tool that works seamlessly with Live Rank Sniper I would say Hangout Millionaire, which is Peter Drew’s upgrade, like that’s his top level, well, it’s currently his top level SEO video marketing software, but he’s coming out, well, I’m not going to say anything else. That’s a great tool, as well, though, it works really good with Live Rank Sniper.
Rocket Video Ranker is a different animal all together. Rocket Video Ranker is freaking fabulous. It’s a loophole as far as I’m concerned. The way that it works, but basically you upload, you just do uploads with Rocket Video Ranker, but it automates uploading multiple videos at one time very, very quickly in a very unique fashion. The way that it works, it’s very unique, I don’t know how long it’s going to last, or even why it works the way that it does, but it works really, really well, right now. I know, because I used a shit ton, I used a lot of it. I used it a lot, excuse me, over the last two weeks, and the case study, by the way, just so you know, the case study in here, look, this is it, guys, I mean, I’ve got 11, there’s got to be two and a half hours worth of content in this case study, alone. Exactly how I use it, and it’s great because you can set up digital assets.
YouTube channels, you can turn YouTube channels into digital assets very quickly using this, and I even talk about it in the strategy session here, in what’s the very last video here, it’s called, What’s Next, I talk very specifically about a strategy that you can hire virtual assistants to run the software for you, and literally create dozens and dozens of these digital assets, YouTube channel assets, and you can monetize them, and there’s multiple ways to do that, as well, and I talk about that in the case study. Hopefully, that makes some sense. Herovic, if you don’t have either one of them go buy the PDF, the Battle Plan and you should have access to this bonus study, excuse me, this bonus membership site and if you do, then just go through watch the first couple videos of each one of the case studies, and you make the decision as to what is best for your business. Okay? They’re available for you to watch, so that you can make that decision.
Changes To The iFrame Tag
All right. I only got about eight minutes left, so let’s roll through these next few. Ivan, says, “Hey, guys. I embedded a Google My Maps in an article on my website and I shared it to my tier one network. If I had something in the iframe will it syndicate automatically on the network, or do I have to resubmit my article via my RSS feed?” Yeah. No. Well, wait a minute. Yeah. If you’re updating the iframe, it should update everywhere, because it’s the same iframe. Am I correct, Marco, or no?
Marco: That’s correct. The iframe will show whatever is in the source.
Bradley: Okay.
Marco: But, hang on, if he’s changing the iframe that it’s structured in the website, it’s not going to update everywhere else.
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: But, I think, well, Ivan, if you’re listening, maybe you can comment, but I think that what he’s saying is if he adds something, well, yeah, I know, if he adds something to the code that’s not going to resyndicate, but if you change what’s within the iframe-
Bradley: Right.
Hernan: Then it could, like if you change something within the Google My Maps, you know, like if you add another marker for example, that will automatically show everywhere, but if you add, I don’t know, whatever, a piece of code to that iframe, that’s not going to resyndicate. Am I correct? Am I right?
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: That’s correct. You would-
Bradley: [crosstalk 00:49:18] past the closing iframe tag, then that’s not going to update across the properties. Right?
Hernan: Right.
Bradley: Right. If that’s what you mean, Ivan, if you’re trying to add stuff like beyond the closing iframe tag, then no. You’d have to issue a new, or publish a new post. Here’s the thing guys, you cannot publish a post and have it syndicate to your network, and then go back and edit the post on your money site, and then expect it to edit all the posts that it was syndicated to, as well. It doesn’t work like that. You’d have to go delete the original post and then basically republish the post as a new post in order for it to trigger the RSS feed to syndicate, as a new post. Right? There is a plugin that you can use in WordPress, it’s called, Republish Old Posts, funny enough. Right?
Republish Old Posts, and I’ll say WP, or WordPress, that’s it right there. This plugin right here, you can use this plugin to republish old posts, it will reinsert them into your RSS feed, which will trigger a new syndication, you can do something like that if you wanted. But, yeah, if you’re changing something within the iframe, it’s going to update everywhere that the iframe was syndicated to, if you’re changing something outside of the closing iframe tag, then no, you’d have to force the syndication all over again. Okay? He says, “By the way, my comment on Semantic Mastery sales page, wow, I was surprised it’s like having a page one, position one on Google.” That’s awesome. Thanks, Ivan.
Using Proxies For IFTTT Properties
David says, “When creating a branded network, is it necessary to use proxies for any account work, once a network is in place. How much lift does using stacks of interlinked Google properties add?” First of all, is it necessary to use proxies for any account work? No. It’s not necessary. I recommend if you’re building a ton of networks that you have at least five dedicated proxies, any ways, that you can cycle through. I recommend, and this is covered in the training, David, but I recommend never trying to create more than two accounts with the same IP within 24 hours. Okay? Again, you can do it with your own IP, it’s fine you don’t need any proxies at all, as long as you’re not, and when I say, I mean, don’t try creating two accounts on the same account platform.
In other words, don’t try to create more than two Tumblrs, for example, or two Gmail addresses within 24 hours from the same IP. It will flag your IP and trust me, it will cause problems. If you’re going to be doing a lot of building, which again I don’t recommend you do, you should outsource that or just go to SERP Space and buy networks, but if you’re going to be doing a lot of that kind of stuff, then I recommend that you have at least five proxies, dedicated proxies, you want them to be clean. Dedicated means you are only using them, don’t get shared proxies. I also, highly recommend if you are going to be building a lot of networks that you use Browseo. Seriously. I mean, I got it opened, right here. I mean, it’s crazy, I got all these Browseo, I got this open all the time now, guys, it’s insane, because it’s a great, great tool. Okay?
“Once a network is in place, how much lift does using stacks of interlink Google properties add?” It depends, David. It depends if the Google stacks are created properly. It depends on how they’re done. It depends on which keywords, there’s just so many variables there, if they’re done correctly you can expect a substantial increase in rank. Okay? But, if you don’t do it correctly then, you know, I cannot speak, it might not help at all, in fact it might even cause problems. I don’t know. It just depends if they’re done right, or not.
Marco: It also depends on how much risk he’s willing to take, as far as, hammering the drive stack properties.
Local SEO For Business Franchise In The Same City
Bradley: Yeah. Okay. Ken, says, we’re almost done, guys, we only got a couple minutes left. He says, “I’m looking for clarity on ranking for local. I have a client that is a franchise. There are four locations within seven to 10 miles of each other, so I don’t think it would be reasonable to try to rank all of them for the same keyword. Franchise name, city, state.” For the same keyword. I’m sorry guys, I was just rereading that. “Since I would be competing against myself in each location, I can just see it now the management in each location would be pissed off if I wasn’t ranking them at the top of the three pack. I do understand that there would be overlap, and so do they. The only differentiating factor to each location is different zip codes, it’s a minor overlap.” Oh, wow, so it’s the same city and everything. “[inaudible 00:53:54] don’t show any search volume for franchise name, city, state,” yeah, I mean it probably wouldn’t. Well, if it’s franchise, yeah, maybe, because it has a franchise name. Right. But, what about the keyword? Instead of franchise name. Anyways, “I don’t think, so do I go ahead and only focus on franchise city, state, zip code, for each location and big G will pick up the fact of the search’s location? How would you suggest going after this? What would you do?”
Ken, that’s a really good question. I’ve never had to experience that, so it would take me some thought, we don’t have time for me to go, I mean, I’d literally have to think about it. Is Ken in any of our, he’s not in our Mastermind is he? I don’t think he is. Ken, this would be an awesome question for us to dissect in Mastermind, I sure wish you were in there, buddy. Let me think about this one a little bit, Ken, and we can revisit it next week. Sorry, if you cannot wait until then, because otherwise join the Mastermind, because we’ve got a Mastermind tomorrow, this could be a great question to dissect, but otherwise you are going to have to wait until next week, and I’m going to make a note right now.
Marco: If I could just add that right now the main factor for a three pack, or for what appears to search is proximity, I mean, that’s without question what the main factor, I mean-
Bradley: Especially for mobile.
Marco: [crosstalk 00:55:19]. If you are mobile, yeah, and you’re talking about nearly 70% of people right now who are searching on mobile, but I was just doing something on that last week, and sharing it with someone that-
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: Proximity seems to be the overriding factor. I mean, before anything else Google will pick up proximity.
Bradley: Yeah. So, Ken, again, if you’re in Mastermind, or if you want, you should join, and I’m not saying that for any other reason other than this would be a really good question to really dig into, but otherwise, I’ve got a note, I’ll think about this a little bit, maybe consult with Marco a bit, and then we’ll have kind of a concise answer for you next week. Okay? All right. I’m just going to read Wayne’s comment, really quickly, then we’ve got to wrap it up, guys, because I’ve got to go. He says, “Word on the street is that you are sharing something tomorrow on Mastermind that will elevate our business. Is something special planned for the next Mastermind?” Why, yes. It’s this guy named Wayne Clayton, who’s going to be on tomorrow sharing some of his expertise in prospecting and dealing with clients and his process of determining how much money they have to spend, what their goals are, and all that kind of stuff.
I was super impressed with a post that he made in one of the Facebook groups, one of our Facebook groups about a particular method that he uses whenever he’s prospecting and pitching clients, or at least asking questions of the clients, of prospects, excuse me. It was really detailed and I was super impressed, so I reached out to Wayne and asked him if he’d come on and be a guest presenter for the Mastermind, to share some of his stuff, and so I’m actually really looking forward to it. In part, because we are, in Semantic Mastery, we’re really ramping up something on the side that we’re working on that’s going to be requiring a lot of prospecting work.
Maybe in the near future, there’s going to be a full on, full blown prospecting course coming out from us, because that’s something that I’m working on right now, so I’m really anxious to hear what Wayne’s got, because some of that might even get included in what will be coming out with our prospecting course, in the future. Anyways, hopefully anybody that’s not in our Mastermind, it would be a good time to join, so go to mastermind.semanticmastery.com if you want to find out more about that, otherwise, we’ll see everybody next week.
Marco: Sounds good.
Bradley: Thanks, everybody. We’ll see you all later.
Hernan: Bye guys.
Bradley: Bye.
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 128 posted first on your-t1-blog-url from Blogger http://ift.tt/2pXIUHZ via IFTTT
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brendajhensonblog · 7 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 128
Click on the video above to watch Episode 128 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Bradley: We’re live. We’re back on Hangouts, guys, because webinar wouldn’t even start for us today, anyway. Hey everybody, Bradley Benner, here. Semantic Mastery, this is the Hump Day Hangouts episode 128, today is March 19th 2017, and we’ve got Chris, Hernan and Marco on with us. Adam is off running in the woods, again.
Hernan: Yeah. No. I think he was moving.
Bradley: He was moving? Is that what we’re calling it today?
Hernan: Yeah. Let’s call it like that.
Bradley: That’s cool. Chris, what’s up man?
Chris: Doing good. Right from a snowstorm here in Vienna.
Bradley: Guys, hold on, I guess Marco and Hernan you guys can chat for a minute.
Chris: Sure.
Marco: Yeah.
Bradley: Marco?
Marco: I’m good, man. We got really bad electrical storms, my electricity keeps coming in and out. If I drop off the Google police didn’t get me, the lightening storm got me. Sorry about that.
Chris: It’s cool.
Hernan: We started to think this is some kind of conspiracy, since we launched Battle Plan.
Marco: [crosstalk 00:01:09]. I’m telling you. We’re teaching people how to rank and they don’t like, so they’re trying to do everything they can to keep us off the air.
Hernan: Yeah.
Chris: We make things too easily available out there, that’s the thing.
Bradley: All right. Hopefully everybody refreshed the page, because on the event page, because you have to refresh the page for the new video to show up.
Marco: Okay. You both said it already.
Bradley: Let me see.
Hernan: Yeah.
Bradley: Yeah. Okay. All right, guys. Let’s get into it. I guess, we got probably a couple of announcements. We can stay to the actual five o'clock mark today, because we got started a few minutes early, or late guys. Anyways, let’s get into announcements. Hernan, what do we got?
Hernan: Yeah. Real quick. One of the things if you haven’t already, we strongly suggest that you get a copy of the Semantic Mastery, the SEO Domination Battle Plan. That will launch on Monday. Right now, the prices are real for the value that you’re getting and basically the coupon ends, I think it’s going to end in two hours, if I’m not mistaken. Then it’s going to double, more than double the price.
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: Go ahead get it. I’m going to put the link on the event page, but it’s basically battleplan.semanticmastery.com. Go ahead download it, we tried to make a really concise, simple guide, step by step document that you can come back over, and over, and over again, depending if you have each sites, new sites, YouTube videos, local websites, it’s everything in there. The way we do it. The way we implement it. That’s the main idea with Battle Plan. If you’re looking for something simple, go ahead and get it. If you’re looking for something more complex, or if you want more support, et cetera, come join the Mastermind, but that’s basically the main idea of the Battle Plan.
Bradley: There’s a couple of things that I want to mention about that. Is number one we had some people say your process cannot be simple. Well, actually it is.
Marco: It is.
Bradley: You know, that’s really what we do, guys, and that’s why I continually say on these Hump Day Hangouts that I like easy. Don’t over complicate shit, guys. If you want to make it complicated, then just stand on your head while you’re doing it. I don’t know. All I’m saying is those are the exact same services that we use, the same procedures, the process in order, in the steps that we do it in. It’s not difficult. I mean, we’ve got the infrastructure behind us, which is provided, it’s available for you guys, as well to use the same services that we use. I mean, again, some people said, well, it cannot be that simple, it’s just because I think by nature we as SEO’s and marketers typically want to over complicate shit, so that’s part of it and the other thing is, and just very quickly, let me grab the screen, I want to show you something here. You guys are seeing my screen, correct?
Chris: Yeah.
Bradley: This is the bonus site, guys. I think there’s more value in the freaking bonus site then there is in the actual PDF, so I just wanted to point this out real quick. This is something that wasn’t even mentioned on the sales page, but you get access to this bonus site that has a ton of different bonus stuff in here, and the bonus webinar section alone there’s multiple webinars, here, including on of our webinars that Marco just did, recently on iframe and java script secrets that’s a pay per view webinar of a $147.00 and that’s been included, as well. We’ve got a ton of different, you know, there’s case studies in here for Live Rank Sniper, for Rocket Video Ranker Pro, the v-mail prospecting course, which is the basic course I’m probably going to be doing a full blown course for that in the next couple months. Again, I just wanted to point out for a $20.00 PDF, there’s absolutely no reason why you guys shouldn’t pick it up for the simplicity of it, number one. Number two, because you get access to a bunch of amazing bonuses. Okay.
Hernan: Yeah.
Marco: The bonuses are, that’s the reason why it’s going to $100.00 when it’s all said and done.
Bradley: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Marco: Because it’s worth way more than a 100 bucks, but I mean-
Bradley: Damn right it is.
Marco: We wanted to keep it accessible to all of our members and followers, so they could actually have a plan that they could follow to achieve their success. If you want to complicate things, I mean that’s fine as Bradley said, but it doesn’t really need to be. All you have to do is just follow the step by step process. If you want to do more, then you’re more than welcome to join Syndication Academy, you’re more than welcome to come into the Mastermind and ask us as many complex questions as you want, and we’ll answer them. You have full access to us, there. If not, just follow the training step by step. That’s all you have to do. Seriously.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: That’s it.
Bradley: I love it when somebody analysis the plan and says, oh, no, it cannot be that simple, this must not work.
Hernan: [crosstalk 00:06:05].
Hernan: Another thing that’s worth mentioning is that the bonus side that you get for free will be updated. We have a bunch of case studies that are going to be uploaded to the bonus site, so go ahead order it now, because again it’s going to 100 bucks, soon. Now, you can get it for $20.00, it’s crazy.
Bradley: Yeah.
Chris: What’s the coupon code, again?
Bradley: Missile launch.
Hernan: Yeah. It’s missile launch. Thank you, Chris. It’s missile launch, one word and it’s on the event page, again, battleplan.semantricmastery.com. That coupon is going to be available for the next two hours and then it’s going to more than double the price.
Bradley: Okay. Cool. All right. Do we have any other announcements, because if not, let’s get into it.
Marco: Let’s do it.
Bradley: All right. Cool. We’re we going to talk, we’re not talking about the next webinar, are we, yet? Marco?
Marco: No. You can just tell them what it’s going to be about.
Bradley: All right. We’re going to do another webinar in the series, Marco’s series that we’ve done three, now, and we’re about to do a fourth, which is going to be a structured data webinar, guys. We scheduled it, but I don’t know the date off hand.
Marco: It will be around April 8th.
Bradley: May. A Monday-
Marco: May.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: Sorry.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: May 8th.
Bradley: Monday. Excuse me Monday, May 8th. You’re right. I’m sorry.
Marco: Usual time. It will be then, if it changes we have plenty of time to let people know.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: I’m working on that.
Bradley: You guys will get notifications via email and stuff for registration, so I just wanted to let you guys know that, that’s coming, as well. Okay. All right. Cool. I’m going to grab the screen and we’re going to get into questions. It feels weird to be back in Hangouts, man. It feels kind of like home.
Hernan: Yeah.
Bradley: You know?
Chris: It’s actually working.
Bradley: It’s working, too.
Chris: Right.
Private Home Address For A Lead Gen Site’s Google My Business Page
Bradley: Unlike WebinarJam, for some reason. All right. Ala, I’m sorry if I’m mispronouncing your name, forgive me, he says, “Hi, everyone. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to be part of the Hangout, I’m quite new to SEO and I have a question, which might sound very basic. My question is, can I use a private home address for local lead gen?” I believe we answered this question last week or the week before, but it seems like I remember this question. Yes. Of course, you can use your private home address for lead gen. Well, I don’t recommend doing it for fake businesses, or [inaudible 00:08:29] business. What I mean by, guys, obviously, I set up generic businesses, right, generic lead gen funnels, landing pages, whatever you want to call them. Assets. But, I don’t register all of them with my home address, and I wouldn’t recommend that you do that either.
Go get a PO Box. If you’re in the United States, go get a PO Box. I know some people say that’s not working, or isn’t going to work anymore. I covered this in a Facebook live post, recently, but I’m still able to get them to work. What happens is where the problem occurs is if you try to register multiple businesses, so Google My Business pages underneath the same account using multiple PO Boxes. I’ve had that happen to me a couple times in the last few months where I’ve, in the last six months, where I’ve had, I’ve tried to register two different PO Boxes within the same Google My Business owner account, profile, essentially, and I’ve gotten it flagged and I had to reverify.
In one case, I just abandoned it all together, and re-registered a new business under another profile, because it there was no way for me to verify it. I basically lost that one, but it’s not a big deal, it happens, guys. The way the work arounds so far to this point has been just to register one Google My Business profile per, or excuse me, My Business Account per profile, so that you essentially have a different account owner for each one. That’s the way I’ve been able to get around it, again, they may crack down on that at some point in the very near future, maybe so, but until then I’m going to continue exploiting it. That’s what I recommend you do.
You can also hire, rent virtual mailboxes from other places other than the PO box, but those are the cheapest and so far they are still working for me. Okay? Again, I do not recommend that you register a bunch of businesses to your home address, I mean, you can, but I wouldn’t do it. All right? The other thing is you don’t want to share the same address for multiple businesses. Guys, that’s part of the reason I like to use PO boxes, because they’re cheap enough, where even if I’ve got 10 businesses in the same, like I got 10 different lead gen funnels, let’s say 10 different industries and it’s in the same damn city, I can have 10 different PO boxes, because the deal is the address is going to be street address of the PO office and then you’re going to get a box number.
It’s going to be 123 Main Street number 101. Maybe next time you will get number 208, or whatever. My point is each one of those are each considered a unique address because of the box number, makes it unique. Does that make sense? I mean you could probably do it with your own home address, like if your home address was 123 Maple Street, and you did 123 Maple Street, or 123-A, and 123-B, 123-C you could probably get away with that, but I certainly wouldn’t recommend it. Again, it’s cheap enough to where you can just buy additional boxes and I like to do that.
People have asked me before, do you continue to rent the PO box after you’ve received the PO box, or excuse me, the verification card? Yes. I do. I pay for everyone of those. I’ve got PO boxes that I’ve been paying for, for years, guys, I renew them every year, it’s only happened to me twice in my entire digital marketing career that I’ve had to reverify via postcard, a business listing, it’s only happened twice in six or seven years, now.
However, when it happens, if it happens I have the ability to retrieve the postcard, because I renew the boxes every year and it’s a nominal fee, guys. In the less populated areas I can get a PO box for a year for about 60 bucks, or $64.00 something like that. So, $64.00 per year, roughly. Okay? For the more populated areas it cost me $128.00 a year. It’s so inexpensive, it’s such a small cost of doing business that I just pay for it. Okay?
One Address For Multiple GMB Pages In Denmark
Okay. Anyways. “Can I use the very same address for multiple, different businesses in the same area, or city. Note, I live in Denmark. Thank you for your help.” I guess I should answer that, I don’t know about Denmark, I cannot speak for anything in any foreign country, guys. All I can talk about specifically for local is within the United State, but I’m quite sure that if I can get away with doing what I’m doing in the US you could probably get away with it in Denmark. You probably would get away with a hell of a lot more in Denmark, I’m sure. In which case you might, you could possibly use one address and then just put that unique identifier like dash A, dash B, dash C, you could probably get away with that in Denmark, again, I don’t know. I don’t have any experience in that market, but in the US it’s a little bit stricter, typically, and that’s why I just use unique address for each location, like in other words a unique, it gets a unique box number, which makes it unique. Okay? All right. Cool.
Hump Day Hangouts For Semantic Mastery Students On Amazon, Rank & Rent, Etc.
Toby [inaudible 00:13:18], he says, “Can you do a Hump Day Hangouts with your students who are killing it Rank to Rant, or Amazon, Shopify, PayPerCall et cetera, or PayPerCall, et cetera?” I asked him this question yesterday, I guess, because I was trying to clarify, he said, yeah, by the way if you’re watching Toby, what’s up, he says, yes. “Should we bring on guest presenters?” We do that in the Mastermind, Toby. We bring guest presenters on in the Mastermind. We had Clint Butler on two weeks ago, which was awesome, because he did training on PageSpeed, which was awesome, because some of our Mastermind members implemented what he trained for that session and were able to reduce the page load times to under a second. I think it was like three quarters of a second, which was awesome.
Anyways, tomorrow we’ve got our very own Wayne Clayton, he’s been one of our most engaged Mastermind members, and he’s had phenomenal success, and he’s coming on tomorrow to be a guest presenter, to talk about prospecting and his unique approach to prospecting and landing clients. He’s had a lot of experience in the media industry, so he’s got a unique approach that a lot of us in the digital marketing industry haven’t seen or heard. I’m actually really looking forward to having him to come on tomorrow to give his presentation and answer questions about his prospecting methods. Again, Toby, we do that kind of stuff in the Mastermind. Hump Day Hangouts is really supposed to be a forum for Q and A. Okay? It doesn’t mean that we cannot setup a separate webinar for that, sometime, but we’d have to figure out a good angle for it.
Marco: Yeah. Then, we’d also have to be careful about giving away the niche, or any of that information, because actually I had someone do that in the RYS Facebook group and when he posted the URL, directly after that, a couple of days later, he got hit with a ton of spam, so we know that it was someone from our own RYS Academy that went and did that. I don’t know why they would do that to someone who is trying to help and show how he’s doing it, but it’s one of the reasons why we try to protect it, and keep it inside the Mastermind where we know most of the people are trustworthy.
Bradley: Yeah. I totally agree. That’s why that’s in part why we do stuff like that on the Mastermind, guys, because it’s a very, very tight group, like an intimate group, so it makes it a lot easier. It doesn’t mean that there’s not people there that can be malicious, as well, because there certainly can be, but it’s less likely.
Anchor Text Variation In Link Building
Okay. Doctor Brain McKay, he says, “When building links is it better to use one, and only one variation? For example, dub, dub, dub, or just HTTP, or just a domain.com. I have heard varying advice where you would use all and someone else saying use one every time you build a link.” You know, honestly, I’ve used variations, if I were to be using spam tools, which I don’t anymore, at all. I don’t ever run them, myself, but I would always use variations.
Here’s a good example, Brian, in the recent weeks I’ve done several case studies for different YouTube tools, they’re all in the bonus site that I just showcased a minute ago. One of them being Live Rank Sniper and the other one being Rocket Video Ranker Pro, and there has been some spinning and all that for the video descriptions and that kind of stuff, which is pretty typical for any sort of spam work, and those are in my opinion they’re both spam tools, they can be used to not spam, but the way that I used them was very intentionally to spam, and because of that I just started doing a lot of spinning and stuff like that again in the last few weeks, which I had gotten away from for a while.
When I create the links that go in the video description to where I want to direct people to, I like to use all the different variations as you just laid out here. HTTP, if there’s HTTPS as well, if the SSL protocol is available then I’ll go ahead and add that one in, as well. I’ll use the trailing slash with and without the trailing slash, I’ll use dub, dub, dub and non dub, dub, so I use all variation of them so that it adds variety and diversity to the video description. In other words, if we’ve got 15 videos in the same channel, I want the URL, the call to action URL to be a variation all the time, if possible. Just because it gives more diversity to the thing. Now, as far as the SEO purposes, since they all resolve to the same location, I don’t think it makes much difference, but I’d like to hear Marco and Hernan’s input on this, please.
Marco: It’s just acrotex variation, that’s why you do that. The destinations is usually all the same, but also you want to keep that, you might, people don’t all link the same way. They-
Bradley: That’s right.
Marco: If you go throughout the web, like you get 100 people they’re all going to link to a website a different way. Some will use a dub, dub, dub. I particularly don’t anymore, because I know it will resolve to the dub, dub, dub anyway.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: I use them all simply because that’s what people do on the web. It makes absolutely no sense, and whoever is advising only one variation is actually misguided.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: Because that’s not the way that people type.
Bradley: Now, the only time that I would recommend always using the exact same URL format is when you’re citing an NAP, name, address, phone number, so any time you’re going to create, or reference, or list an NAP somewhere within content, or link building, or something like that I would always recommend using the same type of URL. Just because it’s an NAP, you want data consistency as much as possible.
Marco: And, the URL should be whatever shows-
Bradley: Shows in Google My Business.
Marco: Yeah. To link to the website, where they say website, and you click on it, that’s the version that you should use in that one particular case.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: Yeah.
Hernan: Yeah. This case, I totally agree with Marco. That’s why we keep saying that you need to validate the entity on one of the main, you know, when your website is popular, or you’re trying it to appear to be popular, you need to emulate as much as possible human behavior that’s why you need to do things differently from time to time. I mean, different URLs people will mention your website differently, maybe they will spell it wrong. As long as the link is the link, you know, we had, I think we had Gary, Doctor Gary, came to a Mastermind and he showed how you can get links from really powerful websites just because they’re misspelled. You know?
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: As long as the URL is pointing correctly to your website, the anchor text could be misspelled, you know, it can be Semantic Mastery or something else, or Semantic Master as long as the hyperlink is pointing to semanticmastery.com. You know? Yeah. Vary it a little bit, that would be my intake on it.
Three Pack Map In Organic Ranking
Bradley: Very good. Okay. Ala, is up again, he says, “Hi. When the first three to four sites on the Google organic search are not the same ones as in Google three pack,” so the maps pack, “does that mean that it’s easy to rank in the three pack map, or the first page of the organic search for that specific niche? Thanks for the help.” It doesn’t meant that it’s going to be easy to rank in the map, it’s just means that the maps listings aren’t, the ones that are ranked in maps they’re on page for their sit isn’t as good, is not good enough to be on the first page.
In other words, and it doesn’t have to be just be the on page, it could be the combination of on page, or on page and off page, but typically the organic results, it’s a different algorithm. There’s a lot of overlap between the local algorithm and the organic algorithm, now, it’s a lot more closely related now than it used to be. That was particularly where a lot of that marriage occurred was the Pigeon update, if you guys remember that. That was, shit, that was probably two years ago, now. Amazing how time flies. There is some overlap there, but for example Ala, I don’t ever, I don’t care at all about organic rankings anymore for lead gen, or for local stuff, when I have a physical location available, even if that means I have to black half the physical location using a PO box. Right?
I don’t care about organic anymore at all for lead gen and local stuff, only because I know from all my lead gen assets is that my call volume drops for stuff that was organic only. My call volume dropped 60%, because of the new SERP layout. Right? When I say new, it’s not new anymore, but the SERP layout as it stands today, which is four ads, typically four ads and a maps pack, so you end up going past seven freaking listings before you ever get to the first organic. I can tell you right now, the reason why I’m telling you this is because I have multiple lead gen sites all over the place that are ranked in maps, but they might be on page two or page three in organic. I don’t care.
It doesn’t bother me, because the phone calls are coming from the maps pack, or from AdsWords, excuse me AdWords. I’m either getting calls from my ads, or I’m getting calls from the maps pack. I don’t get calls from organic, very, very rarely do I get calls from organic when a map is displayed for a search query. Right? Most search queries are going to display. Now, I will still target organic for lead gen and local, like if I’m doing video campaigns, for example, because you cannot get a video, well, I say you cannot, it’s unlikely to get a video above the maps pack, anymore, for a local term. Okay?
I still will do spamming with YouTube and stuff like that for organic rankings, but when it comes to websites, and stuff, I personally don’t care if there’s a maps pack that shows for the search query, then I’m going to try to rank in the maps pack, not the organic. Okay? Typically, when there’s a difference between what’s showing in maps, and what’s showing in organic it’s because the site that’s ranking in maps, but not in organic is speaking, or it’s more congruent with what the map’s algorithm was.
If that makes sense. But maybe not as much for the organic. Like I said, it could be a, I found that’s often times more an on page issue, than an off page issue, but it could be both. I’m just saying personally when I’ve been able to identify issues where I’m not ranking as good organically as I should be based upon my maps ranking, it’s a lot of the times, at least in my experiences it’s been because of on page issues, either over optimization, which triggers Panda, again, it’s just Panda in general. Thin content, over optimization, things like that. You guys got any input on that?
Marco: Yeah. I would just tell him he is trying to do local since he talked about the map pack before.
Bradley: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Marco: Right? I’m thinking he wants, the way that you do that is entity. You do the entity. You validate it, then you push trust, and authority, and relevance up to the entity, it’s called RYS Academy, by the way. That’s how you force all of that up to the entity and over to the destination and you could actually do both. Rank in maps and organic.
IFTTT Syndicated Video As Duplicate Content
Bradley: Yeah. That’s what I would do. All right. Cool. We’re going to keep moving. Let’s see who is next Balint, sorry if I mispronounce that, he says, “Thanks for last weeks input I was rather asking about how to make both RSS and YouTube syndication to work for the same network. My idea, I upload a video, unlisted to YouTube, I have it transcribed to make a post to my main site with the additional content, the video is embedded and the title is different. That post with transcription gets syndicated via RSS trigger. I make the video public a bit later on, because it’s public now the sole video gets syndicated via YouTube upload trigger, too. Maybe not to the main blog, though. Would that work, or still count as duplicate spam?” No. That would work, Balint. That’s absolutely fine.
I’ve said that in previous Hump Day Hangouts, that question has come up several times, Balint, so you’re not the first to ask it. It’s okay to post both the video to your channel and to your blog, and have them both syndicate to the same network, that’s absolutely fine. Where the problem occurs is when people have both their YouTube channel triggering their network and their blog, and they upload the video, which syndicates to their network, and then they just take the video and go embed it in a post on their blog with the same title, and usually not much different in the video description, either, and then they post that, because here’s the problem it won’t hurt your money site, your blog, and it won’t hurt your YouTube channel.
Where it can cause problems is on the network itself, the syndication network, because now you’ve got two posts that look nearly identical to your network properties, because it’s the same title, which ends up being the same title, and then you have the same video, so especially for Blogger, Tumblr, and WordPress where there’s embeds, because that’s basically, it’s going to look like the same post, basically, other than perhaps maybe some slight differences in text in the description area. But, if you’re going to change the title and usually make the title more like blog specific, right, because usually blog post, guys, are going to have more, you know, longer conversational, natural speech pattern type titles than a YouTube video, because YouTube videos are going to usually be synced keyword different type titles. Right, guys?
But, blog titles are generally going to be more like natural speech patterns. Right? So, if you’re going to take your video and also post it to your blog and have both syndicating to the same network, then it’s absolutely fine to do so if you’re going to make a different title, and if you’re going to have that video transcribed, you’re going to have a much longer description, so it’s not going to look like duplicate content on the web two properties. If that makes sense. That’s absolutely perfectly fine, Balint. I’m sorry if I misunderstood your question last week.
SEO Battle Plan For Rebranding
Roy says, “Got the Battle Plan reviewed it, question, just got a dental client and had to rebrand his practice, dissolved partnership,” okay, “So, the main practice name has changed to a new name, he then purchased another practice in a different city, I rebranded his practice website as ABC Dental Group with the two city locations. Do I just create one Google Plus page for the group.com, or different for each location?” No. You create a different Google page for each location, Roy. Well, I mean, let me rephrase that. If you’re creating a Google brand page, then you can have one brand page and reference both locations, but I understand that if you’re talking about, I’m sure you’re talking about Google My Business, a locations page. In which case you want a different page for each location. Okay?
There are brand pages and there are locations pages, and actually locations pages are no longer Google Plus pages at all, they’re maps pages. They’re not even part of Google Plus, anymore. Does that make sense? If you go in your Google My Business dashboard you access your maps data through maps, and your Google Plus page, which is now just a brand page, there is no local version of the brand page anymore that I’m aware of, anyways, because you edit your details on maps. Okay? Anyways, there might still be a locations Google Plus page, but I don’t know what the use of it is for, I don’t how it’s valuable at all anymore, to be honest with you, everything is now being, for the local part of it, it’s all being handled through maps. Okay? So, for that, yeah, go ahead and create a different locations page for each.
“Do I need to modify the Battle Plan for the purchase practice since it already has G-Plus established? I’m a bit confused on how to apply the Battle Plan to the situation.” I’m not sure I understand what you mean, the purchase practice since it already has a G-Plus established, I mean, if it’s already got a locations page, you’re going to have to rebrand all that stuff. Right? I mean, I think that’s what you’re saying, you said, he rebranded his practice with the two locations, Roy, I’m not really following all of the parts of this question, but if you the other business that he purchased had a Google My Business page, already, and now he purchased it, if he’s rebranding everything, what I would recommend, especially if that other business was established and had any sort of decent rankings in Google and/or maps. Right? If it was ranking.
You’re going to have to rebrand it, if it’s rebranded, I’m assuming it’s going to have to be rebranded, in which case what you’d want to do is don’t, I wouldn’t set up a new listing, because it’s going to have the same address unless the phone number changed, the name and the phone number, and the website, like if all of those data points change, then yes I would set up a new business. I would close, say that the other business was permanently closed then create a new listing, but you’d have to make sure that the only thing that was the same out of all the data points between name, address, phone number, and URL is the address. Right?
You’d have to have the different brand name, different phone number, different URL. Then, you could mark that other place as closed and start a new GMB page, which is what I would do if those other conditions were met. However, if the phone number, the physical location, and perhaps the web address, and/or the brand name or whatever are the same, if you don’t have all those unique properties within those four data points, there, then you’re going to have to do a citation cleanup, which would be going out and basically correcting all of the old citations to list the new data for the business. Does that make sense? That’s a pain in the ass, but that’s what you’re going to have to do.
I recommend, highly, that you go, if you guys can get the link ready, it’s semanticmastery.com/loganix, that’s L-O-G-A-N-I-X. That is a citation clean up service there that can handle that for you, well, provided that it’s in the US, they may do it in other areas, but I don’t know. Loganix citation cleanup service in the US is really, really good. You get about a 70% success rate, and they’re very, very thorough. That’s what I would recommend doing. Like I said, if you’re going to rebrand it and you get a new URL, and you’re going to change the phone number then I would set up a new listing all together, because that’s going to be a lot less of a headache than trying to fix old citations, that’s just a real pain in the ass, and that’s why I just outsource that all the time. All right. We’re going to keep moving.
Hernan: Sorry, Bradley, but it’s on the events page, semanticmastery.com/loganix.
Generating Quality Leads From Google Adwords Campaigns
Bradley: Okay. If you want to followup, Roy, with us in one of our groups Facebook or something with some more detail, like where it can be explained a little bit further we might be able to help you out a little bit better. I feel like I wasn’t able to answer that question, properly, because I don’t have all the details. Mark’s next, he says, “Hi, guys. Hope all is well. My question is about your Local Kingpin product, I’m starting to get somewhere now with SEO, but it does take forever, and that’s okay, I accept that’s how SEO goes and just get on with it, but I like the idea of starting with AdWords and then adding SEO lead gen later. I’m not asking for AdWords advice that’s what the training is for, and I’ve bought your products before, so I know it will be legit. My question is how did, or how is it going? Are you able to generate enough quality leads for your client? I work with contractors, if that helps, not looking for specific advice, just your opinion on how well AdWords works.” I’m crossinated with AdWords, guys, I mean, yeah, my profit is a lot smaller on my AdWords leads because I pay for the clicks and everything, but they’re so much easier to set up, and I can, I mean, that’s what Local Kingpin is about, Mark, is about setting up like literally you can set up a lead gen funnel and have traffic, and be receiving leads within 48 hours.
I mean, you could do it within a day, but I say within 48 hours because it usually takes me two days to set up a lead gen asset. Well, it used to take me two days, when I was new, but now I’ve got a lot of stuff, templatized, like I’ve got Click Funnels, funnels that are already all set up. They’re generic funnels. I can just clone the funnel and then go in and swap out details, and I’ve got working procedure’s setup for a lot of stuff, now, so I have check lists that I can go through. That kind of stuff that makes it just really simple for me to set up a funnel, a lead gen asset, and turn on ads, and it’s like literally within a few hours of you submitting your first ad you can start generating traffic.
The main thing, Mark, if you go through Local Kingpin, which I highly recommend, especially for contractors, because that’s my market, is contractors. I mean, I love being able to generate leads with AdWords, now. I don’t know why I was so scared of AdWords for so long, but now I absolutely love it, because the speed in which I can generate, and here’s the thing, what I love about setting up AdWords funnels, guys, is I can determine right off the bat, right away, where my money keywords are. The 80/20 rule 100% applies to AdWords, and there’s a book by Perry Marshall called, The 80/20 Sales and Marketing. Go get the damn book. By it on Kindle, whatever. Pick it up, read it, because it is absolutely 100% correct when it comes to AdWords, especially for the local lead gen funnels. 80% of your traffic is going to come from 20% of your keywords. That’s it. All this shit that we do in SEO, where we scrap hundreds of keywords, and we build silos, and we have to do all this content, and we have to properly silo the content, we got to do all this internal linking, all that’s great it can pay off there’s no doubt, but so many of those keywords, or long tail and stuff like that where you’re going to get very little to no traffic from them.
Now, cumulatively they all build to make your site stronger and more relevant, which will generate more traffic, so there’s certainly a reason to do all that, but my point is we go through harvesting these great big keyword lists and all that stuff, and with AdWords, especially the way that I show how to do it using alpha beta campaign structure you can literally go in, do your keyword research in about a half an hour.
The main point for that is generating, or building a negative keyword list, because you ought to already know what your main money keywords are for the project that you’re working on. Really the keyword research is about building a negative keyword list, but then you plug in your money keywords, you add your negative keyword lists, use modified broad match, and then you let AdWords tell you where your money keywords are, and within a month you can identify your top keywords where 80% of your traffic is going to come from, and I guarantee you it will be 20% of your keywords.
Then, those are the keywords that you focus your SEO efforts on. As I mentioned, I think in the Local Kingpin training, I’m not starting any SEO projects from scratch anymore. I’m not starting new projects with SEO as my main promotional type, anymore. I’m not doing it, unless it’s YouTube spam, because I’m just not going to do it. From now on, I’m doing AdWords first to prove my keywords and prove that it’s converting and that kind of stuff, and then I’ll invest my time and effort into SEO for the keywords that I’ve identified as my winners.
Hernan: Yeah.
Bradley: Does that make sense?
Hernan: Yeah. I really like that approach, Bradley. The fact that you’re getting speed, that you’re getting, I mean, each rating on a project and you’re failing fast.
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: You’re finding out, you’re weeding out the keywords that are not going to work, that they’re not going to convert, and then you’re focusing on the keywords that are, and I think that’s really the key when it comes to paid advertising, is that you get data so much faster that your business can grow a lot more, because if you have to be waiting six months to get data on your business, it’s money, time is money.
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: If you’re doing SEO and waiting all of that time, then you’re spending all of that money that you could be earning, because you’re failing fast on your project. Once you have that, once you have the process in place you can still do SEO and you know that it’s going to pickup three to six months down the road, maybe a year down the road and you still do SEO, so that when that hits, or when you’re getting a decent amount of organic traffic, you know that the funnel is converting.
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: There’s basically no top to how much you can scale, it all depends on the market that you’re in. The market will tell you how much you can scale, or sell a product, or sell a service, whatever that is, but that’s basically why I like paid advertising combined with SEO, because again you don’t want to put all of your eggs in one basket.
Bradley: That’s correct.
Hernan: Like, one way or the other.
Bradley: Yeah. Here’s the thing, guys, think about this, you could spend months working on a project, and find out for SEO I mean, you could spend months working on trying to build the SEO for a project, set of keywords, whatever, and find out that it’s just not profitable. It’s not working. Now, you’ve spent months of effort and time on it, and probably money, as well. With AdWords you can prove it very, very quickly, whether it’s going to be profitable or not. If you can make it profitable when you’re paying for the clicks, then it will be profitable for SEO, there’s no doubt, because you won’t be paying, I mean, you do pay for those clicks with time and effort, and somewhat money, too. You know what I mean? It’s indirect. You’re paying indirectly, not directly for clicks.
Again, that’s number one. Number two, the other part of that, Mark, is why I love AdWords for local lead gen now is because if you do register a mailbox and it can be a PO box, it doesn’t even have to be verified, guys. You can register local addresses and set up AdWords campaigns and use the location’s extension. Are you hearing this? You don’t even have to have a verified address and it will still show the location’s extension in your ad and it will also, if you’ve got your ads set up properly and you’re at the top of the search, or the top of the ads pack, which as to do with quality score, you’ll end up in the maps, an ad in the first maps position. Not necessarily in the three pack.
On mobile devices, if you have call only ads set up you can show up in the three pack on mobile devices, but on desktop, I haven’t seen, I haven’t been able to get any of my ads to show up in the three pack on desktop, but I have been able to get almost virtually all of my ads to show up in the first position in maps, so when somebody clicks on the more results, it will show my ad at the very top of the results when that page expands. If that makes sense.
That’s the thing, and again with location extensions you don’t even need to verify the address. I know that, because one of the lead gen funnels I set up for Local Kingpin, Google was not sending me the verification postcard, so I went ahead and said, screw it, I’m going to continue with the project and I went ahead and added the location’s extension and you have to link it to your Google My Business profile, and then select whatever page, and I linked that page to it and I thought well, let’s just check it and see if it works, and damn if it didn’t show my maps extension in the ad, even though it was an unverified address, which is awesome. Right? I just wanted to give you guys that little nugget. Local Kingpin, guys, is a great, great course if you’re doing lead gen and you’re not using AdWords, you’re crazy, in my opinion. Okay.
Battle Plan Versus RYS Academy, Syndication Academy & Other Semantic Mastery Products
All right. Herovic, he says, “Hi. I have a question regarding the Battle Plan, how is it different than the IFTTT Academy, RYS, or the Mastermind? Does it add something new, or is it a blueprint that incorporates all of them? Thank you.” Well, a $20.00 PDF certainly cannot incorporate IFTTT, RYS, and the Mastermind. It would be nice if it could, but it would be an awfully big PDF if we did.
Hernan: Yeah. [inaudible 00:41:58] depth of Semantic Mastery and the three years-
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: In Mastermind. I know all of the nuggets that are RYS, it’s going to be longest.
Bradley: Yeah. That would be very, Herovic, the Battle Plan is basically, the process is that we use for working on any digital assets, whether they’re established or they’re just being launched. It’s the same, it’s just the series of steps that we take for setting up the networks, and link building, and citations, and press releases, and like all of the different steps in the order that we do them. It’s the same process that we’ve used for years, now.
All we did was put it in a simple format, including links to the products and services that we use for that kind of stuff, which most of them are our own services, anyways, because we developed all of those services specifically because we use them. We only made our services available to others, because we kept getting asked for it. We had developed our services, for us, originally. Okay. That’s all it is. It’s very, very simple. It doesn’t need to be complicated. Some people wished it was more complicated, and that’s why I said, you know, I don’t know, stand on your head while you perform the tasks. I don’t know.
Marco: Can I add something more to this?
Bradley: Please, do.
Marco: Yeah. Our Battle Plan is a blueprint. A blueprint is used to build a house.
Bradley: Right.
Marco: The blueprint does not build the house for you, you have to follow the blueprint and go and build a house, using whatever tools are necessary for the construction of whatever it is that you want to make of that house according to the blueprint that you’re using. I mean, I cannot put it any clearer, or plainer than that. Get a blueprint on what you’re supposed to do and how you’re supposed to do it, not why you’re supposed to do it, and definitely it’s not going to get done for you. I hope that clarifies-
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: Everything.
Bradley: Again, it’s very simple Herovic, it’s the process that we use, and I like simple, that’s why we made it simple, because it doesn’t need to be overcomplicated. If you want to learn more about Syndication Academy, and syndication networks, you’re certainly welcome to join, RYS, as well, Mastermind is our top level coaching group, and that you’re certainly welcome to join that, as well.
Rocket Video Ranker Vs Live Rank Sniper
Next question, “How does the Rocket Video Ranker differ from Live Rank Sniper? Can we emulate its functionality and do it manually? What’s the principle behind it?” Yeah. They’re two different things. Live Rank Sniper, is really a keyword poking tool, and Peter Drew, the developer even calls it that, so it’s not like that’s a secret. It’s mainly a poking tool. You can use it to identify keywords, to test keywords with YouTube schedule of live events. You don’t even need to have a video. Right?
Live Rank Sniper doesn’t even require you to have a video, it’s just a software that automates the process of setting up YouTube scheduled live events, because of their indexable schedule with live events, they will index without even a video, they’re just place holders in the index, and then once you have identified keywords you can, if you want, stream directly to those scheduled live events through Live Rank Sniper. It’s a manual process, and it takes time. I say, manual, it’s semi automated in that you only have to click the mouse a couple times for it to start doing its thing, but then you have to wait for the software to run to stream the video, and it will end and then you have to stream, you know, click the mouse a few times to go stream to the next scheduled live event that’s ranking. I don’t recommend it for that. I recommend using it specifically for identifying keywords, using it as a poking tool. Okay? If you want a tool that works seamlessly with Live Rank Sniper I would say Hangout Millionaire, which is Peter Drew’s upgrade, like that’s his top level, well, it’s currently his top level SEO video marketing software, but he’s coming out, well, I’m not going to say anything else. That’s a great tool, as well, though, it works really good with Live Rank Sniper.
Rocket Video Ranker is a different animal all together. Rocket Video Ranker is freaking fabulous. It’s a loophole as far as I’m concerned. The way that it works, but basically you upload, you just do uploads with Rocket Video Ranker, but it automates uploading multiple videos at one time very, very quickly in a very unique fashion. The way that it works, it’s very unique, I don’t know how long it’s going to last, or even why it works the way that it does, but it works really, really well, right now. I know, because I used a shit ton, I used a lot of it. I used it a lot, excuse me, over the last two weeks, and the case study, by the way, just so you know, the case study in here, look, this is it, guys, I mean, I’ve got 11, there’s got to be two and a half hours worth of content in this case study, alone. Exactly how I use it, and it’s great because you can set up digital assets.
YouTube channels, you can turn YouTube channels into digital assets very quickly using this, and I even talk about it in the strategy session here, in what’s the very last video here, it’s called, What’s Next, I talk very specifically about a strategy that you can hire virtual assistants to run the software for you, and literally create dozens and dozens of these digital assets, YouTube channel assets, and you can monetize them, and there’s multiple ways to do that, as well, and I talk about that in the case study. Hopefully, that makes some sense. Herovic, if you don’t have either one of them go buy the PDF, the Battle Plan and you should have access to this bonus study, excuse me, this bonus membership site and if you do, then just go through watch the first couple videos of each one of the case studies, and you make the decision as to what is best for your business. Okay? They’re available for you to watch, so that you can make that decision.
Changes To The iFrame Tag
All right. I only got about eight minutes left, so let’s roll through these next few. Ivan, says, “Hey, guys. I embedded a Google My Maps in an article on my website and I shared it to my tier one network. If I had something in the iframe will it syndicate automatically on the network, or do I have to resubmit my article via my RSS feed?” Yeah. No. Well, wait a minute. Yeah. If you’re updating the iframe, it should update everywhere, because it’s the same iframe. Am I correct, Marco, or no?
Marco: That’s correct. The iframe will show whatever is in the source.
Bradley: Okay.
Marco: But, hang on, if he’s changing the iframe that it’s structured in the website, it’s not going to update everywhere else.
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: But, I think, well, Ivan, if you’re listening, maybe you can comment, but I think that what he’s saying is if he adds something, well, yeah, I know, if he adds something to the code that’s not going to resyndicate, but if you change what’s within the iframe-
Bradley: Right.
Hernan: Then it could, like if you change something within the Google My Maps, you know, like if you add another marker for example, that will automatically show everywhere, but if you add, I don’t know, whatever, a piece of code to that iframe, that’s not going to resyndicate. Am I correct? Am I right?
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: That’s correct. You would-
Bradley: [crosstalk 00:49:18] past the closing iframe tag, then that’s not going to update across the properties. Right?
Hernan: Right.
Bradley: Right. If that’s what you mean, Ivan, if you’re trying to add stuff like beyond the closing iframe tag, then no. You’d have to issue a new, or publish a new post. Here’s the thing guys, you cannot publish a post and have it syndicate to your network, and then go back and edit the post on your money site, and then expect it to edit all the posts that it was syndicated to, as well. It doesn’t work like that. You’d have to go delete the original post and then basically republish the post as a new post in order for it to trigger the RSS feed to syndicate, as a new post. Right? There is a plugin that you can use in WordPress, it’s called, Republish Old Posts, funny enough. Right?
Republish Old Posts, and I’ll say WP, or WordPress, that’s it right there. This plugin right here, you can use this plugin to republish old posts, it will reinsert them into your RSS feed, which will trigger a new syndication, you can do something like that if you wanted. But, yeah, if you’re changing something within the iframe, it’s going to update everywhere that the iframe was syndicated to, if you’re changing something outside of the closing iframe tag, then no, you’d have to force the syndication all over again. Okay? He says, “By the way, my comment on Semantic Mastery sales page, wow, I was surprised it’s like having a page one, position one on Google.” That’s awesome. Thanks, Ivan.
Using Proxies For IFTTT Properties
David says, “When creating a branded network, is it necessary to use proxies for any account work, once a network is in place. How much lift does using stacks of interlinked Google properties add?” First of all, is it necessary to use proxies for any account work? No. It’s not necessary. I recommend if you’re building a ton of networks that you have at least five dedicated proxies, any ways, that you can cycle through. I recommend, and this is covered in the training, David, but I recommend never trying to create more than two accounts with the same IP within 24 hours. Okay? Again, you can do it with your own IP, it’s fine you don’t need any proxies at all, as long as you’re not, and when I say, I mean, don’t try creating two accounts on the same account platform.
In other words, don’t try to create more than two Tumblrs, for example, or two Gmail addresses within 24 hours from the same IP. It will flag your IP and trust me, it will cause problems. If you’re going to be doing a lot of building, which again I don’t recommend you do, you should outsource that or just go to SERP Space and buy networks, but if you’re going to be doing a lot of that kind of stuff, then I recommend that you have at least five proxies, dedicated proxies, you want them to be clean. Dedicated means you are only using them, don’t get shared proxies. I also, highly recommend if you are going to be building a lot of networks that you use Browseo. Seriously. I mean, I got it opened, right here. I mean, it’s crazy, I got all these Browseo, I got this open all the time now, guys, it’s insane, because it’s a great, great tool. Okay?
“Once a network is in place, how much lift does using stacks of interlink Google properties add?” It depends, David. It depends if the Google stacks are created properly. It depends on how they’re done. It depends on which keywords, there’s just so many variables there, if they’re done correctly you can expect a substantial increase in rank. Okay? But, if you don’t do it correctly then, you know, I cannot speak, it might not help at all, in fact it might even cause problems. I don’t know. It just depends if they’re done right, or not.
Marco: It also depends on how much risk he’s willing to take, as far as, hammering the drive stack properties.
Local SEO For Business Franchise In The Same City
Bradley: Yeah. Okay. Ken, says, we’re almost done, guys, we only got a couple minutes left. He says, “I’m looking for clarity on ranking for local. I have a client that is a franchise. There are four locations within seven to 10 miles of each other, so I don’t think it would be reasonable to try to rank all of them for the same keyword. Franchise name, city, state.” For the same keyword. I’m sorry guys, I was just rereading that. “Since I would be competing against myself in each location, I can just see it now the management in each location would be pissed off if I wasn’t ranking them at the top of the three pack. I do understand that there would be overlap, and so do they. The only differentiating factor to each location is different zip codes, it’s a minor overlap.” Oh, wow, so it’s the same city and everything. “[inaudible 00:53:54] don’t show any search volume for franchise name, city, state,” yeah, I mean it probably wouldn’t. Well, if it’s franchise, yeah, maybe, because it has a franchise name. Right. But, what about the keyword? Instead of franchise name. Anyways, “I don’t think, so do I go ahead and only focus on franchise city, state, zip code, for each location and big G will pick up the fact of the search’s location? How would you suggest going after this? What would you do?”
Ken, that’s a really good question. I’ve never had to experience that, so it would take me some thought, we don’t have time for me to go, I mean, I’d literally have to think about it. Is Ken in any of our, he’s not in our Mastermind is he? I don’t think he is. Ken, this would be an awesome question for us to dissect in Mastermind, I sure wish you were in there, buddy. Let me think about this one a little bit, Ken, and we can revisit it next week. Sorry, if you cannot wait until then, because otherwise join the Mastermind, because we’ve got a Mastermind tomorrow, this could be a great question to dissect, but otherwise you are going to have to wait until next week, and I’m going to make a note right now.
Marco: If I could just add that right now the main factor for a three pack, or for what appears to search is proximity, I mean, that’s without question what the main factor, I mean-
Bradley: Especially for mobile.
Marco: [crosstalk 00:55:19]. If you are mobile, yeah, and you’re talking about nearly 70% of people right now who are searching on mobile, but I was just doing something on that last week, and sharing it with someone that-
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: Proximity seems to be the overriding factor. I mean, before anything else Google will pick up proximity.
Bradley: Yeah. So, Ken, again, if you’re in Mastermind, or if you want, you should join, and I’m not saying that for any other reason other than this would be a really good question to really dig into, but otherwise, I’ve got a note, I’ll think about this a little bit, maybe consult with Marco a bit, and then we’ll have kind of a concise answer for you next week. Okay? All right. I’m just going to read Wayne’s comment, really quickly, then we’ve got to wrap it up, guys, because I’ve got to go. He says, “Word on the street is that you are sharing something tomorrow on Mastermind that will elevate our business. Is something special planned for the next Mastermind?” Why, yes. It’s this guy named Wayne Clayton, who’s going to be on tomorrow sharing some of his expertise in prospecting and dealing with clients and his process of determining how much money they have to spend, what their goals are, and all that kind of stuff.
I was super impressed with a post that he made in one of the Facebook groups, one of our Facebook groups about a particular method that he uses whenever he’s prospecting and pitching clients, or at least asking questions of the clients, of prospects, excuse me. It was really detailed and I was super impressed, so I reached out to Wayne and asked him if he’d come on and be a guest presenter for the Mastermind, to share some of his stuff, and so I’m actually really looking forward to it. In part, because we are, in Semantic Mastery, we’re really ramping up something on the side that we’re working on that’s going to be requiring a lot of prospecting work.
Maybe in the near future, there’s going to be a full on, full blown prospecting course coming out from us, because that’s something that I’m working on right now, so I’m really anxious to hear what Wayne’s got, because some of that might even get included in what will be coming out with our prospecting course, in the future. Anyways, hopefully anybody that’s not in our Mastermind, it would be a good time to join, so go to mastermind.semanticmastery.com if you want to find out more about that, otherwise, we’ll see everybody next week.
Marco: Sounds good.
Bradley: Thanks, everybody. We’ll see you all later.
Hernan: Bye guys.
Bradley: Bye.
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 128 posted first on your-t1-blog-url
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beyondvapepage · 7 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 128
Click on the video above to watch Episode 128 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://ift.tt/1NZu6N2.
Bradley: We’re live. We’re back on Hangouts, guys, because webinar wouldn’t even start for us today, anyway. Hey everybody, Bradley Benner, here. Semantic Mastery, this is the Hump Day Hangouts episode 128, today is March 19th 2017, and we’ve got Chris, Hernan and Marco on with us. Adam is off running in the woods, again.
Hernan: Yeah. No. I think he was moving.
Bradley: He was moving? Is that what we’re calling it today?
Hernan: Yeah. Let’s call it like that.
Bradley: That’s cool. Chris, what’s up man?
Chris: Doing good. Right from a snowstorm here in Vienna.
Bradley: Guys, hold on, I guess Marco and Hernan you guys can chat for a minute.
Chris: Sure.
Marco: Yeah.
Bradley: Marco?
Marco: I’m good, man. We got really bad electrical storms, my electricity keeps coming in and out. If I drop off the Google police didn’t get me, the lightening storm got me. Sorry about that.
Chris: It’s cool.
Hernan: We started to think this is some kind of conspiracy, since we launched Battle Plan.
Marco: [crosstalk 00:01:09]. I’m telling you. We’re teaching people how to rank and they don’t like, so they’re trying to do everything they can to keep us off the air.
Hernan: Yeah.
Chris: We make things too easily available out there, that’s the thing.
Bradley: All right. Hopefully everybody refreshed the page, because on the event page, because you have to refresh the page for the new video to show up.
Marco: Okay. You both said it already.
Bradley: Let me see.
Hernan: Yeah.
Bradley: Yeah. Okay. All right, guys. Let’s get into it. I guess, we got probably a couple of announcements. We can stay to the actual five o'clock mark today, because we got started a few minutes early, or late guys. Anyways, let’s get into announcements. Hernan, what do we got?
Hernan: Yeah. Real quick. One of the things if you haven’t already, we strongly suggest that you get a copy of the Semantic Mastery, the SEO Domination Battle Plan. That will launch on Monday. Right now, the prices are real for the value that you’re getting and basically the coupon ends, I think it’s going to end in two hours, if I’m not mistaken. Then it’s going to double, more than double the price.
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: Go ahead get it. I’m going to put the link on the event page, but it’s basically battleplan.semanticmastery.com. Go ahead download it, we tried to make a really concise, simple guide, step by step document that you can come back over, and over, and over again, depending if you have each sites, new sites, YouTube videos, local websites, it’s everything in there. The way we do it. The way we implement it. That’s the main idea with Battle Plan. If you’re looking for something simple, go ahead and get it. If you’re looking for something more complex, or if you want more support, et cetera, come join the Mastermind, but that’s basically the main idea of the Battle Plan.
Bradley: There’s a couple of things that I want to mention about that. Is number one we had some people say your process cannot be simple. Well, actually it is.
Marco: It is.
Bradley: You know, that’s really what we do, guys, and that’s why I continually say on these Hump Day Hangouts that I like easy. Don’t over complicate shit, guys. If you want to make it complicated, then just stand on your head while you’re doing it. I don’t know. All I’m saying is those are the exact same services that we use, the same procedures, the process in order, in the steps that we do it in. It’s not difficult. I mean, we’ve got the infrastructure behind us, which is provided, it’s available for you guys, as well to use the same services that we use. I mean, again, some people said, well, it cannot be that simple, it’s just because I think by nature we as SEO’s and marketers typically want to over complicate shit, so that’s part of it and the other thing is, and just very quickly, let me grab the screen, I want to show you something here. You guys are seeing my screen, correct?
Chris: Yeah.
Bradley: This is the bonus site, guys. I think there’s more value in the freaking bonus site then there is in the actual PDF, so I just wanted to point this out real quick. This is something that wasn’t even mentioned on the sales page, but you get access to this bonus site that has a ton of different bonus stuff in here, and the bonus webinar section alone there’s multiple webinars, here, including on of our webinars that Marco just did, recently on iframe and java script secrets that’s a pay per view webinar of a $147.00 and that’s been included, as well. We’ve got a ton of different, you know, there’s case studies in here for Live Rank Sniper, for Rocket Video Ranker Pro, the v-mail prospecting course, which is the basic course I’m probably going to be doing a full blown course for that in the next couple months. Again, I just wanted to point out for a $20.00 PDF, there’s absolutely no reason why you guys shouldn’t pick it up for the simplicity of it, number one. Number two, because you get access to a bunch of amazing bonuses. Okay.
Hernan: Yeah.
Marco: The bonuses are, that’s the reason why it’s going to $100.00 when it’s all said and done.
Bradley: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Marco: Because it’s worth way more than a 100 bucks, but I mean-
Bradley: Damn right it is.
Marco: We wanted to keep it accessible to all of our members and followers, so they could actually have a plan that they could follow to achieve their success. If you want to complicate things, I mean that’s fine as Bradley said, but it doesn’t really need to be. All you have to do is just follow the step by step process. If you want to do more, then you’re more than welcome to join Syndication Academy, you’re more than welcome to come into the Mastermind and ask us as many complex questions as you want, and we’ll answer them. You have full access to us, there. If not, just follow the training step by step. That’s all you have to do. Seriously.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: That’s it.
Bradley: I love it when somebody analysis the plan and says, oh, no, it cannot be that simple, this must not work.
Hernan: [crosstalk 00:06:05].
Hernan: Another thing that’s worth mentioning is that the bonus side that you get for free will be updated. We have a bunch of case studies that are going to be uploaded to the bonus site, so go ahead order it now, because again it’s going to 100 bucks, soon. Now, you can get it for $20.00, it’s crazy.
Bradley: Yeah.
Chris: What’s the coupon code, again?
Bradley: Missile launch.
Hernan: Yeah. It’s missile launch. Thank you, Chris. It’s missile launch, one word and it’s on the event page, again, battleplan.semantricmastery.com. That coupon is going to be available for the next two hours and then it’s going to more than double the price.
Bradley: Okay. Cool. All right. Do we have any other announcements, because if not, let’s get into it.
Marco: Let’s do it.
Bradley: All right. Cool. We’re we going to talk, we’re not talking about the next webinar, are we, yet? Marco?
Marco: No. You can just tell them what it’s going to be about.
Bradley: All right. We’re going to do another webinar in the series, Marco’s series that we’ve done three, now, and we’re about to do a fourth, which is going to be a structured data webinar, guys. We scheduled it, but I don’t know the date off hand.
Marco: It will be around April 8th.
Bradley: May. A Monday-
Marco: May.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: Sorry.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: May 8th.
Bradley: Monday. Excuse me Monday, May 8th. You’re right. I’m sorry.
Marco: Usual time. It will be then, if it changes we have plenty of time to let people know.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: I’m working on that.
Bradley: You guys will get notifications via email and stuff for registration, so I just wanted to let you guys know that, that’s coming, as well. Okay. All right. Cool. I’m going to grab the screen and we’re going to get into questions. It feels weird to be back in Hangouts, man. It feels kind of like home.
Hernan: Yeah.
Bradley: You know?
Chris: It’s actually working.
Bradley: It’s working, too.
Chris: Right.
Private Home Address For A Lead Gen Site’s Google My Business Page
Bradley: Unlike WebinarJam, for some reason. All right. Ala, I’m sorry if I’m mispronouncing your name, forgive me, he says, “Hi, everyone. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to be part of the Hangout, I’m quite new to SEO and I have a question, which might sound very basic. My question is, can I use a private home address for local lead gen?” I believe we answered this question last week or the week before, but it seems like I remember this question. Yes. Of course, you can use your private home address for lead gen. Well, I don’t recommend doing it for fake businesses, or [inaudible 00:08:29] business. What I mean by, guys, obviously, I set up generic businesses, right, generic lead gen funnels, landing pages, whatever you want to call them. Assets. But, I don’t register all of them with my home address, and I wouldn’t recommend that you do that either.
Go get a PO Box. If you’re in the United States, go get a PO Box. I know some people say that’s not working, or isn’t going to work anymore. I covered this in a Facebook live post, recently, but I’m still able to get them to work. What happens is where the problem occurs is if you try to register multiple businesses, so Google My Business pages underneath the same account using multiple PO Boxes. I’ve had that happen to me a couple times in the last few months where I’ve, in the last six months, where I’ve had, I’ve tried to register two different PO Boxes within the same Google My Business owner account, profile, essentially, and I’ve gotten it flagged and I had to reverify.
In one case, I just abandoned it all together, and re-registered a new business under another profile, because it there was no way for me to verify it. I basically lost that one, but it’s not a big deal, it happens, guys. The way the work arounds so far to this point has been just to register one Google My Business profile per, or excuse me, My Business Account per profile, so that you essentially have a different account owner for each one. That’s the way I’ve been able to get around it, again, they may crack down on that at some point in the very near future, maybe so, but until then I’m going to continue exploiting it. That’s what I recommend you do.
You can also hire, rent virtual mailboxes from other places other than the PO box, but those are the cheapest and so far they are still working for me. Okay? Again, I do not recommend that you register a bunch of businesses to your home address, I mean, you can, but I wouldn’t do it. All right? The other thing is you don’t want to share the same address for multiple businesses. Guys, that’s part of the reason I like to use PO boxes, because they’re cheap enough, where even if I’ve got 10 businesses in the same, like I got 10 different lead gen funnels, let’s say 10 different industries and it’s in the same damn city, I can have 10 different PO boxes, because the deal is the address is going to be street address of the PO office and then you’re going to get a box number.
It’s going to be 123 Main Street number 101. Maybe next time you will get number 208, or whatever. My point is each one of those are each considered a unique address because of the box number, makes it unique. Does that make sense? I mean you could probably do it with your own home address, like if your home address was 123 Maple Street, and you did 123 Maple Street, or 123-A, and 123-B, 123-C you could probably get away with that, but I certainly wouldn’t recommend it. Again, it’s cheap enough to where you can just buy additional boxes and I like to do that.
People have asked me before, do you continue to rent the PO box after you’ve received the PO box, or excuse me, the verification card? Yes. I do. I pay for everyone of those. I’ve got PO boxes that I’ve been paying for, for years, guys, I renew them every year, it’s only happened to me twice in my entire digital marketing career that I’ve had to reverify via postcard, a business listing, it’s only happened twice in six or seven years, now.
However, when it happens, if it happens I have the ability to retrieve the postcard, because I renew the boxes every year and it’s a nominal fee, guys. In the less populated areas I can get a PO box for a year for about 60 bucks, or $64.00 something like that. So, $64.00 per year, roughly. Okay? For the more populated areas it cost me $128.00 a year. It’s so inexpensive, it’s such a small cost of doing business that I just pay for it. Okay?
One Address For Multiple GMB Pages In Denmark
Okay. Anyways. “Can I use the very same address for multiple, different businesses in the same area, or city. Note, I live in Denmark. Thank you for your help.” I guess I should answer that, I don’t know about Denmark, I cannot speak for anything in any foreign country, guys. All I can talk about specifically for local is within the United State, but I’m quite sure that if I can get away with doing what I’m doing in the US you could probably get away with it in Denmark. You probably would get away with a hell of a lot more in Denmark, I’m sure. In which case you might, you could possibly use one address and then just put that unique identifier like dash A, dash B, dash C, you could probably get away with that in Denmark, again, I don’t know. I don’t have any experience in that market, but in the US it’s a little bit stricter, typically, and that’s why I just use unique address for each location, like in other words a unique, it gets a unique box number, which makes it unique. Okay? All right. Cool.
Hump Day Hangouts For Semantic Mastery Students On Amazon, Rank & Rent, Etc.
Toby [inaudible 00:13:18], he says, “Can you do a Hump Day Hangouts with your students who are killing it Rank to Rant, or Amazon, Shopify, PayPerCall et cetera, or PayPerCall, et cetera?” I asked him this question yesterday, I guess, because I was trying to clarify, he said, yeah, by the way if you’re watching Toby, what’s up, he says, yes. “Should we bring on guest presenters?” We do that in the Mastermind, Toby. We bring guest presenters on in the Mastermind. We had Clint Butler on two weeks ago, which was awesome, because he did training on PageSpeed, which was awesome, because some of our Mastermind members implemented what he trained for that session and were able to reduce the page load times to under a second. I think it was like three quarters of a second, which was awesome.
Anyways, tomorrow we’ve got our very own Wayne Clayton, he’s been one of our most engaged Mastermind members, and he’s had phenomenal success, and he’s coming on tomorrow to be a guest presenter, to talk about prospecting and his unique approach to prospecting and landing clients. He’s had a lot of experience in the media industry, so he’s got a unique approach that a lot of us in the digital marketing industry haven’t seen or heard. I’m actually really looking forward to having him to come on tomorrow to give his presentation and answer questions about his prospecting methods. Again, Toby, we do that kind of stuff in the Mastermind. Hump Day Hangouts is really supposed to be a forum for Q and A. Okay? It doesn’t mean that we cannot setup a separate webinar for that, sometime, but we’d have to figure out a good angle for it.
Marco: Yeah. Then, we’d also have to be careful about giving away the niche, or any of that information, because actually I had someone do that in the RYS Facebook group and when he posted the URL, directly after that, a couple of days later, he got hit with a ton of spam, so we know that it was someone from our own RYS Academy that went and did that. I don’t know why they would do that to someone who is trying to help and show how he’s doing it, but it’s one of the reasons why we try to protect it, and keep it inside the Mastermind where we know most of the people are trustworthy.
Bradley: Yeah. I totally agree. That’s why that’s in part why we do stuff like that on the Mastermind, guys, because it’s a very, very tight group, like an intimate group, so it makes it a lot easier. It doesn’t mean that there’s not people there that can be malicious, as well, because there certainly can be, but it’s less likely.
Anchor Text Variation In Link Building
Okay. Doctor Brain McKay, he says, “When building links is it better to use one, and only one variation? For example, dub, dub, dub, or just HTTP, or just a domain.com. I have heard varying advice where you would use all and someone else saying use one every time you build a link.” You know, honestly, I’ve used variations, if I were to be using spam tools, which I don’t anymore, at all. I don’t ever run them, myself, but I would always use variations.
Here’s a good example, Brian, in the recent weeks I’ve done several case studies for different YouTube tools, they’re all in the bonus site that I just showcased a minute ago. One of them being Live Rank Sniper and the other one being Rocket Video Ranker Pro, and there has been some spinning and all that for the video descriptions and that kind of stuff, which is pretty typical for any sort of spam work, and those are in my opinion they’re both spam tools, they can be used to not spam, but the way that I used them was very intentionally to spam, and because of that I just started doing a lot of spinning and stuff like that again in the last few weeks, which I had gotten away from for a while.
When I create the links that go in the video description to where I want to direct people to, I like to use all the different variations as you just laid out here. HTTP, if there’s HTTPS as well, if the SSL protocol is available then I’ll go ahead and add that one in, as well. I’ll use the trailing slash with and without the trailing slash, I’ll use dub, dub, dub and non dub, dub, so I use all variation of them so that it adds variety and diversity to the video description. In other words, if we’ve got 15 videos in the same channel, I want the URL, the call to action URL to be a variation all the time, if possible. Just because it gives more diversity to the thing. Now, as far as the SEO purposes, since they all resolve to the same location, I don’t think it makes much difference, but I’d like to hear Marco and Hernan’s input on this, please.
Marco: It’s just acrotex variation, that’s why you do that. The destinations is usually all the same, but also you want to keep that, you might, people don’t all link the same way. They-
Bradley: That’s right.
Marco: If you go throughout the web, like you get 100 people they’re all going to link to a website a different way. Some will use a dub, dub, dub. I particularly don’t anymore, because I know it will resolve to the dub, dub, dub anyway.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: I use them all simply because that’s what people do on the web. It makes absolutely no sense, and whoever is advising only one variation is actually misguided.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: Because that’s not the way that people type.
Bradley: Now, the only time that I would recommend always using the exact same URL format is when you’re citing an NAP, name, address, phone number, so any time you’re going to create, or reference, or list an NAP somewhere within content, or link building, or something like that I would always recommend using the same type of URL. Just because it’s an NAP, you want data consistency as much as possible.
Marco: And, the URL should be whatever shows-
Bradley: Shows in Google My Business.
Marco: Yeah. To link to the website, where they say website, and you click on it, that’s the version that you should use in that one particular case.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: Yeah.
Hernan: Yeah. This case, I totally agree with Marco. That’s why we keep saying that you need to validate the entity on one of the main, you know, when your website is popular, or you’re trying it to appear to be popular, you need to emulate as much as possible human behavior that’s why you need to do things differently from time to time. I mean, different URLs people will mention your website differently, maybe they will spell it wrong. As long as the link is the link, you know, we had, I think we had Gary, Doctor Gary, came to a Mastermind and he showed how you can get links from really powerful websites just because they’re misspelled. You know?
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: As long as the URL is pointing correctly to your website, the anchor text could be misspelled, you know, it can be Semantic Mastery or something else, or Semantic Master as long as the hyperlink is pointing to semanticmastery.com. You know? Yeah. Vary it a little bit, that would be my intake on it.
Three Pack Map In Organic Ranking
Bradley: Very good. Okay. Ala, is up again, he says, “Hi. When the first three to four sites on the Google organic search are not the same ones as in Google three pack,” so the maps pack, “does that mean that it’s easy to rank in the three pack map, or the first page of the organic search for that specific niche? Thanks for the help.” It doesn’t meant that it’s going to be easy to rank in the map, it’s just means that the maps listings aren’t, the ones that are ranked in maps they’re on page for their sit isn’t as good, is not good enough to be on the first page.
In other words, and it doesn’t have to be just be the on page, it could be the combination of on page, or on page and off page, but typically the organic results, it’s a different algorithm. There’s a lot of overlap between the local algorithm and the organic algorithm, now, it’s a lot more closely related now than it used to be. That was particularly where a lot of that marriage occurred was the Pigeon update, if you guys remember that. That was, shit, that was probably two years ago, now. Amazing how time flies. There is some overlap there, but for example Ala, I don’t ever, I don’t care at all about organic rankings anymore for lead gen, or for local stuff, when I have a physical location available, even if that means I have to black half the physical location using a PO box. Right?
I don’t care about organic anymore at all for lead gen and local stuff, only because I know from all my lead gen assets is that my call volume drops for stuff that was organic only. My call volume dropped 60%, because of the new SERP layout. Right? When I say new, it’s not new anymore, but the SERP layout as it stands today, which is four ads, typically four ads and a maps pack, so you end up going past seven freaking listings before you ever get to the first organic. I can tell you right now, the reason why I’m telling you this is because I have multiple lead gen sites all over the place that are ranked in maps, but they might be on page two or page three in organic. I don’t care.
It doesn’t bother me, because the phone calls are coming from the maps pack, or from AdsWords, excuse me AdWords. I’m either getting calls from my ads, or I’m getting calls from the maps pack. I don’t get calls from organic, very, very rarely do I get calls from organic when a map is displayed for a search query. Right? Most search queries are going to display. Now, I will still target organic for lead gen and local, like if I’m doing video campaigns, for example, because you cannot get a video, well, I say you cannot, it’s unlikely to get a video above the maps pack, anymore, for a local term. Okay?
I still will do spamming with YouTube and stuff like that for organic rankings, but when it comes to websites, and stuff, I personally don’t care if there’s a maps pack that shows for the search query, then I’m going to try to rank in the maps pack, not the organic. Okay? Typically, when there’s a difference between what’s showing in maps, and what’s showing in organic it’s because the site that’s ranking in maps, but not in organic is speaking, or it’s more congruent with what the map’s algorithm was.
If that makes sense. But maybe not as much for the organic. Like I said, it could be a, I found that’s often times more an on page issue, than an off page issue, but it could be both. I’m just saying personally when I’ve been able to identify issues where I’m not ranking as good organically as I should be based upon my maps ranking, it’s a lot of the times, at least in my experiences it’s been because of on page issues, either over optimization, which triggers Panda, again, it’s just Panda in general. Thin content, over optimization, things like that. You guys got any input on that?
Marco: Yeah. I would just tell him he is trying to do local since he talked about the map pack before.
Bradley: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Marco: Right? I’m thinking he wants, the way that you do that is entity. You do the entity. You validate it, then you push trust, and authority, and relevance up to the entity, it’s called RYS Academy, by the way. That’s how you force all of that up to the entity and over to the destination and you could actually do both. Rank in maps and organic.
IFTTT Syndicated Video As Duplicate Content
Bradley: Yeah. That’s what I would do. All right. Cool. We’re going to keep moving. Let’s see who is next Balint, sorry if I mispronounce that, he says, “Thanks for last weeks input I was rather asking about how to make both RSS and YouTube syndication to work for the same network. My idea, I upload a video, unlisted to YouTube, I have it transcribed to make a post to my main site with the additional content, the video is embedded and the title is different. That post with transcription gets syndicated via RSS trigger. I make the video public a bit later on, because it’s public now the sole video gets syndicated via YouTube upload trigger, too. Maybe not to the main blog, though. Would that work, or still count as duplicate spam?” No. That would work, Balint. That’s absolutely fine.
I’ve said that in previous Hump Day Hangouts, that question has come up several times, Balint, so you’re not the first to ask it. It’s okay to post both the video to your channel and to your blog, and have them both syndicate to the same network, that’s absolutely fine. Where the problem occurs is when people have both their YouTube channel triggering their network and their blog, and they upload the video, which syndicates to their network, and then they just take the video and go embed it in a post on their blog with the same title, and usually not much different in the video description, either, and then they post that, because here’s the problem it won’t hurt your money site, your blog, and it won’t hurt your YouTube channel.
Where it can cause problems is on the network itself, the syndication network, because now you’ve got two posts that look nearly identical to your network properties, because it’s the same title, which ends up being the same title, and then you have the same video, so especially for Blogger, Tumblr, and WordPress where there’s embeds, because that’s basically, it’s going to look like the same post, basically, other than perhaps maybe some slight differences in text in the description area. But, if you’re going to change the title and usually make the title more like blog specific, right, because usually blog post, guys, are going to have more, you know, longer conversational, natural speech pattern type titles than a YouTube video, because YouTube videos are going to usually be synced keyword different type titles. Right, guys?
But, blog titles are generally going to be more like natural speech patterns. Right? So, if you’re going to take your video and also post it to your blog and have both syndicating to the same network, then it’s absolutely fine to do so if you’re going to make a different title, and if you’re going to have that video transcribed, you’re going to have a much longer description, so it’s not going to look like duplicate content on the web two properties. If that makes sense. That’s absolutely perfectly fine, Balint. I’m sorry if I misunderstood your question last week.
SEO Battle Plan For Rebranding
Roy says, “Got the Battle Plan reviewed it, question, just got a dental client and had to rebrand his practice, dissolved partnership,” okay, “So, the main practice name has changed to a new name, he then purchased another practice in a different city, I rebranded his practice website as ABC Dental Group with the two city locations. Do I just create one Google Plus page for the group.com, or different for each location?” No. You create a different Google page for each location, Roy. Well, I mean, let me rephrase that. If you’re creating a Google brand page, then you can have one brand page and reference both locations, but I understand that if you’re talking about, I’m sure you’re talking about Google My Business, a locations page. In which case you want a different page for each location. Okay?
There are brand pages and there are locations pages, and actually locations pages are no longer Google Plus pages at all, they’re maps pages. They’re not even part of Google Plus, anymore. Does that make sense? If you go in your Google My Business dashboard you access your maps data through maps, and your Google Plus page, which is now just a brand page, there is no local version of the brand page anymore that I’m aware of, anyways, because you edit your details on maps. Okay? Anyways, there might still be a locations Google Plus page, but I don’t know what the use of it is for, I don’t how it’s valuable at all anymore, to be honest with you, everything is now being, for the local part of it, it’s all being handled through maps. Okay? So, for that, yeah, go ahead and create a different locations page for each.
“Do I need to modify the Battle Plan for the purchase practice since it already has G-Plus established? I’m a bit confused on how to apply the Battle Plan to the situation.” I’m not sure I understand what you mean, the purchase practice since it already has a G-Plus established, I mean, if it’s already got a locations page, you’re going to have to rebrand all that stuff. Right? I mean, I think that’s what you’re saying, you said, he rebranded his practice with the two locations, Roy, I’m not really following all of the parts of this question, but if you the other business that he purchased had a Google My Business page, already, and now he purchased it, if he’s rebranding everything, what I would recommend, especially if that other business was established and had any sort of decent rankings in Google and/or maps. Right? If it was ranking.
You’re going to have to rebrand it, if it’s rebranded, I’m assuming it’s going to have to be rebranded, in which case what you’d want to do is don’t, I wouldn’t set up a new listing, because it’s going to have the same address unless the phone number changed, the name and the phone number, and the website, like if all of those data points change, then yes I would set up a new business. I would close, say that the other business was permanently closed then create a new listing, but you’d have to make sure that the only thing that was the same out of all the data points between name, address, phone number, and URL is the address. Right?
You’d have to have the different brand name, different phone number, different URL. Then, you could mark that other place as closed and start a new GMB page, which is what I would do if those other conditions were met. However, if the phone number, the physical location, and perhaps the web address, and/or the brand name or whatever are the same, if you don’t have all those unique properties within those four data points, there, then you’re going to have to do a citation cleanup, which would be going out and basically correcting all of the old citations to list the new data for the business. Does that make sense? That’s a pain in the ass, but that’s what you’re going to have to do.
I recommend, highly, that you go, if you guys can get the link ready, it’s http://ift.tt/2bbLT53, that’s L-O-G-A-N-I-X. That is a citation clean up service there that can handle that for you, well, provided that it’s in the US, they may do it in other areas, but I don’t know. Loganix citation cleanup service in the US is really, really good. You get about a 70% success rate, and they’re very, very thorough. That’s what I would recommend doing. Like I said, if you’re going to rebrand it and you get a new URL, and you’re going to change the phone number then I would set up a new listing all together, because that’s going to be a lot less of a headache than trying to fix old citations, that’s just a real pain in the ass, and that’s why I just outsource that all the time. All right. We’re going to keep moving.
Hernan: Sorry, Bradley, but it’s on the events page, http://ift.tt/2bbLT53.
Generating Quality Leads From Google Adwords Campaigns
Bradley: Okay. If you want to followup, Roy, with us in one of our groups Facebook or something with some more detail, like where it can be explained a little bit further we might be able to help you out a little bit better. I feel like I wasn’t able to answer that question, properly, because I don’t have all the details. Mark’s next, he says, “Hi, guys. Hope all is well. My question is about your Local Kingpin product, I’m starting to get somewhere now with SEO, but it does take forever, and that’s okay, I accept that’s how SEO goes and just get on with it, but I like the idea of starting with AdWords and then adding SEO lead gen later. I’m not asking for AdWords advice that’s what the training is for, and I’ve bought your products before, so I know it will be legit. My question is how did, or how is it going? Are you able to generate enough quality leads for your client? I work with contractors, if that helps, not looking for specific advice, just your opinion on how well AdWords works.” I’m crossinated with AdWords, guys, I mean, yeah, my profit is a lot smaller on my AdWords leads because I pay for the clicks and everything, but they’re so much easier to set up, and I can, I mean, that’s what Local Kingpin is about, Mark, is about setting up like literally you can set up a lead gen funnel and have traffic, and be receiving leads within 48 hours.
I mean, you could do it within a day, but I say within 48 hours because it usually takes me two days to set up a lead gen asset. Well, it used to take me two days, when I was new, but now I’ve got a lot of stuff, templatized, like I’ve got Click Funnels, funnels that are already all set up. They’re generic funnels. I can just clone the funnel and then go in and swap out details, and I’ve got working procedure’s setup for a lot of stuff, now, so I have check lists that I can go through. That kind of stuff that makes it just really simple for me to set up a funnel, a lead gen asset, and turn on ads, and it’s like literally within a few hours of you submitting your first ad you can start generating traffic.
The main thing, Mark, if you go through Local Kingpin, which I highly recommend, especially for contractors, because that’s my market, is contractors. I mean, I love being able to generate leads with AdWords, now. I don’t know why I was so scared of AdWords for so long, but now I absolutely love it, because the speed in which I can generate, and here’s the thing, what I love about setting up AdWords funnels, guys, is I can determine right off the bat, right away, where my money keywords are. The 80/20 rule 100% applies to AdWords, and there’s a book by Perry Marshall called, The 80/20 Sales and Marketing. Go get the damn book. By it on Kindle, whatever. Pick it up, read it, because it is absolutely 100% correct when it comes to AdWords, especially for the local lead gen funnels. 80% of your traffic is going to come from 20% of your keywords. That’s it. All this shit that we do in SEO, where we scrap hundreds of keywords, and we build silos, and we have to do all this content, and we have to properly silo the content, we got to do all this internal linking, all that’s great it can pay off there’s no doubt, but so many of those keywords, or long tail and stuff like that where you’re going to get very little to no traffic from them.
Now, cumulatively they all build to make your site stronger and more relevant, which will generate more traffic, so there’s certainly a reason to do all that, but my point is we go through harvesting these great big keyword lists and all that stuff, and with AdWords, especially the way that I show how to do it using alpha beta campaign structure you can literally go in, do your keyword research in about a half an hour.
The main point for that is generating, or building a negative keyword list, because you ought to already know what your main money keywords are for the project that you’re working on. Really the keyword research is about building a negative keyword list, but then you plug in your money keywords, you add your negative keyword lists, use modified broad match, and then you let AdWords tell you where your money keywords are, and within a month you can identify your top keywords where 80% of your traffic is going to come from, and I guarantee you it will be 20% of your keywords.
Then, those are the keywords that you focus your SEO efforts on. As I mentioned, I think in the Local Kingpin training, I’m not starting any SEO projects from scratch anymore. I’m not starting new projects with SEO as my main promotional type, anymore. I’m not doing it, unless it’s YouTube spam, because I’m just not going to do it. From now on, I’m doing AdWords first to prove my keywords and prove that it’s converting and that kind of stuff, and then I’ll invest my time and effort into SEO for the keywords that I’ve identified as my winners.
Hernan: Yeah.
Bradley: Does that make sense?
Hernan: Yeah. I really like that approach, Bradley. The fact that you’re getting speed, that you’re getting, I mean, each rating on a project and you’re failing fast.
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: You’re finding out, you’re weeding out the keywords that are not going to work, that they’re not going to convert, and then you’re focusing on the keywords that are, and I think that’s really the key when it comes to paid advertising, is that you get data so much faster that your business can grow a lot more, because if you have to be waiting six months to get data on your business, it’s money, time is money.
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: If you’re doing SEO and waiting all of that time, then you’re spending all of that money that you could be earning, because you’re failing fast on your project. Once you have that, once you have the process in place you can still do SEO and you know that it’s going to pickup three to six months down the road, maybe a year down the road and you still do SEO, so that when that hits, or when you’re getting a decent amount of organic traffic, you know that the funnel is converting.
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: There’s basically no top to how much you can scale, it all depends on the market that you’re in. The market will tell you how much you can scale, or sell a product, or sell a service, whatever that is, but that’s basically why I like paid advertising combined with SEO, because again you don’t want to put all of your eggs in one basket.
Bradley: That’s correct.
Hernan: Like, one way or the other.
Bradley: Yeah. Here’s the thing, guys, think about this, you could spend months working on a project, and find out for SEO I mean, you could spend months working on trying to build the SEO for a project, set of keywords, whatever, and find out that it’s just not profitable. It’s not working. Now, you’ve spent months of effort and time on it, and probably money, as well. With AdWords you can prove it very, very quickly, whether it’s going to be profitable or not. If you can make it profitable when you’re paying for the clicks, then it will be profitable for SEO, there’s no doubt, because you won’t be paying, I mean, you do pay for those clicks with time and effort, and somewhat money, too. You know what I mean? It’s indirect. You’re paying indirectly, not directly for clicks.
Again, that’s number one. Number two, the other part of that, Mark, is why I love AdWords for local lead gen now is because if you do register a mailbox and it can be a PO box, it doesn’t even have to be verified, guys. You can register local addresses and set up AdWords campaigns and use the location’s extension. Are you hearing this? You don’t even have to have a verified address and it will still show the location’s extension in your ad and it will also, if you’ve got your ads set up properly and you’re at the top of the search, or the top of the ads pack, which as to do with quality score, you’ll end up in the maps, an ad in the first maps position. Not necessarily in the three pack.
On mobile devices, if you have call only ads set up you can show up in the three pack on mobile devices, but on desktop, I haven’t seen, I haven’t been able to get any of my ads to show up in the three pack on desktop, but I have been able to get almost virtually all of my ads to show up in the first position in maps, so when somebody clicks on the more results, it will show my ad at the very top of the results when that page expands. If that makes sense.
That’s the thing, and again with location extensions you don’t even need to verify the address. I know that, because one of the lead gen funnels I set up for Local Kingpin, Google was not sending me the verification postcard, so I went ahead and said, screw it, I’m going to continue with the project and I went ahead and added the location’s extension and you have to link it to your Google My Business profile, and then select whatever page, and I linked that page to it and I thought well, let’s just check it and see if it works, and damn if it didn’t show my maps extension in the ad, even though it was an unverified address, which is awesome. Right? I just wanted to give you guys that little nugget. Local Kingpin, guys, is a great, great course if you’re doing lead gen and you’re not using AdWords, you’re crazy, in my opinion. Okay.
Battle Plan Versus RYS Academy, Syndication Academy & Other Semantic Mastery Products
All right. Herovic, he says, “Hi. I have a question regarding the Battle Plan, how is it different than the IFTTT Academy, RYS, or the Mastermind? Does it add something new, or is it a blueprint that incorporates all of them? Thank you.” Well, a $20.00 PDF certainly cannot incorporate IFTTT, RYS, and the Mastermind. It would be nice if it could, but it would be an awfully big PDF if we did.
Hernan: Yeah. [inaudible 00:41:58] depth of Semantic Mastery and the three years-
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: In Mastermind. I know all of the nuggets that are RYS, it’s going to be longest.
Bradley: Yeah. That would be very, Herovic, the Battle Plan is basically, the process is that we use for working on any digital assets, whether they’re established or they’re just being launched. It’s the same, it’s just the series of steps that we take for setting up the networks, and link building, and citations, and press releases, and like all of the different steps in the order that we do them. It’s the same process that we’ve used for years, now.
All we did was put it in a simple format, including links to the products and services that we use for that kind of stuff, which most of them are our own services, anyways, because we developed all of those services specifically because we use them. We only made our services available to others, because we kept getting asked for it. We had developed our services, for us, originally. Okay. That’s all it is. It’s very, very simple. It doesn’t need to be complicated. Some people wished it was more complicated, and that’s why I said, you know, I don’t know, stand on your head while you perform the tasks. I don’t know.
Marco: Can I add something more to this?
Bradley: Please, do.
Marco: Yeah. Our Battle Plan is a blueprint. A blueprint is used to build a house.
Bradley: Right.
Marco: The blueprint does not build the house for you, you have to follow the blueprint and go and build a house, using whatever tools are necessary for the construction of whatever it is that you want to make of that house according to the blueprint that you’re using. I mean, I cannot put it any clearer, or plainer than that. Get a blueprint on what you’re supposed to do and how you’re supposed to do it, not why you’re supposed to do it, and definitely it’s not going to get done for you. I hope that clarifies-
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: Everything.
Bradley: Again, it’s very simple Herovic, it’s the process that we use, and I like simple, that’s why we made it simple, because it doesn’t need to be overcomplicated. If you want to learn more about Syndication Academy, and syndication networks, you’re certainly welcome to join, RYS, as well, Mastermind is our top level coaching group, and that you’re certainly welcome to join that, as well.
Rocket Video Ranker Vs Live Rank Sniper
Next question, “How does the Rocket Video Ranker differ from Live Rank Sniper? Can we emulate its functionality and do it manually? What’s the principle behind it?” Yeah. They’re two different things. Live Rank Sniper, is really a keyword poking tool, and Peter Drew, the developer even calls it that, so it’s not like that’s a secret. It’s mainly a poking tool. You can use it to identify keywords, to test keywords with YouTube schedule of live events. You don’t even need to have a video. Right?
Live Rank Sniper doesn’t even require you to have a video, it’s just a software that automates the process of setting up YouTube scheduled live events, because of their indexable schedule with live events, they will index without even a video, they’re just place holders in the index, and then once you have identified keywords you can, if you want, stream directly to those scheduled live events through Live Rank Sniper. It’s a manual process, and it takes time. I say, manual, it’s semi automated in that you only have to click the mouse a couple times for it to start doing its thing, but then you have to wait for the software to run to stream the video, and it will end and then you have to stream, you know, click the mouse a few times to go stream to the next scheduled live event that’s ranking. I don’t recommend it for that. I recommend using it specifically for identifying keywords, using it as a poking tool. Okay? If you want a tool that works seamlessly with Live Rank Sniper I would say Hangout Millionaire, which is Peter Drew’s upgrade, like that’s his top level, well, it’s currently his top level SEO video marketing software, but he’s coming out, well, I’m not going to say anything else. That’s a great tool, as well, though, it works really good with Live Rank Sniper.
Rocket Video Ranker is a different animal all together. Rocket Video Ranker is freaking fabulous. It’s a loophole as far as I’m concerned. The way that it works, but basically you upload, you just do uploads with Rocket Video Ranker, but it automates uploading multiple videos at one time very, very quickly in a very unique fashion. The way that it works, it’s very unique, I don’t know how long it’s going to last, or even why it works the way that it does, but it works really, really well, right now. I know, because I used a shit ton, I used a lot of it. I used it a lot, excuse me, over the last two weeks, and the case study, by the way, just so you know, the case study in here, look, this is it, guys, I mean, I’ve got 11, there’s got to be two and a half hours worth of content in this case study, alone. Exactly how I use it, and it’s great because you can set up digital assets.
YouTube channels, you can turn YouTube channels into digital assets very quickly using this, and I even talk about it in the strategy session here, in what’s the very last video here, it’s called, What’s Next, I talk very specifically about a strategy that you can hire virtual assistants to run the software for you, and literally create dozens and dozens of these digital assets, YouTube channel assets, and you can monetize them, and there’s multiple ways to do that, as well, and I talk about that in the case study. Hopefully, that makes some sense. Herovic, if you don’t have either one of them go buy the PDF, the Battle Plan and you should have access to this bonus study, excuse me, this bonus membership site and if you do, then just go through watch the first couple videos of each one of the case studies, and you make the decision as to what is best for your business. Okay? They’re available for you to watch, so that you can make that decision.
Changes To The iFrame Tag
All right. I only got about eight minutes left, so let’s roll through these next few. Ivan, says, “Hey, guys. I embedded a Google My Maps in an article on my website and I shared it to my tier one network. If I had something in the iframe will it syndicate automatically on the network, or do I have to resubmit my article via my RSS feed?” Yeah. No. Well, wait a minute. Yeah. If you’re updating the iframe, it should update everywhere, because it’s the same iframe. Am I correct, Marco, or no?
Marco: That’s correct. The iframe will show whatever is in the source.
Bradley: Okay.
Marco: But, hang on, if he’s changing the iframe that it’s structured in the website, it’s not going to update everywhere else.
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: But, I think, well, Ivan, if you’re listening, maybe you can comment, but I think that what he’s saying is if he adds something, well, yeah, I know, if he adds something to the code that’s not going to resyndicate, but if you change what’s within the iframe-
Bradley: Right.
Hernan: Then it could, like if you change something within the Google My Maps, you know, like if you add another marker for example, that will automatically show everywhere, but if you add, I don’t know, whatever, a piece of code to that iframe, that’s not going to resyndicate. Am I correct? Am I right?
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: That’s correct. You would-
Bradley: [crosstalk 00:49:18] past the closing iframe tag, then that’s not going to update across the properties. Right?
Hernan: Right.
Bradley: Right. If that’s what you mean, Ivan, if you’re trying to add stuff like beyond the closing iframe tag, then no. You’d have to issue a new, or publish a new post. Here’s the thing guys, you cannot publish a post and have it syndicate to your network, and then go back and edit the post on your money site, and then expect it to edit all the posts that it was syndicated to, as well. It doesn’t work like that. You’d have to go delete the original post and then basically republish the post as a new post in order for it to trigger the RSS feed to syndicate, as a new post. Right? There is a plugin that you can use in WordPress, it’s called, Republish Old Posts, funny enough. Right?
Republish Old Posts, and I’ll say WP, or WordPress, that’s it right there. This plugin right here, you can use this plugin to republish old posts, it will reinsert them into your RSS feed, which will trigger a new syndication, you can do something like that if you wanted. But, yeah, if you’re changing something within the iframe, it’s going to update everywhere that the iframe was syndicated to, if you’re changing something outside of the closing iframe tag, then no, you’d have to force the syndication all over again. Okay? He says, “By the way, my comment on Semantic Mastery sales page, wow, I was surprised it’s like having a page one, position one on Google.” That’s awesome. Thanks, Ivan.
Using Proxies For IFTTT Properties
David says, “When creating a branded network, is it necessary to use proxies for any account work, once a network is in place. How much lift does using stacks of interlinked Google properties add?” First of all, is it necessary to use proxies for any account work? No. It’s not necessary. I recommend if you’re building a ton of networks that you have at least five dedicated proxies, any ways, that you can cycle through. I recommend, and this is covered in the training, David, but I recommend never trying to create more than two accounts with the same IP within 24 hours. Okay? Again, you can do it with your own IP, it’s fine you don’t need any proxies at all, as long as you’re not, and when I say, I mean, don’t try creating two accounts on the same account platform.
In other words, don’t try to create more than two Tumblrs, for example, or two Gmail addresses within 24 hours from the same IP. It will flag your IP and trust me, it will cause problems. If you’re going to be doing a lot of building, which again I don’t recommend you do, you should outsource that or just go to SERP Space and buy networks, but if you’re going to be doing a lot of that kind of stuff, then I recommend that you have at least five proxies, dedicated proxies, you want them to be clean. Dedicated means you are only using them, don’t get shared proxies. I also, highly recommend if you are going to be building a lot of networks that you use Browseo. Seriously. I mean, I got it opened, right here. I mean, it’s crazy, I got all these Browseo, I got this open all the time now, guys, it’s insane, because it’s a great, great tool. Okay?
“Once a network is in place, how much lift does using stacks of interlink Google properties add?” It depends, David. It depends if the Google stacks are created properly. It depends on how they’re done. It depends on which keywords, there’s just so many variables there, if they’re done correctly you can expect a substantial increase in rank. Okay? But, if you don’t do it correctly then, you know, I cannot speak, it might not help at all, in fact it might even cause problems. I don’t know. It just depends if they’re done right, or not.
Marco: It also depends on how much risk he’s willing to take, as far as, hammering the drive stack properties.
Local SEO For Business Franchise In The Same City
Bradley: Yeah. Okay. Ken, says, we’re almost done, guys, we only got a couple minutes left. He says, “I’m looking for clarity on ranking for local. I have a client that is a franchise. There are four locations within seven to 10 miles of each other, so I don’t think it would be reasonable to try to rank all of them for the same keyword. Franchise name, city, state.” For the same keyword. I’m sorry guys, I was just rereading that. “Since I would be competing against myself in each location, I can just see it now the management in each location would be pissed off if I wasn’t ranking them at the top of the three pack. I do understand that there would be overlap, and so do they. The only differentiating factor to each location is different zip codes, it’s a minor overlap.” Oh, wow, so it’s the same city and everything. “[inaudible 00:53:54] don’t show any search volume for franchise name, city, state,” yeah, I mean it probably wouldn’t. Well, if it’s franchise, yeah, maybe, because it has a franchise name. Right. But, what about the keyword? Instead of franchise name. Anyways, “I don’t think, so do I go ahead and only focus on franchise city, state, zip code, for each location and big G will pick up the fact of the search’s location? How would you suggest going after this? What would you do?”
Ken, that’s a really good question. I’ve never had to experience that, so it would take me some thought, we don’t have time for me to go, I mean, I’d literally have to think about it. Is Ken in any of our, he’s not in our Mastermind is he? I don’t think he is. Ken, this would be an awesome question for us to dissect in Mastermind, I sure wish you were in there, buddy. Let me think about this one a little bit, Ken, and we can revisit it next week. Sorry, if you cannot wait until then, because otherwise join the Mastermind, because we’ve got a Mastermind tomorrow, this could be a great question to dissect, but otherwise you are going to have to wait until next week, and I’m going to make a note right now.
Marco: If I could just add that right now the main factor for a three pack, or for what appears to search is proximity, I mean, that’s without question what the main factor, I mean-
Bradley: Especially for mobile.
Marco: [crosstalk 00:55:19]. If you are mobile, yeah, and you’re talking about nearly 70% of people right now who are searching on mobile, but I was just doing something on that last week, and sharing it with someone that-
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: Proximity seems to be the overriding factor. I mean, before anything else Google will pick up proximity.
Bradley: Yeah. So, Ken, again, if you’re in Mastermind, or if you want, you should join, and I’m not saying that for any other reason other than this would be a really good question to really dig into, but otherwise, I’ve got a note, I’ll think about this a little bit, maybe consult with Marco a bit, and then we’ll have kind of a concise answer for you next week. Okay? All right. I’m just going to read Wayne’s comment, really quickly, then we’ve got to wrap it up, guys, because I’ve got to go. He says, “Word on the street is that you are sharing something tomorrow on Mastermind that will elevate our business. Is something special planned for the next Mastermind?” Why, yes. It’s this guy named Wayne Clayton, who’s going to be on tomorrow sharing some of his expertise in prospecting and dealing with clients and his process of determining how much money they have to spend, what their goals are, and all that kind of stuff.
I was super impressed with a post that he made in one of the Facebook groups, one of our Facebook groups about a particular method that he uses whenever he’s prospecting and pitching clients, or at least asking questions of the clients, of prospects, excuse me. It was really detailed and I was super impressed, so I reached out to Wayne and asked him if he’d come on and be a guest presenter for the Mastermind, to share some of his stuff, and so I’m actually really looking forward to it. In part, because we are, in Semantic Mastery, we’re really ramping up something on the side that we’re working on that’s going to be requiring a lot of prospecting work.
Maybe in the near future, there’s going to be a full on, full blown prospecting course coming out from us, because that’s something that I’m working on right now, so I’m really anxious to hear what Wayne’s got, because some of that might even get included in what will be coming out with our prospecting course, in the future. Anyways, hopefully anybody that’s not in our Mastermind, it would be a good time to join, so go to mastermind.semanticmastery.com if you want to find out more about that, otherwise, we’ll see everybody next week.
Marco: Sounds good.
Bradley: Thanks, everybody. We’ll see you all later.
Hernan: Bye guys.
Bradley: Bye.
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 128 posted first on http://ift.tt/2lnZU8p
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Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 128
Click on the video above to watch Episode 128 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://ift.tt/1NZu6N2.
Bradley: We’re live. We’re back on Hangouts, guys, because webinar wouldn’t even start for us today, anyway. Hey everybody, Bradley Benner, here. Semantic Mastery, this is the Hump Day Hangouts episode 128, today is March 19th 2017, and we’ve got Chris, Hernan and Marco on with us. Adam is off running in the woods, again.
Hernan: Yeah. No. I think he was moving.
Bradley: He was moving? Is that what we’re calling it today?
Hernan: Yeah. Let’s call it like that.
Bradley: That’s cool. Chris, what’s up man?
Chris: Doing good. Right from a snowstorm here in Vienna.
Bradley: Guys, hold on, I guess Marco and Hernan you guys can chat for a minute.
Chris: Sure.
Marco: Yeah.
Bradley: Marco?
Marco: I’m good, man. We got really bad electrical storms, my electricity keeps coming in and out. If I drop off the Google police didn’t get me, the lightening storm got me. Sorry about that.
Chris: It’s cool.
Hernan: We started to think this is some kind of conspiracy, since we launched Battle Plan.
Marco: [crosstalk 00:01:09]. I’m telling you. We’re teaching people how to rank and they don’t like, so they’re trying to do everything they can to keep us off the air.
Hernan: Yeah.
Chris: We make things too easily available out there, that’s the thing.
Bradley: All right. Hopefully everybody refreshed the page, because on the event page, because you have to refresh the page for the new video to show up.
Marco: Okay. You both said it already.
Bradley: Let me see.
Hernan: Yeah.
Bradley: Yeah. Okay. All right, guys. Let’s get into it. I guess, we got probably a couple of announcements. We can stay to the actual five o'clock mark today, because we got started a few minutes early, or late guys. Anyways, let’s get into announcements. Hernan, what do we got?
Hernan: Yeah. Real quick. One of the things if you haven’t already, we strongly suggest that you get a copy of the Semantic Mastery, the SEO Domination Battle Plan. That will launch on Monday. Right now, the prices are real for the value that you’re getting and basically the coupon ends, I think it’s going to end in two hours, if I’m not mistaken. Then it’s going to double, more than double the price.
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: Go ahead get it. I’m going to put the link on the event page, but it’s basically battleplan.semanticmastery.com. Go ahead download it, we tried to make a really concise, simple guide, step by step document that you can come back over, and over, and over again, depending if you have each sites, new sites, YouTube videos, local websites, it’s everything in there. The way we do it. The way we implement it. That’s the main idea with Battle Plan. If you’re looking for something simple, go ahead and get it. If you’re looking for something more complex, or if you want more support, et cetera, come join the Mastermind, but that’s basically the main idea of the Battle Plan.
Bradley: There’s a couple of things that I want to mention about that. Is number one we had some people say your process cannot be simple. Well, actually it is.
Marco: It is.
Bradley: You know, that’s really what we do, guys, and that’s why I continually say on these Hump Day Hangouts that I like easy. Don’t over complicate shit, guys. If you want to make it complicated, then just stand on your head while you’re doing it. I don’t know. All I’m saying is those are the exact same services that we use, the same procedures, the process in order, in the steps that we do it in. It’s not difficult. I mean, we’ve got the infrastructure behind us, which is provided, it’s available for you guys, as well to use the same services that we use. I mean, again, some people said, well, it cannot be that simple, it’s just because I think by nature we as SEO’s and marketers typically want to over complicate shit, so that’s part of it and the other thing is, and just very quickly, let me grab the screen, I want to show you something here. You guys are seeing my screen, correct?
Chris: Yeah.
Bradley: This is the bonus site, guys. I think there’s more value in the freaking bonus site then there is in the actual PDF, so I just wanted to point this out real quick. This is something that wasn’t even mentioned on the sales page, but you get access to this bonus site that has a ton of different bonus stuff in here, and the bonus webinar section alone there’s multiple webinars, here, including on of our webinars that Marco just did, recently on iframe and java script secrets that’s a pay per view webinar of a $147.00 and that’s been included, as well. We’ve got a ton of different, you know, there’s case studies in here for Live Rank Sniper, for Rocket Video Ranker Pro, the v-mail prospecting course, which is the basic course I’m probably going to be doing a full blown course for that in the next couple months. Again, I just wanted to point out for a $20.00 PDF, there’s absolutely no reason why you guys shouldn’t pick it up for the simplicity of it, number one. Number two, because you get access to a bunch of amazing bonuses. Okay.
Hernan: Yeah.
Marco: The bonuses are, that’s the reason why it’s going to $100.00 when it’s all said and done.
Bradley: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Marco: Because it’s worth way more than a 100 bucks, but I mean-
Bradley: Damn right it is.
Marco: We wanted to keep it accessible to all of our members and followers, so they could actually have a plan that they could follow to achieve their success. If you want to complicate things, I mean that’s fine as Bradley said, but it doesn’t really need to be. All you have to do is just follow the step by step process. If you want to do more, then you’re more than welcome to join Syndication Academy, you’re more than welcome to come into the Mastermind and ask us as many complex questions as you want, and we’ll answer them. You have full access to us, there. If not, just follow the training step by step. That’s all you have to do. Seriously.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: That’s it.
Bradley: I love it when somebody analysis the plan and says, oh, no, it cannot be that simple, this must not work.
Hernan: [crosstalk 00:06:05].
Hernan: Another thing that’s worth mentioning is that the bonus side that you get for free will be updated. We have a bunch of case studies that are going to be uploaded to the bonus site, so go ahead order it now, because again it’s going to 100 bucks, soon. Now, you can get it for $20.00, it’s crazy.
Bradley: Yeah.
Chris: What’s the coupon code, again?
Bradley: Missile launch.
Hernan: Yeah. It’s missile launch. Thank you, Chris. It’s missile launch, one word and it’s on the event page, again, battleplan.semantricmastery.com. That coupon is going to be available for the next two hours and then it’s going to more than double the price.
Bradley: Okay. Cool. All right. Do we have any other announcements, because if not, let’s get into it.
Marco: Let’s do it.
Bradley: All right. Cool. We’re we going to talk, we’re not talking about the next webinar, are we, yet? Marco?
Marco: No. You can just tell them what it’s going to be about.
Bradley: All right. We’re going to do another webinar in the series, Marco’s series that we’ve done three, now, and we’re about to do a fourth, which is going to be a structured data webinar, guys. We scheduled it, but I don’t know the date off hand.
Marco: It will be around April 8th.
Bradley: May. A Monday-
Marco: May.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: Sorry.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: May 8th.
Bradley: Monday. Excuse me Monday, May 8th. You’re right. I’m sorry.
Marco: Usual time. It will be then, if it changes we have plenty of time to let people know.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: I’m working on that.
Bradley: You guys will get notifications via email and stuff for registration, so I just wanted to let you guys know that, that’s coming, as well. Okay. All right. Cool. I’m going to grab the screen and we’re going to get into questions. It feels weird to be back in Hangouts, man. It feels kind of like home.
Hernan: Yeah.
Bradley: You know?
Chris: It’s actually working.
Bradley: It’s working, too.
Chris: Right.
Private Home Address For A Lead Gen Site’s Google My Business Page
Bradley: Unlike WebinarJam, for some reason. All right. Ala, I’m sorry if I’m mispronouncing your name, forgive me, he says, “Hi, everyone. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to be part of the Hangout, I’m quite new to SEO and I have a question, which might sound very basic. My question is, can I use a private home address for local lead gen?” I believe we answered this question last week or the week before, but it seems like I remember this question. Yes. Of course, you can use your private home address for lead gen. Well, I don’t recommend doing it for fake businesses, or [inaudible 00:08:29] business. What I mean by, guys, obviously, I set up generic businesses, right, generic lead gen funnels, landing pages, whatever you want to call them. Assets. But, I don’t register all of them with my home address, and I wouldn’t recommend that you do that either.
Go get a PO Box. If you’re in the United States, go get a PO Box. I know some people say that’s not working, or isn’t going to work anymore. I covered this in a Facebook live post, recently, but I’m still able to get them to work. What happens is where the problem occurs is if you try to register multiple businesses, so Google My Business pages underneath the same account using multiple PO Boxes. I’ve had that happen to me a couple times in the last few months where I’ve, in the last six months, where I’ve had, I’ve tried to register two different PO Boxes within the same Google My Business owner account, profile, essentially, and I’ve gotten it flagged and I had to reverify.
In one case, I just abandoned it all together, and re-registered a new business under another profile, because it there was no way for me to verify it. I basically lost that one, but it’s not a big deal, it happens, guys. The way the work arounds so far to this point has been just to register one Google My Business profile per, or excuse me, My Business Account per profile, so that you essentially have a different account owner for each one. That’s the way I’ve been able to get around it, again, they may crack down on that at some point in the very near future, maybe so, but until then I’m going to continue exploiting it. That’s what I recommend you do.
You can also hire, rent virtual mailboxes from other places other than the PO box, but those are the cheapest and so far they are still working for me. Okay? Again, I do not recommend that you register a bunch of businesses to your home address, I mean, you can, but I wouldn’t do it. All right? The other thing is you don’t want to share the same address for multiple businesses. Guys, that’s part of the reason I like to use PO boxes, because they’re cheap enough, where even if I’ve got 10 businesses in the same, like I got 10 different lead gen funnels, let’s say 10 different industries and it’s in the same damn city, I can have 10 different PO boxes, because the deal is the address is going to be street address of the PO office and then you’re going to get a box number.
It’s going to be 123 Main Street number 101. Maybe next time you will get number 208, or whatever. My point is each one of those are each considered a unique address because of the box number, makes it unique. Does that make sense? I mean you could probably do it with your own home address, like if your home address was 123 Maple Street, and you did 123 Maple Street, or 123-A, and 123-B, 123-C you could probably get away with that, but I certainly wouldn’t recommend it. Again, it’s cheap enough to where you can just buy additional boxes and I like to do that.
People have asked me before, do you continue to rent the PO box after you’ve received the PO box, or excuse me, the verification card? Yes. I do. I pay for everyone of those. I’ve got PO boxes that I’ve been paying for, for years, guys, I renew them every year, it’s only happened to me twice in my entire digital marketing career that I’ve had to reverify via postcard, a business listing, it’s only happened twice in six or seven years, now.
However, when it happens, if it happens I have the ability to retrieve the postcard, because I renew the boxes every year and it’s a nominal fee, guys. In the less populated areas I can get a PO box for a year for about 60 bucks, or $64.00 something like that. So, $64.00 per year, roughly. Okay? For the more populated areas it cost me $128.00 a year. It’s so inexpensive, it’s such a small cost of doing business that I just pay for it. Okay?
One Address For Multiple GMB Pages In Denmark
Okay. Anyways. “Can I use the very same address for multiple, different businesses in the same area, or city. Note, I live in Denmark. Thank you for your help.” I guess I should answer that, I don’t know about Denmark, I cannot speak for anything in any foreign country, guys. All I can talk about specifically for local is within the United State, but I’m quite sure that if I can get away with doing what I’m doing in the US you could probably get away with it in Denmark. You probably would get away with a hell of a lot more in Denmark, I’m sure. In which case you might, you could possibly use one address and then just put that unique identifier like dash A, dash B, dash C, you could probably get away with that in Denmark, again, I don’t know. I don’t have any experience in that market, but in the US it’s a little bit stricter, typically, and that’s why I just use unique address for each location, like in other words a unique, it gets a unique box number, which makes it unique. Okay? All right. Cool.
Hump Day Hangouts For Semantic Mastery Students On Amazon, Rank & Rent, Etc.
Toby [inaudible 00:13:18], he says, “Can you do a Hump Day Hangouts with your students who are killing it Rank to Rant, or Amazon, Shopify, PayPerCall et cetera, or PayPerCall, et cetera?” I asked him this question yesterday, I guess, because I was trying to clarify, he said, yeah, by the way if you’re watching Toby, what’s up, he says, yes. “Should we bring on guest presenters?” We do that in the Mastermind, Toby. We bring guest presenters on in the Mastermind. We had Clint Butler on two weeks ago, which was awesome, because he did training on PageSpeed, which was awesome, because some of our Mastermind members implemented what he trained for that session and were able to reduce the page load times to under a second. I think it was like three quarters of a second, which was awesome.
Anyways, tomorrow we’ve got our very own Wayne Clayton, he’s been one of our most engaged Mastermind members, and he’s had phenomenal success, and he’s coming on tomorrow to be a guest presenter, to talk about prospecting and his unique approach to prospecting and landing clients. He’s had a lot of experience in the media industry, so he’s got a unique approach that a lot of us in the digital marketing industry haven’t seen or heard. I’m actually really looking forward to having him to come on tomorrow to give his presentation and answer questions about his prospecting methods. Again, Toby, we do that kind of stuff in the Mastermind. Hump Day Hangouts is really supposed to be a forum for Q and A. Okay? It doesn’t mean that we cannot setup a separate webinar for that, sometime, but we’d have to figure out a good angle for it.
Marco: Yeah. Then, we’d also have to be careful about giving away the niche, or any of that information, because actually I had someone do that in the RYS Facebook group and when he posted the URL, directly after that, a couple of days later, he got hit with a ton of spam, so we know that it was someone from our own RYS Academy that went and did that. I don’t know why they would do that to someone who is trying to help and show how he’s doing it, but it’s one of the reasons why we try to protect it, and keep it inside the Mastermind where we know most of the people are trustworthy.
Bradley: Yeah. I totally agree. That’s why that’s in part why we do stuff like that on the Mastermind, guys, because it’s a very, very tight group, like an intimate group, so it makes it a lot easier. It doesn’t mean that there’s not people there that can be malicious, as well, because there certainly can be, but it’s less likely.
Anchor Text Variation In Link Building
Okay. Doctor Brain McKay, he says, “When building links is it better to use one, and only one variation? For example, dub, dub, dub, or just HTTP, or just a domain.com. I have heard varying advice where you would use all and someone else saying use one every time you build a link.” You know, honestly, I’ve used variations, if I were to be using spam tools, which I don’t anymore, at all. I don’t ever run them, myself, but I would always use variations.
Here’s a good example, Brian, in the recent weeks I’ve done several case studies for different YouTube tools, they’re all in the bonus site that I just showcased a minute ago. One of them being Live Rank Sniper and the other one being Rocket Video Ranker Pro, and there has been some spinning and all that for the video descriptions and that kind of stuff, which is pretty typical for any sort of spam work, and those are in my opinion they’re both spam tools, they can be used to not spam, but the way that I used them was very intentionally to spam, and because of that I just started doing a lot of spinning and stuff like that again in the last few weeks, which I had gotten away from for a while.
When I create the links that go in the video description to where I want to direct people to, I like to use all the different variations as you just laid out here. HTTP, if there’s HTTPS as well, if the SSL protocol is available then I’ll go ahead and add that one in, as well. I’ll use the trailing slash with and without the trailing slash, I’ll use dub, dub, dub and non dub, dub, so I use all variation of them so that it adds variety and diversity to the video description. In other words, if we’ve got 15 videos in the same channel, I want the URL, the call to action URL to be a variation all the time, if possible. Just because it gives more diversity to the thing. Now, as far as the SEO purposes, since they all resolve to the same location, I don’t think it makes much difference, but I’d like to hear Marco and Hernan’s input on this, please.
Marco: It’s just acrotex variation, that’s why you do that. The destinations is usually all the same, but also you want to keep that, you might, people don’t all link the same way. They-
Bradley: That’s right.
Marco: If you go throughout the web, like you get 100 people they’re all going to link to a website a different way. Some will use a dub, dub, dub. I particularly don’t anymore, because I know it will resolve to the dub, dub, dub anyway.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: I use them all simply because that’s what people do on the web. It makes absolutely no sense, and whoever is advising only one variation is actually misguided.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: Because that’s not the way that people type.
Bradley: Now, the only time that I would recommend always using the exact same URL format is when you’re citing an NAP, name, address, phone number, so any time you’re going to create, or reference, or list an NAP somewhere within content, or link building, or something like that I would always recommend using the same type of URL. Just because it’s an NAP, you want data consistency as much as possible.
Marco: And, the URL should be whatever shows-
Bradley: Shows in Google My Business.
Marco: Yeah. To link to the website, where they say website, and you click on it, that’s the version that you should use in that one particular case.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: Yeah.
Hernan: Yeah. This case, I totally agree with Marco. That’s why we keep saying that you need to validate the entity on one of the main, you know, when your website is popular, or you’re trying it to appear to be popular, you need to emulate as much as possible human behavior that’s why you need to do things differently from time to time. I mean, different URLs people will mention your website differently, maybe they will spell it wrong. As long as the link is the link, you know, we had, I think we had Gary, Doctor Gary, came to a Mastermind and he showed how you can get links from really powerful websites just because they’re misspelled. You know?
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: As long as the URL is pointing correctly to your website, the anchor text could be misspelled, you know, it can be Semantic Mastery or something else, or Semantic Master as long as the hyperlink is pointing to semanticmastery.com. You know? Yeah. Vary it a little bit, that would be my intake on it.
Three Pack Map In Organic Ranking
Bradley: Very good. Okay. Ala, is up again, he says, “Hi. When the first three to four sites on the Google organic search are not the same ones as in Google three pack,” so the maps pack, “does that mean that it’s easy to rank in the three pack map, or the first page of the organic search for that specific niche? Thanks for the help.” It doesn’t meant that it’s going to be easy to rank in the map, it’s just means that the maps listings aren’t, the ones that are ranked in maps they’re on page for their sit isn’t as good, is not good enough to be on the first page.
In other words, and it doesn’t have to be just be the on page, it could be the combination of on page, or on page and off page, but typically the organic results, it’s a different algorithm. There’s a lot of overlap between the local algorithm and the organic algorithm, now, it’s a lot more closely related now than it used to be. That was particularly where a lot of that marriage occurred was the Pigeon update, if you guys remember that. That was, shit, that was probably two years ago, now. Amazing how time flies. There is some overlap there, but for example Ala, I don’t ever, I don’t care at all about organic rankings anymore for lead gen, or for local stuff, when I have a physical location available, even if that means I have to black half the physical location using a PO box. Right?
I don’t care about organic anymore at all for lead gen and local stuff, only because I know from all my lead gen assets is that my call volume drops for stuff that was organic only. My call volume dropped 60%, because of the new SERP layout. Right? When I say new, it’s not new anymore, but the SERP layout as it stands today, which is four ads, typically four ads and a maps pack, so you end up going past seven freaking listings before you ever get to the first organic. I can tell you right now, the reason why I’m telling you this is because I have multiple lead gen sites all over the place that are ranked in maps, but they might be on page two or page three in organic. I don’t care.
It doesn’t bother me, because the phone calls are coming from the maps pack, or from AdsWords, excuse me AdWords. I’m either getting calls from my ads, or I’m getting calls from the maps pack. I don’t get calls from organic, very, very rarely do I get calls from organic when a map is displayed for a search query. Right? Most search queries are going to display. Now, I will still target organic for lead gen and local, like if I’m doing video campaigns, for example, because you cannot get a video, well, I say you cannot, it’s unlikely to get a video above the maps pack, anymore, for a local term. Okay?
I still will do spamming with YouTube and stuff like that for organic rankings, but when it comes to websites, and stuff, I personally don’t care if there’s a maps pack that shows for the search query, then I’m going to try to rank in the maps pack, not the organic. Okay? Typically, when there’s a difference between what’s showing in maps, and what’s showing in organic it’s because the site that’s ranking in maps, but not in organic is speaking, or it’s more congruent with what the map’s algorithm was.
If that makes sense. But maybe not as much for the organic. Like I said, it could be a, I found that’s often times more an on page issue, than an off page issue, but it could be both. I’m just saying personally when I’ve been able to identify issues where I’m not ranking as good organically as I should be based upon my maps ranking, it’s a lot of the times, at least in my experiences it’s been because of on page issues, either over optimization, which triggers Panda, again, it’s just Panda in general. Thin content, over optimization, things like that. You guys got any input on that?
Marco: Yeah. I would just tell him he is trying to do local since he talked about the map pack before.
Bradley: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Marco: Right? I’m thinking he wants, the way that you do that is entity. You do the entity. You validate it, then you push trust, and authority, and relevance up to the entity, it’s called RYS Academy, by the way. That’s how you force all of that up to the entity and over to the destination and you could actually do both. Rank in maps and organic.
IFTTT Syndicated Video As Duplicate Content
Bradley: Yeah. That’s what I would do. All right. Cool. We’re going to keep moving. Let’s see who is next Balint, sorry if I mispronounce that, he says, “Thanks for last weeks input I was rather asking about how to make both RSS and YouTube syndication to work for the same network. My idea, I upload a video, unlisted to YouTube, I have it transcribed to make a post to my main site with the additional content, the video is embedded and the title is different. That post with transcription gets syndicated via RSS trigger. I make the video public a bit later on, because it’s public now the sole video gets syndicated via YouTube upload trigger, too. Maybe not to the main blog, though. Would that work, or still count as duplicate spam?” No. That would work, Balint. That’s absolutely fine.
I’ve said that in previous Hump Day Hangouts, that question has come up several times, Balint, so you’re not the first to ask it. It’s okay to post both the video to your channel and to your blog, and have them both syndicate to the same network, that’s absolutely fine. Where the problem occurs is when people have both their YouTube channel triggering their network and their blog, and they upload the video, which syndicates to their network, and then they just take the video and go embed it in a post on their blog with the same title, and usually not much different in the video description, either, and then they post that, because here’s the problem it won’t hurt your money site, your blog, and it won’t hurt your YouTube channel.
Where it can cause problems is on the network itself, the syndication network, because now you’ve got two posts that look nearly identical to your network properties, because it’s the same title, which ends up being the same title, and then you have the same video, so especially for Blogger, Tumblr, and WordPress where there’s embeds, because that’s basically, it’s going to look like the same post, basically, other than perhaps maybe some slight differences in text in the description area. But, if you’re going to change the title and usually make the title more like blog specific, right, because usually blog post, guys, are going to have more, you know, longer conversational, natural speech pattern type titles than a YouTube video, because YouTube videos are going to usually be synced keyword different type titles. Right, guys?
But, blog titles are generally going to be more like natural speech patterns. Right? So, if you’re going to take your video and also post it to your blog and have both syndicating to the same network, then it’s absolutely fine to do so if you’re going to make a different title, and if you’re going to have that video transcribed, you’re going to have a much longer description, so it’s not going to look like duplicate content on the web two properties. If that makes sense. That’s absolutely perfectly fine, Balint. I’m sorry if I misunderstood your question last week.
SEO Battle Plan For Rebranding
Roy says, “Got the Battle Plan reviewed it, question, just got a dental client and had to rebrand his practice, dissolved partnership,” okay, “So, the main practice name has changed to a new name, he then purchased another practice in a different city, I rebranded his practice website as ABC Dental Group with the two city locations. Do I just create one Google Plus page for the group.com, or different for each location?” No. You create a different Google page for each location, Roy. Well, I mean, let me rephrase that. If you’re creating a Google brand page, then you can have one brand page and reference both locations, but I understand that if you’re talking about, I’m sure you’re talking about Google My Business, a locations page. In which case you want a different page for each location. Okay?
There are brand pages and there are locations pages, and actually locations pages are no longer Google Plus pages at all, they’re maps pages. They’re not even part of Google Plus, anymore. Does that make sense? If you go in your Google My Business dashboard you access your maps data through maps, and your Google Plus page, which is now just a brand page, there is no local version of the brand page anymore that I’m aware of, anyways, because you edit your details on maps. Okay? Anyways, there might still be a locations Google Plus page, but I don’t know what the use of it is for, I don’t how it’s valuable at all anymore, to be honest with you, everything is now being, for the local part of it, it’s all being handled through maps. Okay? So, for that, yeah, go ahead and create a different locations page for each.
“Do I need to modify the Battle Plan for the purchase practice since it already has G-Plus established? I’m a bit confused on how to apply the Battle Plan to the situation.” I’m not sure I understand what you mean, the purchase practice since it already has a G-Plus established, I mean, if it’s already got a locations page, you’re going to have to rebrand all that stuff. Right? I mean, I think that’s what you’re saying, you said, he rebranded his practice with the two locations, Roy, I’m not really following all of the parts of this question, but if you the other business that he purchased had a Google My Business page, already, and now he purchased it, if he’s rebranding everything, what I would recommend, especially if that other business was established and had any sort of decent rankings in Google and/or maps. Right? If it was ranking.
You’re going to have to rebrand it, if it’s rebranded, I’m assuming it’s going to have to be rebranded, in which case what you’d want to do is don’t, I wouldn’t set up a new listing, because it’s going to have the same address unless the phone number changed, the name and the phone number, and the website, like if all of those data points change, then yes I would set up a new business. I would close, say that the other business was permanently closed then create a new listing, but you’d have to make sure that the only thing that was the same out of all the data points between name, address, phone number, and URL is the address. Right?
You’d have to have the different brand name, different phone number, different URL. Then, you could mark that other place as closed and start a new GMB page, which is what I would do if those other conditions were met. However, if the phone number, the physical location, and perhaps the web address, and/or the brand name or whatever are the same, if you don’t have all those unique properties within those four data points, there, then you’re going to have to do a citation cleanup, which would be going out and basically correcting all of the old citations to list the new data for the business. Does that make sense? That’s a pain in the ass, but that’s what you’re going to have to do.
I recommend, highly, that you go, if you guys can get the link ready, it’s http://ift.tt/2bbLT53, that’s L-O-G-A-N-I-X. That is a citation clean up service there that can handle that for you, well, provided that it’s in the US, they may do it in other areas, but I don’t know. Loganix citation cleanup service in the US is really, really good. You get about a 70% success rate, and they’re very, very thorough. That’s what I would recommend doing. Like I said, if you’re going to rebrand it and you get a new URL, and you’re going to change the phone number then I would set up a new listing all together, because that’s going to be a lot less of a headache than trying to fix old citations, that’s just a real pain in the ass, and that’s why I just outsource that all the time. All right. We’re going to keep moving.
Hernan: Sorry, Bradley, but it’s on the events page, http://ift.tt/2bbLT53.
Generating Quality Leads From Google Adwords Campaigns
Bradley: Okay. If you want to followup, Roy, with us in one of our groups Facebook or something with some more detail, like where it can be explained a little bit further we might be able to help you out a little bit better. I feel like I wasn’t able to answer that question, properly, because I don’t have all the details. Mark’s next, he says, “Hi, guys. Hope all is well. My question is about your Local Kingpin product, I’m starting to get somewhere now with SEO, but it does take forever, and that’s okay, I accept that’s how SEO goes and just get on with it, but I like the idea of starting with AdWords and then adding SEO lead gen later. I’m not asking for AdWords advice that’s what the training is for, and I’ve bought your products before, so I know it will be legit. My question is how did, or how is it going? Are you able to generate enough quality leads for your client? I work with contractors, if that helps, not looking for specific advice, just your opinion on how well AdWords works.” I’m crossinated with AdWords, guys, I mean, yeah, my profit is a lot smaller on my AdWords leads because I pay for the clicks and everything, but they’re so much easier to set up, and I can, I mean, that’s what Local Kingpin is about, Mark, is about setting up like literally you can set up a lead gen funnel and have traffic, and be receiving leads within 48 hours.
I mean, you could do it within a day, but I say within 48 hours because it usually takes me two days to set up a lead gen asset. Well, it used to take me two days, when I was new, but now I’ve got a lot of stuff, templatized, like I’ve got Click Funnels, funnels that are already all set up. They’re generic funnels. I can just clone the funnel and then go in and swap out details, and I’ve got working procedure’s setup for a lot of stuff, now, so I have check lists that I can go through. That kind of stuff that makes it just really simple for me to set up a funnel, a lead gen asset, and turn on ads, and it’s like literally within a few hours of you submitting your first ad you can start generating traffic.
The main thing, Mark, if you go through Local Kingpin, which I highly recommend, especially for contractors, because that’s my market, is contractors. I mean, I love being able to generate leads with AdWords, now. I don’t know why I was so scared of AdWords for so long, but now I absolutely love it, because the speed in which I can generate, and here’s the thing, what I love about setting up AdWords funnels, guys, is I can determine right off the bat, right away, where my money keywords are. The 80/20 rule 100% applies to AdWords, and there’s a book by Perry Marshall called, The 80/20 Sales and Marketing. Go get the damn book. By it on Kindle, whatever. Pick it up, read it, because it is absolutely 100% correct when it comes to AdWords, especially for the local lead gen funnels. 80% of your traffic is going to come from 20% of your keywords. That’s it. All this shit that we do in SEO, where we scrap hundreds of keywords, and we build silos, and we have to do all this content, and we have to properly silo the content, we got to do all this internal linking, all that’s great it can pay off there’s no doubt, but so many of those keywords, or long tail and stuff like that where you’re going to get very little to no traffic from them.
Now, cumulatively they all build to make your site stronger and more relevant, which will generate more traffic, so there’s certainly a reason to do all that, but my point is we go through harvesting these great big keyword lists and all that stuff, and with AdWords, especially the way that I show how to do it using alpha beta campaign structure you can literally go in, do your keyword research in about a half an hour.
The main point for that is generating, or building a negative keyword list, because you ought to already know what your main money keywords are for the project that you’re working on. Really the keyword research is about building a negative keyword list, but then you plug in your money keywords, you add your negative keyword lists, use modified broad match, and then you let AdWords tell you where your money keywords are, and within a month you can identify your top keywords where 80% of your traffic is going to come from, and I guarantee you it will be 20% of your keywords.
Then, those are the keywords that you focus your SEO efforts on. As I mentioned, I think in the Local Kingpin training, I’m not starting any SEO projects from scratch anymore. I’m not starting new projects with SEO as my main promotional type, anymore. I’m not doing it, unless it’s YouTube spam, because I’m just not going to do it. From now on, I’m doing AdWords first to prove my keywords and prove that it’s converting and that kind of stuff, and then I’ll invest my time and effort into SEO for the keywords that I’ve identified as my winners.
Hernan: Yeah.
Bradley: Does that make sense?
Hernan: Yeah. I really like that approach, Bradley. The fact that you’re getting speed, that you’re getting, I mean, each rating on a project and you’re failing fast.
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: You’re finding out, you’re weeding out the keywords that are not going to work, that they’re not going to convert, and then you’re focusing on the keywords that are, and I think that’s really the key when it comes to paid advertising, is that you get data so much faster that your business can grow a lot more, because if you have to be waiting six months to get data on your business, it’s money, time is money.
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: If you’re doing SEO and waiting all of that time, then you’re spending all of that money that you could be earning, because you’re failing fast on your project. Once you have that, once you have the process in place you can still do SEO and you know that it’s going to pickup three to six months down the road, maybe a year down the road and you still do SEO, so that when that hits, or when you’re getting a decent amount of organic traffic, you know that the funnel is converting.
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: There’s basically no top to how much you can scale, it all depends on the market that you’re in. The market will tell you how much you can scale, or sell a product, or sell a service, whatever that is, but that’s basically why I like paid advertising combined with SEO, because again you don’t want to put all of your eggs in one basket.
Bradley: That’s correct.
Hernan: Like, one way or the other.
Bradley: Yeah. Here’s the thing, guys, think about this, you could spend months working on a project, and find out for SEO I mean, you could spend months working on trying to build the SEO for a project, set of keywords, whatever, and find out that it’s just not profitable. It’s not working. Now, you’ve spent months of effort and time on it, and probably money, as well. With AdWords you can prove it very, very quickly, whether it’s going to be profitable or not. If you can make it profitable when you’re paying for the clicks, then it will be profitable for SEO, there’s no doubt, because you won’t be paying, I mean, you do pay for those clicks with time and effort, and somewhat money, too. You know what I mean? It’s indirect. You’re paying indirectly, not directly for clicks.
Again, that’s number one. Number two, the other part of that, Mark, is why I love AdWords for local lead gen now is because if you do register a mailbox and it can be a PO box, it doesn’t even have to be verified, guys. You can register local addresses and set up AdWords campaigns and use the location’s extension. Are you hearing this? You don’t even have to have a verified address and it will still show the location’s extension in your ad and it will also, if you’ve got your ads set up properly and you’re at the top of the search, or the top of the ads pack, which as to do with quality score, you’ll end up in the maps, an ad in the first maps position. Not necessarily in the three pack.
On mobile devices, if you have call only ads set up you can show up in the three pack on mobile devices, but on desktop, I haven’t seen, I haven’t been able to get any of my ads to show up in the three pack on desktop, but I have been able to get almost virtually all of my ads to show up in the first position in maps, so when somebody clicks on the more results, it will show my ad at the very top of the results when that page expands. If that makes sense.
That’s the thing, and again with location extensions you don’t even need to verify the address. I know that, because one of the lead gen funnels I set up for Local Kingpin, Google was not sending me the verification postcard, so I went ahead and said, screw it, I’m going to continue with the project and I went ahead and added the location’s extension and you have to link it to your Google My Business profile, and then select whatever page, and I linked that page to it and I thought well, let’s just check it and see if it works, and damn if it didn’t show my maps extension in the ad, even though it was an unverified address, which is awesome. Right? I just wanted to give you guys that little nugget. Local Kingpin, guys, is a great, great course if you’re doing lead gen and you’re not using AdWords, you’re crazy, in my opinion. Okay.
Battle Plan Versus RYS Academy, Syndication Academy & Other Semantic Mastery Products
All right. Herovic, he says, “Hi. I have a question regarding the Battle Plan, how is it different than the IFTTT Academy, RYS, or the Mastermind? Does it add something new, or is it a blueprint that incorporates all of them? Thank you.” Well, a $20.00 PDF certainly cannot incorporate IFTTT, RYS, and the Mastermind. It would be nice if it could, but it would be an awfully big PDF if we did.
Hernan: Yeah. [inaudible 00:41:58] depth of Semantic Mastery and the three years-
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: In Mastermind. I know all of the nuggets that are RYS, it’s going to be longest.
Bradley: Yeah. That would be very, Herovic, the Battle Plan is basically, the process is that we use for working on any digital assets, whether they’re established or they’re just being launched. It’s the same, it’s just the series of steps that we take for setting up the networks, and link building, and citations, and press releases, and like all of the different steps in the order that we do them. It’s the same process that we’ve used for years, now.
All we did was put it in a simple format, including links to the products and services that we use for that kind of stuff, which most of them are our own services, anyways, because we developed all of those services specifically because we use them. We only made our services available to others, because we kept getting asked for it. We had developed our services, for us, originally. Okay. That’s all it is. It’s very, very simple. It doesn’t need to be complicated. Some people wished it was more complicated, and that’s why I said, you know, I don’t know, stand on your head while you perform the tasks. I don’t know.
Marco: Can I add something more to this?
Bradley: Please, do.
Marco: Yeah. Our Battle Plan is a blueprint. A blueprint is used to build a house.
Bradley: Right.
Marco: The blueprint does not build the house for you, you have to follow the blueprint and go and build a house, using whatever tools are necessary for the construction of whatever it is that you want to make of that house according to the blueprint that you’re using. I mean, I cannot put it any clearer, or plainer than that. Get a blueprint on what you’re supposed to do and how you’re supposed to do it, not why you’re supposed to do it, and definitely it’s not going to get done for you. I hope that clarifies-
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: Everything.
Bradley: Again, it’s very simple Herovic, it’s the process that we use, and I like simple, that’s why we made it simple, because it doesn’t need to be overcomplicated. If you want to learn more about Syndication Academy, and syndication networks, you’re certainly welcome to join, RYS, as well, Mastermind is our top level coaching group, and that you’re certainly welcome to join that, as well.
Rocket Video Ranker Vs Live Rank Sniper
Next question, “How does the Rocket Video Ranker differ from Live Rank Sniper? Can we emulate its functionality and do it manually? What’s the principle behind it?” Yeah. They’re two different things. Live Rank Sniper, is really a keyword poking tool, and Peter Drew, the developer even calls it that, so it’s not like that’s a secret. It’s mainly a poking tool. You can use it to identify keywords, to test keywords with YouTube schedule of live events. You don’t even need to have a video. Right?
Live Rank Sniper doesn’t even require you to have a video, it’s just a software that automates the process of setting up YouTube scheduled live events, because of their indexable schedule with live events, they will index without even a video, they’re just place holders in the index, and then once you have identified keywords you can, if you want, stream directly to those scheduled live events through Live Rank Sniper. It’s a manual process, and it takes time. I say, manual, it’s semi automated in that you only have to click the mouse a couple times for it to start doing its thing, but then you have to wait for the software to run to stream the video, and it will end and then you have to stream, you know, click the mouse a few times to go stream to the next scheduled live event that’s ranking. I don’t recommend it for that. I recommend using it specifically for identifying keywords, using it as a poking tool. Okay? If you want a tool that works seamlessly with Live Rank Sniper I would say Hangout Millionaire, which is Peter Drew’s upgrade, like that’s his top level, well, it’s currently his top level SEO video marketing software, but he’s coming out, well, I’m not going to say anything else. That’s a great tool, as well, though, it works really good with Live Rank Sniper.
Rocket Video Ranker is a different animal all together. Rocket Video Ranker is freaking fabulous. It’s a loophole as far as I’m concerned. The way that it works, but basically you upload, you just do uploads with Rocket Video Ranker, but it automates uploading multiple videos at one time very, very quickly in a very unique fashion. The way that it works, it’s very unique, I don’t know how long it’s going to last, or even why it works the way that it does, but it works really, really well, right now. I know, because I used a shit ton, I used a lot of it. I used it a lot, excuse me, over the last two weeks, and the case study, by the way, just so you know, the case study in here, look, this is it, guys, I mean, I’ve got 11, there’s got to be two and a half hours worth of content in this case study, alone. Exactly how I use it, and it’s great because you can set up digital assets.
YouTube channels, you can turn YouTube channels into digital assets very quickly using this, and I even talk about it in the strategy session here, in what’s the very last video here, it’s called, What’s Next, I talk very specifically about a strategy that you can hire virtual assistants to run the software for you, and literally create dozens and dozens of these digital assets, YouTube channel assets, and you can monetize them, and there’s multiple ways to do that, as well, and I talk about that in the case study. Hopefully, that makes some sense. Herovic, if you don’t have either one of them go buy the PDF, the Battle Plan and you should have access to this bonus study, excuse me, this bonus membership site and if you do, then just go through watch the first couple videos of each one of the case studies, and you make the decision as to what is best for your business. Okay? They’re available for you to watch, so that you can make that decision.
Changes To The iFrame Tag
All right. I only got about eight minutes left, so let’s roll through these next few. Ivan, says, “Hey, guys. I embedded a Google My Maps in an article on my website and I shared it to my tier one network. If I had something in the iframe will it syndicate automatically on the network, or do I have to resubmit my article via my RSS feed?” Yeah. No. Well, wait a minute. Yeah. If you’re updating the iframe, it should update everywhere, because it’s the same iframe. Am I correct, Marco, or no?
Marco: That’s correct. The iframe will show whatever is in the source.
Bradley: Okay.
Marco: But, hang on, if he’s changing the iframe that it’s structured in the website, it’s not going to update everywhere else.
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: But, I think, well, Ivan, if you’re listening, maybe you can comment, but I think that what he’s saying is if he adds something, well, yeah, I know, if he adds something to the code that’s not going to resyndicate, but if you change what’s within the iframe-
Bradley: Right.
Hernan: Then it could, like if you change something within the Google My Maps, you know, like if you add another marker for example, that will automatically show everywhere, but if you add, I don’t know, whatever, a piece of code to that iframe, that’s not going to resyndicate. Am I correct? Am I right?
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: That’s correct. You would-
Bradley: [crosstalk 00:49:18] past the closing iframe tag, then that’s not going to update across the properties. Right?
Hernan: Right.
Bradley: Right. If that’s what you mean, Ivan, if you’re trying to add stuff like beyond the closing iframe tag, then no. You’d have to issue a new, or publish a new post. Here’s the thing guys, you cannot publish a post and have it syndicate to your network, and then go back and edit the post on your money site, and then expect it to edit all the posts that it was syndicated to, as well. It doesn’t work like that. You’d have to go delete the original post and then basically republish the post as a new post in order for it to trigger the RSS feed to syndicate, as a new post. Right? There is a plugin that you can use in WordPress, it’s called, Republish Old Posts, funny enough. Right?
Republish Old Posts, and I’ll say WP, or WordPress, that’s it right there. This plugin right here, you can use this plugin to republish old posts, it will reinsert them into your RSS feed, which will trigger a new syndication, you can do something like that if you wanted. But, yeah, if you’re changing something within the iframe, it’s going to update everywhere that the iframe was syndicated to, if you’re changing something outside of the closing iframe tag, then no, you’d have to force the syndication all over again. Okay? He says, “By the way, my comment on Semantic Mastery sales page, wow, I was surprised it’s like having a page one, position one on Google.” That’s awesome. Thanks, Ivan.
Using Proxies For IFTTT Properties
David says, “When creating a branded network, is it necessary to use proxies for any account work, once a network is in place. How much lift does using stacks of interlinked Google properties add?” First of all, is it necessary to use proxies for any account work? No. It’s not necessary. I recommend if you’re building a ton of networks that you have at least five dedicated proxies, any ways, that you can cycle through. I recommend, and this is covered in the training, David, but I recommend never trying to create more than two accounts with the same IP within 24 hours. Okay? Again, you can do it with your own IP, it’s fine you don’t need any proxies at all, as long as you’re not, and when I say, I mean, don’t try creating two accounts on the same account platform.
In other words, don’t try to create more than two Tumblrs, for example, or two Gmail addresses within 24 hours from the same IP. It will flag your IP and trust me, it will cause problems. If you’re going to be doing a lot of building, which again I don’t recommend you do, you should outsource that or just go to SERP Space and buy networks, but if you’re going to be doing a lot of that kind of stuff, then I recommend that you have at least five proxies, dedicated proxies, you want them to be clean. Dedicated means you are only using them, don’t get shared proxies. I also, highly recommend if you are going to be building a lot of networks that you use Browseo. Seriously. I mean, I got it opened, right here. I mean, it’s crazy, I got all these Browseo, I got this open all the time now, guys, it’s insane, because it’s a great, great tool. Okay?
“Once a network is in place, how much lift does using stacks of interlink Google properties add?” It depends, David. It depends if the Google stacks are created properly. It depends on how they’re done. It depends on which keywords, there’s just so many variables there, if they’re done correctly you can expect a substantial increase in rank. Okay? But, if you don’t do it correctly then, you know, I cannot speak, it might not help at all, in fact it might even cause problems. I don’t know. It just depends if they’re done right, or not.
Marco: It also depends on how much risk he’s willing to take, as far as, hammering the drive stack properties.
Local SEO For Business Franchise In The Same City
Bradley: Yeah. Okay. Ken, says, we’re almost done, guys, we only got a couple minutes left. He says, “I’m looking for clarity on ranking for local. I have a client that is a franchise. There are four locations within seven to 10 miles of each other, so I don’t think it would be reasonable to try to rank all of them for the same keyword. Franchise name, city, state.” For the same keyword. I’m sorry guys, I was just rereading that. “Since I would be competing against myself in each location, I can just see it now the management in each location would be pissed off if I wasn’t ranking them at the top of the three pack. I do understand that there would be overlap, and so do they. The only differentiating factor to each location is different zip codes, it’s a minor overlap.” Oh, wow, so it’s the same city and everything. “[inaudible 00:53:54] don’t show any search volume for franchise name, city, state,” yeah, I mean it probably wouldn’t. Well, if it’s franchise, yeah, maybe, because it has a franchise name. Right. But, what about the keyword? Instead of franchise name. Anyways, “I don’t think, so do I go ahead and only focus on franchise city, state, zip code, for each location and big G will pick up the fact of the search’s location? How would you suggest going after this? What would you do?”
Ken, that’s a really good question. I’ve never had to experience that, so it would take me some thought, we don’t have time for me to go, I mean, I’d literally have to think about it. Is Ken in any of our, he’s not in our Mastermind is he? I don’t think he is. Ken, this would be an awesome question for us to dissect in Mastermind, I sure wish you were in there, buddy. Let me think about this one a little bit, Ken, and we can revisit it next week. Sorry, if you cannot wait until then, because otherwise join the Mastermind, because we’ve got a Mastermind tomorrow, this could be a great question to dissect, but otherwise you are going to have to wait until next week, and I’m going to make a note right now.
Marco: If I could just add that right now the main factor for a three pack, or for what appears to search is proximity, I mean, that’s without question what the main factor, I mean-
Bradley: Especially for mobile.
Marco: [crosstalk 00:55:19]. If you are mobile, yeah, and you’re talking about nearly 70% of people right now who are searching on mobile, but I was just doing something on that last week, and sharing it with someone that-
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: Proximity seems to be the overriding factor. I mean, before anything else Google will pick up proximity.
Bradley: Yeah. So, Ken, again, if you’re in Mastermind, or if you want, you should join, and I’m not saying that for any other reason other than this would be a really good question to really dig into, but otherwise, I’ve got a note, I’ll think about this a little bit, maybe consult with Marco a bit, and then we’ll have kind of a concise answer for you next week. Okay? All right. I’m just going to read Wayne’s comment, really quickly, then we’ve got to wrap it up, guys, because I’ve got to go. He says, “Word on the street is that you are sharing something tomorrow on Mastermind that will elevate our business. Is something special planned for the next Mastermind?” Why, yes. It’s this guy named Wayne Clayton, who’s going to be on tomorrow sharing some of his expertise in prospecting and dealing with clients and his process of determining how much money they have to spend, what their goals are, and all that kind of stuff.
I was super impressed with a post that he made in one of the Facebook groups, one of our Facebook groups about a particular method that he uses whenever he’s prospecting and pitching clients, or at least asking questions of the clients, of prospects, excuse me. It was really detailed and I was super impressed, so I reached out to Wayne and asked him if he’d come on and be a guest presenter for the Mastermind, to share some of his stuff, and so I’m actually really looking forward to it. In part, because we are, in Semantic Mastery, we’re really ramping up something on the side that we’re working on that’s going to be requiring a lot of prospecting work.
Maybe in the near future, there’s going to be a full on, full blown prospecting course coming out from us, because that’s something that I’m working on right now, so I’m really anxious to hear what Wayne’s got, because some of that might even get included in what will be coming out with our prospecting course, in the future. Anyways, hopefully anybody that’s not in our Mastermind, it would be a good time to join, so go to mastermind.semanticmastery.com if you want to find out more about that, otherwise, we’ll see everybody next week.
Marco: Sounds good.
Bradley: Thanks, everybody. We’ll see you all later.
Hernan: Bye guys.
Bradley: Bye.
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 128 published first on your-t1-blog-url
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zeek1991-blog · 7 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 128
Click on the video above to watch Episode 128 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://ift.tt/1NZu6N2.
Bradley: We’re live. We’re back on Hangouts, guys, because webinar wouldn’t even start for us today, anyway. Hey everybody, Bradley Benner, here. Semantic Mastery, this is the Hump Day Hangouts episode 128, today is March 19th 2017, and we’ve got Chris, Hernan and Marco on with us. Adam is off running in the woods, again.
Hernan: Yeah. No. I think he was moving.
Bradley: He was moving? Is that what we’re calling it today?
Hernan: Yeah. Let’s call it like that.
Bradley: That’s cool. Chris, what’s up man?
Chris: Doing good. Right from a snowstorm here in Vienna.
Bradley: Guys, hold on, I guess Marco and Hernan you guys can chat for a minute.
Chris: Sure.
Marco: Yeah.
Bradley: Marco?
Marco: I’m good, man. We got really bad electrical storms, my electricity keeps coming in and out. If I drop off the Google police didn’t get me, the lightening storm got me. Sorry about that.
Chris: It’s cool.
Hernan: We started to think this is some kind of conspiracy, since we launched Battle Plan.
Marco: [crosstalk 00:01:09]. I’m telling you. We’re teaching people how to rank and they don’t like, so they’re trying to do everything they can to keep us off the air.
Hernan: Yeah.
Chris: We make things too easily available out there, that’s the thing.
Bradley: All right. Hopefully everybody refreshed the page, because on the event page, because you have to refresh the page for the new video to show up.
Marco: Okay. You both said it already.
Bradley: Let me see.
Hernan: Yeah.
Bradley: Yeah. Okay. All right, guys. Let’s get into it. I guess, we got probably a couple of announcements. We can stay to the actual five o'clock mark today, because we got started a few minutes early, or late guys. Anyways, let’s get into announcements. Hernan, what do we got?
Hernan: Yeah. Real quick. One of the things if you haven’t already, we strongly suggest that you get a copy of the Semantic Mastery, the SEO Domination Battle Plan. That will launch on Monday. Right now, the prices are real for the value that you’re getting and basically the coupon ends, I think it’s going to end in two hours, if I’m not mistaken. Then it’s going to double, more than double the price.
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: Go ahead get it. I’m going to put the link on the event page, but it’s basically battleplan.semanticmastery.com. Go ahead download it, we tried to make a really concise, simple guide, step by step document that you can come back over, and over, and over again, depending if you have each sites, new sites, YouTube videos, local websites, it’s everything in there. The way we do it. The way we implement it. That’s the main idea with Battle Plan. If you’re looking for something simple, go ahead and get it. If you’re looking for something more complex, or if you want more support, et cetera, come join the Mastermind, but that’s basically the main idea of the Battle Plan.
Bradley: There’s a couple of things that I want to mention about that. Is number one we had some people say your process cannot be simple. Well, actually it is.
Marco: It is.
Bradley: You know, that’s really what we do, guys, and that’s why I continually say on these Hump Day Hangouts that I like easy. Don’t over complicate shit, guys. If you want to make it complicated, then just stand on your head while you’re doing it. I don’t know. All I’m saying is those are the exact same services that we use, the same procedures, the process in order, in the steps that we do it in. It’s not difficult. I mean, we’ve got the infrastructure behind us, which is provided, it’s available for you guys, as well to use the same services that we use. I mean, again, some people said, well, it cannot be that simple, it’s just because I think by nature we as SEO’s and marketers typically want to over complicate shit, so that’s part of it and the other thing is, and just very quickly, let me grab the screen, I want to show you something here. You guys are seeing my screen, correct?
Chris: Yeah.
Bradley: This is the bonus site, guys. I think there’s more value in the freaking bonus site then there is in the actual PDF, so I just wanted to point this out real quick. This is something that wasn’t even mentioned on the sales page, but you get access to this bonus site that has a ton of different bonus stuff in here, and the bonus webinar section alone there’s multiple webinars, here, including on of our webinars that Marco just did, recently on iframe and java script secrets that’s a pay per view webinar of a $147.00 and that’s been included, as well. We’ve got a ton of different, you know, there’s case studies in here for Live Rank Sniper, for Rocket Video Ranker Pro, the v-mail prospecting course, which is the basic course I’m probably going to be doing a full blown course for that in the next couple months. Again, I just wanted to point out for a $20.00 PDF, there’s absolutely no reason why you guys shouldn’t pick it up for the simplicity of it, number one. Number two, because you get access to a bunch of amazing bonuses. Okay.
Hernan: Yeah.
Marco: The bonuses are, that’s the reason why it’s going to $100.00 when it’s all said and done.
Bradley: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Marco: Because it’s worth way more than a 100 bucks, but I mean-
Bradley: Damn right it is.
Marco: We wanted to keep it accessible to all of our members and followers, so they could actually have a plan that they could follow to achieve their success. If you want to complicate things, I mean that’s fine as Bradley said, but it doesn’t really need to be. All you have to do is just follow the step by step process. If you want to do more, then you’re more than welcome to join Syndication Academy, you’re more than welcome to come into the Mastermind and ask us as many complex questions as you want, and we’ll answer them. You have full access to us, there. If not, just follow the training step by step. That’s all you have to do. Seriously.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: That’s it.
Bradley: I love it when somebody analysis the plan and says, oh, no, it cannot be that simple, this must not work.
Hernan: [crosstalk 00:06:05].
Hernan: Another thing that’s worth mentioning is that the bonus side that you get for free will be updated. We have a bunch of case studies that are going to be uploaded to the bonus site, so go ahead order it now, because again it’s going to 100 bucks, soon. Now, you can get it for $20.00, it’s crazy.
Bradley: Yeah.
Chris: What’s the coupon code, again?
Bradley: Missile launch.
Hernan: Yeah. It’s missile launch. Thank you, Chris. It’s missile launch, one word and it’s on the event page, again, battleplan.semantricmastery.com. That coupon is going to be available for the next two hours and then it’s going to more than double the price.
Bradley: Okay. Cool. All right. Do we have any other announcements, because if not, let’s get into it.
Marco: Let’s do it.
Bradley: All right. Cool. We’re we going to talk, we’re not talking about the next webinar, are we, yet? Marco?
Marco: No. You can just tell them what it’s going to be about.
Bradley: All right. We’re going to do another webinar in the series, Marco’s series that we’ve done three, now, and we’re about to do a fourth, which is going to be a structured data webinar, guys. We scheduled it, but I don’t know the date off hand.
Marco: It will be around April 8th.
Bradley: May. A Monday-
Marco: May.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: Sorry.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: May 8th.
Bradley: Monday. Excuse me Monday, May 8th. You’re right. I’m sorry.
Marco: Usual time. It will be then, if it changes we have plenty of time to let people know.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: I’m working on that.
Bradley: You guys will get notifications via email and stuff for registration, so I just wanted to let you guys know that, that’s coming, as well. Okay. All right. Cool. I’m going to grab the screen and we’re going to get into questions. It feels weird to be back in Hangouts, man. It feels kind of like home.
Hernan: Yeah.
Bradley: You know?
Chris: It’s actually working.
Bradley: It’s working, too.
Chris: Right.
Private Home Address For A Lead Gen Site’s Google My Business Page
Bradley: Unlike WebinarJam, for some reason. All right. Ala, I’m sorry if I’m mispronouncing your name, forgive me, he says, “Hi, everyone. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to be part of the Hangout, I’m quite new to SEO and I have a question, which might sound very basic. My question is, can I use a private home address for local lead gen?” I believe we answered this question last week or the week before, but it seems like I remember this question. Yes. Of course, you can use your private home address for lead gen. Well, I don’t recommend doing it for fake businesses, or [inaudible 00:08:29] business. What I mean by, guys, obviously, I set up generic businesses, right, generic lead gen funnels, landing pages, whatever you want to call them. Assets. But, I don’t register all of them with my home address, and I wouldn’t recommend that you do that either.
Go get a PO Box. If you’re in the United States, go get a PO Box. I know some people say that’s not working, or isn’t going to work anymore. I covered this in a Facebook live post, recently, but I’m still able to get them to work. What happens is where the problem occurs is if you try to register multiple businesses, so Google My Business pages underneath the same account using multiple PO Boxes. I’ve had that happen to me a couple times in the last few months where I’ve, in the last six months, where I’ve had, I’ve tried to register two different PO Boxes within the same Google My Business owner account, profile, essentially, and I’ve gotten it flagged and I had to reverify.
In one case, I just abandoned it all together, and re-registered a new business under another profile, because it there was no way for me to verify it. I basically lost that one, but it’s not a big deal, it happens, guys. The way the work arounds so far to this point has been just to register one Google My Business profile per, or excuse me, My Business Account per profile, so that you essentially have a different account owner for each one. That’s the way I’ve been able to get around it, again, they may crack down on that at some point in the very near future, maybe so, but until then I’m going to continue exploiting it. That’s what I recommend you do.
You can also hire, rent virtual mailboxes from other places other than the PO box, but those are the cheapest and so far they are still working for me. Okay? Again, I do not recommend that you register a bunch of businesses to your home address, I mean, you can, but I wouldn’t do it. All right? The other thing is you don’t want to share the same address for multiple businesses. Guys, that’s part of the reason I like to use PO boxes, because they’re cheap enough, where even if I’ve got 10 businesses in the same, like I got 10 different lead gen funnels, let’s say 10 different industries and it’s in the same damn city, I can have 10 different PO boxes, because the deal is the address is going to be street address of the PO office and then you’re going to get a box number.
It’s going to be 123 Main Street number 101. Maybe next time you will get number 208, or whatever. My point is each one of those are each considered a unique address because of the box number, makes it unique. Does that make sense? I mean you could probably do it with your own home address, like if your home address was 123 Maple Street, and you did 123 Maple Street, or 123-A, and 123-B, 123-C you could probably get away with that, but I certainly wouldn’t recommend it. Again, it’s cheap enough to where you can just buy additional boxes and I like to do that.
People have asked me before, do you continue to rent the PO box after you’ve received the PO box, or excuse me, the verification card? Yes. I do. I pay for everyone of those. I’ve got PO boxes that I’ve been paying for, for years, guys, I renew them every year, it’s only happened to me twice in my entire digital marketing career that I’ve had to reverify via postcard, a business listing, it’s only happened twice in six or seven years, now.
However, when it happens, if it happens I have the ability to retrieve the postcard, because I renew the boxes every year and it’s a nominal fee, guys. In the less populated areas I can get a PO box for a year for about 60 bucks, or $64.00 something like that. So, $64.00 per year, roughly. Okay? For the more populated areas it cost me $128.00 a year. It’s so inexpensive, it’s such a small cost of doing business that I just pay for it. Okay?
One Address For Multiple GMB Pages In Denmark
Okay. Anyways. “Can I use the very same address for multiple, different businesses in the same area, or city. Note, I live in Denmark. Thank you for your help.” I guess I should answer that, I don’t know about Denmark, I cannot speak for anything in any foreign country, guys. All I can talk about specifically for local is within the United State, but I’m quite sure that if I can get away with doing what I’m doing in the US you could probably get away with it in Denmark. You probably would get away with a hell of a lot more in Denmark, I’m sure. In which case you might, you could possibly use one address and then just put that unique identifier like dash A, dash B, dash C, you could probably get away with that in Denmark, again, I don’t know. I don’t have any experience in that market, but in the US it’s a little bit stricter, typically, and that’s why I just use unique address for each location, like in other words a unique, it gets a unique box number, which makes it unique. Okay? All right. Cool.
Hump Day Hangouts For Semantic Mastery Students On Amazon, Rank & Rent, Etc.
Toby [inaudible 00:13:18], he says, “Can you do a Hump Day Hangouts with your students who are killing it Rank to Rant, or Amazon, Shopify, PayPerCall et cetera, or PayPerCall, et cetera?” I asked him this question yesterday, I guess, because I was trying to clarify, he said, yeah, by the way if you’re watching Toby, what’s up, he says, yes. “Should we bring on guest presenters?” We do that in the Mastermind, Toby. We bring guest presenters on in the Mastermind. We had Clint Butler on two weeks ago, which was awesome, because he did training on PageSpeed, which was awesome, because some of our Mastermind members implemented what he trained for that session and were able to reduce the page load times to under a second. I think it was like three quarters of a second, which was awesome.
Anyways, tomorrow we’ve got our very own Wayne Clayton, he’s been one of our most engaged Mastermind members, and he’s had phenomenal success, and he’s coming on tomorrow to be a guest presenter, to talk about prospecting and his unique approach to prospecting and landing clients. He’s had a lot of experience in the media industry, so he’s got a unique approach that a lot of us in the digital marketing industry haven’t seen or heard. I’m actually really looking forward to having him to come on tomorrow to give his presentation and answer questions about his prospecting methods. Again, Toby, we do that kind of stuff in the Mastermind. Hump Day Hangouts is really supposed to be a forum for Q and A. Okay? It doesn’t mean that we cannot setup a separate webinar for that, sometime, but we’d have to figure out a good angle for it.
Marco: Yeah. Then, we’d also have to be careful about giving away the niche, or any of that information, because actually I had someone do that in the RYS Facebook group and when he posted the URL, directly after that, a couple of days later, he got hit with a ton of spam, so we know that it was someone from our own RYS Academy that went and did that. I don’t know why they would do that to someone who is trying to help and show how he’s doing it, but it’s one of the reasons why we try to protect it, and keep it inside the Mastermind where we know most of the people are trustworthy.
Bradley: Yeah. I totally agree. That’s why that’s in part why we do stuff like that on the Mastermind, guys, because it’s a very, very tight group, like an intimate group, so it makes it a lot easier. It doesn’t mean that there’s not people there that can be malicious, as well, because there certainly can be, but it’s less likely.
Anchor Text Variation In Link Building
Okay. Doctor Brain McKay, he says, “When building links is it better to use one, and only one variation? For example, dub, dub, dub, or just HTTP, or just a domain.com. I have heard varying advice where you would use all and someone else saying use one every time you build a link.” You know, honestly, I’ve used variations, if I were to be using spam tools, which I don’t anymore, at all. I don’t ever run them, myself, but I would always use variations.
Here’s a good example, Brian, in the recent weeks I’ve done several case studies for different YouTube tools, they’re all in the bonus site that I just showcased a minute ago. One of them being Live Rank Sniper and the other one being Rocket Video Ranker Pro, and there has been some spinning and all that for the video descriptions and that kind of stuff, which is pretty typical for any sort of spam work, and those are in my opinion they’re both spam tools, they can be used to not spam, but the way that I used them was very intentionally to spam, and because of that I just started doing a lot of spinning and stuff like that again in the last few weeks, which I had gotten away from for a while.
When I create the links that go in the video description to where I want to direct people to, I like to use all the different variations as you just laid out here. HTTP, if there’s HTTPS as well, if the SSL protocol is available then I’ll go ahead and add that one in, as well. I’ll use the trailing slash with and without the trailing slash, I’ll use dub, dub, dub and non dub, dub, so I use all variation of them so that it adds variety and diversity to the video description. In other words, if we’ve got 15 videos in the same channel, I want the URL, the call to action URL to be a variation all the time, if possible. Just because it gives more diversity to the thing. Now, as far as the SEO purposes, since they all resolve to the same location, I don’t think it makes much difference, but I’d like to hear Marco and Hernan’s input on this, please.
Marco: It’s just acrotex variation, that’s why you do that. The destinations is usually all the same, but also you want to keep that, you might, people don’t all link the same way. They-
Bradley: That’s right.
Marco: If you go throughout the web, like you get 100 people they’re all going to link to a website a different way. Some will use a dub, dub, dub. I particularly don’t anymore, because I know it will resolve to the dub, dub, dub anyway.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: I use them all simply because that’s what people do on the web. It makes absolutely no sense, and whoever is advising only one variation is actually misguided.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: Because that’s not the way that people type.
Bradley: Now, the only time that I would recommend always using the exact same URL format is when you’re citing an NAP, name, address, phone number, so any time you’re going to create, or reference, or list an NAP somewhere within content, or link building, or something like that I would always recommend using the same type of URL. Just because it’s an NAP, you want data consistency as much as possible.
Marco: And, the URL should be whatever shows-
Bradley: Shows in Google My Business.
Marco: Yeah. To link to the website, where they say website, and you click on it, that’s the version that you should use in that one particular case.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: Yeah.
Hernan: Yeah. This case, I totally agree with Marco. That’s why we keep saying that you need to validate the entity on one of the main, you know, when your website is popular, or you’re trying it to appear to be popular, you need to emulate as much as possible human behavior that’s why you need to do things differently from time to time. I mean, different URLs people will mention your website differently, maybe they will spell it wrong. As long as the link is the link, you know, we had, I think we had Gary, Doctor Gary, came to a Mastermind and he showed how you can get links from really powerful websites just because they’re misspelled. You know?
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: As long as the URL is pointing correctly to your website, the anchor text could be misspelled, you know, it can be Semantic Mastery or something else, or Semantic Master as long as the hyperlink is pointing to semanticmastery.com. You know? Yeah. Vary it a little bit, that would be my intake on it.
Three Pack Map In Organic Ranking
Bradley: Very good. Okay. Ala, is up again, he says, “Hi. When the first three to four sites on the Google organic search are not the same ones as in Google three pack,” so the maps pack, “does that mean that it’s easy to rank in the three pack map, or the first page of the organic search for that specific niche? Thanks for the help.” It doesn’t meant that it’s going to be easy to rank in the map, it’s just means that the maps listings aren’t, the ones that are ranked in maps they’re on page for their sit isn’t as good, is not good enough to be on the first page.
In other words, and it doesn’t have to be just be the on page, it could be the combination of on page, or on page and off page, but typically the organic results, it’s a different algorithm. There’s a lot of overlap between the local algorithm and the organic algorithm, now, it’s a lot more closely related now than it used to be. That was particularly where a lot of that marriage occurred was the Pigeon update, if you guys remember that. That was, shit, that was probably two years ago, now. Amazing how time flies. There is some overlap there, but for example Ala, I don’t ever, I don’t care at all about organic rankings anymore for lead gen, or for local stuff, when I have a physical location available, even if that means I have to black half the physical location using a PO box. Right?
I don’t care about organic anymore at all for lead gen and local stuff, only because I know from all my lead gen assets is that my call volume drops for stuff that was organic only. My call volume dropped 60%, because of the new SERP layout. Right? When I say new, it’s not new anymore, but the SERP layout as it stands today, which is four ads, typically four ads and a maps pack, so you end up going past seven freaking listings before you ever get to the first organic. I can tell you right now, the reason why I’m telling you this is because I have multiple lead gen sites all over the place that are ranked in maps, but they might be on page two or page three in organic. I don’t care.
It doesn’t bother me, because the phone calls are coming from the maps pack, or from AdsWords, excuse me AdWords. I’m either getting calls from my ads, or I’m getting calls from the maps pack. I don’t get calls from organic, very, very rarely do I get calls from organic when a map is displayed for a search query. Right? Most search queries are going to display. Now, I will still target organic for lead gen and local, like if I’m doing video campaigns, for example, because you cannot get a video, well, I say you cannot, it’s unlikely to get a video above the maps pack, anymore, for a local term. Okay?
I still will do spamming with YouTube and stuff like that for organic rankings, but when it comes to websites, and stuff, I personally don’t care if there’s a maps pack that shows for the search query, then I’m going to try to rank in the maps pack, not the organic. Okay? Typically, when there’s a difference between what’s showing in maps, and what’s showing in organic it’s because the site that’s ranking in maps, but not in organic is speaking, or it’s more congruent with what the map’s algorithm was.
If that makes sense. But maybe not as much for the organic. Like I said, it could be a, I found that’s often times more an on page issue, than an off page issue, but it could be both. I’m just saying personally when I’ve been able to identify issues where I’m not ranking as good organically as I should be based upon my maps ranking, it’s a lot of the times, at least in my experiences it’s been because of on page issues, either over optimization, which triggers Panda, again, it’s just Panda in general. Thin content, over optimization, things like that. You guys got any input on that?
Marco: Yeah. I would just tell him he is trying to do local since he talked about the map pack before.
Bradley: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Marco: Right? I’m thinking he wants, the way that you do that is entity. You do the entity. You validate it, then you push trust, and authority, and relevance up to the entity, it’s called RYS Academy, by the way. That’s how you force all of that up to the entity and over to the destination and you could actually do both. Rank in maps and organic.
IFTTT Syndicated Video As Duplicate Content
Bradley: Yeah. That’s what I would do. All right. Cool. We’re going to keep moving. Let’s see who is next Balint, sorry if I mispronounce that, he says, “Thanks for last weeks input I was rather asking about how to make both RSS and YouTube syndication to work for the same network. My idea, I upload a video, unlisted to YouTube, I have it transcribed to make a post to my main site with the additional content, the video is embedded and the title is different. That post with transcription gets syndicated via RSS trigger. I make the video public a bit later on, because it’s public now the sole video gets syndicated via YouTube upload trigger, too. Maybe not to the main blog, though. Would that work, or still count as duplicate spam?” No. That would work, Balint. That’s absolutely fine.
I’ve said that in previous Hump Day Hangouts, that question has come up several times, Balint, so you’re not the first to ask it. It’s okay to post both the video to your channel and to your blog, and have them both syndicate to the same network, that’s absolutely fine. Where the problem occurs is when people have both their YouTube channel triggering their network and their blog, and they upload the video, which syndicates to their network, and then they just take the video and go embed it in a post on their blog with the same title, and usually not much different in the video description, either, and then they post that, because here’s the problem it won’t hurt your money site, your blog, and it won’t hurt your YouTube channel.
Where it can cause problems is on the network itself, the syndication network, because now you’ve got two posts that look nearly identical to your network properties, because it’s the same title, which ends up being the same title, and then you have the same video, so especially for Blogger, Tumblr, and WordPress where there’s embeds, because that’s basically, it’s going to look like the same post, basically, other than perhaps maybe some slight differences in text in the description area. But, if you’re going to change the title and usually make the title more like blog specific, right, because usually blog post, guys, are going to have more, you know, longer conversational, natural speech pattern type titles than a YouTube video, because YouTube videos are going to usually be synced keyword different type titles. Right, guys?
But, blog titles are generally going to be more like natural speech patterns. Right? So, if you’re going to take your video and also post it to your blog and have both syndicating to the same network, then it’s absolutely fine to do so if you’re going to make a different title, and if you’re going to have that video transcribed, you’re going to have a much longer description, so it’s not going to look like duplicate content on the web two properties. If that makes sense. That’s absolutely perfectly fine, Balint. I’m sorry if I misunderstood your question last week.
SEO Battle Plan For Rebranding
Roy says, “Got the Battle Plan reviewed it, question, just got a dental client and had to rebrand his practice, dissolved partnership,” okay, “So, the main practice name has changed to a new name, he then purchased another practice in a different city, I rebranded his practice website as ABC Dental Group with the two city locations. Do I just create one Google Plus page for the group.com, or different for each location?” No. You create a different Google page for each location, Roy. Well, I mean, let me rephrase that. If you’re creating a Google brand page, then you can have one brand page and reference both locations, but I understand that if you’re talking about, I’m sure you’re talking about Google My Business, a locations page. In which case you want a different page for each location. Okay?
There are brand pages and there are locations pages, and actually locations pages are no longer Google Plus pages at all, they’re maps pages. They’re not even part of Google Plus, anymore. Does that make sense? If you go in your Google My Business dashboard you access your maps data through maps, and your Google Plus page, which is now just a brand page, there is no local version of the brand page anymore that I’m aware of, anyways, because you edit your details on maps. Okay? Anyways, there might still be a locations Google Plus page, but I don’t know what the use of it is for, I don’t how it’s valuable at all anymore, to be honest with you, everything is now being, for the local part of it, it’s all being handled through maps. Okay? So, for that, yeah, go ahead and create a different locations page for each.
“Do I need to modify the Battle Plan for the purchase practice since it already has G-Plus established? I’m a bit confused on how to apply the Battle Plan to the situation.” I’m not sure I understand what you mean, the purchase practice since it already has a G-Plus established, I mean, if it’s already got a locations page, you’re going to have to rebrand all that stuff. Right? I mean, I think that’s what you’re saying, you said, he rebranded his practice with the two locations, Roy, I’m not really following all of the parts of this question, but if you the other business that he purchased had a Google My Business page, already, and now he purchased it, if he’s rebranding everything, what I would recommend, especially if that other business was established and had any sort of decent rankings in Google and/or maps. Right? If it was ranking.
You’re going to have to rebrand it, if it’s rebranded, I’m assuming it’s going to have to be rebranded, in which case what you’d want to do is don’t, I wouldn’t set up a new listing, because it’s going to have the same address unless the phone number changed, the name and the phone number, and the website, like if all of those data points change, then yes I would set up a new business. I would close, say that the other business was permanently closed then create a new listing, but you’d have to make sure that the only thing that was the same out of all the data points between name, address, phone number, and URL is the address. Right?
You’d have to have the different brand name, different phone number, different URL. Then, you could mark that other place as closed and start a new GMB page, which is what I would do if those other conditions were met. However, if the phone number, the physical location, and perhaps the web address, and/or the brand name or whatever are the same, if you don’t have all those unique properties within those four data points, there, then you’re going to have to do a citation cleanup, which would be going out and basically correcting all of the old citations to list the new data for the business. Does that make sense? That’s a pain in the ass, but that’s what you’re going to have to do.
I recommend, highly, that you go, if you guys can get the link ready, it’s http://ift.tt/2bbLT53, that’s L-O-G-A-N-I-X. That is a citation clean up service there that can handle that for you, well, provided that it’s in the US, they may do it in other areas, but I don’t know. Loganix citation cleanup service in the US is really, really good. You get about a 70% success rate, and they’re very, very thorough. That’s what I would recommend doing. Like I said, if you’re going to rebrand it and you get a new URL, and you’re going to change the phone number then I would set up a new listing all together, because that’s going to be a lot less of a headache than trying to fix old citations, that’s just a real pain in the ass, and that’s why I just outsource that all the time. All right. We’re going to keep moving.
Hernan: Sorry, Bradley, but it’s on the events page, http://ift.tt/2bbLT53.
Generating Quality Leads From Google Adwords Campaigns
Bradley: Okay. If you want to followup, Roy, with us in one of our groups Facebook or something with some more detail, like where it can be explained a little bit further we might be able to help you out a little bit better. I feel like I wasn’t able to answer that question, properly, because I don’t have all the details. Mark’s next, he says, “Hi, guys. Hope all is well. My question is about your Local Kingpin product, I’m starting to get somewhere now with SEO, but it does take forever, and that’s okay, I accept that’s how SEO goes and just get on with it, but I like the idea of starting with AdWords and then adding SEO lead gen later. I’m not asking for AdWords advice that’s what the training is for, and I’ve bought your products before, so I know it will be legit. My question is how did, or how is it going? Are you able to generate enough quality leads for your client? I work with contractors, if that helps, not looking for specific advice, just your opinion on how well AdWords works.” I’m crossinated with AdWords, guys, I mean, yeah, my profit is a lot smaller on my AdWords leads because I pay for the clicks and everything, but they’re so much easier to set up, and I can, I mean, that’s what Local Kingpin is about, Mark, is about setting up like literally you can set up a lead gen funnel and have traffic, and be receiving leads within 48 hours.
I mean, you could do it within a day, but I say within 48 hours because it usually takes me two days to set up a lead gen asset. Well, it used to take me two days, when I was new, but now I’ve got a lot of stuff, templatized, like I’ve got Click Funnels, funnels that are already all set up. They’re generic funnels. I can just clone the funnel and then go in and swap out details, and I’ve got working procedure’s setup for a lot of stuff, now, so I have check lists that I can go through. That kind of stuff that makes it just really simple for me to set up a funnel, a lead gen asset, and turn on ads, and it’s like literally within a few hours of you submitting your first ad you can start generating traffic.
The main thing, Mark, if you go through Local Kingpin, which I highly recommend, especially for contractors, because that’s my market, is contractors. I mean, I love being able to generate leads with AdWords, now. I don’t know why I was so scared of AdWords for so long, but now I absolutely love it, because the speed in which I can generate, and here’s the thing, what I love about setting up AdWords funnels, guys, is I can determine right off the bat, right away, where my money keywords are. The 80/20 rule 100% applies to AdWords, and there’s a book by Perry Marshall called, The 80/20 Sales and Marketing. Go get the damn book. By it on Kindle, whatever. Pick it up, read it, because it is absolutely 100% correct when it comes to AdWords, especially for the local lead gen funnels. 80% of your traffic is going to come from 20% of your keywords. That’s it. All this shit that we do in SEO, where we scrap hundreds of keywords, and we build silos, and we have to do all this content, and we have to properly silo the content, we got to do all this internal linking, all that’s great it can pay off there’s no doubt, but so many of those keywords, or long tail and stuff like that where you’re going to get very little to no traffic from them.
Now, cumulatively they all build to make your site stronger and more relevant, which will generate more traffic, so there’s certainly a reason to do all that, but my point is we go through harvesting these great big keyword lists and all that stuff, and with AdWords, especially the way that I show how to do it using alpha beta campaign structure you can literally go in, do your keyword research in about a half an hour.
The main point for that is generating, or building a negative keyword list, because you ought to already know what your main money keywords are for the project that you’re working on. Really the keyword research is about building a negative keyword list, but then you plug in your money keywords, you add your negative keyword lists, use modified broad match, and then you let AdWords tell you where your money keywords are, and within a month you can identify your top keywords where 80% of your traffic is going to come from, and I guarantee you it will be 20% of your keywords.
Then, those are the keywords that you focus your SEO efforts on. As I mentioned, I think in the Local Kingpin training, I’m not starting any SEO projects from scratch anymore. I’m not starting new projects with SEO as my main promotional type, anymore. I’m not doing it, unless it’s YouTube spam, because I’m just not going to do it. From now on, I’m doing AdWords first to prove my keywords and prove that it’s converting and that kind of stuff, and then I’ll invest my time and effort into SEO for the keywords that I’ve identified as my winners.
Hernan: Yeah.
Bradley: Does that make sense?
Hernan: Yeah. I really like that approach, Bradley. The fact that you’re getting speed, that you’re getting, I mean, each rating on a project and you’re failing fast.
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: You’re finding out, you’re weeding out the keywords that are not going to work, that they’re not going to convert, and then you’re focusing on the keywords that are, and I think that’s really the key when it comes to paid advertising, is that you get data so much faster that your business can grow a lot more, because if you have to be waiting six months to get data on your business, it’s money, time is money.
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: If you’re doing SEO and waiting all of that time, then you’re spending all of that money that you could be earning, because you’re failing fast on your project. Once you have that, once you have the process in place you can still do SEO and you know that it’s going to pickup three to six months down the road, maybe a year down the road and you still do SEO, so that when that hits, or when you’re getting a decent amount of organic traffic, you know that the funnel is converting.
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: There’s basically no top to how much you can scale, it all depends on the market that you’re in. The market will tell you how much you can scale, or sell a product, or sell a service, whatever that is, but that’s basically why I like paid advertising combined with SEO, because again you don’t want to put all of your eggs in one basket.
Bradley: That’s correct.
Hernan: Like, one way or the other.
Bradley: Yeah. Here’s the thing, guys, think about this, you could spend months working on a project, and find out for SEO I mean, you could spend months working on trying to build the SEO for a project, set of keywords, whatever, and find out that it’s just not profitable. It’s not working. Now, you’ve spent months of effort and time on it, and probably money, as well. With AdWords you can prove it very, very quickly, whether it’s going to be profitable or not. If you can make it profitable when you’re paying for the clicks, then it will be profitable for SEO, there’s no doubt, because you won’t be paying, I mean, you do pay for those clicks with time and effort, and somewhat money, too. You know what I mean? It’s indirect. You’re paying indirectly, not directly for clicks.
Again, that’s number one. Number two, the other part of that, Mark, is why I love AdWords for local lead gen now is because if you do register a mailbox and it can be a PO box, it doesn’t even have to be verified, guys. You can register local addresses and set up AdWords campaigns and use the location’s extension. Are you hearing this? You don’t even have to have a verified address and it will still show the location’s extension in your ad and it will also, if you’ve got your ads set up properly and you’re at the top of the search, or the top of the ads pack, which as to do with quality score, you’ll end up in the maps, an ad in the first maps position. Not necessarily in the three pack.
On mobile devices, if you have call only ads set up you can show up in the three pack on mobile devices, but on desktop, I haven’t seen, I haven’t been able to get any of my ads to show up in the three pack on desktop, but I have been able to get almost virtually all of my ads to show up in the first position in maps, so when somebody clicks on the more results, it will show my ad at the very top of the results when that page expands. If that makes sense.
That’s the thing, and again with location extensions you don’t even need to verify the address. I know that, because one of the lead gen funnels I set up for Local Kingpin, Google was not sending me the verification postcard, so I went ahead and said, screw it, I’m going to continue with the project and I went ahead and added the location’s extension and you have to link it to your Google My Business profile, and then select whatever page, and I linked that page to it and I thought well, let’s just check it and see if it works, and damn if it didn’t show my maps extension in the ad, even though it was an unverified address, which is awesome. Right? I just wanted to give you guys that little nugget. Local Kingpin, guys, is a great, great course if you’re doing lead gen and you’re not using AdWords, you’re crazy, in my opinion. Okay.
Battle Plan Versus RYS Academy, Syndication Academy & Other Semantic Mastery Products
All right. Herovic, he says, “Hi. I have a question regarding the Battle Plan, how is it different than the IFTTT Academy, RYS, or the Mastermind? Does it add something new, or is it a blueprint that incorporates all of them? Thank you.” Well, a $20.00 PDF certainly cannot incorporate IFTTT, RYS, and the Mastermind. It would be nice if it could, but it would be an awfully big PDF if we did.
Hernan: Yeah. [inaudible 00:41:58] depth of Semantic Mastery and the three years-
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: In Mastermind. I know all of the nuggets that are RYS, it’s going to be longest.
Bradley: Yeah. That would be very, Herovic, the Battle Plan is basically, the process is that we use for working on any digital assets, whether they’re established or they’re just being launched. It’s the same, it’s just the series of steps that we take for setting up the networks, and link building, and citations, and press releases, and like all of the different steps in the order that we do them. It’s the same process that we’ve used for years, now.
All we did was put it in a simple format, including links to the products and services that we use for that kind of stuff, which most of them are our own services, anyways, because we developed all of those services specifically because we use them. We only made our services available to others, because we kept getting asked for it. We had developed our services, for us, originally. Okay. That’s all it is. It’s very, very simple. It doesn’t need to be complicated. Some people wished it was more complicated, and that’s why I said, you know, I don’t know, stand on your head while you perform the tasks. I don’t know.
Marco: Can I add something more to this?
Bradley: Please, do.
Marco: Yeah. Our Battle Plan is a blueprint. A blueprint is used to build a house.
Bradley: Right.
Marco: The blueprint does not build the house for you, you have to follow the blueprint and go and build a house, using whatever tools are necessary for the construction of whatever it is that you want to make of that house according to the blueprint that you’re using. I mean, I cannot put it any clearer, or plainer than that. Get a blueprint on what you’re supposed to do and how you’re supposed to do it, not why you’re supposed to do it, and definitely it’s not going to get done for you. I hope that clarifies-
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: Everything.
Bradley: Again, it’s very simple Herovic, it’s the process that we use, and I like simple, that’s why we made it simple, because it doesn’t need to be overcomplicated. If you want to learn more about Syndication Academy, and syndication networks, you’re certainly welcome to join, RYS, as well, Mastermind is our top level coaching group, and that you’re certainly welcome to join that, as well.
Rocket Video Ranker Vs Live Rank Sniper
Next question, “How does the Rocket Video Ranker differ from Live Rank Sniper? Can we emulate its functionality and do it manually? What’s the principle behind it?” Yeah. They’re two different things. Live Rank Sniper, is really a keyword poking tool, and Peter Drew, the developer even calls it that, so it’s not like that’s a secret. It’s mainly a poking tool. You can use it to identify keywords, to test keywords with YouTube schedule of live events. You don’t even need to have a video. Right?
Live Rank Sniper doesn’t even require you to have a video, it’s just a software that automates the process of setting up YouTube scheduled live events, because of their indexable schedule with live events, they will index without even a video, they’re just place holders in the index, and then once you have identified keywords you can, if you want, stream directly to those scheduled live events through Live Rank Sniper. It’s a manual process, and it takes time. I say, manual, it’s semi automated in that you only have to click the mouse a couple times for it to start doing its thing, but then you have to wait for the software to run to stream the video, and it will end and then you have to stream, you know, click the mouse a few times to go stream to the next scheduled live event that’s ranking. I don’t recommend it for that. I recommend using it specifically for identifying keywords, using it as a poking tool. Okay? If you want a tool that works seamlessly with Live Rank Sniper I would say Hangout Millionaire, which is Peter Drew’s upgrade, like that’s his top level, well, it’s currently his top level SEO video marketing software, but he’s coming out, well, I’m not going to say anything else. That’s a great tool, as well, though, it works really good with Live Rank Sniper.
Rocket Video Ranker is a different animal all together. Rocket Video Ranker is freaking fabulous. It’s a loophole as far as I’m concerned. The way that it works, but basically you upload, you just do uploads with Rocket Video Ranker, but it automates uploading multiple videos at one time very, very quickly in a very unique fashion. The way that it works, it’s very unique, I don’t know how long it’s going to last, or even why it works the way that it does, but it works really, really well, right now. I know, because I used a shit ton, I used a lot of it. I used it a lot, excuse me, over the last two weeks, and the case study, by the way, just so you know, the case study in here, look, this is it, guys, I mean, I’ve got 11, there’s got to be two and a half hours worth of content in this case study, alone. Exactly how I use it, and it’s great because you can set up digital assets.
YouTube channels, you can turn YouTube channels into digital assets very quickly using this, and I even talk about it in the strategy session here, in what’s the very last video here, it’s called, What’s Next, I talk very specifically about a strategy that you can hire virtual assistants to run the software for you, and literally create dozens and dozens of these digital assets, YouTube channel assets, and you can monetize them, and there’s multiple ways to do that, as well, and I talk about that in the case study. Hopefully, that makes some sense. Herovic, if you don’t have either one of them go buy the PDF, the Battle Plan and you should have access to this bonus study, excuse me, this bonus membership site and if you do, then just go through watch the first couple videos of each one of the case studies, and you make the decision as to what is best for your business. Okay? They’re available for you to watch, so that you can make that decision.
Changes To The iFrame Tag
All right. I only got about eight minutes left, so let’s roll through these next few. Ivan, says, “Hey, guys. I embedded a Google My Maps in an article on my website and I shared it to my tier one network. If I had something in the iframe will it syndicate automatically on the network, or do I have to resubmit my article via my RSS feed?” Yeah. No. Well, wait a minute. Yeah. If you’re updating the iframe, it should update everywhere, because it’s the same iframe. Am I correct, Marco, or no?
Marco: That’s correct. The iframe will show whatever is in the source.
Bradley: Okay.
Marco: But, hang on, if he’s changing the iframe that it’s structured in the website, it’s not going to update everywhere else.
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: But, I think, well, Ivan, if you’re listening, maybe you can comment, but I think that what he’s saying is if he adds something, well, yeah, I know, if he adds something to the code that’s not going to resyndicate, but if you change what’s within the iframe-
Bradley: Right.
Hernan: Then it could, like if you change something within the Google My Maps, you know, like if you add another marker for example, that will automatically show everywhere, but if you add, I don’t know, whatever, a piece of code to that iframe, that’s not going to resyndicate. Am I correct? Am I right?
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: That’s correct. You would-
Bradley: [crosstalk 00:49:18] past the closing iframe tag, then that’s not going to update across the properties. Right?
Hernan: Right.
Bradley: Right. If that’s what you mean, Ivan, if you’re trying to add stuff like beyond the closing iframe tag, then no. You’d have to issue a new, or publish a new post. Here’s the thing guys, you cannot publish a post and have it syndicate to your network, and then go back and edit the post on your money site, and then expect it to edit all the posts that it was syndicated to, as well. It doesn’t work like that. You’d have to go delete the original post and then basically republish the post as a new post in order for it to trigger the RSS feed to syndicate, as a new post. Right? There is a plugin that you can use in WordPress, it’s called, Republish Old Posts, funny enough. Right?
Republish Old Posts, and I’ll say WP, or WordPress, that’s it right there. This plugin right here, you can use this plugin to republish old posts, it will reinsert them into your RSS feed, which will trigger a new syndication, you can do something like that if you wanted. But, yeah, if you’re changing something within the iframe, it’s going to update everywhere that the iframe was syndicated to, if you’re changing something outside of the closing iframe tag, then no, you’d have to force the syndication all over again. Okay? He says, “By the way, my comment on Semantic Mastery sales page, wow, I was surprised it’s like having a page one, position one on Google.” That’s awesome. Thanks, Ivan.
Using Proxies For IFTTT Properties
David says, “When creating a branded network, is it necessary to use proxies for any account work, once a network is in place. How much lift does using stacks of interlinked Google properties add?” First of all, is it necessary to use proxies for any account work? No. It’s not necessary. I recommend if you’re building a ton of networks that you have at least five dedicated proxies, any ways, that you can cycle through. I recommend, and this is covered in the training, David, but I recommend never trying to create more than two accounts with the same IP within 24 hours. Okay? Again, you can do it with your own IP, it’s fine you don’t need any proxies at all, as long as you’re not, and when I say, I mean, don’t try creating two accounts on the same account platform.
In other words, don’t try to create more than two Tumblrs, for example, or two Gmail addresses within 24 hours from the same IP. It will flag your IP and trust me, it will cause problems. If you’re going to be doing a lot of building, which again I don’t recommend you do, you should outsource that or just go to SERP Space and buy networks, but if you’re going to be doing a lot of that kind of stuff, then I recommend that you have at least five proxies, dedicated proxies, you want them to be clean. Dedicated means you are only using them, don’t get shared proxies. I also, highly recommend if you are going to be building a lot of networks that you use Browseo. Seriously. I mean, I got it opened, right here. I mean, it’s crazy, I got all these Browseo, I got this open all the time now, guys, it’s insane, because it’s a great, great tool. Okay?
“Once a network is in place, how much lift does using stacks of interlink Google properties add?” It depends, David. It depends if the Google stacks are created properly. It depends on how they’re done. It depends on which keywords, there’s just so many variables there, if they’re done correctly you can expect a substantial increase in rank. Okay? But, if you don’t do it correctly then, you know, I cannot speak, it might not help at all, in fact it might even cause problems. I don’t know. It just depends if they’re done right, or not.
Marco: It also depends on how much risk he’s willing to take, as far as, hammering the drive stack properties.
Local SEO For Business Franchise In The Same City
Bradley: Yeah. Okay. Ken, says, we’re almost done, guys, we only got a couple minutes left. He says, “I’m looking for clarity on ranking for local. I have a client that is a franchise. There are four locations within seven to 10 miles of each other, so I don’t think it would be reasonable to try to rank all of them for the same keyword. Franchise name, city, state.” For the same keyword. I’m sorry guys, I was just rereading that. “Since I would be competing against myself in each location, I can just see it now the management in each location would be pissed off if I wasn’t ranking them at the top of the three pack. I do understand that there would be overlap, and so do they. The only differentiating factor to each location is different zip codes, it’s a minor overlap.” Oh, wow, so it’s the same city and everything. “[inaudible 00:53:54] don’t show any search volume for franchise name, city, state,” yeah, I mean it probably wouldn’t. Well, if it’s franchise, yeah, maybe, because it has a franchise name. Right. But, what about the keyword? Instead of franchise name. Anyways, “I don’t think, so do I go ahead and only focus on franchise city, state, zip code, for each location and big G will pick up the fact of the search’s location? How would you suggest going after this? What would you do?”
Ken, that’s a really good question. I’ve never had to experience that, so it would take me some thought, we don’t have time for me to go, I mean, I’d literally have to think about it. Is Ken in any of our, he’s not in our Mastermind is he? I don’t think he is. Ken, this would be an awesome question for us to dissect in Mastermind, I sure wish you were in there, buddy. Let me think about this one a little bit, Ken, and we can revisit it next week. Sorry, if you cannot wait until then, because otherwise join the Mastermind, because we’ve got a Mastermind tomorrow, this could be a great question to dissect, but otherwise you are going to have to wait until next week, and I’m going to make a note right now.
Marco: If I could just add that right now the main factor for a three pack, or for what appears to search is proximity, I mean, that’s without question what the main factor, I mean-
Bradley: Especially for mobile.
Marco: [crosstalk 00:55:19]. If you are mobile, yeah, and you’re talking about nearly 70% of people right now who are searching on mobile, but I was just doing something on that last week, and sharing it with someone that-
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: Proximity seems to be the overriding factor. I mean, before anything else Google will pick up proximity.
Bradley: Yeah. So, Ken, again, if you’re in Mastermind, or if you want, you should join, and I’m not saying that for any other reason other than this would be a really good question to really dig into, but otherwise, I’ve got a note, I’ll think about this a little bit, maybe consult with Marco a bit, and then we’ll have kind of a concise answer for you next week. Okay? All right. I’m just going to read Wayne’s comment, really quickly, then we’ve got to wrap it up, guys, because I’ve got to go. He says, “Word on the street is that you are sharing something tomorrow on Mastermind that will elevate our business. Is something special planned for the next Mastermind?” Why, yes. It’s this guy named Wayne Clayton, who’s going to be on tomorrow sharing some of his expertise in prospecting and dealing with clients and his process of determining how much money they have to spend, what their goals are, and all that kind of stuff.
I was super impressed with a post that he made in one of the Facebook groups, one of our Facebook groups about a particular method that he uses whenever he’s prospecting and pitching clients, or at least asking questions of the clients, of prospects, excuse me. It was really detailed and I was super impressed, so I reached out to Wayne and asked him if he’d come on and be a guest presenter for the Mastermind, to share some of his stuff, and so I’m actually really looking forward to it. In part, because we are, in Semantic Mastery, we’re really ramping up something on the side that we’re working on that’s going to be requiring a lot of prospecting work.
Maybe in the near future, there’s going to be a full on, full blown prospecting course coming out from us, because that’s something that I’m working on right now, so I’m really anxious to hear what Wayne’s got, because some of that might even get included in what will be coming out with our prospecting course, in the future. Anyways, hopefully anybody that’s not in our Mastermind, it would be a good time to join, so go to mastermind.semanticmastery.com if you want to find out more about that, otherwise, we’ll see everybody next week.
Marco: Sounds good.
Bradley: Thanks, everybody. We’ll see you all later.
Hernan: Bye guys.
Bradley: Bye.
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 128 published first on your-t1-blog-url
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donaldmueller97 · 7 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 128
Click on the video above to watch Episode 128 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://ift.tt/1NZu6N2.
Bradley: We’re live. We’re back on Hangouts, guys, because webinar wouldn’t even start for us today, anyway. Hey everybody, Bradley Benner, here. Semantic Mastery, this is the Hump Day Hangouts episode 128, today is March 19th 2017, and we’ve got Chris, Hernan and Marco on with us. Adam is off running in the woods, again.
Hernan: Yeah. No. I think he was moving.
Bradley: He was moving? Is that what we’re calling it today?
Hernan: Yeah. Let’s call it like that.
Bradley: That’s cool. Chris, what’s up man?
Chris: Doing good. Right from a snowstorm here in Vienna.
Bradley: Guys, hold on, I guess Marco and Hernan you guys can chat for a minute.
Chris: Sure.
Marco: Yeah.
Bradley: Marco?
Marco: I’m good, man. We got really bad electrical storms, my electricity keeps coming in and out. If I drop off the Google police didn’t get me, the lightening storm got me. Sorry about that.
Chris: It’s cool.
Hernan: We started to think this is some kind of conspiracy, since we launched Battle Plan.
Marco: [crosstalk 00:01:09]. I’m telling you. We’re teaching people how to rank and they don’t like, so they’re trying to do everything they can to keep us off the air.
Hernan: Yeah.
Chris: We make things too easily available out there, that’s the thing.
Bradley: All right. Hopefully everybody refreshed the page, because on the event page, because you have to refresh the page for the new video to show up.
Marco: Okay. You both said it already.
Bradley: Let me see.
Hernan: Yeah.
Bradley: Yeah. Okay. All right, guys. Let’s get into it. I guess, we got probably a couple of announcements. We can stay to the actual five o'clock mark today, because we got started a few minutes early, or late guys. Anyways, let’s get into announcements. Hernan, what do we got?
Hernan: Yeah. Real quick. One of the things if you haven’t already, we strongly suggest that you get a copy of the Semantic Mastery, the SEO Domination Battle Plan. That will launch on Monday. Right now, the prices are real for the value that you’re getting and basically the coupon ends, I think it’s going to end in two hours, if I’m not mistaken. Then it’s going to double, more than double the price.
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: Go ahead get it. I’m going to put the link on the event page, but it’s basically battleplan.semanticmastery.com. Go ahead download it, we tried to make a really concise, simple guide, step by step document that you can come back over, and over, and over again, depending if you have each sites, new sites, YouTube videos, local websites, it’s everything in there. The way we do it. The way we implement it. That’s the main idea with Battle Plan. If you’re looking for something simple, go ahead and get it. If you’re looking for something more complex, or if you want more support, et cetera, come join the Mastermind, but that’s basically the main idea of the Battle Plan.
Bradley: There’s a couple of things that I want to mention about that. Is number one we had some people say your process cannot be simple. Well, actually it is.
Marco: It is.
Bradley: You know, that’s really what we do, guys, and that’s why I continually say on these Hump Day Hangouts that I like easy. Don’t over complicate shit, guys. If you want to make it complicated, then just stand on your head while you’re doing it. I don’t know. All I’m saying is those are the exact same services that we use, the same procedures, the process in order, in the steps that we do it in. It’s not difficult. I mean, we’ve got the infrastructure behind us, which is provided, it’s available for you guys, as well to use the same services that we use. I mean, again, some people said, well, it cannot be that simple, it’s just because I think by nature we as SEO’s and marketers typically want to over complicate shit, so that’s part of it and the other thing is, and just very quickly, let me grab the screen, I want to show you something here. You guys are seeing my screen, correct?
Chris: Yeah.
Bradley: This is the bonus site, guys. I think there’s more value in the freaking bonus site then there is in the actual PDF, so I just wanted to point this out real quick. This is something that wasn’t even mentioned on the sales page, but you get access to this bonus site that has a ton of different bonus stuff in here, and the bonus webinar section alone there’s multiple webinars, here, including on of our webinars that Marco just did, recently on iframe and java script secrets that’s a pay per view webinar of a $147.00 and that’s been included, as well. We’ve got a ton of different, you know, there’s case studies in here for Live Rank Sniper, for Rocket Video Ranker Pro, the v-mail prospecting course, which is the basic course I’m probably going to be doing a full blown course for that in the next couple months. Again, I just wanted to point out for a $20.00 PDF, there’s absolutely no reason why you guys shouldn’t pick it up for the simplicity of it, number one. Number two, because you get access to a bunch of amazing bonuses. Okay.
Hernan: Yeah.
Marco: The bonuses are, that’s the reason why it’s going to $100.00 when it’s all said and done.
Bradley: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Marco: Because it’s worth way more than a 100 bucks, but I mean-
Bradley: Damn right it is.
Marco: We wanted to keep it accessible to all of our members and followers, so they could actually have a plan that they could follow to achieve their success. If you want to complicate things, I mean that’s fine as Bradley said, but it doesn’t really need to be. All you have to do is just follow the step by step process. If you want to do more, then you’re more than welcome to join Syndication Academy, you’re more than welcome to come into the Mastermind and ask us as many complex questions as you want, and we’ll answer them. You have full access to us, there. If not, just follow the training step by step. That’s all you have to do. Seriously.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: That’s it.
Bradley: I love it when somebody analysis the plan and says, oh, no, it cannot be that simple, this must not work.
Hernan: [crosstalk 00:06:05].
Hernan: Another thing that’s worth mentioning is that the bonus side that you get for free will be updated. We have a bunch of case studies that are going to be uploaded to the bonus site, so go ahead order it now, because again it’s going to 100 bucks, soon. Now, you can get it for $20.00, it’s crazy.
Bradley: Yeah.
Chris: What’s the coupon code, again?
Bradley: Missile launch.
Hernan: Yeah. It’s missile launch. Thank you, Chris. It’s missile launch, one word and it’s on the event page, again, battleplan.semantricmastery.com. That coupon is going to be available for the next two hours and then it’s going to more than double the price.
Bradley: Okay. Cool. All right. Do we have any other announcements, because if not, let’s get into it.
Marco: Let’s do it.
Bradley: All right. Cool. We’re we going to talk, we’re not talking about the next webinar, are we, yet? Marco?
Marco: No. You can just tell them what it’s going to be about.
Bradley: All right. We’re going to do another webinar in the series, Marco’s series that we��ve done three, now, and we’re about to do a fourth, which is going to be a structured data webinar, guys. We scheduled it, but I don’t know the date off hand.
Marco: It will be around April 8th.
Bradley: May. A Monday-
Marco: May.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: Sorry.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: May 8th.
Bradley: Monday. Excuse me Monday, May 8th. You’re right. I’m sorry.
Marco: Usual time. It will be then, if it changes we have plenty of time to let people know.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: I’m working on that.
Bradley: You guys will get notifications via email and stuff for registration, so I just wanted to let you guys know that, that’s coming, as well. Okay. All right. Cool. I’m going to grab the screen and we’re going to get into questions. It feels weird to be back in Hangouts, man. It feels kind of like home.
Hernan: Yeah.
Bradley: You know?
Chris: It’s actually working.
Bradley: It’s working, too.
Chris: Right.
Private Home Address For A Lead Gen Site’s Google My Business Page
Bradley: Unlike WebinarJam, for some reason. All right. Ala, I’m sorry if I’m mispronouncing your name, forgive me, he says, “Hi, everyone. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to be part of the Hangout, I’m quite new to SEO and I have a question, which might sound very basic. My question is, can I use a private home address for local lead gen?” I believe we answered this question last week or the week before, but it seems like I remember this question. Yes. Of course, you can use your private home address for lead gen. Well, I don’t recommend doing it for fake businesses, or [inaudible 00:08:29] business. What I mean by, guys, obviously, I set up generic businesses, right, generic lead gen funnels, landing pages, whatever you want to call them. Assets. But, I don’t register all of them with my home address, and I wouldn’t recommend that you do that either.
Go get a PO Box. If you’re in the United States, go get a PO Box. I know some people say that’s not working, or isn’t going to work anymore. I covered this in a Facebook live post, recently, but I’m still able to get them to work. What happens is where the problem occurs is if you try to register multiple businesses, so Google My Business pages underneath the same account using multiple PO Boxes. I’ve had that happen to me a couple times in the last few months where I’ve, in the last six months, where I’ve had, I’ve tried to register two different PO Boxes within the same Google My Business owner account, profile, essentially, and I’ve gotten it flagged and I had to reverify.
In one case, I just abandoned it all together, and re-registered a new business under another profile, because it there was no way for me to verify it. I basically lost that one, but it’s not a big deal, it happens, guys. The way the work arounds so far to this point has been just to register one Google My Business profile per, or excuse me, My Business Account per profile, so that you essentially have a different account owner for each one. That’s the way I’ve been able to get around it, again, they may crack down on that at some point in the very near future, maybe so, but until then I’m going to continue exploiting it. That’s what I recommend you do.
You can also hire, rent virtual mailboxes from other places other than the PO box, but those are the cheapest and so far they are still working for me. Okay? Again, I do not recommend that you register a bunch of businesses to your home address, I mean, you can, but I wouldn’t do it. All right? The other thing is you don’t want to share the same address for multiple businesses. Guys, that’s part of the reason I like to use PO boxes, because they’re cheap enough, where even if I’ve got 10 businesses in the same, like I got 10 different lead gen funnels, let’s say 10 different industries and it’s in the same damn city, I can have 10 different PO boxes, because the deal is the address is going to be street address of the PO office and then you’re going to get a box number.
It’s going to be 123 Main Street number 101. Maybe next time you will get number 208, or whatever. My point is each one of those are each considered a unique address because of the box number, makes it unique. Does that make sense? I mean you could probably do it with your own home address, like if your home address was 123 Maple Street, and you did 123 Maple Street, or 123-A, and 123-B, 123-C you could probably get away with that, but I certainly wouldn’t recommend it. Again, it’s cheap enough to where you can just buy additional boxes and I like to do that.
People have asked me before, do you continue to rent the PO box after you’ve received the PO box, or excuse me, the verification card? Yes. I do. I pay for everyone of those. I’ve got PO boxes that I’ve been paying for, for years, guys, I renew them every year, it’s only happened to me twice in my entire digital marketing career that I’ve had to reverify via postcard, a business listing, it’s only happened twice in six or seven years, now.
However, when it happens, if it happens I have the ability to retrieve the postcard, because I renew the boxes every year and it’s a nominal fee, guys. In the less populated areas I can get a PO box for a year for about 60 bucks, or $64.00 something like that. So, $64.00 per year, roughly. Okay? For the more populated areas it cost me $128.00 a year. It’s so inexpensive, it’s such a small cost of doing business that I just pay for it. Okay?
One Address For Multiple GMB Pages In Denmark
Okay. Anyways. “Can I use the very same address for multiple, different businesses in the same area, or city. Note, I live in Denmark. Thank you for your help.” I guess I should answer that, I don’t know about Denmark, I cannot speak for anything in any foreign country, guys. All I can talk about specifically for local is within the United State, but I’m quite sure that if I can get away with doing what I’m doing in the US you could probably get away with it in Denmark. You probably would get away with a hell of a lot more in Denmark, I’m sure. In which case you might, you could possibly use one address and then just put that unique identifier like dash A, dash B, dash C, you could probably get away with that in Denmark, again, I don’t know. I don’t have any experience in that market, but in the US it’s a little bit stricter, typically, and that’s why I just use unique address for each location, like in other words a unique, it gets a unique box number, which makes it unique. Okay? All right. Cool.
Hump Day Hangouts For Semantic Mastery Students On Amazon, Rank & Rent, Etc.
Toby [inaudible 00:13:18], he says, “Can you do a Hump Day Hangouts with your students who are killing it Rank to Rant, or Amazon, Shopify, PayPerCall et cetera, or PayPerCall, et cetera?” I asked him this question yesterday, I guess, because I was trying to clarify, he said, yeah, by the way if you’re watching Toby, what’s up, he says, yes. “Should we bring on guest presenters?” We do that in the Mastermind, Toby. We bring guest presenters on in the Mastermind. We had Clint Butler on two weeks ago, which was awesome, because he did training on PageSpeed, which was awesome, because some of our Mastermind members implemented what he trained for that session and were able to reduce the page load times to under a second. I think it was like three quarters of a second, which was awesome.
Anyways, tomorrow we’ve got our very own Wayne Clayton, he’s been one of our most engaged Mastermind members, and he’s had phenomenal success, and he’s coming on tomorrow to be a guest presenter, to talk about prospecting and his unique approach to prospecting and landing clients. He’s had a lot of experience in the media industry, so he’s got a unique approach that a lot of us in the digital marketing industry haven’t seen or heard. I’m actually really looking forward to having him to come on tomorrow to give his presentation and answer questions about his prospecting methods. Again, Toby, we do that kind of stuff in the Mastermind. Hump Day Hangouts is really supposed to be a forum for Q and A. Okay? It doesn’t mean that we cannot setup a separate webinar for that, sometime, but we’d have to figure out a good angle for it.
Marco: Yeah. Then, we’d also have to be careful about giving away the niche, or any of that information, because actually I had someone do that in the RYS Facebook group and when he posted the URL, directly after that, a couple of days later, he got hit with a ton of spam, so we know that it was someone from our own RYS Academy that went and did that. I don’t know why they would do that to someone who is trying to help and show how he’s doing it, but it’s one of the reasons why we try to protect it, and keep it inside the Mastermind where we know most of the people are trustworthy.
Bradley: Yeah. I totally agree. That’s why that’s in part why we do stuff like that on the Mastermind, guys, because it’s a very, very tight group, like an intimate group, so it makes it a lot easier. It doesn’t mean that there’s not people there that can be malicious, as well, because there certainly can be, but it’s less likely.
Anchor Text Variation In Link Building
Okay. Doctor Brain McKay, he says, “When building links is it better to use one, and only one variation? For example, dub, dub, dub, or just HTTP, or just a domain.com. I have heard varying advice where you would use all and someone else saying use one every time you build a link.” You know, honestly, I’ve used variations, if I were to be using spam tools, which I don’t anymore, at all. I don’t ever run them, myself, but I would always use variations.
Here’s a good example, Brian, in the recent weeks I’ve done several case studies for different YouTube tools, they’re all in the bonus site that I just showcased a minute ago. One of them being Live Rank Sniper and the other one being Rocket Video Ranker Pro, and there has been some spinning and all that for the video descriptions and that kind of stuff, which is pretty typical for any sort of spam work, and those are in my opinion they’re both spam tools, they can be used to not spam, but the way that I used them was very intentionally to spam, and because of that I just started doing a lot of spinning and stuff like that again in the last few weeks, which I had gotten away from for a while.
When I create the links that go in the video description to where I want to direct people to, I like to use all the different variations as you just laid out here. HTTP, if there’s HTTPS as well, if the SSL protocol is available then I’ll go ahead and add that one in, as well. I’ll use the trailing slash with and without the trailing slash, I’ll use dub, dub, dub and non dub, dub, so I use all variation of them so that it adds variety and diversity to the video description. In other words, if we’ve got 15 videos in the same channel, I want the URL, the call to action URL to be a variation all the time, if possible. Just because it gives more diversity to the thing. Now, as far as the SEO purposes, since they all resolve to the same location, I don’t think it makes much difference, but I’d like to hear Marco and Hernan’s input on this, please.
Marco: It’s just acrotex variation, that’s why you do that. The destinations is usually all the same, but also you want to keep that, you might, people don’t all link the same way. They-
Bradley: That’s right.
Marco: If you go throughout the web, like you get 100 people they’re all going to link to a website a different way. Some will use a dub, dub, dub. I particularly don’t anymore, because I know it will resolve to the dub, dub, dub anyway.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: I use them all simply because that’s what people do on the web. It makes absolutely no sense, and whoever is advising only one variation is actually misguided.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: Because that’s not the way that people type.
Bradley: Now, the only time that I would recommend always using the exact same URL format is when you’re citing an NAP, name, address, phone number, so any time you’re going to create, or reference, or list an NAP somewhere within content, or link building, or something like that I would always recommend using the same type of URL. Just because it’s an NAP, you want data consistency as much as possible.
Marco: And, the URL should be whatever shows-
Bradley: Shows in Google My Business.
Marco: Yeah. To link to the website, where they say website, and you click on it, that’s the version that you should use in that one particular case.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: Yeah.
Hernan: Yeah. This case, I totally agree with Marco. That’s why we keep saying that you need to validate the entity on one of the main, you know, when your website is popular, or you’re trying it to appear to be popular, you need to emulate as much as possible human behavior that’s why you need to do things differently from time to time. I mean, different URLs people will mention your website differently, maybe they will spell it wrong. As long as the link is the link, you know, we had, I think we had Gary, Doctor Gary, came to a Mastermind and he showed how you can get links from really powerful websites just because they’re misspelled. You know?
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: As long as the URL is pointing correctly to your website, the anchor text could be misspelled, you know, it can be Semantic Mastery or something else, or Semantic Master as long as the hyperlink is pointing to semanticmastery.com. You know? Yeah. Vary it a little bit, that would be my intake on it.
Three Pack Map In Organic Ranking
Bradley: Very good. Okay. Ala, is up again, he says, “Hi. When the first three to four sites on the Google organic search are not the same ones as in Google three pack,” so the maps pack, “does that mean that it’s easy to rank in the three pack map, or the first page of the organic search for that specific niche? Thanks for the help.” It doesn’t meant that it’s going to be easy to rank in the map, it’s just means that the maps listings aren’t, the ones that are ranked in maps they’re on page for their sit isn’t as good, is not good enough to be on the first page.
In other words, and it doesn’t have to be just be the on page, it could be the combination of on page, or on page and off page, but typically the organic results, it’s a different algorithm. There’s a lot of overlap between the local algorithm and the organic algorithm, now, it’s a lot more closely related now than it used to be. That was particularly where a lot of that marriage occurred was the Pigeon update, if you guys remember that. That was, shit, that was probably two years ago, now. Amazing how time flies. There is some overlap there, but for example Ala, I don’t ever, I don’t care at all about organic rankings anymore for lead gen, or for local stuff, when I have a physical location available, even if that means I have to black half the physical location using a PO box. Right?
I don’t care about organic anymore at all for lead gen and local stuff, only because I know from all my lead gen assets is that my call volume drops for stuff that was organic only. My call volume dropped 60%, because of the new SERP layout. Right? When I say new, it’s not new anymore, but the SERP layout as it stands today, which is four ads, typically four ads and a maps pack, so you end up going past seven freaking listings before you ever get to the first organic. I can tell you right now, the reason why I’m telling you this is because I have multiple lead gen sites all over the place that are ranked in maps, but they might be on page two or page three in organic. I don’t care.
It doesn’t bother me, because the phone calls are coming from the maps pack, or from AdsWords, excuse me AdWords. I’m either getting calls from my ads, or I’m getting calls from the maps pack. I don’t get calls from organic, very, very rarely do I get calls from organic when a map is displayed for a search query. Right? Most search queries are going to display. Now, I will still target organic for lead gen and local, like if I’m doing video campaigns, for example, because you cannot get a video, well, I say you cannot, it’s unlikely to get a video above the maps pack, anymore, for a local term. Okay?
I still will do spamming with YouTube and stuff like that for organic rankings, but when it comes to websites, and stuff, I personally don’t care if there’s a maps pack that shows for the search query, then I’m going to try to rank in the maps pack, not the organic. Okay? Typically, when there’s a difference between what’s showing in maps, and what’s showing in organic it’s because the site that’s ranking in maps, but not in organic is speaking, or it’s more congruent with what the map’s algorithm was.
If that makes sense. But maybe not as much for the organic. Like I said, it could be a, I found that’s often times more an on page issue, than an off page issue, but it could be both. I’m just saying personally when I’ve been able to identify issues where I’m not ranking as good organically as I should be based upon my maps ranking, it’s a lot of the times, at least in my experiences it’s been because of on page issues, either over optimization, which triggers Panda, again, it’s just Panda in general. Thin content, over optimization, things like that. You guys got any input on that?
Marco: Yeah. I would just tell him he is trying to do local since he talked about the map pack before.
Bradley: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Marco: Right? I’m thinking he wants, the way that you do that is entity. You do the entity. You validate it, then you push trust, and authority, and relevance up to the entity, it’s called RYS Academy, by the way. That’s how you force all of that up to the entity and over to the destination and you could actually do both. Rank in maps and organic.
IFTTT Syndicated Video As Duplicate Content
Bradley: Yeah. That’s what I would do. All right. Cool. We’re going to keep moving. Let’s see who is next Balint, sorry if I mispronounce that, he says, “Thanks for last weeks input I was rather asking about how to make both RSS and YouTube syndication to work for the same network. My idea, I upload a video, unlisted to YouTube, I have it transcribed to make a post to my main site with the additional content, the video is embedded and the title is different. That post with transcription gets syndicated via RSS trigger. I make the video public a bit later on, because it’s public now the sole video gets syndicated via YouTube upload trigger, too. Maybe not to the main blog, though. Would that work, or still count as duplicate spam?” No. That would work, Balint. That’s absolutely fine.
I’ve said that in previous Hump Day Hangouts, that question has come up several times, Balint, so you’re not the first to ask it. It’s okay to post both the video to your channel and to your blog, and have them both syndicate to the same network, that’s absolutely fine. Where the problem occurs is when people have both their YouTube channel triggering their network and their blog, and they upload the video, which syndicates to their network, and then they just take the video and go embed it in a post on their blog with the same title, and usually not much different in the video description, either, and then they post that, because here’s the problem it won’t hurt your money site, your blog, and it won’t hurt your YouTube channel.
Where it can cause problems is on the network itself, the syndication network, because now you’ve got two posts that look nearly identical to your network properties, because it’s the same title, which ends up being the same title, and then you have the same video, so especially for Blogger, Tumblr, and WordPress where there’s embeds, because that’s basically, it’s going to look like the same post, basically, other than perhaps maybe some slight differences in text in the description area. But, if you’re going to change the title and usually make the title more like blog specific, right, because usually blog post, guys, are going to have more, you know, longer conversational, natural speech pattern type titles than a YouTube video, because YouTube videos are going to usually be synced keyword different type titles. Right, guys?
But, blog titles are generally going to be more like natural speech patterns. Right? So, if you’re going to take your video and also post it to your blog and have both syndicating to the same network, then it’s absolutely fine to do so if you’re going to make a different title, and if you’re going to have that video transcribed, you’re going to have a much longer description, so it’s not going to look like duplicate content on the web two properties. If that makes sense. That’s absolutely perfectly fine, Balint. I’m sorry if I misunderstood your question last week.
SEO Battle Plan For Rebranding
Roy says, “Got the Battle Plan reviewed it, question, just got a dental client and had to rebrand his practice, dissolved partnership,” okay, “So, the main practice name has changed to a new name, he then purchased another practice in a different city, I rebranded his practice website as ABC Dental Group with the two city locations. Do I just create one Google Plus page for the group.com, or different for each location?” No. You create a different Google page for each location, Roy. Well, I mean, let me rephrase that. If you’re creating a Google brand page, then you can have one brand page and reference both locations, but I understand that if you’re talking about, I’m sure you’re talking about Google My Business, a locations page. In which case you want a different page for each location. Okay?
There are brand pages and there are locations pages, and actually locations pages are no longer Google Plus pages at all, they’re maps pages. They’re not even part of Google Plus, anymore. Does that make sense? If you go in your Google My Business dashboard you access your maps data through maps, and your Google Plus page, which is now just a brand page, there is no local version of the brand page anymore that I’m aware of, anyways, because you edit your details on maps. Okay? Anyways, there might still be a locations Google Plus page, but I don’t know what the use of it is for, I don’t how it’s valuable at all anymore, to be honest with you, everything is now being, for the local part of it, it’s all being handled through maps. Okay? So, for that, yeah, go ahead and create a different locations page for each.
“Do I need to modify the Battle Plan for the purchase practice since it already has G-Plus established? I’m a bit confused on how to apply the Battle Plan to the situation.” I’m not sure I understand what you mean, the purchase practice since it already has a G-Plus established, I mean, if it’s already got a locations page, you’re going to have to rebrand all that stuff. Right? I mean, I think that’s what you’re saying, you said, he rebranded his practice with the two locations, Roy, I’m not really following all of the parts of this question, but if you the other business that he purchased had a Google My Business page, already, and now he purchased it, if he’s rebranding everything, what I would recommend, especially if that other business was established and had any sort of decent rankings in Google and/or maps. Right? If it was ranking.
You’re going to have to rebrand it, if it’s rebranded, I’m assuming it’s going to have to be rebranded, in which case what you’d want to do is don’t, I wouldn’t set up a new listing, because it’s going to have the same address unless the phone number changed, the name and the phone number, and the website, like if all of those data points change, then yes I would set up a new business. I would close, say that the other business was permanently closed then create a new listing, but you’d have to make sure that the only thing that was the same out of all the data points between name, address, phone number, and URL is the address. Right?
You’d have to have the different brand name, different phone number, different URL. Then, you could mark that other place as closed and start a new GMB page, which is what I would do if those other conditions were met. However, if the phone number, the physical location, and perhaps the web address, and/or the brand name or whatever are the same, if you don’t have all those unique properties within those four data points, there, then you’re going to have to do a citation cleanup, which would be going out and basically correcting all of the old citations to list the new data for the business. Does that make sense? That’s a pain in the ass, but that’s what you’re going to have to do.
I recommend, highly, that you go, if you guys can get the link ready, it’s http://ift.tt/2bbLT53, that’s L-O-G-A-N-I-X. That is a citation clean up service there that can handle that for you, well, provided that it’s in the US, they may do it in other areas, but I don’t know. Loganix citation cleanup service in the US is really, really good. You get about a 70% success rate, and they’re very, very thorough. That’s what I would recommend doing. Like I said, if you’re going to rebrand it and you get a new URL, and you’re going to change the phone number then I would set up a new listing all together, because that’s going to be a lot less of a headache than trying to fix old citations, that’s just a real pain in the ass, and that’s why I just outsource that all the time. All right. We’re going to keep moving.
Hernan: Sorry, Bradley, but it’s on the events page, http://ift.tt/2bbLT53.
Generating Quality Leads From Google Adwords Campaigns
Bradley: Okay. If you want to followup, Roy, with us in one of our groups Facebook or something with some more detail, like where it can be explained a little bit further we might be able to help you out a little bit better. I feel like I wasn’t able to answer that question, properly, because I don’t have all the details. Mark’s next, he says, “Hi, guys. Hope all is well. My question is about your Local Kingpin product, I’m starting to get somewhere now with SEO, but it does take forever, and that’s okay, I accept that’s how SEO goes and just get on with it, but I like the idea of starting with AdWords and then adding SEO lead gen later. I’m not asking for AdWords advice that’s what the training is for, and I’ve bought your products before, so I know it will be legit. My question is how did, or how is it going? Are you able to generate enough quality leads for your client? I work with contractors, if that helps, not looking for specific advice, just your opinion on how well AdWords works.” I’m crossinated with AdWords, guys, I mean, yeah, my profit is a lot smaller on my AdWords leads because I pay for the clicks and everything, but they’re so much easier to set up, and I can, I mean, that’s what Local Kingpin is about, Mark, is about setting up like literally you can set up a lead gen funnel and have traffic, and be receiving leads within 48 hours.
I mean, you could do it within a day, but I say within 48 hours because it usually takes me two days to set up a lead gen asset. Well, it used to take me two days, when I was new, but now I’ve got a lot of stuff, templatized, like I’ve got Click Funnels, funnels that are already all set up. They’re generic funnels. I can just clone the funnel and then go in and swap out details, and I’ve got working procedure’s setup for a lot of stuff, now, so I have check lists that I can go through. That kind of stuff that makes it just really simple for me to set up a funnel, a lead gen asset, and turn on ads, and it’s like literally within a few hours of you submitting your first ad you can start generating traffic.
The main thing, Mark, if you go through Local Kingpin, which I highly recommend, especially for contractors, because that’s my market, is contractors. I mean, I love being able to generate leads with AdWords, now. I don’t know why I was so scared of AdWords for so long, but now I absolutely love it, because the speed in which I can generate, and here’s the thing, what I love about setting up AdWords funnels, guys, is I can determine right off the bat, right away, where my money keywords are. The 80/20 rule 100% applies to AdWords, and there’s a book by Perry Marshall called, The 80/20 Sales and Marketing. Go get the damn book. By it on Kindle, whatever. Pick it up, read it, because it is absolutely 100% correct when it comes to AdWords, especially for the local lead gen funnels. 80% of your traffic is going to come from 20% of your keywords. That’s it. All this shit that we do in SEO, where we scrap hundreds of keywords, and we build silos, and we have to do all this content, and we have to properly silo the content, we got to do all this internal linking, all that’s great it can pay off there’s no doubt, but so many of those keywords, or long tail and stuff like that where you’re going to get very little to no traffic from them.
Now, cumulatively they all build to make your site stronger and more relevant, which will generate more traffic, so there’s certainly a reason to do all that, but my point is we go through harvesting these great big keyword lists and all that stuff, and with AdWords, especially the way that I show how to do it using alpha beta campaign structure you can literally go in, do your keyword research in about a half an hour.
The main point for that is generating, or building a negative keyword list, because you ought to already know what your main money keywords are for the project that you’re working on. Really the keyword research is about building a negative keyword list, but then you plug in your money keywords, you add your negative keyword lists, use modified broad match, and then you let AdWords tell you where your money keywords are, and within a month you can identify your top keywords where 80% of your traffic is going to come from, and I guarantee you it will be 20% of your keywords.
Then, those are the keywords that you focus your SEO efforts on. As I mentioned, I think in the Local Kingpin training, I’m not starting any SEO projects from scratch anymore. I’m not starting new projects with SEO as my main promotional type, anymore. I’m not doing it, unless it’s YouTube spam, because I’m just not going to do it. From now on, I’m doing AdWords first to prove my keywords and prove that it’s converting and that kind of stuff, and then I’ll invest my time and effort into SEO for the keywords that I’ve identified as my winners.
Hernan: Yeah.
Bradley: Does that make sense?
Hernan: Yeah. I really like that approach, Bradley. The fact that you’re getting speed, that you’re getting, I mean, each rating on a project and you’re failing fast.
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: You’re finding out, you’re weeding out the keywords that are not going to work, that they’re not going to convert, and then you’re focusing on the keywords that are, and I think that’s really the key when it comes to paid advertising, is that you get data so much faster that your business can grow a lot more, because if you have to be waiting six months to get data on your business, it’s money, time is money.
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: If you’re doing SEO and waiting all of that time, then you’re spending all of that money that you could be earning, because you’re failing fast on your project. Once you have that, once you have the process in place you can still do SEO and you know that it’s going to pickup three to six months down the road, maybe a year down the road and you still do SEO, so that when that hits, or when you’re getting a decent amount of organic traffic, you know that the funnel is converting.
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: There’s basically no top to how much you can scale, it all depends on the market that you’re in. The market will tell you how much you can scale, or sell a product, or sell a service, whatever that is, but that’s basically why I like paid advertising combined with SEO, because again you don’t want to put all of your eggs in one basket.
Bradley: That’s correct.
Hernan: Like, one way or the other.
Bradley: Yeah. Here’s the thing, guys, think about this, you could spend months working on a project, and find out for SEO I mean, you could spend months working on trying to build the SEO for a project, set of keywords, whatever, and find out that it’s just not profitable. It’s not working. Now, you’ve spent months of effort and time on it, and probably money, as well. With AdWords you can prove it very, very quickly, whether it’s going to be profitable or not. If you can make it profitable when you’re paying for the clicks, then it will be profitable for SEO, there’s no doubt, because you won’t be paying, I mean, you do pay for those clicks with time and effort, and somewhat money, too. You know what I mean? It’s indirect. You’re paying indirectly, not directly for clicks.
Again, that’s number one. Number two, the other part of that, Mark, is why I love AdWords for local lead gen now is because if you do register a mailbox and it can be a PO box, it doesn’t even have to be verified, guys. You can register local addresses and set up AdWords campaigns and use the location’s extension. Are you hearing this? You don’t even have to have a verified address and it will still show the location’s extension in your ad and it will also, if you’ve got your ads set up properly and you’re at the top of the search, or the top of the ads pack, which as to do with quality score, you’ll end up in the maps, an ad in the first maps position. Not necessarily in the three pack.
On mobile devices, if you have call only ads set up you can show up in the three pack on mobile devices, but on desktop, I haven’t seen, I haven’t been able to get any of my ads to show up in the three pack on desktop, but I have been able to get almost virtually all of my ads to show up in the first position in maps, so when somebody clicks on the more results, it will show my ad at the very top of the results when that page expands. If that makes sense.
That’s the thing, and again with location extensions you don’t even need to verify the address. I know that, because one of the lead gen funnels I set up for Local Kingpin, Google was not sending me the verification postcard, so I went ahead and said, screw it, I’m going to continue with the project and I went ahead and added the location’s extension and you have to link it to your Google My Business profile, and then select whatever page, and I linked that page to it and I thought well, let’s just check it and see if it works, and damn if it didn’t show my maps extension in the ad, even though it was an unverified address, which is awesome. Right? I just wanted to give you guys that little nugget. Local Kingpin, guys, is a great, great course if you’re doing lead gen and you’re not using AdWords, you’re crazy, in my opinion. Okay.
Battle Plan Versus RYS Academy, Syndication Academy & Other Semantic Mastery Products
All right. Herovic, he says, “Hi. I have a question regarding the Battle Plan, how is it different than the IFTTT Academy, RYS, or the Mastermind? Does it add something new, or is it a blueprint that incorporates all of them? Thank you.” Well, a $20.00 PDF certainly cannot incorporate IFTTT, RYS, and the Mastermind. It would be nice if it could, but it would be an awfully big PDF if we did.
Hernan: Yeah. [inaudible 00:41:58] depth of Semantic Mastery and the three years-
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: In Mastermind. I know all of the nuggets that are RYS, it’s going to be longest.
Bradley: Yeah. That would be very, Herovic, the Battle Plan is basically, the process is that we use for working on any digital assets, whether they’re established or they’re just being launched. It’s the same, it’s just the series of steps that we take for setting up the networks, and link building, and citations, and press releases, and like all of the different steps in the order that we do them. It’s the same process that we’ve used for years, now.
All we did was put it in a simple format, including links to the products and services that we use for that kind of stuff, which most of them are our own services, anyways, because we developed all of those services specifically because we use them. We only made our services available to others, because we kept getting asked for it. We had developed our services, for us, originally. Okay. That’s all it is. It’s very, very simple. It doesn’t need to be complicated. Some people wished it was more complicated, and that’s why I said, you know, I don’t know, stand on your head while you perform the tasks. I don’t know.
Marco: Can I add something more to this?
Bradley: Please, do.
Marco: Yeah. Our Battle Plan is a blueprint. A blueprint is used to build a house.
Bradley: Right.
Marco: The blueprint does not build the house for you, you have to follow the blueprint and go and build a house, using whatever tools are necessary for the construction of whatever it is that you want to make of that house according to the blueprint that you’re using. I mean, I cannot put it any clearer, or plainer than that. Get a blueprint on what you’re supposed to do and how you’re supposed to do it, not why you’re supposed to do it, and definitely it’s not going to get done for you. I hope that clarifies-
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: Everything.
Bradley: Again, it’s very simple Herovic, it’s the process that we use, and I like simple, that’s why we made it simple, because it doesn’t need to be overcomplicated. If you want to learn more about Syndication Academy, and syndication networks, you’re certainly welcome to join, RYS, as well, Mastermind is our top level coaching group, and that you’re certainly welcome to join that, as well.
Rocket Video Ranker Vs Live Rank Sniper
Next question, “How does the Rocket Video Ranker differ from Live Rank Sniper? Can we emulate its functionality and do it manually? What’s the principle behind it?” Yeah. They’re two different things. Live Rank Sniper, is really a keyword poking tool, and Peter Drew, the developer even calls it that, so it’s not like that’s a secret. It’s mainly a poking tool. You can use it to identify keywords, to test keywords with YouTube schedule of live events. You don’t even need to have a video. Right?
Live Rank Sniper doesn’t even require you to have a video, it’s just a software that automates the process of setting up YouTube scheduled live events, because of their indexable schedule with live events, they will index without even a video, they’re just place holders in the index, and then once you have identified keywords you can, if you want, stream directly to those scheduled live events through Live Rank Sniper. It’s a manual process, and it takes time. I say, manual, it’s semi automated in that you only have to click the mouse a couple times for it to start doing its thing, but then you have to wait for the software to run to stream the video, and it will end and then you have to stream, you know, click the mouse a few times to go stream to the next scheduled live event that’s ranking. I don’t recommend it for that. I recommend using it specifically for identifying keywords, using it as a poking tool. Okay? If you want a tool that works seamlessly with Live Rank Sniper I would say Hangout Millionaire, which is Peter Drew’s upgrade, like that’s his top level, well, it’s currently his top level SEO video marketing software, but he’s coming out, well, I’m not going to say anything else. That’s a great tool, as well, though, it works really good with Live Rank Sniper.
Rocket Video Ranker is a different animal all together. Rocket Video Ranker is freaking fabulous. It’s a loophole as far as I’m concerned. The way that it works, but basically you upload, you just do uploads with Rocket Video Ranker, but it automates uploading multiple videos at one time very, very quickly in a very unique fashion. The way that it works, it’s very unique, I don’t know how long it’s going to last, or even why it works the way that it does, but it works really, really well, right now. I know, because I used a shit ton, I used a lot of it. I used it a lot, excuse me, over the last two weeks, and the case study, by the way, just so you know, the case study in here, look, this is it, guys, I mean, I’ve got 11, there’s got to be two and a half hours worth of content in this case study, alone. Exactly how I use it, and it’s great because you can set up digital assets.
YouTube channels, you can turn YouTube channels into digital assets very quickly using this, and I even talk about it in the strategy session here, in what’s the very last video here, it’s called, What’s Next, I talk very specifically about a strategy that you can hire virtual assistants to run the software for you, and literally create dozens and dozens of these digital assets, YouTube channel assets, and you can monetize them, and there’s multiple ways to do that, as well, and I talk about that in the case study. Hopefully, that makes some sense. Herovic, if you don’t have either one of them go buy the PDF, the Battle Plan and you should have access to this bonus study, excuse me, this bonus membership site and if you do, then just go through watch the first couple videos of each one of the case studies, and you make the decision as to what is best for your business. Okay? They’re available for you to watch, so that you can make that decision.
Changes To The iFrame Tag
All right. I only got about eight minutes left, so let’s roll through these next few. Ivan, says, “Hey, guys. I embedded a Google My Maps in an article on my website and I shared it to my tier one network. If I had something in the iframe will it syndicate automatically on the network, or do I have to resubmit my article via my RSS feed?” Yeah. No. Well, wait a minute. Yeah. If you’re updating the iframe, it should update everywhere, because it’s the same iframe. Am I correct, Marco, or no?
Marco: That’s correct. The iframe will show whatever is in the source.
Bradley: Okay.
Marco: But, hang on, if he’s changing the iframe that it’s structured in the website, it’s not going to update everywhere else.
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: But, I think, well, Ivan, if you’re listening, maybe you can comment, but I think that what he’s saying is if he adds something, well, yeah, I know, if he adds something to the code that’s not going to resyndicate, but if you change what’s within the iframe-
Bradley: Right.
Hernan: Then it could, like if you change something within the Google My Maps, you know, like if you add another marker for example, that will automatically show everywhere, but if you add, I don’t know, whatever, a piece of code to that iframe, that’s not going to resyndicate. Am I correct? Am I right?
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: That’s correct. You would-
Bradley: [crosstalk 00:49:18] past the closing iframe tag, then that’s not going to update across the properties. Right?
Hernan: Right.
Bradley: Right. If that’s what you mean, Ivan, if you’re trying to add stuff like beyond the closing iframe tag, then no. You’d have to issue a new, or publish a new post. Here’s the thing guys, you cannot publish a post and have it syndicate to your network, and then go back and edit the post on your money site, and then expect it to edit all the posts that it was syndicated to, as well. It doesn’t work like that. You’d have to go delete the original post and then basically republish the post as a new post in order for it to trigger the RSS feed to syndicate, as a new post. Right? There is a plugin that you can use in WordPress, it’s called, Republish Old Posts, funny enough. Right?
Republish Old Posts, and I’ll say WP, or WordPress, that’s it right there. This plugin right here, you can use this plugin to republish old posts, it will reinsert them into your RSS feed, which will trigger a new syndication, you can do something like that if you wanted. But, yeah, if you’re changing something within the iframe, it’s going to update everywhere that the iframe was syndicated to, if you’re changing something outside of the closing iframe tag, then no, you’d have to force the syndication all over again. Okay? He says, “By the way, my comment on Semantic Mastery sales page, wow, I was surprised it’s like having a page one, position one on Google.” That’s awesome. Thanks, Ivan.
Using Proxies For IFTTT Properties
David says, “When creating a branded network, is it necessary to use proxies for any account work, once a network is in place. How much lift does using stacks of interlinked Google properties add?” First of all, is it necessary to use proxies for any account work? No. It’s not necessary. I recommend if you’re building a ton of networks that you have at least five dedicated proxies, any ways, that you can cycle through. I recommend, and this is covered in the training, David, but I recommend never trying to create more than two accounts with the same IP within 24 hours. Okay? Again, you can do it with your own IP, it’s fine you don’t need any proxies at all, as long as you’re not, and when I say, I mean, don’t try creating two accounts on the same account platform.
In other words, don’t try to create more than two Tumblrs, for example, or two Gmail addresses within 24 hours from the same IP. It will flag your IP and trust me, it will cause problems. If you’re going to be doing a lot of building, which again I don’t recommend you do, you should outsource that or just go to SERP Space and buy networks, but if you’re going to be doing a lot of that kind of stuff, then I recommend that you have at least five proxies, dedicated proxies, you want them to be clean. Dedicated means you are only using them, don’t get shared proxies. I also, highly recommend if you are going to be building a lot of networks that you use Browseo. Seriously. I mean, I got it opened, right here. I mean, it’s crazy, I got all these Browseo, I got this open all the time now, guys, it’s insane, because it’s a great, great tool. Okay?
“Once a network is in place, how much lift does using stacks of interlink Google properties add?” It depends, David. It depends if the Google stacks are created properly. It depends on how they’re done. It depends on which keywords, there’s just so many variables there, if they’re done correctly you can expect a substantial increase in rank. Okay? But, if you don’t do it correctly then, you know, I cannot speak, it might not help at all, in fact it might even cause problems. I don’t know. It just depends if they’re done right, or not.
Marco: It also depends on how much risk he’s willing to take, as far as, hammering the drive stack properties.
Local SEO For Business Franchise In The Same City
Bradley: Yeah. Okay. Ken, says, we’re almost done, guys, we only got a couple minutes left. He says, “I’m looking for clarity on ranking for local. I have a client that is a franchise. There are four locations within seven to 10 miles of each other, so I don’t think it would be reasonable to try to rank all of them for the same keyword. Franchise name, city, state.” For the same keyword. I’m sorry guys, I was just rereading that. “Since I would be competing against myself in each location, I can just see it now the management in each location would be pissed off if I wasn’t ranking them at the top of the three pack. I do understand that there would be overlap, and so do they. The only differentiating factor to each location is different zip codes, it’s a minor overlap.” Oh, wow, so it’s the same city and everything. “[inaudible 00:53:54] don’t show any search volume for franchise name, city, state,” yeah, I mean it probably wouldn’t. Well, if it’s franchise, yeah, maybe, because it has a franchise name. Right. But, what about the keyword? Instead of franchise name. Anyways, “I don’t think, so do I go ahead and only focus on franchise city, state, zip code, for each location and big G will pick up the fact of the search’s location? How would you suggest going after this? What would you do?”
Ken, that’s a really good question. I’ve never had to experience that, so it would take me some thought, we don’t have time for me to go, I mean, I’d literally have to think about it. Is Ken in any of our, he’s not in our Mastermind is he? I don’t think he is. Ken, this would be an awesome question for us to dissect in Mastermind, I sure wish you were in there, buddy. Let me think about this one a little bit, Ken, and we can revisit it next week. Sorry, if you cannot wait until then, because otherwise join the Mastermind, because we’ve got a Mastermind tomorrow, this could be a great question to dissect, but otherwise you are going to have to wait until next week, and I’m going to make a note right now.
Marco: If I could just add that right now the main factor for a three pack, or for what appears to search is proximity, I mean, that’s without question what the main factor, I mean-
Bradley: Especially for mobile.
Marco: [crosstalk 00:55:19]. If you are mobile, yeah, and you’re talking about nearly 70% of people right now who are searching on mobile, but I was just doing something on that last week, and sharing it with someone that-
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: Proximity seems to be the overriding factor. I mean, before anything else Google will pick up proximity.
Bradley: Yeah. So, Ken, again, if you’re in Mastermind, or if you want, you should join, and I’m not saying that for any other reason other than this would be a really good question to really dig into, but otherwise, I’ve got a note, I’ll think about this a little bit, maybe consult with Marco a bit, and then we’ll have kind of a concise answer for you next week. Okay? All right. I’m just going to read Wayne’s comment, really quickly, then we’ve got to wrap it up, guys, because I’ve got to go. He says, “Word on the street is that you are sharing something tomorrow on Mastermind that will elevate our business. Is something special planned for the next Mastermind?” Why, yes. It’s this guy named Wayne Clayton, who’s going to be on tomorrow sharing some of his expertise in prospecting and dealing with clients and his process of determining how much money they have to spend, what their goals are, and all that kind of stuff.
I was super impressed with a post that he made in one of the Facebook groups, one of our Facebook groups about a particular method that he uses whenever he’s prospecting and pitching clients, or at least asking questions of the clients, of prospects, excuse me. It was really detailed and I was super impressed, so I reached out to Wayne and asked him if he’d come on and be a guest presenter for the Mastermind, to share some of his stuff, and so I’m actually really looking forward to it. In part, because we are, in Semantic Mastery, we’re really ramping up something on the side that we’re working on that’s going to be requiring a lot of prospecting work.
Maybe in the near future, there’s going to be a full on, full blown prospecting course coming out from us, because that’s something that I’m working on right now, so I’m really anxious to hear what Wayne’s got, because some of that might even get included in what will be coming out with our prospecting course, in the future. Anyways, hopefully anybody that’s not in our Mastermind, it would be a good time to join, so go to mastermind.semanticmastery.com if you want to find out more about that, otherwise, we’ll see everybody next week.
Marco: Sounds good.
Bradley: Thanks, everybody. We’ll see you all later.
Hernan: Bye guys.
Bradley: Bye.
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 128 published first on your-t1-blog-url
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Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 128
Click on the video above to watch Episode 128 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Bradley: We’re live. We’re back on Hangouts, guys, because webinar wouldn’t even start for us today, anyway. Hey everybody, Bradley Benner, here. Semantic Mastery, this is the Hump Day Hangouts episode 128, today is March 19th 2017, and we’ve got Chris, Hernan and Marco on with us. Adam is off running in the woods, again.
Hernan: Yeah. No. I think he was moving.
Bradley: He was moving? Is that what we’re calling it today?
Hernan: Yeah. Let’s call it like that.
Bradley: That’s cool. Chris, what’s up man?
Chris: Doing good. Right from a snowstorm here in Vienna.
Bradley: Guys, hold on, I guess Marco and Hernan you guys can chat for a minute.
Chris: Sure.
Marco: Yeah.
Bradley: Marco?
Marco: I’m good, man. We got really bad electrical storms, my electricity keeps coming in and out. If I drop off the Google police didn’t get me, the lightening storm got me. Sorry about that.
Chris: It’s cool.
Hernan: We started to think this is some kind of conspiracy, since we launched Battle Plan.
Marco: [crosstalk 00:01:09]. I’m telling you. We’re teaching people how to rank and they don’t like, so they’re trying to do everything they can to keep us off the air.
Hernan: Yeah.
Chris: We make things too easily available out there, that’s the thing.
Bradley: All right. Hopefully everybody refreshed the page, because on the event page, because you have to refresh the page for the new video to show up.
Marco: Okay. You both said it already.
Bradley: Let me see.
Hernan: Yeah.
Bradley: Yeah. Okay. All right, guys. Let’s get into it. I guess, we got probably a couple of announcements. We can stay to the actual five o'clock mark today, because we got started a few minutes early, or late guys. Anyways, let’s get into announcements. Hernan, what do we got?
Hernan: Yeah. Real quick. One of the things if you haven’t already, we strongly suggest that you get a copy of the Semantic Mastery, the SEO Domination Battle Plan. That will launch on Monday. Right now, the prices are real for the value that you’re getting and basically the coupon ends, I think it’s going to end in two hours, if I’m not mistaken. Then it’s going to double, more than double the price.
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: Go ahead get it. I’m going to put the link on the event page, but it’s basically battleplan.semanticmastery.com. Go ahead download it, we tried to make a really concise, simple guide, step by step document that you can come back over, and over, and over again, depending if you have each sites, new sites, YouTube videos, local websites, it’s everything in there. The way we do it. The way we implement it. That’s the main idea with Battle Plan. If you’re looking for something simple, go ahead and get it. If you’re looking for something more complex, or if you want more support, et cetera, come join the Mastermind, but that’s basically the main idea of the Battle Plan.
Bradley: There’s a couple of things that I want to mention about that. Is number one we had some people say your process cannot be simple. Well, actually it is.
Marco: It is.
Bradley: You know, that’s really what we do, guys, and that’s why I continually say on these Hump Day Hangouts that I like easy. Don’t over complicate shit, guys. If you want to make it complicated, then just stand on your head while you’re doing it. I don’t know. All I’m saying is those are the exact same services that we use, the same procedures, the process in order, in the steps that we do it in. It’s not difficult. I mean, we’ve got the infrastructure behind us, which is provided, it’s available for you guys, as well to use the same services that we use. I mean, again, some people said, well, it cannot be that simple, it’s just because I think by nature we as SEO’s and marketers typically want to over complicate shit, so that’s part of it and the other thing is, and just very quickly, let me grab the screen, I want to show you something here. You guys are seeing my screen, correct?
Chris: Yeah.
Bradley: This is the bonus site, guys. I think there’s more value in the freaking bonus site then there is in the actual PDF, so I just wanted to point this out real quick. This is something that wasn’t even mentioned on the sales page, but you get access to this bonus site that has a ton of different bonus stuff in here, and the bonus webinar section alone there’s multiple webinars, here, including on of our webinars that Marco just did, recently on iframe and java script secrets that’s a pay per view webinar of a $147.00 and that’s been included, as well. We’ve got a ton of different, you know, there’s case studies in here for Live Rank Sniper, for Rocket Video Ranker Pro, the v-mail prospecting course, which is the basic course I’m probably going to be doing a full blown course for that in the next couple months. Again, I just wanted to point out for a $20.00 PDF, there’s absolutely no reason why you guys shouldn’t pick it up for the simplicity of it, number one. Number two, because you get access to a bunch of amazing bonuses. Okay.
Hernan: Yeah.
Marco: The bonuses are, that’s the reason why it’s going to $100.00 when it’s all said and done.
Bradley: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Marco: Because it’s worth way more than a 100 bucks, but I mean-
Bradley: Damn right it is.
Marco: We wanted to keep it accessible to all of our members and followers, so they could actually have a plan that they could follow to achieve their success. If you want to complicate things, I mean that’s fine as Bradley said, but it doesn’t really need to be. All you have to do is just follow the step by step process. If you want to do more, then you’re more than welcome to join Syndication Academy, you’re more than welcome to come into the Mastermind and ask us as many complex questions as you want, and we’ll answer them. You have full access to us, there. If not, just follow the training step by step. That’s all you have to do. Seriously.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: That’s it.
Bradley: I love it when somebody analysis the plan and says, oh, no, it cannot be that simple, this must not work.
Hernan: [crosstalk 00:06:05].
Hernan: Another thing that’s worth mentioning is that the bonus side that you get for free will be updated. We have a bunch of case studies that are going to be uploaded to the bonus site, so go ahead order it now, because again it’s going to 100 bucks, soon. Now, you can get it for $20.00, it’s crazy.
Bradley: Yeah.
Chris: What’s the coupon code, again?
Bradley: Missile launch.
Hernan: Yeah. It’s missile launch. Thank you, Chris. It’s missile launch, one word and it’s on the event page, again, battleplan.semantricmastery.com. That coupon is going to be available for the next two hours and then it’s going to more than double the price.
Bradley: Okay. Cool. All right. Do we have any other announcements, because if not, let’s get into it.
Marco: Let’s do it.
Bradley: All right. Cool. We’re we going to talk, we’re not talking about the next webinar, are we, yet? Marco?
Marco: No. You can just tell them what it’s going to be about.
Bradley: All right. We’re going to do another webinar in the series, Marco’s series that we’ve done three, now, and we’re about to do a fourth, which is going to be a structured data webinar, guys. We scheduled it, but I don’t know the date off hand.
Marco: It will be around April 8th.
Bradley: May. A Monday-
Marco: May.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: Sorry.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: May 8th.
Bradley: Monday. Excuse me Monday, May 8th. You’re right. I’m sorry.
Marco: Usual time. It will be then, if it changes we have plenty of time to let people know.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: I’m working on that.
Bradley: You guys will get notifications via email and stuff for registration, so I just wanted to let you guys know that, that’s coming, as well. Okay. All right. Cool. I’m going to grab the screen and we’re going to get into questions. It feels weird to be back in Hangouts, man. It feels kind of like home.
Hernan: Yeah.
Bradley: You know?
Chris: It’s actually working.
Bradley: It’s working, too.
Chris: Right.
Private Home Address For A Lead Gen Site’s Google My Business Page
Bradley: Unlike WebinarJam, for some reason. All right. Ala, I’m sorry if I’m mispronouncing your name, forgive me, he says, “Hi, everyone. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to be part of the Hangout, I’m quite new to SEO and I have a question, which might sound very basic. My question is, can I use a private home address for local lead gen?” I believe we answered this question last week or the week before, but it seems like I remember this question. Yes. Of course, you can use your private home address for lead gen. Well, I don’t recommend doing it for fake businesses, or [inaudible 00:08:29] business. What I mean by, guys, obviously, I set up generic businesses, right, generic lead gen funnels, landing pages, whatever you want to call them. Assets. But, I don’t register all of them with my home address, and I wouldn’t recommend that you do that either.
Go get a PO Box. If you’re in the United States, go get a PO Box. I know some people say that’s not working, or isn’t going to work anymore. I covered this in a Facebook live post, recently, but I’m still able to get them to work. What happens is where the problem occurs is if you try to register multiple businesses, so Google My Business pages underneath the same account using multiple PO Boxes. I’ve had that happen to me a couple times in the last few months where I’ve, in the last six months, where I’ve had, I’ve tried to register two different PO Boxes within the same Google My Business owner account, profile, essentially, and I’ve gotten it flagged and I had to reverify.
In one case, I just abandoned it all together, and re-registered a new business under another profile, because it there was no way for me to verify it. I basically lost that one, but it’s not a big deal, it happens, guys. The way the work arounds so far to this point has been just to register one Google My Business profile per, or excuse me, My Business Account per profile, so that you essentially have a different account owner for each one. That’s the way I’ve been able to get around it, again, they may crack down on that at some point in the very near future, maybe so, but until then I’m going to continue exploiting it. That’s what I recommend you do.
You can also hire, rent virtual mailboxes from other places other than the PO box, but those are the cheapest and so far they are still working for me. Okay? Again, I do not recommend that you register a bunch of businesses to your home address, I mean, you can, but I wouldn’t do it. All right? The other thing is you don’t want to share the same address for multiple businesses. Guys, that’s part of the reason I like to use PO boxes, because they’re cheap enough, where even if I’ve got 10 businesses in the same, like I got 10 different lead gen funnels, let’s say 10 different industries and it’s in the same damn city, I can have 10 different PO boxes, because the deal is the address is going to be street address of the PO office and then you’re going to get a box number.
It’s going to be 123 Main Street number 101. Maybe next time you will get number 208, or whatever. My point is each one of those are each considered a unique address because of the box number, makes it unique. Does that make sense? I mean you could probably do it with your own home address, like if your home address was 123 Maple Street, and you did 123 Maple Street, or 123-A, and 123-B, 123-C you could probably get away with that, but I certainly wouldn’t recommend it. Again, it’s cheap enough to where you can just buy additional boxes and I like to do that.
People have asked me before, do you continue to rent the PO box after you’ve received the PO box, or excuse me, the verification card? Yes. I do. I pay for everyone of those. I’ve got PO boxes that I’ve been paying for, for years, guys, I renew them every year, it’s only happened to me twice in my entire digital marketing career that I’ve had to reverify via postcard, a business listing, it’s only happened twice in six or seven years, now.
However, when it happens, if it happens I have the ability to retrieve the postcard, because I renew the boxes every year and it’s a nominal fee, guys. In the less populated areas I can get a PO box for a year for about 60 bucks, or $64.00 something like that. So, $64.00 per year, roughly. Okay? For the more populated areas it cost me $128.00 a year. It’s so inexpensive, it’s such a small cost of doing business that I just pay for it. Okay?
One Address For Multiple GMB Pages In Denmark
Okay. Anyways. “Can I use the very same address for multiple, different businesses in the same area, or city. Note, I live in Denmark. Thank you for your help.” I guess I should answer that, I don’t know about Denmark, I cannot speak for anything in any foreign country, guys. All I can talk about specifically for local is within the United State, but I’m quite sure that if I can get away with doing what I’m doing in the US you could probably get away with it in Denmark. You probably would get away with a hell of a lot more in Denmark, I’m sure. In which case you might, you could possibly use one address and then just put that unique identifier like dash A, dash B, dash C, you could probably get away with that in Denmark, again, I don’t know. I don’t have any experience in that market, but in the US it’s a little bit stricter, typically, and that’s why I just use unique address for each location, like in other words a unique, it gets a unique box number, which makes it unique. Okay? All right. Cool.
Hump Day Hangouts For Semantic Mastery Students On Amazon, Rank & Rent, Etc.
Toby [inaudible 00:13:18], he says, “Can you do a Hump Day Hangouts with your students who are killing it Rank to Rant, or Amazon, Shopify, PayPerCall et cetera, or PayPerCall, et cetera?” I asked him this question yesterday, I guess, because I was trying to clarify, he said, yeah, by the way if you’re watching Toby, what’s up, he says, yes. “Should we bring on guest presenters?” We do that in the Mastermind, Toby. We bring guest presenters on in the Mastermind. We had Clint Butler on two weeks ago, which was awesome, because he did training on PageSpeed, which was awesome, because some of our Mastermind members implemented what he trained for that session and were able to reduce the page load times to under a second. I think it was like three quarters of a second, which was awesome.
Anyways, tomorrow we’ve got our very own Wayne Clayton, he’s been one of our most engaged Mastermind members, and he’s had phenomenal success, and he’s coming on tomorrow to be a guest presenter, to talk about prospecting and his unique approach to prospecting and landing clients. He’s had a lot of experience in the media industry, so he’s got a unique approach that a lot of us in the digital marketing industry haven’t seen or heard. I’m actually really looking forward to having him to come on tomorrow to give his presentation and answer questions about his prospecting methods. Again, Toby, we do that kind of stuff in the Mastermind. Hump Day Hangouts is really supposed to be a forum for Q and A. Okay? It doesn’t mean that we cannot setup a separate webinar for that, sometime, but we’d have to figure out a good angle for it.
Marco: Yeah. Then, we’d also have to be careful about giving away the niche, or any of that information, because actually I had someone do that in the RYS Facebook group and when he posted the URL, directly after that, a couple of days later, he got hit with a ton of spam, so we know that it was someone from our own RYS Academy that went and did that. I don’t know why they would do that to someone who is trying to help and show how he’s doing it, but it’s one of the reasons why we try to protect it, and keep it inside the Mastermind where we know most of the people are trustworthy.
Bradley: Yeah. I totally agree. That’s why that’s in part why we do stuff like that on the Mastermind, guys, because it’s a very, very tight group, like an intimate group, so it makes it a lot easier. It doesn’t mean that there’s not people there that can be malicious, as well, because there certainly can be, but it’s less likely.
Anchor Text Variation In Link Building
Okay. Doctor Brain McKay, he says, “When building links is it better to use one, and only one variation? For example, dub, dub, dub, or just HTTP, or just a domain.com. I have heard varying advice where you would use all and someone else saying use one every time you build a link.” You know, honestly, I’ve used variations, if I were to be using spam tools, which I don’t anymore, at all. I don’t ever run them, myself, but I would always use variations.
Here’s a good example, Brian, in the recent weeks I’ve done several case studies for different YouTube tools, they’re all in the bonus site that I just showcased a minute ago. One of them being Live Rank Sniper and the other one being Rocket Video Ranker Pro, and there has been some spinning and all that for the video descriptions and that kind of stuff, which is pretty typical for any sort of spam work, and those are in my opinion they’re both spam tools, they can be used to not spam, but the way that I used them was very intentionally to spam, and because of that I just started doing a lot of spinning and stuff like that again in the last few weeks, which I had gotten away from for a while.
When I create the links that go in the video description to where I want to direct people to, I like to use all the different variations as you just laid out here. HTTP, if there’s HTTPS as well, if the SSL protocol is available then I’ll go ahead and add that one in, as well. I’ll use the trailing slash with and without the trailing slash, I’ll use dub, dub, dub and non dub, dub, so I use all variation of them so that it adds variety and diversity to the video description. In other words, if we’ve got 15 videos in the same channel, I want the URL, the call to action URL to be a variation all the time, if possible. Just because it gives more diversity to the thing. Now, as far as the SEO purposes, since they all resolve to the same location, I don’t think it makes much difference, but I’d like to hear Marco and Hernan’s input on this, please.
Marco: It’s just acrotex variation, that’s why you do that. The destinations is usually all the same, but also you want to keep that, you might, people don’t all link the same way. They-
Bradley: That’s right.
Marco: If you go throughout the web, like you get 100 people they’re all going to link to a website a different way. Some will use a dub, dub, dub. I particularly don’t anymore, because I know it will resolve to the dub, dub, dub anyway.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: I use them all simply because that’s what people do on the web. It makes absolutely no sense, and whoever is advising only one variation is actually misguided.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: Because that’s not the way that people type.
Bradley: Now, the only time that I would recommend always using the exact same URL format is when you’re citing an NAP, name, address, phone number, so any time you’re going to create, or reference, or list an NAP somewhere within content, or link building, or something like that I would always recommend using the same type of URL. Just because it’s an NAP, you want data consistency as much as possible.
Marco: And, the URL should be whatever shows-
Bradley: Shows in Google My Business.
Marco: Yeah. To link to the website, where they say website, and you click on it, that’s the version that you should use in that one particular case.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: Yeah.
Hernan: Yeah. This case, I totally agree with Marco. That’s why we keep saying that you need to validate the entity on one of the main, you know, when your website is popular, or you’re trying it to appear to be popular, you need to emulate as much as possible human behavior that’s why you need to do things differently from time to time. I mean, different URLs people will mention your website differently, maybe they will spell it wrong. As long as the link is the link, you know, we had, I think we had Gary, Doctor Gary, came to a Mastermind and he showed how you can get links from really powerful websites just because they’re misspelled. You know?
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: As long as the URL is pointing correctly to your website, the anchor text could be misspelled, you know, it can be Semantic Mastery or something else, or Semantic Master as long as the hyperlink is pointing to semanticmastery.com. You know? Yeah. Vary it a little bit, that would be my intake on it.
Three Pack Map In Organic Ranking
Bradley: Very good. Okay. Ala, is up again, he says, “Hi. When the first three to four sites on the Google organic search are not the same ones as in Google three pack,” so the maps pack, “does that mean that it’s easy to rank in the three pack map, or the first page of the organic search for that specific niche? Thanks for the help.” It doesn’t meant that it’s going to be easy to rank in the map, it’s just means that the maps listings aren’t, the ones that are ranked in maps they’re on page for their sit isn’t as good, is not good enough to be on the first page.
In other words, and it doesn’t have to be just be the on page, it could be the combination of on page, or on page and off page, but typically the organic results, it’s a different algorithm. There’s a lot of overlap between the local algorithm and the organic algorithm, now, it’s a lot more closely related now than it used to be. That was particularly where a lot of that marriage occurred was the Pigeon update, if you guys remember that. That was, shit, that was probably two years ago, now. Amazing how time flies. There is some overlap there, but for example Ala, I don’t ever, I don’t care at all about organic rankings anymore for lead gen, or for local stuff, when I have a physical location available, even if that means I have to black half the physical location using a PO box. Right?
I don’t care about organic anymore at all for lead gen and local stuff, only because I know from all my lead gen assets is that my call volume drops for stuff that was organic only. My call volume dropped 60%, because of the new SERP layout. Right? When I say new, it’s not new anymore, but the SERP layout as it stands today, which is four ads, typically four ads and a maps pack, so you end up going past seven freaking listings before you ever get to the first organic. I can tell you right now, the reason why I’m telling you this is because I have multiple lead gen sites all over the place that are ranked in maps, but they might be on page two or page three in organic. I don’t care.
It doesn’t bother me, because the phone calls are coming from the maps pack, or from AdsWords, excuse me AdWords. I’m either getting calls from my ads, or I’m getting calls from the maps pack. I don’t get calls from organic, very, very rarely do I get calls from organic when a map is displayed for a search query. Right? Most search queries are going to display. Now, I will still target organic for lead gen and local, like if I’m doing video campaigns, for example, because you cannot get a video, well, I say you cannot, it’s unlikely to get a video above the maps pack, anymore, for a local term. Okay?
I still will do spamming with YouTube and stuff like that for organic rankings, but when it comes to websites, and stuff, I personally don’t care if there’s a maps pack that shows for the search query, then I’m going to try to rank in the maps pack, not the organic. Okay? Typically, when there’s a difference between what’s showing in maps, and what’s showing in organic it’s because the site that’s ranking in maps, but not in organic is speaking, or it’s more congruent with what the map’s algorithm was.
If that makes sense. But maybe not as much for the organic. Like I said, it could be a, I found that’s often times more an on page issue, than an off page issue, but it could be both. I’m just saying personally when I’ve been able to identify issues where I’m not ranking as good organically as I should be based upon my maps ranking, it’s a lot of the times, at least in my experiences it’s been because of on page issues, either over optimization, which triggers Panda, again, it’s just Panda in general. Thin content, over optimization, things like that. You guys got any input on that?
Marco: Yeah. I would just tell him he is trying to do local since he talked about the map pack before.
Bradley: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Marco: Right? I’m thinking he wants, the way that you do that is entity. You do the entity. You validate it, then you push trust, and authority, and relevance up to the entity, it’s called RYS Academy, by the way. That’s how you force all of that up to the entity and over to the destination and you could actually do both. Rank in maps and organic.
IFTTT Syndicated Video As Duplicate Content
Bradley: Yeah. That’s what I would do. All right. Cool. We’re going to keep moving. Let’s see who is next Balint, sorry if I mispronounce that, he says, “Thanks for last weeks input I was rather asking about how to make both RSS and YouTube syndication to work for the same network. My idea, I upload a video, unlisted to YouTube, I have it transcribed to make a post to my main site with the additional content, the video is embedded and the title is different. That post with transcription gets syndicated via RSS trigger. I make the video public a bit later on, because it’s public now the sole video gets syndicated via YouTube upload trigger, too. Maybe not to the main blog, though. Would that work, or still count as duplicate spam?” No. That would work, Balint. That’s absolutely fine.
I’ve said that in previous Hump Day Hangouts, that question has come up several times, Balint, so you’re not the first to ask it. It’s okay to post both the video to your channel and to your blog, and have them both syndicate to the same network, that’s absolutely fine. Where the problem occurs is when people have both their YouTube channel triggering their network and their blog, and they upload the video, which syndicates to their network, and then they just take the video and go embed it in a post on their blog with the same title, and usually not much different in the video description, either, and then they post that, because here’s the problem it won’t hurt your money site, your blog, and it won’t hurt your YouTube channel.
Where it can cause problems is on the network itself, the syndication network, because now you’ve got two posts that look nearly identical to your network properties, because it’s the same title, which ends up being the same title, and then you have the same video, so especially for Blogger, Tumblr, and WordPress where there’s embeds, because that’s basically, it’s going to look like the same post, basically, other than perhaps maybe some slight differences in text in the description area. But, if you’re going to change the title and usually make the title more like blog specific, right, because usually blog post, guys, are going to have more, you know, longer conversational, natural speech pattern type titles than a YouTube video, because YouTube videos are going to usually be synced keyword different type titles. Right, guys?
But, blog titles are generally going to be more like natural speech patterns. Right? So, if you’re going to take your video and also post it to your blog and have both syndicating to the same network, then it’s absolutely fine to do so if you’re going to make a different title, and if you’re going to have that video transcribed, you’re going to have a much longer description, so it’s not going to look like duplicate content on the web two properties. If that makes sense. That’s absolutely perfectly fine, Balint. I’m sorry if I misunderstood your question last week.
SEO Battle Plan For Rebranding
Roy says, “Got the Battle Plan reviewed it, question, just got a dental client and had to rebrand his practice, dissolved partnership,” okay, “So, the main practice name has changed to a new name, he then purchased another practice in a different city, I rebranded his practice website as ABC Dental Group with the two city locations. Do I just create one Google Plus page for the group.com, or different for each location?” No. You create a different Google page for each location, Roy. Well, I mean, let me rephrase that. If you’re creating a Google brand page, then you can have one brand page and reference both locations, but I understand that if you’re talking about, I’m sure you’re talking about Google My Business, a locations page. In which case you want a different page for each location. Okay?
There are brand pages and there are locations pages, and actually locations pages are no longer Google Plus pages at all, they’re maps pages. They’re not even part of Google Plus, anymore. Does that make sense? If you go in your Google My Business dashboard you access your maps data through maps, and your Google Plus page, which is now just a brand page, there is no local version of the brand page anymore that I’m aware of, anyways, because you edit your details on maps. Okay? Anyways, there might still be a locations Google Plus page, but I don’t know what the use of it is for, I don’t how it’s valuable at all anymore, to be honest with you, everything is now being, for the local part of it, it’s all being handled through maps. Okay? So, for that, yeah, go ahead and create a different locations page for each.
“Do I need to modify the Battle Plan for the purchase practice since it already has G-Plus established? I’m a bit confused on how to apply the Battle Plan to the situation.” I’m not sure I understand what you mean, the purchase practice since it already has a G-Plus established, I mean, if it’s already got a locations page, you’re going to have to rebrand all that stuff. Right? I mean, I think that’s what you’re saying, you said, he rebranded his practice with the two locations, Roy, I’m not really following all of the parts of this question, but if you the other business that he purchased had a Google My Business page, already, and now he purchased it, if he’s rebranding everything, what I would recommend, especially if that other business was established and had any sort of decent rankings in Google and/or maps. Right? If it was ranking.
You’re going to have to rebrand it, if it’s rebranded, I’m assuming it’s going to have to be rebranded, in which case what you’d want to do is don’t, I wouldn’t set up a new listing, because it’s going to have the same address unless the phone number changed, the name and the phone number, and the website, like if all of those data points change, then yes I would set up a new business. I would close, say that the other business was permanently closed then create a new listing, but you’d have to make sure that the only thing that was the same out of all the data points between name, address, phone number, and URL is the address. Right?
You’d have to have the different brand name, different phone number, different URL. Then, you could mark that other place as closed and start a new GMB page, which is what I would do if those other conditions were met. However, if the phone number, the physical location, and perhaps the web address, and/or the brand name or whatever are the same, if you don’t have all those unique properties within those four data points, there, then you’re going to have to do a citation cleanup, which would be going out and basically correcting all of the old citations to list the new data for the business. Does that make sense? That’s a pain in the ass, but that’s what you’re going to have to do.
I recommend, highly, that you go, if you guys can get the link ready, it’s semanticmastery.com/loganix, that’s L-O-G-A-N-I-X. That is a citation clean up service there that can handle that for you, well, provided that it’s in the US, they may do it in other areas, but I don’t know. Loganix citation cleanup service in the US is really, really good. You get about a 70% success rate, and they’re very, very thorough. That’s what I would recommend doing. Like I said, if you’re going to rebrand it and you get a new URL, and you’re going to change the phone number then I would set up a new listing all together, because that’s going to be a lot less of a headache than trying to fix old citations, that’s just a real pain in the ass, and that’s why I just outsource that all the time. All right. We’re going to keep moving.
Hernan: Sorry, Bradley, but it’s on the events page, semanticmastery.com/loganix.
Generating Quality Leads From Google Adwords Campaigns
Bradley: Okay. If you want to followup, Roy, with us in one of our groups Facebook or something with some more detail, like where it can be explained a little bit further we might be able to help you out a little bit better. I feel like I wasn’t able to answer that question, properly, because I don’t have all the details. Mark’s next, he says, “Hi, guys. Hope all is well. My question is about your Local Kingpin product, I’m starting to get somewhere now with SEO, but it does take forever, and that’s okay, I accept that’s how SEO goes and just get on with it, but I like the idea of starting with AdWords and then adding SEO lead gen later. I’m not asking for AdWords advice that’s what the training is for, and I’ve bought your products before, so I know it will be legit. My question is how did, or how is it going? Are you able to generate enough quality leads for your client? I work with contractors, if that helps, not looking for specific advice, just your opinion on how well AdWords works.” I’m crossinated with AdWords, guys, I mean, yeah, my profit is a lot smaller on my AdWords leads because I pay for the clicks and everything, but they’re so much easier to set up, and I can, I mean, that’s what Local Kingpin is about, Mark, is about setting up like literally you can set up a lead gen funnel and have traffic, and be receiving leads within 48 hours.
I mean, you could do it within a day, but I say within 48 hours because it usually takes me two days to set up a lead gen asset. Well, it used to take me two days, when I was new, but now I’ve got a lot of stuff, templatized, like I’ve got Click Funnels, funnels that are already all set up. They’re generic funnels. I can just clone the funnel and then go in and swap out details, and I’ve got working procedure’s setup for a lot of stuff, now, so I have check lists that I can go through. That kind of stuff that makes it just really simple for me to set up a funnel, a lead gen asset, and turn on ads, and it’s like literally within a few hours of you submitting your first ad you can start generating traffic.
The main thing, Mark, if you go through Local Kingpin, which I highly recommend, especially for contractors, because that’s my market, is contractors. I mean, I love being able to generate leads with AdWords, now. I don’t know why I was so scared of AdWords for so long, but now I absolutely love it, because the speed in which I can generate, and here’s the thing, what I love about setting up AdWords funnels, guys, is I can determine right off the bat, right away, where my money keywords are. The 80/20 rule 100% applies to AdWords, and there’s a book by Perry Marshall called, The 80/20 Sales and Marketing. Go get the damn book. By it on Kindle, whatever. Pick it up, read it, because it is absolutely 100% correct when it comes to AdWords, especially for the local lead gen funnels. 80% of your traffic is going to come from 20% of your keywords. That’s it. All this shit that we do in SEO, where we scrap hundreds of keywords, and we build silos, and we have to do all this content, and we have to properly silo the content, we got to do all this internal linking, all that’s great it can pay off there’s no doubt, but so many of those keywords, or long tail and stuff like that where you’re going to get very little to no traffic from them.
Now, cumulatively they all build to make your site stronger and more relevant, which will generate more traffic, so there’s certainly a reason to do all that, but my point is we go through harvesting these great big keyword lists and all that stuff, and with AdWords, especially the way that I show how to do it using alpha beta campaign structure you can literally go in, do your keyword research in about a half an hour.
The main point for that is generating, or building a negative keyword list, because you ought to already know what your main money keywords are for the project that you’re working on. Really the keyword research is about building a negative keyword list, but then you plug in your money keywords, you add your negative keyword lists, use modified broad match, and then you let AdWords tell you where your money keywords are, and within a month you can identify your top keywords where 80% of your traffic is going to come from, and I guarantee you it will be 20% of your keywords.
Then, those are the keywords that you focus your SEO efforts on. As I mentioned, I think in the Local Kingpin training, I’m not starting any SEO projects from scratch anymore. I’m not starting new projects with SEO as my main promotional type, anymore. I’m not doing it, unless it’s YouTube spam, because I’m just not going to do it. From now on, I’m doing AdWords first to prove my keywords and prove that it’s converting and that kind of stuff, and then I’ll invest my time and effort into SEO for the keywords that I’ve identified as my winners.
Hernan: Yeah.
Bradley: Does that make sense?
Hernan: Yeah. I really like that approach, Bradley. The fact that you’re getting speed, that you’re getting, I mean, each rating on a project and you’re failing fast.
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: You’re finding out, you’re weeding out the keywords that are not going to work, that they’re not going to convert, and then you’re focusing on the keywords that are, and I think that’s really the key when it comes to paid advertising, is that you get data so much faster that your business can grow a lot more, because if you have to be waiting six months to get data on your business, it’s money, time is money.
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: If you’re doing SEO and waiting all of that time, then you’re spending all of that money that you could be earning, because you’re failing fast on your project. Once you have that, once you have the process in place you can still do SEO and you know that it’s going to pickup three to six months down the road, maybe a year down the road and you still do SEO, so that when that hits, or when you’re getting a decent amount of organic traffic, you know that the funnel is converting.
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: There’s basically no top to how much you can scale, it all depends on the market that you’re in. The market will tell you how much you can scale, or sell a product, or sell a service, whatever that is, but that’s basically why I like paid advertising combined with SEO, because again you don’t want to put all of your eggs in one basket.
Bradley: That’s correct.
Hernan: Like, one way or the other.
Bradley: Yeah. Here’s the thing, guys, think about this, you could spend months working on a project, and find out for SEO I mean, you could spend months working on trying to build the SEO for a project, set of keywords, whatever, and find out that it’s just not profitable. It’s not working. Now, you’ve spent months of effort and time on it, and probably money, as well. With AdWords you can prove it very, very quickly, whether it’s going to be profitable or not. If you can make it profitable when you’re paying for the clicks, then it will be profitable for SEO, there’s no doubt, because you won’t be paying, I mean, you do pay for those clicks with time and effort, and somewhat money, too. You know what I mean? It’s indirect. You’re paying indirectly, not directly for clicks.
Again, that’s number one. Number two, the other part of that, Mark, is why I love AdWords for local lead gen now is because if you do register a mailbox and it can be a PO box, it doesn’t even have to be verified, guys. You can register local addresses and set up AdWords campaigns and use the location’s extension. Are you hearing this? You don’t even have to have a verified address and it will still show the location’s extension in your ad and it will also, if you’ve got your ads set up properly and you’re at the top of the search, or the top of the ads pack, which as to do with quality score, you’ll end up in the maps, an ad in the first maps position. Not necessarily in the three pack.
On mobile devices, if you have call only ads set up you can show up in the three pack on mobile devices, but on desktop, I haven’t seen, I haven’t been able to get any of my ads to show up in the three pack on desktop, but I have been able to get almost virtually all of my ads to show up in the first position in maps, so when somebody clicks on the more results, it will show my ad at the very top of the results when that page expands. If that makes sense.
That’s the thing, and again with location extensions you don’t even need to verify the address. I know that, because one of the lead gen funnels I set up for Local Kingpin, Google was not sending me the verification postcard, so I went ahead and said, screw it, I’m going to continue with the project and I went ahead and added the location’s extension and you have to link it to your Google My Business profile, and then select whatever page, and I linked that page to it and I thought well, let’s just check it and see if it works, and damn if it didn’t show my maps extension in the ad, even though it was an unverified address, which is awesome. Right? I just wanted to give you guys that little nugget. Local Kingpin, guys, is a great, great course if you’re doing lead gen and you’re not using AdWords, you’re crazy, in my opinion. Okay.
Battle Plan Versus RYS Academy, Syndication Academy & Other Semantic Mastery Products
All right. Herovic, he says, “Hi. I have a question regarding the Battle Plan, how is it different than the IFTTT Academy, RYS, or the Mastermind? Does it add something new, or is it a blueprint that incorporates all of them? Thank you.” Well, a $20.00 PDF certainly cannot incorporate IFTTT, RYS, and the Mastermind. It would be nice if it could, but it would be an awfully big PDF if we did.
Hernan: Yeah. [inaudible 00:41:58] depth of Semantic Mastery and the three years-
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: In Mastermind. I know all of the nuggets that are RYS, it’s going to be longest.
Bradley: Yeah. That would be very, Herovic, the Battle Plan is basically, the process is that we use for working on any digital assets, whether they’re established or they’re just being launched. It’s the same, it’s just the series of steps that we take for setting up the networks, and link building, and citations, and press releases, and like all of the different steps in the order that we do them. It’s the same process that we’ve used for years, now.
All we did was put it in a simple format, including links to the products and services that we use for that kind of stuff, which most of them are our own services, anyways, because we developed all of those services specifically because we use them. We only made our services available to others, because we kept getting asked for it. We had developed our services, for us, originally. Okay. That’s all it is. It’s very, very simple. It doesn’t need to be complicated. Some people wished it was more complicated, and that’s why I said, you know, I don’t know, stand on your head while you perform the tasks. I don’t know.
Marco: Can I add something more to this?
Bradley: Please, do.
Marco: Yeah. Our Battle Plan is a blueprint. A blueprint is used to build a house.
Bradley: Right.
Marco: The blueprint does not build the house for you, you have to follow the blueprint and go and build a house, using whatever tools are necessary for the construction of whatever it is that you want to make of that house according to the blueprint that you’re using. I mean, I cannot put it any clearer, or plainer than that. Get a blueprint on what you’re supposed to do and how you’re supposed to do it, not why you’re supposed to do it, and definitely it’s not going to get done for you. I hope that clarifies-
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: Everything.
Bradley: Again, it’s very simple Herovic, it’s the process that we use, and I like simple, that’s why we made it simple, because it doesn’t need to be overcomplicated. If you want to learn more about Syndication Academy, and syndication networks, you’re certainly welcome to join, RYS, as well, Mastermind is our top level coaching group, and that you’re certainly welcome to join that, as well.
Rocket Video Ranker Vs Live Rank Sniper
Next question, “How does the Rocket Video Ranker differ from Live Rank Sniper? Can we emulate its functionality and do it manually? What’s the principle behind it?” Yeah. They’re two different things. Live Rank Sniper, is really a keyword poking tool, and Peter Drew, the developer even calls it that, so it’s not like that’s a secret. It’s mainly a poking tool. You can use it to identify keywords, to test keywords with YouTube schedule of live events. You don’t even need to have a video. Right?
Live Rank Sniper doesn’t even require you to have a video, it’s just a software that automates the process of setting up YouTube scheduled live events, because of their indexable schedule with live events, they will index without even a video, they’re just place holders in the index, and then once you have identified keywords you can, if you want, stream directly to those scheduled live events through Live Rank Sniper. It’s a manual process, and it takes time. I say, manual, it’s semi automated in that you only have to click the mouse a couple times for it to start doing its thing, but then you have to wait for the software to run to stream the video, and it will end and then you have to stream, you know, click the mouse a few times to go stream to the next scheduled live event that’s ranking. I don’t recommend it for that. I recommend using it specifically for identifying keywords, using it as a poking tool. Okay? If you want a tool that works seamlessly with Live Rank Sniper I would say Hangout Millionaire, which is Peter Drew’s upgrade, like that’s his top level, well, it’s currently his top level SEO video marketing software, but he’s coming out, well, I’m not going to say anything else. That’s a great tool, as well, though, it works really good with Live Rank Sniper.
Rocket Video Ranker is a different animal all together. Rocket Video Ranker is freaking fabulous. It’s a loophole as far as I’m concerned. The way that it works, but basically you upload, you just do uploads with Rocket Video Ranker, but it automates uploading multiple videos at one time very, very quickly in a very unique fashion. The way that it works, it’s very unique, I don’t know how long it’s going to last, or even why it works the way that it does, but it works really, really well, right now. I know, because I used a shit ton, I used a lot of it. I used it a lot, excuse me, over the last two weeks, and the case study, by the way, just so you know, the case study in here, look, this is it, guys, I mean, I’ve got 11, there’s got to be two and a half hours worth of content in this case study, alone. Exactly how I use it, and it’s great because you can set up digital assets.
YouTube channels, you can turn YouTube channels into digital assets very quickly using this, and I even talk about it in the strategy session here, in what’s the very last video here, it’s called, What’s Next, I talk very specifically about a strategy that you can hire virtual assistants to run the software for you, and literally create dozens and dozens of these digital assets, YouTube channel assets, and you can monetize them, and there’s multiple ways to do that, as well, and I talk about that in the case study. Hopefully, that makes some sense. Herovic, if you don’t have either one of them go buy the PDF, the Battle Plan and you should have access to this bonus study, excuse me, this bonus membership site and if you do, then just go through watch the first couple videos of each one of the case studies, and you make the decision as to what is best for your business. Okay? They’re available for you to watch, so that you can make that decision.
Changes To The iFrame Tag
All right. I only got about eight minutes left, so let’s roll through these next few. Ivan, says, “Hey, guys. I embedded a Google My Maps in an article on my website and I shared it to my tier one network. If I had something in the iframe will it syndicate automatically on the network, or do I have to resubmit my article via my RSS feed?” Yeah. No. Well, wait a minute. Yeah. If you’re updating the iframe, it should update everywhere, because it’s the same iframe. Am I correct, Marco, or no?
Marco: That’s correct. The iframe will show whatever is in the source.
Bradley: Okay.
Marco: But, hang on, if he’s changing the iframe that it’s structured in the website, it’s not going to update everywhere else.
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: But, I think, well, Ivan, if you’re listening, maybe you can comment, but I think that what he’s saying is if he adds something, well, yeah, I know, if he adds something to the code that’s not going to resyndicate, but if you change what’s within the iframe-
Bradley: Right.
Hernan: Then it could, like if you change something within the Google My Maps, you know, like if you add another marker for example, that will automatically show everywhere, but if you add, I don’t know, whatever, a piece of code to that iframe, that’s not going to resyndicate. Am I correct? Am I right?
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: That’s correct. You would-
Bradley: [crosstalk 00:49:18] past the closing iframe tag, then that’s not going to update across the properties. Right?
Hernan: Right.
Bradley: Right. If that’s what you mean, Ivan, if you’re trying to add stuff like beyond the closing iframe tag, then no. You’d have to issue a new, or publish a new post. Here’s the thing guys, you cannot publish a post and have it syndicate to your network, and then go back and edit the post on your money site, and then expect it to edit all the posts that it was syndicated to, as well. It doesn’t work like that. You’d have to go delete the original post and then basically republish the post as a new post in order for it to trigger the RSS feed to syndicate, as a new post. Right? There is a plugin that you can use in WordPress, it’s called, Republish Old Posts, funny enough. Right?
Republish Old Posts, and I’ll say WP, or WordPress, that’s it right there. This plugin right here, you can use this plugin to republish old posts, it will reinsert them into your RSS feed, which will trigger a new syndication, you can do something like that if you wanted. But, yeah, if you’re changing something within the iframe, it’s going to update everywhere that the iframe was syndicated to, if you’re changing something outside of the closing iframe tag, then no, you’d have to force the syndication all over again. Okay? He says, “By the way, my comment on Semantic Mastery sales page, wow, I was surprised it’s like having a page one, position one on Google.” That’s awesome. Thanks, Ivan.
Using Proxies For IFTTT Properties
David says, “When creating a branded network, is it necessary to use proxies for any account work, once a network is in place. How much lift does using stacks of interlinked Google properties add?” First of all, is it necessary to use proxies for any account work? No. It’s not necessary. I recommend if you’re building a ton of networks that you have at least five dedicated proxies, any ways, that you can cycle through. I recommend, and this is covered in the training, David, but I recommend never trying to create more than two accounts with the same IP within 24 hours. Okay? Again, you can do it with your own IP, it’s fine you don’t need any proxies at all, as long as you’re not, and when I say, I mean, don’t try creating two accounts on the same account platform.
In other words, don’t try to create more than two Tumblrs, for example, or two Gmail addresses within 24 hours from the same IP. It will flag your IP and trust me, it will cause problems. If you’re going to be doing a lot of building, which again I don’t recommend you do, you should outsource that or just go to SERP Space and buy networks, but if you’re going to be doing a lot of that kind of stuff, then I recommend that you have at least five proxies, dedicated proxies, you want them to be clean. Dedicated means you are only using them, don’t get shared proxies. I also, highly recommend if you are going to be building a lot of networks that you use Browseo. Seriously. I mean, I got it opened, right here. I mean, it’s crazy, I got all these Browseo, I got this open all the time now, guys, it’s insane, because it’s a great, great tool. Okay?
“Once a network is in place, how much lift does using stacks of interlink Google properties add?” It depends, David. It depends if the Google stacks are created properly. It depends on how they’re done. It depends on which keywords, there’s just so many variables there, if they’re done correctly you can expect a substantial increase in rank. Okay? But, if you don’t do it correctly then, you know, I cannot speak, it might not help at all, in fact it might even cause problems. I don’t know. It just depends if they’re done right, or not.
Marco: It also depends on how much risk he’s willing to take, as far as, hammering the drive stack properties.
Local SEO For Business Franchise In The Same��City
Bradley: Yeah. Okay. Ken, says, we’re almost done, guys, we only got a couple minutes left. He says, “I’m looking for clarity on ranking for local. I have a client that is a franchise. There are four locations within seven to 10 miles of each other, so I don’t think it would be reasonable to try to rank all of them for the same keyword. Franchise name, city, state.” For the same keyword. I’m sorry guys, I was just rereading that. “Since I would be competing against myself in each location, I can just see it now the management in each location would be pissed off if I wasn’t ranking them at the top of the three pack. I do understand that there would be overlap, and so do they. The only differentiating factor to each location is different zip codes, it’s a minor overlap.” Oh, wow, so it’s the same city and everything. “[inaudible 00:53:54] don’t show any search volume for franchise name, city, state,” yeah, I mean it probably wouldn’t. Well, if it’s franchise, yeah, maybe, because it has a franchise name. Right. But, what about the keyword? Instead of franchise name. Anyways, “I don’t think, so do I go ahead and only focus on franchise city, state, zip code, for each location and big G will pick up the fact of the search’s location? How would you suggest going after this? What would you do?”
Ken, that’s a really good question. I’ve never had to experience that, so it would take me some thought, we don’t have time for me to go, I mean, I’d literally have to think about it. Is Ken in any of our, he’s not in our Mastermind is he? I don’t think he is. Ken, this would be an awesome question for us to dissect in Mastermind, I sure wish you were in there, buddy. Let me think about this one a little bit, Ken, and we can revisit it next week. Sorry, if you cannot wait until then, because otherwise join the Mastermind, because we’ve got a Mastermind tomorrow, this could be a great question to dissect, but otherwise you are going to have to wait until next week, and I’m going to make a note right now.
Marco: If I could just add that right now the main factor for a three pack, or for what appears to search is proximity, I mean, that’s without question what the main factor, I mean-
Bradley: Especially for mobile.
Marco: [crosstalk 00:55:19]. If you are mobile, yeah, and you’re talking about nearly 70% of people right now who are searching on mobile, but I was just doing something on that last week, and sharing it with someone that-
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: Proximity seems to be the overriding factor. I mean, before anything else Google will pick up proximity.
Bradley: Yeah. So, Ken, again, if you’re in Mastermind, or if you want, you should join, and I’m not saying that for any other reason other than this would be a really good question to really dig into, but otherwise, I’ve got a note, I’ll think about this a little bit, maybe consult with Marco a bit, and then we’ll have kind of a concise answer for you next week. Okay? All right. I’m just going to read Wayne’s comment, really quickly, then we’ve got to wrap it up, guys, because I’ve got to go. He says, “Word on the street is that you are sharing something tomorrow on Mastermind that will elevate our business. Is something special planned for the next Mastermind?” Why, yes. It’s this guy named Wayne Clayton, who’s going to be on tomorrow sharing some of his expertise in prospecting and dealing with clients and his process of determining how much money they have to spend, what their goals are, and all that kind of stuff.
I was super impressed with a post that he made in one of the Facebook groups, one of our Facebook groups about a particular method that he uses whenever he’s prospecting and pitching clients, or at least asking questions of the clients, of prospects, excuse me. It was really detailed and I was super impressed, so I reached out to Wayne and asked him if he’d come on and be a guest presenter for the Mastermind, to share some of his stuff, and so I’m actually really looking forward to it. In part, because we are, in Semantic Mastery, we’re really ramping up something on the side that we’re working on that’s going to be requiring a lot of prospecting work.
Maybe in the near future, there’s going to be a full on, full blown prospecting course coming out from us, because that’s something that I’m working on right now, so I’m really anxious to hear what Wayne’s got, because some of that might even get included in what will be coming out with our prospecting course, in the future. Anyways, hopefully anybody that’s not in our Mastermind, it would be a good time to join, so go to mastermind.semanticmastery.com if you want to find out more about that, otherwise, we’ll see everybody next week.
Marco: Sounds good.
Bradley: Thanks, everybody. We’ll see you all later.
Hernan: Bye guys.
Bradley: Bye.
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 128 this post was syndicated
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jerrycairns601 · 7 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 128
Click on the video above to watch Episode 128 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://ift.tt/1NZu6N2.
Bradley: We’re live. We’re back on Hangouts, guys, because webinar wouldn’t even start for us today, anyway. Hey everybody, Bradley Benner, here. Semantic Mastery, this is the Hump Day Hangouts episode 128, today is March 19th 2017, and we’ve got Chris, Hernan and Marco on with us. Adam is off running in the woods, again.
Hernan: Yeah. No. I think he was moving.
Bradley: He was moving? Is that what we’re calling it today?
Hernan: Yeah. Let’s call it like that.
Bradley: That’s cool. Chris, what’s up man?
Chris: Doing good. Right from a snowstorm here in Vienna.
Bradley: Guys, hold on, I guess Marco and Hernan you guys can chat for a minute.
Chris: Sure.
Marco: Yeah.
Bradley: Marco?
Marco: I’m good, man. We got really bad electrical storms, my electricity keeps coming in and out. If I drop off the Google police didn’t get me, the lightening storm got me. Sorry about that.
Chris: It’s cool.
Hernan: We started to think this is some kind of conspiracy, since we launched Battle Plan.
Marco: [crosstalk 00:01:09]. I’m telling you. We’re teaching people how to rank and they don’t like, so they’re trying to do everything they can to keep us off the air.
Hernan: Yeah.
Chris: We make things too easily available out there, that’s the thing.
Bradley: All right. Hopefully everybody refreshed the page, because on the event page, because you have to refresh the page for the new video to show up.
Marco: Okay. You both said it already.
Bradley: Let me see.
Hernan: Yeah.
Bradley: Yeah. Okay. All right, guys. Let’s get into it. I guess, we got probably a couple of announcements. We can stay to the actual five o'clock mark today, because we got started a few minutes early, or late guys. Anyways, let’s get into announcements. Hernan, what do we got?
Hernan: Yeah. Real quick. One of the things if you haven’t already, we strongly suggest that you get a copy of the Semantic Mastery, the SEO Domination Battle Plan. That will launch on Monday. Right now, the prices are real for the value that you’re getting and basically the coupon ends, I think it’s going to end in two hours, if I’m not mistaken. Then it’s going to double, more than double the price.
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: Go ahead get it. I’m going to put the link on the event page, but it’s basically battleplan.semanticmastery.com. Go ahead download it, we tried to make a really concise, simple guide, step by step document that you can come back over, and over, and over again, depending if you have each sites, new sites, YouTube videos, local websites, it’s everything in there. The way we do it. The way we implement it. That’s the main idea with Battle Plan. If you’re looking for something simple, go ahead and get it. If you’re looking for something more complex, or if you want more support, et cetera, come join the Mastermind, but that’s basically the main idea of the Battle Plan.
Bradley: There’s a couple of things that I want to mention about that. Is number one we had some people say your process cannot be simple. Well, actually it is.
Marco: It is.
Bradley: You know, that’s really what we do, guys, and that’s why I continually say on these Hump Day Hangouts that I like easy. Don’t over complicate shit, guys. If you want to make it complicated, then just stand on your head while you’re doing it. I don’t know. All I’m saying is those are the exact same services that we use, the same procedures, the process in order, in the steps that we do it in. It’s not difficult. I mean, we’ve got the infrastructure behind us, which is provided, it’s available for you guys, as well to use the same services that we use. I mean, again, some people said, well, it cannot be that simple, it’s just because I think by nature we as SEO’s and marketers typically want to over complicate shit, so that’s part of it and the other thing is, and just very quickly, let me grab the screen, I want to show you something here. You guys are seeing my screen, correct?
Chris: Yeah.
Bradley: This is the bonus site, guys. I think there’s more value in the freaking bonus site then there is in the actual PDF, so I just wanted to point this out real quick. This is something that wasn’t even mentioned on the sales page, but you get access to this bonus site that has a ton of different bonus stuff in here, and the bonus webinar section alone there’s multiple webinars, here, including on of our webinars that Marco just did, recently on iframe and java script secrets that’s a pay per view webinar of a $147.00 and that’s been included, as well. We’ve got a ton of different, you know, there’s case studies in here for Live Rank Sniper, for Rocket Video Ranker Pro, the v-mail prospecting course, which is the basic course I’m probably going to be doing a full blown course for that in the next couple months. Again, I just wanted to point out for a $20.00 PDF, there’s absolutely no reason why you guys shouldn’t pick it up for the simplicity of it, number one. Number two, because you get access to a bunch of amazing bonuses. Okay.
Hernan: Yeah.
Marco: The bonuses are, that’s the reason why it’s going to $100.00 when it’s all said and done.
Bradley: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Marco: Because it’s worth way more than a 100 bucks, but I mean-
Bradley: Damn right it is.
Marco: We wanted to keep it accessible to all of our members and followers, so they could actually have a plan that they could follow to achieve their success. If you want to complicate things, I mean that’s fine as Bradley said, but it doesn’t really need to be. All you have to do is just follow the step by step process. If you want to do more, then you’re more than welcome to join Syndication Academy, you’re more than welcome to come into the Mastermind and ask us as many complex questions as you want, and we’ll answer them. You have full access to us, there. If not, just follow the training step by step. That’s all you have to do. Seriously.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: That’s it.
Bradley: I love it when somebody analysis the plan and says, oh, no, it cannot be that simple, this must not work.
Hernan: [crosstalk 00:06:05].
Hernan: Another thing that’s worth mentioning is that the bonus side that you get for free will be updated. We have a bunch of case studies that are going to be uploaded to the bonus site, so go ahead order it now, because again it’s going to 100 bucks, soon. Now, you can get it for $20.00, it’s crazy.
Bradley: Yeah.
Chris: What’s the coupon code, again?
Bradley: Missile launch.
Hernan: Yeah. It’s missile launch. Thank you, Chris. It’s missile launch, one word and it’s on the event page, again, battleplan.semantricmastery.com. That coupon is going to be available for the next two hours and then it’s going to more than double the price.
Bradley: Okay. Cool. All right. Do we have any other announcements, because if not, let’s get into it.
Marco: Let’s do it.
Bradley: All right. Cool. We’re we going to talk, we’re not talking about the next webinar, are we, yet? Marco?
Marco: No. You can just tell them what it’s going to be about.
Bradley: All right. We’re going to do another webinar in the series, Marco’s series that we’ve done three, now, and we’re about to do a fourth, which is going to be a structured data webinar, guys. We scheduled it, but I don’t know the date off hand.
Marco: It will be around April 8th.
Bradley: May. A Monday-
Marco: May.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: Sorry.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: May 8th.
Bradley: Monday. Excuse me Monday, May 8th. You’re right. I’m sorry.
Marco: Usual time. It will be then, if it changes we have plenty of time to let people know.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: I’m working on that.
Bradley: You guys will get notifications via email and stuff for registration, so I just wanted to let you guys know that, that’s coming, as well. Okay. All right. Cool. I’m going to grab the screen and we’re going to get into questions. It feels weird to be back in Hangouts, man. It feels kind of like home.
Hernan: Yeah.
Bradley: You know?
Chris: It’s actually working.
Bradley: It’s working, too.
Chris: Right.
Private Home Address For A Lead Gen Site’s Google My Business Page
Bradley: Unlike WebinarJam, for some reason. All right. Ala, I’m sorry if I’m mispronouncing your name, forgive me, he says, “Hi, everyone. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to be part of the Hangout, I’m quite new to SEO and I have a question, which might sound very basic. My question is, can I use a private home address for local lead gen?” I believe we answered this question last week or the week before, but it seems like I remember this question. Yes. Of course, you can use your private home address for lead gen. Well, I don’t recommend doing it for fake businesses, or [inaudible 00:08:29] business. What I mean by, guys, obviously, I set up generic businesses, right, generic lead gen funnels, landing pages, whatever you want to call them. Assets. But, I don’t register all of them with my home address, and I wouldn’t recommend that you do that either.
Go get a PO Box. If you’re in the United States, go get a PO Box. I know some people say that’s not working, or isn’t going to work anymore. I covered this in a Facebook live post, recently, but I’m still able to get them to work. What happens is where the problem occurs is if you try to register multiple businesses, so Google My Business pages underneath the same account using multiple PO Boxes. I’ve had that happen to me a couple times in the last few months where I’ve, in the last six months, where I’ve had, I’ve tried to register two different PO Boxes within the same Google My Business owner account, profile, essentially, and I’ve gotten it flagged and I had to reverify.
In one case, I just abandoned it all together, and re-registered a new business under another profile, because it there was no way for me to verify it. I basically lost that one, but it’s not a big deal, it happens, guys. The way the work arounds so far to this point has been just to register one Google My Business profile per, or excuse me, My Business Account per profile, so that you essentially have a different account owner for each one. That’s the way I’ve been able to get around it, again, they may crack down on that at some point in the very near future, maybe so, but until then I’m going to continue exploiting it. That’s what I recommend you do.
You can also hire, rent virtual mailboxes from other places other than the PO box, but those are the cheapest and so far they are still working for me. Okay? Again, I do not recommend that you register a bunch of businesses to your home address, I mean, you can, but I wouldn’t do it. All right? The other thing is you don’t want to share the same address for multiple businesses. Guys, that’s part of the reason I like to use PO boxes, because they’re cheap enough, where even if I’ve got 10 businesses in the same, like I got 10 different lead gen funnels, let’s say 10 different industries and it’s in the same damn city, I can have 10 different PO boxes, because the deal is the address is going to be street address of the PO office and then you’re going to get a box number.
It’s going to be 123 Main Street number 101. Maybe next time you will get number 208, or whatever. My point is each one of those are each considered a unique address because of the box number, makes it unique. Does that make sense? I mean you could probably do it with your own home address, like if your home address was 123 Maple Street, and you did 123 Maple Street, or 123-A, and 123-B, 123-C you could probably get away with that, but I certainly wouldn’t recommend it. Again, it’s cheap enough to where you can just buy additional boxes and I like to do that.
People have asked me before, do you continue to rent the PO box after you’ve received the PO box, or excuse me, the verification card? Yes. I do. I pay for everyone of those. I’ve got PO boxes that I’ve been paying for, for years, guys, I renew them every year, it’s only happened to me twice in my entire digital marketing career that I’ve had to reverify via postcard, a business listing, it’s only happened twice in six or seven years, now.
However, when it happens, if it happens I have the ability to retrieve the postcard, because I renew the boxes every year and it’s a nominal fee, guys. In the less populated areas I can get a PO box for a year for about 60 bucks, or $64.00 something like that. So, $64.00 per year, roughly. Okay? For the more populated areas it cost me $128.00 a year. It’s so inexpensive, it’s such a small cost of doing business that I just pay for it. Okay?
One Address For Multiple GMB Pages In Denmark
Okay. Anyways. “Can I use the very same address for multiple, different businesses in the same area, or city. Note, I live in Denmark. Thank you for your help.” I guess I should answer that, I don’t know about Denmark, I cannot speak for anything in any foreign country, guys. All I can talk about specifically for local is within the United State, but I’m quite sure that if I can get away with doing what I’m doing in the US you could probably get away with it in Denmark. You probably would get away with a hell of a lot more in Denmark, I’m sure. In which case you might, you could possibly use one address and then just put that unique identifier like dash A, dash B, dash C, you could probably get away with that in Denmark, again, I don’t know. I don’t have any experience in that market, but in the US it’s a little bit stricter, typically, and that’s why I just use unique address for each location, like in other words a unique, it gets a unique box number, which makes it unique. Okay? All right. Cool.
Hump Day Hangouts For Semantic Mastery Students On Amazon, Rank & Rent, Etc.
Toby [inaudible 00:13:18], he says, “Can you do a Hump Day Hangouts with your students who are killing it Rank to Rant, or Amazon, Shopify, PayPerCall et cetera, or PayPerCall, et cetera?” I asked him this question yesterday, I guess, because I was trying to clarify, he said, yeah, by the way if you’re watching Toby, what’s up, he says, yes. “Should we bring on guest presenters?” We do that in the Mastermind, Toby. We bring guest presenters on in the Mastermind. We had Clint Butler on two weeks ago, which was awesome, because he did training on PageSpeed, which was awesome, because some of our Mastermind members implemented what he trained for that session and were able to reduce the page load times to under a second. I think it was like three quarters of a second, which was awesome.
Anyways, tomorrow we’ve got our very own Wayne Clayton, he’s been one of our most engaged Mastermind members, and he’s had phenomenal success, and he’s coming on tomorrow to be a guest presenter, to talk about prospecting and his unique approach to prospecting and landing clients. He’s had a lot of experience in the media industry, so he’s got a unique approach that a lot of us in the digital marketing industry haven’t seen or heard. I’m actually really looking forward to having him to come on tomorrow to give his presentation and answer questions about his prospecting methods. Again, Toby, we do that kind of stuff in the Mastermind. Hump Day Hangouts is really supposed to be a forum for Q and A. Okay? It doesn’t mean that we cannot setup a separate webinar for that, sometime, but we’d have to figure out a good angle for it.
Marco: Yeah. Then, we’d also have to be careful about giving away the niche, or any of that information, because actually I had someone do that in the RYS Facebook group and when he posted the URL, directly after that, a couple of days later, he got hit with a ton of spam, so we know that it was someone from our own RYS Academy that went and did that. I don’t know why they would do that to someone who is trying to help and show how he’s doing it, but it’s one of the reasons why we try to protect it, and keep it inside the Mastermind where we know most of the people are trustworthy.
Bradley: Yeah. I totally agree. That’s why that’s in part why we do stuff like that on the Mastermind, guys, because it’s a very, very tight group, like an intimate group, so it makes it a lot easier. It doesn’t mean that there’s not people there that can be malicious, as well, because there certainly can be, but it’s less likely.
Anchor Text Variation In Link Building
Okay. Doctor Brain McKay, he says, “When building links is it better to use one, and only one variation? For example, dub, dub, dub, or just HTTP, or just a domain.com. I have heard varying advice where you would use all and someone else saying use one every time you build a link.” You know, honestly, I’ve used variations, if I were to be using spam tools, which I don’t anymore, at all. I don’t ever run them, myself, but I would always use variations.
Here’s a good example, Brian, in the recent weeks I’ve done several case studies for different YouTube tools, they’re all in the bonus site that I just showcased a minute ago. One of them being Live Rank Sniper and the other one being Rocket Video Ranker Pro, and there has been some spinning and all that for the video descriptions and that kind of stuff, which is pretty typical for any sort of spam work, and those are in my opinion they’re both spam tools, they can be used to not spam, but the way that I used them was very intentionally to spam, and because of that I just started doing a lot of spinning and stuff like that again in the last few weeks, which I had gotten away from for a while.
When I create the links that go in the video description to where I want to direct people to, I like to use all the different variations as you just laid out here. HTTP, if there’s HTTPS as well, if the SSL protocol is available then I’ll go ahead and add that one in, as well. I’ll use the trailing slash with and without the trailing slash, I’ll use dub, dub, dub and non dub, dub, so I use all variation of them so that it adds variety and diversity to the video description. In other words, if we’ve got 15 videos in the same channel, I want the URL, the call to action URL to be a variation all the time, if possible. Just because it gives more diversity to the thing. Now, as far as the SEO purposes, since they all resolve to the same location, I don’t think it makes much difference, but I’d like to hear Marco and Hernan’s input on this, please.
Marco: It’s just acrotex variation, that’s why you do that. The destinations is usually all the same, but also you want to keep that, you might, people don’t all link the same way. They-
Bradley: That’s right.
Marco: If you go throughout the web, like you get 100 people they’re all going to link to a website a different way. Some will use a dub, dub, dub. I particularly don’t anymore, because I know it will resolve to the dub, dub, dub anyway.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: I use them all simply because that’s what people do on the web. It makes absolutely no sense, and whoever is advising only one variation is actually misguided.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: Because that’s not the way that people type.
Bradley: Now, the only time that I would recommend always using the exact same URL format is when you’re citing an NAP, name, address, phone number, so any time you’re going to create, or reference, or list an NAP somewhere within content, or link building, or something like that I would always recommend using the same type of URL. Just because it’s an NAP, you want data consistency as much as possible.
Marco: And, the URL should be whatever shows-
Bradley: Shows in Google My Business.
Marco: Yeah. To link to the website, where they say website, and you click on it, that’s the version that you should use in that one particular case.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: Yeah.
Hernan: Yeah. This case, I totally agree with Marco. That’s why we keep saying that you need to validate the entity on one of the main, you know, when your website is popular, or you’re trying it to appear to be popular, you need to emulate as much as possible human behavior that’s why you need to do things differently from time to time. I mean, different URLs people will mention your website differently, maybe they will spell it wrong. As long as the link is the link, you know, we had, I think we had Gary, Doctor Gary, came to a Mastermind and he showed how you can get links from really powerful websites just because they’re misspelled. You know?
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: As long as the URL is pointing correctly to your website, the anchor text could be misspelled, you know, it can be Semantic Mastery or something else, or Semantic Master as long as the hyperlink is pointing to semanticmastery.com. You know? Yeah. Vary it a little bit, that would be my intake on it.
Three Pack Map In Organic Ranking
Bradley: Very good. Okay. Ala, is up again, he says, “Hi. When the first three to four sites on the Google organic search are not the same ones as in Google three pack,” so the maps pack, “does that mean that it’s easy to rank in the three pack map, or the first page of the organic search for that specific niche? Thanks for the help.” It doesn’t meant that it’s going to be easy to rank in the map, it’s just means that the maps listings aren’t, the ones that are ranked in maps they’re on page for their sit isn’t as good, is not good enough to be on the first page.
In other words, and it doesn’t have to be just be the on page, it could be the combination of on page, or on page and off page, but typically the organic results, it’s a different algorithm. There’s a lot of overlap between the local algorithm and the organic algorithm, now, it’s a lot more closely related now than it used to be. That was particularly where a lot of that marriage occurred was the Pigeon update, if you guys remember that. That was, shit, that was probably two years ago, now. Amazing how time flies. There is some overlap there, but for example Ala, I don’t ever, I don’t care at all about organic rankings anymore for lead gen, or for local stuff, when I have a physical location available, even if that means I have to black half the physical location using a PO box. Right?
I don’t care about organic anymore at all for lead gen and local stuff, only because I know from all my lead gen assets is that my call volume drops for stuff that was organic only. My call volume dropped 60%, because of the new SERP layout. Right? When I say new, it’s not new anymore, but the SERP layout as it stands today, which is four ads, typically four ads and a maps pack, so you end up going past seven freaking listings before you ever get to the first organic. I can tell you right now, the reason why I’m telling you this is because I have multiple lead gen sites all over the place that are ranked in maps, but they might be on page two or page three in organic. I don’t care.
It doesn’t bother me, because the phone calls are coming from the maps pack, or from AdsWords, excuse me AdWords. I’m either getting calls from my ads, or I’m getting calls from the maps pack. I don’t get calls from organic, very, very rarely do I get calls from organic when a map is displayed for a search query. Right? Most search queries are going to display. Now, I will still target organic for lead gen and local, like if I’m doing video campaigns, for example, because you cannot get a video, well, I say you cannot, it’s unlikely to get a video above the maps pack, anymore, for a local term. Okay?
I still will do spamming with YouTube and stuff like that for organic rankings, but when it comes to websites, and stuff, I personally don’t care if there’s a maps pack that shows for the search query, then I’m going to try to rank in the maps pack, not the organic. Okay? Typically, when there’s a difference between what’s showing in maps, and what’s showing in organic it’s because the site that’s ranking in maps, but not in organic is speaking, or it’s more congruent with what the map’s algorithm was.
If that makes sense. But maybe not as much for the organic. Like I said, it could be a, I found that’s often times more an on page issue, than an off page issue, but it could be both. I’m just saying personally when I’ve been able to identify issues where I’m not ranking as good organically as I should be based upon my maps ranking, it’s a lot of the times, at least in my experiences it’s been because of on page issues, either over optimization, which triggers Panda, again, it’s just Panda in general. Thin content, over optimization, things like that. You guys got any input on that?
Marco: Yeah. I would just tell him he is trying to do local since he talked about the map pack before.
Bradley: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Marco: Right? I’m thinking he wants, the way that you do that is entity. You do the entity. You validate it, then you push trust, and authority, and relevance up to the entity, it’s called RYS Academy, by the way. That’s how you force all of that up to the entity and over to the destination and you could actually do both. Rank in maps and organic.
IFTTT Syndicated Video As Duplicate Content
Bradley: Yeah. That’s what I would do. All right. Cool. We’re going to keep moving. Let’s see who is next Balint, sorry if I mispronounce that, he says, “Thanks for last weeks input I was rather asking about how to make both RSS and YouTube syndication to work for the same network. My idea, I upload a video, unlisted to YouTube, I have it transcribed to make a post to my main site with the additional content, the video is embedded and the title is different. That post with transcription gets syndicated via RSS trigger. I make the video public a bit later on, because it’s public now the sole video gets syndicated via YouTube upload trigger, too. Maybe not to the main blog, though. Would that work, or still count as duplicate spam?” No. That would work, Balint. That’s absolutely fine.
I’ve said that in previous Hump Day Hangouts, that question has come up several times, Balint, so you’re not the first to ask it. It’s okay to post both the video to your channel and to your blog, and have them both syndicate to the same network, that’s absolutely fine. Where the problem occurs is when people have both their YouTube channel triggering their network and their blog, and they upload the video, which syndicates to their network, and then they just take the video and go embed it in a post on their blog with the same title, and usually not much different in the video description, either, and then they post that, because here’s the problem it won’t hurt your money site, your blog, and it won’t hurt your YouTube channel.
Where it can cause problems is on the network itself, the syndication network, because now you’ve got two posts that look nearly identical to your network properties, because it’s the same title, which ends up being the same title, and then you have the same video, so especially for Blogger, Tumblr, and WordPress where there’s embeds, because that’s basically, it’s going to look like the same post, basically, other than perhaps maybe some slight differences in text in the description area. But, if you’re going to change the title and usually make the title more like blog specific, right, because usually blog post, guys, are going to have more, you know, longer conversational, natural speech pattern type titles than a YouTube video, because YouTube videos are going to usually be synced keyword different type titles. Right, guys?
But, blog titles are generally going to be more like natural speech patterns. Right? So, if you’re going to take your video and also post it to your blog and have both syndicating to the same network, then it’s absolutely fine to do so if you’re going to make a different title, and if you’re going to have that video transcribed, you’re going to have a much longer description, so it’s not going to look like duplicate content on the web two properties. If that makes sense. That’s absolutely perfectly fine, Balint. I’m sorry if I misunderstood your question last week.
SEO Battle Plan For Rebranding
Roy says, “Got the Battle Plan reviewed it, question, just got a dental client and had to rebrand his practice, dissolved partnership,” okay, “So, the main practice name has changed to a new name, he then purchased another practice in a different city, I rebranded his practice website as ABC Dental Group with the two city locations. Do I just create one Google Plus page for the group.com, or different for each location?” No. You create a different Google page for each location, Roy. Well, I mean, let me rephrase that. If you’re creating a Google brand page, then you can have one brand page and reference both locations, but I understand that if you’re talking about, I’m sure you’re talking about Google My Business, a locations page. In which case you want a different page for each location. Okay?
There are brand pages and there are locations pages, and actually locations pages are no longer Google Plus pages at all, they’re maps pages. They’re not even part of Google Plus, anymore. Does that make sense? If you go in your Google My Business dashboard you access your maps data through maps, and your Google Plus page, which is now just a brand page, there is no local version of the brand page anymore that I’m aware of, anyways, because you edit your details on maps. Okay? Anyways, there might still be a locations Google Plus page, but I don’t know what the use of it is for, I don’t how it’s valuable at all anymore, to be honest with you, everything is now being, for the local part of it, it’s all being handled through maps. Okay? So, for that, yeah, go ahead and create a different locations page for each.
“Do I need to modify the Battle Plan for the purchase practice since it already has G-Plus established? I’m a bit confused on how to apply the Battle Plan to the situation.” I’m not sure I understand what you mean, the purchase practice since it already has a G-Plus established, I mean, if it’s already got a locations page, you’re going to have to rebrand all that stuff. Right? I mean, I think that’s what you’re saying, you said, he rebranded his practice with the two locations, Roy, I’m not really following all of the parts of this question, but if you the other business that he purchased had a Google My Business page, already, and now he purchased it, if he’s rebranding everything, what I would recommend, especially if that other business was established and had any sort of decent rankings in Google and/or maps. Right? If it was ranking.
You’re going to have to rebrand it, if it’s rebranded, I’m assuming it’s going to have to be rebranded, in which case what you’d want to do is don’t, I wouldn’t set up a new listing, because it’s going to have the same address unless the phone number changed, the name and the phone number, and the website, like if all of those data points change, then yes I would set up a new business. I would close, say that the other business was permanently closed then create a new listing, but you’d have to make sure that the only thing that was the same out of all the data points between name, address, phone number, and URL is the address. Right?
You’d have to have the different brand name, different phone number, different URL. Then, you could mark that other place as closed and start a new GMB page, which is what I would do if those other conditions were met. However, if the phone number, the physical location, and perhaps the web address, and/or the brand name or whatever are the same, if you don’t have all those unique properties within those four data points, there, then you’re going to have to do a citation cleanup, which would be going out and basically correcting all of the old citations to list the new data for the business. Does that make sense? That’s a pain in the ass, but that’s what you’re going to have to do.
I recommend, highly, that you go, if you guys can get the link ready, it’s http://ift.tt/2bbLT53, that’s L-O-G-A-N-I-X. That is a citation clean up service there that can handle that for you, well, provided that it’s in the US, they may do it in other areas, but I don’t know. Loganix citation cleanup service in the US is really, really good. You get about a 70% success rate, and they’re very, very thorough. That’s what I would recommend doing. Like I said, if you’re going to rebrand it and you get a new URL, and you’re going to change the phone number then I would set up a new listing all together, because that’s going to be a lot less of a headache than trying to fix old citations, that’s just a real pain in the ass, and that’s why I just outsource that all the time. All right. We’re going to keep moving.
Hernan: Sorry, Bradley, but it’s on the events page, http://ift.tt/2bbLT53.
Generating Quality Leads From Google Adwords Campaigns
Bradley: Okay. If you want to followup, Roy, with us in one of our groups Facebook or something with some more detail, like where it can be explained a little bit further we might be able to help you out a little bit better. I feel like I wasn’t able to answer that question, properly, because I don’t have all the details. Mark’s next, he says, “Hi, guys. Hope all is well. My question is about your Local Kingpin product, I’m starting to get somewhere now with SEO, but it does take forever, and that’s okay, I accept that’s how SEO goes and just get on with it, but I like the idea of starting with AdWords and then adding SEO lead gen later. I’m not asking for AdWords advice that’s what the training is for, and I’ve bought your products before, so I know it will be legit. My question is how did, or how is it going? Are you able to generate enough quality leads for your client? I work with contractors, if that helps, not looking for specific advice, just your opinion on how well AdWords works.” I’m crossinated with AdWords, guys, I mean, yeah, my profit is a lot smaller on my AdWords leads because I pay for the clicks and everything, but they’re so much easier to set up, and I can, I mean, that’s what Local Kingpin is about, Mark, is about setting up like literally you can set up a lead gen funnel and have traffic, and be receiving leads within 48 hours.
I mean, you could do it within a day, but I say within 48 hours because it usually takes me two days to set up a lead gen asset. Well, it used to take me two days, when I was new, but now I’ve got a lot of stuff, templatized, like I’ve got Click Funnels, funnels that are already all set up. They’re generic funnels. I can just clone the funnel and then go in and swap out details, and I’ve got working procedure’s setup for a lot of stuff, now, so I have check lists that I can go through. That kind of stuff that makes it just really simple for me to set up a funnel, a lead gen asset, and turn on ads, and it’s like literally within a few hours of you submitting your first ad you can start generating traffic.
The main thing, Mark, if you go through Local Kingpin, which I highly recommend, especially for contractors, because that’s my market, is contractors. I mean, I love being able to generate leads with AdWords, now. I don’t know why I was so scared of AdWords for so long, but now I absolutely love it, because the speed in which I can generate, and here’s the thing, what I love about setting up AdWords funnels, guys, is I can determine right off the bat, right away, where my money keywords are. The 80/20 rule 100% applies to AdWords, and there’s a book by Perry Marshall called, The 80/20 Sales and Marketing. Go get the damn book. By it on Kindle, whatever. Pick it up, read it, because it is absolutely 100% correct when it comes to AdWords, especially for the local lead gen funnels. 80% of your traffic is going to come from 20% of your keywords. That’s it. All this shit that we do in SEO, where we scrap hundreds of keywords, and we build silos, and we have to do all this content, and we have to properly silo the content, we got to do all this internal linking, all that’s great it can pay off there’s no doubt, but so many of those keywords, or long tail and stuff like that where you’re going to get very little to no traffic from them.
Now, cumulatively they all build to make your site stronger and more relevant, which will generate more traffic, so there’s certainly a reason to do all that, but my point is we go through harvesting these great big keyword lists and all that stuff, and with AdWords, especially the way that I show how to do it using alpha beta campaign structure you can literally go in, do your keyword research in about a half an hour.
The main point for that is generating, or building a negative keyword list, because you ought to already know what your main money keywords are for the project that you’re working on. Really the keyword research is about building a negative keyword list, but then you plug in your money keywords, you add your negative keyword lists, use modified broad match, and then you let AdWords tell you where your money keywords are, and within a month you can identify your top keywords where 80% of your traffic is going to come from, and I guarantee you it will be 20% of your keywords.
Then, those are the keywords that you focus your SEO efforts on. As I mentioned, I think in the Local Kingpin training, I’m not starting any SEO projects from scratch anymore. I’m not starting new projects with SEO as my main promotional type, anymore. I’m not doing it, unless it’s YouTube spam, because I’m just not going to do it. From now on, I’m doing AdWords first to prove my keywords and prove that it’s converting and that kind of stuff, and then I’ll invest my time and effort into SEO for the keywords that I’ve identified as my winners.
Hernan: Yeah.
Bradley: Does that make sense?
Hernan: Yeah. I really like that approach, Bradley. The fact that you’re getting speed, that you’re getting, I mean, each rating on a project and you’re failing fast.
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: You’re finding out, you’re weeding out the keywords that are not going to work, that they’re not going to convert, and then you’re focusing on the keywords that are, and I think that’s really the key when it comes to paid advertising, is that you get data so much faster that your business can grow a lot more, because if you have to be waiting six months to get data on your business, it’s money, time is money.
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: If you’re doing SEO and waiting all of that time, then you’re spending all of that money that you could be earning, because you’re failing fast on your project. Once you have that, once you have the process in place you can still do SEO and you know that it’s going to pickup three to six months down the road, maybe a year down the road and you still do SEO, so that when that hits, or when you’re getting a decent amount of organic traffic, you know that the funnel is converting.
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: There’s basically no top to how much you can scale, it all depends on the market that you’re in. The market will tell you how much you can scale, or sell a product, or sell a service, whatever that is, but that’s basically why I like paid advertising combined with SEO, because again you don’t want to put all of your eggs in one basket.
Bradley: That’s correct.
Hernan: Like, one way or the other.
Bradley: Yeah. Here’s the thing, guys, think about this, you could spend months working on a project, and find out for SEO I mean, you could spend months working on trying to build the SEO for a project, set of keywords, whatever, and find out that it’s just not profitable. It’s not working. Now, you’ve spent months of effort and time on it, and probably money, as well. With AdWords you can prove it very, very quickly, whether it’s going to be profitable or not. If you can make it profitable when you’re paying for the clicks, then it will be profitable for SEO, there’s no doubt, because you won’t be paying, I mean, you do pay for those clicks with time and effort, and somewhat money, too. You know what I mean? It’s indirect. You’re paying indirectly, not directly for clicks.
Again, that’s number one. Number two, the other part of that, Mark, is why I love AdWords for local lead gen now is because if you do register a mailbox and it can be a PO box, it doesn’t even have to be verified, guys. You can register local addresses and set up AdWords campaigns and use the location’s extension. Are you hearing this? You don’t even have to have a verified address and it will still show the location’s extension in your ad and it will also, if you’ve got your ads set up properly and you’re at the top of the search, or the top of the ads pack, which as to do with quality score, you’ll end up in the maps, an ad in the first maps position. Not necessarily in the three pack.
On mobile devices, if you have call only ads set up you can show up in the three pack on mobile devices, but on desktop, I haven’t seen, I haven’t been able to get any of my ads to show up in the three pack on desktop, but I have been able to get almost virtually all of my ads to show up in the first position in maps, so when somebody clicks on the more results, it will show my ad at the very top of the results when that page expands. If that makes sense.
That’s the thing, and again with location extensions you don’t even need to verify the address. I know that, because one of the lead gen funnels I set up for Local Kingpin, Google was not sending me the verification postcard, so I went ahead and said, screw it, I’m going to continue with the project and I went ahead and added the location’s extension and you have to link it to your Google My Business profile, and then select whatever page, and I linked that page to it and I thought well, let’s just check it and see if it works, and damn if it didn’t show my maps extension in the ad, even though it was an unverified address, which is awesome. Right? I just wanted to give you guys that little nugget. Local Kingpin, guys, is a great, great course if you’re doing lead gen and you’re not using AdWords, you’re crazy, in my opinion. Okay.
Battle Plan Versus RYS Academy, Syndication Academy & Other Semantic Mastery Products
All right. Herovic, he says, “Hi. I have a question regarding the Battle Plan, how is it different than the IFTTT Academy, RYS, or the Mastermind? Does it add something new, or is it a blueprint that incorporates all of them? Thank you.” Well, a $20.00 PDF certainly cannot incorporate IFTTT, RYS, and the Mastermind. It would be nice if it could, but it would be an awfully big PDF if we did.
Hernan: Yeah. [inaudible 00:41:58] depth of Semantic Mastery and the three years-
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: In Mastermind. I know all of the nuggets that are RYS, it’s going to be longest.
Bradley: Yeah. That would be very, Herovic, the Battle Plan is basically, the process is that we use for working on any digital assets, whether they’re established or they’re just being launched. It’s the same, it’s just the series of steps that we take for setting up the networks, and link building, and citations, and press releases, and like all of the different steps in the order that we do them. It’s the same process that we’ve used for years, now.
All we did was put it in a simple format, including links to the products and services that we use for that kind of stuff, which most of them are our own services, anyways, because we developed all of those services specifically because we use them. We only made our services available to others, because we kept getting asked for it. We had developed our services, for us, originally. Okay. That’s all it is. It’s very, very simple. It doesn’t need to be complicated. Some people wished it was more complicated, and that’s why I said, you know, I don’t know, stand on your head while you perform the tasks. I don’t know.
Marco: Can I add something more to this?
Bradley: Please, do.
Marco: Yeah. Our Battle Plan is a blueprint. A blueprint is used to build a house.
Bradley: Right.
Marco: The blueprint does not build the house for you, you have to follow the blueprint and go and build a house, using whatever tools are necessary for the construction of whatever it is that you want to make of that house according to the blueprint that you’re using. I mean, I cannot put it any clearer, or plainer than that. Get a blueprint on what you’re supposed to do and how you’re supposed to do it, not why you’re supposed to do it, and definitely it’s not going to get done for you. I hope that clarifies-
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: Everything.
Bradley: Again, it’s very simple Herovic, it’s the process that we use, and I like simple, that’s why we made it simple, because it doesn’t need to be overcomplicated. If you want to learn more about Syndication Academy, and syndication networks, you’re certainly welcome to join, RYS, as well, Mastermind is our top level coaching group, and that you’re certainly welcome to join that, as well.
Rocket Video Ranker Vs Live Rank Sniper
Next question, “How does the Rocket Video Ranker differ from Live Rank Sniper? Can we emulate its functionality and do it manually? What’s the principle behind it?” Yeah. They’re two different things. Live Rank Sniper, is really a keyword poking tool, and Peter Drew, the developer even calls it that, so it’s not like that’s a secret. It’s mainly a poking tool. You can use it to identify keywords, to test keywords with YouTube schedule of live events. You don’t even need to have a video. Right?
Live Rank Sniper doesn’t even require you to have a video, it’s just a software that automates the process of setting up YouTube scheduled live events, because of their indexable schedule with live events, they will index without even a video, they’re just place holders in the index, and then once you have identified keywords you can, if you want, stream directly to those scheduled live events through Live Rank Sniper. It’s a manual process, and it takes time. I say, manual, it’s semi automated in that you only have to click the mouse a couple times for it to start doing its thing, but then you have to wait for the software to run to stream the video, and it will end and then you have to stream, you know, click the mouse a few times to go stream to the next scheduled live event that’s ranking. I don’t recommend it for that. I recommend using it specifically for identifying keywords, using it as a poking tool. Okay? If you want a tool that works seamlessly with Live Rank Sniper I would say Hangout Millionaire, which is Peter Drew’s upgrade, like that’s his top level, well, it’s currently his top level SEO video marketing software, but he’s coming out, well, I’m not going to say anything else. That’s a great tool, as well, though, it works really good with Live Rank Sniper.
Rocket Video Ranker is a different animal all together. Rocket Video Ranker is freaking fabulous. It’s a loophole as far as I’m concerned. The way that it works, but basically you upload, you just do uploads with Rocket Video Ranker, but it automates uploading multiple videos at one time very, very quickly in a very unique fashion. The way that it works, it’s very unique, I don’t know how long it’s going to last, or even why it works the way that it does, but it works really, really well, right now. I know, because I used a shit ton, I used a lot of it. I used it a lot, excuse me, over the last two weeks, and the case study, by the way, just so you know, the case study in here, look, this is it, guys, I mean, I’ve got 11, there’s got to be two and a half hours worth of content in this case study, alone. Exactly how I use it, and it’s great because you can set up digital assets.
YouTube channels, you can turn YouTube channels into digital assets very quickly using this, and I even talk about it in the strategy session here, in what’s the very last video here, it’s called, What’s Next, I talk very specifically about a strategy that you can hire virtual assistants to run the software for you, and literally create dozens and dozens of these digital assets, YouTube channel assets, and you can monetize them, and there’s multiple ways to do that, as well, and I talk about that in the case study. Hopefully, that makes some sense. Herovic, if you don’t have either one of them go buy the PDF, the Battle Plan and you should have access to this bonus study, excuse me, this bonus membership site and if you do, then just go through watch the first couple videos of each one of the case studies, and you make the decision as to what is best for your business. Okay? They’re available for you to watch, so that you can make that decision.
Changes To The iFrame Tag
All right. I only got about eight minutes left, so let’s roll through these next few. Ivan, says, “Hey, guys. I embedded a Google My Maps in an article on my website and I shared it to my tier one network. If I had something in the iframe will it syndicate automatically on the network, or do I have to resubmit my article via my RSS feed?” Yeah. No. Well, wait a minute. Yeah. If you’re updating the iframe, it should update everywhere, because it’s the same iframe. Am I correct, Marco, or no?
Marco: That’s correct. The iframe will show whatever is in the source.
Bradley: Okay.
Marco: But, hang on, if he’s changing the iframe that it’s structured in the website, it’s not going to update everywhere else.
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: But, I think, well, Ivan, if you’re listening, maybe you can comment, but I think that what he’s saying is if he adds something, well, yeah, I know, if he adds something to the code that��s not going to resyndicate, but if you change what’s within the iframe-
Bradley: Right.
Hernan: Then it could, like if you change something within the Google My Maps, you know, like if you add another marker for example, that will automatically show everywhere, but if you add, I don’t know, whatever, a piece of code to that iframe, that’s not going to resyndicate. Am I correct? Am I right?
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: That’s correct. You would-
Bradley: [crosstalk 00:49:18] past the closing iframe tag, then that’s not going to update across the properties. Right?
Hernan: Right.
Bradley: Right. If that’s what you mean, Ivan, if you’re trying to add stuff like beyond the closing iframe tag, then no. You’d have to issue a new, or publish a new post. Here’s the thing guys, you cannot publish a post and have it syndicate to your network, and then go back and edit the post on your money site, and then expect it to edit all the posts that it was syndicated to, as well. It doesn’t work like that. You’d have to go delete the original post and then basically republish the post as a new post in order for it to trigger the RSS feed to syndicate, as a new post. Right? There is a plugin that you can use in WordPress, it’s called, Republish Old Posts, funny enough. Right?
Republish Old Posts, and I’ll say WP, or WordPress, that’s it right there. This plugin right here, you can use this plugin to republish old posts, it will reinsert them into your RSS feed, which will trigger a new syndication, you can do something like that if you wanted. But, yeah, if you’re changing something within the iframe, it’s going to update everywhere that the iframe was syndicated to, if you’re changing something outside of the closing iframe tag, then no, you’d have to force the syndication all over again. Okay? He says, “By the way, my comment on Semantic Mastery sales page, wow, I was surprised it’s like having a page one, position one on Google.” That’s awesome. Thanks, Ivan.
Using Proxies For IFTTT Properties
David says, “When creating a branded network, is it necessary to use proxies for any account work, once a network is in place. How much lift does using stacks of interlinked Google properties add?” First of all, is it necessary to use proxies for any account work? No. It’s not necessary. I recommend if you’re building a ton of networks that you have at least five dedicated proxies, any ways, that you can cycle through. I recommend, and this is covered in the training, David, but I recommend never trying to create more than two accounts with the same IP within 24 hours. Okay? Again, you can do it with your own IP, it’s fine you don’t need any proxies at all, as long as you’re not, and when I say, I mean, don’t try creating two accounts on the same account platform.
In other words, don’t try to create more than two Tumblrs, for example, or two Gmail addresses within 24 hours from the same IP. It will flag your IP and trust me, it will cause problems. If you’re going to be doing a lot of building, which again I don’t recommend you do, you should outsource that or just go to SERP Space and buy networks, but if you’re going to be doing a lot of that kind of stuff, then I recommend that you have at least five proxies, dedicated proxies, you want them to be clean. Dedicated means you are only using them, don’t get shared proxies. I also, highly recommend if you are going to be building a lot of networks that you use Browseo. Seriously. I mean, I got it opened, right here. I mean, it’s crazy, I got all these Browseo, I got this open all the time now, guys, it’s insane, because it’s a great, great tool. Okay?
“Once a network is in place, how much lift does using stacks of interlink Google properties add?” It depends, David. It depends if the Google stacks are created properly. It depends on how they’re done. It depends on which keywords, there’s just so many variables there, if they’re done correctly you can expect a substantial increase in rank. Okay? But, if you don’t do it correctly then, you know, I cannot speak, it might not help at all, in fact it might even cause problems. I don’t know. It just depends if they’re done right, or not.
Marco: It also depends on how much risk he’s willing to take, as far as, hammering the drive stack properties.
Local SEO For Business Franchise In The Same City
Bradley: Yeah. Okay. Ken, says, we’re almost done, guys, we only got a couple minutes left. He says, “I’m looking for clarity on ranking for local. I have a client that is a franchise. There are four locations within seven to 10 miles of each other, so I don’t think it would be reasonable to try to rank all of them for the same keyword. Franchise name, city, state.” For the same keyword. I’m sorry guys, I was just rereading that. “Since I would be competing against myself in each location, I can just see it now the management in each location would be pissed off if I wasn’t ranking them at the top of the three pack. I do understand that there would be overlap, and so do they. The only differentiating factor to each location is different zip codes, it’s a minor overlap.” Oh, wow, so it’s the same city and everything. “[inaudible 00:53:54] don’t show any search volume for franchise name, city, state,” yeah, I mean it probably wouldn’t. Well, if it’s franchise, yeah, maybe, because it has a franchise name. Right. But, what about the keyword? Instead of franchise name. Anyways, “I don’t think, so do I go ahead and only focus on franchise city, state, zip code, for each location and big G will pick up the fact of the search’s location? How would you suggest going after this? What would you do?”
Ken, that’s a really good question. I’ve never had to experience that, so it would take me some thought, we don’t have time for me to go, I mean, I’d literally have to think about it. Is Ken in any of our, he’s not in our Mastermind is he? I don’t think he is. Ken, this would be an awesome question for us to dissect in Mastermind, I sure wish you were in there, buddy. Let me think about this one a little bit, Ken, and we can revisit it next week. Sorry, if you cannot wait until then, because otherwise join the Mastermind, because we’ve got a Mastermind tomorrow, this could be a great question to dissect, but otherwise you are going to have to wait until next week, and I’m going to make a note right now.
Marco: If I could just add that right now the main factor for a three pack, or for what appears to search is proximity, I mean, that’s without question what the main factor, I mean-
Bradley: Especially for mobile.
Marco: [crosstalk 00:55:19]. If you are mobile, yeah, and you’re talking about nearly 70% of people right now who are searching on mobile, but I was just doing something on that last week, and sharing it with someone that-
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: Proximity seems to be the overriding factor. I mean, before anything else Google will pick up proximity.
Bradley: Yeah. So, Ken, again, if you’re in Mastermind, or if you want, you should join, and I’m not saying that for any other reason other than this would be a really good question to really dig into, but otherwise, I’ve got a note, I’ll think about this a little bit, maybe consult with Marco a bit, and then we’ll have kind of a concise answer for you next week. Okay? All right. I’m just going to read Wayne’s comment, really quickly, then we’ve got to wrap it up, guys, because I’ve got to go. He says, “Word on the street is that you are sharing something tomorrow on Mastermind that will elevate our business. Is something special planned for the next Mastermind?” Why, yes. It’s this guy named Wayne Clayton, who’s going to be on tomorrow sharing some of his expertise in prospecting and dealing with clients and his process of determining how much money they have to spend, what their goals are, and all that kind of stuff.
I was super impressed with a post that he made in one of the Facebook groups, one of our Facebook groups about a particular method that he uses whenever he’s prospecting and pitching clients, or at least asking questions of the clients, of prospects, excuse me. It was really detailed and I was super impressed, so I reached out to Wayne and asked him if he’d come on and be a guest presenter for the Mastermind, to share some of his stuff, and so I’m actually really looking forward to it. In part, because we are, in Semantic Mastery, we’re really ramping up something on the side that we’re working on that’s going to be requiring a lot of prospecting work.
Maybe in the near future, there’s going to be a full on, full blown prospecting course coming out from us, because that’s something that I’m working on right now, so I’m really anxious to hear what Wayne’s got, because some of that might even get included in what will be coming out with our prospecting course, in the future. Anyways, hopefully anybody that’s not in our Mastermind, it would be a good time to join, so go to mastermind.semanticmastery.com if you want to find out more about that, otherwise, we’ll see everybody next week.
Marco: Sounds good.
Bradley: Thanks, everybody. We’ll see you all later.
Hernan: Bye guys.
Bradley: Bye.
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 128 published first on your-t1-blog-url
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Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 128
Click on the video above to watch Episode 128 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://ift.tt/1NZu6N2.
Bradley: We’re live. We’re back on Hangouts, guys, because webinar wouldn’t even start for us today, anyway. Hey everybody, Bradley Benner, here. Semantic Mastery, this is the Hump Day Hangouts episode 128, today is March 19th 2017, and we’ve got Chris, Hernan and Marco on with us. Adam is off running in the woods, again.
Hernan: Yeah. No. I think he was moving.
Bradley: He was moving? Is that what we’re calling it today?
Hernan: Yeah. Let’s call it like that.
Bradley: That’s cool. Chris, what’s up man?
Chris: Doing good. Right from a snowstorm here in Vienna.
Bradley: Guys, hold on, I guess Marco and Hernan you guys can chat for a minute.
Chris: Sure.
Marco: Yeah.
Bradley: Marco?
Marco: I’m good, man. We got really bad electrical storms, my electricity keeps coming in and out. If I drop off the Google police didn’t get me, the lightening storm got me. Sorry about that.
Chris: It’s cool.
Hernan: We started to think this is some kind of conspiracy, since we launched Battle Plan.
Marco: [crosstalk 00:01:09]. I’m telling you. We’re teaching people how to rank and they don’t like, so they’re trying to do everything they can to keep us off the air.
Hernan: Yeah.
Chris: We make things too easily available out there, that’s the thing.
Bradley: All right. Hopefully everybody refreshed the page, because on the event page, because you have to refresh the page for the new video to show up.
Marco: Okay. You both said it already.
Bradley: Let me see.
Hernan: Yeah.
Bradley: Yeah. Okay. All right, guys. Let’s get into it. I guess, we got probably a couple of announcements. We can stay to the actual five o'clock mark today, because we got started a few minutes early, or late guys. Anyways, let’s get into announcements. Hernan, what do we got?
Hernan: Yeah. Real quick. One of the things if you haven’t already, we strongly suggest that you get a copy of the Semantic Mastery, the SEO Domination Battle Plan. That will launch on Monday. Right now, the prices are real for the value that you’re getting and basically the coupon ends, I think it’s going to end in two hours, if I’m not mistaken. Then it’s going to double, more than double the price.
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: Go ahead get it. I’m going to put the link on the event page, but it’s basically battleplan.semanticmastery.com. Go ahead download it, we tried to make a really concise, simple guide, step by step document that you can come back over, and over, and over again, depending if you have each sites, new sites, YouTube videos, local websites, it’s everything in there. The way we do it. The way we implement it. That’s the main idea with Battle Plan. If you’re looking for something simple, go ahead and get it. If you’re looking for something more complex, or if you want more support, et cetera, come join the Mastermind, but that’s basically the main idea of the Battle Plan.
Bradley: There’s a couple of things that I want to mention about that. Is number one we had some people say your process cannot be simple. Well, actually it is.
Marco: It is.
Bradley: You know, that’s really what we do, guys, and that’s why I continually say on these Hump Day Hangouts that I like easy. Don’t over complicate shit, guys. If you want to make it complicated, then just stand on your head while you’re doing it. I don’t know. All I’m saying is those are the exact same services that we use, the same procedures, the process in order, in the steps that we do it in. It’s not difficult. I mean, we’ve got the infrastructure behind us, which is provided, it’s available for you guys, as well to use the same services that we use. I mean, again, some people said, well, it cannot be that simple, it’s just because I think by nature we as SEO’s and marketers typically want to over complicate shit, so that’s part of it and the other thing is, and just very quickly, let me grab the screen, I want to show you something here. You guys are seeing my screen, correct?
Chris: Yeah.
Bradley: This is the bonus site, guys. I think there’s more value in the freaking bonus site then there is in the actual PDF, so I just wanted to point this out real quick. This is something that wasn’t even mentioned on the sales page, but you get access to this bonus site that has a ton of different bonus stuff in here, and the bonus webinar section alone there’s multiple webinars, here, including on of our webinars that Marco just did, recently on iframe and java script secrets that’s a pay per view webinar of a $147.00 and that’s been included, as well. We’ve got a ton of different, you know, there’s case studies in here for Live Rank Sniper, for Rocket Video Ranker Pro, the v-mail prospecting course, which is the basic course I’m probably going to be doing a full blown course for that in the next couple months. Again, I just wanted to point out for a $20.00 PDF, there’s absolutely no reason why you guys shouldn’t pick it up for the simplicity of it, number one. Number two, because you get access to a bunch of amazing bonuses. Okay.
Hernan: Yeah.
Marco: The bonuses are, that’s the reason why it’s going to $100.00 when it’s all said and done.
Bradley: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Marco: Because it’s worth way more than a 100 bucks, but I mean-
Bradley: Damn right it is.
Marco: We wanted to keep it accessible to all of our members and followers, so they could actually have a plan that they could follow to achieve their success. If you want to complicate things, I mean that’s fine as Bradley said, but it doesn’t really need to be. All you have to do is just follow the step by step process. If you want to do more, then you’re more than welcome to join Syndication Academy, you’re more than welcome to come into the Mastermind and ask us as many complex questions as you want, and we’ll answer them. You have full access to us, there. If not, just follow the training step by step. That’s all you have to do. Seriously.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: That’s it.
Bradley: I love it when somebody analysis the plan and says, oh, no, it cannot be that simple, this must not work.
Hernan: [crosstalk 00:06:05].
Hernan: Another thing that’s worth mentioning is that the bonus side that you get for free will be updated. We have a bunch of case studies that are going to be uploaded to the bonus site, so go ahead order it now, because again it’s going to 100 bucks, soon. Now, you can get it for $20.00, it’s crazy.
Bradley: Yeah.
Chris: What’s the coupon code, again?
Bradley: Missile launch.
Hernan: Yeah. It’s missile launch. Thank you, Chris. It’s missile launch, one word and it’s on the event page, again, battleplan.semantricmastery.com. That coupon is going to be available for the next two hours and then it’s going to more than double the price.
Bradley: Okay. Cool. All right. Do we have any other announcements, because if not, let’s get into it.
Marco: Let’s do it.
Bradley: All right. Cool. We’re we going to talk, we’re not talking about the next webinar, are we, yet? Marco?
Marco: No. You can just tell them what it’s going to be about.
Bradley: All right. We’re going to do another webinar in the series, Marco’s series that we’ve done three, now, and we’re about to do a fourth, which is going to be a structured data webinar, guys. We scheduled it, but I don’t know the date off hand.
Marco: It will be around April 8th.
Bradley: May. A Monday-
Marco: May.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: Sorry.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: May 8th.
Bradley: Monday. Excuse me Monday, May 8th. You’re right. I’m sorry.
Marco: Usual time. It will be then, if it changes we have plenty of time to let people know.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: I’m working on that.
Bradley: You guys will get notifications via email and stuff for registration, so I just wanted to let you guys know that, that’s coming, as well. Okay. All right. Cool. I’m going to grab the screen and we’re going to get into questions. It feels weird to be back in Hangouts, man. It feels kind of like home.
Hernan: Yeah.
Bradley: You know?
Chris: It’s actually working.
Bradley: It’s working, too.
Chris: Right.
Private Home Address For A Lead Gen Site’s Google My Business Page
Bradley: Unlike WebinarJam, for some reason. All right. Ala, I’m sorry if I’m mispronouncing your name, forgive me, he says, “Hi, everyone. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to be part of the Hangout, I’m quite new to SEO and I have a question, which might sound very basic. My question is, can I use a private home address for local lead gen?” I believe we answered this question last week or the week before, but it seems like I remember this question. Yes. Of course, you can use your private home address for lead gen. Well, I don’t recommend doing it for fake businesses, or [inaudible 00:08:29] business. What I mean by, guys, obviously, I set up generic businesses, right, generic lead gen funnels, landing pages, whatever you want to call them. Assets. But, I don’t register all of them with my home address, and I wouldn’t recommend that you do that either.
Go get a PO Box. If you’re in the United States, go get a PO Box. I know some people say that’s not working, or isn’t going to work anymore. I covered this in a Facebook live post, recently, but I’m still able to get them to work. What happens is where the problem occurs is if you try to register multiple businesses, so Google My Business pages underneath the same account using multiple PO Boxes. I’ve had that happen to me a couple times in the last few months where I’ve, in the last six months, where I’ve had, I’ve tried to register two different PO Boxes within the same Google My Business owner account, profile, essentially, and I’ve gotten it flagged and I had to reverify.
In one case, I just abandoned it all together, and re-registered a new business under another profile, because it there was no way for me to verify it. I basically lost that one, but it’s not a big deal, it happens, guys. The way the work arounds so far to this point has been just to register one Google My Business profile per, or excuse me, My Business Account per profile, so that you essentially have a different account owner for each one. That’s the way I’ve been able to get around it, again, they may crack down on that at some point in the very near future, maybe so, but until then I’m going to continue exploiting it. That’s what I recommend you do.
You can also hire, rent virtual mailboxes from other places other than the PO box, but those are the cheapest and so far they are still working for me. Okay? Again, I do not recommend that you register a bunch of businesses to your home address, I mean, you can, but I wouldn’t do it. All right? The other thing is you don’t want to share the same address for multiple businesses. Guys, that’s part of the reason I like to use PO boxes, because they’re cheap enough, where even if I’ve got 10 businesses in the same, like I got 10 different lead gen funnels, let’s say 10 different industries and it’s in the same damn city, I can have 10 different PO boxes, because the deal is the address is going to be street address of the PO office and then you’re going to get a box number.
It’s going to be 123 Main Street number 101. Maybe next time you will get number 208, or whatever. My point is each one of those are each considered a unique address because of the box number, makes it unique. Does that make sense? I mean you could probably do it with your own home address, like if your home address was 123 Maple Street, and you did 123 Maple Street, or 123-A, and 123-B, 123-C you could probably get away with that, but I certainly wouldn’t recommend it. Again, it’s cheap enough to where you can just buy additional boxes and I like to do that.
People have asked me before, do you continue to rent the PO box after you’ve received the PO box, or excuse me, the verification card? Yes. I do. I pay for everyone of those. I’ve got PO boxes that I’ve been paying for, for years, guys, I renew them every year, it’s only happened to me twice in my entire digital marketing career that I’ve had to reverify via postcard, a business listing, it’s only happened twice in six or seven years, now.
However, when it happens, if it happens I have the ability to retrieve the postcard, because I renew the boxes every year and it’s a nominal fee, guys. In the less populated areas I can get a PO box for a year for about 60 bucks, or $64.00 something like that. So, $64.00 per year, roughly. Okay? For the more populated areas it cost me $128.00 a year. It’s so inexpensive, it’s such a small cost of doing business that I just pay for it. Okay?
One Address For Multiple GMB Pages In Denmark
Okay. Anyways. “Can I use the very same address for multiple, different businesses in the same area, or city. Note, I live in Denmark. Thank you for your help.” I guess I should answer that, I don’t know about Denmark, I cannot speak for anything in any foreign country, guys. All I can talk about specifically for local is within the United State, but I’m quite sure that if I can get away with doing what I’m doing in the US you could probably get away with it in Denmark. You probably would get away with a hell of a lot more in Denmark, I’m sure. In which case you might, you could possibly use one address and then just put that unique identifier like dash A, dash B, dash C, you could probably get away with that in Denmark, again, I don’t know. I don’t have any experience in that market, but in the US it’s a little bit stricter, typically, and that’s why I just use unique address for each location, like in other words a unique, it gets a unique box number, which makes it unique. Okay? All right. Cool.
Hump Day Hangouts For Semantic Mastery Students On Amazon, Rank & Rent, Etc.
Toby [inaudible 00:13:18], he says, “Can you do a Hump Day Hangouts with your students who are killing it Rank to Rant, or Amazon, Shopify, PayPerCall et cetera, or PayPerCall, et cetera?” I asked him this question yesterday, I guess, because I was trying to clarify, he said, yeah, by the way if you’re watching Toby, what’s up, he says, yes. “Should we bring on guest presenters?” We do that in the Mastermind, Toby. We bring guest presenters on in the Mastermind. We had Clint Butler on two weeks ago, which was awesome, because he did training on PageSpeed, which was awesome, because some of our Mastermind members implemented what he trained for that session and were able to reduce the page load times to under a second. I think it was like three quarters of a second, which was awesome.
Anyways, tomorrow we’ve got our very own Wayne Clayton, he’s been one of our most engaged Mastermind members, and he’s had phenomenal success, and he’s coming on tomorrow to be a guest presenter, to talk about prospecting and his unique approach to prospecting and landing clients. He’s had a lot of experience in the media industry, so he’s got a unique approach that a lot of us in the digital marketing industry haven’t seen or heard. I’m actually really looking forward to having him to come on tomorrow to give his presentation and answer questions about his prospecting methods. Again, Toby, we do that kind of stuff in the Mastermind. Hump Day Hangouts is really supposed to be a forum for Q and A. Okay? It doesn’t mean that we cannot setup a separate webinar for that, sometime, but we’d have to figure out a good angle for it.
Marco: Yeah. Then, we’d also have to be careful about giving away the niche, or any of that information, because actually I had someone do that in the RYS Facebook group and when he posted the URL, directly after that, a couple of days later, he got hit with a ton of spam, so we know that it was someone from our own RYS Academy that went and did that. I don’t know why they would do that to someone who is trying to help and show how he’s doing it, but it’s one of the reasons why we try to protect it, and keep it inside the Mastermind where we know most of the people are trustworthy.
Bradley: Yeah. I totally agree. That’s why that’s in part why we do stuff like that on the Mastermind, guys, because it’s a very, very tight group, like an intimate group, so it makes it a lot easier. It doesn’t mean that there’s not people there that can be malicious, as well, because there certainly can be, but it’s less likely.
Anchor Text Variation In Link Building
Okay. Doctor Brain McKay, he says, “When building links is it better to use one, and only one variation? For example, dub, dub, dub, or just HTTP, or just a domain.com. I have heard varying advice where you would use all and someone else saying use one every time you build a link.” You know, honestly, I’ve used variations, if I were to be using spam tools, which I don’t anymore, at all. I don’t ever run them, myself, but I would always use variations.
Here’s a good example, Brian, in the recent weeks I’ve done several case studies for different YouTube tools, they’re all in the bonus site that I just showcased a minute ago. One of them being Live Rank Sniper and the other one being Rocket Video Ranker Pro, and there has been some spinning and all that for the video descriptions and that kind of stuff, which is pretty typical for any sort of spam work, and those are in my opinion they’re both spam tools, they can be used to not spam, but the way that I used them was very intentionally to spam, and because of that I just started doing a lot of spinning and stuff like that again in the last few weeks, which I had gotten away from for a while.
When I create the links that go in the video description to where I want to direct people to, I like to use all the different variations as you just laid out here. HTTP, if there’s HTTPS as well, if the SSL protocol is available then I’ll go ahead and add that one in, as well. I’ll use the trailing slash with and without the trailing slash, I’ll use dub, dub, dub and non dub, dub, so I use all variation of them so that it adds variety and diversity to the video description. In other words, if we’ve got 15 videos in the same channel, I want the URL, the call to action URL to be a variation all the time, if possible. Just because it gives more diversity to the thing. Now, as far as the SEO purposes, since they all resolve to the same location, I don’t think it makes much difference, but I’d like to hear Marco and Hernan’s input on this, please.
Marco: It’s just acrotex variation, that’s why you do that. The destinations is usually all the same, but also you want to keep that, you might, people don’t all link the same way. They-
Bradley: That’s right.
Marco: If you go throughout the web, like you get 100 people they’re all going to link to a website a different way. Some will use a dub, dub, dub. I particularly don’t anymore, because I know it will resolve to the dub, dub, dub anyway.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: I use them all simply because that’s what people do on the web. It makes absolutely no sense, and whoever is advising only one variation is actually misguided.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: Because that’s not the way that people type.
Bradley: Now, the only time that I would recommend always using the exact same URL format is when you’re citing an NAP, name, address, phone number, so any time you’re going to create, or reference, or list an NAP somewhere within content, or link building, or something like that I would always recommend using the same type of URL. Just because it’s an NAP, you want data consistency as much as possible.
Marco: And, the URL should be whatever shows-
Bradley: Shows in Google My Business.
Marco: Yeah. To link to the website, where they say website, and you click on it, that’s the version that you should use in that one particular case.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: Yeah.
Hernan: Yeah. This case, I totally agree with Marco. That’s why we keep saying that you need to validate the entity on one of the main, you know, when your website is popular, or you’re trying it to appear to be popular, you need to emulate as much as possible human behavior that’s why you need to do things differently from time to time. I mean, different URLs people will mention your website differently, maybe they will spell it wrong. As long as the link is the link, you know, we had, I think we had Gary, Doctor Gary, came to a Mastermind and he showed how you can get links from really powerful websites just because they’re misspelled. You know?
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: As long as the URL is pointing correctly to your website, the anchor text could be misspelled, you know, it can be Semantic Mastery or something else, or Semantic Master as long as the hyperlink is pointing to semanticmastery.com. You know? Yeah. Vary it a little bit, that would be my intake on it.
Three Pack Map In Organic Ranking
Bradley: Very good. Okay. Ala, is up again, he says, “Hi. When the first three to four sites on the Google organic search are not the same ones as in Google three pack,” so the maps pack, “does that mean that it’s easy to rank in the three pack map, or the first page of the organic search for that specific niche? Thanks for the help.” It doesn’t meant that it’s going to be easy to rank in the map, it’s just means that the maps listings aren’t, the ones that are ranked in maps they’re on page for their sit isn’t as good, is not good enough to be on the first page.
In other words, and it doesn’t have to be just be the on page, it could be the combination of on page, or on page and off page, but typically the organic results, it’s a different algorithm. There’s a lot of overlap between the local algorithm and the organic algorithm, now, it’s a lot more closely related now than it used to be. That was particularly where a lot of that marriage occurred was the Pigeon update, if you guys remember that. That was, shit, that was probably two years ago, now. Amazing how time flies. There is some overlap there, but for example Ala, I don’t ever, I don’t care at all about organic rankings anymore for lead gen, or for local stuff, when I have a physical location available, even if that means I have to black half the physical location using a PO box. Right?
I don’t care about organic anymore at all for lead gen and local stuff, only because I know from all my lead gen assets is that my call volume drops for stuff that was organic only. My call volume dropped 60%, because of the new SERP layout. Right? When I say new, it’s not new anymore, but the SERP layout as it stands today, which is four ads, typically four ads and a maps pack, so you end up going past seven freaking listings before you ever get to the first organic. I can tell you right now, the reason why I’m telling you this is because I have multiple lead gen sites all over the place that are ranked in maps, but they might be on page two or page three in organic. I don’t care.
It doesn’t bother me, because the phone calls are coming from the maps pack, or from AdsWords, excuse me AdWords. I’m either getting calls from my ads, or I’m getting calls from the maps pack. I don’t get calls from organic, very, very rarely do I get calls from organic when a map is displayed for a search query. Right? Most search queries are going to display. Now, I will still target organic for lead gen and local, like if I’m doing video campaigns, for example, because you cannot get a video, well, I say you cannot, it’s unlikely to get a video above the maps pack, anymore, for a local term. Okay?
I still will do spamming with YouTube and stuff like that for organic rankings, but when it comes to websites, and stuff, I personally don’t care if there’s a maps pack that shows for the search query, then I’m going to try to rank in the maps pack, not the organic. Okay? Typically, when there’s a difference between what’s showing in maps, and what’s showing in organic it’s because the site that’s ranking in maps, but not in organic is speaking, or it’s more congruent with what the map’s algorithm was.
If that makes sense. But maybe not as much for the organic. Like I said, it could be a, I found that’s often times more an on page issue, than an off page issue, but it could be both. I’m just saying personally when I’ve been able to identify issues where I’m not ranking as good organically as I should be based upon my maps ranking, it’s a lot of the times, at least in my experiences it’s been because of on page issues, either over optimization, which triggers Panda, again, it’s just Panda in general. Thin content, over optimization, things like that. You guys got any input on that?
Marco: Yeah. I would just tell him he is trying to do local since he talked about the map pack before.
Bradley: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Marco: Right? I’m thinking he wants, the way that you do that is entity. You do the entity. You validate it, then you push trust, and authority, and relevance up to the entity, it’s called RYS Academy, by the way. That’s how you force all of that up to the entity and over to the destination and you could actually do both. Rank in maps and organic.
IFTTT Syndicated Video As Duplicate Content
Bradley: Yeah. That’s what I would do. All right. Cool. We’re going to keep moving. Let’s see who is next Balint, sorry if I mispronounce that, he says, “Thanks for last weeks input I was rather asking about how to make both RSS and YouTube syndication to work for the same network. My idea, I upload a video, unlisted to YouTube, I have it transcribed to make a post to my main site with the additional content, the video is embedded and the title is different. That post with transcription gets syndicated via RSS trigger. I make the video public a bit later on, because it’s public now the sole video gets syndicated via YouTube upload trigger, too. Maybe not to the main blog, though. Would that work, or still count as duplicate spam?” No. That would work, Balint. That’s absolutely fine.
I’ve said that in previous Hump Day Hangouts, that question has come up several times, Balint, so you’re not the first to ask it. It’s okay to post both the video to your channel and to your blog, and have them both syndicate to the same network, that’s absolutely fine. Where the problem occurs is when people have both their YouTube channel triggering their network and their blog, and they upload the video, which syndicates to their network, and then they just take the video and go embed it in a post on their blog with the same title, and usually not much different in the video description, either, and then they post that, because here’s the problem it won’t hurt your money site, your blog, and it won’t hurt your YouTube channel.
Where it can cause problems is on the network itself, the syndication network, because now you’ve got two posts that look nearly identical to your network properties, because it’s the same title, which ends up being the same title, and then you have the same video, so especially for Blogger, Tumblr, and WordPress where there’s embeds, because that’s basically, it’s going to look like the same post, basically, other than perhaps maybe some slight differences in text in the description area. But, if you’re going to change the title and usually make the title more like blog specific, right, because usually blog post, guys, are going to have more, you know, longer conversational, natural speech pattern type titles than a YouTube video, because YouTube videos are going to usually be synced keyword different type titles. Right, guys?
But, blog titles are generally going to be more like natural speech patterns. Right? So, if you’re going to take your video and also post it to your blog and have both syndicating to the same network, then it’s absolutely fine to do so if you’re going to make a different title, and if you’re going to have that video transcribed, you’re going to have a much longer description, so it’s not going to look like duplicate content on the web two properties. If that makes sense. That’s absolutely perfectly fine, Balint. I’m sorry if I misunderstood your question last week.
SEO Battle Plan For Rebranding
Roy says, “Got the Battle Plan reviewed it, question, just got a dental client and had to rebrand his practice, dissolved partnership,” okay, “So, the main practice name has changed to a new name, he then purchased another practice in a different city, I rebranded his practice website as ABC Dental Group with the two city locations. Do I just create one Google Plus page for the group.com, or different for each location?” No. You create a different Google page for each location, Roy. Well, I mean, let me rephrase that. If you’re creating a Google brand page, then you can have one brand page and reference both locations, but I understand that if you’re talking about, I’m sure you’re talking about Google My Business, a locations page. In which case you want a different page for each location. Okay?
There are brand pages and there are locations pages, and actually locations pages are no longer Google Plus pages at all, they’re maps pages. They’re not even part of Google Plus, anymore. Does that make sense? If you go in your Google My Business dashboard you access your maps data through maps, and your Google Plus page, which is now just a brand page, there is no local version of the brand page anymore that I’m aware of, anyways, because you edit your details on maps. Okay? Anyways, there might still be a locations Google Plus page, but I don’t know what the use of it is for, I don’t how it’s valuable at all anymore, to be honest with you, everything is now being, for the local part of it, it’s all being handled through maps. Okay? So, for that, yeah, go ahead and create a different locations page for each.
“Do I need to modify the Battle Plan for the purchase practice since it already has G-Plus established? I’m a bit confused on how to apply the Battle Plan to the situation.” I’m not sure I understand what you mean, the purchase practice since it already has a G-Plus established, I mean, if it’s already got a locations page, you’re going to have to rebrand all that stuff. Right? I mean, I think that’s what you’re saying, you said, he rebranded his practice with the two locations, Roy, I’m not really following all of the parts of this question, but if you the other business that he purchased had a Google My Business page, already, and now he purchased it, if he’s rebranding everything, what I would recommend, especially if that other business was established and had any sort of decent rankings in Google and/or maps. Right? If it was ranking.
You’re going to have to rebrand it, if it’s rebranded, I’m assuming it’s going to have to be rebranded, in which case what you’d want to do is don’t, I wouldn’t set up a new listing, because it’s going to have the same address unless the phone number changed, the name and the phone number, and the website, like if all of those data points change, then yes I would set up a new business. I would close, say that the other business was permanently closed then create a new listing, but you’d have to make sure that the only thing that was the same out of all the data points between name, address, phone number, and URL is the address. Right?
You’d have to have the different brand name, different phone number, different URL. Then, you could mark that other place as closed and start a new GMB page, which is what I would do if those other conditions were met. However, if the phone number, the physical location, and perhaps the web address, and/or the brand name or whatever are the same, if you don’t have all those unique properties within those four data points, there, then you’re going to have to do a citation cleanup, which would be going out and basically correcting all of the old citations to list the new data for the business. Does that make sense? That’s a pain in the ass, but that’s what you’re going to have to do.
I recommend, highly, that you go, if you guys can get the link ready, it’s http://ift.tt/2bbLT53, that’s L-O-G-A-N-I-X. That is a citation clean up service there that can handle that for you, well, provided that it’s in the US, they may do it in other areas, but I don’t know. Loganix citation cleanup service in the US is really, really good. You get about a 70% success rate, and they’re very, very thorough. That’s what I would recommend doing. Like I said, if you’re going to rebrand it and you get a new URL, and you’re going to change the phone number then I would set up a new listing all together, because that’s going to be a lot less of a headache than trying to fix old citations, that’s just a real pain in the ass, and that’s why I just outsource that all the time. All right. We’re going to keep moving.
Hernan: Sorry, Bradley, but it’s on the events page, http://ift.tt/2bbLT53.
Generating Quality Leads From Google Adwords Campaigns
Bradley: Okay. If you want to followup, Roy, with us in one of our groups Facebook or something with some more detail, like where it can be explained a little bit further we might be able to help you out a little bit better. I feel like I wasn’t able to answer that question, properly, because I don’t have all the details. Mark’s next, he says, “Hi, guys. Hope all is well. My question is about your Local Kingpin product, I’m starting to get somewhere now with SEO, but it does take forever, and that’s okay, I accept that’s how SEO goes and just get on with it, but I like the idea of starting with AdWords and then adding SEO lead gen later. I’m not asking for AdWords advice that’s what the training is for, and I’ve bought your products before, so I know it will be legit. My question is how did, or how is it going? Are you able to generate enough quality leads for your client? I work with contractors, if that helps, not looking for specific advice, just your opinion on how well AdWords works.” I’m crossinated with AdWords, guys, I mean, yeah, my profit is a lot smaller on my AdWords leads because I pay for the clicks and everything, but they’re so much easier to set up, and I can, I mean, that’s what Local Kingpin is about, Mark, is about setting up like literally you can set up a lead gen funnel and have traffic, and be receiving leads within 48 hours.
I mean, you could do it within a day, but I say within 48 hours because it usually takes me two days to set up a lead gen asset. Well, it used to take me two days, when I was new, but now I’ve got a lot of stuff, templatized, like I’ve got Click Funnels, funnels that are already all set up. They’re generic funnels. I can just clone the funnel and then go in and swap out details, and I’ve got working procedure’s setup for a lot of stuff, now, so I have check lists that I can go through. That kind of stuff that makes it just really simple for me to set up a funnel, a lead gen asset, and turn on ads, and it’s like literally within a few hours of you submitting your first ad you can start generating traffic.
The main thing, Mark, if you go through Local Kingpin, which I highly recommend, especially for contractors, because that’s my market, is contractors. I mean, I love being able to generate leads with AdWords, now. I don’t know why I was so scared of AdWords for so long, but now I absolutely love it, because the speed in which I can generate, and here’s the thing, what I love about setting up AdWords funnels, guys, is I can determine right off the bat, right away, where my money keywords are. The 80/20 rule 100% applies to AdWords, and there’s a book by Perry Marshall called, The 80/20 Sales and Marketing. Go get the damn book. By it on Kindle, whatever. Pick it up, read it, because it is absolutely 100% correct when it comes to AdWords, especially for the local lead gen funnels. 80% of your traffic is going to come from 20% of your keywords. That’s it. All this shit that we do in SEO, where we scrap hundreds of keywords, and we build silos, and we have to do all this content, and we have to properly silo the content, we got to do all this internal linking, all that’s great it can pay off there’s no doubt, but so many of those keywords, or long tail and stuff like that where you’re going to get very little to no traffic from them.
Now, cumulatively they all build to make your site stronger and more relevant, which will generate more traffic, so there’s certainly a reason to do all that, but my point is we go through harvesting these great big keyword lists and all that stuff, and with AdWords, especially the way that I show how to do it using alpha beta campaign structure you can literally go in, do your keyword research in about a half an hour.
The main point for that is generating, or building a negative keyword list, because you ought to already know what your main money keywords are for the project that you’re working on. Really the keyword research is about building a negative keyword list, but then you plug in your money keywords, you add your negative keyword lists, use modified broad match, and then you let AdWords tell you where your money keywords are, and within a month you can identify your top keywords where 80% of your traffic is going to come from, and I guarantee you it will be 20% of your keywords.
Then, those are the keywords that you focus your SEO efforts on. As I mentioned, I think in the Local Kingpin training, I’m not starting any SEO projects from scratch anymore. I’m not starting new projects with SEO as my main promotional type, anymore. I’m not doing it, unless it’s YouTube spam, because I’m just not going to do it. From now on, I’m doing AdWords first to prove my keywords and prove that it’s converting and that kind of stuff, and then I’ll invest my time and effort into SEO for the keywords that I’ve identified as my winners.
Hernan: Yeah.
Bradley: Does that make sense?
Hernan: Yeah. I really like that approach, Bradley. The fact that you’re getting speed, that you’re getting, I mean, each rating on a project and you’re failing fast.
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: You’re finding out, you’re weeding out the keywords that are not going to work, that they’re not going to convert, and then you’re focusing on the keywords that are, and I think that’s really the key when it comes to paid advertising, is that you get data so much faster that your business can grow a lot more, because if you have to be waiting six months to get data on your business, it’s money, time is money.
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: If you’re doing SEO and waiting all of that time, then you’re spending all of that money that you could be earning, because you’re failing fast on your project. Once you have that, once you have the process in place you can still do SEO and you know that it’s going to pickup three to six months down the road, maybe a year down the road and you still do SEO, so that when that hits, or when you’re getting a decent amount of organic traffic, you know that the funnel is converting.
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: There’s basically no top to how much you can scale, it all depends on the market that you’re in. The market will tell you how much you can scale, or sell a product, or sell a service, whatever that is, but that’s basically why I like paid advertising combined with SEO, because again you don’t want to put all of your eggs in one basket.
Bradley: That’s correct.
Hernan: Like, one way or the other.
Bradley: Yeah. Here’s the thing, guys, think about this, you could spend months working on a project, and find out for SEO I mean, you could spend months working on trying to build the SEO for a project, set of keywords, whatever, and find out that it’s just not profitable. It’s not working. Now, you’ve spent months of effort and time on it, and probably money, as well. With AdWords you can prove it very, very quickly, whether it’s going to be profitable or not. If you can make it profitable when you’re paying for the clicks, then it will be profitable for SEO, there’s no doubt, because you won’t be paying, I mean, you do pay for those clicks with time and effort, and somewhat money, too. You know what I mean? It’s indirect. You’re paying indirectly, not directly for clicks.
Again, that’s number one. Number two, the other part of that, Mark, is why I love AdWords for local lead gen now is because if you do register a mailbox and it can be a PO box, it doesn’t even have to be verified, guys. You can register local addresses and set up AdWords campaigns and use the location’s extension. Are you hearing this? You don’t even have to have a verified address and it will still show the location’s extension in your ad and it will also, if you’ve got your ads set up properly and you’re at the top of the search, or the top of the ads pack, which as to do with quality score, you’ll end up in the maps, an ad in the first maps position. Not necessarily in the three pack.
On mobile devices, if you have call only ads set up you can show up in the three pack on mobile devices, but on desktop, I haven’t seen, I haven’t been able to get any of my ads to show up in the three pack on desktop, but I have been able to get almost virtually all of my ads to show up in the first position in maps, so when somebody clicks on the more results, it will show my ad at the very top of the results when that page expands. If that makes sense.
That’s the thing, and again with location extensions you don’t even need to verify the address. I know that, because one of the lead gen funnels I set up for Local Kingpin, Google was not sending me the verification postcard, so I went ahead and said, screw it, I’m going to continue with the project and I went ahead and added the location’s extension and you have to link it to your Google My Business profile, and then select whatever page, and I linked that page to it and I thought well, let’s just check it and see if it works, and damn if it didn’t show my maps extension in the ad, even though it was an unverified address, which is awesome. Right? I just wanted to give you guys that little nugget. Local Kingpin, guys, is a great, great course if you’re doing lead gen and you’re not using AdWords, you’re crazy, in my opinion. Okay.
Battle Plan Versus RYS Academy, Syndication Academy & Other Semantic Mastery Products
All right. Herovic, he says, “Hi. I have a question regarding the Battle Plan, how is it different than the IFTTT Academy, RYS, or the Mastermind? Does it add something new, or is it a blueprint that incorporates all of them? Thank you.” Well, a $20.00 PDF certainly cannot incorporate IFTTT, RYS, and the Mastermind. It would be nice if it could, but it would be an awfully big PDF if we did.
Hernan: Yeah. [inaudible 00:41:58] depth of Semantic Mastery and the three years-
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: In Mastermind. I know all of the nuggets that are RYS, it’s going to be longest.
Bradley: Yeah. That would be very, Herovic, the Battle Plan is basically, the process is that we use for working on any digital assets, whether they’re established or they’re just being launched. It’s the same, it’s just the series of steps that we take for setting up the networks, and link building, and citations, and press releases, and like all of the different steps in the order that we do them. It’s the same process that we’ve used for years, now.
All we did was put it in a simple format, including links to the products and services that we use for that kind of stuff, which most of them are our own services, anyways, because we developed all of those services specifically because we use them. We only made our services available to others, because we kept getting asked for it. We had developed our services, for us, originally. Okay. That’s all it is. It’s very, very simple. It doesn’t need to be complicated. Some people wished it was more complicated, and that’s why I said, you know, I don’t know, stand on your head while you perform the tasks. I don’t know.
Marco: Can I add something more to this?
Bradley: Please, do.
Marco: Yeah. Our Battle Plan is a blueprint. A blueprint is used to build a house.
Bradley: Right.
Marco: The blueprint does not build the house for you, you have to follow the blueprint and go and build a house, using whatever tools are necessary for the construction of whatever it is that you want to make of that house according to the blueprint that you’re using. I mean, I cannot put it any clearer, or plainer than that. Get a blueprint on what you’re supposed to do and how you’re supposed to do it, not why you’re supposed to do it, and definitely it’s not going to get done for you. I hope that clarifies-
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: Everything.
Bradley: Again, it’s very simple Herovic, it’s the process that we use, and I like simple, that’s why we made it simple, because it doesn’t need to be overcomplicated. If you want to learn more about Syndication Academy, and syndication networks, you’re certainly welcome to join, RYS, as well, Mastermind is our top level coaching group, and that you’re certainly welcome to join that, as well.
Rocket Video Ranker Vs Live Rank Sniper
Next question, “How does the Rocket Video Ranker differ from Live Rank Sniper? Can we emulate its functionality and do it manually? What’s the principle behind it?” Yeah. They’re two different things. Live Rank Sniper, is really a keyword poking tool, and Peter Drew, the developer even calls it that, so it’s not like that’s a secret. It’s mainly a poking tool. You can use it to identify keywords, to test keywords with YouTube schedule of live events. You don’t even need to have a video. Right?
Live Rank Sniper doesn’t even require you to have a video, it’s just a software that automates the process of setting up YouTube scheduled live events, because of their indexable schedule with live events, they will index without even a video, they’re just place holders in the index, and then once you have identified keywords you can, if you want, stream directly to those scheduled live events through Live Rank Sniper. It’s a manual process, and it takes time. I say, manual, it’s semi automated in that you only have to click the mouse a couple times for it to start doing its thing, but then you have to wait for the software to run to stream the video, and it will end and then you have to stream, you know, click the mouse a few times to go stream to the next scheduled live event that’s ranking. I don’t recommend it for that. I recommend using it specifically for identifying keywords, using it as a poking tool. Okay? If you want a tool that works seamlessly with Live Rank Sniper I would say Hangout Millionaire, which is Peter Drew’s upgrade, like that’s his top level, well, it’s currently his top level SEO video marketing software, but he’s coming out, well, I’m not going to say anything else. That’s a great tool, as well, though, it works really good with Live Rank Sniper.
Rocket Video Ranker is a different animal all together. Rocket Video Ranker is freaking fabulous. It’s a loophole as far as I’m concerned. The way that it works, but basically you upload, you just do uploads with Rocket Video Ranker, but it automates uploading multiple videos at one time very, very quickly in a very unique fashion. The way that it works, it’s very unique, I don’t know how long it’s going to last, or even why it works the way that it does, but it works really, really well, right now. I know, because I used a shit ton, I used a lot of it. I used it a lot, excuse me, over the last two weeks, and the case study, by the way, just so you know, the case study in here, look, this is it, guys, I mean, I’ve got 11, there’s got to be two and a half hours worth of content in this case study, alone. Exactly how I use it, and it’s great because you can set up digital assets.
YouTube channels, you can turn YouTube channels into digital assets very quickly using this, and I even talk about it in the strategy session here, in what’s the very last video here, it’s called, What’s Next, I talk very specifically about a strategy that you can hire virtual assistants to run the software for you, and literally create dozens and dozens of these digital assets, YouTube channel assets, and you can monetize them, and there’s multiple ways to do that, as well, and I talk about that in the case study. Hopefully, that makes some sense. Herovic, if you don’t have either one of them go buy the PDF, the Battle Plan and you should have access to this bonus study, excuse me, this bonus membership site and if you do, then just go through watch the first couple videos of each one of the case studies, and you make the decision as to what is best for your business. Okay? They’re available for you to watch, so that you can make that decision.
Changes To The iFrame Tag
All right. I only got about eight minutes left, so let’s roll through these next few. Ivan, says, “Hey, guys. I embedded a Google My Maps in an article on my website and I shared it to my tier one network. If I had something in the iframe will it syndicate automatically on the network, or do I have to resubmit my article via my RSS feed?” Yeah. No. Well, wait a minute. Yeah. If you’re updating the iframe, it should update everywhere, because it’s the same iframe. Am I correct, Marco, or no?
Marco: That’s correct. The iframe will show whatever is in the source.
Bradley: Okay.
Marco: But, hang on, if he’s changing the iframe that it’s structured in the website, it’s not going to update everywhere else.
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: But, I think, well, Ivan, if you’re listening, maybe you can comment, but I think that what he’s saying is if he adds something, well, yeah, I know, if he adds something to the code that’s not going to resyndicate, but if you change what’s within the iframe-
Bradley: Right.
Hernan: Then it could, like if you change something within the Google My Maps, you know, like if you add another marker for example, that will automatically show everywhere, but if you add, I don’t know, whatever, a piece of code to that iframe, that’s not going to resyndicate. Am I correct? Am I right?
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: That’s correct. You would-
Bradley: [crosstalk 00:49:18] past the closing iframe tag, then that’s not going to update across the properties. Right?
Hernan: Right.
Bradley: Right. If that’s what you mean, Ivan, if you’re trying to add stuff like beyond the closing iframe tag, then no. You’d have to issue a new, or publish a new post. Here’s the thing guys, you cannot publish a post and have it syndicate to your network, and then go back and edit the post on your money site, and then expect it to edit all the posts that it was syndicated to, as well. It doesn’t work like that. You’d have to go delete the original post and then basically republish the post as a new post in order for it to trigger the RSS feed to syndicate, as a new post. Right? There is a plugin that you can use in WordPress, it’s called, Republish Old Posts, funny enough. Right?
Republish Old Posts, and I’ll say WP, or WordPress, that’s it right there. This plugin right here, you can use this plugin to republish old posts, it will reinsert them into your RSS feed, which will trigger a new syndication, you can do something like that if you wanted. But, yeah, if you’re changing something within the iframe, it’s going to update everywhere that the iframe was syndicated to, if you’re changing something outside of the closing iframe tag, then no, you’d have to force the syndication all over again. Okay? He says, “By the way, my comment on Semantic Mastery sales page, wow, I was surprised it’s like having a page one, position one on Google.” That’s awesome. Thanks, Ivan.
Using Proxies For IFTTT Properties
David says, “When creating a branded network, is it necessary to use proxies for any account work, once a network is in place. How much lift does using stacks of interlinked Google properties add?” First of all, is it necessary to use proxies for any account work? No. It’s not necessary. I recommend if you’re building a ton of networks that you have at least five dedicated proxies, any ways, that you can cycle through. I recommend, and this is covered in the training, David, but I recommend never trying to create more than two accounts with the same IP within 24 hours. Okay? Again, you can do it with your own IP, it’s fine you don’t need any proxies at all, as long as you’re not, and when I say, I mean, don’t try creating two accounts on the same account platform.
In other words, don’t try to create more than two Tumblrs, for example, or two Gmail addresses within 24 hours from the same IP. It will flag your IP and trust me, it will cause problems. If you’re going to be doing a lot of building, which again I don’t recommend you do, you should outsource that or just go to SERP Space and buy networks, but if you’re going to be doing a lot of that kind of stuff, then I recommend that you have at least five proxies, dedicated proxies, you want them to be clean. Dedicated means you are only using them, don’t get shared proxies. I also, highly recommend if you are going to be building a lot of networks that you use Browseo. Seriously. I mean, I got it opened, right here. I mean, it’s crazy, I got all these Browseo, I got this open all the time now, guys, it’s insane, because it’s a great, great tool. Okay?
“Once a network is in place, how much lift does using stacks of interlink Google properties add?” It depends, David. It depends if the Google stacks are created properly. It depends on how they’re done. It depends on which keywords, there’s just so many variables there, if they’re done correctly you can expect a substantial increase in rank. Okay? But, if you don’t do it correctly then, you know, I cannot speak, it might not help at all, in fact it might even cause problems. I don’t know. It just depends if they’re done right, or not.
Marco: It also depends on how much risk he’s willing to take, as far as, hammering the drive stack properties.
Local SEO For Business Franchise In The Same City
Bradley: Yeah. Okay. Ken, says, we’re almost done, guys, we only got a couple minutes left. He says, “I’m looking for clarity on ranking for local. I have a client that is a franchise. There are four locations within seven to 10 miles of each other, so I don’t think it would be reasonable to try to rank all of them for the same keyword. Franchise name, city, state.” For the same keyword. I’m sorry guys, I was just rereading that. “Since I would be competing against myself in each location, I can just see it now the management in each location would be pissed off if I wasn’t ranking them at the top of the three pack. I do understand that there would be overlap, and so do they. The only differentiating factor to each location is different zip codes, it’s a minor overlap.” Oh, wow, so it’s the same city and everything. “[inaudible 00:53:54] don’t show any search volume for franchise name, city, state,” yeah, I mean it probably wouldn’t. Well, if it’s franchise, yeah, maybe, because it has a franchise name. Right. But, what about the keyword? Instead of franchise name. Anyways, “I don’t think, so do I go ahead and only focus on franchise city, state, zip code, for each location and big G will pick up the fact of the search’s location? How would you suggest going after this? What would you do?”
Ken, that’s a really good question. I’ve never had to experience that, so it would take me some thought, we don’t have time for me to go, I mean, I’d literally have to think about it. Is Ken in any of our, he’s not in our Mastermind is he? I don’t think he is. Ken, this would be an awesome question for us to dissect in Mastermind, I sure wish you were in there, buddy. Let me think about this one a little bit, Ken, and we can revisit it next week. Sorry, if you cannot wait until then, because otherwise join the Mastermind, because we’ve got a Mastermind tomorrow, this could be a great question to dissect, but otherwise you are going to have to wait until next week, and I’m going to make a note right now.
Marco: If I could just add that right now the main factor for a three pack, or for what appears to search is proximity, I mean, that’s without question what the main factor, I mean-
Bradley: Especially for mobile.
Marco: [crosstalk 00:55:19]. If you are mobile, yeah, and you’re talking about nearly 70% of people right now who are searching on mobile, but I was just doing something on that last week, and sharing it with someone that-
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: Proximity seems to be the overriding factor. I mean, before anything else Google will pick up proximity.
Bradley: Yeah. So, Ken, again, if you’re in Mastermind, or if you want, you should join, and I’m not saying that for any other reason other than this would be a really good question to really dig into, but otherwise, I’ve got a note, I’ll think about this a little bit, maybe consult with Marco a bit, and then we’ll have kind of a concise answer for you next week. Okay? All right. I’m just going to read Wayne’s comment, really quickly, then we’ve got to wrap it up, guys, because I’ve got to go. He says, “Word on the street is that you are sharing something tomorrow on Mastermind that will elevate our business. Is something special planned for the next Mastermind?” Why, yes. It’s this guy named Wayne Clayton, who’s going to be on tomorrow sharing some of his expertise in prospecting and dealing with clients and his process of determining how much money they have to spend, what their goals are, and all that kind of stuff.
I was super impressed with a post that he made in one of the Facebook groups, one of our Facebook groups about a particular method that he uses whenever he’s prospecting and pitching clients, or at least asking questions of the clients, of prospects, excuse me. It was really detailed and I was super impressed, so I reached out to Wayne and asked him if he’d come on and be a guest presenter for the Mastermind, to share some of his stuff, and so I’m actually really looking forward to it. In part, because we are, in Semantic Mastery, we’re really ramping up something on the side that we’re working on that’s going to be requiring a lot of prospecting work.
Maybe in the near future, there’s going to be a full on, full blown prospecting course coming out from us, because that’s something that I’m working on right now, so I’m really anxious to hear what Wayne’s got, because some of that might even get included in what will be coming out with our prospecting course, in the future. Anyways, hopefully anybody that’s not in our Mastermind, it would be a good time to join, so go to mastermind.semanticmastery.com if you want to find out more about that, otherwise, we’ll see everybody next week.
Marco: Sounds good.
Bradley: Thanks, everybody. We’ll see you all later.
Hernan: Bye guys.
Bradley: Bye.
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 128 published first on your-t1-blog-url
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sabrinasupdates · 7 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 128
Click on the video above to watch Episode 128 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://ift.tt/1NZu6N2.
Bradley: We’re live. We’re back on Hangouts, guys, because webinar wouldn’t even start for us today, anyway. Hey everybody, Bradley Benner, here. Semantic Mastery, this is the Hump Day Hangouts episode 128, today is March 19th 2017, and we’ve got Chris, Hernan and Marco on with us. Adam is off running in the woods, again.
Hernan: Yeah. No. I think he was moving.
Bradley: He was moving? Is that what we’re calling it today?
Hernan: Yeah. Let’s call it like that.
Bradley: That’s cool. Chris, what’s up man?
Chris: Doing good. Right from a snowstorm here in Vienna.
Bradley: Guys, hold on, I guess Marco and Hernan you guys can chat for a minute.
Chris: Sure.
Marco: Yeah.
Bradley: Marco?
Marco: I’m good, man. We got really bad electrical storms, my electricity keeps coming in and out. If I drop off the Google police didn’t get me, the lightening storm got me. Sorry about that.
Chris: It’s cool.
Hernan: We started to think this is some kind of conspiracy, since we launched Battle Plan.
Marco: [crosstalk 00:01:09]. I’m telling you. We’re teaching people how to rank and they don’t like, so they’re trying to do everything they can to keep us off the air.
Hernan: Yeah.
Chris: We make things too easily available out there, that’s the thing.
Bradley: All right. Hopefully everybody refreshed the page, because on the event page, because you have to refresh the page for the new video to show up.
Marco: Okay. You both said it already.
Bradley: Let me see.
Hernan: Yeah.
Bradley: Yeah. Okay. All right, guys. Let’s get into it. I guess, we got probably a couple of announcements. We can stay to the actual five o'clock mark today, because we got started a few minutes early, or late guys. Anyways, let’s get into announcements. Hernan, what do we got?
Hernan: Yeah. Real quick. One of the things if you haven’t already, we strongly suggest that you get a copy of the Semantic Mastery, the SEO Domination Battle Plan. That will launch on Monday. Right now, the prices are real for the value that you’re getting and basically the coupon ends, I think it’s going to end in two hours, if I’m not mistaken. Then it’s going to double, more than double the price.
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: Go ahead get it. I’m going to put the link on the event page, but it’s basically battleplan.semanticmastery.com. Go ahead download it, we tried to make a really concise, simple guide, step by step document that you can come back over, and over, and over again, depending if you have each sites, new sites, YouTube videos, local websites, it’s everything in there. The way we do it. The way we implement it. That’s the main idea with Battle Plan. If you’re looking for something simple, go ahead and get it. If you’re looking for something more complex, or if you want more support, et cetera, come join the Mastermind, but that’s basically the main idea of the Battle Plan.
Bradley: There’s a couple of things that I want to mention about that. Is number one we had some people say your process cannot be simple. Well, actually it is.
Marco: It is.
Bradley: You know, that’s really what we do, guys, and that’s why I continually say on these Hump Day Hangouts that I like easy. Don’t over complicate shit, guys. If you want to make it complicated, then just stand on your head while you’re doing it. I don’t know. All I’m saying is those are the exact same services that we use, the same procedures, the process in order, in the steps that we do it in. It’s not difficult. I mean, we’ve got the infrastructure behind us, which is provided, it’s available for you guys, as well to use the same services that we use. I mean, again, some people said, well, it cannot be that simple, it’s just because I think by nature we as SEO’s and marketers typically want to over complicate shit, so that’s part of it and the other thing is, and just very quickly, let me grab the screen, I want to show you something here. You guys are seeing my screen, correct?
Chris: Yeah.
Bradley: This is the bonus site, guys. I think there’s more value in the freaking bonus site then there is in the actual PDF, so I just wanted to point this out real quick. This is something that wasn’t even mentioned on the sales page, but you get access to this bonus site that has a ton of different bonus stuff in here, and the bonus webinar section alone there’s multiple webinars, here, including on of our webinars that Marco just did, recently on iframe and java script secrets that’s a pay per view webinar of a $147.00 and that’s been included, as well. We’ve got a ton of different, you know, there’s case studies in here for Live Rank Sniper, for Rocket Video Ranker Pro, the v-mail prospecting course, which is the basic course I’m probably going to be doing a full blown course for that in the next couple months. Again, I just wanted to point out for a $20.00 PDF, there’s absolutely no reason why you guys shouldn’t pick it up for the simplicity of it, number one. Number two, because you get access to a bunch of amazing bonuses. Okay.
Hernan: Yeah.
Marco: The bonuses are, that’s the reason why it’s going to $100.00 when it’s all said and done.
Bradley: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Marco: Because it’s worth way more than a 100 bucks, but I mean-
Bradley: Damn right it is.
Marco: We wanted to keep it accessible to all of our members and followers, so they could actually have a plan that they could follow to achieve their success. If you want to complicate things, I mean that’s fine as Bradley said, but it doesn’t really need to be. All you have to do is just follow the step by step process. If you want to do more, then you’re more than welcome to join Syndication Academy, you’re more than welcome to come into the Mastermind and ask us as many complex questions as you want, and we’ll answer them. You have full access to us, there. If not, just follow the training step by step. That’s all you have to do. Seriously.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: That’s it.
Bradley: I love it when somebody analysis the plan and says, oh, no, it cannot be that simple, this must not work.
Hernan: [crosstalk 00:06:05].
Hernan: Another thing that’s worth mentioning is that the bonus side that you get for free will be updated. We have a bunch of case studies that are going to be uploaded to the bonus site, so go ahead order it now, because again it’s going to 100 bucks, soon. Now, you can get it for $20.00, it’s crazy.
Bradley: Yeah.
Chris: What’s the coupon code, again?
Bradley: Missile launch.
Hernan: Yeah. It’s missile launch. Thank you, Chris. It’s missile launch, one word and it’s on the event page, again, battleplan.semantricmastery.com. That coupon is going to be available for the next two hours and then it’s going to more than double the price.
Bradley: Okay. Cool. All right. Do we have any other announcements, because if not, let’s get into it.
Marco: Let’s do it.
Bradley: All right. Cool. We’re we going to talk, we’re not talking about the next webinar, are we, yet? Marco?
Marco: No. You can just tell them what it’s going to be about.
Bradley: All right. We’re going to do another webinar in the series, Marco’s series that we’ve done three, now, and we’re about to do a fourth, which is going to be a structured data webinar, guys. We scheduled it, but I don’t know the date off hand.
Marco: It will be around April 8th.
Bradley: May. A Monday-
Marco: May.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: Sorry.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: May 8th.
Bradley: Monday. Excuse me Monday, May 8th. You’re right. I’m sorry.
Marco: Usual time. It will be then, if it changes we have plenty of time to let people know.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: I’m working on that.
Bradley: You guys will get notifications via email and stuff for registration, so I just wanted to let you guys know that, that’s coming, as well. Okay. All right. Cool. I’m going to grab the screen and we’re going to get into questions. It feels weird to be back in Hangouts, man. It feels kind of like home.
Hernan: Yeah.
Bradley: You know?
Chris: It’s actually working.
Bradley: It’s working, too.
Chris: Right.
Private Home Address For A Lead Gen Site’s Google My Business Page
Bradley: Unlike WebinarJam, for some reason. All right. Ala, I’m sorry if I’m mispronouncing your name, forgive me, he says, “Hi, everyone. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to be part of the Hangout, I’m quite new to SEO and I have a question, which might sound very basic. My question is, can I use a private home address for local lead gen?” I believe we answered this question last week or the week before, but it seems like I remember this question. Yes. Of course, you can use your private home address for lead gen. Well, I don’t recommend doing it for fake businesses, or [inaudible 00:08:29] business. What I mean by, guys, obviously, I set up generic businesses, right, generic lead gen funnels, landing pages, whatever you want to call them. Assets. But, I don’t register all of them with my home address, and I wouldn’t recommend that you do that either.
Go get a PO Box. If you’re in the United States, go get a PO Box. I know some people say that’s not working, or isn’t going to work anymore. I covered this in a Facebook live post, recently, but I’m still able to get them to work. What happens is where the problem occurs is if you try to register multiple businesses, so Google My Business pages underneath the same account using multiple PO Boxes. I’ve had that happen to me a couple times in the last few months where I’ve, in the last six months, where I’ve had, I’ve tried to register two different PO Boxes within the same Google My Business owner account, profile, essentially, and I’ve gotten it flagged and I had to reverify.
In one case, I just abandoned it all together, and re-registered a new business under another profile, because it there was no way for me to verify it. I basically lost that one, but it’s not a big deal, it happens, guys. The way the work arounds so far to this point has been just to register one Google My Business profile per, or excuse me, My Business Account per profile, so that you essentially have a different account owner for each one. That’s the way I’ve been able to get around it, again, they may crack down on that at some point in the very near future, maybe so, but until then I’m going to continue exploiting it. That’s what I recommend you do.
You can also hire, rent virtual mailboxes from other places other than the PO box, but those are the cheapest and so far they are still working for me. Okay? Again, I do not recommend that you register a bunch of businesses to your home address, I mean, you can, but I wouldn’t do it. All right? The other thing is you don’t want to share the same address for multiple businesses. Guys, that’s part of the reason I like to use PO boxes, because they’re cheap enough, where even if I’ve got 10 businesses in the same, like I got 10 different lead gen funnels, let’s say 10 different industries and it’s in the same damn city, I can have 10 different PO boxes, because the deal is the address is going to be street address of the PO office and then you’re going to get a box number.
It’s going to be 123 Main Street number 101. Maybe next time you will get number 208, or whatever. My point is each one of those are each considered a unique address because of the box number, makes it unique. Does that make sense? I mean you could probably do it with your own home address, like if your home address was 123 Maple Street, and you did 123 Maple Street, or 123-A, and 123-B, 123-C you could probably get away with that, but I certainly wouldn’t recommend it. Again, it’s cheap enough to where you can just buy additional boxes and I like to do that.
People have asked me before, do you continue to rent the PO box after you’ve received the PO box, or excuse me, the verification card? Yes. I do. I pay for everyone of those. I’ve got PO boxes that I’ve been paying for, for years, guys, I renew them every year, it’s only happened to me twice in my entire digital marketing career that I’ve had to reverify via postcard, a business listing, it’s only happened twice in six or seven years, now.
However, when it happens, if it happens I have the ability to retrieve the postcard, because I renew the boxes every year and it’s a nominal fee, guys. In the less populated areas I can get a PO box for a year for about 60 bucks, or $64.00 something like that. So, $64.00 per year, roughly. Okay? For the more populated areas it cost me $128.00 a year. It’s so inexpensive, it’s such a small cost of doing business that I just pay for it. Okay?
One Address For Multiple GMB Pages In Denmark
Okay. Anyways. “Can I use the very same address for multiple, different businesses in the same area, or city. Note, I live in Denmark. Thank you for your help.” I guess I should answer that, I don’t know about Denmark, I cannot speak for anything in any foreign country, guys. All I can talk about specifically for local is within the United State, but I’m quite sure that if I can get away with doing what I’m doing in the US you could probably get away with it in Denmark. You probably would get away with a hell of a lot more in Denmark, I’m sure. In which case you might, you could possibly use one address and then just put that unique identifier like dash A, dash B, dash C, you could probably get away with that in Denmark, again, I don’t know. I don’t have any experience in that market, but in the US it’s a little bit stricter, typically, and that’s why I just use unique address for each location, like in other words a unique, it gets a unique box number, which makes it unique. Okay? All right. Cool.
Hump Day Hangouts For Semantic Mastery Students On Amazon, Rank & Rent, Etc.
Toby [inaudible 00:13:18], he says, “Can you do a Hump Day Hangouts with your students who are killing it Rank to Rant, or Amazon, Shopify, PayPerCall et cetera, or PayPerCall, et cetera?” I asked him this question yesterday, I guess, because I was trying to clarify, he said, yeah, by the way if you’re watching Toby, what’s up, he says, yes. “Should we bring on guest presenters?” We do that in the Mastermind, Toby. We bring guest presenters on in the Mastermind. We had Clint Butler on two weeks ago, which was awesome, because he did training on PageSpeed, which was awesome, because some of our Mastermind members implemented what he trained for that session and were able to reduce the page load times to under a second. I think it was like three quarters of a second, which was awesome.
Anyways, tomorrow we’ve got our very own Wayne Clayton, he’s been one of our most engaged Mastermind members, and he’s had phenomenal success, and he’s coming on tomorrow to be a guest presenter, to talk about prospecting and his unique approach to prospecting and landing clients. He’s had a lot of experience in the media industry, so he’s got a unique approach that a lot of us in the digital marketing industry haven’t seen or heard. I’m actually really looking forward to having him to come on tomorrow to give his presentation and answer questions about his prospecting methods. Again, Toby, we do that kind of stuff in the Mastermind. Hump Day Hangouts is really supposed to be a forum for Q and A. Okay? It doesn’t mean that we cannot setup a separate webinar for that, sometime, but we’d have to figure out a good angle for it.
Marco: Yeah. Then, we’d also have to be careful about giving away the niche, or any of that information, because actually I had someone do that in the RYS Facebook group and when he posted the URL, directly after that, a couple of days later, he got hit with a ton of spam, so we know that it was someone from our own RYS Academy that went and did that. I don’t know why they would do that to someone who is trying to help and show how he’s doing it, but it’s one of the reasons why we try to protect it, and keep it inside the Mastermind where we know most of the people are trustworthy.
Bradley: Yeah. I totally agree. That’s why that’s in part why we do stuff like that on the Mastermind, guys, because it’s a very, very tight group, like an intimate group, so it makes it a lot easier. It doesn’t mean that there’s not people there that can be malicious, as well, because there certainly can be, but it’s less likely.
Anchor Text Variation In Link Building
Okay. Doctor Brain McKay, he says, “When building links is it better to use one, and only one variation? For example, dub, dub, dub, or just HTTP, or just a domain.com. I have heard varying advice where you would use all and someone else saying use one every time you build a link.” You know, honestly, I’ve used variations, if I were to be using spam tools, which I don’t anymore, at all. I don’t ever run them, myself, but I would always use variations.
Here’s a good example, Brian, in the recent weeks I’ve done several case studies for different YouTube tools, they’re all in the bonus site that I just showcased a minute ago. One of them being Live Rank Sniper and the other one being Rocket Video Ranker Pro, and there has been some spinning and all that for the video descriptions and that kind of stuff, which is pretty typical for any sort of spam work, and those are in my opinion they’re both spam tools, they can be used to not spam, but the way that I used them was very intentionally to spam, and because of that I just started doing a lot of spinning and stuff like that again in the last few weeks, which I had gotten away from for a while.
When I create the links that go in the video description to where I want to direct people to, I like to use all the different variations as you just laid out here. HTTP, if there’s HTTPS as well, if the SSL protocol is available then I’ll go ahead and add that one in, as well. I’ll use the trailing slash with and without the trailing slash, I’ll use dub, dub, dub and non dub, dub, so I use all variation of them so that it adds variety and diversity to the video description. In other words, if we’ve got 15 videos in the same channel, I want the URL, the call to action URL to be a variation all the time, if possible. Just because it gives more diversity to the thing. Now, as far as the SEO purposes, since they all resolve to the same location, I don’t think it makes much difference, but I’d like to hear Marco and Hernan’s input on this, please.
Marco: It’s just acrotex variation, that’s why you do that. The destinations is usually all the same, but also you want to keep that, you might, people don’t all link the same way. They-
Bradley: That’s right.
Marco: If you go throughout the web, like you get 100 people they’re all going to link to a website a different way. Some will use a dub, dub, dub. I particularly don’t anymore, because I know it will resolve to the dub, dub, dub anyway.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: I use them all simply because that’s what people do on the web. It makes absolutely no sense, and whoever is advising only one variation is actually misguided.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: Because that’s not the way that people type.
Bradley: Now, the only time that I would recommend always using the exact same URL format is when you’re citing an NAP, name, address, phone number, so any time you’re going to create, or reference, or list an NAP somewhere within content, or link building, or something like that I would always recommend using the same type of URL. Just because it’s an NAP, you want data consistency as much as possible.
Marco: And, the URL should be whatever shows-
Bradley: Shows in Google My Business.
Marco: Yeah. To link to the website, where they say website, and you click on it, that’s the version that you should use in that one particular case.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: Yeah.
Hernan: Yeah. This case, I totally agree with Marco. That’s why we keep saying that you need to validate the entity on one of the main, you know, when your website is popular, or you’re trying it to appear to be popular, you need to emulate as much as possible human behavior that’s why you need to do things differently from time to time. I mean, different URLs people will mention your website differently, maybe they will spell it wrong. As long as the link is the link, you know, we had, I think we had Gary, Doctor Gary, came to a Mastermind and he showed how you can get links from really powerful websites just because they’re misspelled. You know?
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: As long as the URL is pointing correctly to your website, the anchor text could be misspelled, you know, it can be Semantic Mastery or something else, or Semantic Master as long as the hyperlink is pointing to semanticmastery.com. You know? Yeah. Vary it a little bit, that would be my intake on it.
Three Pack Map In Organic Ranking
Bradley: Very good. Okay. Ala, is up again, he says, “Hi. When the first three to four sites on the Google organic search are not the same ones as in Google three pack,” so the maps pack, “does that mean that it’s easy to rank in the three pack map, or the first page of the organic search for that specific niche? Thanks for the help.” It doesn’t meant that it’s going to be easy to rank in the map, it’s just means that the maps listings aren’t, the ones that are ranked in maps they’re on page for their sit isn’t as good, is not good enough to be on the first page.
In other words, and it doesn’t have to be just be the on page, it could be the combination of on page, or on page and off page, but typically the organic results, it’s a different algorithm. There’s a lot of overlap between the local algorithm and the organic algorithm, now, it’s a lot more closely related now than it used to be. That was particularly where a lot of that marriage occurred was the Pigeon update, if you guys remember that. That was, shit, that was probably two years ago, now. Amazing how time flies. There is some overlap there, but for example Ala, I don’t ever, I don’t care at all about organic rankings anymore for lead gen, or for local stuff, when I have a physical location available, even if that means I have to black half the physical location using a PO box. Right?
I don’t care about organic anymore at all for lead gen and local stuff, only because I know from all my lead gen assets is that my call volume drops for stuff that was organic only. My call volume dropped 60%, because of the new SERP layout. Right? When I say new, it’s not new anymore, but the SERP layout as it stands today, which is four ads, typically four ads and a maps pack, so you end up going past seven freaking listings before you ever get to the first organic. I can tell you right now, the reason why I’m telling you this is because I have multiple lead gen sites all over the place that are ranked in maps, but they might be on page two or page three in organic. I don’t care.
It doesn’t bother me, because the phone calls are coming from the maps pack, or from AdsWords, excuse me AdWords. I’m either getting calls from my ads, or I’m getting calls from the maps pack. I don’t get calls from organic, very, very rarely do I get calls from organic when a map is displayed for a search query. Right? Most search queries are going to display. Now, I will still target organic for lead gen and local, like if I’m doing video campaigns, for example, because you cannot get a video, well, I say you cannot, it’s unlikely to get a video above the maps pack, anymore, for a local term. Okay?
I still will do spamming with YouTube and stuff like that for organic rankings, but when it comes to websites, and stuff, I personally don’t care if there’s a maps pack that shows for the search query, then I’m going to try to rank in the maps pack, not the organic. Okay? Typically, when there’s a difference between what’s showing in maps, and what’s showing in organic it’s because the site that’s ranking in maps, but not in organic is speaking, or it’s more congruent with what the map’s algorithm was.
If that makes sense. But maybe not as much for the organic. Like I said, it could be a, I found that’s often times more an on page issue, than an off page issue, but it could be both. I’m just saying personally when I’ve been able to identify issues where I’m not ranking as good organically as I should be based upon my maps ranking, it’s a lot of the times, at least in my experiences it’s been because of on page issues, either over optimization, which triggers Panda, again, it’s just Panda in general. Thin content, over optimization, things like that. You guys got any input on that?
Marco: Yeah. I would just tell him he is trying to do local since he talked about the map pack before.
Bradley: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Marco: Right? I’m thinking he wants, the way that you do that is entity. You do the entity. You validate it, then you push trust, and authority, and relevance up to the entity, it’s called RYS Academy, by the way. That’s how you force all of that up to the entity and over to the destination and you could actually do both. Rank in maps and organic.
IFTTT Syndicated Video As Duplicate Content
Bradley: Yeah. That’s what I would do. All right. Cool. We’re going to keep moving. Let’s see who is next Balint, sorry if I mispronounce that, he says, “Thanks for last weeks input I was rather asking about how to make both RSS and YouTube syndication to work for the same network. My idea, I upload a video, unlisted to YouTube, I have it transcribed to make a post to my main site with the additional content, the video is embedded and the title is different. That post with transcription gets syndicated via RSS trigger. I make the video public a bit later on, because it’s public now the sole video gets syndicated via YouTube upload trigger, too. Maybe not to the main blog, though. Would that work, or still count as duplicate spam?” No. That would work, Balint. That’s absolutely fine.
I’ve said that in previous Hump Day Hangouts, that question has come up several times, Balint, so you’re not the first to ask it. It’s okay to post both the video to your channel and to your blog, and have them both syndicate to the same network, that’s absolutely fine. Where the problem occurs is when people have both their YouTube channel triggering their network and their blog, and they upload the video, which syndicates to their network, and then they just take the video and go embed it in a post on their blog with the same title, and usually not much different in the video description, either, and then they post that, because here’s the problem it won’t hurt your money site, your blog, and it won’t hurt your YouTube channel.
Where it can cause problems is on the network itself, the syndication network, because now you’ve got two posts that look nearly identical to your network properties, because it’s the same title, which ends up being the same title, and then you have the same video, so especially for Blogger, Tumblr, and WordPress where there’s embeds, because that’s basically, it’s going to look like the same post, basically, other than perhaps maybe some slight differences in text in the description area. But, if you’re going to change the title and usually make the title more like blog specific, right, because usually blog post, guys, are going to have more, you know, longer conversational, natural speech pattern type titles than a YouTube video, because YouTube videos are going to usually be synced keyword different type titles. Right, guys?
But, blog titles are generally going to be more like natural speech patterns. Right? So, if you’re going to take your video and also post it to your blog and have both syndicating to the same network, then it’s absolutely fine to do so if you’re going to make a different title, and if you’re going to have that video transcribed, you’re going to have a much longer description, so it’s not going to look like duplicate content on the web two properties. If that makes sense. That’s absolutely perfectly fine, Balint. I’m sorry if I misunderstood your question last week.
SEO Battle Plan For Rebranding
Roy says, “Got the Battle Plan reviewed it, question, just got a dental client and had to rebrand his practice, dissolved partnership,” okay, “So, the main practice name has changed to a new name, he then purchased another practice in a different city, I rebranded his practice website as ABC Dental Group with the two city locations. Do I just create one Google Plus page for the group.com, or different for each location?” No. You create a different Google page for each location, Roy. Well, I mean, let me rephrase that. If you’re creating a Google brand page, then you can have one brand page and reference both locations, but I understand that if you’re talking about, I’m sure you’re talking about Google My Business, a locations page. In which case you want a different page for each location. Okay?
There are brand pages and there are locations pages, and actually locations pages are no longer Google Plus pages at all, they’re maps pages. They’re not even part of Google Plus, anymore. Does that make sense? If you go in your Google My Business dashboard you access your maps data through maps, and your Google Plus page, which is now just a brand page, there is no local version of the brand page anymore that I’m aware of, anyways, because you edit your details on maps. Okay? Anyways, there might still be a locations Google Plus page, but I don’t know what the use of it is for, I don’t how it’s valuable at all anymore, to be honest with you, everything is now being, for the local part of it, it’s all being handled through maps. Okay? So, for that, yeah, go ahead and create a different locations page for each.
“Do I need to modify the Battle Plan for the purchase practice since it already has G-Plus established? I’m a bit confused on how to apply the Battle Plan to the situation.” I’m not sure I understand what you mean, the purchase practice since it already has a G-Plus established, I mean, if it’s already got a locations page, you’re going to have to rebrand all that stuff. Right? I mean, I think that’s what you’re saying, you said, he rebranded his practice with the two locations, Roy, I’m not really following all of the parts of this question, but if you the other business that he purchased had a Google My Business page, already, and now he purchased it, if he’s rebranding everything, what I would recommend, especially if that other business was established and had any sort of decent rankings in Google and/or maps. Right? If it was ranking.
You’re going to have to rebrand it, if it’s rebranded, I’m assuming it’s going to have to be rebranded, in which case what you’d want to do is don’t, I wouldn’t set up a new listing, because it’s going to have the same address unless the phone number changed, the name and the phone number, and the website, like if all of those data points change, then yes I would set up a new business. I would close, say that the other business was permanently closed then create a new listing, but you’d have to make sure that the only thing that was the same out of all the data points between name, address, phone number, and URL is the address. Right?
You’d have to have the different brand name, different phone number, different URL. Then, you could mark that other place as closed and start a new GMB page, which is what I would do if those other conditions were met. However, if the phone number, the physical location, and perhaps the web address, and/or the brand name or whatever are the same, if you don’t have all those unique properties within those four data points, there, then you’re going to have to do a citation cleanup, which would be going out and basically correcting all of the old citations to list the new data for the business. Does that make sense? That’s a pain in the ass, but that’s what you’re going to have to do.
I recommend, highly, that you go, if you guys can get the link ready, it’s http://ift.tt/2bbLT53, that’s L-O-G-A-N-I-X. That is a citation clean up service there that can handle that for you, well, provided that it’s in the US, they may do it in other areas, but I don’t know. Loganix citation cleanup service in the US is really, really good. You get about a 70% success rate, and they’re very, very thorough. That’s what I would recommend doing. Like I said, if you’re going to rebrand it and you get a new URL, and you’re going to change the phone number then I would set up a new listing all together, because that’s going to be a lot less of a headache than trying to fix old citations, that’s just a real pain in the ass, and that’s why I just outsource that all the time. All right. We’re going to keep moving.
Hernan: Sorry, Bradley, but it’s on the events page, http://ift.tt/2bbLT53.
Generating Quality Leads From Google Adwords Campaigns
Bradley: Okay. If you want to followup, Roy, with us in one of our groups Facebook or something with some more detail, like where it can be explained a little bit further we might be able to help you out a little bit better. I feel like I wasn’t able to answer that question, properly, because I don’t have all the details. Mark’s next, he says, “Hi, guys. Hope all is well. My question is about your Local Kingpin product, I’m starting to get somewhere now with SEO, but it does take forever, and that’s okay, I accept that’s how SEO goes and just get on with it, but I like the idea of starting with AdWords and then adding SEO lead gen later. I’m not asking for AdWords advice that’s what the training is for, and I’ve bought your products before, so I know it will be legit. My question is how did, or how is it going? Are you able to generate enough quality leads for your client? I work with contractors, if that helps, not looking for specific advice, just your opinion on how well AdWords works.” I’m crossinated with AdWords, guys, I mean, yeah, my profit is a lot smaller on my AdWords leads because I pay for the clicks and everything, but they’re so much easier to set up, and I can, I mean, that’s what Local Kingpin is about, Mark, is about setting up like literally you can set up a lead gen funnel and have traffic, and be receiving leads within 48 hours.
I mean, you could do it within a day, but I say within 48 hours because it usually takes me two days to set up a lead gen asset. Well, it used to take me two days, when I was new, but now I’ve got a lot of stuff, templatized, like I’ve got Click Funnels, funnels that are already all set up. They’re generic funnels. I can just clone the funnel and then go in and swap out details, and I’ve got working procedure’s setup for a lot of stuff, now, so I have check lists that I can go through. That kind of stuff that makes it just really simple for me to set up a funnel, a lead gen asset, and turn on ads, and it’s like literally within a few hours of you submitting your first ad you can start generating traffic.
The main thing, Mark, if you go through Local Kingpin, which I highly recommend, especially for contractors, because that’s my market, is contractors. I mean, I love being able to generate leads with AdWords, now. I don’t know why I was so scared of AdWords for so long, but now I absolutely love it, because the speed in which I can generate, and here’s the thing, what I love about setting up AdWords funnels, guys, is I can determine right off the bat, right away, where my money keywords are. The 80/20 rule 100% applies to AdWords, and there’s a book by Perry Marshall called, The 80/20 Sales and Marketing. Go get the damn book. By it on Kindle, whatever. Pick it up, read it, because it is absolutely 100% correct when it comes to AdWords, especially for the local lead gen funnels. 80% of your traffic is going to come from 20% of your keywords. That’s it. All this shit that we do in SEO, where we scrap hundreds of keywords, and we build silos, and we have to do all this content, and we have to properly silo the content, we got to do all this internal linking, all that’s great it can pay off there’s no doubt, but so many of those keywords, or long tail and stuff like that where you’re going to get very little to no traffic from them.
Now, cumulatively they all build to make your site stronger and more relevant, which will generate more traffic, so there’s certainly a reason to do all that, but my point is we go through harvesting these great big keyword lists and all that stuff, and with AdWords, especially the way that I show how to do it using alpha beta campaign structure you can literally go in, do your keyword research in about a half an hour.
The main point for that is generating, or building a negative keyword list, because you ought to already know what your main money keywords are for the project that you’re working on. Really the keyword research is about building a negative keyword list, but then you plug in your money keywords, you add your negative keyword lists, use modified broad match, and then you let AdWords tell you where your money keywords are, and within a month you can identify your top keywords where 80% of your traffic is going to come from, and I guarantee you it will be 20% of your keywords.
Then, those are the keywords that you focus your SEO efforts on. As I mentioned, I think in the Local Kingpin training, I’m not starting any SEO projects from scratch anymore. I’m not starting new projects with SEO as my main promotional type, anymore. I’m not doing it, unless it’s YouTube spam, because I’m just not going to do it. From now on, I’m doing AdWords first to prove my keywords and prove that it’s converting and that kind of stuff, and then I’ll invest my time and effort into SEO for the keywords that I’ve identified as my winners.
Hernan: Yeah.
Bradley: Does that make sense?
Hernan: Yeah. I really like that approach, Bradley. The fact that you’re getting speed, that you’re getting, I mean, each rating on a project and you’re failing fast.
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: You’re finding out, you’re weeding out the keywords that are not going to work, that they’re not going to convert, and then you’re focusing on the keywords that are, and I think that’s really the key when it comes to paid advertising, is that you get data so much faster that your business can grow a lot more, because if you have to be waiting six months to get data on your business, it’s money, time is money.
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: If you’re doing SEO and waiting all of that time, then you’re spending all of that money that you could be earning, because you’re failing fast on your project. Once you have that, once you have the process in place you can still do SEO and you know that it’s going to pickup three to six months down the road, maybe a year down the road and you still do SEO, so that when that hits, or when you’re getting a decent amount of organic traffic, you know that the funnel is converting.
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: There’s basically no top to how much you can scale, it all depends on the market that you’re in. The market will tell you how much you can scale, or sell a product, or sell a service, whatever that is, but that’s basically why I like paid advertising combined with SEO, because again you don’t want to put all of your eggs in one basket.
Bradley: That’s correct.
Hernan: Like, one way or the other.
Bradley: Yeah. Here’s the thing, guys, think about this, you could spend months working on a project, and find out for SEO I mean, you could spend months working on trying to build the SEO for a project, set of keywords, whatever, and find out that it’s just not profitable. It’s not working. Now, you’ve spent months of effort and time on it, and probably money, as well. With AdWords you can prove it very, very quickly, whether it’s going to be profitable or not. If you can make it profitable when you’re paying for the clicks, then it will be profitable for SEO, there’s no doubt, because you won’t be paying, I mean, you do pay for those clicks with time and effort, and somewhat money, too. You know what I mean? It’s indirect. You’re paying indirectly, not directly for clicks.
Again, that’s number one. Number two, the other part of that, Mark, is why I love AdWords for local lead gen now is because if you do register a mailbox and it can be a PO box, it doesn’t even have to be verified, guys. You can register local addresses and set up AdWords campaigns and use the location’s extension. Are you hearing this? You don’t even have to have a verified address and it will still show the location’s extension in your ad and it will also, if you’ve got your ads set up properly and you’re at the top of the search, or the top of the ads pack, which as to do with quality score, you’ll end up in the maps, an ad in the first maps position. Not necessarily in the three pack.
On mobile devices, if you have call only ads set up you can show up in the three pack on mobile devices, but on desktop, I haven’t seen, I haven’t been able to get any of my ads to show up in the three pack on desktop, but I have been able to get almost virtually all of my ads to show up in the first position in maps, so when somebody clicks on the more results, it will show my ad at the very top of the results when that page expands. If that makes sense.
That’s the thing, and again with location extensions you don’t even need to verify the address. I know that, because one of the lead gen funnels I set up for Local Kingpin, Google was not sending me the verification postcard, so I went ahead and said, screw it, I’m going to continue with the project and I went ahead and added the location’s extension and you have to link it to your Google My Business profile, and then select whatever page, and I linked that page to it and I thought well, let’s just check it and see if it works, and damn if it didn’t show my maps extension in the ad, even though it was an unverified address, which is awesome. Right? I just wanted to give you guys that little nugget. Local Kingpin, guys, is a great, great course if you’re doing lead gen and you’re not using AdWords, you’re crazy, in my opinion. Okay.
Battle Plan Versus RYS Academy, Syndication Academy & Other Semantic Mastery Products
All right. Herovic, he says, “Hi. I have a question regarding the Battle Plan, how is it different than the IFTTT Academy, RYS, or the Mastermind? Does it add something new, or is it a blueprint that incorporates all of them? Thank you.” Well, a $20.00 PDF certainly cannot incorporate IFTTT, RYS, and the Mastermind. It would be nice if it could, but it would be an awfully big PDF if we did.
Hernan: Yeah. [inaudible 00:41:58] depth of Semantic Mastery and the three years-
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: In Mastermind. I know all of the nuggets that are RYS, it’s going to be longest.
Bradley: Yeah. That would be very, Herovic, the Battle Plan is basically, the process is that we use for working on any digital assets, whether they’re established or they’re just being launched. It’s the same, it’s just the series of steps that we take for setting up the networks, and link building, and citations, and press releases, and like all of the different steps in the order that we do them. It’s the same process that we’ve used for years, now.
All we did was put it in a simple format, including links to the products and services that we use for that kind of stuff, which most of them are our own services, anyways, because we developed all of those services specifically because we use them. We only made our services available to others, because we kept getting asked for it. We had developed our services, for us, originally. Okay. That’s all it is. It’s very, very simple. It doesn’t need to be complicated. Some people wished it was more complicated, and that’s why I said, you know, I don’t know, stand on your head while you perform the tasks. I don’t know.
Marco: Can I add something more to this?
Bradley: Please, do.
Marco: Yeah. Our Battle Plan is a blueprint. A blueprint is used to build a house.
Bradley: Right.
Marco: The blueprint does not build the house for you, you have to follow the blueprint and go and build a house, using whatever tools are necessary for the construction of whatever it is that you want to make of that house according to the blueprint that you’re using. I mean, I cannot put it any clearer, or plainer than that. Get a blueprint on what you’re supposed to do and how you’re supposed to do it, not why you’re supposed to do it, and definitely it’s not going to get done for you. I hope that clarifies-
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: Everything.
Bradley: Again, it’s very simple Herovic, it’s the process that we use, and I like simple, that’s why we made it simple, because it doesn’t need to be overcomplicated. If you want to learn more about Syndication Academy, and syndication networks, you’re certainly welcome to join, RYS, as well, Mastermind is our top level coaching group, and that you’re certainly welcome to join that, as well.
Rocket Video Ranker Vs Live Rank Sniper
Next question, “How does the Rocket Video Ranker differ from Live Rank Sniper? Can we emulate its functionality and do it manually? What’s the principle behind it?” Yeah. They’re two different things. Live Rank Sniper, is really a keyword poking tool, and Peter Drew, the developer even calls it that, so it’s not like that’s a secret. It’s mainly a poking tool. You can use it to identify keywords, to test keywords with YouTube schedule of live events. You don’t even need to have a video. Right?
Live Rank Sniper doesn’t even require you to have a video, it’s just a software that automates the process of setting up YouTube scheduled live events, because of their indexable schedule with live events, they will index without even a video, they’re just place holders in the index, and then once you have identified keywords you can, if you want, stream directly to those scheduled live events through Live Rank Sniper. It’s a manual process, and it takes time. I say, manual, it’s semi automated in that you only have to click the mouse a couple times for it to start doing its thing, but then you have to wait for the software to run to stream the video, and it will end and then you have to stream, you know, click the mouse a few times to go stream to the next scheduled live event that’s ranking. I don’t recommend it for that. I recommend using it specifically for identifying keywords, using it as a poking tool. Okay? If you want a tool that works seamlessly with Live Rank Sniper I would say Hangout Millionaire, which is Peter Drew’s upgrade, like that’s his top level, well, it’s currently his top level SEO video marketing software, but he’s coming out, well, I’m not going to say anything else. That’s a great tool, as well, though, it works really good with Live Rank Sniper.
Rocket Video Ranker is a different animal all together. Rocket Video Ranker is freaking fabulous. It’s a loophole as far as I’m concerned. The way that it works, but basically you upload, you just do uploads with Rocket Video Ranker, but it automates uploading multiple videos at one time very, very quickly in a very unique fashion. The way that it works, it’s very unique, I don’t know how long it’s going to last, or even why it works the way that it does, but it works really, really well, right now. I know, because I used a shit ton, I used a lot of it. I used it a lot, excuse me, over the last two weeks, and the case study, by the way, just so you know, the case study in here, look, this is it, guys, I mean, I’ve got 11, there’s got to be two and a half hours worth of content in this case study, alone. Exactly how I use it, and it’s great because you can set up digital assets.
YouTube channels, you can turn YouTube channels into digital assets very quickly using this, and I even talk about it in the strategy session here, in what’s the very last video here, it’s called, What’s Next, I talk very specifically about a strategy that you can hire virtual assistants to run the software for you, and literally create dozens and dozens of these digital assets, YouTube channel assets, and you can monetize them, and there’s multiple ways to do that, as well, and I talk about that in the case study. Hopefully, that makes some sense. Herovic, if you don’t have either one of them go buy the PDF, the Battle Plan and you should have access to this bonus study, excuse me, this bonus membership site and if you do, then just go through watch the first couple videos of each one of the case studies, and you make the decision as to what is best for your business. Okay? They’re available for you to watch, so that you can make that decision.
Changes To The iFrame Tag
All right. I only got about eight minutes left, so let’s roll through these next few. Ivan, says, “Hey, guys. I embedded a Google My Maps in an article on my website and I shared it to my tier one network. If I had something in the iframe will it syndicate automatically on the network, or do I have to resubmit my article via my RSS feed?” Yeah. No. Well, wait a minute. Yeah. If you’re updating the iframe, it should update everywhere, because it’s the same iframe. Am I correct, Marco, or no?
Marco: That’s correct. The iframe will show whatever is in the source.
Bradley: Okay.
Marco: But, hang on, if he’s changing the iframe that it’s structured in the website, it’s not going to update everywhere else.
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: But, I think, well, Ivan, if you’re listening, maybe you can comment, but I think that what he’s saying is if he adds something, well, yeah, I know, if he adds something to the code that’s not going to resyndicate, but if you change what’s within the iframe-
Bradley: Right.
Hernan: Then it could, like if you change something within the Google My Maps, you know, like if you add another marker for example, that will automatically show everywhere, but if you add, I don’t know, whatever, a piece of code to that iframe, that’s not going to resyndicate. Am I correct? Am I right?
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: That’s correct. You would-
Bradley: [crosstalk 00:49:18] past the closing iframe tag, then that’s not going to update across the properties. Right?
Hernan: Right.
Bradley: Right. If that’s what you mean, Ivan, if you’re trying to add stuff like beyond the closing iframe tag, then no. You’d have to issue a new, or publish a new post. Here’s the thing guys, you cannot publish a post and have it syndicate to your network, and then go back and edit the post on your money site, and then expect it to edit all the posts that it was syndicated to, as well. It doesn’t work like that. You’d have to go delete the original post and then basically republish the post as a new post in order for it to trigger the RSS feed to syndicate, as a new post. Right? There is a plugin that you can use in WordPress, it’s called, Republish Old Posts, funny enough. Right?
Republish Old Posts, and I’ll say WP, or WordPress, that’s it right there. This plugin right here, you can use this plugin to republish old posts, it will reinsert them into your RSS feed, which will trigger a new syndication, you can do something like that if you wanted. But, yeah, if you’re changing something within the iframe, it’s going to update everywhere that the iframe was syndicated to, if you’re changing something outside of the closing iframe tag, then no, you’d have to force the syndication all over again. Okay? He says, “By the way, my comment on Semantic Mastery sales page, wow, I was surprised it’s like having a page one, position one on Google.” That’s awesome. Thanks, Ivan.
Using Proxies For IFTTT Properties
David says, “When creating a branded network, is it necessary to use proxies for any account work, once a network is in place. How much lift does using stacks of interlinked Google properties add?” First of all, is it necessary to use proxies for any account work? No. It’s not necessary. I recommend if you’re building a ton of networks that you have at least five dedicated proxies, any ways, that you can cycle through. I recommend, and this is covered in the training, David, but I recommend never trying to create more than two accounts with the same IP within 24 hours. Okay? Again, you can do it with your own IP, it’s fine you don’t need any proxies at all, as long as you’re not, and when I say, I mean, don’t try creating two accounts on the same account platform.
In other words, don’t try to create more than two Tumblrs, for example, or two Gmail addresses within 24 hours from the same IP. It will flag your IP and trust me, it will cause problems. If you’re going to be doing a lot of building, which again I don’t recommend you do, you should outsource that or just go to SERP Space and buy networks, but if you’re going to be doing a lot of that kind of stuff, then I recommend that you have at least five proxies, dedicated proxies, you want them to be clean. Dedicated means you are only using them, don’t get shared proxies. I also, highly recommend if you are going to be building a lot of networks that you use Browseo. Seriously. I mean, I got it opened, right here. I mean, it’s crazy, I got all these Browseo, I got this open all the time now, guys, it’s insane, because it’s a great, great tool. Okay?
“Once a network is in place, how much lift does using stacks of interlink Google properties add?” It depends, David. It depends if the Google stacks are created properly. It depends on how they’re done. It depends on which keywords, there’s just so many variables there, if they’re done correctly you can expect a substantial increase in rank. Okay? But, if you don’t do it correctly then, you know, I cannot speak, it might not help at all, in fact it might even cause problems. I don’t know. It just depends if they’re done right, or not.
Marco: It also depends on how much risk he’s willing to take, as far as, hammering the drive stack properties.
Local SEO For Business Franchise In The Same City
Bradley: Yeah. Okay. Ken, says, we’re almost done, guys, we only got a couple minutes left. He says, “I’m looking for clarity on ranking for local. I have a client that is a franchise. There are four locations within seven to 10 miles of each other, so I don’t think it would be reasonable to try to rank all of them for the same keyword. Franchise name, city, state.” For the same keyword. I’m sorry guys, I was just rereading that. “Since I would be competing against myself in each location, I can just see it now the management in each location would be pissed off if I wasn’t ranking them at the top of the three pack. I do understand that there would be overlap, and so do they. The only differentiating factor to each location is different zip codes, it’s a minor overlap.” Oh, wow, so it’s the same city and everything. “[inaudible 00:53:54] don’t show any search volume for franchise name, city, state,” yeah, I mean it probably wouldn’t. Well, if it’s franchise, yeah, maybe, because it has a franchise name. Right. But, what about the keyword? Instead of franchise name. Anyways, “I don’t think, so do I go ahead and only focus on franchise city, state, zip code, for each location and big G will pick up the fact of the search’s location? How would you suggest going after this? What would you do?”
Ken, that’s a really good question. I’ve never had to experience that, so it would take me some thought, we don’t have time for me to go, I mean, I’d literally have to think about it. Is Ken in any of our, he’s not in our Mastermind is he? I don’t think he is. Ken, this would be an awesome question for us to dissect in Mastermind, I sure wish you were in there, buddy. Let me think about this one a little bit, Ken, and we can revisit it next week. Sorry, if you cannot wait until then, because otherwise join the Mastermind, because we’ve got a Mastermind tomorrow, this could be a great question to dissect, but otherwise you are going to have to wait until next week, and I’m going to make a note right now.
Marco: If I could just add that right now the main factor for a three pack, or for what appears to search is proximity, I mean, that’s without question what the main factor, I mean-
Bradley: Especially for mobile.
Marco: [crosstalk 00:55:19]. If you are mobile, yeah, and you’re talking about nearly 70% of people right now who are searching on mobile, but I was just doing something on that last week, and sharing it with someone that-
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: Proximity seems to be the overriding factor. I mean, before anything else Google will pick up proximity.
Bradley: Yeah. So, Ken, again, if you’re in Mastermind, or if you want, you should join, and I’m not saying that for any other reason other than this would be a really good question to really dig into, but otherwise, I’ve got a note, I’ll think about this a little bit, maybe consult with Marco a bit, and then we’ll have kind of a concise answer for you next week. Okay? All right. I’m just going to read Wayne’s comment, really quickly, then we’ve got to wrap it up, guys, because I’ve got to go. He says, “Word on the street is that you are sharing something tomorrow on Mastermind that will elevate our business. Is something special planned for the next Mastermind?” Why, yes. It’s this guy named Wayne Clayton, who’s going to be on tomorrow sharing some of his expertise in prospecting and dealing with clients and his process of determining how much money they have to spend, what their goals are, and all that kind of stuff.
I was super impressed with a post that he made in one of the Facebook groups, one of our Facebook groups about a particular method that he uses whenever he’s prospecting and pitching clients, or at least asking questions of the clients, of prospects, excuse me. It was really detailed and I was super impressed, so I reached out to Wayne and asked him if he’d come on and be a guest presenter for the Mastermind, to share some of his stuff, and so I’m actually really looking forward to it. In part, because we are, in Semantic Mastery, we’re really ramping up something on the side that we’re working on that’s going to be requiring a lot of prospecting work.
Maybe in the near future, there’s going to be a full on, full blown prospecting course coming out from us, because that’s something that I’m working on right now, so I’m really anxious to hear what Wayne’s got, because some of that might even get included in what will be coming out with our prospecting course, in the future. Anyways, hopefully anybody that’s not in our Mastermind, it would be a good time to join, so go to mastermind.semanticmastery.com if you want to find out more about that, otherwise, we’ll see everybody next week.
Marco: Sounds good.
Bradley: Thanks, everybody. We’ll see you all later.
Hernan: Bye guys.
Bradley: Bye.
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 128 published first on your-t1-blog-url
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localwebmgmt · 7 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 128
Click on the video above to watch Episode 128 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://ift.tt/1NZu6N2.
Bradley: We’re live. We’re back on Hangouts, guys, because webinar wouldn’t even start for us today, anyway. Hey everybody, Bradley Benner, here. Semantic Mastery, this is the Hump Day Hangouts episode 128, today is March 19th 2017, and we’ve got Chris, Hernan and Marco on with us. Adam is off running in the woods, again.
Hernan: Yeah. No. I think he was moving.
Bradley: He was moving? Is that what we’re calling it today?
Hernan: Yeah. Let’s call it like that.
Bradley: That’s cool. Chris, what’s up man?
Chris: Doing good. Right from a snowstorm here in Vienna.
Bradley: Guys, hold on, I guess Marco and Hernan you guys can chat for a minute.
Chris: Sure.
Marco: Yeah.
Bradley: Marco?
Marco: I’m good, man. We got really bad electrical storms, my electricity keeps coming in and out. If I drop off the Google police didn’t get me, the lightening storm got me. Sorry about that.
Chris: It’s cool.
Hernan: We started to think this is some kind of conspiracy, since we launched Battle Plan.
Marco: [crosstalk 00:01:09]. I’m telling you. We’re teaching people how to rank and they don’t like, so they’re trying to do everything they can to keep us off the air.
Hernan: Yeah.
Chris: We make things too easily available out there, that’s the thing.
Bradley: All right. Hopefully everybody refreshed the page, because on the event page, because you have to refresh the page for the new video to show up.
Marco: Okay. You both said it already.
Bradley: Let me see.
Hernan: Yeah.
Bradley: Yeah. Okay. All right, guys. Let’s get into it. I guess, we got probably a couple of announcements. We can stay to the actual five o'clock mark today, because we got started a few minutes early, or late guys. Anyways, let’s get into announcements. Hernan, what do we got?
Hernan: Yeah. Real quick. One of the things if you haven’t already, we strongly suggest that you get a copy of the Semantic Mastery, the SEO Domination Battle Plan. That will launch on Monday. Right now, the prices are real for the value that you’re getting and basically the coupon ends, I think it’s going to end in two hours, if I’m not mistaken. Then it’s going to double, more than double the price.
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: Go ahead get it. I’m going to put the link on the event page, but it’s basically battleplan.semanticmastery.com. Go ahead download it, we tried to make a really concise, simple guide, step by step document that you can come back over, and over, and over again, depending if you have each sites, new sites, YouTube videos, local websites, it’s everything in there. The way we do it. The way we implement it. That’s the main idea with Battle Plan. If you’re looking for something simple, go ahead and get it. If you’re looking for something more complex, or if you want more support, et cetera, come join the Mastermind, but that’s basically the main idea of the Battle Plan.
Bradley: There’s a couple of things that I want to mention about that. Is number one we had some people say your process cannot be simple. Well, actually it is.
Marco: It is.
Bradley: You know, that’s really what we do, guys, and that’s why I continually say on these Hump Day Hangouts that I like easy. Don’t over complicate shit, guys. If you want to make it complicated, then just stand on your head while you’re doing it. I don’t know. All I’m saying is those are the exact same services that we use, the same procedures, the process in order, in the steps that we do it in. It’s not difficult. I mean, we’ve got the infrastructure behind us, which is provided, it’s available for you guys, as well to use the same services that we use. I mean, again, some people said, well, it cannot be that simple, it’s just because I think by nature we as SEO’s and marketers typically want to over complicate shit, so that’s part of it and the other thing is, and just very quickly, let me grab the screen, I want to show you something here. You guys are seeing my screen, correct?
Chris: Yeah.
Bradley: This is the bonus site, guys. I think there’s more value in the freaking bonus site then there is in the actual PDF, so I just wanted to point this out real quick. This is something that wasn’t even mentioned on the sales page, but you get access to this bonus site that has a ton of different bonus stuff in here, and the bonus webinar section alone there’s multiple webinars, here, including on of our webinars that Marco just did, recently on iframe and java script secrets that’s a pay per view webinar of a $147.00 and that’s been included, as well. We’ve got a ton of different, you know, there’s case studies in here for Live Rank Sniper, for Rocket Video Ranker Pro, the v-mail prospecting course, which is the basic course I’m probably going to be doing a full blown course for that in the next couple months. Again, I just wanted to point out for a $20.00 PDF, there’s absolutely no reason why you guys shouldn’t pick it up for the simplicity of it, number one. Number two, because you get access to a bunch of amazing bonuses. Okay.
Hernan: Yeah.
Marco: The bonuses are, that’s the reason why it’s going to $100.00 when it’s all said and done.
Bradley: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Marco: Because it’s worth way more than a 100 bucks, but I mean-
Bradley: Damn right it is.
Marco: We wanted to keep it accessible to all of our members and followers, so they could actually have a plan that they could follow to achieve their success. If you want to complicate things, I mean that’s fine as Bradley said, but it doesn’t really need to be. All you have to do is just follow the step by step process. If you want to do more, then you’re more than welcome to join Syndication Academy, you’re more than welcome to come into the Mastermind and ask us as many complex questions as you want, and we’ll answer them. You have full access to us, there. If not, just follow the training step by step. That’s all you have to do. Seriously.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: That’s it.
Bradley: I love it when somebody analysis the plan and says, oh, no, it cannot be that simple, this must not work.
Hernan: [crosstalk 00:06:05].
Hernan: Another thing that’s worth mentioning is that the bonus side that you get for free will be updated. We have a bunch of case studies that are going to be uploaded to the bonus site, so go ahead order it now, because again it’s going to 100 bucks, soon. Now, you can get it for $20.00, it’s crazy.
Bradley: Yeah.
Chris: What’s the coupon code, again?
Bradley: Missile launch.
Hernan: Yeah. It’s missile launch. Thank you, Chris. It’s missile launch, one word and it’s on the event page, again, battleplan.semantricmastery.com. That coupon is going to be available for the next two hours and then it’s going to more than double the price.
Bradley: Okay. Cool. All right. Do we have any other announcements, because if not, let’s get into it.
Marco: Let’s do it.
Bradley: All right. Cool. We’re we going to talk, we’re not talking about the next webinar, are we, yet? Marco?
Marco: No. You can just tell them what it’s going to be about.
Bradley: All right. We’re going to do another webinar in the series, Marco’s series that we’ve done three, now, and we’re about to do a fourth, which is going to be a structured data webinar, guys. We scheduled it, but I don’t know the date off hand.
Marco: It will be around April 8th.
Bradley: May. A Monday-
Marco: May.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: Sorry.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: May 8th.
Bradley: Monday. Excuse me Monday, May 8th. You’re right. I’m sorry.
Marco: Usual time. It will be then, if it changes we have plenty of time to let people know.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: I’m working on that.
Bradley: You guys will get notifications via email and stuff for registration, so I just wanted to let you guys know that, that’s coming, as well. Okay. All right. Cool. I’m going to grab the screen and we’re going to get into questions. It feels weird to be back in Hangouts, man. It feels kind of like home.
Hernan: Yeah.
Bradley: You know?
Chris: It’s actually working.
Bradley: It’s working, too.
Chris: Right.
Private Home Address For A Lead Gen Site’s Google My Business Page
Bradley: Unlike WebinarJam, for some reason. All right. Ala, I’m sorry if I’m mispronouncing your name, forgive me, he says, “Hi, everyone. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to be part of the Hangout, I’m quite new to SEO and I have a question, which might sound very basic. My question is, can I use a private home address for local lead gen?” I believe we answered this question last week or the week before, but it seems like I remember this question. Yes. Of course, you can use your private home address for lead gen. Well, I don’t recommend doing it for fake businesses, or [inaudible 00:08:29] business. What I mean by, guys, obviously, I set up generic businesses, right, generic lead gen funnels, landing pages, whatever you want to call them. Assets. But, I don’t register all of them with my home address, and I wouldn’t recommend that you do that either.
Go get a PO Box. If you’re in the United States, go get a PO Box. I know some people say that’s not working, or isn’t going to work anymore. I covered this in a Facebook live post, recently, but I’m still able to get them to work. What happens is where the problem occurs is if you try to register multiple businesses, so Google My Business pages underneath the same account using multiple PO Boxes. I’ve had that happen to me a couple times in the last few months where I’ve, in the last six months, where I’ve had, I’ve tried to register two different PO Boxes within the same Google My Business owner account, profile, essentially, and I’ve gotten it flagged and I had to reverify.
In one case, I just abandoned it all together, and re-registered a new business under another profile, because it there was no way for me to verify it. I basically lost that one, but it’s not a big deal, it happens, guys. The way the work arounds so far to this point has been just to register one Google My Business profile per, or excuse me, My Business Account per profile, so that you essentially have a different account owner for each one. That’s the way I’ve been able to get around it, again, they may crack down on that at some point in the very near future, maybe so, but until then I’m going to continue exploiting it. That’s what I recommend you do.
You can also hire, rent virtual mailboxes from other places other than the PO box, but those are the cheapest and so far they are still working for me. Okay? Again, I do not recommend that you register a bunch of businesses to your home address, I mean, you can, but I wouldn’t do it. All right? The other thing is you don’t want to share the same address for multiple businesses. Guys, that’s part of the reason I like to use PO boxes, because they’re cheap enough, where even if I’ve got 10 businesses in the same, like I got 10 different lead gen funnels, let’s say 10 different industries and it’s in the same damn city, I can have 10 different PO boxes, because the deal is the address is going to be street address of the PO office and then you’re going to get a box number.
It’s going to be 123 Main Street number 101. Maybe next time you will get number 208, or whatever. My point is each one of those are each considered a unique address because of the box number, makes it unique. Does that make sense? I mean you could probably do it with your own home address, like if your home address was 123 Maple Street, and you did 123 Maple Street, or 123-A, and 123-B, 123-C you could probably get away with that, but I certainly wouldn’t recommend it. Again, it’s cheap enough to where you can just buy additional boxes and I like to do that.
People have asked me before, do you continue to rent the PO box after you’ve received the PO box, or excuse me, the verification card? Yes. I do. I pay for everyone of those. I’ve got PO boxes that I’ve been paying for, for years, guys, I renew them every year, it’s only happened to me twice in my entire digital marketing career that I’ve had to reverify via postcard, a business listing, it’s only happened twice in six or seven years, now.
However, when it happens, if it happens I have the ability to retrieve the postcard, because I renew the boxes every year and it’s a nominal fee, guys. In the less populated areas I can get a PO box for a year for about 60 bucks, or $64.00 something like that. So, $64.00 per year, roughly. Okay? For the more populated areas it cost me $128.00 a year. It’s so inexpensive, it’s such a small cost of doing business that I just pay for it. Okay?
One Address For Multiple GMB Pages In Denmark
Okay. Anyways. “Can I use the very same address for multiple, different businesses in the same area, or city. Note, I live in Denmark. Thank you for your help.” I guess I should answer that, I don’t know about Denmark, I cannot speak for anything in any foreign country, guys. All I can talk about specifically for local is within the United State, but I’m quite sure that if I can get away with doing what I’m doing in the US you could probably get away with it in Denmark. You probably would get away with a hell of a lot more in Denmark, I’m sure. In which case you might, you could possibly use one address and then just put that unique identifier like dash A, dash B, dash C, you could probably get away with that in Denmark, again, I don’t know. I don’t have any experience in that market, but in the US it’s a little bit stricter, typically, and that’s why I just use unique address for each location, like in other words a unique, it gets a unique box number, which makes it unique. Okay? All right. Cool.
Hump Day Hangouts For Semantic Mastery Students On Amazon, Rank & Rent, Etc.
Toby [inaudible 00:13:18], he says, “Can you do a Hump Day Hangouts with your students who are killing it Rank to Rant, or Amazon, Shopify, PayPerCall et cetera, or PayPerCall, et cetera?” I asked him this question yesterday, I guess, because I was trying to clarify, he said, yeah, by the way if you’re watching Toby, what’s up, he says, yes. “Should we bring on guest presenters?” We do that in the Mastermind, Toby. We bring guest presenters on in the Mastermind. We had Clint Butler on two weeks ago, which was awesome, because he did training on PageSpeed, which was awesome, because some of our Mastermind members implemented what he trained for that session and were able to reduce the page load times to under a second. I think it was like three quarters of a second, which was awesome.
Anyways, tomorrow we’ve got our very own Wayne Clayton, he’s been one of our most engaged Mastermind members, and he’s had phenomenal success, and he’s coming on tomorrow to be a guest presenter, to talk about prospecting and his unique approach to prospecting and landing clients. He’s had a lot of experience in the media industry, so he’s got a unique approach that a lot of us in the digital marketing industry haven’t seen or heard. I’m actually really looking forward to having him to come on tomorrow to give his presentation and answer questions about his prospecting methods. Again, Toby, we do that kind of stuff in the Mastermind. Hump Day Hangouts is really supposed to be a forum for Q and A. Okay? It doesn’t mean that we cannot setup a separate webinar for that, sometime, but we’d have to figure out a good angle for it.
Marco: Yeah. Then, we’d also have to be careful about giving away the niche, or any of that information, because actually I had someone do that in the RYS Facebook group and when he posted the URL, directly after that, a couple of days later, he got hit with a ton of spam, so we know that it was someone from our own RYS Academy that went and did that. I don’t know why they would do that to someone who is trying to help and show how he’s doing it, but it’s one of the reasons why we try to protect it, and keep it inside the Mastermind where we know most of the people are trustworthy.
Bradley: Yeah. I totally agree. That’s why that’s in part why we do stuff like that on the Mastermind, guys, because it’s a very, very tight group, like an intimate group, so it makes it a lot easier. It doesn’t mean that there’s not people there that can be malicious, as well, because there certainly can be, but it’s less likely.
Anchor Text Variation In Link Building
Okay. Doctor Brain McKay, he says, “When building links is it better to use one, and only one variation? For example, dub, dub, dub, or just HTTP, or just a domain.com. I have heard varying advice where you would use all and someone else saying use one every time you build a link.” You know, honestly, I’ve used variations, if I were to be using spam tools, which I don’t anymore, at all. I don’t ever run them, myself, but I would always use variations.
Here’s a good example, Brian, in the recent weeks I’ve done several case studies for different YouTube tools, they’re all in the bonus site that I just showcased a minute ago. One of them being Live Rank Sniper and the other one being Rocket Video Ranker Pro, and there has been some spinning and all that for the video descriptions and that kind of stuff, which is pretty typical for any sort of spam work, and those are in my opinion they’re both spam tools, they can be used to not spam, but the way that I used them was very intentionally to spam, and because of that I just started doing a lot of spinning and stuff like that again in the last few weeks, which I had gotten away from for a while.
When I create the links that go in the video description to where I want to direct people to, I like to use all the different variations as you just laid out here. HTTP, if there’s HTTPS as well, if the SSL protocol is available then I’ll go ahead and add that one in, as well. I’ll use the trailing slash with and without the trailing slash, I’ll use dub, dub, dub and non dub, dub, so I use all variation of them so that it adds variety and diversity to the video description. In other words, if we’ve got 15 videos in the same channel, I want the URL, the call to action URL to be a variation all the time, if possible. Just because it gives more diversity to the thing. Now, as far as the SEO purposes, since they all resolve to the same location, I don’t think it makes much difference, but I’d like to hear Marco and Hernan’s input on this, please.
Marco: It’s just acrotex variation, that’s why you do that. The destinations is usually all the same, but also you want to keep that, you might, people don’t all link the same way. They-
Bradley: That’s right.
Marco: If you go throughout the web, like you get 100 people they’re all going to link to a website a different way. Some will use a dub, dub, dub. I particularly don’t anymore, because I know it will resolve to the dub, dub, dub anyway.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: I use them all simply because that’s what people do on the web. It makes absolutely no sense, and whoever is advising only one variation is actually misguided.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: Because that’s not the way that people type.
Bradley: Now, the only time that I would recommend always using the exact same URL format is when you’re citing an NAP, name, address, phone number, so any time you’re going to create, or reference, or list an NAP somewhere within content, or link building, or something like that I would always recommend using the same type of URL. Just because it’s an NAP, you want data consistency as much as possible.
Marco: And, the URL should be whatever shows-
Bradley: Shows in Google My Business.
Marco: Yeah. To link to the website, where they say website, and you click on it, that’s the version that you should use in that one particular case.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: Yeah.
Hernan: Yeah. This case, I totally agree with Marco. That’s why we keep saying that you need to validate the entity on one of the main, you know, when your website is popular, or you’re trying it to appear to be popular, you need to emulate as much as possible human behavior that’s why you need to do things differently from time to time. I mean, different URLs people will mention your website differently, maybe they will spell it wrong. As long as the link is the link, you know, we had, I think we had Gary, Doctor Gary, came to a Mastermind and he showed how you can get links from really powerful websites just because they’re misspelled. You know?
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: As long as the URL is pointing correctly to your website, the anchor text could be misspelled, you know, it can be Semantic Mastery or something else, or Semantic Master as long as the hyperlink is pointing to semanticmastery.com. You know? Yeah. Vary it a little bit, that would be my intake on it.
Three Pack Map In Organic Ranking
Bradley: Very good. Okay. Ala, is up again, he says, “Hi. When the first three to four sites on the Google organic search are not the same ones as in Google three pack,” so the maps pack, “does that mean that it’s easy to rank in the three pack map, or the first page of the organic search for that specific niche? Thanks for the help.” It doesn’t meant that it’s going to be easy to rank in the map, it’s just means that the maps listings aren’t, the ones that are ranked in maps they’re on page for their sit isn’t as good, is not good enough to be on the first page.
In other words, and it doesn’t have to be just be the on page, it could be the combination of on page, or on page and off page, but typically the organic results, it’s a different algorithm. There’s a lot of overlap between the local algorithm and the organic algorithm, now, it’s a lot more closely related now than it used to be. That was particularly where a lot of that marriage occurred was the Pigeon update, if you guys remember that. That was, shit, that was probably two years ago, now. Amazing how time flies. There is some overlap there, but for example Ala, I don’t ever, I don’t care at all about organic rankings anymore for lead gen, or for local stuff, when I have a physical location available, even if that means I have to black half the physical location using a PO box. Right?
I don’t care about organic anymore at all for lead gen and local stuff, only because I know from all my lead gen assets is that my call volume drops for stuff that was organic only. My call volume dropped 60%, because of the new SERP layout. Right? When I say new, it’s not new anymore, but the SERP layout as it stands today, which is four ads, typically four ads and a maps pack, so you end up going past seven freaking listings before you ever get to the first organic. I can tell you right now, the reason why I’m telling you this is because I have multiple lead gen sites all over the place that are ranked in maps, but they might be on page two or page three in organic. I don’t care.
It doesn’t bother me, because the phone calls are coming from the maps pack, or from AdsWords, excuse me AdWords. I’m either getting calls from my ads, or I’m getting calls from the maps pack. I don’t get calls from organic, very, very rarely do I get calls from organic when a map is displayed for a search query. Right? Most search queries are going to display. Now, I will still target organic for lead gen and local, like if I’m doing video campaigns, for example, because you cannot get a video, well, I say you cannot, it’s unlikely to get a video above the maps pack, anymore, for a local term. Okay?
I still will do spamming with YouTube and stuff like that for organic rankings, but when it comes to websites, and stuff, I personally don’t care if there’s a maps pack that shows for the search query, then I’m going to try to rank in the maps pack, not the organic. Okay? Typically, when there’s a difference between what’s showing in maps, and what’s showing in organic it’s because the site that’s ranking in maps, but not in organic is speaking, or it’s more congruent with what the map’s algorithm was.
If that makes sense. But maybe not as much for the organic. Like I said, it could be a, I found that’s often times more an on page issue, than an off page issue, but it could be both. I’m just saying personally when I’ve been able to identify issues where I’m not ranking as good organically as I should be based upon my maps ranking, it’s a lot of the times, at least in my experiences it’s been because of on page issues, either over optimization, which triggers Panda, again, it’s just Panda in general. Thin content, over optimization, things like that. You guys got any input on that?
Marco: Yeah. I would just tell him he is trying to do local since he talked about the map pack before.
Bradley: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Marco: Right? I’m thinking he wants, the way that you do that is entity. You do the entity. You validate it, then you push trust, and authority, and relevance up to the entity, it’s called RYS Academy, by the way. That’s how you force all of that up to the entity and over to the destination and you could actually do both. Rank in maps and organic.
IFTTT Syndicated Video As Duplicate Content
Bradley: Yeah. That’s what I would do. All right. Cool. We’re going to keep moving. Let’s see who is next Balint, sorry if I mispronounce that, he says, “Thanks for last weeks input I was rather asking about how to make both RSS and YouTube syndication to work for the same network. My idea, I upload a video, unlisted to YouTube, I have it transcribed to make a post to my main site with the additional content, the video is embedded and the title is different. That post with transcription gets syndicated via RSS trigger. I make the video public a bit later on, because it’s public now the sole video gets syndicated via YouTube upload trigger, too. Maybe not to the main blog, though. Would that work, or still count as duplicate spam?” No. That would work, Balint. That’s absolutely fine.
I’ve said that in previous Hump Day Hangouts, that question has come up several times, Balint, so you’re not the first to ask it. It’s okay to post both the video to your channel and to your blog, and have them both syndicate to the same network, that’s absolutely fine. Where the problem occurs is when people have both their YouTube channel triggering their network and their blog, and they upload the video, which syndicates to their network, and then they just take the video and go embed it in a post on their blog with the same title, and usually not much different in the video description, either, and then they post that, because here’s the problem it won’t hurt your money site, your blog, and it won’t hurt your YouTube channel.
Where it can cause problems is on the network itself, the syndication network, because now you’ve got two posts that look nearly identical to your network properties, because it’s the same title, which ends up being the same title, and then you have the same video, so especially for Blogger, Tumblr, and WordPress where there’s embeds, because that’s basically, it’s going to look like the same post, basically, other than perhaps maybe some slight differences in text in the description area. But, if you’re going to change the title and usually make the title more like blog specific, right, because usually blog post, guys, are going to have more, you know, longer conversational, natural speech pattern type titles than a YouTube video, because YouTube videos are going to usually be synced keyword different type titles. Right, guys?
But, blog titles are generally going to be more like natural speech patterns. Right? So, if you’re going to take your video and also post it to your blog and have both syndicating to the same network, then it’s absolutely fine to do so if you’re going to make a different title, and if you’re going to have that video transcribed, you’re going to have a much longer description, so it’s not going to look like duplicate content on the web two properties. If that makes sense. That’s absolutely perfectly fine, Balint. I’m sorry if I misunderstood your question last week.
SEO Battle Plan For Rebranding
Roy says, “Got the Battle Plan reviewed it, question, just got a dental client and had to rebrand his practice, dissolved partnership,” okay, “So, the main practice name has changed to a new name, he then purchased another practice in a different city, I rebranded his practice website as ABC Dental Group with the two city locations. Do I just create one Google Plus page for the group.com, or different for each location?” No. You create a different Google page for each location, Roy. Well, I mean, let me rephrase that. If you’re creating a Google brand page, then you can have one brand page and reference both locations, but I understand that if you’re talking about, I’m sure you’re talking about Google My Business, a locations page. In which case you want a different page for each location. Okay?
There are brand pages and there are locations pages, and actually locations pages are no longer Google Plus pages at all, they’re maps pages. They’re not even part of Google Plus, anymore. Does that make sense? If you go in your Google My Business dashboard you access your maps data through maps, and your Google Plus page, which is now just a brand page, there is no local version of the brand page anymore that I’m aware of, anyways, because you edit your details on maps. Okay? Anyways, there might still be a locations Google Plus page, but I don’t know what the use of it is for, I don’t how it’s valuable at all anymore, to be honest with you, everything is now being, for the local part of it, it’s all being handled through maps. Okay? So, for that, yeah, go ahead and create a different locations page for each.
“Do I need to modify the Battle Plan for the purchase practice since it already has G-Plus established? I’m a bit confused on how to apply the Battle Plan to the situation.” I’m not sure I understand what you mean, the purchase practice since it already has a G-Plus established, I mean, if it’s already got a locations page, you’re going to have to rebrand all that stuff. Right? I mean, I think that’s what you’re saying, you said, he rebranded his practice with the two locations, Roy, I’m not really following all of the parts of this question, but if you the other business that he purchased had a Google My Business page, already, and now he purchased it, if he’s rebranding everything, what I would recommend, especially if that other business was established and had any sort of decent rankings in Google and/or maps. Right? If it was ranking.
You’re going to have to rebrand it, if it’s rebranded, I’m assuming it’s going to have to be rebranded, in which case what you’d want to do is don’t, I wouldn’t set up a new listing, because it’s going to have the same address unless the phone number changed, the name and the phone number, and the website, like if all of those data points change, then yes I would set up a new business. I would close, say that the other business was permanently closed then create a new listing, but you’d have to make sure that the only thing that was the same out of all the data points between name, address, phone number, and URL is the address. Right?
You’d have to have the different brand name, different phone number, different URL. Then, you could mark that other place as closed and start a new GMB page, which is what I would do if those other conditions were met. However, if the phone number, the physical location, and perhaps the web address, and/or the brand name or whatever are the same, if you don’t have all those unique properties within those four data points, there, then you’re going to have to do a citation cleanup, which would be going out and basically correcting all of the old citations to list the new data for the business. Does that make sense? That’s a pain in the ass, but that’s what you’re going to have to do.
I recommend, highly, that you go, if you guys can get the link ready, it’s http://ift.tt/2bbLT53, that’s L-O-G-A-N-I-X. That is a citation clean up service there that can handle that for you, well, provided that it’s in the US, they may do it in other areas, but I don’t know. Loganix citation cleanup service in the US is really, really good. You get about a 70% success rate, and they’re very, very thorough. That’s what I would recommend doing. Like I said, if you’re going to rebrand it and you get a new URL, and you’re going to change the phone number then I would set up a new listing all together, because that’s going to be a lot less of a headache than trying to fix old citations, that’s just a real pain in the ass, and that’s why I just outsource that all the time. All right. We’re going to keep moving.
Hernan: Sorry, Bradley, but it’s on the events page, http://ift.tt/2bbLT53.
Generating Quality Leads From Google Adwords Campaigns
Bradley: Okay. If you want to followup, Roy, with us in one of our groups Facebook or something with some more detail, like where it can be explained a little bit further we might be able to help you out a little bit better. I feel like I wasn’t able to answer that question, properly, because I don’t have all the details. Mark’s next, he says, “Hi, guys. Hope all is well. My question is about your Local Kingpin product, I’m starting to get somewhere now with SEO, but it does take forever, and that’s okay, I accept that’s how SEO goes and just get on with it, but I like the idea of starting with AdWords and then adding SEO lead gen later. I’m not asking for AdWords advice that’s what the training is for, and I’ve bought your products before, so I know it will be legit. My question is how did, or how is it going? Are you able to generate enough quality leads for your client? I work with contractors, if that helps, not looking for specific advice, just your opinion on how well AdWords works.” I’m crossinated with AdWords, guys, I mean, yeah, my profit is a lot smaller on my AdWords leads because I pay for the clicks and everything, but they’re so much easier to set up, and I can, I mean, that’s what Local Kingpin is about, Mark, is about setting up like literally you can set up a lead gen funnel and have traffic, and be receiving leads within 48 hours.
I mean, you could do it within a day, but I say within 48 hours because it usually takes me two days to set up a lead gen asset. Well, it used to take me two days, when I was new, but now I’ve got a lot of stuff, templatized, like I’ve got Click Funnels, funnels that are already all set up. They’re generic funnels. I can just clone the funnel and then go in and swap out details, and I’ve got working procedure’s setup for a lot of stuff, now, so I have check lists that I can go through. That kind of stuff that makes it just really simple for me to set up a funnel, a lead gen asset, and turn on ads, and it’s like literally within a few hours of you submitting your first ad you can start generating traffic.
The main thing, Mark, if you go through Local Kingpin, which I highly recommend, especially for contractors, because that’s my market, is contractors. I mean, I love being able to generate leads with AdWords, now. I don’t know why I was so scared of AdWords for so long, but now I absolutely love it, because the speed in which I can generate, and here’s the thing, what I love about setting up AdWords funnels, guys, is I can determine right off the bat, right away, where my money keywords are. The 80/20 rule 100% applies to AdWords, and there’s a book by Perry Marshall called, The 80/20 Sales and Marketing. Go get the damn book. By it on Kindle, whatever. Pick it up, read it, because it is absolutely 100% correct when it comes to AdWords, especially for the local lead gen funnels. 80% of your traffic is going to come from 20% of your keywords. That’s it. All this shit that we do in SEO, where we scrap hundreds of keywords, and we build silos, and we have to do all this content, and we have to properly silo the content, we got to do all this internal linking, all that’s great it can pay off there’s no doubt, but so many of those keywords, or long tail and stuff like that where you’re going to get very little to no traffic from them.
Now, cumulatively they all build to make your site stronger and more relevant, which will generate more traffic, so there’s certainly a reason to do all that, but my point is we go through harvesting these great big keyword lists and all that stuff, and with AdWords, especially the way that I show how to do it using alpha beta campaign structure you can literally go in, do your keyword research in about a half an hour.
The main point for that is generating, or building a negative keyword list, because you ought to already know what your main money keywords are for the project that you’re working on. Really the keyword research is about building a negative keyword list, but then you plug in your money keywords, you add your negative keyword lists, use modified broad match, and then you let AdWords tell you where your money keywords are, and within a month you can identify your top keywords where 80% of your traffic is going to come from, and I guarantee you it will be 20% of your keywords.
Then, those are the keywords that you focus your SEO efforts on. As I mentioned, I think in the Local Kingpin training, I’m not starting any SEO projects from scratch anymore. I’m not starting new projects with SEO as my main promotional type, anymore. I’m not doing it, unless it’s YouTube spam, because I’m just not going to do it. From now on, I’m doing AdWords first to prove my keywords and prove that it’s converting and that kind of stuff, and then I’ll invest my time and effort into SEO for the keywords that I’ve identified as my winners.
Hernan: Yeah.
Bradley: Does that make sense?
Hernan: Yeah. I really like that approach, Bradley. The fact that you’re getting speed, that you’re getting, I mean, each rating on a project and you’re failing fast.
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: You’re finding out, you’re weeding out the keywords that are not going to work, that they’re not going to convert, and then you’re focusing on the keywords that are, and I think that’s really the key when it comes to paid advertising, is that you get data so much faster that your business can grow a lot more, because if you have to be waiting six months to get data on your business, it’s money, time is money.
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: If you’re doing SEO and waiting all of that time, then you’re spending all of that money that you could be earning, because you’re failing fast on your project. Once you have that, once you have the process in place you can still do SEO and you know that it’s going to pickup three to six months down the road, maybe a year down the road and you still do SEO, so that when that hits, or when you’re getting a decent amount of organic traffic, you know that the funnel is converting.
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: There’s basically no top to how much you can scale, it all depends on the market that you’re in. The market will tell you how much you can scale, or sell a product, or sell a service, whatever that is, but that’s basically why I like paid advertising combined with SEO, because again you don’t want to put all of your eggs in one basket.
Bradley: That’s correct.
Hernan: Like, one way or the other.
Bradley: Yeah. Here’s the thing, guys, think about this, you could spend months working on a project, and find out for SEO I mean, you could spend months working on trying to build the SEO for a project, set of keywords, whatever, and find out that it’s just not profitable. It’s not working. Now, you’ve spent months of effort and time on it, and probably money, as well. With AdWords you can prove it very, very quickly, whether it’s going to be profitable or not. If you can make it profitable when you’re paying for the clicks, then it will be profitable for SEO, there’s no doubt, because you won’t be paying, I mean, you do pay for those clicks with time and effort, and somewhat money, too. You know what I mean? It’s indirect. You’re paying indirectly, not directly for clicks.
Again, that’s number one. Number two, the other part of that, Mark, is why I love AdWords for local lead gen now is because if you do register a mailbox and it can be a PO box, it doesn’t even have to be verified, guys. You can register local addresses and set up AdWords campaigns and use the location’s extension. Are you hearing this? You don’t even have to have a verified address and it will still show the location’s extension in your ad and it will also, if you’ve got your ads set up properly and you’re at the top of the search, or the top of the ads pack, which as to do with quality score, you’ll end up in the maps, an ad in the first maps position. Not necessarily in the three pack.
On mobile devices, if you have call only ads set up you can show up in the three pack on mobile devices, but on desktop, I haven’t seen, I haven’t been able to get any of my ads to show up in the three pack on desktop, but I have been able to get almost virtually all of my ads to show up in the first position in maps, so when somebody clicks on the more results, it will show my ad at the very top of the results when that page expands. If that makes sense.
That’s the thing, and again with location extensions you don’t even need to verify the address. I know that, because one of the lead gen funnels I set up for Local Kingpin, Google was not sending me the verification postcard, so I went ahead and said, screw it, I’m going to continue with the project and I went ahead and added the location’s extension and you have to link it to your Google My Business profile, and then select whatever page, and I linked that page to it and I thought well, let’s just check it and see if it works, and damn if it didn’t show my maps extension in the ad, even though it was an unverified address, which is awesome. Right? I just wanted to give you guys that little nugget. Local Kingpin, guys, is a great, great course if you’re doing lead gen and you’re not using AdWords, you’re crazy, in my opinion. Okay.
Battle Plan Versus RYS Academy, Syndication Academy & Other Semantic Mastery Products
All right. Herovic, he says, “Hi. I have a question regarding the Battle Plan, how is it different than the IFTTT Academy, RYS, or the Mastermind? Does it add something new, or is it a blueprint that incorporates all of them? Thank you.” Well, a $20.00 PDF certainly cannot incorporate IFTTT, RYS, and the Mastermind. It would be nice if it could, but it would be an awfully big PDF if we did.
Hernan: Yeah. [inaudible 00:41:58] depth of Semantic Mastery and the three years-
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: In Mastermind. I know all of the nuggets that are RYS, it’s going to be longest.
Bradley: Yeah. That would be very, Herovic, the Battle Plan is basically, the process is that we use for working on any digital assets, whether they’re established or they’re just being launched. It’s the same, it’s just the series of steps that we take for setting up the networks, and link building, and citations, and press releases, and like all of the different steps in the order that we do them. It’s the same process that we’ve used for years, now.
All we did was put it in a simple format, including links to the products and services that we use for that kind of stuff, which most of them are our own services, anyways, because we developed all of those services specifically because we use them. We only made our services available to others, because we kept getting asked for it. We had developed our services, for us, originally. Okay. That’s all it is. It’s very, very simple. It doesn’t need to be complicated. Some people wished it was more complicated, and that’s why I said, you know, I don’t know, stand on your head while you perform the tasks. I don’t know.
Marco: Can I add something more to this?
Bradley: Please, do.
Marco: Yeah. Our Battle Plan is a blueprint. A blueprint is used to build a house.
Bradley: Right.
Marco: The blueprint does not build the house for you, you have to follow the blueprint and go and build a house, using whatever tools are necessary for the construction of whatever it is that you want to make of that house according to the blueprint that you’re using. I mean, I cannot put it any clearer, or plainer than that. Get a blueprint on what you’re supposed to do and how you’re supposed to do it, not why you’re supposed to do it, and definitely it’s not going to get done for you. I hope that clarifies-
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: Everything.
Bradley: Again, it’s very simple Herovic, it’s the process that we use, and I like simple, that’s why we made it simple, because it doesn’t need to be overcomplicated. If you want to learn more about Syndication Academy, and syndication networks, you’re certainly welcome to join, RYS, as well, Mastermind is our top level coaching group, and that you’re certainly welcome to join that, as well.
Rocket Video Ranker Vs Live Rank Sniper
Next question, “How does the Rocket Video Ranker differ from Live Rank Sniper? Can we emulate its functionality and do it manually? What’s the principle behind it?” Yeah. They’re two different things. Live Rank Sniper, is really a keyword poking tool, and Peter Drew, the developer even calls it that, so it’s not like that’s a secret. It’s mainly a poking tool. You can use it to identify keywords, to test keywords with YouTube schedule of live events. You don’t even need to have a video. Right?
Live Rank Sniper doesn’t even require you to have a video, it’s just a software that automates the process of setting up YouTube scheduled live events, because of their indexable schedule with live events, they will index without even a video, they’re just place holders in the index, and then once you have identified keywords you can, if you want, stream directly to those scheduled live events through Live Rank Sniper. It’s a manual process, and it takes time. I say, manual, it’s semi automated in that you only have to click the mouse a couple times for it to start doing its thing, but then you have to wait for the software to run to stream the video, and it will end and then you have to stream, you know, click the mouse a few times to go stream to the next scheduled live event that’s ranking. I don’t recommend it for that. I recommend using it specifically for identifying keywords, using it as a poking tool. Okay? If you want a tool that works seamlessly with Live Rank Sniper I would say Hangout Millionaire, which is Peter Drew’s upgrade, like that’s his top level, well, it’s currently his top level SEO video marketing software, but he’s coming out, well, I’m not going to say anything else. That’s a great tool, as well, though, it works really good with Live Rank Sniper.
Rocket Video Ranker is a different animal all together. Rocket Video Ranker is freaking fabulous. It’s a loophole as far as I’m concerned. The way that it works, but basically you upload, you just do uploads with Rocket Video Ranker, but it automates uploading multiple videos at one time very, very quickly in a very unique fashion. The way that it works, it’s very unique, I don’t know how long it’s going to last, or even why it works the way that it does, but it works really, really well, right now. I know, because I used a shit ton, I used a lot of it. I used it a lot, excuse me, over the last two weeks, and the case study, by the way, just so you know, the case study in here, look, this is it, guys, I mean, I’ve got 11, there’s got to be two and a half hours worth of content in this case study, alone. Exactly how I use it, and it’s great because you can set up digital assets.
YouTube channels, you can turn YouTube channels into digital assets very quickly using this, and I even talk about it in the strategy session here, in what’s the very last video here, it’s called, What’s Next, I talk very specifically about a strategy that you can hire virtual assistants to run the software for you, and literally create dozens and dozens of these digital assets, YouTube channel assets, and you can monetize them, and there’s multiple ways to do that, as well, and I talk about that in the case study. Hopefully, that makes some sense. Herovic, if you don’t have either one of them go buy the PDF, the Battle Plan and you should have access to this bonus study, excuse me, this bonus membership site and if you do, then just go through watch the first couple videos of each one of the case studies, and you make the decision as to what is best for your business. Okay? They’re available for you to watch, so that you can make that decision.
Changes To The iFrame Tag
All right. I only got about eight minutes left, so let’s roll through these next few. Ivan, says, “Hey, guys. I embedded a Google My Maps in an article on my website and I shared it to my tier one network. If I had something in the iframe will it syndicate automatically on the network, or do I have to resubmit my article via my RSS feed?” Yeah. No. Well, wait a minute. Yeah. If you’re updating the iframe, it should update everywhere, because it’s the same iframe. Am I correct, Marco, or no?
Marco: That’s correct. The iframe will show whatever is in the source.
Bradley: Okay.
Marco: But, hang on, if he’s changing the iframe that it’s structured in the website, it’s not going to update everywhere else.
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: But, I think, well, Ivan, if you’re listening, maybe you can comment, but I think that what he’s saying is if he adds something, well, yeah, I know, if he adds something to the code that’s not going to resyndicate, but if you change what’s within the iframe-
Bradley: Right.
Hernan: Then it could, like if you change something within the Google My Maps, you know, like if you add another marker for example, that will automatically show everywhere, but if you add, I don’t know, whatever, a piece of code to that iframe, that’s not going to resyndicate. Am I correct? Am I right?
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: That’s correct. You would-
Bradley: [crosstalk 00:49:18] past the closing iframe tag, then that’s not going to update across the properties. Right?
Hernan: Right.
Bradley: Right. If that’s what you mean, Ivan, if you’re trying to add stuff like beyond the closing iframe tag, then no. You’d have to issue a new, or publish a new post. Here’s the thing guys, you cannot publish a post and have it syndicate to your network, and then go back and edit the post on your money site, and then expect it to edit all the posts that it was syndicated to, as well. It doesn’t work like that. You’d have to go delete the original post and then basically republish the post as a new post in order for it to trigger the RSS feed to syndicate, as a new post. Right? There is a plugin that you can use in WordPress, it’s called, Republish Old Posts, funny enough. Right?
Republish Old Posts, and I’ll say WP, or WordPress, that’s it right there. This plugin right here, you can use this plugin to republish old posts, it will reinsert them into your RSS feed, which will trigger a new syndication, you can do something like that if you wanted. But, yeah, if you’re changing something within the iframe, it’s going to update everywhere that the iframe was syndicated to, if you’re changing something outside of the closing iframe tag, then no, you’d have to force the syndication all over again. Okay? He says, “By the way, my comment on Semantic Mastery sales page, wow, I was surprised it’s like having a page one, position one on Google.” That’s awesome. Thanks, Ivan.
Using Proxies For IFTTT Properties
David says, “When creating a branded network, is it necessary to use proxies for any account work, once a network is in place. How much lift does using stacks of interlinked Google properties add?” First of all, is it necessary to use proxies for any account work? No. It’s not necessary. I recommend if you’re building a ton of networks that you have at least five dedicated proxies, any ways, that you can cycle through. I recommend, and this is covered in the training, David, but I recommend never trying to create more than two accounts with the same IP within 24 hours. Okay? Again, you can do it with your own IP, it’s fine you don’t need any proxies at all, as long as you’re not, and when I say, I mean, don’t try creating two accounts on the same account platform.
In other words, don’t try to create more than two Tumblrs, for example, or two Gmail addresses within 24 hours from the same IP. It will flag your IP and trust me, it will cause problems. If you’re going to be doing a lot of building, which again I don’t recommend you do, you should outsource that or just go to SERP Space and buy networks, but if you’re going to be doing a lot of that kind of stuff, then I recommend that you have at least five proxies, dedicated proxies, you want them to be clean. Dedicated means you are only using them, don’t get shared proxies. I also, highly recommend if you are going to be building a lot of networks that you use Browseo. Seriously. I mean, I got it opened, right here. I mean, it’s crazy, I got all these Browseo, I got this open all the time now, guys, it’s insane, because it’s a great, great tool. Okay?
“Once a network is in place, how much lift does using stacks of interlink Google properties add?” It depends, David. It depends if the Google stacks are created properly. It depends on how they’re done. It depends on which keywords, there’s just so many variables there, if they’re done correctly you can expect a substantial increase in rank. Okay? But, if you don’t do it correctly then, you know, I cannot speak, it might not help at all, in fact it might even cause problems. I don’t know. It just depends if they’re done right, or not.
Marco: It also depends on how much risk he’s willing to take, as far as, hammering the drive stack properties.
Local SEO For Business Franchise In The Same City
Bradley: Yeah. Okay. Ken, says, we’re almost done, guys, we only got a couple minutes left. He says, “I’m looking for clarity on ranking for local. I have a client that is a franchise. There are four locations within seven to 10 miles of each other, so I don’t think it would be reasonable to try to rank all of them for the same keyword. Franchise name, city, state.” For the same keyword. I’m sorry guys, I was just rereading that. “Since I would be competing against myself in each location, I can just see it now the management in each location would be pissed off if I wasn’t ranking them at the top of the three pack. I do understand that there would be overlap, and so do they. The only differentiating factor to each location is different zip codes, it’s a minor overlap.” Oh, wow, so it’s the same city and everything. “[inaudible 00:53:54] don’t show any search volume for franchise name, city, state,” yeah, I mean it probably wouldn’t. Well, if it’s franchise, yeah, maybe, because it has a franchise name. Right. But, what about the keyword? Instead of franchise name. Anyways, “I don’t think, so do I go ahead and only focus on franchise city, state, zip code, for each location and big G will pick up the fact of the search’s location? How would you suggest going after this? What would you do?”
Ken, that’s a really good question. I’ve never had to experience that, so it would take me some thought, we don’t have time for me to go, I mean, I’d literally have to think about it. Is Ken in any of our, he’s not in our Mastermind is he? I don’t think he is. Ken, this would be an awesome question for us to dissect in Mastermind, I sure wish you were in there, buddy. Let me think about this one a little bit, Ken, and we can revisit it next week. Sorry, if you cannot wait until then, because otherwise join the Mastermind, because we’ve got a Mastermind tomorrow, this could be a great question to dissect, but otherwise you are going to have to wait until next week, and I’m going to make a note right now.
Marco: If I could just add that right now the main factor for a three pack, or for what appears to search is proximity, I mean, that’s without question what the main factor, I mean-
Bradley: Especially for mobile.
Marco: [crosstalk 00:55:19]. If you are mobile, yeah, and you’re talking about nearly 70% of people right now who are searching on mobile, but I was just doing something on that last week, and sharing it with someone that-
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: Proximity seems to be the overriding factor. I mean, before anything else Google will pick up proximity.
Bradley: Yeah. So, Ken, again, if you’re in Mastermind, or if you want, you should join, and I’m not saying that for any other reason other than this would be a really good question to really dig into, but otherwise, I’ve got a note, I’ll think about this a little bit, maybe consult with Marco a bit, and then we’ll have kind of a concise answer for you next week. Okay? All right. I’m just going to read Wayne’s comment, really quickly, then we’ve got to wrap it up, guys, because I’ve got to go. He says, “Word on the street is that you are sharing something tomorrow on Mastermind that will elevate our business. Is something special planned for the next Mastermind?” Why, yes. It’s this guy named Wayne Clayton, who’s going to be on tomorrow sharing some of his expertise in prospecting and dealing with clients and his process of determining how much money they have to spend, what their goals are, and all that kind of stuff.
I was super impressed with a post that he made in one of the Facebook groups, one of our Facebook groups about a particular method that he uses whenever he’s prospecting and pitching clients, or at least asking questions of the clients, of prospects, excuse me. It was really detailed and I was super impressed, so I reached out to Wayne and asked him if he’d come on and be a guest presenter for the Mastermind, to share some of his stuff, and so I’m actually really looking forward to it. In part, because we are, in Semantic Mastery, we’re really ramping up something on the side that we’re working on that’s going to be requiring a lot of prospecting work.
Maybe in the near future, there’s going to be a full on, full blown prospecting course coming out from us, because that’s something that I’m working on right now, so I’m really anxious to hear what Wayne’s got, because some of that might even get included in what will be coming out with our prospecting course, in the future. Anyways, hopefully anybody that’s not in our Mastermind, it would be a good time to join, so go to mastermind.semanticmastery.com if you want to find out more about that, otherwise, we’ll see everybody next week.
Marco: Sounds good.
Bradley: Thanks, everybody. We’ll see you all later.
Hernan: Bye guys.
Bradley: Bye.
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 128 published first on your-t1-blog-url
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lawrenceseitz22 · 7 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 128
Click on the video above to watch Episode 128 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://ift.tt/1NZu6N2.
Bradley: We’re live. We’re back on Hangouts, guys, because webinar wouldn’t even start for us today, anyway. Hey everybody, Bradley Benner, here. Semantic Mastery, this is the Hump Day Hangouts episode 128, today is March 19th 2017, and we’ve got Chris, Hernan and Marco on with us. Adam is off running in the woods, again.
Hernan: Yeah. No. I think he was moving.
Bradley: He was moving? Is that what we’re calling it today?
Hernan: Yeah. Let’s call it like that.
Bradley: That’s cool. Chris, what’s up man?
Chris: Doing good. Right from a snowstorm here in Vienna.
Bradley: Guys, hold on, I guess Marco and Hernan you guys can chat for a minute.
Chris: Sure.
Marco: Yeah.
Bradley: Marco?
Marco: I’m good, man. We got really bad electrical storms, my electricity keeps coming in and out. If I drop off the Google police didn’t get me, the lightening storm got me. Sorry about that.
Chris: It’s cool.
Hernan: We started to think this is some kind of conspiracy, since we launched Battle Plan.
Marco: [crosstalk 00:01:09]. I’m telling you. We’re teaching people how to rank and they don’t like, so they’re trying to do everything they can to keep us off the air.
Hernan: Yeah.
Chris: We make things too easily available out there, that’s the thing.
Bradley: All right. Hopefully everybody refreshed the page, because on the event page, because you have to refresh the page for the new video to show up.
Marco: Okay. You both said it already.
Bradley: Let me see.
Hernan: Yeah.
Bradley: Yeah. Okay. All right, guys. Let’s get into it. I guess, we got probably a couple of announcements. We can stay to the actual five o'clock mark today, because we got started a few minutes early, or late guys. Anyways, let’s get into announcements. Hernan, what do we got?
Hernan: Yeah. Real quick. One of the things if you haven’t already, we strongly suggest that you get a copy of the Semantic Mastery, the SEO Domination Battle Plan. That will launch on Monday. Right now, the prices are real for the value that you’re getting and basically the coupon ends, I think it’s going to end in two hours, if I’m not mistaken. Then it’s going to double, more than double the price.
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: Go ahead get it. I’m going to put the link on the event page, but it’s basically battleplan.semanticmastery.com. Go ahead download it, we tried to make a really concise, simple guide, step by step document that you can come back over, and over, and over again, depending if you have each sites, new sites, YouTube videos, local websites, it’s everything in there. The way we do it. The way we implement it. That’s the main idea with Battle Plan. If you’re looking for something simple, go ahead and get it. If you’re looking for something more complex, or if you want more support, et cetera, come join the Mastermind, but that’s basically the main idea of the Battle Plan.
Bradley: There’s a couple of things that I want to mention about that. Is number one we had some people say your process cannot be simple. Well, actually it is.
Marco: It is.
Bradley: You know, that’s really what we do, guys, and that’s why I continually say on these Hump Day Hangouts that I like easy. Don’t over complicate shit, guys. If you want to make it complicated, then just stand on your head while you’re doing it. I don’t know. All I’m saying is those are the exact same services that we use, the same procedures, the process in order, in the steps that we do it in. It’s not difficult. I mean, we’ve got the infrastructure behind us, which is provided, it’s available for you guys, as well to use the same services that we use. I mean, again, some people said, well, it cannot be that simple, it’s just because I think by nature we as SEO’s and marketers typically want to over complicate shit, so that’s part of it and the other thing is, and just very quickly, let me grab the screen, I want to show you something here. You guys are seeing my screen, correct?
Chris: Yeah.
Bradley: This is the bonus site, guys. I think there’s more value in the freaking bonus site then there is in the actual PDF, so I just wanted to point this out real quick. This is something that wasn’t even mentioned on the sales page, but you get access to this bonus site that has a ton of different bonus stuff in here, and the bonus webinar section alone there’s multiple webinars, here, including on of our webinars that Marco just did, recently on iframe and java script secrets that’s a pay per view webinar of a $147.00 and that’s been included, as well. We’ve got a ton of different, you know, there’s case studies in here for Live Rank Sniper, for Rocket Video Ranker Pro, the v-mail prospecting course, which is the basic course I’m probably going to be doing a full blown course for that in the next couple months. Again, I just wanted to point out for a $20.00 PDF, there’s absolutely no reason why you guys shouldn’t pick it up for the simplicity of it, number one. Number two, because you get access to a bunch of amazing bonuses. Okay.
Hernan: Yeah.
Marco: The bonuses are, that’s the reason why it’s going to $100.00 when it’s all said and done.
Bradley: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Marco: Because it’s worth way more than a 100 bucks, but I mean-
Bradley: Damn right it is.
Marco: We wanted to keep it accessible to all of our members and followers, so they could actually have a plan that they could follow to achieve their success. If you want to complicate things, I mean that’s fine as Bradley said, but it doesn’t really need to be. All you have to do is just follow the step by step process. If you want to do more, then you’re more than welcome to join Syndication Academy, you’re more than welcome to come into the Mastermind and ask us as many complex questions as you want, and we’ll answer them. You have full access to us, there. If not, just follow the training step by step. That’s all you have to do. Seriously.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: That’s it.
Bradley: I love it when somebody analysis the plan and says, oh, no, it cannot be that simple, this must not work.
Hernan: [crosstalk 00:06:05].
Hernan: Another thing that’s worth mentioning is that the bonus side that you get for free will be updated. We have a bunch of case studies that are going to be uploaded to the bonus site, so go ahead order it now, because again it’s going to 100 bucks, soon. Now, you can get it for $20.00, it’s crazy.
Bradley: Yeah.
Chris: What’s the coupon code, again?
Bradley: Missile launch.
Hernan: Yeah. It’s missile launch. Thank you, Chris. It’s missile launch, one word and it’s on the event page, again, battleplan.semantricmastery.com. That coupon is going to be available for the next two hours and then it’s going to more than double the price.
Bradley: Okay. Cool. All right. Do we have any other announcements, because if not, let’s get into it.
Marco: Let’s do it.
Bradley: All right. Cool. We’re we going to talk, we’re not talking about the next webinar, are we, yet? Marco?
Marco: No. You can just tell them what it’s going to be about.
Bradley: All right. We’re going to do another webinar in the series, Marco’s series that we’ve done three, now, and we’re about to do a fourth, which is going to be a structured data webinar, guys. We scheduled it, but I don’t know the date off hand.
Marco: It will be around April 8th.
Bradley: May. A Monday-
Marco: May.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: Sorry.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: May 8th.
Bradley: Monday. Excuse me Monday, May 8th. You’re right. I’m sorry.
Marco: Usual time. It will be then, if it changes we have plenty of time to let people know.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: I’m working on that.
Bradley: You guys will get notifications via email and stuff for registration, so I just wanted to let you guys know that, that’s coming, as well. Okay. All right. Cool. I’m going to grab the screen and we’re going to get into questions. It feels weird to be back in Hangouts, man. It feels kind of like home.
Hernan: Yeah.
Bradley: You know?
Chris: It’s actually working.
Bradley: It’s working, too.
Chris: Right.
Private Home Address For A Lead Gen Site’s Google My Business Page
Bradley: Unlike WebinarJam, for some reason. All right. Ala, I’m sorry if I’m mispronouncing your name, forgive me, he says, “Hi, everyone. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to be part of the Hangout, I’m quite new to SEO and I have a question, which might sound very basic. My question is, can I use a private home address for local lead gen?” I believe we answered this question last week or the week before, but it seems like I remember this question. Yes. Of course, you can use your private home address for lead gen. Well, I don’t recommend doing it for fake businesses, or [inaudible 00:08:29] business. What I mean by, guys, obviously, I set up generic businesses, right, generic lead gen funnels, landing pages, whatever you want to call them. Assets. But, I don’t register all of them with my home address, and I wouldn’t recommend that you do that either.
Go get a PO Box. If you’re in the United States, go get a PO Box. I know some people say that’s not working, or isn’t going to work anymore. I covered this in a Facebook live post, recently, but I’m still able to get them to work. What happens is where the problem occurs is if you try to register multiple businesses, so Google My Business pages underneath the same account using multiple PO Boxes. I’ve had that happen to me a couple times in the last few months where I’ve, in the last six months, where I’ve had, I’ve tried to register two different PO Boxes within the same Google My Business owner account, profile, essentially, and I’ve gotten it flagged and I had to reverify.
In one case, I just abandoned it all together, and re-registered a new business under another profile, because it there was no way for me to verify it. I basically lost that one, but it’s not a big deal, it happens, guys. The way the work arounds so far to this point has been just to register one Google My Business profile per, or excuse me, My Business Account per profile, so that you essentially have a different account owner for each one. That’s the way I’ve been able to get around it, again, they may crack down on that at some point in the very near future, maybe so, but until then I’m going to continue exploiting it. That’s what I recommend you do.
You can also hire, rent virtual mailboxes from other places other than the PO box, but those are the cheapest and so far they are still working for me. Okay? Again, I do not recommend that you register a bunch of businesses to your home address, I mean, you can, but I wouldn’t do it. All right? The other thing is you don’t want to share the same address for multiple businesses. Guys, that’s part of the reason I like to use PO boxes, because they’re cheap enough, where even if I’ve got 10 businesses in the same, like I got 10 different lead gen funnels, let’s say 10 different industries and it’s in the same damn city, I can have 10 different PO boxes, because the deal is the address is going to be street address of the PO office and then you’re going to get a box number.
It’s going to be 123 Main Street number 101. Maybe next time you will get number 208, or whatever. My point is each one of those are each considered a unique address because of the box number, makes it unique. Does that make sense? I mean you could probably do it with your own home address, like if your home address was 123 Maple Street, and you did 123 Maple Street, or 123-A, and 123-B, 123-C you could probably get away with that, but I certainly wouldn’t recommend it. Again, it’s cheap enough to where you can just buy additional boxes and I like to do that.
People have asked me before, do you continue to rent the PO box after you’ve received the PO box, or excuse me, the verification card? Yes. I do. I pay for everyone of those. I’ve got PO boxes that I’ve been paying for, for years, guys, I renew them every year, it’s only happened to me twice in my entire digital marketing career that I’ve had to reverify via postcard, a business listing, it’s only happened twice in six or seven years, now.
However, when it happens, if it happens I have the ability to retrieve the postcard, because I renew the boxes every year and it’s a nominal fee, guys. In the less populated areas I can get a PO box for a year for about 60 bucks, or $64.00 something like that. So, $64.00 per year, roughly. Okay? For the more populated areas it cost me $128.00 a year. It’s so inexpensive, it’s such a small cost of doing business that I just pay for it. Okay?
One Address For Multiple GMB Pages In Denmark
Okay. Anyways. “Can I use the very same address for multiple, different businesses in the same area, or city. Note, I live in Denmark. Thank you for your help.” I guess I should answer that, I don’t know about Denmark, I cannot speak for anything in any foreign country, guys. All I can talk about specifically for local is within the United State, but I’m quite sure that if I can get away with doing what I’m doing in the US you could probably get away with it in Denmark. You probably would get away with a hell of a lot more in Denmark, I’m sure. In which case you might, you could possibly use one address and then just put that unique identifier like dash A, dash B, dash C, you could probably get away with that in Denmark, again, I don’t know. I don’t have any experience in that market, but in the US it’s a little bit stricter, typically, and that’s why I just use unique address for each location, like in other words a unique, it gets a unique box number, which makes it unique. Okay? All right. Cool.
Hump Day Hangouts For Semantic Mastery Students On Amazon, Rank & Rent, Etc.
Toby [inaudible 00:13:18], he says, “Can you do a Hump Day Hangouts with your students who are killing it Rank to Rant, or Amazon, Shopify, PayPerCall et cetera, or PayPerCall, et cetera?” I asked him this question yesterday, I guess, because I was trying to clarify, he said, yeah, by the way if you’re watching Toby, what’s up, he says, yes. “Should we bring on guest presenters?” We do that in the Mastermind, Toby. We bring guest presenters on in the Mastermind. We had Clint Butler on two weeks ago, which was awesome, because he did training on PageSpeed, which was awesome, because some of our Mastermind members implemented what he trained for that session and were able to reduce the page load times to under a second. I think it was like three quarters of a second, which was awesome.
Anyways, tomorrow we’ve got our very own Wayne Clayton, he’s been one of our most engaged Mastermind members, and he’s had phenomenal success, and he’s coming on tomorrow to be a guest presenter, to talk about prospecting and his unique approach to prospecting and landing clients. He’s had a lot of experience in the media industry, so he’s got a unique approach that a lot of us in the digital marketing industry haven’t seen or heard. I’m actually really looking forward to having him to come on tomorrow to give his presentation and answer questions about his prospecting methods. Again, Toby, we do that kind of stuff in the Mastermind. Hump Day Hangouts is really supposed to be a forum for Q and A. Okay? It doesn’t mean that we cannot setup a separate webinar for that, sometime, but we’d have to figure out a good angle for it.
Marco: Yeah. Then, we’d also have to be careful about giving away the niche, or any of that information, because actually I had someone do that in the RYS Facebook group and when he posted the URL, directly after that, a couple of days later, he got hit with a ton of spam, so we know that it was someone from our own RYS Academy that went and did that. I don’t know why they would do that to someone who is trying to help and show how he’s doing it, but it’s one of the reasons why we try to protect it, and keep it inside the Mastermind where we know most of the people are trustworthy.
Bradley: Yeah. I totally agree. That’s why that’s in part why we do stuff like that on the Mastermind, guys, because it’s a very, very tight group, like an intimate group, so it makes it a lot easier. It doesn’t mean that there’s not people there that can be malicious, as well, because there certainly can be, but it’s less likely.
Anchor Text Variation In Link Building
Okay. Doctor Brain McKay, he says, “When building links is it better to use one, and only one variation? For example, dub, dub, dub, or just HTTP, or just a domain.com. I have heard varying advice where you would use all and someone else saying use one every time you build a link.” You know, honestly, I’ve used variations, if I were to be using spam tools, which I don’t anymore, at all. I don’t ever run them, myself, but I would always use variations.
Here’s a good example, Brian, in the recent weeks I’ve done several case studies for different YouTube tools, they’re all in the bonus site that I just showcased a minute ago. One of them being Live Rank Sniper and the other one being Rocket Video Ranker Pro, and there has been some spinning and all that for the video descriptions and that kind of stuff, which is pretty typical for any sort of spam work, and those are in my opinion they’re both spam tools, they can be used to not spam, but the way that I used them was very intentionally to spam, and because of that I just started doing a lot of spinning and stuff like that again in the last few weeks, which I had gotten away from for a while.
When I create the links that go in the video description to where I want to direct people to, I like to use all the different variations as you just laid out here. HTTP, if there’s HTTPS as well, if the SSL protocol is available then I’ll go ahead and add that one in, as well. I’ll use the trailing slash with and without the trailing slash, I’ll use dub, dub, dub and non dub, dub, so I use all variation of them so that it adds variety and diversity to the video description. In other words, if we’ve got 15 videos in the same channel, I want the URL, the call to action URL to be a variation all the time, if possible. Just because it gives more diversity to the thing. Now, as far as the SEO purposes, since they all resolve to the same location, I don’t think it makes much difference, but I’d like to hear Marco and Hernan’s input on this, please.
Marco: It’s just acrotex variation, that’s why you do that. The destinations is usually all the same, but also you want to keep that, you might, people don’t all link the same way. They-
Bradley: That’s right.
Marco: If you go throughout the web, like you get 100 people they’re all going to link to a website a different way. Some will use a dub, dub, dub. I particularly don’t anymore, because I know it will resolve to the dub, dub, dub anyway.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: I use them all simply because that’s what people do on the web. It makes absolutely no sense, and whoever is advising only one variation is actually misguided.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: Because that’s not the way that people type.
Bradley: Now, the only time that I would recommend always using the exact same URL format is when you’re citing an NAP, name, address, phone number, so any time you’re going to create, or reference, or list an NAP somewhere within content, or link building, or something like that I would always recommend using the same type of URL. Just because it’s an NAP, you want data consistency as much as possible.
Marco: And, the URL should be whatever shows-
Bradley: Shows in Google My Business.
Marco: Yeah. To link to the website, where they say website, and you click on it, that’s the version that you should use in that one particular case.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: Yeah.
Hernan: Yeah. This case, I totally agree with Marco. That’s why we keep saying that you need to validate the entity on one of the main, you know, when your website is popular, or you’re trying it to appear to be popular, you need to emulate as much as possible human behavior that’s why you need to do things differently from time to time. I mean, different URLs people will mention your website differently, maybe they will spell it wrong. As long as the link is the link, you know, we had, I think we had Gary, Doctor Gary, came to a Mastermind and he showed how you can get links from really powerful websites just because they’re misspelled. You know?
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: As long as the URL is pointing correctly to your website, the anchor text could be misspelled, you know, it can be Semantic Mastery or something else, or Semantic Master as long as the hyperlink is pointing to semanticmastery.com. You know? Yeah. Vary it a little bit, that would be my intake on it.
Three Pack Map In Organic Ranking
Bradley: Very good. Okay. Ala, is up again, he says, “Hi. When the first three to four sites on the Google organic search are not the same ones as in Google three pack,” so the maps pack, “does that mean that it’s easy to rank in the three pack map, or the first page of the organic search for that specific niche? Thanks for the help.” It doesn’t meant that it’s going to be easy to rank in the map, it’s just means that the maps listings aren’t, the ones that are ranked in maps they’re on page for their sit isn’t as good, is not good enough to be on the first page.
In other words, and it doesn’t have to be just be the on page, it could be the combination of on page, or on page and off page, but typically the organic results, it’s a different algorithm. There’s a lot of overlap between the local algorithm and the organic algorithm, now, it’s a lot more closely related now than it used to be. That was particularly where a lot of that marriage occurred was the Pigeon update, if you guys remember that. That was, shit, that was probably two years ago, now. Amazing how time flies. There is some overlap there, but for example Ala, I don’t ever, I don’t care at all about organic rankings anymore for lead gen, or for local stuff, when I have a physical location available, even if that means I have to black half the physical location using a PO box. Right?
I don’t care about organic anymore at all for lead gen and local stuff, only because I know from all my lead gen assets is that my call volume drops for stuff that was organic only. My call volume dropped 60%, because of the new SERP layout. Right? When I say new, it’s not new anymore, but the SERP layout as it stands today, which is four ads, typically four ads and a maps pack, so you end up going past seven freaking listings before you ever get to the first organic. I can tell you right now, the reason why I’m telling you this is because I have multiple lead gen sites all over the place that are ranked in maps, but they might be on page two or page three in organic. I don’t care.
It doesn’t bother me, because the phone calls are coming from the maps pack, or from AdsWords, excuse me AdWords. I’m either getting calls from my ads, or I’m getting calls from the maps pack. I don’t get calls from organic, very, very rarely do I get calls from organic when a map is displayed for a search query. Right? Most search queries are going to display. Now, I will still target organic for lead gen and local, like if I’m doing video campaigns, for example, because you cannot get a video, well, I say you cannot, it’s unlikely to get a video above the maps pack, anymore, for a local term. Okay?
I still will do spamming with YouTube and stuff like that for organic rankings, but when it comes to websites, and stuff, I personally don’t care if there’s a maps pack that shows for the search query, then I’m going to try to rank in the maps pack, not the organic. Okay? Typically, when there’s a difference between what’s showing in maps, and what’s showing in organic it’s because the site that’s ranking in maps, but not in organic is speaking, or it’s more congruent with what the map’s algorithm was.
If that makes sense. But maybe not as much for the organic. Like I said, it could be a, I found that’s often times more an on page issue, than an off page issue, but it could be both. I’m just saying personally when I’ve been able to identify issues where I’m not ranking as good organically as I should be based upon my maps ranking, it’s a lot of the times, at least in my experiences it’s been because of on page issues, either over optimization, which triggers Panda, again, it’s just Panda in general. Thin content, over optimization, things like that. You guys got any input on that?
Marco: Yeah. I would just tell him he is trying to do local since he talked about the map pack before.
Bradley: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Marco: Right? I’m thinking he wants, the way that you do that is entity. You do the entity. You validate it, then you push trust, and authority, and relevance up to the entity, it’s called RYS Academy, by the way. That’s how you force all of that up to the entity and over to the destination and you could actually do both. Rank in maps and organic.
IFTTT Syndicated Video As Duplicate Content
Bradley: Yeah. That’s what I would do. All right. Cool. We’re going to keep moving. Let’s see who is next Balint, sorry if I mispronounce that, he says, “Thanks for last weeks input I was rather asking about how to make both RSS and YouTube syndication to work for the same network. My idea, I upload a video, unlisted to YouTube, I have it transcribed to make a post to my main site with the additional content, the video is embedded and the title is different. That post with transcription gets syndicated via RSS trigger. I make the video public a bit later on, because it’s public now the sole video gets syndicated via YouTube upload trigger, too. Maybe not to the main blog, though. Would that work, or still count as duplicate spam?” No. That would work, Balint. That’s absolutely fine.
I’ve said that in previous Hump Day Hangouts, that question has come up several times, Balint, so you’re not the first to ask it. It’s okay to post both the video to your channel and to your blog, and have them both syndicate to the same network, that’s absolutely fine. Where the problem occurs is when people have both their YouTube channel triggering their network and their blog, and they upload the video, which syndicates to their network, and then they just take the video and go embed it in a post on their blog with the same title, and usually not much different in the video description, either, and then they post that, because here’s the problem it won’t hurt your money site, your blog, and it won’t hurt your YouTube channel.
Where it can cause problems is on the network itself, the syndication network, because now you’ve got two posts that look nearly identical to your network properties, because it’s the same title, which ends up being the same title, and then you have the same video, so especially for Blogger, Tumblr, and WordPress where there’s embeds, because that’s basically, it’s going to look like the same post, basically, other than perhaps maybe some slight differences in text in the description area. But, if you’re going to change the title and usually make the title more like blog specific, right, because usually blog post, guys, are going to have more, you know, longer conversational, natural speech pattern type titles than a YouTube video, because YouTube videos are going to usually be synced keyword different type titles. Right, guys?
But, blog titles are generally going to be more like natural speech patterns. Right? So, if you’re going to take your video and also post it to your blog and have both syndicating to the same network, then it’s absolutely fine to do so if you’re going to make a different title, and if you’re going to have that video transcribed, you’re going to have a much longer description, so it’s not going to look like duplicate content on the web two properties. If that makes sense. That’s absolutely perfectly fine, Balint. I’m sorry if I misunderstood your question last week.
SEO Battle Plan For Rebranding
Roy says, “Got the Battle Plan reviewed it, question, just got a dental client and had to rebrand his practice, dissolved partnership,” okay, “So, the main practice name has changed to a new name, he then purchased another practice in a different city, I rebranded his practice website as ABC Dental Group with the two city locations. Do I just create one Google Plus page for the group.com, or different for each location?” No. You create a different Google page for each location, Roy. Well, I mean, let me rephrase that. If you’re creating a Google brand page, then you can have one brand page and reference both locations, but I understand that if you’re talking about, I’m sure you’re talking about Google My Business, a locations page. In which case you want a different page for each location. Okay?
There are brand pages and there are locations pages, and actually locations pages are no longer Google Plus pages at all, they’re maps pages. They’re not even part of Google Plus, anymore. Does that make sense? If you go in your Google My Business dashboard you access your maps data through maps, and your Google Plus page, which is now just a brand page, there is no local version of the brand page anymore that I’m aware of, anyways, because you edit your details on maps. Okay? Anyways, there might still be a locations Google Plus page, but I don’t know what the use of it is for, I don’t how it’s valuable at all anymore, to be honest with you, everything is now being, for the local part of it, it’s all being handled through maps. Okay? So, for that, yeah, go ahead and create a different locations page for each.
“Do I need to modify the Battle Plan for the purchase practice since it already has G-Plus established? I’m a bit confused on how to apply the Battle Plan to the situation.” I’m not sure I understand what you mean, the purchase practice since it already has a G-Plus established, I mean, if it’s already got a locations page, you’re going to have to rebrand all that stuff. Right? I mean, I think that’s what you’re saying, you said, he rebranded his practice with the two locations, Roy, I’m not really following all of the parts of this question, but if you the other business that he purchased had a Google My Business page, already, and now he purchased it, if he’s rebranding everything, what I would recommend, especially if that other business was established and had any sort of decent rankings in Google and/or maps. Right? If it was ranking.
You’re going to have to rebrand it, if it’s rebranded, I’m assuming it’s going to have to be rebranded, in which case what you’d want to do is don’t, I wouldn’t set up a new listing, because it’s going to have the same address unless the phone number changed, the name and the phone number, and the website, like if all of those data points change, then yes I would set up a new business. I would close, say that the other business was permanently closed then create a new listing, but you’d have to make sure that the only thing that was the same out of all the data points between name, address, phone number, and URL is the address. Right?
You’d have to have the different brand name, different phone number, different URL. Then, you could mark that other place as closed and start a new GMB page, which is what I would do if those other conditions were met. However, if the phone number, the physical location, and perhaps the web address, and/or the brand name or whatever are the same, if you don’t have all those unique properties within those four data points, there, then you’re going to have to do a citation cleanup, which would be going out and basically correcting all of the old citations to list the new data for the business. Does that make sense? That’s a pain in the ass, but that’s what you’re going to have to do.
I recommend, highly, that you go, if you guys can get the link ready, it’s http://ift.tt/2bbLT53, that’s L-O-G-A-N-I-X. That is a citation clean up service there that can handle that for you, well, provided that it’s in the US, they may do it in other areas, but I don’t know. Loganix citation cleanup service in the US is really, really good. You get about a 70% success rate, and they’re very, very thorough. That’s what I would recommend doing. Like I said, if you’re going to rebrand it and you get a new URL, and you’re going to change the phone number then I would set up a new listing all together, because that’s going to be a lot less of a headache than trying to fix old citations, that’s just a real pain in the ass, and that’s why I just outsource that all the time. All right. We’re going to keep moving.
Hernan: Sorry, Bradley, but it’s on the events page, http://ift.tt/2bbLT53.
Generating Quality Leads From Google Adwords Campaigns
Bradley: Okay. If you want to followup, Roy, with us in one of our groups Facebook or something with some more detail, like where it can be explained a little bit further we might be able to help you out a little bit better. I feel like I wasn’t able to answer that question, properly, because I don’t have all the details. Mark’s next, he says, “Hi, guys. Hope all is well. My question is about your Local Kingpin product, I’m starting to get somewhere now with SEO, but it does take forever, and that’s okay, I accept that’s how SEO goes and just get on with it, but I like the idea of starting with AdWords and then adding SEO lead gen later. I’m not asking for AdWords advice that’s what the training is for, and I’ve bought your products before, so I know it will be legit. My question is how did, or how is it going? Are you able to generate enough quality leads for your client? I work with contractors, if that helps, not looking for specific advice, just your opinion on how well AdWords works.” I’m crossinated with AdWords, guys, I mean, yeah, my profit is a lot smaller on my AdWords leads because I pay for the clicks and everything, but they’re so much easier to set up, and I can, I mean, that’s what Local Kingpin is about, Mark, is about setting up like literally you can set up a lead gen funnel and have traffic, and be receiving leads within 48 hours.
I mean, you could do it within a day, but I say within 48 hours because it usually takes me two days to set up a lead gen asset. Well, it used to take me two days, when I was new, but now I’ve got a lot of stuff, templatized, like I’ve got Click Funnels, funnels that are already all set up. They’re generic funnels. I can just clone the funnel and then go in and swap out details, and I’ve got working procedure’s setup for a lot of stuff, now, so I have check lists that I can go through. That kind of stuff that makes it just really simple for me to set up a funnel, a lead gen asset, and turn on ads, and it’s like literally within a few hours of you submitting your first ad you can start generating traffic.
The main thing, Mark, if you go through Local Kingpin, which I highly recommend, especially for contractors, because that’s my market, is contractors. I mean, I love being able to generate leads with AdWords, now. I don’t know why I was so scared of AdWords for so long, but now I absolutely love it, because the speed in which I can generate, and here’s the thing, what I love about setting up AdWords funnels, guys, is I can determine right off the bat, right away, where my money keywords are. The 80/20 rule 100% applies to AdWords, and there’s a book by Perry Marshall called, The 80/20 Sales and Marketing. Go get the damn book. By it on Kindle, whatever. Pick it up, read it, because it is absolutely 100% correct when it comes to AdWords, especially for the local lead gen funnels. 80% of your traffic is going to come from 20% of your keywords. That’s it. All this shit that we do in SEO, where we scrap hundreds of keywords, and we build silos, and we have to do all this content, and we have to properly silo the content, we got to do all this internal linking, all that’s great it can pay off there’s no doubt, but so many of those keywords, or long tail and stuff like that where you’re going to get very little to no traffic from them.
Now, cumulatively they all build to make your site stronger and more relevant, which will generate more traffic, so there’s certainly a reason to do all that, but my point is we go through harvesting these great big keyword lists and all that stuff, and with AdWords, especially the way that I show how to do it using alpha beta campaign structure you can literally go in, do your keyword research in about a half an hour.
The main point for that is generating, or building a negative keyword list, because you ought to already know what your main money keywords are for the project that you’re working on. Really the keyword research is about building a negative keyword list, but then you plug in your money keywords, you add your negative keyword lists, use modified broad match, and then you let AdWords tell you where your money keywords are, and within a month you can identify your top keywords where 80% of your traffic is going to come from, and I guarantee you it will be 20% of your keywords.
Then, those are the keywords that you focus your SEO efforts on. As I mentioned, I think in the Local Kingpin training, I’m not starting any SEO projects from scratch anymore. I’m not starting new projects with SEO as my main promotional type, anymore. I’m not doing it, unless it’s YouTube spam, because I’m just not going to do it. From now on, I’m doing AdWords first to prove my keywords and prove that it’s converting and that kind of stuff, and then I’ll invest my time and effort into SEO for the keywords that I’ve identified as my winners.
Hernan: Yeah.
Bradley: Does that make sense?
Hernan: Yeah. I really like that approach, Bradley. The fact that you’re getting speed, that you’re getting, I mean, each rating on a project and you’re failing fast.
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: You’re finding out, you’re weeding out the keywords that are not going to work, that they’re not going to convert, and then you’re focusing on the keywords that are, and I think that’s really the key when it comes to paid advertising, is that you get data so much faster that your business can grow a lot more, because if you have to be waiting six months to get data on your business, it’s money, time is money.
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: If you’re doing SEO and waiting all of that time, then you’re spending all of that money that you could be earning, because you’re failing fast on your project. Once you have that, once you have the process in place you can still do SEO and you know that it’s going to pickup three to six months down the road, maybe a year down the road and you still do SEO, so that when that hits, or when you’re getting a decent amount of organic traffic, you know that the funnel is converting.
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: There’s basically no top to how much you can scale, it all depends on the market that you’re in. The market will tell you how much you can scale, or sell a product, or sell a service, whatever that is, but that’s basically why I like paid advertising combined with SEO, because again you don’t want to put all of your eggs in one basket.
Bradley: That’s correct.
Hernan: Like, one way or the other.
Bradley: Yeah. Here’s the thing, guys, think about this, you could spend months working on a project, and find out for SEO I mean, you could spend months working on trying to build the SEO for a project, set of keywords, whatever, and find out that it’s just not profitable. It’s not working. Now, you’ve spent months of effort and time on it, and probably money, as well. With AdWords you can prove it very, very quickly, whether it’s going to be profitable or not. If you can make it profitable when you’re paying for the clicks, then it will be profitable for SEO, there’s no doubt, because you won’t be paying, I mean, you do pay for those clicks with time and effort, and somewhat money, too. You know what I mean? It’s indirect. You’re paying indirectly, not directly for clicks.
Again, that’s number one. Number two, the other part of that, Mark, is why I love AdWords for local lead gen now is because if you do register a mailbox and it can be a PO box, it doesn’t even have to be verified, guys. You can register local addresses and set up AdWords campaigns and use the location’s extension. Are you hearing this? You don’t even have to have a verified address and it will still show the location’s extension in your ad and it will also, if you’ve got your ads set up properly and you’re at the top of the search, or the top of the ads pack, which as to do with quality score, you’ll end up in the maps, an ad in the first maps position. Not necessarily in the three pack.
On mobile devices, if you have call only ads set up you can show up in the three pack on mobile devices, but on desktop, I haven’t seen, I haven’t been able to get any of my ads to show up in the three pack on desktop, but I have been able to get almost virtually all of my ads to show up in the first position in maps, so when somebody clicks on the more results, it will show my ad at the very top of the results when that page expands. If that makes sense.
That’s the thing, and again with location extensions you don’t even need to verify the address. I know that, because one of the lead gen funnels I set up for Local Kingpin, Google was not sending me the verification postcard, so I went ahead and said, screw it, I’m going to continue with the project and I went ahead and added the location’s extension and you have to link it to your Google My Business profile, and then select whatever page, and I linked that page to it and I thought well, let’s just check it and see if it works, and damn if it didn’t show my maps extension in the ad, even though it was an unverified address, which is awesome. Right? I just wanted to give you guys that little nugget. Local Kingpin, guys, is a great, great course if you’re doing lead gen and you’re not using AdWords, you’re crazy, in my opinion. Okay.
Battle Plan Versus RYS Academy, Syndication Academy & Other Semantic Mastery Products
All right. Herovic, he says, “Hi. I have a question regarding the Battle Plan, how is it different than the IFTTT Academy, RYS, or the Mastermind? Does it add something new, or is it a blueprint that incorporates all of them? Thank you.” Well, a $20.00 PDF certainly cannot incorporate IFTTT, RYS, and the Mastermind. It would be nice if it could, but it would be an awfully big PDF if we did.
Hernan: Yeah. [inaudible 00:41:58] depth of Semantic Mastery and the three years-
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: In Mastermind. I know all of the nuggets that are RYS, it’s going to be longest.
Bradley: Yeah. That would be very, Herovic, the Battle Plan is basically, the process is that we use for working on any digital assets, whether they’re established or they’re just being launched. It’s the same, it’s just the series of steps that we take for setting up the networks, and link building, and citations, and press releases, and like all of the different steps in the order that we do them. It’s the same process that we’ve used for years, now.
All we did was put it in a simple format, including links to the products and services that we use for that kind of stuff, which most of them are our own services, anyways, because we developed all of those services specifically because we use them. We only made our services available to others, because we kept getting asked for it. We had developed our services, for us, originally. Okay. That’s all it is. It’s very, very simple. It doesn’t need to be complicated. Some people wished it was more complicated, and that’s why I said, you know, I don’t know, stand on your head while you perform the tasks. I don’t know.
Marco: Can I add something more to this?
Bradley: Please, do.
Marco: Yeah. Our Battle Plan is a blueprint. A blueprint is used to build a house.
Bradley: Right.
Marco: The blueprint does not build the house for you, you have to follow the blueprint and go and build a house, using whatever tools are necessary for the construction of whatever it is that you want to make of that house according to the blueprint that you’re using. I mean, I cannot put it any clearer, or plainer than that. Get a blueprint on what you’re supposed to do and how you’re supposed to do it, not why you’re supposed to do it, and definitely it’s not going to get done for you. I hope that clarifies-
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: Everything.
Bradley: Again, it’s very simple Herovic, it’s the process that we use, and I like simple, that’s why we made it simple, because it doesn’t need to be overcomplicated. If you want to learn more about Syndication Academy, and syndication networks, you’re certainly welcome to join, RYS, as well, Mastermind is our top level coaching group, and that you’re certainly welcome to join that, as well.
Rocket Video Ranker Vs Live Rank Sniper
Next question, “How does the Rocket Video Ranker differ from Live Rank Sniper? Can we emulate its functionality and do it manually? What’s the principle behind it?” Yeah. They’re two different things. Live Rank Sniper, is really a keyword poking tool, and Peter Drew, the developer even calls it that, so it’s not like that’s a secret. It’s mainly a poking tool. You can use it to identify keywords, to test keywords with YouTube schedule of live events. You don’t even need to have a video. Right?
Live Rank Sniper doesn’t even require you to have a video, it’s just a software that automates the process of setting up YouTube scheduled live events, because of their indexable schedule with live events, they will index without even a video, they’re just place holders in the index, and then once you have identified keywords you can, if you want, stream directly to those scheduled live events through Live Rank Sniper. It’s a manual process, and it takes time. I say, manual, it’s semi automated in that you only have to click the mouse a couple times for it to start doing its thing, but then you have to wait for the software to run to stream the video, and it will end and then you have to stream, you know, click the mouse a few times to go stream to the next scheduled live event that’s ranking. I don’t recommend it for that. I recommend using it specifically for identifying keywords, using it as a poking tool. Okay? If you want a tool that works seamlessly with Live Rank Sniper I would say Hangout Millionaire, which is Peter Drew’s upgrade, like that’s his top level, well, it’s currently his top level SEO video marketing software, but he’s coming out, well, I’m not going to say anything else. That’s a great tool, as well, though, it works really good with Live Rank Sniper.
Rocket Video Ranker is a different animal all together. Rocket Video Ranker is freaking fabulous. It’s a loophole as far as I’m concerned. The way that it works, but basically you upload, you just do uploads with Rocket Video Ranker, but it automates uploading multiple videos at one time very, very quickly in a very unique fashion. The way that it works, it’s very unique, I don’t know how long it’s going to last, or even why it works the way that it does, but it works really, really well, right now. I know, because I used a shit ton, I used a lot of it. I used it a lot, excuse me, over the last two weeks, and the case study, by the way, just so you know, the case study in here, look, this is it, guys, I mean, I’ve got 11, there’s got to be two and a half hours worth of content in this case study, alone. Exactly how I use it, and it’s great because you can set up digital assets.
YouTube channels, you can turn YouTube channels into digital assets very quickly using this, and I even talk about it in the strategy session here, in what’s the very last video here, it’s called, What’s Next, I talk very specifically about a strategy that you can hire virtual assistants to run the software for you, and literally create dozens and dozens of these digital assets, YouTube channel assets, and you can monetize them, and there’s multiple ways to do that, as well, and I talk about that in the case study. Hopefully, that makes some sense. Herovic, if you don’t have either one of them go buy the PDF, the Battle Plan and you should have access to this bonus study, excuse me, this bonus membership site and if you do, then just go through watch the first couple videos of each one of the case studies, and you make the decision as to what is best for your business. Okay? They’re available for you to watch, so that you can make that decision.
Changes To The iFrame Tag
All right. I only got about eight minutes left, so let’s roll through these next few. Ivan, says, “Hey, guys. I embedded a Google My Maps in an article on my website and I shared it to my tier one network. If I had something in the iframe will it syndicate automatically on the network, or do I have to resubmit my article via my RSS feed?” Yeah. No. Well, wait a minute. Yeah. If you’re updating the iframe, it should update everywhere, because it’s the same iframe. Am I correct, Marco, or no?
Marco: That’s correct. The iframe will show whatever is in the source.
Bradley: Okay.
Marco: But, hang on, if he’s changing the iframe that it’s structured in the website, it’s not going to update everywhere else.
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: But, I think, well, Ivan, if you’re listening, maybe you can comment, but I think that what he’s saying is if he adds something, well, yeah, I know, if he adds something to the code that’s not going to resyndicate, but if you change what’s within the iframe-
Bradley: Right.
Hernan: Then it could, like if you change something within the Google My Maps, you know, like if you add another marker for example, that will automatically show everywhere, but if you add, I don’t know, whatever, a piece of code to that iframe, that’s not going to resyndicate. Am I correct? Am I right?
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: That’s correct. You would-
Bradley: [crosstalk 00:49:18] past the closing iframe tag, then that’s not going to update across the properties. Right?
Hernan: Right.
Bradley: Right. If that’s what you mean, Ivan, if you’re trying to add stuff like beyond the closing iframe tag, then no. You’d have to issue a new, or publish a new post. Here’s the thing guys, you cannot publish a post and have it syndicate to your network, and then go back and edit the post on your money site, and then expect it to edit all the posts that it was syndicated to, as well. It doesn’t work like that. You’d have to go delete the original post and then basically republish the post as a new post in order for it to trigger the RSS feed to syndicate, as a new post. Right? There is a plugin that you can use in WordPress, it’s called, Republish Old Posts, funny enough. Right?
Republish Old Posts, and I’ll say WP, or WordPress, that’s it right there. This plugin right here, you can use this plugin to republish old posts, it will reinsert them into your RSS feed, which will trigger a new syndication, you can do something like that if you wanted. But, yeah, if you’re changing something within the iframe, it’s going to update everywhere that the iframe was syndicated to, if you’re changing something outside of the closing iframe tag, then no, you’d have to force the syndication all over again. Okay? He says, “By the way, my comment on Semantic Mastery sales page, wow, I was surprised it’s like having a page one, position one on Google.” That’s awesome. Thanks, Ivan.
Using Proxies For IFTTT Properties
David says, “When creating a branded network, is it necessary to use proxies for any account work, once a network is in place. How much lift does using stacks of interlinked Google properties add?” First of all, is it necessary to use proxies for any account work? No. It’s not necessary. I recommend if you’re building a ton of networks that you have at least five dedicated proxies, any ways, that you can cycle through. I recommend, and this is covered in the training, David, but I recommend never trying to create more than two accounts with the same IP within 24 hours. Okay? Again, you can do it with your own IP, it’s fine you don’t need any proxies at all, as long as you’re not, and when I say, I mean, don’t try creating two accounts on the same account platform.
In other words, don’t try to create more than two Tumblrs, for example, or two Gmail addresses within 24 hours from the same IP. It will flag your IP and trust me, it will cause problems. If you’re going to be doing a lot of building, which again I don’t recommend you do, you should outsource that or just go to SERP Space and buy networks, but if you’re going to be doing a lot of that kind of stuff, then I recommend that you have at least five proxies, dedicated proxies, you want them to be clean. Dedicated means you are only using them, don’t get shared proxies. I also, highly recommend if you are going to be building a lot of networks that you use Browseo. Seriously. I mean, I got it opened, right here. I mean, it’s crazy, I got all these Browseo, I got this open all the time now, guys, it’s insane, because it’s a great, great tool. Okay?
“Once a network is in place, how much lift does using stacks of interlink Google properties add?” It depends, David. It depends if the Google stacks are created properly. It depends on how they’re done. It depends on which keywords, there’s just so many variables there, if they’re done correctly you can expect a substantial increase in rank. Okay? But, if you don’t do it correctly then, you know, I cannot speak, it might not help at all, in fact it might even cause problems. I don’t know. It just depends if they’re done right, or not.
Marco: It also depends on how much risk he’s willing to take, as far as, hammering the drive stack properties.
Local SEO For Business Franchise In The Same City
Bradley: Yeah. Okay. Ken, says, we’re almost done, guys, we only got a couple minutes left. He says, “I’m looking for clarity on ranking for local. I have a client that is a franchise. There are four locations within seven to 10 miles of each other, so I don’t think it would be reasonable to try to rank all of them for the same keyword. Franchise name, city, state.” For the same keyword. I’m sorry guys, I was just rereading that. “Since I would be competing against myself in each location, I can just see it now the management in each location would be pissed off if I wasn’t ranking them at the top of the three pack. I do understand that there would be overlap, and so do they. The only differentiating factor to each location is different zip codes, it’s a minor overlap.” Oh, wow, so it’s the same city and everything. “[inaudible 00:53:54] don’t show any search volume for franchise name, city, state,” yeah, I mean it probably wouldn’t. Well, if it’s franchise, yeah, maybe, because it has a franchise name. Right. But, what about the keyword? Instead of franchise name. Anyways, “I don’t think, so do I go ahead and only focus on franchise city, state, zip code, for each location and big G will pick up the fact of the search’s location? How would you suggest going after this? What would you do?”
Ken, that’s a really good question. I’ve never had to experience that, so it would take me some thought, we don’t have time for me to go, I mean, I’d literally have to think about it. Is Ken in any of our, he’s not in our Mastermind is he? I don’t think he is. Ken, this would be an awesome question for us to dissect in Mastermind, I sure wish you were in there, buddy. Let me think about this one a little bit, Ken, and we can revisit it next week. Sorry, if you cannot wait until then, because otherwise join the Mastermind, because we’ve got a Mastermind tomorrow, this could be a great question to dissect, but otherwise you are going to have to wait until next week, and I’m going to make a note right now.
Marco: If I could just add that right now the main factor for a three pack, or for what appears to search is proximity, I mean, that’s without question what the main factor, I mean-
Bradley: Especially for mobile.
Marco: [crosstalk 00:55:19]. If you are mobile, yeah, and you’re talking about nearly 70% of people right now who are searching on mobile, but I was just doing something on that last week, and sharing it with someone that-
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: Proximity seems to be the overriding factor. I mean, before anything else Google will pick up proximity.
Bradley: Yeah. So, Ken, again, if you’re in Mastermind, or if you want, you should join, and I’m not saying that for any other reason other than this would be a really good question to really dig into, but otherwise, I’ve got a note, I’ll think about this a little bit, maybe consult with Marco a bit, and then we’ll have kind of a concise answer for you next week. Okay? All right. I’m just going to read Wayne’s comment, really quickly, then we’ve got to wrap it up, guys, because I’ve got to go. He says, “Word on the street is that you are sharing something tomorrow on Mastermind that will elevate our business. Is something special planned for the next Mastermind?” Why, yes. It’s this guy named Wayne Clayton, who’s going to be on tomorrow sharing some of his expertise in prospecting and dealing with clients and his process of determining how much money they have to spend, what their goals are, and all that kind of stuff.
I was super impressed with a post that he made in one of the Facebook groups, one of our Facebook groups about a particular method that he uses whenever he’s prospecting and pitching clients, or at least asking questions of the clients, of prospects, excuse me. It was really detailed and I was super impressed, so I reached out to Wayne and asked him if he’d come on and be a guest presenter for the Mastermind, to share some of his stuff, and so I’m actually really looking forward to it. In part, because we are, in Semantic Mastery, we’re really ramping up something on the side that we’re working on that’s going to be requiring a lot of prospecting work.
Maybe in the near future, there’s going to be a full on, full blown prospecting course coming out from us, because that’s something that I’m working on right now, so I’m really anxious to hear what Wayne’s got, because some of that might even get included in what will be coming out with our prospecting course, in the future. Anyways, hopefully anybody that’s not in our Mastermind, it would be a good time to join, so go to mastermind.semanticmastery.com if you want to find out more about that, otherwise, we’ll see everybody next week.
Marco: Sounds good.
Bradley: Thanks, everybody. We’ll see you all later.
Hernan: Bye guys.
Bradley: Bye.
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 128 posted first on your-t1-blog-url from Blogger http://ift.tt/2p9PnwS via IFTTT
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brendajhensonblog · 7 years
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 128
Click on the video above to watch Episode 128 of the Semantic Mastery Hump Day Hangouts.
Full timestamps with topics and times can be found at the link above.
The latest upcoming free SEO Q&A Hump Day Hangout can be found at http://semanticmastery.com/humpday.
Bradley: We’re live. We’re back on Hangouts, guys, because webinar wouldn’t even start for us today, anyway. Hey everybody, Bradley Benner, here. Semantic Mastery, this is the Hump Day Hangouts episode 128, today is March 19th 2017, and we’ve got Chris, Hernan and Marco on with us. Adam is off running in the woods, again.
Hernan: Yeah. No. I think he was moving.
Bradley: He was moving? Is that what we’re calling it today?
Hernan: Yeah. Let’s call it like that.
Bradley: That’s cool. Chris, what’s up man?
Chris: Doing good. Right from a snowstorm here in Vienna.
Bradley: Guys, hold on, I guess Marco and Hernan you guys can chat for a minute.
Chris: Sure.
Marco: Yeah.
Bradley: Marco?
Marco: I’m good, man. We got really bad electrical storms, my electricity keeps coming in and out. If I drop off the Google police didn’t get me, the lightening storm got me. Sorry about that.
Chris: It’s cool.
Hernan: We started to think this is some kind of conspiracy, since we launched Battle Plan.
Marco: [crosstalk 00:01:09]. I’m telling you. We’re teaching people how to rank and they don’t like, so they’re trying to do everything they can to keep us off the air.
Hernan: Yeah.
Chris: We make things too easily available out there, that’s the thing.
Bradley: All right. Hopefully everybody refreshed the page, because on the event page, because you have to refresh the page for the new video to show up.
Marco: Okay. You both said it already.
Bradley: Let me see.
Hernan: Yeah.
Bradley: Yeah. Okay. All right, guys. Let’s get into it. I guess, we got probably a couple of announcements. We can stay to the actual five o'clock mark today, because we got started a few minutes early, or late guys. Anyways, let’s get into announcements. Hernan, what do we got?
Hernan: Yeah. Real quick. One of the things if you haven’t already, we strongly suggest that you get a copy of the Semantic Mastery, the SEO Domination Battle Plan. That will launch on Monday. Right now, the prices are real for the value that you’re getting and basically the coupon ends, I think it’s going to end in two hours, if I’m not mistaken. Then it’s going to double, more than double the price.
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: Go ahead get it. I’m going to put the link on the event page, but it’s basically battleplan.semanticmastery.com. Go ahead download it, we tried to make a really concise, simple guide, step by step document that you can come back over, and over, and over again, depending if you have each sites, new sites, YouTube videos, local websites, it’s everything in there. The way we do it. The way we implement it. That’s the main idea with Battle Plan. If you’re looking for something simple, go ahead and get it. If you’re looking for something more complex, or if you want more support, et cetera, come join the Mastermind, but that’s basically the main idea of the Battle Plan.
Bradley: There’s a couple of things that I want to mention about that. Is number one we had some people say your process cannot be simple. Well, actually it is.
Marco: It is.
Bradley: You know, that’s really what we do, guys, and that’s why I continually say on these Hump Day Hangouts that I like easy. Don’t over complicate shit, guys. If you want to make it complicated, then just stand on your head while you’re doing it. I don’t know. All I’m saying is those are the exact same services that we use, the same procedures, the process in order, in the steps that we do it in. It’s not difficult. I mean, we’ve got the infrastructure behind us, which is provided, it’s available for you guys, as well to use the same services that we use. I mean, again, some people said, well, it cannot be that simple, it’s just because I think by nature we as SEO’s and marketers typically want to over complicate shit, so that’s part of it and the other thing is, and just very quickly, let me grab the screen, I want to show you something here. You guys are seeing my screen, correct?
Chris: Yeah.
Bradley: This is the bonus site, guys. I think there’s more value in the freaking bonus site then there is in the actual PDF, so I just wanted to point this out real quick. This is something that wasn’t even mentioned on the sales page, but you get access to this bonus site that has a ton of different bonus stuff in here, and the bonus webinar section alone there’s multiple webinars, here, including on of our webinars that Marco just did, recently on iframe and java script secrets that’s a pay per view webinar of a $147.00 and that’s been included, as well. We’ve got a ton of different, you know, there’s case studies in here for Live Rank Sniper, for Rocket Video Ranker Pro, the v-mail prospecting course, which is the basic course I’m probably going to be doing a full blown course for that in the next couple months. Again, I just wanted to point out for a $20.00 PDF, there’s absolutely no reason why you guys shouldn’t pick it up for the simplicity of it, number one. Number two, because you get access to a bunch of amazing bonuses. Okay.
Hernan: Yeah.
Marco: The bonuses are, that’s the reason why it’s going to $100.00 when it’s all said and done.
Bradley: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Marco: Because it’s worth way more than a 100 bucks, but I mean-
Bradley: Damn right it is.
Marco: We wanted to keep it accessible to all of our members and followers, so they could actually have a plan that they could follow to achieve their success. If you want to complicate things, I mean that’s fine as Bradley said, but it doesn’t really need to be. All you have to do is just follow the step by step process. If you want to do more, then you’re more than welcome to join Syndication Academy, you’re more than welcome to come into the Mastermind and ask us as many complex questions as you want, and we’ll answer them. You have full access to us, there. If not, just follow the training step by step. That’s all you have to do. Seriously.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: That’s it.
Bradley: I love it when somebody analysis the plan and says, oh, no, it cannot be that simple, this must not work.
Hernan: [crosstalk 00:06:05].
Hernan: Another thing that’s worth mentioning is that the bonus side that you get for free will be updated. We have a bunch of case studies that are going to be uploaded to the bonus site, so go ahead order it now, because again it’s going to 100 bucks, soon. Now, you can get it for $20.00, it’s crazy.
Bradley: Yeah.
Chris: What’s the coupon code, again?
Bradley: Missile launch.
Hernan: Yeah. It’s missile launch. Thank you, Chris. It’s missile launch, one word and it’s on the event page, again, battleplan.semantricmastery.com. That coupon is going to be available for the next two hours and then it’s going to more than double the price.
Bradley: Okay. Cool. All right. Do we have any other announcements, because if not, let’s get into it.
Marco: Let’s do it.
Bradley: All right. Cool. We’re we going to talk, we’re not talking about the next webinar, are we, yet? Marco?
Marco: No. You can just tell them what it’s going to be about.
Bradley: All right. We’re going to do another webinar in the series, Marco’s series that we’ve done three, now, and we’re about to do a fourth, which is going to be a structured data webinar, guys. We scheduled it, but I don’t know the date off hand.
Marco: It will be around April 8th.
Bradley: May. A Monday-
Marco: May.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: Sorry.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: May 8th.
Bradley: Monday. Excuse me Monday, May 8th. You’re right. I’m sorry.
Marco: Usual time. It will be then, if it changes we have plenty of time to let people know.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: I’m working on that.
Bradley: You guys will get notifications via email and stuff for registration, so I just wanted to let you guys know that, that’s coming, as well. Okay. All right. Cool. I’m going to grab the screen and we’re going to get into questions. It feels weird to be back in Hangouts, man. It feels kind of like home.
Hernan: Yeah.
Bradley: You know?
Chris: It’s actually working.
Bradley: It’s working, too.
Chris: Right.
Private Home Address For A Lead Gen Site’s Google My Business Page
Bradley: Unlike WebinarJam, for some reason. All right. Ala, I’m sorry if I’m mispronouncing your name, forgive me, he says, “Hi, everyone. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to be part of the Hangout, I’m quite new to SEO and I have a question, which might sound very basic. My question is, can I use a private home address for local lead gen?” I believe we answered this question last week or the week before, but it seems like I remember this question. Yes. Of course, you can use your private home address for lead gen. Well, I don’t recommend doing it for fake businesses, or [inaudible 00:08:29] business. What I mean by, guys, obviously, I set up generic businesses, right, generic lead gen funnels, landing pages, whatever you want to call them. Assets. But, I don’t register all of them with my home address, and I wouldn’t recommend that you do that either.
Go get a PO Box. If you’re in the United States, go get a PO Box. I know some people say that’s not working, or isn’t going to work anymore. I covered this in a Facebook live post, recently, but I’m still able to get them to work. What happens is where the problem occurs is if you try to register multiple businesses, so Google My Business pages underneath the same account using multiple PO Boxes. I’ve had that happen to me a couple times in the last few months where I’ve, in the last six months, where I’ve had, I’ve tried to register two different PO Boxes within the same Google My Business owner account, profile, essentially, and I’ve gotten it flagged and I had to reverify.
In one case, I just abandoned it all together, and re-registered a new business under another profile, because it there was no way for me to verify it. I basically lost that one, but it’s not a big deal, it happens, guys. The way the work arounds so far to this point has been just to register one Google My Business profile per, or excuse me, My Business Account per profile, so that you essentially have a different account owner for each one. That’s the way I’ve been able to get around it, again, they may crack down on that at some point in the very near future, maybe so, but until then I’m going to continue exploiting it. That’s what I recommend you do.
You can also hire, rent virtual mailboxes from other places other than the PO box, but those are the cheapest and so far they are still working for me. Okay? Again, I do not recommend that you register a bunch of businesses to your home address, I mean, you can, but I wouldn’t do it. All right? The other thing is you don’t want to share the same address for multiple businesses. Guys, that’s part of the reason I like to use PO boxes, because they’re cheap enough, where even if I’ve got 10 businesses in the same, like I got 10 different lead gen funnels, let’s say 10 different industries and it’s in the same damn city, I can have 10 different PO boxes, because the deal is the address is going to be street address of the PO office and then you’re going to get a box number.
It’s going to be 123 Main Street number 101. Maybe next time you will get number 208, or whatever. My point is each one of those are each considered a unique address because of the box number, makes it unique. Does that make sense? I mean you could probably do it with your own home address, like if your home address was 123 Maple Street, and you did 123 Maple Street, or 123-A, and 123-B, 123-C you could probably get away with that, but I certainly wouldn’t recommend it. Again, it’s cheap enough to where you can just buy additional boxes and I like to do that.
People have asked me before, do you continue to rent the PO box after you’ve received the PO box, or excuse me, the verification card? Yes. I do. I pay for everyone of those. I’ve got PO boxes that I’ve been paying for, for years, guys, I renew them every year, it’s only happened to me twice in my entire digital marketing career that I’ve had to reverify via postcard, a business listing, it’s only happened twice in six or seven years, now.
However, when it happens, if it happens I have the ability to retrieve the postcard, because I renew the boxes every year and it’s a nominal fee, guys. In the less populated areas I can get a PO box for a year for about 60 bucks, or $64.00 something like that. So, $64.00 per year, roughly. Okay? For the more populated areas it cost me $128.00 a year. It’s so inexpensive, it’s such a small cost of doing business that I just pay for it. Okay?
One Address For Multiple GMB Pages In Denmark
Okay. Anyways. “Can I use the very same address for multiple, different businesses in the same area, or city. Note, I live in Denmark. Thank you for your help.” I guess I should answer that, I don’t know about Denmark, I cannot speak for anything in any foreign country, guys. All I can talk about specifically for local is within the United State, but I’m quite sure that if I can get away with doing what I’m doing in the US you could probably get away with it in Denmark. You probably would get away with a hell of a lot more in Denmark, I’m sure. In which case you might, you could possibly use one address and then just put that unique identifier like dash A, dash B, dash C, you could probably get away with that in Denmark, again, I don’t know. I don’t have any experience in that market, but in the US it’s a little bit stricter, typically, and that’s why I just use unique address for each location, like in other words a unique, it gets a unique box number, which makes it unique. Okay? All right. Cool.
Hump Day Hangouts For Semantic Mastery Students On Amazon, Rank & Rent, Etc.
Toby [inaudible 00:13:18], he says, “Can you do a Hump Day Hangouts with your students who are killing it Rank to Rant, or Amazon, Shopify, PayPerCall et cetera, or PayPerCall, et cetera?” I asked him this question yesterday, I guess, because I was trying to clarify, he said, yeah, by the way if you’re watching Toby, what’s up, he says, yes. “Should we bring on guest presenters?” We do that in the Mastermind, Toby. We bring guest presenters on in the Mastermind. We had Clint Butler on two weeks ago, which was awesome, because he did training on PageSpeed, which was awesome, because some of our Mastermind members implemented what he trained for that session and were able to reduce the page load times to under a second. I think it was like three quarters of a second, which was awesome.
Anyways, tomorrow we’ve got our very own Wayne Clayton, he’s been one of our most engaged Mastermind members, and he’s had phenomenal success, and he’s coming on tomorrow to be a guest presenter, to talk about prospecting and his unique approach to prospecting and landing clients. He’s had a lot of experience in the media industry, so he’s got a unique approach that a lot of us in the digital marketing industry haven’t seen or heard. I’m actually really looking forward to having him to come on tomorrow to give his presentation and answer questions about his prospecting methods. Again, Toby, we do that kind of stuff in the Mastermind. Hump Day Hangouts is really supposed to be a forum for Q and A. Okay? It doesn’t mean that we cannot setup a separate webinar for that, sometime, but we’d have to figure out a good angle for it.
Marco: Yeah. Then, we’d also have to be careful about giving away the niche, or any of that information, because actually I had someone do that in the RYS Facebook group and when he posted the URL, directly after that, a couple of days later, he got hit with a ton of spam, so we know that it was someone from our own RYS Academy that went and did that. I don’t know why they would do that to someone who is trying to help and show how he’s doing it, but it’s one of the reasons why we try to protect it, and keep it inside the Mastermind where we know most of the people are trustworthy.
Bradley: Yeah. I totally agree. That’s why that’s in part why we do stuff like that on the Mastermind, guys, because it’s a very, very tight group, like an intimate group, so it makes it a lot easier. It doesn’t mean that there’s not people there that can be malicious, as well, because there certainly can be, but it’s less likely.
Anchor Text Variation In Link Building
Okay. Doctor Brain McKay, he says, “When building links is it better to use one, and only one variation? For example, dub, dub, dub, or just HTTP, or just a domain.com. I have heard varying advice where you would use all and someone else saying use one every time you build a link.” You know, honestly, I’ve used variations, if I were to be using spam tools, which I don’t anymore, at all. I don’t ever run them, myself, but I would always use variations.
Here’s a good example, Brian, in the recent weeks I’ve done several case studies for different YouTube tools, they’re all in the bonus site that I just showcased a minute ago. One of them being Live Rank Sniper and the other one being Rocket Video Ranker Pro, and there has been some spinning and all that for the video descriptions and that kind of stuff, which is pretty typical for any sort of spam work, and those are in my opinion they’re both spam tools, they can be used to not spam, but the way that I used them was very intentionally to spam, and because of that I just started doing a lot of spinning and stuff like that again in the last few weeks, which I had gotten away from for a while.
When I create the links that go in the video description to where I want to direct people to, I like to use all the different variations as you just laid out here. HTTP, if there’s HTTPS as well, if the SSL protocol is available then I’ll go ahead and add that one in, as well. I’ll use the trailing slash with and without the trailing slash, I’ll use dub, dub, dub and non dub, dub, so I use all variation of them so that it adds variety and diversity to the video description. In other words, if we’ve got 15 videos in the same channel, I want the URL, the call to action URL to be a variation all the time, if possible. Just because it gives more diversity to the thing. Now, as far as the SEO purposes, since they all resolve to the same location, I don’t think it makes much difference, but I’d like to hear Marco and Hernan’s input on this, please.
Marco: It’s just acrotex variation, that’s why you do that. The destinations is usually all the same, but also you want to keep that, you might, people don’t all link the same way. They-
Bradley: That’s right.
Marco: If you go throughout the web, like you get 100 people they’re all going to link to a website a different way. Some will use a dub, dub, dub. I particularly don’t anymore, because I know it will resolve to the dub, dub, dub anyway.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: I use them all simply because that’s what people do on the web. It makes absolutely no sense, and whoever is advising only one variation is actually misguided.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: Because that’s not the way that people type.
Bradley: Now, the only time that I would recommend always using the exact same URL format is when you’re citing an NAP, name, address, phone number, so any time you’re going to create, or reference, or list an NAP somewhere within content, or link building, or something like that I would always recommend using the same type of URL. Just because it’s an NAP, you want data consistency as much as possible.
Marco: And, the URL should be whatever shows-
Bradley: Shows in Google My Business.
Marco: Yeah. To link to the website, where they say website, and you click on it, that’s the version that you should use in that one particular case.
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: Yeah.
Hernan: Yeah. This case, I totally agree with Marco. That’s why we keep saying that you need to validate the entity on one of the main, you know, when your website is popular, or you’re trying it to appear to be popular, you need to emulate as much as possible human behavior that’s why you need to do things differently from time to time. I mean, different URLs people will mention your website differently, maybe they will spell it wrong. As long as the link is the link, you know, we had, I think we had Gary, Doctor Gary, came to a Mastermind and he showed how you can get links from really powerful websites just because they’re misspelled. You know?
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: As long as the URL is pointing correctly to your website, the anchor text could be misspelled, you know, it can be Semantic Mastery or something else, or Semantic Master as long as the hyperlink is pointing to semanticmastery.com. You know? Yeah. Vary it a little bit, that would be my intake on it.
Three Pack Map In Organic Ranking
Bradley: Very good. Okay. Ala, is up again, he says, “Hi. When the first three to four sites on the Google organic search are not the same ones as in Google three pack,” so the maps pack, “does that mean that it’s easy to rank in the three pack map, or the first page of the organic search for that specific niche? Thanks for the help.” It doesn’t meant that it’s going to be easy to rank in the map, it’s just means that the maps listings aren’t, the ones that are ranked in maps they’re on page for their sit isn’t as good, is not good enough to be on the first page.
In other words, and it doesn’t have to be just be the on page, it could be the combination of on page, or on page and off page, but typically the organic results, it’s a different algorithm. There’s a lot of overlap between the local algorithm and the organic algorithm, now, it’s a lot more closely related now than it used to be. That was particularly where a lot of that marriage occurred was the Pigeon update, if you guys remember that. That was, shit, that was probably two years ago, now. Amazing how time flies. There is some overlap there, but for example Ala, I don’t ever, I don’t care at all about organic rankings anymore for lead gen, or for local stuff, when I have a physical location available, even if that means I have to black half the physical location using a PO box. Right?
I don’t care about organic anymore at all for lead gen and local stuff, only because I know from all my lead gen assets is that my call volume drops for stuff that was organic only. My call volume dropped 60%, because of the new SERP layout. Right? When I say new, it’s not new anymore, but the SERP layout as it stands today, which is four ads, typically four ads and a maps pack, so you end up going past seven freaking listings before you ever get to the first organic. I can tell you right now, the reason why I’m telling you this is because I have multiple lead gen sites all over the place that are ranked in maps, but they might be on page two or page three in organic. I don’t care.
It doesn’t bother me, because the phone calls are coming from the maps pack, or from AdsWords, excuse me AdWords. I’m either getting calls from my ads, or I’m getting calls from the maps pack. I don’t get calls from organic, very, very rarely do I get calls from organic when a map is displayed for a search query. Right? Most search queries are going to display. Now, I will still target organic for lead gen and local, like if I’m doing video campaigns, for example, because you cannot get a video, well, I say you cannot, it’s unlikely to get a video above the maps pack, anymore, for a local term. Okay?
I still will do spamming with YouTube and stuff like that for organic rankings, but when it comes to websites, and stuff, I personally don’t care if there’s a maps pack that shows for the search query, then I’m going to try to rank in the maps pack, not the organic. Okay? Typically, when there’s a difference between what’s showing in maps, and what’s showing in organic it’s because the site that’s ranking in maps, but not in organic is speaking, or it’s more congruent with what the map’s algorithm was.
If that makes sense. But maybe not as much for the organic. Like I said, it could be a, I found that’s often times more an on page issue, than an off page issue, but it could be both. I’m just saying personally when I’ve been able to identify issues where I’m not ranking as good organically as I should be based upon my maps ranking, it’s a lot of the times, at least in my experiences it’s been because of on page issues, either over optimization, which triggers Panda, again, it’s just Panda in general. Thin content, over optimization, things like that. You guys got any input on that?
Marco: Yeah. I would just tell him he is trying to do local since he talked about the map pack before.
Bradley: Mm-hmm (affirmative).
Marco: Right? I’m thinking he wants, the way that you do that is entity. You do the entity. You validate it, then you push trust, and authority, and relevance up to the entity, it’s called RYS Academy, by the way. That’s how you force all of that up to the entity and over to the destination and you could actually do both. Rank in maps and organic.
IFTTT Syndicated Video As Duplicate Content
Bradley: Yeah. That’s what I would do. All right. Cool. We’re going to keep moving. Let’s see who is next Balint, sorry if I mispronounce that, he says, “Thanks for last weeks input I was rather asking about how to make both RSS and YouTube syndication to work for the same network. My idea, I upload a video, unlisted to YouTube, I have it transcribed to make a post to my main site with the additional content, the video is embedded and the title is different. That post with transcription gets syndicated via RSS trigger. I make the video public a bit later on, because it’s public now the sole video gets syndicated via YouTube upload trigger, too. Maybe not to the main blog, though. Would that work, or still count as duplicate spam?” No. That would work, Balint. That’s absolutely fine.
I’ve said that in previous Hump Day Hangouts, that question has come up several times, Balint, so you’re not the first to ask it. It’s okay to post both the video to your channel and to your blog, and have them both syndicate to the same network, that’s absolutely fine. Where the problem occurs is when people have both their YouTube channel triggering their network and their blog, and they upload the video, which syndicates to their network, and then they just take the video and go embed it in a post on their blog with the same title, and usually not much different in the video description, either, and then they post that, because here’s the problem it won’t hurt your money site, your blog, and it won’t hurt your YouTube channel.
Where it can cause problems is on the network itself, the syndication network, because now you’ve got two posts that look nearly identical to your network properties, because it’s the same title, which ends up being the same title, and then you have the same video, so especially for Blogger, Tumblr, and WordPress where there’s embeds, because that’s basically, it’s going to look like the same post, basically, other than perhaps maybe some slight differences in text in the description area. But, if you’re going to change the title and usually make the title more like blog specific, right, because usually blog post, guys, are going to have more, you know, longer conversational, natural speech pattern type titles than a YouTube video, because YouTube videos are going to usually be synced keyword different type titles. Right, guys?
But, blog titles are generally going to be more like natural speech patterns. Right? So, if you’re going to take your video and also post it to your blog and have both syndicating to the same network, then it’s absolutely fine to do so if you’re going to make a different title, and if you’re going to have that video transcribed, you’re going to have a much longer description, so it’s not going to look like duplicate content on the web two properties. If that makes sense. That’s absolutely perfectly fine, Balint. I’m sorry if I misunderstood your question last week.
SEO Battle Plan For Rebranding
Roy says, “Got the Battle Plan reviewed it, question, just got a dental client and had to rebrand his practice, dissolved partnership,” okay, “So, the main practice name has changed to a new name, he then purchased another practice in a different city, I rebranded his practice website as ABC Dental Group with the two city locations. Do I just create one Google Plus page for the group.com, or different for each location?” No. You create a different Google page for each location, Roy. Well, I mean, let me rephrase that. If you’re creating a Google brand page, then you can have one brand page and reference both locations, but I understand that if you’re talking about, I’m sure you’re talking about Google My Business, a locations page. In which case you want a different page for each location. Okay?
There are brand pages and there are locations pages, and actually locations pages are no longer Google Plus pages at all, they’re maps pages. They’re not even part of Google Plus, anymore. Does that make sense? If you go in your Google My Business dashboard you access your maps data through maps, and your Google Plus page, which is now just a brand page, there is no local version of the brand page anymore that I’m aware of, anyways, because you edit your details on maps. Okay? Anyways, there might still be a locations Google Plus page, but I don’t know what the use of it is for, I don’t how it’s valuable at all anymore, to be honest with you, everything is now being, for the local part of it, it’s all being handled through maps. Okay? So, for that, yeah, go ahead and create a different locations page for each.
“Do I need to modify the Battle Plan for the purchase practice since it already has G-Plus established? I’m a bit confused on how to apply the Battle Plan to the situation.” I’m not sure I understand what you mean, the purchase practice since it already has a G-Plus established, I mean, if it’s already got a locations page, you’re going to have to rebrand all that stuff. Right? I mean, I think that’s what you’re saying, you said, he rebranded his practice with the two locations, Roy, I’m not really following all of the parts of this question, but if you the other business that he purchased had a Google My Business page, already, and now he purchased it, if he’s rebranding everything, what I would recommend, especially if that other business was established and had any sort of decent rankings in Google and/or maps. Right? If it was ranking.
You’re going to have to rebrand it, if it’s rebranded, I’m assuming it’s going to have to be rebranded, in which case what you’d want to do is don’t, I wouldn’t set up a new listing, because it’s going to have the same address unless the phone number changed, the name and the phone number, and the website, like if all of those data points change, then yes I would set up a new business. I would close, say that the other business was permanently closed then create a new listing, but you’d have to make sure that the only thing that was the same out of all the data points between name, address, phone number, and URL is the address. Right?
You’d have to have the different brand name, different phone number, different URL. Then, you could mark that other place as closed and start a new GMB page, which is what I would do if those other conditions were met. However, if the phone number, the physical location, and perhaps the web address, and/or the brand name or whatever are the same, if you don’t have all those unique properties within those four data points, there, then you’re going to have to do a citation cleanup, which would be going out and basically correcting all of the old citations to list the new data for the business. Does that make sense? That’s a pain in the ass, but that’s what you’re going to have to do.
I recommend, highly, that you go, if you guys can get the link ready, it’s semanticmastery.com/loganix, that’s L-O-G-A-N-I-X. That is a citation clean up service there that can handle that for you, well, provided that it’s in the US, they may do it in other areas, but I don’t know. Loganix citation cleanup service in the US is really, really good. You get about a 70% success rate, and they’re very, very thorough. That’s what I would recommend doing. Like I said, if you’re going to rebrand it and you get a new URL, and you’re going to change the phone number then I would set up a new listing all together, because that’s going to be a lot less of a headache than trying to fix old citations, that’s just a real pain in the ass, and that’s why I just outsource that all the time. All right. We’re going to keep moving.
Hernan: Sorry, Bradley, but it’s on the events page, semanticmastery.com/loganix.
Generating Quality Leads From Google Adwords Campaigns
Bradley: Okay. If you want to followup, Roy, with us in one of our groups Facebook or something with some more detail, like where it can be explained a little bit further we might be able to help you out a little bit better. I feel like I wasn’t able to answer that question, properly, because I don’t have all the details. Mark’s next, he says, “Hi, guys. Hope all is well. My question is about your Local Kingpin product, I’m starting to get somewhere now with SEO, but it does take forever, and that’s okay, I accept that’s how SEO goes and just get on with it, but I like the idea of starting with AdWords and then adding SEO lead gen later. I’m not asking for AdWords advice that’s what the training is for, and I’ve bought your products before, so I know it will be legit. My question is how did, or how is it going? Are you able to generate enough quality leads for your client? I work with contractors, if that helps, not looking for specific advice, just your opinion on how well AdWords works.” I’m crossinated with AdWords, guys, I mean, yeah, my profit is a lot smaller on my AdWords leads because I pay for the clicks and everything, but they’re so much easier to set up, and I can, I mean, that’s what Local Kingpin is about, Mark, is about setting up like literally you can set up a lead gen funnel and have traffic, and be receiving leads within 48 hours.
I mean, you could do it within a day, but I say within 48 hours because it usually takes me two days to set up a lead gen asset. Well, it used to take me two days, when I was new, but now I’ve got a lot of stuff, templatized, like I’ve got Click Funnels, funnels that are already all set up. They’re generic funnels. I can just clone the funnel and then go in and swap out details, and I’ve got working procedure’s setup for a lot of stuff, now, so I have check lists that I can go through. That kind of stuff that makes it just really simple for me to set up a funnel, a lead gen asset, and turn on ads, and it’s like literally within a few hours of you submitting your first ad you can start generating traffic.
The main thing, Mark, if you go through Local Kingpin, which I highly recommend, especially for contractors, because that’s my market, is contractors. I mean, I love being able to generate leads with AdWords, now. I don’t know why I was so scared of AdWords for so long, but now I absolutely love it, because the speed in which I can generate, and here’s the thing, what I love about setting up AdWords funnels, guys, is I can determine right off the bat, right away, where my money keywords are. The 80/20 rule 100% applies to AdWords, and there’s a book by Perry Marshall called, The 80/20 Sales and Marketing. Go get the damn book. By it on Kindle, whatever. Pick it up, read it, because it is absolutely 100% correct when it comes to AdWords, especially for the local lead gen funnels. 80% of your traffic is going to come from 20% of your keywords. That’s it. All this shit that we do in SEO, where we scrap hundreds of keywords, and we build silos, and we have to do all this content, and we have to properly silo the content, we got to do all this internal linking, all that’s great it can pay off there’s no doubt, but so many of those keywords, or long tail and stuff like that where you’re going to get very little to no traffic from them.
Now, cumulatively they all build to make your site stronger and more relevant, which will generate more traffic, so there’s certainly a reason to do all that, but my point is we go through harvesting these great big keyword lists and all that stuff, and with AdWords, especially the way that I show how to do it using alpha beta campaign structure you can literally go in, do your keyword research in about a half an hour.
The main point for that is generating, or building a negative keyword list, because you ought to already know what your main money keywords are for the project that you’re working on. Really the keyword research is about building a negative keyword list, but then you plug in your money keywords, you add your negative keyword lists, use modified broad match, and then you let AdWords tell you where your money keywords are, and within a month you can identify your top keywords where 80% of your traffic is going to come from, and I guarantee you it will be 20% of your keywords.
Then, those are the keywords that you focus your SEO efforts on. As I mentioned, I think in the Local Kingpin training, I’m not starting any SEO projects from scratch anymore. I’m not starting new projects with SEO as my main promotional type, anymore. I’m not doing it, unless it’s YouTube spam, because I’m just not going to do it. From now on, I’m doing AdWords first to prove my keywords and prove that it’s converting and that kind of stuff, and then I’ll invest my time and effort into SEO for the keywords that I’ve identified as my winners.
Hernan: Yeah.
Bradley: Does that make sense?
Hernan: Yeah. I really like that approach, Bradley. The fact that you’re getting speed, that you’re getting, I mean, each rating on a project and you’re failing fast.
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: You’re finding out, you’re weeding out the keywords that are not going to work, that they’re not going to convert, and then you’re focusing on the keywords that are, and I think that’s really the key when it comes to paid advertising, is that you get data so much faster that your business can grow a lot more, because if you have to be waiting six months to get data on your business, it’s money, time is money.
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: If you’re doing SEO and waiting all of that time, then you’re spending all of that money that you could be earning, because you’re failing fast on your project. Once you have that, once you have the process in place you can still do SEO and you know that it’s going to pickup three to six months down the road, maybe a year down the road and you still do SEO, so that when that hits, or when you’re getting a decent amount of organic traffic, you know that the funnel is converting.
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: There’s basically no top to how much you can scale, it all depends on the market that you’re in. The market will tell you how much you can scale, or sell a product, or sell a service, whatever that is, but that’s basically why I like paid advertising combined with SEO, because again you don’t want to put all of your eggs in one basket.
Bradley: That’s correct.
Hernan: Like, one way or the other.
Bradley: Yeah. Here’s the thing, guys, think about this, you could spend months working on a project, and find out for SEO I mean, you could spend months working on trying to build the SEO for a project, set of keywords, whatever, and find out that it’s just not profitable. It’s not working. Now, you’ve spent months of effort and time on it, and probably money, as well. With AdWords you can prove it very, very quickly, whether it’s going to be profitable or not. If you can make it profitable when you’re paying for the clicks, then it will be profitable for SEO, there’s no doubt, because you won’t be paying, I mean, you do pay for those clicks with time and effort, and somewhat money, too. You know what I mean? It’s indirect. You’re paying indirectly, not directly for clicks.
Again, that’s number one. Number two, the other part of that, Mark, is why I love AdWords for local lead gen now is because if you do register a mailbox and it can be a PO box, it doesn’t even have to be verified, guys. You can register local addresses and set up AdWords campaigns and use the location’s extension. Are you hearing this? You don’t even have to have a verified address and it will still show the location’s extension in your ad and it will also, if you’ve got your ads set up properly and you’re at the top of the search, or the top of the ads pack, which as to do with quality score, you’ll end up in the maps, an ad in the first maps position. Not necessarily in the three pack.
On mobile devices, if you have call only ads set up you can show up in the three pack on mobile devices, but on desktop, I haven’t seen, I haven’t been able to get any of my ads to show up in the three pack on desktop, but I have been able to get almost virtually all of my ads to show up in the first position in maps, so when somebody clicks on the more results, it will show my ad at the very top of the results when that page expands. If that makes sense.
That’s the thing, and again with location extensions you don’t even need to verify the address. I know that, because one of the lead gen funnels I set up for Local Kingpin, Google was not sending me the verification postcard, so I went ahead and said, screw it, I’m going to continue with the project and I went ahead and added the location’s extension and you have to link it to your Google My Business profile, and then select whatever page, and I linked that page to it and I thought well, let’s just check it and see if it works, and damn if it didn’t show my maps extension in the ad, even though it was an unverified address, which is awesome. Right? I just wanted to give you guys that little nugget. Local Kingpin, guys, is a great, great course if you’re doing lead gen and you’re not using AdWords, you’re crazy, in my opinion. Okay.
Battle Plan Versus RYS Academy, Syndication Academy & Other Semantic Mastery Products
All right. Herovic, he says, “Hi. I have a question regarding the Battle Plan, how is it different than the IFTTT Academy, RYS, or the Mastermind? Does it add something new, or is it a blueprint that incorporates all of them? Thank you.” Well, a $20.00 PDF certainly cannot incorporate IFTTT, RYS, and the Mastermind. It would be nice if it could, but it would be an awfully big PDF if we did.
Hernan: Yeah. [inaudible 00:41:58] depth of Semantic Mastery and the three years-
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: In Mastermind. I know all of the nuggets that are RYS, it’s going to be longest.
Bradley: Yeah. That would be very, Herovic, the Battle Plan is basically, the process is that we use for working on any digital assets, whether they’re established or they’re just being launched. It’s the same, it’s just the series of steps that we take for setting up the networks, and link building, and citations, and press releases, and like all of the different steps in the order that we do them. It’s the same process that we’ve used for years, now.
All we did was put it in a simple format, including links to the products and services that we use for that kind of stuff, which most of them are our own services, anyways, because we developed all of those services specifically because we use them. We only made our services available to others, because we kept getting asked for it. We had developed our services, for us, originally. Okay. That’s all it is. It’s very, very simple. It doesn’t need to be complicated. Some people wished it was more complicated, and that’s why I said, you know, I don’t know, stand on your head while you perform the tasks. I don’t know.
Marco: Can I add something more to this?
Bradley: Please, do.
Marco: Yeah. Our Battle Plan is a blueprint. A blueprint is used to build a house.
Bradley: Right.
Marco: The blueprint does not build the house for you, you have to follow the blueprint and go and build a house, using whatever tools are necessary for the construction of whatever it is that you want to make of that house according to the blueprint that you’re using. I mean, I cannot put it any clearer, or plainer than that. Get a blueprint on what you’re supposed to do and how you’re supposed to do it, not why you’re supposed to do it, and definitely it’s not going to get done for you. I hope that clarifies-
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: Everything.
Bradley: Again, it’s very simple Herovic, it’s the process that we use, and I like simple, that’s why we made it simple, because it doesn’t need to be overcomplicated. If you want to learn more about Syndication Academy, and syndication networks, you’re certainly welcome to join, RYS, as well, Mastermind is our top level coaching group, and that you’re certainly welcome to join that, as well.
Rocket Video Ranker Vs Live Rank Sniper
Next question, “How does the Rocket Video Ranker differ from Live Rank Sniper? Can we emulate its functionality and do it manually? What’s the principle behind it?” Yeah. They’re two different things. Live Rank Sniper, is really a keyword poking tool, and Peter Drew, the developer even calls it that, so it’s not like that’s a secret. It’s mainly a poking tool. You can use it to identify keywords, to test keywords with YouTube schedule of live events. You don’t even need to have a video. Right?
Live Rank Sniper doesn’t even require you to have a video, it’s just a software that automates the process of setting up YouTube scheduled live events, because of their indexable schedule with live events, they will index without even a video, they’re just place holders in the index, and then once you have identified keywords you can, if you want, stream directly to those scheduled live events through Live Rank Sniper. It’s a manual process, and it takes time. I say, manual, it’s semi automated in that you only have to click the mouse a couple times for it to start doing its thing, but then you have to wait for the software to run to stream the video, and it will end and then you have to stream, you know, click the mouse a few times to go stream to the next scheduled live event that’s ranking. I don’t recommend it for that. I recommend using it specifically for identifying keywords, using it as a poking tool. Okay? If you want a tool that works seamlessly with Live Rank Sniper I would say Hangout Millionaire, which is Peter Drew’s upgrade, like that’s his top level, well, it’s currently his top level SEO video marketing software, but he’s coming out, well, I’m not going to say anything else. That’s a great tool, as well, though, it works really good with Live Rank Sniper.
Rocket Video Ranker is a different animal all together. Rocket Video Ranker is freaking fabulous. It’s a loophole as far as I’m concerned. The way that it works, but basically you upload, you just do uploads with Rocket Video Ranker, but it automates uploading multiple videos at one time very, very quickly in a very unique fashion. The way that it works, it’s very unique, I don’t know how long it’s going to last, or even why it works the way that it does, but it works really, really well, right now. I know, because I used a shit ton, I used a lot of it. I used it a lot, excuse me, over the last two weeks, and the case study, by the way, just so you know, the case study in here, look, this is it, guys, I mean, I’ve got 11, there’s got to be two and a half hours worth of content in this case study, alone. Exactly how I use it, and it’s great because you can set up digital assets.
YouTube channels, you can turn YouTube channels into digital assets very quickly using this, and I even talk about it in the strategy session here, in what’s the very last video here, it’s called, What’s Next, I talk very specifically about a strategy that you can hire virtual assistants to run the software for you, and literally create dozens and dozens of these digital assets, YouTube channel assets, and you can monetize them, and there’s multiple ways to do that, as well, and I talk about that in the case study. Hopefully, that makes some sense. Herovic, if you don’t have either one of them go buy the PDF, the Battle Plan and you should have access to this bonus study, excuse me, this bonus membership site and if you do, then just go through watch the first couple videos of each one of the case studies, and you make the decision as to what is best for your business. Okay? They’re available for you to watch, so that you can make that decision.
Changes To The iFrame Tag
All right. I only got about eight minutes left, so let’s roll through these next few. Ivan, says, “Hey, guys. I embedded a Google My Maps in an article on my website and I shared it to my tier one network. If I had something in the iframe will it syndicate automatically on the network, or do I have to resubmit my article via my RSS feed?” Yeah. No. Well, wait a minute. Yeah. If you’re updating the iframe, it should update everywhere, because it’s the same iframe. Am I correct, Marco, or no?
Marco: That’s correct. The iframe will show whatever is in the source.
Bradley: Okay.
Marco: But, hang on, if he’s changing the iframe that it’s structured in the website, it’s not going to update everywhere else.
Bradley: Yeah.
Hernan: But, I think, well, Ivan, if you’re listening, maybe you can comment, but I think that what he’s saying is if he adds something, well, yeah, I know, if he adds something to the code that’s not going to resyndicate, but if you change what’s within the iframe-
Bradley: Right.
Hernan: Then it could, like if you change something within the Google My Maps, you know, like if you add another marker for example, that will automatically show everywhere, but if you add, I don’t know, whatever, a piece of code to that iframe, that’s not going to resyndicate. Am I correct? Am I right?
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: That’s correct. You would-
Bradley: [crosstalk 00:49:18] past the closing iframe tag, then that’s not going to update across the properties. Right?
Hernan: Right.
Bradley: Right. If that’s what you mean, Ivan, if you’re trying to add stuff like beyond the closing iframe tag, then no. You’d have to issue a new, or publish a new post. Here’s the thing guys, you cannot publish a post and have it syndicate to your network, and then go back and edit the post on your money site, and then expect it to edit all the posts that it was syndicated to, as well. It doesn’t work like that. You’d have to go delete the original post and then basically republish the post as a new post in order for it to trigger the RSS feed to syndicate, as a new post. Right? There is a plugin that you can use in WordPress, it’s called, Republish Old Posts, funny enough. Right?
Republish Old Posts, and I’ll say WP, or WordPress, that’s it right there. This plugin right here, you can use this plugin to republish old posts, it will reinsert them into your RSS feed, which will trigger a new syndication, you can do something like that if you wanted. But, yeah, if you’re changing something within the iframe, it’s going to update everywhere that the iframe was syndicated to, if you’re changing something outside of the closing iframe tag, then no, you’d have to force the syndication all over again. Okay? He says, “By the way, my comment on Semantic Mastery sales page, wow, I was surprised it’s like having a page one, position one on Google.” That’s awesome. Thanks, Ivan.
Using Proxies For IFTTT Properties
David says, “When creating a branded network, is it necessary to use proxies for any account work, once a network is in place. How much lift does using stacks of interlinked Google properties add?” First of all, is it necessary to use proxies for any account work? No. It’s not necessary. I recommend if you’re building a ton of networks that you have at least five dedicated proxies, any ways, that you can cycle through. I recommend, and this is covered in the training, David, but I recommend never trying to create more than two accounts with the same IP within 24 hours. Okay? Again, you can do it with your own IP, it’s fine you don’t need any proxies at all, as long as you’re not, and when I say, I mean, don’t try creating two accounts on the same account platform.
In other words, don’t try to create more than two Tumblrs, for example, or two Gmail addresses within 24 hours from the same IP. It will flag your IP and trust me, it will cause problems. If you’re going to be doing a lot of building, which again I don’t recommend you do, you should outsource that or just go to SERP Space and buy networks, but if you’re going to be doing a lot of that kind of stuff, then I recommend that you have at least five proxies, dedicated proxies, you want them to be clean. Dedicated means you are only using them, don’t get shared proxies. I also, highly recommend if you are going to be building a lot of networks that you use Browseo. Seriously. I mean, I got it opened, right here. I mean, it’s crazy, I got all these Browseo, I got this open all the time now, guys, it’s insane, because it’s a great, great tool. Okay?
“Once a network is in place, how much lift does using stacks of interlink Google properties add?” It depends, David. It depends if the Google stacks are created properly. It depends on how they’re done. It depends on which keywords, there’s just so many variables there, if they’re done correctly you can expect a substantial increase in rank. Okay? But, if you don’t do it correctly then, you know, I cannot speak, it might not help at all, in fact it might even cause problems. I don’t know. It just depends if they’re done right, or not.
Marco: It also depends on how much risk he’s willing to take, as far as, hammering the drive stack properties.
Local SEO For Business Franchise In The Same City
Bradley: Yeah. Okay. Ken, says, we’re almost done, guys, we only got a couple minutes left. He says, “I’m looking for clarity on ranking for local. I have a client that is a franchise. There are four locations within seven to 10 miles of each other, so I don’t think it would be reasonable to try to rank all of them for the same keyword. Franchise name, city, state.” For the same keyword. I’m sorry guys, I was just rereading that. “Since I would be competing against myself in each location, I can just see it now the management in each location would be pissed off if I wasn’t ranking them at the top of the three pack. I do understand that there would be overlap, and so do they. The only differentiating factor to each location is different zip codes, it’s a minor overlap.” Oh, wow, so it’s the same city and everything. “[inaudible 00:53:54] don’t show any search volume for franchise name, city, state,” yeah, I mean it probably wouldn’t. Well, if it’s franchise, yeah, maybe, because it has a franchise name. Right. But, what about the keyword? Instead of franchise name. Anyways, “I don’t think, so do I go ahead and only focus on franchise city, state, zip code, for each location and big G will pick up the fact of the search’s location? How would you suggest going after this? What would you do?”
Ken, that’s a really good question. I’ve never had to experience that, so it would take me some thought, we don’t have time for me to go, I mean, I’d literally have to think about it. Is Ken in any of our, he’s not in our Mastermind is he? I don’t think he is. Ken, this would be an awesome question for us to dissect in Mastermind, I sure wish you were in there, buddy. Let me think about this one a little bit, Ken, and we can revisit it next week. Sorry, if you cannot wait until then, because otherwise join the Mastermind, because we’ve got a Mastermind tomorrow, this could be a great question to dissect, but otherwise you are going to have to wait until next week, and I’m going to make a note right now.
Marco: If I could just add that right now the main factor for a three pack, or for what appears to search is proximity, I mean, that’s without question what the main factor, I mean-
Bradley: Especially for mobile.
Marco: [crosstalk 00:55:19]. If you are mobile, yeah, and you’re talking about nearly 70% of people right now who are searching on mobile, but I was just doing something on that last week, and sharing it with someone that-
Bradley: Yeah.
Marco: Proximity seems to be the overriding factor. I mean, before anything else Google will pick up proximity.
Bradley: Yeah. So, Ken, again, if you’re in Mastermind, or if you want, you should join, and I’m not saying that for any other reason other than this would be a really good question to really dig into, but otherwise, I’ve got a note, I’ll think about this a little bit, maybe consult with Marco a bit, and then we’ll have kind of a concise answer for you next week. Okay? All right. I’m just going to read Wayne’s comment, really quickly, then we’ve got to wrap it up, guys, because I’ve got to go. He says, “Word on the street is that you are sharing something tomorrow on Mastermind that will elevate our business. Is something special planned for the next Mastermind?” Why, yes. It’s this guy named Wayne Clayton, who’s going to be on tomorrow sharing some of his expertise in prospecting and dealing with clients and his process of determining how much money they have to spend, what their goals are, and all that kind of stuff.
I was super impressed with a post that he made in one of the Facebook groups, one of our Facebook groups about a particular method that he uses whenever he’s prospecting and pitching clients, or at least asking questions of the clients, of prospects, excuse me. It was really detailed and I was super impressed, so I reached out to Wayne and asked him if he’d come on and be a guest presenter for the Mastermind, to share some of his stuff, and so I’m actually really looking forward to it. In part, because we are, in Semantic Mastery, we’re really ramping up something on the side that we’re working on that’s going to be requiring a lot of prospecting work.
Maybe in the near future, there’s going to be a full on, full blown prospecting course coming out from us, because that’s something that I’m working on right now, so I’m really anxious to hear what Wayne’s got, because some of that might even get included in what will be coming out with our prospecting course, in the future. Anyways, hopefully anybody that’s not in our Mastermind, it would be a good time to join, so go to mastermind.semanticmastery.com if you want to find out more about that, otherwise, we’ll see everybody next week.
Marco: Sounds good.
Bradley: Thanks, everybody. We’ll see you all later.
Hernan: Bye guys.
Bradley: Bye.
Weekly Digital Marketing Q&A – Hump Day Hangouts – Episode 128 posted first on your-t1-blog-url
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