#um but ya apparently i like my characters to typically be going thru some kind of turmoil for my own personal entertainment
mrs-nubenueve · 2 years
what are your top 5 favorite characters of all time from any show or movie?
these are in no particular order bc idk how to rank things (✿◡‿◡)
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louis de pointe du lac from interview with the vampire — so, he’s a fave definitely more so based on his book adaptation. a lot of people think he’s a whiny wet noodle of a man/vampire, but idc. a few years back, this is all who i’d be talking about. anyways, there’s the iwtv adaptation that came out in 1994 w/brad pitt as him where he’s gay w/tom cruise, and though i don’t think he made an accurate louis, he’s still a pretty boy, so we’ll let it slide i suppose
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will graham from nbc’s hannibal — SPEAKING OF WHINY WET NOODLE MEN. um, i just love this show so much??? like, fbi profiler falls for his cannibal psychiatrist who he doesn’t know is a cannibal/the big bad guy he’s supposed to be hunting??? god-tier concept. this fbi profiler goes through the wringer and he’s dramatic and confused and flawed all bc of it so yes i heart him
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galadriel from the lord of the rings trilogy — ima be honest, at first, while i thought she was cool in the movies, i couldn’t properly appreciate her until i read tolkien’s silmarillion. the queen is op and majestic and i just Aspire. also, cate blanchett is a goddess
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loki from the avengers (2012) — and i say “avengers” very deliberately bc i don’t like what the mcu has done to his character at all. we had so much potential; we could’ve done so much. like…the fanfiction was so immaculate fr. writers should’ve referenced that when they developed his character, i swear. his angst and dramatics and power were everything i lived for and some
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& last but not least akaashi from hq!! — y’all know this one. had to give him a spot bc he’s been rotating in my mind microwave for 2 years now ❤️
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