#user: kiro.
reveriers · 5 hours
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› Aspirante a detective número #095 detectado. BORA YEON, proveniente de INGLATERRA. Con 28 años, siempre le han dicho que tiene un parecido con DOHYUN SHIN. Enviade desde la Escuela de detectives SINCLAIR & THORNE como estudiante de intercambio a la Academia Reverie. Fue seleccionade por su impresionante desempeño en MANEJO DE ARMAS (3) y también mostrar aptitudes prometedoras en AGILIDAD (3) y OBSERVACIÓN (2) .
KIRO, como administración de Reverie Academy, queremos agradecerte tu interés. Tienes 24 horas para enviarnos la cuenta de tu personaje. Si llegases a necesitar más tiempo, no dudes en comunicarte con nosotras.
Apodo: kiro.
Pronombres: ella/suya.
Edad: veintiséis.
Zona horaria: gmt-6.
Triggers: abuso de cualquier tipo, incesto, racismo.
En caso de unfollow, ¿permitirías que usemos a tu personaje en la trama como un PNJ?: sí / no.
Nombre: bora yeon.
Pronombres: ella/suya.
Faceclaim: shin do-hyun.
Fecha de nacimiento y edad: 31 de diciembre. 28 años.
Nacionalidad: inglesa.
Profesión: agente encubierta de las fuerzas policiales.
Año en curso en la Escuela de Detectives Sinclaire & Thorne: tercero.
Especialización que cursará en Reverie: maestra del espionaje.
Habilidades de Reverie en las que destacó: 
manejo de armas: 3. agilidad: 3. observación: 2.
uno. la muerte le ha seguido los pasos desde su primer día en la tierra. bebé prematura que complicó el parto y tomó en sus manos la vida de mujer en cama. no conoció a su madre biológica, ni siquiera a través de fotografías que a la fecha pueda recordar, ya que nueva visita se presentó más pronto de lo esperado para cambiar el rumbo de su vida. accidente automovilístico se volvió uno de los más hablados y trágicos en corea, padre e hija que fueron separados de la forma más cruel. que bora sobreviviese fue considerado un milagro por más de uno. infante que apenas resultó con escasas heridas catalogadas de gravedad.
dos. fue adoptada a sus tres años por pareja coreana establecida en inglaterra. vida de ensueño y la promesa de tener siempre una familia y nunca volver a estar sola. sus recuerdos de la infancia son alegres, años en los que los problemas no figuraban como algo serio. fueron también en donde conoció gusto por las historias misterio y detectives debido a figura paterna; hombre con cargo de renombre en la policía. sin embargo, el interés de llevarlo a la practica nunca fue realmente lo suyo, o al menos no durante aquella época. entró a la adolescencia con planes de escribir propias historias, encaminándose a la adultez con primeros escritos reales y la creencia de un futuro sin complicaciones, de nuevo sin conocer los cambios que se avecinaban.
tres. bora y su madre siempre supieron que los riesgos eran algo que no debían olvidar, que la probabilidades de que patriarca no volviera algún día eran reales, pero aún así, jamás pensaron realmente tener que vivirlo. hombre que buscó venganza a propia mano y que por poco consiguió tomar la vida de su padre. lo hizo de alguna manera, pues nunca volvió a ser el mismo, teniendo que permanecer en una silla de ruedas y alejado de un trabajo que siempre amó. fue un peso el que cayó sobre los hombros de bora luego de lo ocurrido, esa presión a no defraudar cuando la posibilidad estaba allí. el camino de su vida terminó tomando un nuevo rumbo y todo lo que alguna vez deseó escribir comenzó a volverse en vivencias propias.
cuatro. tiene problemas para crear vínculos muy fuertes. sabe bien que es una creencia tonta, que no debería tenerla, pero es difícil cuando la prueba está ahí tres veces. está convencida de que la muerte de progenitores y el accidente que sufrió su padre tienen que ver algo con ella. cree que cualquiera que sea importante en su vida terminara sufriendo de alguna forma o perdiendo la vida. es bastante protectora con sus amistades más cercanas, pero al tratarse de relaciones amorosas es todo lo contrario. estuvo a punto de contraer matrimonio a los veinticinco años con alguien que a quien consideraba el amor de su vida, pero el miedo y la estúpida superstición terminaron orillándola a romper el compromiso y quedarse con un corazón roto.
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aureliahillshqs · 3 months
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todos conocen a PARK DAEON, pero su reputación está por descubrirse.
kiro, ¡bienvenide a @aureliahillshqs! nos encanta tenerte con nosotres. a partir de ahora contás con 24 hs para enviarnos la cuenta, en caso de necesitar más tiempo, ¡no dudes en solicitarlo! pst! también queremos contarte que si todavía no rellenaste este form, nos serviría mucho que lo hicieras. ¡gracias!
nombre/alias: kiro.
¿tenés más de 21 años? sí.
zona horaria o país: gmt-6.
nivel de actividad estimado: siete. 
triggers: abuso de cualquier tipo, incesto, racismo.
¿aceptás que tu personaje se vea involucrado en las intervenciones realizadas por la administración del grupal? sí.
¿algo que agregar?: no.
nombre: park daeon.
faceclaim: yoon chanyoung.
cupo: veintidós.
edad y fecha de nacimiento: veintitrés. 20 de julio de 2000.
descripción física: lleva el cabello en su negro azabache natural, cayendo en un flequillo con un espacio en el centro. mide un metro con setenta y nueve centímetros. tiene un piercing en su ceja derecha, pero no se nota mucho a menos de que se levante su flequillo o le mires muy de cerca. mantiene el rastro de una cicatriz en su hombro derecho.
descripción psicológica: la desconfianza es algo que lo caracteriza muy bien. le cuesta bastante abrirse a otros, permitirles ver una imagen genuina sobre él. son pocas las veces en que le preocupa que alguien termine suponiendo algo diferente a lo que realmente es. puede pecar de tímido para entablar conversaciones o hacerse de amistades; sin embargo, con el paso de los años, también aprendió a usar eso como su propia arma para zafarse de situaciones y personas que le incomodan. es una persona bastante solitaria, leal con sus más cercanos, cariñoso incluso, terco en extremo y también algo observador.
historia o datos curiosos:
llegó al mundo cuando aún no se le esperaba, sietemesino que causó el susto más grande en los park. de no haber contado con los mejores doctores en aquella sala de parto, tanto él como su madre habrían partido esa misma mañana de julio. aquello fue el detonante para determinar lo que sería su infancia y la mayor parte de su adolescencia. verse sobreprotegido por el miedo, especialmente aquel proveniente por parte de progenitora, lo siguió en cada uno de sus pasos esos años. si consanguíneos gozaban de una libertad verdadera, daeon nunca la conoció. cada decisión, cada gusto y compañías siempre pasaron primero por la aprobación de otros antes de llegar a él. inevitablemente, terminó volviéndose alguien retraído y bastante solitario, tildado de raro por infantes de su edad que poco reparaban en la crueldad expresada. sufrió de acoso durante toda su vida estudiantil a manos de sus compañeros. sin embargo, detonante terminó explotando cuando lo físico se vio envuelto en toda la situación; un brazo roto y la primera vez que comenzó a defenderse, consiguiendo que cualquier insulto dejara de ser arrojado a su rostro y llegara en medida de susurros. 
nunca sintió que realmente perteneciera a su familia. apellido siempre pareció pesar de más sobre sus hombros, pues el interés de seguir en el negocio familiar era inexistente. encontró refugio en capturar la tranquilidad que le rodeaba. propia decisión de la que gozó entrada la adolescencia y que le trajo su primera de una infinidad de cámaras que le acompañarían en el futuro. planteó la idea de cursar carrera universitaria fuera del país, en lyon, y aunque su madre se negó a que aquello ocurriera al principio, logró partir luego de conseguir beca por propio mérito. lo tomó como una segunda oportunidad para empezar, para ser alguien más, lejos de ataduras y cientos de cuidados. personalidad tímida volvió el proceso un tanto lento, pero el paso del tiempo le ayudó para crear por primera vez verdaderos lazos de amistad.  
la noticia e imposición de mudarse a estados unidos no la tomó nada bien. todavía en la actualidad, pasa una gran parte del tiempo a solas. aunque ha dejado detrás la oportunidad de perderse en entornos donde desconocen su identidad en aurelia, terminó haciéndose un camino en las carreras ilegales de motocicletas casi sin quererlo y sin que nadie lo sepa. disfruta de esa adrenalina que nunca antes experimentó. cuando no participa, se dedica a apostar en las mismas.
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mnstsu · 1 year
o__02hs o__04hs
o__03hs i2kiro
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cf8wrk4u-us · 8 months
Okay, I'm getting a bit inside of One Piece lore and the topic about Devil Fruits caught my eyes 👀👀👀 (later I'll read about the Haki stuff and if there's other power granting stuff)
But since you are my guide for this, what Devil Fruits do you think would suit the Burns family and maybe the Bots (the Bots are machines but alive, so I don't know if a Devil Fruit can grant powers to a machine)???
I read a little about the Zoan fruits that are artificial??? So maybe you could say that Doc Greene made those fruits if you want to add them?? I don't know I'm still learning
Hey friend!
So glad you ask!
Devil Fruits are pretty rare in the One Piece world. Even finding one is a pretty big deal and can grant anyone a power of some kind.
They come in three classes: Logia who become turn into elements, Paramecia who can summon item or change things, and Zoan who can become different animals or even beings.
Artificial Devil Fruits have been created, but only Zoan so far.
Anyone can eat a Devil Fruit, be it a humanoid, an animal, or even inanimate objects.
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This is a bazooka who ate a Dog Zoan Fruit.
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This is a sword who was fed an elephant like Zoan Fruit.
The only consequence though is that anyone who eats a fruit would forever lose their ability to swim and if placed in water would lose there powers and weaken them. Kinda like it's their kryptonite.
Also if you eat another Devil Fruit you will die from poisoning.
You can't always choose what Devil Fruit you get but it's always a lucky thing to find.
With that info I say that these are the fruits that would suit the Burns family and bots.
Captain Charlie Burns: The Noro Noro no Mi or Slow-Slow Fruit, great to slow down escaping riminals or panicked people, and in rescue work slow down any dangerous debry or disaster. Or the Nuke Nuke no Mi/Through-Through Fruit, which allows the users to walk or travel through any solid surface (kinda like a Phase Shifter).
Kade Burns: The Bomu Bomu no Mi/Bomb Bomb Fruit or Mera Mera no Mi/Fire Fire Fruit, both are good at suppressing fires and making its user fire/burn proof.
Dani Burns: Fuwa Fuwa no Mi/Float Float Fruit or Kiro Kiro no Mi/Kilo Kilo Fruit, both fruits would alow Dani to experience flight or fly herself and possibly other out of the way. Or the Hana-Hana no Mi/ Flower-Flower Fruit, allowing users to grow different limbs in separate place, Dani as a first responder and EMT could use an extra set of hands.
Graham Burns: Giro-Giro no Mi/ Glare-Glare Fruit which allows user to see through anything like X-Rays. Good for an engineer like Graham, another would be the Oshi Oshi no Mi/Push-Push Fruit that allows the user to push anything they want and at any size as if it were soft clay.
Cody Burns: Kibe-Kibe no Mi/Millet Millet Fruit might work well for Cody, given by using it he could feed anyone or any being his dango and immediately befriend them. He probably have a lot of fun with the Tori-Tori no Mi/ Bird-Bird Fruit Model Falcon, where he can turn into a Falcon or the Gum-Gum Fruit like Luffy so he can stretch in anyway he likes. Or the Chiyu-Chiyu/Heal-Heal Fruit, where he could heal those who are hurt with just his tears. Or maybe the Hiso-Hiso no Mi/Whisper-Whisper Fruit that allows them to hear the hearts of animals.
Now for the Rescue Bots
Heatwave: Moku Moku no Mi/Smoke-Smoke Fruit, not only does it allow its user to be a smokey cloud, but it also allows them to be impervious to most physical attacks Not to mention it can cancel out fires. Not to meantion user their smoke to trap or carry others. But maybe the Mera Mera no Mi could work for Heatwave, despite the name, would rather not be able to create fires.
Chase: Ori Ori no Mi/Cage Cage Fruit, which allows the user to create cage like bars from there arms and cuffs to trap opponents. Perfect for a cop/rule follower like Chase. Another is the Nagi Nagi no Mi/ the Calm Calm Fruit, which allows the user to create silence barrier or take all sound away from a certain areas. Something that Chase could use to confuse opponents or create control for a situation.
Blades: I think Blades would like the Mini-Mini no Mi/Mini-Mini Fruit, allowing the user to grow as small as they want. Blades loved being as small as Dani when he was in her body and would probably enjoy how he can buy so much human stuff now that he can be the right size for it. Or even become a real human with the Hito-Hito no Mi/Human-Human Fruit.
Boulder: I think that Boulder would live Oshi Oshi no Mi/Push-Push Fruit to push things far more gently that he could with his own plow. Or the Hito-Hito no Mi/Human-Human Fruit or Mini-Mini no Mi/Mini-Mini Fruit to be as small as a human or become one and enjoy being one as much as they like with everything included. Though he also might like the Ato-Ato no Mi/Art-Art Fruit🎨where he can create abstract art out of anything, but if he's not careful anyone too😅
I did my best but there are way more and feel free to mix and match for the ideal choice for each character. Feel free to check out the website to explore them more ✌️
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no1monstersimp · 2 years
14 and 15
Sorry this took a bit to answer haha, I was thinking about these ones for a little bit and I wanted to be able to type it out on my laptop because this may be long(and my laptop is slow). This will be a pretty heavy one.
So lets start with 14 -sigh-
TW rac*sm, h*m*phobia, ped*philia, r*pe, inc*st.
I'm sure this isn't unpopular, but my opinion about the fandom is it's pretty bad. Of course I love most of the users on here and have overall been very pleasant to interact with, but the issues are very overwhelming and become more apparent on the Reddit. You can say, it's just the Reddit, but I've seen these issues on Instagram, Twitter, and pretty much everywhere else. Some of the major issues are homophobia, racism, and the very concerning amount of pedophilia jokes/normalization.
So let's start with the homophobia portion.
As I'm sure everyone has experienced sometime in the fandom, there is an overwhelming amount of homophobia within the fandom. Let's take GenoSai for an instant. Whether like the ship or not, there is definitely a double standard among the fandom. Art where the ship is Genoko(Genos genderbend) x Saitama, it is perfectly fine and little heads are turned, but as soon as you mention Genos x Saitama, everyone goes batshit. They like to say it's because "ships don't belong in the fandom" but then turn around and ship Saitama and Tatsumaki or Saitama and Fubuki. They even go as far as to say "making them gay is disrespectful to the character or it ruins them". I'm sorry but if you're that delusional, I don't even know what to say honestly. Certain users got up and arms about the Batarou ship as of late after the reveal of Kiro in 170. Many users were sent unprovoked abhorrent asks or comments all because they ship them. Some have also downplayed the fact that bisexuality exists as well because of this, just stating "Garou isn't gay" or "Garou doesn't like men". There have been some that have written amazing essays on it so I won't go too deep into it here. Another thing is the downplay of LGBT voices in the fandom. They constantly harass LGBT users for having gay ships or other LGBT ships, when all we literally want is representation. It angers me when they say "well you have Puri Prisoner" and I'm sorry, but fuck that. I literally hate the character. They have no right to speak over us and preach what an acceptable character to represent the community is. No right at all...
Anyways... back to double standards, lesbian ships are more accepted because they are fetishizing them. Some of the most popular are Psykos x Fubuki, Fubuki x Do-S, and...ugh...Fubuki x Lily. So they ignore a literal 14 year old and 23 year old and think it's okay but somehow two consenting male adults in a relationship is worse??? Same thing with incestual relationships such as Fubuki x Tatsumaki.
A smaller section is the way they excuse Darkshine. I understand the intention may not have meant to be racist, but at the end of the day we can't keep excusing it. I feel awful when I remember his backstory because he's not a bad character, in the sense that he's a good guy.
Ah the pedophilia jokes and the normalization. I can't tell you how many times I've seen really disgusting jokes about the child characters in sexual situations. The thing is, they aren't even funny. As mentioned before, they already normalize the relationship between a 14 year old and someone she looks up to, who is 23. Well, let's dive into their favorite thing, One Hurricane. There is a volume of this lovely series , I say sarcastically, in which Child Emperor( a 10 year old) is raped by Fubuki (yet again, a 23 year old) and I sadly laid my eyes on a panel. Fubuki is sexually assaulted by Saitama multiple times throughout the series as well as Do-s in one volume. They still celebrate the series as "so good" when it literally excuses rape ad pedophilia. It pisses me off so bad. There are many users who draw or post incest, pedophilia, rape and are celebrated. It's sad I can think of so many off the top of my head, BY NAME.
I have some other things I want to talk about but the post is getting long...
I'll do a briefing of things I don't like about the manga itself. I don't like the way Kama is treated, she's way too beautiful to be presented the way she is. Especially in the webcomic when her name was "Slicing Shemale". I understand that there is apparently some translation issues, but sometimes I wonder.
I already talked about Darkshine and Puri.
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CHAOS! Here we go!
Now, I'm not explaining the entire family, just the powers. You may be wondering WHY it's so much? Scandals! Good LORD.
Okay, here's the full tree right here, underneath goes in depth, generation by generation, and explaining their powers and magic. It DOES give names. Sorry if it gets a little confusing.
WARNING: Mental Magic is NOT a good thing, in these cases. The primary creation of them was for abuse. It's less of magic and more of a curse. Read at your own risk. It will be sectioned, and it can be skipped.
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Lovely, okay.
Music Magic: this concept is by @bluetorchsky , using music to conduct magic around. There are two types listened, this being 'Instrument' and 'Voice'. Specifically, Memory and Harley, Damen's Great-Grandparents from the woods, have these two seperate. Voice music magic is similar to a sirens voice, while instrument magic uses instruments to achieve the samething!
Faeriy: While Jill wasn't a full fea folk, her abilities allowed her to talk more with plants and animals directly, to the point of being called a fea.
Earthbender: Now, I think we know what this means. Full blown earth magic and earth bending to the user's will.
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Mental Magic. Now, if you can tell, there are three main types: Voice, Manipulation, and Emotion. Each of these have a different effect.
Voice: Similar to a siren, the user uses their voice to conduct people to what they want to do. But, unlike music magic, it's considered mental as the victim, once listening once, cannot unhear their voice and is stuck under a spell. Their voice will be heard in the victims mind, telling them what do to, even if they're miles away. It gets weaker the father apart.
Manipulation: Breaking down mental walls, this type mainly uses body motions to fully put someone under their magic control. Batting eyes, fake promises and words, fake emotions- It's a whole bombshell of BAD. Once trapped under their magic, it's almost impossible to get out.
Enotion: This one is the weakest, as it relies on the fragile mental and emotional state if someone. If they can be broken easily, your stuck. Once you're stuck, it's.. Hard, but not impossible to break out. Most that use emotional mental magic learn that getting the person to soloy rely on them got a better results.
Now, there are also combinations of them. The effects only get stronger, and the ways they get in to someone's mind only expands. The strongest being a combination of them all at once.
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6th Sense with animals is different to the faeriy's abilities. They cannot hear plants and animals, but their instincts around them are MUCH stronger. They know when somethings wrong and when somethings not.
Earth Faeriy is a combination of Earthbending and Faeriy just as that.
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Now, if you notice: Music (Voice - Bad). Kristen did NOT use her magic voice for good, like people expect.
And now, for the names:
Liam is Kyro's biological name
Kiro is said 'Hero' with a K
Chee is their younger brother
Xavier is Damen's older brother, who's now named 'Valley'
Rodriguez III is Damen's biological name
Marshall is Damen's younger brother
Chicago is another half-brother of Damen, but he is not known.
All of the children listed were born with a natural immunity, aside from: Damen and Marshall
Marshall HAS immunity, but it's not the only thing he's born with.
Okay, I'm done rambling. If you need any clarification, do not be afraid to ask.
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insertsona · 1 year
ok ok ok i know nothing about it so explain the tourney to me like i'm a newbie to the fandom
the tourney is just a general name i use for the universe since the main gimmick of the world was that theres a massive tournament thing (im so creative! more on that later bc its still relevant even if its not the Main plot point anymore)
the main story of the tourney follows Pulse, and is set within the main (yet to be named,,, im working on that slowly) city ! pulse used to live in said main city years ago but moved away due to. events (note: these 'events' were incredibly violent and im not going to go into proper detail unless specifically prompted to) and has recently moved back into the city . her plot mostly revolves around her A) settling into the city due to its wild differences since she was here last and B) dealing with her past that keeps coming back to haunt her
the reason this is the 'main city' and not just some big city is because this city hosts the tournament, which is a twice a year fighting event that people from all around the world come to watch or participate in! during the spring is the solos tournament, mostly fought by magic users trying to make a name for themself. in the autumn (or fall if youre. from somewhere that calls it that) is the teams tournament, which is more popular among people without magic. the teams tournament is often instead used by people to show off their handiwork in technology and weaponry !
the most notably important characters for the main story are:
Pulse, the protagonist; Silhouette, the main antagonist; Lucid and Haiyan, both minor antagonists; and Ai and Gizmo, a mostly legal shopkeep and her totally not criminal assistant :D
i realise this is already getting long so im just going to stop now but thats like . a general overview
theres some other stories taking place in the same universe like that of Kiro and The Umi's Tail but thats for another day :]
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nekotiating · 7 days
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Little gift for https://www.furaffinity.net/user/kiro/!
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mainsgospel · 2 years
Pinpoint weather
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#Pinpoint weather update#
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reveriers · 2 days
SHIN DOHYUN queda reservade exitosamente a nombre de KIRO.
¡Qué bueno tenerte aquí! Desde este momento tienes 48 horas para enviarnos tu formulario de audición. Si llegases a necesitar más tiempo o tienes alguna inquietud, no dudes en acercarte a nuestro inbox o im.
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aureliahillshqs · 3 months
YOON CHANYOUNG queda reservado en el CUPO #22 de la FAMILIA PARK a nombre de KIRO.
¡muchas gracias por tu interés en @aureliahillshqs! el primer paso ya está hecho, ahora contás con 48 hs para enviar el formulario, en caso contrario, la reserva será dada de baja. si llegaras a necesitar más tiempo, no dudes en solicitarlo y ante cualquier duda, ¡nuestro chat está disponible!por cierto, si querés unirte al servidor de discord del grupal para hablar con las demás users en la familia antes de armar tu form, ¡podés hacerlo!
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storyfree311 · 2 years
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daisucce · 4 years
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its the terrible cropping fa me 😹❤
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defact0-fett · 6 years
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Stand User: Zina Void Stand: 「RA RA RASPUTIN」
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cheri-translates · 2 years
Kiro’s Weibo - Q&A (Pt. 5)
Our dear Sunshine Boy occasionally answers user-submitted questions on his official Weibo page. Here are the responses posted on 30 November 2021! 🌻
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More Q&As: Pt. 1 l Pt. 2 l Pt. 3 l Pt. 4
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Rorororo!!! When will you be opening the Ask Box again?!!
*inserts cute kaomoji* I’m here I’m here!
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What should I do if I turn into a Minion after eating too many oranges?
Eat white rice furiously to turn back to normal (I’m kidding
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Roro, I’m in my third year of university. Could you wish me good luck for my Higher Education Exam? I really really like you.
All the best for your Higher Education Exam!!! I’ll give you some of my good luck!!! 
PS: Here’s wishing that all the other friends who are taking their examinations will pass with flying colours! 
I'll keep cheering all of you on.
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I’d like to know the secret to growing as a mega celebrity! What do you do when you lack confidence!
When you have something you’re passionate about, and people you care about, you’d naturally mature with time. 
Even now, there are times when I lack confidence. 
When there’s insufficient confidence, courage will gather.
Even if you aren’t that confident in yourself, be brave and give it a try!
In the process, confidence will gradually accumulate without you realising it!
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Hi! Roro, I’m so sorry for disturbing you. If life is always filled with ups and downs and downs and downs and downs and downs and downs... and dips so low that I can no longer see any hope, what should I do? Is giving up the best thing to do? Because I genuinely can’t see any hope. 
Sometimes, what you view as giving up is actually a welcome to another path where things take a turn for the better! 
No matter what choice you make, have faith that you can definitely see hope. 
Do your best, walk forward, and it’d be okay.
PS: There’s no need to feel that you’re disturbing me! If I can give even a little bit of warmth to everyone, I’ll be really happy!
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Kiro! I’m amazed that I actually managed to rank among the top ten for my class exams. It’s a good thing that I placed your photo on my desk while revising.
Wow! You’re incredibly amazing!!! 
It turns out that my photograph has such a miraculous effect? Kiro-is-thinking.jpg
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I’m about to attend graduate school overseas. How do I get used to living in a foreign country...?
I have a feeling that I'm very qualified to answer this question. 
The number one thing is to work hard, of course (serious face). 
As for the rest of the time, find something you enjoy doing. 
No matter what it is, it’s okay as long as you feel that your time is spent in a fulfilling way. 
See this as a unique phase in your life, adjust your mindset, and try to enjoy it.
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Roro, do you believe in parallel universes!
I do! I wonder if the Kiros in parallel universes believe in parallel universes
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Which one do you think you’re better at - singing or dancing (or rapping?)
I’m working hard to be good in everything!
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What’s a small hobby that Kiro has?
When I’m walking down the staircase, I’d count how many steps there are. There have been a few instances where people thought I was a Virgo
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Dear Superhero, when I’m warm and kind to people, they expect an even higher standard of virtue from me. Also, they’d become greedier and make many unreasonable requests from me. And I don’t know how to refuse. Roro, is greediness truly a natural instinct? What should I do so that I won’t feel guilty and yet break free from emotional blackmail?
I believe that love and tolerance are also natural instincts. You might discover that many people won’t alienate you just because of your refusal. The most important thing is to try taking that first step, and bravely saying “no”. 
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Roro, why don’t you get fat from eating!!!!!!!
Who says I don’t get fat from eating!!!!!!!
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Roro, do you dip coriander in hotpot!
Do you use sesame paste, soy sauce, or Sichuan dipping chilli!
Clear broth, tomato, or chilli oil!
(swallows saliva)
I don’t mind coriander, but I won’t eat much.
All of them are fine! But my favourite is Kiro-style dipping sauce (proud face)
Chilli oil for sure!!!
(Fortunately, I’m not reading this late at night)
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Hello my Little Sun Comrade! Does it get so bright at night that you can’t sleep?
I’m shocked! So that’s why Apple Box and Cello are so noisy at night...
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Let me tell you a little secret - I like you most.
I’m now the guardian of your secret!
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nevertheless-moving · 3 years
Suicidal Misunderstanding XVIII
Part I - - - - - - - - - - - - - Part XV - - - - Part XVI - - - - Part XVII
Star Wars Time Travel AU #27
All Conversation stopped when Obi-Wan opened the door.
The air crackled with energy as the assembled Jedi Masters (and Anakin) paused their obviously fierce debate. After a beat, their was the utterly distinct sensation of several Masters releasing their mixed emotions to the force in an overheated wave, leaving behind only serenity (mostly). Obi-Wan’s heart keened. Of course, at the time, the tendency of council meetings to devolve into petty squabbles had been a constant source of frustration but after three years where his only source of debate was haggling over stolen goods...well.
Obi-Wan smiled, aching softly at the sight of the friends and colleagues, miraculously alive and whole.
The Nautolan Healer- the person in the room with whom he was least familiar- cleared their throat and began speaking. “Master Kenobi, welcome. I want to start off by saying you are under no obligation to-”
Yoda cut them off, “A Jedi, Master Kenobi is, Obligated he is-”
“My patient, he is, Grandmaster,” they bit back. “I know soul healing might have been looked down on when you were in training, but I would have thought-”
Master Koth interrupted, disapproval permeating the room, “And we would have thought you would have more respect when addressing your senior Jedi.”
“I couldn’t agree more,” Master Mundi blustered.
Chattering rang out as everyone in the room began talking at once.
“Master, are you alright?” Anakin asked urgently.
The conversation shut down again as the group turned to look at the man in question. Who was biting down on this fist and shaking slightly.
“I told you-” Adi Galia began. Argument erupted once more and Obi-Wan doubled over with laughter.
“Something funny, you found?” Yoda asked as Obi-Wan tried to stop laughing. “Share, you can.”
Obi-Wan inhaled sharply, wiping at the corner of his eyes and forcibly pulling himself out of his explosively giddiness, “My apologies grandmaster, i’m afraid it’s not actually that funny- I simply missed the unique tones of a high council meeting.”
“All council meetings are like this?“ Bant asked, sounding unimpressed.
“Some more than others,” Master Koon acknowledged, rubbing a hand to his forehead.
Obi-Wan cleared his throat, “Master Aerdo, I appreciate your support and while I am now doubt in need of the services of a Soul Healer- it is for rather different reasons than...outward appearances have let you to believe. Now shall we all have a seat?”
Koth frowned “All of us? I thought this was a council matter, not a personal one.” Bant and Anakin stiffened.
“It’s both.” Obi-Wan responded calmly. “But beyond that, I assure you, we will be needing the skills of everyone in this room. Master Nu, Master Che- I don’t wish to impose if you need to return to running your own domains, but I would very much appreciate your presence if your willing. I think you will find it worth your time.”
“I wasn’t planning on leaving even if you asked, so I’m pleased to accept your invitation.” Master Nu replied, cheerfully taking a seat. The rest followed and Obi-Wan joined them at the head of the holo table, eyes lingering over the assembled group. He took a breath.
“The first thing you need to know is that I have detailed knowledge of one potential future. A future I intend to prevent. A future I lived through...”
- - - - -
It is necessary to note that everyone in that room had led, in one way or another, a rather remarkable life. This was the main reason none of them could claim that the next two and half hours were the most shocking they had ever experienced. It is more than likely it was the most shocking meeting any had attended.
“We would have seen if the Sith had risen to such power!”
“Oh? Just as we would have seen if the Sith had survived at all? I remember having a similar conversation to this one 10 years ago-”
“We would have noticed- for force sake he’s visited the temple, we’ve all shaken his hand-
“Arrogant, the council has become. Seen this I have. Arrogant, I have become.”
“Skywalker may have a point about mind control, tactically-”
- - - - -
“If what you’re saying is true, though I still think perhaps some more time with Masters Aerdo and Che wouldn’t be unwarranted-”
“Oh, enough all ready Ki. We’re not going to get anywhere if you keep this up.”
“Wait- I actually have something that might help convince you that I do have overly detailed knowledge of the future- we- actually can I get some flimsi? Thank you, Anakin- a few months from now Master Mundi and I ended up trapped behind enemy lines for an extended period of time. It’s hard not to learn a few things about one another when that happens. Here you are-”
". . .”
“I told you that?”
“You, uh, didn’t really have much of a choice.”
“Oh gods.”
“Now, do you believe me?”
“Well...I suppose- I can’t really imagine how else you could possibly know considering you can’t possibly have spoken to-”
“Of course not! Honestly, how would I have been able, even if I wanted to?”
“I have never wanted to steal a message this badly in my life”
“Yes, read the flimsi, we all want to. Welcome to, clearly we are NOT.”
Master Koth who had begun to lean suspiciously far back in his chair, fell forward with a clatter, rapidly releasing guilt into the force.
“Yes, well...hm...The force has obviously given you...an unusually wide window of insight. It would be...remiss of us to ignore it.”
“Kriff, we’re never going to know what that note said, are we?”
- - - - -
“That’s utterly impossible- I’m sorry Obi-Wan but you’ve obviously been tricked.”
“I’m sorry Plo. Believe me, I know. I- I don’t think they were themselves.”
“If it happened suddenly enough...when we were all in the field, isolated-”
“Being surrounded by our troops is not the same thing as being isolated!”
“Agreed. Explain what you mean by ‘not themselves’”
“Well, I had just defeated General Grievous.”
“Oh, hey! Nice!”
“Thank you, Anakin. I was rejoining the troops after defeating the General- My Commander handed me back my lightsaber, which I don’t think he would have done if he was planning on- well. I began- .”
“Hold on a moment. Do you mean to say you defeated Grievous without your lightsaber.”
“I’d rather not get into the distasteful specifics-”
“Ha! That means he used a blaster.”
“Keep a better grip on your saber, you should.”
“Enough interruptions- please allow him to get to the point.”
“...Master Koon, perhaps you should take a moment to release your emotions.”
“I will do so in a moment, continue Obi-Wan.”
“Yes, Cody seemed completely normal when I spoke to him. I began riding Boga up the cliff face to meet up with a rendezvous when the force started getting...dark. Darker than it had been. I heard- distant screaming. Death. It-”
“Wait, Boga? Whoargh”
- - - - -
“...My apologies Knight Skywalker. I have had an...abnormally mentally taxing morning. My control is somewhat damaged...”
“No worries, happens to everyone, right?”
“...Let’s return to the room and discuss this later.”
- - - - -
“To breach the temple, need a force user familiar with our protections, they would...My padawan...dead at this time, he was, yes?
“Yes, Master, Yoda. It- Anakin had technically defeated him four days prior.”
“You- I’m sure you did defeat him- I was unconscious at the time but I’m certain of that much at least- but it was a trap. We were on a rescue mission and- I think Sidious wanted him eliminated at that point, so he could assume full control over both sides.”
“...He really has arranged things to win no matter, hasn’t he?”
"Obi-Wan, the temple purge- how-”
“I- I wasn’t on the planet at the time...”
“Well, do you have any idea what he might have done to control the clones?”
“Yes, I do have one theory actually-  I didn’t witness any of these events first hand, but several months before the purge, one of the troopers killed Master Tiplar in a fit of madness- claimed not to clearly remember doing so and was sent to Kamino to be examined. Later, another clone- Fives- attempted to assassinate the Chancellor, accused him of working with the separatists as part of a conspiracy. The Chancellor’s medics claimed he had a tumor from a parasite on Ringo Vinda but in light of what happened after...well.
“...Why would we not investigate that.”
“Shaak Ti did, but her report was...vague. I only saw her two more times in person between now and the end. Her force presence was- shadowed. Not fallen, but...tired.”
“And you didn’t follow-up? None of us did?”
“...I can not even begin to express how much was happening at the time.”
“Nevertheless, Master Kenobi-”
“To be absolutely blunt I didn’t even remember the report until I was several months into hiding, with little else to do but meditate on the past. It just- fell into the cracks. Like a lot of things.”
“Force. We’re not assigning blame, we’re just attempting to understand. The knowledge of Palpatine...well it helps us understand a bit better how we got to where we are now. But how we got from here to there...”
“Yes, of course.”
“. . .”
“Sorry- just...marshaling my memories. As I said before, the last year of the war was increasingly straining, with unrelenting pressure on the Order coming from all directions. None of us were at our best, but it in hindsight I was...still reeling...in particular. From- force I still can’t believe all that happened in six months- fuck. Sorry. Pardon my language.”
“It’s fine, don’t worry about us- just keep going,”
“Krell betrayed us horrifically- I don’t think 501st or the 212th ever got over it. Immediately after that was that absolute clusterfuck of a mission- I spent a month in a Zygrian Slave Camp- I don’t even know what we were thinking dressing Ashoka like that- ”
“Wow, wow, WAIT-”
“We were trying to go undercover to rescue the Kiros colonists but obviously it blew up in our faces immediately. I was still healing from the, well, torture, when I had to go undercover as the assassin who killed myself in a Republic Jail to protect the Chancellor. I’d rather not talk about it but needless to say I was still physically and mentally not at my best when Maul returned from the dead-”
“I- Maul?”
“He wanted revenge on me for bisecting him on Naboo- turns out both sith and zabraks are very hard to kill, so that was a pleasant surprise. Didn’t really have time to meditate on that failure before we were training guerilla fighters on Onderara-”
“Wait, Naboo? You mean-'
“Yes. Anakin and Ashoka were still mad about faking my death during the ‘undercover thing’ so that made things- tense. Then Ashoka was sent to Illum for what was supposed to be a safe mission-”
“Oh gods-”
“She got kidnapped along with a number of initiates. Somehow befriended Hondo...so...that worked out fine. I guess. Then Maul and his brother. They. Well they got revenge. Satine died. They wanted to get back at me. I was still censured by the council for my actions from that incident at the time of the temple bombing-”
“You! Obi-Wan-”
“Which meant that when Ashoka was sentenced to death I could barely even speak a word in her defense, which is maybe just as well considering the blind faith we had in the senate-”
“Calm down, of course it wasn’t her, but after the sith hells she was put through she, understandably, had lost trust in the order and decided to strike out on her own. I was still trying to clean up that political mess, track her down, not to mention run multiple armies with even less help than before when I got the reports about the rogue clones. Obviously I should have done something with the information, but. Well, I didn’t.”
Obi-Wan took a deep breath, rubbing his face with both hands. When he looked up to face the room, he was faced with various shades of shock and pity. There were several long moments of silence before Master Windu reluctantly spoke.
“... Let’s start with Krell.”
“Right. Right. Well, like I said the last year of the war was...hard. A number of people fell. Krell was the first, I think. His reasons were one of the less...hard to rationalize, even intellectually.”
“Pong Krell I suppose he always was-”
“Still I thought he had gotten over such things...”
“Oh, Kriff.”
“Relax Anakin, they haven’t taken off yet.”
“Oh, remember that one time when he was an initiate- that poor little Nautolan boy, what was his name?”
“Wait, taken off? Mace... who’s leading the my troops right now?”
“Master, before you freak out, they’re still on Coruscant.”
“Master Gallia, I don’t think that’s entirely fair- you can’t judge a Master by what they did as an initiate-”
“Ok, ok. I suppose take off must have been delayed due to my- well. When are they schedule to leave?”
“We can’t judge a Jedi by if they might fall, we could only judge them by their current actions.”
“Sundown? That- force. I had the start of a plan but- that’s enough time- but if you replace him...Sith Hells. I need things to proceed normally but kriff, there’s just not enough time. I- I don’t know if I can save everyone-”
“We’ll figure it out, Obi-Wan.”
“I- we’re coming back to this Windu- That was very well said Master Koon and I’d like you to hold onto that thought. We, we can’t judge our fellow Jedi for what they might do... good people can fall into darkness, when they’re pushed hard enough.”
“Then Krell...”
“Oh kark no, Krell’s irredeemable. Uh. That is to say. I’m reasonably certain he’s already been deliberately killing his men.
“Yes, quite.”
“...Can we go back to the brain parasite?”
- - - - -
“Alright, enough.”
“Agreed. We’re going in circles about the clone’s loyalty- once we finish this meeting we’ll start brain scans at once but for now- Obi-Wan the fallen. The purge.”
“I was on Utapau- I didn’t- I wasn’t there.”
“Master Kenobi, are you stalling?”
“Of course not, I- ok the next Jedi I remember falling was Depa Bilbaba.”
“. . .”
“That’s absurd.”
“Fall, anyone’s padawan can.
“Yes, but Depa-”
“It was a mission to Harun Kul- should I go into the details?”
“Damnit, Kenobi-
“She actually returned to the light, eventually.”
- - - - -
“Vos? I suppose he is a shadow...”
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”
“Oh, boy-”
- - - - -
“I’m somewhat confused.”
“I wouldn’t say she fully joined the light but...she didn’t want to be dark anymore.”
“You don’t think it was just circumstances?”
“Well, two years after the fall of the republic I ran into her at a bar-”
“Of course you did”
“Oh shut up, like you wouldn’t drink after all that”
“Fair enough.”
“Anyway, she could have turned me in. The bounty on my head was obscenely high, but after all our history... she bought me a drink.”
“He’s definitely stalling.”
“Yes I know...”
- - - - -
“Luminara’s apprentice? She can barely stand violence, even in the hypothetical.”
“Yes...I think that was rather the point. She- she couldn’t accept the Jedi’s role in the war and she thought she didn’t have a way out...”
“Force have mercy on us all.”
- - - - -
“...Yoda...you have to understand, the darkness in the force was overwhelming at that point...you could hardly breath.”
“Master Kenobi, if you are trying to tell us that Yoda fell- I am- not going to have a mild reaction.”
“. . .”
“No, Yoda didn’t fall.”
“Can fall, any of us.”
“Deep breaths Master Koth, Deep Breaths.”
“I apologize for the confusion- I was just trying to explain that the last time I saw him, neither of us were in particularly sound state of minds-”
- - - - -
“...Things were fine. Things were- hopeful. Dooku was gone. We got word on Grevious’s location. I was assigned to go after him. Anakin wanted to come with me, to watch my back. He didn’t want to stay on Coruscant. The council- the council ordered him to spy on the Chancellor. He protested, was uncomfortable with the idea. But he agreed. We made some jokes as we were saying goodbyes. I left Coruscant. Got to Utatpau. Killed Grevious. Thought the war was over. The force got dark. I was shot off a cliff. All the Jedi were dying. My bond with Anakin got dark. My troops felt- like strangers. When I got back Yoda told me he- he was lost to the darkside. Was the new apprentice. Palpatine claimed the Jedi tried to assassinate him. I don’t- actually understood what happened, it was all just a few days... but I have to assume Palpatine...or the person who was controlling Palpatine! Please adi’ka, you know I-
“I know, Master. It’s...Kriff- I don’t- I’m sorry.”
“We shouldn’t have split up. I shouldn’t have left you.
“Obi-Wan...you can’t actually blame yourself for what I did, what I- haven’t done, technically"
“Well. That explains-”
“Explains, what Master Gallia? Explains why we shouldn’t have allowed an elderly politician unrestrained access to a child?”
“Master! Don’t say it like that-”
“That explains your stalling Master Kenobi, be at peace. We’re not going to judge Knight Skywalker for unknown actions he has yet to take.”
“Mace! are you all right?”
“Headache. Talk about it later.”
“Tell us who may fall, you did. Judge them prematurely, we shall not. Watch them carefully, we will.”
“...With all do respect I’m not sure the council is capable of meaningfully distinguishing between the two.’
“Master Kenobi! Perhaps we should revisit the ‘attachment’ discussion we had previously agreed to forestall?”
“Oh that is such-”
“Anakin, please allow me. Mundi- shut up or let us read the note.”
“Master Koon!”
“For all the distress being vented, I feel there is a notable lack of compassion in this room and quite frankly I find it unacceptable.”
- - - - -
“So...you didn’t watch the security holograms?”
“Yoda said not to. I think that’s everything- we should start brain scans now.”
“When Yoda was fighting Palpatine...”
“Master Gallia- not right now”
“Yes, Master Windu.”
“. . .”
“Force Be With Us.”
“Council Members- if you’ll excuse me, I think I need to get back to the archives. I have a few things I’d like to dig into.”
“Of course. We trust your discretion.”
“Take care of yourself, Obi-Wan”
“You as well, Master Nu. I am forever in your debt for what you brought me.”
“I’ll remember that.”
“...Now what?”
“It’s going to break our ‘contract’ with the Kamonian’s but...we’re going to have to get a clone into the healing halls for a neurological examination.”
“I...might be able to help with that. Without going very far at all actually.”
“What do you mean by that, Master Eerin?”
“Sorry, terribly sorry, I just remembered I have to take care of something-”
“This...is rather the part we were hoping for your assistance Vokara-”
“Stay, Master Che. Given everything- I think we’re past the point of needing plausible deniability.”
“You’re... most likely right. Apologies, force of habit.”
“Would either of you care to explain?”
“Well...technically the temple isn’t allowed to care for wounded clones. Doing so would violate their ‘warranty’. However...”
Part XIX
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