#ufff my longest post ever
twinkodium · 8 months
my asks are getting longer and longer, i’d like to apologize to all of your followers 😭
aw that’s great! honestly it’s my own fault for choosing to work weekends 😭 usually it’s not too much, only a few hours, but this weekend i’m gonna be busy 9am to 8pm saturday and probably many hours on sunday too… and then i have two weekends of work from 11am on friday to 9pm sunday 😶 lovely
yeah tbh emotions and honesty is more nice the boring pr stuff, but there has to be some kind of rationality. not carlos going off on twitter over nothing 🫣
welllll what can i say…. my probably longest & most expanded like daydream world is one where liam and i have been best friends ever since we were little kids in new zealand… having raced each other ever since forever and we were like always bound to fall in love 🤪 i shouldn’t go into more details but… i may think about it quite often 😶 maybe like every day 😶
i’d say that since oscar isn’t blonde, it means that my feelings for him go even deeper? since it’s not the hair color i usually go for? 😁 okay but about liam and his smile… there maaaay be a fic in my drafts that started off by me having one single thought, that thought being “no smile has ever been more contagious than liam lawson's.” because in my mind it’s true, i don’t care what other people think 🤷‍♀️
the streamer era was lovely, there’s just something about the blonde waves flowing out from under the headphones… and like this? lord help me? the glasses??? 😵 i didn’t include liam in my like intro post bcs i only put current f1/2/3 (just like i didn’t include any other freca drivers, reserve drivers etc)(honestly idk why i did that, not like i won’t write about others…) and i think i’ve mentioned him in like 2 posts before…. trying to stay loyal to osc i guess 🫢 but with liam in f1 idk if i’ll be able to help it…
i have stayed up late & woken up early to try to find a free stream to watch him in japan but it has never worked 🥲 i mean the whole alpha tauri circus is chaotic and the fact that yuki has only taken three points all season does look good for liam… like the bar isn’t super high 🫣 i’d be overjoyed if he got his first points this weekend, but also heartbroken since i can’t watch live, lmao! but my fingers are crossed 🤞
(please i’ve been looking at your reblogs and posts and just giggling to myself for such a long time 😭 truly the power of a pair of good hands! and speaking of hands… i know someone else who’s got pretty alright hands…. 👀)
Omg super long one I LOVE IT 🥰🥰
Don’t your worry about it, small community and they can take it or just unfollow lmao
Why did you such a thing? I would never choose weekends over weekdays 😭 that’s just a crime for real 😭 oh damn you’re going to be knackered after that long shift ☹️ what an awful working schedule tho, depressing 😢
Gimme the emotions and not the dry pr answers I want to see how you really feel! Omg they’re still grilling Carlos for that hahaa
CHILDHOOD FRIENDS TO LOVERS AWWWWW🥹 that’s so cute 🥺 you should write it tho maybe 👀👀 you really should go into details cuz now I’m really invested 😭 you can’t keep me hanging like this cmon! Gotta love all the daydreams haha I have a few too 🫣
Trueee he’s a pretty brunette with oh so soft hair… I want to run my fingers through it, it looks so damn fluffy and soft awwwww BUT I’ve seen an edited pic of Oscar with blonde hair… and let me tell you he could pull it off perfectly 😩😩 ITS TRUE CUZ SAME!!! a draft??? Don’t tease me like that, very interesting now 👀 I see him smile and I smile too, just adorable 🫶🏼
The messy blonde hair stuck under his headphones 😩 him running his fingers through it every damn second… THE TANK TOP HE WORE SOMETIMES🫠🫠🫠 showing off his massive arms…. Especially when he touched his hair….😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨 yeah I loved that era😩😩 same, I don’t have him listed either but maybe next year??👀 ufff Freca.. I gave up on it, I’m overwhelmed with four series already don’t want to get involved to more 😭 having a Liam pfp means you could post about him too 😌 ohhhh so Liam in f1 >>> Oscar in f1?? That’s interesting 🤔
Yeah I got a link for Superformula stream so I try to watch the last round if I don’t forget and I’ll be not dying by sleep deprivation 😂😂😂 cuz my sleeping schedule is the worst! Oh yes! It’s going to be interesting to see how he’s doing in Monza now. But also he beat Yuki no? Okay Yuki had the penalty but also he was right behind him so 👀 and at some point he did have difficulties to switch something on the car and they had to help him explain 😭 fingers crossed 🫶🏼
(Awww nooo way I’ve been noticed by you for a while 🥹🥹🥹 indeed 😮‍💨 ohhhh spill the tea honey 👀👀)
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hrtbreakprince · 5 years
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que pedo raza !! emma por acá más que feliz porque extrañaba west gay ham más de lo que extraño mi propia casa okassss. espero que me hayan extrañado tmb porque volví con mis crías (no con lip sadly, rip el niño de los fideos) y con unos bebés nuevos, incluido romeo !! omg sí, ahora pueden interactuar con su gossip favorito avd. sí, yo era romeo pa’ los que no se enteraron. en fin, abajo del read more les voy a dejar info de mis morritos por si quieren algo con alguno ; sepan que dejé las conexiones que teníamos en la edición anterior, pero si quieren podemos cambiarlas / mejorarlas / actualizarlas, y por supuesto que todos los niños están disponibles para nuevas conexiones. anywayssss, si creen que sus pjs podrían encajar en algo con los míos, denle al corazón / comenten / háblenme y lo arreglamos !! ( @atrapadosmv )
𝐎𝐂𝐓𝐎𝐁𝐄𝐑 𝐓𝐎𝐁𝐘 𝐇𝐀𝐘𝐄𝐒, 22 años. conexiones ; board ; headcanons ; 
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en la primera edición, toby era parte de vida griega y básicamente se la pasaba fumando porritos y bebiendo cerveza como vikingo, extrañando a su ex, peleándose con sus amigos y siendo un fuckboy. ahora sigue igual pero la diferencia es que es a Sad Fuckboi™ 
para los que no la conocían, la describo como mi king cook de skins. literalmente, son el mismo desastre. as my queen naomi campbell said: “(she’s) living a bit harder than the rest of us”. toby es divertida, carismática, pero muy muy irresponsable y very spoiled. además es medio autodestructiva. no piensa mucho en las consecuencias de sus acciones, pero still tiene un buen corazón.
es músico ; tiene una banda (see: we are the in crowd, paramore) donde es la voz líder y escribe las canciones. otros de sus intereses: el soccer ; los tatuajes (está cubierta de ellos) ; los perritos ; el skate y las morritas.
es inglesa (llegó a west ham a los 17) así que esperemos escucharla diciendo mate, bloody hell irónicamente o wanker con el acentito cool. ( ͡ಥ ͜ʖ ͡ಥ)
es la hermana menor de izzie y freddie. el último es su favorito, a izzie la quiere dejar calva.
𝐇𝐔𝐆𝐎 𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐋𝐃𝐒, 18 años. conexiones ; board ; headcanons.
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en la edición anterior, hugo era nómada. la vdd no hizo nada interesante, así que meh.
solía ser un niño bonito y popular en la preparatoria, estaba en el equipo de natación y tenía muchos amiguitos, además trabajaba como salvavidas en la piscina pública.
a los dieciséis hugo se desapareció. terminó en juvie debido a que tuvo un episodio que, para no entrar en muchos detalles, afectó mucho la vida de un chico. esto fue debido a que padece TEI. (si quieren saber más les puedo contar okis)
cuando volvió a west ham la gente parecía tenerle miedo por todos los rumores que se armaron desde su partida. ya no se le veía tan amigable como antes, por supuesto. mientras estuvo atrapado se soltó un poco más y estaba tratando de abrirse, pero le resulta complicado, y ahora que todo volvió a la normalidad probablemente se cierre otra vez, ya veremos dijo el ciego avd.
no estudia ; es tatuador y tiene su propio estudio. siempre va vestido de negro aunque estén a 40 grados y tiene una moto. :) y se ve todo malo y rudo PERO LE GUSTAN MUCHO LAS FLORES Y EN LA EDICIÓN PASADA SE LA PASÓ PONIENDO FLORES Y PLANTITAS EN TODOS LADOS gracias por su atención
𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐀 𝐑𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐒 𝐑𝐄𝐘, 19 años. conexiones ; board ; headcanons.
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en la edición anterior, rey era nómada y estaba lisiada, se la pasaba cojeando. en esta edición aún está lisiada porque me rehúso a arreglarle el tobillo y quiero que percy la siga cargando en su espalda.
literally no one knows her name’s angelina, solamente emerson. así que pleASE nadie le diga angelina :)
vive con su hermana en west ham en casa de sus primos desde los diez años. sus papis las abandonaron en diferentes etapas de su vida así que rey le dice a todos que están muertos pero la realidad es que nada más son basura.
 your local Artsy Girl™ siempre la van a ver con la piel o la ropa manchada de pintura. es artista callejera, su hobby secreto es el graffiti ; desde frases profundas o con tintes satíricos hasta murales que llevan toda la noche hacerse, todo firmado como mk.
es MUY inteligente ; es como una enciclopedia andante (thx carli). habla mucho y es muy curiosa, pero irónicamente detesta la escuela, prefiere estar en mil lugares más que en la escuela. estudia diseño gráfico tho.
𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐎 𝐁𝐄𝐑𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐃𝐈, 24 años. conexiones ; board ; headcanons.
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el gossip favorito wbk. viene con carita nueva pero sigue siendo el mismo de siempre. se sabe los secretitos de todos así que cuidado con querer jugarle sucio. (ojo: quise adaptar el tema del gossip como parte de romeo ; pero si alguien NO quiere que romeo sepa sobre su vida privada, let me know !!)
es italiano, pero llegó a west ham cuando tenía diez años. viene de una familia donde todos los varones están metidos en la política, algunos de ellos han sido alcaldes; por lo que al ser el único hombre de tres hermanos, se espera que él haga lo mismo.
es graduado de ciencias políticas, y ahora trabaja como asistente en el ayuntamiento para estar cerca del alcalde y andar metido al cien en todo eso. (me lo imagino siendo como el asistente del asistente del alcalde, explotado y todo lmao)
su vERDADERA PASIÓN ES....... la comida. adora cocinar (rip lip, ahora vive a través de romeo). pero como tiene que complacer a su familia, pues lo mantiene como un hobbie.
está intensamente crusheado con sansa and he would die for his queen pero como aquí comemos del drama pues... le vamos a romper el corazón a la prom queen, así que si su personaje femenino NO estuvo atrapada...... hmu.
𝐌𝐀𝐗𝐈𝐍𝐄 𝐃𝐀𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐏𝐎𝐑𝐓, 21 años. conexiones ; board ; headcanons.
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first of all,,, no le digan maxine o se va a emperrar. nomás MAX. ella no estuvo atrapada, andaba por ahí tomando fotos y fumando un porrito.
esta morrita nació en nueva york y llegó a los 18 a west ham (en su página de headcanons pueden leer por qué). estudia cine y trabaja como barista (see: sidney pierce de gypsy, that’s her)
en cuanto a ella como persona… pues puede pintar de misteriosa porque es un poco reservada al inicio, pero ya después que agarra confianza es bien descarada / socarrona. le gusta tener el control de las cosas y tener un papel dominante en sus interacciones ; es decir, le gusta intimidar y poner nerviosa a la gente.
cree que fumar en exceso, ser alta, contestar “hm” a todo y poseer muchas chaquetas de denim y un mustang son personality traits. and that’s okay porque ese es básicamente un resumen suyo jaja.
ESTO ES MUY IMPORTANTE: en este universo dua lipa mide 1.78 okas??? MAX MIDE 1.78 gracias.
THIS is her. or at least it was until she met peregrine and she discovered bisexuality. i mean aún así está medio en el closet porque no quiere que su hermana sepa que le gustan las chicas, entonces anda por ahí con weyes fingiendo ser hEtErO
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myfalsedevotion · 3 years
Tag Games
Okay, so I haven't really been responding to any tag games since two months ago and I know I'm the worst but I'm going to do them all now in a row in here, and if you guys have tagged me, know that I saw it and appreciated it I just didn't have the mental capacity at the time and now I find myself with way too many tag games I didn't even respond to and feeling extremely guilty... I'm sorry :S
Everything below the keep reading so I don't clog anyone's dash!
First one, tumblr informs me it's from 64 days ago (I'm really really sorry), thank you @mychemicalobsession514 so much for the tag!
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Mine would be AU with an attempt at humour hahhahaha I think it fits 😅
Thank you for the tag @ireallydontknowhowtolife, so sorry for the delay :S
indoor plants or gardens // cloud-watching or star-gazing // water or fire // paperback or hardcover // running or hiking // sleeping with socks or without // fruits or vegetables // hanging plants or succulents // dark wood or light wood // handwritten or typed // instagram or pinterest // braids or pigtails // books or movies // oceans or meadows // forests or fields// sweet or salty // ice cream or chocolate // hoodies or sweater // long hair or short hair // piercings or tattoos // summer or winter // boots or sneakers // cars or motorcycles // curls or straight hair // castles or cottages // sunny days or storms // reptiles or birds // disney or nickelodeon // strawberries or watermelon // essays or posters // phones or laptops// glass or stone // dark or light // photos or painting // circuses or theaters // reading or writing // dogs or cats// poetry or novels // monsters or ghosts // thrift shops or libraries // fiction or non-fiction
Thanks for this tag, @ncstas!
three ships: DavidxPatrick from Schitt's Creek, FitzSimmons, SamBucky (no one said canon, right? hahahha)
last song: American Pie by Don McLean
last movie: Black Widow
currently watching: I am kind of in a moment in between fixations 🤔 but I am watching Loki as it airs.
currently reading: catching up on all the fics I couldn't read while I was studying these last months
currently craving: motivation to write :C
and for this one!
fav color(s): forest green!
currently reading: catching up on all the fics I couldn't read while I was studying these last months
last song: American Pie - Don McLean
last movie: Black Widow
last series: Loki?
sweet, sour or savoury: currently, savoury. Ask me in an hour, it'll have changed hahhaah
currently craving: just a crumb of motivation, I'm not asking for much
coffee or tea: BOTH, it depends on the occasion. During summer I need to chug coffee first because I usuallly wake up with a BP of 85/50 or something, and I need to up that shit quickly hahah
currently working on: Ch12&13 of Rare and I am more than noticing how rusty I am... it's been too long
I was tagged by the amazing @glitterandsummerdaze on this tag game, I'm so sorry for the delay!
open your spotify “on repeat” and the first five songs are the soundtrack to your personal rom-com
Renegade (feat. Taylor Swift) - Big Red Machine, Taylor Swift
Starting Line - Luke Hemmings
That Funny Feeling - Bo Burnham
gold rush - Taylor Swift
You Stupid Bitch - girl in red
That is... I can see that as a romcom soundtrack 😂
Okay next up, Maya @calumsash , I am so so sorry I haven't even acknowledge your tags... I have like 3 of yours piled up, I'm so sorry :S
How similar is my taste in music to yours:
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For this tag, (reblog with the meaning/origin of my url and my favorite color) my url is pretty easy to explain hahahha I stole it from an All Time Low song 🤭 "i'm sick and tired of false devotion" and well, idk, I just liked it hahahahah I was setting up a new tumblr just for fics and here we are (I even fell back down the spn rabbit hole when I was only ever meant to post about bands XDDD). For the longest time I couldn't decide between blue and purple for my favourite colour and then I chose neither: it's green. Forest green hahahahah
For today's tag (I can't believe I'm actually answering to a tag game on the day I've been tagged O.o), which is this one, here are my answers:
1. Favourite song at the moment
I don't know if I'd call it favourite but, I haven't been able to stop singing American Pie since thursday night thanks to Black Widow 😅😅 It doesn't help that I've known all the lyrics to it since I was little thanks to my dad because I'm basically singing over and over a song that's 8 and a half minutes long hahahahah
2. A song you associate with your favourite ship
Is it too self-serving and lazy of me if I copy your answer and say Paper Rings Maya?😅 hahahaha No, for real, that song (even though parts of it don't align with cashton on athob) is forever tied to them for me 💙
3. A song that could be about you
This is me trying there are just more than a couple of lines that hit too close to home
4. A song you think is underrated
Outside of ATL or 5sos or Taylor I never go much into music fandoms so... I don't know how to answer. Any song I could say is underrated could very well be a fan favorite and I just don't know... 😅
5. A song that reminds you of a good memory
Sonrisa Especial by El Sueño de Morfeo reminds me of a period of my childhood were I wasn't sad all the time (which was rare in my childhood tbh), it's an obnoxiously happy and uplifting song that I can't relate to most days but when I do, it's quite special hahahha
6. The last song you listened to
... American Pie 😅😅😅
7. A song that makes you laugh
I Hate by Passenger, it never fails to make me laugh hahahah
8. A song you want your mutuals to listen to
ufff, anything by Kina Grannis I can't pick just one song, I can't
Thank you so so much for the tags Maya 🥺🥺🥺💙💙💙💙
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breyito · 7 years
11 Questions Tags Friendship!
I was tagged by @digdipper09 (I don’t think it’s the case, but if anyone else tagged me I’ve been disconected and didn’t see it, sorry).
Rules Always post the rules Answer the questions given to you by the person who tagged you Write 11 questions of your own Tag 11 people
What I Respond To
1. Have you ever had more than one pet? If so, how many?  At the same time? Because we had two dogs, a cat and I believe a chicken at one point. This was when I was very little, though. Right now we only have one dog (Oli, our overgrown puppy). The others have all sadly passed away =(
2. What is your favorite food/cuisine? I don’t have a lot of experience with different types of cuisine? Like, thai or chinese or sushi and all that...we don’t have that where I like (or if there is it’s super expensive) so I’ve just tried Italian, some Arabic, German, Spanish, Hungarian, Brasilian and Mexican? But the thing is, that’s all home made or a mixture of two or more cuisines. My favourite, though, I’d guess it’s Italian? I love meat and I love pasta, so...xD
3. Rain or Snow? I’ve never watched/experienced a snowfall. It’s too hot here! It’s currently the middle of winter, and 3 AM and it’s 20°C (68°F) outside. But I do love rain!!! The smell of the earth and the sound...it’s just perfect for napping ;P
4. If you could go anywhere in the world, all expenses paid, for a month, where would you want to go? (It doesn’t have to be just one place) Ufff...The Caribbean, Egipt, India, Japan, China, all over Europe, Australia...and then, if there’s enough time, to some places in the US, but it’s not a priority. 5. From where do you tumblr () most often? (ie bed, table, desk… bedroom, living room, kitchen…) Kitchen/dinning room table, ha. Sometimes my bed. 6. Do you play games? Currently nope. I don’t want to get involved into another addictive online activity. But I DO want to play Avengers Academy!!!!! Where/how can I do that??? 7. If so, what genre is your favorite? Of the ones I’ve played I like trivia and mistery solving, lol. 8. Do you remember your dreams? If so, which one is the one that stayed with you the longest? Sometimes I do. I dream some weird shit, too. There’s one I remember, from when I was like 7-8. A squeleton chased me around the gallery of my house and when he caught me, his mask would fall and it was my dad? Idk, it was weird. One time (I was 12) I dreamed that my whole class and I were on a trip, and found a society (?) and one of my classmates offended the leader and they would kill each of my classmates one by one, in different ways. I woke up when I was the only one left and thought ‘Oh, interesting dream’; and went back to sleep. I guess you could say that they don’t really affect me much lol 9. What are your opinions on seafood? I think I (again) never tried it. We don’t live near the sea, only rivers. But I’d like to try some!! Shrimp, squid raisins, etc. 10. What aspect about yourself do you take most pride in? Physically? I really like my mouth (lips, teeth, smile). I guess my face in general it’s ‘pretty’? (You know, I’m the ‘such a pretty face, if you only lost some weight’ type of girl.) 11. Do you currently need a haircut? Yep, I do. I want to dye my hair too, add some colour! Although everytime I say that I don’t end up following through =/
My Questions 
1- What are you listening/watching right now? Radio, Spotify, TV, a series you paused... 2- Favourite dessert? 3- Something you did/place you visited/food you tried that was not as good as people told you? 4- Which is your least favourite animal? 5- Something you wanted to do, and managed to do; and feel proud of? 6- Which is your favourite silly movie? 7- What to you wear to sleep? Pajamas, underwear, old clothes, etc 8- Do you have a favourite animated character? Why? It can be more than one. 9- Name of your most beloved toy? 10- Which is your favourite detective? Where do they show up? They can be from books, tv shows, movies, etc. 11- Do you have any pets? If no, do you want any pets? If yes, what kind and what’s their name?
I’ll only tag @thecitylightshow , @justpotteringmymarvelousgarden and @tonystarktogo because I’m pretty sure everyone has done this already. But if you want to answer my questions be my guest!!!
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½ I am starting to feel Bibros have been right all along. Misha/Cas fans are not even 1% of the fandom. Fans for whom Misha/Cas is more important than anyone else. Misha/Cas fans are mostly Jinsing/Dean fans and wants to ship him with another beautiful man. That is all Misha/Cas is to them. People who want the best for Misha/Cas are truly not even 1%. Jinsing flashed his underwear in Europe. Everything mean he does and says in USA will be excused by Misha/Cas fans because Cockles! the AU Destiel
2/2 Even if Jinsing physically hurts Misha, these Misha/Cas fans will lecture you to watch 50 shades of grey and how romantic it is. Now the same people are even singing new Mishalecki tunes. Jordash punched Misha in the balls. Cockles. Jinsing wants to get rid of Misha. Cockles. Trump tweets Covfefe. Cockles. It is getting embarassing to watch “so called” Misha/Cas blogs trip over themselves for Jinsing but remain Deaf/Blind/Mute/Dumb when it comes to supporting /standing up for Misha/Cas.
Under the cut, for rant extreme, I think this is the longest reply that I ever wrote, so so sorry anon! For the people that don’t like ship criticism, turn around now, don’t read this, I give you a fair warning…
Hello anon. Well I hope you got it wrong on the percentage but it certainly feels like it. And even more, a lot of Misha`s fans that actively defend him are not in the fandom anymore, because they are tired of the same bs. I’m tired of the same bs too. Everything is being justified through the eyes of a ship. I stated this before: maybe is because I’m old? I’m almost forty, and I don’t find abuse or bullying romantic. I don’t find Cas’s death romantic. The romeo+juliet shit doesn’t work on me anymore. Well It never worked for me tbh. And also It’s been years seeing this obsession about ships getting bigger and bigger, to the point of making trying to defend Misha or stand up for Cas, almost impossible. Surely they are still fans that see reason, but they are not in the big numbers. I got second hand embarrassment sometimes. Let me give you an example: Misha posted the picture remembering the victims of Orlando…a lot of people: “yes! now make destiel real!” Wtf?? No respect whatsoever, I have tears in my eyes rn, not kidding. This is not acceptable, what’s the difference between those destiel fans and the most extreme crazy about incest ones? Because I see none. And it’s really sad because deancas was a beautiful ship, a beautiful love story. Now it only brings me, not only pain through the show, but shame, through their shippers.
And cockles ohmygods, this ship! The people of ancient aliens, are taking tips from cockles shippers let me tell you! Everything is justified, everything is because they are sooooo in love, everything is because they are a couple. Tell me if the last sentences can’t also be applied to what bibros think about jinsing&jordash. “But we respect the wives” they say. ok, but do they respect Misha too? Or they only see Misha, again, through the eyes of a shipper? Everyone has a right to ship whatever, but when your obsession becomes so strong, that you start avoiding truths, or twisting them to your convenience, then something is very very wrong. Some people could tell me: “ok, you don’t like it, don’t read/follow/watch! Block!” I truly wish I could do that! Follow Misha and don’t see anything about cockles bs! But is everywhere! In fact It’s really hard to find a blog that is only about Misha and Cas, there must be two or three I’m not kidding. 
And mishalecki, well… Let me tell you a story, when I started getting more into the fandom, about 8 years ago or so, I thought that jordash was really cute and kind with Misha. Not as a ship, but as good friends. Real truth there, that’s what I thought at the moment. But then I started to watch some videos, I started to listen to the fucking prank stories, I watched some panels (just the parts when he was talking about Misha). And then that fucked up Phillip Seymour Hoffman tweet that jordash sent, calling the man stupid after his suicide…It was all too much, something was not right there. The last 2 or 3 years have been the worst. Or maybe I’m more aware now idk. He has this dude/fraternity bro vibe that I can’t stand. I see all the signs of a bully, and believe me I knew quite a few in my life. But his fans justify everything. Everything. The doxxing, the mistreatment, the bully attitudes… when some point out that what he is doing is wrong, is because, we, minions, are hateful!
Look, I love Misha, but the man is not perfect, I said this before, he’s human. But jordash fans see him like this being that can do no wrong, in anyway, no sir, he is perrrrrfect. When you see another human being like that, something is not right with you. Nobody is perfect, and all of us make mistakes, the thing is accepting that we were wrong. Jordash doesn’t do that, his fans are this hateful bunch that can’t see anything wrong following his example, and mishalecki shippers, as usual, only see that, a ship. “But Misha was laughing!” Is the latest comment about that photo op, when jordash is kicking his balls, yeah really mature there right? And yes, of course Misha is going to laugh and let it pass, at least in the view of the fans, do you people think that he is going to start making a fuss about that with his co-worker in the middle of a convention? I don’t think so. Another comment that I read; “But Misha rent a house and they sleep in the same room” So? Never have a friend that is a fucking bully? And you care about them, so you try to do the best? It happens, a lot. Even between full grown ups. Another justification “Misha can take care of himself” I have no doubts about that, but sometimes Misha cares too much, and he receives so much hate, that he can’t even joke about jordash career, that they are preparing the torches…imagining him complaining about jordash attitude? Although, sometimes it shows that he is not happy with some things happening on set. Shippers can find what kind of underwear jinsing was wearing, but they can’t see when Misha is really being sarcastic and doesn’t like something. *insert big sigh here*
Ufff this got so long, as usual so sorry, but well I think you know me at this point. And even with so much that I wrote there are still a lot of things left unsaid. Let me close with a few thoughts: I think that Misha is really tired of some of the situations, it showed on jibcon and a lot of people say that they saw Misha really tired on autos or photo ops. Misha does a lot, above all at this time of year with gishwhes, but I never read so many reports of him being really out of it, not even smiling. And you know when I saw that change? After that fucking gishwhes chat and all the shit they say about his family. And when he wanted to talk about his children at jibcon, jinsing kept interrupting him with bullshit. But all is ok, because cockles right?
I’m tired too, I don’t seem to find a lo of people who cares about Misha and all the great things that he does. There are some blogs out there that are all Misha, but also is one post about Misha and 5 posts full of anti destiel hate. I don’t want that either! And I’m in the fucking middle: a big, big Misha blog blocked me because I’m not a full destiel shipper, much less a cockles one. And the full on anti destiel blogs also block me because I’m not hateful enough. Lmfao! I can’t defend the guy without hating on someone, either I have to hate everything that is not Misha, or just love everything that is a ship with him. I can’t being a critic because I’m a hater. The extremes of this fandom is what is bringing it down. I’m going to keep defending Misha/Cas, until I can’t no more, because sometimes is really emotionally exhausting. I don’t know how much bs I can take.
Take care anon!
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