#ur a super cool person tho n my inbox is always open if you need me!!!!!!
strawbebyjam · 4 years
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@arissayoo​, hey!!! it’s ur atiny christmas angel!!!!!!!! i thought that since you’d be getting to open a bunch of presents earlier in the day, i’d give you your gift a little later. recency effect, you feel? (definitely not a product of my procrastination, no maam, not here. we do not know that word.) i’m gonna be honest—this isn’t my best work. but i tried to write out something that you might like, so i hope you enjoy! i apologize for it not being too sappy or holiday-themed 🥺; i felt like that friendly, comfortable feeling was what worked best. please let me know if you’d like any changes! i hope the rest of your holidays go wonderfully~ (also, your pets are adORABLE oh my goodness…pls giv nala an extra kiss for me….)
LIL PLAYLIST!! 맘 편히 (comfortable). G2 ft. GRAY & Simon Dominic  //  dancing like butterfly wings. ATEEZ  //  i swear i’ll never leave again. keshi  //  LOVE?. ELO & PENOMECO ft. GRAY  //  she likes spring, i prefer winter. slchld  //  sims. Lauv  //  stay with me. ayokay ft. Jeremy Zucker
“I’m so sorry about this,” Yeosang says for the fourth time that minute. “I totally forgot what day it was. I was planning on getting my license before I moved out, but—“
Sira grins, nudging his shoulder with hers as she grabs her keys.
“Don’t worry about. What would I be doing otherwise? Road trips are fun.”
Yeosang glances between her and the garage of luggage on his left, opens his mouth to say something, but then turns back to the luggage to gape for a moment.
When he’s done with that, he looks at her again, eyebrows furrowing. He has somehow managed to look even more apologetic, and Sira lets out a breath that’s stuck somewhere between a laugh and a sigh.
“It’s okay, Yeo. I’m serious. I’m glad you’re with me and not some random moving dude who you wouldn’t even feel comfortable telling the address.”
“I would be totally —“ he starts, but after a second thought, goes silent. When he speaks again, he sounds solemn. “I would be totally screwed. Damn.”
Sira grins, dragging a few boxes over to the trunk, and Yeosang piles the rest into the back seats.
Once they’ve settled in, Yeosang having thanked her another five times, and Sira having asked him to connect his phone to the stereo in a futile attempt to calm his nerves, they finally start the drive to his new house.
That is, until Sira asks if they locked the door and Yeosang notes that their lunch is sitting on the patio floor. Neither of them realize the garage is open until they’re backing into it again without moving a finger. Then Sira heads in to lock the door and registers that the door isn’t just unlocked – it’s wide open.
She reminds herself to check in on Yeosang’s new place at least three times before every other trip. And to remind the other boys to remember to check in on him a lot. And then realizes she’s standing in front of the door, still open, muttering to herself. She shakes her head, widens and then shuts her eyes, then takes a breath and shuts the door.
Yeosang is grinning at her from outside the patio when she looks up, keys on a finger as he steps up beside his old shoe-rack.
“You forgot the keys.”
Sira blinks blankly as he slips past her and locks the door, then lets out a slow exhale and waves at the door.
“Bye, bud.”
She squints, head tilting the slightest bit, lips apart.
“Are you trying to be cute, or are you really gonna do that every time you move?”
Yeosang feigns a sad look, pouting, puppy-eyed, the whole lot, as he heads out the door (forgetting lunch again, Sira notes with a fond grin, grabbing it herself) and he pats the door as it shuts behind them.
“I’m really gonna miss the house. I did all my dumb university stuff here. Like use tuition savings on drones. And then play with the drones instead of studying.”
Sira clicks her tongue, buckling back into the car as he shuts the garage.
“And decide to move out on Christmas eve?”
Yeosang whines, pout back on his lips as he grabs a seat.
“I said I’m sorry. I thought it was November.”
Sira sighs, then nods, lips parting slightly as she backs out again.
“No worries. It’s also why everyone’s getting their gifts late, and why I’m gonna be on the road instead of staring at my beautifully decorated Christmas tree with my even more beautiful babies.”
“I’m sure the cats will be fine for a day.”
“You're forgetting Nala?"
"Not forgetting," he notes, smiling softly. "We both know she already misses you like hell, and we're just getting on the freeway now."
"Well that's reassuring."
He doesn't answer, just looking out the window, but a minute later, he’s slouching again.
“I really am sorry.”
Sira glances between him and the road, eyes flitting around before she declares,
“Every ‘sorry’ equals one episode of Goblin you have to sit and watch with me.”
Yeosang’s eyebrows furrow, head lilting to one side.
“Every sorry is an hour of time? That’s a little—“
“Your sorries are worth less than an hour of your time?”
“Well, no, but Goblin is bo—“
“Stop right there for your safety, Yeo.” When Yeosang looks up and notices the way Sira is trying to glare at him, then the road, then the rearview mirror, and then him again, he struggles to keep from giggling, but breaks off the sentence all the same. He can see a mirroring grin slip onto her lips too, but he pretends her facade's functional.
“Sorry,” he says, and then his eyes widen. Sira stifles a laugh herself, and in a matter of seconds, they’ve both dissolved into fits of laughter.
The rest of the ride goes quick, with Yeosang ricocheting through topics—calling to mind all the new songs he wants to show her, asking random questions about car insurance, and even trying to budget video game money. Sira drives, he talks, Sira listens, and then, somehow, they’re there.
It takes them a few hours to unpack, so despite their attempt at an early departure, by the time the apartment rooms are livable, the sun is setting. Yeosang hasn’t bought balcony chairs yet, so they sit on the balcony floor, clad in parkas and toques, and they keep talking.
When the sun falls past the horizon, Yeosang can see the way Sira stops halfway through sentences, blankly blinking before her earlier topic returns to her, and suggests they head inside—so they do.
Sira’s filter starts waning around then, and she declares, walking into the mostly empty living room, “This isn’t Christmas eve.”
Yeosang raises an eyebrow, and a half-grin rises onto his lips instantaneously. “Really? That’s great news for me. I’m about…” he trails off, pretending to count off something on his fingers. “8 presents behind.”
Sira shakes her head, laughing as she starts scrimmaging through boxes. “You need lights and stuff. Do you have any in here?”
Yeosang hums in thought before shaking his head, grinning sheepishly. “Sorry.”
“That’s three episodes so far.” Yeosang tsks, feigning a frown, but he can’t help dropping it for a grin when he sees the way Sira’s smile grows every time he slips up.
“Sorry. That was my bad. Sorry about that.”
She knows he’s messing around, so she stops counting, grabbing her phone and humming in thought.
“We can just watch the whole thing together, since you seem to love it so much all of a sudden. Anyways, it’s late. ‘m tired. Are the pillows in the car?”
Yeosang shakes his head, opening up a few boxes. “There’s some over here, with the blankets. Are two okay? Just one each?”
She nods and he drags over the box, grinning as he pulls them out. “My mom got these before I moved out.”
Sira’s fatigue is fairly visible at this point in the way she nods, pulling a pillow under her head and looking up at Yeosang with a slow-mo smile. Her blinks are slow, but her gaze lingers, steady, around his eyes.
“Mhm. Cute. Real—” a yawn.”—really cute. ‘m gonna sleep. Merry Christmas.”
Yeosang’s eyebrows shoot up, and he’s about to offer her some hot chocolate before he remembers he hasn’t bought a new microwave yet. He decides to just set the blanket over her, mutters a ‘merry Christmas’ back, and tries to keep from looking over at her too much.
It proves more difficult than he thinks – she takes her glasses off before sleeping most of the time, setting them aside neatly, but at the moment, they’re halfway down her cheek, sliding steadily. It's ... cute. He tries to pull them off as gently as possible but she groans and turns over anyhow. Setting them on a box, he grins back over at her before remembering again that she’s asleep and flushing, turning away to grab himself a pillow.
He's giving into temptation within the next minute — setting his pillow beside hers, sliding an arm under it, and letting his cheek rest on the pillow so they’re facing each other.
She looks so cute. He muses, still smiling. He feels dorky, but he doesn’t let himself worry about it too much, preoccupied. Really cute.
After some more silent contemplation, he decides that the jeans he’s in are pretty uncomfortable after his eyes flicker open with every movement around them, and decides to change into what he hopes Sira will accept as holiday-enough.
When he’s back after rummaging through his suitcase and then trying to find a laundry hamper, Yeosang slides onto the floor next to her. A hint of a smile sneaks past his lips and he mumbles,
“Thank you.”
There’s no answer – though it isn’t as if he’s expecting one. His smile only grows in the silence, and he finds his cheeks are warm again. He sets his elbow on the floor, cheek in hand, humming a familiar, unidentifiable tune under his breath. His eyes glide across Sira’s eyes, nose, mouth, hair, and then flutter shut. He grins sheepishly to himself when he finally works out a present he can get her in time for Christmas.
He doesn’t sleep too well, though, after his mind wanders through the different ways to share his feelings, and uses none in the end, but the embarrassed kiss he earns for his groggy confession is more than enough validation for him.
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just sending some appreciation and good vibes to my people for the new year <3
kisses from me bc you all hold a very special place in my heart 💝
Also veryyy long post ahead I’m sorry I had to include everyone Aakklaksks 😭😭
@ominous-meme 🖤 sabah! You were my very first mutual on here I hope you know that! I can’t even begin on how excited I got when I found out you were a fellow desi girl and I will always appreciate you being there and advising me! <3 I love our street racing au! talks ! I’m glad I have someone to share ideas with <33
@weebsausage 🖤 dude omg!!! 😭😭😭 pls I literally forgot how we became moots I’m so sorry I have a tiny brain 😪 but I think we literally just messaged each other and started talking about free! ANYWAYS TYSM FOR PUTTING ME ON HXH I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU FOR THAT WTF ITS LIKE MY FAV ANIME EVER I HAVE BECOME HXH TRASH AJSJSJBS ❤️❤️ but other than that thank you for being a really great friend to me and I hope this year is nothing but good things for you <33
@dokifluffs 🖤 you were also one of my first moots on here! I honestly could not believe when you followed me back bc ur like my biggest inspo! 😭 you’re so precious omg I always look forward talking to you and get excited when I see a notif from you still! I hope the new year treats you well and brings good things in your life! Lots of love from me bae 🥰❤️
@syrenblubs 🖤 ah my most relatable person LOL. Omg syren ur my little bestie on here and I’m so glad we’re mutuals! I love our natsuya talks and OML THE C****** RAID! ALSJJSJSJSJJS AND DESI PARENTS AKSJJSNS. Just thank you for always interacting with me even tho I SUCK at responding 😭❤️❤️❤️ ilyyysmmmmmm
@linak 🖤 baby omg where do I even begin. Back when I had literally no one to talk to on here, you would be the one NEVER failing to send me a gm/gn message! You always bring a stupid smile to my face 😭 I’m so freaking glad that we are friends I literally cannot put into words!! Ty for always listening to me and letting me open up to you ❤️ love you always.
@croctears 🖤 vixxx ahhh!!! I’m so glad we became mutuals on this shitty app! You’re one of the highlights of my day and I love talking to you sm 😫 especially if it’s about Sou 😏😏 keep being amazing bae! Kisses mwuah mwuah 😽😽
@xakusa 🖤 Marty bby! 🥰 literally the only person I’m going to share my man natsu with 🙄 our conversations are always so RANDOM and out of nowhereeeee lollll but we also just go along with it and I love that! You are an angel and this year better be giving you what you deserve! Lots of love from my end 😽😽😽 kissies from me and natsuya <3
@cafelixie 🖤 I will keep saying this and I will never stop. YOU!!! ARE!!! THE!!! ACTUAL!!! DEFINITION!!! OF!!! PRECIOUS!!!! Need I say more? You’ve made my day countless times and I always look forward to seeing you in my messages/inbox!! Baby I freaking love you I really don’t know what else to say 😭❤️
@skippyskeppy 🖤 I will never forget the first time we interacted my Kisumi enthusiast 😙🤝 I love it sm whenever I see you pop into my inbox with a random hc about semi semi or Kisumi, Albert now too! You are an amazing person. A really amazing person. I hope you know that ❤️
@keeijiakaashi 🖤 I remember seeing your little comments under my posts before we became moots and OMGGGG YOU ARE SO CUTE AISJJSJSJS ALSO RIN ENTHUSIAST??? YES PLEASE!!! Tysm for always interacting with me and making yourself known as the ultimate sweetest person on my blog! Ilyyyyy ❤️❤️❤️
@animatedarchives 🖤 we have your fellow love of the kirishimas to thank for us becoming moots! You’re so cute soph omg 😫 I love how we literally have brainrots of the same characters LIKE MR GOJO LEECH SATORU!!! GET OUT OF MY HEAD OR PAY RENT!!! Ahh you’re irreplaceable soph! Never fail to make me smile like an idiot <33
@natsuya-enthusiast 🖤 how did we not become moots sooner wtf??? Do yk how alone I felt when I had no one to discuss my obsession of natsu with when I first made this blog 😪 AND THEN I REALIZED U WERE ONE OF MY FIRST FOLLOWERS???? ANYWAYS U ARE THE BIG SIS I NEVER HAD ALWAYS PULLING THROUGH W THAT LIFE ADVICE BAHAHAHA ilysm gaby wtf 😭😡😡😡❤️❤️❤️
@moonlitspring 🖤 do you even realize how happy I got when I realized there was another ACTIVE free! blog 😡😡 ajsjjsjs you are such an amazing writer and PERSON sky!!! You’ve been nothing but the sweetest and I hope we get to interact more this year and share our love of free! together <3
@ayumiko 🖤 laís you are such an angel! I absolutely adore both you and your edits/gifs smmm 🥰 you are so kind and I hope 2021 is also <333
@dalggina 🖤 omg??? YGO bae??? 😤😤 I thought literally everyone had forgotten ab it LOL THEN YOU CAME ALONG ❤️❤️ I’m really glad we interacted precious person! And I hope that you have a great year! ALSO YOU BETTER NOT STRESS YOURSELF OUT TOO MUCH FROM WORK OR IM MANIFESTING MR ATEM TO COME GET YOU 😡
@stormikujo 🖤 omg bby! We haven’t talked in awhile! I hope you are doing well! ❤️❤️❤️ ahhh I’m glad I got you into free otherwise we wouldn’t even have interacted 😫 I love talking to you stormi!! And I hope this year brings great things fro you! Lots of love ❤️❤️❤️
@aj-writes-here 🖤 omg hey girl 😼😼 you’re definitely one of the coolest people I’ve talked to on here for sure! Hope you’ve been enjoying hq and free! Your welcome for putting you on that simp train 😼 anyways, ilysm aj!! I really wish the best for you this year! Stay amazing as you always are, ily!! ❤️❤️
@attackonfics 🖤 wtf 😭😭 I don’t deserve you???? You’ve been nothing but the sweetest to me and also responsible for my unhealthy obsession with mr 5’2 angry gremlin >:(( jkjk but seriously, ty for the food 😌. ANYWAYS QUEEN I HOPE YOUVE BEEN TAKING CARE OF YOURSELF AND TREATING YOURSELF AS!!! YOU!!! SHOULD!!! VIRTUAL HUGS 😽😽 💝
@browsing-my-favourite-fandoms 🖤 Shizen! You are too good for this world! 😭 you are such a genuine person, you deserve nothing but happiness ❤️ I really hope that this year does that for you. I’ll keep checking in from time to time! Ilysm! ❤️
@inum4ki 🖤 sera...please...just invest in a personal guide or smth. Asksksknsjs n e wayzzz seeing you in my inbox is always so much fun! Sousuke really deserves more love and you are bringing it to the table hun 😤😤 also you’re a fellow inumaki enthusiast too??? Yes please. You deserve all the happy things in 2021 <3
@sneezefiction 🖤 Gracie!! I love how easy it is to get along with you! You are truly one of the best people I’ve met on this app and I’ll forever be grateful for our friendship <3 you give off such great vibes all the time omg giving you a huge virtual hug and here’s to more interactions this year! 🥰😽😽😽
@velvetfireworks 🖤 bbyyy!! 🥰 everytime we interact even if it’s not a whole lot, you’re always the sweetest what 😭 I love you and you’re writing so much omggg you are so talented!! I get super excited when I see myself get tagged in one of your stuff 😆 I hope we get to interact more in the future! Have a great New Years ❤️❤️❤️
@a8mine 🖤 stop being so mean to me 😡😡 !!!!!! ig ily anyways tho 🙄 you’re energy is honestly unmatched (in a good way!!) and it’s rare to meet people like that! You’re so funny omg and your random hcs and cursed discourses always have me dying 😭😭 you’re so cool hanna ily 😪✌️ <333
@giorvanna 🖤 ahh rena! Your blog and edits are *chefs kiss* I love our random semi brainrot sessions 🥰🥰 I hope we interact more in the future but in the meantime I’m sending you good vibes and lots of virtual hugs bc you deserve them queen ❤️❤️❤️
@seijohlogy 🖤 hey hey jaestar 🤩🤩 you are such a cool person??? Omg I’m so glad that we’re friends and randomly invade each other’s inboxes 😆 you are so kind! This year better be kind to you too or else 😡😡 I hope that after Ms rona decides to move her ass over, you get to go to Disneyland and take!! Me!!! With!! You!! Love you jae bae ❤️❤️
@prettysetterbaby 🖤 hey sexc 🤩🤩 no idea why you followed me but glad you did bc you are such a sweet and chaotic person!! I loveeeeee <333 I hope we get to interact more bc you are just genuinely such a fun person to interact with! Ilyyy
@datecho 🖤 yet another just genuinely sweet person! The world doesn’t deserve you! You’re so fun to interact with and a hottie??? omg shoto and kags better get off their asses rn and come get you or I will 🤩🤩 ly bae! have a great New Years! ❤️❤️
@miyasangel 🖤 we haven’t interacted much yet but ahaha talking about suna and sending my fanart to you is sm fun! Did I tell you that I also have a wip of Atsumu as a street racer? 😏 have a great year Arden bae! Kisses 😽
@aikk00 🖤 hi hi! We don’t interact on a daily or anything but when we do, omg!!! You are the most easy person to get along with 😭 you have such a good heart along with the talent???omg??? You are UNMATCHED babe! I hope this year brings you many more opportunities! Stay amazing love ❤️ ily and your art very much ❤️ I’m also still very embarrassed from fucking up the credits from last time. I’m so sorry bae 😭❤️❤️
@kurooskult 🖤 ma’am you might as well be the definition of bad bitch 😪🤝 ok but besides that, interacting with you is sm fun??? Like we don’t even have to be moots on your blog to feel just as included and loved! You are such a queen for that! Here’s to more mila x kuroo content in 2021 and he better be doing special for you as he should !!
It’s still the 31st here but THANK YOU ALL FOR MAKING MY COUPLE OF MONTHS ON HERE BEARABLE!!! This sounds like a goodbye post Oml-
I love you all very much. I suck at words, but I hope you know that. ❤️
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resilientreader · 5 years
1-98 for asks like we did a million years ago, I dare you
i knew the MOMENT i saw the notif in my inbox that it was gonna be YOU pulling this shit and i crossed my fingers when actually clicking, HOPING i wouldnt have to answer all 98, maybe you’ll be tame this time, but no! this is what you’re doing to me. and ykno what, Fine. u dare me and i Will do it. i hope u rb the asks post so i can do it to u too, tho
1. coffee mugs
2. chocolate bars
3. bubblegum
4. that smart student who always read instead of actually paying attention
5. soda from glass cups is the best
6. its hard to just Decide between all these styles so ill say which one applies to mine most, which i Gotta say has to b preppy even if i want like goth or grunge to b mixed in
7. headphones
8. good omens, fmab, castlevania, uhhhh. those are just the ones ive watched so far this summer
9. my grandparents’ home. which is kinda weird but i have a lot of summer memories there
10. i sucked at like Everything in p.e., there Was no best
11. leftovers
12. i cant choose a favorite playlist?? /some/ of them, tho, are soar my ethereal heart, neither here nor there, mountainside storms, and sync of my heartbeat. so like any of my more recent ones
13. lanyard
14. i had to google a list for this bc honestly i always eat just chocolates but i like starburst
15. fahrenheit 451 was a rly fun read. ray bradbury’s writing gave me inspo for metaphors and writing and such and it was rly nice
16. sprawled across one of those comfy armchairs where i can swing my legs over one arm n lay my head on the other one
17. my black converse
18. cool temperature and rain without storms, or a cloudy day that lets me take a nice walk
19. on my side if i can but on my back otherwise
20. on my laptop, in google docs, to be more specific
21. winnie the pooh
22. idk?? i try not to look to just one person for a source of “this is how i should be”, so i guess,,,, a mix of family members and then a couple like more famous ppl??? which would basically consist of one of my aunts, my dad, and jenna marbles, to keep my Brain Process for role model stuff simplified
23. i dunno if any of the habits i have are strange?? i bounce my right leg and my right hand kinda. like. shakes when im nervous. i cant rly think of anything else i do tho i Know i probably have other habits
24. amethyst or pyrite
25. ur really just assuming my memory is good enough for this but if i had to say, it’d be any popular song from 2009 specifically
26. hide in my room with a fan and ac
27. read with a blanket wrapped around me or smth
28. atlas: six by sleeping at last, flaws by bastille, atlas: five by sleeping at last, she by dodie, and neptune by sleeping at last. there are probably more/better ones but those are the first ones i found
29. listen. be open with me. talk with me. not to sound like that person, but sharing ur life secrets is a rly big ice breaker for me because it helps let me know i can trust u. but also idk im a really awkward person and can accidentally distance myself from ppl so when ppl notice theres smth up w me or even do the bare minimum of doing Their part to maintain a friendship, that’s always rad as shit when idk how to communicate what i need
30. my room, my high school’s auditorium, the local barnes and noble
31. black boots, black jeans, any button-up shirt that’ll match that combination OR a really cool sweatshirt
32. im a bad bitch, you cant kill me. road work ahead? uh, i sure hope it does. it is wednesday, my dudes! welcome to chili’s. i love you, bitch, and i ain’t ever gonna stop loving you, bitch.
33. probably “omg” or “oh my god”
34. sc johnson. a family company.
35. i dont even have one but on a good night like 10-11
36. the troll face memes
37. suitcases feel much more organized
38. lemonade
39. lemon cake
40. ummmmm....one time a tech/theatre kid left a paint can sitting out in the open accidentally and a person took a shit in it or smth then knocked over the can, spilled a bunch of paint, and tried to clean it up w a broom and proceeded to like snap the broom in half. then they ran away to leave the kids to clean it up the next day. i wasnt actually there for that but ive heard the story firsthand enough times to Know
41. my dad
42. jacket pockets
43. hoodie is what i wear, tho everything else is Very Good
44. lavender
45. fantasy, my dudes
46. this set of pjs i got for xmas w a soft tshirt and matching baggy flannel pants
47. colby jack
48. uhhh a banana?? i could probably give a better answer if i was more
49. i dont rly live by a quote or saying, i just Go for it
50. my sister has probably done smth before to like Break me
51. everything ever but mostly myself
52. arial
53. uhhh...kinda worn? my nails aren’t doin so good and i have a couple scratches and stuff that Still havent healed after a few weeks
54. get a move on
55. the ugly duckling
56. tradition is kinda vague but i like that it became tradition for me and my siblings to go to my grandparents’ home every summer
57. i think im still overcoming like everything ive been faced with ever
58. writing? listening, helping, giving advice. idk tbh like talents who?
59. "jesus christ, my dude”
60. a fantasy/comedy, or at least if its gonna be fantasy with death and stuff, it should be dope as fuck
61. "isn’t vulnerability the opposite of being in control?” from a webcomic called aerial magic. super simple but the entire scene leading up to it,,,,,so good
62. umm fuck! i dont kno whether favs r usually ones that i relate to or ones that i wanna b like but??? keith from voltron, jirou from bnha, chromedome and/or rewind from transformers/mtmte, sypha from castlevania, and jayfeather from warriors
63. planetary (go!) by mcr, the seed by aurora, hayloft by mother mother, the cup/halloween blues from relient k, choke by i dont know how but they found me
64. coolmath was THE shit
65. yes! two on my leg from a surgery i had to get to realign my femur, bc i snapped the bone in half
66. lavender, snowdrops, hibiscus
67. i dont really have any, mostly bc i have a hard time attaching like. That sorta meaning to just random objects, but i do still have a small teddy bear stashed safely away in my room from when i was a little babee
68. pickle-flavored pringles. disgusting. would not recommend
69. lions’ roars can be heard up to 5 miles away from the original source
70. right handed
71. horizontal stripes, i guess? there’s not much wrong with them but i just Never wear them
72. math
73. i dont usually eat /weird/ flavor combos, even tho ill eat basically anything, but i like ketchup in mac and cheese sometimes. or fries in shakes. chicken and waffles. stuff like that
74. 11
75. idek honestly, my memory is too bad
76. hashbrowns
77. i dont kno a Lot of plants off the top of my head other than the Basic ones but literally any flower in a windowsill is like bone apple teeth in my mind
78. sushi from a grocery store. publix taught me that grocery stores can, in fact, be trusted when needed
79. my school id photo
80. earth tones
81. fireflies
82. pc
83. writing
84. talk radio is nostalgic but podcasts are always more entertaining to actually listen to
84. polly pocket
85. mythology with a dash of fairytales
86. cupcakes, because of my dog’s name
87. abandonment
88. to grow unbreakable attachments with everyone i care very deeply about and grow into an old age with them, or something
89. i feel like answering this question totally honestly would hurt ppl’s feelings, but also i literally could think of like 4 people to put down for this and i’m bad at deciding, esp w smth like this, so. not to b vague but These People kno who they are
90. becoming a part of a certain website with a bad crowd and managing to pick out the good apples in such a rotten batch
91. boxes
92. lamps /and/ fairy lights
93. i dont rly have any but my parents call me hannah banana. that’s ab it, tho
94. fall/winter? it kinda is inconsistent because fall has bad weather in florida but winter is when like everything has Gone Wrong in life these past few years, but then fall has such a GOOD aesthetic and my birthday is in winter, so they’re pretty even rn
95. uhhh??? thats such a weird thing, to try and assign a “favorite” app, but the only thing i could think to say would be spotify just bc i use it so much on my phone, even if the app itself isnt the greatest
96. i havent set one, actually, bc im lazy and havent found anything that’d fit
97. 2 and a half
98. the part where fish were learning that they could walk on land
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