#unfortunately i still need my piano repaired so when i play the full piece
runawayballista · 1 year
finally putting together the B section from this fire emblem arrangement alright alright alright
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realchaffytaffy · 11 days
I became a denizen of the internet around 2015 (confirmed zoomer). At that time I was not an artist. Or at least not a good one. More on this later.
I began learning music in 2nd grade when a family friend gave me piano lessons. I was a horrible student. I never learned my pieces and somehow managed to meander through recitals unscathed. But after 2nd grade was over, I told my mother I didn't want to play piano anymore. Hilarious.
Sometime around age 12 I developed a horrible condition which caused me to desire to play drums. This ghastly illness persisted for years and I played for my family's Church worship group until I was about 17. At that point I had demolished my electronic kit beyond repair through the notorious blast beats. I was pretty good.
During that time I had begun producing elctronic music through a free DAW called audiotool. Much of it was horrible. Truly offensive to anyone who could hear. This online presence was essentially my ONLY public online presence for years.
Around age 14 I had tried to learn sheet music and piano once more, but this only lasted 1 year and I did not improve at reading music. Frustrating. But then I picked up my sister's electric guitar that she never used and I began to learn guitar theory by irritating the bloody Hell out of everybody in my house.
By 18 I had learned how to play piano by ear and I had finally become a Twitter lurker. I had written a few songs in my time by this point, but nothing of note.
In the year of our Lord 2020, my entire life fell apart and I dropped out of college, started working full time and lost the girl I was seeing due to the unfortunate fact that I didn't dislike Catholics enough. And then I BECAME one.
By this point I still hadn't written a single "real" song. I could riff and I'd started shredding but I lacked creativity in the guitar department. But due to abrupt singleness I ended up with loads of money and loads of free time which I filled up by buying music online like a whole entire dweeb and spending 3 hours a day practicing guitar.
At this point I was just a workaholic with a guitar dependency.
Well a friend of mine came back home from the army and he needed a gym buddy. I was in wretched shape after spending most of college eating one meal a day and sleeping whenever I was not at work and this toll it had taken was not inconsequential. But he needed me to be there for him to get back into it, so I went. And it changed my life.
2 weeks into our 12 week program this man asks me to move out of my parents house, by this point I'm 25, and I had never left our town. So I said sure. And after having lived in our little house for a while, I begin writing EASY which would birth the punkisdead EP. The album began as me blowing off steam in my living room and making my roommate laugh.
Fast forward and I'm at my new job which is very physically demanding and my roommate has left to go to the other side of the world. I'm alone in an empty house every day. So I got to thinking, WHAT IF I MADE AN ALBUM?
But seriously, what if I made an album, a punk album, full of my ironic and sarcastic jokes about how much work sucks and how being 25 and down bad is funny?
So I turned roomies room into a studio. And I recorded Life Like Isekai the day my cheap microphone arrived. I worked a 10 hour day and came home to work another 6 on music.
Now, what does any of that have to do with this right now? I'll tell you.
MY MUSIC IS ENTIRELY SECULAR AND DEGENERATE AND IRONIC. It served no great theme. There was no message. There was no glory for God in it.
And that's why I'm writing this. If anybody has found Chaffytaffy through music, or through my Twitter, or my Gab, I am now going to drop the massive bomb that I hope will bamboozle. I want to use my music to get people to read me, so I can tell them about God and why they should live well. I want to bless them.
So now that you're here, I'm gonna tell you all about God's great love for you. I hope you'll still find my music fun. And if you're finding my music from my Christian writings, please don't be scandalized.
And in the future, perhaps my music is going to be about something a bit more substantial.
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spinda-draws · 3 years
Digit-Glitched (3/3)
Synopsis: While Dr. Marbles is away, Digit starts to glitch. When things get more serious, the cybersquad is called on to help. Unfortunately, the only one who can perform repairs is... Hacker.
A/n: This is a story that’s already on FF. net but I thought I’d post it here too because I have a tendency to spontaneously delete the stories on that account. the ending to this one is a little anti climatic, but I hope you like it anyways.
"Ah! That's much better." Hacker came out of the storage room dressed in a dark sweater and purple lab coat. He had found the outfit while digging around and had made the kids wait outside for him to change. "I feel like a new borg."
With the change of clothes, he seemed to carry himself with more confidence as well as condescension, despite his unremitting status as their prisoner. Jackie was already started to regret not making him return to the garden right away. Any desire to view Hacker in a new light had since vanished, along with her patience.
"How much time do you have until you'll need a recharge?" she prodded, half as a threat, and half actually curious to know. Hacker didn't reply, though he seemed to take her point.
"Bring the cyberturkey here," he said. "There's a computer I can dust off. In the meantime, I'll look this over."
"Guys?" Jackie looked at her teammates, exhausted and not sure how much more she could handle. They still had no idea whether Hacker would actually be able to fix Digit and time was starting to run thin.
"I'll get Digit," Matt sighed. "You guys stay here." Jackie gave him a nod, relieved he'd stepped up. She and Inez went back inside and watched over Hacker like a pair of hawks. The cyborg was studying what appeared to be design notes done on a yellowing piece of paper. He seemed completely immersed, as if reading some kind of philosophical genius for the first time.
"Haha! Even when I was one of Motherboard's little groupies, I was brilliant. Just goes to show genius can't be tethered."
"Oh, give me a break." His excitement made Jackie more than a little uneasy. She glanced around the room, wondering if there might be some things Dr. Marbles wouldn't want getting into Hacker's hands. There was that possibility. But this was Hacker's room, wasn't it? Or at least it had been. There weren't likely to be any secrets he didn't already know about. Then again, he'd apparently forgotten a lot of what he'd once written. There was probably a lot it would have been best for him not to relearn.
Her outbreak caused him to pause and glance back at her with a raised eyebrow. She had been hovering over his shoulder and he now put his arm over the book to make it harder for her to see what was written. Not that she could have understood most of it anyways, as much as she'd tried. Coop wasn't kidding when he'd said Hacker liked to overcomplicate things. She watched him grab a pencil and start making marks over the pages, crossing out sections and making little notes for himself over others.
"Much too inefficient," he mumbled to himself as he worked. "I can do this much better."
Was he actually trying to make improvements? The idea stupefied her and it took her a moment to come to her senses. Whatever he was doing, it wasn't to make their lives any better. And it certainly wouldn't be for Digit's benefit. She slammed her hand down in front of him, cutting him off from his jotting while she spoke her piece.
"Digit doesn't belong to you anymore. You don't have the right to change things," she murmured. "He's perfect the way he is and he's going to stay that way."
"Are you mad!?" Hacker retorted, getting out of his seat and using his height to intimidate her. "That tin-turkey is barely functional compared to what he could be."
"Too. Bad." Jackie put her arms on her hips, not even budging an inch as Hacker glowered down at her. Eventually, whether it was because he didn't care enough to argue the point or became increasingly aware of his draining charge, he sat back down.
"Fine. If you earth brats want your bubble brained bird so much, you can have him."
As soon as the ginger brat returned with Digit, Hacker snatched the cyboid out of his hands and got to work. He couldn't rationalized what had gotten him so agitated all of a sudden. If Digit functioned poorly, it would only play to his benefit. The tin turkey wasn't his problem anymore. Yet there was a nagging feeling. Something he hated, but that being back at Control Central seemed to provoke. Was it his programming reeling in its nasty head, or some misplaced feeling that the tin turkey's incompetence would reflect badly on him?
Whatever the reason for these pesky thoughts, he had no time for them now. He had been up for hours and could feel his faculties start to lag. The last thing he needed was to run out of power away from the Grim Wrecker.
He hooked Digit up to the computer and started to program a new CPU. The one he had currently had seen some damage which was likely the source of the data leakage. Hardly surprising seeing how many times the boid had crash landed in turbulent weather. When he'd first created Digit, he'd never intended for him to navigate windy mountains, snowstorms and high altitudes, otherwise he would have built his wings with more durability.
Even now, if Digit wasn't currently an agent of his greatest foe, he would have opted for a full propeller replacement, otherwise it would only be a matter of time before another leak occurred. As it was, he'd probably just slip in an extra layer of metal to afford the CPU a bit of extra cushioning. Or maybe some kind of gelatinous liquid?
Hacker stopped himself mid-thought. There it was again. His programing, or his misplaced pride, or whatever it was. He didn't have to do anything but the bare minimum to get the heap of metal running again. Yet he itched to. His wicked mind was abuzz with ideas for upgrades and alternations. It had been years since he'd built a bot from scratch. Even Buzz and Delete he had just slapped together with a 'Build-A-Henchmen' manual.
A examination of what was left on the old CPU told Hacker that Marbles and attempted to make changes to the base code. Successfully too, although he would never admit it aloud. The only thing that granted him some satisfaction was that it clashed with a later part of the script he assumed Marbles had never gotten around to deciphering. Despite what he'd told himself, correcting Marbles's mistakes had always brought him inordinate amounts of joy and he couldn't resist it now.
"My magnificent mind has once again done it. And in record time." He said as he held up the finished CPU. He rewarded himself with a slathering of wig gel through his over-styled locks.
"Did you carry that with you to sleep?"
"Yes. Now, zip it."
He turned away from the dark haired brat and set his hands back on the keyboard. Manipulating the code, he was able to disengage the cyboid's system, enabling him to take complete control of his functions. This done, he unlocked the cover shielding Digit's face and limbs. With access restored, he took off the boid's hat and used a screwdriver to remove the lid over the back of his head.
"All those with weak stomachs should look away," he said, remembering something they'd used to say in university during robotics demonstrations.
Hacker pulled away the lid, exposing two little chips connected by a thick mass of wires. He picked up a pair of probes and gently peeled open the mass of wires, looking for the specific one he was meant to cut. As he picked up the scissors, a pair designed especially for operating systems of Digit's size, whose blades were about half the length of his little finger, his hand started shaking. He brushed off the minor jitter, but the closer he brought his hand to Digit's wires, the more the quivers started to look like tremors.
He drew his hand away before it could accidentally snip the wrong cord. It was the confounded lag delaying precision mechanics! In his current state, he probably couldn't scratch his head without poking out an eye. He turned towards the earth brats still peering over his shoulder. Just thinking about uttering the words he was about to say caused him physical pain, but it seemed like there was no other opinion. He summon all the will he could muster as well as an accusatory tone which served to shift the blame.
"You want to help your feathery friend?" he grimaced, shoving the scissors into the bespectacled one's hands. "Now's your chance."
"T-to do what?"
Hacker held up one of his trembling hands. He had to grab it by the wrist to keep it relatively still. "Unless I get very long recharge, I'm going to turn your tin turkey into minced turkey." He gestured matter-a-factly at Digit and got up, inviting one of them to take his seat. The kids looked among each other, trading silent arguments until one spoke up.
"Who has the steadiest hands?"
"Jackie," the other two said in unison.
"You play the piano."
"Piano isn't brain surgery!" She eyed the scissors and kneeled her balled fists into her forehead, screaming in panic on the inside.
"I guess I could do it. I have the smallest hands. That counts for something right?"
"Are you sure, Inez?"
"It's okay I'll be careful. You're talking to the Queen of Operation from her preschool class," she chuckled, not sounding too self-assured of that particular credential. She slipped her fingers into the scissor's holes and practiced aiming and snipping them. Putting her free hand under her wrist to keep it completely steady.
"You don't even have to understand what you're doing," Hacker scoffed, more to mock than to reassure. He hadn't gone to school for over a decade just for his job to be forcible outsourced to a little girl. "Just do exactly what I tell you. Child's play. Wait, how old are you again?"
"Hmm. The tin turkey's toast."
Inez held the scissors up to the mass of wires over Digit's head. She exhaled a deep breath trying to relax herself before she started on the most stressful task she'd ever been given in her life. And worse still, the person she was relying on to guide her through was none other than Hacker! It was the worse possible situation they could have been stuck in, and worse, she couldn't think of any way it could have been adverted.
"Okay. What first?" she said, tentatively.
"You're cutting five of the wires that link the the CPU and personality chip," the cyborg lectured, quite smug about being the one in charge. "If you so much as SNAG any of the wires around it, they'll snap and your bird brain will be bird food. If that happens, I claim no culpability," he added, sounding a bit too pleased by the scenario. "You have to replace the wires as you're cutting. Never have more than one wire disconnected at a ti-"
Inez leapt out of her seat as Hacker collapsed like dead weight beside her. "Guys, I think he ran out of power."
"I'm FINE!" Hacker wheezed dragging himself back onto the table, his voice a venomous whisper. He grabbed a pen and drew a map of the wiring, marking out the ones that needed to be cut in order. "There. I spelled it out for you. Now get to work," he groaned, collapsing again.
"GUYS!?" Inez cried, shooting panicked glance at her friends.
"We can do it together," Jackie reassured her, placing a supportive hand over her shoulder. "I'll help you find the wires."
"I'll start looking for screws," Matt said, getting up to look around the room. "I'll need them when you're replacing the wires."
"Just take your time," Jackie said. "If you need me to switch with you, I will." Inez nodded. It was always a relief to have her friends with her. They had done big things together. Incredible things. Winning a skating contest by the narrowest possible margin, taking out a giant frog, escaping a gang of Hackerized gorillas. Their adventures together would take all day to list. With their support, there wasn't anything she was afraid of. Even performing causal neurosurgery on one of her best friends.
"Okay. I got this."
She pried the mass of wires open with the prongs and Jackie helped her search and marked out the ones she needed. She slowly brought the scissors up to the first one, trying not to touch any of the cords around it which all looked thin enough that they might rip with a only a slight provocation. The tangle made it difficult to identify the two ends of the wire and which ones actually matched up. She was just thankful a few of them were different colors.
"They kind of look like neurons in a brain," she murmured, hesitating as her blades hovered over the one she was meant to cut. "At least what neurons look like in drawings." She tilter the scissor's curved blade down at an angle and aimed it with a level of precision that could only have been possessed by an Operation master. "I got the first one." Matt was right by her with the replacement wire and screw.
"Let me do this part," he offered. "My dad taught me a little when he was fixing the lights in the barn." Inez handed the tools to Matt, relieved to have someone else with more expertise help out.
With Inez cutting, Matt rewiring and Jackie keeping the whole team organized, they made incredibly efficient progress. In a little over an hour and a half they had gotten through all five wires. The old CPU was still in Digit's head though. They would need to remove it and replace it with the new one. She was just about to examine the chip closer when a hand pushed her out of the way. Hacker had dragged himself up again, but didn't look like he'd last more than a couple of minutes.
"What are you doing?" he snapped, seemingly having forgetting the instructions he'd given them before.
"We're done replacing the wires," she announced.
"You what!?" He looked over their work and let out a series of unintelligible grumbles. He seemed to be trying to find something to complain about, but was coming up empty. Using a pair of foreceps, he lifted the CPU off its knobs, fitting the new one over and gently pushing it into place. "Now close him up and GET ME OUTTA HERE!"
"Not so fast." Jackie held her hand in front of his face, then seemed to realize how close she was to touching him and drew it away. "We're going to make sure you didn't try and pull anything first. Boot him back up."
Hacker growled and started jamming his thumb on Digit's power button. "Wake up you bothersome bird."
Jackie quickly rescued her friend from the bad guy's clutches. She placed Digit's box on her lap and slid a finger gently over his power button. After a few seconds there was a soft chime and what sounded like a pre-recorded message. "The Digi will be right with cha!"
"It worked!" she cried, eye glowing with excitement at hearing the boid's voice.
"Of course it worked, you infantile ingrate," Hacker sneered before being elbowed in the face by Matt. The villain faceplanted on the ground with a loud thonk and laid still.
"What?" the boy shrugged. "Admit it, you wanted to do it too."
"Yeah, I did," Jackie muttered reluctantly.
Inez reached over at patted Digit on the back. There was a soft humming coming from his operating system, but still no movement from the boid. "Are you alright, Digi?
At her touch, Digit's head and limbs popped out of his body like a jack in the box. He looked around wildly, his eyes big and panicked. "Where am I? What happened?"
"Do you remember us, Digit?" Jackie asked.
"Course I do, Jackster, but what is the Hacker doing here?"
"It's a long story," Inez giggled. "But we better get a portal from him back to the Wrecker before he wakes up again."
"We missed ya, Digit," Matt said, giving the cyboid a playful punch on the shoulder.
"Don't worry," the boid cried, hopping over to the desk to flash superhero poses. "The Digi is back! He's better! And he's here to stay!"
"Boss! Rise and shine. I've got your breakfast right here. Eggs with You-shaped pancakes," Buzz said, waiting outside Hacker's room for permission to enter. "I think Delete might have gotten a bit of shell in by mistake. Boss?" He waited another minute before pushing aside the trolley and knocking on the door.
"Something wrong Buzzy?" Delete said, coming by with a warm towel laid smartly over one arm. It was part of the Hacker's daily routine to have a towel over his face every morning to warm up the circuits and aid in general wellness, at least according to the cyber-health magazines he was always reading.
"The boss isn't waking up. Wicked's gonna be here any minute."
"Maybe something terrible happened to him! We should check," the lanky bot cried, pushing open the door.
"Deedee, wait!" Buzz moved over the stop him, knowing the Hacker hated being barged in on while he was enjoying beauty sleep. The two tumbled through the door, knocking over a drawer of photos and sending shards of glass scattering across the spotless floor. "The Hacker isn't going to like this."
"Boss!" Delete pulled himself off his colleague, seeming not to notice the mess they'd made, and ran over to Hacker's bedside where the villain lay, face flat on the floor. "Boss?" He gave the cyborg's head a little poke, but got no response.
"I think the boss needs a recharge," Buzz suggested, shoving the glass shards under the carpet. "That's funny, I don't think he's ever run out of juice in the middle of the night."
"Maybe someone came in, in the middle of the night and took him somewhere," Delete said, letting out a little frightened gasp. "What if they're still HERE?!"
"That's ridiculous. Who'd come all the way out here? And how would they have gotten past the security?"
"We have security?"
"Of- er... now that you mention it," the round bot gave his chin a scratch. "Check the room, and then we've got to get the boss to his recharging chair." Delete nodded, opening the closet and yanking out Hacker's capes in order to make sure no one was hiding inside or behind any of them. Meanwhile Buzz was pulled off the sheets of the bed to make sure no one was hiding inside of it.
"I can't believe we have to drag him half way across the Wrecker," he muttered.
A spark of electricity buzzed between Delete's antennae. "We could bring the chair here," he suggested. "That'll be easier. We could take it apart and put it back together right next to the bed."
"Good thinking, Deedee! How hard could it be to put together a chair?" The two duncebuckets gave each other the high five before walking out, leaving their boss lying on the floor beside his disheveled bed.
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khrow-shinku · 3 years
The Great War S24
D&D 5e Campaign
The Great War
Session 24
The party spends the next day learning their roles on the ship even further to master them and become proficient in them. The following day the party is looking over the ship and making their checks to make sure the ship is ready to go when the ship rocks to one side mysteriously. Everyone exits the ship to see the ocean rising next to them and out comes a sea elf, her tortle servant and a small group of what appears to be guards. She announces herself as Nerina, Queen of the kingdom of the sea and she is very upset because her only allies were completely destroyed and one of the secret entrances to her kingdom was collapsed in the process. So she is looking for clues as to what has happened and looking for the person responsible so she can kill them.
Everyone shares their remorse and inquires about whom were her former allies? She explains it was the nation of Wolfheim and it according to her scouts is completely glassed over and she wants to know who is responsible for this so she can chop their head off. JJJ chimes in and mentions that our former party members were from there and died during the incident. Ara runs up and hugs her, shoving the woman’s face into her breasts and saying she is so sorry for what her brother has done. Ara tells Neri that her brother is being controlled by someone and she intends to put an end to things herself once she is able to catch up to him, however her own country is in dire straits and she needs to fix it from the stuff her brother had done to cause it issues.
Ara then gathered everyone around for an announcement she had to make. “Speaking of my country and it’s issues. Thank you everyone for all your help in getting the country a good boost back in the right direction however it is nowhere near stable enough for me to leave for an extended period to have an adventure. So unfortunately I won’t be setting sail with you guys. That said, I intend to meet you guys when you go to visit the location my dad gave us. I hope he is there, I’d like to bring him back home with me. I also intend to join you guys when you are able to finally find my brother. I want to deal with him personally. He is my family so it is my responsibility. I will be there and if all else fails, I will kill him myself.” With that everyone came up and gave their personal goodbyes each one had a very personal one unique to them, with Ara reliving the way her and Biska met by giving Biska a face full of boobs in a hug.
With that everyone boards the ship again along with Neri, who has decided to join everyone with a quest for them to go and look into what happened to Wolfheim. Her servant tortle and guards also joined her. As the ship slowly left the dock, Ara, Thefa, and the rest of Ara’s closest assistants waved bye to them. The moment the ship was out of sight, Ara turned to her people. Ok guys they gave us a great start let's get back to work. She then cracked Murasame in the air to bring them to alert and get them to hustle. Meanwhile back on the ship everyone settles in for their journey it will take them several weeks to get to Closcienti which is the closest location to them and the landlocked country of Wolfheim, it is also Angra’s home so it seems like a good place to start.
During the first week the party spots a ship straight ahead coming right for them and it is waving the Jolly Roger on its mast. The party opens fire with the front mounted cannons and they appear to pass straight through the ship. By this time upon closer inspection this is no ordinary pirate ship, it is a ghost pirate ship. Quickly the golems go to work upon their orders and swap out the barrels of all the cannons on the ship to magical ones that give the shots a magical punch to deal with ghosts. At this point the ship is alongside the party’s ship, Fliegender Wal. (For those of us from Earth that’s German for “flying whale” but in their little world they call it Draconic instead of German.) The party opens fire with full broadsides firing every gun that can be aimed at it. The ghost ship instantly crumbles and in the wreckage is a chest. Upon investigation it is clear the chest is cursed. However the only person with the remove curse doesn’t have it prepared. So a couple of members try casting dispell magic on it while Rin does her celestial miracle stuff on it. What in turn happens is the chest explodes in a blinding light. After it is over they see the chest appears to be gone and now there appears to be a giant hole in the ship.
After a moment the party realizes that water isn’t flowing into the ship and Rin is standing on top of the hole. After more investigation it appears the ship is turning invisible. And Rin appears to be a skeleton yet still alive as does the rest of the party. The party brainstorms for a way out of this, as birds start flying into the slowly turning invisible ship and killing themselves. The party pulls out one of their chess pieces for a magical break for the spellcasters to prepare new spells. Neri begins casting remove curse, first on herself and then on the ship, which by this point was completely invisible, and it worked the ship was visible again. She began casting it on other members and then Rin remembered greater restoration also can remove a curse so long as it is a person that is cursed. She casts it on herself and others and together the girls get everyone back to normal. Now that the crisis had been averted the continued their trip.
A week passes without much happening. The party has gotten settled into the roles as crew of the ship and are putting good use to its resources. This day though would be their first true test as sailors. There was a storm approaching, but not just any storm. A full blown hurricane was heading straight for them. Rooklus was bracing himself at the helm fighting the winds and the currents. Everyone is in their positions prepared for a rough day or 2 ahead of them. Neri comes up with a snack in her hand curious as to what all the fuss is about up here on the bridge. Everyone is in shock and replies can’t you see the hurricane outside? It is a bit of a problem... Neri laughs, “Oh that? I’m the queen of the sea, all you had to do was ask.” and with a wave of her hand as if dismissing an annoying child or swatting away a fly the storm vanishes and the seas are calm. “I kind of control all the wind and water of the oceans, so those storms won’t be any problem unless something happens to me that is. Which I don’t plan on happening.” she continues explaining as the rest of the party just stares blankly at what they just witnessed. They are now about 2 and a half weeks into their trip across the sea and about half way across the ocean at this point.
Soon after the trip starts members of the party hear a strange tune that plays on some nights. It is being played on a piano and it sounds like it is coming from somewhere on the ship but any time someone tracks down where it is coming from by the time they get to it, the song has stopped and whoever or whatever was playing it is no longer there. JJJ, annoyed by being kept awake attempts to break the piano only for it to be brand new and in the same spot every day. He has attempted to break every piano on the ship and still the song plays and the pianos all are repaired the next morning. The song is very slow and sad, almost depressing sounding. As the days go on and over the weeks a low undertone begins to be played along with it. As nights pass the low undertones become more pronounced into a clear bass line however it is still soft as to not overpower the piano. So far this mystery remains unsolved and the piano keeps playing. To Be Continued…
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