#uriel walker (oc)
tokillamockingbird427 · 2 months
Mmmm…. Why is thinking about Uriel making me emotional rn…
Listen I have a lot of Feelings about his situation. Uriel wants more family even if he loves his Papa and Tia and he has family but they are strangers to each other for reasons entirely out of his control.
God if Hesh could actually be his uncle… he loved Logan so much he’d be so delighted to have a nephew.
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lem-n-aid · 2 months
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Ah yes, the day where kids find eggs and celebrate on progress of their friends' accomplishments. Such a good day it is. :D
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blxsscd-x-fxrsakcn · 3 months
Archangel Gabriel - the Heart, cruel, capricious, manipulative twin brother of Michael who seeks to destroy humanity to bring God back from His absence
Archangel Michael - the Sword, stoic, aloof, and duty-bound twin brother of Gabriel who forfeit a connection to his angelic kin to protect humanity
Alexander "Alex" Lannon - rebellious and loyal, this man is Marked by God to hopefully become the savior of humanity ( as well as a uniter of both angels and mankind )
Archangel Lucifer - presumed to be dead, this archangel of original creation is very much alive and well in his quaint survivors' town of Mallory, Alabama
Noma Banks ( neè Walker ) - Michael's lieutenant and a Higher Angel tasked with infiltrating the Archangel Corps to protect Alex
Damarion Gaines ( nephil oc ) - unknowingly born of two worlds, he struggles with wanting to find out more about his shrouded past and parentage
Archangel Uriel - the Artist, the older sister of Michael & Gabriel, twin to Raphael, she's unpredictable and her loyalty wavers as this war drags on ( rumored to have foregone neutrality to join Gabriel )
Archangel Raphael - the Sage, a mysterious figure spoken of by the other angel siblings, deciding to disappear at the start of the war
Laurel Phillips - a priestess of Lucifer and construct of his abilities to lure unsuspecting people into Mallory under promise of protection and safety
William Whele - former Principate of Saviorism's Church in Vega and the once-heir of House Whele, he's betrayed his people to serve under Gabriel's banner
Julian / Lyrae - a former soldier and leader of New Delphi, he took control of the pre-war NORAD bunker to rehabilitate eight-balls and normalize a razor-thin peaceful coexistence with humans
◇ tba: Charlie Lannon, Jeep Hanson, Bixby, Rhais, Furiad, Claire Riesen, Arika
➤ AU & Canon Verses: MAIN (Dominion / Legion), Yellowstone / TWD / Borderlands / Fallout / Modern & Urban Fantasy / The Old Guard ( crossover ) / Dune ( crossover ) / Star Wars / Shadow & Bone ( crossover ) / Resident Evil / Wasteland Child ( Alex, with orphanedshadow's Phel & Kara )
sinstxrscreamwritcr - home to my assassin ocs, and ( screenwriter / seri.al ki.ller ) hayden von richter
pxnktroublmakcr - nimona, with both comic and movie influence
kryptxnicn-sxpcrdcg - krypto with tv / comic / 'SuperPets' influence
wxllcrcwlr - indie Insomniac spider-man with personal headcanons, comic icons used
lycaonbcrne - Criminal Minds/NCIS assassin villain muse
pirxte-rxdio - Midnight Mark (radio host) rp blog from the film "The Boat That Rocked"
➤ AU Verses: Arachknight (Peter Parker), The Boys / Star Wars (Krypto), Werewolf / The Boys (Akhos), Vampire / Single Parent (Hayden), Ghost / Immortal (Midnight Mark)
Muses By Request Only:
Diomedes from "Troy"
Astinos from "300"
➤ AU Verses: The Old Guard (Diomedes)
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doorsclosingslowly · 2 years
19, 27 & 32!!
thank you friend!!
19 Do you enjoy creating OCs or do you prefer to stick solely to canon characters?
If I can, I prefer to explore canon characters and I'm only ever going to focus on the relationships between canon characters, but I'm not opposed to making OCs instead of distorting canon characters to suit bit roles. I don't see it as often anymore (or I've become way more picky) but I used to ragequit so many spn fics for completely mangling Uriel, Raphael or Gordon Walker (who each have their own fascinating character and motivation though they're villains) just to make the cookie-cutter Bad. If I'm going to use a canon character, I'm going to try to do them justice no matter how minor their part. The only OCs I've actually fleshed out to the point they're in multiple stories are in my Star Wars fic tho, especially Gwyolduhbeccu the wookiee padawan and Socvumo the butch twi'lek bartender and coward.
27 What area of writing do you feel strongest in?
I think I'm pretty good at coming up with novel premises? Whatever else, I'm pretty sure noone else is writing the fics I'm writing and if I didn't make them nothing like them would exist
32 Do you take fic requests? Why or why not?
I love fic requests! And making up stories by shit-talking with someone else, I adore the collaborative aspect of storytelling. I just feel like shit about asking for requests most of the time because my brain is fickle as fuck and I just can't guarantee I'll turn anything ever into a finished fic. Six-sentence and drabble prompts is what I usually dare ask for because I can. mostly. make sure I fill them.
However, for anyone who won't be mad at me if I don't end up writing it -- i love prompts, always
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polyamarhousgarden · 8 months
Anoriel Fereniel | Self-Insert
Feren Aurelion | OC
A weaver by trade but is also the Vice-General of the Woodland Realm
Married Elvenking Former Oropher who proposed to him so they could hide Anoriel’s peredhel status
Melmerondir Ferenion | OC
An artist by trade but volunteered to be a scout slash soldier of the Woodland Realm
Dayang-Dayang Pagmaya | Self-Insert
Was engaged to Nie Mingjue when she was born
The first young maiden of the Huangshan Gong Sect.
Doña Socorro Chelidonia de Castro de Oro y Moreno | Self-Insert
From a well to do family with progressive views.
Is genderfluid but doesn't know the term yet for it. Their parents allow them to wear masculine and nonbinary attire when the mood strikes them. (They tuck their hair up in their hats)
Despises the Spaniards and ardently believes in a day when the Philippines is freed from the Spaniards' grasp.
Meets Courfeyrac after getting lost in Paris while on a trip with their family. Not wanting them to worry, Socorro proceeds to stay in Cafe Musain in case any of their servants find the cafe.
On the way to Café Musain, they got lost and caught among rioters. Gavroche noticed them getting swept up in the riot and helped them escape, even hailing a cab for them after escaping. As thanks, they invite Gavroche to eat with them. When Gavroche brought Hugues and Bressole with him, they also welcomed the two boys.
Paraluman Surana | Self-Insert
Knight-Lieutenant Joseph Terrell | OC
Benedicta Alejandra Hawke y Amell | Self-Insert
Dalisay Kato Bagwisan | Self-Insert
Atubang Mahalina Kato Bagwisan | Self-Insert
Commander Dari Shepard | Self-Insert
Doctor Dominic Shepard | OC
Hiraya Angelica Ryder | Self-Insert
Nimuel Angelo Ryder | OC
Older twin brother
Sima | Self-Insert
Gumamela | Mula | Self-Insert
High Councillor of the Blooming Fey Court
Skilled painter but doesn't try to become the court painter.
Murdered their father as vengeance for the murder of their grandmother
Has a bloodline curse dooming them to a love that ends in tragedy
Kapunuan | Gregoria Silang | Self-Insert
Kahidlaw | Self-Insert
Urielle | Self-Insert
Stage actress with Shakespearean roots
Was on a short acting break when they visited Korea and got mixed up in the Mystic Messenger plot
Zen recognised them the moment they posted their profile pic
Hiyas | Self-Insert
Novelist who focuses on children's fairytales
Was on their book tour when they got tangled with Mint Eye
Agustina | Tinang | Self-Insert
Asuncion | Siyon | Self-Insert
Antonia | Toyang | Self-Insert
Eusebia | Sebya | Self-Insert
Angelina | Angge | Self-Insert
Jin's childhood friend
Visited the farm during the summers as a child. That's where they met Jin.
Kallisto | Self-Insert
Has a resting blank face
Tends to dock points very liberally from the Golden Deer House
Hates Leonie
Ariadne | Self-Insert
Was sickly and was often indulged by their siblings as a result
Jacob is their bestie
Evangeline Marie Lakandula | Self-Insert
Diwa Kalangitan | Self-Insert
Dra. Inocencia Valenciano | Self-Insert
Stupidly non competitive
Amparo Socorro Santos-Walker | Self-Insert
Studied Fine Arts at UP Diliman
Takes inspiration from the older paintings because of the depths of meaning and emotion in them.
The sort of student who joins protests and rallies and sends out foods and necessities to strikers' families
Ends up having insecurities about their relationship with Dino after ten years of their relationship
Queen Saerwen Gwenhevare Methildis Ymeri | Self-Insert
Mirasol | Self-Insert
Studied archaeology to try and discover more pre-colonial Filipino artefacts
Atheist but finds religion to be fascinating
Very open-minded about a lot of things but finds gods to be where she draws the line.
Gelli | Self-Insert
Was given Apolaki's powers
Filomena "Mena" Dimayuga | Self-Insert
Maria Josefina Christina dela Cruz | Self-Insert
Power Yeiazel | Self-Insert (Divine AU)
Clara Marie Dayanghirang | Self-Insert
Does not reveal their real name like Sophie
Nate figures out their alias is a reference to Maria Clara from Jose Rizal's works Noli me Tangere and El Filibusterismo but their false surname meant Chosen Lady
Dream Witch | Self-Insert
Found a magic wand in an antique shop and bought it to complete the look of their costume for a costume party
Wand turns out to have magic tied to dreams and dream-walking
Met Simon and Marcy during their travels after the mushroom war
Became another parental figure to Marcy
Dealá Sanchta Ieyozael | Self-Insert
Celeste Manlangit | Self-Insert
Patricia Beatrice M. Dalit | Self-Insert
Tala | Self-Insert
Aspiring ballet dancer
Died during the 1920s
Was sent to the wrong soul society after Sasakibe performed the konso on them when he saw their soul scared and lost under a bridge during his travel in the Philippines.
When they died they lost their memory of how they died as well as their name, when they looked up at the sky they saw the stars and chose Tala due to how the stars continued to shine amid darkness
Abe Chiyoko | OC
Storm Hashira
Adopted daughter of the previous Storm Hashira and her husband, an inn proprietor who welcomes demon slayers into his establishment without charging them
Body is unsuited to the Breath of Storm due to the taxing sword forms and movements
Became the new Storm Hashira after she killed an entire goup of demons in one night. She proceeded to become bedridden afterwards
Only takes on select missions to be cautious and mindful of their less than steller health
Quiet most of the time and prefers to observe the events unfolding to get a better grasp of the situation
Has had a crush on Gyomei for forever but refuses to confess to him out of fear of rejection
Narcisa Bonifacio | Sisa | Self-Insert
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Welp, thanks to @laughable-illusions, I've gotten into Hero Forge, and have recreated my Big Five™ TES OC's (main game OC's), and now have a reason to rant about my OC's
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Manei, Eternal Champion of the Arena.
Dunmer-Altmer halfling Battlemage.
Forced to play Hero at age 19, traveled through all of Tamriel, never met a single Daedric Prince, is the Tamrielic equivalent of an aethiest, is utterly convinced gods aren't a thing, and contracted Noxiphilic Sanguivoria a few years after marrying Erv.
Had quite a large crush on Ria Silmane, though they both just stayed friends. Manei did not take her death well.
We all love a tall trans bisexual/romantic buff lady, so Manei is here to fill that role.
Didn't ask questions when their husband, who was infertile, somehow got pregnant.
Found a random baby Argonian at the side of the river a few years after she and her husband retired and just said, "Sweetheart, we're parents now."
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Erv Anesac, Hero of Daggerfall, Champion/First Guidance Councillor of all Daedric Princes.
One braincell is in that skull of his, and it's stuck in a Dragon Break.
Dunmer-Breton halfling Illusionist.
Absolute whore of a wereboar.
Uriel Septim had the ingenious idea to send Erv on a very important mission in his home of Daggerfall. Why Erv? He helped Manei locate a piece of the Staff of Chaos, and his family had a history of saving Tamriel*. Also magic dreams.
*his not so long ago family founder was the Vestige/Soulless One, who I may make a separate post about, an Emperor of the previous Empire and the fates decided to bring the family back into the drivers seat of the wheels of fate, and also thought it would be funny if the first person to defeat Mannimarko since his imprisonment, was a descendent of the person who imprisoned him.
Suffered real mental health problems after the Dragon Break.
Out of all Daedric Princes, Sheogorath was the only one who kept showing up for Thundas Tea, even after Erv's retirement, so he was the one Erv decided to go to when he wanted too make a deal.
Short, trans, pan, mentally ill icon of a wereboar.
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Has-Strange-Dreams Anesac, Nerevarine, Skall Friend, Champion of Azura, Killer of Almalexia, inspiration for Lusty Argonian Maid, Older Sibling of the HoK.
Bigender icon of a panromantic.
Trained by xyr mother Manei as a Battlemage.
Was arrested after a certain Countess Alessia Caro decided she didn't like the look of a golden Argonian with red scales on xyr face, and glowing blue eyes, and framed xem for murder, and claimed xe were an escaped slave from Morrowind. How her plan worked, no one knows.
Didn't sleep the entire way too Morrowind and actually got to know Jiub, so he got visited by the Nerevarine while in Vivec City quite frequently.
Adventured Morrowind with Swissel after a letter was sent to them asking for help. Very fast speedwalking was heard from Cyrodiil, straight to Morrowind.
Joined Twin Lamps very quickly, and had to custom make a chain to be attached to the back of Swissel's clothes so they didn't kill racists.
Xe genuinely broke down crying when facing Dagoth Ur, leading to them both sitting on the group weeping, as Swissel killed the moment, pissed on the tombstone, and danced on the grave, as they physically rolled into the room, wearing so many layers of clothes they were just a ball of material.
Also broke down crying when Sotha Sil died, and when they learned who did it.
Went against Hircine during the Bloodmoon Hunt.
Punched Swissel after they found another of Sheogorath's artifacts, and became his Champion after xe became Azura's champion.
Left Tamriel with Dagoth Ur as xyr lover, heading to Akavir after Oddfrid's prophecy gave xym a very strange feeling.
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Swissel Anesac, Hero of Kvatch, Saviour of Bruma, Champion of Cyrodiil, Champion of Sheogorath, Divine Crusader, Listener, Duke of Dementia, God of Madness.
Trained Dunmer Illusionist by their father Erv.
Non-binary, gay, whore.
Was arrested after a beggar payed a guard to arrest them for horrible singing. (the fact it worked impresses Swiss to this day.)
Was born after Erv asked Sheogorath to make so he was no longer infertile, the only real drawback was Erv could be pregnant, Swiss had blue and yellow eyes instead of red, and had a radar for Daedric Artifacts. The other drawback was they were very confuse by the idea of being in your mother's womb.
Could summon scamps and find Daedric Artifacts since the age of four, leading to thier best friend and travelling buddy, Nexus the germophobic Scamp.
Tamed a unicorn. The unicorn then tried to mate with Shadowmere during the Dark Brotherhood questline.
Grinned when Lex was transferred.
Dated Martin Septim, who mantles Akatosh. Then dated Lucien, who died and became an aspect of Sithis.
Was revealed ot be Pelinal Whitestake. They certainly giggled at the fact a dark elf was the reincarnation of the Wild Elf killer.
Laughed at how badly Mannimarco looked compared to their father's old illustrations.
Wasn't actually slowed down when they got the Staff of Everscamp. (the staff was only returned when they became Sheogorath at the end of their adventures)
Traversed the Deadlands by spamming a custom spell that turned them invisible and gave them night vision.
Became Duke of Dementia since the trauma of their adventures got to them a while before Sheogorath ever opened the Door in Niben Bay.
Blames themselves for the fall of the Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood
Wrote the Elder Scroll of Dragon, as foreshadowed by Martin Septim's last words before he passed into history as the last Septim.
Sometimes worries what Martin would think of them becoming a Daedric Prince.
Searched downright desperately for a Dragonborn so a repeat of Martin's death didn't occur. (They technically succeeded.)
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Regan Dov, Last Dragonborn, Champion/Second Guidance Councillor of all Daedric Princes, Listener, Oblivion Walker. (With guest appearance, Swiss the Skooma Cat)
Jack of all Trades of a class.
Went to Skyrim to try and start a new life. The plan worked, unfortunately, they planed a quiet life.
Non-binary biromantic demisexual.
Sheogorath was the first Daedric Prince they met, where they were quickly called out for their mental health problems, given the wabbajack, and an arm length butterfly tattoo.
Abused the ability of Dragonborn to slightly lift the Dragon Fires and create a working portal to Oblivion form Mundus.
Outsmarted Herma Mora to save Miraak, ad three more dragonic siblings.
Feels dysphoria thanks to their strange dragon soul.
Like any dragon, purrs like a cat when happy.
Cannot get drunk under normal circumstances. (Daedric wine, here I come.)
Same with all regular drugs. Skooma is a minor stamina potion, moonsugar is a mage's best friend, and only nirnroot has worked to get them high.
Hosts party's for Daedra worshippers, and constantly has to kill Vigilants of Stendarr, either when they crash their parties, or whne they come to arrest them and take away the Daedric Artifacts.
Hides the fact their dragonborn like a dirty secret.
Hooo boy, one long post, ranting about my OC's.
What more can a hyper-fixated fanfic writer with writers block ask for?
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ao3feedsabriel · 7 years
The Allies
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2oFEFRR
by EosCrazedChika
Con·science (noun) An inner feeling or voice viewed as acting as a guide to the rightness or wrongness of one's behavior.
Sam and Dean have heard the voices in their heads and at first, they thought they were crazy. But a conscience is not just an inner feeling. It is also a human hybrid. They are powerful and they are designed to help humans when in danger. Join Sam and Dean when they meet their consciences and how they navigate through Azazel's plans to the Angel's and trying to start up The Apocalypse. It's going to be one hell of a ride. Especially when the Conscience Society does not like the Winchester's at all. So things will be quite interesting.
Words: 727, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of What Your Conscience Tells You
Fandoms: Supernatural
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi
Characters: OC - Character, OFC, OMC, Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, James Cogan (OMC), Annabelle Lee Sainte (OFC), Jo Harvelle, Ellen Harvelle, Jody Mills, Bobby Singer, John Winchester, Mary Winchester, Azazel (Supernatural), Castiel, Crowley, Ruby, Bela, Lisa Braeden, Ben Braeden, Chuck Shurley, Adam Milligan, Lucifer (Supernatural), Meg Masters, Tessa, Ash, Rufus Turner, Victor Henriksen, Becky Rosen, Gabriel, Gordon Walker, Uriel, Alistair, Zachariah (Supernatural), Arlene Middleton Campbell (OFC)
Relationships: Sam Winchester/Original Female Character(s), Sam Winchester/Original Male Character(s), Sarah Blake/Sam Winchester, Sam Winchester/Jessica Moore (past), Gabriel/Sam Winchester, Ruby/Sam Winchester, Sam Winchester/Original Female Character(s)/Original Male Character(s), Anna Milton/Dean Winchester, Jo Harvelle/Dean Winchester, Dean Winchester/Original Female Character(s), Cassie Robinson/Dean Winchester, Madison (Supernatural: Heart)/Sam Winchester
Additional Tags: Season/Series 01, Season/Series 02, Season/Series 03, Season/Series 04, Season/Series 05, Love, Falling In Love, Multiple Pov, Bromance, Epic Friendship, Epic Bromance, Sleeping in the Impala, Conscience, Not so much OC's in this one, Episode: s01e12 Faith, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Tags Are Hard, OT3, Allies, human hybrid
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2oFEFRR
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The Allies
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2p5qHUw
by EosCrazedChika
Con·science (noun) An inner feeling or voice viewed as acting as a guide to the rightness or wrongness of one's behavior.
Sam and Dean have heard the voices in their heads and at first, they thought they were crazy. But a conscience is not just an inner feeling. It is also a human hybrid. They are powerful and they are designed to help humans when in danger. Join Sam and Dean when they meet their consciences and how they navigate through Azazel's plans to the Angel's and trying to start up The Apocalypse. It's going to be one hell of a ride. Especially when the Conscience Society does not like the Winchester's at all. So things will be quite interesting.
Words: 2290, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of What Your Conscience Tells You
Fandoms: Supernatural
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi
Characters: OC - Character, OFC, OMC, Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, James Cogan (OMC), Annabelle Lee Sainte (OFC), Jo Harvelle, Ellen Harvelle, Jody Mills, Bobby Singer, John Winchester, Mary Winchester, Azazel (Supernatural), Castiel, Crowley, Ruby, Bela, Lisa Braeden, Ben Braeden, Chuck Shurley, Adam Milligan, Lucifer (Supernatural), Meg Masters, Tessa, Ash, Rufus Turner, Victor Henriksen, Becky Rosen, Gabriel, Gordon Walker, Uriel, Alistair, Zachariah (Supernatural), Arlene Middleton Campbell (OFC)
Relationships: Sam Winchester/Original Female Character(s), Sam Winchester/Original Male Character(s), Sarah Blake/Sam Winchester, Sam Winchester/Jessica Moore (past), Gabriel/Sam Winchester, Ruby/Sam Winchester, Sam Winchester/Original Female Character(s)/Original Male Character(s), Anna Milton/Dean Winchester, Jo Harvelle/Dean Winchester, Dean Winchester/Original Female Character(s), Cassie Robinson/Dean Winchester, Madison (Supernatural: Heart)/Sam Winchester
Additional Tags: Season/Series 01, Season/Series 02, Season/Series 03, Season/Series 04, Season/Series 05, Love, Falling In Love, Multiple Pov, Bromance, Epic Friendship, Epic Bromance, Sleeping in the Impala, Conscience, Not so much OC's in this one, Episode: s01e12 Faith, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Tags Are Hard, OT3, Allies, human hybrid
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ao3feed-crowley · 7 years
The Allies
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2oFEFRR
by EosCrazedChika
Con·science (noun) An inner feeling or voice viewed as acting as a guide to the rightness or wrongness of one's behavior.
Sam and Dean have heard the voices in their heads and at first, they thought they were crazy. But a conscience is not just an inner feeling. It is also a human hybrid. They are powerful and they are designed to help humans when in danger. Join Sam and Dean when they meet their consciences and how they navigate through Azazel's plans to the Angel's and trying to start up The Apocalypse. It's going to be one hell of a ride. Especially when the Conscience Society does not like the Winchester's at all. So things will be quite interesting.
Words: 727, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of What Your Conscience Tells You
Fandoms: Supernatural
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi
Characters: OC - Character, OFC, OMC, Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, James Cogan (OMC), Annabelle Lee Sainte (OFC), Jo Harvelle, Ellen Harvelle, Jody Mills, Bobby Singer, John Winchester, Mary Winchester, Azazel (Supernatural), Castiel, Crowley, Ruby, Bela, Lisa Braeden, Ben Braeden, Chuck Shurley, Adam Milligan, Lucifer (Supernatural), Meg Masters, Tessa, Ash, Rufus Turner, Victor Henriksen, Becky Rosen, Gabriel, Gordon Walker, Uriel, Alistair, Zachariah (Supernatural), Arlene Middleton Campbell (OFC)
Relationships: Sam Winchester/Original Female Character(s), Sam Winchester/Original Male Character(s), Sarah Blake/Sam Winchester, Sam Winchester/Jessica Moore (past), Gabriel/Sam Winchester, Ruby/Sam Winchester, Sam Winchester/Original Female Character(s)/Original Male Character(s), Anna Milton/Dean Winchester, Jo Harvelle/Dean Winchester, Dean Winchester/Original Female Character(s), Cassie Robinson/Dean Winchester, Madison (Supernatural: Heart)/Sam Winchester
Additional Tags: Season/Series 01, Season/Series 02, Season/Series 03, Season/Series 04, Season/Series 05, Love, Falling In Love, Multiple Pov, Bromance, Epic Friendship, Epic Bromance, Sleeping in the Impala, Conscience, Not so much OC's in this one, Episode: s01e12 Faith, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Tags Are Hard, OT3, Allies, human hybrid
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2oFEFRR
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ao3feed-castiel · 7 years
The Allies
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2oFEFRR
by EosCrazedChika
Con·science (noun) An inner feeling or voice viewed as acting as a guide to the rightness or wrongness of one's behavior.
Sam and Dean have heard the voices in their heads and at first they thought they where crazy. But a conscience is not just an inner feeling. It is also a human hybrid. They are powerful and they are designed to help humans when in danger. Join Sam and Dean when they meet their consciences and how they navigate through Azazel's plans to the Angel's and trying to start up The Apocalypse. It's going to be one hell of a ride. Especially when the Conscience Society does not like the Winchester's at all. So things will be quite interesting.
Words: 727, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of What Your Conscience Tells You
Fandoms: Supernatural
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi
Characters: OC - Character, OFC, OMC, Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, James Cogan (OMC), Annabelle Lee Sainte (OFC), Jo Harvelle, Ellen Harvelle, Jody Mills, Bobby Singer, John Winchester, Mary Winchester, Azazel (Supernatural), Castiel, Crowley, Ruby, Bela, Lisa Braeden, Ben Braeden, Chuck Shurley, Adam Milligan, Lucifer (Supernatural), Meg Masters, Tessa, Ash, Rufus Turner, Victor Henriksen, Becky Rosen, Gabriel, Gordon Walker, Uriel, Alistair, Zachariah (Supernatural), Arlene Middleton Campbell (OFC)
Relationships: Sam Winchester/Original Female Character(s), Sam Winchester/Original Male Character(s), Sarah Blake/Sam Winchester, Sam Winchester/Jessica Moore (past), Gabriel/Sam Winchester, Ruby/Sam Winchester, Sam Winchester/Original Female Character(s)/Original Male Character(s), Anna Milton/Dean Winchester, Jo Harvelle/Dean Winchester, Dean Winchester/Original Female Character(s), Cassie Robinson/Dean Winchester, Madison (Supernatural: Heart)/Sam Winchester
Additional Tags: Season/Series 01, Season/Series 02, Season/Series 03, Season/Series 04, Season/Series 05, Love, Falling In Love, Multiple Pov, Bromance, Epic Friendship, Epic Bromance, Sleeping in the Impala, Conscience, Not so much OC's in this one, Episode: s01e12 Faith, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Tags Are Hard, OT3, Allies, human hybrid
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2oFEFRR
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tokillamockingbird427 · 2 months
Elias with Logan vs Elias with Uriel
Ough.... Here I was going "Hesh would be so happy to be an uncle." and forgot how overjoyed Elias would be at being a grandad... His babies having babies?!
On a similar topic, how happy Logan would be to be able to go "This is my son." and show him off to his family... Ough. Aw. I gotta be writing Repentance more man, I've let it stew.
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lem-n-aid · 3 months
A. T. I.
"You two got the projection ready? (Arin)"
"Almost there... And done! (Uriel)"
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"(Faces the camera) Welcome. You might know us three, or don't. My name is Trixie."
"I'm Uriel!"
"And Arin's my alias."
"We decided to pull up an askblog, with nothing better to do really. But some rules must be established, so here are some things that you need to know. (Trixie)"
No NSFW, that's the number one rule; along with no pedos, zoophiles, or anything else that will gross them out.
The 3 can go around the neighborhood to get in contact with other characters.
Not everything is gonna get illustrated. (Cause the mod, A.K.A. me, cannot draw so well, or is just that lazy)
(Speaking of which, I got a schedule too, so I'll get your questions when I have the time.)
More rules will be added if necessary.
"With those ground rules established, fire away the trivia! (Uriel)"
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tokillamockingbird427 · 5 months
will you draw college/ adult uriel? And what he’d study in school
My baby boy?! Grown up and in collage?! NOOOOOOOOO--
Maybe I shall. Maybe I shall. I like the thought of him going to collage, I think Logan would be very very proud of him.
As for what he'd study, idk! I think I made a character sheet kinda post for him ages ago and I might have said something about this already but I forget it. I think he might go into a law career of some kind. Maybe as a private investigator or a lawyer. I do think he'd enjoy something intellectually complex that has to do with asking questions, given his entire personality. Lol. If he got the option he'd probably study history too, if for nothing else than so he can talk to his uncle about it. (I hc that Hesh really likes history.)
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tokillamockingbird427 · 7 months
For somereason this sound always makes me think of Logan
Ooo yes, my fave way to write him is as a person who puts their whole self towards one thing. Weather that's supporting/following Hesh, or like in Repentance Dani puts his all in protecting Uriel. (Context if you haven't read it: Dani is Logan's pseudonym. Uriel is his son.) If you can't tell by those two then the common theme (in my writing of him) is usually that Logan dedicates himself to a person, in a protective way.
Though there have been other versions of him I've written where that's not the case and he's more dedicated to the cause, like Ouroborous Logan. He was pretty hellbent on killing all the Ghosts (Especially Hesh), even if it killed him. Which it did. Hah.
Also enjoy putting a depressing spin on it, even if Logan himself is at risk he'll put that aside to keep going after whatever he's dedicated himself too. Like a bloodhound, just sinks his teeth in and holds on.
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Thinking about Logan+Elias's mask.
The only time either brother even see Elias wearing it is when he comes to rescue them in Santa Monica, right before he reveals he's a Ghost.
Logic would dictate that after he died Hesh would get Elias's mask, being the oldest and even higher ranked than than his brother, but Merrick gives it to Logan.
Despite that, Hesh doesn't seem the least bit bothered, and I can say with confidence that it's literally just because he loves Logan so much.
So everytime Logan wears the mask and Hesh looks at him, he's going to see (be reminded of.) his father. The same thing for Logan whenever he wears it. Not that Logan or Hesh would ever forget him, but it's comforting to have.
But the first time Hesh sees his brother wearing it is during the Final Assault. And the last time he sees it is when Rorke is taking Logan away.
It's also the symbol of the Ghosts. Their logo. It's plastered on their uniforms via their patches. Everytime they look at their own uniforms they're going to be reminded of Elias and Logan, and despite what happened not being anyone's fault but Rorke's, they are going to be reminded that they "failed." That they couldn't keep them safe.
And Uriel... he has a patch. He's seen his grandfather's "face" and he doesn't even know it.
(Thanks @callofdooty for being the wall I bounce my ideas off of, your wails of heartbreak were excellent fuel for me to "Yes and..." myself.)
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I found a tweet maker
Things spiraled from there
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@onlycodcanjudgeme I think these count as memes btw.
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