#unlikliest retainers
randomkposts · 30 days
I know I've mentioned this before, but I keep thinking back to how funny it is that Setsuna and Azama were the retainers who stayed in Revelations. As much as she cares about them, Azama and Setsuna are the least retainer like Retainers in the game.
Setsuna and Azama were introduced to the player in chapter 8 of Birthright by Setsuna falling into a trap, and Azama laughing at her. Then, Azama points out that he has no weapons so it will be Hinoka protecting him, while Setsuna falls into yet another trap. Hinoka ends that particular conversation with these words.
"Gods. I knew I couldn't rely on the two of you, but this is worse than I imagined! Just try and hold it together long enough for us to see this through, all right? Maybe Ryoma and Takumi can help me babysit, once we finally catch up to them..."
Setsunas support topics
Trap supports full:- 3 Corrin, Jacob, Silas
Supports involving traps:- 7 ,Kaze, Kaden, Takumi, Ryoma (most of it is about Archery, but traps come back in the A support), Selena & Arther(also about shopping), Hinoka and Setsuna make it through most of their support chain about learning to cook something edible before Setsuna comes across mouse traps. So close
Supports involving hunting- 4. Takumi, Kaden, Kaze, Hayato.
Trap free supports and topics:- 8. Subaki, Saizo, Kagero and Hana - training, Azama -cooking, Hayato -Her ability to hum, Hinata-medicine, Niles- privilege.
Setsuna can grocery shop. Seems to be able to cook when not being experimental. Can lure animals by humming to kill them, would instantly destroy the message in a game of broken telephone, has trouble following directions (probably beacuse she gets so distracted), comes from a rich family, and is good at archery. It once took her a day to make it to the archery range beacuse she fell into every trap in the vicinity, and got upped in the S support where it took two days.
To contrast the diffrence between Setsuna and Saizo as retainers, we look at his support with her. Saizo ensures Ryoma is asleep first, gets up before him, gets his clothes and breakfast, and watches for Hazards. In contrast, Setsuna goes to bed, wakes up in the morning after Hinoka has put out her clothes and breakfast for her, and then goes to practice archery, where presumbly based on other supports, she gets caught in a trap. Hinoka Just straight up decided "shes hopless at everything in retainering but archery, so I might as well learn to enjoy the chores." Both Saizo and Kagaro are trying to teach her how to do her job better and are not seen succeeding.
One more stat. S support proposals that involve traps: Corrin, Jacob, Kaze, Silas, Takumi, Kaden, Ryoma, Arthur.
Now lets do Azama. And start with a Quote from his conversation with Arthur.
"Hahaha. Me? Support her? Listen, I barely do anything. SHE supports me. You're not likely to meet a tougher customer anywhere in the world"
Like Setsuna, someone takes Azama on for retainer training. Unfourtunatly for for the people who need to work with them, its Felicia, which means this does not happen before he and Setsuna are the only retainers left between the Hosidan older siblings.
Azama is a weird holy man. He has killed a bear durring meditation lessons, drove Sakura to anger strongly enough that she snapped a staff in half, doesn't want to bother to try healing people he feels are certian to die yet goes out of his way to heal Effie, has been Hinokas retainer for years, and is insanely presumptuous when proposing to a lot of people including both royal ladies. He also apparantly teases people he has feelings for, and genrally does not have the manor one would expect of the healer or monk. He's aggravating.
Hanas and Subaki's support is around training, in baffling ways.
Beruka, Mozu, Orochi, Hinoka, Hayato, Kagaro, Oboro, and Kaden all invole Azuma being a strange person, and usually insulting them. Arthur is the one who discovers his backstory.
"The rumor is that you were the second son to a family that ran a shrine for many years. You were a troublemaker who loved to mouth off about everything. But after trekking through the woods, you discovered the ascetic lifestyle. And eventually you settled down enough to be suitable for monkhood. Is that all true?"
And apparantly, it is true.
"I also heard that when you were training in the mountains, you met a pegasus rider. She had fallen and injured herself. That rider was Lady Hinoka. She was so impressed with your conduct that she searched high and low to find you. When she finally did, she requested that you become her retainer. In fact, I heard that you're the only person she named to the palace guard. "
(Of course this is all based in english translation. I wonder if the Japanese gives more details about them that I missed. )
Save that there were 2 people Hinoka named to the palace guard. Azuma and Setsuna. The two personal retainers who didn't defect to corrins army. (Yukimura is loyal to Hoshido first and foremost.) Saizo and Kagaro left in chapter 11. The Hoshidan older siblings don't join Corrin's army until chapter 16, five chapters later. They meet in chapter 13, in Cyrkensia, and can make their betrayal known. It appears durring that time, Ryomas been hanging with Scarlett, while Hinoka has been defending the home.
Which means, their inability to be typical retainers has been Yukimuras problem and the castle defence. And it seems to have made them more serious. Or at least, have a better introduction.
Azama: "I apologize for interrupting this happy family reunion, Lady Hinoka...but you have forgotten to introduce us, your loyal retainers."
Corrin: "Huh? You are...?"
Azama: "I am called Azama. If you make foolish mistakes and injure yourselves, I can put you right."
Setsuna: "Um... I'm Setsuna. I'm good with...a bow. ...Azama... You are standing on my foot."
Azama: "Ahaha! My apologies!"
Hinoka: "As Azama said, these two are my retainers! Don't judge them by appearances; they come through when it counts."
Still does not seem to change the fact that Hinoka is the one making breakfast. Yukimura is here pulling his hair out.
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