#unfortunately i can't rhyme while translating
superlohozavr · 1 year
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I'm aware of what you drink
what you hide, with whom you sleep,
how you spend your lonely days
without passion, love, or hate
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(This was sent to my main but I'm answering it here @bring-onthe-rain)
Benrey's eyes are Weird™. If they're blue that generally means he's doing okay or chill or good, if they're yellow that generally means the vibes are Bad, if they're swirly it's conflict. His eyes are basically a mood ring
Tommy's Sweet Voice translations aren't fully accurate. Sweet Voice isn't just rhymes, it's pure thought, pure consciousness, pure emotion. Every color of Sweet Voice is a general emotion, every bubble of Sweet Voice is one or more thoughts. You can't really stop any thoughts from coming through in Sweet Voice- you can suppress some thoughts and focus some so they come out stronger, but then the thoughts you're suppressing just come out more like whispers. The only surefire way to make sure thoughts don't come out through Sweet Voice is to not use Sweet Voice. Which isn't very easy if your mind's full/you're overwhelmed/you're emotional
Tommy can read/hear Sweet Voice, and the rhyming system makes it easier for the others to remember translations. It's not fully accurate but it's easier to remember, so it works.
I just use rhymes and general stuff because it's easy djhsfkjhdskjfds
Pink to red basically means "I'm very attracted to you" because I have the image in my head where Gordon's like "Tommy what does it mean" and Tommy's trying to figure out how to make it rhyme and Benrey's just like "it means you're hot" and walks away and it takes Gordon a full five seconds to process that HANG ON
Once Gordon decides to try and get to know Benrey he gets kinda fixated on Sweet Voice specifically. Like, canonically he REALLY likes Sweet Voice, there's a scene in the full Act 2 stream where he's asking Benrey a LOT of questions about how it works (not to mention also in act two where he was like "your voice is beautiful"). So post canon he basically gets a giant notebook and starts writing down translations and how SV works
Gordon got "IT MEANS I HATE YOU" lodged VERY deeply in his brain and is convinced for a WHILE that Benrey fucking hates his guts
All these bitches AuDHD trans bisexuals
Gordon realized he was bisexual because of Benrey because it's funny
I saw this one post that was like "Bubby NPD" and it was based as hell I can't find it but they were so right so. Bubby NPD (dw it's not based on stereotype the person has npd themself and noticed things)
Gordon has anxiety AND depression (HE'S JUST LIKE ME FR)
Benrey has Very black and white thinking/morality - there's good guys, there's bad guys. Unfortunately it's very biased! (against himself)
Benrey is from Xen, but was raised in Black Mesa. And while pretty much everyone else (aside from bubby's for similar reasons) is in camp Fuck Black Mesa, Benrey's emotions towards it are more... complicated.
Coomer basically found Benrey in Black Mesa one day and adopted him he's his son now (he then introduced him to Bubby and they are famly <3 Benrey has not realized this)
Gordon, Bubby, and Benrey all became a tad agoraphobic post-canon. Gordon because Holy Fucking Shit Trauma, Benrey and Bubby because they were raised in Black Mesa all their lives and have zero percent experience outside of it
Most human to least human: Gordon, Coomer, Tommy, Bubby, Benrey
The betrayal was organized because the military told Benrey they only want Freeman, if you sell him out we'll let you and the rest of your team go free as long as you never say a word about what happened here. (They were lying because they assumed Gordon was the leader and the glue holding the team together and if they lost him, it'd be easier to pick them all off.) Benrey was under the assumption Gordon could respawn, and if they killed him, then A) the military would stop following the team, B) the trackers would be disabled, the piece of shit HEV suit which I hate with a burning passion and hope they tore to bits would need to go (meaning hand holdy real), AND it'd be really funny
The Xen Thing was because Benrey now knew Gordon couldn't respawn, so if he went after the Nihilanth it would permakill Gordon. But the Science Team needed to defeat a single powerful being to get out of Xen. They needed a final boss. So what does Benrey do? Kill the Nihilanth, supplant it as the final boss, get the team to kill him.
andalsotheresthisonelinewherebenreysayshewantedtheemergencyexitdoortokillhim so uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh make of that what you will
(If it's not a game, it's because if a Xen creature is powerful enough to kill the Single Powerful Being they just supplant it, if a human kills the Single Powerful Being during a Rescas it ends said Rescas. Canon is my playground)
Xen was an overstimulating nightmare for Benrey. He was 100% having a meltdown from the SENSORY HELL he was in, on top of a complete mental breakdown
The exact nature of reality in HLVRAI fluctuates in my head depending on what I want it to be and what'd work best for the story. If it'd work best as a game, it's a game. If it'd work best as not a game, it's not a game. But generally, I kinda think of it as "game but also real." Like it formed its own pocket dimension. It's a game to us, but to them it's entirely real, even if they KNOW it's a game. It's complicated ksjhfkdjhsjfhdsj
Okay think of it like this. To us, that game is just a game. The characters are just polygons and code. Their pasts are, if not outright given to us, nonexistent. Up to speculation. Everything they do is determined by a program written by a real person. But that's not how it is to them! To them, their worlds are entirely real! They're real human beings with fully fleshed out lives. They have pasts and relationships and lives that have shaped them into who they are now. They're people! And after the game ends, their world continues on like it always had. There are still game mechanics like respawning, Dr Coomer is still glitchy as hell, but their world keeps turning outside of the player's influence.
Gordon too is an AI. All the AI are kinda shaped by the player's decisions, but Gordon ESPECIALLY is. The player can't decide what the others say and do, but the player CAN decide what Gordon Freeman says and does. The player's decisions, actions, words, personality, body language, it all influenced Gordon and made him who he is. Surely this will not cause him an existential crisis post canon.
By Talos,
Coomer was supposed to die. The reason he's so glitchy and fucked up is he's the tutorial character, and he was supposed to be killed by the ropes after the Rescas started and he'd taught the player how to play, and Tommy was supposed to be the one giving advice afterwards. But he didn't die, so his code was kinda winging it. (The devs didn't spend as much time on his code as the others because, well, he was supposed to die! So that's why he's really fucking buggy)
Gordon was kinda terrified to sleep for a while after the clone fight. A) betrayal, but B) according to Coomer, every time Gordon sleeps, he's put through unimaginable pain. He does not fucking wanna do that to him because he fuckign lomves them :sobcat: so basically for ages he doesn't sleep unless he absolutely has to (or unless he passes out).
Coomer's unimaginable agony when Gordon sleeps stops after the game ends! Win
Gordon's love language is physical affection, Benrey's is acts of service
Benrey doesn't like being shocked by even like power outlets (the reasons will surprise you (it's black mesa that is the reasons)
Gordon's really touch starved. He was touch starved before canon, but due to the HEV suit being a horrible thing that I hope they ripped off of Gordon and burnt to a crisp, Gordon became Touch Starved+
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sixminutestoriesblog · 11 months
Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater
A while ago we did a bit of a deep dive into the nursery rhyme London Bridge and found, to either our relief or our disappointment, that it wasn't nearly as dark as the rumors would have it be. The origin of the chant turned out to be rather benign when you consider it talked about locking women up and throwing away the key. If we can't count on good old crumbling infrastructure and bondage to give dark notes to our childhood rhymes, what can we count on?
Apparently, the answer is: pumpkins.
Let's take a look at Peter the Pumpkin Eater.
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Most of us know this one.
Or rather, I should state that most of us know the first half of this one. But did you know it has a second verse?
It goes like this:
Peter, Peter, pumpkin-eater,
Had a wife and couldn't keep her;
So he put her in a pumpkin shell,
And there he kept her very well.
Peter, Peter, pumpkin-eater,
Had another and didn't love her;
Peter learned to read and spell,
And then he loved her very well.
While literacy is very important, apparently the moral of the poem no less, most of us have never heard of that second verse. Or that Peter apparently had a second wife. Still, having a second wife is hardly uncommon and, for a great deal of history until not even that long ago, given how often women died in childbirth, it was alarmingly normal for a man to become a widower and remarry multiple times. So the rhyme basically goes - Peter kept his first wife in a pumpkin and then got a second he didn't love until he was educated properly. Which -
that's a weird basis for a children's chant isn't it? I mean, yes, the point is the words have to keep a beat, not necessarily make sense and living inside of a pumpkin house is, let's face it, pretty much a dream for most kids, and some adults, so you can see the appeal. How did it all get started in the first place though? And, as weird as falling in love once you can spell is for the second verse, isn't the first verse about not being able to keep a wife until you build her a pumpkin house even weirder?
Weirder - and about to get a lot darker too.
Let me dig up another nursery rhyme from about that time for you. It goes like this:
Eeper Weeper, chimney sweeper,
Had a wife but couldn't keep her.
Had another, didn't love her,
Up the chimney he did shove her.
There's a name change going on but we can all recognize the chant. And, again, we've got two wives. One that 'couldn't be kept' and one that, unfortunately, got 'kept' permanently. Suddenly that 'pumpkin shell' isn't sounding so fairy tale romantic.
I mentioned in the London Bridge post that children have the ability to soak up what's going on in the world around them and translate it into their own language, something for other children to resonate with, absorbing information as they pass it along. And repetitive skipping games are one of the oldest patterns known to children the world over. Take one down, pass it around. Somebody takes the daily news or local gossip or creepy house down the street and patches together words to make out a beat, telling a story that will titillate their schoolmates as well as help them keep count in their game. Because of the beat and the easy nature of the words, its a simple matter for other children to memorize the rhyme and pass it on. Humanity creates their world out of words and children are no different. Times goes on and maybe an adult steps in and changes the words to something more 'kid-friendly' and the next thing you know, you're building houses out of pumpkin shells.
Is that what happened here or am I just being melodramatic and creepy for the sake of a good story?
Both of the above skipping rhymes? They probably come from a still older one.
Peter, my neeper,
Had a wife,
And he couldna' keep her,
He pat her i' the wa',
And lat a' the mice eat her.
Fairy tales often have dark roots. It turns out nursery rhymes aren't necessarily that far behind. Was there a historic 'Peter', whose wife wanted to leave him, who killed her instead and hid her body?
Unfortunately the question is more likely - which 'Peter' got the children using his story to keep the beat in their skipping game?
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fyoggo · 2 years
I don't think you are consuming Hypnosis Mic properly
I have already had to tell someone else this here but it seems you need to hear it too. first off I dontlike how you use that square ended highlighter resembling brush when drawing them. They look like abstract Minecraft characters.
Seconsd off your jokes are not very funny or at least not in the context of Hypmic they do not seem relevant. You seem to have a very loose understanding of these characters and these stories, as if you were someone just pretending tney were in the fandom because they enjoy the characters on the surface, but do not bother to do digging or reaearch or someone who has only seen Rhyme animal and does not care about their full story and this is why you hyper focus on Dotsuire Hompo to try and mask in the community who know what they are doing
I have been called a troll for this and possibly a hater but I can't remember. The point is I am just saying, you snould take some time off. Take a break from Tumble or at least HypmicTumbler and then in your spare time;
I will organize a short list of what to research
Find Slugtranslations and ask for their link to their Discord where they will give you a password so you can go read the manga (it is private now due to their personal decisions). Please read all of the manga
Go to the wiki and Spotify and watxh the drama tracks and read alongside them then go to Sound cloud to find the manga drama tracks (special drama tracks that come with special manga issues these are harder to find because they are not on streaming services) Please read and listen to all of these they are the final step in canon
DNI with rhyme anima and the live action musicals they are not true to canon
I think when you come back after this you will feel very refreshed and have more relevant takes and funnier jokes. Thank you
When you are done can you please, with a normal brush draw some Saburo funny memes
I was thinking about whether or not I should answer this at all but I'll give it a shot.
First and foremost: I don't engage fandoms. I don't create story relevant content because I don't particularly feel like it... not that I should have to justify drawing what I like.
Second: humor is subjective. also the comics I draw are memes. again, I draw those to have fun to make some people chuckle. if it doesn't amuse you, that's totally fine!
I appreciate the art criticism, but unfortunately I only draw on my phone at the moment and I don't have a touch pen to do any better. sorry if this bothers you; not much I can do about it when I am pretty much finger painting digitally.
As for the story stuff... I have actually read all of the drama track translations while listening along, but none of that is really relevant to what I want to draw... I'm not sure I understand what kind of art it is that you want me to produce. like I said, the things I draw are meant to be (subjectively) funny, and I haven't gotten any anon asks like this before about any of the other games / media I created content for. is every piece of fan art you've come across 100% accurate, relevant and/or thought-provoking? I'm sure there are creators that you can follow for those things instead of sifting through my doodles. Sorry if they clutter your feed, I think I'll have to ask you to block me because I don't plan on stopping drawing things that I enjoy.
I appreciate the offer to help me open my eyes to the lore and whatnot, but I respectfully decline. it's nice of you to want to do all those things for me, but I don't like joining discord servers and I don't really think I need to do any of those things you listed either to be allowed to just draw, like thousands of other people on this website do.
thanks for this message, though! I hope if anyone else out there felt the same way they'll read this as a bit of a clarification. I doubt my sense of humor will change, and as for the takes, I haven't had a single one — I just drew characters I liked. I do suggest blocking me though, and I don't mean it in one of those "if you don't like it, block" ways, but just so you can get me out of your way. I think my blog isn't for you, and I hope you find another creator that'll check all your boxes! 😄
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sailor-freak · 3 years
Girls in the Park (GWSN): THE OTHER SIDE OF THE MOON - Album Review
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Alright then, let's get into this... IT'S A LOT.
(I've actually had to put triggers in the tags... I only mention them by name and don't go in depth but yeah I'll play it safe)
Burn - A VERY SOLID START this was a unit song between Miya, Seoryoung, Anne and Lena (they chose Miya and Seoryoung my 2 biases hhh), but was the shortest song so it works really well as a start to this album. It was kinda slow, intense, had an almost haunting sound? Definitely some sparky fiery vibes in the sound, and the use of autotune and vocal effects getting into it REALLY lifted it up. It was a sudden end after the second chorus, but it serves as an intro song to this album so I think it works. Again, very solid start.
I Can't Breathe - I'll start of by saying, with the teasers and concept a lot of us were expecting this album to be a little dark... WE DID NOT EXPECT THIS DARK. I'll get into the lyrics soon, but musically this again has a haunting sound and is now paired with lower toned vocals and even more intense backing vocals, and the way they have sudden silence and words like "wake" and "daytime" AND THE FUCKING BREATH AT THE END OF THE CHORUS ohhhh it hits. And the actual lyrics, looking at a piss poor google translation of the Korean parts they seem to be singing about a loss of self identity and made even self worth? And then the English lyrics, "sacrificial lamb", "death by drowning"?? KBS DIDN'T BAN THIS I'M NOT MAD I JUST WANNA KNOW WHY 😂. I think this is my favourite song on the album, there's another that comes close second and that one's also unbelievably dark 😂.
Like It Hot - THE TITLE TRACK I haven't done a post on the MV but I did give thoughts on Twitter when it came out, this song I guess is the one for the non-GWSN stans? It's not generic, at least not in my opinion, I think it does something with a bad style and makes it good. It starts with that kind of slower vibey sound, it builds slightly but stays pretty consistent, until the chorus hits and it is QUITE A CHANGE, it becomes more up tempo, the vibey sounds leave and it's more of a funky bass guitar sound, however unlike a lot of songs that use this trend the two sounds still fit together? They're different but they're both funky and dancey, the sounds will stick in your head. Considering they're nearly at 3 years without a huge fandom, a song like this could be really good for them, using modern trends but not completely changing and losing themselves to try and be popular. Also Miya singing in the bridge my heart 😭.
e i e i o - Okay this is another one with a lot to unload... uhh so this is a song about torture? Just as a song, it's fucking TERRIFYING if you think about it, they're using this twisted blend of children's songs and death threats, Lena legit sings head shoulders knees and toes it's REALLY twisted. Lyrically there's mentions of nightmares, chasing, and there's musical elements of childish melodies and dark intense electronic sounds. At the beginning and end there's literally an "e i e i o" chime sound like the nursery rhyme, it's used in a playful way which paired with the lyrics is truly CHILLING dark GWSN is here and we should all be scared, full on this song was banned by KBS FOR REAL.
Starry Night - I think this is more of a sad song than a dark song, it's not super slow and super somber but lyrically it's more about loneliness in general rather than the dark breeding of I Can't Breathe. Musically it's just kinda nice? It stands out to me more cos it really reminds me of Actually this is a secret by ZN of LABOUM, and while the vocals are really nice if it wasn't for the fact it sounds a lot like that song (they had the same producer it's okay I can say it lol) it wouldn't be as memorable to me. It's great, I LOVE it, but in an album that has sacrificial lambs and e i e i fucking o it's not gonna hold up as high to me unfortunately.
I Sing (lalala) - Honestly this song is kind of what I expected it to be, a mid tempo slightly jazzy song, it's a common type of song at least in the groups I stan (SNSD Love Is Bitter, Nine Muses Hate Me, Dreamcatcher Jazz Bar), so I guess along with Starry Night it doesn't stand out as much to me, but it's still such a sweet song 😂. I have to talk about Miya tho, first of all SHE SINGS AND IT'S GORGEOUS, and then ofc you get her rap WHICH HAS A LINE IN JAPANESE I'm so happy for her 😭. This song was also banned by KBS for the Japanese line (which ffs e i e i o I understood that shit is dark but a line in Japanese warranting the whole song being banned not okay) which is a shame cos I think this would have been a nicely promoted song with Like It Hot, but oh well.
Okay, overall thoughts, GOOD SWEET LORD THIS WAS DARK. I would say dark for GWSN, but... they sang about drowning and torture legit I don't even think Dreamcatcher could ever and they're VERY dark 😂. So this is an interesting album, I am liking this darker direction and if they continued with songs like this in the future I would be rather content 😂. But GWSN could release anything and I'd love it all their songs are so good 😭. Favourites, I Can't Breathe and e i e i o, least favourites Starry Night and maaaaaaybe Burn, but they're all such good songs 😭. Music show promotions start tomorrow and I am absolutely not prepared I'm gonna be getting up 8am every day for as long as these promotions go on 😂. Doesn't sound bad, recently my wake up time has ranged from half 9 to half 11 😂.
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coletteleeblog · 5 years
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Tambon Hua Hin, Chang Wat Prachuap Khiri Khan, Thailand
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
We decided to move to Hua Hin for our time here from May 5th to June 5th. When we left the Khon Kaen condo it kind of felt like we were leaving home after being there for 2 months. Our friends (The Sims) who live in a house across the street, own a songthaew truck and kindly drove us and our 16 bags to the train station. We had 4 more bags than since we've arrived but we brought all the house hold supplies we purchased, like broom, dustpan, frying pan, etc incase we needed it at the town house we are moving to. The day we checked out, our train didn't leave until 8pm so we packed sandwiches and spent most of the day at the pool. The 3 older girls went to the Sims house to play board games and bake cookies with their friends Hannah age 12, and Ahleah age 11, for part of the afternoon. We managed to get some takeout food for supper from the Indian restaurant at the pool(after lots of confusion and charades to explain the order) and the Sims invited us to their place to eat it together in the A/C. They dropped us off at the train at 7pm. We enjoyed getting to know the Sims, there were some tears as they left. The train was running half an hour late. Unfortunately it was very hot this particular evening at 38 degrees in the dark. We bought some refrigerated wet face cloths to try and help feel cool (but it didn't really help). A few tourist police came over to us to see if we needed help and asked us to take a photo with them. Whenever any Thai people ask where we are from and we say Canada they love saying " oh......Canadian..... " in a tone that sounds very envious", and it seems like they just like saying the word Canadian for some reason, lol. When we were at the train station a monk came up to me and the girls and was having fun using the little English he knew to say "Miss Canada!" He said it a few times with different names after, which we assumed were names of women who must have won the title in different years. It was a little bizarre....
We had to take two trains to get to Hua Hin. The first train was 10 hours to Bangkok. It had air conditioning which was good but it wasn't exactly what we were expecting as far as "niceness". It was old looking, kinda vintage I guess. We thought there would be a dining car from reviews we had read about train travel but were told just before boarding by a man who was translating for the police that there wasn't. He also said I should run and take Hailey to the bathroom before getting onboard as it wasn't easy to use on the train. Erik told him we were going by train as an adventure and he laughed and said " well......It will be an interesting....experience for you..." That was our first tip that we were in for an experience that might not be as comfortable as we had thought. He did say though that there are way more bus accidents than train accidents so it was safer travel in that aspect. Once on board it didn't take long to discover that there was in fact no bathroom in our rail car! And that to get to the next car we would have to walk outside while the train was moving and cross/step over to the next car! Yikes! Thank goodness we took Hailey before getting on and the rest of us were able to hold it till morning. We arrived at the Bangkok station at 5:30am. Here's a little tidbit of info for you too. Most public places in Thailand have people who sit outside at a table blocking the entrance to the bathroom and kind of lay claim to it, so they can charge you 3-5 baht in order to enter, and most bathrooms have no toilet paper so you have to make sure to remember to have your own with you. We found a cafe that was open in the station and were able to get some ham buns for breakfast and refill our water bottles. Erik purchased our tickets for the next train from Bangkok to Hua Hin with no interpreter around to help this time. He did get the correct location and departure time, but unfortunately he was unable to get them to sell him seats in the air conditioned rail car! This leg of the journey to Hua Hin is 4.5 hours, and by the time we arrived at the Hua Hin station it was 41 degrees outside.
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Let's just say.... that train ride was the longest trip of my life!......We went through various stages of uncomfortable.
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It didn't help either that we had dressed in warm clothes for the journey thinking both trains would be A/C, and when the Thai use A/C they have it cranked to the max like an ice cooler. Just unreal cold, which is....weird. Some of us had swim bottoms that we were able to find in our bags and managed to change into them out of our pants on the train, not an easy task! And yes we got some looks... Like these white people had noooo idea what they were getting into, lol.
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We arrived in Hua Hin at 11am. Erik and the 3 older girls left Hailey and I at the station and took some of the bags with them to find the town house a few blocks away. They found it after some confusion as the addresses here aren't much help at all. The numbers on the houses are all out of order with no apparent rhyme or reason. It didn't help that they were very hot and having trouble thinking too. Thankfully the owner had emailed Erik a photo of the exterior gate and they were able to find it with that.
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The owner was there and graciously offered to come pick up Hailey and I with the rest of our bags on their two scooters. Erik was telling them no no, we won't fit the bags but they laughed and insisted. I went on a scooter with the older lady with Hailey sandwiched between us. Erik went on the scooter with the son, who put two large bags in front of him between his legs and Erik had to hold onto 2 large suitcases, one in each hand on each side of the scooter and manage to hold on to the back of the seat behind the driver with his thighs! When we arrived at the house he said those bags were so heavy and was thankful he's been lifting weights at the gym the past couple months! We were extremely impressed with our new accommodations. This town house couldn't be anymore perfect. It's beautifully decorated, and is completely equipped like our home. Wonderfully soft luxurious beds, super clean, and I have yet to find an insect of any kind! Yippee! Also this town house is located in between several others and none of the windows face the sun so it stays a nice temperature inside without having to run the a/c like crazy or live in the darkness durning the day with all the drapes closed. That was one draw back of the Khon Kaen condo. Our unit there was located on a corner of the building that had all windows facing the scorching sun 10am until 7pm. The electric bill for our second month was $400! With temps in the 40's it was unavoidable there. We got settled in our new place today and explored a couple of the streets to find ourselves some lunch, chicken and rice $1.50 each meal and for supper salads $2.50 each. The salads were a bit of an oops as we bought them at the Tesco grocery store and didn't realize the amount they charged per 100grams is twice the cost as buying at the local outdoor market. Oh well not too costly a mistake and that's how you learn when you can't read or speak the language. We also found a couple ladies that have a couple tables set up in a vacant lot one street over that sell fruit. We bought 4 water melons for $1each, 7 mangos for 50 cents each, and a banana bunch for $2. Well it's 9:45pm here, I am going to finish up this blog post, everyone else is watching Captain America, streamed from Erik's iPhone onto the TV in the living room. Goodnight
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