#utterly obsessed with renfield actually. he gets it.
driftwoodcryptid · 2 years
seward: renfield, what are you doing with that fly?
renfield: :) *holding fly*
seward: i’m warning you, you better be getting rid of them!
renfield: :) *puts fly in mouth*
renfield: *swallows it* but it was strong life, and it gave life to me :)
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pinkiepiebones · 6 months
The more I read of your writing, the more I love it!
Prompt/request: a time when Dracula cleaned Renfield up and took care of him after he got seriously hurt, going beyond the usual dripping-blood-on-the-wound, and actually being tender towards him 🖤
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Thank you so much!!! For the compliment and the prompt!!! This one got weird and gory!!!!!!!!
Count Vladimir Tepes Dracula, Prince of Walachia, was never known for kindness. Indeed, if there were any historical annotation alluding to a modicum of kindness in him, it would be quickly followed by an abrupt rebuttal, as in the following example:
"Count Dracula would smile and gently stroke their hair... Before mounting the heads on wooden spikes."
The faintest, feeblest glimmer of humanity still surviving within the monster is quickly stifled by the overwhelming miasma of hatred and horrors that animate his undead body. "Humanity" is to Dracula as "hamburger" is to your average American- "food."
And yet.
Dracula was not a one-dimensional entity. He was complex as he was vile. He contained multitudes. Most of which were ghastly, but this is not a story about those.
Renfield is proving to be quite the familiar. He is what would someday be called a go-getter. He's fast, he's punctual, he's utterly and madly, obsessively devoted to Dracula. Dracula finds he enjoys having Renfield sitting beside him. Renfield makes little noises of delight as Dracula scratches at his scalp. Renfield rests his chin on Dracula's knee and looks up at him with wide, wild eyes, more black pupil than blue iris these days. He drools sometimes, but one must endure some drool when one keeps a dog. And Renfield is by far the best dog Dracula has ever had. A hunter and a pet. A good boy.
One late evening Dracula rises to find that Renfield is not curled up beside his coffin. The vampire winds his way out of the castle crypt and finds a meal- seven freshly-dead young women- waiting for him. But no Renfield.
Dracula reaches down for one of the bodies. But stops. He hears... something. It's not any of the castle sounds to which he is accustomed- not the steady slow groans of structural decay, nor the shuffle of rats through dust, nor the delicate sigh of tattered tapestries rustling in drafts. No, no. This was... Crying. He is pretty sure that is what it is called, anyway.
The count seeks out the sound and finds Renfield in one of the long-unused bedrooms. He is curled in a little ball on the old bed. Dracula steps closer, assessing, analysing, avian. Renfield opens his eyes in time to see Dracula reaching down and he flinches as a claw grazes his cheek. Dracula looks at the drop on his claw with curiosity.
"What is this?"
Renfield sniffles and blinks up at his Master. "Thi- do you mean my tears, Master?"
Ah, yes, that's what those are. "Why are you crying?"
Renfield's lower lip trembles. He unfolds, and it's clear from the look on his face that it causes some sort of agony for him to do so. "I didn't get away without a fight," he says, his voice ragged with guilt and weeps.
Dracula now sees that his familiar's right arm is dislocated at the shoulder and broken. His sleeve is ripped and the pale skin beneath is purple and blue. The amount of blood soaking his right pant leg makes it hard to tell the extent of the damage there- lacerations, certainly; fractures, possibly. His unruly hair is matted with blood, and it had at one point covered his face but he made a valiant effort to wipe it off on his intact sleeve with his intact arm.
Dracula's expression is unreadable. He leans down and presses his ear to Renfield's chest and Renfield startles at the closeness. "Breathe deep," he commands. Renfield obeys. Dracula can hear fluid in the lungs and hitches in the heartbeat. He stands and then sits down on the bed beside his familiar, situating himself so they are facing one another. He places his cold hands on Renfield's shoulder and arm and says, "this will hurt."
Dracula snaps Renfield's shoulder back into the socket and Renfield lets out a strangled cry. Dracula smoothes his hands over the shoulder and says gently, "shh, shh. Brave boy." Renfield whimpers.
Dracula carefully runs his hands down Renfield's broken arm and squeezes the familiar's hand. Keeping one hand clasped around Renfield's, he uses his other hand to softly grip Renfield's chin, locking eyes with him. he can't help but grin. "I have not shown you everything I can do," Dracula purrs.
The vampire lets go of Renfield's chin and hand. He uses a claw to tear open Renfield's blotchy skin and uses the same claw to open his palm. Renfield looks confused but opens his mouth to receive the blood but Dracula carefully grips the familiar's arm where he made the cut and rubs it a bit, making good and sure that his black blood is steadily creeping into his familiar. He removes his hand and watches Renfield's confusion melt into amazement as the bruises recede and the bones squirm back into place and the skin zips up. The healing power flows up into Renfield's long fingers; the feeling returns and he flexes his hand with a newfound glee.
"Master- this is amazing- you are amazing!"
Dracula nods. Of course he is. He then helps Renfield out of the tattered shirt and Renfield blushes despite everything they have already been through. Dracula tears a deep hole in Renfield's chest, digging through the tight, lean muscles and cracking the bones to ensure his healing blood could get deep down into the wounded places. Renfield gasps and moans and pants and fervently praises his Master. Dracula brushes his claws against Renfield's frantic heart and says, "shhh, my pet." He withdraws his bleeding hand and licks Renfield's blood off as the familiar's lungs fill with fresh cells and new air and the ribcage reconfigures. Renfield's blood is stale now, tainted with sins and madness, but there is a subtle sweetness there, the taste that is wholly Renfield- light and naïve. The process of fixing Renfield's leg is not as involved but it does necessitate the removal of the blood-soaked trousers. When Dracula is finished with his works, Renfield is almost entirely naked and covered with his blood, the blood of his attackers, and Dracula's blood. He looks up at his Master.
"You could do with a wash," Dracula says. "Come, let us get the water warming," and he scoops Renfield into his arms. Renfield yelps in confusion and Dracula chuckles and says, "I care about your well-being, Renfield. You are my prized possession."
Renfield sighs contentedly.
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thenightling · 7 years
Rumplestiltskin and Count Dracula similarities
The similarities between Once Upon a Time's Rumplestiltskin and Count Dracula are surprisingly abundant.  A friend of mine ( @demonicsass  on Tumblr and IMVU) started to come up with ways Rumplestiltskin is similar to Count Dracula and I have decided to expand upon her original list.
For the purpose of this list I will be using multiple incarnations of Dracula as sources, not just the original novel.
1.   Both live in spooky, isolated castles up on a snowy mountain surrounded by forest.   (Dark One Castle and Castle Dracula.  Dracula version: Original novel)
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2.   Both have this inclination for terrifying visitors by climbing on the walls or ceiling.  (Rumplestiltskin in his cell in front of Snow White and Prince Charming and Dracula outside his castle in front of Jonathan Harker).
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3.  Both have pined for a woman believed to be dead.  (Rumplestiltskin with Belle and Jack Palance's version of Dracula, Jerry Dandridge (who the novelization indicates is Dracula) is Fright Night, Bram Stoker's Dracula (movie), NBC's Dracula, and various other pop culture incarnations of Dracula).
4.   Both have obsessive compulsive tendencies.  (Rumplestiltskin's obsession with spinning straw into gold and Dracula's obsession with counting small objects such as seeds, especially poppy seeds and untying knotted rope.   Dracula 2: Ascension (Sequel to Dracula 2000), and actual Eastern European Folklore).
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5.  Both have a habit of killing and or torturing perceived enemies and have a strong dislike of being stolen from / stealing.  (Rumplestiltskin's reaction to Robin Hood in Lacy and the historic Vlad the Impaler (Vladislaus Drakulya) as addressed in the documentary In Search of Dracula combined with Fred Saberhagen's version of Dracula in his Dracula book series).
6.  Both have danced with potential damsels at a ball.  (Rumplestiltskin in The Price of Gold and Dracula in Van Helsing as well as Dracula: Dead and Loving it).
7.  Both have had a memorable romantic dance with their actual love interest.   (Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992 movie) and Frank Langella’s Dracula (1979 movie), and Rumplestiltskin with Belle in Season four episode one and season six episode one).
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8.   Both have a fear of being powerless.   (Dracula in the X-men '92 comics and Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 8 comics).
9.  Both love to make a grand entrance. (Rumplestiltskin all the freakin' Time.  Dracula in Fred Saberhagen's Dracula books, several Hammer films, and in particular his arrival at the Seward household in Frank Langella's Dracula (1979 film).
10.   Both are centuries old, powerful, immortal beings believed to have dark powers.
11.  Both have been controlled by a woman they love via magical means (and it's totally not kinky! :-P).  (Rumplestiltskin's dagger and Dracula AKA Alucard in Hellsing and Hellsing Ultimate OVA by Integra).
12.   Both have convoluted backstories that seem to get extended or rewritten every few years to suit the needs of writers.   (various)
13.   In the last few years both have been the victims of poor writing and plot convenience.   (Seasons 4 through 6 of Once Upon a Time for Rumplestiltskin and NBC's Dracula as well as season three of Penny Dreadful for Dracula).
14.   Both have broken tea cups while obsessed with a girl they just wanted to have a nice cup of tea with. (Rumplestitlskin and Belle and Dracula with Vanessa Ives in Penny Dreadful).
15.   Both keep sentimental objects based on their romantic interest. (Rumplestiltskin's chipped cup and Dracula with (relying on multiple verisons) paintings of lost loves).
16.  Both have extensive libraries and bring a would-be librarian to live with them (though yes, Rumplestiltskin added the library for Belle).  (Belle in Once Upon a Time and Jonathan Harker in Horror of Dracula / Dracula (1958 film), and Jonathan Harker again in Argento's Dracula.)
17.  Both have enemies that originally were obsessed with killing them.  (Rumplestiltskin and Gaston and Hook and Dracula with Abraham Van Helsing). 18.   Both have estranged sons that they didn't get to name and the son may likely want them dead.  (Gideon in Season 6 of Once Upon a Time and Alucard in the Castlevania video game series).
19.  Both have a love for Gothic / Neo-Victorian / Rock star style fashions and WILL give people make overs when given the opportunity.   (Charming, Emma and Hook, and Belle in Once Upon a Time.  And with Dracula Mina and whatever woman he happens to currently be attracted to in (insert version here).)
20.  Both have estranged family members that may want them dead.   (Rumplestiltskin and Peter Pan and The Black Fairy AND his son Gideon.  Dracula with Alucard in Castlevania and his father Dracul in the Dresden Files book series).
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21.   Both are fiercely protective of their child to the point of obsession.   (Rumplestiltskin with baelfire and Dracula in the Hotel Transylvania movies).
22.  Both have an adorable Grandson who shies away from darkness except when someone he loves is in trouble.  (Henry in Once Upon a Time and Dneis in Hotel Transylvania 2).
23..  Both are very susceptible to hypnosis which is directly tied to the obsessive compulsive tendencies and or psychic powers.   (Rumplestitlskin with his spinning to "forget" and Dracula in the novel Seance for a vampire by Fred Saberhagen and his utterly zoning out while thinking about blood and even reading British classified advertisements in a newspaper in the novel The Dracula Tape by Fred Saberhagen).
24.  Both do not smoke yet both have appeared in clouds of smoke or mist.  (Rumplestiltskin in Once Upon a Time when teleporting and Dracula when turning into mist in the original novel and various film and TV incarnations).
25.  Both have been portrayed with odd hair cuts fans had difficulty getting used to but after a while, because of how well he was portrayed, we stopped noticing.  (Season 6 of Once Upon a Time for Rumplestiltskin and the 1990 Dracula: the Series where Dracula had short blond hair but he was very well acted).
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26.  Both have stolen someone's baby.  (Once Upon a Time Season 6 and Dracula in the original Dracula novel, Frank Wildhorn's Dracula the musical and Jesus Franco's Count Dracula (1970 film.)
27.   Both have had a baby stolen from them by the mother and or the mother's friends.  (Rumplestiltskin in Once Upon a Time Season 6 and Alucard in the Castlevania video game series).
28.  Based on the fact that Rumplestiltskin is also The Beast / Prince Adam in the once Upon a Time universe this means that technically both Dracula and Rumplestiltskin have had a Broadway musical playing at the same time.  In 2004 both Beauty and the Beast and Frank Wildhorn's Dracula were being performed on Broadway.
29.   Both have died at least once.  (Rumplestiltskin in season 3 of Once Upon a Time and Dracula when he was still human before he rose as a vampire after his human death AND many, many times in film, particular in the Hammer Dracula film franchise).
30.  Both will react badly if you threaten or harm their servant.  (Rumplestiltskin with Belle when the Sheriff of Nottingham wanted to rape her (Rumplestiltskin briefly took his tongue) and Dracula when his servant was killed at the start of Taste the Blood of Dracula. He spent the rest of the movie obsessively avenging his servant's death).
31.   Both have had a mad Henchman that they have sometimes been shipped with by fans.  (Rumplestiltskin with Jefferson and Dracula with Renfield in various versions of Dracula such as the original novel, Frank Wildhorn's Dracula the musical and Love at First Bite, Dracula: Dead and Living it and Dracula in Buffy vs.Dracula and the Season 8 Buffy The Vampire Slayer comics where the relationship is with Xander).  
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32.  Both have been played by Scottish actor Robert Carlyle (Castlevania: Lords of Shadow / Castlevania Lords of Shadow 2 and Castlevania: Lores of Shadow - Mirror of Fate).
33.   Both have been successfully imprisoned for years.  Rumplestiltskin in the mine dungeon and Dracula in Dracula 2000, the dungeon cells in Hellsing and Hellsing Ultimate OVA, the cell in Bonnie and Clyde vs. Dracula, and Dracula when he was adult but still human in Dark Prince: The True Story of Dracula / The actual history of Vlad the Impaler, Vlad as a child in Dark Prince: The True Story of Dracula and The Dracula Tape and the actual history of Vlad the Impaler).
34.   Both have serious father issues where the father is likely a bigger threat than they are.  (Rumplestiltskin with Peter Pan and Dracula vs. Dracul in the Dresden Files novel universe and on a lighter note Dracula and Vlad in Hotel Transylvania 2).
35.    Both have been heroes and even died to save those they love.   (Rumplestiltskin in Season 3 of Once Upon a Time and Dracula in Frank Wildhorn's Dracula the musical).
36.   Both have been successfully cosplayed by women at conventions and in some cases theatre.  In fact in Tokyo the lead in Frank Wildhorn's Dracula the musical was the beautiful Wao Yoka even though the character is male.  (And both apparently love glitter).
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37.   Both have had convoluted schemes that involved manipulating people and careful double talk. (Dracula, particularly in the original Dracula novel by Bram Stoker and Fred Saberhagen's Dracula book series).
38. Both have no qualms about using human beings as bait to lure out an enemy but usually are actually saving said bait.  (Rumplestiltskin with Regina in Season One and later the baby to lure out The Black Fairy in Season 6.   Dracula with the Radcliffes in A Sharpness in the Neck by Fred Saberhagen).
39.  Both have used human beings to lure out, in particular, their own dangerous and evil relatives.   (Rumplestiltskin with the baby in Season 6 to lure out The Black Fairy. And Dracula with the Radcliffes in A Sharpness on the Neck by Fred Saberhagen to lure out his brother, Radu).
40. Both have had to do battle with their own family members.  (Rumplestiltskin and Peter Pan and Dracula with Radu in Dark Prince: The True Story of Dracula and A Sharpness on the Neck by Fred Saberhagen.  And Dracula's own son, Alucard in the Castlevania video game series.)
41. Both have had titles with the word "Dark" in it.  (Rumplestiltskin is known as the Dark One and Dracula has been known as The Dark Prince or Prince of Darkness at least three films. (Dark Prince: The True story of Dracula, Dracula: The Dark Prince (2013 movie and Dracula: Prince of Darkness (1966),  as well as the episode Buffy vs. Dracula in the TV series Buffy The Vampire Slayer).
42.   Both have had their backstories messed with to undo years of their origin being tied to having once been an ordinary man into having been something supernatural from the start.   (Rumplestiltskin is now the son of a Black Fairy and Dracula was turned into Lucifer's brother in Penny Dreadful and another fallen Angel (while using the name Chrispian Grimes) in House of Frankenstein '97).
43.  Both have had really obvious aliases.   (Rumplestiltskin as Mr. Gold (as he spins straw into gold) in Once Upon a Time and Dracula as Alucard (Dracula spelt backward) in Hellsing and Hellsing Ultimate OVA, Monster Squad, The Batman vs. Dracula and Alexander Lucard (A. Lucard) in the 1990s Dracula: The Series.  Dracula was also Drake in Blade Trinity and Marvel comics.
44.  Both have been temporarily banished by means of magick.  (Rmplestiltskin's dagger in Season 4 of Once Upon a Time and Dracula with the amulet and spell in Monster Squad).
45.  Both have been invoked by a woman reading from a spell book that belonged to her mother, without quite realizing what it might do.  (Rumplestiltskin by Regina and Dracula by Judy Southerland in An Old Friend of the Family by Fred Saberhagen).
46.  Both have run businesses in the modern human world where they wear nice suits.   (Rumplestiltskin as Mr. Gold and Dracula as Alexander Lucard in the 1990 Dracula: The Series).
47.   Both have used out of date cell phones that some younger members of audiences have found comical. (Rumplestiltskin's adorable flip phone in 2016 and Dracula's very large brick style cell phone in 1991 in Dracula: The Series).
48.   Both have walked down the street with a cane and sunglasses. (This one is cheating a little since without magick Rumplestiltskin has a severe limp and needs a cane but he did have a pair of sunglasses in the episode Skin Deep and Dracula walked with a cane as a part of Victorian fashion in Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992 film) along with pince nez sunglasses, and the cover art for P. N. Elrod's Dracula in London).
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49.   Both have a long history of stalking people.  (Dracula in various incarnations.)
50.  Both have become obsessed and protective of one particular family (that they may or may not have some family / sightly incestuous ties to) that seem to sometimes fear them though they yearn to actually be loved, accepted and appreciated by them.  (Rumplestiltskin and Henry's large, dysfunctional family and Dracula with the Southerland family descended directly from Mina in Fred Saberhagen's Dracula books, Dracula AKA Alucard with Abrhaam Van Helsing's descendants in Hellsing and Hellsing Ultimate OVA, and even Dracula as Alexander Lucard in the 1990s Dracula: The Series.)
51.  Both have a habit of making really horrible decisions if left unsupervised.  (Do I really need to give examples here?)
52.   Both have been portrayed with a Scottish accent even though neither character was originally Scottish.   (Thanks, Robert Carlyle :-P)
53.   Both have claimed to not fear anything.  (Rumplestiltskin after freshly transforming into The Dark One.   And Dracula in Fred Saberhagen's Dracula books).
54.  Both had a son prior to their dark transformations.  (Rumplestiltskin becoming The Dark One and Dracula dying as a mortal and coming back as a vampire after death.  Dark Prince: The True Story of Dracula, Dracula in Marvel comics, Dracula: Sovereign of the damned.
55. Both have (while both living in New England) had a baby son that they love with all their heart but the baby was magically aged up and turned against him.  (Rumplestiltskin in Season 6 of Once Upon a Time and Tomb of Dracula by Marvel comics and Dracula in Dracula: Sovereign of the Damned).
56.  Both have had graphic novels published by Marvel comics.
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57.  Both are highly possessive of those they love and have a bad / not-entirely-human habit of referring to those they love as belonging to them.   (Do I really need to give examples here?)
58.   If you manage to make either of them cry just f--king run...  (Examples unnecessary).
59.  Both have very violent tempers BUT have never actually struck a person they love.  They have seriously damaged property during temper tantrums however AND badly beaten or killed people that they do not love.   (Examples unnecessary). 
60.   Both have sharp, claw-like nails.   (Dracula in the original novel and many film versions.  And they both may or may not have pointed ears.   Dracula had slightly pointed ears in the original novel.)
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61.   Both probably have bad breath. (Rumplestiltskin has caused people to flinch by getting in their faces while talking in Once Upn a Time.  Dracula is described as having sour breath in the original novel.)
62.  Both are secretly animal lovers.  (Rumplestiltskin with Pongo in Once Upon a Time and In the original Dracula novel and The Dracula Tape by Fred Saberhagen Dracula takes time out of his plans to spend some time showing affection to the wolves at the London Zoo.)
63.  Both have fought with swords.  (Rumplestiltskin with charming, Dracula in the Castlevania video games, Dracula in the Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Season 8 comics, Dracula in Dark Prince: The True Story of Dracula and Dracula Untold).
64.  Both have had storylines that have caused them to do cutely awkward things in New York City.  (Rumplestiltskin crashing at Ursula's place and eating Ramen while checking E-mail at her computer and Dracula moving to New York to find his true love and staying at a hotel in Love at First Bite).
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65.  Both are terrible backseat drivers.  (Rumplestiltskin with the Queens of Darkness and Dracula in Love at First Bite).
66.  Both have had their continuities messed with for the sake of plot convenience and to keep a potentially dying series going.  (Rumplestiltskin from season 4 onward in Once Upon a Time and Dracula in the Hammer Horror Dracula film franchise, particularly from Scars of Dracula onward and the sequels to Dracula 2000, Dracula 2: Ascension and Dracula 3: Legacy as well as the Castlevania video game franchise).
67. Both have been portrayed with long and short hair.  (Rumplestiltskin most recently in Season 6 of Once Upon a Time).
68.   Both have been temporarily killed after being stabbed in the heart with a magical or blessed object.  (Multiple incarnations of Dracula).
69.  Both have had to prove themselves a hero and have successfully wielded Excalibur while not being trusted by Merlin. (Rumplestiltskin in season 5 of Once Upon a Time and Dracula in the novel Dominion by Fred saberhagen.
70.   Both have  interacted with nineteenth century literary characters outside of their own stories.   (Rumplestiltskin with Dr. Frankenstein and Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (besides the other fairy tale characters) and Dracula with Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson in the novels The Holmes-Dracula File and Seance for a Vampire and the short story From the Tree of Time by Fred Saberhagen.  And Dracula in House of Frankenstein and House of Dracula (Universal Studios movies), and Penny Dreadful TV series, and House of Frankenstein TV Mini-series, and the Frankenstein Dracula Wars comics, and Marvel comics, and the movie Van Helsing and the TV pilot for Gothika as well as many others).
72.   Both have been successfully warded out of certain buildings.  (This is a bit of a cheat since usually Dracula cannot enter a home at all without an invitation).
73.   Both have been portrayed with extremely flamboyant or "Rockstar" style fashions.   (Multiple incarnations of both).
74.  Both usually appear to be in their forties.  (Rumplestiltskin was originally played by forty-nine-year-old Robert Carlyle while Dracula, when in his most youthful / de-aged form appears to be roughly forty-five or forty-six-years-old, which is the age he was when he would have died as a mortal and rose from his grave as a vampire).
75.   Both have been accused of being demonic / representing The Devil though neither one was literally a devil in their original stories.
76.   Despite their dark and ruthless reputations both have saved children from a horrible fate thanks to war.  (Rumplestitlskin saved over a thousand children from The Ogre Wars.  /  Vlad the Impaler was absolutely dead set against giving human tribute to the Ottoman Empire, which entailed an annual offering of five hundred young boys to be used as slaves, eunuchs, and Janissary soldiers by the Ottomans.  That was one of the main reasons he turned against them. This has been addressed in the documentary In Search of Dracula narrated by Christopher Lee and  In fiction this is covered in Dark Prince: The True Story of Dracula and Dracula Untold).
77.  Both have dabbled in the occult... a lot  (Examples unnecessary.)
78.   Both have dark hair with hints of grey.  (The historic Dracula had brown hair though most film incarnations give him black hair.   The original novel gave multiple descriptions of Dracula's de-aged form and each time he had hints of grey working it's way through his hair. This is also how he was originally portrayed in Marvel comics and how his hair looked at the time of his human death and vampiric birth at the end of Dark Prince: The True Story of Dracula).
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79.   Both have reacted with almost delight at being recognized for who they truly are / being called by name. 
80.   Both have a fun, wicked laugh and tend to flex their claw-like fingers when they do.  (1992's Bram Stoker's Dracula when Jonathan Harker is about to faint after seeing the baby given to the three female vampires).
81.   Both have been very feared by a local populace who know very well who they really are.  (Rumplestiltskin in The Enchanted Forest and Storybrooke and Dracula with the Peasants in most movies and even the novel).
82.   Both grew up without knowing their mother.  (Almost every version of Dracula respects that the historic figure did not have that great of a childhood, especially since he spent ages eleven through seventeen as a prisoner of the Ottoman Turks).
83.    Both were betrayed by a father whom they continued to love.  (Ruplestiltskin abandoned by Malcolm who became Peter Pan and Dracula who, with his brother Radu, were given over as Hostages to the Ottomans at age eleven (Radu was six).   Historical fact and covered in Dark Prince: The True Story of Dracula).
84.  Both have symbolic connections to Faust.  
A.   Rumplestiltskin for his deal making and Contracts (Much like Mephistopheles / Mephisto in Faust) and Dracula with his physical appearance modeled after a stage version of Mephisto played by Henry Irving.  Rumplestiltskin's costumes also resemble those of Mephistopheles as portrayed in opera by David Bowie (and his Jareth The Goblin King persona).
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B.  The Faust Opera is the play being attended in the 1931 Dracula film starring Bela Lugosi.  The Sorcerer's Apprentice (the major theme of Once Upon a Time Season 4 is based on a Disney short inspired by a musical piece and poem by Goethe, the author of Faust), Churnabog in Once Upon a Time and Night on Bald Mountain is based on a scene from the silent film version of Faust by F. W. Murnau (Director of Nosferatu, which was originally to be an adaptation of Dracula).
C.  Rumplestiltksin's deal with the original Dark One and having to learn the value of love being greater than power was the lesson Faust had to learn at the end of Goethe's Faust Part 2) 
D.   Also like Faust after his deal, both Dracula and Rumplestiltskin are immortal Sorcerers (Though Rumplestiltskin and Faust do not crave human blood).
85.   Both have an odd / loose connection to roses. (In Once Upon a Time an enchanted Rose was used to keep track of Rumplestiltskin's condition while he was comatose in Season 5 and in the novel Dracula wild roses could be used to ward him off much like Garlic.  This gets a brief mention in Dracula: The Series (1990s version), Fright Night: Part 2 (1988), and is hinted at in Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992).  Contrary to Goth culture, Dracula does not actually like roses. 86.   Both have had merchandise sell pretty well at Hot Topic.  In Hot Topic's early days they had merchandise connected to Bram Stoker's Dracula (film) as it was a staple of early 1990s Goth Culture and even paid homage to in the Backstreet Boys Music video Backstreet's Back. Today you can find Rumplestiltskin and Belle / Rumbelle merchandise at Hot Topic along with the Funko Pop figures.
87.   Both have been the central figure for driving a plot in a TV series.   (Rumplestiltskin in Once Upon a Time and Dracula in Dracula: The Series (1990s version), NBC's Dracula (2013), Hellsing, Hellsing Ultimate OVA, Young Dracula and Penny Dreadful.    88.  Both have lived in Suburbia with mixed results and have sent death threats to neighbors or tennants.  (Young Dracula)
89.   Both have had romantic dances as a phonograph plays.  (Rumplestiltskin with Belle in Season four episode 1 and Season 6 episode 1a nd Dracula with Lucy (The Mina character) of Dracula starring Frank Langella from 1979.)
90.   Both have shown considerable respect and even some loyalty to the one who has defeated / captured them.  (Rumplestiltskin with The Charmings and Dracula with Abraham Van Helsing.
91.  Both have been controlled by a woman they love with a magical object BUT it's likely they would have obeyed that woman anyway.  (Rumplestitlskin with Belle and The Dark One dagger in Once Upon a Time and Dracula by Integra in Hellsing and Hellsing Ultimate OVA).
92.  Both were not originally intended to be romantic characters but once someone threw in a tragic / Beauty and the Beast-esque love story people adored it and latched on to it.  (Rumplestiltskin in Skin Deep and Dracula in The Dracula Tape by Fred Saberhagen, the Jack Palance Dracula movie, Dracula starring Frank Langella, Love at First bite, Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992 film), NBC's Dracula, Castlevania Symphony of the Night, BBC's / Masterpiece Theatre's Dracula (2006), Frank Wildhorn's Dracula The musical / Dracula das Musical ect...)
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93.    Both are cunning and manipulative yet very lonely. (Examples unnecessary.)
94.    Both have abducted or imprisoned a woman they love but ultimately let them go.  (Multiple versions)
95.    Both helped finance or otherwise enable Dr. Frankenstein's research.  (Rumplestiltskin in Season 2 of Once Upon a Time and Dracula in Van Helsing).
96.     Both have financially supported / own a whole town while still being feared by said town.  (Rumplestiltskin owned Storybrooke. / Besides Dracula having been the Voivode (Prince) of Wallachia (what is today Romania) he owned / took care of the village in Dario Argento's Dracula 3D (2012) movie).
97.  Both dislike being caged for very long and fear indefinite imprisonment. (Various).
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98.  Despite being feared various people will come to them for bargains and or help.   (Example for Dracula being the woman looking for her child in The Dracula Tape, whom he summoned the wolves to assist).
99.   Both have paid off helpers with gold, that they appear to have in abundance. (Rumplestiltskin of course spins straw into gold and the Original Dracula novel).   
100.   Both have a first wife where they feel accountable for the death (and in some cases are accountable for the death).  (Rumpelstitlskin and Milah /  Note: Though there are examples of this with Dracula the historic story was the wife killed herself to avoid being captured by the Ottoman Turks, her dying words being "Better to be food for the fishes than a prisoner of the Turks."   Films however change things up a bit.  Believing Vlad to be dead the wife kills herself in Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992 film), being mentally ill she kills herself in Dark Prince: The True Story of Dracula after being convinced he has risen from the dead, the wife was burnt at the stake to spite Dracula in the NBC Dracula series, and the wife sacrificed herself so Vlad could have the vampiric power to save their child in Dracula Untold.)
101.  Both have been portrayed as rather insane but a reliable ally. (Dracula as portrayed in Da Vinci’s Demons and Hellsing, Hellsing Ultimate OVA).
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102.  Both have had a son die in their arms.   (Rumplestitlskin in Season 3 with Baelfire and Dracula with his son in the X-men ‘92 comics.)
103.  Both are addicts.  One for Dark magick and the other for Blood, both for power.  And both can and sometimes do over come these urges for love.   (No examples necessary.)
There's more but my hand is starting to ache...
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